






1.商品名称:3M 476MP无基材双面胶商品毛重:12.5kg规格:1219mm*55m*1R 厚度:0.06mm 颜色:透明性能:467MP双面胶具有优良的粘合效果能防止脱落与优异的防水性能,加工性好、耐温性好,短期可耐温204℃。


3M 467MP 无基材胶带参考价格:¥26.10/m22.商品名称:3M 476MP无基材双面胶商品毛重:12.5kg规格:1219mm*55m*1R 厚度:0.06mm 颜色:透明性能:467MP双面胶具有优良的粘合效果能防止脱落与优异的防水性能,加工性好、耐温性好,短期可耐温204℃。



10 盒 / 箱 =500 个
双片包装 9502KN95折叠式防护口罩 ( 头带式 / 标准号) 箱 2 个 / 包,25 包 / 盒 10 盒 / 箱 =500 个
双片包装 9001 折叠式防护口罩 ( 耳带式 / 标准号) 箱 2 个 / 包,25 包 / 盒 10 盒 / 箱 =500 个
双片包装 9002 折叠式防护口罩 ( 头带式 / 标准号) 箱 2 个 / 包,25 包 / 盒 10 盒 / 箱 =500 个
XH003896970 XH003896988
环保包装 9021 折叠式防护口罩 ( 灰色,耳带式) 箱
50 个 / 袋,
10 袋 / 箱 =500 个
环保包装 9022 折叠式防护口罩 ( 灰色,头带式) 箱
50 个 / 袋,
10 袋 / 箱 =500 个
XH003880586 XH003823685 WX700901498 XA010009331
20 个 / 盒, 箱 8 盒 / 箱 =160 个
70071091899 XH003829310 XA010000512 XA010006584 70070709012 GT500078677
8210 舒适版 N95 防护口罩 8210VCN N95 带阀颗粒物防护口罩
8110S N95 防护口罩 ( 小号) 8511CN N95 防护口罩
双片包装 9004 折叠式防护口罩 ( 头带式 / 小号) 箱 2 个 / 包,25 包 / 盒 10 盒 / 箱 =500 个
9001V 折叠式带阀防护口罩 ( 耳带式 / 标准号) 箱 1 个 / 包,25 包 / 盒 10 盒 / 箱 =250 个
9002V 折叠式带阀防护口罩 ( 头带式 / 标准号) 箱 1 个 / 包,25 包 / 盒 10 盒 / 箱 =250 个

3M Scotchcast Electrical Resin 262 产品介绍说明书

3M Scotchcast Electrical Resin 262 产品介绍说明书

002623M™ Scotchcast™ Electrical Resin 262 One-Part, Class B, General PurposeEpoxy Powder ResinProduct Description3M™ Scotchcast™ Electrical Resin 262 is a widely used, well-known general purpose epoxy powder resin. A one-part, red pigmented, rapid heat-curing product, it is designed to provide a continuous, tough moisture and chemical resistant dielectric coating to a variety of substrates.• Fast curing• Excellent electrical properties• Excellent thermal shock and impact resistance• Excellent heat, chemical and moisture resistance• Good cut-through resistance• Excellent flow Scotchcast Electrical resin 262 is manufactured by a fusion blend process, insuring that each individual particle of powder contains all the components necessary to effect a complete cure and attain stated performance properties.Scotchcast electrical resin 262 is applied to an object that has been heated to a temperature above the melting point of the resin. On contact with the preheated application surface, the resin melts, flows to a controlled extent, then cures, bonding to the substrate and coalescing into a smooth, continuous, essentially uniform, thick coating. It effectively coats flat surfaces and corners, as well as, high points. Uses for Scotchcast 262 include moisture proofing and insulating armatures, stators, buss bars and toroid cores.Scotchcast™ Electrical Resin 262 – Typical PropertiesColor RedSpecific Gravity1 (cured) 1.34Dielectric Strength3 12 to 15 mil coating1000 v/milThermal Shock2 10 cycles-75°C to 155°C12 -15 mil coating 1/8’’ sandblasted steel PassesImpact Resistance212-15 mil coating 1/8’’ sandblasted steel panel Gardner 5/8’’ RadiusImpact Tester100 inch-lbsCut-Through Resistance2 – 1lb wt: 1/8 AWG wire130°C (266° F)Edge Coverage2 12-15 mil coating on flat38-48%Gel time2 @ 193°C hot plate12-16 seconds*Not recommended for specification purposes. Product specifications will be provided upon request.Test Methods1 ASTM D-7922 3M Test Method3 ASTM D-14933Corrosion Protection Products Division6801 River Place Blvd. Austin, TX 78726-9000 /corrosion Please recycle. Printed in USA.© 3M 2010. All rights reserved. 80-6111-0945-7 Rev AHandling and Safety PrecautionsRead all Health Hazard, Precautionary and First Aid,Material Safety Data Sheet, and/or product label prior to handling or use.Ordering Information/Customer ServiceFor ordering technical or product information, or a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet, call:Phone: 800/722-6721 or 512/984-9393Fax: 877/601-1305 or 512/984-6296Important NoticeAll statements, technical information, and recommendations related to 3M’s prod-ucts are based on information believed to be reliable, but the accuracy or com-pleteness is not guaranteed. Before using this product, you must evaluate it and determine if it is suitable for your intended application. You assume all risks and liability associated with such use. Any statements related to the product which are not contained in 3M’s current publications, or any contrary statements contained on your purchase order shall have no force or effect unless expressly agreed upon, in writing, by an authorized officer of 3M.Warranty; Limited Remedy; Limited Liability. Because conditions of product use are outside of our control and vary widely, the following is made in lieu of all express or implied warranties: this product will conform to 3M’s published product specifications and be free from defects in material and manufacture on the date of your purchase. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. If this product is defective upon your receipt, your exclusive remedy shall be, at 3M’s option, to replace the 3M product or refund the purchase price of the 3M product. Except where prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss or damage arising from this 3M product, regardless of the legal theory asserted.Usage InformationMethod of ApplicationThe rapid cure of 3M™ Scotchcast™ Electrical Resin 262 permits the use of highspeed production methods. The powder can be readily applied by spraying techniques as well as through the use of fluid bed dipping of preheated parts. Automated and manual types of application equipment are both available. Equipment manufacturers’ names can be suggested upon request.CuringThe cure of Scotchcast 262 to a thermoset condition involves a time-temperature relationship. The retained heat in application units having high heat capacity is sufficient in many casesto effect a cure of the resin without the need for post-curing facilities. For example, if an application surface can retain a temperature of 204° C (400° F) for 60 seconds after coating, it will be fully cured. Small articles, or those with a large surface-to-mass ratio, lose heat rapidly and may require a higher preheat temperature and/or additional oven- curing.The figures below represent nominal guidelines for obtaining the resin’s adhesion, impact and chemical resistance characteristics.149° C (300° F)40 minutes177° C (350° F)20 minutes204° C (400° F)60 seconds232° C (450° F)30 secondsThe user must determine the time required for the coated substrate to reach listed temperatures.Preheat Temperature RangePrior to applying Scotchcast electrical resin 262, the part must be preheated to a temperature ranging from 150° C (302° F) to 260° C (500° F). The optimum preheat temperature depends upon the size, heat capacity and configuration of the object to be coated, as well as the method of application. The ideal coating temperature will vary for each application and is best determined by experimentation.StorageLaboratory evaluation indicates that the usable shelf life of the product is twenty four (24) months from the date of manufacture when stored at temperatures not exceeding 27° C (80° F), providing the material is stored in its original container. Care should be taken when removing the resin from the original container to prevent inclusion of foreign material. After the resin removal, the bag should be retied immediately. This will help to avoid agglomeration caused by excess moisture. For best results, store in a cool, dry place.00262。

