

【随堂检测卷】人教版英语七年级下册 Unit1 Section A

【随堂检测卷】人教版英语七年级下册 Unit1 Section A

Unit1 Section A 同步卷4一.选择题(共7小题)1.I want to tell something________my best friend.()A.inB.forC.onD.to2.Please________us a story Cindy.()A.speakB.tellC.sayD.talk3.David wants _______ the English club.()A.joinB.joinsC.to joinD.to joins4.﹣Can you speak English?﹣________.()A.Yes,I canB.Yes,I doC.No,I don'tD.No,I can5.Lin Tao can't play _______ chess,but he can play _______ guitar.()A.the;theB./;theC.the;/D./;/6.﹣This book is mine._____ that book?﹣It's Linda's.()A.What'sB.What aboutC.How'sD.Is7.Jane is goodart.She can join the art club.()A.atB.withC.inD.for二.填空题(共5小题)8.be good at.(英汉互译)9.Can your father write(story)?10.Can you play c.11.She can sEnglish very well.12.Can you dwith me?三.阅读理解(共1小题)13.ATeen Art Club3:00 p.m.,Room 220Every Monday,Thursday and Sunday You can BAre you 9﹣12 years old?Do you have your computer game?Come to our Code(编程)Club!draw pictures with our art teacher Ms.Eason.She can tell you how to draw well and she can also take you to an art show every month.Mrs.Lee will tell you how to make cool computer games and apps here.3:45 p.m.﹣5:15 p.m.On Thursdays from February 13th.CDo you love books?Join our Star Book Club!We meet every Tuesday in Room 211 from 4:30 p.m.to 6:00 p.m.You can find great books here and you can also talk about your favorite books with the students.Mr.Green has a list(清单)of good books.This week's b ook is Charlotte's Web,a book about friendship(友谊).The writer is e here,please!(1)If Jim is in the art club,he needs to go there times(次)a week.A.twoB.threeC.four(2)Students meet in the code club for every Thursday.A.one hourB.half an hourC.one and a half hours(3)Mr.Green's job is to good books for students.A.findB.writeC.sell(4)Which is NOT true?A.Charlotte's Web is a book about friends.B.The code club has its first class on February 13th.C.Students always go to the art club in the morning.(5)The reading is to .A.tell us about great teachers in three clubsB.show us why it is useful to join some clubsC.talk about three clubs and ask us to join them四.句型转换五.补全对话(共1小题)14.A:Look,David. Here are all the clubs.B:(1)A:I don't know. Can you give me some advice(建议)?B:(2)A:Yes,I do.B:(3)A:No,I can't. But I can play basketball.B:Then you can join the basketball club.A:(4)Do you want to join the basketball club,too?B:No. I like music and I want to join the music club.A:OK. (5)A.That sounds good.B.Let's join now!C.Well,do you like sports?D.Why do you like baseball?E.Can you play baseball?F.What club do you want to join?G.Yes,you can.六.阅读表达(共1小题)15.Dear Robert,Thanks a lot for your last letter.I know you want to know what sports I can play and what club want to join.Well,let me tell you now.I can swim.It's fun and interesting!I can play the guitar and basketball.But I can't play soccer.I think it's hard.I am good at playing chess.I play chess every weekend.My favorite sport is swimming.So I want to join the swimming club.What about you?What's your favorite sport?What club do you want to join?Please tell me.Yours,Tom1.Can Tom play basketball?2.What is he good at?3.What's his favorite sport?4.What does he do every weekend5.Does he want to join the swimming club?.Unit1 Section A 同步卷4参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(共7小题)1.I want to tell something________my best friend.()A.inB.forC.onD.to【分析】我想告诉我最好的朋友一些事情。

【初中英语】人教版七年级下册Unit 1 随堂小测(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版七年级下册Unit 1 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版七年级下册Unit 1 随堂小测(1163)1.To da y Lu c y's p a r e n ts a r e n't a t h o me,so s h e wan ts to u s fo r lu nc h.()A.jo inB.ma k eC.th in kD.k n o w2.—C an yo u p la y th e g u ita r o r th e p ian o?—.()A.Ye s,I c a nB.N o,I c a n'tC.I c a n p la y th e p ia n oD.I c an p la y s o c c e r3.Be tty p la y c h e ss a nd s he p la ys it ve r y .()A.c a n; g oo dB.ca n't; we llC.ca n; we llD.c a n't; g o o d4.J a ck c an p la y te n n is s oc c e r,s o yo u c a n p la y te n n is so c c e r with h im in yo u rf r e e time.()A.a n d; o rB.an d; b u tC.or; s oD.b u t; or5.B ill like s bu t he d oe s n't wa n t to b e a wh en h e g r o ws u p.()A.mu s ic; mu s ic ianB.mu s ic; mu s icC.mu s ic ia n; mu s icD.mu s ic ian; mu s ic ia n6.D o yo u wan t Ch in e s e ku n g f u?()A.lea r nB.lea r n sC.to le a rnD.lea r n ing7.H e r c o us in is f ro m th e U S,so he c an E ng lis h we ll.()A.te llB.ta lkC.sa yD.sp e ak8.—A re yo u g oo d c h ild r e n?—Ye s,I th ink I c a n he lp th e m E ng lis h.()A.with; inB.with; withC.a t; withD.a t; in9.—W ha t do yo u u s uall y d o—I u s u a lly wa tc h TV a t h o me.()A.in c la ssB.a t s c ho o lC.in th e c lubD.o n th e we e ke n d10.P le a se s ho w yo u r ja c k e t me.()A.fo rB.toC.a tD.in11.Tina is a go od g ir l.E ve r y s tu d e n t a n d te a c he r11he r b ec a u se s he isg o od12h e r le sso n s a n d s he13a ls o go o d a t mu s ic a n d s p o r ts.S he ca np la y 14 g u ita r,th e p ia n o,th e vio lin an d the d r u ms,s o sh e o f te n 15a t th e e ve n in g pa r tie s a nd s ch o o l s ho ws.Tina c an a lso d an c e ve r y 16.M an y g ir ls wantto17 d an c ing f rom h e r.Tin a d o es s po r ts we ll,18she is in th e sp o r tsc lu b.S he is a g o od19 and she is in the s ch o o l r u nn ing c lu b.S he like s d ra win g,to o.S h e c an d ra w nic e20.We a ll lik e he r.(1)A.f in d sB.kn o wsC.se e sD.sh o ws(2)A.inB.onC.a tD.fo r(3)A.isB.a reC.doD.d o es(4)A.aB.anC.theD./(5)A.p la ysB.s ing sC.da nc e sD.d r a ws(6)A.g o odB.we llC.fu nD.n ic e(7)A.tea chB.jo inC.goD.lea r n(8)A.o rB.bu tC.an dD.fo r(9)A.a c tr e s sB.ru n ne rC.tea c he rD.s in g e r(10)A.p ic tu r esB.ph o to sC.c lu b sD.g a me s(1)If yo u wa n t to jo in th e sp o r ts c lu b,yo u c an.()A.c a ll693-2238B.go to R o o m 202C.e-ma il Vic to r a t sp or t s@g ma il.c omD.c a ll 865-1547(2)Lu c y c a n da n ce and s he lik e s c h ild r e n.W h o c a n s he c a ll?()A.Vic to r.B.D a ve.C.M rs.Wa ng.D.Tina.(3)W ha t do e s M r s.Wa ng tea c h?()A.C he s s.B.P in g-p on g.C.D an c ing.D.S wimmin g.(4)He n r y wa n ts to le ar n Fr e n c h.W he n c an h e go to th e Fr e n c h c lu b?()A.E ve r y S a tu r d a y a f ter n o on.B.E ve r y S u n d a y a f te rn o on.C.Fr o m 2:00p.m.—5:00p.m.on the we e ke n d.D.Fr o m 2:00p.m.—5:00p.m.on wee k d a ys.(5)Be tty s p e a k s Fr e n ch a nd sh e is f r e e f r o m M o nd a y to Fr id a y.W h e re ca n sh e wo r k?()A.In the Fr e n c h c lu b.B.In th e s po r ts c lub.C.In th e d an c ing c lu b.D.In Sc ho o l P.E.B u ild in g.13.P le a se c a ll me.M y p h o n e n u mb e r is 689-7298.(合并为一句)P le a s e689-7298.14.I wa n t to jo in th e mu s ic c lu b.(对画线部分提问)yo u want to jo in?15.S h e c an p la y th e p ia n o, to o.(改为同义句)S h e c an th e p ia n o.16.D o yo u h a ve time n o w?(改为同义句)yo u n o w?17.H is s is te r ca n s w im.(对画线部分提问)h is s is te r ?18.妈妈经常帮助我学习数学。



七年级下Unit1堂堂清测试卷第1课时I. 根据音标和所给句子写出正确的单词1. Tom likes to play _______________ /ʧes/ very much.2. Linda is from America, and she _____________/ spi:ks / English.3. I am good at sports. I want to join a _______________ / swimiŋ / club.11. 翻译词组1. 弹吉他_____________________2. 弹钢琴____________________3. 拉小提琴___________________4. 敲鼓____________________5. 下棋____________________6. 踢足球____________________7. 打篮球____________________ 8. 说英语____________________III. 根据汉语完成下列各句,每空一个单词。

1. 你会游泳吗?是的,我会。


4. Lisa想参加什么社团?她想参加英语社团。

5. Sally 会唱歌跳舞,但是不会说英语.IV. 按要求转换下列句型, 每空一个单词1. I can play chess.(变成一般疑问句)______________ you_____________ chess?2. She can play the guitar.(变成一般疑问句)____________ she_____________ the guitar?3. They can play basketball.(变为否定句)They ___________ __________ basketball.4. He can dance.(否定句)He_____________ dance.5. I want to join the art club.(就画线部分提问)__________ __________ __________ you want to join?6. Mike can join the sports club. (就画线部分提问)__________ __________ _________ Mike join?V阅读理解(20分)I’m Kate from the UK. I’m in the Chinese club in our school. I like Chinese and I think it’s interesting. My Chinese is very good. I can tell and write stories in Chinese. My favorite writer (作家) is Mo Yan from China. Now let me tell you something about my favorite writer and his family. Mo Yan’s real (真的) name is Guan Moye. Mo Yan is his pen name. This year Mo is57 years old. His birthday is on February 17th. Mo writes stories very well. He can also write with his left hand (左手). Mo hasa daughter. Her name is Guan Xiaoxiao. The girl can also write stories but she can’t write with her left hand.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 1 单元测试卷(含答案)

人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 1 单元测试卷(含答案)

