
中国与英国文化差异英语作文English:One major cultural difference between China and the UK is the concept of individualism versus collectivism. In China, there is a strong emphasis on putting the needs of the group above individual desires, leading to a sense of unity and harmony within society. On the other hand, the UK places a higher value on personal freedom and independence, encouraging individuals to express their unique identity and opinions. This difference in cultural values can be seen in various aspects of life, such as decision-making processes, social interactions, and even work ethics. Understanding and respecting these differences can help improve cross-cultural communicationand cooperation between the two countries.中文翻译:中国和英国之间一个主要的文化差异是个人主义与集体主义的概念。

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中英文化对比的英文作文英文:Culture is a fascinating topic to explore, especially when comparing different cultures. As someone who has experienced both Chinese and English culture, I find it interesting to compare and contrast the two.Firstly, one of the biggest differences between Chinese and English culture is the concept of individualism versus collectivism. In Chinese culture, there is a strong emphasis on the importance of the group and the family, whereas in English culture, individualism is highly valued. This can be seen in the way people interact with each other and in their attitudes towards personal achievement.For example, in Chinese culture, it is common for people to live with their parents until they get married and to take care of their elderly parents. This is because family is seen as the most important thing in life. Incontrast, in English culture, it is more common for people to move out of their parents' home at a young age and to focus on their own personal goals and achievements.Another difference between Chinese and English culture is the way people communicate. In Chinese culture, indirect communication is often used, where people may not directly say what they mean or may use nonverbal cues to conveytheir message. In English culture, direct communication is more common, where people tend to say exactly what they mean.For example, in Chinese culture, it is considered impolite to say "no" directly, so people may use phrases such as "maybe" or "I'll think about it" to decline an invitation. In contrast, in English culture, it is more common to simply say "no" if you are not able to attend.中文:文化是一个非常有趣的话题,尤其是在比较不同的文化时。

文化语境与词义的理解和翻译1.指称意义与蕴涵意义P9指称意义(Denotation): cognitive meaning, refers to the direct relationship between a term and the object, idea, or action it designates.蕴涵意义(Connotation): affective meaning, refers to the emotive and associational aspects of a term.陆国强定义为:指称意义:strict and literal meaning蕴涵意义:implied and suggested meaning2. 汉英文化差异文化:人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物资和精神财富的总和,特指精神财富,如文学、艺术、教育,科学等Culture:1.refined understanding and appreciation of art, literature, etc.2.state of intellectual development of a society3.particular form of intellectual expression, e.g. in art and literature4.customs, arts, social institutions, etc. of a particular group or people5.development through training, exercise, treatment6.growing of plants or rearing of certain types of animals7.(biology) group of bacteria grown for medical or scientific study.Nida(1969)认为,人类社会存在文化的共核,世界各国文化的共性大于个性。

面部表情:中国人在交谈中 更倾向于保持严肃的面部表 情,而英国人则更倾向于展
中文语境中, 沉默可能表示 尊重、同意或 默认
英文语境中, 沉默可能表示 尴尬、不满或 拒绝
中文对话中, 适当的沉默可 以避免直接冲 突,保持和谐
英文对话中, 适当的沉默可 以表示思考、 倾听或尊重对 方观点
进餐礼仪:中式餐饮注重使用筷子 和勺子,而英式餐饮则更注重使用 刀叉和勺子
敬酒礼仪:中式餐饮中敬酒礼仪较 为复杂,而英式餐饮中敬酒礼仪则 较为简单
餐后礼仪:中式餐饮中餐后礼仪较 为随意,而英式餐饮中餐后礼仪则 较为正式
中国餐桌交谈:注重家庭和睦,尊重 长辈,晚辈应主动为长辈服务
英文道歉:通常较为委婉,如 “I'm sorry”、“I apologize for any inconvenience”等
05 中英文化差异:中文更注重直 接表达情感,而英文更注重委 婉表达情感
中文委婉语: 常用成语、谚 语、典故等,
社交礼仪:中文 注重尊卑有序, 英语注重平等尊 重
餐桌礼仪:中文 注重集体主义, 英语注重个人主 义
礼物赠送:中文 注重心意,英语 注重价值
历史传统:中国历史悠久,礼仪规范丰富;英国历史较短,礼仪规范相对简 单 社会环境:中国社会关系紧密,注重人情往来;英国社会关系相对松散,注 重个人空间
在中国,人们倾向于使用谦虚的方式表达赞美,而在英国,人们更倾向于直 接表达赞美。

