





在此给出一种适用于无线鼠标的无接触供电(Contact-less Power Transfer,CPT)电路,它包括无接触供电初级电路和次级电路2部分。

供电装置采用USB供电,电压为5 V,通过自激振荡电路产生138 kHz左右的高频振荡电压,经鼠标垫内置的无接触耦合初级载流线圈L31输出。


1 无接触供电电路原理图1为无接触供电电路原理图。


1.1 无接触供电电路工作原理理想状态下,2个开关管的参数相同。







D1,D2和C5,C6构成升压整流电路,经L4,C7滤波后由稳压芯片MC34063构成BUCK 稳压电路。


1.2 无接触耦合变压器工作原理如图2所示,次级线圈的负载近似为纯阻性负载RL。


c a u s e d b y t h e hi g h nu mbe r o f wa s t e d r y ba t t e y , whi r c h i s h e l p f u l t o r e a l i z e s u s t a i n a b l e d e v e l o p me n t o f t he s o c i e t y. Ke y wor ds :wi r e l es s mo us e; s po n t a n e o us e l e c t r i c; l i t hi u m b a t t e y r
第3 0卷 第 4期
2 0 1 4年 7月

Vo 1 . 3 0 No . 4
J u 方 案及 工作 原 理
余 子倩 ,李 洋 ,王 莹 ,张 亮
( 东北林业大学 工程技术学院,哈尔滨 1 5 0 0 4 0 )
t r i c t o a v o i d t h e e x c e s s i v e e n e r g y c o n s u mp t i o n c a u s e d b y e x t e n s i v e u s e o f d r y c e l l a n d s e c o n d a y r p o l l u t i o n o f t h e e n v i r o n me n t p r o b l e m
造 成 环 境 二 次 污染 的 问题 ,有利 于 实现 社 会 可持 续发 展 。
关 键 词 :无 线 鼠 标 ; 自发 电 ;锂 电池
中图 分 类 号 :S 7 7 8



---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------2.4G无线鼠标及RF接收器原理图12345678R2 VCC 150K VCCRESTSPI_MISO OSCO C5 OSCI N/A Y1 4MHz RA 1M C2 27P C3 27P主控电路RF电路VCC R5 VCC 150K RF_CS#R6RF_RSTC6 VCC 104R7 4.7~10RTVCCC7 10uF A150KAR1 20KANT U1 P55 P54 TCC GND SPI_MISO SPI_CLK SPI_MOSI RF_CS# LVD# PD#/ID DPI_BTN MBUTTON RBUTTON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 P55 P54 TCC VDD NC VSS INT P50 P51 P52 P53 P60 P61 P62 P63 P64 P56 P57 RESET OSCI OSCO P77 P76 P75 P74 P73 P72 P71 P70 P67 P66 P65 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 P56 P57 REST OSCI OSCO PKT_FLAG IIC_SDA P75 P74 IIC_SCL SNS_CS# ZWH_C ZWH_A ZWH_B LBUTTON VCC C1 104 C4 104L2 * CF1 *ANT 2. 4GCF2 *VCC+1.8V C16 30PF VCC Y3 12M C15 30PF +1.8V C14 0. 1uF C8 2.2UF ANT R9 680K U3 R8 560R24 23 22 21 20 19C10 0.1uF TVCC C9 0.1uF BSE28A DICE B 1 2 3 4 U2 A0 A1 A2 VSS VCC WP SCL SDA 8 7 6 5 R4 10KXTALO VDD_IN GND CKPHA LDO_VOUT VDD_IOIIC_SCL IIC_SDA24C02(SOP-8)IF_VDD AMS_VDD FIFO_FLAG RXCLK PKT_FLAG GND1 2 3 4 5 6XTALI PLL_VDD VCO_VDD ANT GND RF_VDDSPI_MISO RESET_n SPI_CLK SPI_MOSI SPI_SS DIG_VDD18 17 16 15 14 13SPI_MISO RF_RST SPI_CLK SPI_MOSI RF_CS# +1.8V C11 10nF按键、编码电路S4 DPI_BTN S7 PD#/ID S1 LBUTTON S3 MBUTTON C RBUT TON S2 RIGHT MIDDLE LFETCOM B A7 8 9 10 11 12DPI +1.8V PD/ID1/ 4C13 0.1uF SE1 EC10E8713 DICEC12 10NFPKT_FLAG3 2 1ZWH_C ZWH_B ZWH_ACR3 VCCRST5030#POWER电路B+ BT1 1. 5V X1 C17 104 C18 47uF L1 100uH 3 LXD3 SS12 U4GND低电压检测电路VCC D1 VCC C19 * C20 104 C21 100uF B+ 3 R10 *(150R)GNDSensor电路D2 LED120K R11 VCC *(100R)*R3在16083和A5030上使用, A5090不用R3. *R11在16083和A5030上用100R *R11在A5090上用180RVout2Batt_Low IIC_SCL 1 LVD#U6 SPI_MISO RST5030# SNS_CS# VCC R12 150K ADNS5030 ,16083,A5090 Vout 1 2 3 4 MISO XY_LED NRESET NCS MOSI VDD3 GND SCLK 8 7 6 5 SPI_MOSI VCC GND SPI_CLK VCC + C23 10uF C22 1041BL8530-XX(SOT-89)VinU5 BL8506-XX(SOT-23)D2备注:带*的元器件为选用或根据具体情况选定Title Size A4 Date: File: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number Revision Sheet of Drawn By: 7DGiGa HiD-V2-SE-5030/16083/509020100309 WYJ8V2.3---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 1234AARF电路+1.8V 3V3 C9 0.1uF R3 3.3R RF3V3 C8 0.1uF C7 4.7uF/6.3V主控电路3V3 C2 4.7uF/6.3VD+ 3V3 GND OSCO OSCI+5V C5 4.7uF/10V C1 104OSCOC4 Y1 12M30P(15P)OSCI C3 24P(12P)DSPI_MISO RF_RST#24 23 22 21 20 19OSCI B +1.8V 2.2nF C11 2.2UF ANT L2 ANT1 * CF1 *RFIXP54 P55 P56 P57 P60C141 2 3 4 5D+ V3.3 VSS OSCO OSCI20 19 18 17 16DP92 P93 P52 P53VDD P66 P65 P62 P6115 14 13 12 11+5V LED# E2_WP ID_KEY IIC_SDA BXTALO VDD_IN GND CKPHA LDO_VOUT VDD_IOIF_VDD AMS_VDD FIFO_FLAG RXCLK PKT_FLAG GND1 2 3 4 5 6XTALI PLL_VDD VCO_VDD ANT GND RF_VDDSPI_MISO RESET_n SPI_CLK SPI_MOSI SPI_SS DIG_VDD18 17 16 15 14 13SPI_MISO RF_RST# SPI_CLK SPI_MOSI RF_CS# +1.8V C10 10nF C13 0.1uF R2 3V3 10KSPI_CLK 6 SPI_MOSI 7 8 RF_CS# PKT_FLAG 9 IIC_SCL 10U2 SE95CQ(QFN-20)或SE95CD(DICE)以上是SE95BQ/SE95BD 的升级版1 2 3 SCL GND SDA WP VCC 5 4 E2_WP 3V3 C6 104IIC_SCL GND IIC_SDA+1.8V PKT_FLAG C C12 0.1uF 3V3 R1根据 D1的LED特性确定 R1 0-560R D1 LED LED# +5V DD+ R11 3.3R R9 R10 USBA 33R 33R 1 2 3 4 VCC DD+ GND57 8 9 10 11 12U1 R8713(QFN-24)或8713(DICE)U3 SE24C02TB(TSOT-23-5)CID_KEYL1 SID ID KEY选用电路Bead 需过安规时,R9,R10 ,R11 ,L1用上述值否则直接短路DTitle Size A4 Date: File: 1 2 3GiGa HiD 2.4G Nano RX接收器原理图NumberDGiGa HiD-V2-SE-Nano RXSheet of Drawn By: WYJ3/ 44RevisionV2.320100131。

































































