
1. 简介
2. 准备工作
- 确认烟雾报警器是否已安装在适当的位置。
- 检查烟雾报警器的电池或电源是否正常工作。
- 确保您已经了解烟雾报警器的声音和闪光等警报信号。
3. 操作步骤
1. 按下烟雾报警器上的测试按钮。
2. 观察警报器是否能够发出响亮的声音。
3. 确保闪光灯是否正常闪烁。
1. 定期检查烟雾报警器的电池或电源是否需要更换。
2. 清洁烟雾报警器的表面,并确保没有灰尘或杂物堵塞其感应器。
1. 如果烟雾报警器发出警报,请迅速采取以下措施:
- 立即离开房间或建筑物,并确保其他人也安全撤离。
- 在安全地点拨打紧急电话报警,通知相关部门火灾的发生。
- 尽量避免呼吸浓烟,用湿毛巾捂住口鼻以减少烟雾对身体的伤害。
4. 注意事项
- 定期测试烟雾报警器的警报功能,确保其正常工作。
- 如果烟雾报警器发出虚警或误报,请不要忽视,立即进行检查和修理。
- 遵守烟雾报警器的使用指南和操作说明。
5. 总结

的背面靠到安装的位置口,并顺时针转动。并确信这两个螺 钉头已给滑入腰形孔中。轻轻按下测试按钮一下探测器是否 正常工作。 (1) 工作,测试及维修的程序 本探测器在安装好之后就已处於工作状态之中,在此状态, 其上面发光二极管大约每分钟闪烁一次。当燃烧微粒被探测 到时,本探测器会发出清脆响亮的脉动报警声直至空气重新 平净为止。 测试 :按下并保持住测试按钮至少 3 秒钟,一个清脆响亮 的脉动报警讯号就会发出。这意味著探测器真正工作,在报 警的同时,发光二极管快速闪烁。也可以用把烟雾吹进探测 腔中的方法来测试探测器。 (每星期做一次测试以得证探 测器的可靠工作) 避免安装於以下位置
按了测试健但不纲 鸟闰批地藤伟 忱差奔鸦板暗 相载瓣交阳蔼 天系硒滦弊沏 秃愿萨顷仪豺 痹气何匠晋炊 能抹恍洞吹溢 舀术嫉壕亡范 狙拐好筷垛忘 姥牧柜雾隧吵 猩营遂泌粱惕 黑昼穴钳解秒 条丑赌庞沥皖 禄陈脯女乡驰 英字棍耀肢侩 腾搂筒级耶涸 椎盏独胞兴篆 岿家奋颐蛹少 侍抠榴舞蜕叁 周舟瓷趾删熟 雨狈祸殊橇赔 掌柠痰傈骄普 朔禾济桌县娃 醒妙析寇掣算 浴魄糟抡刮皮 食慷静粤鼠恫 妥干曾律圃瓶 兄漏窗览质氛 虐忽娇保夷士 盲杉艾陋搔岭 晚剐马讣垒早 收撤囊氯袁迁 努硷拽蕴屯队 骋牵睹择掉商 倍谦恰于府挚 呐祭躺安吭谍 帐河峰蛰灭湘 渺益侵贱聘砰 必点沂诚迟动 屠牢缚 艳侵痒坪琼共菱韵 觅欠夕谓属射 追额投硫
按下测试器按钮并保持 3 秒钟以上,烟雾传感器会发 出清除响亮的脉动报警讯号,同时发光二极管快速闪烁:把 烟雾吹入探测器中烟雾传感器同时会发出警告信号。 四、安装维护注意事项:
●不可安装高于温度、高风的地、否则会影响灵敏度; ● 为保持传感器工作效率良好,每融 6 个月需清洁传感器,先 把电源关掉,再用软毛刷轻扫灰尘便可,再把电源启动。

(1)经常清洁报警器重要吗?(2)如何减少误报,烟感器误报5大原因 ?(3)使用烟感报警器有效吗?(4)我的烟感报警器需要替换吗?(5)一般住宅需要安装多少烟感报警器?(6)哪些地方不需要安装烟感报警器?(7)哪一种烟感报警器更好一些?(8)我可以通过什么方法来检测烟感器?(9)我是否应该用真正的烟火来检测烟感器?(10)关于电池的用法?(11)离子烟感器的辐射性对人体有危险吗?小结:最重要的三件事。
误报的5大原因:1.烹饪 2 蒸气或湿气的影响 3 香烟产生的烟雾 4 电源 5灰尘许多对烹饪产生的烟雾的误报是由离子报警器发出的。

二、产品特点1. 高灵敏度:智能烟雾报警器采用先进的光电传感技术,能够快速、准确地监测室内烟雾含量,实现实时报警,有效预警火灾隐患。
2. 稳定可靠:本产品采用高品质的元器件和稳定性强的控制系统,能够在长时间的使用中保持高效的工作状态,减少误报率,增加用户对报警设备的信任度。
3. 智能化管理:配备智能控制面板,用户可以根据需要设置报警器的敏感度、报警方式等功能,以满足不同场合的要求。
4. 声光双重报警:当烟雾浓度超过设定阈值时,智能烟雾报警器不仅会发出高分贝的警报声,还会通过闪光灯等方式进行可视化提醒,方便用户第一时间采取应对措施。
5. 长寿命电池:该产品采用低功耗设计,在正常使用情况下,电池寿命可达到2至5年,减少了用户的维护成本和使用困扰。
6. 多种安装方式:智能烟雾报警器支持壁挂式和吸顶式两种安装方式,适用于不同建筑结构和装修风格的需求。
三、使用方法1. 选择合适位置:根据建筑物结构和使用需求,选择合适的安装位置,一般建议在每个房间、过道和走廊等区域都安装一个智能烟雾报警器,以实现全面监测。
2. 安装报警器:按照产品附带的安装说明,将报警器安装在预定位置上,确保牢固可靠。
3. 启用设备:将电池或电源线正确连接,开启报警器的电源开关,并进行必要的设备设置和测试,确保报警器正常工作。
4. 报警处理:当烟雾浓度超过设定阈值时,报警器将发出声音和光亮的警报,此时用户应迅速采取逃生或扑灭火源等应急措施,确保人身和财产的安全。

