

元音:1. /i/ - 长尖音 i(bee)、短尖音ɪ(bit)2. /ɛ/ - 开前不圆唇短音ɛ(bet)3. /æ/ - 前开不圆唇短音æ(bat)4. /ə/ - 中央元音/中性元音ə(a bracket)5. /ʌ/ - 中央不圆唇短音ʌ(cut)6. /u/ - 长圆唇音u(too)、短圆唇音ʊ(book)7. /ɔ/ - 开后圆唇短音ɔ(bought)、开后不圆唇短音ɒ(lot)8. /ɑ/ - 开后不圆唇音ɑ(father)9. /eɪ/ - 长开前音dʒeɪ(day)10. /aɪ/ - 长开前不圆唇音aɪ(hi)11. /ɔɪ/ - 开后圆唇滑音ɔɪ(boy)12. /aʊ/ - 长开后不圆唇音aʊ(now)13. /ɪə/ - 前不圆唇短音转开口ɪə(near)14. /eə/ - 长开前不圆唇短音转开口eə(hare)15. /ʊə/ - 缩短前音转开口ʊə(tour)辅音:16. /p/ - 爆破音p(pat)17. /b/ - 浊辅音b(bat)18. /t/ - 爆破音t(top)19. /d/ - 浊辅音d(dock)20. /k/ - 爆破音k(cup)21. /g/ - 浊辅音g(gap)22. /f/ - 非激音唇齿音f(fan)23. /v/ - 非激音唇齿浊音v(vat)24. /θ/ - 后齿齿擦音θ(thin)25. /ð/ - 后齿齿擦浊音ð(then)26. /s/ - 前齿齿擦音s(sat)27. /z/ - 前齿齿擦浊音z(zip)28. /ʃ/ - 前后混淆唇齿音ʃ(she)29. /ʒ/ - 前后混淆唇齿浊音ʒ(measure)30. /h/ - 喉塞音h(hat)31. /m/ - 鼻音m(mat)32. /n/ - 鼻音n(net)33. /ŋ/ - 后鼻音ŋ(song)34. /l/ - 前齿舌音l(llama)35. /r/ - 卷舌音r(rat)36. /j/ - 半元音j (yet)37. /w/ - 半元音 w(wet)复合音:38. /tʃ/ - 前齿齿擦塞擦音tʃ(chair)39. /dʒ/ - 前齿齿擦浊塞擦音dʒ(judge)40. /hw/ - hv转换发音hw(why)其他符号:41. /ˌ/ - 重音符号ˌ(comma)42. /ˈ/ - 重音符号ˈ(stress)43. /ː/ - 超长音符号ː(long)44. /ˑ/ - 短音符号ˑ(half-length)45. /w/ - 声门关音 w (excited)46. /j/ - 声门开音 j (yes)47. /ʔ/ - 喉塞音ʔ(uh-oh)48. /x/ - 摩擦塞音 x(loch)以上就是最新的英语国际音标表所包含的48个符号及其含义。

英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)轻辅音/p/颇/t/特/k/克/f/佛/θ/四(咬舌音)/s/四浊辅音/b/伯/d/得/g/个/v/勿/ð/字(咬舌音)/z/自轻辅音/ʃ/是/h/和/ts/差(ci)/tʃ/迟/tr/缺长元音/ɑ:/啊(长音)/ɔ:/喔(长音)/ɜ:/额(长音)/i:/一(长音)/u:/屋(长音)短元音/ʌ/阿/ɒ/哦/ə/额/ɪ/一/ʊ/屋/e/挨/æ/挨双元音/eɪ/和拼音的“ei”一样/aɪ/挨/ɔɪ/外/ɪə/一而/eə/挨而/ʊə/勿而/əʊ/欧/aʊ/袄英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree green tea meat he she me piece receive ceiling 2) [ I ]发音字母i y e ui u asit picture miss many twenty happy defect decide delicious 3) [ æ ] 发音字母abag hand happy hat map bad black back glad flag man 4) [e] 字母组合ea e a(ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasure elephant sell lesson yes many any 5) [ɜ:] 字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt turn burn murder learn earn earthterm her nerd serve work worm work world6) [ə] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember doctor actor author delicious gracious dollar together tomorrow around account ago elephant banana Canada Japan men listen Saturday7) [a:] 字母组合ar acar farm arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt calm 8) [ ʌ ] 发音字母u o ou ooup supper lunch come mother trouble rough blood flood 9) [ɔ: ]字母组合al or au our arsmall wall talk short more lord horse author caughtautumn four mourn court bought warm quarter10) [ɒ]发音字母o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss want wash watch 11) [u:] 字母组合oo o ufood moon room broom doom goose tooth shoe do two true truth blue full prude12) [ʊ] 字母组合oo ou u olook good foot book wood should couldput full bull pull push woman wolf13) [ei] 发音字母a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane April play say may waygreat break rain paint plain they grey14) [ai] 发音字母i ybike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye 15) [aʊ] 字母组合ou owhouse out ground count sound loud around mouseflower down now cow how town16) [əʊ] 发音字母o ow oahome cold go know low below grow show boat coat goal 17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joy oil soil voice choice18) [iə] 字母组合eer earbeer deer ear near here fierce idea19) [eə]字母组合ear air erepear bear chair air fair there where care20) [ʊə]字母组合ourtour2.辅音音素:辅音音素/p/ 双唇紧闭,然后快速张开,让气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,但声带不振动。

