
行测部分一、言语理解与表达1. 在位于美国洛杉矶市中心的汉考克公园里,有一连串的沥青坑,被叫做“拉布雷亚沥青坑”。
下列说法与原文相符的是( )。
2. 文化行业集密集型的人才、技术、知识与资本于一体,并具有鲜明的跨学科、跨专业、跨时空和跨文化特征,还将在未来的个人行为、社会生活和国家建设以及全球发展和人类食物中扮演着中心角色。
这段文字意在说明( )。


“考 通录”网里的招商银行复习材料,可以看看。
提升练习1.盒中有4个白球6个红球,无放回地每次抽取1个,则第二次取到白球的概率是 A.152 B.154 C.52 D.53 2.某项工作,甲单独完成需要的时间是乙、丙共同完成的2倍,乙单独完成需要的时间是甲、丙共同完成的3倍,丙单独完成需要的时间是甲、乙共同完成的几倍 A.53 B.57 C.25 D.273.甲、乙、丙共同投资,甲的投资是乙、丙总数的41,乙的投资是甲、丙总数的41,假如甲、乙再各投入20000元,丙的投资还比乙多4000元,三人共投资了多少元钱A.80000B.70000C.60000D.500004.一个小数的小数点向右移动一位与向左移动一位所得的两数之和为1214.222,这个小数是多少A.118.82B.119.22C.119.82D.120.225.有货物270件,用乙型车若干,可刚好装完;用甲型车,可比用乙型车少出车1辆,且尚可再装30件。
已知甲型车每辆比乙型车多装15件,甲型车每辆可装货多少件A. 40B.45C. 50D. 606.在与自然灾害的抗争中,人类仍然有很长的路要走。

4、性格测试二、招商银行笔试100练习题1、商业银行贷款发放和使用应当符合国家法律、行政法规和中国人民银行发布的行政规章,应当遵循的原则有( D )A:安全性、计划性、效益性B:计划性、择优性、偿还性C:安全性、计划性、择优性D:安全性、流动性、效益性2、按贷款期限划分短期贷款是指( C )A:六个月以内(含六个月) B、六个月以内C:一年以内(含一年) D、一年以内3、按贷款方式划分,贷款分哪些种类( B )A:保证贷款、抵押贷款、质押贷款B:信用贷款、担保贷款、票据贴现C:信用贷款、保证贷款、票据贴D:担保贷款、抵押贷款、质押贷款4、贷款五级分类的标准是( A )A:正常、关注、次级、可疑、损失B:正常、可疑、逾期、呆滞、呆帐C:正常、次级、关注、可疑、损失、D:关注、逾期、可疑、呆滞、呆帐5、自营贷款的期限一般最长不超过( C )A:五年B:八年C:十年D: 十五年6、根据我国商业银行存贷款比例指标,各项贷款与各项存款之比( A ) A:不超过75% B:不超过120%C:不超过100% D:不超过70%7、商业银行年末存贷比例不得高于( C )A:70% B:75% C:80% D:65%8、一年期以上中长期贷款余额与一年期以上存款余额的比例不得高于( B ) A:100% B:120% C:70% D:80%9、商业银行资产负债比例管理指标中资产利润率为( D )A:利润总额与全部资产的比例不抵于10%B:利润总额与全部资产的比例不抵于5%C:利润总额与全部资产的比例不抵于0.1%D:利润总额与全部资产的比例不低于0.5%10、短期贷款展期期限累计不得超过( C )A:一年B:半年C:原借款期限D:原借款期限的一半11、商业银行资产负债比例管理指标中一般要求企业的流动比率应高于( D ) A100% B50% C资产负债率D200%12、在下列哪种情况下,合同债务人可不承担违约责任( A )A:不可抗力B意外事故C标的物灭失D逾期履行13、下列那个担保形式不属于物权担保( D )A抵押B质押C留置D保证14、对担保合同说法正确的是( A )A:被担保合同与担保合同属于主从合同关系B:担保合同为主合同C:被担保合同为主合同D:担保合同本身能够独立存在15、商业银行再贴现业务是指( C )A:商业银行持未到期的贴现票据向其他商业银行请求贴现B:商业银行持未到期的贴现票据向非银行融资机构请求贴现C:商业银行持未到期的贴现票据向中央银行请求贴现D:商业银行持未到期的贴现票据向企业请求贴现16、动产抵押质权人最主要的权利是( C )A:留置质物的权利B:救济质物的权利C:优先受偿权D:代位权17、商业银行发放贷款的种类主要为( B )A:商业贷款B:自营贷款C:委托贷款D:农业贷款18、商业银行核销呆帐贷款的程序是( D )A:先金额小后金额大B:呆帐形成三年以后核销C:上级要求核销D: 先认定后核销19、对最大一家客户贷款余额不得超过( A )A:本行资本总额的10%B:本行资本总额的30%C:本行资本总额的20%D:本行资本总额的40%20、贷款利息收回率指标叙述正确的是( D )A:贷款实收利息占贷款利息收入的比例不抵于75%B:贷款实收利息占贷款利息收入的比例不低于80%C:贷款实收利息占贷款利息收入的比例不低于85%D:贷款实收利息占贷款利息收入的比例不低于90%21、抵押人不履行合同时,抵押权人有权( A )A:变现抵押物优先受偿B:占有并使用抵押物C:没收抵押物D:退还抵押物22、有关保证的下列说法中,错误的是( A )A:主合同被确认失效后,保证人不再承担任何责任B:保证方式有一般保证和连带责任保证之分C:不管保证人承担的是履行责任还是赔偿责任,保证人都可能承担赔偿责任。

56、单选题下列属于“语序不当”的是( )A. 他如果不能实事求是,事业就会受到损失。
B. 我们坚信,有这么一天,中国的工业和农业会成为发达的国家。
C. 几年来,他无时无刻不忘搜集、整理民歌,积累了大量的资料。
D. 他们胸怀祖国,放眼世界,大力发扬了敢拼敢搏,终于夺得了冠军。
参考答案: A本题解释:参考答案:A 题目详解: 这道题属于语序不当,主要考察虚词的位置安排不当。
考查点: 言语理解与表达>病句判断>语序不当第56题所属考点-病句判断【语序不当】57、单选题在二部门经济中,若现期GDP水平为5000亿元,消费者希望从中支出3900亿元消费,计划投资支出总额为1200亿元,这些数据表明( )。
A. GDP不在均衡水平,将下降B. GDP不在均衡水平,将上升C. GDP在均衡水平D. 不确定参考答案: B本题解释:正确答案是:B【解析】GDP=5000<3900+1200=5100,表现为产出小于计划总需求第57题所属考点-【经济学】58、单选题《永乐大典》是中国最著名的一部大型古代典籍,它的规模远远超过了前代编纂的所有类书,为后世留下许多丰富的故事和难解之谜,保存了14世纪以前中国历史地理、文学艺术、哲学宗教和百科文献。
以下关于《永乐大典》描述错误的是( )。
A. 《永乐大典》是一部类书,它编纂于明朝永乐年间B. 《永乐大典》由解缙和姚广孝担任主要负责人,负责书籍的收集以及编修C. 《永乐大典》的编纂者们采用了“用韵以统字,用字以系事”的方法编排书目D. 清抄《永乐大典》时有严格的责任制度,在最后一页的图版上,标明总校官、分校官、缮写者和圈点者的姓名,职责非常明确。