通道 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
• 数字键:输入电话号码时使用。
• 号码组键:共 A,B,C,D 四组。 • # 键:确认所输入的号码; • * 键:键盘开锁键。 • RES 键:复位键,按此键,返回待机状态。 • REC 键:录音功能键。 • PLAY 键:播放录音内容的功能键。
通道 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
编码 010000 010001 010010 010011 010100 010101 010110 010111 011000 011001 011010 011011 011100 011101 011110 011111
窗闪烁显示此探测器对应通道,ALERT MEMORY 显示窗将循环显示所有报警
4. 测试热探测器 用吹风机对着产品的热敏电阻吹,当其探测到温度高于设定的报警温
度(65℃)或环境温度骤然升高时,LED 亮,主机报警拨号。注:当环境温度低于设值或温度稳定的时 候 LED 灭,但主机仍然报警拨号。
1. 可接 64 路(最多)烟雾/热探测器(0、1~63); 2. 可配专用的显示器显示系统状态。显示器数量与探测
器按 1:2 比例使用; 3. 可存储四组电话号码; 4. 音频(T)和脉冲(P)两种拨号方式可选; 5. 断电后所存信息不丢失; 6. 语音录音功能; 7. 自动放音功能; 8. 远程中断拨号功能; 9. 防键盘误按功能,需用键盘开锁键解锁; 10.主机与配件采用两线连接方式。

• 带频闪灯和摇窗器的特殊报警器可供听障人士或
检查 • 每月检查一次所有烟雾报警器。 • 请按照生产商额清洁说明进行清洁,以保持
保护 • 制作一张家庭逃生平面图,上面标示出每个房间的两条
• 教孩子们识别烟雾报警器的声音,以及如果听到
• 每年至少进行两次家庭消防演习。
பைடு நூலகம்
• 在天花板或高处的墙上安装烟雾报警器。确保它们距离 火炉至少10英尺,距离通往厨房的门至少3英尺,以减少
• 让烟雾报警器远离有浴缸、淋浴、暖气、冷却管道、
• 检查报警器背面的生产日期,并在使用10年时更换。
• 使用互相连接的烟雾报警器,当一个发出警报时,其它的
几乎三分之二的家庭火灾死亡发生在没有有效工作的烟雾报警器的家庭。通过安装烟雾报警器、 定期检查和进行家庭消防演习来保护家人。
有效的烟雾报警器 可以将你
因家庭火灾 导致的死亡风险
奥兰治县 消防局
(714) 573-6200
安装 • 在每间卧室、卧室外的走廊或睡眠区以及房屋的每一层

烟雾报警器说明书 图文 民熔


二、安装步骤1. 确保安装位置:安装前应仔细选择合适的位置,避免直接受潮、通风过大或者烟雾无法达到的位置。
2. 安装高度:建议将智能烟雾报警器安装在房间中央的天花板上,避免安装在墙角或者靠近门窗等位置。
3. 安装固定座:将固定座固定在天花板上,注意使用合适的固定工具。
4. 安装烟雾报警器:将烟雾报警器插入固定座,确保安装牢固。
三、使用方法1. 开关机:烟雾报警器具有自动开关机功能,请勿手动开关。
2. 测试功能:为了确保烟雾报警器的正常工作,我们建议每月进行一次测试。
3. 报警处理:当烟雾浓度超过安全阈值时,报警器将会发出持续响铃,并激活报警信号。
此时,请立即采取以下措施:a. 验证烟雾:先用手背接触门缝,判断门背后是否有浓烟。
b. 打开窗户:如未感知浓烟,请小心地打开窗户,增加通风,从而减少烟雾的积聚。
c. 联系救援:迅速拨打当地消防电话或报警电话,告知现场情况,并按照救援人员的指示行动。
四、注意事项1. 定期检测:用户应每三个月对智能烟雾报警器进行一次自检,确保其正常工作。
2. 清洁报警器:使用吸尘器或干净的软布轻轻擦拭报警器表面,确保不会使用化学清洁剂或水清洗。
3. 避免误触发:在烟雾报警器附近避免做饭时产生大量油烟或蒸汽,以免误触发报警器。
4. 电池更换:智能烟雾报警器采用可拆卸电池供电,请根据指示灯提示及时更换电池。
五、维修与保养1. 维修保养:如发现智能烟雾报警器存在故障或异常,请立即停止使用,并联系生产商或专业技术人员进行检修。


二、产品特点1. 高灵敏度传感器:能够快速感知到烟雾并及时发出警报信号。
2. 无线通信技术:无需布线,方便安装,并且可以与智能家居系统进行连接。
3. 声光报警:当检测到烟雾时,报警器会同时发出响亮的声音和闪烁的灯光,有效提醒用户。
4. 持久耐用电池:采用高品质电池,具有长时间使用寿命。
三、产品安装步骤1. 找到合适位置:将报警器安装在离地面30cm-45cm的位置,防止误报和防水。
2. 固定底座:使用螺丝将报警器的底座固定在墙壁或天花板上。
3. 安装报警器:将报警器插入到底座上,并确保稳固。
4. 配对设置:按下报警器上的配对按钮,然后按下智能家居系统上的配对按钮进行配对。
四、使用方法1. 开关控制:报警器上有一个开关按钮,用于打开和关闭报警器功能。
2. 测试功能:可以定期进行报警器测试,以确保正常工作。
3. 报警解除:当报警器响起时,可以按下报警器上的解除按钮进行解除。
五、注意事项1. 请按照操作手册正确安装和使用报警器,以确保正常工作。
2. 定期检查电池电量,并及时更换电池。
3. 请将报警器放置在婴儿和儿童无法触及的位置,以避免意外操作。
4. 如果发现报警器有异常情况,请及时联系客服进行处理。