英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音/ɑ:/啊(长音)/ɔ:/喔(长音)/ɜ:/额(长音)/i:/一(长音)/u:/屋(长音)短元音/ʌ/阿/ɒ/哦/ə/额/ɪ/一/ʊ/屋/e/挨/æ/挨双元音/eɪ/和拼音的“ei”一样/aɪ/挨/ɔɪ/外/ɪə/一而/eə/挨而/ʊə/勿而/əʊ/欧/aʊ/袄英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eoeyi)three tree greentea meat he she me piece receive ceiling 2) [ I ]发音字母i y euiuasit picture missmany twenty happy defect decide delicious 3) [æ] 发音字母abag hand happy hat map bad black back glad flag man 4) [e] 字母组合ea e a(ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasureelephant sell lesson yesmany any5) [ɜ:] 字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt turn burn murder learn earn earth term her nerd servework worm work world6) [ə] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember doctor actor authordelicious gracious dollar together tomorrow around account ago elephant banana Canada Japanmen listen Saturday7) [a:] 字母组合ar acar farm arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm8) [ʌ] 发音字母u o ou ooup supper lunch e mother trouble rough blood flood9) [ɔ:]字母组合al or au our arsmall wall talk short more lord horse author caught autumnfour mourn court bought warm quarter10) [ɒ]发音字母o aouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss want wash watch 11) [u:] 字母组合oo o ufood moon room broom doom goose toothshoe do twotrue truth blue full prude12) [ʊ] 字母组合oo ou u olook good foot book wood should couldput full bull pull pushwoman wolf13) [ei] 发音字母a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane April play say may waygreat break rain paint plainthey grey14) [ai] 发音字母i ybike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye 15) [aʊ] 字母组合ou owhouse out ground count sound loud around mouseflower down now cow how town16) [əʊ] 发音字母o ow oahome cold go know low below grow showboat coat goal17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joy oil soil voice choice18) [iə] 字母组合eer earbeer deer ear near here fierce idea19) [eə]字母组合ear air erepear bear chair air fair there wherecare20) [ʊə]字母组合ourtour2.辅音音素:辅音音素/p/ 双唇紧闭,然后快速X开,让气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,但声带不振动。

[i ] l i p [ə] t o m a t o [ɒ] b o x [u ] b o o k [Λ] c u p [æ] a p p l e[i :] t e a [ə:] b i r d [ɔ:] b a l l [u :] f o o d [ɑ:] c a r [e ] e g g[a i ] b i k e [a u ] c o w [i ə] e a r [e i ] t a b l e [əu ] b o a t [e ə] b e a r [ɔi ] b o y [u ə] t o u r i s t[p ] p o t a t o [t ] t o m a t o [k ] c o w [f ] f o o d [ϑ] t h a n k [s ]s e a [b ] b i r d [d ] d o g [g ]g o o s e [v ] v a n [ð] t h i s [z ]z o o [t r ] t r e e [t s ] c a t s [∫] s h o e s [t ∫] t r o u s e r [d r ] d r i v e [d z ] b e d s [ʒ] p l e a s u r e [d ʒ] j o b[h ] h a t [m ] m e a t [n ] n a i l [ŋ] w i n g [l ] l e g [r ] r a t [w ] w a l l [j ] y e s48个英语音标表 (20个元音+28个辅音)短元音[i ] [ə] [ɒ] [u ] [Λ] [æ] [e ]单元音(12个)长元音[i :] [ə:] [ɔ:] [u :] [ɑ:]双元音(8个)[a i ] [e i ] [ɔi ] [a u ] [əu ] [i ə] [e ə] [u ə]清辅音[p ] [t ] [k ] [f ] [ϑ] [s ] [t r ] [t s ] [∫] [t ∫]清浊成对的辅音(10对)浊辅音[b ] [d ] [g ] [v ] [ð] [z ] [d r ] [d z ] [ʒ] [d ʒ]其他辅音(8个)[h ] [m ] [n ] [ŋ] [l ] [r ] [w ] [j ]l i p(嘴唇)t o m a t o(西红柿)b o x(盒子)b o o k(书)c u p(杯子)a p p l e(苹果)t e a(茶)b i r d(鸟)b a l l(球)f o o d(食物)c a r(小车)e g g(蛋)b i k e(自行车)c o w(母牛)e a r(耳朵)t a b l e(桌子)b o a t(小船)b e a r(熊)b o y(男孩)t o u r i s t(游客)p o t a t o(土豆)thank(感谢)sea(大海)dog(狗)goose(鹅)van(货车)this(这个)zoo(动物园)tree(树)cats(猫)shoes(鞋)trouser(裤子)drive(开车)beds(床)pleasure(高兴)job(工作)h a t(帽子)m e a t(肉)n a i l(指甲)w i n g(翅膀)l e g(腿)r a t (鼠)w a l l(墙)y e s(是)48个国际音标表元音:[i :] [i ] [ə:] [ə] [ɔ:] [ɒ] [u :] [u ] [ɑ:] [Λ] [æ] [e ] [a i ] [e i ] [ɔi ] [i ə] [e ə][u ə] [əu ] [a u ]辅音:[b ] [p ][d ] [t ] [k ] [g ] [f ] [v ] [m ] [n ] [l ] [ŋ] [ϑ] [ð] [s ] [z ] [∫] [r ] [h ] [t r ] [d r ] [t s ] [d z ] [ʒ] [t ∫][d ʒ] [w ] [j ]巧记48个国际音标:单元音共十二,四二六前中后。

英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)辅音(28个)轻辅音[p]颇[t]特[k]克[f]佛[θ]四(咬舌音)[s]四浊辅音[b]伯[d]得[g]个[v]勿[ð]字(咬舌音)[z]自轻辅音[ʃ]是[h]和[ts]差(ci)[tʃ]迟[tr]戳浊辅音[ʒ]日[r]若[dz]资[dʒ]之[dr]桌鼻音[m]呣[n]呢[ŋ]恩(后鼻音)半元音[j]也[ w]我边音[ǀ]了长元音[ɑ:]啊(长音)[ɔ:]奥(长音)[ə:]额(长音)[i:]一(长音)[U:]屋(长音)短元音[ʌ]阿[ɔ]奥[ə]额[ɪ]诶[U]屋[e]挨[æ]安[eɪ]和拼音的“ei”一样[aɪ]阿爱[ɔɪ]奥爱双元音[ɪə]诶而[eə]挨而[Uə]喔[əU]欧[aU]袄英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she mepiece receive ceiling2) [ I ]发音字母i y e ui u asit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmyth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious3) [ æ ] 发音字母abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man4) [e] 字母组合ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yesmany any5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd servework worm work world6) [ε] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoctor actor mayor author tractordelicious gracious pleasurefamiliar collar dollartogether tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control politearound account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china men listenfamulus Saturday7) [a:] 字母组合ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm8) [ ʌ ] 发音字母u o ou ooup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buscome mother dose brother love abovetrouble rough flourishblood flood9) [ɔ: ]字母组合al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor storeauthor caught autumnfour mourn court boughtwarm quarrel quarter10) [ ɔ ] ([ɒ])发音字母o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar notwant wash watch11) [u:] 字母组合oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose toothshoe do twotrue truth blue full prude12) [u] 字母组合oo ou u olook good foot book woodshould couldput full bull pull pushwoman wolf13) [ei] 发音字母a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane Aprilplay say may waygreat breakrain paint plainthey grey14) [ai] 发音字母i ybike fine find die nine light night highmy try fly eye15) [au] 字母组合ou owhouse out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse flower down now cow how town16) [εu] 发音字母o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow low below grow blow show flowboat coat goal17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joyoil soil voice choice18) [iε] 字母组合eer earbeer deerear nearhere fierce idea19) [ ɛə ] ([eə])字母组合ear air erepear bearchair air fairthere wherecare20) [uε] [auə]字母组合our owerhour tourflower shower。

