
初中生高中生出国留学在学证明、成绩单模板Certificate No.:20xxxxxxxxxx Prepared by Guangdong Provincial Education DepartmentGuangdong ProvinceCertificate of Nine-Year Compulsory EducationStudent xx, male, born on xx xx, 19xx with household registered in Shanghai city, Guangdong province, having received nine-year compulsory education according to law from September 19xx to July 20xx, he is permitted to graduate and hereby granted the present certificate.xx xx, PrincipalShanghai xx Middle School (Stamp) July 1, 20xxPhoto graph在学证明书兹证明学生xx,男,(19xx年xx月xx日出生), 自20xx年9月进入本校学习, 现是高中二年级3班在读学生。
上海中学20xx年04月06日Schooling CertificateThis is to certify that student xx, male, (born on xx. xx, xxxx) began to study at our school in September 200x, now he is a student of Class Three, Senior Grade Two.Hereby Certificate.Shanghai Middle SchoolApril 6, 2007 本文档由国外学历提供,排版打印时请去掉版权。

欢迎来主页下载---精品文档 精品文档Regular Senior High School Graduation CertificateSupervised by the Education Department of Henan Province欢迎来主页下载---精品文档Description1. This Certificate will come into effect once stamped with “Special Seal for Graduation Certificate of Senior High School of Henan Province” by student status management institution.2. This Certificate will uniformly adopt two-inch recent bareheaded photo. 3. Various items being filled out in this Certificate will become invalid ifaltered. 4. This certificate cannot be re-issued once lost. 5. This Certificate will be supervised by the Education Department of HenanProvince and printed by education bureau of provincial cities.Regular Senior High School Graduation CertificateSupervised by the Education Department of Henan Province精品文档欢迎来主页下载---精品文档Special Seal for Graduation Certificate of Senior High School of Xiangcheng City of Henan Province (Steel Seal)Student ___________female, born on May 29, 1997, native of Xiangcheng City, Henan Province, studied at our school from August 2014 to June 2017, has completed all the courses stipulated by the courses scheme. Upon being examined morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically, she has passed the examinations and is approved to graduate.Student No. ___________________School (Official Seal): Xiangcheng Municipal Zhengtai Bowen Senior High School (Seal)Principal (Signature and Seal): _________(Seal) June 1, 2017精品文档。

时间:XXXX 电话:XXXX。

To whom it may concern,
This is to certify that XXX, male/female, born on
XX/XX/XXXX, student ID number: XXXXXXX, graduated from our school in XX/XXXX. The student has shown outstanding academic performance, good conduct, and excellent behavior during
their studies. This certificate is issued for the purpose of verification.
For visa application unit:__________________
高中毕业证 英文

高中毕业证英文高中毕业证(英文版)To whom it may concern,This is to certify that [Student's name] has successfully completed the required course of study, meeting all academic standards, and is hereby granted the High School Diploma from [School Name].Throughout [his/her] time at [School Name], [Student's name] has demonstrated exceptional dedication, commitment, and perseverance in pursuit of [his/her] education. [He/She] has consistently exhibited a high level of academic achievement and has consistently maintained a strong work ethic.In addition to [his/her] excellent academic performance, [Student's name] has actively participated in various extracurricular activities, including [mention any specific activities or achievements].[He/She] has shown great leadership skills, being a positive influence on [his/her] peers.[Student's name] is a highly responsible and self-motivated individual. [He/She] consistently demonstrated the ability to set goals and work tirelessly towards achieving them. [His/Her] exceptional organizational skills and ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously make [him/her] stand out among [his/her] peers.Furthermore, [Student's name] has exhibited excellent communication and interpersonal skills. [He/She] has consistentlyshown respect towards teachers and fellow students, fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment.We are confident that [Student's name] possesses all the necessary qualities to excel in further education or any future endeavors [he/she] may undertake. [His/Her] passion for learning, commitment to personal growth, and determination to succeed are qualities that will undoubtedly contribute to [his/her] future success.We, the [School Name], take great pride in awarding this High School Diploma to [Student's name], as [he/she] has truly proven to be a valuable asset to our school community. We wish [him/her] nothing but the utmost success in all [his/her] future endeavors.Congratulations, [Student's name], on this well-deserved achievement!Sincerely,[Principal's name][School Name]。

by the courses scheme. Upon being examined morally,
intellectually, physically and aesthetically, she has passed the
3.Various items being filled out in this Certificate will become in valid if altered.
4.This certificate cannot be re-issued once lost.
5.This Certificate will be supervised by the Educati on Departme nt of Henan Province and printed by education bureau of provincial cities.
exam in atio ns and is approved to graduate.
School (Official Seal): Xiangcheng Municipal Zhengtai Bowen
Senior High School (Seal)
Prin cipal (Sig nature and Seal):(Seal)Y
June 1,2017
Xian gche ng City of Henan Province (Steel Seal)
Student No.
Studentfemale, born on May 29, 1997, native ofG

