
o Please fill in the applicant form.
o The total premium is 1500 Yuan o It’s better for you to see the leaflet,
o Insurance agency
o agency [‘eidʒənsi] o An agency has been opened at the
following address. o 一个分销处已在下述地点开始营业。
o 交强险:Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance
o 车辆损失险OD: Own Damage o 全车盗抢险: Theft & Robbery o 第三者责任险: TPL: Third Party Liability o 车上座位险: Passenger Liability
o Premium [‘pri:miəm]
o They have to pay life insurance premiums.
o 他们要支付人寿保险费。

汽车英语汽车保险(auto insurance)

Section I Listening and Speaking
Task 1: Picture recognition Task 2: Listen and respond Task 3: Listen and judge Task 4: Listen and practice Task 5: Act out
Listen to the dialogues, fill in the missing information, and practice them with your partner.
Dialogue 1 Lisa: Good morning, you are Jack London, from New York? Jack: Yes. Good morning. Lisa: Please tell me something about your insurance _b_a_c_kg_r_o_u_n_d_. Jack: I majored in Auto _Te_c_h_n_o_l_o_g_y_ at college and I took many insurance courses. And I worked at an insurance company for my graduation ___fi_e_ld_____ work. Lisa: Why do you want to be an auto insurance ___a_g_e_n_t___? Jack: I am interested in auto industry and I know the importance of auto insurance. Lisa: Do you have any work experience in promotion? Jack: Yes, I do. I have worked as a _s_a_l_e_s_m_a_n__ for PICC. Lisa: Do people respond well to you? Jack: Yes, I am qualified for the position.

《机动车辆保险与理赔》教学大纲课程编号:B2028 课内总学时:48学时开课对象:汽车系汽车运用技术专业(评估与鉴定方向) 课程类别:系定必修课课程英文译名:Motor Vehicle Insurance and Compensation 学分:3学分一、课程的任务和目的《机动车辆保险与理赔》是高等职业技术学院汽车运用技术(评估与鉴定方向)专业的系定必修课之一。
四、考核方式与要求1、本课程考核方法为考查;2、课程成绩采取平时成绩与期末考核相结合的方法,课程成绩= 平时成绩30% + 期末考核70%。

高等教育自学考试英文翻译汽车检测与维修专业〔本科〕市地:郑州市准考证号:姓名:河南科技大学高等教育自学考试办公室.Automotive safety systems and technology researchand analysisAs traffic tools of the modernization and absolute number increase sharply, traffic accidents are also increasing. Car accident has become severe global social issues. Undoubtedly, advanced auto safety facilities are the driving safet y indispensable safeguard. So, we should start, from technology to research and development o f high performance, high safety car, also want to strengthen the regular inspection in cars, so timely maintenance investigation, make cars often in good technical status, so as to improve the safety performance of the car.Here we introduced active safet y technology and automobile car passive safety technology. Auto safety is according to the traffic accident happened before and after the classified. One is in a traffic accident take safety measures, especially before immediately will produce risk conditi on, drivers manipulate the steering wheel avoid or emergency brake to avoid traffic accidents. In the car, drive in usually to ensure the basic manipulation stability, drivers on the surrounding environment and to ensure the visual recognition sex drive th e car itself, developed the basic performance ant-lock braking s ystem (ABS), prevent slippery drive system (ASR), active suspension, power steering and four-wheel drive (4WD), four-wheel steering (4WS), lighting system, wiper, the rearview mirror, prevent from rear-end collision car alarm system and laser radar, etc. These security devices and technology, called active safet y system, can also be called preventive security system. On the other hand, in order to reduce traffic accidents and company by personn el directly suffer degree, ensure company take staff and pedestrian safety, says the security for passive safety, can also be called conflict safety. When after the accident, in order to preventdisasters, including prevent the expansion of fire and make c rew from traffic accident can extricate the security devices and systems, called prevent disaster expand security system.One.Automobile active security technology1. ABS braking systemAnt-lock Braking System (Braking System, lock do by ABS computers as ABS), hydraulic device, the wheel speed sensors, brake hydraulic pipeline and electrical wiring etc. Their structures are shown below.ABS tasseled for the car in various driving conditions braking performance and brake safet y particularly important, es pecially is emergency braking, can make full use of the peak between tire and road surface adhesion properties, improve performance and reduce automobile fight sideslip braking distance, give full play to the braking performance, but also increase the auto mobile braking process control. So as to reduce the possibility of car accidents.No installation ABS car, if the driving force trample brake pedal, wheel will rapidly lower speed, and finally wheels stop turning, but body because of inertia remains forwa rd sliding. This phenomenon was at the wheel and pavement occur between larger "slip", appear this kind of situation, the car tires of automobile lateral spreads almost disappear, so poor force will appear the following phenomena:(1) Steering stability f all: the steering wheel is ineffective, vehicle tail manipulation of curl, serious when vehicle circles or appear folding phenomenon;(2) Handling fall: manipulate the steering wheel and short of steering requirements;(3) Braking distance extended: more than general braking distance.So, we can imagine to have installed ABS system of the car safety is very important.2.the ASR drive torque control systemABS are used to prevent car braking process wheel lock, will wheel sliding rate control in ideal r ange, so as to shorten the braking distance, improve automobile braking direction stability and steering control, so as to improve the safet y of the car. Along with the increase of vehicle performance requirements, not only in braking process required to prevent wheel lock, and asked the driver to prevent drive roller skating turn in the process, making cars in the direction stability, driving process steering control ability and acceleration performance, so are improved by the car drive torque steering sys tem ASR (Accelerations Regulation) Slip. ASR is the perfect complement and ABS ASR, but most alone is