
东西都毫 无保留 的放到 电影里 的,但 我也明 白,这 一点对 于编剧 和导演 来说太 难做到 ,毕竟 电影 只有 2 个小时,而书中的故事,远远不止 120 分钟。”而梅莉莎·罗森伯格则对于能成为这部电 影的编剧 感到非 常的荣 幸,也 开辟自 己电影 编剧身 份的先 河。事 实上,梅莉莎 为了这 个剧本 花费 了相当大 的精力 ,通读 乃至精 读原著 是必不 可少的 ,然后 在与斯 蒂芬妮 几番交 流之后 又将自 己的 剧本初版让梅耶看,接着是反复的交流和修改,最终经过了 5、6 次的往复修改之后,终于成型 为最终的 剧本。 数年间在 好莱坞 浮浮沉 沉,让 金发碧 眼的小 美女克 里斯汀 ·斯图 尔特感 受到了 做职业 艺人的 艰辛 与动荡。但 情性天 真的她 ,在制 片人父 亲的帮 助下,显 然已经 很能适 应这样 的环境 。如今,再度 获得影片 主演的 地位,克里斯 汀·斯 图尔特 自然不 会放过 这个证 明自己 甚至尽 快确立 自己在 好莱 坞地位的 机会。因 此,克 里斯汀·斯图尔 特在表 演中相 当卖力,与导 演、编剧 以及原 著作者 的关 系都相当 亲密,希 望能以 自己的 优势 将这个 在吸血 鬼世界 中享受 爱情和 命运大 冲撞的 小女孩 儿演 绎得近乎 完美。据说,克里斯 汀·斯 图尔特 之所以 能有机 会荣当 主演完 全要归 功于去 年和她 一起 出演《荒 野生存 》的埃 米尔· 赫斯基 ,后者 曾力荐 克里斯 汀给 导演凯 瑟琳· 哈德威 克。
算是个异 类。她和很 多同学 不同 ,不追 求时髦 、虚 荣,也没有 心目中 的明星 偶像 ,甚至 到了 有点孤僻 的地步 。的确 ,贝 拉有如 此奇怪 的性格 也与她 独特的 家庭出 身不 无关系 。父母 离婚后 , 她一直跟 随着母 亲一同 过着并 非稳定 无忧的 生活。如今,母 亲则又 找到了 自己的 新欢 。“不得 不” 将贝拉“送还”给父亲。于是,贝拉便从美国西部的大城 市凤凰城来到了东部的华盛顿附近一个 总是在下 雨的名 为福克 斯的小 镇。

领袖:阿罗,马库斯,凯厄斯 沃尔图里的卫士:简,亚历克,费利克斯,德米特里,勒娜特,切尔西,海蒂 破晓中与卡伦一家一起抵抗沃尔图里的吸血鬼(卡伦家的证人): 坦尼娅,凯特,伊里尔,卡门,彼得,夏洛特,希奥布翰,玛吉,里尔姆,艾蒙,凯比,本杰明, 蒂亚 ,加勒特,玛丽,兰德尔,埃利斯戴,查弗丽娜,塞娜,弗拉德米尔,史蒂芬,卡叽里,休伊伦,维纳尔(他和休伊伦和卡叽里是爱丽丝最后带来的证人,休伊伦是他的姨妈,他是半人类半吸血鬼)
能力:力量 配偶:Rosalie Cullen 改变原因:被熊伤害,罗莎莉发现他,并将他背到卡莱尔那里,让卡莱尔改变了他,罗莎莉觉得埃美特单纯可爱很像以前朋友的孩子亨利,所以救了他。 汽车:火红色吉普越野车 在电影里是由Kellan Lutz饰 爱丽丝·卡伦Alice Cullen 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字):Mary Alice Brando 种类:吸血鬼 生日:1901 (她不记得自己是什么时候被变成吸血鬼的,但在《暮色》中, 詹姆斯告诉贝拉爱丽丝的身世——爱丽丝年幼时,曾因能看到未来,被家人误认为神经有问题,被Alice
查理·斯旺Charlie Swan (贝拉的爸爸) 种类:人类 职业:警察 在电影里是由Billy Burke饰 蕾妮·德尔Renee Dwyer (贝拉的妈妈。本姓或随新丈夫姓氏,原著中未标) 种类:人类 查理的前妻,菲尔的现任妻子。 菲尔 Phil 种类:人类 蕾妮的现任丈夫。
关进了疯人院。詹姆斯曾经失手的猎物就是人类时期的爱丽丝,但疯人院里的一名吸血鬼医生为了保护她所以改造了她,并将她藏在地下室,由于一片漆黑,她忘记了人类时期所有的事情。) 能力:看得见可能发生的事情还有即将发生的事情(主观上的,如果当事人中 途改变想法那么预言就不会实现。并且因种族关系看不见狼人和Renesmee的未来,当贝拉和雅各布在一起时贝拉的未来就会消失) 配偶:Jasper Hale 汽车:淡黄色保时捷(爱德华为报答她送给她的) 改变原因:被詹姆斯(追捕贝拉的詹姆斯)发现并试图吸干血液,但是被一名老吸血鬼改变,救了她 在电影里是由Ashley Greene饰 贾斯帕·黑尔Jasper HaleJasper