高中毕业证书(英文模版)第一篇:高中毕业证书(英文模版)Student Registration No.: 01090500220783 Certificate No.: 01090800220783Department of Education ofHebeiProvinceGraduation CertificateStudent Chen Ruoli, female, born on June 28, 1989, has studied in this school from Sep.2005 to Jun.2008, has completed all the courses prescribed by the teaching program,satisfactorily pass all examinations on morality, intelligence, physique and aesthetics, has qualified for graduation.School: Shijiazhuang No.2 Middle School(seal)Principal:Shao Xizhen(seal)June 1, 2016第二篇:毕业证书英文(本站推荐)Regular Institution of Higher EducationGRADUATION CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that studentXXX, female ,born in XXX th, XXXX,majorinthe Department ofXXX of this institute from September2010 to June 2014,completedall the four-year undergraduate courses stipulated in the teaching program.With qualified records, she is hereby permitted to graduate.School name:President:Certificate Registration No:*(M)*(D), 2014第三篇:高中毕业证书英文翻译[最终版]CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATION This is to certify that……(male)born on January of 1991, native of …… ,…… Province, has been studied in the secondary school, and has passed all the exams necessary for graduation.He is awarded thediploma.……Secondary SchoolPrincipal ……Certificate number(2009)***30th May, 2009SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION EXAMINATION RESULTS第四篇:江苏省高中毕业证书英语翻译样本Diploma of GraduationStudent No.:XXXXXXCertificate of Diploma No: XXXXXSpecial Stamp for Verification by Education AuthorityNo replacement if lostStudentXXX, from Suzhou, Jiangsu province, female, born in XXX, studied Senior High school courses in this school for three years from Sept.XXXX to June, XXXX with good grades.She is approved to graduation.Principal(Stamp):XXXXXXXXXX第五篇:毕业证书毕业证书毕业证书管理工作是指考生办理毕业证书手续、自考办颁发毕业证书、办理毕业证书遗失证明等工作。

高中毕业证英文版(湖北省)第一篇:高中毕业证英文版(湖北省)Graduation CertificateProvincial Student No: xxxxxxEnquiry Address: Note: This Certificate is valid by the comfirmation of Education Administrative Department of Provincial City/Autonomous Prefecture and higher.Student name: xxxxx.Gender: xxx , Age xx, Born in xxx County, xxx Province.Studying in our school from Sept.xxx to June xxx, Educational system: 3 years.The student is qualified passing the school assessment of moral, intellectual and physical etc.and granted to graduate.xxxxxxxxx High School(seal)Headmaster:(personal seal)xxxx.xx.xx第二篇:高中毕业证英文Graduation CertificateStudent Registration No.: 200637400756This is to certify that student DENG RuiXian, male, who was born in October, 1993 in ChangShu, JiangSu Province, has studied for 3 years in our school since Sep 2007 and completed all stipulated courses as of June 2010 with qualified achievements leading to graduation.(Seal of)Jiangsu Province Changshu High School(Seal of)PrincipalJune 30, 2010第三篇:高中毕业证英文Graduation CertificateNo.01116373Student , female(or male),years old, native of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, has fulfilled all thecourses and passed all the exams with qualified marks at the senior section of our school.We hereupon grant her graduation in Jun 2003.Xi’an No.1 Secondary School(seal)Headmaster:(personal seal)Jun.1st 2003Academic RecordThe scores have 4 grades, A, B, C & D.D means not pass.Checking has 2 grades, P & E, E means not pass.第四篇:毕业证英文范本1.身份证IDENTITY CARDTHE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAName:Sex:Date of Birth:Nationality:ChineseAddress:Issuing Date:Validity:ID Number:2.CET-6大学英语考试六级证书Certificate of College English TestThis is to certify that ___________, a student of Grade ______ at Department of __________,___________ University/Institute, passed the examination of College English Test Band-6(CET-6)in January/June XXXX.Upon examination, he/she has fulfilled the band 6 requirements College English Syllabus Band Six with excellent/qualified score and is hereby awarded the Certificate of CET-6.Department of Higher EducationState EducationCommission(国家教委)或Ministry of Education(教育部)Date of Issuance:Certificate No.:3.TEM 专业英语考试证书Test for English MajorsThis is to certify that, a student offrom,participated in the TEM-exam(Test for English Majors)organized by the English Group ofthe National Higher Education Foreign Language Major Teaching Supervisory Committee of the StateEducation Ministry and passed the exam.Hereby he/she is awarded theTEM-__Certificate.Issuing Date:___________Certificate No.:English GroupNational Higher Education Foreign Language MajorTeaching Supervisory Committee(seal)4.Graduation certificate 本科毕业证书Graduation CertificateCertificate No._____________This is to certify that ___________, born on __________, native of __________, has been majoringin the specialty of ________________ at our university/institute from September ________ to July_________.Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teachingprogramme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.(signature)PresidentUniversity(seal)XX July XXXX5.Bachelor certificate 学士学位证书Certificate of Bachel or’s DegreeCertificate No.:This is to certify that, male / female, native of __________, born on __________,has beenmajoring in the specialty ofat our university/ institute from September_____toJuly _______.Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduateteaching programme with qualified score, he/she is qualified for graduation.In conformity withthe articles of the Regulations Regarding Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China,he/she has been conferred to the degree of Bachelor of ___________.(signature)ChairmanCommittee of DegreeAccreditationUniversity(seal)第五篇:加拿大高中毕业证360教育集团介绍,如果打算送孩子去加拿大留学,经济条件又允许,最好从高中读起。