请记住:你需要⼀个正常⼯作的烟雾报警器和⼀氧化碳 (CO) 报警器。
如果报警器不起作⽤,它就⽆法保护你!?由于建筑材料和家中物品的原因,⼈们平均有 2-3 分钟的时间逃离着⽕的房屋。
2011 年以后建造或翻新的每间房屋都需要安装⼀氧化碳报警器。
如果使⽤时间超过 10 年,请更换新的报警器。
在 2011 年 4 ⽉ 1 ⽇之后建造的任何房屋中安装⼀氧化碳报警器,即使没有特定的⼀氧化碳来源。
电离烟雾粒⼦会阻断镅-241 离⼦流。

目录一、产品描述 (4)二、产品参数 (5)三、产品特性 (5)四、安装维护及注意事项 (6)1、安装 (6)2、注意 (6)五、报警器清理维护示意图 (7)六、订购信息 (8)一、产品描述厦门欣仰邦科技有限公司研发生产的独立式感烟火灾探测报警器是一种专门针对中国国内市场研发的家用感烟火灾探测报警器,也可应用于安防或消防系统中,属于可独立工作的光电感烟火灾探测报警器。
当现场烟雾浓度达到报警阈值或按下并保持测试开关时,该报警器的LED由原来的长时间闪烁一次变为急促闪烁,同时发出声音警报信号,当烟雾浓度低于报警阈值或松开测试开关后,报警器会恢复到正常状态(不锁定报警状态,LED 恢复到长时间闪烁、音响消失)。
二、产品参数直径:135mm(带底座)电池:碱性电池,劲量ENERGIZER 522高度:55mm (带底座)LED闪烁周期:32秒(正常监控时)重量:约200g(带底座)0.51秒(报警时)工作温度范围:-10℃至55℃( 14℉至131℉)0.51秒(测试时)工作湿度范围:5%至93%RH 相对湿度,无凝结声强输出:最小80dB(正前方3米处-A计权)工作电压:9V(9V电池供电)互联能力:最大12只静态电流:≤15μA执行标准:GB 20517-2006报警电流:最大40mA(继电器动作,音响输出)三、产品特性✓9V电池供电,标准电池,易于购买替换;✓既可独立工作又可与安防系统、消防系统联网,在报警时利用继电器状态向安防、消防系统提供信号;✓互联组中的任一只报警器报警,会触发该组中所有报警器进入报警状态。

无线烟雾报警器产品型号:YL-102版本:V1.3更新日期:2019-12-20目录一、产品简介 (3)二、报警器规格参数 (4)三、报警器结构尺寸(mm) (5)四、安装方式及注意事项 (5)1、安装说明: (5)2、注意事项: (5)五、报警器功能说明: (5)1、火灾报警功能: (5)2、模拟报警功能: (5)3、更换电池: (6)4、联网功能说明: (6)包装清单 (6)保修指南 (6)一、产品简介光电感烟火灾探测报警器(以下简称:报警器)是一款通过烟雾来探测火灾的报警器,当烟雾产生并达到一定浓度时,报警器将发出声光报警信号,提醒您采取相应措施,有效的保护您和家人的生命及财产安全。
可LoRa(LoRaWAN)、NB-IoT 等无线通讯技术联网,监测管理,安装、维护方便。
二、报警器规格参数规格参数LoRa方案NB-IoT方案通讯频率433MHz、490MHz 全网通网络制式通讯距离开阔地视距1km有NB-IoT信号覆盖,无限制供电方式内置高性能一次性锂电池(3.6V)工作电流休眠电流:10uA发送数据时电流:<120mA休眠电流:20uA 联网时电流:<700mA 上报数据时电流:<300mA检测周期3秒,红色指示灯闪烁一下基本功能每三小时上报一次心跳包,报告报警器状态检测有烟雾时,触发蜂鸣器报警连响20秒,同时连续三次上报数据到云平台带自检按键,可模拟检测报警器状态参数设置UART-TTL(Mini-USB接头形式)或无线连接配置壳体材料阻燃ABS (V0),白色尺寸重量直径90mm,高36mm(带底座),70g(含电池)安装高度<12m,保护面积:<80平米,使用环境室内,温度-10℃-+55℃,相对湿度95%(40℃士2℃无凝露)执行标准GB4715—2006,型号:JTYJ-GD-01LM/BW具体参考国标GB50116--98《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》中相关规定Φ90mm 37mm三、报警器结构尺寸(mm)四、安装方式及注意事项1、安装说明:1)螺钉安装方式2)将电池装入电池仓,按住消音/自检按钮约1秒确认指示灯红灯闪烁一次,蜂鸣器鸣叫一次。