set with ABS combined together, commonly used ABS/ASR says, called antiskid control system.ASR is mainly used to prevent car in the beginning, accelerat e the wheels, guarantee slip in the car accelerated rate and improve the stability in bad pavement drive attached conditions. It makes no difference speed in the car lock ice roads and muddy road started and to improve its capacity, also can prevent high i n speed by turning cars gliding pavement and rear lateral spreads phenomenon.Anyhow, prevent the wheel because ASR slip, can maximize the engine driving moment of cars had enough, ensure the longitudinal force, lateral force and manipulation of power, ma ke cars in starting, steering and accelerate the process, in gliding and muddy road, in a mountain area downhill process can steadily driving, guarantees the safety, reducing tire wear and fuel consumption, and improves the car driving capability.3.VDC s ystemABS/ASR system successfully solves the brake and the car when driven direction stability problem, but cannot solve the vehicle steering stability problem driving direction. For example when steering road,inevitably by lateral and longitudinal force, onl y local surface can provide full lateral and longitudinal force, the pilot can control vehicles. If the ground adhesion ability lower lateral, will damage cars driving ability predetermined direction. Rainy days cars driving, often high-speed steering lateral sliding out, it is the ground because of insufficient lateral adhesion ability. To resolve the issue, and developed countries automobile industry recently in ABS/ASR system on the basis of the development of dynamic Control system (into car Dynamics Control, the abbreviation VDC Vehicle). The system of the car brake, driving, suspension, steering, engine and so on various main assembly control system in function, structure organic ground comprehensive together, can make cars in all kinds of bad wor king conditions, such as ice road pavement, commuting, river bend pavement and took evasive action moving line, braking and acceleration and the downhill for different conditions, such as bearing, different type pressure and different levels of type wear a ll have good direction stability, to show the best driving performance. VDC applications, in braking, acceleration and steering aspects of driver's fully released request, is the car of active safet y driving a new milestone.VDC of steering control system is mainly by driving for each wheel brake control and engine power output control to realize. For example, if the car turn left front wheel for steering the inadequate capacit y tend to slip out of the corner, VDC s ystem can measure imminent, just know lat eral spreads left rear brake adopt appropriate measures. If at the same corner, because rear wheel tend to slip out of favor of lateral overmuch, VDC system is proper braking to front-right wheel failure, maintain the stability of the vehicle driving. In e xtreme cases, VDC system can also take reduce engine to reduce the power output, and to reduce the speed of the demand side adhesion ability to maintain the stability of the vehicle driving. Adopt VDC system, automobile in folio pavement or corner of pavem ent braking distancestill can further reduce.4.CCS cars cruise control systemAuto cruise Control System (Cruiser Control System, abbreviation for CCS) is can make automobile work in engine favorable speed range, reduce driver's driving manipulate lab or intensity, improve the driving comfort the automatic driving device.Car cruising s ystem (CCS) role is required by the driver: after a normally-closed switch, no speed on the accelerator pedal can automaticall y keep the speed, make the vehicle with the fixed speed. Using this device, when on the highway after a long time, the driver driving not have to control the accelerator pedal, reduce fatigue, while reducing unnecessary speed change, can reduce save fuel.Auto cruise control system is the earliest development of the automotive electronic control system. This system USES another speed sensor, will speed signal input engine control microcomputer, by microcomputer control vacuum system work. This system can make use of the server, speed control switch lever and brake pedal on vacuum lift switches etc, its function and basic system the same.In this system, electronic control device can accord change of driving resistance, automatic regulation engine throttle Angle, make the speed constant. Such not on ly reduce unnecessary speed change, which saves fuel, also reduced the driver's burden.Two. Automobile passive safety technology1. Seat beltCar seat belt is a safety device, it can in car collision or sharp turn, make crew to keep its original posit ion as possible without mobile and rotation, avoid collision with in-car hard parts caused damage. Seat belts and airbags, as modern cars are safet y devices, but the long history of the former, popularize the scope.The seemingl y simple seat belt actually not "simple". Attention has been at the forefront of traffic safety, through the analysis of general motors after a car accident found: seat belt not only makes people protect the lives, can be in more than half of the accident to reduce or even eliminate drivers, motorists are the chance of injury. Car collision or unexpected emergency braking force generated great inertia, will allow the driver and passenger and car windscreen, steering wheel, seat, collision happened objects such as secondary to drive i s caused extremely easil y crew serious damage, even drive occupant seats or threw the apex, seat belts can will ride in the seat. Bondage personnel When has the accident, which can effectively prevent the collision, and its buffer role can absorbs a great deal of kinetic energy, reduce rides personnel extent of the injuries.Fasten your seat belt airbags play our role is also an important condition. Because the airbag to maximize role for the ride in the impact of the physical location, sitting instant act ion have extremely strict and the