3M产 品 型 号 产 品 名 称 标 准 规 格 一 般 用 途

3M产 品 型 号 产 品 名 称 标 准 规 格 一 般 用 途

产品型号/ 产品名称/ 标准规格/ 一般用途3M 9495LE 300LSE 双面胶带 , 难粘表面之塑料、金属、泡绵等3M 9690 300MP 双面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品透明窗粘结3M 9495MP 200MP双面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品透明窗粘结3M 9492MP 200MP双面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品透明窗粘结3M 9009 300 双面胶带 , 难粘表面之塑料、金属、泡绵等3M 9019 300 双面胶带 , 难粘表面之塑料、金属、泡绵等3M 966 100MP 双面胶带 , 耐260度高温(FPC适用)3M 9079 3M耐高温双面胶带, 耐260度高温(FPC适用)9461P 100MP 双面胶带 , 耐260度高温(FPC适用)3M 9485PC 350 双面胶带 , 耐260度高温(FPC适用)3M 9482PC 350双面胶带 , 耐260度高温(FPC适用)3M 9460PC VHB 双面胶 , 0.05MM厚纯胶膜耐高温,FPC用3M 9469PC VHB 双面胶 , 0.13MM厚纯胶膜耐高温,FPC用3M 9473PC VHB 双面胶 , 0.25MM厚纯胶膜耐高温,FPC用3M 8142 光学透明双面胶带 , 0.13MM厚适用于触摸屏等需光透明之场合3M 467MP 468 双面胶带 , 一般工业用途3M 8008 8018 8608 988T 52330 55256 , 一般工业用途之双面胶带3M 7952MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 双面离型纸之467MP胶带3M 7945MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7956MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7957MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7959MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7961MP 200MP 双面胶带 , 薄膜开关,电路间片(含PET)3M 7993MP 200MP PET单面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品按键3M 7997MP 200MP PET单面胶带 , 适用手机电话等便携电子产品按键3M 9672LE 300LSE 双面胶带 , 无基材胶膜,适用于难粘表面,3M 9075 丙烯酸系算面胶 , 无纺布基材3M 6408 丙烯酸系算面胶 , 无纺布基材,纸基,3M 9448 橡胶系双面胶 , 无纺布双面胶3M 9080 丙烯酸系双面胶 , 无纺布双面胶3M 4930 VHB, 0.4MM厚特强粘性泡绵双面胶3M 4920 VHB ,0.4MM厚特强粘性泡绵双面胶3M 4615 丙烯酸泡绵双面胶 , 0.4MM厚高柔性,3M 4945 VHB 双面胶 , 1.10MM厚特强粘泡绵双面胶带3M 4941 VHB 双面胶 , 1.10MM厚特强粘泡绵双面胶带3M 4611 VHB 双面胶 , 1.10MM厚特强粘泡绵双面胶带3M 5413 Kapton 胶带 , PCB波峰焊保护用, made in USA;3M 7413 Polyimide 胶带 , PCB波峰焊保护用,made in China;8402 PET胶带 600MMX33M PCB波峰焊保护用;8952,8951,851,850,853 PET胶带,3M 471 pvc胶带 , 标示胶带多种颜色3M 5702 , , 黄黑相间标示胶带3M 5453 PTFE 胶带 12"X60YD heat seal tape3M 5421 5423 5425 UHMW-PE 1"X18YD 抗磨降低摩擦胶带3M 425 铝箔胶带 1"X60YD 一般性用途3M 9703 自粘导电双面胶带 12"X36YD EL片、薄膜开关FPC等用3M 9713 热压导电双面胶带 12"X36YD EL片、薄膜开关FPC等用3M 331T 蓝色保护胶带 1.2MX100M PCB电镀保护胶带,不锈钢表2K10,3K04,332,保护膜;3M 2142 美纹纸遮蔽胶带 400mmX 50m PCB过锡炉(波峰焊)等遮蔽场合使用3M 244 美纹纸遮蔽胶带 400mmX 50m PCB过锡炉(波峰焊)等遮蔽场合使用8152,8902, PCB电镀绿胶带 1000MMX50M PCB电镀等遮蔽场合使用610,600 测试胶带 1 "X36YD3M 616 遮光胶带 1"X36YD3M 810 隐形胶带 3/4"X36YD 一般性用途3M 811 半透明胶带 1/2"X36YD 一般性用途3M 665,666 双面胶带 1"X25YD 一面低粘性5952,5925,5962,465,ST-416,55256,55257,8018,8008,8004,4032,1600T,CIP-66,CIP-01; 4210,4214,5344,4229P,4211,CP5008,5012;7413T,7413D,5413,5419,7419;7816,7815, 57816,4950,4951,4609,4612,4611,4032,4008;5300,4799,471,5702,2328,2214,200,244,21 42,9996j,917,r3227,906b,900b,405,9022;9969b;1020,1015,1040,8592,8591,55230,8411, 5491;3M VHB胶带:4926, 4963,4941,4956,4919,4979,4991,5925,5952,5962,4943,4957,4604,4608,4612,4620,4630,4609,4615,4611,4646,4655,4920,4930,4950,4955,4945,4946,4905,4910,4951,4932。



3M胶带型号分类与用途3M是一个知名的多国企业,也是世界上最大的胶带制造商之一、3M 的胶带产品有许多不同的型号和用途,下面是一些常见的3M胶带型号分类与用途的介绍:1. 螺旋式胶带(Scotch Tape):最常见的一种胶带,用于文具、办公用品和一般家庭用途,如封口信封、粘贴文件和卡片等。