鼠标IC(Integrated Circuit)方案是指鼠标硬件设计中的集成电路方案,它负责处理鼠标的信号输入、解码、处理和输出,保证鼠标操作的准确性和稳定性。















常见的IC方案光学鼠标IC方案1.Avago ADNS-3050:Avago ADNS-3050是一种常见的光学鼠标IC方案,具有高精度和低功耗的特点。



2.PixArt PMW3360:PixArt PMW3360是一种高性能的光学鼠标IC方案,具有极高的分辨率和准确性。
























MEMS 加速度传感器则用于感知使用者的动作,通过将这些动作定义为特殊指令。








无线鼠标电路设计及算法实现周成虎;李小魁;韩大伟【摘要】文中设计的无线鼠标包含发射电路和接收电路两部分,发射电路先采用光传感器ADNS5030检测鼠标的移动信息,然后输出到内置单片机的无线模块CC2430的I/O口,通过CC2430控制并将此信息发射到接收电路,接收电路接收到移动信息后,根据鼠标位移状态机解码算法,得到移动信息及按键信息,通过HT82M98A处理后将信息传给计算机,计算机自动完成相应动作;然后不断的循环;经测试,该电路不仅具备普通有线鼠标的全部功能,还可远距离灵活操纵鼠标,在大礼堂等开阔场所可达80 m以上;计算机自动识别无线鼠标接收电路,不需要额外安装程序,每一次鼠标信号处理总时间不大于1 ms,无线鼠标移动灵活,无停滞现象.%This paper designed wireless mouse contains launch circuit and receiving circuit two parts. The first launch circuit light sensor ADNS5030 detection the mobile information of, mouse and then the output to the built—in wireless module of single chip CC2430 I/O mouth, through the CC2430 control and to this information launch to receiving circuit. Receiving circuit receives mobile information, according to the mouse displacement state machine decoding algorithm, get mobile information and key information, through the HT82M98A treatment will be information on to the computer, the computer automatically complete the corresponding action. Then continuously circulation. By test, this circuit has not only all of the functions of ordinary cable the mouse, and can distance flexible control the mouse, and in the auditorium open place, can reach more than 80 m. Computer automatic identification wireless mousereceiving circuit, do not need extra installation program. Each time the mouse signal processing is no more than the total time 1 ms, wireless mouse flexible, no stagnation phenomenon.【期刊名称】《计算机测量与控制》【年(卷),期】2012(020)012【总页数】3页(P3329-3331)【关键词】无线鼠标;无线模块;无线射频;发射与接收【作者】周成虎;李小魁;韩大伟【作者单位】河南工程学院电气信息工程系,郑州 451191;河南工程学院电气信息工程系,郑州 451191;河南工程学院电气信息工程系,郑州 451191【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN9230 引言随着计算机技术的发展,有线鼠标的连线给使用者带来许多不便。