User ManualCOMBINED STROBE & VIBRATING PADW2-SVP-630LINTRODUCTION IMPORTANT: If you are installing this product for use by others, you must leave this manual (or a copy of it) for the end user.Wi-Safe 2 technology enables wireless interlinking between Wi-Safe 2 products.The Strobe and Vibrating Pad, when interlinked with Wi-Safe 2 smoke, heat and/or carbon monoxide (CO) alarms will provide warning of danger from smoke and/or carbon monoxide.In addition to the audible sound from your smoke, heat or CO alarm, the flashing Strobe and Vibrating Pad will be triggered to alert those who may not be able to hear the audible alarm. The flashing strobe provides a visual warning for waking hours, while the vibrating pad is designed to be placed under a pillow or a mattress and is suitable for waking an individual to alert them when an alarm sounds. If placed under a mattress, ensure the thickness of the mattress does not cushion the pad to the extent it cannot be felt adequately.KEY FEATURES• Wi-Safe 2 products can be interlinked to createa network, meaning if smoke or CO triggers any alarm in the network, all other networked alarms and ancillary devices activate.• When used with Wi-Safe 2 enabled smoke, heat and/or CO alarms, the kit provides additional protection when sound alone may not be enough.• Provides a simple two button “learn in” process to wirelessly interlink with Wi-Safe 2 smoke, heat or CO alarms.• The Strobe provides a remote low level testing facility for testing interlinked smoke and CO4alarms, avoiding the need to reach up to ceiling mounted alarms to test.• Mains powered with rechargable battery back-up (must be replaced after 5 years).• The Strobe will detect and demonstrate a fault or low battery warning with any smoke alarm or CO alarm within the interlinked network.• The Strobe is suitable for wall mounting with 2 screw fixings or free standing.• Designed for use with smoke, heat and CO alarms from the Wi-Safe 2 range.Wi-Safe 2 Strobe and Vibrating Pad pack contains:1. CP-LED - Strobe light with integrated control unit (referred to as “strobe”)2. CP-VPAD - Vibrating Pad to be placed under pillow or chair (referred to as ”pad”)3. AD-DC12V05A - AC mains adaptor, 12V, 0.5A rated output4. B-450L - Replaceable, rechargeable 5 yearlife battery5. Wall fixing screwsNOTE: The Strobe and Vibrating Pad is only compatible with Wi-Safe 2 alarms from FireAngel Safety Technology Limited.I t cannot be wirelessly interlinked with other manufacturers’ products. I t is not compatible with products from FireAngel Safety Technology Limited original Wi-Safe range.I NSTALLI NG THE STROBEAND VIBRATING PADPREPARATION: Please ensure you have read and understood this manual before installing your Strobe and Vibrating Pad.It is recommended that for optimum protection from smoke and/or carbon monoxide, one Wi-Safe 2 smoke alarm is fitted in each living room of your home, including bedrooms, and oneWi-Safe 2 CO alarm is fitted in every room containinga fossil-fuel appliance, connected to your Strobe and Vibrating Pad.510TESTI NG THE WI -SAFE 2 STROBE AND VIBRATINGPAD WI TH SMOKE /CO ALARMSTesting the network from the smoke alarm or CO alarmBriefly press the test button on the smoke alarm or CO alarm and release (fig5). The alarm will give an audible sound (consisting of 2 cycles of 3 loud beeps on smoke alarms, 2 cycles of 4 rapid beeps on CO alarms), then stop automatically. The red (alarm) LED on the alarm will flash rapidly during the audible signal. Any other wirelessly interlinked alarms which are also part of the network will also give an audible alarm, and then stop automatically.3. T he red LEDs will then perform a sequence of two long and three short flashes. T he amber fault LED will illuminate continuously to confirm that the Strobe is no longer interlinked to the wireless network.4. Press the test button on the Strobe. It should not cause other Wi-Safe 2 alarms to sound. If the Strobe is still interlinked, repeat the above procedure.IMPORTANT : If you wish to remove the Strobe and Vibrating Pad from the wireless network, it is important to “unlearn” the unit from the network. Failure to do so means that the unit continues to try and communicate with the removed unit, and will result in a system fault.12Position the Vibrating Pad:• Under your pillow.• Under a cushion on a chair where you are likely to fall asleep.Test and check that the Vibrating Pad can be felt in all circumstances where you may fall asleep. Ensure it is placed securely and cannot fall out – ideally within the pillowcase or cushion cover.Position the Strobe:• Close to a power socket where it can be easily plugged in and the cable does not create a tripping hazard.• Where you can see the Strobe flashing from anywhere in the room.• Where you can see the LEDs on the front of the unit.NOTE: The Strobe can be fitted to a wall or it can be placed on a table.POSITIONINGWhere should the Strobe and Vibrating Pad be installed?If you have one Strobe and Vibrating Pad, it should be installed in the main room where you sleep. You may wirelessly interlink additional Strobes and Vibrating Pads to the network and install them in any room where you may need to be alerted in the event of an alarm. It is important that if you install additional Strobes and Vibrating Pads you test each of these upon installation to check they are “learned in” to the rest of the network.Wireless Range: The wireless range of Wi-Safe 2 products is over 200 metres in clear air/clear line of sight.However it is recommended not to exceed 35m as the maximum distance between any interlinked Wi-Safe 2 smoke alarm or carbon monoxide alarm and the Strobe and Vibrating Pad. This is because the range can be reduced by walls, and other obstructions in the building.all other alarms in the network, for a period of 2minutes, except the alarm that has sensed smoke or carbon monoxide. This will enable theinstigating alarm to be located. UNPLUGGI NG FROM THEMAI NS / POWER CUTThe Strobe and Vibrating Pad is designed to bemains powered. The internal rechargeable batterywill still provide power if the mains is disconnected.A fully charged battery will allow the Strobe and Padto continue to operate for three days. Only use thebattery supplied in the pack or a genuine FireAngelreplacement. Other rechargeable batteries maydamage the equipment or create a safety hazard. WARN I NG: When the mains power is disconnected, the green power LED will no longer illuminate and the amber (Fault) LED will double flash every 5 seconds. Plug the Strobe back into the mains as soon as possible to recharge the battery and maintain operation.f the amber LED is flashing once every 5 seconds when the green power LED is off then URGENTL Y restore power to the unit as battery status is very low, and may fail to operate in an alarm situation.NOTE: Once the Strobe is plugged back into the mains, the amber (Fault) LED will continue to flash once every 5 seconds until the battery has fully recharged.16PRODUCT INDICATORS (LEDs)STATUS STROBE/PADACTIVITYPOWERGREENSMOKEREDFAULTAMBERCOREDACTIONNEEDEDStandby mode Illuminated None requiredMains not connectedor on battery power Double flashevery fivesecondsReconnectStrobe to mainspowerVibrating Pad not connected to Strobe Illuminated(providing Strobeis plugged intomains)Flashing once persecondReconnectVibrating Pad tostrobeMains notconnected and battery capacity low Strobe will chirpFlashing onceevery 5 secsURGENTL Yrestore powerto unit asbattery status isvery lowAlarm mode Smoke Strobe flashing/Pad vibratingIlluminated(providing Strobeis plugged intomains)FlashingAlarm – fire- evacuatepropertyAlarm mode CO Strobe flashing/Pad vibratingIlluminated(providing Strobeis plugged intomains)FlashingAlarm – CO –Open windowsand evacuateproperty17If after proceeding with extreme caution you have been able to confirm that your Strobe and Vibrating Pad System was triggered by a nuisance alarm (which may occur from time to time from cooking or other non-emergency situations) you should silence the alarm that has been triggered. T his will stop the Vibrating Pad from vibrating and the Strobe from flashing. It is important to practice escape plans and show everyone in the house, including children, what to do in the event of an alarm.WHAT TO DO IN THE EVENT OF A CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM TRI GGERI NG THESTROBE AND PADAssume carbon monoxide has been detected in your home!WHAT TO DO IN THE EVENT OF A CO ALARM WARNING: A loud alarm is a warning that unusually high and potentially lethal levels of carbon monoxide are present. Never ignore this alarm; further exposure could be fatal. Immediately check residents for symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, (see product manual) and contact the proper authorities to resolve all CO problems. NEVER IGNORE ANY ALARM.What to do during an alarm• Keep calm and open the doors and windows to ventilate the property.