1990年在美国洛杉机出生她的父亲是 为FOX电视台工作的舞台监督和电视节 目制片人。她的母亲,朱莉斯·曼恩·斯 图尔特,最初是一位来自澳大利亚昆士 兰州,玛卢奇的剧本监督员,同时也是 一名编剧。她有一个哥哥,卡梅隆·斯 图尔特。克里斯汀·斯图尔特在学校学 习到7年级,然后由私人老师教导并以 全优的成绩完成了高中学业。最早 1999年,年仅9岁克里斯汀曾在电视电 影《小美男鱼》(The Thirteenth Year)中短暂亮相。 眼瞳颜色:绿色 头发颜色:棕红色 男友:罗伯特・帕丁森 她没有耳洞,没有纹身 她很喜欢烹饪,她会做各种各样的pie, 还会做墨西哥菜。
• 《暮色》出版后,梅尔又写了《新月》 、《月食》、《破晓》和《午夜阳光》, 被称为“暮光之城”系列。
• In that department according to the novelist Stephanie ho Stephenie Meyer, MEL (the) same adaptation of the film, the work is a not to like to talk, eye color can change the high class to like Edward's new classmates.
“暮光之城”系列《暮色》、《新 月》、《月食》、《破晓》、《午 夜阳光》以日月光华盈亏命名,非 常贴切地吻合了主人公跌宕起伏的 命运变迁和复杂多变的心情故事。
• Twilight City暮光之城 It is a story centered on the meandering love story between the mortal(凡人的)girl Isabella Swan and the immortal(不朽的) Edward Cullen, combining the vampire legend, werewolf(狼人), life on campus, horrific suspense(恐怖悬疑), adventurous comedy(冒险喜剧) and many other eye-catching elements.

Bella,the heroine of the film. She is a human girl.
贝拉,这部电影的女主角,她是 一个人类女孩。
Edward Cullen ,the hero of the film.
He is a vampire.
爱德华,电影中的英雄。他是一个吸血 鬼。
He is a werewolf, he is also in love with Bella
雅各布,他是一 ullen's family
Twilight City暮光之城
电影大概讲的是 爱德华和贝拉从相恋到结婚 的过程,他们经历了吸血鬼和狼人的斗争, 以及吸血鬼世界内部的斗争,最后战胜黑夜 迎接黎明。
Thank you!
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
• The film mainly describes a story about Edward and bella falling love with each other and finally getting married. They go though the battle between the vampire and werewolves ,and the struggle in the vampire world. Ultimately, they defeat the night and embrace the dawn


Jacob is a royal and protective friend to Bella who has a strong sense of right and wrong He is also very musically mentioned and often uses his guitar to express his feelings He has a close relationship with his family and is very concerned of them
பைடு நூலகம்
The theme and symbolism of the
movie Twilight
Love and Sacrifice
The central theme of the movie is love, which is explored in the relationship between the promotions It highlights the pure, flexibility, and transformative nature of love
• Characters: The main characters include a private investor, a psychologist, a policy officer, and a runway teacher Each character has their own unique background and skills that they bring to the team, helping them unravel the mystery behind the city's past