2. 包装胶带(Packaging Tape):用于包装、封箱和邮寄。


3. 双面胶带(Double-sided Tape):一面粘在物体上,另一面粘在其他物体上。


4. 聚酰胺胶带(Polyimide Tape):也称为Kapton胶带,具有高温耐受性和电绝缘性能,常用于电子器件的保护和固定。

5. 电子胶带(Electrical Tape):用于电气和电子设备的绝缘和保护,以防止电流泄露和损坏。

6. 室内装饰胶带(Decorative Tape):一种用于装饰和DIY项目的胶带,具有各种花纹和颜色可供选择。

7. 透明胶带(Clear Tape):透明的胶带,可在一些需要透明粘合的场合使用,如图纸、照片的修补和封口。

8. 防滑胶带(Anti-slip Tape):具有磨砂表面的胶带,用于防滑和增加地面摩擦力,在楼梯和斜坡等区域广泛使用。

9. 警示胶带(Warning Tape):通常具有醒目的颜色和印刷标识,用于警示危险区域、区分不同区域和标记管道等。

10. 重型粘贴胶带(Heavy-duty Mounting Tape):具有很高粘性的胶带,适用于固定和粘贴重型物品,如镜子、画框和装饰品等。

11. 剥离胶带(Removable Tape):具有可移除性的胶带,适用于不会损坏表面的临时粘贴,如海报和临时标记。

12. 钩子胶带(Hook and Loop Tape):也称为Velcro胶带,由一个钩和一个环组成,用于固定和连接物体,特别适用于布料和纺织品。




1. 透明胶带(Scotch Transparent Tape)透明胶带是3M最为常见的一款胶带产品,通常见于办公室和家庭使用。


2. 双面胶带(Scotch Mounting Tape)双面胶带是具有两面均涂有胶粘剂的胶带,适用于贴合两个物体的表面。


3. 耐高温胶带(Scotch High Temperature Masking Tape)耐高温胶带是一种特殊的装饰、喷漆和包装胶带,具有良好的耐高温性能和防渗透性能。


4. 绝缘胶带(Scotch Electrical Tape)绝缘胶带是一种用于绝缘电线和电缆的胶带。


5. 防水胶布(Scotch Waterproof Tape)防水胶布是一种具有防水特性的胶带,通常用于室外工程、灌装、船舶等场合。


6. 抗紫外线胶带(Scotch UV Resistant Tape)抗紫外线胶带是一种具有抗紫外线特性的胶带,适用于户外应用,如阳光暴晒、长时间的户外装饰等。


7. 拉伸片胶带(Scotch Stretchable Tape)拉伸片胶带是一种具有高弹性和可伸缩性能的胶带,用于固定弹性材料、包装等。

3M Novec Engineered Fluids 产品介绍.pdf_1701735150.111

3M Novec Engineered Fluids 产品介绍.pdf_1701735150.111

Aerosol formulations using3M™ Novec™ Engineered FluidsAerosol formulation is a challenging science, especially when you factor in the need for non-flammability, low toxicity, high solubility, environmental sustainability and much more. At 3M, we've made challenging sciences our business and developed a comprehensive line of low environmental impact carrier solvents for aerosols –3M™Novec™ Engineered Fluids. With the use of high global warming potential (GWP) solvents becoming increasingly regulated and restricted, it’s time to make the switch to Novec fluids, with all the performance, safety and sustainability benefits you need.Properties Unit3M™ Novec™ Engineered Fluids7100 /7100DL a7200 /7200DL a7500 7700 71D90bBoiling Point °C (F) 61 (142) 76 (169) 128 (262) 167 (332) 43 (109) Pour Point °C (F) -135 (-211) -138 (-216) -100 (-148) -50 (-58) -45 (-49) Molecular Weight g/mol 250 264 414 528 97 / 250c Maximum Use Temperature °C (F) <150 (302) <150 (302) <200 (392) <200 (392) <150 (302) Flash Point d°C (F) None None None None None Vapor Pressure kPa 27 16 2.1 <0.1 54 Heat of Vaporization kJ/kg 112 119 89 83 268 Liquid Density g/cm3 1.51 1.42 1.61 1.80 1.26 Coefficient of Expansion K-10.0018 0.0016 0.0013 0.0011 - Absolute Viscosity cP 0.58 0.58 1.24 4.54 0.40 Specific Heat J/kg-K 1183 1220 1128 1040 - Surface Tension mN/m 13.6 13.6 16.2 18 21.1Solubility of Water in Fluid ppm byweight95 92 45 14 -Solubility of Fluid in Waterbyweight12ppm<5ppm<4ppb<1ppb<6300ppm eDielectric Strength Range, 0.1"gapkV > 25 > 25 > 25 > 25 - Worker Exposure Guideline f ppm 750 200 100 TBD g200 / 750hOzone Depletion Potential ODP 0 0 0 0 0Global Warming Potential i GWP 297 57 100 436 32Not for specification purposes. All values @ 25°C unless otherwise specified.a Novec Engineered Fluids with a DL designation are higher purity versions of that product number for deposition applications when high purity materials are needed.b 90% by weight trans-1,2-dichloroethylene; 10% by weight of Novec 7100 fluidc 97 g/mol= trans-1,2-dichloroethylene molecular weight; 250 g/mol = Novec 7100 fluid molecular weightd Per closed cup flash point, tested in accordance with ASTM D3278 test method.e <6300 ppm, reference tDCE solubilty in water from "Industrial Solvents Handbook", Flick, E.W. (ed.) 1985f Recommended parts per million (ppm) for eight-hour average worker exposure per day as established by 90-day inhalation study. Study methodology based on American Industrial Hygiene Association exposure guidelines.g Novec 7700 fluid is low in acute toxicity and most applications have very low inhalation exposure. It is for these reasons that occupational exposure limits (OELs) have not yet been determined for this product.h trans-1,2-dichloroethylene has an 8-hour. time-weighted average (TWA) exposure guideline (EG) of 200 / EG for Novec 7100 fluid is 750.i GWP-100 year ITH, CO2 = 1.0, per IPCC 2013, with the exception of Novec 7100 and 7100DL fluids and blends containing Novec 7100 fluid, which note IPCC 2007.Aerosol formulations using3M™ Novec™ Engineered FluidsBelow are some recommendations to help with your formulations. 3M technical representatives are also available to help determine which 3M™ Novec™ Engineered Fluid is best for your specific needs and to help you with customizing your aerosol solution.Properties3M™ Novec™ Engineered Fluids7100 /7100DL7200 /7200DL 7500 7700 71D90Fluorocarbon solubility High High High High LowHydrocarbon solubility Medium Medium Low Low Very HighPlastic/elastomer compatibility High High Very High Very High LowApplicationsAerosol cleaners ●●●Aerosol coatings ●●●Dry lubricant aerosols /polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)●●●●Dissolving fluorochemicals ●●●●Dissolving hydrocarbons ●●●Reducing aerosol formulationflammability●Improving aerosol CARB VOCcompliance1●Extending dry time ●●Replacement forChlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) ●●●Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) ●●●Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) ●●Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) ●●●●Perfluoropolyethers (PFPEs) ●●n-propyl bromide (nPB)●1 Does not exceed the volatile organic compound (VOC) limits set by the California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board for aerosol formulations. It is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and that the end formulation meets the environmental and regulatory requirements of your area.Have questions? Need technical assistance? Contact your 3M technical service representative.We’re here to help.IMPORTANT NOTICE: The technical information, recommendations and other statements contained in this document are based upon tests or experience that 3M believes are reliable, but the accuracy or completeness of such information is not guaranteed. Contact your local 3M representative or visit /Novec for more information. Warranty and Limitation of Liability: if there is a defect in this product, your exclusive remedy shall be product replacement or refund of the purchase price. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 3M will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damage related to the use of this product.Electronics Materials Solutions Division 3M Center, Building 224-3N-11St. Paul, MN 55144-10001-800-810-8513/novec©2016 3M. All rights reserved.3M and Novec are trademarks of 3M Company.60-5002-0824-89/2018 ●●。