requirements. Otherwise, the airbag started strong instantaneous wallops to head are fragile site, may cause serious damage, especially for children, this damage can be fatal. Even the most ordinary three belts, try a can timely in crash that lived rides the bundle, ensure the upper part of a ride in the airbag fully extended range, make the airbag most effectively play efficacy. Accordingl y, must not because the car is equipped with airbags and feel carefree seat belt fastened, only to reduce or eliminate the traffic accident happen.2. The airbagWhen the front collision happened strong, because inertia, who rides the body forward fast moving, then seat belts and will try to "pull" rides on person the body, absorb some o f the impact energy, while the airbag with "the eyepiece trend" inflatable and completely open; Then the rides the upper body will sink to airbags, gas also beganfrom the vent air uniform escaping, and absorbed most of the impact energy; Subsequently, the ride back seat and return to the body. Above the whole process is almost always happens in a flash, who rides the completely in passive situation, in this case, the passive rel y on auxiliary occupant protection system is the only option. Airbags development design is based on the protection on seat belt Co., LTD; they cooperate with each other to ride the play the auxiliary protective effect.Seat belt usage in under the condition of the crew, balloon help reduce chest, head and facial injuries in the ser iousness of the collision. When car collision happened before, the first is the car to stop motion, car under the action of inertial force crews to go forward with the original speed still sport. Not wearing a seatbelt crews will and steering dish, front windscreen together, so it can be severely hurt; Wearing a seatbelt as car stop the crew can stop moving forward movement and gradually. If collision violent, crew forward movement of the seat belts, even faster in the complete stop before motion, still and in-car things together. If this fashion in steering the disk or within the popup balloon inflated dash, it can protect the occupant reduce the possibility of car together with things, more uniform dispersion head, chest, absorb the impact energy of moveme nt, thus crew has added effect of seat belts.In addition to seat belts and airbags outside car passive safety technology includes car bumper, automobile safet y glass, security body, occupant head and neck protection system (WHIPS), etc. These vehicles to improve the safety performance has very important contribution汽车平安系统技术研究分析随着交通工具的现代化和绝对数量的急剧增长,车祸也不断增加。
汽车专业英语 教案Unit 12Car Insurance

n. 授权;命令,指令;委托管理;受命进行的工作 vt. 授权;托管 n. 暴露;曝光;揭露;陈列 n. 责任;债务;倾向;可能性;不利因素 adj. 未保过险的 adj. 有责任的,有义务的;应受罚的;有…倾向的;易… 的 adj. 综合的;广泛的;有理解力的 n. 综合学校;专业综合测验 n. 投保人;保险客户 n. 碰撞;冲突;(意见,看法)的抵触;(政党等的) 倾轧 adj. 固定的;静止的;定居的;常备军的 n. 不动的人;驻军 n. 汪达尔人作风;故意毁坏文物的行为;破坏他人财产 的行为 n. 旅行;行程 vi. 旅行 n. (Journey)人名;(英)朱尼,朱妮(女名)
日期: 年 月 日
课题: Unit 12 Car Insurance
目的要求:1.掌握汽车保险的种类及用处。 2.掌握中美两国汽车保险的特点。
重点:汽车保险的种类及用处。 难点:中国汽车保险的特点
复习提问要点: 1、词汇 2、翻译句子
教具:教材、教案、备课笔记、PPT 投影。 教学手段:讲解为主,提问为辅。
[ɪn'ʃʊrɚ] ['pɝmənəntli] ['primɪəm] ['prʊdnt]
[dim] ['fjunərəl] [,ɑblɪ'ɡeʃən]
n. 保险公司;承保人 adv. 永久地,长期不变地; 是 permanent 的副词形式 n. 额外费用;奖金;保险费;(商)溢价 adj. 高价的;优质的 adj. 谨慎的;精明的;节俭的 n. (Prudent)人名;(法)普吕当 vt. 认为,视作;相信 vi. 认为,持某种看法;作某种评价 n. (Deem)人名;(英)迪姆 n. 葬礼;麻烦事 adj. 丧葬的,出殡的 n. 义务;职责;债务

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2012届本科毕业设计(论文)文献翻译题目某公司车险理赔数据分析与研究学院商学院专业信息系统与信息管理班级信管081学号084770538姓名周小诗指导教师谢友才开题日期2011年11月6号文献一:Effects of Pay-As-You-Drive vehicle insuranceon young drivers’ speed choice1. IntroductionWorldwide, across all age groups road traffic accidents currently account for 1.27 millions deaths a year (World Health Organization, 2004). Furthermore, traffic accidents constitute the second leading cause of death among people in the age of 20 to 24 years, right after HIV/AIDS (Toroyan and Peden, 2007). Young drivers are strongly overrepresented in road accident statistics. In the Netherlands, young adults (aged 18–24) make up 8% of the driving population, but are involved in 22% of all severe traffic accidents. This means that per kilometer travelled, young adults in the Netherlands are 5.5 times as likely to be involved in a severe traffic accident as older adults (Schoon and Schreuders, 2003). The differences in accident involvement are often attributed to specific characteristics of young adults. For example young drivers, compared to older drivers, have been found to have a more positive attitude towards taking risks, display stronger motives for risky driving (Hatfield and Fernandes, 2009), and tend to drive at higher speeds (Boyce and Geller, 2002).Vehicle speed is commonly seen as the most important determinant of crash risk (Salusjärvi, 1981), and crash severity ( [Joksch, 1993] and [OECD/ECMT, 2006] ). Driving at higher speeds leaves less time to respond to unexpected events and increases stopping time, thus decreasing the possibility to avoid accidents (Aarts and van Schagen, 2006). So, reducing the driving speed of young adults, and in particular the amount of time spent above the speed limit, holds the potential of dramatically reducing accidents, and saving lives. The current study aimed to test whether a new type of car insurance (Pay-As-You-Drive vehicle insurance) is effective in reducing speed violations of young adults. Before explaining the study setup, we will discuss the (dis-)advantages of Pay-As-You-Drive vehicle insurance as compared to current road safety interventions.2. Method2.1. ParticipantsIn January 2007, we sent a letter with the request to fill out an online questionnaire on PAYD (duration 20 min) to approximately 6000 policyholders from five Dutch insurance companies (all policyholders were younger than 30 years). By filling out the questionnaire, participants were eligible to win a car navigation system. By July 2007, 706 policyholders had completed the online questionnaire. In the last part of the questionnaire, participants indicated whether they were interested