
第2题:[10分]以下两题任选一题解答:(i)设Y1,...,Y n为一列独立同分布存在期望的随机变量。
令X1=Y1+···+Y nn ,X2=Y1+···+Y n−1n−1,...,X n−1=Y1+Y22,X n=Y1。
试说明X1,X2,...,X n是一个鞅序列。
令X n表示第n次取放球操作后罐子中黑球所占比例。
试说明(X n)是一个鞅序列。
第3题:[10分]设A 为自然数集合的一个子集,且lim n →∞|A ∩{1,...,n }|n=δ。
对s >1,令P s (A )=∑n ∈A n −s∑∞n =1n−s 。
求证:lim s →1+P s (A )=δ。
第4题:[15分]设(Ω,F ,P )为一个概率空间,G 为F 的子σ-代数,X ∈L 1(Ω,F ,P ),Y ∈L 1(Ω,G ,P )。
试说明Y ≤E (X |G )几乎必然成立当且仅当∫G (Y −X )dP ≤0对所有G ∈G 成立。
如果条件Y ∈L 1(Ω,G ,P )被替换为Y ∈L 1(Ω,F ,P ),请判断前述结论是否仍成立。

课程答案网课刷课f ly in gj gh班级号________________ 学号______________ 姓名 课程名称 大学物理 成绩注意:(1)试卷共三张;(2)填空题空白处写上关键式子,可参考给分,计算题要列出必要的方程和解题的关键步骤;(3)不要将订书钉拆掉;(4)第四张为草稿纸。
一、填空题(62分)1、(本小题4分)如图所示,质量分别为1m 和2m 的两滑块A 和B 通过一轻弹簧水平连结后置于水平桌面上,滑块与桌面间的动摩擦因数均为m ,系统在水平向右拉力的作用下匀速运动,如突然撤消拉力,则刚撤消后瞬间,滑块A 加速度大小为 。
2、(本小题4分)如图所示,质量为m 的物体位于直立的轻弹簧正上方h 处,从静止开始下落。
若弹簧的劲度系数为k ,不考虑空气阻力,物体能获得的最大动能是 。
3、(本小题3分)一质点做匀速率圆周运动,速率为v ,周期为T ,则在 t =3T /4时间内,该质点位移的大小为 。
4、(本小题6分)如图所示,有一小球在某液体中竖直下落,在0t =时刻,小球的速度为0v j r (j r 为方向向下之单位矢量),它在液体中的加速度为a kvj =-r r,k 为一正值常量。
则小球速率v 随时间变化关系为 ;从0t =时刻开始,小球经历的路程s 随时间变化关系为 。
上 海 交 通 大 学 试 卷(物理144A 卷)( 2013 至 2014 学 年 第 2 学 期 试 卷 2014年6月23日)vr 1m 2m课程答案网课刷课f ly in gj gh5、(本小题4分)0的超声波,当汽车向波源行驶时,与波源安装在一起的接收器接收到从汽车反射回来的波的频率为r n 。
已知空气中的声速为u ,则车速为 。
6、(本小题4分)设有一水平的匀质圆盘,其质量为M ,半径为R ,可绕过圆心竖直轴转动。
初始时圆盘静止,然后有一质量为m 的人从静止开始相对圆盘以恒速率u 沿圆盘边缘行走,则在地面参考系中圆盘角速度大小为 (人可看成质点处理)。

1上海交通大学《高等数学》2006-2007 学年期末考试及答案一、 单项选择题 (每小题3分, 共 15分) 1. 设 xoy 平面上区域D ={(x , y )| x 2+y2≤1, y ≥ x }, D 1 是D 在第一象限的部分, 则∫∫(xy 3 +sin 2 x sin y )dxdy 等于 ( )D(A ) 2 ∫∫ sin 2 x sin ydxdy ; D (C ) 4 ∫∫ (xy 3 + sin 2 x sin y )dxdy ;D 解 ∫∫(xy 3 + sin 2 x sin y )dxdyD= ∫∫ xy 3dxdy + ∫∫ sin 2x s in y dxdyD D= 2 ∫∫ sin 2x sin ydxdyD 答案: A(B ) 2 ∫∫ xy 3dxdy ;D (D ) 0 .2. 设 Ω ={(x , y , z ) | x 2+ y 2+ z2≤ 1}, 则三重积分∫∫∫e xdv = ( )Ω(A ) ; (B ) π; (C ); (D ) 2π .解 1 e xdv >dv = π, 排除答案 A 、 B ; 猜: C 或 De |x | : 1 → 2.718, 3π/ 4π = 1.125, 2π/ 4π= 1.52 3 3答案: D解 2 ∫∫∫ e xdv = ∫1 dx ∫∫ e xdydzΩ y 2 +z 2 ≤1−x 2= ∫1πe x (1 − x 2 )dx = 2π∫01e x (1 − x 2 )dx= −2π+4π∫01xe x dx= −2π+4πe − 4π(e − 1) = 2π答案: D解 3 ∫∫∫e xdv = ∫∫∫e zdv = ∫02πd θ∫0ππππd ϕ∫01eρcos ϕρ2sin ϕd ρΩ Ω= 2π∫0ππππd ϕ∫01eρcos ϕρ2sin ϕd ρD 1111π= 2π∫1d ρ[∫02 e ρcos ϕρ2 sin ϕd ϕ+∫ππππππππe −ρcos ϕρ2sin ϕd ϕ] 2= 2π∫01d ρ[ −ρe ρcos ϕ02 +ρe −ρcos ϕ|ϕϕ=ππππππππ] 2= 4π∫01ρ(e ρ − 1)d ρ= 2π答案: D3. 设 F = y i + zj + x k ,则 rot F = ( )(A )i + j + k ; (B )−( i + j + k ); (C )i − j + k ; (D )−i + j − k .解 rot F = ∂ ∂ ∂( −1, −1, −1)答案: B4. 幂级数x n 在收敛域[ −1,1) 上的和函数s (x ) = ( )(A )ln(1 − x ); (B )− ln(1 − x ); (C )− ; (D )−x ln(1 − x ) .解x n = xx n −1 = x ∫0x(x n −2 )dx= x ∫0x()dx = −x ln(1 − x )答案: D1,π 0 ≤ x <2≤ x ≤π展开成正弦级数, 其和函数s (x ) =b n sin nx , 则s (−) =(A ) −1; (B ) −2;(C ) 1;( )(D ) 2 .解 s (− 9π) = s (−π) = −s (π) = − 1 + 3= −22 2 2 2 答案: B二、 填空题 (每小题3分, 共 15分) 6. 设 u = z +,则div (grad u ) = .∂x ∂y ∂zϕ=π5. 设函数f (x ) = 45 − x , π解 div (grad u ) = div (x , y,1)x 2 + y 2 x 2 + y 2x 2 + y 2 − x ⋅ x x 2 + y 2 − y ⋅y= ( x 2 + y 2 ) + ( x 2 + y 2 ) + 0y 2 + x 2 1= =7. 设 f (x ) 是连续函数,F (t ) = ∫∫∫ f (x 2 + y 2 + z 2 )dv ,F ′(t ) = .x 2 +y 2 +z 2 ≤t 2解 F (t ) = 2π⋅ 2 ⋅ ∫0tf (ρ2 )ρ2d ρ, F ′(t ) = 4πt 2 f (t 2)8. 设 C 为曲线x = e t cos t , y = e t sin t , z = e t 上对应于t 从0 变到2 的这段弧, 则曲线积分ds = .解 该积分 = ∫02dt= ∫02dt =(1 − e −2)9. 全微分方程(x +y − 1)dx +(e y +x )dy = 0 的通解为 .