
《战马》英文观后感小学生After watching the movie "War Horse", I felt deeply moved by the story of friendship and bravery. The film tells the story of a young man named Albert and his beloved horse Joey, who are separated by the horrors of World War I. The bond between them is unbreakable, and they both show incredible courage and determination in the face of adversity.The cinematography in "War Horse" is stunning, with beautiful landscapes and intense battle scenes that really draw the audience in. The emotional depth of the characters and the strong performances by the cast make the story even more powerful. The film is a poignant reminder of the human cost of war and the sacrifices made by both soldiers and animals.The themes of loyalty, friendship, and perseverance are universal and resonate with audiences of all ages. "War Horse" is a heartwarming and heartbreaking film that teaches valuable lessons about love, courage, and the enduring bonds between humans and animals. It is a must-see for anyone who appreciates a well-crafted story and powerful storytelling.观看完电影《战马》后,我深受其故事中的友谊和勇气所感动。

War HorseI saw a movie last Wednesday. I was moved from this movie. War Horse was such a wonderful movie. This movie exceeded my expectations. It was moving, emotional, beautiful, and so heartwarming. It's sure to become a classic. You don't have to be a horse lover to love this movie.This move , named《War horse》,was directed by Steven Allan Spielberg who awarded the seventy-first session of the Oscar Award for Best Director in 1999. The background of the movie was in the War Between Britain and France in the first World War. This movie’s protagonist is a war horse named Joey. Its master named Albertthe is a little boy in a farm. One night, a torrential rain pelted this farm .It seemed to indicate a disaster. For existence, Albertthe’s father is obliged to sell this robust horse—Joey for the French British Wars. Albertthe has to separate from his horse because of the fist World War. And simultaneously, their fate are closely interwoven because of the fist World War. During the first World War, This war horse named Joey start its circuitous fate .At first, it is a mount of a British general .It meets another tall horse named DenJin .But British Army defeat. Joey and DenJin be the best friend .In enemy camp, the commanding officer from France sends them to transport wounded soldier. Before a intermittent war , a soldier wanted to be a deserter with his brother .So he rides the two horses to run. The two brothers run to Bell Tower. During the day, the two brothers was found by the French Army. The two brothers died. A little girl from a farm finds the two horses. And she told her grandfather about this two horses. One day, French Army plunders something from this small farm. The little girl hides the two horses. When the little girl celebrates her birthday, French Army plunders again. They plunder this two good horses. After two years, Joey and Denjin are used for the tool of pulling the cannons .Because Joey dragged the plough in the field before. So it isn’t afraid of tired. But DenJin doesn’t bear this thing. So it was lack of physical strength and then died. Joey runs lonely. But at this time, Its master goes to the front. He searchs his little horses by all the means. Joey runs away from the French Army. It passes through the storm of shots and shells. But it is caught in the metal mesh. Fortunately, it was saved by two soldier . And it enters into British Army. However, Albertthe’s eyes get hurt. In the end, Joey has a reunion with itsmaster----Albertthe. So the end of this movie is a comedy.Although the background of the movie happed during the First World War, the War is so cruel. Nobody can apart from the love, parent-child relationship, friendship and so on. We learn how to love from them. And in the war, people has to be separate from their relations. And after war, they reunited with their parents and friends. Even through the war is so cruel. the love exists in the world. We are against war and hope that the world will be peaceful forever.2013级英语教育一班张金晓。


The plot
In 1914,a boy in Devon ,named Albie ,watched the birth of a horse, which named Joey later .Then the horse was auctioned at the county fair. To our surprise ,it was got by Ted, the boy’s father ,who gave 30 gins, a high price. He offended the landlord because of the auction. So, Albia can play happily with Joey during the happy days. But happy time did not last long. The landlord came and said if Joey can’t plough the land ,he would take it away. So, Ted had to debt all their belongings. From then on ,Albia had to force the horse the work, even leather whip is used.
As we all know, animals like dogs can be good friends of human. Emotion between animal and us is very wonderful. When the friendship between them is on the screen, we are more easily to be moved. Here are some examples. Do you know them ?