原声大碟.-.[暮光之城豪华版.-.Twilight.Deluxe.Edition].专辑. 001-muse-supermassive_black_holeoh baby dont you know i suffer?oh baby can you hear me moan?you caught me under false pretenceshow long before you let me go?you set my soul alightyou set my soul alight(you set my soul alight)glaciers melting in the dead of nightand the superstars sucked into the supermassive(you set my soul alight)glaciers melting in the dead of nightand the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive'i thought i was a fool for no-oneoh baby i'm a fool for youyou're the queen of the superficialand how long before you tell the truthyou set my soul alightyou set my soul alight(you set my soul alight)glaciers melting in the dead of nightand the superstars sucked into the supermassive(you set my soul alight)glaciers melting in the dead of nightand the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive' supermassive black holesupermassive black holesupermassive black holeglaciers melting in the dead of nightand the superstars sucked into the supermassiveglaciers melting in the dead of nightand the superstars sucked into the supermassive(you set my soul alight)glaciers melting in the dead of nightand the superstars sucked into the supermassive(you set my soul alight)glaciers melting in the dead of nightand the superstars sucked into the supermassive supermassive black holesupermassive black holesupermassive black hole002-paramore-decodeHow can I decide what’s rightWhen you’re clouding up my mind?I can’t win you’re losing fig htAll the timeHow could I ever own what’s mineWhen you’re always taking sidesBut you won’t take away my prideNo, not this timeNot this timeHow did we get hereWhen I used to know you so wellHow did we get hereWell, I think I know howThe truth is hiding in your eyesAnd it’s hanging on your tongueJust boiling in my bloodBut you think that I can’t seeWhat kind of man that you areIf you’re a man at allWell, I will figure this one outOn my own(I’m screaming, “I love you so”)On my own(My thoug hts you can’t decode)How did we get hereWhen I used to know you so well,Yeah how did we get hereWell, I think I know howDo you see what we’ve doneWe’ve gone and made such foolsOf ourselvesDo you see what we’ve doneWe’ve gone and made such foolsOf ourselvesHow did we get hereWhen I used to know you so well, yeah, yeah Well, How did we get hereWell, Why Don't you show yourself.I think I knowI think I knowThere is something I see in youIt might kill meI want it to be true003-the_black_ghosts-full_moonwhen the thorn bush turns white that's when I'll come homeI am going out to see what I can sowAnd I don't know where I'll goAnd I don't know what I'll seeBut I'll try not to bring it back home with meLike the morning sun your eyes will follow meAs you watch me wander, curse the powers that beCause all I want is here and now but its already been and gone Our intentions always last that bit too longFar far away, no voices sounding,no one around me and you're still thereFar far away, no choices passing,no time confounds me and you're still thereIn the full moons light I listen to the streamAnd in between the silence hear you calling meBut I don't know where I am and I don't trust who I've been And If I come home how will I ever leave004-linkin_park-leave_out_all_the_restI dreamed I was missingYou were so scaredBut no one would listen'Cause no one else caresAfter my dreamingI woke with this fearWhat am I leavingWhen I'm done hereSo if you're asking me I want you to knowWhen my time comesForget the one that I've doneHelp me leave behind some reasons to be missedAnd don't resent meAnd when you're feeling emptyKeep me in your memoryLeave out all the restLeave out all the restDon't be afraidI've taken my beatingI've shed when I'm nearI'm strong to surfaceNot all the way throughI've never been perfectBut neither have youSo if you're asking me I want you to knowWhen my time comesForget the one that I've doneHelp me leave behind some reasons to be missed Don't resent meAnd when you're feeling emptyKeep me in your memoryLeave out all the restLeave out all the restForgetting all the hurt insideYou've learned to have so wellPretending someone else can come and save me From myselfI can't be who you areWhen my time comesForget the one that I've doneHelp me leave behind some reasons to be missed Don't resent meAnd when you're feeling emptyKeep me in your memoryLeave out all the restLeave out all the restForgetting all the hurt insideYou've learned to have so wellPretending someone else can come and save me From myselfI can't be who you areI can't be who you are005-mutemath-spotlight_(twilight_mix)you got a whole lot left to say nowyou knocked all your wind outyou just tried too hard and you frozei know, i knowwhat to say, what to sayjust take the fallyou're one of usthe spotlight is onoh the spotlight is on, ohyou know the one thing you're fighting to holdwill be the one thing you've got to let goand when you feel the wall cannot be burnedyou're gonna die to try what can't be donegonna stay stay out but you don't carenow is there nothing like the inside of you anywhereoh just take the fallyou're one of usthe spotlight is onoh the spotlight is on, yeah it's onbecause everyone would rather watch you falland we all are, yeahand we all are, yeahjust take a fallyou're one of usthe spotlight is onoh the spotlight is onnow you're one of usnow you're, now you're, now you're, now you're one of us now you're, now you're, now you're one of usoh the spotlight is on006-perry_farrell-go_all_the_way_(into_the_twilight)everyday, everyday, everyday, we're going all the way everyday, everyday, everyday, we're going all the way tonightlightning strikeslet's go into twilightfirst time i saw you(when we first met)i had the fever(as bad as it gets)you let me see(much in my eyes)it was so smooth, sparkle and shineand it shinedtonightlightning strikeslet's go into twilightyou asked me out on many datesand took me to exotic placesyou saw the look upon your faceyou men must really love the chasesi'm going to let you have it like you've never had before so take metake metake me...tonightlightning strikeslet's go into twilightgo all the way with me, go all the waygo all the way with me, go all the waygo all the way with me, go all the waygo all the way with me, go all the waygo all the way with me, go all the waygo all the way with me, go all the waygo all the way with me, go all the waygo all the way with me, go all the way007-collective_soul-tremble_for_my_belovedThe hour has begunYour eyes have now openedTo a world where madness cravesTo a world where hope's enslavedOh, I'll tremble for my love alwaysYour windows, opened wideYour innocence takes flightTo a world where madness cravesTo a world where hope's enslavedOh, I'll tremble for my love alwaysIt's a world where madness cravesIt's a world where hope's enslavedOh, I tremble for my love alwaysIt's a world where madness cravesIt's a world where hope's enslavedYeah, I tremble for you, love, always008-paramore-i_caught_myselfDown to youYou're pushing and pulling me down to youBut I don't know what INow when I caught myselfI had to stop myselfFrom saying somethingThat I should've never thoughtNow when I caught myselfI had to stop myselfFrom saying somethingThat I should've never thought of you of youYou're pushing and pulling me down to youBut I don't know what I wantNo, I don't know what I wantYou got it you got itSome kind of magicHypnotic hypnoticYou're leaving me breathlessI hate this I hate thisYou're not the one I believe inWith God as my witnessNow when I caught myselfI had to stop myselfFrom saying somethingThat I should've never thoughtNow when I caught myselfI had to stop myselfFrom saying