in participating in a field experiment on PAYD. A substantial proportion of the people who filled out the questionnaire (n = 337) volunteered. However, becausenot all volunteers could be accommodated in the field experiment, a random selection of 228 people were eventually invited to participate.In the time between the participant selection and the installation and testing of the GPS device, some participants withdrew. Additionally, some participants were excluded from the analyses due to missing data (e.g. their GPS device did not work properly or was removed before the end of the experiment). By the end of the experiment (July 2008), we could establish the prevalence of speeding behavior throughout all phases of the experiment for 141 participants. The participants who dropped out (n = 87) did not differ in age, car size, income, gender, and intention to speed from the final set of participants (n= 141), but did report a somewhat lower yearly mileage. Self-reported mean yearly mileage of the final set of participants was 13,985 km, which is comparable to the 2007 Dutch average of 13,877 km (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, 2009a). In July 2007, the mean age of participants was 24.4 years (SD = 2.2), and on average participants had possessed a driver's license for 4.5 years (SD = 2.4). Men (60%) were slightly overrepresented in the sample. The majority of participants worked fulltime (69.3%), and 30.7% were otherwise engaged (studying, part-time employment). Net monthly income levels were somewhat higher than the average income of Dutch young adults, with 25.7% of the sample earning less than 1000 Euros net per month, 46.2% earning between 1000 Euros to 1500 Euros net per month, 24.3% earning between 1500 and 2000 Euros net per month, and 3.7% earning more than 2000 Euros net per month (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, 2009b).2.2. Design and procedureThe field experiment ran from November 2007 until June 2008. Prior to the start of the field experiment, participants’ cars were equipped with GPS devices. These GPS devices allowed for the monitoring of where participants were driving, what speed they were driving at and at what time, and how many kilometers they were travelling. Participants were randomly assigned to be either in incentive or control groups. The experiment comprised four phases, pre-measurement, intervention phase 1, intervention phase 2, and post-measurement, each phase lasting two months. During pre-measurement (November–December 2008) and post-measurement (May–June 2008), participants’ driving behavior was monitored, but had no financial consequences. During the intervention phases, participants in the incentive group could earn a reward for adapting their driving behavior (a discount on their insurance premium of maximally 50 Euros per month), and received feedback on their driving behavior. Participants in the control group did not receive an incentive and feedback. The intervention period was divided into two phases, each lasting two months (intervention phase 1: January–February 2008, intervention phase 2: April–May 2008). This setup allowed us to compare driving behavior during four phases of equal length in the analyses (pre-measurement, intervention phase 1, intervention phase 2, and post-measurement).The monthly 50 Euros discount was divided into three components: 30 Euros was designated as a reward for keeping the speed limit,1 15 Euros for reduced mileage, and 5 Euros for avoiding driving during weekend nighttime hours.2 So, the maximum discount participants could earn during the two intervention phases was 200 Euros. Based on loss aversion (Tversky and Kahneman, 1981), we reasoned that financial losses should have more impact on behavior than equivalent financial gains. So communicating the reward drivers are foregoing (losing) by drivingunsafely, may be a more effective frame than communicating the reward drivers are receiving (gaining) by driving safely. Accordingly, in the intervention phases, we used two ways to communicate how much of discount participants in the incentive group had earned. Participants in the gain framed incentive group (n = 50) were told that they started each month with 0 Euros, and could gain up to 50 Euros discount if they drove safely (which entailed keeping the speed limit, avoiding driving during on weekend nighttime hours, and reducing mileage). Conversely, participants in the loss framed incentive group (n = 50) were told that they started each month with 50 Euros discount, and could lose up to 50 Euros a month if they failed to drive safely.Participants in the incentive groups could track their performance during the intervention phases (from January to April 2008) by logging in to a personalized website (www.savedriver.nl). The website provided detailed feedback on speed violations, mileage, and nighttime driving, and showed, by default, how much discount the particular participant would receive at the end of the month if they continued the driving behavior of the previous week. Specifically, participants in the gain framed incentive group saw a graph that denoted how much discount they would gain, and participants in the loss framed incentive group saw a graph that denoted how much discount they would lose.Payments were made via bank transfer. The first of four monthly payments were made in March of 2008. Subsequent monthly payments were made in March, April and May 2008. A control group was used to assess the impact of extraneous variables on driving behavior. Right before the start of the first intervention period, participants in the control (n = 41) group were told that they would always receive the maximum discount of 200 Euros at the end of the experiment, irrespective of their driving behavior. They did not receive feedback on their driving behavior, and were paid 200 Euros during post-measurement.2.3. Data analysisDuring the field experiment, in-vehicle GPS devices logged X and Y coordinates every 100 m. On some occasions (e.g. in case of a loss