/ i /
/ ʌ/
/ ɜ:/
/ɒ//Uຫໍສະໝຸດ //ʊ// u /
/ t/
/ k/
/ h/
/ r/
/ j/
/ w/
/ ǀ/
发模糊/ l /时舌前向硬颚抬起,舌前下陷,舌后抬起,舌面形成凹槽,含糊/l /发音响亮,可以和元音一样延长它出现在辅音前面和词的末尾。
(2024修订版)英语国际音标(新式音标)快捷识读 – 英语音标与汉语拼音近似发音对照表

英语音标 [ɒ] [ɑ:] [eɪ] [aɪ] [ɔɪ] [əʊ]
u ɑo
(长音) (短音) (长音)
[ɪə] [eə] [ʊə]
汉语拼音 ɑo
ɑi ɑo-i ou
ie ɑi-er u-e
类似发音 (短音) (长音)
英语音标 [p] [b] [t] [d] [k]
wo ye
发音为 ou
英语音标 [ ʃ ] [ʒ] [ tʃ ] [dʒ] [tr]
[dr] [ts] [dz]
汉语拼音 sh
ri ch zh chuo zhuo ci zi
注:本对照表为本人根据自己在学习和教学过程中的经验总结,仅仅可作为参照,与标准英语国际 音标发音有一点差异,可作为没有英语音标基础的人快速学习英语音标对照参考使用。本人于 2017 年编写了第一版,在后来的教学中逐渐有了新的总结发现,于是今年(2024 年)推出此“2024 修 订版”,将新的总结列出来并修改了第一版中不太规范的方面。错误之处在所难免,欢迎大家批评 指正。 编者:Andy
[g] [ f ] [v] [s] [z]
汉语拼音 p
英语音标 [θ]
[ð] [m] [n] [ŋ]
f (上牙咬 s
[ l ] [r] [h] [w] [ j ]①在元音Fra bibliotek音素前发
辅音 汉语拼音 s
音为 l
m n (e)ng ②在元音 ruo h

英语国际音标表(48个)一、元音(20个):发音时气流在通路上不受发音器官的阻碍二、辅音(26个)发音时气流在通路上受到发音器官的阻碍轻辅音/p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /ʃ/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /tr/浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/ /ʒ/ /dz/ /dʒ/ /dr/鼻音/m/ /n/ /ŋ/边音/ h/ /r/ ( /j/ / w/)舌侧音 / ǀ/三、半元音(2个)既有元音的特点又有辅音的特点,发音时气流受到发音器官的阻碍没有辅音大半元音 /j/ /w/ 跟读:1、前元音 4个 /i:/ /ɪ/ /e/ /æ/2、爆破辅音6个 /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/3、中元音3个 /ɜ:/ /ə/ /ʌ/4、摩擦辅音4个 /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/5、后元音5个 /ɑ:/ / ɔ / /ɔ:/ /ʊ/ /ʊ:/6、摩擦辅音4个 /θ/ /ð/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/7、合口双元音5个 /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /eɪ/ /aʊ/ /əʊ/8、鼻辅音3个 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/9、破擦音6个 /tʃ/ /tr/ /ts//dʒ/ /dr/ /dz/10、集中双元音3个 /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/11、舌侧音1个 /ǀ/12、摩擦音2个 /r/ /h/13、半元音2个 /w/ /j/单元音12个 /ɪ / /ɔ / /ʊ/ /ə/ /ʌ/ /e//i:/ /ɔ:/ /U:/ /ɜ:/ /ɑ:/ /æ/双元音8个 /eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /ɪə//eə/ /ʊə/ /əʊ/ /aʊ/1[ i:] i:t mi:t pi:t bi:t li:d si:t i:st i:l [ i ] it sit lid bitdid tʃik[ ɔ:] pɔ:k ʃɔ:t lɔ:d fɔ:mlɔ:n tɔ:n[ ɔ ] kɔp pɔk hɔp lɔknɔt hɔt dɔg ʃɔppɔt kɔk[ u:] fu:l ku:l tu:l tʃu:z du: nu:n hu:m ʃu:z [ u ] ku:l kud tuk kukput luk buk[ ə:] nə:s bə:d tə:n dʒə:m ʃə:t hə:d bə:n ə:n [ ə ] letə betə setə deitə[ a:] ka:t ha:t da:k pa:kba:k la:k[ ɑ:] kɑ:t hɑ:t lɑ:k mɑ:tʃ[ ʌ ] nʌt lʌk dʌg hʌtkʌt mʌtʃʃʌt[ e ] et met pet netlet bed pen menbet set det lenzled ded tʃek ten[ æ ] æt bæd mæt mænbæt bæk kæt fætmæs læd læm[ ei] eit seit meit beidbeit lein leit peidpein eim peil[ ai] bait laim mais baikmait pail lain kaitlaik daik fait laid[ ɔɪ ] bɔɪ bɔɪl fɔɪl[ iə ] iə fiə hiə[ eə ] eə feəʃeə beə[ ʊə ] pʊəʃʊə tʊə[ əʊ] kəʊt nəʊt kəʊp həʊpnəʊz həʊm səʊp fəʊmtʃəʊz ʃəʊ bəʊt dʒəʊkməʊst ləʊd ʃəʊd[ aʊ] kaʊ laʊd ʃaʊt maʊθ[ p ] pet pen puʃpul[ b ] baik bi:t bet ben[ t ] ti: ten det pitpa:t sit də:t[ d ] di: ded deə dei[ k ] pik bæk pek kite[ g ] big bæg pig geim[ f ] f aiə fʌn fain food[ v ] veri vəʊt vet veinvest və:s vent[θ] θi:m θik θiŋk θɔ:tbəʊθθæŋk θiŋ deθ[ ð ] ðis ðen si:ðdeiððæt beið wið ðeəðei ðəʊz[ s ] æs les ni:s beissi: seim mes selsi:m siŋk pa:s sipreis hə:s kɔ:s siŋsik si:m sɔ:t[ z ] æz lez ni:z beizzed hiz si:z meizreid bʌz kɔ:z pli:z[ ʃ ] ʃuk ʃip ʃʌt ʃælpuʃ fiʃ rʌʃ læʃʃi: ʃeim meʃʃipʃel ʃeim[ ts ] pæts bets si:ts meitslets gets beits reitshə:ts kɔ:ts[ dz ] pædz bedz si:ds meidsreidz bʌdz kɔ:dz pli:dz[tʃ] tʃi:p tʃin eitʃ bætʃtʃu:z tʃein[dʒ] dʒi:p dʒin eidʒ bædʒdʒu:s dʒein[tr] tri: trai tru:[dr] dri:m drai dru: dril [ m ] mi:t met bi:m ti:m [ n ] ni:t net bi:n ti:npin sin bæn rænni:d neim næp nəʊtθin dʌn[ ŋ] siŋθiŋ ræŋ dʌŋpiŋ bæŋ[ l ] li:d let leim læp mil si:l teil peillait leit litl lais [ r ] ri:d rait reit ridlrɔt rais reim rəʊt[ j ] ji: ji:st ji:ld jet [ w ] wet went wail wainwi: wə:k wai wəʊkwein westwi:d wɔt weit wud [ lə] ’milə’si:lə’teilə’peilə[ ju:] dju: mju:t kju:t nju:z [aʊə] ’paʊə’ʃaʊə’taʊə[ pl] pli:z pleis plæt plæn [ bl] bli:d bleiz blæk blæŋk [pr] praid prik pres prəʊz [br] braid brik bred brəʊk [kl] klæʃ kla:s klaim kli:n [gl] glæd gla:s glaid gli:m [ kr ] krein kræb kri:m krəʊ[ gr ] grein græm gri:n grəʊ[ ŋk ] piŋk siŋk bæŋk ræŋk [ θr] θr i: θr aiv θr u: θr il [ ti ] pa:ti siti də:ti piti。