somethingThat I should've never thought of you of youYou're pushing and pulling me down to youBut I don't know what I wantNo, I don't know what I wantDon't know what I wantBut I know it's not youKeep pushing and pulling me downBut I know in my heart it's not youNow when I caught myselfI had to stop myselfFrom saying somethingThat I should've never thoughtNow when I caught myselfI had to stop myselfFrom saying somethingThat I should've never thought of youI knew, I know in my heart it's not youI knew, but now I know what I want, I want, I want Oh no, I've should have never thought009-blue_foundation-eyes_on_fireI'll seek you out, flay you aliveone more word and you won't survive and i'm not scared of your stolen power i see right through you any houri won't soothe your paini won't ease your strainyou'll be waiting in vaini got nothing for you to gaini'm taking it slowfeeding my flameshuffling the cards of your gameand just in timein the right placesuddenly i will play my acei won't soothe your paini won't ease your strainyou'll be waiting in vaini got nothing for you to gaineyes on fireyour spine is ablazefelling any foe with my gazeand just in timein the right placesteadily emerging with gracefelling any foe with my gazesteadily emerging with gracefelling any foe with my gazesteadily emerging with grace010-rob_pattinson-never_thinki should never thinkwhat's in your heartwhat's in our homeso i won'tyou'll learn to hate mebut still call me babyoh loveso call me by my nameand save your soulsave your soulbefore your to far gonebefore nothing can be donei'll try to decide whenshe'll lie in the endi ain't got no fight in mein this whole damn worldso hold offshe should hold offit's the one thing that i've knownonce i put my coat oni coming out in this all wrongshe standing outside holding mesaying oh pleasei'm in lovei'm in lovegirl save your soulgo on save your soulbefore it's to far goneand before nothing can be donecause without meyou got it allso hold onwithout me you got it allso hold onwithout me you got it allwithout me you got it allso hold onwithout me you got it allwithout me you got it allso hold on011-iron_and_wine-flightless_bird_american_mouth I was a quick wet boyDiving too deep for coinsAll of your street light eyesWide on my plastic toysAnd when the cops closed the fairI cut my long baby hairStole me a dog-eared mapAnd called for you everywhereHave I found you?Flightless bird, jealous, weepingOr lost you?American mouthBig pill loomingNow I’m a fat house catNursing my sore blunt tongueWatching the warm poison ratsCurl through the wide fence cracksPissing on magazine photosThose fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean Blood of Christ mountain streamHave I found you?Flightless bird, grounded bleedingOr lost you?American mouthBig pill, stuck going down012-carter_burwell-bellas_lullaby013-oar-love_is_worth_the_falli can almost believe that you reall,and it ** my heart that i feel.but there's something between usi can't see to get through it all.if i could only read your mind,i would know how to save you this time,with love,love is worth the fall.if i could only save the day,here in your world i could stay,for love,love is worth the fall.show me the way,let me see,into your soul,let me breathe,i won't wait through the ages,and watch you sleep straight through the night, if i could only read your mind,i would know how to save you this time,with love,love is worth the fall.if i could only save the day,here in your world i could stay,for love,love is worth the fall.sleep,daring sleep.dream,daring dream.hopeing no streams come here.yeah~~,only read your mind,i would know how to save you this time, with love,love is worth the fall.if i could only save the day,here in your world i would stay,for love,love is worth the fall.love,love is worth the fall.i see you right there and you smiling, lonely you been,that's my love,it's spend a lesson,when nothing incense,i laid down my ** here,do it for love,love,love is worth the fall,love,love is worth the fall,love,love is worth the fall,love,love is worth the all.014-paramore-decode_(acoustic)how can i decide what's rightwhen you're clouding up my mind?i can't winyou're losing sightall the timenot gonna ever own what's minewhen you're always taking sidesbut you won't take away my prideno, not this timenot this timehow did we get here?i used to know you so wellhow did we get here?well, i think i knowthe truth is hiding in your eyesand it's hanging on your tonguejust boiling in my bloodbut you think that i can't seewhat kind of man that you areif you're a man at allwell, i will figure this one outon my own(i'm screaming,"i love you so")on my own(my thoughts you can't decode)how did we get here?i used to know you so well, yeahhow did we get here?well, i think i knowdo you see what we've done?we've gone and made such foolsof ourselvesdo you see what we've done?we've gone and made such foolsof ourselveshow did we get here?i used to know you so well, yeahhow did we get here?well, i used to know you so welli think i knowi think i knowthere is something i see in youit might kill mei want it to be true015-iron_and_wine-flightless_bird_american_mouth_(live)I was a quick wet boyDiving too deep for coinsAll of your street light eyesWide on my plastic toysAnd when the cops closed the fairI cut my long baby hairStole me a dog-eared mapAnd called for you everywhereHave I found you?Flightless bird, jealous, weepingOr lost you?American mouthBig pill loomingNow I’m a fat house catNursing my sore blunt tongueWatching the warm poison ratsCurl through the wide fence cracksPissing on magazine photosThose fishing lures thrown in the cold and cleanBlood of Christ mountain streamHave I found you?Flightless bird, grounded bleedingOr lost you?American mouthBig pill, stuck going down016-mutemath-spotlight_(son_lux_remix)You got a whole lot left to say nowYou knocked all your wind outYou just tried too hard and you frozeI know, I knowWhat to say, what to sayJust take the fallYou're one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is on, ohYou know the one thing you're fighting to holdWill be the one thing you've got to let goAnd when you feel the wall cannot be burnedYou're gonna die to try what can't be doneGonna stay stay out but you don't careNow is there nothing like the inside of you anywhereOh just take the fallYou're one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is on, yeah it's onBecause everyone would rather watch you fallAnd we all are, yeahAnd we all are, yeahJust take a fallYou're one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is onNow you're, now you're, now you're, now you're one of us Now you're, now you're, now you're one of usNow you're one of usOh the spotlight is on017-the_black_ghosts-full_moon_(appleblim_and_komonazmuk_remix) You got a whole lot left to say nowYou knocked all your wind outYou just tried too hard and you frozeI know, I knowWhat to say, what to sayJust take the fallYou're one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is on, ohYou know the one thing you're fighting to holdWill be the one thing you've got to let goAnd when you feel the wall cannot be burnedYou're gonna die to try what can't be doneGonna stay stay out but you don't careNow is there nothing like the inside of you anywhereOh just take the fallYou're one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is on, yeah it's onBecause everyone would rather watch you fallAnd we all are, yeahAnd we all are, yeahJust take a fallYou're one of usThe spotlight is onOh the spotlight is onNow you're, now you're, now you're, now you're one of usNow you're, now you're, now you're one of usNow you're one of usOh the spotlight is on。