解 1 (x + y − 1)dx + (e y + x )dy = 0⇒ (x − 1)dx +(ydx +xdy )+e y dy = 0⇒ d () +d (xy )+d (e y ) = 0⇒ 通解:+xy +e y = C解 2 u = ∫(x + y − 1)dx + (e y + x )dy= ∫0x(x − 1)dx + ∫0y(e y+x )dy=+ xy +e y − 1⇒ 通解:+xy +e y − 1 = Cx 2 + y 2 x 2 + y 2(x 2 + y 2 ) x 2 + y 2 x 2 + y 210. 级数 的敛散性为 .解 un +1 == n + 1 = 1, 收敛u n n ! (2n + 1)(2n + 2) 2(2n )!三、计算下列各题 (第 1小题6分, 第2 小题8分, 共 14分) 11. 设 z 是方程x +y − z = e z所确定的x , y 的隐函数, 求∂2z解 ∂z = − 1 = 1 ∂z = − 1 =1 ∂x −1 − e z 1 + e z,∂y −1 − e z 1 +e z= () y = −= − = −12. 计算曲面z = y 2 − x 2 夹在圆柱面x 2 +y 2 = 1 和x 2 +y 2 = 9 之间部分 的面积.解 1 +2+ 2=, 则所求面积I = ∫∫dxdy1≤x 2 +y 2 ≤9 = ∫02πd θ∫13rdr= 2π⋅ (1 + 4r 2 ) |13 = (37 − 5)四、计算下列各题 (每小题 10分, 共30分)13. 计算曲线积分(x +e sin y )dy − (y − )dx , 其中C 是位于第一象限中的直线x +y = 1 与位于第二象限中的圆弧x 2 +y 2 = 1 构成的曲线, 方向从A (1, 0) 经过B (0,1), 再到C (−1, 0) .解 L : y = 0, 方向从(−1, 0) 到(1, 0), 并记C + L 所围区域为D , 则所求曲线积分I = −∫C +L L= 2dxdy − ∫−1 2dx∂x ∂y .1 1π π2 214. 试求参数λ, 使当曲线C 落在区域D ={(x , y )| y > 0}时, 曲线积分(x 2 +y 2 )λdx −(x 2 +y 2 )λdy 与路径无关, 并求u (x , y ) = ∫(x 2 + y 2 )λdx −(x 2 + y 2 )λdy .解 记P =(x 2 + y 2)λ, Q = −(x 2 + y 2)λ, 则∂P2λxy 2 (x 2 + y 2)λ−1− x (x 2 + y 2)λ=∂Q 2x (x 2 + y2)λ+ 2λx 3 (x 2 + y 2)λ−1= −= ⇒ 2λxy 2 + x (x 2 + y 2 ) + 2λx 3 = 0⇒λ= −解 1 = ⇒ u =+ϕ(y )= −及 u (0,1) = 0 ⇒ u =− 1解 2 u (x , y ) = ∫dx −dy= ∫1y0dy + ∫0xdxx 2 + y 2y15. 求 ∫∫2xzdydz + yzdzdx − z 2dxdy , 其中Σ 为Σz = 与 z = 所围立体表面的外侧.解 记Σ 所围立体为Ω, 则∫∫ 2xzdydz + yzdzdx − z 2dxdy = ∫∫∫ zdxdydzΣ Ω∂x y 2∂P ∂Q∂y ∂x ∂y y 2= − 1= + 1 − 1 == zdz dxdy +∫ 22 2zdz dxdyx 2 +y 2 ≤z 2 x 2 +y 2 ≤8 −z 2= ∫02z ⋅πz 2dz + 2z ⋅π(8 − z 2 )dz = 8π 五、(本题 10 分) 16. 将函数f (x ) =展开为x − 1 的幂级数.解 f (x ) =4x − 3 = 2 +12 1 1= ⋅ −3 1 +1 − (x − 1)= −n(x − 1)n −(x − 1)n=( −1)nn +1− 1 (x − 1)n, 0 < x < 2六、(本题8 分) 17. 设 f (x ) =(x − 1)n , 求f (n ) (1) .解 f (x ) = (x − 1)nf (k ) (1) =, (k = 0,1, 2, )f (n ) (1) == e −1七、(本题8 分)18. 设 f (x ) 在(−1,1) 内具有三阶连续导数, 且f ′′′(0) ≠ 0, 证明: 级数∞ 1 1绝对收敛.(2x +1)(x − 2) 2x +1 x − 22 1 2(x − 1) +3 (x − 1) − 1 = + 证明 lim x →∑ {n [f ( ) − f ( − )] − 2f ′(0)}n =1 n n( )( ) = lim = > 0→ lim n f n 1 − f − n 1− 2f ' 0= f ''' 0 > 0f (x ) − f ( −x ) − 2xf '(0) f ′(x ) + f ′( −x ) − 2f '(0) f ′′(x ) − f ′′( −x ) ( ) ( )x →0 6 3( ) n →∞ 1 32故由级数收敛, 可知级数∞ 1 1n lim 3 x →0 xlim 2 ∑ {n [f ( ) − f ( − )] − 2f ′(0)}n =1 n n绝对收敛.x →0 3x limx →0 6x ===f ′′′ x + f ′′′ −x f ''' 0。

大学英语(一)期末考试样卷课程名称:大学英语(一)届别专业:试卷类型:教学站(点):学号:姓名:注意:1. 请把所有客观题答案涂写在答题卡正面,主观题答案写在答题卡背面,否则无效。
2. 考试结束后,请将试题纸与答题卡分开一起交给监考人员。
1. — Hi, is Mary there, please?—_____________.A. Hold on. I’l l get herB. No, she isn’t hereC. Yes, she lives hereD. Yes, what do you want2. — Is _______ here?— No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.A. anybodyB. somebodyC. everybodyD. nobody页脚内容13.— Can you turn down the radio, please?—____________.A. Oh, I knowB. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loudC. I’ll keep it down next timeD. Please forgive me4.— Can I have a look at your passport?—_____________.A. It is hereB. Here is itC. Here you areD. No, you can’t5. —Hurry up please, or I’ll be late.—____________.A. Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick nowB. Well, it’s alright, sirC. How can you say that, sir?