The comparison of modern society between China and United Kingdom in terms of youth culture,social welfare and threats.With increasing internationalisation, country is becoming homogeneous. That is to say, countries are being like each other. Internationalisation is a process where by countries with more contact such as economy and culture. However, the national character will be lost if the country blindly pursuit internationalisation. Modern British and Chinese society becoming increasingly similar, but still significant differences as a result of history, culture and traditions. In terms of China, during 18th century, the use of paper and gunpowder are introduced by China to other countries,however there was a decline during 19th to early 20th century and the Chinese society economically dominated by the West. Although China had little contact West, it established policies after the 1990s and affected the development of economy. On the other hand, the United Kingdom was an imperialist country during 19th to early 20th century, and then met a decline during economic recession. However, it began develop inventions and economy by the late 19th century after lost the colonies. Now, the United Kingdom improving so fast as people know that English begin as an international language. So, this essay will analyse the similarities and differences with relation to youth culture, social welfare and threats.The needs of leisure time reach a climax during the adolescence. Although there is a difference of social class, surroundings or cultural background, the hobbies and interests are the same. Both British and Chinese young people like playingcomputer games, doing sports. Generally, the Chinese young like playing basketball or table tennis while the British young more like playing football or rugby. In addition, there are several transformations in lifestyle, body-building, traveling et cetera are welcomed by the young. In about eighteen years of age, in the UK, more and more young people will be seen in the bar or disco, while Chinese youngsters like visiting each other at home or eating outside together such as cafe or restaurant. At the same time, social circle could be expanded through singing, dancing and making friends. But bad behaviors such as drinking alcohol or smoking could be picked up during this period. ' call to raise drinking age to 21' (bbc news,2007) said that the UK is one of the most serious place in Europe, a fifth of the children between 11-15 year old age will drinking at least once a week. However, David Poley (bbc news,2007), a chief executive of the Portman Group appealed that the government should make a real change in the alteration of drinking culture through education not the change in drinking taboo. Similarly, the Chinese young face the same situation toward drinking alcohol. Therefore, as can be seen that modern British and Chinese youth culture are assimilated by each other.Although there are several similarities between British and Chinese adolescence, differences are existed among the youth culture. In terms of the attitude to drugs, according to the British Crime Survey 2005/2006 (Drugscope,2006) claimed that the age of drug use is 20-24 year old age groups, which means more and more people try to use drug because of curiosity or other reasons in a young age. While in China, the age of drug use is about 35 year old age (xinhuanet,2009). Thissignifies that the user must have a certain social status or payment capacity of drugs, otherwise they cannot afford the expensive price. This is different with British drug addict.The second difference between British and Chinese youngster is the relationship with adults such as teachers and parents. In United Kingdom, with the age gradually increase, young people became independent in mind, to consider issues like adults. In school, teacher will respect the idea of the youngster so that they have pioneering thinking. At home, in the same way, parents respect the thought of children, and then youngster can learn to undertake the responsibility of the behavior. Therefore, the British young people could make own decisions and become independent. On the contrary, in China, although children have already grown up and became mature, even could control the behaviors, teachers and parents still hope that young people can fulfill the expectations of schools' and family's. For overprotectionism, the thoughts and actions of children are always restricted because of the enough life experience which parents have, and then it not only leads to a greatly reduction of youth's creativity and imagination, but also to a part of the young, childhood were spent in the supervision of parents' that was an agonizing flashback.The third difference is an attitude with regard to sexuality between Britain and China. Sexual protection measures are often overlooked by the young who never considered the consequences. For adolescence, sexuality needs time to understand, just like doing experiment. Young people think they are strong-willed, and will not bebullied. However, when these people are genuinely having a difficult time, and then will tend to seek partners and have sex. Therefore, the proportion of pregnancies among young people gradually increased. However, the attitude toward sexuality, the British young are more open than the Chinese young, after all China used to be a relatively conservative country. Chinese people are traditional and taboo. Therefore, the Chinese young are more politically conservative, this could protect the young far way from sexuality in a youthful age. Even today, most Chinese people adore the virgin. Therefore, in terms of sexuality, there is a big difference between Britain and China.In conclusion, although leisure time is similar between the British and Chinese young, youth culture in modern Britain have more differences with Chinese society with regard to the attitude to drugs and sexuality, also the relationship with adults.As well as youth culture, social welfare is another aspect of society where similarities and differences can be seen between British and Chinese society. Social welfare is a measure which provides assistance to community members and improves their quality of life. Both British and Chinese social welfare system have been constantly adjusted and modified, which already reached a certain scale and level at present. In addition, social welfare assist disabled people in education and employment. The most important is that both the two countries make a significant contribution in national insurance, national health services, personal social welfare, housing and education. In this way, the stability of social order is ensured, public good and cultural levels are improved, even the gap between the urban area and therural area is reduced gradually, and those effectively performances are all thanks to the exerting of concrete measures.However, there are still several differences exist in the specific measures between the British and Chinese society. Unemployment