of GPS signal, for instance due to driving through a tunnel), the GPS device logged on longer intervals (that is, less often than every 100 m). These observations (which amount to 23.4% of the total distance travelled) were removed from the analyses, as vehicle speed for these longer intervals could not be reliably determined. The occurrence of speed violations was established by matching vehicle location and vehicle speed to a map with local speed limits. Data was recorded on all types of roads, but analyses were limited to the most common road types in the Netherlands, with speed limits of 30, 50, 80, 100 and 120 km/h, respectively, and to observations for which local speed limit information was available (98.9%). Many Dutch roads tend to be congested around peak hours on weekday. During congestion, participants’ would have to deal with other vehicles ahead of them, which would prevent them from freely choosing their speed. This means that speed choice is more likely to be under volitional control during off-peak hours than during peak hours.3 Driving behavior recorded on peak hours (from 7 to 9 am and from 4 to 7 pm on weekdays) was therefore excluded from our analyses.The percentage of total distance travelled at 6% or more above the local speed limit (‘percentage of speeding’) was used as the main dependent variable in our analyses. Violations of less than 6% were excluded from this definition, based on the assumption that such violations are often non-volitional and therefore most likely not influenced by a financial incentive and feedback. Furthermore, small thresholds are quite common in speed enforcement. Dutch police, for instance, only issue speeding tickets at 80 km/h roads for violations of 7 km/h or more over the speed limit (Goldenbeld and van Schagen, 2005).For each of the four phases of the field experiment, the percentage of speeding was calculated based on the weekly distance travelled at a speed 6% over the speed limit across all five road types (30, 50, 80, 100 and 120 km/h). Percentage speeding of the five road types were weighted by distance, and averaged across road types. The resulting variable represents an indicator of volitional speeding across all road types, and was used as a dependent variable in our analysis of the effect of PAYD on overall speeding. During off-peak periods, local speed limits were violated by 6% or more during 19.1% of the distance travelled. This figure is in line with previous literature that used GPS devices to measure vehicle speeds (Hultkrantz and Lindberg, 2003). Because the variable percentage of speeding was not normally distributed the natural logarithm of the scores was used in the analyses.3.ConclusionsAs noted before, the awareness of being monitored may initially have reduced speeding, but, as time passed, this awareness faded, and speeding returned to its ‘natural’ level. As such, we reason that vehicle speeds during post-measurement are a better reflection of the speed at which participants would normally drive than speed levels during pre-measurement, where the GPS device had been recently installed and might have deterred participants from driving at their regular speedsFollowing this logic, the best possible estimation of the effect of PAYD on speeding might be reflected in the difference in speeding of the incentive group during the second intervention phase (March and April 2008) and after the incentive was taken away (post-measurement, May and June 2008). In other words, the financial incentive appears to have decreased the percentage of distance travelled during which drivers violated the speed limits by 6% or more from 20.5% to 17.6%. To put it differently, PAYD is estimated to have reduced volitional speeding by 14%, which roughly amounts to a reduction of 39.2 h per year for the average young driver.4 Although these numbers might not appear impressive, one should note that these numbers reflect reductions in actual speeding across all roads participants drove at. As such, the safety gains from PAYD could add significantly to those already made through the use of more conventional speed enforcement tools (e.g. speed cameras and mobile radars), especially as the effects of such tools on driving speed are typically limited to areas where enforcement is active. Also, small differences in driving speed are associated with large differences in crash risk (Elvik, 2006). A reduction of speeding by 5% may lead to as much as a 20% decrease of fatalities in road accidents (OECD/ECMT, 2006). Thus, we conclude that PAYD leads to modest, but relevant reductions in the driving speed of young adults, and thus may prove a valuable tool in reducing the crash risk of young drivers.翻译一:付费驱动车险理赔对年轻驾驶员车速选择的影响1.引言在世界范围内跨越所有年龄段的道路交通事故中,每年约有1.27百万人的死亡记录(世界卫生组织,2004年)。

Automobile Insurance and ClaimIt is said that driving a car means taking on several risks to yourself and others.Insurance helps ensure your ability to cover the costs of potential damages,or losses.Introduction for the automobile insurance(1) Automobile insurance classification★V ehicle damage insuranceIf the insured or the eligible driver allowed to drive the vehicle cause the damage in using the vehicle by following reasons,the insurance company will pay for this damage:the damages caused by unexpected crash or roll-over,explosion,fire around the vehicle,collapse of the things out of vehicle,and fallowing things.Moreover,it also includes the damages caused by the nayural disasters as below:Lighting strike,storm,tornado,rainstorm,flood,ground sea,land collapse,ice collapse,cliff fall,hail disaster,debris flow,landslide,and the damage of the vehicle because of the boat carrying the vehicle damaged by the natural disaster.★The third party liability insuranceThe third-party liability insurance of motor vehicles is a kind of law system,which can effectively protect the benefit of the third party who is injured in the accidents.If the insured or the eligible driver allowed to use the car is at fault in an accident,the insurance company will pay for the death of or bodily injury and proper damage expenses caused to the third party in the accident.However,the insurer will not pay for the damage,if the insured have no liability(or is not at fault).