人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 1 单元测试卷(含答案)I、单项选择(15分)1.— What can you do, Peter?—.A. I like singingB. I can play the drumsC. The music clubD. I like dogs2.Look! The woman over there is our teacher. She teaches English.A. usB. themC. herD. him3.—Must I finish reading the book today, Mr. Brown?—No, you . You can finish it in two days.A. needn'tB. mustn'tC. can'tD. couldn't4.— Mike, what club do you want to join?— Well, I want to join the club. I love painting.A. chessB. sportsC. artD. English5.The bed piano allows a music lover to play piano while he is lying in bed.A. aB. anC. /D. the6.—?— He wants to join the swimming club.A. What can he doB. What club does he want to joinC. Can he swimD. Where can he swim7.Let's play volleyball.A. /B. theC. aD.an8.Bob can play soccer, but he can't play drums.A. the; theB. /; theC. the; /D. /; /ura is 11-year-old girl. She is good at playing guitar.A. /; aB. an; /C. an; theD. a; an10.We all know that Jackie Chan is good at Chinese kung fu.A. doB. doingC. to doD.does11.—the little girl play the piano?—No, she can’t. But she can sing well.A. CanB. MayC. ShallD. Need12.— Can you play table tennis?— No, I like music. I can play piano very well.A. /; theB. the; theC. the; /D. /; /13.I like to talk ____ my father ____ basketball after school.A. about; aboutB. about; withC. with; withD. with; about14.—Let's join the art club. —____.A. That's for sureB. Sounds goodC. It's relaxingD. Come and show us15.—What club do you want to join? —I want to join the story ____ club.A. tellB. toldC. tellingD.tellsII、句型转换(5分)1.She can make zongzi. (改为一般疑问句)_______ she _______ zongzi?2.They can speak English. (改为否定句)They _______ _______ English.3.She can play the piano.(对画线部分提问)_______ _______ she _______?4.Lily wants to join the swimming club. (对画线部分提问)________ ________ ________ Lily want to join?5.The man can play chess. (对画线部分提问)________ ________ the man ________?III、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词(5分)1.Mr. Li t____ them English this term.2.Jack likes music. He can play the p____ very well.3.Jim can sing and he can play the d____.4.There is a tower in the c____ of the city.5.Lily likes to go to the cinema on the w____.IV、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)busy, because, sing, show, play, good, piano, fifteen, with, heMy brother is a music teacher. He is good ____ his students and his students like ____ very much. He can ____ well. He can also play the ____ the drums and the guitar. He is very ____ this month because he wants to play the piano in the school ____. The school show is on the ____. of this month. He ____ the piano from seven to ten every night. I like his music ____ I think he plays the piano very ____.1.____________2.___________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.___________8.____________9.___________10.____________ V、语法填空(10分)There are many clubs in our school. Do you like ____ (play) basketball? Mr. Wu can ____ (teach) you. Come and ____ (join) the basketball club! You can have lessons on Friday and Saturday. Our school ____ (have) a basketball game every year. What about ____ (join) in it next year?Do you want ____ (dance)? Dancing is great. It helps you ____ (look) good and be healthy. Join the ____ (dance) club and dance for the school art festival on May 27th. You can have lessons ________(介词)Monday and Wednesday. Our beautiful art teachers, Ms. Li and Ms. Wu, will_______(teach)you.1.____________2.___________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.___________8.____________9.___________10.____________ VI、用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分)1..— Can you ________ (swim)?— Yes, I can.2.Guo Jingming and Han Han are young ________ (write).3.Eric wants to join the ________ (swim) club to learn to swim.4.She is good at ________ (sing) and wants to be a singer.5.What about ________ (go) shopping with me this afternoon?VII、补全对话(5分)Jim: Hi, Anna. (1)________Anna: I'm having breakfast.Jim:(2)________Anna: Because I want to join the school club.Jim: The school club?(3)________Anna: I want to join the sports club.Jim: Can you play basketball?Anna:(4)________ But I can play volleyball well.Jim: That's right. I know you can play volleyball well.(5)________Anna: Sure. I think you can join the music club because you like singing.Jim: When and where do we meet?Anna: At 8: 00 at our school gate. See you then.Jim: See you.A. What club do you want to join?B. Can I go with you?C. What are you doing?D. Yes, I can.E. Why do you have breakfast so early?F. No, I can't.VIII、阅读理解(30分)AThere are five people in Bruce's family—his father Mr. Smith, his mother Mrs. Smith, his brother Henry, his sister Susan and he. Mr. Smith can play basketball and baseball, but he can't play the violin. Mrs. Smith can sing and dance, but she can't play soccer. Bruce can draw and play the drums, but he can't play volleyball. Henry can play the guitar and sing, but he can't play chess. Susan can play the violin and dance, but she can't swim. Mr. Smith likes music, so he wants to join the music club and learn about violin. Mrs. Smith likes sports, so she wants to join the soccer club and learn about soccer. Bruce loves sports, too. He wants to join the volleyball club and learn about volleyball. Henry also likes sports. He wants to join the chess cluband learn about chess. Susan wants to learn swimming, so she wants to join the swimming club. The family are busy and happy.1.Can Mr. Smith play the violin?__________________________________________________________2.What can Bruce do?__________________________________________________________3.What club does Mrs. Smith want to join?__________________________________________________________4.Does Henry like sports?__________________________________________________________5.What does Susan want to learn?__________________________________________________________BHey, boys and girls, do you know something about TFBOYS? Well, TFBOYS means (含义是) the fighting boys. Sometimes we call them TF family. Many of you may know that there are three boys in this TF family, and they are Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan and Yi Yanqianxi.Wang Junkai is the captain (队长) of the family. His English name is Karry. His birthday is on September 21st. Jay Zhou is his favorite singer, and he sings some of Jay Zhou's songs, like Qi Li Xiang. Roy is Wang Yuan's English name. His birthday is on November 8th. He comes from Chong Qing. Yi Yangqianxi's English name is Jackson. His birthday is on November 28th. He often practices Latin dance and he can dance very well.The three boys like singing and they can sing very well. So a lot of fans like them and their songs a lot. They are also good at their lessons. They got their first album (唱片) "Ten Years" on August 13th, 2013. They joined the Happy Camp last year and they came to the Happy Camp again on March 23rd, 2015. They had a lot of fun there.6.Is Wang Yuan's English name Karry?__________________________________7.Where does Roy come from?__________________________________8.Who is Wang Junkai's favorite singer?__________________________________9.When is Jackson's birthday?__________________________________10.The TF boys can sing very well. What else are they good at?__________________________________CHi! My name is Silvia Almada and I'm from Mexico. I am a Grade 7 student. My first language is Spanish, and I can speak English, too. What language do you speak? If(如果) you don't know Spanish, we can write in English. My friends and I often write e-mails or letters (信) to each other. E-mail me at *******************.If you like letters, write to me at Calle Coahuila 30, TIJUANA. One of my favorite things is music, I love Latin music. I go to the school music club every Monday afternoon. I also love sports. My favorite sport is soccer, I love Real Madrid so much.I think they are great!What do you like to do in your free time? Do you like music or sports? If you do,I think we can be good friends.11.What languages can Silvia speak?__________________________________12.What does Silvia often write to her friends?_______________________13.When does Silvia go to the school music club?_________________________14.What's Silvia's favorite sport?__________________________________15.Does Silvia want her friends to like music or sports?_______________________ IX、书面表达(20分)假如你校要组建一支乐队,想动员一些学生参加。



七年级下册基础知识当堂测Unit 1一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,完成句子。

1. Our school has five art ______ (俱乐部).2. The p ________ in China are friendly to us and we like them.3. The teacher often ______ (_ 交谈)with my parents.4. My sister is too young. She can ' t ___(__写__字__).5. A m _______ is a person who plays an instrument or writes songs.二、单项选择1. Ann is my best friend. She can play ______ piano very well.A. /B. aC. the2. Could you please speak a little louder? I ______ hear you very well.A. can 'tB. mustn'tC. shouldn 'tD. needn 't3. Amy can help her mother ______ the housework.A. withB. toC. forD. in4. Miss Yang is good ____ art. And she can be good ________ children in the art club.A. at; atB. with; atC. at; withD. with; with5. —Can your brother play chess?—Yes, he ______ . But he can ' t play ________ .A. can; goodB. can ' t; niceC. can; wellD. can ' t; fine6. What does yoursister like, music, artB. orsports?A. and. We can play basketball with Tony.A. in the weekendB. on the weekendC. from the weekD. on the weekA. make friendB. make friendsC. to make friendD. to make friends— The swimming club.A. What clubB. What sportA. to goB. g oingD. goesA. speak; speaksB. speak; speakC. speaks; speakD. speaks; speaksa walk after you finish supper, John?B. takingC. takesD. to take15. — What can you do, Eric?A. I like musicC. butD. / 7. If (如果)you have any questions, please call me 898-8988.A. atB. toC. forD. on 9. Our teacher is funny. He oftenstories in class. A. tells B. saysC. talksD. speaks 10. — Does she like — Yes, she has many friends.11. — do you like?C. Which subjectD. Which food12. Let for a walk, shall we?13. She Chinese and she can alsoa little English. 8. We have C. go 14. What about A. takeB. I want to join the music clubC. l can do Chin ese kung fuD. That sounds good三、用所给词的适当形式填空。

最新人教版七年级下册英语Unit 1单元同步测试试卷及答案

最新人教版七年级下册英语Unit 1单元同步测试试卷及答案

play the drums.
A. too
B. to
C. either
D. also
( C )28. —Can Jim and Sam play chess?

. They say it’s too difficult.
A. No, they don’t
B. Yes, they do
C. No, they can’t
C. join
C. swim C. the
D. find
D. shop D. /
( A )36. A. likes ( D )37. A. for ( D )38. A. is ( C )39. A. do ( B )40. A. student C. teacher
B. like
C. love
B. of
A. a; the
B. the; the
C. /; the
D. the; /
( C )22. (2021·盐城中考)Read the book Cute Pets,
you will know how to
take care of your cat.
A. or
B. so
C. and
D. but
( C )23. (2021·北部湾中考)—What’s your favourite sport?
Ball Players Wanted Do you like ball games? We have basketball, soccer, volleyball and tennis for you in Health Sports Club. Let’s play them together! Sunday: 8: 30 a. m. -11: 00 a. m. ; 3: 00 p. m. -6: 00 p. m. ; Wednesday: 4: 00 p. m. -6: 00 p. m. Telephone Nlub.

