



Unit2 一般过去时专项练习


1. Last week we _________ (pick) many apples on the farm.

2. She_______(like) playing the piano last year.

3. Nancy _______(visit) her grandparents this morning.

4. He _______(be) a teacher in 2009.

5. Mr Black ________(go) to the supermarket last night.

6. My mother (come) back from the supermarket just now.

7. I (see) an old friend yesterday.

8. Cindy (be) 12 years old last year.

9. We (be) good friends many years ago.

10. Jack (stop) the car in the street yesterday.

11. Emma ________ (watch) TV every day. But he__________ (listen) to music yesterday.

12.There _____(be ) a football game on TV yesterday evening.

13. Where does your uncle______? He ______ in Suzhou. (live)

14.---What______ your father _____(do) last Sunday?---He _______(fly) the kite

with me.

15. Sometimes, the man ______(tell) stories to his son.

16. She ______(try) on a new dress now.

17. Look, Sam ______(play) a game with Bobby.

18. Tom and Mary (come) to China last month.

19. Uncle Li often____________ (have) lunch at home.

20. How many people (be) there in your class last term?


1. It was sunny in the morning.(一般疑问句)

2. The weather became windy and cloudy. (否定句)

3.It rained all day on 20th September.(一般疑问句)

4.We saw many interesting parrots.(对划线部分提问)

5.I brought some drinks ,honey and dumplings. (否定句)

6. I found it near the hill! (对划线部分提问)

7. The kite flew high. (一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答)

8.We climbed up the hill. (一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答)


六上易错题 一、适当形式填空 1.Why are the children l ? 2.Who's w yellow today? Su yang and Nancy. 3.Alice,where (be) your d oll? I (give) it to Mary this morning. 4.The boy c up the tree.Helen wanted to catch the bird. 5.Helen and Tim are f a kite in the park. 6.The cowboy is w jeans and a hat. He looks cool. 7.Please take the umbrella. It's r . 8.Don't t your orange skin on the ground. Please p it in the bin. 9.Please d on't s . The baby is s . 10.Look!The man (wear) a kilt. 11.A lot of peopl e are p at the funny monkey and laughing in the zoo. 12.Finally,the lion (变成) into a prince. 13.The king didn't (穿) any clothes. 14.It was rainy,so I (can) not fly a kite. 15.I want (be) your friend. 16.I (be) at school just now. 17.There (be) some milk in the fridge last Sunday. 18.I want (pick) appl es. But my dad (pick) them last month. 19.They (have) a good time last night. 20.We (go) to school on Sundays. 21.Look!The (twin) cl othes are beautiful! 22.His family (be) going to have dinner together. 23.One day,Bobby (throw) a banana skin on the ground. ?Don't touch it.It's (danger). 24.He (get) a l ot of red packets next year. 25.Do you like (plant) fl owers? 26.My mother usually (cl ean) our house. 27.Don't d so much,because cars use a lot of e . 二、单项选择


第一单元语法重点【语法】 一、副词 在旧教材5BUnit4 里学生已经学过了一些副词,师们可以将以前学过的一些内容给学生复习一下。所以本单元的语法对学生来说并不陌生。老如:dance beautifully, sit quietly,run fast, walk carefully,jump high 1. 副词( Adverb )是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,是一类用以修饰动词语的 verb)或加强描绘词组或整个句子的词。 目前我们学过的副词有: 时间副词: now, then, often, always ,usually, early, today, next, soon, too, finally, sometimes, yesterday 地点副词: here, there, in, out, inside, home, around, near, off, past, up, away, on. (相当于英before, ago, 方式副词: carefully, fast, well, slowly, hard, quietly, loudly, sadly, happily 程度副词: much, very, so, too, quite. 疑问副词: how, when, where, why. 表顺序的副词:first, then ,next, finally 2.副词在句中可作状语、表语、补语、定语。 1)在许多情况下,副词都放在所修饰的动词后面或句末。如: The girl dances very well. 这个女孩跳舞跳得好。 We must work hard. 我们必须努力工作。 He does his work very carefully . 他做工作非常仔细。 I want to see the film very much . 我很想看这部电影。 2)有时也放在主语后面,谓语动词前面(对动作加以强调 )。如: He angrily closed the door. 他生气地把门关上了。 3)置于句中的副词,若碰上助动词,则通常放在助动词之后、主要动词之前: He is often late for school.他经常上学迟到。 He can also play basketball. 他还会打篮球。 3.本教材中主要学习由形容词变副词的方法和用法。 形容词变副词的规则: 1)一般情况下直接加“ ly,”如quick—quickly 2)以“ y结”尾的 , 先将“ y改”成“ i 再”,加“ ly,”如 happy— happily 少数以 e 结尾的形容词,要去掉 e 再加 -ly 。例如: true(正确的)— truly 等。 但绝大多数以 e 结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly 。例如: polite (礼貌的)— politely等。3)在英语中, 有些词既可以作形容词, 又可以作副词, 如early, much, fast, little, hard等。4)还有一类副词和形容词词义相同, 但拼写却不同 , 如 well 和 good。如:He speaks good English. 他讲一口流利的英语。 He speaks English well.他英语讲得不错。 5)需注意 : friendly; motherly; lovely等词尽管是以“ly”结尾,但他们是形容词而非副词,如要变为副词则为:friendly — friendlily 小结:形容词变副词 angry— angrily beautiful — beautifully busy— busily careful — carefully cold— coldly cool— coolly cute— cutely dead— deadly deep— deeply excited —excitedly early— early fast— fast final — finally first — first good — well happy— happily hard— hard


Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Story time故事时间翻译 ①There was a lion in the forest. He was very large and strong. 森林里有一只狮子。他非常大并且强壮。 ②One day, a mouse walked by and woke the lion up. The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse. "Please don't eat me. I can help you some day, "said the mouse quietly. "You're so small and weak! How can you help me? "laughed the lion loudly. Then, he let the mouse go. 一天,一只老鼠走过,把狮子吵醒了。狮子很生气,想要吃了这只老鼠。“请不要吃我。有一天我能帮助你。”老鼠小声地说。“你这么弱小!你怎么能帮助我?”狮子大声地笑。然后,他放开了老鼠。 ③The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net. The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth, but that did not help. "How can I get out? "asked the lion sadly. 第二天,两个男人用一张大网抓住了狮子。狮子用他锋利的牙齿咬那张网,但那不管用。“我怎么能出去呢?”狮子难过地问。 ④Just then, the mouse saw the lion. "I can help you, " he said. Soon, the mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.The lion got out. "Thank you!" said the lion happily. 就在那时,老鼠看见了狮子。“我能帮助你。”他说。很快,老鼠用他的牙齿在网上弄了一个大洞。狮子出来了。“谢谢你!”狮子开心地说。 ⑤ From then on, the lion and the mouse became friends. 从那时起,狮子和老鼠成了朋友。 Unit 1 Cartoon time英语课文翻译 ①Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis happily. 萨姆和博比正在开心地打乒乓球。 You're really good at table tennis, Sam. 你真的擅长(打)乒乓球,萨姆。 Thanks. 谢谢。 ②Billy and Willy cheer for them loudly. Sam is too excited and he hits the ball hard. Then, they cannot find the ball. 比利和威利大声地为他们欢呼。萨姆太兴奋了,他用力地击球。然后,他们找不到球了。Hooray! 好哇!


译林 6 年级上册英语期末复习 6 A Unit 1 The king 's new clothes 一.Words : magic 有魔力的,神奇的 c lever 聪明的 foo l i sh 愚蠢的 th rough 穿过 laugh 笑,大笑 wear 穿 te l l 讲,叙述 hard 努力地,费劲地 ch i ld 孩子 each 每个 say 说 sen tence 句子 quick 迅速的,快的 nex t 下一个 l i t t l e 小的,年幼的 二.Phrases : tu rn 机会 th ink 想,思考 long long ago 很久以前 tu rn in to 变成 look a t 看 in the s t ree t 在街上 in t he house 在房子里 make new clo thes 做新衣服 one day 一天 t ry on 试穿 walk through 走过 look af te r 照顾 poin t a t 指着 l augh a t 嘲笑 on the mounta in 在山上 in t he fores t 在森林里 三.Sen tences : 1 2 3 4 5 .Long long ago ,the re was a king . 很久以前,有一个皇帝。 .One day ,two men visi t ed the k ing . 一天,两个男人拜访了皇帝。 .The king was happy . 皇帝很高兴。 .Wha t beau t i fu l c lo thes ! 多么漂亮的衣服啊! .The two men showed the k ing hi s new clo t hes . 那两个男人给皇帝展示了他的新衣服。 .Miss Fox and her s tuden t s are p lay ing a game. 狐狸老师正在和她的学生们玩游戏。 6