51、单选题下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )A. 在当今商品经济的时代,当诗歌失却往昔荣耀而逐渐远离我们的时候,读到这样一首催人奋然前行的祖国颂歌,真是难得的精神享受。
B. 一切事物的发展都是有起有伏、波浪式前进的,这是由于事物的内部矛盾以及自然和社会的种种外因影响所决定的C. 文艺作品语言的好坏,不在于它用了一大堆华丽的词,用了某一行业的术语,而在于它的词语用得是地方D. 有的文章主旨比较隐晦,不是用明白晓畅的文字直接揭示出来,而是借用某种修辞手段或表现手来源:法,含蓄地描写出来。
参考答案: A本题解释:参考答案:A 题目详解: 这道题考察了举棋不定,一面对两面搭配不当,谓语和宾语搭配不当,因此属于综合类。
C “文艺作品语言好坏……在于它的词语用得是地方”搭配不当。
备注: A选项也存在错误,句子中缺少主语。
考查点: 言语理解与表达>病句判断>病句判断综合类第51题所属考点-病句判断【综合类】52、单选题经过刻苦学习,期末考试,他6门功课平均都在90分以上。
该句语病为:( )A. 用词褒贬失当B. 句子承接不当C. 语意自相矛盾D. 词语位置错乱参考答案: C本题解释:参考答案:C 题目详解: 这道题属于逻辑矛盾,主要考察自相矛盾。
考查点: 言语理解与表达>病句判断>逻辑矛盾第52题所属考点-病句判断【逻辑矛盾】53、单选题填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A. 可亲可敬B. 生龙活虎C. 栩栩如生D. 唯妙唯肖参考答案: D本题解释:参考答案:D 题目详解: 这道题属于成语辨析,主要考察明确成语的适用范围。

2018年中国银行秋季校园招聘笔试真题及答案第一部分英语(1-10)Part OneDirection: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet.1. In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _____.A. admittedB. acknowledgedC. absorbedD. considered2. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents' _____.A. commandB. convictionC. consentD. compromise3. The new secretary has written a remarkably _____ report only in a few pages but with all the details.A. conciseB. clearC. preciseD. elaborate4.It was a great _____ for him to be pleasant to people he didn't like.A. attemptC. powerD. effort5.His new appointment takes _____ from the beginning of next month.A. placeB. effectC. postD. office6. The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and _____ him of speeding.A. chargedB. accusedC. blamedD. deprived7. Mr. Smith gradually _____ a knowledge of the subject.A. attainedB. achievedC. requiredD. acquired8. My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A. treatedB. adoptedC. adjustedD. remedied9. The number of tickets _____ will be determined by the size of the stadium.B. acceptableC. advisableD. available10. The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a _____ attitude.A. changeableB. alternateC. movableD. flexible答案及解析语法知识部分:1. 答案:D解析:句意“在这个工厂提出的建议通常要等数月后才会被充分考虑”。

A.实行竖立勾通 B.施行竖立勾通 C.实行树立沟通 D.施行树立沟通答案:C(实行:用行动来实现(纲领政策计划等),实行的内容较抽象;施行:表示按照某种方式或办法去做,施行的内容较具体。
③说话 ,不带冗余,是一个人具有良好的文化素质的反映。
A.报怨简捷简洁优雅 B.抱怨简洁简捷幽雅C.抱怨简捷简洁幽雅 D.报怨简洁简捷优雅答案:C(抱怨:指因不满而埋怨;报怨:对所怨恨的人作出反应,现在不常用,常见的成语似乎只有“以德报怨。

A.家庭B.企业C.中央银行D.政府参照答案:B 【答案解析】:企业是金融市场运行的基础,是重要的资金需求者和供给者。

2018年中国银行秋季校园招聘笔试真题及答案第一部分英语(1-10)Part OneDirection: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet.1. In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _____.A. admittedB. acknowledgedC. absorbedD. considered2. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents' _____.A. commandB. convictionC. consentD. compromise3. The new secretary has written a remarkably _____ report only in a few pages but with all the details.A. conciseB. clearC. preciseD. elaborate4.It was a great _____ for him to be pleasant to people he didn't like.A. attemptC. powerD. effort5.His new appointment takes _____ from the beginning of next month.A. placeB. effectC. postD. office6. The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and _____ him of speeding.A. chargedB. accusedC. blamedD. deprived7. Mr. Smith gradually _____ a knowledge of the subject.A. attainedB. achievedC. requiredD. acquired8. My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A. treatedB. adoptedC. adjustedD. remedied9. The number of tickets _____ will be determined by the size of the stadium.B. acceptableC. advisableD. available10. The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a _____ attitude.A. changeableB. alternateC. movableD. flexible答案及解析语法知识部分:1. 答案:D解析:句意“在这个工厂提出的建议通常要等数月后才会被充分考虑”。

2018年中国银行秋季校园招聘笔试真题及答案第一部分英语(1-10)Part OneDirection: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet.1. In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _____.A. admittedB. acknowledgedC. absorbedD. considered2. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents' _____.A. commandB. convictionC. consentD. compromise3. The new secretary has written a remarkably _____ report only in a few pages but with all the details.A. conciseB. clearC. preciseD. elaborate4.It was a great _____ for him to be pleasant to people he didn't like.A. attemptC. powerD. effort5.His new appointment takes _____ from the beginning of next month.A. placeB. effectC. postD. office6. The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and _____ him of speeding.A. chargedB. accusedC. blamedD. deprived7. Mr. Smith gradually _____ a knowledge of the subject.A. attainedB. achievedC. requiredD. acquired8. My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A. treatedB. adoptedC. adjustedD. remedied9. The number of tickets _____ will be determined by the size of the stadium.B. acceptableC. advisableD. available10. The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a _____ attitude.A. changeableB. alternateC. movableD. flexible答案及解析语法知识部分:1. 答案:D解析:句意“在这个工厂提出的建议通常要等数月后才会被充分考虑”。

填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A. 营建环境B. 努力氛围C. 营造局面D. 建造局势2.名校办分校是近年来冒出的新生事物,这项举措受到各方意见的____:“名校连锁”是否____、是否与义务教育均衡发展____ 。

A. store作动词常常指“储藏,储存”;B. reserve常指“预订,预留,保留,储备”,常见用法reserve sth. for sth. / sb. 如:reserve your strength for the climb. 留点力气准备攀登吧;C. remain保持;留在;停留,常用来指保持某种状态;D. keep常指“保持(特定状态);继续”。
see强调“看见”;glance匆匆一看;瞥见,后面接宾语时需要跟介词,常见用法glance at / through,故首先排除C、D两项。
scan匆匆而粗略地看;skim: read sth quickly in order to find a particular point or the main point即快速浏览以寻找某个特定信息或要点。
more than一般指“多于;超过;不只是”,但还常用于口语中,表示“十分,非常,极其”,more than angry表示非常生气。
less than少于,小于,不超过;rather than不是,而不是。
如:I, rather than you, should do the work. 该做这工作的是我,而不是你。
other than除了,不同于。
trouble主要指遇上难解决的问题而使人苦恼、忧虑;puzzled 指人是困惑的,因此将A、D两项排除;根据句意,自然的平衡本身并不是混乱的(confused),而受到了人为的干扰(disturbed),才会导致不可预见的影响。

/ 2018银行校园招聘言语理解与表达真题解析一、解释关系文段中的某个词、短语或者句子对设空处所填的词语进行了直接或间接的解释。
A.头昏眼花优柔寡断B.扑朔迷离进退维谷C.不知所措当机立断D.眼花缭乱举棋不定答案与解析:D 此题运用解释关系来分析。
A.无所顾忌B.无所不为C.无所事事D.无所作为答案与解析:D 此题运用反对关系来分析。

