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Now that you have chosen your topic, your group will need to discuss and agree on an answer to each of the following questions:
What information will you try to find?
How can you find the information?
What each group member will be responsible for to finish each task.
Some group members write down the topic to be searched on the Internet. Some search the information on the Internet. Some write down the final conclusions.
reading newspapers and magazines watching TV programs listening to the radio communicating with others surfing the Internet … … … … … …
Part A Reading
Language points
useful phrases:
对…做研究 记住…,牢记… 根据…被分类 要求某人做某事 与…有关 被分成… 大量标题 对…有益 考虑,考虑到 在…的底部 一般情况下 对…有把握,很肯定 …有关系,有影响 搜索… 某物属于某人 做关于…的决定 附一张关于…的清单 遵循这些建议
III. Comparison of the two search services: 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. Search engines a type of computer program based on the key word(s) you type in choose pages for you which contain the word(s) you ask for present unevaluated contents present the full article or pages
II. Read the information sheet about Internet research carefully and answer the following questions:
1. What kind of search service is best for the topics you are interested in? Can you tell me the reason? 2. Why should we check the date when we search the Internet? 3. How will you check your information and decide which sites to trust? 4. What is called cross-checking? 5. How should we use the information found on the Internet?
II. Read the information sheet about Internet research carefully and answer the following questions:
1. What kind of search service is best for the topics you are interested in? Can you tell me the reason? A subject directory is best search for the topics we are interested in. Subject directories are built by humans. Someone has combed through pages and links and selected all those that are in the directory. The results of your search are divided into specific categories. We do not get the full pages to read.
Subject directories
1. built by humans 2. selected by a person and divided into specific subject categories 3. present a bunch of titles of articles or pages, sometimes a short summary 4. present evaluated, relevant and correct information, not up to date
1. The more you know about Internet research, the faster you will find what you are looking for, and the better your information will be. (P46) The +比较级,the +比较级: 表示越……, 就越……。 The more you practise, the better you speak. The older I get, the happier I am. The sooner you start, the more early you’ll get there.
Part B Giving an oral report
Preparing Producing Presenting
Work in small groups and choose a topic which your group will search information for on the Internet. All the group members should agree on the topic you choose.
useful phrases:
10. at the bottom of 11.as a general rule 1. do research on 12. be sure about 2. keep... in mind 13. ...make a difference 3. be classified by 14. search for 4. require sb. to do 15. sth. belong to sb. 5. be related to 16. make a decision 6. be divided into about 7. a bunch of titles 17. attach a list of 8. be useful to 18. follow these tips 9. take into consideration
Presenting Now it's time to present your findings to the class in an oral report and prepare to answer any questions your classmates have about your searching or result.
2. Why should we check the date when we search the Internet? Because we don’t want to use information that is too old. 3. How will you check your information and decide which sites to trust? As a general rule, we check the source of the information we find. Personal web pages are not good for doing research. Government pages, or pages managed by organizations and companies you trust are much better.
Subject directories · built by human · selected by a person and divided into specific subject categories · present______________ a bunch of titles of articles or pages __________________, sometimes a short summary · present______________ evaluated, relevant and correct ___________________ information, not up to ___________________ date ___________________
Unit 3 Project Doing research on the Internet
I . Lead in:
In what ways can we get information?
Brainstorming: In what ways can we get
4. What is called cross-checking? If you find information you are not sure about, consult other web pages to confirm the information 5. How should we use the information found on the Internet? We should write a outline of the information we have found. Then we use our own words and make our own decisions about what it means. When we are finished, we should always attach a list of the sites we got our information from. This way, a teacher can check them, and an interested friend can also read what we read.
Researching on the Internet
What are the things we should keep in
mind when we use the Internet to do
Step one: choosing a search service Step two: ho百度文库 to search Step three: using your information
Search engines · a type of computer program the key · based on ____________ word(s) you type in ___________________ · choose pages for you which contain the ___________________ word(s) you ask for ___________________ · present _____________ unevaluated contents ________________ the full · present _____________ article or pages ___________________