英文名:Kristen Jaymes Stewart 中文名:克里斯汀·杰 梅斯·斯图尔特 剧中饰演人物:Bella Swan(贝拉·斯旺) 眼瞳颜色:绿色 头发颜色:棕红色 血型:O型血 梦想:儿时曾经立志做 一名作家 男友:罗伯特·帕丁森
She leaned her head down, against my chest, burrowing against the warmth. Her skin was warm andsilky, but it didn‘t give the way mine did. Then there was pain again—just one warm slash of it. I gasped. And she was gone. My angel-faced baby was nowhere. I couldn’t see or feel her. No!I wanted to shout. Give her back to me! But the weakness was too much. My arms felt like empty rubber hoses for a moment, and then they feltlike nothing at all.
To avoid the pain. Always human and weak, the only thingI'd ever been able todo was keep going. Endure. Survive. It had been enough up to this point. It would have to be enough today. I would endure this until helpcame. I knew Edward would be doing everything he could. He would not give up. Neither would I. I held the blackness of nonexistence at bay by inches. It wasn't enough, though—that determination.

英语原声电影(第20期)英语学习资料西南科技大学英语协会英语原声电影第20期学习资料《肖申克的救赎》译名肖申克的救赎片名The SHAWSHANK Redemption国家美国导演凯瑟琳·哈德威克Catherine Hardwicke编剧弗兰克·达拉邦特Frank Darabont演员蒂姆·罗宾斯(Tim•Robbins)摩根·弗里曼(Morgan•Freeman)简介故事发生在1947年,银行家安迪因为妻子有婚外情,酒醉后误被指控用枪杀死了她和她的情人,安迪被判无期徙刑,这意味着他将在肖申克监狱中渡过余生。
为了防止安迪获释,监狱不惜设计害死了知情人!面对残酷的现实,安迪有将怎么面对,他又将怎么完成令人不可思议的壮举的呢?一、经典台词Part 1●Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝。
Lumiere Amoureuse (暮光之城)