2.4G 无线鼠标原理图

2.4G 无线鼠标原理图

ADNB-7051-EV and ADNB-7052-EV Low Power Laser Mouse Bundles Data SheetDescriptionThe Avago Technologies ADNB-7051-EV and ADNB-7052-EV low power laser mouse bundles are the laser-illuminated system enabled for cordless application. Powered by Avago Technologies LaserStream™ technology, the mouse can operate on many surfaces that proved difficult for traditional LED-based optical navigation. Its low power architecture is capable of sens-ing mouse motion while prolonging battery life, two performance areas essential in demanding cordless applications.ADNB-7051-EV and ADNB-7052-EV Low Power Laser Mouse Bundles include: Bundle PartNumber Part Number DescriptionADNB-7051-EV ADNS-7050Low Power Laser Mouse SensorADNV-6340Single-Mode Vertical-Cavity SurfaceEmitting Laser (VCSEL)ADNS-6120Laser Mouse Round LensADNS-6230-001Laser Mouse VCSEL Assembly Clip Bundle PartNumber Part Number DescriptionADNB-7052-EV ADNS-7050Low Power Laser Mouse SensorADNV-6340Single-Mode Vertical-Cavity SurfaceEmitting Laser (VCSEL)ADNS-6130-001Laser Mouse Trim LensADNS-6230-001Laser Mouse VCSEL Assembly Clip The ADNS-7050 sensor along with the ADNS-6120 or ADNS-6130-001 lens, ADNS-6230-001 clip and ADNV-6340 VCSEL form a complete and compact laser mouse tracking system. There is no moving part, which means high reliability and less maintenance for the end user. In addition, precision opti-cal alignment is not required, facilitating high volume assembly.This document will begin with some general information and usage guide-lines on the bundle set, followed by individual detailed information on ADNS-7050 laser mouse sensor, ADNV-6340 VCSEL, ADNS-6120 or ADNS-6130-001 lens and ADNS-6230-001 clip.Overview of Laser Mouse Sensor AssemblyFigure 1. 2D Assembly drawing of ADNB-7052-EV (top and cross-sectional view). 232D Assembly Drawing of ADNB-7051/52-EV, PCBs and Base PlateFigure 2. Exploded view drawing.Shown with ADNS-6130-001 Laser Mouse Lens, ADNS-6230-001 VCSEL As-sembly Clip and ADNV-6340 VCSEL. The components interlock as they are mounted onto defined features on the base plate.The ADNS-7050 laser mouse sensor is designed for mounting on a through hole PCB, looking down. There is an aperture stop and features on the package that align to the lens.The ADNV-6340 VCSEL is recommended for illumination, provides a laser diode with a single longitudinal and a single transverse mode. It is particu-larly suited as lower power consumption and highly coherent replacement of LEDs. It also provides wider operation range while still remaining within single-mode, reliable operating conditions.The ADNS-6120 or ADNS-6130-001 Laser Mouse Lens is designed for use with ADNS-7050 sensor and the illumination subsystem provided by theassembly clip and the VCSEL. Together with the VCSEL, the lens provides the directed illumination and optical imaging necessary for proper operation of the Laser Mouse Sensor. ADNS-6120 and ADNS-6130-001 are precision molded optical components and should be handled with care to avoid scratching of the optical surfaces. ADNS-6120 also has a large round flange to provide a long creepage path for any ESD events that occur at the open-ing of the base plate.The ADNS-6230-001 VCSEL Assembly Clip is designed to provide mechanical coupling of the ADNV-6340 VCSEL to the ADNS-6120 or ADNS-6130-001lens. This coupling is essential to achieve the proper illumination alignment required for the sensor to operate on a wide variety of surfaces.Avago Technologies provides an IGES file drawing describing the base platemolding features for lens and PCB alignment.ADNV-6340 (VCSEL)CUSTOMER SUPPLIED VCSEL PCB* or ADNS-6120 FOR ROUND LENSCUSTOMER SUPPLIED BASE PLATE WITH RECOMMENDED FEATURES PER IGES DRAWING4Figure 3. Recommended PCB mechanical cutouts and spacing.9.Tune the laser output power from the VCSEL to meet the Eye Safe Class I Standard as detailed in the LASER Power Adjustment Procedure.10.Install the mouse top case. There must be a feature in the top case (or other area) to press down onto the sensor to ensure the sensor and lens are interlocked to the correct vertical height.Assembly Recommendation1.Insert the sensor and all other electrical components into the applica-tion PCB (main PCB board and VCSEL PCB board).2.Wave-solder the entire assembly in a no-wash solder process utilizing a solder fixture. The solder fixture is needed to protect the sensor during the solder process. It also sets the correct sensor-to -PCB distance, as the lead shoulders do not normally rest on the PCB surface. The fixture should be designed to expose the sensor leads to solder while shielding the optical aperture from direct solder contact.3.Place the lens onto the base plate.4.Remove the protective kapton tape from the optical aperture of the sensor. Care must be taken to keep contaminants from entering the aperture.5.Insert the PCB assembly over the lens onto the base plate. The sensor aperture ring should self-align to the lens. The optical position refer-ence for the PCB is set by the base plate and lens. Note that the PCB motion due to button presses must be minimized to maintain optical alignment.6.Remove the protective cap from the VCSEL.7.Insert the VCSEL assembly into the lens.8.Slide the clip in place until it latches. This locks the VCSEL and lens together.Design Considerations for Improving ESD PerformanceFor improved electrostatic discharge performance, typical creepage and clearance distance are shown in the table below. Assumption: base plate construction as per the Avago Technologies supplied IGES file and ADNS-6130-001 trim lens (or ADNS-6120 round lens).Typical Distance Millimeters Creepage 12.0Clearance2.1Note that the lens material is polycarbonate and therefore, cyanoacrylate based adhesives or other adhesives that may damage the lens should NOT be used.DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES).5Figure 4. Sectional view of PCB assembly highlighting optical mouse components.Figure 5a. Schematic diagram for 3-button scroll wheel corded mouse.EEPROM for Laser Eye Safety for Sun+ ALPC6NotesThe supply and ground paths should be laid out using a star methodology.Level shifting is required to interface a 5V micro-controller to the ADNS-7050. If a 3V micro-controller is used, the 74VHC125 component shown may be omitted.LASER Drive ModeThe laser is driven in pulsed mode during normal operation. A calibration mode is provided which drives the laser in continuous (CW) operation. Eye SafetyThe ADNS-7050 and the associated components in the schematic of Figure 5 are intended to comply with Class 1 Eye Safety Requirements of IEC 60825-1. Avago Technologies suggests that manufacturers perform testing to verify eye safety on each mouse. It is also recommended to review possible single fault mechanisms beyond those described below in the section “Single Fault Detection”. Under normal conditions, the ADNS-7050 generates the drive current for the laser diode (ADNV-6340).In order to stay below the Class 1 power requirements, LASER_CTRL0 (register 0x1a), LASER_CTRL1 (register 0x1f), LSRPWR_CFG0 (register 