元⾳(20个)长元⾳/ɑ://?:// ?://i://U:/短元⾳/ ?//?//?//?//?//e/ /?/双元⾳/e?/ /??/ /a?/ /a?/ / ??//??//e?//??/辅⾳(28个)清辅⾳/p// t// k//f//s/ /θ//?//ts//t?//tr/ / h/ 浊辅⾳/b//d/ /g//v//z/ /e/ /?/ /dz/ /d?/ /dr/ / r/⿐⾳/m//n/ /?/半元⾳/ j// w/边⾳/ ?/英语⾳标及字母组合对照⼀、元⾳1) [i:] 发⾳字母:ee ea e ie eithree tree green sheep meet beef seeeat tea meat leave teacher team mean speak clean please he she mepiecereceive2) [?] 发⾳字母: i y esit picture it is list six pig big build missmany twenty happy dictionarydecide delicious3) [ ? ] 发⾳字母: abag hand and ant happy hat map black back glad flag man 4) [e] 发⾳字母: ea e a head bread sweater breakfast heavy pleasureelephant remember sell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any5) [?:] 发⾳字母:ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle purple Thursdaylearn early earth heardterm herwork worker word world6) [?] 发⾳字母: er or o a e ur ureteacher under remember player father mother farmer after doctor actor forgettogether tomorrow today lesson welcome policemanaround about ago elephant away banana Chinastudent children open differentSaturday picture7) [ɑ:] 发⾳字母: ar acar farm card arm garden askfast class last glass aunt8) [ ? ] 发⾳字母: u o ou ooup supper lunch fun run hunt cup bus come mother dose brother love above trouble blood flood9) [?: ] 发⾳字母: al ar au or our oorall small wall talk tall ball call walkwarm quarterdaughter autumnshort horse for forty sport door floor store four yourdoor floor10) [?] ([?]) 发⾳字母: o aorange hot lost lot fox box hop lot not want what wash watch11) [u:] 发⾳字母: oo o utoo zoo food school room goose toothwho do two to shoe whosetrue truth blue full ruler12) [?] 发⾳字母: oo ou u olook good foot book woodshould could wouldput full pull pushwoman wolf13) [e?] 发⾳字母: a ay ai ey eaname cake late gate plane Aprilplay say may way day awayrain paint eight eighteen eightythey greygreat break14) [??] 发⾳字母: o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow yellow below throw blow show rowboat coat goat15) [a?] 发⾳字母: i y ighbike fine find hi nine five rice write likemy try fly bylight night high16) [a?] 发⾳字母: ou owhouse out about ground count sound blouse around mouse flower down now cow how town brown 17) [?? ] 发⾳字母:oy oiboy toytoilet oil noise18) [??] 发⾳字母: eer ear erebeer deerear near dearhere19) [ ?? ] ([e?]) 发⾳字母:ear air ere eirpear bearchair airthere wheretheir theirs20) [??] 发⾳字母:uresure新旧英语国际⾳标对照表[p]pea peach pig pink purple map [t]two too to boat ten twelve[k](k、c、ck)come cap cat bike cake black duck [f]fish frog foot face farm[θ]three mouth[s]snake sing faceship sheep shop she[h]hen house horse hand hair[ts]skirts students shirts[t∫]Chinses China peach beach chicken [tr]tree train trousers[b]bee big bye black bed bear book banana bed dad do need duck head [g]bag pig dog egg girl[v]vest very live leave[e]with[z]zoo zebra[?]measure pleasure[d?]orange juice[dz]words hands heads friends[dr]drink dress drive[r]rabbit red rice[m]monkey milk some come gamenose son sun run chicken pen[?]king sing Englishyes yellow you[w]water watermelon white[l]lion lemon blue leg lamp单元⾳/i:/嘴唇微微张开,⾆尖抵下齿,嘴⾓向两边张开,流露出微笑的表情,与字母E发⾳相同。