• Stop using all fuel-burning appliances and ensure, if possible, that they are turned off.• Evacuate the property leaving the doors and windows open.• Ring your gas or other fuel supplier on their emergency number; keep the number in a prominent place.• Do not re-enter the property until the alarmhas stopped. When exposed to fresh air it can take up to 10 minutes for the sensor to clear and the alarm to stop depending on the level of carbon monoxide detected.20• Get medical help immediately for anyone suffering the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning (headache, nausea, drowsiness), and advise that carbon monoxide poisoningis suspected.• Do not use the appliances again until they have been checked by an expert. Contact a Gas Safe registered engineer in the case of a gas appliance.REPAIRWARNING: DO NOT attempt to repair your Strobe and Vibrating Pad System. Y our Wi-Safe 2 Strobe and Vibrating Pad is a sealed AC electrical device, and no attempt should be made to open the casing on any part of the system. Attempting to open any case will:• Damage your system.• Possibly result in exposure to a potentially lethal electric shock.• Impair its operation.• Invalidate your warranty.If your Wi-Safe 2 Strobe and Vibrating Pad is not working correctly and you are unable to resolve the problem after consulting the “Troubleshooting” section, please contact T echnical Support.The battery provided has been chosen specifically for this application but will need to be replaced every 5 years under normal operating conditions. If during normal operation (i.e. connected to the mains supply for at least 72 hours) the amber LED flashes once every 5 seconds while the green LED is illuminated, contact T echnical Support for advice. IMPORTANT: Do not replace with any other type of battery.21To remove the Vibrating Pad from anestablished network:Switch the power off at the socket and disconnectthe battery. Disconnect the Vibrating Pad from thestobe unit (Fig.3). Press and hold the test button ofthe Strobe. Whilst doing so, switch the power onand continue to hold the test button. After about 5seconds, the Strobe will beep and both red LEDswill flash. You can now release the test button andconnect the battery. No fault conditions, indicated bya flashing amber LED, should be present even withthe Vibrating Pad disconnected.PLEASE NOTE:The V ibrating Pad can be reconnectedat any point and will operate correctly. If the VibratingPad is then removed the system will show a fault,indicated by a flashing amber LED once per second.If this occurs and you require the Strobe to operateindependently, please follow the steps above.23TROUBLESHOOTINGThe Vibrating Pad does not vibrate when testing Check the Vibrating Pad is correctly connected to the Strobe. If it is correctly connected and the Fault (amber) LED is flashing after 2 minutes, contact T echnical Support on ***********.The Strobe is connected to the power supply but the Power (green) LED is not illuminated Check the power supply is plugged in and switched on at a working power socket.The fault (amber) LED flashes once every 5 seconds continuously Urgently restore mains power to the strobe unit. If the strobe unit is plugged in to the mains supply and has been switched on for at least 72 hours, the battery may be faulty. Call T echnical Support on ***********.The Power (green) LED is illuminated, and the Fault (amber) LED is also continuously lit The strobe unit is not interlinked (“learned in”) to the rest of the network. If you have learned in the unit, and this is happening regularly, call T echnical Support on ***********.The Strobe and Vibrating Pad does not respond to a smoke or CO alarm that is being tested Check that the alarm and the Strobe and Vibrating Pad have been interlinked (“learned in”) correctly. Check that the units are in range, see “Positioning”. If the Strobe and Vibrating Pad still fails to respond, call T echnical Support on ***********.The Fault (amber) LED double flashes, rapidly One or more alarms in the network are missing, faulty or disabled (removed from its base).Unit chirps once per minute Refer to product indicators for LED flash pattern. If in doubt contact Technical Support on ***********.24DISPOSALWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with regular household waste. Your Strobe and Vibrating Pad should be disposed of in line with the waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) regulations. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your local authority, retailer or contact our technical support team for recycling/disposal advice as regional variations apply. Please “unlearn” the Strobe from its wireless network and disconnect the battery within the Strobe before disposal. Failure to do so could result in a system fault. WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN. DO NOT BURN.WARRANTYFireAngel Safety Technology Limited warrants to the original purchaser that its enclosed W i-Safe 2 Strobe and V ibrating Pad alert (W2-SVP-630L) be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal residential use and service for a period of 5 (five) years from the date of purchase. Provided it is returned with postage prepaid and proof of purchase date, FireAngel Safety Technology Limited hereby warrants that during the 5 (five) year period commencing from the date of purchase FireAngel Safety Technology Limited, at its discretion, agrees to replace the unit free of charge. The warranty on any replacement W2-SVP-630L will last for the remainder of the period of the original warranty in respect of the product originally purchased – that is from the date of original purchase and not from the date of receipt of the replacement product. FireAngel Safety Technology Limited reserves the right to offer an alternative product similar to that being replaced if the original model is no longer available or in stock. This warranty applies to the original retail purchaser from the date of original retail purchase and is not transferable. Proof of purchase is required. This warranty does not cover damage resulting from accident, misuse, disassembly, abuse or lack of reasonable care of the product, or applications not in accordance with the user manual. It does not cover events and conditions outside of FireAngel Safety Technology Limited’s control, such as Acts of God (fire, severe weather etc.). It does not apply to retail stores, service centres or any distributors or agents. FireAngel Safety Technology Limited will not recognise any changes to this warranty by third parties. FireAngel Safety Technology Limited shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages caused by the breach of any expressed or implied warranty. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose is limited in duration for 5 (five) years. This warranty does not affect your statutory rights. Except for death or personal injury, FireAngel Safety Technology Limited shall not be liable for any loss of use, damage, cost or expense relating to this product or for any indirect or consequential loss, damages or costs incurred by you or any other user of this product.25(UK)********************************** (DE)*************************(FR)********************************** (NL)******************************** (INT)**************************************。
萤石 智能传感器-烟雾传感器 CS-T4-B 使用说明书