(毕业证书)Certificate of GraduationName: Sex: Birthday: Period of Schooling : from 2000 to2004Major: 专业Department(or School): 院(系)Certificate No: 证书编号(学校编号)Issue Date :发证日期This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.President: 校长名字(﹡此处写证书上的校长姓名)Nankai University(学位证书)Certificate of Bachelor’s DegreeName: Sex: Birthday: Period of Schooling : from 2000 to2004Major: 专业Department(or School): 院(系)Bachelor’s Degree :LAWCertificate No: 证书编号Issue Date :发证日期This is to certify that the student has completed the requirements of the undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.Having passed the examination in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China, the student is awarded the degree.名字(﹡此处写证书上的姓名)Chairman of the Committee of Academic Degree sNankai University 以下为各类证书的英文翻译模板,大家对应下载后可以修改各自证书中相关的个人信息及获奖情况(红色斜体部分)。

初中生高中生出国留学在学证明、成绩单模板Certificate No.:20xxxxxxxxxx Prepared by Guangdong Provincial Education DepartmentGuangdong ProvinceCertificate of Nine-Year Compulsory EducationStudent xx, male, born on xx xx, 19xx with household registered in Shanghai city, Guangdong province, having received nine-year compulsory education according to law from September 19xx to July 20xx, he is permitted to graduate and hereby granted the present certificate.xx xx, PrincipalShanghai xx Middle School (Stamp) July 1, 20xxPhoto graph在学证明书兹证明学生xx,男,(19xx年xx月xx日出生), 自20xx年9月进入本校学习, 现是高中二年级3班在读学生。
上海中学20xx年04月06日Schooling CertificateThis is to certify that student xx, male, (born on xx. xx, xxxx) began to study at our school in September 200x, now he is a student of Class Three, Senior Grade Two.Hereby Certificate.Shanghai Middle SchoolApril 6, 2007 本文档由国外学历提供,排版打印时请去掉版权。

Certificate of Graduation
Certificate No.:********
** Education Department (steel seal)
This is to certify that **(此处为学生XX的拼音,注意名在前姓在后),male (female)born on may 1 19**,native of Beijing,has been studied at our school from September 2004 to July 2007,and has passed all the exams necessary for graduation.He(She) is awarded the diploma.
***middleschool (SEAL)
** (此处为毕业证签发人XX的拼音,注意名在前姓在后)(SEAL,如果是签字请写signature)
July 1 2007

高中毕业证英文模板精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢2Regular Senior High School Graduation CertificateSupervised by the Education Department of Henan Province精品资料Description1. This Certificate will come into effect once stamped with “Special Seal for Graduation Certificate of Senior High School of Henan Province” by student status management institution.2. This Certificate will uniformly adopt two-inch recent bareheaded photo.3. Various items being filled out in this Certificate will become invalid if altered.4. This certificate cannot be re-issued once lost. 5. This Certificate will be supervised by the Education Departmentof Henan Province and printed by education bureau of provincial cities.Regular Senior High School Graduation CertificateSupervised by the Education Department of Henan Province仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢3精品资料Special Seal for Graduation Certificate of Senior High School of Xiangcheng City of Henan Province (Steel Seal)Student ___________female, born on May 29, 1997, native of Xiangcheng City, Henan Province, studied at our school from August 2014 to June 2017, has completed all the courses stipulated by the courses scheme. Upon being examined morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically, she has passed the examinations and is approved to graduate.Student No. ___________________School (Official Seal): Xiangcheng Municipal Zhengtai Bowen Sen ior High School (Seal)Principal (Signature and Seal): _________(Seal) June 1, 2017仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢4。

高中毕业证英文模板(可编辑修改word版)Regular Senior High School Graduation CertificateSupervised by the Education Department of Henan Province Description1. This Certificate will come into effect once stamped with “Special Seal for Graduation Certificate of Senior High School of Henan Province” by student status management institution.2. This Certificate will uniformly adopt two-inch recent bareheaded photo.3. Various items being filled out in this Certificate will become invalid ifaltered. 4. This certificate cannot be re-issued once lost. 5. This Certificate will be supervised by the Education Department of HenanProvince and printed by education bureau of provincial cities.Regular Senior High School Graduation CertificateSupervised by the Education Department of Henan Province Special Seal for Graduation Certificate of Senior High School of Xiangcheng City of Henan Province (Steel Seal)Student ___________female, born on May 29, 1997, native of Xiangcheng City, Henan Province, studied at our school from August 2014 to June 2017, has completed all the courses stipulated by the courses scheme. Upon being examined morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically, she has passed the examinations and is approved to graduate.Student No. ___________________School (Official Seal): Xiangcheng Municipal Zhengtai Bowen Senior High School (Seal)Principal (Signature and Seal): _________(Seal) June 1, 2017。