
五年级下册英语暑假作业答案外研版以下是网为大家整理的外研版五年级下册英语暑假作业答案,答案仅供参考,大家记得作业要独立完成独立思考哦!第一天暑假作业答案:一、CCCAB二、drives,car; walks; bicycle; bus能力部分bigger, with, there, like, where, happily, fine, cold, sonowman, backing第二天暑假作业答案:一.1.13,older2.123.smaller,older二.1.My name is Bob. 2.I am eleven years old. 3.I am from Britain.4.Ben is comes from Berlin.能力部分F F T F F第三天暑假作业答案:一.1.连:I like tofu.2.连:I like bananas.3.连:I like red.4.连:I like football.5.连:I like orange juice.二.cook cant Can wash No What can you do clean三.1.Who is that girl?2.She is good at Chinese.3.She is a pretty girl.4.She has beautiful long hair,big bright eyes.5.How old is she?6.Is she good her work at school?能力部分:bbcadbdacc第四天暑假作业答案:一.CBACB二.1.What2.on3.after4.When5.do三.1.far2.different3.how about4.go home5.交朋友6.一起能力部分:TFTTF第五天暑假作业答案:一、 parents bedroom bathroom study kitchen canteen living room telephoneunder the bed , near the sofa, behind the door, on the chair, in the building,live in the new house二、 1、Im not smart.2、He doesnt look funny.3、Does he look clever?4、Whats your name?5、How old is Tom?6、Is his name Tom?三、B C B D A能力部分:A D CB B第六天暑假作业答案:一、There are two new friends in our class.Im eleven years old.Im from Britain.My name is Zhou Pei.二、do the small test feel boring 剪发询问问题 go for a holiday三、C C B B A能力部分:B C B A A。

精心整理2018五年级下册暑假作业答案大全英语【二】一、March、swim、picture、woods、heavy、yellow、afternoon、meter、name、weight二、BCAB三、CACABA四、1、Ihavelunchat12:002、Idomorningexercisesat8:303、Iusuallygoshoppingontheweekend,、【四】一、making、play、fly、your、which二、flykites、makeasnowman、planttrees三、ACCCCBWhichseasondoyoulikebest?spring Whichseasondoyoulikebest?summer Whydoyoulikesummer?swimWhydoyoulikewinter?makeasnowman5、Myfather’sbirthdayisonApril4th.四、DAEBC五、readingabook、drawingpictures、cookingdinner playingfootball、doingthedishes【六】一、ACBEDF二、It’sjumpingIt’sswimming WhatdoingIt’sflying2、ThisisLucy.3、Iamdoingthedishes.五、看答句,写问句1、Wha t’stheweatherlikeinBeijing?2、Whatdayisittoday?3、Whatdoyoudointheevening?4、Whataretheydoing?六、CACCA2、Theyarejumping.3、Theyareswimming.4、Theyareflying.四、2458五、BABA数学P2-31、2/34/52/30.24100.*0.75=12(千米)5*2.5=12.5(千米)12.5>12,他能够从家走到学校(4)(46-20)*20/2=260(平方米)答略动脑筋:用倒推法(0.6*0.6+0.6)/0.6-0.6=1暑假作业P4-51、6.90.720.00710.31.60.54/71答:需要准备11个这样的瓶子(2)①解:设一双运动鞋需要x元,那么一套运动服需要2.6x元X+2.6x=3603.6x=360X=1002.6x=2.6*100=260答:略②300÷5-35=25(元)丙收X=32.5甲:x+12.5=32.5+12.5=45丙:2x-12.5=2*32.5-12.5=52.5答:略P6-71、132.3610.80.455060.43.4010/192、(1)12个4个4、解决问题(1)3.8×180÷3.6=190(个)答:略(2)0.16×75=12(千克)我的体重在地球上重□千克,在月球上重0.16*□=(千克)(3)先求面积:10×4+10×1.6÷2=48(平方米)求重量:0.15×48=7.2(千克)答:略动脑筋:个,1224个(1)右面(2)后面(3)左面(4)后面3、简算0.56×3.68+6.32×0.567.8×10.1 =0.56×(3.68+6.32)=7.8×(10+0.1) =0.56×10=7.8×10+7.8×0.1②1440块5、动脑筋第一组:1,2,3,4第二组:2,4,6,8第三组:3,6,9,12第四组:4,81216…….