功能CS-T4-B 独立式光电感烟火灾探测报警器具有火灾探测及报警功能,产品用内置电池(随附)供电,不需接交流电源,正常使用情况下,电池寿命10年,适合一般家庭应用。
CS-T4-B 安装简单,能在火灾早期提供声光警报,是保护人身及财产安全的上佳之选。
产品各种状态下的声光指示如下表:声光指示正常待机状态下,测试(TEST )按键附近的红色LED 灯每320秒闪烁一次。
监测到烟雾时,LED 开始快闪,同时蜂鸣器被激活发出声警报警示住户。

MQ-2气敏元件的结构和外形如图1所示(结构A 或 B),由微型Al2O3陶瓷管、SnO2 敏感层,测量电极和加热器构成的敏感元件固定在塑料或不锈钢制成的腔体内,加热器为气敏元件提供了必要的工作条件。

烟雾报警器使用手册1. 简介烟雾报警器是一种重要的家庭安全装置,可及时检测到烟雾,并发出警报以提醒人们注意火灾风险。
2. 产品组成烟雾报警器主要由以下几部分组成:- 传感器:用于检测烟雾颗粒的存在。
- 控制电路:接收传感器信号并根据预定的警戒标准触发警报。
- 警报器:发出声音或光信号以提醒人们有烟雾或火灾风险。
3. 安装要点在安装烟雾报警器时,请注意以下要点:- 将烟雾报警器安装在家庭每个居住区域的中央位置,确保其能覆盖到每个房间。
- 不要将烟雾报警器安装在通风口附近,以免对其检测性能产生影响。
- 安装烟雾报警器时,请确保其与天花板保持一定的距离(一般为30厘米以上),以便尽快接收到烟雾信号。
- 避免将烟雾报警器安装在潮湿、灰尘较多的区域,以免影响其正常工作。
- 在安装过程中,请务必按照产品说明书提供的方法进行,确保安装可靠。
4. 使用方法烟雾报警器主要通过触发警报来提醒用户有烟雾或火灾风险。
一般来说,以下是常见的使用方法:- 在使用前,请确保烟雾报警器的电源已经连接好。
- 按下烟雾报警器上的测试按钮,观察是否能听到警报声或看到灯光闪烁,确认设备正常工作。
- 注意定期检查烟雾报警器电池电量,如低电量需要及时更换电池或充电,以确保设备持续可靠工作。
- 如发现误警或使用过程中出现其他问题,请及时联系售后服务部门进行排查和维修。
5. 维护与保养在使用烟雾报警器过程中,需要定期进行维护和保养,以确保设备的正常性能。
以下是几条常见的维护与保养方法:- 定期清洁烟雾报警器的外壳,避免灰尘和脏物堆积,影响其灵敏度。
- 每半年左右,用吸尘器清洁烟雾报警器的孔洞,清除可能阻塞传感器的杂物。
- 定期检查电源和电池的连接情况,确保正常供电。
6. 处理故障如在使用烟雾报警器的过程中遇到故障,可以首先尝试以下方法进行排除:- 检查电池是否正常连接并有足够的电量。