页脚内容2D. Oh, we are going the right wayPart II. Vocabulary & Structure (共10题)1. Now many people prefer ____ in cities to ____ in the country.A. to live... living B. to live (iv)C. living... living D. living (iv)2. A dark suit is _____ to a light one for evening wear.A. favorableB. suitableC. preferableD. proper3. Applicants for the job must have _____ experience.A. presentB. preciseC. preciousD. previous4. A ____ school is the first school you go to.A. primaryB. principalC. preciousD. previous5. Our country makes good work conditions a(n) _____.A. pioneerB. anxietyC. priorityD. variety页脚内容3Part III. Reading Comprehension (3篇)Passage 1Size is not a standard in our definition of what consists of a country. A country need only be an independent state, with clear territorial lines, and its own government. This is a true benefit for Vatican City as it holds the title of being the smallest country in the world.Before 1870, however, political control by papal governments in central Italy spread for about 1600 square miles. In 1870, in a shift of political power, the Kingdom of Italy established Rome as the national capital, took political power from the papal governments, and absorbed the "Papal States" into its territory.A 1929 Agreement reached by the Italian government and the Pope established Vatican City as a country. All 0.17 square miles of it! Gradually the country has gained recognition by establishing political ties with other countries.Vatican City is the official location of the Catholic Church, and its head, the Pope, rules through a governor. This small-scale country has its own flag, coins its own coins, runs its own postal, transportation, telephone systems, and radio station.This country primarily supports itself through contributions from Catholics around the world, and through tourism. Safely placed within Vatican City lie some of the worlds' most valuable of riches: the Gardens, St. Peter's Basilica, and the Vatican Palace, which houses the Vatican Library, and the Pope himself.1. What's special about Vatican City?页脚内容4A. It's regarded as the most beautiful country in the world.B. It's the location of the United Nations.C. It has a variety of nationalities.D. It is the smallest country in the world.2. The "Papal States" was absorbed into the territory of the Kingdom of Italy___________.A. in 1870B. in 1929C. before 1870D. in 1870s3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Vatican City only has 1.7 square miles.B. The head of Vatican City is the Pope, who rules by himself.C. Vatican City can coin its own coins and run its own postal systems.D. As soon as Vatican City was established it gained recognition by other countries.4. Vatican City primarily supports itself through___________.A. tourismB. contributions from Catholics页脚内容5C. taxD. both A and B5. The Pope usually stay at___________.A. the Vatican PalaceB. St. Peter's BasilicaC. the GardensD. the Pope's officePassage 2If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago, we should probably have to say that we could not remember. But if we had kept a book and had written in it an account of what we did each day, we should be able to give an answer to the question.It is the same in history. Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them. Sometimes men did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country, but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never any written record at all because the people of that time and place did not know how to write. For example, we know a good deal about the people who lived in China 4,000 years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after them. But we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa, because they had not learned to write.Sometimes, of course, even if the people cannot write, they may know something of the past. They have heard about it from older people, and often songs and dances and stories have been页脚内容6made about the most important happenings, and these have been sung and acted and told for many generations. For most people are proud to tell what their fathers did in the past. This we may call ‘remembered history'. Some of it has now been written down. It is not so exact or so valuable to us as written history is, because words are much more easily changed when used again and again in speech than when copied in writing. But where there are no written records, such spoken stories are often very helpful.1. Which of the following ideas is not suggested in the passage?A. "Remembered history", compared with written history, is less reliable.B. Written records of the past play the most important role in our learning of the human history.C. A written account of our daily activities helps us to be able to answer many questions.D. Where there are no written records, there is no history.2. We know very little about the central Africa 200 years ago because ___.A. there was nothing worth being written down at that timeB. the people there ignored the importance of keeping a recordC. the written records were perhaps destroyed by a fireD. the people there did not know how to write3. "Remembered history" refers to ___.A. history based on a person's imagination页脚内容7B. stories of important happenings passed down from mouth to mouthC. songs and dances about the most important eventsD. both B and C4. "Remembered history" is regarded as valuable only when ___.A. it is written downB. no written account is availableC. it proves to be trueD. people are interested in it5. The passage suggests that we could have learned much more about our past than we do now if the ancient people had ___.A. kept a written record of every past eventB. not burnt their written records in warsC. told exact stories of the most important happeningsD. made more songs and dancesPart IV. Cloze(1篇)The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world. Owning springs and streams sometimes means control, 1 in the dry areas like the desert. The control is possible页脚内容8even without possession of large areas of 2 land. In the early days of the American West, gun fights were not 3 for the water resources. And laws had to be 4 to protect the water rights of the 5 and the use of the water resources accordingly. 6 is known to us all, there is not 7 water in all places for everyone to use as much as he likes. Deciding on the 8 of water that will be used in any particular period 9 careful planning, so that people can manage and use water more 10 .1. A. particularly B. distantly C. scarcely D. specially2. A. fine B. beautiful C. rich D. poor3. A. unlawful B. unacceptableC. unpopularD. uncommon4. A. made B. designed C. signed D. written5. A. winners B. settlers C. fighters D. supporters6. A. That B. It C. What D. As7. A. plentiful B. enough C. any D. much8. A. type B. quality C. amount D. Level9.A. requests B. requires C. offers D. suggests10. A. effectively B. easily C. conveniently D. activelyPart V. Translation (3句)请写在答题卡背面31. Do you have anything to say?页脚内容932. What can I do for you?33. I am very much interested in sports.Part VI. Writing 请写在答题卡背面请按照以下提纲写一篇不少于80词的英语作文。