英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)辅音(28个)轻辅音/p/ 颇/t/ 特/k/ 克/f/ 佛/θ/ 四(咬舌音) /s/ 四浊辅音/b/ 伯/d/ 得/g/ 个/v/ 勿/ð/ 字(咬舌音) /z/ 自轻辅音 /ʃ/ 是 /h/ 和 /ts/差(ci )/t ʃ/ 迟 /tr/缺浊辅音/ʒ/ 日 /r/ 若 /dz/资/d ʒ/ 之 /dr/鼻音/m/ 呣/n/ 呢 /ŋ/半元音/j// w/边音/ǀ/长元音/ɑ:/ 啊(长音)/ɔ:/奥(长音) /ə:/额(长音) /i:/ 一(长音) /U:/ 屋(长音)短元音/ʌ/ 阿/ɔ/ 奥 /ə/ 额 /ɪ/ 一 /U:/ 屋/e/ 挨/æ/ 挨/e ɪ/和拼音的“ei”一样/a ɪ/ 挨 /ɔɪ/ 外双元音/ɪə/ 一而/e ə/ 挨而 /U ə/ 勿而/əU/ 欧/aU/ 袄也我了英语音标及字母组合对照一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音元音字母读音例词编号a 在开音节中[ei] n a me pl a ne J a neb a byc a ke 1-01 在闭音节中[æ] b a gd a d h a t m a p bl a ck b a ck 1-02e 在开音节中[i:] h e th e se m e Chin e se 1-03 在闭音节中[e] b e d l e t p e n d e sk y e s e gg 1-04i 在开音节中[ai] b i ke fl y dr i ve t i me n i ce k i te 1-05 在闭音节中[i] f i sh b i g dr i nk s i t m i lk sw i m 1-06o 在开音节中[ou] th o se cl o se g o h o e h o me n o1-07 在闭音节中[] cl o ck n o t b o x sh o p s o ck 1-08u 在开音节中[ju:] st u dent exc u se d u ty T u esday 1-09 在闭音节中[] b u s c u p j u mp m u ch l u nch 1-10在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:J u ne bl u e r u ler s u per 1-11二、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音元音字母读音例词编号a [] Chin a a nother wom a n breakf a st 2-01 [i] or a nge comr a de vill a ge cabb a ge 2-02e [] hundr e d stud e nt op e n week e nd 2-03 [i] chick e n pock e t b e gin childr e n 2-04i []/[i] hol i day beaut i ful fam i ly an i mal 2-05 [ai] exerc i se satell i te 2-06o[] sec o nd t o night someb o dy welc o me 2-07 [u] als o zer o phot o2-08u[] aut u mn diffc u lt 2-09 [ju:] pop u lar congrat u lation Jan u ary 2-101 动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读[ei]音,例如:oper a te2 u处在开音节位置,2-11又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读[u(:)]音,例如:J u ly infl u ence Febr u ary iss u e 2-12在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母a e i 即可以读作[]音,也可以读作[i]音。

48个国际音标对照表46个用麻齐抓表(杆有珊措'则r•面的I日的,下问圧新的)元H 口牛单朮音K元FT|i:lh;]l3:l⑸1M]圃]短无音[i]111何回/D/lu] /u/LAI3个取无音岡/aiJ同/ei/[冈)01/[i司/id/【丙]Zea/[w]/eu/[吨]/ue/[呵/act/辅】0对mi音bl It]IM iq悯P]If][91M陶浊辆背fb][d][g]M Iz]Q]tJ][旳][dr][辺3个鼻青Ml[n]pnF弓牛似拼音M r&i Hl2卜芈尤肓in[w]26个字母发音表Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh 1 i[ei][bi:][si:][di:][i:l[ef][阳:][eitfl[ai:lJj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr[d3ei][kei][el][em][en][ou][pi:][kju:][a:] Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz(^[es](ti:]M][vl:] [dAblju:][eks][wai]0:]丿国际音标发音表The AIphabet英语国际音标共48 个,其中20 个元音,20 个辅音, 3 个鼻音, 2 个半元音,3 个似拼音- —i一、元音巧记48 个国际音标单元音共十二,四二六前中后。
关于语音的几个概念: 音素: 音的最小单位,英语中有48 个音素. 音节: 由元音和辅音构成的发音单位元音: 发音响亮,是乐音,口腔中气流不受阻碍,是音节的主要组成部分.英语中有20 个元音.辅音: 发音不响亮,是噪音,口腔中气流受到阻碍,不是音节的重要组成部分,英语中有28 个辅音.开音节:1)辅音+元音+辅音+不发音e如:kite cake name bike make take home plane shine2)辅音+ 元音女口:he hi go no do be tree three hello闭音节:1) 辅音+元音+辅音:sit bed bad bag hot hop let mad map head2) 元音+辅音如: it is in on up out antA chicken is in the kitchen. / A horse is in the house.A mouse is in the cat ' s mouth.A sheep eats some beef and drinks some green tea.1 元音:1) [i:] 字母组合: ee ea e iethree tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak cleanpiece rec ei ve ceiling2) [i]发音字母i y esit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmany twenty happy dictionary d efect decide delicious3) [? ] 发音字母abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man4) [e] 字母组合ea、e、ahead bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any 5) [ e :字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd servework worm work world6) [ e 字母组合er or ou e ar o a uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder doctor actor mayor author tractordelicious familiar collar dollarmen listentogether tomorrow today lesson Washington controlaround account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china7) [a:] 字母组合ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm8) [?] 发音字母u oo o ouup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus blood floodcome mother dose brother love above trouble rough flourish9) [?:]字母组合al au or our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkauthor caught autumnshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor storefour mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter10) [?] 发音字母o a hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss not want wash watch11) [u:] 字母组合oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth shoe do twotrue truth blue full prude12) [u] 字母组合oo ou u o look good foot book wood should could put full bull pull push woman wolf13) [ei] 发音字母a ay ea ai ey name cake late gate plane April play say may way great break rain paint plain they grey14) [ai] 发音字母i ybike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye15) [au] 字母组合ou owhouse out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse flow er down now cow how town16) [ e u发音字母o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow low below grow blow show flowboat coat goal17) [?i] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joy oilsoil voice choice18) [i e字母组合eer earbeer deer ear n earhere fierce id ea19) [ e ]?字母组合ear air erepear bear chair air fairthere where care20) [u e ]字母组合our owerhour tour flowershower3 辅音1) [p] p en pear play pig pour pull push2) [b] b ook big boot bike bread break3) [t] t wo ten ton town twenty city4)[d] d oor dull desk dose do dog dictionary5)[k] k ing kite key look cook book kitchen sky (发音字母k)card cat cream correct climb come account accept (发音字母c) fox box oxygen x-ray (发音字母x)sch ool schema (字母组合ch)6)[g] g irl good goal goat grade long language7)[m] m an make moon morning move come comb8)[n] pen ten nine fine night noon moon clean9)[?] uncle bank English think thank junksing king morning evening10)[l] l ong land lend lord fly flag blackworld cold goal soul11)[r] r ead red right run room write12)[f] f ive fly fine flag frog fog roof knife life wifecough laugh rough physic photo phone13)[v] v ery evening even every voice vest o f14)[s] s ix sit student same seat kiss miss case scarf (发音字母s) lic ense city cease cedar ceiling celebrate (发音字母c) piece juice science lance space ace (字母组合ce)15)[z] zoo zebra [?zi:br? ] zero zapclose nose hose suppose pause those whose16)[ 0 ] tink thank three thirty tooth mouth17) [e] th at this those these though18) [?] sh eep shoulder ship shoe she brush washnati on attention station social special sure19) [?] plea sure20) [h] h ot hop home house horse how who21) [w] w hen what where window wind wood22) [j] y es year yell you your yolk yellow23) [t?] ch ild chicken china chair lunch ouch catch teach24) [d?] age language cabbage vegetable stage bridge joy enjoy join July June junk25) [tr] tr ee country try treat track trunk26) [dr] dr y dream drop drive drink27) [ts] studen ts boots boats goats nuts28) [dz] goods woods moods hoods5 字母,组合音节发音规律1)a[ei] late private grade bake grape nation station page[? ] active hand bank fan parent family glad flag[?] accept about above formative machine cinema[a:] fast last glass class past father[?] wash what watch want 2)e[i:] appreciate extremely secret she me he[e] letter left message generate pebble[i] decide pretty previous result restore[?] problem prosperous student confident 不发音active table late wife store lecture3) I[ai] high price library ice wife size line[i] fist pick chicken piano fianc city unit4) o[?u] lode host cold note okay old home[u:] lose do who whose prove[?] love some other mother honey company [?] today tomorrow together controlcollect [?] lost hot mock office soft honest5) u[ju] university refuse unique universe huge[и]put push pull full bull[?] but brush bucket duck bubble[?] support suggest6) c[к]country camp camera courage cable[s] city ceiling celebrate cell cease7) g [g] girl grade glass glade bag flag[d?] village vegetable bridge gentleman gym[?] long song sing morning evening8) l [l] 读音不同listen learn language collect English gorilla world cold soil tall sell cool animal 9) n[n] moon night noodle number[?] uncle hungry angry young10) r[r] right read write grade progress[r] (美语发音) card board door floor form north11) y[j] yellow year yell young yolk[i] university country pretty happy[ai] dyke dying fly buy by my12) ar[a:] farm card garden mark[?] dollar [?:] warm quarrel quarter13) ea[i:] cease season breathe feature meat please [e] bread breast breath meadow weather [ei] great break [i ?]idea realize14) ear[?:] learn earth earn heard[i?] hear near clear ear fear15) er[?:] deserve serve her person[?] teacher driver anger singer[i?] serious experience mysterious fierce16 )ere[i?] here mere fere sere[e]? there17) ir[?:] shirt girl skirt[ai] admire desire18) oo[u:] room tool cool moon noon goof food[u] good foot stood wood wool cook wood book [?] blood flood [ ?:] door floor19) or[?:] short form corn born for[?:] work world worm word worst[?] tractor doctor actor sector senior senator 20) oor[?:] door floor [u ?] moor poor boor21) our[au?] hour tour flour bourn lour[?:] pour court four mourn22) ou[au] house mouth mouse sound ound[?] enough trouble touch[?] delicious gracious prosperous23) ow[?u] window meadow know show low[au] now town how down cow24) se[z] nose suppose gose lose pose rose[s] mouse house25) th[0 ]ank think thought cloth[e] clothes that this then than26) sion[??n] propulsion tension progression passion [??n] protrusion provision conclusion television27)tion[??n] station nation translation attention[t ??n] (不常见) question。