战马电影英文观后感《战马》(War Horse)是由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)执导的一部战争剧情片,于2011年上映。
另一个让我印象深刻的场景是Joey与另一匹敌对方阵的马Topthorn 在一次战斗中一起冲锋的情景。
影片的配乐也值得一提,约翰·威廉斯(John Williams)的音乐为影片增添了情感和戏剧张力。
战马 观后感 英文

战马观后感英文The Magnificent Steed: A Reflection on HorsesAs the movie began, the screen came to life with the thunderous hooves of horses galloping across the vast plains. The majestic creatures seemed to embody strength, grace, and loyalty, captivating the audience with their beauty. "War Horse," a film that chronicles the bond between a young man and his horse during World War I, left a lasting impression on me.The central theme of the film revolves around the enduring partnership between humans and horses. From ancient times, horses have been loyal companions, steadfastly serving mankind. They have carried warriors into battle, pulled carriages, and labored on farmland. As I watched the story unfold, it became apparent that horses not only possess physical strength and agility but also an ability to connect with humans emotionally.The protagonist of the film, Joey, a spirited and powerful horse, becomes the symbol of hope and perseverance in a time of despair and destruction. Through the trials and tribulations of war, Joey's unwavering loyalty and courage shine through. His determination to survive and reunite with his owner mirrors the resilience of the human spirit in times of adversity.I was touched by the unwritten language that existed between Joey and his human counterparts. Despite the absence of words, their bond was palpable. They understood each other's fears, desires, and hopes through subtle gestures and actions. It reminded me that sometimes, words fail to capture the depth of emotional connection that can be achieved through non-verbal communication.The film also shed light on the harsh reality faced by war horses in history. Millions of horses were used in conflicts, often enduring great suffering in the process. The scenes portraying their struggles evoked a sense of sadness and empathy within me. It was a heartbreaking reminder of the sacrifices made by both humans and animals in the pursuit of power and victory.Beyond their role in war, horses have played an integral part in various cultures and societies. Their beauty has been immortalized in paintings, sculptures, and literature throughout history. From ancient Greek mythology to the cowboy folklore of the Wild West, horses have been celebrated for their strength, speed, and elegance. They symbolize freedom, power, and the untamed spirit that dwells within us all.In today's modern world, horses may no longer be as prevalent in daily life as they once were. However, their significance remains. They continue to enrich our lives through recreational activities, such as horseback riding and equestrian sports. Beyond the joy they bring, horses also provide therapeutic benefits to individuals with physical or emotional challenges. Their calming presence and gentle nature have the power to heal and uplift spirits.Reflecting on the film and the enduring role of horses in human history, I am reminded of the profound connection we share with these magnificent creatures. They have been our steadfast companions, our partners in labor, and our allies in battle. Their contributions to society and their ability to inspire us are immeasurable.In a world that often seems caught up in the pursuit of material wealth and power, horses serve as a reminder of the simple yet profound joys of life. They teach us about loyalty, resilience, and the importance of cherishing the bonds we form with both humans and animals. As I left the theater, I couldn't help but feel a newfound appreciation for these remarkable creatures and the role they play in our lives.In conclusion, "War Horse" provided both a captivating story and a deeper reflection on the significance of horses in our world. Their beauty, strength, and loyalty make them truly remarkable creatures. From their historical role in warfare to their therapeutic benefits in modern times, horses continue to leave an indelible mark on humanity. As we strive to protect and appreciate these magnificent steeds, may we also remember the lessons they've taught us about empathy, resilience, and the enduring power of connection.。

战马英文观后感范文1War Horse was such a wonderful movie. This movie exceeded my expectations. It was moving, emotional, beautiful, and so heartwarming. It's sure to bee a classic. You don't have to be a horse lover to love this movie.There isn't a lot of blood, but you can still see the horrors of war and how intense it was for the soldiers and horses, as well as civilians. The Battle of the Somme scene was especially intense.The acting was wonderful, the cinematography was beautiful, John Williams' score was perfect, and the horses were so well trained! Spielberg has made a masterpiece!2哭红着双眼从电影院出来时,四周少了平日散场时的嘈杂,这大概可以知道看完《战马》的感受。

这部影片由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导,取材自迈克尔·莫波戈(Michael Morpugo)所写的同名小说。
War Horse战马观后感700字