Unit1单元同步测试卷 人教版英语七年级下册

Unit1单元同步测试卷 人教版英语七年级下册

人教版英语七年级下册Unit1单元同步测试卷Ⅰ、单项选择(20分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

1.—Hi, can I help you? — .A. Yes, pleaseB. No, I can’tC. Yes, I canD. You are welcome2. Can he it in English?A. speakB. speaksC. sayD. talk3.Jeff’s sister can’t swim _______ dance.A. andB. butC. and notD. or4.Bob can play tennis but can’t play violin.A. the; theB. /; /C. the; /D. /; the5.My brother doesn't like playing basketball _____ watching TV.A. andB. butC. orD. so6.— you swim? —No, I .A. Can; canB. Can; don’tC. Do; can’tD. Can; can’t7.Can you help me my English?A. withB. ofC. learningD. about8.Little Tom can draw . His drawings are very .A. good, wellB. well, goodC. good, goodD. well, well9. We want two students our school show. Please call me 123-4567.A. for, forB. for, atC. with, atD. at, for10.—Can you swim or play chess? — .A. Yes, I amB. Yes, I canC. I can swimD. I don’t know11.My birthday is October 15th.A. atB. onC. inD. of12.Are you good at basketball?A. playingB. playC. playsD. to play13.I can help my sister her history.A. toB. withC. for D of14.—Can you play the violin? — . But I can sing.A. Yes, I doB. No, I don’tC. Yes, I canD. No, I can’t15.My sister to join the music club.A. don’t wantB. don’t wantsC. doesn’t wantD. doesn’t wants16.Miss Read is good music. She can be good children in the music club.A. at, atB. with, withC. at, withD. with, at17.My father ______ buy a new watch _____ my birthday.A. want to; forB. wants; forC. wants to; withD. wants to; for18.— do you join the club? —I like music.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhyD. How19.He can swim, he doesn’t want to join the club.A. andB. butC. /D. or20. — Can you play the guitar? — .A. No, I canB. Sure, I can’tC. No, you canD. Yes, a littleⅠ、完形填空,先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

人教版七年级下册英语 unit 1 同步习题【附答案】

人教版七年级下册英语 unit 1 同步习题【附答案】

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ?第一课时( Section A 1a—1c )Ⅰ. 单词拼写。


1.Tom likes to play the _____________(吉他)at home after school.2.John is good at chess, so he wants to _____________(参加)the chess club. 3.My friend Lisa can _____________(说)Chinese well.4.He likes music. He likes to sing and _____________(跳舞).5.—Can you _____________(游泳)?—Yes, I can.6.Lucy can _____________(画),so she wants to join the art club.Ⅱ. 单项选择。

1.—Can you _____________ ?—Yes, I am in a music club.A. singB. danceC. drawD. swim 2.—Can you play basketball?—Yes, _____________ .A. I canB. I amC. I doD. I can't 3.Jack's sister doesn't want _____________ the sports club. She doesn't like sports.A. joinB. joinsC. to joinD. joining 4.Linda can play _____________ chess, but she can't play _____________ guitar.A. a;theB. the;theC. /;aD. /;the 5.—Can you _____________ English?—No, but I can _____________ Chinese.A. say;sayB. speak;speakC. say;speakD. speak;say 6.Lily can draw well. She can join the _____________ club.A. EnglishB. sportsC. musicD. art 7.—Can you play football?—_____________ It, s difficult for me.A. Yes, I canB. No, I canC. No, I can'tD. Yes, I can't Ⅱ. 按要求完成句子,每空一词,含缩略词。






相信你是最棒的!Unit 1 测试卷(限时:100分钟 满分:120分)听力部分(25分)一、听力(共15小题,满分25分)第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。

(5分) ( )1. What club is Frank in?A. The art club.B. The swimming club.C. The music club.( )2. Where is the guitar?A. Under the bed.B. On the chair.C. On the sofa.( )3. Who likes to tell the boy stories?A. His grandmother.B. His mother.C. His father.( )4. What is the telephone number of Miss White?A. 786­9435.B. 876­9435.C. 876­4935.( )5. When does Sam like to play basketball?A. On Saturday.B. On Sunday.C. On Monday.第二节:听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。