苏教版小学英语单词汇总_译林版_ - 1~6年级

一年级(上) Unit 1 Hello 你好。 I'm=l am 我是 Hi 你好 Unit 2 Good morning!早上好! Good afternoon!下午好! Good evening!晚上好! Woof!汪! Good night!晚安! morning 早上,上午 afternoon 下午 evening 晚上,傍晚 night 夜,夜晚 Unit 3 Miss 小姐 Miss Li 李小姐,李老师 mum 妈妈=mother dad 爸爸=father Unit 3 Miss 小姐 Miss Li 李小姐,李老师 mum 妈妈=mother dad 爸爸=father this 这,这个→that 那个(单)+is these 这些→those 那些(复)+are is 是 This is 这是… Goodbye!再见!=See you! Mr 先生Mr Green 格林先生,格林老师Mrs 女士(已婚) Unit 4 Is this...?这是……吗? a 一个 teddy 泰迪熊 box 盒子,箱子 yes 是,对 bag 包,袋 no 不,不是,没有 puppy 小狗==dog Unit 5 cherry 樱桃 please 请 banana 香蕉 peach 桃子 grape 葡萄 Ok 好的,行,可以 Thank you 谢谢你。==Thanks!Look!看! Ha!Ha!哈!哈! Unit 6 look at 看 my 我的 balloon 气球 pink 粉色的 it's=it is 它是(动物/植物)nice 好的 red 红色的 blue 蓝色的


赣榆区黑林小学2014—2015学年度第一学期 六年级英语期末测试试卷 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将其序号填入题前括号内。(听两遍)(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. A .liked B. lived C. looked ( ) 2. A. hard B. hand. C. head ( ) 3. A. start. B. park C. party ( ) 4. A. shout B. short C. show ( ) 5. A. visited B. visit C. visits ( ) 6. A. rain B. rainy C. rained ( ) 7. A. lose. B. lost C. look ( ) 8. A. a box of B. a bar of C. a pair of ( )9. A. pull up B. pick up C. dress up ( )10. from my parents B: for my parents C: four presents 二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(听两遍)(每小题1分,共6分) ( ) 1. A. She went to Beijing. B. She ran in the playground. C. She picked oranges. ( ) 2. A. They?re from my friends. B. They are for my friends. C. They are my friends. ( ) 3. A. Yes, they were. B. Yes, we were. C. Yes, there were. ( ) 4. A. I play football. B. I watered flowers. C. I?m swimming. ( ) 5. A. I?m tired B. By bus. C. I?m fine. ( ) 6. A. Yes, I can. B.I can. C. No, I can?t. 三、听录音,根据对话内容,判断下列句子正误,用“√”或“x”表示。(听两遍)(每小题1分,共6分) ()1. David is calling Gao Shan. ( ) 2. Today is the 2nd of October. ( ) 3. David visited a farm with his friends on National Day. ( ) 4. Gao Shan was sad, so he got up late that morning. w W w .x K b 1.c o M ( ) 5. They milked cows and tasted fruits on the farm. ( ) 6. There aren?t any flowers on the farm. 笔试部分(70分) 一、根据句意,选择适当的短语完成完成句子。(每小题1分,共10分)


译林6年级上册英语知识点汇总 6A Unit 1 The king's new clothes 一.Words: magic有魔力的,神奇的clever 聪明的foolish 愚蠢的child 孩子through 穿过laugh 笑,大笑wear 穿tell 讲,叙述hard 努力地,费劲地each 每个say 说sentence 句子quick 迅速的,快的 next 下一个little 小的,年幼的turn 机会think 想,思考二.Phrases: long long ago 很久以前turn into 变成one day 一天try on 试穿walk through 走过look at 看point at 指着laugh at 嘲笑look after 照顾in the street 在街上 on the mountain 在山上in the house 在房子里 in the forest 在森林里make new clothes 做新衣服 三.Sentences: 1.Long long ago,there was a king. 很久以前,有一个皇帝。 2.One day,two men visited the king. 一天,两个男人拜访了皇帝。 3.The king was happy. 皇帝很高兴。 4.What beautiful clothes! 多么漂亮的衣服啊! 5.The two men showed the king his new clothes. 那两个男人给皇帝展示了他的新衣服。 6.Miss Fox and her students are playing a game. 狐狸老师正在和她的学生们玩游戏。 四. Grammer:


译林版六年级上册英语单词汇总Unit 1 long long ago 很久以前magic 有魔力的,神奇的clever 聪明的 foolish 愚蠢的 through 穿过 laugh 笑,大笑 wear 穿 turn into 变成 sentence 句子 each 每个 quick 迅速的,快的 think 想,思考 another 又一个 next 下一个 turn 机会 hard 努力地,费劲地 Unit 2 sunny 晴朗的 show 展览,展示 interesting 有趣的,有意思的weather 天气 become 变成,变为 windy 有风的 cloudy 多云的 high 在高处 honey 蜂蜜 drink 饮料 ant 蚂蚁 bee 蜜蜂 cloud 云 rain 下雨 meet 遇见 lose 丢失 know 知道 What happened? 出什么事了? climb up 爬上 hold onto 抓紧 fly away 飞走 Unit 3

holiday 假日,假期 National Day 国庆节 call 打电话 Bund (上海)外滩 Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆Great Wall 长城 Palace Museum 故宫 Summer Palace 颐和园 Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场 fashion show 时装表演,时装秀bottle 瓶子 go well 进展顺利 at first 开始,最初 heavy rain 大雨 Unit 4 then and now 过去和现在 ago ……以前 telephone 电话 office 办公室 mobile phone 移动电话,手机anywhere 随处,到处 radio 收音机 newspaper 报纸 news 新闻 e-book 电子书 make friends 交朋友 all over the world 全世界 do shopping 购物 TV 电视 look out of 朝……外看 What day is today? 今天是星期几? go on 继续 spell 拼读,拼写 make a sentence 造句 with 用 yesterday 昨天 Unit 5 sign 标识 shopping centre 购物中心careful 小心,当心


Unit1、国王的新装 Story time 1.很久很久以前,有一个国王。他喜欢新衣服。一天,两位男士来拜见国王:“我的国王,我们可以做新衣服给你”。这个国王很高兴。 2、这两个男士展示他的衣服给国王看。“我的国王,请试穿这些有魔力的衣服,聪明的人能够看到他们,愚蠢的人们就不能看到他们。” 3、这个国王穿着他的新衣服步行穿过这个城市。有很多的人在街道上。特闷看到国王并且大喊:“多么漂亮的衣服啊!” 4、一个小男孩指着这个国王并且大笑:“哈哈!国王没有穿任何衣服!” Cartoon time 1、狐狸小姐和她的学生们正在做游戏,他们讲述一个故事。每个学生说一句。狐狸小姐开始。“很久很久以前,有一座山。” 2、Sam很快。“有一座房子在山上。”“太棒了,Sam。” 3、Willy说下一句。“一个老人和一个小孩住在房子里。”“太精彩了,Willy。” 4、Billy也说了一句。“这个老人给小男孩讲故事。”“很好。” 5、现在轮到Bobby了。他正在努力的思考。“Bobby,下一句是什么呢?”“很久很久以前,有一座山。”“哈哈,我们又回到了故事的开始。”

Unit2What a day! Story time 星期日,九月二十日 1、早上天气晴朗,我和苏海、迈克、刘涛一起骑自行车去公园。 2、公园里有一场鹦鹉秀。我们看到了一些有趣的鹦鹉。 3、然后,天气变得有风而且多云。我们的风筝在天空中高高的飞翔。 4、该是吃饭的时候了。我们带来了一些饺子、面包、蜂蜜和饮料。 5、我们看到面包和蜂蜜上有一些蚂蚁,也有一些蜜蜂。我们吃不下我们的午餐了! 6、下午,天空中飘起了乌云。天下去了雨,我们又饿又湿。 7、这是怎样的一天啊! Cartoon time 1、萨姆在公园里遇到了波比。 你好,波比。你好,萨姆。你看上去很难过。怎么了?我丢了我的新风筝。 2、萨姆想要知道为什么。 出什么事了,波比?今天早上我和蒂娜在公园里放我的新风筝,但公园里没有风。 3、然后出了什么事呢?风筝飞得很高,但它非得太高了,我们没有抓紧它。它就飞走了。 4、萨姆笑了。 这是你的风筝吗?是的,你为什么会有它的?我在小山附件发现的