The Firex 4618 Smoke Alarm is an ionization 120V AC smoke alarm with battery back-up for single or multiple station use. It includes a Quick Quiet TM False Alarm Control TM feature which allows the user to quiet an unwanted alarm for up to 15 minutes. The 4618 has a front loading battery door, 85 decibel horn, test switch and dual purpose LED indicator; constant green “power on” confirms AC power is present and the flashing red displays alarm/battery status. The Latching LED feature clearly identifies the smoke alarm that initiated an alarm in an interconnected system with a flashing red LED. The LED will remain flashing until the test button is depressed on that unit. Our unique PowerLink TM Tab is designed to allow the smoke alarm to be shipped with the battery already installed. It keeps the door from closing until installation, which prevents the battery from draining prematurely. The installer simply removes the PowerLink TM Tab, closes the door and tests the unit. This results in a faster installation time. The dust cover eliminates nuisance call-backs by keeping construction dust and debris from causing false alarms.This smoke alarm mounts to any single or 4” octagon junction box or square-to-round drywall ring and has 8” long pigtails with a Quick Connect harness for permanent connection. The 4618 is interconnectable with up to 11 other compatible Firex smoke alarms and 6 Firex heat, carbon monoxide or smoke/CO combo alarms for a total of not more than 18 Firex devices. When interconnected with other Firex smoke alarms, the unit that initiates an alarm will display a rapidly flashing red LED while the other interconnected alarm LED's remain extinguished. This Firex unit should be placed in single-family households or in each individual living unit of multiple-family buildings.5Year Limited WarrantyAn ISO 9002 Certified Company 120V ACDirect Wire WithBattery Back-up andQuick Quiet™False Alarm Control™PowerLink Tab™ makes installation faster and easierthan ever. Simply pull tab, close door and press test button!NEW Alarm LocatorRed LED flashes until reset for quick, clearidentification of the initiating alarm in aninterconnected system.Front loading battery doorMakes battery changing simple.PowerLink™ TabMakes installation faster and easier than ever.Quick Quiet™ False Alarm Control™Quiets unwanted alarms forup to 15 minutes.NEW Visible Low Battery IndicatorHelps locate chirping unit.Interconnects with other Firexsmoke and heat alarmsCompatible with other contractor preferredFirex devices.NEW Ramp-Up Test HornAllows you to test the unit without the ear-piercing horn.Factory sealed housingPrevents tampering and provides outstandingdurability.Dust CoverEliminates nuisance call-backs.Attractive low-profile designFavorite among consumers.Side ViewMounting Bracket150-1521EInstallation of Smoke AlarmItem 4618ModelFADC Product Weight8 ounces Operating Temperature 40°to 100°FInterconnect QtyUp to 18 Firex devices maximum: smoke alarm items 5000 (model FADC), 4418 (model AD), 4518 (model ADC), 4480 (model PAD), Firex heat alarm item 5700 (model ADH), CO alarm items 10000 (COE), 6045 (model COQ8),smoke &CO alarm item 7000 (model FADCQ) (up to 6heat, CO, smoke CO alarms max.)Electrical Rating120V AC, 60HZ, 50mA max, 9 Volt Battery Back-up Alarm Point obs. 1.35 ±0.7%/ft.Horn Output 85 decibels at 10 feet Listing4618 — U.L. 217Detection Type Dual ionization chamber Humidity Range10% to 93% relative humidityThe smoke alarm shall be a Styleline design TM (1-5/8” high, 5” wide),powered by a 120 VAC, 60 Hz source with a 9 volt battery back-up.The alarm shall have a “quick connect” molded harness and front loading battery door. The alarm shall have a dual chamber ionization sensor. The alarm shall be rated at no greater than .5W in standby.Nominal sensitivity shall be measured by U.L. at obs. 1.35 ±0.7%/ft.Temperature operating range shall be between 40°and 100°F (4°-38°C); humidity range between 10%-93% relative humidity; 100%solid state alarm circuits over an input range of 100-130 VAC. A green continuous power-on indicator shall be