er ir ur
[ :] certainly bird Thursday
辅音字母 r 双写时,前面的元音字母不能与 r 构成-r 音节,而是按重读闭音节的拼读规则 4-06
发音。例如: carry sorry hurry
-r 音节在非重读音节中通常读[ ]音,例如:dollar teacher martyr forget Saturday
边音 /ǀ/ 了
[ei] name plane Jane baby cake
[æ] bag dad hat map black back
hundred student open weekend
chicken pocket begin children
[ ]/[i] holiday beautiful family animal
exercise satellite
second tonight somebody welcome
[ :]
course your four
[au ] our hour ours

please请、Chinese 中国人、feeling 感情、receive 接到、believe 相信(2)延伸词汇we、she 、meet 、sixteen 、each 、please(3)语句练习①Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟。
②Seeing is believing.眼见为实。
(4)知识拓展Please feel free to 请尽管...①Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。
②Please feel free to ask for any help anytime.需要帮忙尽管说。
prefer更喜欢、dirty脏的、were是、world世界、hurt伤害、urgent紧急的(2)延伸词汇her、first、shirt、thirty、learn(3)语句练习①Nobody is perfect.人无完人。
②The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
order命令、sport运动、warm温暖的、fourth第四、more更多、door门(2)延伸词汇call、fourth、floor、sport、boring、afford(3)语句练习①Force yourself to do more.强迫你自己做多一些。
②It's important for us to practice more.对我们来说,多加练习非常重要。