Unit 1 long long ago 很久以前magic 有魔力的,神奇的clever 聪明的 foolish 愚蠢的 through 穿过 laugh 笑,大笑 wear 穿 turn into 变成 sentence 句子 each 每个 quick 迅速的,快的 think 想,思考 another 又一个 next 下一个 turn 机会 hard 努力地,费劲地Unit 2 sunny 晴朗的 show 展览,展示interesting 有趣的,有意思的 weather 天气 become 变成,变为windy 有风的 cloudy 多云的 high 在高处 honey 蜂蜜 drink 饮料 ant 蚂蚁 bee 蜜蜂 cloud 云 rain 下雨 meet 遇见 lose 丢失 know 知道 What happened? 出什么事了? climb up 爬上 hold onto 抓紧 fly away 飞走 Unit 3 holiday 假日,假期 National Day 国庆节 call 打电话 Bund (上海)外滩 Shanghai Museum 上海博 物馆 Great Wall 长城 Palace Museum 故宫 Summer Palace 颐和园 Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场 fashion show 时装表演,时 装秀 bottle 瓶子 go well 进展顺利 at first 开始,最初 heavy rain 大雨 Unit 4 then and now 过去和现在 ago ……以前 telephone 电话 office 办公室 mobile phone 移动电话,手 机 anywhere 随处,到处 radio 收音机 newspaper 报纸 news 新闻 e-book 电子书 make friends 交朋友 all over the world 全世界


六年级上册复习资料 内含:6A各单元知识点,语法知识,易错题及适当形式填空

6A Unit 1 The king’s new clothes姓名:一,单词/词组 1. long long ago 很久以前 2. new clothes 新衣服 3. make new clothes for you 为你制作新衣服 make sth for sb 4. show the king his new clothes给皇帝展示新衣服 show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb. 5. try on 试穿try on the coat=try the coat on try it/them on 6. magic clothes 有魔力的衣服 7. walk through步行穿过 8. in his new clothes 穿着他的新衣服 9. shout at sb. 对某人大叫10. laugh at sb. 对某人大笑 11. look at 看….12. point at 指向… 13. fit well 非常适合14. an American cowboy 一个美国牛仔 15. a Scottish man 一位苏格兰人16. tell a story 讲一个故事 17. say a/one sentence 说一句话18. on the mountain 在山上 19. the next sentence 下一句话20. live in the house 住在房子里 21. tell the boy a story 给这个男孩讲一个故事 tell sb. sth. 22. it is one’s turn 某人的机会23. think hard 努力思考 24. have to 不得不 have to do sth. 25. in front of 在….前面(外部) in the front of 在… 前面(内部) 26. walk by 路过27. be nice to sb. 对某人好 28. look after 照顾29. turn into 变成 二,句型 1. Long long ago, there was a king. 很久很久以前,有一位国王。 2. The king was happy. 国王很开心。 3. He liked new clothes. 他喜欢新衣服。 4. Two men visited the king. 两个男人拜访了这位国王。 三、练习 1.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Three days ago,I (bring)a new bike. 2.I (live) with my grandparents when I was young. 3.The king (not wear) any clothes that day, all the people (point)at him. 4.Long long ago, there (be) many old men in the mountain. 5.Look,the girl is (wear) a nice dress. 2.选择正确答案。 ( )1. Long long ago, there a boy called Ma Liang. A. was B. were C. is D. are ( )2. I ________ TV a moment ago. A. watch B. watched C. looked D. look ( )3. The teacher the blackboard, then we copied the words. A.point at B. pointed at C.is pointing at D. points at ( )4. Do you want ________?


译林版小学六年级上册英语期中试卷及答案 听力部分(30分) 一、选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(共10分) ( )1. A.news B.newspaper C.know ( )2. A. turn B.true C.two ( )3. A.Shanghai Museum B.Summer Palace C.Palace Museum ( )4. A.go well B.go on C.ago ( )5. A.through B.lose C.with ( )6. A.museum B.music C.minute ( )7. A.away B.play C.today ( )8. A.work B.word C.warm ( )9. A.elephant B.telephone C.take ( )10. A.e-books B.email C. e-friends 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(听两遍)(共6分)