人教版英语七年级下册unit1单元课堂练习人教版英语七年级下册unit1单元课堂练习Unit1 练习一.选择题(共 15 小题)1.﹣ Would you like some more orange juice, Amy?﹣ Yes,just ______ , please.()A. a few B. few C. a little D. little2.﹣ Can you ________ English?﹣ Yes, but only a little.()A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak3 . Dashan isat Chinese .He can speak Chinesevery .()A. good, good B. well, well C. good, well4. They can English.()A. speak many B. much speakC. a little speak D. speak a little5. We want two good for our school show.()A. music B. musician C. musics D. musicians6. Jack often plays _____ piano and he wants to be a pianist when he grows up.()A. a B. an C. / D. the7. have little milk. Can you buy some for_____?()A. Our; us B. We; our C. We; us8. You must be careful when swimming ________ the lake.()A. across B. below C. over D. through9.__________play with fire__________with fire is dangerous.()A. Don't; Playing B. Not; PlayingC. Don't; Play D. Not to; To play10.﹣﹣ Can you and Tom draw?﹣﹣.()A. Yes, I can B. No, he can'tC. Yes, we can't D. No, we can't11.﹣﹣ Can Jack dance?﹣﹣. But he wants to learn it.()A. No, he can't B. Yes, he doesC. No, he doesn't D. Yes, he can12.﹣ Can you play volleyball?﹣ Sorry, I_____.()A. don't B. doesn't C. can't13.﹣ ______ does it take you to go to the park by taxi?﹣ About half an hour.()A. How B. How far C. How long D. How many14.﹣ ________ is it from your home?﹣ About 10minutes by bus.()A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How soon15.﹣ What can you do, Lin Tao?﹣ _____.()A. I like sportsB. I want to join the music clubC. I can do Chinese kung fu二.完形填空(共 2 小题)16. Jack is my uncle. He is (21)()the school music club. He likes music very muchand he is a great (22)(). He can play (23)()drums very well. Hehas a daughter. She is my (24)().(25)()name is June. She is only fouryears old,(26)()she can play the guitar vey well. She often goes to the music club(27)()her father on weekends. Do you (28)()join the school musicclub? Please (29)()Jack. His (30)()is 345﹣ 5678.21. A. on B. in C. of22. A. runner B. musician C. movie star23. A. a B. an C. the24. A. cousin B. aunt C. grandmother25. A. She B. He C. Her26. A. and B. to C. but27. A. with B. an d C. of28. A. want B. want to C. like29. A. need B. call C. show30. A. ID card number B. room number C. phone number.17. Jane and John (36)() sister and brother. They like music. Jane can play the piano. But she (37)() play the guitar. John can't play the piano. But he (38)()play the guitar. Today they (39)() to carry(扛、拿) a piano to (40)()bedroom.(41)() piano is heavy(重的). They can't (42)() it.(43)()parents aren't at home. But they (44)() a cousin brother Mike. He is here today. Theyask Mike to (45)() them.36. A. is B. am C. are D. be37. A. can B. can't C. doesn't D. does38. A. can B. can't C. doesn't D. does39. A. like B. want C. can D. take40. A. Jane B. her C. Jane's D. hers41. A. The B. A C.不填 D. An42. A. take B. carry(扛、拿) C. help D. bring43. A. Jane's and John B. Jane and John's C. Jane's and John's D. They's44. A. have B. like C. want D. there are45. A. come B. go C. join D. join in三.阅读理解(共 5 小题)18. Tony and Anna are brother and sister. They areAmericans. Tony likes sports very much. He can play soccer,basketball and volleyball. Anna likes music very much. She can't play ball games.But they both like playing on computers. They like eggs, bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch, Anna likes eating vegetables and fruit, but Tony likes chicken and fish. They both like hamburgers. But they don't like ice﹣ cream or dessert.(1) Anna is Tony's and they are .A. sister; ChineseB. sister; AmericansC. friend; Americans(2) Tony likes and he can play .A. sports; tennisB. music; basketballC. sports; volleyball(3) Tony and Anna both like .A. vegetablesB. playing on computersC. chicken and fish(4) For breakfast, they like .A. hamburgersB. vegetables and fruitC. eggs, bread and milk(5) They don't like or .A. ice﹣ cream; vegetablesB. ice﹣ cream; fruitC. ice﹣ cream; dessert.19. Tom and Kate are brother and sister. They like music. Kate can play the piano. But she can't play the violin.Tom can't play the piano,but he can play the violin.Today they want to carry a piano into Kate's bedroom. The piano is big. They can't carry it. Kate and Tom's parents aren't at home. They can't help them to carry the piano. But they have two cousin sisters here today. They ask them to help.1. Tom and Kate are .A. twinsB. brothersC. brother and sisterD. sisters2. What can Kate play?A. The piano.B. The violin.C. The flute(笛子).D. The guitar.3. Who can play the violin?A. Tom.B. Kate.C. Their cousin sisters.D. Their parents.4. Why don't their parents help them to carry the piano?A. Because it's big.B. Because they are old.C. Because they're at home.D. Because they aren't at home.5. Who help them to carry the piano?A. Their parents.B. Their cousin sisters.C. Their classmates.D. Their teachers.20. Can you swim well? Are you free on Saturday and Sunday?Our club needs a swimming teacher to teach children(孩子)from 8to 10years old.It is interesting to be with them. Please call Leo at 5968﹣ 4437.Are you busy after school? No? Can you speak English?Yes?Then we need you to help some American(美国的)students.They study in Beijing.They can't speak Chinese now. They are friendly and you can make friends with them. Please e﹣ mail Mr. Liu at helpingus@gmail. com.Can you play the guitar or the drums? Do you have time this Wednesday? Our music club will have a party that day and we need you. It is fun. Please call Sam at 235﹣ 1143.56. If(如果) you want to teach in the swimming club,you should(应该).A. call at 235﹣ 1143B. have some childrenC. have time on the weekendD. be an interesting teacher57. The students from America .A. are busy after schoolB. are in China nowC. need some friendsD. speak good Chinese58. What's the meaning of "friendly"in Chinese?A.平静的B.友好的C.遥远的D.疏远的59. The music club will on Wednesday.A. have a partyB. give a guitar lessonC. need a guitar teacherD. teach how to play the drums60. Which is true?A. Mr. Liu's telephone number is 5968﹣ 4437.B. Children in the swimming club are aged from 5to 7.C. If you want to play the drums at the party, you can call Sam.D. If you want to help the American students, you can call Leo.21.31. You can ask to play the piano for us.A. Li XinB. LucyC. Mike32. You can watch Beijing Opera .A. at 3: 50 a. m. on ThursdayB. at 3: 50 p. m. on ThursdayC. at 2: 00 a. m. on Tuesday33. On the weekend, we can watch in the auditorium.A. Chinese kung fuB. Beijing OperaC. Paint34. We can see the piano show in .A. the auditoriumB. Class FiveC. the music room35. sings songs for us .A. Lucy; at 3: 40 p. m.B. Mike; at 2: 00 p. m.C. Lucy; in the music room.22. The crow(乌鸦) is an ordinary(普通的) bird. It is about twenty inches(英寸) long and black all over. Crows are dirty birds because they live on old bad food. Crows eat a lot of waste food. In this way they are more useful to us than any other bird. They clean up the dirty things in our streets. Crows are always hungry. They look for food all day long, and in the evening you can see them in large numbers flying back to their nests (窝)in the trees.They sleep there at night. Crows are much noisier than other birds. Very often a large number of crows will get together on one house and talk. Sometimes they talk together, andsometimes they do it by talking like human beings (人类). It is easy to tell from(区别) crows sounds whether they are pleased or angry. Perhaps crows talk a lot because they are friendly birds. A pair of crows will live together all their lives, and if one of them dies, the other one becomes very sad and quiet for the rest of its life and sometimes it dies,too.1. A crow is inches long.A. about twentyB. thirtyC. tenD. less than twenty2. Why are crows dirty?A. They are black all over the body.B. They like to eat dirty food.C. They usually talk.D. They don't have baths.3. Crows are always .A. hungryB. pleasedC. sadD. kind4. Why are crows more useful to us than any other bird?A. They are usually noisy.B. They are usually dirty.C. They are flying in large numbers.D. They eat a lot of waste food.5. You can tell from crows'sounds .A. whether they are hungry or fullB. whether they are pleased or angryC. whether they are ill or healthyD. whether they are living or dead.四.句型转换(共 5 小题)23. He will come back in two weeks.(对划线部分提问)will he come back?24. Kate wants to join the story telling club.(对画线部分提问)Kate want to join?25. Tom can play chess.(改为否定句)Torn play chess.26. We are in the music club.(对划线部分提问)you in?27. Alice can finish the work.(改为否定句)Alice the work.Unit1 练习参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(共 15 小题)1.【分析】﹣艾米你想再加一点橙汁吗?﹣好的,一点就好.【解答】本题中 orange juice 是不可数名词,修饰它的数词用 little 或 a little; little 的意思是"几乎没有",不符合本题句意.在本题中用 a little 代替 a little orange juice.故选: C.2.【分析】你会说英语吗?是的,只会说一点.【解答】 say 说,强调内容; talk 谈话, tell 告诉,强调一方告诉另一方; speak,说某种语言,此题根据语境:你会说英语吗?是的,只会说一点.讲英语用 speak.故选: D.3.【分析】 Dashan 擅长汉语.他汉语讲的很好.【解答】根据句意: Dashan 擅长汉语.他汉语讲的很好.可知第一空是短语 be good at擅长…,第二空是副词 well 修饰动词 speak.故选: C.4.【分析】他们能说一点英语.【解答】答案: D 分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是他们能说一点英语.前面是情态动词,后接动词原形,同时用短语 a little 修饰后面的名词 English,故选 D.5.【分析】我们学校的演出需要两位好音乐家.【解答】答案: D.考查名词. A 音乐. B 音乐家,单数. C 不正确,不可数名词. D 音乐家,复数.由 two 两个.可知,用复数"音乐家",选 D.6.【分析】杰克经常弹钢琴,他长大后想成为一个钢琴家.【解答】答案: D.根据语境 piano(钢琴)是乐器, play 和表示乐器的名词搭配其前必须用冠词 the 修饰,故答案为 D.7.【分析】我们没有多少牛奶了,你能给我们买点吗?【解答】答案: C.根据 have little milk. Can you buy some for,可知第一句缺少主语,用代词主格;第二个问句代词在介词 for 后用宾格.故选 C.8.【分析】当你游过湖的时候必须当心.【解答】答案: A 分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是当你游过湖的时候必须当心.这里表示横穿,用 across,从表面穿过,故选 A. B 在下面, C 在上面, D 从物体内部穿过.9.【分析】不要玩火.玩火危险.【解答】答案: A.根据﹣﹣ with fire is dangerous,可知玩火危险,所以不要玩火;动词 play 放于句子开头应是祈使句,其否定句在动词前加 don't.所以第一个空应该用 Don't;再根据﹣﹣ with fire is dangerous,这里用动名词短语作主语.故选: A.10.【分析】﹣﹣你和汤姆会画画吗?﹣﹣不,我们不会.【解答】答案: D.考查一般疑问句.句意"﹣﹣你和汤姆会画画吗?﹣﹣不,我们不会. ". Can you and Tom…?你和汤姆会…吗?一般疑问句,肯定回答 Yes, we can.否定回答No, we can't.故选 D.11.【分析】﹣﹣杰克会跳舞吗?﹣﹣不,他不会,但是他要学它.【解答】答案: A.考查一般疑问句. Can Jack…?杰克会…吗?一般疑问句,肯定回答Yes, he can.否定回答 No, he can't.结合语境"但是他要学它. ".可知,应该用否定回答,选A.12.【分析】你会打排球吗?对不起,我不会.【解答】答案: C.考查一般疑问句的问答一致.根据题干:﹣ Can you play volleyball?﹣ Sorry, I_____.句意:你会打排球吗?﹣对不起,我不会.可知由 can 引导的疑问句是一般疑问句,其肯定和否定回答都要保证问答一致,所以该句的否定回答是 sorry, Ican't,故选 C.13.【分析】﹣﹣你乘出租车去公园要花多长时间?﹣﹣大约半个小时.【解答】答案: C.how 如何; How far 有多远; How long 多长; How many 多少.根据 About half an hour,可知这是表示一段时间,提问一段时间应该用 how long 提问.故选 C.14.【分析】离你家有多远?﹣﹣乘公交车大约 10 分钟.【解答】答案: B.考查距离.句意:离你家有多远?﹣﹣乘公交车大约 10 分钟. How long多久,问时间段; How far 多远,提问距离; How often 多久一次,提问频率; How soon多久,多快.根据 about 10 minutes by bus 可知表示"乘公交车大约 10 分钟(的路程) ",而不是表示多长时间.故选 B.15.【分析】﹣﹣林涛,你会做什么?﹣﹣我会中国功夫.【解答】答案: C.考查交际用语. A 我喜欢运动. B 我想要加入音乐俱乐部. C 我会中国功夫.结合语境"林涛,你会做什么? ",可知,应该是"我会中国功夫. ",选 C.二.完形填空(共 2 小题)16.【分析】本文介绍的是作者的叔叔杰克,他非常喜欢音乐,在学校音乐俱乐部里,你想加入学校音乐俱乐部吗?请打电话给杰克吧.【解答】 21~25 BBCAC26~30 CABBC21. B 考查介词的辨析. on,在…上面, in 在…里面, of …的.结合题干可知此处是表示在学校音乐俱乐部里,故选 B.22. B 考查名词的辨析. runner 跑步者. musician 音乐人. movie star 电影明星.根据上半句 He likes music very much 他非常喜欢音乐,此处应该是:他是一个音乐人,故选B,23. C 考查冠词的辨析.根据题干可知此处是固定词组 play the drums 敲鼓,弹奏乐器类的词组中间要有 the.结合句意:他打鼓打得很好,故选 C.24. A 考查名词的辨析.cousin 表妹.aunt 婶婶. grandmother 奶奶.根据上半句 He hasa daughter 他有一个女儿,此处应该是:她是我的表妹.故选 A.25. C 考查代词的辨析. She 她. He 他. Her 她的.根据上一句:她是我的表妹,此处应该是:她的名字是 June.空格后是名词,此处应该是形容词性的物主代词,故选 C.26. C 考查连词的辨析. and 和. to 去…. but 但是.根据上半句 She is only four years old她只有四岁大,此处应该是:但是她弹吉他弹得很好,在这有表示转折的意思.故选 C.27. A 考查连词的辨析. with 和…一起,表示伴随. and 和,表示并列. of …的.结合句意:周末经常和她爸爸一起去音乐俱乐部.应该是表示伴随的情况,故选 A.28. B 考查动词的辨析. want 想要. want to do sth.想要做某事. like 喜欢.空格后是动词 join,此处应该是 want to do sth.句型,结合句意:你想加入学校音乐俱乐部吗?故选B.29. B 考查动词的辨析. need 需要. call 打电话. show 给…看.根据下一句: His telephonenumber is 345﹣ 5678,他的电话号码是 345﹣ 5678,此处应该是:请打电话给杰克, callsb.给某人打电话.故选 B.30. C 考查名词的辨析. ID card number 身份证号. room number 房间号. phone number电话号码.根据上一句:请打电话给杰克,此处应该是:他的电话号码是 345﹣ 5678,故选 C.17.【分析】文章大意:这篇短文主要介绍了简和约翰兄妹俩的个人爱好问题.【解答】 36. C 37. B 38. A 39. B 40. C 41. A 42. B 43. B 44. A 45. C36. C 考查动词, A. is 是,三单式 B. am 一单式 C. are 复数 D. be 原形,根据上文"Jane and John…"可知,主语是两个人,根据主谓一致的原则, be 动词应该使用 are,故选 C.37. B 考查动词, A. can 能 B. can't 不能 C. doesn't 助动词 D. does 助动词,根据上文"Jane can play the piano. "可知, Jane 会弹钢琴,紧随其后的 but 表示转折,推知她不能(can't)弹吉他,故选 B.38. A 考查动词, A. can 能 B. can't 不能 C. doesn't 助动词 D. does 助动词,根据上文"John can't play the piano. "可知, John 不会弹钢琴,紧随其后的 but 表示转折,推知他能(can)弹吉他,故选 A.39. B 考查动词, A. like 喜欢 B. want 想要 C. can 能D. take 带走,根据下文"…carrya piano…"可知,今天他们想(want)把钢琴抬到卧室,故选 B.40. C 考查代词, A. Jane 简 B. her 她的 C. Jane's 简的 D. hers 她的,名词性物主代词,根据空格后为名词,前面应该用形容词或者形容词性物主代词或者所有格,排除 A、D. her 意为"她的",虽然结合上文可知"她"一定是指"Jane",但 Jane 一词的出现已经隔了一个句子了,为指代清楚,应明确地指明是Jane's bedroom 更为恰当,故选 C.41. A 考查冠词, A. The 特指 B. A 泛指,用在辅音音素前 C.不填 D. An 泛指,用在元音音素前,根据上文"Today they want to carry a piano to Jane's bedroom. "可知,第一次提到钢琴时是泛指,所以使用不定冠词 a.下文再提到 piano 时,均是特指第一次提到的那台钢琴,所以使用定冠词 the,故选 A.42. B 考查动词, A. take 带走 B. carry(扛、拿) C. help 帮助 D. bring 带来,根据上文"The piano is heavy. "可知,他们搬(carry)不动,故选 B.43. B 考查名词, A. Jane's and John 错误表达 B. Jane and John's 简和约翰共有的 C. Jane'sand John's 简的和约翰的D.They's 错误表达,根据上文"Jane and John are sisterandbrother. "可知, John 和 Jane 是兄妹.该句意为: John 和Jane 的父母不在家.表示两个人共同所有时,它的所有格形式是在最后一个名词的后面加's,故选 B.44. A 考查动词, A. have 有 B. like 喜欢 C. want 想要 D. there are 有,根据文意可知,虽然他们的爸妈不在家,不能帮他们搬钢琴,但他们有(have)一个表哥,故选 A.45. C 考查动词, A. come 来 B. go 去 C. join 加入D. join in 加入,根据上文"He ishere today. "可知,他们的表哥 Mike 也在,所以他们请 Mike 加入(join)他们,帮忙一起搬,故选 C.三.阅读理解(共 5 小题)18.【分析】这篇短文主要介绍了安娜两兄妹在个人爱好及衣食方面的一些特点.【解答】答案: 1. B 细节理解题.根据第一行句子 Tony and Anna are brother and sister. Theyare Americans.托尼和安娜是兄妹,他们是美国人.可知托尼和安娜是兄妹,他们是美国人.故选 B.2. C 细节理解题.根据第一行句子 Tony likes sports very much. He can play soccer,basketball and volleyball.托尼非常喜欢运动,他会踢足球,篮球和排球.可知托尼喜欢运动,能打排球.故选 C.3. B 细节理解题.根据第二行句子 But they both likeplaying on computers.但他们都喜欢玩电脑.可知他们都喜欢玩电脑.故选 B.4. C 细节理解题.根据第二行句子 They like eggs, bread and milk for breakfast.他们早餐吃鸡蛋、面包和牛奶.可知他们早餐吃鸡蛋、面包和牛奶.故选 C.5. C 细节理解题.根据最后一行句子 But they don't like ice ﹣ cream or dessert 但他们不喜欢冰淇淋或甜点.可知他们不喜欢冰淇淋或甜点.故选 C.19.【分析】本文介绍了汤姆和凯特是一对兄妹.介绍了他们的音乐爱好,以及他们的两个表妹帮助搬运钢琴的事.【解答】答案:1. C 细节考查题.根据"Tom and Kate are brother and sister"可知,汤姆和凯特是兄妹,故选 C.2. A 细节考查题.根据"Kate can play the piano"可知,凯特会弹钢琴,故选 A.3. A 细节考查题.根据"Tom can't play the piano, but he can play the violin"可知,汤姆不会弹钢琴,但是会拉小提琴,故选 A.4. D 细节考查题.根据"Kate and Tom's parents aren't at home"可知,他们的父母不帮他们,是因为他们不在家,故选 D.5. B 细节考查题.根据"But they have two cousin sisters here today. They ask them tohelp"可知,他们的两个表妹在这里,汤姆和凯特向他们求助,所以汤姆和凯特的表妹帮助他们,故选 B.20.【分析】【文章大意】本文主要介绍了需要招聘三个老师,一个是周末的时候,教 8﹣ 10岁的孩子学游泳.第二个是教来自美国的孩子汉语,首先你要会英语.第三个是如果你会弹奏吉他或会打鼓的话,在周三的时候,有一个音乐晚会.【解答】 56. C.细节理解题.根据"Can you swim well? Are you free on Saturday and Sunday? Our club needs a swimming teacher to teach children from 8 to 10 years old. "你游泳很好吗?周末有空吗?我们需要一个游泳老师来教 8﹣ 10 岁的孩子游泳.可知周末要有空,故选 C.57. B.细节理解题.根据"They study in Beijing. "可知他们现在北京学习,因此可知他们在中国.故选 B.58. B.词义猜测题.根据后文"…you can make friends with them. "你可以和他们交朋友.因此可知 friendly 的意思是"友好的",故选 B.59. A.细节理解题.根据"Our music club will have a party that day,…"我们的音乐俱乐部要在周三举办一个聚会,故选 A.60. C.细节理解题.根据"Can you play the guitar or the drums? "及"Please call Sam at 235﹣ 1143. "如果你会弹奏吉他或会打鼓的话,可以打电话 235﹣ 1143 联系萨姆.故选 C.21.【分析】短文用表格的形式为我们介绍了五个人的表演,包括时间和地点等.【解答】答案: 31. C 细节理解题.根据第五行第二列句子Mike, Play the piano,可知迈克可以弹钢琴,故选 C.32. B 细节理解题.根据最后一行句子 Beijing Opera, time:Thursday 3: 50 p. m.可知星期四下午 3: 50 你可以看京剧.故选 B.33. A 细节理解题.根据第三行句子 Chinese kung fu, Sunday 8: 00 a. m., Auditorium(礼堂)可知周末在礼堂我们可以看中国功夫.故选 A.34. C 细节理解题.根据第五行句子 Play the piano, Place:Music room.可知在音乐室我们可以看钢琴表演.故选 C.35. A 细节理解题.根据第四行句子 Lucy, Show: English song. time: Friday 3: 40 p. m.可知下午 3: 40 露西为我们唱歌.故选 A.22.【分析】短文讲了乌鸦是一种普通的鸟,它大约 20 英寸长,全身都是黑色的,详细的说了为什么说乌鸦是很脏的鸟,人们是如何听出乌鸦的喜怒.【解答】答案: 1. A 细节理解题.根据第一段第一行句子 It is about twenty inches (英寸) long and black all over.它大约有 20 英寸长,全身都是黑色.可知乌鸦大约有 20英寸长.故选 A.2. B 细节理解题.根据第一段第一行句子 Crows are dirtybirds because they live on old badfood.乌鸦是很脏的鸟,因为它们生活在旧的变质的食物中.可知它们喜欢吃脏东西.故选 B.3. A 细节理解题.根据第一段第二行句子 Crows are always hungry.乌鸦总是饥饿.可知乌鸦总是饥饿.故选 A.4. D 细节理解题.根据第一段第一行句子 Crows eat a lot of waste food. In this way they are more useful to us than any birds.乌鸦吃很多垃圾食品.这样,它们对我们比任何鸟类都更有用.可知它们吃很多垃圾食品.故选 D.5. B 细节理解题.根据第二段句子 It is easy to tell from (区别) crows' sounds whetherthey are pleased or angry.从乌鸦的叫声中分辨出它们是高兴还是生气是很容易的.可知分辨出它们是高兴还是生气.故选 B.四.句型转换(共 5 小题)23.【分析】略【解答】 84. How soon24.【分析】凯特想加入讲故事俱乐部.凯特想参加什么俱乐部?【解答】答案: What club does 根据题干,可知划线部分是:the story telling,可知是问什么俱乐部?应该用 What club 提问,后接一般疑问句,一般现在时态,主语是 Kate第三人称单数,应该用 does,故填 What club does.25.【分析】﹣﹣汤姆会下国际象棋.﹣﹣汤姆不会下国际象棋.【解答】答案: can't.考查否定句.含有情态动词 can 的句子,变否定句,在 can 后加not.缩写为 can't.后跟动词原形.答案是 can't.26.【分析】﹣﹣我们在音乐俱乐部.﹣﹣你们在哪里?【解答】答案: Where are.考查划线部分提问.根据 in the music club 在音乐俱乐部.可知,对地点提问用疑问词 where 哪,后跟一般疑问句, be 动词 are 提前,第一人称 we 我们,变为第二人称 you 你们.答案是 Where are.27.【分析】爱丽丝能完成任务.爱丽丝不能完成任务.【解答】答案: can't finish.句中含有情态动词 can,后加 not 构成否定句,故答案是 can't finish.。