0x1c) and LSRPWR_CFG1 (register 0x1d) must be programmed to appropriate values. The system comprised of the ADNS-7050 and ADNV-6340, is designed to maintain the output beam power within Class 1 requirements over components manufacturing tolerances and the recommended temperature range when adjusted per the procedure below and imple-mented as shown in the recommended application circuit of Figure 5. For more information, please refer to Eye Safety Application Note AN 5230. LASER Power Adjustment Procedure1.The ambient temperature should be 25°C ±5°C.2.Set VDD to its permanent value.3.Set the Range bit (bit 7 of register 0x1a) to 0.4.Set the Range_C complement bit (bit 7 of register 0x1f) to 1.5.Set the Match_bit (bit 5 of register 0x1a) to the correct value for the bindesignation of the laser being used.6.Set the Match_C_bit (bit 5 of register 0x1f) to the complement of theMatch_bit.7.Enable the Calibration mode by writing to bits [3,2,1] of register 0x1A sothe laser will be driven with 100% duty cycle.8.Write the Calibration mode complement bits to register 0x1f.9.Set the laser current to the minimum value by writing 0x00 to register0x1c, and the complementary value 0xFF to register 0x1d.10.Program registers 0x1c and 0x1d with increasing values to achieve anoutput power as close to 506uW as possible without exceeding it. If this power is obtained, the calibration is complete, skip to step 14.11.If it was not possible to achieve the power target, set the laser current tothe minimum value by writing 0x00 to register 0x1c, and the comple-mentary value 0xff to register 0x1d.12.Set the Range and Range_C bits in registers 0x1a and 0x1f, respectively,to choose to the higher laser current range.13.Program registers 0x1c and 0x1d with increasing values to achieve anoutput power as close to 506uW as possible without exceeding it. 14.Save the value of registers 0x1a, 0x1c, 0x1d, and 0x1f in non-volatilememory in the mouse. These registers must be restored to these values every time the ADNS-7050 is reset.15.Reset the mouse, reload the register values from non-volatile memory,enable Calibration mode, and measure the laser power to verify that the calibration is correct.Good engineering practices such as regular power meter calibration, random quality assurance retest of calibrated mice, etc. should be used to guarantee performance, reliability and safety for the product design.LASER Output PowerThe laser beam output power as measured at the navigation surface plane is specified below. The following conditions apply:1.The system is adjusted according to the above procedure.2.The system is operated within the recommended operating temperaturerange.3.The VDD value is no greater than 300mV above its value at the time ofadjustment.4.No allowance for optical power meter accuracy is assumed.Parameter Symbol Minimum Maximum Units NotesLaser out-LOP716µW Class 1 limit with put power recommendedVCSEL and lens. Disabling the LASERLASER_NEN is connected to the gate of a P-channel MOSFET transistor which when ON connects VDD to the LASER. In normal operation, LASER_NEN is low. In the case of a fault condition (ground or VDD3 at XY_LASER), LASER_NEN goes high to turn the transistor off and disconnect VDD3 from the LASER.Single Fault DetectionADNS-7050 is able to detect a short circuit or fault condition at the XY_LASER pin, which could lead to excessive laser power output. A path to ground on this pin will trigger the fault detection circuit, which will turn off the laser drive current source and set the LASER_NEN output high. When used in combination with external components as shown in the block diagram below, the system will prevent excess laser power for a resistive path to ground at XY_LASER by shutting off the laser. In addition to the ground path fault detection described above, the fault detection circuit is continuously checked for proper operation by internally generating a path to ground with the laser turned off via LASER_NEN. If the XY_LASER pin is shorted to VDD3, this test will fail and will be reported a a fault.7Figure 6. Single fault detection and eye safety feature block diagram.V8ADNS-7050 Laser Mouse Sensor Data SheetTheory of OperationThe ADNS-7050 is based on LaserStream™ Technology, which measures changes in position by optically acquiring sequential surface images (frames) and mathematically determining the direction and magnitude of movement. The ADNS-7050 contains an Image Acquisition System (IAS), a Digital Signal Processor (DSP), and a four wire serial port. The IAS acquires microscopic surface images via the lens and illumination system. These images are pro-cessed by the DSP to determine the direction and distance of motion. The DSP calculates the ∆x and ∆y relative displacement values. An external microcontroller reads the ∆x and ∆y information from the sensor serial port. The microcontroller then translates the data into PS2, USB, or RF signals before sending them to the host PC or game console.Features•Low power architecture•New LaserStream™ technology•Self-adjusting power-saving modes for longest battery life •Speed motion detection up to 20 ips and 8G•Enhanced SmartSpeed self-adjusting frame rate for optimum performance •Motion detect pin output•Internal oscillator – no clock input needed•Selectable 400 and 800 cpi resolution•Wide operating voltage: 2.7 V-3.6 V nominal•Four wire serial port•Minimal number of passive components•Laser fault detect circuitry on-chip for Eye Safety Compliance Applications•Laser mice•Optical trackballs•Integrated input devices•Battery-powered input devicesPinout of ADNS-7050 Optical Mouse SensorPin Name Description1NCS Chip Select (Active Low Input)2MISO Serial Data Output (Master In/Slave Out) 3SCLK Serial Clock Input4MOSI Serial Data Input (Master Out/Slave In) 5MOTION Motion Detect (Active Low Output)6LASER_NEN LASER Enable (Active LOW)7GND Ground8XY_LASER LASER Control9AGND Analog Ground10AVDD Analog Supply Voltage 11AGND Analog Ground12GND Ground13GND Ground14NC No Connection15GND Ground16VDD Supply Voltage17NC No Connection18NC No ConnectionA7050XYYWWZ1 NCS2 MISO3 SCLK4 MOSI5 MOTION6 LASER_NEN7 GND8 XY_LASER9 AGND18 NC17 NC16 VDD15 GND14 NC13 GND12 GND11 AGND10 AVDDFigure 7. Package outline drawing (top view).910Figure 8. Package outline drawing.CAUTION: It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD.NOTES:1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES).2. DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCE: ± 0.1 mm.3. COPLANARITY OF LEADS: 0.1 mm.4. LEAD PITCH TOLERANCE: ± 0.15 mm.5. CUMULATIVE PITCH TOLERANCE: ± 0.15 mm.6. ANGULAR TOLERANCE: ± 3.0 DEGREES.7. MAXIMUM FLASH: + 0.2 mm.8.CHAMFER (25° X 2) ON THE TAPER SIDE OF THE LEAD.9. * THESE DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED TO MECHANICALLY REFERENCE THE SENSOR.PIN 1Figure 9. Block diagram of ADNS-7050 optical mouse sensor.Regulatory Requirements•Passes FCC B and worldwide analogous emission limits when assembled into a mouse with shielded cable and following Avago Technologies recommendations.