







A. To the park.

B. To the zoo.

C. To the museum.

7. How is the weather?

A. It’s rainy.

B. It’s snowy.

C. It’s windy.


8. What does Peter’s grandma like?

A. Art.

B. Music.

C. History.

9. What will Peter get for his grandma?

A. A CD.

B. A book.

C. A mobile phone.


10.Why didn’t Amy go to school yesterday?

A. Because she had a cold.

B. Because she hurt her arm.

C. Because she went to West Hill.

11. When will the bus leave for the trip?

A. At 7:00.

B. At 7:30.

C. At 8:00.


12. What does the man do?

A. A doctor.

B. A reporter.

C. A sportsman.

13. What does the man think of talk shows?

A. Interesting.

B. Exciting.

C. Boring.


14. What can we learn from the speech?

A. We should do more work than we can.

B. Interests may help us do volunteer work.

C. The frist volunteer work must be perfect.

A. Reasons for being a volunteer.

B. Purposes of being a volunteer.

C. Suggestions for being a volunteer.





21. Tim is a friendly boy and we all like .

A. them

B. him

C. his

D. her

22. People like to visit Beijing autumn.

A. at

B. on

C. in

D. of

23. Hurry up, you will miss the New Year Party.

A. and

B. but

C. so

D. or

24. — volleyball is this?

—It must belong to Grace. She loves volleyball.

A. Whose

B. Which

C. What

D. Who

25. Sam runs much than his brother.

A. fast

B. faster

C. fastest

D. the fastest

26. —Do you want to watch Kung Fu Panda with me?

—Yes,I like movies are funny.

A. What

B. who

C. that

D. where

27. —Is that woman Mrs. Yang?

—No,she be Mrs. Yang. Mrs. Yang has gone to Shanghai.

A. can’t

B. needn’t

C. mustn’t

D. won’t

28. —What were you doing at nine o’clock yesterday evening?

—I homework at home.

A. did

B. do

C. am doing

D. was doing

29. Potato chips by mistake in 1853.

A. invent

B. invented

C. were invented

D. are invented

30. —Can you tell me at the concert last night?It was so sad.

—Erquan Yingyue.

A. what Mr. Lee played

B. what did Mr. Lee play

C. what Mr. Lee will play

D. what will Mr. Lee play


Helen was sure that she would win the photography competition. Ever since she found the notice calling for 31 of sunset in the newspaper,Helen had planned to capture(拍摄)the view from the top of Central Library. After taking the pictures,Helen was 32 that she would win the first prize.

Two weeks later,when the winners were announc ed,Helen could not believe it;she did not even place.“What’s the matter with these people?”

she complained angrily. However,when she saw their photos,Helen realized that she had overvalued her talent. There was

At school the next morning,Helen asked Mr. James about joining the school photography club. As the president of the club, Mr.James 34 cameras and could help her i mprove her skills.“Of course you can join !”Mr.Jams answered.“The only requirement is that you offer 35 for our photo shoots and help develop creativity.”

For the next several days, Helen thought about ideas. She read the newspaper and saw a notice for another competition:Best Photo of City Wildlife. The first prize was a group camping trip to a state park. Helen 36 that would be the perfect competition for the club to enter, and the members could share the prize together.

Helen knew 37 where she wanted the club to go and called her aunt who worked in a restaurant. It had a small deck(甲板)that jutted over the river with a great view of sunset on Janson Bridge. Helen knew about something 38 under that bridge that held the key to win the competition.

The next Saturday evening, the photography club stood on the back deck, cameras positioned towards the bridge. Helen knew what to 39 . Under Janson Bridge housed one of the largest bat groups in North Americas. As the sun began to set, a fasci nating sight appeared in the sky.“There they are !”shouted Helen. The students took pictures and stared in amazement. Bats flew over the water and formed a cloud.

Two months later, one of the club’s photos won the competition and the photography club was reported in the newspaper.“The city’s animal lovers can’t wait to see what the Stevenson Middle School Photography Club will40 next,”the reporter wrote in the article.

31.A. letters B. Photos C. stories D. news

32. A. confident B. active C. afraid D. nervous

33. A. lose B. learn C. perfect D. test

34. A. sold B. invented C. repaired D. understood

35. A. dreams B. prize C. ideas D. honor

36. A. decided B. wondered C. accepted D. showed

37. A. carefully B. immediately C. gradually D. widely

38. A. strange B. natural C. special D. private

39. A. trust B. reply C. invite D. expect

40. A. miss B. catch C. protect D. face



Harrison School Spring Fundraisers(资金筹集)

From the zoo to the art museum, Harrison students look forward to spring field trips. Please take part in these school fundraisers to help make these exciting experiences possible.