War Horse战马观后感700字The war horse is a war movie under the background of the first World War in the past century. It tells a moving story from a horse's perspective: Joey is a horse raised by Albert, a British farm boy. They had a deep feeling, and Albert's father had to sell the horse to the army in order to maintain the farm's livelihood. The horse on the battlefield to wander, suffered hardships. Albert, in search of his beloved horse, was also on the battlefield. Finally, on the eve of the end of the war again...A young boy named Albert. His father spent all his money in the family. He took 30 gold coins and took a horse back. The horse was called Joey, and he lived happily with his little host Albert. But soon after, the war broke out, the British army recruits the horse, and Joey was expropriated. During the war, Joey experienced a total of six masters, British guy Albert, the Royal Knights of the German fascist army captain, responsible for the horse of Duponte brothers, the FrenchMiller's granddaughter, the German fascist army fat corporal, and returned to the British Army corporal Eyre has become Bert, master the initial, final the British ended in victory, Joey and Eyre and Bert together.In the war, there were many consciences, who didn't want Joey's fate to be harbored by the cruel war. They took various measures to preserve Joey's life, including two young boys, a German old man who made jam and her innocent granddaughter. However, the fate of Joey was doomed to war, and he and the black horse did not escape the German search. Joey was expropriated by the German army and used as a horse for the artillery. When many of the war horses were unbearable and dead, after watching the injured black horse being bolted up to pull the cannon, Joey rushed forward as a hero to take the job of killing the dark horse. Luckily, Joey survived, because it was not an ordinary horse.I think Spielberg used horses as the protagonist of the film and restored the most true feelings of nature than the firsttwo war films. In the army of Ryan, in order to save one's life, the lives of several people were sacrificed. In Schindler's list, businessmen in order to save Jews were all the feelings of one side of the war. In this movie, the horse is not the protagonist, animal war, during the war it has no prejudice: as British soldiers horses, it quickly ran to help the British raid on German; once a German horse, he is in charge of the wounded soldiers out of the theater, after he helped pull the German artillery, and this deadly cannon to the object is British, and even raise it up to albert. Ma has no potential to control human beings, and even has no potential to control their own destiny, but everything it does is from the most natural emotion and the ultimate value orientation of human beings. In the end, human beings will lay down their prejudices in the face of the most true feelings, and find the original nature of the self.By reading "war horse", make me understand a truth: their destiny in their own hands half, half in the hands of God, brave and indomitable will often take half of their own from the hands of God, and a coward to lose confidence, put half in vain tohis God, so we have to do a a brave man.版权作品,未经《99作文网》书面授权,严禁转载,违者将被追究法律责任。