benefit, for instance, in the United Kingdom, Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) introduced that a person who over 25 year old age is paid £ 65.45 per week in maximum at 29.June,2009; the person who aged 18-24 is paid £ 51.85. A maximum of £ 102.75 per week is paid to the couples who are both unemployed. However, it depends on age, circumstances and other factors. JSA could provide assistance to the people who in Britain actively seek work or working less than 16 hours per week on average; or aged 18 or over ,but below State Pension age. While in China, the unemployed can be gained assistant by China's Unemployment Insurance System, then standard of Unemployment insurance payment is according to the principle of below the local minimum wage standards and higher than the urban minimum living standard level, specific decision is made by provincial governments, there is no uniform standards. Therefore, we can know that there are different policies between Britain and China in social welfare.In a different way, social welfare for the disabled also reflect difference between British and Chinese society. Due to eastern countries are earlier than Western countries in establishment of social welfare and security systems, the British social security system is more consummate than China's. So there are some measures which are worth to study for eastern countries. The benefit for the disabled in England (Adviceguide), for instance, Employment and Support Allowance(ESA), Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Attendance Allowance (AA) et cetera are all provide assistance to the disabled in England. While in China, although the government in the enforcement of disabled social security system is in accordance with national law enforcement, in different provinces and cities are still have different policies. Security system for people with disabilities is not perfect so far, which means the government in China have to improve policies and provide more assistant to the disabled. This is a difference compare with Britain.As can be seen from social welfare, British society is more perfect than Chinese society in terms of unemployment benefit, disabled policy and security systems. However, another aspect can be analysed is the threats to these two countries. Economy, for example, both Britain and China failed to escape the threat of the financial crisis during 2007 to 2008. It is a global problem which has influence on currency depreciation, business insolvency, increased unemployment, economic depression, sometimes even accompanied by social unrest. For Britain, unemployment rate increased by 0.5% to 5.7%. Large amounts of data showed that there is a falling in British house prices, car sales and industrial output, but a rising in inflation. Similarly, China has suffered a downturn in the crisis either. There is a decline in international trade, such as import and export, as well as high unemployment rate. But in overall, the influence compared to other European countries is not very serious. Beyond that, Both Britain and China are facing some issues on water shortage, natural disasters and environment pollution. Climate change and global warming, for example, Anup Shah (globalissues,2011) introducedthat as climates change and the global warming, species and habitats are being slowly reduced. The adaptability of natural ecosystems is declined as well. Therefore, every country should take actions to save the earth.Despite Britain and China have several similarities on threats, in terms of the living environment, differences are still can be found. For Britain, one of the most serious threats in life is endangered British birds. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) spokesman Andre Farrar (bbc news, 2008) said that there are many kinds of birds of prey are being killed, such as golden eagles, hen harriers, goshawks, red kites, and peregrine falcons. The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) also denounced the action of persecution. In the United Kingdom, people who found killing the birds of prey would face a fine of up to 5000 pound. Thus, Mr. Farrar suggested that the change of culture and the reformation of the shooting industry would be a good solution way. While in China, one of the most serious threats in life is the sewage disposal. Many of the country's rivers are badly polluted as raw sewage often gets the basic treatment. In addition, compare to Britain, the tap water in China cannot be drunk directly because of the low level of sewage disposal. Since the implementation of sewage treatment in China is relatively late compared with other countries, it is necessary to study advanced technology from Western countries. So far, a part of sewage treatment technology has reached the international advanced level, but it is still needs to be improved. Therefore, the environmental pollution situation should be controlled in a timely manner.As can be seen this essay has already given a description of the similarities anddifferences between the British and Chinese society with regard to three aspects. Whether the youth culture, or social welfare, or the threat, both two countries need to analyse the advantages and disadvantages. While in moving toward internationalization, national character cannot be ignored. Through the comparison both British and China should promote the common prosperity, boost social harmony.Reference:Anup Shah. Global Issues: Climate Change and Global Warming; Climate Change and Global Warming Introduction. Globalissues. 14, April, 2011. Access: 19, April, 2011. /issue/178/climate-change-and-global-warming Benefits - In England; Employment and Support Allowance; Disability Living Allowance; Attendance Allowance; Disablement Benefit. Adviceguide. 17, April, 2011. Access: 18, April, 2011./index/life/benefits/benefits_for_people_who_are_si ck_or_disabled.htmBritish birds of prey ‘at risk’. BBC NEWS. 22, April, 2008. Access: 19, April, 2011. /1/hi/uk/7360720.stmCall to raise drinking age to 21. BBC NEWS. Sunday, 15, April, 2007. Access:17, April, 2011. /1/hi/6551887.stmCall to raise drinking age to 21. Crackdown. BBC NEWS. Sunday, 15, April, 2007. Access: 17, April, 2011. /1/hi/6551887.stmHendry, Leo B, Young people's leisure and lifestyle, London, Routledge, 1993. Access: 14-April-2011.How many people use drugs? Age of use. The national membership organization. October 2006. Access: 17, April, 2011./resources/faqs/faqpages/how-many-people-use-drug sLijun Peng. China on the dynamic control of drug users under the age of 35, the proportion of drug users continues to show a downward trend. 29, April, 2009. Access: 17,April, 2011./newscenter/2009-04/29/content_11283942.htm Sue Heath, Rachel Brooks, Elizabeth Cleaver and Eleanor Ireland, Researching Young People's Lives, London, SAGE Publications Ltd,2009. Access:14-April-2011.Unemployment benefits: United Kingdom: Jobseeker's Allowance rates: History and etymology. Wikipedia. 29. March. 2011. Access: 17, April, 2011./wiki/Unemployment_benefits。