With everyone’s help , we can make the Harrison fundraisers and field trips successful !

41. How much is the cookbook ?

A. $ 1.00.

B. 50cents.

C. 30cents.

D. $4.50.

42. Where can the students buy raffle tickets ?

A. At the front office .

B. In the main building

C. At the School Fair?

D. Behind the playground

43. When is the School Fair?

A. On April 10.

B. On May 2.

C. On February 15.

D. On March 21.

“This is the third time that you have been late , Julia . Why?”Mr. Malone stopped Julia as she walked by his desk. Julia explained , “I’m sorry . I was cleaning the tables in the science room . Someone spilled(洒)the chemical , so cleaning took me longer than usual . ”

Mr. Malone replied . “I’ve talked to you about your lateness . I am afraid you won’t be able to go with us in the field

trip .”“But…” Julia cried . Mr. Malone stopped her . “Unless your parent comes in to discuss this with headmaster and me , you won’t be attending . ”

After dinner , Julia found the courage to talk to her dad . She told about the messy science tables and how her science teacher would deduct(减去)points from their daily grades if they did not clean up . Her friends’ next class was on the opposite side of the building . Since her class was nearby , Julia volunteered to help clean up so that her friends would not be late . Then she explained how this would prevent her from attending the school trip . Her dad watched her for several seconds . Finally , he simply said , “I’ll be there right after school .”

The next day after school , Julia walked to the office . Her father and Mr. Malone were already there . Mrs. Thompson , the headmaster , spoke , “Julia , why were you cleaning the science tables alone ?”

Julia answered slowly ,“I guess no one wants to clean up , and I don’t want my friends to get into trouble . ”“But you got yourself in trouble . ”Mrs. Thompson said . Julia nodded . Julia’s dad continued , “You’re still responsible for breaking the rules ; even if it was for a good reason . Do you have any ideas for a punishment ? ” Julia shook her head hopelessly .

“Normally , your lateness would prevent you from attending some school activities . However , I have considered the reason and will allow you to go on the trip . ”Mrs. Thompson said . Julia jumped out of her seat , repeating , “Thank you , thank you , thank you ! ”“Don’t be too excited . You’ll have a one-day detention (课后留校) for each lateness . ”Mrs. Thompson warned , “I hope you won’t be late again . ”

“No , madam , I won’t .” Julia replied , smiling from ear to ear .

44. Mr. Malone stopped Julia because_________.

A. she was late for class again

B. she didn’t finish her experiment

C. she was absent form science class

D. she didn’t clean up the classroom

45. Julia helped clean up the science tables so that _____________.

A. her friends would get points

B. she would not be punished

C. she would be praised by teachers

D. her friends would not be late

46. What happened to Julia in the end ?

A. she was popular in her class .

B. she was able to attend the field trip .

C. she was not allowed to go to school .

D. she was not understood by teachers .

47. From this story , we can learn that ____________.

A. parents are always on our side

B. helping friends often gets us in trouble

C. we should be responsible for breaking the rules

D. we can be late for class if it is for a good reason


Do you know that some people don’t do their reading assignments(任务)?It’s shocking , but it’s true . Some students don’t even read short texts that they are assigned in class . There are many reasons for this . They may be unwill ing to focus . They may be unconfident readers . Whatever the reason is , it has to stop today . Here’s why .

Reading stimulates(刺激)your mind . It is like a workout for your brain . When people get old , their muscles begin to weaken and their strength leaves them . Exercise can prevent this loss . The same thing happens to people’s brains when they get older . Brain power and speed decline with age . Reading strengthens your brain and prevents these declines . You can benefit from reading in the near-term , too .

Reading provides knowledge . Knowledge is power . Therefore , reading can make you a more powerful person . You can learn to do new things by reading . Do you want to make video games ? Do you want to design clothing ? Reading can teach you all this and more . But you have to get good at reading , and the only way is to practice .

Reading expands your vocabulary . Read everything that you can at school , no matter whether you find it interesting or not . Even a “boring” text can teach you new words . Having a larger vocabulary will help you better express yourself . You will be able to speak , write and think more intelligently . What’s boring about that ?

Reading can change the way that you understand the word. Do not just discount(忽视) a text because it is unfamiliar to you . Each time you read , you are introduced to new ideas and given broader views on things . You can learn how people live in faraway places . You can learn about cultures different from your own . Reading is good for your state of mind . It has a calming effect . It can lower your stress levels and help you relax . You can escape from your troubles for a moment when you read , and it’s a positive escape.