人教版七年级英语下册 unit 1 can you play the guitar 同步测试卷及解析

人教版七年级英语下册 unit 1 can you play the guitar 同步测试卷及解析

人教版七年级英语下册 unit 1 can you play the guitar 单元同步测试卷注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)一、单选题A. the; aB. a; theC. an; theD. an; /2.We need one musician __________ our school band.A. onB. toC. ofD. for3.— Can you _____ Japanese?— Yes, and I can __________ to you in Japanese.A. talk; sayB. speak; sayC. speak; talkD. talk; speak4.She doesn’t like basketball __________ soccer, because they are boring for her.A. butB. andC. orD. so5.— Can you _____ me your schoolbag? — OK. Here it is.A. tellB. writeC. showD. play6.— Do you know The Old Man and the Sea?—Sure. It’s a great ____________.A. familyB. clubC. storyD. trip7.Jessica is really good at _______ fruit.A. drawB. to drawC. to drawingD. drawing8.— Can you play the piano?— ________.A. Yes, a littleB. No, I’m notC. Yes, pleaseD. No, I don’t9.— Who teaches you ________?— My grandfather.A. writeB. to writeC. to writingD. writing10.— Do you need any help __________ your math, Noah?—Yes. It’s difficult for me.A. withB. onC. afterD. under11.Carol can play cards, and he can ______ play chess.A. reallyB. thenC. allD. also12.There are many stores in the _______ of Shanghai.A. schoolB. centerC. frontD. year13.Eating more vegetables _________ you healthier.A. makeB. makesC. letD. lets14.— __________ do you want to join the singing club?— Because I like singing very much.A. WhyB. WhenC. WhatD. How15.— ________?— I can play the drums.A. How are youB. What about youC. Where is the clubD. What can you do二、完型填空many _______ in my school. For me, I join _______ clubs: the guitar club, the dancing club and the basketball club.First, there are many _______ at the guitar club and most of them are boys. They think playing the guitar can make _______ cool. And I _____ think so. Second, I join the dancing club ______ I want to learn street dancing (街舞) at the club. Street dancing is my favorite. And I will learn_______ Chinese folk dance, too. Today there is a _______of street dancing at the art festival. I’m happy that I can dance well _______ all the students and teachers. Third, there is no need to________that most boys like basketball. It’s a healthy spo rt. I like it and I want to be a basketball player like Kobe Bryant.16.A. games B. subjects C. clubs D. stories17.A. five B. two C. three D. four18.A. teachers B. girls C. students D. men19.A. us B. them C. him D. her20.A. really B. then C. all D. also21.A. so B. or C. because D. but22.A. some B. any C. no D. first23.A. photo B. show C. watch D. dancer24.A. with B. to C. for D. in25.A. talk B. say C. speak D. call三、阅读理解26.If you want to join the sports club, you can ________.A. call 693-2238B. go to Room 202C. e-mail Victor at sports@D. call 865-154727.Lucy can dance and she likes children. Who can she call?A. Victor.B. Dave.C. Mrs. Wang.D. Tina.28.What does Mrs. Wang teach?A. Chess.B. Ping-pong.C. Dancing.D. Swimming.29.Henry wants to learn French. When can he go to the French club?A. Every Saturday afternoon.B. Every Sunday afternoon.C. From 2:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. on the weekend.D. From 2:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. on weekdays.30.Betty speaks French and she is free from Monday to Friday. Where can she work?A. In the French club.B. In the sports club.C. In the dancing club.D. In School P.E. Building.Mr. Smith is from New York. He comes to China in 2008. He teaches us English. His English classes are very interesting. We all like his classes very much.Mr. Smith has two children — Scott and Catherine. Scott is 16 and his sister is 12. They are in China, too. And they can do a lot of things. For Scott, he likes music, especially (尤其) hip-hop (说唱音乐). He is at the music club in his school. He is also at Chinese kung fu club, because he likes China and Chinese kung fu very much. For Catherine, she is a quiet (内向) girl. She likes music too, but her favorite music is pop music. And she is good at writing. She wants to be a writer, so Mr. Smith teaches her to write. She learns a lot from Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith says he is very happy to have these two children. He is proud of them.31.Mr. Smith is________.A. a Chinese teacherB. a musicianC. a sports playerD. an English teacher32.Mr. Smith is in China for about ___________ years.A. sixB. eightC. fiveD. nine33.What is Catherine good at?A. Hip-hop.B. Popular music.C. Chinese kung fu.D. Writing.34.The underlined word “proud” means “_______” in Chinese.A. 失望的B. 沮丧的C. 骄傲的D. 开心的35.What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. What Mr. Smith can do.B. When the Smiths come to China.C. What Scott and Catherine can do.D. Scott’s and Catherine’s favorite games.第II卷(非选择题)四、书面表达艾米(Amy)的班级举办了一次班会活动,班会上同学们展示了自己的才能。