三、听问句,选答句。(听两遍)(共5分) ( )1. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I wasn ’t. C. Yes, I did.( )2. A. I lost my kite. B. It ’s on the desk.C. It ’s a kite.( )3. A. Yes, it ’s windy.B. Yes, it ’s sunny.C. No, it ’s sunny. ( )4. A.I go to Beijing. B. I am in a park. C. I played games. ( )5. A. It ’s 20th September. B. I t ’s Monday. C. It ’s cloudy.四、听录音,完成下列对话,每空一词。(听三遍)(共9分) A: Hi, Su Hai. Where did you go for the Children ’s Day this year? B: I my cousin. I a lot of there. A: What did you do with your cousin? B: We football and things from the shop. What about you? A: I was at home. I an to my friend and news in the . 笔试部分(70分) 一、词汇(每小题1分,共25分)A )英汉互译。(10分) 1. 很久以前_____________ 2.tell a story_____________ 3. 交朋友_____________ 4. National Day_____________ 5. 那时和现在_____________ 6. invent the aeroplane_____________ 7. 聪明的人们_____________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/51108699.html,e the mobile phone_____________ 9. 去外滩_____________ 10.on the Internet_____________ B)据中文或首字母提示及句意,在横线上写出该单词的正确形式。每个空格只能填写一个单


第一单元语法重点 【语法】 一、副词 在旧教材5BUnit4里学生已经学过了一些副词,所以本单元的语法对学生来说并不陌生。老师们可以将以前学过的一些内容给学生复习一下。如: dance beautifully, sit quietly, run fast, walk carefully, jump high 1. 副词(Adverb)是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,是一类用以修饰动词(相当于英语的verb)或加强描绘词组或整个句子的词。 目前我们学过的副词有: 时间副词:now, then, often, always ,usually, early, today, next, soon, too, finally, before, ago, sometimes, yesterday 地点副词:here, there, in, out, inside, home, around, near, off, past, up, away, on. 方式副词:carefully, fast, well, slowly, hard, quietly, loudly, sadly, happily… 程度副词:much, very, so, too, quite. 疑问副词:how, when, where, why. 表顺序的副词:first, then ,next, finally 2. 副词在句中可作状语、表语、补语、定语。 1) 在许多情况下,副词都放在所修饰的动词后面或句末。如: The girl dances very well.这个女孩跳舞跳得好。 We must work hard. 我们必须努力工作。 He does his work very carefully. 他做工作非常仔细。 I want to see the film very much. 我很想看这部电影。 2) 有时也放在主语后面,谓语动词前面(对动作加以强调)。如: He angrily closed the door. 他生气地把门关上了。 3) 置于句中的副词,若碰上助动词,则通常放在助动词之后、主要动词之前: He is often late for school. 他经常上学迟到。 He can also play basketball. 他还会打篮球。 3. 本教材中主要学习由形容词变副词的方法和用法。 形容词变副词的规则: 1)一般情况下直接加“ly”,如quick—quickly 2)以“y”结尾的, 先将“y”改成“i”,再加“ly”,如happy—happily 少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly。例如:true(正确的)— truly等。 但绝大多数以e结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly。例如:polite(礼貌的)—politely等。 3)在英语中, 有些词既可以作形容词, 又可以作副词, 如early, much, fast, little, hard等。4)还有一类副词和形容词词义相同, 但拼写却不同, 如well和good。如:He speaks good English. 他讲一口流利的英语。 He speaks English well. 他英语讲得不错。 5)需注意: friendly; motherly; lovely等词尽管是以“ly”结尾,但他们是形容词而非副词,如要变为副词则为:friendly—friendlily 小结:形容词变副词 angry—angrily beautiful—beautifully busy—busily careful—carefully cold—coldly cool—coolly cute—cutely dead—deadly deep—deeply excited—excitedly early—early fast—fast final—finally first—first good—well happy—happily hard—hard


译林版小学英语六年级 上册全册知识点梳理 SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

Unit 1 The king’s new clothes 一、四会单词: magic 有魔力的,神奇的 clothes 衣服 clever 聪明的 foolish 愚蠢的 through 穿过※laugh 笑,大笑 Shout 大叫 another 又一个 each 每个 quick 迅速的,快的 think 想,思考 hard 努力地,费劲地 next 下一个※turn 机会 sentence 句子 ※wear 穿 ※tell 告诉※little小的※child孩子 二、四会词组: long long ago 很久以前 try on 试穿 point at 指着 make new clothes for him 为他做新衣服 show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 向某人展示某物 turn into 变成 make a sentence 造句in his new clothes 穿着他的新衣服 tell sb. a story 给某物讲故事 live in 居住在 Be nice to ... 对...好 look after 照顾 it is one’s turn 轮到某人了 have to 不得不 in front of 在...前面 walk by 路过