★Motor vehicle accident liability compulsory insuranceThe insurer will pay for the death of or bodily injury and proper damage caused to the victim in an accident.Not like the third party liability insurance,buying this insurance is obligatory.And the insurer should pay for the damage no matter the insured has the liability or not.★Liability insurance for the people or proper on the vehicleIf there's an accident,the insurance will pay for the bodily injury of the people in the vehicle,the property damage of the goods in the vehicle,and the sue and labor charges.★The insurance for the stolen and robbed of the whole vehicleIf the whole vehic le is stolen or robbed,and has not been found for three month after the case is put on record and verified by the police criminal investigation,the insurance company would pay for it.★The additional equipment damage insuranceThe insurance company will pay for the direct damage for the additional equipment in an unexpected accident according to the actual damage.★The internal combustion damage insuranceCombustion damage caused by the trouble of vehicle circuits,lines,the fuel injection system,and by the vehicle itself,or the additional equipment of the vehicle,will be paid by insurance company.(2)Binding legal contractThe personal auto policy has five distinct parts as below.★DeclarationsIn this section,declarations should be prepared,and this declarations list all relevant information about the personal auto policy.★Insurance agreementThis section outlines exactly what the insurance company promises to provide in return for the payment of the premium.★DefinitionsEvery relevant term will be narrowly defined and written into the insurance agreement at this section.★ExclusionsWhat,when and who won't be covered by the policy will be known in this section.★ConditionsIt lists the duties and responsibilities as the insured in the event of a claim situation.The Effect of the Automobile InsuranceThe automobile insurance would be beneficial to develop automobile industry,and expend the demand of automobile.It will iron out both the worries of enterprises and individuals about the purchasing desire.Automobile insurance would also improve the safety property of automobile.Considering the self benefit and social benefit,the insurer will statistic and analyze the reason of the accident and research the new automobile safety technology with automobile manufacturer and automobile maintenance enterprise.All that will improve the safety property of automobile.Moreover,automobile insurance can stabilize the social public order and play an important role in property insurance.Automobile Insurance ClaimIf an automobile accident happened,firstly,the driver should contact the police and the insurance agent company directly to report the accident.And then a claims adjuster will be assigned to the driver.The driver should provide a complete,detailed accident report.The insurance company should definite the damage,estimate the reasonable charge,and definite the amount of compensation.When the insured make a claim for damages to automobile,the insurance company will decide whether to repair the vehicle or declare it a total loss.If the cost to repair the vehicle is higher than the fair market value of it,the company will declare it a total loss. Within three months after having prepared the vehicle or the traffic accident diagnosis,the insured should go to insurance company to get the compensation with the insurance policy,the accident adjusting document,the list of reparation and other relevant certifications.汽车保险理赔人人都说驾驶汽车就意味着对自己和他人要承担风险。

保险学外文部分复习参考—各课参考译文本课程教学参考书:原版:【美】James S. Triseschmann, R.E. Hoyt等三人:Risk Management and Insurance,11th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2001译文版:裴平,风险管理与保险,东北财经大学出版社,2002请以各章思考题为主要复习线索!同学们自己的翻译仅供参考(外语好的不要参考)。
Chapter 1 Introduction to Risk 风险导论复习思考题:1、What is the meaning of risk?2、What are the components of an entity’s cost of risk?3、What are the pure versus speculative risk?4、What are the static versus dynamic risk?5、What are the subjective versus objective risk?6、Where are the sources of property risks, liability risks, life, health and loss of income risks, and financial risks?7、How to distinguish between chance of loss and degree of risk?8、What are the three types of hazards? And give examples of them.9、Give examples to explain the difference between hazards and perils.10、What is the evolving concept of integrated risk management?11、Explain the four steps in the risk management process.Chapter 2 Risk Management Techniques: Noninsurance Methods风险管理技术:非保险的方法1、What are the four basic methods for managing risks?2、What is risk avoidance? Give the examples of the use of risk avoidance and explain when it is an appropriate risk management technique.3、What is the technique of loss control?4、Which methods are used to classify loss control?5、Differentiate between frequency reduction and severity reduction and give examples of each.6、Explain the three different forms of loss control , differentiated on the basis of timing issues, and provide examples of each.7、What is the general rule for decisions regarding loss control? And list several potential costs and benefits associated with loss control measures.8、What is the risk retention? And what are the types of it?9、List four forms of funded risk retention.10、Explain the essential elements of self-insurance and describe the financial as well as nonfinancial factors that affect a firm’s ability to engaged in funded risk retention.11、Describe the nature of risk transfer as a risk management tool and list five forms of risk transfer.12、Explain how risk management adds value to a corporation.参考译文:章节目标:在学习本章之后,你应该能够:1、给出风险规避的举例,并且解释什么情况下是一项适合的风险管理技术。
Unit 22 Auto Insurance 汽车专业英语教学课件

Unit 22 Auto Insurance
Insurance choice is so difficult! The problem gets me!.