第n组:n,2n3n4n表面积:(8×5+8×3+5×3)×2=158(平方分米) 体积8×5×3=120(立方分米)5、解决问题(1)0.75×25×4=75(元)答:略(2)(40+60)×84÷2=4200(平方米) 5.5×4200=23100(元)答:略(3)1-1/5-5/12=23/60答:略P12-133x+x=1604x=160X=403x=3*40=120答:略(2)解:设乙船每小时航行x千米2.5(28+x)=15028+x=60X=32(10-4+10)×2÷2=16(平方厘米)P14-151、口算92.40.21.1670.50.994.60.90222、填空(1)2/77/12(2)5x(3)4aa2(4)3x+23x+2=41P16-171、口算13.270.180.720.560.75503/47/127/102、填空(1)52cm92平方厘米(2)7/88/8(3)7696(4)1/72m3、选择3x-0.3=5.4X=1.9(2)解:设大米每千克x元15(x+3.7)=102.6X=3.14(3)解:设梨树有x棵,那么桃树的棵树有3x棵3x-x=80X=40(4)3.73、观察AB长3厘米CD是AB的一半4、解方程X=18x=3.7x=7x=625、画一画6、核算发票50×4.58=229.0011/32/53、门诊×√√×4、密铺长方形、正六边形、平行四边形、三角形、梯形5、解决问题(1)12.8÷(6.4×1.6)=1.25(米)(2)3×2×0.5=3(立方米)750×3=2250(千克)(3)(20.5-10)÷1.5+4=11(千米)6、动脑筋语文5.是非君人者之言也6.师旷是一个敢于批评的人,他不会因为是皇上就去拍马屁,他是一个敢恕直言的人。

小学五年级下册英语暑假作业答案小学五年级下册英语暑假作业答案暑假乐园模块(一)一、evening、summer、cloudy、third、swim、walk二、writing、swimming、cows、plays三、close--open late--early dirty--cleango--come day--night large--small四、1、What do you do on the weekend ?2、What is she doing ?3、What are the dogs doing ?4、What is the weather like in fall ?五、F F T F暑假乐园模块(二)一、March、swim、picture、woods、heavy、yellow、afternoon、meter、name、weight二、BCAB三、CACABA四、1、I have lunch at 12:002、I do morning exercises at 8:303、I usually go shopping on the weekend ,五、BBAA暑假乐园模块(三)一、Is is when at which spring what eating why in二、AAAB 三、When、Which、Why、What、Is三、It's Sunday noon . My mother is cleaning the room . My father is writing an e-mail . My grandpa is cooking dinner . My grandma is cleaning the bedroom . I am doing my homework .四、EBCDA暑假乐园模块(四)一、making、play、fly、your、which二、fly kites、make a snowman、plant trees三、ACCCCBWhich season do you like best ? spring Which season do you like best ? summer Why do you like summer? swimWhy do you like winter? make a snowman 四、TFTT。

人教版五年级下册英语暑假作业答案模块(一)一、evening、summer、cloudy、third、swim、walk二、writing、swimming、cows、plays三、close--open late--early dirty--cleango--come day--night large--small四、1、What do you do on the weekend ?2、What is she doing ?3、What are the dogs doing ?4、What is the weather like in fall ?五、F F T F模块(二)一、March、swim、picture、woods、heavy、yellow、afternoon、meter、name、weight二、BCAB三、CACABA四、1、I have lunch at 12:002、I do morning exercises at 8:303、I usually go shopping on the weekend ,五、BBAA模块(三)一、Is is when at which spring what eating why in二、AAAB 三、When、Which、Why、What、Is三、Its Sunday noon . My mother is cleaning the room . My father is writing an e-mail . My grandpa is cooking dinner . My grandma is cleaning the bedroom . I am doing my homework .四、EBCDA模块(四)一、making、play、fly、your、which二、fly kites、make a snowman、plant trees三、ACCCCBWhich season do you like best ? springWhich season do you like best ? summerWhy do you like summer? swimWhy do you like winter? make a snowman。
2018年小学五年级下册英语暑假作业答案-word范文模板 (3页)