中英文化背景对比英语作文英文:As someone who grew up in both Chinese and English cultures, I have experienced firsthand the stark differences between the two. In terms of writing English essays, there are several key differences between Chinese and English cultures that can affect the way an essay is written.Firstly, Chinese culture places a strong emphasis on memorization and rote learning. This means that many Chinese students are used to simply memorizing information and regurgitating it onto the page, rather than engaging in critical thinking or analysis. This can lead to essays that are formulaic and lack originality.On the other hand, English culture values creativity and individuality. English essays often require students to think outside the box and come up with their own uniqueideas and arguments. This can be challenging for Chinese students who are used to following a set formula.Another key difference is the use of language. English essays often require a more conversational tone, with the use of idioms and colloquial language. This can bedifficult for Chinese students who are used to more formal and structured writing.Finally, cultural differences can also affect the way an essay is structured and organized. Chinese culture values hierarchy and structure, which can lead to essays that are very structured and follow a strict format. English culture, on the other hand, values creativity and flexibility, which can lead to essays that are more free-form and open-ended.中文:作为一个在中英两种文化中成长的人,我亲身体验了两种文化之间的鲜明差异。

英国文化及中国文化对比英文The cultural differences between the United Kingdom andChina are significant and reflect the unique historical, social, political, and economic backgrounds of these two nations. Inthis essay, we will explore some of the main aspects that distinguish British and Chinese culture.One of the most apparent differences between these two cultures is language. While English is the official language in the United Kingdom, China has Mandarin Chinese as its official language, spoken by the majority of its population. The written forms of these languages also vastly differ, with English using the Latin alphabet and Chinese using logographic characters.Another notable contrast lies in the cultural attitude towards individualism and collectivism. The British culture emphasizes individualism, valuing personal achievement and independence. On the other hand, Chinese culture is collectivist, prioritizing the needs of the group over the individual. Confucian principles, such as filial piety and respect for authority, greatly influence Chinese society.Food is a significant aspect of both cultures, albeit with distinct characteristics. British cuisine is often associatedwith traditional dishes such as fish and chips, roast beef, and English breakfast. Chinese cuisine, on the other hand, isdiverse and varies greatly across regions. It is known for itsemphasis on fresh ingredients, distinctive flavors, and cooking techniques such as stir-frying and steaming.Cultural celebrations also differ between the UK and China. Chinese New Year is a major event in the Chinese calendar, marked with family reunions, fireworks, and elaborate lion dances. The British celebrate holidays such as Christmas, Easter, and Guy Fawkes Night with traditions such as decoratingChristmas trees, exchanging gifts, and attending family gatherings.Religion plays a significant role in both cultures as well. Christianity is the dominant religion in the UK, with various denominations present throughout the country. In contrast, China is known for its religious diversity, including Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Christianity among others. Traditional Chinese beliefs also involve ancestor worship and spiritual practices such as feng shui.Another difference lies in the cultural attitude towards hierarchy and social etiquette. British society values politeness, punctuality, and formal manners. In China, hierarchical relationships and social harmony are highly regarded. Respect for elders and authority figures isparticularly emphasized, and proper social etiquette is crucial.These examples highlight just a few of the many differences between British and Chinese culture. It is important to note,however, that these cultural distinctions should not be seen as inherently superior or inferior to one another. Instead, they reflect unique traditions and values that have evolved over centuries. Understanding and appreciating these cultural differences can foster mutual respect and better international relations between the UK and China.。

中英文化比较的英文作文英文:When it comes to comparing Chinese and English culture, there are both similarities and differences. One similarity is the importance of family and respect for elders. In both cultures, family is highly valued and taking care of parents and grandparents is seen as a duty. Another similarity is the importance of education. Both Chinese and English cultures place a strong emphasis on education and view it as a means to success.However, there are also significant differences between the two cultures. One major difference is the concept of individualism versus collectivism. In English culture, individualism is highly valued and people are encouraged to express their opinions and be independent. In contrast, Chinese culture emphasizes collectivism and the importance of harmony within the group. Another difference is the way time is viewed. In English culture, time is seen as acommodity and punctuality is highly valued. In Chinese culture, time is viewed as more flexible and relationships are often prioritized over punctuality.Overall, while there are similarities between Chinese and English culture, there are also significant differences that reflect the unique values and beliefs of each culture.中文:谈到中英文化比较,有着相似之处也有着不同之处。

英国和中国不同之处英语作文(中英文版)Title: Differences between Britain and ChinaBritain and China, two countries with rich histories and distinct cultures, offer a fascinating comparison when it comes to their traditions, landscapes, and modern developments.The UK, as an island nation, boasts a diverse and vibrant culture, while China, with its vast territory and ancient civilization, presents a unique blend of tradition and modernity.标题:英国与中国之异同英国和中国,两个拥有悠久历史和独特文化的国家,在传统、地理景观和现代发展方面有着引人入胜的对比。
In terms of language, English is the primary tongue in the UK, known globally for its influence and reach, whereas Mandarin Chinese is the predominant language in China, characterized by its tonal nature and intricate writing system.This linguistic difference not only affects communication but also shapes the literary and intellectual landscape of each country.在语言方面,英国以英语为主要语言,全球影响力广泛;而在中国,普通话是主导语言,以其声调特点和复杂的书写系统而闻名。

中国和英国的对比英文作文英文:China and the UK are two very different countries in terms of culture, history, and lifestyle. 。
First of all, China is a country with a long history and rich culture. The Chinese people are proud of their ancient civilization and traditions, such as the Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival. These traditional festivals are celebrated with family gatherings, delicious food, and colorful decorations. For example, during the Chinese New Year, families come together to have a big feast, exchange red envelopes with money, and set off fireworks to ward off evil spirits.On the other hand, the UK is a country with a rich history and diverse culture. The British people are known for their love of tea, pubs, and the royal family. For instance, the British have a tradition of afternoon tea,where they enjoy a selection of sandwiches, scones, and cakes with a cup of tea. Additionally, the UK has a strong tradition of pub culture, where people gather to socialize over a pint of beer or cider.Furthermore, the lifestyle in China and the UK is also quite different. In China, the pace of life is often fast-paced, with people working long hours and commuting in crowded cities. On the other hand, the UK has a morerelaxed and laid-back lifestyle, with a focus on work-life balance and leisure activities. For example, the Britishare known for their love of outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and gardening.In conclusion, China and the UK are two uniquecountries with their own distinct cultures, traditions, and lifestyles.中文:中国和英国是两个在文化、历史和生活方式上非常不同的国家。

中文里的蝙蝠从古到今都象征福气,而英语文化中却与福无关,甚至有邪恶与憎恶之意,像“as crazy as a bat”(疯得像蝙蝠)与“have bats in thebelfry”(异想天开)。
英语中的凤凰则是复活与永生的代表,如“I believe that a phoenix that rises from its ashes will be even more dazzlingly beautiful.”(我始终相信浴火重生的凤凰将会更夺目。
例如,凤凰( phoenix) ,依照Br ewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable的说法, 凤凰是传说中的长生鸟,在阿拉伯沙漠上生存了五六百年,临死前衔草木筑巢,在唱完一首挽歌后用翅膀扇火自焚,然后从灰烬中又诞生出一只新凤凰。
在一种文化中提到某些动物时往往可以联想到某特征, 而在另一种文化中却联想不到任何特征。
这种例子, 举不胜举。