Figure 22-1 Many insurance types
Unit 22 Auto Insurance
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or Medical Payments (MedPay) provides reimbursement for medical bills of you and your passengers regardless of who's at fault, and for resulting lost wages. This is an option—one that those with good health insurance plans might not want to exercise[3].
Unit 22 Auto Insrsement simply pays for the cost of renting a car. If you own a second car, this is completely unnecessary. The same reasoning applies to towing insurance and the like.
Unit 22 Auto Insurance
Unit 22 Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance Coverage Types
Liability coverage is the primary—and usually mandatory—part of the auto insurance equation. Liability means what the word implies: It saves your bank balance when you're liable for destroying someone else's car or body parts[1]. South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin are the five states that do not require liability.

(二) 火灾、爆炸;
(六) 地陷、冰陷、崖崩、雪崩、泥石流、滑坡;
(三) 外界物体坠落、倒塌;
(七) 载运被保险机动车的渡船遭受自然灾害。
(四) 暴风、龙卷风;
Introduction to high end technology companies
Introduction to high end technology companies
机动车保险 销售价值链
客户稳定化 修理服务方面的营业额增加
出险时提供及时有效的建议 随时都可取得联系的体制 快速办理各手续 投保内容诊断 可信赖的合约管理 同其他公司产品的比较
其保险客户,主要是拥有 各种机动交通工具的法人团
Introduction to high end technology companies
车上人 员
车身划 痕
玻璃破 碎
不计免 赔
Introduction to high end technology companies
Introduction of technology company
Introduction of technology company
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Auto insuranceAuto insurance is a contract that protects your financial security in case of an accident. Although it is not mandated by federal law, the purchase of auto insurance is usually a requirement in most states; every state has minimum insurance laws. If said owner cannot produce proof of satisfactory assets, the he must buy an auto insurance policy. Regardless of the law, having good auto insurance is practical for the driver who wishes to avoid lawsuits or immense repair bills.According to the Insurance Information Institute, a basic auto insurance policy is comprised of six basic types of coverage. While some of these types of coverage are required by state law, some are considered optional. These are:1.Bodily injury liability2.Property damage liability3.Medical payments or Personal Injury Protection4.Collisionprehensive6.Uninsured/Underinsured motorists coverageLiability insuranceLiability coverage limits (that’s for the damage you do to others) are usually presented as a series of three numbers. For example, your agent might say that your policy carries liability limits of 20/40/10. That stands for $20,000 in bodily injury coverage per person, $40,000 in bodily injury coverage per accident, and #10,000 in property-damage coverage per accident.Liability insurance (both bodily injury and property damage) is the foundation of most auto insurance policies. Every state that requires auto insurance mandates the purchase of property damage liability, and Florida is the only that requires auto insurance but does not call for bodily injury liability. If you are at fault in an auto accident, your liability coverage will pay all the expenses, bodily injury, property damage, and any legal bills. The bodily injury coverage would pay for medical bills and lost wages; the property damage coverage would pay for any auto repairs, or replacement. Property damage liability usually repairs damage to other vehicles, but can also cover damages to things such as lamp plus, fences, buildings, or anything sew that your car ma have struck. The other party also decide to sue you to collect” pain and suffering” damages.See the Minimum levels of required auto liability insurance to find out what’srequired where you live. Remember, if you cause a serious accident, minimum insurance may not cover you adequately. That’s why it’s a good idea to buy more than what your state requires. If you own a home and have nest egg and a savings account, you should consider more liability insurance because, in most states, drivers are allowed to sue other drives who injure them in car accidents. If you’re sued and your liability insurance doesn’t pay for all of the damages, your personal finances are on the hook, and it’s likely you’ll become a target.Collision and comprehensive coverage’sIf you cause and accident, collision coverage will pay to repair your vehicle. You usually can’t collect any more than the actual cash value of your car, which is not the same as the car’s replacement cost. Collision coverage is normally the most expensive component of auto insurance. By choosing a higher deductible, say $500or $1, 000, you can keep your premium costs down... However, keep in mind that you most pay the amount of deductible before the insurance company kicks in any money after an accident.Replacement cost is the amount it would take to replace your vehicle or repair damages with materials of similar kind and quality, without deducting for depreciating. Depreciation is the decrease in vehicle value because of age or wear and tear.Actual cash value (ACV) is the value of your property when it is damaged or destroyed. Claims adjusters usually figure ACV by taking the replacement cost and subtracting depreciation. Insurance companies often will “total” your car if the repair costs exceed a certain percentage of the car’s worth. The critical damage point varies from company to company, from 55 percent to 90 percent.Comprehensive coverage will pay for damages to your car that weren’t caused by an auto accident: Damages form theft, fire, vandalism, natural disasters, or hitting a deer all qualify. Comprehensive coverage also comes with a deductible and your insurer will only pay as much as the car was worth when it got wrecked.Because insurance companies normal will not pay you more than your coo’s book value, it’s helpful if you have a rough idea of this amount .If your car is worth less than what you’re paying for the coverage, you’re better off not having it.Neither collision nor comprehension insurance is required by any of the states, but some lenders, when the owner finances the car, nay require the purchase of collision and comprehensive