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英语作业答案(1)一. on desk it’s copybook that copybook it is at it’s long this one on二. kite car ruler key car three forty三.1.迈克的水壶 2.太短 3.吃晚饭 4.50个男孩 5.her pen 6.four cats7.a pair of jeans 8.that pencil case 9.a pair of shoes 10.a big rubber四.gfebcad五.bbdcaddbc英语作业答案(2)一.b b a c a a a b b c c a b a b a二.1.may i come in,miss liu?2.may i have a bookmark for li ming?3.you are sure here.4.this is computer for you.5.the book and the bookmark are for you.三.what’s monkey how that it panda desk camer have a look四.f t t f t英语作业答案(3)一.sweater on sofa where’s copybook it’s desk what’s book i don’t know a picture it’s my it’s cat it’s on二.e a c b d三.1.what is that in english?那个用英语怎么说?2.the kite is on the desk.这风筝在桌上3.do you like that monkey?你喜欢那个猴子吗?4.thank you very much.非常谢谢5.i don’t like the toy bear.我不喜欢玩具熊四.b a c c a b c a五.bcbbaacbab英语作业答案(4)一. 1.here’s a big one.2.that ruler is too long.3.whose shorts are they?4.are they his jeans?5.i’d like some juice and some bread.二.f j h i a c b g d e三.略四.略五.略六.ffftt tfttf英语作业答案(5)一. desk hamburger breakfast you。

Day Eleven (Reading)I. GDFIc BJAHII. D B A cIII.1. They studied and employed the latest scientific concepts.2. be dead or hurt greatly3. writers didn’t realize exposure of human beings to space was deadly.4. allow people to travel for hundredsof yearsDay Twelve (及时雨P21-30)1. 出乎意料的是,他对我们采取友善的态度。
(attitude)2. 今天下午我没空,我和牙医有约。
(appointment)3. 别闯红灯,否则你要被罚款的。
(or)4. 他企图隐瞒事实,结果却为此付出了沉重的代价。
(attempt)5. 他生病了,没有胃口吃晚饭。
(appetite)6. 一到澳大利亚,他就打电话向父母报平安(arrival)7. 如果你能帮我学习英语我将不胜感激。
(appreciate)8. 学生们急于知道期末考试成绩。
(anxious)9. 这部以真人真事为原型的电影很感人。
(base)10. 一直要想方设法讨好老板,真让我厌烦。
(bore)1. Unexpectedly, he took a friendly attitude towards us.2. I am not free this afternoon because I have an appointment with my dentist.3. Don’t jump the red light, or you will be fined.4. He attempted to hide the fact, only to pay a heavy price for it.5. Since he is ill, he has no appetite for dinner.6. on arrival in Australia, he called to inform his parents of his safety.7. I’d appreciate it very much if you could help me with my English.8. The students are anxious to know the result of the final examination.The students are anxious for the result of the final examination.9. The movie based on a true story is very moving.10. I’m really bored with trying everymeans to please my boss all the time.Day Thirteen (Grammar Revision)I. For four years, up to now, always, ever, several times, since, often, never, yetII.2. rushed3. Bought4. Have left5. Have got6. Remembered7. Broke8. Had9. managed10. chosen11. Told12. Was13. Brought14. Have forgotten15. Have burntIII. cost, begun, shaken, caught, torn, knownSwum, bitten, meant, flown, sung, taken,IV.1. Was2. Had been brought out3. Had been washed and polished4. Had been5. Had stood6. Had been sent7. Was piled up8. Needed9. Rang10. Ran11. Had been swept12. (had been) hugged13. came in14. Followed15. Had always rejected16. Walked17. (had) helped18. Led19. Were burning20. Had never had21. Have experiencedDay Fourteen (Reading)I. IJDEH BAcGgongwen/shujiazuoye/各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢。

My Favorite HobbyHi, my name is Amy. I am in fifth grade. My favorite hobby is playing the piano. I have been playing the piano for two years. I practice for one hour every day. I like playing classical music the most. My favorite composer is Mozart. His music is beautiful and relaxing.I often play the piano at home, but I also have a piano lesson once a week. My piano teacher is very nice. She teaches me how to play different songs and how to use my fingers properly. Sometimes, we have a small concert at the school. All the students who play musical instruments can perform. It's a lot of fun!Playing the piano is not only fun, but it also helps me relax and focus. When I am playing, I forget about everything else. It's like I am in a different world. I hope one day I can become a professional pianist and play in front of many people.1. What is Amy's favorite hobby?A. Playing the guitarB. Playing the pianoC. Playing soccerD. Painting2. How long has Amy been playing the piano?A. One yearB. Two yearsC. Three yearsD. Four years3. Who is Amy's favorite composer?A. BeethovenB. BachC. MozartD. Chopin4. What does Amy's piano teacher teach her?A. How to singB. How to danceC. How to play basketballD. How to play different songs and use her fingers properly5. What does playing the piano help Amy do?A. SingB. DanceC. Relax and focusD. Play basketball二、写作任务假设你是小明,你的暑假作业是把英语读物翻译成中文,并完成相关的练习题。

小学五年级下册英语暑假作业答案三篇篇一模块(一)一、evening、summer、cloudy、third、swim、walk二、writing、swimming、cows、plays三、close--openlate--earlydirty--cleango--comeday--nightlarge--small四、1、Whatdoyoudoontheweekend2、Whatisshedoing3、Whatarethedogsdoing4、Whatistheweatherlikeinfall五、FFTF模块(二)一、March、swim、picture、woods、heavy、yellow、afternoon、meter、name、weight二、BCAB三、CACABA四、1、Ihavelunchat12:002、Idomorningexercisesat8:303、Iusuallygoshoppingontheweekend,五、BBAA模块(三)一、Isiswhenatwhichspringwhateatingwhyin二、AAAB三、When、Which、Why、What、Is三、It'sSundaynoon.Mymotheriscleaningtheroom.Myfatheriswritinga ne-mail.Mygrandpaiscookingdinner.Mygrandmaiscleaningthebedr oom.Iamdoingmyhomework.四、EBCDA模块(四)一、making、play、fly、your、which二、flykites、makeasnowman、planttrees三、ACCCCBWhichseasondoyoulikebestspringWhichseasondoyoulikebestsummer Whydoyoulikesummerswim Whydoyoulikewintermakeasnowman四、TFTT模块(五)二、readabook、drawpictures、watchTV三、连词成句:1、WhenisMary'sbirthday2、Whataboutyou3、HowmanybirthdaysarethereinJanuary4、Grandma'sbirthdayisinSeptember.5、Myfather'sbirthdayisonApril4th.四、DAEBC五、readingabook、drawingpictures、cookingdinner playingfootball、doingthedishes模块(六)一、ACBEDF二、It'sjumpingIt'sswimming WhatdoingIt'sflying三、ABDCAC四、41325五、BABAB模块(七)一、uaieaiioeeiooo二、fly飞walk走run跑jump跳三、AACCA四、连词成句1、Whatareyoudoing2、ThisisLucy.3、Iamdoingthedishes.五、看答句,写问句1、What'stheweatherlikeinBeijing2、Whatdayisittoday3、Whatdoyoudointheevening4、Whataretheydoing六、CACCA模块(八)一、takepictures(照相) pickupleaves(采摘树叶) watchinsects(观察昆虫) doanexperiment(做实验) catchbutterfly(捉蝴蝶)二、BBB三、看图写句子1、Theyaresinging.2、Theyarejumping.3、Theyareswimming.4、Theyareflying.四、2458五、BABA篇二一.ondeskIt’scopybookthatcopybookitisatit’slongthisoneon二.kitecarrulerkeycarthreeforty三.1.迈克的水壶2.太短3.吃晚饭4.50个男孩5.herpen6.fourcats7.apairofjeans8.thatpencilcase9.apairofsh oes10.abigrubber四.GFEBCAD五.BBDCADDBCExerciseEleven一.BBACAAABBCCABABA二.1.MayIcomein,MissLiu2.MayIhaveabookmarkforLiMing3.Youaresurehere.4.Thisiscomputerforyou.5.Thebookandthebookmarkareforyou.三.What’smonkeyHowthatitpandadeskcamerhavealook四.FTTFTExerciseTwelve一.sweateronsofaWhere’scopybookIt’sdeskWhat’sbookIdon’t knowapictureit’smyit’scatIt’son二.EACBD三.1.WhatisthatinEnglish那个用英语怎么说2.Thekiteisonthedesk.这风筝在桌上3.Doyoulikethatmonkey你喜欢那个猴子吗4.Thankyouverymuch.非常谢谢5.Idon’tlikethetoybear.我不喜欢玩具熊四.BACCABCA五.BCBBAACBABExerciseThirteen一.1.Here’sabigone.2.Thatruleristoolong.3.Whoseshortsarethey4.Aretheyhisjeans5.I’dlikesomejuiceandsomebread.二.FJHIACBGDE三.略四.略五.略六.FFFTTTFTTFExerciseFourteen一.Deskhamburgerbreakfastyou二.1.你能在教室里吃东西吗2.谁的围巾啊3.这牛仔裤太长了。

暑假作业五年级下册答案英语英语版的,你做完了吗?下面是的关于暑假作业五年级下册答案英语,希望对你完成暑假作业有帮助!( ) 1. A. card B. catch C. cartoon( ) 2. A. let B. lesson C. listen( ) 3. A. wash B. watch C. which( ) 4. A. butterfly B. dragonfly C. firefly( ) 5. A. white B. write C. bright( ) 6. A. 6:15 B. 7:15 C. 6:45( ) 7. A. toothache B. backache C. headache( ) 8. A. walk carefully B. sit quietly C. sing loudly ( ) 9. A. carry big things B. glow at night C. dance in the flowers( ) 10. A. touch your knees B. lift up your right leg.C. put your feet together( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Not yet.( ) 2. A. Yes, I’m Tom speaking. B. Yes, speaking. C. Yes, I’m Tom.( ) 3. A. About half past eight. B. At a quarter to seven. C. They’re seven.( ) 4. A. I have PE and Chinese. B. We like Maths. C. I don’t like Chinese.( ) 5. A. We often cook food. B. They are watching TV.C. They often do housework.1、We are from different countries. I’m from . He’s from .2、How does Yang Ling her weekends? She often cartoons.3、It is . The students are about their weekends.4、 your hands on your , please.5、I thirsty. I can a glass of water for you.( ) 1. A often B. those C. over D. photo( ) 2. A have B. cake C. name D. table( ) 3. A puter B. usually C. puppet D. student( ) 4. A please B. breakfast C. sweater D. bread( ) 5. A scarf B. quarter C. party D. bar1. 集邮2. 住在中国3. 在周二上午4. 谈论5. 忙碌的一天6. at once7. different countries 8. stay in bed9. a quarter to twelve 10. speak loudly( ) 1. David likes photos and flowers.A. taking, growsB. taking, growingC. takes, grows( ) 2. The boy the Inter every day.A. is surfingB. surfC. surfs( ) 3. music, please .A. ListenB. Listen toC. listen to( ) 4. I often play football the weekends.A. inB. onC. at( ) 5. The students are follow the orders.A. trying toB. tryingC. try to( ) 6. —Do you have hobbies?—Yes, I do.A. someB. anyC. a( ) 7. The girl can sk ate, the boy can’t.A. butB. andC. to( ) 8. I can play football . My sister can play violin.A. the; theB. the; /C. / ; the( ) 9. David goes to school Monday Friday by bus.A. on; andB. from; toC. for; to( ) 10. My brother books now.A. readsB. readingC. is reading四、从Ⅱ栏中找出能答复Ⅰ栏中问题的选项,并将其序号填入题前的括号内。

小学五年级下册暑假作业英语答案在线看各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢Exercise one一、英汉互译1. 看一看2.教师节3.给你4、three ball pens二、补全下列单词一支钢笔一把直尺 e 一支圆珠笔一个笔袋一个书签一本笔记本三、A F E c B D四、come in bookmark ruler pen Here you are pencil case rubber red notebook五、a book may pencil rubber for六、I come may copybook for you may I for you are Goodbye七、Her your my his His八、come in Good morning This for you card card Goodbye九. I have that ball pen for David?notebook is for Yang Ling.Exercise two一. 熊猫蜡笔猴子狮子笔记本 a 书签直尺铅笔二、this dresses she thin u photos三、故事书手表3.√ 书签狮子钢笔7. √ 可爱的四、cars her play swimming mangoes Teachers’your pandas五.A c A B c六、1.多么可亲爱 2.再见 3.我明白4.多么好看的一个玩具熊猫5.过来a toy pencil 8、that pencil case 9、my purse ruler七、c F D A G H E B八、is a cat.your rubber?nootbook is for LiuI have a look?Sure,here you are.九.can may like nice for think十.X√X√Exercise Three一. pncil book his its what where puzzle car she he二. e a伞o 蜡笔er o l水壶故事书三. D A c D四. Jeans gloves scoks shoes shorts scarf sweater jacket五. 1.海伦的钥匙2.没关系3.我的钱包4.过来5.在教室里6.在玩具店里thea look10excuse me六.A AcBcABcBAAAAAciExercise Four一. SSSSDD二. 1.进来2.喜欢这个风筝3.一个玩具兔子4.看一看5.给你puzzlegongwen/shujiazuoye/各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢。
2018年暑假作业答案五年级下册英语-word范文 (9页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==暑假作业答案五年级下册英语为学生布置怎样的暑假作业,是班主任教育思想深刻性的表现。
(10分)( ) 1. A. card B. catch C. cartoon( ) 2. A. let B. lesson C. listen( ) 3. A. wash B. watch C. which( ) 4. A. butterfly B. dragonfly C. firefly( ) 5. A. white B. write C. bright( ) 6. A. 6:15 B. 7:15 C. 6:45( ) 7. A. toothache B. backache C. headache( ) 8. A. walk carefully B. sit quietly C. sing loudly( ) 9. A. carry big things B. glow at night C. dance in the flowers( ) 10. A. touch your knees B. lift up your right leg. C. put your feet together二、根据你所听到的问句,选出正确答句,读两遍。
(10分)( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Not yet.( ) 2. A. Yes, I’m Tom speaking. B. Yes, speaking. C. Yes, I’m Tom.( ) 3. A. About half past eight. B. At a quarter to seven. C. They’re seven.( ) 4. A. I have PE and C hinese. B. We like Maths. C. I don’tlike Chinese.( ) 5. A. We often cook food. B. They are watching TV. C. They often do housework.三、听录音,完成短文,读三遍。

四、 3 1 4 2
第 76页
一、 1.too che 2.sweets 3.dentist/doctor
一、 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ × ✔
二、 C B A
三、 1.doing 2.washing 3.sweeping 4.clean-ing 5.helping 6.swimming 7.cooking 8.eating
四、 1.What are your parents doing? 2.Tim is busy now. 3.Is it Sunday afternoon?
五、 am are is is are
六、 1.butterfly 2.bee
二、 1.has 2.can't 3.him
4.try 5.should not 6.get off
三、 1.making the bed 2.busy 3.are eating fruit 4.种葡萄 5.离开 6.刘涛正在擦桌子。
第 78页
二、 1.before 2.on 3.with 4.of 5.at 6.from 7.to 8.How
三、 C D E A B
四、 B A B
第 77页
一、 1.What is Bob doing? 2.Your mother is very busy now. 3.She likes eating sweets
【 导语】暑假日子一天一天少,咋不见作业一天一天少呢?快开学了,准备了以下内容,供大家参考。

一、英汉互译1. 看一看2.教师节3.给你4、three ball pens二、补全下列单词1.e 一支钢笔2.u 一把直尺3.a e 一支圆珠笔4.a一个笔袋5.oo 一个书签6.e 一本笔记本三、a f e c b d四、come in bookmark ruler pen here you are pencil case rubber red notebook五、a book may pencil rubber for六、i come may copybook for you may i for you are goodbye七、her your my his his八、come in good morning this for you card card goodbye九.1.may i have that ball pen for david?2.this notebook is for yang ling.exercise two一.1.an 熊猫2.ay蜡笔3.on 猴子4.io 狮子5.te 笔记本6.oo a 书签7.le 直尺8.en 铅笔二、this dresses she thin u photos三、1.x故事书2.x 手表3.√4.x 书签5.x 狮子6.x 钢笔7. √8.x 可爱的四、cars her play swimming mangoes teachers’ your pandas五.a c a b c六、1.多么可亲爱2.再见3.我明白4.多么好看的.一个玩具熊猫5.过来6.in a toy shop7.this pencil 8、that pencil case 9、my purse10.her ruler七、c f d a g h e b八、1.that is a cat.2.is your rubber?3.this nootbook is for liu tao.ok.4.can i have a look?sure,here you are.九.can may like nice for think十.x√x√exercise three一. pncil book his its what where puzzle car she he二. 1.u e a伞2.a o 蜡笔3.a er o l水壶4.ory故事书三. d a c d四. jeans gloves scoks shoes shorts scarf sweater jacket五. 1.海伦的钥匙2.没关系3.我的钱包4.过来5.在教室里6.在玩具店里7.over there8.on the desk9.have a look10excuse me六.a acbcabcbaaaaaciexercise four一. ssssdd二. 1.进来2.喜欢这个风筝3.一个玩具兔子4.看一看5.给你6.in english7.his puppet8.your puzzle三. acbbbcabca四. cbaabcca五. bfcegad六. there where they whose their七. 1.where is the pencil? may i have a pencil?2. there is a notebook.do you like the toy?3. what’s wrong?a hamburger?exercise five一.1.let us2.i am3.i’d4here’s5.four 6.aren’t 7.r 8.fat二.hamurger bike bear chair puppet umbrella bag ball kite key pencil case三.ccccbaba四.cadbe五.1.that ruler is for you.thank you.2.what’s this? it’s a bookmark.3. what’s that? it’s an umbrella.4.is mike’s jacket?nno.exercise six一. sssdssdd二. 1.两条牛仔裤2.看看他的女式衬衫3.没关系4.好的5.太长6.如此有趣7.this new pause 8.her fan9.a big apple10.too short三. cacbaca四. 1.i have a long ruler.2.whose jeans are they?3.he looks so funny.五.are so small whose scarf too long worry this long one big one is so short六.ebcad七.at whose is so is my are short八.fftftexercise seven一.1.去上学2.七点零五3.一百4.吃早饭的时间啦5.at seven thirty five6.eight fifteen7.eleven forty8.twenty-one plus thirty-three9.eight sweaters10.seven books11.what time12.at six13.have lunch14.go home15.go to bed二.eighty-one fifty one two fifteen三.seven ten time four what’s the time three what’s the time six thirty what’s fifteen plus eighty-five one hundred四.eleven nine two five four nine four twelve sixteen c c b a cc e bd a a b c a下载文档。
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5.oo 、 七、HeryourmyhisHis
八、ComeinGoodmorningThisforyoucardcardGoodbye 九.1.MayIhavethatballpenforDavid?
一.1.an熊猫2.ay蜡笔3.on猴子4.io狮子5.te笔记本6.ooa 书签7.le直尺8.en铅笔
三.sevententimefourWhat’sthetimethreeWhat’sthetimesixthir tyWhat’sfifteenpluseighty-fiveonehundred
5.I’d likesomejuiceandsomebread.