英国文化英语作文3篇篇一:英国文化与中国文化对比(英文)Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed educational experience. This, however, is not the case for students in Asia, who face crushing workloads and are often very disciplined. In the first part of her Globalist.The decision is partly based on an inability —or unwillingness —to spend thousands of dollars in tuition fees, especially given the suspicion that local schools are better anyway. After all, what more could one want from a basic education than a strong grounding in language, math and science, all subjects in which Asian schools famously excel. Our main concern is the ability of our son —and indeed the whole family — to adapt to the strict diligence that is expected of the Chinese. Apprehension increases when talking to local friends.China has a long history of standardized tests, beginning with the ancient imperial exams initiated during the Sui Dynasty.Shelly Chen is at the top of the class at the Shanghai foreign language school, one of the city’s best middle schools. Already near fluent in English, she is studying German and ranks among the highest inher gradein physics. Her goal is to get a full scholarship to Harvard to study biochemistry. It is not only Western expatriates that grow anxious when hearing about students like Shelly.Throughout England, politicians, parents and pundits worry that the industriousness and discipline of kids in the East are leaving relatively relaxed Westerners trailing behind. Though there is some debate surrounding the statistics, it is widely believed that North America is failing to produce sufficient graduates in sciences and engineering.Still less controversy attends the observation that math scores throughout the West rank well below those of most Asian countries. As a result, there is a deepening consensus that, in order to maintain its competitive edge, Chinese students are taught that all questions have but one right answer and there is little room for debate.North American education needs to move away from an emphasis on fun, flexibility and individual learning styles.Instead, it has to shift towards a more strict, disciplined teaching environment that math and science, in particular, seem to demand.This shift can be discerned even in Canada, where there are no college entrance exams, and where,standardized testing, memorization and rote learning have long been frowned upon.Nevertheless, there is a mounting chorus complaining that the prominence given to creativity cheats students out of a proper education.People like science teacher Sumitra Rajagopalan are entreating Canadian educators to adopt a more Asian pedagogical philosophy based on “constant repetition, recitation, grilling and drilling”. In the United States, the rise of China and India is putting even more emphasis on the demand for education reform.Tougher standards,New policies — such as No Child Left Behind —have led to an increased stress on standardized testing. In the 2006 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush mentioned the threat of Asia’s giants specifically when introducing his “Competitive Initiative”, a program that promises substantial funds for the teaching of basic math and science.But in an ironic twist, there is an increasing desire to make education more England in China. Many now agree that the lack of creativity in China’s education system will soon prove a major stumbling block in the country’s continuing development. Government and business leaders worry about a derivative,manufacturing-based economy, which is unable to innovate core technology, lacks major research and development projects —and lags far behind in creative sectors like marketing and design.A lack of flexibility and inability of individuals to take the initiative affects the entire service sector, paralyzing employees at every level. Arriving late for the set breakfast at a five-star hotel in Chengdu, for example, I, along with a group of other foreigners, found that the coffee had run out. Our request for more threw the staff into crisis.It was not until a series of meetings had been held and permission sought from senior management that a fresh pot could be brewed.Passing even trivial problems up the management hierarchy in this way is simply impossible in a sophisticated post-industrial society.China has implemented a set of reforms known as “quality education”.This policy, which aims to teach creativity and emphasize character development, has resulted in certain concrete shifts including changes to textbooks, an increased emphasis on oral skills in language learning — and various attempts to get teachers to encourage student participation.Most Chinese, however, are skeptical that anything other thansurface transformation is taking place. As they are quick to point out, the underlying issue —an education system rooted in standardized tests — has yet to be altered. Chinese students achieve near perfect scores on Western standardized exams. But when go abroad, they find themselves ill prepared for the education. Today, national tests determine which elementary, high school and university a student will attend. They are still the single most important factor in deciding one’s general career path. The weight given to testing is regularly criticized throughout Chinese society. Newspapers and magazines篇二:文化差异英语作文With the rapidly growing popularity of science and technology, the process of globalization made great achievements. We have more chances to communicate with foreigners. Intercultural communicator has increasingly become a popular central issue of the public.To discuss this issue from cognitive perspective, western culture is based on individualism rather than on collectivism. For instance, in the US, you always talk about individual rights. This is clearly different in China where a country is placed above yourown self.From the affect point of view, Chinese emotional expression is subtle but not directly. On the contrary, westerners express more enthusiastic. Furthermore, the Chinese people do not say yes or no, they are more accustomed to tactfully convey his meaning. No doubt, the Westerners would like to directly deliver how they think and what they want.In behavior, many behavioral differences are due to the impact of many aspects which cover environmental, cultural, historical and other factors. Do not ask for the age and income is a case in point.We should respect others. Respect for their privacy, their national culture, and religious beliefs. Second, we want to maintain friendly, and convey information clearly passed on through language or body language. Moreover, we just express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth. Finally, the misunderstanding of cultural differences, we should learn to accommodate.篇三:英国中英文介绍Britain, the whole is the United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland, in ancient Britain is known as the “day not fall” empire is England, Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland the United Kingdom.It is a capitalist country in Western EuropeTHE British national anthem is “GOD SAVE THE Queen”, which is THE translation of Chinese GOD SAVE THE Queen.And that diamonds are the country by, white heart red rose is a symbol of the country. In London, the capital of the UK takes a seat.The city of London a and economy, politics and culture in one place.Here, you can appreciate the wide of the Thames, Big Ben’s majesty.Britain also has a long history, from the earliest civilizations to Roman times, and then through the medieval period, the industrial revolution, the colonial expansion, and the world war ii, has been in the present day.The UK is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy.In this country, the king is the head of state, however, the real power in the cabinet, actually.Parliament is the highest judicial and regulatory institutions, by the king, under the house of lords and the house of CommonsOn the economic front, the UK is the world’s one of the important economic and trade and the global financial center.He is still theworld’s sixth-largest economy system, is the world fastest growing economy and one of the highest living standards.Among them, the household is its export of Rolls-RoyceBritish culture is also very rich.First,the education popularity is very high, it also promoted the development of the British education.Br itain’s education and academic research level is currently in the world’s leading position.The world-famous education have a holy land at the university of Cambridge and Oxford University.Except, of course, education, the British sports is also very rich.One of the most famous ball sport is football, rugby and cricket.Among them, the cricket is also known as “the movement of a gentleman, it is by 11 people alternating attacks by both teams and Fielding a team sport. And, the British are sports stars, David Beckham is the most typical representativeIn Britain, there are a variety of delicious.If you are in the UK, you can enjoy a hearty breakfast.The British for breakfast is very exquisite!Restaurant supply in Britain there are many different kinds of food, fruit juice, fruit, eggs, meat, wheat rice porridge, bread, jam and coffee, etc.In the popular afternoon TEA (HIGH TEA) was given from the UK, its a famous Victoria typeMore is also very suitable for living, Britain’s climate is temperate maritime climate throughout the year.In Britain, is humid warm all yearround.Especially suitable for living.All in all, Britain is a European country full of cultural atmosphere. If you want to learn native English and European culture, English is definitely a good choice英国英国,全程是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,在古代英国又被叫做“日不落”帝国是有英格兰苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰所组成的联合王国。