人教版七年级下册英语《Unit 1 》单元测试卷和答案

人教版七年级下册英语《Unit 1 》单元测试卷和答案

人教新版七年级下册《Unit1Can you play the guitar?》单元测试卷(2)一、选择1.Mary can play______basketball.And Lucy can play_____piano.()A.the,/B.a,the C.the,the D./,the 2.﹣﹣﹣Are you good____swimming?﹣﹣﹣Yes,and I think I can help children___it.()A.with;in B.with;with C.at;with D.at,to 3.He wants______the English club.()A.to join B.to be C.be in D.join4.I can swim.I want to join the___club.()A.music B.chess C.swimming5.﹣﹣﹣_____do you want to join?﹣﹣﹣The music club.()A.What club B.When C.What D.Why 6.﹣﹣﹣____do you want to join the chess club?﹣﹣﹣Because I like chess very much.()A.Who B.How C.Why D.What 7.Can Alan help kids__swimming?﹣﹣﹣Yes,he can.()A./B.with C.at D.to8.My sister likes playing the guitar,but she can't play______.()A.nice B.good C.well D.OK9.﹣﹣﹣What can you do?﹣﹣﹣I can_____.()A.play the guitar B.play a soccerC.swimming D.join the club10.﹣﹣﹣______?﹣﹣﹣He can do Chinese kung fu well.()A.Can he do Chinese kung fuB.What can he doC.Does he want to join the Chinese kung fu clubD.D11.﹣﹣Can Bill play the piano?﹣﹣Yes,he can,__he can't sing.()A.and B.so C.but D.or12.My uncle doesn't like playing soccer____watching TV.()A.and B.so C.but D.or13.﹣You play the violin very well.﹣.()A.Don't say thatB.Thank you.C.OKD.No,my English isn't good.14.Maybe you can________our school concert.()A.in B.be in C.for D.be at 15.After school,I had a long_______with my teacher about my study.()A.talk B.word C.speech D.story二.完形填空16.Jane is a middle school student.She has a sister(1)a brother.They are Helen and Paul.Jane and Helen can(2).Jane can sing and play(3)well,but Helen (4).Helen doesn't like playing the instruments(乐器),she(5)chess,but she doesn't play chess(6)Jane,because Jane can't play chess.Helen often plays chess with Paul,because Paul plays chess very(7).Paul can(8)play basketball well.And he is(9)the school basketball club.He often(10)his friends with basketball.(1)A.and B.but C.or D.with(2)A.speak B.play C.dance D.do(3)A.the guitar B.guitars C.guitar D.a guitar(4)A.can B.can't C.don't D.doesn't(5)A.has B.does C.likes D.can(6)A.with B.for C.on D.and(7)A.good B.well C.nice D.OK(8)A.also B.too C.only D.or(9)A.join B.to C.in D.on(10)A.plays B.joins C.helps D.likes三.阅读理解17.Tony and Anna are brother and sister.They are Americans(美国人).Tony likes sports very much.He can play soccer and volleyball,he can also play chess.Anna likes music very much.(A)She can play the guitar and the drums,but she can't play ball games.But they both(两者都)like playing on computers.They like eggs,bread and milk for breakfast.For lunch,they both like hamburgers.For dinner,Anna likes eating vegetables and fruit,Tony likes chicken and fish.But they don't like ice cream or dessert(甜品)for dinner.(1)把He can play soccer and volleyball.变为否定句:(2)写出He can also play chess.同义句:(3)请将(A)句划线句子译为汉语。



七下unit1Ⅰ. 单项选择()1. Bill can play ______ violin but he can’t play ______ chess.A. the; /B. the; theC. /; theD. a; /()2. Victor sings well. He can ______ in our school music festival.A. isB. areC. beD. am ()3. Our school show is ______ 6:00 pm ______ Sunday.A. at; onB. on; inC. in; atD. on; at ()4. Bill’s friends are ______.A. musicB. musiciansC. teacherD. people ()5. I can see ______ salad on the table.A. manyB. twoC. someD. every()6. David draws well. He can join the ______.A. music clubB. chess clubC. English clubD. art club()7. Can you show the book _____us?A. forB. atC. fromD. to ()8. He can play the trumpet ______ he can’t play it very well.A. orB. andC. butD. also()9. Please speak ______ Liz for more information.A. toB. forC. onD. in()10. He ______ join the chess club.A. don’t wantB. don’t wantsC. doesn’t want toD. doesn’t want( )11. --- Are you good ______ your students?--- Yes, I am.A. atB. withC. forD. of( )12. --- Are you ______?--- Yes, I am.A. a musicianB. musiciansC. musicianD. A and B( )13. --- Can he _____ a student?--- Yes.A. isB. beC. areD. does( )14. We want some singers(歌手) ____ our rock band.A. forB. ofC. toD. at( )15. My brother _______ the trumpet and he play it _____ .A. can plays, goodB. can’t play, goodC. can play, wellD. doesn’t play, well( )16.Can you paint? ________.A.Yes, a little B.Yes, little C.No, a little D.No, little( )17.Please call me ________ 8989766.A.in B.at C.about D.with( )18.________ like to go swimming ________ summer.A.Children, on B.Children, in C.A child, on D.A child, in( )19. Can you help me ________ my English?A.with B.of C.learning D.about( )20.What can you do, Lin Tao? ________.A.I like sports B.I want to join the music clubC.I am well D.I can do Chinese Kung Fu( )21.Hi, can I help you? ________.A.Yes, please B.No, I can’t C.Yes, I can D.You are welcome ( )22.________ you can ________ our school concert.A.Maybe, in B.Maybe, be inC.May be, in D.May be, be in( )23.We want two good ________ our rock band.A.music for B.musician in C.music in D.musicians for ( )24.Little Tom can draw ________.His drawings are very ________.A.good, well B.well, good C.good, good D.well, well( )25.Can he ________ it in English?A.speak B.speaks C.say D, talk26. Bill can play _________ piano, he can also play _________ soccer.A. the, theB. ×, theC. the,×27. Li Yang is Chinese. Can he _________ English?A. speakB. speakingC. to speak28. —Can Kate _________ basketball? —No, _________ can’t.A. playing, sheB. play, KateC. play, she29. —Can you play _____ baseball? —No, I can’t, but I can play______ piano.A.a, aB. /, theC. /, /30._________ your friend _________ the guitar?A. Do, playB. Is, playC. Can, play31._________ Jenny sing English songs well? —Yes, she_________.A. Is, isB. Can, canC. Did, did32. He plays _________ piano in _________ afternoon.A.the, theB. a, anC. /, the33.I want to join the music club. I can___very well.A.play the guitarB.play my guitarC.play guitar34. He is funny. He likes____ stories. A. talking B. saying C. telling D speaking35. Jessica can ____ Chinese very well.A. say B. talk C. tell D. speakII. 完形填空What must you do when you receive a present for your birthday? You have to sit down and 1 a thank-you note. The words “Thank you” are very important. We have to use them very 2 . We say them when someone gives us a drink, 3 us to pick up things, lends us a book or gives us a gift.Another important word is “please”. Many people 4 to use it. It is rude to ask someone to do something without saying “please”. We have to use it when we 5 something, too. It may be a book 6 a pencil, more rice or help. Wehave to use “please” to make request pleasant.We have 7 “Sorry”, too. When we have 8 someone, we’ll have to go up and say we’re sorry. When we have forgotten something, we will also say “sorry”. We can make people 9 wrongs by saying it.These three words are 10 . Our children must learn to use them. They are pleasing words to use in any languages.1. A. have B. take C. write D. post2. A. good B. often C. well D. little3. A. helps B. has C. lets D. makes4. A. want B. forget C. like D. remember5. A. ask for B. say C. need D. want6. A. but B. and C. or D. as7. A. learn to say B. to learn and say C. learn and say D. to learn to say8. A. fell B. touched C. felt D. hurt9. A. remember B. forget C. need D. think10. A. difficult but important B. simple but importantC. useful but difficultD. helpful but difficult概要:在你表达谢意、烦劳别人或者对自己的失误表示歉意时,要使用礼貌语言。

人教版七年级英语下册 Unit1--unit 3 同步能力测试题含答案

人教版七年级英语下册 Unit1--unit 3 同步能力测试题含答案

Unit1一. 选择填空:( ) 1. Jim lives ____ Ottawa, but his brother lives ____ here.A. in, /B. in, inC. /, in( ) 2. My name is Tom And erson. My ____ name is And erson.A. firstB. familyC. second ( ) 3. ____ your cousin have ____ pen pals?A. Do, someB. Do, anyC. Does, any ( ) 4. Our teacher is ____ us ____ study.A. strict to, onB. strict with, inC. strict with, at( ) 5. I don’t like math ____ it’s difficult.A. whenB. becauseC. why ( ) 6. This story is ____ interesting. A. an B. real C. really( ) 7. His parents ____ from England. A. is B. are C. be( ) 8. ____ does your son live with? A. Where B. What C. Who( ) 9. John is from ____. A. Japan B. Japanese C. French( ) 10. What city does your aunt live ____? A. in B. at C. /( ) 11. Does Jim ____ Chinese? A. speak B. speaks C. say( ) 12. There are many ____ in America.A. citysB. citiesC. city( ) 13. ____ her favorite teacher? A. What’s B. Who’s C. What( ) 14. She can speak ____ English and French.A. a littleB. manyC. a few( ) 15. I like ____ to the movie ____ my friends.A. go, withB. going, withC. going, and ( ) 16. It’s ____ interesting movie. A. a B. / C. an二. 根据要求变换句型:1. I think. He is not from Mexico. (合并为一句)I _______ ________ he _____ _______ Mexico.2. She is from the United States. (对划线部分提问)________ _____ She _______?3. Maybe he is from Japan. (改为同义句)He ______ _____ from Japan.4. They often enjoy themselves on weekends. (改为同义句)They often ______ ___ _______ _______ on weekends.5. His father speaks English and Chinese. (对划线部分提问)_______ ___________ does his father _________?6. Lin Mei is from China. (同义句转换)Lin Mei ________ _______ China.7. Nancy speaks English. (就划线部分提问)What __________ _____ Nancy speak?8. Where does your pen pal come from? (改为同义句)Where _____ your pen pal _______?9. Sarah lives in France. (改为一般疑问句)______ Sarah ________ in France?10. He can’t speak much English. (改为同义句)He can speak only _____ _________ English.三. 用动词的适当形式填空:1. The chil dren ______ (be) from Shanghai.2. I enjoy __________ (listen) to the pop music (流行音乐) very much.3. He ___________ (not live) in Paris.4. Do you like _________ (drive)?5. Can you ______ (say) it in English?6. Li Lei wants _________ (make) friends with Jim.7. Please _______ (write) to your parents soon.8. My favorite food _____ (be) dumplings.9. He ________ (know) a little English.10. ___________ (swim) is my favorite sport.四、陈述句变一般疑问句1. His father is an English teacher._________________________________________ ?2. These cats are crying.(喊叫)_________________________________________ ?3. They can swim._________________________________________ ?4. I like to read(阅读)English._________________________________________ ?5. I have many books about English._________________________________________ ?6. He likes English._________________________________________ ?7. His father goes to work by bus.(乘公共汽车)_________________________________________ ?人教版七年级英语下Unit1测试题一.选择填空:1-5ABCCB 6-10CBAAA 11-15ABBAB 16C二. 根据要求变换句型:1.don`t think is from2. Where is from3.may be4.have a good time5.What language speakes fromnguage d oes8.is from9.Does live 10a little三. 用动词的适当形式填空:1.are2.listening3.doesn`t live4.driving5.say6.to make7.write 8.is 9. knows 10 Swimming四、陈述句变一般疑问句1.Is father his an English teacher2. Are these cats crying3.Can they swim4.Do you like to read English5.Do you have many books about English6.Does he like English7Does his father go to work by busUnit 2 What time do you go to school ?Section A一、汉译英1.向上adv.2.起床;站起3.穿衣服v.|连衣裙n.4.穿上衣服5.刷;刷净v.|刷子n.6.牙齿n. →(复数形式)7.淋浴n.&v.|淋浴器(间)n.8.洗淋浴9.通常地;一般地adv.10.四十num. →(序数词)11.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀interj.12.从不;绝不adv.13.早(的)adv.& adj.14.五十num. →(序数词)15.工作;职业n.16.工作v.&n.17.电(视)台;车站n.18.广播电台19.(表示整点)·····点钟adv.20.晚上;夜晚n.21.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的adj.22.锻炼;练习v.&n.23.(在)周末24.最好的adj.||最好地;最adv.25.组;群n.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。



Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 单元测试姓名:班级:学号:一、单选题(共15题;共15分)1. Which do you prefer to use to keep in touch with your friends, QQ WeChatA. orB. andC. soD. but2.Can you help me my homework?A. withB. ofC. learningD. about3.Can your brother play the?A. tennisB. violinC. soccerD. chess4.—What does she like doing?- She doesn't like playing the trumpetA. andB. butC. or5.He is an English student. You can English with him.A. sayB. speakC. talk6.Sam can't stories.A. tellB. speakC. talk7.Lisa is my friend. She often me with my math.A. asksB. playsC. helps8.Although my English is not good, I will never learning it.A. look upB. pick upC. give up9.Jeff ' s sister can ' t swim dance.A. andB. butC. and not 10—do you want to join?—The music club.A. What clubB. WhenC. What11.Our school show is 6:00 pm Sunday.A. at; onB. on; inC. in; at12.He can't play the piano the violin.A. andB. orC. for13.John play the guitar, but he wants to join the guitar club. the piano.D. soD. tellD. sayD. thanksD. wake upD. orD. on; atD. too14 .Jane is good art. She can join the art club. A. at B. withC. inD. for15 .—?—He wants to join the swimming club. A. What can he do B. What club does he want to join C. What does he likeD. Where can he swim二、阅读下面短文,从 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

2020-2021学年人教版英语七年级下册Unit1 )随堂练习(含答案)

2020-2021学年人教版英语七年级下册Unit1 )随堂练习(含答案)

Unit1 Can you play the guitar?Section B(2a~2c)随堂练习I.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。

1. Mr Wang wants to (教) us English.2. Some (人们) can play the drums,but others can’t.3. -Where is your mother?-She is at (家) now.4. What do you usually do on the (周末)?5. My sister can (也) sing English songs.Ⅱ.短语翻译1. old people's home .2. be good with .3. on the weekend .4.结交朋友 .5.在某方面帮助(某人) .6.踢足球 .III.单项选择。

( )6. Lisa is my friend. She often me with my math.A.asksB.playsC. helpsD. thanks( )7. Please call David 0538-765784.A. withB. toC. forD. at( )8. We want to friends with you.A. teachB. playC. doD. make( )9. Miss Read is good music. She is good childrenin the music club.A. at; atB. with; withC. at; withD. with; at( )10. I can play the guitar and I play the drums.A. can tooB.can alsoC.too canD. also canⅣ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

11.need help 12.Are good with 13.on the weekend 14. helps with 15.is good at11.那些英语俱乐部的学生需要帮助。

人教版七年级英语下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?测试卷(附答案)

人教版七年级英语下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?测试卷(附答案)

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?测试卷A卷Section AI.看图写单词Ⅱ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. I want to _________ (加入) a basketball club.2. -Can you s_________(说)English? -Yes, I can3. This is an interesting _________(故事).4. Can you _________(告诉)me your name?Ⅲ. 单项填空1. Maria can sing and dance, so she can join the _________ club.A. EnglishB. musicC. swimmingD. chess2. -Can you play volleyball? --_________A. Yes, I amB. Yes, I doC. No, I can'tD. No, I don't3. My father wants _________ to Shanghai.A. to goB. goC. goesD. going4. -Can you play _________ chess?-No. But I can play _________ guitar.A. the, theB. the;/C. /; theD./; /5. Bill _________ sing, but he can dance.A. isn'tB. doesn'tC. can'tD. don't6. - _________ your friend play the guitar? -Yes, he _________.A. Do; doB. Is; isC. Can; can'tD. Can/ can7. He is an English student. You can _________ English with him.A. sayB. speakC. talkD. tell8. -Is Jim your friend _________ brother? -A friend.A. andB. orC. becauseD. but9. Bill can play _________ soccer and Cindy can play _________ piano.A. the; theB. /; /C. the; /D. /; the10. - _________? -He can draw.A. What does he doB. Where does he paintC. What can he doD. What does he paintIV. 句型转换1. I want to join the music club.(改为否定句)I _________ _________ join the music club.2. I can draw.(对画线部分提问)_________ can _________ _________?3. They want to join the chess club.(对画线部分提问)_________ _________ _________ they want to _________?4. Can you play the guitar very well?(作否定回答)No, ________ _________.5. Can you dance? (用sing改为选择疑问句)Can you dance _________ _________?V. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Sally can _________ (draw) and sing.2. I want _________ (learn) a lot about Chinese history.3. Can you play the guitar _________ (good)?4. -Can you _________ (play) basketball? - Yes, I can.5. My father often tells me _________ (story) at night.VI. 将下面的对话按正确顺序排列( ) Sorry, I don't know.( 1 ) Do you want to join a club?( )What can you do?( )You can join the soccer club.( )Yes, I do.( )What club do you want C0 join?( )I can play soccer.( )OK. Thank you.Section BI. help, speak, with, come, drums2. _________ and join the rock band, please?3. Can you _________ me with my English?4. I want to play the _________ in the school show.5. Jim can _________ Chinese.Ⅱ. 英汉互译l. 弹钢琴__________________ 2. 善于应付……的__________________ 3. 打鼓__________________ 4. play the violin __________________5. help … with …__________________6. 交朋友__________________7. 在周末__________________Ⅲ. 词形转换1. swim (与人相关的名词)_________2. paint (同义词)________3. piano(复数) _________4. family(同义词) _________5. also(同义词) _________6. music (与人相关的名词)7. story(复数) _________8. teach(与人相关的名词) _________Ⅳ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. She is Chinese, but she s_________ English very well.2. There are five _________(人)in his family.3. He wants to be a _________(音乐家)in the future (将来).4. Welcome to the Students' Sports _________(中心).5. I want to j_________ the music club.V. 补全对话,其中有两项为多余选项A: Hi, Li Lei. 1 _________B: I want to join the music club.A: Oh. 2_________B: Yes, I can. I can sing well. 3_________A: No. 4_________ I can play chess well.B: I can play it, too.A: Really? 5_________B: OK.Ⅵ. 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 你擅长与老人相处吗?Are you _________ _________ old people?2. 让我们交朋友吧。




Mary is a tall woman.She lives in a big house 1the sea.She likes to go fishing and swimming.She works as a house painter(油漆匠)for a 2_.Mary 3 a ladder(梯子)when she works 4she is so tall.After Mary comes home from work each day,she likes 5outside,watching the beautiful sea and talking with her friend Harry.Harry 6 a paint store.He usually uses a ladder to work because he is 7. He is really kind and 8_so he has many friends.His best friend is Mary.Mary comes by every day9_paint for her job.Sometimes they laugh(笑)because Mary is too tall and she can't_10some houses easily.Harry doesn't like to paint,but he often goes fishing with Mary.The two people like their relaxing lives.He invited(邀请)me to20his country,Australia.I'm going there next month.And I think I'll have a good time there.()11.A.speak B.talk C.tell D.say()12.A.the USA B.Australia C.South Africa D.China()13.A.works B.stops C.sits D.teaches()14.A.boy B.girl dy D.baby()15.A.face B.ear C.nose D.hand()1.A.under B.in C.near D.on()2.A.live B.lives C.life D.living()3.A.doesn't need B.needs C.is needing D.needed()4.A.and B.because C.but D.so()5.A.seat B.sitting C.sit D.to sitting()19.A.doing B.making C.playing D.beating ()6.A.is B.had C.have D.has()7.A. short B.shorter C.shortest D.shortly()8.A.friendlier B.friendliness C.friend D.friendly()9.A.buy B.to buy C.buys D.buying()10.A.get B.get out C.get into D.get downTeddy Bear Childcare Center二、完形填空Opening time:3 pm-5:45 pmDo you have a pen friend?I have one.Now let me11you something about my pen friend.His name is Joe andhe comes from12.It is a country with many kangaroos.He is 12 years old.He is a student in a middle school.His father is a driver and13at a train station.Joe is a handsome14with blond hair and blue eyes.He has a round 15.His favorite color is16,so he usually wears white clothes.He likes sports very much.He gets up early in the morning and then17tor half an hour.He thinks running can help him to keep18.He is good at 19soccer and he is in a soccer club.He goes there every Sunday.Games,crafts,toys,sports,and whatever else your child needs after a day at school.We will care for your child until you are able to pick them up.Food:We will give a healthy snack to children at 4 pm.Children who stay after 5 pm will need to bring their own food for dinner.()20.A.leave B.visit C.remember D.miss三、阅读理解。

七年级英语下册Unit 1单元测试题-人教版(含答案)

七年级英语下册Unit 1单元测试题-人教版(含答案)