纽约时报:WarHorse《战马》影评第一篇:纽约时报:War Horse《战马》影评Innocence Is Trampled, but a Bond EnduresBy A.O.SCOTTPublished: December 22, 2011There is no combat in the early scenes of “War Horse,” Steven Spielberg’s sweeping adaptation of the popular stage spectacle, but the film opens with a cinematic assault as audacious and unsparing as the Normandy landing in “Saving Private Ryan.” With widescreen, pastoral vistas dappled in golden sunlight and washed in music(by John Williams)that is somehow both grand and folksy, Mr.Spielberg lays siege to your cynicism, bombarding you with strong and simple appeals to feeling.You may find yourself resisting this sentimental pageant of early-20th-century rural English life, replete with verdant fields, muddy tweeds and damp turnips, but my strong advice is to surrender.Allow your sped-up, modern, movie-going metabolism, accelerated by a diet of frantic digital confections — including Mr.Spielberg’s just-released “Adventures of Tintin” — to calm down a bit.Suppress your instinctive impatience, quiet the snarky voice in your head and allow yourself to recall, or perhaps to discover, the deep pleasures of sincerity.If you can fake that, the old Hollywood adage goes, you’ve got it made.But while “War Horse” is, like so many of Mr.Spielberg’s films, a work of supreme artifice, it is also a self-conscious attempt to revive and pay tribute to a glorious tradition of honest, emotionally direct storytelling.Shot the old-fashioned way, on actual film stock(the cinematographer is Mr.Spielberg’s frequent collaborator Janusz Kaminski), the picture has a dark, velvety luster capable ofimparting a measure of movie-palace magic to the impersonal cavern of your local multiplex.The story, in its early chapters, also takes you back to an older — you may well say cornier — style of entertainment.Joey, the fleet-footed, headstrong half-Thoroughbred of the title, is purchased at auction by Ted Narracott(Peter Mullan), a proud and grouchy Devon farmer with a tendency to drink too much.His household includes a loving, scolding wife, Rosie(Emily Watson);a cantankerous goose;and a strapping lad named Albert(Jeremy Irvine), who forms an immediate and unbreakable bond with Joey.The teenage boy trains the horse to pull a plow and together they ride through the stunning scenery.But this pastoral is darkened by memories of war —Ted fought the Boers in South Africa, an experience so terrible he cannot speak of it to his son —and by social divisions.The Narracotts are tenant farmers at the mercy of their landlord(David Thewlis), and if “War Horse” pays tribute to solid British virtues of decency and discipline it also, like a Thomas Hardy novel, exposes the snobbery and economic oppression that are, if anything, even more deeply rooted in that nation’s history.So it is not entirely a simpler, more innocent world that is swept away by the war but rather a way of life whose contradictions are as emphatically presented as its charms.And what follows, as Joey is taken across the English Channel to the battlefields and trenches of Flanders and France, is a nightmare of cruelty that is not without its own sinister magic.Like most movies with an antiwar message, “War Horse” cannot help but be enthralled by the epic scale and transformative power of military conflict.“The war has taken everything from everyone” —the truth of this reckoning, uttered more than once by characters on screen, is self-evident, but it is complicated by thevisceral charge and cathartic relief that an effective war movie gives to its audience.The extreme violence of the slaughter in World War I is implied rather than graphically depicted.Mr.Spielberg steps back from the bloody, chaotic naturalism of “Saving Private Ryan” — this is an animal fable for children, after all, with echoes of “E.T.” and Carroll Ballard’s “Black Stallion” —but his ability to infuse action sequences with emotional gravity has hardly diminished.An early battle scene dramatizes the modernization of warfare with remarkable and haunting efficiency.A British cavalry unit attacks a German encampment, charging through the enemy ranks with swords in what appears to be a clean and devastating rout.But then, at the edge of the field, the German machine guns begin to fire, and the British horses crash into the forest, suddenly riderless and instantly obsolete.Joey, who of course never sought out heroism in the first place, is relegated to a life of brutal labor that seems fated to end in an ignoble death.He is kept alive by instinct, human kindness and the companionship of a regal black horse named Topthorn.Joey’s episodic journey takes him from British to German hands and back again, with a sojourn on a French farm owned by an elderly jam-maker(Niels Arestrup)and his young granddaughter(Celine Buckens).Albert, meanwhile, makes his own way to the war, and his and Joey’s parallel experiences —harrowing escapes, the loss of friends, the terror and deprivation brightened by flickers of tenderness or high spirits — give the story texture and momentum, as well as giving Mr.Spielberg an opportunity to show off, once again, his unmatched skill at cross-cutting.(The large cast, mostly British and almost entirely male, acquits itself admirably, with a few moments of maudlin overacting and many more of heartbreaking understatement.)Mr.Spielberg and the screenwriters, Lee Hall and Richard Curtis, have wisely avoided attempting to reproduce the atmosphere and effects of the stage production, in which Joey and the other horses are portrayed by huge puppets.He prefers to translate the tale, which originates in a novel by Michael Morpurgo, into a fully cinematic idiom.And “War Horse” turns out to have a central Spielbergian theme —perhaps the dominant idea in this director’s body of work —namely the fraught and fascinating relationship between the human and the nonhuman.What do they —sharks, horses, aliens, dinosaurs, intelligent machines — mean to us? What are we supposed to do with them? The boundary can be hard to maintain: sometimes, as in “E.T.” and “A.I.,” nonhuman beings are virtually impossible to distinguish from humans;at other times, as in “Amistad” and “Schindler’s List,” self-evidently human beings are denied that status.Sometimes the nonhuman is a threat, at other times a comfort, but it always presents a profound ethical challenge based in a stark existential mystery: Who are we?Mr.Spielberg’s answers to this question tend to be hopeful, and his taste for happy, or at least redemptive endings is frequently criticized.But his ruthless optimism, while it has helped to make him an enormously successful showman, is also crucial to his identity as an artist, and is more complicated than many of his detractors realize.“War Horse” registers the loss and horror of a gruesomely irrational episode in history, a convulsion that can still seem like an invitation to despair.To refuse that, to choose compassion and consolation, requires a measure of obstinacy, a muscular and brutish willfulness that is also an authentic kind of grace.“War Horse” is rated PG-13(Parentsstrongly cautioned).The violence is intense and upsetting, though not especially gory by present-day standards.WAR HORSEDirected by Steven Spielberg;written by Lee Hall and Richard Curtis, based on the novel by Michael Morpurgo;director of photography, Janusz Kaminski;edited by Michael Kahn;music by John Williams;production design by Rick Carter;costumes by Joanna Johnston;visual-effects supervisor, Ben Morris;produced by Mr.Spielberg and Kathleen Kennedy;released by DreamWorks Pictures and Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.Running time: 2 hours 26 minutes.WITH: Emily Watson(Rosie Narracott), David Thewlis(Lyons), Peter Mullan(Ted Narracott), Niels Arestrup(Grandfather), Tom Hiddleston(Captain Nicholls), Jeremy Irvine(Albert Narracott), Benedict Cumberbatch(Major Stewart), Toby Kebbell(Geordie Soldier), Celine Buckens(Emilie), Rainer Bock(Brandt)and Patrick Kennedy(Lieutenant Waverly).第二篇:《战马》影评飘扬在战场上的“永不言弃”——《战马》影评没有华丽的动作特效,没有震撼的战争场景,没有声嘶力竭的宣誓呐喊,没有痛彻心扉的生离死别。
《战马》(War Horse)1000字观后感