span [span]跨度 unveil [ʌnˈveɪl] 使公之于众;揭开 fetter [ˈfɛtə] 羁绊,束缚 mellow [ˈmɛləʊ]柔和的;可口的;松软的; 稳健的;XX
One midnight in Paris in 2017, Francois, one of the blood-sucking aristocrats, met a Chinese student (Lin Peixin). From that moment on, a love story spanning 100 years was unveiled.
Lumiere Amoureuse
A touching story about "love can surpass everything", can surpass race, time and life and death.
This is a vampire story that took place in "romantic city" Paris, telling a dark fairy tale of love and eternity. French vampire aristocrats"K" founded a film company at the beginning of the 19th century when films were born.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

八年 20班 1號
書籍介紹第二集 只有吸血鬼
史蒂芬妮‧梅爾 Stephemie Meyer
畢業於楊百翰大學,擁有 英文學士學位。 目前和丈夫及三個兒子居 住於亞利桑那州鳳凰城市。
西雅圖發生了一連串的殺戮事件, 一個心懷惡意的吸血鬼持續進 行著報復的搜索行動,貝拉再 次發現自己身陷險境。處在危 機之中,她被迫在最愛-愛德 華,與好朋友-雅各之間做出 選擇,她知道,她的選擇可能 在吸血鬼與狼人族群間激起無 盡的戰爭。隨著畢業即將到來, 貝拉還得做出另一個決定:生 還是死?但,什麼是生?什麼是 死?
一名叫做貝拉的少女,來到了一個幾乎永 遠陰天的小鎮-福克斯。在那裡,她遇 見了一群皮膚蒼白但英俊美麗的「庫 倫家族」。在這當中,她特別注意一 個身材勻稱、有著紅褐色的凌亂頭髮、 以及修長白皙手指的俊美男孩-愛德華。 這群皮膚蒼白卻英俊美麗的人和這個 永遠都是陰天的小鎮,漸漸成了貝拉 待在這個小鎮的理由。貝拉的新生活, 隨著神秘、英俊愛德華的一舉一動, 漸漸改變~纏繞在兩人之間那一觸即發 的熱情、揮之不去的不安陰影,貝拉 與愛德華該如何面對? 血的香氣、愛的迷惑、不懷好意的嗜 血狩獵者...在愛與犧牲的天坪下,貝拉 發現她要奉獻的不只是靈魂...
有三件事我非常確定 第一、愛德華是吸血鬼 第二、出於天性,他渴望喝我的血 第三、我無可救藥地愛上他了...... 對貝拉來說,有一件事比她的生命 更重要:愛德華˙庫倫。但愛上吸 血鬼,比貝拉能想到的一切都還要 危險。 愛德華從一個邪惡的吸血鬼手上, 救了貝拉的小命,但現在,他們的 親密關係,卻對周圍的人造成危險, 他們知道,麻煩才剛要開始......
英语演讲 暮光之城Twilight