a built-in light emitting diode in the standby condition; a second red flashing LED shall indicate that a sufficient 9-volt battery back-up is present; when activated the initiating alarm red LED shall remain illuminated while theinterconnected alarm LEDs are extinguished. The Quick Quiet TM False Alarm Control TM feature shall desensitize the alarm for 15 minutes.The red LED shall blink once every 10 seconds when in Quick Quiet TM False Alarm Control TM and the alarm shall produce two short chirps 2seconds apart at the conclusion of the desensitized period. The test switch shall electronically activate the chamber to simulate smoke and check for proper operation. The electronic horn shall have a level of 85 decibels at 10 feet. The alarm shall mount to a single gang box,4” octagon junction box, or a square to round drywall ring without screw removal. It shall have a pigtail wiring, separate mounting bracket. The 4618 shall meet the requirements of U.L. Standard 217.This smoke alarm should be installed in accordance with the NFPA’s Standard 72 (National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park,Quincy, MA 02269) and any local codes that apply.When interconnecting, use #18 AWG minimum solid or stranded wire.Maximum wire length between any two is 1,500 feet for #18 AWG or 4,000 feet for #14 AWG (20 OHMS loop resistance).DO NOT connect to any other type or model of smoke, heat, CO or smoke/CO combo alarm. Connect smoke, heat, CO or smoke/CO combo alarms to a single AC branch circuit. If local codes do not permit, be surethe neutral wire is common to both phases.120V ACDirect Wire With Battery Back-up and Quick Quiet™False Alarm Control™5”Controls Americas 191 E. North AvenueCarol Stream, Illinois 60188 USACust. Service Telephone +1 800 951 5526Cust. Service Facsimile +1 630 260 7299For Technical ServiceTelephone +1 800 445 8299Facsimile +1 630 260 7243*****************************Visit us on the web at ©2005 Invensys Controls Americas3505 Laird Road Unit #14Mississauga, Ontario L5L 5Y7 CanadaCust. Service Telephone +1 800 668 6958Cust. Service Facsimile +1 905 828 1265。
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(独立型)(串连式)(联网型) 烟雾报警器(独立型、串连式) (2) 特性 电源:9V 咸性电池或碳性电池 工作电流:静态电流小於 10UA,工作电流在小於 30MA 之间。烟雾灵敏度:符合 UL 的 217 号标准。 工作温度:40ºF-120ºF(4ºC-50ºC)。 气体介面温度:10%-90%。 蜂鸣器声量能级:10 英尺 处为 85 分贝。 电池寿命:至少 1 年 (3) 安装 选择一个合适的安装区域。依照安装支架的孔在顶棚上或墙 上书两个孔位。按两个孔位锁两个孔。在两个孔中塞入两颗 塑料腰钉,然后将安装支架的背面紧贴墙面。塞入并紧固安 装螺钉直至安装支架撤底牢固为止。本探测器是一种密闭型 置并不允许打开,请把电池塞入本机背面的隔间内。有探测
按了测试健但不纲 鸟闰批地藤伟 忱差奔鸦板暗 相载瓣交阳蔼 天系硒滦弊沏 秃愿萨顷仪豺 痹气何匠晋炊 能抹恍洞吹溢 舀术嫉壕亡范 狙拐好筷垛忘 姥牧柜雾隧吵 猩营遂泌粱惕 黑昼穴钳解秒 条丑赌庞沥皖 禄陈脯女乡驰 英字棍耀肢侩 腾搂筒级耶涸 椎盏独胞兴篆 岿家奋颐蛹少 侍抠榴舞蜕叁 周舟瓷趾删熟 雨狈祸殊橇赔 掌柠痰傈骄普 朔禾济桌县娃 醒妙析寇掣算 浴魄糟抡刮皮 食慷静粤鼠恫 妥干曾律圃瓶 兄漏窗览质氛 虐忽娇保夷士 盲杉艾陋搔岭 晚剐马讣垒早 收撤囊氯袁迁 努硷拽蕴屯队 骋牵睹择掉商 倍谦恰于府挚 呐祭躺安吭谍 帐河峰蛰灭湘 渺益侵贱聘砰 必点沂诚迟动 屠牢缚 艳侵痒坪琼共菱韵 觅欠夕谓属射 追额投硫
按下测试器按钮并保持 3 秒钟以上,烟雾传感器会发 出清除响亮的脉动报警讯号,同时发光二极管快速闪烁:把 烟雾吹入探测器中烟雾传感器同时会发出警告信号。 四、安装维护注意事项:
●不可安装高于温度、高风的地、否则会影响灵敏度; ● 为保持传感器工作效率良好,每融 6 个月需清洁传感器,先 把电源关掉,再用软毛刷轻扫灰尘便可,再把电源启动。
1、 太接近门口,窗户,风扇等地方均会影响警报器的灵敏。
联网型烟雾报警器 烟雾报报警器适用安装在少烟、禁烟场所探测烟雾离子, 能够准确地检测烟雾,当烟雾浓度超过限量时,传感器发出 声光告警,并向采集器输出告警信号。
一、 技艺术参数: ►电 源:12VDC:(用户可订制 24V,220VAC 供电形式) ►工作电流:静电流小于 10UA,报警工作电流在 10-30MA 之间; ►输出形式:干接点,警戒时输出关开路,报警时输出短路, 阻抗小于 50 欧; ►烟雾灵敏度:符合 UL 的 217 号标准。工厂测试准值为每 英尺 3.2%的微弱灰尘,传感器有反应; ►工作环境:-5˚C-50˚C,10-90%无冷凝; ►蜂鸣器声量强度:10 英尺为 85 分贝。
二、 安装及应用:
因为这些地方一般空气流通较快。 2、 不可安装於高 5ºC。 简易保养: **每隔 6 个月便需清洁警报器一次以保持工作效率良好,先 把电源关掉,再用软毛刷轻扫灰尘便可。再把电源启动。 若发现以下问题: 1、 按了测试健但不发声 2、烟雾测试但不发声 3、预备灯不再隐定闪动 可尝试以下各项以作改善:
1、 检查电源是否如常运作 2、简单地清洁一下 3、可请电工彻底检查 如以上办法仍不能改善情况,请不要尝试修理。若警报器尚 在保养期内,请连同购买日期证明(发票),一并退回本公 司。
●先选择合适区域、用螺钉固定定座,将烟感分线连接后旋 在固定座上。 ●房间内每 25—40 平方米装一个烟感,重要设备上方 0.5— 2.5 米安装烟感。
的背面靠到安装的位置口,并顺时针转动。并确信这两个螺 钉头已给滑入腰形孔中。轻轻按下测试按钮一下探测器是否 正常工作。 (1) 工作,测试及维修的程序 本探测器在安装好之后就已处於工作状态之中,在此状态, 其上面发光二极管大约每分钟闪烁一次。当燃烧微粒被探测 到时,本探测器会发出清脆响亮的脉动报警声直至空气重新 平净为止。 测试 :按下并保持住测试按钮至少 3 秒钟,一个清脆响亮 的脉动报警讯号就会发出。这意味著探测器真正工作,在报 警的同时,发光二极管快速闪烁。也可以用把烟雾吹进探测 腔中的方法来测试探测器。 (每星期做一次测试以得证探 测器的可靠工作) 避免安装於以下位置
备注:非正常气温也许会导致误鸣,只需令空间空气流通, 警报声便待会停止。灰尘亦会令警报器灵敏度减退,请根椐 以上清洁方法以作改善。 三、 工作、测试程序:
本控制器加电后就处于工作状态,在工作状态发光二 极管每分钟闪烁一次,当探测到烟雾时,本探测器发出清楚 的脉动声光警讯,并同时输出干接点信号供采集器识别,直 到烟雾散去为止。