《战马》(War Horse)1000字观后感《战马》(War Horse)是一部由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导的电影,改编自迈克尔·莫波戈的同名小说。

《战马》英文观后感小学生After watching the movie "War Horse", I was deeply moved by the touching story of the horse named Joey and his journey through World War I.The movie portrays the strong bond between Joey and his owner Albert, as they grow up together in rural England. However, their lives are soon torn apart when Joey is sold to the army and sent to the front lines of the war.Throughout the movie, we witness the horrors of war and the bravery of the soldiers who fought. Joey also encounters many other characters, both human and animal, who impact his journey.Despite the difficulties he faces, Joey never loses his determination to survive and return home to Albert. His unwavering spirit is truly inspiring.Overall, "War Horse" is a beautiful and emotional movie that showcases the power of friendship and the resilience of the human (and animal) spirit.观看电影《战马》后,我被故事中的角色和马Joey的历程深深感动。

War horseThe movie《War horse》was directed by Steven Spielberg .It told that in 1914, the boy Albert saw the birth of the young horse in Devon town. In the market, it was bought by Albert’s father Ted with the 30 kenites, but his father makes the landlord angry by competing with him. Albert is very happy and give the little horse a name called Joey. However the landlord came to his home and said if Joey can't plow their fields. He will immediately take away the Joey and their fields. So, Albert has no way but forces Joey to plow their fields under the persecution. And Albert even used the whip to let Joey to plow their fields. Finally Joey really grasped the Albert's difficulties and showed its unexpected potential at the first time. In order to pay his debt s, Albert’s father worked very hard! And not much later, they earn the harvest, but the heavy rain ruined everything.His father lost in the despair. But at that time, the first world war was broken out. His father sold horse to the horse cavalry army, change the 30 Kenites . Albert was very sad but the only thing he can do is watching and pray for his horse.But captain Nichols died in the attack. So Joey was luck, He wasn’t be killed in the fighting. And he met his second master.At that time, Albert joined the army. But he got injured. Fortunately, he found Joey at the hospital. Although he couldn’t see it. But herecognized Joey immediately. After the ending of the war, Albert returned to his hometown with Joey. And when he rode Joey back to home, his parents burst into tears. And they hug together under the sunset. And Joey watched this scene quietly.I appreciate this movie very much. Obviously, it represents the director’s dislike to the war. He explain s this emotion by showing different people’s exp erience in the war!。