•Passes IEC-1000-4-3 radiated susceptibility level when assembled into a mouse with shielded cable and following Avago Technologies recom-mendations.•Passes EN61000-4-4/IEC801-4 EFT tests when assembled into a mouse with shielded cable and following Avago Technologies recommendations.•UL flammability level UL94 V-0.•Provides sufficient ESD creepage/clearance distance to avoid discharge up to 15 kV when assembled into a mouse according to usage instruc-tions above.P O W E R A N D C O N T R O LS E R I A L P O R T A N D R E G I S T E R SIMAGE ARRAYDSP OSCILLATORLASER DRIVE GNDAGNDXY_LASER AVDDVDDNCS ADNS-7050SCLK MOSI MISO MOTIONLASER_NENAbsolute Maximum RatingsParameter Symbol Minimum Maximum Units NotesStorage Temperature T S-4085ºCLead Solder Temp260ºC For 10 seconds, 1.6 mm below seating plane. Supply Voltage V DD-0.5 3.7VESD2kV All pins, human body model MIL 883 Method 3015 Input Voltage V IN-0.5V DD + 0.5V All PinsLatchup Current Iout20mA All PinsRecommended Operating ConditionsParameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Units NotesOperating Temperature T A040ºCPower Supply Voltage V DD 2.7 2.8 3.6V Including noisePower Supply Rise Time V RT1µs0 to 2.8 V100msSupply Noise (Sinusoidal)V NA100mVp-p10 kHz - 50 MHzSerial Port Clock Frequency f SCLK1MHz Active drive, 50% duty cycle Distance from Lens Reference Z 2.18 2.40 2.62mm Results in ±0.2 mm minimum DOF. Plane to Surface See Figure 10.Speed S20in/secFigure 10. Distance from lens reference plane to surface, Z.DDParameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Units NotesMotion Delay t MOT-RST23ms From SW_RESET register write to valid motion, assuming after Reset motion is presentShutdown t STDWN50ms From Shutdown mode active to low currentWake from Shutdown t WAKEUP23ms From Shutdown mode inactive to valid motion.Notes: A RESET must be asserted after a shutdown.Refer to section “Notes on Shutdown and Forced Rest”,also note t MOT-RSTForced Rest Enable t REST-EN1s From RESTEN bits set to low currentWake from Forced Rest t REST-DIS1s From RESTEN bits cleared to valid motionMISO Rise Time t r-MISO150300ns C L = 100 pFMISO Fall Time t f-MISO150300ns C L = 100 pFMISO Delay after SCLK t DLY-MISO120ns From SCLK falling edge to MISO data valid, no loadconditionsMISO Hold Time t hold-MISO0.51/f SCLKµs Data held until next falling SCLK edgeMOSI Hold Time t hold-MOSI200ns Amount of time data is valid after SCLK rising edge MOSI Setup Time t setup-MOSI120ns From data valid to SCLK rising edgeSPI Time between t SWW30µs From rising SCLK for last bit of the first data byte, to rising Write Commands SCLK for last bit of the second data byte.SPI Time between Write t SWR20µs From rising SCLK for last bit of the first data byte, to rising and Read Commands SCLK for last bit of the second address byte.SPI Time between Read t SRW500ns From rising SCLK for last bit of the first data byte, to falling and Subsequent t SRR SCLK for the first bit of the address byte of the next Commands command.SPI Read Address-Data t SRAD4µs From rising SCLK for last bit of the address byte, to falling Delay SCLK for first bit of data being read.NCS Inactive after t BEXIT500ns Minimum NCS inactive time after motion burst before next Motion Burst SPI usageNCS to SCLK Active t NCS-SCLK120ns From NCS falling edge to first SCLK rising edgeSCLK to NCS Inactive t SCLK-NCS120ns From last SCLK rising edge to NCS rising edge, for valid MISO (for Read Operation)data transferSCLK to NCS Inactive t SCLK-NCS20µs From last SCLK rising edge to NCS rising edge, for valid MOSI (for Write Operation)data transferNCS to MISO High-Z t NCS-MISO500ns From NCS rising edge to MISO high-Z stateMOTION Rise Time t r-MOTION150300ns C L = 100 pFMOTION Fall Time t f-MOTION150300ns C L = 100 pFTransient Supply Current I DDT45mA Max supply current during a V DD ramp from 0 to 2.8 VDDParameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Units NotesDC Supply Current in I DD_RUN410mA Average current, including LASER current. No load on Various Modes I DD_REST10.5 1.8MISO, MOTION.I DD_REST20.150.4I DD_REST30.050.15Peak Supply Current40mAShutdown Supply Current I DDSTDWN112µA NCS, SCLK = VDDMOSI = GNDMISO = Hi-ZInput Low Voltage V IL0.5V SCLK, MOSI, NCSInput High Voltage V IH V DD – 0.5V SCLK, MOSI, NCSInput Hysteresis V I_HYS100mV SCLK, MOSI, NCSInput Leakage Current I leak±1±10µA Vin = VDD -0.6 V, SCLK, MOSI, NCSXY_LASER Current I LAS0.8mA V xy_laser≥ 0.3 VLP_CFG0 = 0xFFLP_CFG1 = 0x00LASER Current I LAS_FAULT300uA XY_LASER R leakage < 75 kOhms to GND(Fault Mode)Output Low Voltage,V OL0.7V Iout = 1 mA, MISO, MOTIONMISO, LASER_NEN Iout = 1 mA, LASER_NENOutput High Voltage,V OH V DD – 0.7V Iout = -1 mA, MISO, MOTIONMISO, LASER_NEN Iout = -0.5 mA, LASER_NENInput Capacitance C in10pF MOSI, NCS, SCLKTypical Performance CharacteristicsFigure 11. Mean resolution vs. Z at 800 cpi.Figure 12. Average error vs. distance at 800 cpi .Figure 13. Wavelength responsivity.R E L A T I V E R E S P O N S I V I T YWAVELENGTH (nm)Power Management ModesThe ADNS-7050 has three power-saving modes. Each mode has a different motion detection period, affecting response time to mouse motion (Response Time). The sensor automatically changes to the appropriate mode, depending on the time since the last reported motion (Downshift Time). The parameters of each mode are shown in the following table.Mode Response Time (nominal)Downshift Time (nominal)Rest 116.5 ms 237 ms Rest 282 ms 8.4 s Rest 3410 ms504 sMotion Pin TimingThe motion pin is a level-sensitive output that signals the micro-controller when motion has occurred. The motion pin is lowered whenever the motion bit is set; in other words, whenever there is data in the Delta_X or Delta_Y registers. C learing t he m otion b it (by r eading D elta_X a nd D elta_Y, o r w riting to the Motion register) will put the motion pin high.LASER ModeFor power savings, the VCSEL will not be continuously on. ADNS-7050 will flash the VCSEL only when needed.Synchronous Serial PortThe synchronous serial port is used to set and read parameters in the ADNS-7050, and to read out the motion information.The port is a four-wire port. The host micro-controller always initiates com-munication; the ADNS-7050 never initiates data transfers. SCLK, MOSI, and NCS may be driven directly by a micro-controller. The port pins may be shared with other SPI slave devices. When the NCS pin is high, the inputs are ignored and the output is tri-stated.The lines that comprise the SPI port:SCLK:Clock input. It is always generated by the master (the micro-controller).MOSI:Input data. (Master Out/Slave In)MISO:Output data. (Master In/Slave Out)NCS:Chip select input (active low). NCS needs to be low to activate the serial port; otherwise, MISO will be high Z, and MOSI & SCLK will be ignored. NCS can also be used to reset the serial port in case of an error.Chip Select OperationThe serial port is activated after NCS goes low. If NCS is raised during a transaction, the entire transaction is aborted and the serial port will be reset.This is true for all transactions. After a transaction is aborted, the normal address-to-data or transaction-to-transaction delay is still required