The benefits of reading far outweigh those of acting like a fool . So do yourself a favor : the next time you get a reading assignment , take as much as you can form it . Squeeze(挤压)it for every drop of knowledge that it contains . Then move on to the next one.

48. Some people don’t read because

A. they have many other activities

B. they are confident about themselves

C. they are bored or unwilling to focus

D. they could hardly understand the texts

49. The writer probably agrees that__________.

A. reading helps you to remain calm

B. reading enables you to get a good job

C. reading keeps you strong and safe

D. reading changes your word around

50. The word “decline ” in Paragraph 2 means “_______”.

A. keep slow

B. stay normal

C. become smarter

D. grow worse

51. This passage is mainly about

A. the power of knowledge

B. the advantages of reading

C. methods used in reading

D. making good use of knowledge


As the word becomes increasingly populated , It is also Becoming alarmingly polluted . Fortunately , there are many ways that you can help deal with the negative effects that we impose(施加)on the environment . One of these is driving an electric car.

Electric cars produce about 80 pe rcent less pollution than cars with gas-powered motors. In fact, the only reason that electric cars produce any pollution at all is that their electric energy is produced by power plants-electric cars themselves produce no waste. When energy comes from large sources such as power plants, it’s easier to control, so there’s less waste than if the energy is produced by many smaller sources, such as the gas engines in individual cars.

Furthermore, electric cars are simply more efficient than gas-powered cars for several reasons. First, electric cars have regenerative braking, which means that when you use the brakes in an electric car , the battery has a chance to recharge (再充电).On the contrary , when you brake in a gas-powered car ,you actually use energy . Also, during the production of electric cars, more time and energy is spent making the design lighter and more aerodynamic so that there will be less drag(阻力) from the wind. This allows then to travel farther using less energy than a gas-powered car would use to go the same distance.

In addition to the environmental benefits of driving electric cars , there are also financial and time-saving benefits for the drivers . For one , they cost less to maintain (维修). The cost of charging an electric car is about 20 percent of the cost of gas, and electric cars require far less maintenance than gas-powered cars . This is due , in part , to the fact that electric cars have no cooling system , fan belts , radiators , hoses , or oil-just a battery . There are fewer moving parts overall , so there are fewer possible problems . Also , after the body of an electric car gives out , the engine can be reused in another body . Electric cars can also save people time . While gas-powered cars require visits to a mechanic every few months , the only routine maintenance required by electric cars is replacing the battery every four years.

Overall , there are numerous benefits of driving an electric car . Tt may take a little getting used to , but in the long run , the use of electric cars can help preserve the environment and give people more time and money to be put to better use.

52. What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A. Less than 80 percent pollution is produced by cars.

B. Gas-powered cars get energy from power stations.

C. Electric cars th emselves don’t produce any waste.

D. It’s difficult to control energy from power plants.

53. According to the passage , which of the following is TRUE?

A. The battery can be reused after the body of an electric car gives out.

B. Replacing the engine every four years is required for an electric car .

C. It may take no time to see the popularity of driving electric cars.

D. Electric cars cost less to maintain because of fewer moving parts.

54. What is the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To compare two kinds of cars.

B. To show a new way of driving.

C. To suggest driving electric cars.

D. To introduce a useful invention?

55. Which is the best title of the passage?

A. The Best Way to Protect the Environment

B. Electric Cars are Worthy of a Second Look

C. The Greatest Invention in the New Century

D. Driving Electric Cars Saves Times and Money


A few years after I lef t my secondary school in Manchester, I was invited to help out with the school’s Christmas Fair. I volunteered to act as Father Christmas. 56 .Certainly, I attracted lots of customers.

My main job was to send gifts to the children. 57 .I bring a sense of magic to them and I was also enjoying myself. But I was puzzled(迷惑)by a young boy who paid for a second visit, and then surprisingly f or a third. The gifts were really very small. There were only some candies, stickers and cards. 58 . He ans wered simply,“I just love talking to you.”

It was then that I realized that many parents do not encourage their children to talk. 59 .Everyone wants to know they’ve been heard and understood. So it is important to listen to children and give them the full attention. It is also a way to show children the proper way of listening,to be polite and to gain a better understanding.

60 .So, at home, at work, socially, always encourage family, friends, colleagues to talk about themselves and their feelings and really listen.


Think about the distance(距离)you traveled in the last six months of your life. About how many miles(kilometers)did you go?Lucid went quite a distance. On March 22, 1996,she started a journey. She traveled 188 days, 4 hours,and 14 seconds in total. This is a little over six months. So what distance did Lucid travel? She went 75.2 million miles(1,203,200,000 kilometers)!

