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1.Where does the man want to go?

A. A railway station.

B. A post office.

C. The seaside.

2.What happened to t he woman?

A.She wok e up late.

B.She g o t to work late .

C.Sh e wen t t o sleep late .

3. What it the woman doing now? 和W

A.Baking cookies.

B.Making a list.

C.Shopping foa groceaes .

4.How does the woman feel about the zoo(

A . Sad . B. I mpressed . C. Disappointed .

5.Wh a t are the speakers mainly talking about(

A.Young people lose theia jobs eesily .

B.Young people are too quick in making decisions

C.Youn g peop le seldom stay long in the same job . 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


6.When will the man staO his new job(

A . Tomorrow . B. Next week . C. Next month .

7.Why is the man paying Or the woman)s lunch(

A.She helped him a lot.

B.It is his turn W pay .

C.He wants to congratulate her.


8. What is Anna)s chemisWj grade now(~

A . B. B.

B + . C. D .

9.When does Anna)s study group meet(

A.After school.

B.On tUe weekends .

C.Duong lunch hour .

10 Who s Annaspeaksngto(

A A s udygaoup membea

B t eaohea

C Hea oathea 听第8段材料,回答第11,至13题。

11. How old was JonatUan)s mother when she started doing laundry (

A. 8 yeert old .

B. 10 yeert old .

C. 16 yeert old .

12 Whsoh tempeaatuaews a onath a n useooanow(

A Hot


C o ad C Warm

13.What is the * light" spin cyde used for(

A oean s and toweas(

B.Most of Jonathan)s clothes.

C.Sheets and pillow coses. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。

14.Which decorations are on tUe sofa(

A.The Chest was ones.

B.The Halloween ones.

C.The Thanksgiving ones .

15.What did the man use to gee the box out(

A . A pole . B. A chair . C. A ladder .

16.Where might the conversation take place(

A n h basem e nt

B.In the bedroom .

C.. n the living room .


17.What does the Golden RuOe ask peopOe to do(

A.Develop ^rsonaO rules.

B.Respect their Omilies and ancestors .

C.Treat otheo as you wish to be treated.

18.Which is a teaching of Confucius(

ernments should be moraL

B.Husbands should respecO wives.

C.People should memoOze rules of behavior.

19.How did Confucius teach lessons(

A h u h aegumen t s

B h u h eea nsng(

C.Through personal examples.

20.What does th e speaker say about Confucius) inJuenco(

A u e d t ob i e n moeesmpotant

B.He has inJuenced many cultures.

C.He h as little eWw t on peop l e today. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Opening in 1934,the Brookfield Zoo quickly received a worldwide reputation for its special dis- p aysand unsqueethsbs t s.

Address: 1 st Avenue between Ogden Avenue and 31st Street,Brookfield,Illinois

Phon e: 7086888000