解释: 1.都是高增亮产品; 2.都是无卤产品 3.厚度名称上已经标示; 4.适用在NB等中尺寸产品上; 5.BEF2-G4要替代BEF2-G2 6.可简称如右:
TBEF2-GM(18) v2
TBEF2-GM(19) v2
所列产品都为无卤素产品; 都可以量产,品质保证。
• • • • D—Dual 结构:多层膜 特点:增光50-60%,视角不受影响; 原理:
NON prism
BEFRP3~1um coating
50 µm thinner
~50um APF
~1um coating
~50um APF
~1um coating
65 µm
65 µm
115 µm
BEFRP2-RC(24) BEFRP3-C(24)
• • • • • • • 有卤产品一般用II/III,无卤产品用字母2/3; BEFII/III产品区分如下页面,III--随机棱镜; 除掉一个BEFII 90/24外,其余都是90/50; 因为几乎都是90/50,所以可以省略不写; 5T代表PET厚度,155代表材料总厚度; AS, Anti-Static 抗静电; M—matte 磨砂的;T—transparent 透明的。




以下是一些3M劳动防护产品的介绍:1. 呼吸防护产品:- 非医用口罩:包括N95、KN95等多种型号的口罩,能有效防护空气中的颗粒物、粉尘、烟雾等有害物质。

- 呼吸器:如半面罩呼吸器、全面罩呼吸器等,可提供更高级别的呼吸防护。

2. 眼部防护产品:- 护目镜:提供眼部的物理防护,防止飞溅物、颗粒物及化学品对眼睛的伤害。

- 护目镜防雾剂:能够防止护目镜上发生雾气,提高工作时的视野与安全性。

3. 耳部防护产品:- 耳塞:用于降低噪音对人耳的损害,可分为一次性耳塞和可重复使用耳塞两种类型。

- 耳罩耳塞一体式:结合了耳罩和耳塞的功能,提供更好的耳部防护效果。

4. 头部防护产品:- 安全帽:可提供保护头部的物理防护,防止坠落物、碰撞等对头部的伤害。

- 防护头盔:在安全帽基础上,增加了对侧面和后方的防护,提供更全面的头部安全保障。

5. 手部防护产品:- 防护手套:用于保护手部免受化学药品、溶剂、刺激物等因素的侵害。

- 绝缘手套:用于保护工人在电气作业时免受电流的伤害,能有效降低电击的危险。

6. 身体防护产品:- 防护服:包括一次性防护服和可重复使用的防护服,用于防护工人免受化学物质、细菌、病毒等的侵害。

- 防护背心:用于提醒周围人员注意工作人员的存在,减少在交通等场景中的意外伤害。

7. 足部防护产品:- 防护鞋:提供足部防护,同时防滑、防静电等特性,适用于各种工作环境。

- 防护靴:在防护鞋基础上,增加了对踝部及更高位置的防护,提供更全面的足部保护。





BEFIII 90/50-5T的简称/别称:
BEFIII 90/50-5T AS的简称/别称:
3M 产品基本介绍
Prepared: Penn Zhang 2010-08-21
• BEF系列 ---TBEF系列(属于BEF,但单列出来) • BEFRP系列 • DBEF系列 • ESR系列
• 1 BEF—Brightness Enhancement Film • 2 结构:棱镜结构—Prism,所以也称为棱镜片 (包含TBEF),如下图: • 3 解释:棱镜层—Acrylic亚克力;下层— Polyester即PET层;角度—angle 90度;棱镜间 距—Pitch 。
解释: 1.都是高增亮产品; 2.都是无卤产品 3.厚度名称上已经标示; 4.适用在NB等中尺寸产品上; 5.BEF2-G4要替代BEF2-G2 6.可简称如右:
BEFIII 90/50-5M的简称/别称:
BEF3-155Tn = BEF3-Tn; BEF3-M2-155n = BEF3-Mn
BEF2-G2-155-MR BEF2-G2



无需预处理被保护物质。 施工简便。
1.测量尺寸 裁剪E-Mat
2. 包裹E- Mat
3. E-Mat封 边
确定具体封堵部位 明确具体封堵系统选(封堵材料)择标准
带保温层)钢管,铜管Insulated steel and copper pipes 电缆束Jacketed cables and cable bundles 小直径塑料管Closed or vented plastic pipes
For use with 适用于 混凝土,砖,轻质隔墙,防火木楼板 Concrete, masonry, drywall and wood floor Assemblies
超薄厚度(仅7mm),不影响电缆的散热。 高达8倍的遇火膨胀性能
长达100年的使用寿命 众多的国际国内认证报告和证书 最高封堵面积可达3.34m2 众多的工程业绩

可以运用在混凝土、石膏板以及 砌筑结构的基层。
化学膨胀 炭化层
• CECS 154:2003中国工程建设标准 《建筑防火封堵应用技术
3M Fire Protection Products
A Complete Line of Firestopping Solutions
Through Penetration Firestop Testing



















3m双面胶型号及特点介绍_图文3M 双面胶带胶带结构耐温型号推荐应用厚度基材颜色胶系短期长期 (mm)3M444 PET 0.10 白色 200丙烯酸 150? 80? 广泛地用在软性电路板散热片和塑胶中的粘接。

无基材纯胶高粘性耐高温,用于一般工业组装,面板冲型及其贴3M467MP 0.05 透明 200MP丙烯酸 204? 149? 膜合.无基材纯胶高粘性耐高温,用于一般工业组装,面板冲型及其贴3M468MP 0.13 透明 200MP丙烯酸 204? 149? 膜合.特点与应用:耐高温性能优良。

两面不同的粘性,一面高粘性,适合永久固定;另一面中粘性,适合重正面硅胶,背3M4377-50 PET 0.05 透明新定位的需求。

厚度是同类产品中最薄的一种,特149? 80? 面丙烯酸胶别符合薄型设计的要求。


正面硅胶,背4377-50的加厚版本,耐低温-40?,耐高温3M4377-85 PET0.085 透明 149? 80? 面丙烯酸胶 149?,耐高温性优良,主要用于元器件的粘接等。

闭孔结构的PE泡棉基材,高剪切力和及耐高温.主要3M4492 PE泡棉 0.8 白/黑 430胶型 82? 70? 应用于工业、汽车行业。

保护塑料和金属的滑槽.导轨和容器免受磨损. 无粘3M5423 聚乙烯 0.28 透明耐磨型 150? 107? 滞/防沾粘--能为许多涉及到油墨.胶水或密封剂的涂覆或胶粘类应用提供一个便于清洁的表面.初粘性和终粘性较强,广泛用于面板、电器、电3M55230H 无纺布 0.15 白色压敏胶 150? 70? 子、铭牌、冰箱、蒸发器等行业。