How could Lucid go so far? How could she journey so fast? Lucid was an American astronaut and she was in space. She lived on a space station. The space station was the Russian space station Mir. She lived and worked with two Russian astronauts.

On Mir,it was hard for Lucid to know what day it was.Why?Mir did not stay in one place.It orbited the Earth.It went around the Earth.Mir’s orbit meant that darkness did not mean the day was over. Darkness fell many times during a 24-hour period.Darkness fell about every 45 minutes. Lucid did something to help her remember what day it was. She wore pink socks on every seventh day. The pink socks reminded Lucid about something else,too. The pink socks helped Lucid remember that Jell-O would be served for dinner. On Mir,Jell-O was a special treat. It was only served on Sunday.

Lucid worked hard to deserve the honor of working on Mir. She went to school for a long time.She was one of the first six women to be accepted into the astronaut-training program. She flew on several American missions. When accepted for Mir, she had to learn Russian in less than 18 months. On Mir, Lucid conducted many experiments. One experiment she conducted was with wheat. Lucid grew wheat. Growing plants in space was important, because green plants could provide oxygen and food for space travelers.

61. When did Lucid start the journey?

62. Did Lucid live on a space station? 63. How did Lucid remember what day it was?

64. Why was growing plants in space important?




66. 假如你叫李华,你的美国笔友Jim要来北京参加交换生活动。他写邮件向你了解中国的礼仪,你们通常在家和学校怎么做,以及与人融洽相处最重要的是什么。请你根据他的问题回复邮件。

提示词语:shake hands,eat first,quite,respect,friendly


一、听对话,选图 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B


6. A

7. B

8. B

9. C 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C


16.Jack 17. 8762543 18. July 19. leg 20. Glasses


21. B 22. C 23.D 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. C 30.A


31. B 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. C 39. D 40. B



41.D 42. A 43.B 44. A 45. D 46. B 47. C 48.C 49. A 50. D 51. B 52.C 53. D 54. C 55. B


56.D 57.A 58.C 59.B 60.E


61. On March 22, 1996. 62. Yes. / Yes, she did.

63. She wore pink socks on every seventh day.

64. Because green plants could provide oxygen and food for space travelers.

65. Lucid’s space travel and her experience on the space station./Lucid’s travel experience in space.

九、文段表达( One possible version)

Hi !Jim,

I’m glad to hear from you. Welcome to Beijing. In China, we are supposed to shake hands when we meet someone for the first time. And we are not supposed to eat first when older people are at the table.

For students, it is necessary to be polite to others. At home, we never start talking until our parents finish their words. At school, greeting teachers and schoolmates is considered polite behavior. We always stand up when we talk to our teachers. Besides, when we are in public places like museums or libraries, it’s important to keep quiet.

In a word, showing enough respect for others is the secret to getting along with people both in China and in other countries.

I hope you’ll enjoy yourself in Beijing.



初三英语期末考试 时间:100分钟满分:130分 听力部分(20分) 一、听问题,选答案。读一遍。(5分) ( )1. A. Once a year. B. For a long time. C. Next year. ( )2. A. That’s right. B. Good idea. C. No, I don’t. teacher. ( )3. A. In his office. B. Very funny. C. He’s a ( )4. A. No. don’t say so.B. Thank you. C. We’d love to. ( )5. A. No, not at all. B. Yes, please open it. C. No, don’t open it, please. 二、听对话。选出最佳选项。读一遍。(5分) ( )1. How will the woman get to the railway station? A. By bike. B. By car. C. On foot. ( )2. How old is the man now? A. 22 years old. B. 24 years old. C. 26 years old. ( )3. Where are they talking? C. On the phone. A. In the classroom. B. At the girl’s home. ( )4. When is it now? A. In the evening. B. In the afternoon. C. In the morning. ( )5. When did Mike go back home last night? A. At 8:45. B. At 9:15. C. At 9:45. 三、听第3段材料,选出最佳选项。读两遍。(10分) ( )1.Wen did Mr. Smith’s friend give him a cat? A. two months ago B. one month ago C. two weeks ago D. one week ago ( )2. Mr. Smith asked his cook to give to his cat every day. A. a piece of cake B. a pound of fish C. a pound of meet D. a bowl of rice ( )3. Mr. Smith didn’t believe his cook because . A. the cat was becoming thinner and thinner. B. the cat wanted to run away. C. he didn’t like him. D. he wanted to prove. ( )4. Mr. Smith got the cat from . A. his friend B. the market C. the street D. the house ( )5. From the story, we know ate the meat. A. Mr. Smith B. the eat C. the cook D. Nobody 听下面的短文。短文后有5个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。 6. What did David do well in when he was young? A、Basketball. B、Football. C、Tennis 7.Why did he stop playing football? A、Because he didn’t like it at all. B、Because he went to work in a city. C、Because there was no team. 8.What happened to David then? A、He was badly ill. B、He began to get fat. C、He got stronger and stronger. 9.What did he decide to do then? A、To play tennis.