英语国际音标表(48 个)元音(20 个)长元音/ɑ:/ 啊(长音) /ɔ:/喔(长音) /ɜ:/ 额(长音) /i:/ 一(长音) /u:/屋(长音)短元音/ʌ/ 阿/ɒ/ 哦 /ə/ 额 /ɪ/ 一/ʊ/ 屋/e/ 挨/æ/ 挨双元音/e ɪ/和拼音的 “ei”一样 /a ɪ/ 挨 /ɔɪ/ 外/ɪə/ 一而 /e ə/ 挨而 /ʊə/ 勿而/əʊ/ 欧/a ʊ/ 袄辅音(28 个) 轻辅音 /p/颇/t/ 特 /k/ 克 /f/ 佛 /θ/ 四(咬舌音)/s/ 四 浊辅音/b/ 伯/d/ 得 /g/ 个 /v/ 勿 /ð/ 字(咬舌音)/z/ 自轻辅音/ʃ/ 是/h/ 和/ts/ 差(ci )/t ʃ/ 迟/tr/缺1. 元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree green tea meat he she me piece receive ceiling 2) [ I ]发音字母i y e ui u asit picture miss many twenty happy defect decide delicious 3) [ æ] 发音字母abag hand happy hat map bad black back glad flag man 4) [e] 字母组合ea e a(ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasure elephant sell lesson yes many any 5) [ɜ:] 字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt turn burn murder learn earn earthterm her nerd serve work worm work world6) [ə] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember doctor actor author delicious gracious dollar together tomorrow around account ago elephant banana Canada Japan men listen S aturday7) [a:] 字母组合ar acar farm arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt calm 8) [ ʌ] 发音字母u o ou ooup supper lunch come mother trouble rough blood flood 9) [ɔ: ]字母组合al or au our arsmall wall talk short more lord horse author caughtautumn f our mourn court b ought warm quarter10) [ɒ]发音字母o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss want wash watch 11) [u:] 字母组合oo o utooth shoe do two food moon room broom doom goosetrue truth blue full prude12) [ʊ] 字母组合oo ou u olook good foot book wood should couldput full bull pull push woman wolf13) [ei] 发音字母a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane April play say may waygreat break rain paint plain they grey14) [ai] 发音字母i ybike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye 15) [aʊ] 字母组合ou owhouse out ground count sound loud around mouseflower down now cow how town16) [əʊ] 发音字母o ow oahome cold go know low below grow show boat coat goal 17) [ ɔɪ] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joy oil soil voice choice18) [iə] 字母组合eer earbeer deer ear near here fierce idea19) [eə]字母组合ear air erepear bear chair air fair there where care20) [ʊə]字母组合ourtour2.辅音音素:辅音音素/p/ 双唇紧闭,然后快速张开,让气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,但声带不振动。

英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音/ɑ:/啊(长音)/ɔ:/喔(长音)/ɜ:/额(长音)/i:/一(长音)/u:/屋(长音)短元音/ʌ/阿/ɒ/哦/ə/额/ɪ/一/ʊ/屋/e/挨/æ/挨双元音/eɪ/和拼音的“ei”一样/aɪ/挨/ɔɪ/外/ɪə/一而/eə/挨而/ʊə/勿而/əʊ/ /aʊ/辅音(28个)轻辅音/p/颇/t/特/k/克/f/佛/θ/四(咬舌音)/s/四浊辅音/b/伯/d/得/g/个/v/勿/ð/字(咬舌音)/z/自轻辅音/ʃ/是/h/和/ts/差(ci)/tʃ/迟/tr/缺浊辅音/ʒ/日/r/若/dz/资/dʒ/之/dr/拙鼻音/m/呣/n/呢/ŋ/嗯半元音/j/也/ w/我边音/ǀ/了长元音短元音[i:] sea, he, see, piece, ceiling[ɪ] sit, build, miss, bit[a:] car, fast, class, plant, calm,aunt[ʌ] cup, come, blood, rough[ɔ:] door, more, sport, ball, warm [ɒ] hot, want[u:] good, who, blue, soup[ʊ] look, put, women, could[ɜ:] girl, work, serve, nurse[ə] ago, forget, polite, dollar,doctor[æ] bad, land, bank, stamp[e] bed, desk, head英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)欧袄three tree green tea meat he she me piece receive ceiling2) [ I ]发音字母i y e ui u asit picture miss many twenty happy defect decide delicious3) [ æ ] 发音字母abag hand happy hat map bad black back glad flag man4) [e] 字母组合ea e a(ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasure elephant sell lesson yes many any5) [ɜ:] 字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt turn burn murder learn earn earthterm her nerd serve work worm work world6) [ə] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember doctor actor author delicious gracious dollar together tomorrow around account ago elephant banana Canada Japan men listen Saturday 7) [a:] 字母组合ar acar farm arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt calm8) [ ʌ ] 发音字母u o ou ooup supper lunch come mother trouble rough blood flood9) [ɔ: ]字母组合al or au our arsmall wall talk short more lord horse author caught autumn four mourn court bought warm quarter10) [ɒ]发音字母o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss want wash watch 11) [u:] 字母组合oo o ufood moon room broom doom goose tooth shoe do twotrue truth blue full prude12) [ʊ] 字母组合oo ou u olook good foot book wood should couldput full bull pull push woman wolf13) [ei] 发音字母a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane April play say may way great break rain paint plain they grey14) [ai] 发音字母i ybike fine find die nine light night high my try flyeye15) [aʊ] 字母组合ou owhouse out ground count sound loud around mouse flower down now cow how town16) [əʊ] 发音字母o ow oahome cold go know low below grow show boat coat goal17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joy oil soil voice choice18) [iə] 字母组合eer earbeer deer ear near here fierce idea19) [eə]字母组合ear air erepear bear chair air fair there where care20) [ʊə]字母组合ourtour2.辅音音素:辅音音素/p/ 双唇紧闭,然后快速张开,让气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,但声带不振动。

英语国际音标表最新版英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)1.长元音/ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /u:/短元音/ ʌ/ /ɒ/ /ə/ /ɪ/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/双元音 /eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ//ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə//əʊ/ /aʊ/辅音(28个)轻辅音/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ//s/浊辅音/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/轻辅音/ʃ/ /h/ /ts/ /tʃ/ /tr/浊辅音/ʒ/ / r/ /dz/ /dʒ/ /dr/鼻音 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/半元音/ j/ / w/边音 / ǀ/英语音标及字母组合对照一、元音:前元音:[i:] [ɪ] [e] [æ]1. [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei eyee :three tree green sheep meet beef see seekea :eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please e :he she meie :pieceei: receive ceilingey: key2. [ɪ]发音字母 i y e uii: sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big buildy: many twenty happye: defect theui: quick quit音标对比: [ i: ] [ i ]seat sitbeat bitsheep ship3. [e] 字母组合 ea e aea: head bread pleasuree: elephant sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yesa: any many音标对比: [ i ] [ e ]sit setlift leftdid dead4. [ æ ] 发音字母 abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 音标对比: [e] [æ]beg bagmet matbed bad前元音小结:英语中有四个前元音,即:[ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] [ æ ]发前元音时必须注意:1) 舌尖要抵住下齿。

