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Things we do regularly. 3. 经常、习惯、反复做的事情
•I wash the dishes every day. •You sometimes take a bus home. •They usually have lunch at 11:30.
•She often helps others.
summer winter
• spring 春天
• It‘s often windy inMarch _______. April and • It's always warm in _____ May but it rains sometimes. _____,
• summer
•He always gets up early. •Nick visits museums at weekends.
•She is often late for school.
every day always often sometimes seldom never
我们有时做家务活。 Sometimes we do housework. 她很少9点以后吃晚饭。 She seldom has supper after 9:00pm. 他上学从不迟到。 He is never late for school.
Fill in the blanks.
rain sandstorm season short windy cold snow hot
1. pleasant 2. windy 3. rainy 4. snowy 5. warm 6. cold 7. hot
/ 'kΛntri /
n. 国家
-Which country do you come from? -Where are you from? -I’m from China.
Greece /gri:s/ n. 希腊 Greek n. 希腊人
a. 希腊的
Where do you come from?
I come from________.
Where do you come from? I come from China.

Where do they come from? They come from China.
Lesson 52 What nationality are they? Where do they come from?
Countries The US Brazil [brə'zil] Holland ['hɑlənd] England ['iŋɡlənd] France [frɑːns] Germany ['dʒɝməni] Italy ['itəli] Norway ['nɔ:wei] Russia ['rʌʃə] Spain [spein] Sweden ['swi:dən]
• winter
Very Cold
January December , __________and • It's often cold in____________ February ____________. • It snows sometimes.
Key sentences: What's the weather like? Is it...?
一 经常做 般 结构:be(am,is,are) 现 实义V. 非单三:V.原(do) 单三:V.+s(does) 在 时 的 always often sometimes(be后实前) 用 法
every .......
Things are always true.
1. 客观事实
•I am Doris.
Jan.=January Feb.=February Mar.=March Apr.=April May = May Jun.=June Jul.=July Aug.=August Sept.=September Oct.=October Nov.=November Dec.=December
spring autumn
Everyday English
• How's everything?
• • • • •
一切还好吧? So far, so good. 目前还不错。 You have my word. 我保证。
Lesson 51
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
/ 'plezәnt /
adj. 宜人的; 今人感到舒服的。
climate / 'klaimit /

Where does she come from? She comes from China.

Present simple tense
一般现在时,表示通常性、规律 性、习惯性的状态或者动作的一 种时态。 常与 always,often,never,usually, sometimes, every day等连用。
•We are girls.
•The moon goes round the earth.
Things are true now. 2. 符合现在事实情况
•You are 13.
•He is a student.
•You study at BEI School.
一 般 现 在 时 的 三 种 用 法
cold in winter, and it In Beijing, it is _____ snows hot and it ____ usually. In summer, it is ____ often _____. Spring is very ______ and rains short windy there is little rain but it's quite _____and sandstorm Autumn is sometimes there are_________. season the best ______in Beijing. It's very comfortable.
n. 气候
长时间的天气状况或 数年间的天气情况。
weather n. 天气
某一特定时间内的各种 天气变化,比如说:风、 雪、阴、晴等。
句型:What …like? 用来询问事物 的情况,例如天气、气候等,或是询 问人或事物的外观或特征。用形容词 回答。
e.g. -What’s the weather like today? -It’s a fine day today. e.g. -What’s the climate like in your country(国家)? -It’s very pleasant.
Spanish ['spænɪʃ]
Swedish ['swidɪʃ]
• What nationality are you? • I'm Chinese. • What nationnality are they? • They are Chinese. • What nationnality is he? • He is Chinese.
e.g.-What’s his brother like? -He is very handsome.
e.g.-What’s the house like? -It’s so amazing.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
一月份=JAN. 二月份=FEB. 三月份=MAR. 四月份=APR. 五月份=MAY 六月份=JUN. 七月份=JUL. 八月份=AUG. 九月份=SEP. 十月份=OCT. 十一月份=NOV. 十二月份=DEC.
season spring climate months
autumn winter
v. v. v. v.
下雨 下雪 刮风 照耀
1. snow 2. rain 3. shine 4. wind
adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj.
有风的 下雨的 下雪的 温暖的 寒冷的 严热的 宜人的
June • It's always hot in _____, July August . ______and__________ • The sun shines every day.
• autumn
September and _________. October • It's always warm in ___________ November and it rains • It's often cold in ____________ sometimes.
Brazilian [brə'zɪljən]
Dutch/Hollander ['hɔləndə]
English French [fren(t)ʃ] German ['dʒɜːmən] Italian [ɪ'tæljən] Norwegian [nɔ:'wi:dʒən] Russian ['rʌʃən]
Where do you come from?
I come from ________.
What’s the weather like in ______? It’s ______.
1.What’s the weather/ climate like…? It is .... 2.Present simple tense:always, often, sometimes, everyday... 3.Where do /does +人名+come from? Where is/are +人名+from? 回答:人名+come(s) from +地点名词 人名+be from +地点名词 一般问句: Do/Does + 人名+come from+ 地点名词? be+ 人名+ from+地点名词? 否定形式: 人名+don't/doesn't come from +地点名词 人名+ be not from+ 地点名词
我们每天都喝牛奶。 Every day we drink milk. 我们总在下午上英语课。
We always have English classes in the afternoon. 她通常下课后打篮球。 She usually plays basketball after school. 他经常坐公共汽车上学。 He often goes to school by bus.