初三英语期末考试试卷 一、听力选择(满分26分) A)对话理解(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分) 听下面16段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳项。每段对话读两遍。 1.What does the man want to drink? A.Black coffee.B.White coffee C.Tea with milk. 2.How long has Jack been in the school? A.For two years.B.Since two months ago.C.Two years ago. 3.How did Alice go to school? A.By bicycle.B.On foot.C.By bus. 4.Where does this conversation take place? A.At a restaurant.B.At a theatre.C.At the station. 5.How much does the man need to borrow to buy the coat? A.$5 B.$10 C.$11. 6.What is David going to do? A.Catch a train home.B.Do his homework.C.Go to apark. 7.What did the man mean? A.He was badly hurt.B.He was safe.C.He couldn’t see. 8.What was the weather like yesterday evening? A.Rainy.B.Sunny.C.Cloudy. 9.In which month did Tom’s father go to Japan? A.January.B.Febmary.C.March. 10.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Teacher and student.B.Classmates.C.Mother and son. 11.What did the woman do with today’s newspaper? A.Sheuseditto cook. B.She cleaned the doors with it. C.She cleaned the windows with it. 12.What is the man? A.A policeman.B.A writer.C.A robber. 13.Where does the man prefer to live? A.In the city.B.In the country.C.Anywhere。 14.Where did the man meet Jack? A.At the man’s sister’s birthday party.


扬州中学教育集团树人学校九年级模拟考试 英语试卷 说明: 1.本试卷共8页,包含选择题(第1题~第45题,共45题)、非选择题(第46题~第81题, 共36题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间为100分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.答题前,考生务必将本人的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置上,同时务必在试卷的装 订线内将本人的姓名、准考证号、毕业学校填写好,在试卷第4页的右下角填写好座位号。3.所有的试题都必须在专用的“答题卡”上作答,选择题用2B铅笔作答、非选择题在指定位置用 0.5毫米黑色水笔作答。在试卷或草稿纸上答题无效。 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分) 在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. Tom told me that he needed a chair and that soon he found _________. A. it B. that C. one D. the one ( )2. I knock at the door several times but ____answered, so I left. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody ( )3. —_____ did your family spend the New Year? —In our hometown. A. Why B. When C. Where D. How ( )4. — How long will it be ________ the Stock Market returns to normal? — At least one year, I guess. A. before B. when C. until D. that ( )5. You are not ______ to smoke here. It’s dangerous. A. supposed B. suggested C. used D. allowing ( )6. — What took you so long? — I got lost. I have no _________ of direction. A. feeling B. ability C. knowledge D. sense ( )7. The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to ______ healthy eating habits. A. find B. develop C. shape D. prepare ( )8. My computer began to return to the ______ running state after I killed the virus by newly-updated Kill 3000. A. ordinary B. normal C. average D. common ( )9. People _________ are bored are more likely to turn to unhealthy habits like smoking. A. which B. whom C. whose D. who ( )10. Their car broke down while they ________in the desert. A. drove B. were driving C. are driving D. will drive ( )11. Please pass the glasses, my dear. I can __________ read the words in the newspaper. A. hardly B. really C. rather D. clearly ( )12. The computer system _____suddenly while he was surfing the Internet.


2015-2016学年度第一学期调研测试题(槐荫区期末) 九年级英语(2016.1) II.读音选词根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(5分) 21. My teacher will get _________ /m?d/ if I don’t do my homework. A. map B. bad C. cap D. mad 22. My friend Anna is wearing a new _________ /k?ut/ today. A. coat B. kite C. cent D. cute 23. The man got really angry when the woman said he was a _________ / fu:l/. A. fall B. fool C. feel D. full 24. They are very lucky to be _________ / ??la?v / after the accident. A. aloud B. alive C. allow D. above 25. Young people usually have more _________ /?en???/ than the old. A. enemy B. society C. energy D. comedy III. 选择填空从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分) 26. –Excuse me. Is there a __________ near here? I want to buy a dictionary. –Yes. There’s one on Main Street. A. library B. bookstore C. restroom D. restaurant 27. –What do you know about Christmas? –Well, it’s the most important festival _________ western countries. A. in B. on C. at D. by 28. –Where is your brother Tom? –I saw _________ reading under that tree. A. his B. him C. her D. hers 29.–How was _________ party last night? –It was great! A. a B. an C. the D. / 30. Alice failed the math test again _________ she had worked very hard. A. if B. so C. because D. although 31. My friend Mike has eight pet animals. He has a rabbit, three dogs and _________ mice. A. one B. two C. four D. five 32. –_________ were you late for school yesterday? –My alarm didn’t go off, and I woke up late. A. Why B. How C. What D. When 33. –Do you like that red sweater, Jane? –No, I don’t. It’s too expensive, and I think it’s ________. A. easy B. ugly C. lazy D. tidy 34. –Do you know how to cook noodles? –First, pour some water into the pot. Next, ________the water. Then put the noodles in the pot. A. burn B. join C. fill D. boil 35. –Thank you for your help.