think hard 努力地思考 shout at sb. 对某人大喊 三.重点句型: 1.Long long ago, there was a king. 很久很久以前,有一个国王。 2.Two men visited the king. 两个男人来拜访国王。 3.We can make new clothes for you. 我们可以为你做新衣服。 4.The two men showed the king his new clothes. 这两个人向国王展示了他的新衣服。 5.The king walked through the city in his new clothes. 国王穿着他的新衣服步行穿过城市。 6.What beautiful clothes! 多么漂亮的衣服! 四.语法: 一般过去时(一): 一般过去时表示过去某一时候或某一段时间所发生了的事情或存在的状态。 7.常与过去时间yesterday, this morning, just now, a moment ago, in May, last night / year / week, once upon a time, the other day, before …, when – clause, in the past连用。 8.eg:Long long ago,there is a king. He liked new clothes. 9.Long long ago 就是过去时的时间状语 10.Be(am,is,are)的过去式有am,is---was are --- were 不规则动词的过去式: laugh --- laughed live ---- lived


精品文档 精品文档2018苏教版译林六年级英语下册词组Unit 1 the lion and the mouse in the forest 在森林里large and strong 又大又强壮o n e d a y 一天w a l k b y走过wake the lion up 叫醒狮子want to eat the mouse 想要吃老鼠s o me d a y 某一天help you 帮助你(宾格)s ma ll a n d we ak又小又虚弱le t …g o让。。走t h e n e x t d a y第二天catch the lion with a large net 用一张大网抓住狮子bite the net with his sharp teeth 用他锋利的牙齿咬网get out 出去j u s t t h e n就在那时make a big hole in the net with his teeth 用他的牙齿再网上弄了个洞f r o m t h e n o n从那时起become friends 成为朋友e x c i t e d l y激动地q u i e t l y安静地l o u d l y大声地h a p p i l y开心地s a d l y失望地Aesop’s Fables 伊索寓言find many animal stories 找到许多动物的故事a Chinese idiom book 一本中国成语故事play table tennis happily 开心地打乒乓球be good at =do well in 擅长cheer for them loudly 大声地为他们欢呼too excited 太激动(人)hit the ball hard 用力的击球(打球)find a hole in the ground 在地上发现一个洞too d eep 太深reach it 够到它have an idea 有一个主意bring some water quickly 快速地带来一些水pour…into 把。。。倒入well done 干得好a shopping centre 一个购物中心on the floor 在地板上take …to 把---带入。。。give him a sweet =give a sweet to him 给他一块糖


小学英语(译林版)六年级期末试卷 五、判断划线部分的读音是否相同相同的用S,不同的用D(5分) ()1. dear wear ( )2. sea weather ( )3.paper teacher ( ) 4. skirt birthday ( )5. cool food 六、英汉短语互译。(10分) 1.浪费水____________ 2. 给他的朋友们写信___________________ 3.观看舞狮表演_______________ 4.take your juice into the cinema______________ 5.妈妈的手机________________ 6.make a poster _______________ 7.在一家购物中心_____________8.on a sunny day ________________ 9.许多工厂________________ 10.these pictures of our city___________________ 七、按要求写单词(5分) 1.catch(过去式)_______ 2.real (副词)________ 3.foolish (反义词)_________ 4.cloudy (名词)_________ 5.were (原形)_________ 6.bring (过去式)_________ 7.Mike (名词所有格)_____________ 8.we (宾格)_______ 9.much (近义词)___________ 10.hear (同音词)__________ 八、单项选择。(10分) ()1. You can’t take ________ into the classroom. A. the book B.the schoolbag C. the dog ( ) 2.My father is a cook . He works in the __________ . A. restaurant B. hospital C. Museum ht ( ) 3.Let me ______ some bananas _______ the trees. A. draw; in B.draw ;on C. to draw ;on ( ) 4.It ________Children’s Day next Monday. A. is going to B. is going to be C. was ( ) 5.I’m very happy to get an e-mail ______ my e-friend. A.to B. from C. with ()6. I think Jim and you will _______ good friends . A.are B.is C. be ( )7.When do we often _______ ? In spring . A.plant trees B. make snowmen C. swim ( ) 8.Look!There’s a big stone in the middle of the road .Let’s _______ . A. move away it . B.move it away C. moves away it ( ) 9.When is National Day ? It’s on _________. A. June 1st B October 1st C. September 1st
