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I loi e music* What kind of volunteer work could I do?

2.What would vou do if von had A million A nan?

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3・H£re^ your change.

4・ H CAT long have you lea med English?

5. Will you please help me with my English?



Many teenagers suffer from sircss. Here are some simpk ways io deal witli stress.

Firstly, keeping a heallhy diet, gening cnougli sleep and doing exercise are very imporiant. Hou p can you be happy if you are not fit?

For schoolwork, phiming ahead can help. Making a hst of die things you need【o do and planning wlien (0 do them can help y ou oreaniie your rime. If you are weak in a subject, studying hard and asking a leacher for advice can help.

You should pay no attention to people who laugh at you. Instead, you should think about die tilings you are good at.

Then you sliould also make cnouah time for your hobbies. Plaune. readin a stories and seeing films help you relix.

Finallv t it is suitable for you to share your problems with your friends and parents.



Can you say something that makes you happy?

Certainly. I can.Maiiy tilings make me happy and give me pleasure.Firsdy. going to parties makes me liappy.Wlien I go io a parry. I may ineei people from all alks of life. A T the party; I will definitely enjoy tnyself. leani a lot and make friends with many interesting pcopk5ccondh\ reading makes me happy.WTiencvcr I read a book. I will inaiiaae to work out uiiat the book is reallv about and the reading

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process gives me a let ofpleasureFor example, wlien I read a book about nature. I kam a lot of new things from the book.So reading is r^allv interesrins and benefits jne a lot



1.How do you like your parents?

2.XVhafs vour hobbv?

3* Wliat housework do vou often do?

4, Hou many people 融re there in your family?

5* What day is it tomorrow?



In our parent' eyes, we will alw ays be children w ho need to be taken care of no inatter how old wc are. For example. Fm a young adult now, but when 1 stay at home alone, they will worry aboui me and my life withoui them.

Most parents don't feel happy with (heir children because the kids simply don't undersiaiid them. They believe ±at [liey have offered tlie best [kings tliey can to make their children live comfortably. Parents buy tbcit children nice clones, cool shoes, and costiv school supplies. They ha\e done evenihing they can for their children. In return, they only want their lirtk ones to do n ell in their exams. But why can t their children understand all their effort?

In my opinion, there should be more parent*child discussion about childreifs school and life. Both parents and children should be open to the ideas and opinions from each other. In this way. parents can understand (heir children bener and vice versa. That is wliat a happy family really means * understanding and supporting


Should fronds be different or the same? Why do you ttiink that way? (Give at least two reasons.)

I think friends should be the sanie.On the one hand, friends who are similar to me understand me. because fhev know me well.^ e can share the same hobbies and interests.\\+e will have a loiof common topics ro discuss when we are rogeiher.On die other hand, when two friends are verv different, tliey ma\L not be able to get their ideas across to each other.However, tliis disadvantage usually does not exist among friends who are similar in character