2018年中国银行秋季校园招聘笔试真题及答案第一部分英语(1-10)Part OneDirection: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet.1. In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _____.A. admittedB. acknowledgedC. absorbedD. considered2. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents' _____.A. commandB. convictionC. consentD. compromise3. The new secretary has written a remarkably _____ report only in a few pages but with all the details.A. conciseB. clearC. preciseD. elaborate4.It was a great _____ for him to be pleasant to people he didn't like.A. attemptC. powerD. effort5.His new appointment takes _____ from the beginning of next month.A. placeB. effectC. postD. office6. The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and _____ him of speeding.A. chargedB. accusedC. blamedD. deprived7. Mr. Smith gradually _____ a knowledge of the subject.A. attainedB. achievedC. requiredD. acquired8. My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A. treatedB. adoptedC. adjustedD. remedied9. The number of tickets _____ will be determined by the size of the stadium.B. acceptableC. advisableD. available10. The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a _____ attitude.A. changeableB. alternateC. movableD. flexible答案及解析语法知识部分:1. 答案:D解析:句意“在这个工厂提出的建议通常要等数月后才会被充分考虑”。

2018年招商银行秋季校园招聘笔试试卷及答案解析第一部分英语(1-15)一、阅读理解Text 1It would be all too easy to say that Facebook’s market meltdown is coming to an end. After all, Mark Zuckerberg’s social network burned as much as $ 50 billion of shareholders’ wealth in just a couple months. To put that in context, since its debut(初次登台)on NASDAQ in May, Facebook has lost value nearly equal to Yahoo, AOL, Zynga, Yelp, Pandora, Open Table, Groupon, LinkedIn, and Angie’s List combined, plus that of the bulk of the publicly traded newspaper industry.As shocking as this utter failure may be to the nearly 1 billion faithful Facebook users around the world, it’s no surprise to anyone who read the initial public offering (IPO) prospectus(首次公开募股说明书). Worse still, all the crises that emerged when the company debuted — overpriced shares, poor corporate governance, huge challenges to the core business, and a damaged brand — remain today. Facebook looks like a prime example of what Wall Street calls a falling knife — that is, one that can cost investors their fingers if they try to catch it.Start with the valuation(估值). To justify a stock price close to the lower end of the projected range in the IPO, say $ 28 a share, Facebook’s future growth would have needed to match that of Google seven years earlier. That would have required increasing revenue by some 80 percent annually and maintaining high profit margins all the while.That’s not happening. In the first half of 2012, Facebook reported revenue of $ 2.24 billion, up 38 percent from the same period in 2011. At the same time, the company’s costs surged to $ 2.6 billion in the six-month period.This so-so performance reflects the Achilles’ heel of Facebook’s business model, which the company clearly stated in a list of risk factors associated with its IPO: it hasn’t yet figured out how to advertise effectively on mobile devices, the number of Facebook users accessing the site on their phones surged by 67 percent to 543 million in the last quarter, or more than half its customer base.Numbers are only part of the problem. The mounting pile of failure creates a negative feedback loop that threatens Facebook’s future in other ways. Indeed, the more Facebook’s disappointment in the market is catalogued, the worse Facebook’s imagebecomes. Not only does that threaten to rub off on users, it’s bad for recruitment and retention of talented hackers, who are the life blood of Zuckerberg’s creation. Yet the brilliant CEO can ignore the sadness and complaints of his shareholders thanks to the super-voting stock he holds. This arrangement also was fully disclosed at the time of the offering. It’s a pity so few investors apparently bothered to do their homework.1. What can be inferred about Facebook from the first paragraph?A. Its market meltdown has been easily halted.B. It has increased trade with the newspaper industry.C. It has encountered utter failure since its stock debut.D. Its shareholders have invested $ 50 billion in a social network.2. The crises Facebook is facing _______________.A. have been disclosed in the IPO prospectusB. are the universal risks Wall Street confrontsC. disappoint its faithful usersD. have existed for a long time3. To make its stock price reasonable, Facebook has to _______________.A. narrow the IPO price rangeB. cooperate with GoogleC. keep enormously profitableD. invest additional $ 2.6 billion4. It can be inferred from the context that the “Achilles’ heel” (Line 1, Para.5) refers to ______________.A. deadly weaknessB. problem unsolvedC. indisputable factD. potential risk5. What effect will Facebook’s failure in the market have?A. Its users’ benefits will be threatened.B. Talented hackers will take down the website.C. The CEO will hold the super-voting stock.D. The company’s innovation strength will be damaged.Text 2I’ll admit I’ve never quite understood the obsession(难以破除的成见)surrounding genetically modified (GM) crops. To environmentalist opponents, GM foods are simply evil, an understudied, possibly harmful tool used by big agricultural businesses to control global seed markets and crush local farmers. They argue that GM foods have never delivered on their supposed promise, that money spent on GM crops would be better channeled to organic farming and that consumers should be protected with warning labels on any products that contain genetically modified ingredients. To supporters, GM crops are a key part of the effort to sustainably provide food to meet a growing global population. But more than that, supporters see the GM opposition of many environmentalists as fundamentally anti-science, no different than those who question the basics of man-made climate change.For both sides, GM foods seem to act as a symbol: you’re pro-agricultural business or anti-science. But science is exactly what we need more of when it comes to GM foods, which is why I was happy to see Nature devote a special series of articles to the GM food controversy. The conclusion: while GM crops haven’t yet realized their initial promise and have been dominated by agricultural businesses, there is reason to continue to use and develop them to help meet the enormous challenge of sustainably feeding a growing planet.That doesn’t mean GM crops are perfect, or a one-size-fits-all solution to global agriculture problems. But anything that can increase farming efficiency — the amount of crops we can produce per acre of land — will be extremely useful. GM crops can and almost certainly will be part of that suite of tools’ but so will traditional plant breeding, improved soil and crop management and perhaps most important of all, better storage and transport infrastructure(基础设施), especially in the developing world. (It doesn’t do much good for farmers in places like sub-Saharan Africa to produce more food if they can’t get it to hungry consumers.) I’d like to see more non-industry research done on GM crops — not just because we’d worry less about bias, but also because seed companies like Monsanto and Pioneer shouldn’t be the only entities working to harness genetic modification. I’d like to see GM research on less commercial crops, like corn. I don’t think it’s vital to label GM ingredientsin food, but I also wouldn’t be against if — and industry would be smart to go along with labeling, just as a way of removing fears about the technology.Most of all, though, I wish a tenth of the energy that’s spent endlessly debating GM crops was focused on those more pressing challenges for global agriculture. There are much bigger battles to fight.6. How do environmentalist opponents view GM foods according to the passage?A. They will eventually ruin agriculture and the environment.B. They are used by big businesses to monopolize agriculture.C. They have proved potentially harmful to consumers’ health.D. They pose a tremendous threat to current farming practice.7. What does the author say is vital to solve the controversy between the two sides of the debate?A. Breaking the GM food monopoly.B. More friendly exchange of ideas.C. Regulating GM food production.D. More scientific research on GM crops.8. What is the main point of the Nature articles?A. Feeding the growing population makes it imperative to develop GM crops.B. Popularizing GM technology will help it to live up to its initial promises.C. Measures should be taken to ensure the safety of GM foods.D. Both supporters and opponents should make compromises.9. What is the author’s view on the solution to agricultural problems?A. It has to depend more and more on GM technology.B. It is vital to the sustainable development of human society.C. GM crops should be allowed until better alternatives are found.D. Whatever is useful to boost farming efficiency should be encouraged.10. What does the author think of the ongoing debate around GM crops?A. It arises out of ignorance of and prejudice against new science.B. It distracts the public attention from other key issues of the world.C. Efforts spent on it should be turned to more urgent issues of agriculture.D. Neither side is likely to give in until more convincing evidence is found.Text 3There is a certain inevitability that e-book sales have now overtaken paperback sales on Amazon’s US site. Amazon’s Kindle 2 is so light and so cheap that it’s easy to see why people have rushed to buy it. Though I’m still not keen on the design of the Kindle, it is a vast improvement on its predecessor and certainly tolerable. Beyond the device itself, Amazon has done a great job of rolling out Kindle apps, ensuring that people like me — who have an iPad but not a Kindle — can still join in the fun. Once you’re into the Kindle ecosystem, Amazon locks you in tightly —just as Apple does with its iTunes / iPod ecosystem. It’s so easy to buy from Amazon’s store and the books are so cheap that it’s not worth the effort of going elsewhere. While I remain opposed to Amazon’s DRM(数字版权管理)— indeed, I’m opposed to DRM on any e-books — I have to admit that the implementation is so smooth that most Kindle users won’t care at all that their e-books can’t be moved to other devices. The e-book trend is nowhere near peaking. Over the next five years we can expect to see more and more readers move away from printed books and pick up e-books instead. But I don’t think that will mean the death of the printed book.There are some who prefer printed books. They like having shelves filled with books they’ve read and books they plan to read; they like the feel of the book in their hands and the different weights and typefaces and layouts of different titles. In other words, they like the physical form of the book almost as much as the words it contains.I can sympathize with those people. As I wrote earlier this week, my ideal situation would before publishers to bundle e-books with printed ones — in much the same way that film studio submit DVDs with digital copies of films. There’s no reason to think that lovers of printed books will change their minds. There will undoubtedly be fewer of them as time goes by because more people will grow up with e-books and spend little time with printed ones. However, just as there are people who love vinyl records(黑胶唱片), even if they were born well into the CD era, there will still be a dedicated minority who love physical books.Since there are fewer of these people, that will mean fewer bookshops and higher prices for printed books but I don’t think the picture is entirely bleak. There is scope for smaller print runs of lavishly designed printed books and bookshops aimed at book lovers, rather than the Stieg Larsson-reading masses. With mainstreamreaders out of the printed book market, booklovers might even find they get a better experience.11. What can be inferred from Paragraph One?A. Most people buy Kindle 2 mainly because of its low price.B. The author of the passage is a loyal customer of Apple products.C. Amazon’s Kindle 2 surpassed Kindle 1 in designing.D. The sales of e-book outnumbered those of paperback in the U. S.12. According to the passage, the reason why the author opposes to Amazon’s DRM is that ________________.A. e-books can only be purchased on Amazon. comB. Kindle books are not compatible with other electronic reading devicesC. once implemented, e-books can’t be transferred to other equipmentsD. e-books installed on Kindle 2 can’t be edited freely13. It can be learned that the trend of e-books ________________.A. will come to stop any time soonB. will reach the summit in the near futureC. will meet its heyday when printed books dieD. has already reached its peak14. Why does the author believe that the surging sales of e-books won’t mean the death of the printed book?A. Because a minority will stick to their love of printed books.B. Because the majority of book lovers won’t change their minds.C. Because people always hold nostalgic feelings towards printed books.D. Because people will return to the printed books as time goes by.15. According to the author, which of the following is TRUE about the future of printed books?A. They will be bundled with e-books.B. They will no longer be available in the market.C. They will be sold in small quantity and high quality.D. They will be redesigned to cater to the masses.答案及解析一、阅读理解1.答案:C。