中国与英国文化差异英语作文Title: Cultural Differences between China and Britain: A Comparative PerspectiveChina and Britain, two nations separated by thousands of miles and centuries of divergent historical development, embody distinct cultural identities that manifest themselves in various aspects of societal norms, values, traditions, and lifestyle. This essay aims to shed light on some of the salient cultural differences between these two nations.Firstly, social etiquette plays a significant role in distinguishing Chinese and British cultures. In China, collectivism prevails, which is evident in the emphasis on group harmony, respect for elders, and maintaining 'face' or reputation. Family ties are strong, and personal decisions often involve considering the opinions and needs of the extended family. Contrarily, Britain is largely individualistic, where personal autonomy and privacy are highly valued. Politeness is expressed differently; while the Chinese might use indirect language to avoid confrontation,Britons tend to appreciate straightforwardness and direct communication.Secondly, culinary traditions differ greatly. Chinese cuisine varies widely by region, reflecting a deep connection with nature and health benefits, with communal dining being the norm. British food, while having regional variations, is characterized by simpler preparations, with meals typically served individually. Tea drinking is cherished in both countries, but while the Chinese have a rich history of tea ceremonies and prefer green or oolong teas, the British tradition revolves around afternoon tea and black tea blends like Earl Grey or English Breakfast.Thirdly, educational philosophies contrast. Chinese education emphasizes academic excellence, rote learning, and exam results. Parents invest heavily in 子女的 education, aiming for prestigious universities. Conversely, the British system encourages critical thinking, creativity, and holistic development. While exams are important, extra-curricular activities and personal interests are equally valued.Lastly, historical landmarks and festivals reflectunique cultural narratives. For instance, ancient Chinese architecture embodies Feng Shui principles, whereas British Gothic cathedrals and castles speak volumes about medieval European history. Traditional Chinese festivals like Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) and Dragon Boat Festival emphasize ancestral worship and seasonal changes, whereas British celebrations like Christmas and Easter stem from Christian traditions.In conclusion, the cultural disparities between China and Britain extend from the most subtle social interactions to grand national events and architectural masterpieces. Understanding these differences is crucial for fostering cross-cultural communication and appreciation. Both nations continue to evolve and learn from each other, enriching global cultural diversity.While this brief comparison only scratches the surface of these complex and multifaceted cultures, it underscores the richness and beauty inherent in the diversity of human societies. The ongoing exchange and dialogue between China and Britain not only highlighttheir differences but also reveal the universal human desire for understanding, respect, and cooperation among different cultures.。

本文围绕英汉文化差异在各自语言中的体现, 来说明文化差异、背景知识对翻译的影响。
[关键字] 文化差异一般风俗翻译、影响文化是一种上层建筑.它是建立在一定的经济基础之上的,而且与一个国家、民族的传统文化密不可分。
由于不同的民族所处的生态、物质、社会及宗教等环境不同, 因而各自的语言环境产生了不同的语言习惯、社会文化、风土人情等等语境因素。
因此, 在交流中, 人们总喜欢用自己的说话方式来解释对方的话语,这就可能对对方的话语做出不准确的推论, 从而产生冲突和故障。
翻译作为语际交际, 不仅仅是语言的转换过程, 而且也是文化移植的过程。
在很大程度, 它与文化因素、背景知识有很大的关系。
”吕淑湘也说, 翻译家必须是一个杂家。
英汉文化差异对翻译的影响主要表现在以下几个方面:一、观察与思维上的差异对翻译的影响英汉两个民族在观察与思维上是存在着差异的: 面对同一物体, 用以概括的概念也有出入, 因而语言表达方式也不同。
英语“black tea”在汉语中不叫“黑茶”, 而叫“红茶”;“brownbread”是“黑面包”, 而不是“棕色面包”。