英语最新国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)辅音(28个)轻辅音 /p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /ʃ/ /t ʃ/ /ts/ /tr// h/ 浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/ /ʒ/ / r//d ʒ/ /dz/ /dr/鼻音 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/半元音 / j/ / w/边音/ ǀ/新新旧旧英英语语国国际际音音标标对对照照表表 长元音 /ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /ˈu:/短元音 / ʌ/ /ɒ//ə//ɪ//ʊ/ /e/ /æ/双元音 /e ɪ/ /a ɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /ɪə/ /e ə/ /ʊə/ /əʊ//a ʊ/前元音:[ i: ] [ ɪ ] [ e ] [ æ ]发前元音时必须注意:1) 舌尖要抵住下齿。
2) 舌前部向硬颚部分抬起。
3) 双唇不要收圆,发[ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] 时双唇平展,发[ æ ]时口形要张大,扁唇。
4) 唇形舌位保持不变,否则就要发成双元音。
中元音:[З:] [ə]所谓中元音是指发音时要使用舌中部。
后元音: [a:] [ʌ] [u:] [ʊ] [ɔ:][ɒ]发后元音时必须注意:1) 舌尖不触下齿, 舌身后缩, 舌后部向软颚部分抬起。
2) 除了[a:][ʌ], 其余都是圆唇音。
3) 注意[a:] [u:] [ɔ:]三个音的长度, 不要发的太短。
双元音的一般特点是:1)由两个成分组成,发音时由一个元音向另一个元音滑动,发音过程口形有变化.2)前重后轻, 第一个成分发音响亮清澈, 第二个成分较轻弱模糊.3)前长后短, 第一个成分发音较长, 第二个成分发音较短.。
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元音(20个)长元音/ɑ://ɔ:// ɜ://i://U:/短元音/ ʌ//ɒ//ə//ɪ//ʊ//e/ /æ/双元音/eɪ/ /əʊ/ /aɪ/ /aʊ/ / ɔɪ//ɪə//eə//ʊə/辅音(28个)清辅音/p// t// k//f//s/ /θ//ʃ//ts//tʃ//tr/ / h/ 浊辅音/b//d/ /g//v//z/ /ð/ /ʒ/ /dz/ /dʒ/ /dr/ / r/鼻音/m//n/ /ŋ/半元音/ j// w/边音/ ǀ/英语音标及字母组合对照一、元音1) [i:] 发音字母:ee ea e ie eithree tree green sheep meet beef seeeat tea meat leave teacher team mean speak clean please he she mepiecereceive2) [ɪ] 发音字母: i y esit picture it is list six pig big build missmany twenty happy dictionarydecide delicious3) [ æ ] 发音字母: abag hand and ant happy hat map black back glad flag man 4) [e] 发音字母: ea e ahead bread sweater breakfast heavy pleasureelephant remember sell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any5) [ɜ:] 发音字母:ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle purple Thursdaylearn early earth heardterm herwork worker word world6) [ə] 发音字母: er or o a e ur ureteacher under remember player father mother farmer after doctor actor forgettogether tomorrow today lesson welcome policemanaround about ago elephant away banana Chinastudent children open differentSaturday picture7) [ɑ:] 发音字母: ar acar farm card arm garden askfast class last glass aunt8) [ ʌ ] 发音字母: u o ou ooup supper lunch fun run hunt cup bus come mother dose brother love above troubleblood flood9) [ɔ: ] 发音字母: al ar au or our oorall small wall talk tall ball call walkwarm quarterdaughter autumnshort horse for forty sport door floor store four yourdoor floor10) [ɒ] ([ɔ]) 发音字母: o aorange hot lost lot fox box hop lot not want what wash watch11) [u:] 发音字母: oo o utoo zoo food school room goose toothwho do two to shoe whosetrue truth blue full ruler12) [ʊ] 发音字母: oo ou u olook good foot book woodshould could wouldput full pull pushwoman wolf13) [eɪ] 发音字母: a ay ai ey eaname cake late gate plane Aprilplay say may way day awayrain paint eight eighteen eightythey greygreat break14) [əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow yellow below throw blow show rowboat coat goat15) [aɪ] 发音字母: i y ighbike fine find hi nine five rice write likemy try fly bylight night high16) [aʊ] 发音字母: ou owhouse out about ground count sound blouse around mouse flower down now cow how town brown17) [ɒɪ ] 发音字母:oy oiboy toytoilet oil noise18) [ɪə] 发音字母: eer ear erebeer deerear near dearhere19) [ ɛə ] ([eə]) 发音字母:ear air ere eirpear bearchair airthere wheretheir theirs20) [ʊə] 发音字母:uresure新旧英语国际音标对照表[p]pea peach pig pink purple map[t]two too to boat ten twelve[k](k、c、ck)come cap cat bike cake black duck[f]fish frog foot face farm[θ]three mouth[s]snake sing face[ʃ]ship sheep shop she[h]hen house horse hand hair[ts]skirts students shirts[t∫]Chinses China peach beach chicken[tr]tree train trousers[b]bee big bye black bed bear book bananabed dad do need duck head [g]bag pig dog egg girl[v]vest very live leave[ð]with[z]zoo zebra[ʒ]measure pleasure[dʒ]orange juice[dz]words hands heads friends[dr]drink dress drive[r]rabbit red rice[m]monkey milk some come gamenose son sun run chicken pen[ŋ]king sing English[j]yes yellow you[w]water watermelon white[l]lion lemon blue leg lamp单元音/i:/嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,流露出微笑的表情,与字母E发音相同。
/ ɜ:/嘴形扁平,上下齿微开,舌身平放,舌中部稍抬起。
/ ʌ/嘴唇微微张开伸向两边,舌尖轻触下齿,舌后部稍微抬起。
/æ/ 嘴张大,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扁平形,舌尖抵下齿,/e/嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。
/ɪə/ 由[i]和[ə]两个单音组成,[i]重读,[ə]轻读,双唇始终是半开的。
/ t/舌尖抵上齿龈,憋住气,然后突然弹开舌尖,让气流从口腔中喷出,但声带不振动。
/ k/舌后部抵住软腭,憋住气,然后突然离开,将气送出来,像咳嗽一样,但声带不振动。
/ʒ/ 双唇收圆并微微突出,舌头稍微上卷,舌尖接近上齿龈,送气,但声带需振动。
/dʒ/ 双唇略微张开突出,舌尖抵住上齿龈,用力吐气,声带需振动。
/θ/ 舌尖微微伸出,上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖,送气,但声带不振动。
/ð/ 舌尖微微伸出,上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖,送气,但声带需振动。
/ts/ 舌尖先抵住上齿,堵住气流,使气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出,声带不振动。