招商银行校园招聘综合能力笔试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不属于招商银行的业务范围?A. 存款业务B. 贷款业务C. 证券业务D. 保险业务2. 招商银行的企业文化核心理念是?A. 以客户为中心B. 以人为本C. 诚信立业D. 创新求变3. 以下哪个不是招商银行的子公司?A. 招商证券B. 招商基金C. 招商保险D. 招商银行信用卡中心4. 以下哪个属于招商银行的特色业务?A. 网上银行B. 手机银行C. 招商银行一卡通D. 贷款业务5. 招商银行的股票代码是多少?A. 600036B. 000036C. 600038D. 000038二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)6. 招商银行成立于______年。
7. 招商银行总行位于______。
8. 招商银行秉承“______”的企业文化核心理念。
9. 招商银行的愿景是______。
10. 招商银行的使命是______。
三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)11. 招商银行是我国的四大国有商业银行之一。
()12. 招商银行的个人银行业务在我国银行业中具有较高的市场份额。
()13. 招商银行的贷款业务主要针对中小企业。
()14. 招商银行的信用卡业务发展迅速,市场份额逐年上升。
()15. 招商银行致力于打造国际化一流银行。
()四、简答题(每题10分,共40分)16. 请简要介绍招商银行的发展历程。
17. 请阐述招商银行的企业文化。
18. 请列举招商银行的三大特色业务。
19. 请谈谈招商银行在金融科技方面的创新。
答案部分:一、选择题1. C2. A3. D4. C5. B二、填空题6. 19877. 深圳8. 以客户为中心9. 成为国际化一流银行10. 为客户提供优质金融服务,为股东创造价值,为员工提供发展平台三、判断题11. ×12. √13. ×14. √15. √四、简答题16. 招商银行成立于1987年,是我国第一家完全由企业法人持股的股份制商业银行。