before beginning the next transaction. To improve communication reliability, all serial transactions should be framed by NCS. In other words, the port should not remain enabled during periods of non-use because ESD and EFT/B events could be interpreted as serial communication and put the chip into an un-known state. In addition, NCS must be raised after each burst-mode transac-tion is complete to terminate burst-mode. The port is not available for further use until burst-mode is terminated.Write OperationWrite operation, defined as data going from the micro-controller to the ADNS-7050, is always initiated by the micro-controller and consists of two bytes. The first byte contains the address (seven bits) and has a “1” as its MSB to indicate data direction. The second byte contains the data. The ADNS-7050 reads MOSI on rising edges of SCLK.Figure14. Write operation.Figure 15. MOSI setup and hold time.11234567891011121314151621D 0D5D 6D 7A 0A 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 61A 6D 4D 3D 2D 1SCLK NCSMOSIMOSI DRIVEN BY MICRO-CONTROLLERMISOsetup, MOSISCLKMOSIRead OperationA read operation, defined as data going from the ADNS-7050 to the micro-controller, is always initiated by the micro-controller and consists of two bytes. The first byte contains the address, is sent by the micro-controller over MOSI, and has a “0” as its MSB to indicate data direction. The second byte contains the data and is driven by the ADNS-7050 over MISO. The sensor outputs MISO bits on falling edges of SCLK and samples MOSI bits on every rising edge of SCLK.Figure 16. Read operation.Figure 17. MISO delay and hold time.Note: The 0.5/fSCLK minimums high state of SCLK is also the minimum MISO data hold time of the ADNS-7050. Since the falling edge of SCLK is actually the start of the next read or write command, the ADNS-7050 will hold the state of data on MISO until the falling edge of SCLK.Required Timing Between Read and Write CommandsThere are minimum timing requirements between read and write com-mands on the serial port.Figure 18. Timing between two write commands.SCLK NCS SCLK MOSIMISOt WRITE OPERATION WRITE OPERATIONIf the rising edge of the SCLK for the last data bit of the second write command occurs before the required delay (t SWW ), then the first write com-mand may not complete correctly.Figure 19. Timing between write and read commands.If the rising edge of SCLK for the last address bit of the read command occurs before the required delay (t SWR ), the write command may not com-plete correctly.Figure 20. Timing between read and either write or subsequent read commands.During a read operation SCLK should be delayed at least t SRAD after the last address data bit to ensure that the ADNS-7050 has time to prepare the requested data. The falling edge of SCLK for the first address bit of either the read or write command must be at least t SRR or t SRW after the last SCLK rising edge of the last data bit of the previous read operation.Burst Mode OperationBurst mode is a special serial port operation mode that may be used to reduce the serial transaction time for a motion read. The speed improve-ment is achieved by continuous data clocking to or from multiple registers without the need to specify the register address, and by not requiring the normal delay period between data bytes.Burst mode is activated by reading the Motion_Burst register. The ADNS-7050 will respond with the contents of the Motion, Delta_X, Delta_Y, SQUAL,Shutter_Upper, Shutter_Lower, and Maximum_Pixel registers in that or-der. The burst transaction can be terminated anywhere in the sequence after the Delta_X value by bringing the NCS pin high. After sending the register address, the micro-controller must wait t SRAD and then begin read-ing data. All data bits can be read with no delay between bytes by driving SCLK at the normal rate. The data are latched into the output buffer after the last address bit is received. After the burst transmission is complete, the micro-controller must raise the NCS line for at least t BEXIT to terminate burst mode. The serial port is not available for use until it is reset with NCS, even for a second burst transmission.Figure 21. Motion burst timing.WRITE OPERATION NEXT READ OPERATION• • •READ OPERATIONNEXT READor WRITE OPERATION• • •MOTION_BURST REGISTER ADDRESSREAD FIRST BYTEFIRST READ OPERATION READ SECOND BYTE READ THIRD BYTESCLK• • •Notes on Power-upThe ADNS-7050 does not perform an internal power up self-reset; thePOWER_UP_RESET register must be written every time power is applied.The appropriate sequence is as follows:1.Apply power2.Drive NCS high, then low to reset the SPI port3.Write 0x5a to register 0x3a4.Wait for t WAKEUP5.Write 0xFE to register 0x286.Read from registers 0x02, 0x03, and 0x04 (or read these same 3 bytesfrom burst motion register 0x42) one time regardless of the motion pinstate.During power-up there will be a period of time after the power supply ishigh but before any clocks are available. The table below shows the state ofthe various pins during power-up and reset.State of Signal Pins after VDD is ValidPin On Power-Up NCS High before Reset NCS Low before Reset After Reset NCS Functional Hi Low Functional MISO Undefined Undefined Functional Depends on NCS SCLK Ignored Ignored Functional Depends on NCS MOSI Ignored Ignored Functional Depends on NCS XY_LASER Undefined Undefined Undefined Functional MOTION Undefined Undefined Undefined Functional LASER_NEN Undefined Undefined Undefined FunctionalNotes on Shutdown and Forced RestThe ADNS-7050 can be set in Rest mode through the Configuration_Bits register (0x11). This is to allow for further power savings in applications where the sensor does not need to operate all the time.The ADNS-7050 can be set in Shutdown mode by writing 0xe7 to register 0x3b. The SPI port should not be accessed when Shutdown mode is as-serted, except the power-up command (writing 0x5a to register 0x3a). (Other ICs on the same SPI bus can be accessed, as long as the sensor’s NCS pin is not asserted.) The table below shows the state of various pins during shut-down. To deassert Shutdown mode:1. Write 0x5a to register 0x3a.2. Wait for t WAKEUP.3. Write 0xFE to register 0x28.4. Any register settings must then be reloaded.Pin Status when Shutdown ModeNCS Functional*1MISO Undefined*2SCLK Ignore if NCS = 1*3MOSI Ignore if NCS = 1*4XYLASER High(Off)LASER_NEN High(Off)MOTION Undefined *2*1 NCS pin must be held to 1 (high) if SPI bus is shared with other devices. It is recommended to hold to 1 (high) during Power Down unless powering up the Sensor. It must be held to 0 (low) if the sensor is to be re-powered up from shutdown (writing 0x5a to register 0x3a).*2 Depend on last state.*3 SCLK is ignore if NCS is 1 (high). It is functional if NCS is 0 (low).*4 MOSI is ignore if NCS is 1 (high). If NCS is 0 (low), any command present on the MOSI pin will be ignored except power-up command (writing 0x5a to register 0x3a).Note: There are long wakeup times from shutdown and forced Rest. These features should not be used for power management during normal mouse motion.。