李阳疯狂英语VIP初三英语测试题 一、单项填空(20分) 21. Jack bought a _________ in a shoe shop yesterday. A.pair of shoes B.pairs of shoes C.pair of two shoes D.pair of shoe 22. If you _________ at home and miss the lecture, you’ll feel sorry. A.stay B.will stay C.stayed D. stays 23. _________ I go shopping with my mother on Sundays. A. Some time B. Sometime C. Sometimes D. Some times 24. If you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing ________ your real friends are. A.that B.who C. which D. what 25. —Remember, boys and girls. ________ you work, ________ result you will get. —We know, Miss Gao. A.The better, the harder B.The harder, the better C.The hard, the better D.The hard, the good 26. —How long have you been skating today? —__________. A. Three miles B.Thirty circles C. Three feet D.Three hours 27. Who can tell me _______ at the meeting? A.what he said B.he said what C.what did he say D.how he said 28. It’s polite to wait __________ line. A.on B. in C. at D. to 29. I spent two hours _________ English every day. A. to speak B. speak C.on speaking D.speaking 30. Doing it well can make my mother __________. A.happily B.happy C. sad D. sadly 31. Most boys like to play _________ football, but he likes to play ___________ piano. A.a, a B. 不填,不填 C.不填,a D. 不填,the 32. We’ve _________ room to store my books. A.ran out of B. ran out C. run out of D. run out from 33. My shoes are worn out, I want to buy a new __________.


2012暑期初二升初三英语期末测试卷 满分:150分时间:80分钟 姓名:得分:___________ 题号I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI I 卷 II 卷 得 分 说明:本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分。 第I卷(满分100分) 一、听力部分(10分) Ⅰ. 根据你听到的句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分) 1. ______ 2. _______ 3. ______ 4.__________ 5. ______ II. 听独白,选择正确的选项,完成表格。(5分)

animals from how koala6_____________ beautiful 7___________ Africa friendly 8___________ South Pole9_____________ panda10_____________ cute ()6. A. Canada B. Australia C. France ()7. A. elephants B. tigers C. dolphins ()8. A. lions B. penguins C. pandas ()9. A. lovely B. cute C. funny ()10. A. China B. Japan C America 二笔试部分(90分) III.单项选择题。(30分,每个1分) ()11. ---Where’s Li Hua from? ---He is from______. A. China B. American C. English D. Japanese ()12. ——____ do they think ____ the books? ——They love them. A. How, for B. What, for C. What, of D. How, of ( )13. ——How were the people there? ——____ unfriendly. A. They are B. They were C. He is D. She was ( )14. ——Do you want to watch this video? —— No, I think it’s ____. Let’s go to the movies. A. boring B. interesting C. exciting D. funny ( )15. We like koalas because they’re ____ cute. A. kinds of B. a kind of C. kind of D. a kind ( )16. There’re three _____ in the office. A. polices B. policeman C. policemen D. policewoman ()17. Don’t ____ late for school. —— Sorry, sir. A. arrived B. arrives C.arriving D.arrive ( )18. ——How was the weather? ——____. A. It was sunny. B. It’s sunny C. They are fine. D. Not OK ( )19.Where are the boys? —— Look! They _______ the flowers. A. are water B. is watering C. are watering D. are watered ( )20. ——____? ——I’d like a dessert. A. What would you like B. What does you like C. Would you like D. What you would like