in the loan agreement. Even when t is not required, collision and comprehensive coverage is highly recommended by the insurance industry, so that in the unforeseen event of damage or theft, the owner of the car can avoid heavy bills.Theft of cars is not as unusual as some people may think. Medical payments, PIP, and no-fault coverage’sMedical payments (Med pay) coverage will pay for your and your passengers’medical expenses after an accident. These expenses can arise form accidents while you’re driving your car, someone else’s car (with their permission), and injuries you or your family members incur when you’re pedestrians. The coverage will pay regardless of who is a fault, but if someone else is liable, your insurer may seek to recoup the expenses from him or her.Personal Injury Protection (PIP)coverage is an extended form of Med Pay. Pip may cover expenses that are reacted to injury, but not necessarily medical, such as lost wages, childcare and funeral costs. PIP coverage is currently required by sixteen states. If you are already insured under a good health insurance policy, then fortunately, there is no need to buy more than the minimum required amount of PIP or Med Pay insurance.Uninsured/Underinsured motorist’s coverageUninsured motorists (UM) coverage pays for your injuries of you’re stuck by a hit-and-run driver or someone who doesn’t have auto insurance. It is required in many states.Underinsured motorists (UIM) coverage will pay out if the driver who hit you causes more damage than his or her liability coverage can cover. IN some states, UM or UIM coverage will also pay for property damages.Similarly, underinsured motorists insurance will cover any damage caused when you are struck by a driver who is not insured for a sufficient amount. If you are hit, as a pedestrian, underinsured coverage will cover the expenses.Add-on featuresSeveral supplemental auto coverage is available, either as separate premium items or included in augmented policies.Rental reimbursement, a common add-on, covers vehicle rentals required because your car is damaged or stolen.Coverage for towing and labor charges in case of a broad breakdown is also common.Gap coverage for your new car will pay the difference between the actual cash value you receive for the car and the amount left on your car loan if your vehicle is totaled in an accident.Basic auto insurance is required by virtually every state. Proof of insurance is requiredat different items throughout the life of a vehicle. You may be asked for proof of insurance at any and al of these items: at vehicle registration, at the time of an accident, and any time when driving the vehicle. It is suggested that the owner of the car keeps proof of insurance in the car at all times, instead of on his or her person, so that it can be available at all times, no matter who is driving.Any violations of state law regarding auto insurance could result in, at best, a hefty fine, and at worst, suspension of your driver’s license and/or time in jail. The dire consequences of driving while uninsured are not worth the neglect of paying for insurance. The chance that an uninsured driver wills detection is slim; he is likely being caught and strictly punished.The benefits with auto insuranceStandard BenefitsStandard benefits count in Lifetime guarantee on all paint and bodywork repairs, Courtesy car, 24-hour Claims Helpline, and Immediate authorization of repairs, Emergency overnight accommodation, Cover for personal effects, Cover for legal advice, medical advice and post-accident counseling.Available as Optional ExtrasAvailable as optional extras count in Maximum No Claim Bonus for Life, Legal Assistance, Travel Accident Plan and Breakdown Cover such as roadside, recovery and home call.The benefits are different with the level of coverage you choose.You can select the cover that sits your knees, form:Third Party only-third party liability protection for injury or damage insured drivers may cause to others or their propertyThird Party Fire and Theft-fire and theft cover for your car and third party liability protection for injury or damage insured drivers may cause to others or their property Comprehensive-loss or damage cover for your car and third party liability protection for injury or damage insured drivers may cause to others or their propertyYou may add the following optional extras to any of the above covers;1) Maximum No Claim Bonus for Life2) Legal Assistance Plan3) Breakdown Cover4) Travel Accident PlanSome Key Benefits in a little More DetailWe’ve outlined the range of benefits you can earn above. Now let us explain in a little more detail just what some of those benefits mean to you:1) 24 Hour Claims HelplineWhen you’ve ha d an accident or loss calls our Claims Helpline. Speak to friendly and efficient experts 24 hours a day2) For Immediate Authorization of Repairs (Comprehensive Only)Following an accident covered by your policy, if you choose to have the repairs carried out by one of our Recommended Repairers, we can arrange for them to be authorized straight away. Or repairers are all thoroughly checked to make sure that their work is of a consistently high standard. Ad proof, all paint and bodywork repairs carried out by our repairers are guaranteed for the lifetime of the car3) Special Discount through the Glass Helpline And 24-hour Glass ReplacementIf you have our Comprehensive Cover, any repairs will be free of charge. If repairs aren’t possible then you’ll get a replacement but will have to pay the windscreen excess which is shown under’ Own Damage Excess’ in your schedule. If you decide not to claim, or have another type of cover, you will receive a special discount from our suppliers.4) Vehicle RepairsWhere your policy provides cover for damage to your vehicle, we have a network of Recommended Repairers who will collect and redeliver your vehicle. Where provided for under your policy, they will also provide a courtesy car to keep our mobile. The repair process will commence immediately the vehicle arrives on their premises. To ensure there is no effect on any existing warranty you may have, they provide a Lifetime Guarantee on all paint and bodywork repairs.。