能耐温80度,有很强的粘接力持久性长用于广告及半透明3M55230 0.15 白色丙希酸工业的各种粘广泛适用于加工行业,包括橡塑行业120? 80? TISSUE 中橡胶条及塑料的黏结接.优良的耐热冲击及剥离强度,适合泡棉、元器件、3M55258 PET 0.125 透明丙希酸 120? 80? 电池绝缘体附件粘接。



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流体处理 生命科学 饮用水


医药 生物学 微生物 诊断学 实验室 食品/饮料
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© 3M 2011. All Rights Reserved.
较高孔径精度,较好物理及化 学性能
吸附过滤能力强,高效去除污 染物(包括VOC,余氯等)
© 3M 2011. All Rights Reserved.
3M复合烧结活性炭棒 (30倍)
其他工艺活性炭棒 (30倍)
专利的打摺膜设计和密封 (USP 6513666)
容积是传统滤芯 的2.5倍
© 3M 2011. All Rights Reserved.
聚丙烯外壳可以承受375 psig压力
- 去除化学污染物; - 抑菌成分; 其他过滤材料 –阻垢材料





• 工业级产品,是为提供各种各样非结构型 黏结问题的创新解答而设计的。一些配方 是为一些特定用途而设计的,其他配方则 是通用型,在全世界成百上千的产品组装 工序中应用。
• 主要产品: • IA34 用以粘接保温类材料, 初黏性强, 覆盖面积 大, 可喷可涂, 气味柔和. • 4799 牙膏状包装, 简便易用, 对疏松多孔表面的 渗入性低. 可粘接EPDM橡胶.
七十多年前3M首次发明了遮蔽胶带用于汽车 制造中喷漆的分色保护。今天,作为世界 著名的胶带生产公司,3M提供一系列的遮 蔽胶带及其它遮蔽产品,可以为您解决各 种遮蔽问题。
2214/200/2307/2308通用型遮蔽胶 带
中低温遮蔽胶带可用于多种固定,保护及遮 蔽场合,可在66C-93C温度范围内使用。
• 热熔的速度和结构的强度尽在掌握! Jet-WeldTM热固胶具有热熔胶的特点: 快速 的初始粘接, 100%固含量, 操作简便; 又结 合了结构胶的特点: 结构强度, 并具有韧性 和弹性. 这一产品的出现, 使很多应用变得 可以实现. 如家具, 窗框, 装饰品的装配.
主要产品 • TE-100/TE-200 适用于粘接木材和部分塑料, 黏度中低. • TS-230/TS-038 可喷涂和挤出, 用以粘接金属和多数塑料
• 主要产品: DP100/DP100NS/DP105/DP110/DP190/D P270/DP420/DP460 环氧体系, 高强度, 高韧性 • DP810/DP818/DP8005 丙烯酸体系, 高强度, 对金属和塑料有极高 粘接性能. DP8005可粘接聚烯烃材料。
九Pronto™ 快干胶
3M有多种不同种类的快干胶,有不同粘度、 形态,可分别适用于金属、塑胶、橡胶等 不同表面的粘结。



清洗再生耗水量 户型 家庭
200-250L 2卫以上公寓,别墅 3-5人
性能参数: 额定总处理量:50000升 额定流量:8升/分钟 最高工作压力:125PSI 工作水温:5-50摄氏度 产品专配螺纹规格:1/2英制螺纹 普通花洒的最大流量为5.8升/分钟,沐浴水温为38 度左右,花洒软管接口为1/2英制螺纹 3M全效沐浴净化器的额定流量为8升/分钟,工作水温 为5-50度,花产品专配螺纹规格为1/2英制螺纹,完全 满足日常应用
3M被众多对食品安全有极高要求的国际 国内品牌,如麦当劳、肯德基、必胜客、棒 约翰、美仕唐纳滋、永和大王、百事可乐、 可口可乐、雀巢、娃哈哈、7-11等,选为全 球饮用水过滤系统供应商

世界上超过90%内置饮用水及制冰系统 的双开门冰箱均采用3M饮用水过滤系统
产品特点: 独有不锈钢阀头及滤芯,不易破损,使用寿命长 无需用电,无需更换滤芯 “反冲洗”技术,反冲与直冲相结合,清洗效果 出色,彻底清理附着在网面上的杂质,保证过滤 效率 过滤泥沙、铁锈、胶体等大颗粒杂质
前置过滤 AP801/802
性能参数: 直径高度:18.4 ×35.4cm/18.4 ×59.5cm 流量:4.5吨/10吨/小时 最大工作水压:100PSI 工作压力:0.172-0.862Mpa 阀头进出水口尺寸:1”NPT 产品特点: 超大流量,为同类产品的2.5倍,独创的渐进式结构滤芯,有效提 升容污力 更添凹槽设计,令滤芯的有效面积增加 65%,显著延长滤芯的使用 寿命 高强度滤筒筒身设计,特殊一次成型塑料材质,承压可达 100psi 独特的滤筒盖内置卸压阀,令更换滤芯更安全,置入式滤芯 过滤铁锈、悬浮物、尘土、颗粒杂质、碎屑等