2018银行招聘试题与答案(2)考试方式:闭卷答题说明:1、请将答案写在答题卷上,在试题上答题答题无效;3、本试卷题型均为客观题、行测部分一、言语理解与表达1、世界高新技术革命浪潮已经把经济竞争从物质资源竞争推向人力人力资源竞争,人力资源开发、利用和管理将成为人类社会经济发展关键因素,在这个过程中需要大量人力资源信息,必然离不开人力资源会计、在人口众多、人口素质相对较差我国,建立和推行人力资源会计制度更具备必要性、这段文字主要表述是( )、A、我国发展人力资源会计必要性B、世界高新技术革命浪潮影响巨大C、我国人口众多且人口素质相对较差D、人力资源竞争成了社会发展关键因素【答案】A、文段首句叙述了一个背景,即:高新技术革命带来影响,接下来在第二句中用了一个指示代词“这个过程”进行总结并引出文段重点“必然离不开人力资源会计”、最后一句举出我国例子进行论证,因此正确选项是A、2、一个重公德、讲卫生有礼貌文明社会或文明城市,并不是靠“五讲四美”群众运动或制定诸如吐痰罚款等措施所能建立起来、倘使每个公民没有发自内心需要,认为讲公德和自己利益休戚相关,倘使没有这种公民意识自觉,那么,无论依靠多么严厉强制手段,也是无济于事、对这段文字主旨概括最准确是( )、A、建设文明社会不能靠强制手段B、公民意识对建设文明社会至关重要C、公德与私利对于建设文明社会同等重要D、参与公共事务是建设文明社会重要途径【答案】B、本题是一道主旨概括题,原文首句叙述了背景,接着通过“倘使”引导反面论证揭示出文段重点,对假设部分做正面判定即可得出答案,文中两个“倘使”所强调“公民发自内心需要”与“公民意识”都是意识层面内容,B项是对该内容同义替换、3、作为石油伴侣,天然气生成条件要比石油更为多样化,石油要达到一定埋藏深度才能大量生成,而天然气则从浅到深都可,浅也许只有几百米,深则有上万米、就物质说,石油以水中浮游动植物有机质为主,而天然气还可以有高等植物等有机质、对于成因,目前地质科学界绝大多数转接都赞成有机说,认为石油和天然气就是由远古时代死去各种生物体转化而成、不能从这段文字中得知是( )、A、石油比天然气埋藏深B、石油大多由水生生物转化而成C、石油和天然气都是由各种生物体转化D、水中浮游动植物有机质也是天然气【答案】A、本题考查细节理解、从“石油要达到一定埋藏深度……深则有上万米”可知,文段并未比较天然气和石油埋藏深度,A项无从得知,属于无中生有;由“石油以水中浮游动植物有机质为主”可知,B项正确;从“就物质来源说,石油……高等植物等有机质”可知,C、D两项正确、题干要求选不能得知,故正确答案为A、4、微电网又称微网,是包含本地化半自主运行电源、负荷和电热储能设施集群、相对于大电网,它自成一体,单独控制,可以与大电网连接并网运行,也可以断开连接以“孤岛模式”自行运行、微网作为具有向参与者和传统电网提供双向效益特点,体现了分布式电力系统发展方向,也为电网发展开辟了一条崭新路径、下列说法与原文相符是( )、A、大电网可能因与微电网并行而受益B、微电网是与传统电网并行集群C、微电网出现分散了传统电网效益D、微电网是以“孤岛模式”运行本地化电网【答案】A、“微网作为具有向参与者和传统电网提供双向效益特点”可以得出大电网可以从微电网获益,而两者之间纽带就是并网运行,故选A、根据“可以与大电网连接并网运行,也可以断开连接以“孤岛模式”自行运行”可以排除BD,C在原文中没有提到、5、有科学实验表明,大多数人并没有同时处理多项任务能力、只要一上网,人们工作记忆就会严重超载,导致大脑额叶难以聚精会神地关注任何一件小事、同时,由于神经通路具有可塑性,上网越多,对大脑适应精力分散状态训练就越多、这也是为什么习惯上网人,只要离开互联网,就会感到无所适从、大脑全面发展要求我们既能迅速解析各种信息,又能无拘无束沉思冥想;既要能在互联网数字世界中积极工作,又要能隐退到田园中静思遐想、今天问题在于,我们正在丧失在两种截然不同思想状态之间保持平衡能力、根据上述文字,下列说法正确一项是( )、A、网络限制了人类大脑全面发展能力B、网络使人们处理多项任务能力衰退C、上网会使人记忆力下降,精力分散D、人类原本具备自由转换思想状态能力【答案】A、文段中提到“大脑全面发展要求我们既能……又能……,既要……又要、今天问题在于,我们正在丧失在两种截然不同思想状态之间保持平衡能力”,这里“今天”是指“网络普及今天”,其中隐含着“网络正阻碍了大脑全面发展”,故A选项符合文意、因此,本题答案为A选项6、学术规范,学术著述必须得有注释,而引证和注释也是力求克服主观性,努力追求学术见解公允性、合理性、可被接受性重要途径之一,其本身也是正文论证部分所展开学术对话附随性表现、但有必要认识是,引证与注释规范要求不是独立,也不仅仅只是一套技术,而是与学术论证规范要求是一致、这段文字意在强调( )、A、学术论著要体现出客观性B、学术论著注释要克服主观性C、论著注释必须符合学术规范D、学术论著正文与注释同等重要【答案】C、本题可用主体排除法,文段主体是“注释”,而非“学术论著”,排除AD、文段两句话每句都提到了“学术规范”,所以它就是关键词、而且尾句转折“但有必要认识是,引证与注释规范要求不是独立,也不仅仅只是一套技术,而是与学术论证规范要求是一致”也是强调这点,故选C、7、公共舆论是各种社会意见集合,在不同意见表象背后都有着其内在理性认知逻辑、再简单意见内容都会有其“道理”存在,并非只是人们情绪化反映,情绪往往是伴随一定认知逻辑出现、就政府形象舆论而言,影响人们对政府评价意见,除了个体利益诉求和直接体验外,在很大程度上是基于人们对社会基本认知态度和价值选择,这就构成了人们对政府形象认知基础逻辑、当人们从自身认知逻辑出发,能够对政府行政作为进行合理逻辑构架时,就可以得出积极、肯定性意见评价; 而当人们无法从认知逻辑上对政府决策及其管理行为加以合理解释时,自然就会形成消极、否定性意见评价、这段文字主要谈论( )、A、应从理性逻辑层面解读公共舆论B、公共舆论形成有其内在逻辑基础C、应引导大众理性分析政府行政决策D、个体认知逻辑决定了对政府形象认知差异【答案】B、文段一开始就提出公共舆论是如何构成——在于其背后有内在认知逻辑、之后两句话都再次强调人们对政府公共舆论构架是基于一定认知逻辑基础、最后一句列出了两种具体公共舆论形成方式和结果、本文段属于总分结构,同义替换后可确定答案为B项、A项干扰性较强,本文并未强调要从如何解读公共舆论,只是在客观描述公共舆论是如何形成、8、哥伦比亚大学心理学教授罗伯特·海尔曾经做过实验,喜欢虐待、生性残忍人在辨识富有情感意涵词汇与一般词汇时,脑波无明显差异,而普通人脑波则表现出不同、进一步研究说明,前者负责辨识字语言皮质以及负责赋予字义边缘系统连接出了问题、正因如此,他们情感较常人淡薄,在面对痛苦时不会引发焦虑,甚至对于恐惧没有感受、犯罪心理学研究表明,那些暴力犯罪者,通常是这种缺乏同理心人,他们无法为人设身处地着想或同情别人,亦很难受到良心谴责、下列说法与原文相符是( )、A、喜欢虐待、生性残忍人没有同理心B、普通人与暴力犯罪者脑波有所不同C、暴力犯罪者在辨别文字时往往存在困难D、难以受到良心谴责是缺乏同理心者特征之一【答案】D、根据题干让我们选择一个与文意一致选项、A项中喜欢虐待、生性残忍人没有同理心属于无中生有,排除、文段第一句指出“喜欢虐待、生性残忍人”和“普通人”对于词汇表现不同,B项偷换成了“暴力犯罪者”属于偷换概念选项排除、C项也是属于无中生有,文段没有提到选项中问题,排除、D项是对于尾句同意替换,故正确答案为D项、9、瓷器原是一大俗之物,是日常生活用品,最初脱胎于陶器、历经数千年,它才终于摆脱最初粗陋面目,登堂入室,成了大雅艺术品、但是用于日常生活瓷器器皿还是用于日常生活,并未因成了价值连城艺术品而失去世俗性、世俗是瓷器厚实而庞大艺术基础,在这个基础上,它才一步步登高,越来越好,艺无止境,美无止境、可见大雅寓于大俗之中,无俗也就无雅,雅俗其实是一体、这段文字意在强调( )、A、日常生活需求是瓷器艺术发展动力B、瓷器艺术发展经历了由俗变雅漫长过程C、瓷器艺术俗与雅之间是相互依存,辩证统一关系D、粗陋生活用品在演变成精美艺术品同时仍保持着世俗性【答案】C、本题是一道意图判断题、文段是典型分总结构,前半段叙述瓷器发展过程,最后通过“可见”引导结论,得出文段观点“大雅寓于大俗之中,无俗也就无雅,雅俗是一体”可知在瓷器发展过程中雅俗是并存、统一关系,进而得出C项、故本题选择C项、10、文学有宣传作用,但宣传不能代替文学;文学有教育作用,但教育不能代替文学、文学作品能产生潜移默化、塑造灵魂效果,当然也会做出腐蚀心灵坏事,但这二者都离不开读者生活经历和他们所受教育、经历、环境、教育等等都是读者身上、心上积累,他们能抵抗作品影响,也能帮助读者理解作品、读者对每一本书都是“各取所需”、只有日积月累、不断接触,才能在不知不觉间受到影响,发生变化、这段文字意在说明( )、A、文学影响常是潜移默化B、文学教育作用常为人们所忽视C、文学作品影响力受读者背景影响D、文学作品宣传作用并非天然产生【答案】C、本题是一道意图判断题、文段首先简要介绍了文学作用,接着通过转折关联词引出文段重点,即文学作品作用受读者教育、经历、环境等因素影响,C项是对该内容同意替换,故本题选择C项、11、①20世纪五六十年代,许多严肃和信息灵通人士认为苏美之间核战争实际上不可避免②预测是否实现依赖于人们如何作出反应③因为人们意识到了它可能性④任何预测都不是自我实现或非自我实现⑤但是这场核战争并未发生⑥推动了武器控制和其他安排来确保它不发生将以上六句重新排列,语句正确一项是( )、A、④①③⑤⑥②B、②①⑤④③⑥C、②①⑤③④⑥D、④②①⑤③⑥【答案】D、句④提出预测不是个人实现观点,句②则是提出实现意见在于人们、显然前者提出观点,后句做补充论述、排除B、C项、而句②既已提出人们如何反应,根据话题推进,下文则应当论及人们反应、而A已将该句放在尾巴,显然属于“断尾”,而①⑤组合构成一个五六十年代人们反应例子,③⑥给例子中战争没爆发原因、二者都是围绕“人们反应”而展开、D项符合、12、①如果说,人生是一部越写越快书,那么,一场病便是一个句号,一段承前启后空白②病中,其实是阅读和思考大好季节③因为病,你被甩出了正常生活轨道,那么你就可以更从容更客观更冷静地审视自己,反思病前生活,设计病后日子④读书疲劳时,你还可以读画册、画报、乃至小人书,学学当年鲁迅“聊借画图怡倦眼”⑤当抗生素、生理盐水、氨基酸和葡萄糖水点点滴滴注入你血管时,你灵魂也同时得以洗涤和净化⑥因为静卧,你可以听新闻、听音乐,读你平时想读又来不及读许多好书将以上句子重新排列,语序正确是( )、A、①②③⑥⑤④B、③①②⑤⑥④C、②⑥④⑤③①D、②③⑥①④⑤【答案】B、本题是一道语句排序题、本语段为一个总—分行文脉络、句②引出“阅读”和“思考”两个主题词,接下来行文均围绕这两个主题词来进行、由此可知,②应该为首句、由此可排除选项AD、句⑥围绕“阅读”、句④提到“读书疲劳时”衔接紧密、由此可排除选项C、故此本题答案为B、13、不充分发展与发展带来副作用,就这样在同一片土地上同时存在、这是中国困境,也几乎是所有发展中国共有________、就像每个月挣100块钱人却不得不吃10块一斤有机大米,其结果必然是饥饿、环保成本高昂,激化了发达国家与发展中国家冲突与矛盾,也成为许多地区在生态环境方面寅吃卯粮甚至________现实背景、填入划横线部分最恰当一项是( )、A、尴尬饮鸩止渴B、际遇杀鸡取卵C、难题涸泽而渔D、挑战饥不择食【答案】A、文段第一空“这是中国困境,也是……”,即可知这是一个共同难题,先排除B项,“际遇”强调机会,与文中色彩不符、第二空,重点从“寅吃卯粮”入手,该词比喻经济困难,入不敷出,预先挪用眼下只能亏空着财物或还没到手收入,不顾将来、后一空前有“甚至”一词,该内容比前词程度更重,排除D项,“饥不择食”比喻需要急迫,顾不得选择、而“寅吃卯粮”也并非强调有意之选,是无奈之举、因此,递进关系无从说起、而“涸泽而渔”比喻获取利益只顾眼前,不作长远打算、该词实与“寅吃卯粮”程度是一样,所以不能用递进关联词引导、A项符合、14、怎样事物才能真正永存?