2.4 GHz无线鼠标键盘接收器的设计∙随着无线通信技术的不断发展,近距离无线通信领域出现了蓝牙、RFID、WIFI等技术。


2.4 GHz无线鼠标键盘使用24~2.483 5 GHz无线频段,该频段在全球大多数国家属于免授权使用,这为无线产品的普及扫清了最大障碍。


1 系统硬件结构∙2.4 GHz无线鼠标键盘接收器主要实现鼠标、键盘等HID类设备在PC机上的枚举识别过程和接收无线鼠标或键盘发送的数据(包括按键值、鼠标的上下左右移动等),并将接收到的数据通过USB接口传送给PC机,实现鼠标键盘的无线控制功能。



1. 1 USB接口部分系统采用H OLT EK公司生产的8位USB多媒体键盘编码器HT82K95E作为系统核心。



综合考虑选用了 HT82K95E作为本系统的主控芯片。


由于鼠标和键盘设备属于从设备,所以应在USB-信号线上加1.5 kΩ的上拉电阻。

1.2 MCU部分MCU的复位电路采用由R108和C105组成的RC积分电路实现上电复位功能。



如果设备的供电电压下降到0.9 V~VLVR的范围内并且超过1 ms的时间,那么LVR就会自动复位设备。



几种鼠标电路图1、USB接口鼠标电路图2、电脑无线鼠标电路图3、光电鼠标电路图4、鼠标电路图5、有线USB 光学游戏鼠标电路图A5020方案6、有线USB激光鼠标电路图7、3键USB 有线激光游戏鼠标电路图A7550+CY63743方案8、自制无线鼠标电路图光电鼠标电路图1、两款光电鼠标电路光电鼠标电路一般由两片集成电路与外围元件组成。

一片稍大的是COMS 感光集成电路,另一片一般为鼠标专用集成电路。

CMOS 感光芯片通过检测光电部件因鼠标移动产生的光线变化而得到位置信号,送到鼠标专用集成电路的X、Y 输入端。

而鼠标专用集成电路再检测左、右按键,滚轮键及滚轮前后转到等信息随着CLK时钟信号一起传输给计算机的PS2 或USB 端口。

USB 光电鼠标电路图①为使用GL603 - USB 鼠标集成电路芯片和H2000(400CPI、每秒1500 次扫描) 光电感应芯片的USB 光电鼠标电路图。

PS2 接口鼠标电路图②为使用PAN101 - 208 (800CPI 光学分辨率,2000 次扫描/ 秒) 光电感应芯片和84510 系列鼠标集成电路芯片的PS2 接口光电鼠标电路。