Seventeen-year-old Bella moves to Forks, to live with her father, Charlie, after her mother remarries to a minor league baseball player. She is quickly befriended by many students at her new high school, but she is intrigued by the mysterious and aloof Cullen siblings.
·This movie is based on the novel “Twilight” · Writer : Stephenie Meyer. · Director :Catherine Hardwicke · It has won many awards:
09 TCA Choice Male Hottie: Robert Pattinson. Choice Movie Drama: "Twilight." Choice Movie Romance: "Twilight." Choice Movie Actor Drama: Robert Pattinson, "Twilight." Choice Movie Actress Drama: Kristen Stewart, "Twilight." Choice Movie Villain: Cam Gigandet, "Twilight." Choice Movie Fresh Face Female: Ashley Greene, "Twilight." Choice Movie Fresh Face Male: Taylor Lautner, "Twilight." Choice Movie Liplock: Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, "Twilight." Choice Movie Rumble: Robert Pattinson vs. Cam Gigandet, "Twilight." Choice Music Rock Track: Paramore, "Decode."
暮光之城英语ppt 英语演讲

当他们第一次相见的时候,他们都是17岁; 当贝拉的母亲把她带离小镇时候,他已经17 岁了;而他将永远17岁,直到她进入暮 年。。。
• • • • • •
贝拉:你多大了 Bella: How old are you? 爱德华:17岁 Edward: Seventeen. 贝拉:你17岁多久了? Bella: How long have you been seventeen? • 爱德华:有一阵子了 • Edward: A while.
The movie Twilight spoke about a pair of hard couple, 17 year old Isabella Swan is a smart yet popular girl, because of her mother's remarriage, she exiled herself to a remote town named Forks. In this town, she met a mysterious classmate named Edward Cullen, then she found out Edward came from a "vegetarian" vampire family. Bella's sweet scent attracts him -- makes him want to drink her blood, but at the same time suppresses his desire because he is deeply in love with hห้องสมุดไป่ตู้r, wanted to protect her. The last part of the movie talked about Edward and his family fighting with the vampires that wanted to kill Bella.
暮光之城系列英文电影介绍twilight (PPT)

moody, angst-filled rock songs, the soundtrack fits the
tone. From Muse's upbeat “Supermassive Black Hole” playing during a game of vampire baseball, to Iron and Wine's romantic “Flightless Bird, American Mouth” at prom, the songs set the mood for the scenes.
Isabella· Vance, her parents divorced and moved to Fox town living. High school, she saw Edward· Cullen, she was dazed eyes captivated him, and thus fell in love with him. After marriage with Edward, because children dying bleeding rib fracture the spine, was Edward venom from a vampire into the heart,To become a vampire,then 18 years old.
Dialogue:(It’s you and you r scent. Like a drug to me.)
Taylor Lautner(泰勒· 洛特纳)饰 Jacob Black(男一号 :雅各布· 布莱克)
Jacob is a minor character in the first novel, Jacob is introduced as a member of the Quileute tribe. He is Bella's best friend as she struggles through her depression over losing Edward. Although he is in love with Bella, she initially sees him as just her best friend. He and other tribe members can shape-shift into wolves. Dialogue:(I`m so sorry that I can`t be the right kind of monster for you, Bella. )

they choose not to drink human blood. Intel 1igent and witty, Edwai'd sees straigliv
into Bella s soul. To Edward Bella is what he has waited90 years for _ a soU^ maLe*
声划fea ..........
肖纖竊痛en蘇辩最古董 轵锡龜感记為麵I瞞橾特经纪
t編lisle麵麟青_ _?b真正尝 相秘di演神秘
Alice Cullen
Stephenie Me戸斯蒂芬妮•梅尔
贝拉:For better , for worse荣辱与共
爱德华:To Iove , to cher i sh 生死相依
el la Swan , live with her ather in the rainy kittle own of Forks, Washington, tee is the mysterious and
lazzlinglv beautiful Edward 'ullen Edward is a vampire, wt he does〆 t. have fangs and
t—Stewart plavs Bella in
茫_品»疹特»但男当时 Rob为 臟鵬laS《暮光-域必㉝纏肖險勧克_ 申条論a s^fA^i&i^蝇秀

暮光之城_英文简介 (1)