七年级英语下册Unit 1单元测试题-人教版(含答案)一、单项选择题:1. Please help me ______ my math. It’s difficult.A. toB. forC. onD. with2. My sister likes playing the guitar, but she can’t play ______.A. niceB. goodC. well D,OK3.Tom wants _______ the swimming club.A. to join B .joins C. joining D. join4. —Where do you want to go, Beijing ______ Shanghai?—Shanghai.A. andB. orC. soD. but5.Can you help me _______ my English?A. withB. ofC. learningD. about6. —Are you good ______ swimming?—Yes, and I think I can help kids ______ it.A. with; inB. with; withC. at; withD. with, at7. My brother Peter is good at ______ model planes.A. makeB. makesC. to makeD. making8.—Can your sister sing? —_________.A. Yes, he canB. Yes, he doesC. No, she doesn’tD. Yes, she can9. Miss Li is from China, so she ______ Chinese well.A. saysB. speaksC. talksD. tells10.Bob can play ________ tennis but can’t play _______ violin.A. the; the B ./;/ C. the;/ D./;the11. He wants ______ the English club.A. to joinB. to beC. be inD. join12. Cindy can’t ______ basketball, but she ______ volleyball well.A. play; playsB. plays; playsC. plays; playD. play; play13.—Can you paint or sing? —_______.A. Yes, I canB. No, I can’tC.I can singD.I like singing14. My sister can _____ very well, so she wants to join the______ club.A. swim; swimmingB. swims; swimmingC. swim; swims D swims; swim15. —Why do you want to ______ the English club?—Because Mr Li in the club is good ______ us.A. be; withB. join; withC. join; atD. be, at二、完形填空:Ann is a middle school student. She has a sister 1 a brother. They are Helen and Paul. Ann and Helen can 2 . Ann can sing and play 3 well, but Helen 4 . Helen doesn’t like playing the instruments(乐器). She 5 chess, but she doesn’t play chess 6 Ann. Ann can’t play chess. Helen often plays with Paul, because Paul plays 7 very well. Paul can 8 play basketball well. And he is 9 the school basketball club. He often 10 other students with basketball.1. A. or B. but C. so D. and2. A. speak B. show C. dance D. plays chess3. A. the guitar B. guitars C. guitar D. a guitar4. A. can B. doesn’t C. don’t D. can’t5. A. has B. does C. likes D. can6. A. with B. for C. on D. and7. A. basketball B. chess C. games D. the violin8. A. also B. too C. only D. either9. A. of B. to C. in D .on10. A. plays B. joins C. teach D. helps三、阅读理解:AThere are many clubs in our school. My English is not good. I want to join the English club. Wang Ying wants to learn to paint. So he wants to join the art club. Zhang Ping likes running. He wants to join the running club. Li Nan is good at singing and she wants to join the music club. What club does Han Mei join? Oh,she likes eating and she joins the cooking (烹饪)club.1.My _______ is not good.A. ChineseB. EnglishC. MathsD. Art2.What club does Wang Ying want to join?A. The music club.B. The sports club.C. The art club.D. The swimming club.3.Who wants to join the running club?A. Zhang Ping.B.I.C. Wang Ying.D. Li Nan.4.Li Nan _______ very well.A. dances B .paints C. sings D. plays tennis5.Why does Han Mei want to join the cooking club?A. She likes cooking.B. She likes eating.C. She can cook.D. She wants to be a cook.BDear Mr. Brown,My name is Tom. I’m not famous now. But maybe I can be famous someday! I can’t sing or dance or act in movies, but I do many other things. I can play three instruments: the guitar, the violin and the drums. I think I can be in the music club. Maybe I can be a famous musician.I like to read story books and I can write stories. Maybe I can be a famous writer. I like sports, too, but I am not good at sports. Can I join you?6. What’s the underlined word “instruments”in Chinese? It means ___________.A. 乐谱B. 乐器C. 乐章D. 琴7. What can’t Tom do? He can’t ___________.A. readB. write storiesC. play the violinD. act in movies8. Tom thinks he can be a famous ___________ or a famous writer.A. musicianB. actorC. singerD. sports man9. What club can Tom join?A. Art club.B. Movie Club.C. Chess club.D. Music club.10. Why doesn’t Tom be in sports club? ___________.A. He doesn’t like sportsB. He doesn’t do well in sportsC. He is not strong enoughD. He thinks sports are boring四、词汇运用:A)首字母填空1. Mr Wang wants to t______ to Peter after school.2.Gina wants to j ________ the music club.3.I can play the guitar but can’t play the p ________.4. We want students for the school s______ on October first.5. James likes to dance and sing, so he can join two c_______.B) 根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空:6. The boy is good at ___________(run).7.Mr Zhang ______ (teach)us two subjects---English and art.8.Please come and _____ (show)me your pictures.9. Every student in my class __________(like) English very much.10. Do you know the boys’___________(age) ?五、完成句子:1 我可以参加艺术节吗?Can I _______ ______ the Art Festival?2. 他哥哥小提琴拉得好。

人教版七年级下册英语 Unit 1 单元测试题(含答案)

人教版七年级下册英语 Unit 1 单元测试题(含答案)

人教版七年级下册英语 Unit 1 单元测试题(含答案)一、选择填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

1.When we arrived____________the airport,the plane had already taken off. So we had to give up the trip to Shanghai.A.forB.atC.inD.on2.-Can Li Ming ____________ an English song?-No,I don't think he____________.A.sing:canB. to sing;canC.sings;can'tD.sing;can't3.-You play the guitar very well.-____________.A.No,not reallyB.Thank youC.Don't say thatD.All right4.-What can Ou Hao do?-____________.A.He wants to join our clubC. He plays basketball wellB. He can sing and danceD.He likes soccer very much5.Please come and_____________our volleyball games.A.watchesB.watchingC.watchD. to watch6.-Can you play soccer?-____________.But I can play ping-pong.A.Yes,IcanB.Yes.IdoC.No.I can'tD.No.Idon't7. My mother tells me____________i n the new school.A.make friendsB. making friendsC. to make friendsD.makes friends8.He is only five,but he can____________English very well.A.sayB.tellC.talkD. speak9.-____________club do you want to join?-I want to join the music club.A.WhatB.HowC.WhyD.Where10. Can you help me with____________?A. danceC.dancesB.to danceD.dancing11.-Can your parents_____________English?-Yes,they can.A.sayB.talkC.tellD.speak12.-____________do you want to join the music club?-Because music is relaxing for me.A.WhoB.WhatC.WhyD.How13.--You speak very good English.--____________.A. No,I can't.B.Yes,I can.C.Of course.D.Thanks.14.The school needs help____________music.A.writingB.to playingC.to teachD.make a15. I ____________t he dancing club and Mr.Lee in the club is good____________m e.A.go;withB.join;withC.join;atD.take;for二、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。

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Unit1 随堂测试姓名:得分:I.单词·短语·句子1. 吉他:弹吉他2. 游泳:去游泳3. 讲英语4. 告诉某人(去做)某事5. 音乐家:6. 在展出7. 我会说一点英语。

8. 在某方面帮助某人9.帮助某人做某事10.与···相处得好对···有好处对某人好擅长(某事)II. 选择题( )1. Her sister can play _____ piano, but she can’t play _____ basketball. A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; / ( )2.--- Are you good ______ your students?--- Yes, I am. A. at B. with C. for D. of( )3.Can you help me ________ my English? A. with B. of C. learning D. about ( )4.—Are you good ____ swimming? —Yes, and I think I can help kids ___ it. A. with; in B. with; with C. at; with ( )5. They are talking ____ my parents ____ my study. A.with; to B.to; with C.with; about D.about; with ( )6. Liza ___English very well, ___she doesn’t know Chinese. A. speaks; but B. talks; but C. speaks ;and D. talks; and ( )7.The boy’s sister can play the trumpet very____. And his handwriting(书写)is very __A.good, wellB.well, goodC.nice, wellD.bad, well( )8. Maybe he can ______ in their basketball team. A. is B. be C. are D. am( )9. We want some singers______ our rock band. A. for B. at C. with D. to( )10. Who wants ______ the singing club? A. to joins B. join C. to join D. joiningUnit1 随堂测试姓名:得分:I.单词·短语·句子1. 吉他:弹吉他2. 游泳:去游泳3. 讲英语4. 告诉某人(去做)某事5. 音乐家:6. 在展出7. 我会说一点英语。

8. 在某方面帮助某人9.帮助某人做某事10.与···相处得好对···有好处对某人好擅长(某事)II. 选择题( )1. Her sister can play _____ piano, but she can’t play _____ basketb all. A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; / ( )2.--- Are you good ______ your students?--- Yes, I am. A. at B. with C. for D. of( )3.Can you help me ________ my English? A. with B. of C. learning D. about ( )4.—Are you good ____ swimming? —Yes, and I think I can help kids ___ it. A. with; in B. with; with C. at; with ( )5. They are talking ____ my parents ____ my study. A.with; to B.to; with C.with; about D.about; with ( )6. Liza ___English very well, ___she doesn’t know Chinese. A. speaks; but B. talks; but C. speaks ;and D. talks; and ( )7.The boy’s sister can play the trumpet very____. And his handwriting(书写)is very __A.good, wellB.well, goodC.nice, wellD.bad, well( )8. Maybe he can ______ in their basketball team. A. is B. be C. are D. am( )9. We want some singers______ our rock band. A. for B. at C. with D. to( )10. Who wants ______ the singing club? A. to joins B. join C. to join D. joiningIII.用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.—Can you help kids with (dance)? —Yes,I can.2.They want (join)the baseball club.3.Can you (sing)?4.The girl likes music.She wants to be a (music).5.Do you want to join the (swim)club?6.Are you good with (kid),Jim?7.I can play the trumpet but I can’t play it (good).IV.阅读理解。

Dear Jack,How are you? I have been in the USA for six months. I like the li fe here. I have a few friends. I don’t have much homework. There are a lot of sports at my school, but I don’t like sports at all. I like the food very much. I eat a lot of different kinds of food every day. I like coke(可乐)very much. I don’t drink water. I drink coke instead(代替). I’m enjoying my life here. The sad thing is that sometimes I get ill. I don’t know why. My parents say I must go on a diet and do more sports. Must I?Yours,David() 1. David has been in America for six months. () 2. David has to do much homework.() 3. There are many sports at David’s school.()4. David likes coke better than water.() 5. David knows why he is often ill.III.用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.—Can you help kids with (dance)? —Yes,I can.2.They want (join)the baseball club.3.Can you (sing)?4.The girl likes music.She wants to be a (music).5.Do you want to join the (swim)club?6.Are you good with (kid),Jim?7.I can play the trumpet but I can’t play it (good).IV.阅读理解。

Dear Jack,How are you? I have been in the USA for six months. I like the life here. I have a few friends. I don’t have much homework. There are a lot of sports at my school, but I don’t like sports at all. I like the food very much. I eat a lot of different kinds of food every day. I like coke(可乐)very much. I don’t drink water. I drink coke instead(代替). I’m enjoying my life here. The sad thing is that sometimes I get ill. I don’t know w hy. My parents say I must go on a diet and do more sports. Must I?Yours,David() 1. David has been in America for six months. () 2. David has to do much homework.() 3. There are many sports at David’s school.()4. David likes coke better than water.() 5. David knows why he is often ill.。