人教版英语精品资料(精修版) 腾五中上学期期末考试试卷 初三英语 (满分100分,时间120分钟) 所有试题均在答题卡上作答 第一部分听力(共四节,满分25分) 第一节听句子,选出与句子内容相关的图画,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 第二节听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) ()6. A. Father Christmas. B. Last week C. With my family. ()7. A. Why not? B. He isn't ten. C. Yes, I did. ()8. A. Steel. B. In America. C. $34. ()9. A. Yeah. He's creative. B. On the table. C. It is mine. ()10. A. In ten years. B. We can make a plan first. C. I want to be a doctor. 第三节听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。每段对话听两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 听第一段对话,回答第11—12小题。 ()11. What is the white blouse made of?. A. Cotton. B. Silk. C. Wool. ()12. How much is the blue blouse? A. 200 yuan. B.175 yuan. C. 75 yuan. 听第二段对话,回答第13—14小题。 ()13. How soon will the speakers leave their school? A. In one month. B. In two months. C. In three months. ()14. Where does Lucy want to work in the future? A. In a hotel. B. In a hospital. C. In a school. 听第三段对话,回答第15—17小题。 ()15. What will the speakers do on Sunday?. A. Go to a park. B. Go to a zoo. C. Go swimming. ()16. What will the weather be like? A. Cool. B. Hot. C. Warm. ()17. When will the speakers meet on Sunday? A. At 8:00 am. B. At 9:00 am. C. At 10:00 am. 听第四段对话,回答第18—20小题。


初二英语试题卷 注意事项: 1. 考试时间为90分钟,满分为100分。 2. 听力测试通过播放录音进行,放录音前应看听力试题3分钟。 I.听力部分(共20分) 一、听对话回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段短对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有3秒钟的时间阅读题目。听完后,你将有3秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 1.What are the children doing? A. B. C. 2.Where are the glasses? A. B. C. 3.What time does the reading room close? A. B. C. 4.What is the man going to do? A. B. C. 5.How much is the bag today? A. 260 yuan. B. 120 yuan. C. 130 yuan.

6.How does Miss Lee often go to work? A. By bus. B. By underground. C. By car. 7. Who are they? A. Brother and sister. B. Husband and wife. C. Doctor and a sick man. 8. Why has Mr. Smith gone to Nanjing? A. To visit a factory. B. To give a talk. C. To have a holiday. 9. Where will Mr Smith go if it doesn’t rain tomorrow? A. To the park. B. To stay at home. C. To the Great Wall. 10.Why isn’t Jane here today? A. Because her mother is ill. B. Because she is ill. C. Because she has to look after her mother at home. 二、听对话回答问题(计5分,每小题1分) 你将听到两段对话,各听两遍。每段对话后各有几道小题。听每段对话前,你将 有时间阅读相关小题,每小题3 秒钟。听完后,你将有3 秒钟的时间选出你认为最 合适的备选答案。 听第一段对话,回答11---12小题。 11. Why was the woman late? A. She went to the wrong address. B. She got up late. C. There was too much traffic in the street. 12. What can we learn from their talk? A. All the buses were very crowded. B. It was in winter. C. The woman started too late. 听第二段对话,回答第13---15小题。 13. Why does the woman look worried? A. Because her keys were missing. B. Because her bag is missing. C. Because her ID card is missing. 14. What kind of bag is it? A. It is a black handbag made of leather. B. It is a brown bag. C. It is a black paper bag. 15. What isn’t in the bag? A. A purse and keys. B. A driving license. C. A mobile phone. 三、听独白回答问题(计5分,每小题1分) 你将听到一段独白,听两遍。独白后有5道小题。听独白前,你将有15秒钟阅 读相关小题。听完后,你将有15 秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。


2015~2016学年度第一学期期中考试 九年级英语试卷 (考试时间:120分钟满分:150分) 请注意:1、本试卷分第一部分选择题和第二部分非选择题。 2、考生答题前,必须将自己的姓名、考试证号、座位号用黑色或蓝色钢笔或圆珠笔填写在 试卷和答题卡的相应位置,再用2B铅笔将考试证号、科目填涂在答题卡上相应的小框内。 第一部分选择题(90分) 一、听力(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分) 第一部分听对话,回答问题。 本部分共有10道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前, 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后, 你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 1. What’s Tina doing? A. B. C. 2. Which sign are they talking about? A. B. C. 3. What brand shoes is the girl wearing? A. B. C. 4. How did the woman feel about the weather here ? A. B. C. 5. What time does Miss Yuan drive to the office?