War horseThe movie《War horse》was directed by Steven Spielberg .It told that in 1914, the boy Albert saw the birth of the young horse in Devon town. In the market, it was bought by Albert s'father Ted with the 30 kenites, but his father makes the landlord angry by competing with him. Albert is very happy and give the little horse a name called Joey. However the landlord came to his home and said if Joey can't plow their fields. He will immediately take away the Joey and their fields. So, Albert has no way but forces Joey to plow their fields under the persecution. And Albert even used the whip to let Joey to plow their fields. Finally Joey really grasped the Albert's difficulties and showed its unexpected potential at the first time. In order to pay his debts, Albert 'fasther worked very hard! And not much later, they earn the harvest, but the heavy rain ruined everything.His father lost in the despair. But at that time, the first world war was broken out. His father sold horse to the horse cavalry army, change the 30 Kenites . Albert was very sad but the only thing he can do is watching and pray for his horse.But captain Nichols died in the attack. So Joey was luck, He wasn t be killed in the fighting. And he met his second master.At that time, Albert joined the army. But he got injured. Fortunately, he found Joey at the hospital. Although he couldn't see it. But herecognized Joey immediately. After the ending of the war, Albert returned to his hometown with Joey. And when he rode Joey back to home, his parents burst into tears. And they hug together under the sunset. And Joey watched this scene quietly.I appreciate this movie very much. Obviously, it represents the director d'isslike to the war. He explain s this emotion by showing different people 'ersieenxcpe in the war!。

As long as you do things with integrity, don't ask about success or failure.同学互助一起进步(页眉可删)英语观后感100字电影《战马》英文观后感【1】War Horse was such a wonderful movie. This movie exceeded my expectations. It was moving, emotional, beautiful, and so heartwarming. Its sure to become a classic. You dont have to be a horse lover to love this movie.There isnt a lot of blood, but you can still see the horrors of war and how intense it was for the soldiers and horses, as well as civilians. The Battle of the Somme scene was especially intense.The acting was wonderful, the cinematography was beautiful, John Williams score was perfect, and the horses were so well trained! Spielberg has made a masterpiece!史密斯夫婦观后感【2】This movie starts powerful, but unfortunately, as the plot develops, the anticipation decreases. At the end the viewer is bored with brainless action, that we have beenseeing since the second Rambo movie (the first didnt have so much shooting). The cast is good, Pitt and Jolie give life to their characters, but it takes much more than two good actors to create a good film. The final shooting scene kept me asking, is there a gunfight, or am I watching someone playing Half-Life 2 with god mode on? This movie lacks balance. The bad guys look pathetic, they look as if they havent held a gun before, much less used it. Its just the late Hollywood tendency, not to care about plausibility, but just brainless action, and the more, the better. Bottom line : Mr. and Mrs. Smith is an entertaining movie. It has several ingenious moments, a good idea, great effects, nice camera-work, but come on, the bad guys are supposed to be pros :) . But dont expect to see something like "Face/Off", simply because you wont.环太平洋英语观后感【3】This is an absolutely magnificent movie!I have seen hundreds of films and this movie is only the 6th that I have awarded a 10/10 to.All this year,I had been anticipating the release of Snyders Man of Steel,with Pacific Rim coming in at a distant 2nd for my "Most Anticipated of 20__"list.Not only was this movie better than Man of Steel,but I am now prepared to say it is one of my favourite movies of all time!Not being impressed by Del Toros Hellboy,I was a bit anxious when he was directing a movie about giant robots fighting aliens,but my fears were aside with an impressive first trailer.Giant robots fighting enormous aliens - its not just for meth-heads anymore...Incredible film!。