图11.植物生长与气候变化密切相关,在气温变化较稳定的前提下,图2中表示①②③三个时间段逐年降水量的图依次是甲乙丙图2A 甲、乙、丙B 丙、乙、甲C 乙、甲、丙D 丙、甲、乙2.该树生长地点可能在A 30°S,118°EB 23.5°N,130°EC 44°S,173°ED 30°N,118°E3.该树生长地区所属自然带可能为A 亚寒带针叶林带B 亚热带常绿硬叶林带C 热带雨林带D 温带草原带近年来,我国房地产业发展迅速,越来越多的居民乔迁新居,居住条件和环境显著改善。
②tg35°≈0.7 tg45°=1 tg60°≈1.7324.房地产开发商在某城市(北纬30度)建造了两幢商品住宅楼(图3),某户居民买到了北楼一层的一套房子,于春节前住进后发现正午前后太阳光线被南楼挡住。

目录线性代数试卷(A)2004-06-16 (2)线性代数03-04学年第2学期期末考试参考答案 (8)线性代数试卷(A) 2003-12-31 (11)线性代数2003-2004学年度第1学期期末考试参考答案 (17)线性代数试卷(A) 2005-06-22 (20)线性代数(04-05-2)期末试卷(A)参考答案 (26)线性代数试卷(A) 2004-12-29 (30)线性代数(04-05-1)期末试卷(A)参考答案 (36)线性代数试卷(A卷)2006-06-21 (39)线性代数参考答案 (45)线性代数(B)试卷----A卷2006-1-4 (48)线性代数(B)(05-06-1)期末试卷(A)参考答案 (54)线性代数(C) 试卷----A卷2006-1-4 (57)线性代数(C)(05-06-1)期末试卷(A)参考答案 (63)上海交通大学线 性 代 数 试 卷(A ) 2004-06-16姓名____________班级___ _______学号______________得分一、选择题(每题3分,共15分) 1. 设n 阶行列式D =nija ,j i A 是D 中元素j i a 的代数余子式,则下列各式中正确的是 (A) 01=∑=ni ij ij A a ;(B) 01=∑=nj ij ij A a ;(C) D A a nj ij ij =∑=1;(D) D A a ni i i =∑=1212. n 阶实对称矩阵A 和B 相似的充分必要条件是(A) A 与B 都有n 个线性无关的特征向量; (B) )()(B r A r =;(C) A 和B 的主对角线上的元素的和相等; (D) A 与B 的n 个特征值都相等3. 设1α,2α,3α,4α是齐次线性方程组0=Ax 的一个基础解系,则下列向量组 中不再是0=Ax 的基础解系的为________________ (A) 1α,1α+2α,1α+2α+3α,1α+2α+3α+4α; (B) 1α+2α,2α+3α,3α+4α,4α-1α; (C) 1α+2α,2α-3α,3α+4α,4α+1α; (D) 1α+2α,2α+3α,3α+4α,4α+1α4. 设方程组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=++=--=++222513321321321x x x b x x x x x x 有无穷多组解,则必有_______________(A) b =1 (B) b =-1 (C) b =2 (D) b =-2 5. 设向量组[Ⅰ]是向量组[Ⅱ]的线性无关的部分向量组,则____ ___(A) 向量组[Ⅰ]是[Ⅱ]的极大线性无关组 (B) 向量组[Ⅰ]与[Ⅱ]的秩相等(C) 当[Ⅰ]中向量均可由[Ⅱ]线性表出时,向量组[Ⅰ],[Ⅱ]等价 (D) 当[Ⅱ]中向量均可由[Ⅰ]线性表出时,向量组[Ⅰ],[Ⅱ]等价 二、填空题(每题3分,共15分)1.设 1-,5,λ 是矩阵⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛----=120222023A 的特征值,则λ= ,A 对应三个特征值的特征向量是 ,且(选填;线性无关,线性相关,相互正交,相互不正交)2.设A 为n 阶可对角化矩阵,且n E A r <-)(,则A 必有特征值λ= ; 且其重数为 ,其对应的线性无关的特征向量有 个 3.已知实二次型),,(321x x x f = 31212322212232x x x x x x x ++++λ是正定二次型, 则参数λ的取值范围为4.设23A ⨯为矩阵,已知⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=0211ξ,⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=1032ξ都是齐次线性方程组0=AX 的解,则矩阵A = (答案不唯一) 5.设A 为n 阶可逆阵,且E A A ||2=,则*A =三、计算题(每题9分,共54分)1. 试求行列式 ||A ,||B ,||C ,其中,A ,B 为 n 阶方阵⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+++=x x xA 111111111 ,⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=n B00020001,⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=00B A C2. 已知线性方程组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=++=-=+bx ax x x x x x 321312111,(1)常数b a ,取何值时,方程组有无穷多解、唯一解、无解?(2)当方程组有无穷多解时,求出其通解.3.设4阶方阵C B A ,,满足方程 11)2(--=-C A B C E T ,试求矩阵A ,其中1232120101230120,0012001200010001B C --⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪⎪-⎪⎪== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭4.求正交变换y Q x =,用此正交变换将以下实二次型化为标准形),,(321x x x f =121323222x x x x x x ++5.