3M Dual Lock 重组锁定快速接缠器 SJ3562 产品描述说明书

3M Dual Lock 重组锁定快速接缠器 SJ3562 产品描述说明书

ASK A 3M EXPERTJune, 20143M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fastener SJ3562Product Description3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners are positive locking, hidden fasteners designed for use in a variety ofattachment solutions. They consist of continuous strips of polyole n stems with a mushroom shaped topprotruding up from the backing. When snapped together the mushroom shaped caps interlock producing astrong reliable Fastener.The standard Dual Lock fasteners are available in three di erent stem densities (170, 250 and 400) referring tothe approximate number of stems per square inch. (26, 39, 62 stems per square centimeter) By inter-lockingdi erent stem density combinations you can create the strength that suits your application; more total stemsgive higher strength. The Dual Lock Reclosable fasteners can be mated in the following combinations ofincreasing closure strength: Type 170 to Type 250, Type 170 to Type 400, Type 250 to Type 250 and Type250 to Type 400. We do not recommend using the Type 170 to 170 because it does not have enough strengthfor a good connection. We do not recommend using the Type 400 to 400 because it is too strong and maycause stems and heads to rip out rendering the fastener no longer reclosable.The Dual Lock Low Pro le has one stem density of approximately 705 stems per square inch and theyinterlock to themselves. The low pro le products are not intended to mate to the standard size Dual Lock.There are a variety of pressure sensitive adhesives available with Dual Lock to cover most application needs.The pressure sensitive adhesive makes the Dual Lock easy to use, simply remove the liner, place the Dual Lockand apply rm consistent pressure to assure good contact with the substrate you are adhering. We also o ernon-adhesive backed Dual Lock for applications where the PSA does not meet your needs.Product Features•Easy Alignment: Dual Lock fasteners engage in any direction or position. The mushroom stems slide intoposition until they are engaged by snapping together applying rm pressure, this eliminates concerns aboutmisalignment or spontaneous engagement.•Positive Locking: Dual Lock fasteners engage/fasten with an audible snap and detectable movement assuringcomplete and secure closure.•Reclosability: Dual Lock fasteners can be opened and closed for multiple closure applications (high cyclelife).•Blind Attachment: Dual Lock fasteners can be attached on the backside of substrate (i.e. trim piece) where itwill not interrupt the show surface.•Rattle-Free: Dual Lock fasteners will not rattle loose.•Ease of Assembly: Dual Lock fasteners can be used to attach components before they enter the nalassembly plant, reducing the number of parts and the assembly time. No tools are required.•Adjustable Strength: By selecting di erent combinations of the various stem densities of the Dual Lock thefastener can be designed to meet the strength needs of the designer.•Product Forms: Dual Lock fasteners come in a variety of forms: Backed with Pressure Sensitive adhesive,Non-woven, Rigid backed, Die Cut Shapes, and low pro le.•Attachment Methods: The wide varieties of Dual Lock fasteners allow a design engineer exibility to be ableuse and attach Dual Lock to just about any substrate or application. Peel and stick pressure sensitive adhesivebacked is quick and easy yet strong and secure. Non-woven backed can be used with a variety of adhesivechoices such as hot melt, liquid, epoxies, sealants, etc. We have parts that can be attached with a screw orrivet; rigid and plain backed for developing your own special device.General InformationPressure Senstive Adhesive backed productProduct Family: Acrylic PSA VHB rm type backing for medium to high surface energy attachmentTechnical Information NoteThe following technical information and data should be considered representative or typical only and should not be used for speci cation purposes.Typical Physical PropertiesProperty Values Dual Lock Color Clear Adhesive Color Clear Thickness3.51 mm 138 mil Engaged to itself or to one of the same family 5.74 mm 226 mil Stems 26 Stems/cm²170 Stems/in²Liner Material Silicone treated Polyole n with Red printing Liner Thickness 0.1 mm 4 mil Liner ColorClearTypical Performance CharacteristicsPropertyValues Temperature Resistance104 °C220 °FDynamic Tensile (Engage)Substrate 9 N/cm²13 lb/in²Type 170 to 25014.5 N/cm²21 lb/in²Type 170 to 40015.2 N/cm²22 lb/in²Type 250 to 25021.4 N/cm²31 lb/in²Type 250 to 40018.5 N/cm²27 lb/in²Low Pro le to Low Pro leProperty: Dynamic Tensile (Engage)Table continued on next pageDynamic Tensile (Disengage)Substrate 18.5 N/cm²27 lb/in²Type 170 to 25029.6 N/cm²43 lb/in²Type 170 to 40029.6 N/cm²43 lb/in²Type 250 to 250Dynamic Tensile (Disengage)Substrate41.4 N/cm²60 lb/in²Type 250 to 400 Property: Dynamic Tensile (Disengage)Dynamic Shear Substrate9.8 N/cm²14 lb/in²Type 170 to 25014.5 N/cm²21 lb/in²Type 170 to 40015 N/cm²22 lb/in²Type 250 to 250 41.3 N/cm²59 lb/in²Type 250 to 400 Property: Dynamic ShearCleavage Strength Substrate21 N/cm width12 lb/in width Type 170 to 250 35 N/cm width20 lb/in width Type 170 to 400 42 N/cm width24 lb/in width Type 250 to 250 56 N/cm width32 lb/in width Type 250 to 400 Property: Cleavage Strengthnotes: Rigid backed from Rigid backedT-Peel Adhesion Substrate1.2 N/cm width0.7 lb/in width Type 170 to 2502.5 N/cm width 1.4 lb/in width Type 170 to 4003.3 N/cm width 1.9 lb/in width Type 250 to 250 2.6 N/cm width 1.5 lb/in width Type 250 to 400Property: T-Peel Adhesionnotes: Flexible from Flexible90° Peel Adhesion Substrate3.2 N/cm width 1.8 lb/in width Type 170 to 250 5.4 N/cm width 3.1 lb/in width Type 170 to 400 8.1 N/cm width4.1 lb/in width Type 250 to 250 8.1 N/cm width 4.6 lb/in width Type 250 to 400Property: 90° Peel Adhesionnotes: Flexible from RigidCycle Life Substrate1000Type 170 to 2501000Type 170 to 4001000Type 250 to 2501000Type 250 to 400Property: Cycle Lifenotes: Number of closures before losing 50% of original strengthNoteThe following technical information and data is intended as a guideline to assist customers in selecting 3M™ Reclosable Fasteners for further evaluation. This technical information is not product release speci cations or standards. Unless stated di erently, the typical system performance and product properties were obtained using speci c test methods under controlled laboratory conditions of 72°F± 5°F and 50% ± 10% relative humidity. The user is responsible for evaluating 3M reclosable fasteners under expected use conditions to ensure suitable performance for the intended application.These are typical values which were gathered from testing the PSA backed materials. Similar values can be expected when the Dual Lock is held securely in a rigid fashion.Tests were run at 12 inches per minuteProduct Performance:Additional Informationnotes: This guide should assist you in determining which product will adhere best to your substrate for.Family GroupReferencesISO StatementTechnical InformationDesign Considerations• As a general rule, four square inches of fastener area per pound of static tensile or shear load to be supported is suggested as a starting point for evaluation. More or less area may be needed depending on speci c conditions or end use applications. Type 250 Dual Lock Reclosable fasteners less than 0.75" (19 mm) width should not be engaged to other type 250 Dual Lock Reclosable fastener as low disengagement values may occur.• Whenever possible design one side of the Dual Lock reclosable fasteners to be larger than the mating side. This will allow for variability or mismatch in Dual lock alignment positions, and ensure 100% fastening area contact. Another approach would be to design two rectangular shaped fastener pieces so that they can be engaged in a cross web/perpendicular pattern (crossed).• Dual Lock strength is proportional to the fastening contact area, and the number of stems in combination used. More stems and more Dual Lock used gives you more strength, less stems combined and using less Dual Lock will give you less strength.• Dual Lock disengagement strength/performance is strongest in direct tensile. Peel/cleavage mode is where it is most easily removed.• Final product performance depends upon a combination of factors: the substrate and its surface characteristics, the fastener selected, the application method and conditions, the time and environmental conditions required for the application. Because these factors are unique to each application, the user must evaluate Dual Lock and do any testing required to determine Dual Lock’s suitability for the user’s desired end use.Storage and Shelf LifeTo obtain best performance, use this product within 24 months from date of manufacture.SJ3560SJ3561SJ3562Thickness (mm) 3.513.513.51Liner MaterialSilicone treated Polyole n with Red printing Silicone treated Polyole n with Red printing Silicone treated Polyole n with Red printing Liner Thickness (mm) ColorClearClearClear1. Product PageUrl: https:///3M/en_US/company-us/all-3m-products/~/3M-Dual-Lock-Reclosable-Fastener-SJ3562?N=5002385+3293242263&rt=rud 2. Safety Data SheetUrl: https:///3M/en_US/company-us/SDS-search/results/?gsaAction=msdsSRA&msdsLocale=en_US&co=ptn&q=SJ3562This Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division product was manufactured under a 3M quality system registered to ISO 9001 standards.The technical information, recommendations and other statements contained in this document are based upon tests or experience that 3M believes are reliable, but the accuracy or completeness of such information is not guaranteed.Product UseWarranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer Limitation of LiabilityIndustrial Adhesives and Tapes Division 3M CenterSt. Paul, MN 55144-1000800-362-3550 Please recycle.© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.The brands listed above are trademarks of 3M.Many factors beyond 3M’s control and uniquely within user’s knowledge and control can a ect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. Given the variety of factors that can a ect the use and performance of a 3M product, user is solely responsible for evaluating the 3M product and determining whether it is t for a particular purpose and suitable for user’s method of application.Unless an additional warranty is speci cally stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature, 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product speci cation at the time 3M ships the product. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE. If the 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M’s option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price.Except where prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted, including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability.。