The Shining Humanity in War HorseAn excellent movie does not win by its magnificent scenes or by its expensive cost of production, but by the humanity it reflects. The movie, war horse, directed by Steven Spielberg is just the masterpiece that reflects the shining humanity.“War Horse” beg an in rural England where a teen named Albert befriended, tamed, and trained a horse he named Joey after his father bought him in an auction. Because of the owing money of the landlord, they eventually sold the horse to a member of the British military to take part in W orld War I. As a result, Albert is depressed, and he promised he would find Joey and reunite with him some day, even if he has to enlist as a soldier himself.The film then followed Joey through various experiences depicting the death and devastation that the war brought – only we’re seeing it through a horse’s eyes. Yet everywhere Joey winds up, he finds someone with a kind heart who looks after him. This, to me, is the essence of the movie.At first, Joey was sold to Captain Nicholls, bur Albert was failed to join the army with Joey for he was too young to go tothe front. But Nicholls promised that he would take good care of Joey, and he draw a picture of Joey and sent it to Albert. Unfortunately, Nicholls died in battle and Joey was captured by the Germans along with his friend Topthorn.The head of the Germany army gave the order that all the horses should be killed. Luckily, with the intersession of two Germany brothers, they survived. Not wanting his younger brother to go to the front and die there, the elder brother took him away to France along with the two horses. But unfortunately, the two brothers were found by the army and were killed.Next morning, French girl Emilie surprised to find the two horses in her house. She and her grandpa tried their best to protect them even if their house was robbed, but eventually the two horses were still taken away by the Germany army. Again, Joey and Topthorn had to step onto the battlefield.Thankfully, the Germany hostler gave protection to the horses with all his forces, not wanting the excellent horses die from overwork, he changed another horse to drag the heavy cannon. When the Germany army was defeated, the kindhearted hostler let Joey go.Then, here comes to the climax of the film, which is also themost moving part. Joey tried to flee from the war, so he ran wildly on the battlefield. However, he charged through barbed wire barricades that completely entangle him and fell to the ground. In danger of dying from his wounds, he is trapped in “no man’s land” between the British and German trenches. Soldiers on both sides spot him, and are moved by the horse’s plight. A British soldier named Colin risked his life and tried to rescue Joey, but then he lamented that he did not bring along gloves or something to cut the wire. At that moment, a German soldier appeared behind him holding out a pair of wire cutters, saying, “I thought perhaps you might need these.” Whereupon, a historically significant moment came when the two sides ceased fire. Without the smoke of the war, everyone held his breath, waiting for the successful rescue. At that moment, the safety of Joey touched the heart of each and every soldier, and it felt like the world were all peaceful.Albert and Joey reunited in the military hospital as if by a miracle. The war came to the end, and according to the rules, Joey should be auctioned off again. Albert’s comrades pooled their money and encouraged Albert to buy Joe y back. Emilie’s grandpa bought Joey with a high price of one hundred poungs, but when he found that Albert is the real owner, he made thedifficult decision to give it back.When I was watching the movie, I always worried about the safety of Joey, but luckily, he survived after so many sufferings. His survival is owing to the valiant Captain Nicholls, the two young Germany soldiers, the lovely Franch girl Emilie and her grandpa, the warm-hearted hostler, also the kindhearted Colin and Peter. Joey was taken care and rescued time and again, which embodies the most precious thing of human beings, that is, the shining humanity. 。
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War horse
The movie《War horse》was directed by Steven Spielberg .It told that in 1914, the boy Albert saw the birth of the young horse in Devon town. In the market, it was bought by Albert’s father Ted with the 30 kenites, but his father makes the landlord angry by competing with him. Albert is very happy and give the little horse a name called Joey. However the landlord came to his home and said if Joey can't plow their fields. He will immediately take away the Joey and their fields.
So, Albert has no way but forces Joey to plow their fields under the persecution. And Albert even used the whip to let Joey to plow their fields. Finally Joey really grasped the Albert's difficulties and showed its unexpected potential at the first time. In order to pay his debt s, Albert’s father worked very hard! And not much later, they earn the harvest, but the heavy rain ruined everything.
His father lost in the despair. But at that time, the first world war was broken out. His father sold horse to the horse cavalry army, change the 30 Kenites . Albert was very sad but the only thing he can do is watching and pray for his horse.
But captain Nichols died in the attack. So Joey was luck, He wasn’t be killed in the fighting. And he met his second master.
At that time, Albert joined the army. But he got injured. Fortunately, he found Joey at the hospital. Although he couldn’t see it. But he recognized Joey immediately. After the ending of the war, Albert returned to his hometown with Joey. And when he rode Joey back to home, his parents burst into tears. And they hug together under the sunset. And Joey watched this scene quietly.
I appreciate this movie very much. Obviously, it represents the director’s dislike to the war. He explain s this emotion by showing different people’s exp erience in the war!。