阿房宫和华清池都已片瓦不留,李杜名句和老庄格言却一字不误地________在每个华人心里、世上延绵最久还是非物质——思想与精神、能够________地记忆思想只有文字、所以说,文字是我们生命、填入划横线部分最恰当一项是( )、A、保存永久B、铭刻永恒C、保留明确D、镌刻准确【答案】D、镌:指一般文章或诗词郑重地刻下来,符合语境“李杜名句和老庄格言”、和前面“一字不误”相互照应是“准确”、故选D、15、新技术和新媒体出现,使人阅读内容,阅读媒介,阅读习惯发生了变化,呈现多元化、数字化、个性化特点,读者被多样化地细分,“界面”阅读受到年轻人________,伴随便利而来是娱乐化泛滥,这是一个泛娱乐化时代,一切文化都心甘情愿地成为娱乐________,以分得一杯娱乐残汁,而思考愈发远遁、填入划横线部分最恰当一项是( )、A、追捧附庸B、认可陪衬C、青睐注脚D、欢迎随从【答案】A、本题应先从第二空入手,通过文段语境信息“一切文化都心甘情愿成为娱乐、、、、、、、以分得、、、、、”可知要填入消极倾向词,故排除“陪衬”和“随从”,“注脚”就是解释说明意思,排除C,故正确答案为A、16、人类历史进程,充满错综复杂矛盾,理想________与搏斗,社会________与变革,历史________与前进,绘制出人类自己创造自己、自己发展自己扑朔迷离、色彩斑斓画卷、填入划横线部分最恰当一项是( )、A、摩擦发展曲折B、碰撞平稳反复C、冲突动荡迂回D、对抗挑战起伏【答案】C、通过“人类历史进程,充满错综复杂矛盾”,可知后面是相互照应相互矛盾两组词、第一空“搏斗”前提有冲突,四个词都可以,但是第二空,改革前提是发生了动荡,不可能是“发展”“平稳”“挑战”、故选C,“迂回”也能和“前进”相互照应、17、世界上有一种人,他们觉得看书目,并不是为了写批评或介绍,他们________地浏览,每到有什么意见,就随手在书边空白上注几个字,写一个问号或感叹号、这种________随感并非他们对于整部书结论,因为是随时批识,也许前后矛盾,说话过火,他们也懒得去理会,________是消遣、填入划横线部分最恰当一项是( )、A、不慌不忙零星反正B、漫无目零散毕竟C、随心所欲凌乱本来D、慢条斯理零碎无非【答案】A、第一空“随心所欲”为完全按照自己意愿去行事、想怎么做就怎么做、含贬义、具有消极倾向,故排除C;第二空与前文“注几个字”“写一个问号或感叹号”对应可知,“这种随感”很少,很简短,A项“零星”意为细碎、少量,与文意相符、B项“零散”侧重强调分散状态;D项“零碎”侧重强调不完整,都并非文段要表达重点、故基本确定正确答案为A项、漫无目:形容放纵散漫没有目标、慢条斯理:原指说话做事有条有理,不慌不忙、现也形容说话做事慢腾腾,不慌不忙、不慌不忙:形容态度镇定,或办事稳重、踏实、18、我们文化出口从电影扩展到电视剧,实际上是从“中国印象”转变为“中国故事”,电影是短诗,往往________电视剧是长篇,能翔实而真切地表现生活、电视剧能在“细无声”处沁润忍心,日日与剧相伴,海外观众会在________间把剧作带进生活,又在生活中________剧作、填入划横线部分最恰当一项是( )、A、轻描淡写不知不觉复制B、浮光掠影潜移默化认同C、意犹未尽耳濡目染实现D、囫囵吞枣天长日久模仿【答案】B、第一空要填入与“能翔实而真切地表现生活”语义相反相对词,“意犹未尽”为还没有尽兴;“囫囵吞枣”比喻在学习上不求甚解,朦胧地接受新知识、故排除CD、“不知不觉”意思是没有意识到,没有觉察到、现多指未加注意、故排除A、“潜移默化”潜:暗中同,不见形迹;默:不说话,没有声音、指人思想或性格不知不觉受到感染、影响而发生了变化、与文段中“在‘细无声’处沁润人心”相对应,故正确答案为B、19、美国爆发金融危机,必然________欧元国家金融投资,使欧元区金融机构蒙受重大损失,并在一段较长时期逐渐暴露出来,引发一次次金融________、填入划横线部分最恰当一项是( )、A、打击风暴B、重创恐慌C、影响危机D、波及动荡【答案】B、本题突破口为第一空,虽然四个词语都能表达出美国金融危机对欧元国家金融投资有影响,但这四个词轻重程度不同,从文段中“必然”、“重大损失”等词可知第一空应填入一个语气最重词语,即“重创”、故本题选择B选项、20、“文化搭台,经济唱戏”最大危害,是将文化仅仅看作是经济工具和仆佣,________文化本身价值,由此将文化完全________为商品、填入划横线部分最恰当一项是( )、A、忽视贬低B、疏忽等同C、无视异化D、漠视降格【答案】C、从文段“仅仅”一词可以看出,文段强调是我们对文化本身价值不重视,而“疏忽”表示是因粗心大意没有看到,无法体现出不重视之意,由此排除B项、再看第二个空格,文段并没有将文化和商品进行比较,如果填入“贬低”或“降格”,则意为文化比商品高端,不符合文意,排除A、D两项、而“异化”表示逐渐变得不同,填入此处合适,故本题选择C项、二、数量关系21、从甲地到乙地每天有直达班车4班,从甲地到丙地每天有直达班车5班,从丙地到乙地每天有直达班车3班,则从甲地到乙地共有( )不同乘车法、A、12种B、19种C、32种D、60种【答案】B、根据题目:从甲地到乙地方法为4+5×3=19、因此,本题答案为B选项、22、村官小刘负责将村委会购买一批煤分给村中困难户,如果给每个困难户分300千克煤,则缺500千克;如果给每个困难户为250千克煤,则剩余250千克、为帮助困难户,村委会购买了多少煤?A、5500千克B、5000千克C、4500千克D、4000千克【答案】D设困难户个数为x,总煤量为300×x-500=250×x+250,解得x=15,那总煤量为300×15-500=4000千克、故本题答案为D选项、23、某单位组织职工参加周末培训,其中英语培训和财务培训均在周六,公文写作培训和法律培训均在周日、同一天举办两场培训每人只能报名参加一场,但不在同一天培训可以都参加、则职工小刘有多少种不同报名方式?A、4B、8C、9D、16【答案】B、职工小刘报名一种培训:报名方式=4;报名两种培训:由于同一天举办两场培训每人只能报名一场,所以周六选择一场,周天选择一场,报名方式=2×2=4;报名三种或四种培训必有两场在同一天所以不成立、总报名方式=4+4=8、故本题答案为B选项、24、将1千克浓度为X酒精,与2千克浓度为20%酒精混合后,浓度变为0、6X、则X 值为( )、A、50%B、48%C、45%D、40%【答案】A、解得x=50%、故本题答案为A选项、25、小赵、小钱、小孙、小李、小周五个人收入依次成等比,已知小赵收入是3000元,小孙收入是3600元,那么小周比小孙收入高:( )、A、700元B、720元D、780元【答案】B、本题属于等比数列问题、小孙比小赵多600,且小孙收入为小赵1、2倍,所以小周比小孙多收入600×1、2=720元、所以选择B选项、26、高速公路上行驶汽车A速度是100公里每小时,汽车B速度是120公里每小时,此刻汽车A在汽车B前方80公里处,汽车A中途加油停车10分钟后继续向前行驶、那么从两车相距80公里处开始,汽车B至少要多长时间可以追上汽车A?A、2小时B、3小时10分C、3小时50分D、4小时10分【答案】B、本题属于行程问题中追及问题、(80-100×10/60)=(120-100)t,解得t=19/6小时=3小时10分钟、所以选择B选项、27、某高校从E、F和G三家公司购买同一设备比例分别为20%、40%和40%,E、F和G 三家公司所生产设备合格率分别为98%、98%和99%,现随机购买到一台次品设备概率是:( )、A、0、013B、0、015C、0、016D、0、01【答案】C、本题属于概率类题目,次品概率为20%×2%+40%×2%+40%×1%=0、016、所以选择C选项、28、单独完成某项工作,甲需要16小时,乙需要12小时、如果按照甲、乙、甲、乙、……顺序轮流工作,每次1小时,那么完成这项工作需要多长时间?A、13小时40分钟B、13小时45分钟C、13小时50分钟D、14小时【答案】B、本题属于工程问题、设总工程量为48,则甲效率是3,乙效率是4,甲、乙各做一小时工作量为3+4=7,轮6次,即12小时完成工作量为42,第13小时甲完成3,此时完成总工程量为45,剩余工作量3乙只需3/4小时,所以完成这项工作总时间是13小时45分钟、所以选择B选项、29、一个除法算式里,被除数、除数、商和余数之和是319,已知商是21,余数是6,问被除数是多少?B、258C、279D、290【答案】C、本题可采用带入排除法求解、被除数+除数=319-21-6=292,D选项首先排除,若被除数为290则除数为2,余数不可能是6,依次代入A、B、C求出除数,通过商21验证,容易知道只有C项279满足,所以选择C选项、30、某社团共有46人,其中35人爱好戏剧,30人爱好体育,38人爱好写作,40人爱好收藏,这个社团至少有多少人以上四项活动都喜欢?A、5B、6C、7D、8【答案】A、本题使用最不利原则、不爱好戏剧有46-25=11人,不爱好体育有46-30=16人,不爱好写作有46-38=8人,不爱好收藏有46-40=6人,因此不全爱好人最多有11+16+8+6=41人,全爱好就有46-41=5人、所以选择A选项、三、判断推理31、从所给四个选项中,选择最合适一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定规律性:( )、【答案】D、本题考查图形位置类中旋转考点、把每个图形分为三部分来观察,最外面和中间弧线均按照逆时针方向,每次旋转90度,最里面弧线按照顺时针方向,每次旋转90度,故本题答案为D选项、32、从所给四个选项中,选择最合适一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定规律性:( )、。
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2018年招商银行秋季校园招聘笔试真题及答案解析第一部分英语(1-15)一、阅读理解Text 1It would be all too easy to say that Facebook’s market meltdown is coming to an end. After all, Mark Zuckerberg’s social network burned as much as $ 50 billion of shareholders’ wealth in just a couple months. To put that in context, since its debut(初次登台)on NASDAQ in May, Facebook has lost value nearly equal to Yahoo, AOL, Zynga, Yelp, Pandora, Open Table, Groupon, LinkedIn, and Angie’s List combined, plus that of the bulk of the publicly traded newspaper industry.As shocking as this utter failure may be to the nearly 1 billion faithful Facebook users around the world, it’s no surprise to anyone who read the initial public offering (IPO) prospectus(首次公开募股说明书). Worse still, all the crises that emerged when the company debuted — overpriced shares, poor corporate governance, huge challenges to the core business, and a damaged brand — remain today. Facebook looks like a prime example of what Wall Street calls a falling knife — that is, one that can cost investors their fingers if they try to catch it.Start with the valuation(估值). To justify a stock price close to the lower end of the projected range in the IPO, say $ 28 a share, Facebook’s future growth would have needed to match that of Google seven years earlier. That would have required increasing revenue by some 80 percent annually and maintaining high profit margins all the while.That’s not happening. In the first half