Breaking Down but their Bella and Edward are married,
honeymoon(蜜月) is cut short when Bella discovers that she is pregnant(怀孕的). Her pregnancy progresses rapidly, severely weakening her. She nearly dies giving birth to her and Edward's half-vampire-half-human daughter, but Edward injects(注入) Bella with his venom(毒液) to save her life and turns her into a vampire. A vampire from another coven sees Renesmee and mistakes her for an "immortal(不朽的) child". She informs the Volturi, as the existence of such beings violates vampire law. The Cullens gather vampire witnesses who can verify that Renesmee is not an immortal child. After an intense confrontation(对抗), the Cullens and their witnesses(证人) convince the Volturi that the child poses no danger to vampires or their secret, and they are left in peace by ella
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英语原声电影(第1期)英语学习资料西南科技大学英语协会英语原声电影第一期学习资料《暮光之城》译名暮光之城片名Twilight国家美国导演凯瑟琳·哈德威克Catherine Hardwicke编剧梅利莎罗森伯格Melissa Rosenberg演员罗伯特·帕丁森Robert Pattinson •Edward Cullen克里斯汀·斯图尔特Kristen Stewart •Isabella Swan简介:在美国西雅图一个名叫凤凰城的地方,住着一位英俊帅气的男青年爱德华。
内忧外患的爱德华,究竟与贝拉的感情会走到什么地步,家族的危机又如何去解决呢?一、经典台词●Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someoneI loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something. (Bella)这无疑是个不错的死法,死在别人——我所钟爱的人的家里,甚至可以说,轰轰烈烈。
●When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. (Bella)当生活给了你一个远远超过你期望的美梦,那么,当这一期望结束时,也就没有理由再去伤心。
●Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain. (Bella)有时候,我在想我眼里所看到的和世上所有其他人眼里所看到的是不是同样的东西。
●Forks was literally my personal hell on earth. (Bella)Forks对我而言,简直就是一座人间地狱。
●He unleashed the full, devastating power of his eyes on me, as if trying to communicate something crucial. (Bella)他把那双眼睛的全部魅力都释放在我身上了,好像试图跟我说某件至关重要的事情似的。
●I wasn’t interesting. And he was. Inter esting and brilliant and mysterious…and perfect and beautiful and possibly able to lift full-sized vans with one hand. (Bella)我没有意思,他有。
●I decided as long as I was going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly. (Edward)我想好了,反正是下地狱,我还不如来他个一不做二不休。
●It was hard to believe that someone so beautiful could be real. I was afraid that he might disappear in a sudden puff of smoke, and I would wake up. (Bella)很难相信居然真的有这么美的人。
●I had been vacillating during the last month between Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker. There was no way I was going to own up to that. (Bella) 上个月我一直认为他不是蝙蝠侠Bruce Wayne,就是蜘蛛侠Peter Parker,老在这两人中犹豫不决。
●His voice was like melting honey. I could imagine how much more overwhelming his eyes would be. (Bella)他的声音甜得跟蜂蜜似的。
●Don’t be offended, but you seem to be one of those people who just attract accidents like a magnet. So…try not to fall into the ocean or get run over or anything, all right? (Edward)你可别不高兴,我觉得你似乎就是那种就像磁铁一样,对事故特别有吸引力的人。
所以,尽量别掉到海里去了,或者往车轮下面钻什么的,好吗?●I don’t think a tank could take out that old monster. (Jacob)我估计连坦克都拿那老怪物没办法。
●I tried to make my smile alluring, wondering if I was laying it on too thick. He smiled back, though, looking allured. (Bella)我努力使自己的笑容显得迷人些,不知道是否笑得有点过了。
●Do I dazzle you? (Edward)那我有没有让你目眩神迷过?●You’re always crabbier when your eyes are black-I expect it then. (Bella)你的眼睛是黑色的时候,你总是要烦躁一些。
●He stared into my eyes, and I saw how light his eyes were, lighter than I’d ever seen them, golden butterscotch. (Bella)他盯着我的眼睛,我能看到他的眼睛是多么的明亮,比我以前看到的都要明亮,就像金黄色的奶油糖果一样。
●Only you could get in trouble in a town this small. You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a deca de, you know. (Edward) 只有你才会在这么小的一个城市里遇到麻烦。
●You’re a magnet for accidents-that’s not a broad enough classification. You are a magnet for trouble. If there is anything dangerous within a ten-mile radius, it will invariably find you. (Edward)你不是一个只吸引事故的人——这个范围还不够宽,你是一个吸引麻烦的人。
●If this ends badly being that I become the meal.(Bella)最坏的结局就是我变为盘中餐吧。
●I’ve never tried to keep a specific person alive before, and it’s much more troublesome than I would have b elieved. But that’s probably just because it’s you. Ordinary people seem to make it through the day without so many catastrophes. (Edward)我以前从来没有试图去救某一个人,而这比我先前想象的要麻烦得多,但也许仅仅是因为是你的缘故。
●Your number was up the first time I met you. (Edward)我第一次遇见你的时候你就劫数难逃。
●I can’t be sure, of course, but I’d compare it to living on tofu and soy milk; we call ourselves vegetarians, our little inside joke. (Edward) 我不能确定,当然,不过我可以把这种方式和光靠吃豆腐和豆奶过日子的方式作比较,我们把自己称作素食主义者,这是我们内部之间的一个小玩笑。