中英节日对比总结英语作文英文:As an international student studying in the UK, I have had the opportunity to experience and compare both Chinese and English festivals. There are many differences between the two cultures when it comes to celebrating festivals.Firstly, Chinese festivals are often based on the lunar calendar, while English festivals are based on the Gregorian calendar. For example, Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, falls on the first day of the first lunar month, usually in late January or early February. On the other hand, Christmas in the UK is celebrated on December 25th every year.Secondly, the way people celebrate festivals in the two cultures is also quite different. During Chinese New Year, families gather for a reunion dinner on New Year's Eve, and people often set off firecrackers to ward off evil spirits.In the UK, Christmas is a time for families to exchange gifts, decorate Christmas trees, and have a traditional roast dinner together.Furthermore, the significance and customs of the festivals vary greatly. For example, during the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, people eat mooncakes and appreciate the full moon, while in the UK, Halloween is a time for dressing up in costumes, carving pumpkins, and going trick-or-treating.In addition, the traditional food and drinks associated with the festivals are also different. For example, during Chinese New Year, it is customary to eat dumplings, fish, and tangyuan (sweet rice balls), while in the UK, people enjoy roast turkey, mince pies, and mulled wine during Christmas.中文:作为一名在英国留学的国际学生,我有机会体验并比较中英两国的节日。
中国英国文化对比 中外文化对比 Comparison - Culture of Chinese and British

Thinking mode
Expression of emotion Lifestyle self-expression Relationships Confronting a Problem
Restaurant Manners
Noise level inside a restaurant – Chinese people do talk really loud — ALL THE TIME. Chinese people like to motivated others to eat more. Chinese always rob to pay bill.
Details of life
Restaurant Manners Punctuality Food and Beverage Traveling Line up
Transportation Definition of beauty Elderly ‘s life The child Status of Leader
The evolution of transportation over the last three decades show that Chinese like driving car, bur British are more environment friendly.
Definition of beauty
Status of Leader
This is Chinese characteristic that leader is so big anytime. But in British, the leader is just a job position.

中国英国教育的差异英语作文【篇一:中国、英国、美国教育的区别与共同点分析(英文)】when it comes to education, no country can ignore its importance. take the usa as an example, it takes effort to educate an entire national population and its goal of education is to achieve universal literacy and to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills to promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the general public.educationcontributes a lot to the progress of science and technology, the prosperity of the society and the development of the individuals. the usa, the greatbritain and china all attach great importance to education, and there are many similarities and difference among the three countries concerning the goals of education.the goals of the education among the 3 countries all include 2 parts. one is about the advantage of the society and the other is about the advance of society.obviously, education is both meaningful to the country and the individuals. the question is which one comes first?the usa and the great britainare developed countries. they have the similar social system and advocate individualism, so they share the same attitude toward the question, namely, the basic goal of education is to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to become active members of society and then education is supposed to promote the society and the nation.china is a developing country, which has a long way to go. develop the country through science and educationfunctions as a basic nationalpolicy in china. it suggests that, unlike the great britain or the usa, china seems to stress more about the importance of education to the whole country.the two different attitudes bring about different effection. in the usa and the great britain, students’choices on education are greatly respected. they can choose to learn what they love and teachers help them to find and develop their interests. however, chinese students are always leaded by teachers andaim at high scores. they are told what to learn instead offinding what they really love. they spend most of their time learning so they are often separated from the society. of course, chinese students always have a better foundation of knowledge than the students in the usa and the great britain.which result is better? in facts, the 3 countries should learn from each other. the usa and the great britain had better pay more attentions to their basic education so as to help students build a solid foundation of knowledge. and it’s necessary for china to try giving students more freedom of education. anyway, though working out a difficult mathematical is good,the society prefers those who can adapt to the changes in the21th century.【篇二:浅谈中英文在文化上的差异】浅谈中英文在文化上的差异中国与英语国家在文化上的差异体现在社会生活的诸多方面,也体现在地域文化的差异,习俗文化的差异,姓名与称呼用语的差异,交际用语的差异,数字内涵,委婉语和对应词及其内涵方面。