产品名称应用部位透光率%总隔热率%紫外线阻隔率%特性风光系列田园风光前档73 46 99 开拓金色视界,驱动高贵境界。

极致风光前档87 32 99 极至通透,犹如隐形车模,驾驭透亮新视界。

璀璨风光前档71 34 99 魅力畅销之最,隔热透光兼顾,全能完美组合。

恒色系列黑衣骑士侧后档16 52 99 中型本色,百搭深色车系,绝不影响GPS导航系统。

黑马王子侧后档 5 58 99 商务车系最佳之选,缔造您的绝佳私密空间,绝不影响GPS导航系统。

魅力沙龙侧后档38 39 98 百变潮流,不变本色,绝不影响GPS导航系统。

沙龙系列超级沙龙侧后档16 66 99 引领隔热巅峰,尽展银绿金属时尚风。

魔幻大师侧后档37 56 99 侧后档畅销之最,隔热透光兼顾,全能完美组合。

蓝色魔力侧后档47 48 98 彩色车系的百搭首选,蓝调魅力,百般吸引。

幸运沙龙侧后档51 43 98 浅色膜力,尽显通透,秀出金属质尚感。

宝甲系列防爆装甲侧后档38 54 99 加厚升级版,安全更放心,堪称防爆英雄。

至尊系列经典至尊侧后档24 66 99 金属膜与恒色膜的绝佳融合,引领膜力独创新科技。

魔幻至尊侧后档35 57 99 内反光低,尊享夜行安全,尽展驾驭风范。

魅力至尊侧后档45 45 99 隔热而通透,浅色车系的钟爱。

超级至尊侧后档18 64 99 隔热王后,银灰至尊,高档商务车系的至心之选。

晶锐晶锐70 前档74 50 99.9 百变炫彩,只为万千爱车。


晶锐40 侧后档39 59 99.9 隔热出众,隔紫外线超群,240层顶级防护,您的爱车最佳伙伴。



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• 螺纹密封胶使用前是分散在溶剂中的微型 胶囊,涂在螺栓等密封件上待溶剂挥发后 备用,在拧紧螺栓等密封件时,胶囊破裂 释放出紧固密封胶.可以反复多次拧紧打开 使用. 使用螺纹密封胶的优点包括:高扭矩力\对化 学品,振动和气候变化抵抗力强 \两种配方 适合各种汽车原厂的标准.螺纹密封胶可以 应用于:发动机螺栓\保险杠支架系统\框架和 底盘螺栓和螺丝\行李箱制动系统 \自锁式螺 钉
产品: SJ3742/ SJ3780/ SJ3741/ SJ5671
3M蘑菇扣固定系统是一种不外露,正面锁定 设计,可用于固定汽车内部饰件和其它部 件。产品通过蘑菇状聚丙烯钉杆的互相齿 合作用产生很高的抗张/剪切强度。另外, 搭扣可以通过分布不同数量的蘑菇杆数而 提供不同的抗张强度需要. 使用3M蘑菇扣固定系统的优点包括:容易 排列\带响声的正面锁定\可多次开启和锁定\ 容易固定\无振动噪声\多种搭扣固定方式适 合不同安装需要
为了方便客户使用胶带,3M包装产品部向市 场提供了一系列的封箱机。封箱机的机头 为3M的专利产品Accuglide II Taping Head。 3M Matic系列封箱机凭借其可靠的质量和 出色的性能得到了国内用户的一致肯定。 Matic封箱机有多种型号可供选择,广泛地 用于食品、饮料及各种日用消费品的包装 生产线。
主要产品:SJ3550/SJ3551/SJ3552/SJ3560 Dual Lock™蘑菇搭扣 适用于金属、玻璃钢、塑料等材质的高强度固定。 SJ3463/SJ3767 Dual Lock™蘑菇搭扣 适用于木材等不适合胶粘材质的高强度临时性固 定。 SJ3741/SJ3742/SJ3780 Dual Lock蘑菇搭扣 适用用汽车内饰件中的组装,如汽车天窗等。
特点:透明闭孔丙烯酸泡棉, 耐老化, 适合粘 接透明的材料。厚度:0.5mm/1.0mm典型 应用:冲淋房防水条的粘接, 透明标牌的粘 接.
特点:透明转移胶膜, 极高的剪切强度, 耐高 温: 短期260C, 长期149C. UL764C认证. 厚度:0.05mm/0.13mm/0.25mm 典型应用:柔性线路板的加强; 金属装饰条的 粘接.
3M产品 3m系列产品
3M公司创建于1902年,总部设在美国明苏达州的 圣保罗市,是世界著名的产品多元化跨国企业。 3M公司素以勇于创新、产品繁多著称于世。现代 社会中,世界上有50%的人每天直接或间接地接 触到3M公司的产品。作为世界500强的企业之一, 3M公司在2003年被《商业周刊》评为全球最佳表 现50强之一,并连续两年入选《财富》杂志“最 受赞赏的在华企业”之一。 3M的核心技术之一为微复制技术,它应用于整个公 司的生产过程,它能以极快的速度精确地复制出 物品。重复闭合扣件(Duol Lock)既能牢固地连接, 又能重复使用。灵活地被用于多种工作或居家场 合,其秘密也在于3M的这项专利技术。
• 产品: 4229P/ 4218P 4215/ 4216/ 5312/ 4212L/ 4213/ 4211 5386/ 5344
3M丙烯酸胶带可以在罩光漆和新材质的汽 车油漆表面和坚硬或强壮的汽车部件表面 使用,即使在严酷的环境下也会提供超级 粘接性能. 使用3M丙烯酸胶带的优点包括:卓越的应 力分散和吸收能力\高贴覆性 \吸收会令粘胶 剂失效的增塑剂\卓越的抗化学品能力\卓越 耐候性和耐久性.3M丙烯酸胶带可以应用在: 防擦条\踏板\遮阳板\密封条\后档泥板\铭牌\ 饰条\门边保护
• 主要产品: DP100/DP100NS/DP105/DP110/DP190/D P270/DP420/DP460 环氧体系, 高强度, 高韧性 • DP810/DP818/DP8005 丙烯酸体系, 高强度, 对金属和塑料有极高 粘接性能. DP8005可粘接聚烯烃材料。