设34()2,A r A ⨯=为矩阵,且已知非齐次线性方程组 Ax b = 的三个解为1η=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-2011, 2η=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-4112, 3η=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-11354,求:(1) 齐次线性方程组0Ax =的通解;(2) 非齐次线性方程组Ax b =的通解6.设线性空间3R 中的向量组为1α=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--221,2α=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-031,3α=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-601,4α=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-283,1β=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-210,2β=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛--652(1)求由1α,2α,3α,4α生成的子空间L(1α,2α,3α,4α)的维数与一个基; (2)从1β,2β中选出属于L(1α,2α,3α,4α)的向量,并求出它们在(1)中所选的基下的坐标。

选择题填空题问答题思考题名词解释模拟试题A B D 促使阴道上皮细胞增生3.关于胎盘功能,下列哪项是错误的? BA 免疫球蛋白G可通过胎盘,使胎儿出生后短期内具免疫力B 具良好的防御功能,细菌与病毒均不能通过C分泌大量雌、孕激素参与母体孕期各系统改变D 合体细胞产生大量胎盘生乳素4.正常妊娠期循环系统及血液系统的变化,哪项是错误的? CA. 血容量增加较多,红细胞增加较少,血液稀释B. 妊娠期血液处于高凝状态C. 血压随妊娠周期逐渐上升D. 妊娠期可闻及生理性收缩期吹风样杂音5.产妇分娩时胎盘滞留,行人工剥离胎盘,产后一周出现寒战、高热,持续下腹痛,放射至腹股沟及肋脊角,检查下腹软,但有左侧深压痛,子宫活动受限,左下肢疼痛伴明显水肿,最可能的诊断是: DA. 急性输卵管炎B. 急性盆腔结缔组织炎C. 急性盆腔腹膜炎D.急性血栓性静脉炎6.妊娠合并心脏病者,下列哪项不是早期心衰体征: DA. 轻微活动后有胸闷气急及心悸感B. 休息时心率超过110次/分C. 阵发夜间呼吸困难D. 肺底湿罗音,咳嗽后消失7.关于前置胎盘,下述何项处理正确:DA. 有阴道出血者,止血、输血等,待到37周后终止妊振B. 肛查了解宫口开大情况以决定分娩方式C. 凡胎儿死亡均从阴道分娩D. 如有大出血,不论胎龄大小立即行剖宫产术8.产后出血下列哪项是错误的?AA胎盘娩出后24小时内阴道出血达500毫升以上B子宫收缩乏力是产后出血最常见的原因C休克时间长可发生垂体前叶功能减退D失血可使产妇抵抗力减低,成为产后感染的诱因9. 中骨盆狭窄的主要影响是:BA胎头跨耻征阳性B引起持续性枕后位或枕横位C胎膜早破D宫缩异常10.目前认为,羊水栓塞最根本的病理生理是:BA. 肺动脉高压B. 过敏性休克C. 急性肾功能衰竭D. 急性DIC11.一新生儿娩出后,心率95次/分,呼吸浅慢不规则,躯干红,四肢青紫,吸液刺激喉部略有动作,四肢稍屈,Apgar评分是: CA 7分B 6分C 5分D 4分12.关于妊娠期糖尿病下列哪项是错误的? CA孕妇易合并感染B 孕妇易发生酮症酸中毒C 是剖宫产的指征D巨大儿发生率增加13.31岁,产后9月,在哺乳,产后未转经,少量阴道出血10天,突发右下腹痛1小时来院,面色苍白,全腹压痛,有宫颈举痛,子宫常大,右附件及边界不清块物直径约3公分,有触痛,尿HCG弱阳性,可能是何种疾病: DA. 急性阑尾炎B. 难免流产C. 卵巢囊肿蒂扭转D. 宫外孕14.慢性盆腔炎的病理变化不包括: DA 慢性子宫内膜炎B 输卵管积水C 输卵管卵巢囊肿D Fitz-Hugh-Curtis综合征15.子宫内膜异位症最常发生在: CA. 子宫肌层内B. 子宫直肠陷凹C. 卵巢D. 子宫骶骨韧带16. 女,26岁,初潮14岁,正常。

上 海 交 通 大 学 理 论 力 学 试 卷 答 案 (51学时)1. 平衡系统由杆OA ﹑杆AD ﹑杆CD ﹑杆BC 和杆EG 组成,如图所示。
端O 为固定支座,A ﹑B ﹑C ﹑D ﹑E ﹑G 处为理想圆柱铰链。
图示位置OA ﹑AD 和BC 水平,CD 铅垂。
已知:2m OA AD CD BC ====, 杆AD 上作用一力偶,力偶矩大小为M = 2N.m 。
杆OA 上作用线性分布载荷, A 处的载荷集度为4 N/m 。
铰链E 和G 分别位于AD 和CD 的中点。
求:(1) 杆EG 的内力 (2) 固定支座O 处的约束力和约束力偶矩。
(20分)解:取AD ,CD ,EG 和BC 的一段为研究对象:()20ABC m F M =-=¥F , 1N BC F =0XAX BC F F F =-+=¥, 1N AX F =0YAY FF ==¥, 0AY F =取CD 以及EG 和BC的一段为研究对象:()20D BC EGm F F =-=¥F, N EG F =取OA 为研究对象:0XOX AXFF F ᄁ=+=¥, 1N OX F =-CDCqD0YOY FF Q =-=¥, 4NOY F Q ==4()03O O m M Q =-=¥F , 416N.m 33OM Q ==2. 如图所示,杆AO 和杆AB 重量不计,铰O 为固定铰支座,杆OA 与杆AB 以圆柱铰A 铰接,杆AB 的端B 搁置在粗糙的地面上,端B的极限摩擦系数为4。
杆AO 和杆AB 的长度均为l 。
大小为W 的集中载荷作用点在杆AB 的点C ,令点C 与点B 的距离为x ,杆AB 上作用一水平力F,大小为2W 。
求系统平衡时x 的范围。
(20分)F’AX==A2WA杆OA 是两力杆,设OA F 为两力杆的内力,取杆AB 为研究对象,对B点取矩1()022B OA xm F l F W=-+=¥v ,得到 OA xF W l=ᅲ0yN FF W =-=¥, N F W=当B点处于右滑的临界状态024X OA N F F F F W l m =-+=-+=�¥解得:4lx =当B点处于左滑的临界状态024X OA N F F F F W l m =--=--=�¥解得:34x l =系统平衡时x 的范围:1344l x l ᆪᆪA3. 如图所示,圆弧杆B 1搁置在高为h 的平台上。
上海交通大学20032004学年《无机与分析化学》期终考试(中医药大学 节选)