of 2012, Facebook reported revenue of $ 2.24 billion, up 38 percent from the same period in 2011. At the same time, the company’s costs surged to $ 2.6 billion in the six-month period.This so-so performance reflects the Achilles’ heel of Facebook’s business model, which the company clearly stated in a list of risk factors associated with its IPO: it hasn’t yet figured out how to advertise effectively on mobile devices, the number of Facebook users accessing the site on their phones surged by 67 percent to 543 million in the last quarter, or more than half its customer base.Numbers are only part of the problem. The mounting pile of failure creates a negative feedback loop that threatens Facebook’s future in other ways. Indeed, the more Facebook’s disappointment in the market is catalogued, the worse Facebook’s imagebecomes. Not only does that threaten to rub off on users, it’s bad for recruitment and retention of talented hackers, who are the life blood of Zuckerberg’s creation. Yet the brilliant CEO can ignore the sadness and complaints of his shareholders thanks to the super-voting stock he holds. This arrangement also was fully disclosed at the time of the offering. It’s a pity so few investors apparently bothered to do their homework.1. What can be inferred about Facebook from the first paragraph?A. Its market meltdown has been easily halted.B. It has increased trade with the newspaper industry.C. It has encountered utter failure since its stock debut.D. Its shareholders have invested $ 50 billion in a social network.2. The crises Facebook is facing _______________.A. have been disclosed in the IPO prospectusB. are the universal risks Wall Street confrontsC. disappoint its faithful usersD. have existed for a long time3. To make its stock price reasonable, Facebook has to _______________.A. narrow the IPO price rangeB. cooperate with GoogleC. keep enormously profitableD. invest additional $ 2.6 billion4. It can be inferred from the context that the “Achilles’ heel” (Line 1, Para.5) refers to ______________.A. deadly weaknessB. problem unsolvedC. indisputable factD. potential risk5. What effect will Facebook’s failure in the market have?A. Its users’ benefits will be threatened.B. Talented hackers will take down the website.C. The CEO will hold the super-voting stock.D. The company’s innovation strength will be damaged.Text 2I’ll admit I’ve never quite understood the obsession(难以破除的成见)surrounding genetically modified (GM) crops. To environmentalist opponents, GM foods are simply evil, an understudied, possibly harmful tool used by big agricultural businesses to control global seed markets and crush local farmers. They argue that GM foods have never delivered on their supposed promise, that money spent on GM crops would be better channeled to organic farming and that consumers should be protected with warning labels on any products that contain genetically modified ingredients. To supporters, GM crops are a key part of the effort to sustainably provide food to meet a growing global population. But more than that, supporters see the GM opposition of many environmentalists as fundamentally anti-science, no different than those who question the basics of man-made climate change.For both sides, GM foods seem to act as a symbol: you’re pro-agricultural business or anti-science. But science is exactly what we need more of when it comes to GM foods, which is why I was happy to see Nature devote a special series of articles to the GM food controversy. The conclusion: while GM crops haven’t yet realized their initial promise and have been dominated by agricultural businesses, there is reason to continue to use and develop them to help meet the enormous challenge of sustainably feeding a growing planet.That doesn’t mean GM crops are perfect, or a one-size-fits-all solution to global agriculture problems. But anything that can increase farming efficiency — the amount of crops we can produce per acre of land — will be extremely useful. GM crops can and almost certainly will be part of that suite of tools’ but so will traditional plant breeding, improved soil and crop management and perhaps most important of all, better storage and transport infrastructure(基础设施), especially in the developing world. (It doesn’t do much good for farmers in places like sub-Saharan Africa to produce more food if they can’t get it to hungry consumers.) I’d like to see more non-industry research done on GM crops — not just because we’d worry less about bias, but also because seed companies like Monsanto and Pioneer shouldn’t be the only entities working to harness genetic modification. I’d like to see GM research on less commercial crops, like corn. I don’t think it’s vital to label GM ingredientsin food, but I also wouldn’t be against if — and industry would be smart to go along with labeling, just as a way of removing fears about the technology.Most of all, though, I wish a tenth of the energy that’s spent endlessly debating GM crops was focused on those more pressing challenges for global agriculture. There are much bigger battles to fight.6. How do environmentalist opponents view GM foods according to the passage?A. They will eventually ruin agriculture and the environment.B. They are used by big businesses to monopolize agriculture.C. They have proved potentially harmful to consumers’ health.D. They pose a tremendous threat to current