A. B. C. 6. How much might the scarf be? A. ¥125. B. ¥25. C. ¥50. 7. What is the cause of his absence? A. Going on a trip. B. Being ill. C. Having an accident. 8. What are they going to do? A. To watch TV. B. To play basketball. C. To play tennis. 9. What is NOT true about the girl? A. She liked cooking. B. She came back home late. C. Her family finished supper earlier than her. 10. How long will the woman stay at the hotel? A. For two days. B. For three days. C. For four days. 第二部分听对话或短文,回答问题。 这一部分你将听到三段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相 关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11.What’s the problem with the boy? A. He doesn’t have close friends and sometimes he feels lonely. B. His parents don’t have time for him because they work all day. C. He can’t sleep at night and feels tired in the morning. 12.What causes his problem? A. He watches too much TV before going to bed. B. He has so much homework that he can’t go to bed early. C. He is too worried about his exams. 听第二段对话,回答第13-14小题。 13.How much money did Victor get in his dream? A.$1,000,000. B.$100,000. C.$10,000. 14.What did Victor decide to do with the money in his dream? A. Buy a car. B. Go traveling. C. Raise money for charity. 听第三段对话,回答第15-17小题。 15. What does David need? A. Some new shoes. B. Some old shoes. C. Some new shirts. 16.What size shoes does David wear? A. Size Seven. B. Size Eight. C. Size Six. 17.When will they go shopping? A. On Sunday. B. On Saturday morning. C. On Saturday afternoon. 听第一篇短文,回答18-20小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 A welcome party Time ●It will begin at 7:30 p.m. 18 . Place ●It will be held in 19 .


人教版九年级英语期末考试题(含答案) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) ( )1. It’s time since we met last . A. one and half month’s B. one and a half months C. one and half months’ D. one and a half months’ ( )2. of four buses will take you to the station . We can take of them . A. Any ; every B. None ; any C. All ; any D. Neither ; none ( )3. Two weeks is not enough for me to finish the work . I need week . A. the other B. a third C. the third D. other ( )4. A young man glasses came the office . He had an old bag his arm . A. without ; in ; in B. with ; into ; under C. in ; out of ; under D. with ; in ; on ( )5.Not only I but also Tom and Jack _____ interested in English because it _____ useful. A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is D. are, are ( )6. I found the baby as soon as he had heard his mother . A. angrily B. happily C. sadly D. pleased ( )7. The young man was hit by a truck . he was not hurt . A. Lucky ; bad B. Luckily ; terrible C. Luckily ; badly D. Lucky ; badly ( )8. As we all know ,Columbus America and Edison light bulbs. A. discovered ; invented B. invented ; discovered C. discovered ; discovered D. invented ; invented ( )9. Jack,please help me the picture on the wall. A. put off B. put up C. put into D. put on ( )10. —I have bought a new watch . —Where and when you it ? A. did ; buy B. do ; buy C. have ; bought D. will ; buy ( )11. Computers in everyday life in this country before long .


初中英语试卷及答案 知识运用(两部分,共20 小题,计20 分) 第一节语法填空从题中所给的A, B, C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10 个小题,计10 分) 21.I had a great time playing badminton and going for walk with Joe last Friday. A.the; a B./; a C.the; / 22.—I got a bad grade in the Chinese test because of my bad handwriting. —Well, I think it is a very useful for you. https://www.360docs.net/doc/5212042433.html,nguage B.message C.lesson 23.Don’t be worried. He you if he in New York. A.will call; will arrive B.calls; will arrive C.will call; arrives 24.Reading and listening to music them . A.help; relax B.helps; to relax C.help; relaxed 25.I learned a lot my friend how to sort my waste(垃圾分类). A.from; about B.for; at C.to; with 26.I’m to see the baby’s ability in music. A.amazed; amazing B.amazing; amazed C.amazing; amazing 27.Tina and I see English learning . She thinks it’s easy to learn English well, but I think it’s . A.different; hard B.differently; hardly C.differently; hard 28.—It’s time for breakfast. Where is Steve? —He . He stayed up and an interesting book last night. A.slept; is reading B.is sleeping; reads C.is sleeping; read 29.—Now the number of the users of Huawei mobile phones getting larger and larger. —That’s for sure. I think everything in China better.


初中毕业生学业考试 英语 本试卷共四大题,12页,满分110分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生 号、姓名、考点考场号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。 2.选择题每小題选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂 黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题 目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答 案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按 以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结東,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1~15各题 所给的A、 B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Xian Xinghai was a very famous musician in China. He wrote one of the greatest pieces of music of the 20th century. In his short life he wrote-1 300 songs and an opera. Xian was bom in Panyu, Guangdong, China in 1905. Because his father died before he was born, Xian moved from place to place with-2 mother. He began learning to play_ 3 violin when he was 20 years old. In the beginning, his violin was cheap and badly made that he_ 5 not play it well. His friends laughed at him. Xian did not stop 6 and soon showed his talent. In 1934, he was one of the first Chinese students_7 studied in a special music school in Paris. Before he 8 , Xian became the schools best student 9 won several prizes for his talents. In 1935, he returned to China and helped fight against the Japanese army. Later, he came to Yan'an 10 music at a college. 11 there were no pianos in Yan'an at that time Xian still wrote 12 of his most important music there, , his most famous work. including The Yellow River