上海交通大学《无机及分析化学》期终考试试卷(节选)(2003-2004学年第一学期)中医药大学班级学号姓名任课教师题号一二三四五成绩得分一、单项选择题 15%()1、某溶液的pH=0.04,则其中H+的浓度为:A、 0.912mol/LB、0.91mol/LC、0.9mol/LD、1.1 mol/L()2、将BaSO4分别放置于纯水、1.0mol/L NaCl、1.0mol/L BaCl2三种溶液中,溶解度分别为s1、s2、s3;则三者的关系为:A、s1 > s2 >s3B、s3 > s1 > s2C、s2 > s1 >s3D、s2 > s3 > s1()3、下列电极反应中,若其他条件不变,将有关的离子浓度减少一倍,则电极电势增加的是:A、Fe3++e- Fe2+B、 Ag++e-AgC、2H++2e-H2(g)D、 Cl2(g)+2e-2Cl-()4、用EDTA标准溶液滴定金属离子M,若要求测定相对误差小于0.1%,则准确滴定的条件是:A、 lg[c(M)·K(MY)]≥6B、 lg[c(M)·K'(MY)]≥6C、c(M)·K(MY)≥6D、c(M)·K'(MY)≥6()5、 MnO4—与H2O2反应很慢,但一旦反应开始后,反应会逐渐加快,这是因为:A、诱导效应B、加和效应C、自动催化效应D、催化作用()6、在AgCl白色沉淀中加入KI溶液,沉淀的颜色发生了变化,其原因是:A、发生分步沉淀B、发生沉淀的转化C、沉淀溶解D、生成配合物()7、已知HCN的Ka为4.93×10-10,则其共轭碱的碱常数K b为(A) 4.93×10-10, (B) 2.03×10-5, (C) 2.03×10-10, (D) 9.86×10-10()8、下列磷酸盐溶液中pH最小的是(A) 0.10 mol/dm3 Na3PO4, (B) 0.10 mol/dm3 Na2HPO4(C) 0.10 mol/dm3 NaH2PO4, (D) 0.20 mol/dm3 NaH2PO4()9、0.10 mol/dm3弱酸溶液的pH是(a) 小于1, (b) 大于1, (c) 等于1, (d) 不能确定()10、根据ϕ (Fe3+/Fe2+)=0.77 V,ϕ (Sn2+/Sn)=-0.14 V,ϕ (Cu2+/Cu)=0.34V,判断下列不能共存的物质是:A Cu2+和Fe2+B Cu2+ 和Fe3+C Cu2+和SnD Cu和Fe2+二、填空题 20%1、命名或写出配合物的化学式[Al(H 2O)(NH 3)(OH)2]Cl ; K 3[Co(CN)6] ;六氰合铁(II )酸铁 ;一氯·一硝基·一氨合铂(II ) 。

《大学英语》期末测试上海交通大学2021~2022学年第一学期题I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one thatbest completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.Grammarians insist that a word be a __________form that can function in a sentence.()A.smallrgeC.fixedD.free2.In the earliest stage of English,the written form of a word should ________that of the oralform.()A.agree withB.disagree withC.be the same asD.be different from3.____________consists of technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas as inmedicine,mathematics,etc.()A.TerminologyB.JargonC.SlangD.Argot4.Social,economic and political changes bring about such new words as the followingsEXCEPT_________.()A.fast food dinnerC.Mao jacketsD.Watergate5.Reviving archaic words also contributes to the growth of English vocabulary.For instance,“loan”,which was prevalent in the thirteenth century,was replaced by “__________”in American English.()A.ownB.letC.rentD.lend6.If we say that Old English was a language of __________endings,Middle English was one ofleveled endings.()A.fullB.shortC.longD.paralleled7.The plural morpheme“-s”is pronounced as /z/in the following words EXCEPT______________.()A.bottlesB.eggs班级:___________姓名:______________得分:_______________—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————C.zoosD.maps8.There is/are_____________free morphemic word(s)in the following words:wind,man, reddish,collection.()A.lB.2C.3D.49.The following words have inflectional affixes EXCEPT____________.()A.likesB.dislikeC.likingD.liked10.The most productive means of word-formation are the following EXCEPT_______________.() A.affixation B.blendingpoundingD.conversion11.Prefixes generally do not change the__________of the stem.()A.meaningB.formC.word classD.pronunciation12.The word“dorm”is formed by_________clipping.()A.backB.frontC.phraseD.front and back13.The word“reading-lamp”is_______motivated.()A.onomatopoeicallyB.morphologicallyC.semanticallyD.etymologically14.The synonymous pair of“ask-question”has the same___________.()A.motivationB.valueC.functionD.concept15.In the sentence“East or west,home is best”,“home”has its__________meaning of“family, safety,love”,etc.()A.grammaticalB.connotativeC.stylisticD.collocative16.Semantically,a word which is related to other words is related to them in____________。