• 热熔的速度和结构的强度尽在掌握! Jet-WeldTM热固胶具有热熔胶的特点: 快速 的初始粘接, 100%固含量, 操作简便; 又结 合了结构胶的特点: 结构强度, 并具有韧性 和弹性. 这一产品的出现, 使很多应用变得 可以实现. 如家具, 窗框, 装饰品的装配.
主要产品 • TE-100/TE-200 适用于粘接木材和部分塑料, 黏度中低. • TS-230/TS-038 可喷涂和挤出, 用以粘接金属和多数塑料
9495LE -PET基材 特点:300LSE的胶型, 初粘性极佳, 对低表 面能材料表面如PP、PE等有很好的渗透力; 耐温、持黏、耐化学品等方面表现也非常 出色。厚度:0.17mm典型应用:低表面能 塑料的粘接如PP、PE;手机视窗(lens)的粘 接.
9690/9795/9795B/9799/9088/9088B -PET基 材 特点:PET基材使胶带具有极好的加工和使 用性能; 改良的丙烯酸配方使胶带的粘性更 高, 稳定性更好 厚度:0.13mm-0.225mm. 典型应用:电子行业特别是掌上通讯设备的 装配
一薄型双面胶带 二VHB™超高强度双面胶带 三遮蔽胶带 四 Bumpon™缓冲垫 五 Duol Lock蘑菇搭扣 六 Matic封箱机 七 Duo-Pak双组份结构胶 八Jet-Weld™热固胶 九Pronto™ 快干胶 十 Scotch-Grip™非结构胶 十一汽车粘接系统
467MP/468MP -无基材 特点:透明状丙烯酸型纯 胶膜,无溶剂制造技术; 具有优异的耐候性能, 耐高温至232C;优异的 防水性能.厚度:467MP: 0.05mm; 468MP: 0.13mm.典型应用:铭 牌的粘接;电子行业薄膜 类材料的粘接.
• 产品: 5073/ 5074/ 5076 3M Beta 胶带是一种新颖的密封和粘结材 料,对各种材料有很高初粘结力,具有卓 越的密封性能,耐侯性和静态支持力. 3M Beta 胶带可以应用在:部件密封\内饰低 表面能材料粘接\内部缓冲物粘接(海绵等) \内外饰件粘接
• 产品: 2353/ 2510/ 4291
七十多年前3M首次发明了遮蔽胶带用于汽车 制造中喷漆的分色保护。今天,作为世界 著名的胶带生产公司,3M提供一系列的遮 蔽胶带及其它遮蔽产品,可以为解决各 种遮蔽问题。
2214/200/2307/2308通用型遮蔽胶 带
中低温遮蔽胶带可用于多种固定,保护及遮 蔽场合,可在66C-93C温度范围内使用。
Y9448/9080/55230 -无纺布基材 特点:初粘性很强, 特别是Y9448, 抗增塑 剂, 可以粘接许多塑料表面. 厚度:0.15mm-0.16mm 典型应用:各类塑料件和轻质薄膜类材料 的粘接.
高密度的丙烯酸泡绵基材、丙烯酸背胶,优 异的黏结强度,良好的密封性能,可代替铆、焊 等传统机械连接方式起结构固定作用,抗紫外线, 抗溶剂,可用于户外。
特点:白色闭孔丙烯酸泡棉, 强度极高,抗增塑剂, UL764C认证。 厚度:0.4mm/0.64mm/1.1m 典型应用:4920/4930可用于各 类家电,空调等面板或加强筋 的粘接;4945用于幕墙加强 筋的粘接,卡车或挂车蒙皮的 粘接。
特点:深灰色闭孔丙烯 酸泡棉,高强度且耐高 温,短期232C,长期 149C。UL764C认证。 厚度:1.1mm 典型应用:加强筋在粉 末喷涂之前的粘接.
• 工业级产品,是为提供各种各样非结构型 黏结问题的创新解答而设计的。一些配方 是为一些特定用途而设计的,其他配方则 是通用型,在全世界成百上千的产品组装 工序中应用。
• 主要产品: • IA34 用以粘接保温类材料, 初黏性强, 覆盖面积 大, 可喷可涂, 气味柔和. • 4799 牙膏状包装, 简便易用, 对疏松多孔表面的 渗入性低. 可粘接EPDM橡胶.
适用于金属、玻璃钢、塑料等材质的高强度 固定。
• Scotch-Weld™结构胶可替代机械或熔接, 使设计空间更大,更灵活, 连接面更平整光洁, 并且减轻重量, 经久耐用, 成本更低. 3M一直以来被公认为结构胶的先导厂商.为 配合结构胶的使用, 3M还开发了施胶系统以 方便客户的使用. Duo-Pak包装系统就是这 样一套系统, 它可以把胶包装在固定配比的 卡筒内, 用手动或气动的3M EPX™胶枪施 胶.
九Pronto™ 快干胶
3M有多种不同种类的快干胶,有不同粘度、 形态,可分别适用于金属、塑胶、橡胶等 不同表面的粘结。
主要产品: CA-4/5/7/8/9/40H/50Gel/100快干胶 这些单组份的α羟基丙烯酸的胶粘剂, 在室温无催化剂条件下可快速达到初始强 度。 特别指出的是CA40H,是专为粘接EPDM 橡胶而设计,可用于EPDM和其它金属等材 料的粘接。
超强丙烯酸胶带 产品: PT1100/ PT1500/ ST1200/ NT2000/ NT3000/ NT4500/ NT6000
基于全新平台的新产品-超强丙烯酸泡棉胶带, 如上图所示, 与一般丙烯酸胶带相比, 有着 更优越的性能: 强度提高了30%, 延伸率低, 性能更稳定, 初黏性更强, 黑色更隐蔽.产品 有PT和ST, NT系列. 超强丙烯酸胶带可应用在: 汽车外饰如防擦 条, 浪板, 饰条, 橡胶密封条, 铭牌等.
聚氨酯(PU)材料具有抗滑动性能, 持久弹性力和耐老化性能。高性能胶黏剂 对多种表面黏着强度高。 该产品主要是起保护和缓冲,广泛地应用 于电子、家电、家具等行业。 应用1: PCB隔垫 汽车电子中线路板的隔垫, 用于防止汽车的 振动和放热带来的影响,防止变形。 应用2: 风档玻璃装配 防止风档玻璃的冲撞及装配之前的校准。