从语言学角度对比中英语言文化差异1. 引言1.1 背景介绍中英语言文化差异是一个复杂而广泛的话题,涉及到语音、词汇、语法、文化和交际方式等多个方面。
【背景介绍结束】1.2 研究目的本研究的目的是通过从语言学角度对比中英语言文化差异,探讨两种文化背景下语言使用的异同之处。
1.3 意义意义语言文化差异是世界各国人们在沟通交流中面临的重要问题,其中中英语言文化差异作为两种重要的全球语言,具有显著的特点。
[中西文化差异的影响]从高低语境文化的角度探讨文化差异对商务谈判的影响n’t understand this difference can cause mistranslation mistranslate so that cause social awkwardness visible, and solve the problem of translation cultural differences, understanding the background knowledge is the key to success in this paper that translation in two kinds of language in custom difference religious differences between English and Chinese word order difference between historical allusion and appellation differences, the differences of cultural differences on translation of this influence.Keywords: Chinese-English culture difference Translation influence一、引言文化又表现为一定的语言模式,英汉语分属于两个不同的语言符号系统。
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Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed educational experience. This, however, is not the case for students in Asia, who face crushing workloads and are often very disciplined. In the first part of her Globalist.?The decision is partly based on an inability — or unwillingness —to spend thousands of dollars in tuition fees, especially given the suspicion that local schools are better anyway. After all, what more could one want from a basic education than a strong grounding in language, math and science, all subjects in which Asian schools famously excel. Our main concern is the ability of our son — and indeed the whole family —to adapt to the strict diligence that is expected of the Chinese. Apprehension increases when talking to local friends.?China has a long history of standardized tests, beginning with the ancient imperial exams initiated during the Sui Chen is at the top of the class at the Shanghai foreign language school, one of the city’s best middle schools. Already near fluent in English,she is studying German and ranks among the highest in her grade in physics. Her goal is to get a full scholarship to Harvard to study biochemistry. It is not only Western expatriates that grow anxious when hearing about students like Shelly.?Throughout England, politicians, parents and pundits worry that the industriousness and discipline of kids in the East are leaving relatively relaxed Westerners trailing behind. Though there is some debate surrounding the statistics, it is widely believed that North America is failing to produce sufficient graduates in sciences and less controversy attends the observation that math scores throughout the West rank well below those of most Asian countries. As a result, there is a deepening consensus that, in order to maintain its competitive edge,?Chinese students are taught that all questions have but one right answer and there is little room for American education needs to move away from an emphasis on fun, flexibility and individual learning , it has to shift towards a more strict, disciplined teachingenvironment that math and science, in particular, seem to shift can be discerned even in Canada, where there are no college entrance exams, and where, standardized testing, memorization and rote learning have long been frowned upon.?Nevertheless, there is a mounting chorus complaining that the prominence given to creativity cheats students out of a proper like science teacher Sumitra Rajagopalan are entreating Canadian educators to adopt a more Asian pedagogical p hilosophy based on “constant repetition, recitation, grilling and drilling”. In the United States, the rise of China and India is putting even more emphasis on the demand for education reform.?Tougher standards,New policies —such as No Child Left Behind —have led to an increased stress on standardized testing.?In the 2006 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush mentioned the threat of Asia’s giants specifically when introducing his “CompetitiveInitiative”, a program that promises substant ial funds for the teaching of basic math and science.?But in an ironic twist, there is an increasing desire to make education more England in China. Many now agree that the lack of creativity in China’s education system will soon prove a major stumbling block in the country’s continuing development.?Government and business leaders worry about a derivative, manufacturing-based economy, which is unable to innovate core technology, lacks major research and development projects —and lags far behind in creative sectors like marketing and design.?A lack of flexibility and inability of individuals to take the initiative affects the entire service sector, paralyzing employees at every level. Arriving late for the set breakfast at a five-star hotel in Chengdu, for example, I, along with a group of other foreigners, found that the coffee had run out. Our request for more threw the staff into was not until a series of meetings had been held and permission sought from seniormanagement that a fresh pot could be even trivial problems up the management hierarchy in this way is simply impossible in a sophisticated post-industrial society.?China has implemented a set of reforms known as “quality education”.This policy, which aims to teach creativity and emphasize character development, has resulted in certain concrete shifts including changes to textbooks, an increased emphasis on oral skills in language learning —and various attempts to get teachers to encourage student participation.?Most Chinese, however, are skeptical that anything other than surface transformation is taking place. As they are quick to point out, the underlying issue —an education system rooted in standardized tests —has yet to be altered.?Chinese students achieve near perfect scores on Western standardized exams. But when go abroad, they find themselves ill prepared for the education.?Today, national tests determine which elementary, highschool and university a student will attend. They are still the single most important factor in deciding one’s general career path.?The weight given to testing is regularly criticized throughout Chinese society. Newspapers and magazines commonly report on the extreme pressure of the general exams.?Stories range from concern over the suicide rate to bizarre anecdotes like the one about girls in Guangdong province who are said to have bought up mass quantities of contraceptive pills and then taken them during the test period —in the hope of warding off the ill effects of their menstrual these concerns, there is little real impetus for the testing system to change. In China, standardized tests are seen as the only way to guarantee meritocracy and ensure fairness. The Canadian method of granting university admission on the basis of interviews and grade point averages is seen as far too China, many believe that in a system like this the best schools, universities and jobs would go only to those with the right guanxii (connections). China’semphasis on memorization and rote learning has significant consequences. Students are taught that all questions have but one right answer and there is little room for debate and original thought.?Subjects like history and politics are focused solely on dates and names. Even the Chinese language exam, which requires students to write essays, allocates grades according to how well one can quote classical texts and idioms.?Passing trivial problems up the management hierarchy is simply impossible in a sophisticated post-industrial society.?As a result, Chinese students develop what appears to many Westerners as a shocking capacity for memorization. Many are able to recite entire articles and there are stories of some who are capable of committing the entire dictionary to memory.?Chinese students thus regularly achieve near-perfect scores on the standardized exams of Europe and England. when they go abroad many of these students find they are ill-prepared for Western education. Chinesestudents with phenomenal TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores are often incapable of taking part in simple English conversation.?At least one graduate school in one of England’s most elite universities has now become wary of accepting students from China for this skills such as in-class participation, seminar presentations and individual research projects, common practice in elementary schools in North America, are largely unheard of in the Chinese classroom — even in most universities.? National tests determine which school a student will attend. They are the most important factor in deciding one’s career path.?Moreover, the stress on original thinking and strict rules regarding plagiarism often seem baffling to students from China. An American teacher working in Yunnan province tells of encountering this cultural divide when two students handed in the exact same essay for an in-class exam.Because of diffrent traditions and cultures,there are many diffrences between Chinese education and British education.Firstly,the Chinese education is "nine year compulsory education".Most of schools are public the tutions come from the the British education is also compulsory the school system is two-track system which included the public school and the private the tutions are free in the public school while those come from the students' parents in the private school.Secondly,the Chinese schools only have some subjects,such asChinese,maths,English,history,physics and so Chinese students must study these subjects every they must work hard that they hardly have spare in Britain,the students have chances to choose an elective cource to expand their knowledge and they have much more spare time to play than Chinese students.Finally, the Chinese educational system is very of students have to pass the college entrance then theycan go to college to study a in Britain, the students have many choices to are many technology body can enter without certisfication and limeted age.Although there are many differences between the Chinese educantion and the British education,they have some adventages and disadventages in some aspects.。