2、光电鼠标原理与电路图传统光学鼠标的工作原理传统光学鼠标工作原理示意图光学跟踪引擎部分横界面示意图光学鼠标主要由四部分的核心组件构成,分别是发光二极管、透镜组件、光学引擎(Optical Engine)以及控制芯片组成。


当鼠标移动的时候,成像传感器录得连续的图案,然后通过“数字信号处理器”(DSP)对每张图片的前后对比分析处理,以判断鼠标移动的方向以及位移,从而得出鼠标x, y方向的移动数值。

再通过SPI 传给鼠标的微型控制单元(Micro Controller Unit)。




几种鼠标电路图1、USB接口鼠标电路图2、电脑无线鼠标电路图3、光电鼠标电路图4、鼠标电路图5、有线USB 光学游戏鼠标电路图A5020方案6、有线USB激光鼠标电路图7、3键USB 有线激光游戏鼠标电路图A7550+CY63743方案8、自制无线鼠标电路图光电鼠标电路图1、两款光电鼠标电路光电鼠标电路一般由两片集成电路与外围元件组成。

一片稍大的是COMS 感光集成电路,另一片一般为鼠标专用集成电路。

CMOS 感光芯片通过检测光电部件因鼠标移动产生的光线变化而得到位置信号,送到鼠标专用集成电路的X、Y 输入端。

而鼠标专用集成电路再检测左、右按键,滚轮键及滚轮前后转到等信息随着CLK时钟信号一起传输给计算机的PS2 或USB 端口。

USB 光电鼠标电路图①为使用GL603 - USB 鼠标集成电路芯片和H2000(400CPI、每秒1500 次扫描) 光电感应芯片的USB 光电鼠标电路图。

PS2 接口鼠标电路图②为使用PAN101 - 208 (800CPI 光学分辨率,2000 次扫描/ 秒) 光电感应芯片和84510 系列鼠标集成电路芯片的PS2 接口光电鼠标电路。

2、光电鼠标原理与电路图传统光学鼠标的工作原理传统光学鼠标工作原理示意图光学跟踪引擎局部横界面示意图光学鼠标主要由四局部的核心组件构成,分别是发光二极管、透镜组件、光学引擎〔Optical Engine〕以及控制芯片组成。


当鼠标移动的时候,成像传感器录得连续的图案,然后通过“数字信号处理器〞(DSP)对每张图片的前后比照分析处理,以判断鼠标移动的方向以及位移,从而得出鼠标x, y方向的移动数值。

再通过SPI传给鼠标的微型控制单元〔Micro Controller Unit〕。





























2.光电鼠标原理光电鼠标的光学传感器象一部DC/DV一样,跟随操作者的移动连续记录它途经表面的“快照”(假想一下间谍卫星拍摄地球表面的情形,不过比喻不是很恰当,比如光电鼠标是自带光源的,并且它的移动是没有规律的等等),这些快照(即帧)是有一定的频率(即扫描频率、刷新率、帧速率等,以下我们对此不加区分)和尺寸及分辨率(即光学传感器的CMOS晶振的有效像素数),并且光学传感器的透镜应具备一定的放大作用;而光电鼠标的核心――DSP通过对比这些快照之间的差异从而识别移动的方向和位移量,并将这些确定的信息加以封装后通过USB接口源源不断地进入PC;驱动程序(可以是Windows 的默认驱动)则根据这些信号经过一定的转换(参照关系由驱动设置)最终决定鼠标指针在屏幕上的位置。

由此,我们可知一个大略的“(鼠标移动)表面->镜头(组)->光学传感器CMOS 晶阵->DSP->USB接口->驱动程序->PC屏幕坐标”的过程了。






基于微机电系统的无线鼠标方案1 系统原理与设计1.1 检测原理目前,常见的鼠标有2种,滚轮式和光电式。

滚轮式鼠标是靠滚轮的传动带动X和Y 轴上的译码轮转动,来感测鼠标位移的变化;光电式鼠标是用一个自带光源的光电传感器,跟随鼠标的移动连续记录它途经表面的“快照”,这些快照(即帧)有一定的频率、尺寸和分辨力,而光电鼠标的核心--DSP通过对比这些快照之间的差异从而识别移动的方向和位移量,并将这些位移的信息加以编码后实时地传给电脑主机。


1.2 硬件设计如图1所示,整个无线鼠标系统分为2个子系统,远端子系统和主机端子系统。

图1无线鼠标系统结构框图远端子系统由微加速度传感器、微控制器和n RF2401射频收发器组成。

微加速度传感器采用美国AD公司生产的ADXL203微传感器,微控制器采用Atmel公司生产的ATmega 16L微控制器,该微控制器附带有8路10位可编程的A/D转换电路,可以实时地将ADXL203加速度传感器输出的加速度模拟信号转换成加速度数字信号。

ADXL203加速度传感器在加速度为0时输出电压为2.5V,为提高A/D转换的精度,本文利用ATmega 16L内置的差分放大功能,用差分信号将这2.5V电压给滤掉,并将差分后的电压信号放大到与A/D转换的参考电压相匹配。


主机端子系统由nRF2401射频收发器,串行传输接口芯片和另一个ATmega 16L微控制器组成,其中,RS232串行通信接口芯片采用的是Maxim2IC公司的MAX233芯片,作用是将微控制器输出的5V TTL/CMOS电平转换为EIA/TIA-232-E电平,以便与电脑主机进行串行(RS232)通信。













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 由光学传感器ADNS5030检测鼠标的移动信息,将采集到的信息经过SPI 串行接口传递给CC2430处理并发送出去。