farming practice.7. What does the author say is vital to solve the controversy between the two sides of the debate?A. Breaking the GM food monopoly.B. More friendly exchange of ideas.C. Regulating GM food production.D. More scientific research on GM crops.8. What is the main point of the Nature articles?A. Feeding the growing population makes it imperative to develop GM crops.B. Popularizing GM technology will help it to live up to its initial promises.C. Measures should be taken to ensure the safety of GM foods.D. Both supporters and opponents should make compromises.9. What is the author’s view on the solution to agricultural problems?A. It has to depend more and more on GM technology.B. It is vital to the sustainable development of human society.C. GM crops should be allowed until better alternatives are found.D. Whatever is useful to boost farming efficiency should be encouraged.10. What does the author think of the ongoing debate around GM crops?A. It arises out of ignorance of and prejudice against new science.B. It distracts the public attention from other key issues of the world.C. Efforts spent on it should be turned to more urgent issues of agriculture.D. Neither side is likely to give in until more convincing evidence is found.Text 3There is a certain inevitability that e-book sales have now overtaken paperback sales on Amazon’s US site. Amazon’s Kindle 2 is so light and so cheap that it’s easy to see why people have rushed to buy it. Though I’m still not keen on the design of the Kindle, it is a vast improvement on its predecessor and certainly tolerable. Beyond the device itself, Amazon has done a great job of rolling out Kindle apps, ensuring that people like me — who have an iPad but not a Kindle — can still join in the fun. Once you’re into the Kindle ecosystem, Amazon locks you in tightly —just as Apple does with its iTunes / iPod ecosystem. It’s so easy to buy from Amazon’s store and the books are so cheap that it’s not worth the effort of going elsewhere. While I remain opposed to Amazon’s DRM(数字版权管理)— indeed, I’m opposed to DRM on any e-books — I have to admit that the implementation is so smooth that most Kindle users won’t care at all that their e-books can’t be moved to other devices. The e-book trend is nowhere near peaking. Over the next five years we can expect to see more and more readers move away from printed books and pick up e-books instead. But I don’t think that will mean the death of the printed book.There are some who prefer printed books. They like having shelves filled with books they’ve read and books they plan to read; they like the feel of the book in their hands and the different weights and typefaces and layouts of different titles. In other words, they like the physical form of the book almost as much as the words it contains.I can sympathize with those people. As I wrote earlier this week, my ideal situation would before publishers to bundle e-books with printed ones — in much the same way that film studio submit DVDs with digital copies of films. There’s no reason to think that lovers of printed books will change their minds. There will undoubtedly be fewer of them as time goes by because more people will grow up with e-books and spend little time with printed ones. However, just as there are people who love vinyl records(黑胶唱片), even if they were born well into the CD era, there will still be a dedicated minority who love physical books.Since there are fewer of these people, that will mean fewer bookshops and higher prices for printed books but I don’t think the picture is entirely bleak. There is scope for smaller print runs of lavishly designed printed books and bookshops aimed at book lovers, rather than the Stieg Larsson-reading masses. With mainstreamreaders out of the printed book market, booklovers might even find they get a better experience.11. What can be inferred from Paragraph One?A. Most people buy Kindle 2 mainly because of its low price.B. The author of the passage is a loyal customer of Apple products.C. Amazon’s Kindle 2 surpassed Kindle 1 in designing.D. The sales of e-book outnumbered those of paperback in the U. S.12. According to the passage, the reason why the author opposes to Amazon’s DRM is that ________________.A. e-books can only be purchased on Amazon. comB. Kindle books are not compatible with other electronic reading devicesC. once implemented, e-books can’t be transferred to other equipmentsD. e-books installed on Kindle 2 can’t be edited freely13. It can be learned that the trend of e-books ________________.A. will come to stop any time soonB. will reach the summit in the near futureC. will meet its heyday when printed books dieD. has already reached its peak14. Why does the author believe that the surging sales of e-books won’t mean the death of the printed book?A. Because a minority will stick to their love of printed books.B. Because the majority of book lovers won’t change their minds.C. Because people always hold nostalgic feelings towards printed books.D. Because people will return to the printed books as time goes by.15. According to the author, which of the following is TRUE about the future of printed books?A. They will be bundled with e-books.B. They will no longer be available in the market.C. They will be sold in small quantity and high quality.D. They will be redesigned to cater to the masses.答案及解析一、阅读理解1.答案:C。