试题照登上海交通大学·高等数学期末试题(A 卷)(附参考答案)2002年第一学期一、选择题(每题3分,共15分,每题选项仅有一项符合要求,把所选项前的字母填入括号内)1.f (x )在a 连续,且lim x ※a f (x )-f (a )(x -a )m =c >0,其中m 是偶数,则(B ……………………………)A .a 是f (x )的极大值点; B .a 是f (x )的极小值点;C .a 不是f (x )的极大值点;D .不能判别a 是否f (x )的极值点.2.f (x ),g (x )均为恒不为零的可微函数,且f ′(x )g (x )-g ′(x )f (x )>0,则当x >a 时,成立不等式(A ……………………………………………………………………………………………………)A .f (x )g (a )>f (a )g (x );B .f (x )g (x )>f (a )g (a );C .f (a )g (x )>f (x )g (a );D .f (a )g (a )>f (x )g (x ).3.函数f (x )=lim n ※∞n 1+x 2n 在(-∞,+∞))连续且(C ………………………………………………)A .处处可导; B .仅有一个不可导点;C .仅有二个不可导点;D .至少有三个不可导点.4.∫1-11+x sin 2x 1+x 2dx =(B ………………………………………………………………………………)A .π4 B .π2 C .π D .0.5.微分方程y ″-2y ′=xe 2x 的特解形式可设为(C ……………………………………………………)A .(ax +b )e 2x ;B .x (ax +b );C .x (ax +b )e 2x ;D .axe 2x .二、填空题(每小题3分,共15分,把答案填在题中横线上)1.f (x )=ln (1+ax b ), x ≥0,e x 2-1sin2x, x <0在x =0可导,则a =12,b =1.2.设函数y =y (x )由方程y =∫2x +y 0sin t 2dt -∫x 20e -t dt (其中x >0)所确定,则其导数dy dx =2sin (x +y )2-2xe -x 1-sin (2x +y )23.∫20x 44-x 2dx =2π.4.x ※0时,∫x 30sin 3tdt 是βχα的等价无穷小,则α= 4 β= 34 .5.f (x )为连续函数,F (x )=∫2x0f (x +t )dt ,则F ′(x )=3f (3x )-f (x ).三、计算下列积分(18分)1.∫x (e x2x x 122-12+12(6分)63Vol .6,No ,4Dec .,2003 高等数学研究STUDIES IN COLLECE MATHEMATICS2.∫π0dx 2+cos x =23arctan x 3|+∞0=π33.∫+∞2dx x 4x 2-1=12arcsin 15四、解下列方程(14分)1.(x y -x 2)y ′=y 2 e y x =cy2.y ″+2y ′+2y =4e x sin x 通解为y =12e x (sin x -cos x )+c 1e -x cos x +c 2e -x sin x 五、(14分)1.设f (x )=ln x -2x 2∫e 1f (x )xdx ,求f (x ). f (x )=ln x -e -2x 22.设f 2(x )=2∫x 0f (t )1+f ′2(t )dt -2x ,求f (x ). f (x )=1-e x六、应用题(18分)1.求心脏线r =a (1+cos θ)(a >0)上对应0≤θ≤π2的孤线段的长度,且求该弧段与射线θ=0及θ=π2所围图形绕极轴旋转所得旋转体的体积.V =52πa 32.(8分)D 是由抛物线y =2x (2-x )与x 轴所围成的区域,直线y =kx 交区域D 分为面积相等的两部分,求k 的值。

k的可能取值有多少种?()(A)2种(B)3种(C)可数无穷种(D)不可数多种1.3[3分]下面各数中哪一个没有原根?()(A)4(B)8(C)9(D)181.4[3分]最小的可以被所有判别式为−100的整正定二元二次型表出的(正)整数为哪一个?()(A)5(B)25(C)100(D)不存在1.5[3分]令A为一个正整数集合,令αn表示A中不超过n的元素的个数,并且令α˙=lim sup n→∞αnn >0。
∑a∈A 1a等于多少?()(A)π2+π4+π61−α(B)11−α2(C)∞(D)具体取值不能仅由α决定1.6[3分]225+1含有下述哪一个素因子?()(A)2(B)11(C)101(D)6411.7[3分]实数轴上是否存在一族开区间,使得每个有理数都只被其中有限个区间覆盖,每个无理数都被其中无限个区间盖住?()(A)存在(B)不存在(C)存在性与选择公理等价(D)由Godel不完全性定理可知这无法判定我承诺,我将严题号123456合计格遵守考试纪律。

E( X ) 未必存在( )
5.在一个确定的假设检验中,当样本容量确定时, 犯第一类错误的概率与犯第
二类错误的概率不能同时减少 ( )
二.选择题(15 分,每题 3 分) 1. 设每次试验成功的概率为 p (0 p 1) ,重复进行试验直到第 n 次才取
得 r (1 r n) 次成功的概率为
t 分布数值表 t0.025 (15) 2.1315 t0.05 (15) 1.7531 t0.025 (16) 2.1199 t0.05 (16) 1.7459
一. 判断题(10 分,每题 2 分) 是 非 非 非 是 .
二. 选择题(15 分,每题 3 分) (a)(d)(b)(c)(d).
故拒绝原假设 H 0 ,即认为该天的纤度的总体方差不正常 .
五、证明题 (7 分) 由题设知
X0 1 P qp
X Y 0 1 2
q 2 2 pq p 2
P( X Y 0, Z 0) q3 P( X Y 0)P(Z 0) ;
P( X Y 0 , Z 1) pq 2 P( X Y 0)P(Z 1) ;
量 X Y 与 Z 相互独立.
附表: 标准正态分布数值表
2 分布数值表
(0.28) 0.6103 (1.96) 0.975 (2.0) 0.9772 (2.5) 0.9938
2 0.05
2 0.95
2 0.05
2 0.95
P( X Y 1, Z 0) 2 pq 2 P( X Y 1)P(Z 0) ;
P( X Y 1, Z 1) 2 pq 2 P( X Y 1)P(Z 1) ;

C、 0.9mol·dm-3
D、1.1 mol·dm-3
)H3PO4 的 pKa1、pKa2、pKa3 分别是 2.12、7.12、12.32,在下列不同 pH 值的溶
液中,溶液中 HPO42-的平衡浓度最大的是:
A、 7.21
)将 BaSO4 分别放置于纯水、1.0mol·dm-3 NaCl、1.0mol·dm-3 BaCl2 三种溶
D、 Fe(II) E、 以上都不是
5、( 是:
)要想增加电池(-)Zn|ZnSO4(c1)|| CuSO4(c2)|Cu(+)的电动势,应采取的办法
A、负极通入 H2S 气体;B、正极加入 CuSO4 溶液;C、负极加水稀释;D 上述三种都可以。
H3In (紫红)
3、[Fe(CN)6]3-仅有一个单电子,而[Fe(H2O)6]3+有五个单电子。试画出在晶体场中 d 电子排布 示意图并计算晶体场稳定化能(CFSE),据此判断何种配合物更稳定。
*4、新分离的红细胞放在 0.10mol·dm-3 NaCl 中,将有何现象发生?简述其原因。(血液的
标准状态原电池符号为_________________________________________________。 标准电动势 Eθ为:__________。标准平衡常数 Kθ为:_______________________。
6、配平下列方程式: ZnS + NO3- + Cl- → ZnCl42- + NO2 + S (酸性介质) 氧化反应: