


李营营,李林林,何仲太. 湖泊沉积的灾害事件记录与识别方法:研究进展与存在问题[J]. 地震科学进展, 2024, 54(1): 110-123. doi:10.19987/j.dzkxjz.2023-130Li Y Y, Li L L, He Z T. Lacustrine sedimentary response to natural hazards[J]. Progress in Earthquake Sciences, 2024, 54(1): 110-123. doi:10.19987/j.dzkxjz.2023-130综述与评述湖泊沉积的灾害事件记录与识别方法:研究进展与存在问题李营营1) 李林林1, 2, 3)※ 何仲太4)1) 应急管理部国家自然灾害防治研究院,北京 1000852) 复合链生自然灾害动力学应急管理部重点实验室,北京 1000853) 中国地震局地壳动力学重点实验室,北京 1000854) 地震动力学国家重点实验室,中国地震局地质研究所,北京 100029摘要 湖泊沉积储存有丰富的信息,常被用于指示气候变化。
其中综合分析法集成了现阶段湖泊事件沉积识别的多种分析手段:①根据沉积相与异常事件沉积(EID )之间的关系判定其内源或外源成因;②根据对触发因素的排除,确定最可能的触发因素;③根据现有的识别标准,验证最可能触发因素的正确性。

一、古洪水事件的识别方法1. 地质标志法:根据地下沉积物中保存的洪水相关物质和沉积结构特征进行识别。
2. 沉积物分析法:通过对古洪水沉积物的颗粒大小、沉积速度等参数的分析,可以判断古洪水事件的规模和性质。
3. 气候指示物分析法:通过对古洪水事件沉积物中的气候指示物进行分析,可以判断古洪水事件与当地气候条件的关系。
1. 气候变暖导致洪水:古洪水事件的频率和规模与当地气候条件有密切关系。
2. 古洪水对气候的反馈效应:古洪水事件会导致区域气候的变化。
未来的研究可以从以下几个方面展开:1. 基于遥感数据的洪水事件识别:利用卫星遥感数据可以对大范围地区进行洪水事件的识别,提高研究的精度和效率。
2. 数值模拟与统计分析相结合的研究方法:将数值模拟与统计分析相结合,能够更准确地模拟古洪水事件的发生机制,并通过统计分析揭示洪水与气候的关系。
3. 多学科的合作研究:古洪水事件的研究需要跨学科的合作,包括地质学、气候学、地理学等。

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: /publication/243962934 Palaeoflood activity and climate change over the last 1400 years recorded by lake sediments in the NW European AlpsARTICLE in JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE · FEBRUARY 2013Impact Factor: 3.36 · DOI: 10.1002/jqs.2609CITATIONS 17READS 6512 AUTHORS, INCLUDING:Fabien ArnaudUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc 238 PUBLICATIONS 954 CITATIONSSEE PROFILE Pierre SabatierUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc 71 PUBLICATIONS 262 CITATIONSSEE PROFILET. CourpUniversité de Perpignan23 PUBLICATIONS 233 CITATIONSSEE PROFILEKazuyo TachikawaCentre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseig…73 PUBLICATIONS 1,479 CITATIONSSEE PROFILEAvailable from: Pierre SabatierPalaeoflood activity and climate change over thelast1400years recorded by lake sediments in thenorth-west European AlpsB.WILHELM,1*F.ARNAUD,1P.SABATIER,1O.MAGAND,2E.CHAPRON,3T.COURP,4K.TACHIKAWA,5B.FANGET,1E.MALET,1C.PIGNOL,1E.BARD5and J.J.DELANNOY11EDYTEM,Universite´de Savoie,CNRS,Poˆle Montagne,73376Le Bourget du Lac,France2LGGE,Universite´de Grenoble Alpes,CNRS,Grenoble,France3ISTO,Universite´d’Orle´ans,Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers en re´gion Centre,CNRS,BRGM,Orle´ans,France4CEFREM,Universite´de Perpignan via Domitia,CNRS,Perpignan,France5CEREGE,Universite´Aix-Marseille,Colle`ge de France,IRD,CNRS,Technopole de l’Arbois,Aix en Provence,France Received18March2012;Revised12November2013;Accepted25November2012ABSTRACT:A high-resolution sedimentological and geochemical study of a high-altitude proglacial lake(Lake Blanc,Aiguilles Rouges,2352m a.s.l.)revealed195turbidites,190of which are related toflood events over the last 1400years.We used the coarsest sediment fraction of each turbidite as a proxy for the intensity of eachflood event.Because mostflood events at this locality are triggered by localized summer convective precipitation events,the reconstructed sedimentary record reveals changes in the frequency and intensity of such events over the last parisons with other temperature,palaeohydrological and glacier reconstructions in the region suggest that the most intense events occurred during the warmest periods,i.e.during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (AD800–1300)and the current period of global warming.On a multi-decadal time scale,almost all theflood frequency peaks seem to correspond to warmer periods,whereas multi-centennial variations inflood frequency appear to follow the regional precipitation pattern.Consequently,this new Alpineflood record provides further evidence of a link between climate warming and an increase in the frequency and intensity offlooding on a multi-decadal time scale,whereas the centennial variability inflood frequencies is related to regional precipitation patterns.Copyright#2013John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.KEYWORDS:climate change;flood frequency;flood intensity;lake sediment;last millennium.IntroductionExtreme precipitation events can triggerfloods that may have serious human and economic consequences(Gaume et al., 2009).Although theoretical studies and numerical simulations suggest that global warming will lead to an increase in the frequency and/or intensity of such events(IPCC,2007),the relationship betweenflood events and climate change is difficult to assess because the lack of long-term meteorological data at high-altitude sites(e.g.Beniston et al.,2007)and the stochastic nature of extreme events preclude the identification of long-term trends.One way of overcoming this problem is to extend documentary records beyond observational data by reconstructing long-term geological archives of intenseflood events.Such long-term records can then be used to build a better understanding of how local to regionalflood hazard patterns are likely to be affected by global warming and thereby improve predictive models(IPCC,2007,and references therein).Lake sediments are continuous archives in which it is possible to identify high-energy sediment layers and thus reconstruct mountain-riverflood records(e.g.Arnaud et al., 2002;Gilli et al.,2003;Bøe et al.,2006;Moreno et al.,2008; Storen et al.,2010;Wilhelm et al.,2012a,b).In addition,the relative intensities of palaeo-floods can be assessed from the size of the coarsest sediment fraction in eachflood layer,as sediment grain size depends on streamflow velocity(Camp-bell,1998;Parris et al.,2010).In some cases,the thickness of flood deposits can also be used as a proxy forflood intensity (Nesje et al.,2001;Wilhelm et al.,2012a,b).Few studies in the European Alps have attempted to use lake sediment records to reconstruct both the frequency and the intensity of extremefloods.The small amount of data available suggest that proglacial lakes(Stewart et al.,2011;Wilhelm et al.,2012a)are good candidates for this type of study,as they are less sensitive to the human-driven processes that often dominate climate–erosion–sedimentation interplays(Dapples et al.,2002;Giguet-Covex et al.,2011).A previous study has also reported a relationship between mountain-riverflood activity and temperature,with increasedflood frequency and intensity during warmer periods over the last250years (Wilhelm et al.,2012a).A major limitation on the use of proglacial lake sediments for studyingflood activity is the presence of plant remains for radiocarbon dating.In this respect,Lake Blanc in the Aiguilles Rouges,north-west European Alps,is an excellent locality for studying millen-nial-scale variations inflood frequency because its catchment area contains both a glacier,which delivers clastic material, and sparse vegetation.Consequently,we were able to extend our results beyond the period covered by Wilhelm et al.(2012a) and draw up a record of the frequency and intensity of extreme flood events over a time span covering both warm(Medieval Climate Anomaly,MCA)and cold(Little Ice Age,LIA)periods. By doing so we were able to test the hypothesis thatflood frequency and intensity increase during warmer periods. Study areaLake Blanc(2352m a.s.l.,4585805700N,685302000E)lies in a 1-km2proglacial cirque on the right bank of the River Arve,just north of the Mont-Blanc Range(Fig.1).The catchment consists mainly of gneiss with a small lens of sedimentary rocks(quartzite and limestone)at the top of the highest peak,the Aiguille du Belve´de`re(2965m a.s.l.).Roches moutonne´es and thick glacialJOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE(2013)28(2)189–199ISSN0267-8179.DOI:10.1002/jqs.2609 *Correspondence:B.Wilhelm,as above.E-mail:bruno.wilhelm@univ-savoie.frdeposits indicate substantial past erosion of the substratum by theBelve´de `re Glacier.Due to glacial retreat,the glacier now occupies only 4%of the catchment,whereas glacial deposits cover approximately 30%of the catchment.Given the absence of vegetation on the glacial deposits,this larger area probablycorresponds to the maximum advance of the Belve´de `re Glacier during the LIA.Erosion of the glacier foreland and transport by a proglacial stream means the lake receives a continuous input of glacial material that has built a large delta at the mouth of the stream (Figs 1and 2)and ensures the lake waters remain turbid throughout the thaw period.From November to May,the catchment is covered by snow and the lake is frozen;therefore,nearly all sediment input occurs during the summer and early autumn.However,during the winter period lake sediments can be affected by avalanches,as shown by the exceptionally large avalanche that occurred during the winter of 1986.As well as destroying the upper floor of the old mountain hut (Fig.1),this avalanche broke the lake’s ice cover and ejected fine sediments from both Lake Blanc and a small lake located downstream (Lignier,2001,and references therein).The catchment area and the lake have very similar characteristics to another Lake Blanc,100km south of the Aiguilles Rouge,in the Belledonne Mountains (2170m a.s.l.,4581004200N,585802100E).Although the Belledonne Lake Blanccatchment is slightly larger (3km 2)than the Aiguilles Rouge Lake Blanc catchment (1km 2),the two lakes have similar climates (Kieffer-Weisse and Bois,2001),lie in steep-sided proglacial cirques consisting mainly of gneiss and have large proglacial areas as their sediment main source (Wilhelm et al .,2012a).These similarities suggest that the Aiguilles Rouges Lake Blanc is a suitable site for extending the flood record established for the Belledonne Lake Blanc.Material and methodsSeismic survey and coringThe bathymetry of the lake and the geometry of its sedimentary infill were investigated in September 2008by high-resolution seismic profiling using an INOMAR SES-2000Compact system (mean frequency of 8kHz)coupled with differential GPS navigation.Sub-bottom profiling was carried out from an inflatable boat,following a perpendicular grid with 20-m spacing between each profile (Fig.2).We used the resulting database to select coring sites in the main basin along a proximal–distal transect starting in the delta,where sedimen-tary infill is thickest and least affected by subaquatic mass-wastingprocesses.Figure 1.Left:location of Lake Blanc in the northern French Alps,close to Chamonix in the Mont-Blanc region (left).The stars show major historical earthquakes close to Chamonix and their respective magnitudes (Lambert and Levret-Albaret,1996).Right:geological and geomorphological characteristics of the catchment area.This figure is available in colour online at.Figure 2.Bathymetric map,coring sites,seismic grid and details of the NE–SW seismic profile.The seismic profile shows the positions of cores BAR10II and BAR10P04and of the four upper high-amplitude reflections labelled R1to R4,with increasing depth.This figure is available in colour online at .190JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCEIn the winters2009and2010we retrieved one short (BAR09P1;45858058.700N,6853019.600E)and two long(BAR10I; 45858058.2700N,6853020.5300E and BAR10II;45858057.6600N, 6853021.4500E)cores from the frozen surface of the lake using an UWITEC gravity corer for the short core and a piston corer for the long cores.Multiple cores were drilled in order to obtain a second assessment of the spatial extent of the lake basin deposits that could be combined with the seismic profiles.The BAR10I(2.8m)and BAR10II(2.5m)cores both stopped at a horizon made up of semi-angular decimetre-scale blocks in the middle of the lake sediment infill.Cores BAR10I and BAR10II are composed of three and four sections,respectively,plus a short gravity-core per site(BAR10P02and BAR10P04, respectively)taken to provide well-preserved water–sediment interface samples.The deepest BAR10I section was lost and is therefore missing from the composite sequence.We con-structed composite sequences,using the thick and distinctive graded beds that appear in each section to ensure a precise and reliable stratigraphic correlation.Core description and loggingCores were split lengthwise and photographed at high resolution(20pixels mmÀ1).We examined the visual macro-scopic features of each core in detail in order to determine the different sedimentary facies,which we then used to determine the stratigraphic correlation between the cores.We calibrated the seismic data using physical measurements(P-wave velocity and gamma-ray attenuation bulk density)carried out on the Geotek TM multisensor core-logger at the Chrono-Environne-ment Laboratory.Grain size measurements were carried out on core BAR10II(Malvern Mastersizer2000)at a5-mm continu-ous sampling interval.Interbedded deposits were characterized on the basis of their median(Q50)and coarse(Q90)fractions (Passega,1964;Shiki et al.,2000;Mulder et al.,2001).We also recorded the thickness and Q90max(i.e.highest Q90value)of each interbedded deposit as a proxy for the quantity and the grain size of sediment mobilized and therefore water-current energy(Campbell,1998;Parris et al.,2010).Geochemical element analysis was carried out using X-rayfluorescence core scanner Itrax TM(Cox Analytical System)at the CEREGE laboratory,using a Chromium tube(35keV,40mA),a15-s count-time and a1-mm sampling step.The areas of the element peaks provide an indication of the relative concentrations of each element(Tachikawa et al.,2011).Among the measured elements,iron(Fe),calcium(Ca)and zirconium(Zr)were investigated as high-resolution grain-size proxies for identifying the thinnest interbedded deposits(Cuven et al.,2010;Giguet-Covex et al.,2011;Wilhelm et al.,2012a)and to help constrain the stratigraphic correlation between the three cores.Given the geology of the catchment area,Fe is probably associated with clays,Ca with feldspars in the gneiss or carbonates in the limestone,and Zr with zircons in the sediment(Lignier,2001). Dating methods137Caesium(Cs)measurements on the upper70cm of core BAR09P1were carried out at the LGGE(Grenoble).Measure-ment intervals followed facies boundaries,resulting in a non-regular sampling step of approximately1cm.The thick bed between6and24cm,which we considered an instantaneous deposit,was not analysed.137Cs was introduced into the environment by atmospheric nuclear weapon tests(AD1958–1963)and the Chernobyl accident(AD1986;Radakovitch et al.,1999);therefore,the appearance of137Cs in the sedimentary record is a reliable chronostratigraphic marker for the end of the1950s.In addition,the bases of theflood deposits contained small vegetal macro-remains,some of which were large enough to be identified as pine needles and herbaceous stems.We sent nine samples to the LMC14national carbon measurement laboratory for accelerator mass spec-trometry14C analysis.Because vegetal remains were absent from the deepest part of the sediment record,we also analysed bulk sediment in order to test the reliability of bulk sample ages. We did this by carrying out14C analyses on organic matter from a bulk sediment sample and on vegetal remains from the same sediment layer.14C ages were calibrated using the Intcal09 calibration curve(Reimer et al.,2009;Table1).The14C age for the bulk sediment sample was twice as old as the14C age for the vegetal remains from the same layer.This may be due to the presence of fossil carbon from the sedimentary rocks or older carbon from the erosion of soils.Most importantly,thisfinding meant that we were unable to obtain a reliable age for the deepest part of the sediment record.We applied the R-code package‘clam’(Blaauw,2010)to generate an age model for the most distal core(BAR10II).We then used the stratigraphic correlation(Fig.3)to recalculate the depths of all the 14C samples for this core(Table1).The most distal core was used for this purpose in order to minimize the effects on the sequence of erosion by high-energy sediment events. ResultsLake morphology and sediment infillThe seismic signal easily penetrated the regularly stratified lacustrine sediments in the main basin but became scattered and absorbed at the acoustic basement and at the north-east end of the basin,where a steep delta has developed(Fig.2).Table1.Radiocarbon age details.All cumulated and composite depths are for core BAR10II and are based on the stratigraphic correlation shown in Fig.3.The composite depth was calculated by removing graded beds,which we interpret as instantaneous deposits.Samples in italics correspond to dates excluded when building the age–depth model.See text for explanation,nature of samples and calibration procedures.Lab.code Core Core depth(cm)Cumulateddepth for coreBAR10II(cm)Compositedepth for coreBAR10II(cm)MaterialAge(14C a BP)Cal.a AD(Æ2s)SacA16864BAR09P174.5–75.541–4214.3Vegetal remains165Æ301662–1953 SacA16865BAR09P192.6–9446.5–47.517.5Vegetal remains260Æ301519–1951 SacA21322Bar10I04Ab82–8374.5–75.531.8Vegetal remains945Æ301024–1157 SacA21318Bar10II02A32–3376–7732.5Vegetal remains410Æ301431–1620 SacA21321Bar10I02Ab58–5996.5–97.548.6Vegetal remains470Æ301410–1457 SacA21323Bar10I02Ab111–112139–14066Vegetal remains765Æ301219–1282 SacA21324Bar10I02Ab111–112139–14066Bulk2035Æ30160BC–50 SacA21319Bar10I04Bb62–63169–16977.8Vegetal remains1025Æ30900–1146 SacA21320Bar10I04Bb71–72176–17781.2Vegetal remains1295Æ30663–773PALAEOFLOOD ACTIVITY IN THE NW EUROPEAN ALPS191P-wave velocity measurements on sediment cores indicate that a mean velocity of 2000m s À1should be used to estimate the thickness of the basin fill.Figure 2shows that the progradation of the delta into the lake has resulted in the development of steep foreset beds (with very limited acoustic penetration)and well-stratified bottomset beds in the deeper basin.These bottomset beds are up to 5m thick close to the delta but they quickly thin towards the lake outlet.The profile for the main basin showed several high-amplitude,sub-parallel reflections (labelled R1to R4).Close to the lake floor,we identified a transparent to chaotic lens-shaped body that is thickest at the foot of the prodelta but extends over most of the main basin.The body’s acoustic signature and form are typical of sub-aqueous mass-wasting deposits (MWD)in clastic lakes with steep slopes (Chapron et al .,1999,2007;Schnellmann et al.,2005;Fanetti et al .,2008).Lithostratigraphical descriptionThe sediment mainly consists of finely laminated silty clay sediments interbedded with a coarse-grained layer,three deformed layers and 195-mm to-centimetre-thick normally graded beds.Coarse-grained layerA 1-cm-thick coarse-grained layer is present at 158cm in core BAR10II only.This layer consists mainly of coarse sand andsmall angular gravel in a silty clay matrix (Figs 3and 4).These characteristics are highlighted by the layer’s isolated position in the Passega-type diagram,with a very high Q 90value for a low Q 50value (Fig.5).Deformed layersSome layers are characterized by a deformed structure and folded laminations.The uppermost of these layers occurs at 22–37cm in the most proximal core (BAR09P1)and is overlain by a 16-cm-thick normally graded bed (Fig.3).BAR10II,which was taken at the foot of the western steep slope,contains a second deformed layer at 55–61cm.This layer is overlain by a thin normally graded bed.The third and deepest deformed layer occurs at 258–260cm in BAR10I and corresponds to a flattened fold that duplicates a multi-millimetre-thick bed.This deformed layer is overlain by two 4-cm-thick graded beds that are identical to the two beds below the deformed layer.Graded bedsThe graded beds are characterized by their higher density,sharp,coarse-grained and occasionally erosive base,and a fining-upward trend,indicated by the synchronous decrease of Q 50and Q 90(Fig.5).Core BAR10II contained only one clear erosive contact,at the base of the thickest graded bed,at a depth of around 18cm.According to the stratigraphic correlation,all the graded beds but one extend over theentireFigure 3.Lithological descriptions of cores and stratigraphic correlation based on sedi-mentary facies,relative Ca contents and Zr/Fe ratios.Zr/Fe ratios,used as a high-resolution grain-size proxy,are shown beside the coarse percentile (Q 90).The 137Cs profile for BAR09P1is shown and available 14C samples are indicated by red and black stars.Depths of the four upper high-amplitude seismic reflec-tions shown in Fig.1(R1–R4)are given along-side core BAR10II.This figure is available in colour online at .192JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCElake basin (Fig.3).The exception is a graded bed that occurs at approximately 60cm in BAR09P1and at 50cm in BAR10I,indicating that this layer is restricted to the deepest part of the lake basin.Furthermore,when plotted on a thickness vs.Q 90max graph,the BAR10II graded beds form two distinct clusters (Fig.5).The left-hand cluster includes most of the graded beds and is characterized by a significant thickness–Q 90max relationship (r ¼0.79,P <0.0001).The right-hand cluster consists of the four thickest beds.We interpreted the graded beds in the left-hand cluster as flood-induced turbidites,and hence they are labelled FIT in Fig.5(see Discussion).We interpreted the graded beds in the right-hand cluster as slide-induced turbidites,and hence they are labelled SIT in Figs 3and 5(see Discussion).There is a good correspondence between the depths of the high-amplitude seismic reflectionsand three of the SITs,with R1corresponding to SIT2,R2corresponding to SIT4and R3corresponding to SIT5(Figs 2and 3).High-resolution element geochemistryCalcium contentsRelative Ca contents vary little with depth,with just two well-marked peaks in the upper part of the sediment sequence (at approximately 39and 42cm in BAR10II).Although the absence of significant variations in the Ca contents of the graded beds precludes the use of this element as a grain-size proxy,the two peaks in the upper part of the sequence provide additional stratigraphic markers for correlations between the cores (Fig.3).Iron and zirconium contentsA plot of relative Fe contents vs.sediment depth (Fig.4)showed increased Fe contents for the top parts of the millimetre-to-centimetre graded beds,suggesting Fe enrichment in the finest sediment fraction (Cuven et al .,2010;Wilhelm et al .,2012a).Potassium (K),which is mainly contained in the clay fraction,and Fe are covariant (r ¼0.85,P <0.0001),indicating that changes in Fe content are mainly related to grain size,rather than to oxidation–reduction processes.This conclusion is supported by the concordance between Fe content and the <4-m m grain size fraction (Fig.4).Variations in Zr contents show the opposite pattern to changes in Fe content (r ¼–0.79,P <0.0001,between Zr and Fe),with Zr enrichment in the basal part of the graded beds and thus in the Q 90fraction (Fig.4).We found a significant correlation (r ¼0.93,P <0.0001)between the 5-mm resampled Zr/Fe ratio and the Q 90/[<4-m m fraction](Fig.4),indicating that the Zr/Fe ratio can be used as a high-resolution proxy for relative grain-size distribution and hence for detecting millimetre-scale graded beds.Dating results137Cs was present down to the base of the deformed layer at 38cm in core BAR09P1(MWD1,Fig.3).137Cs activity below this layer is null,showing that the material in the deformed layer was deposited after AD 1958.We first constructed a composite sedimentary sequence by excluding all the interbedded deposits (Arnaud et al .,2002;Moreno et al .,2008;Giguet-Covex et al .,2011),which we interpreted as instantaneous deposits formed by rapid sedi-mentary processes (see Discussion).We then calculated a depth-to-age model by linear interpolation,using the ‘clam’R-code package (Blaauw,2010).Although the results show that the sequence covers the last two millennia,because of the absence of 14C ages for the deepest part of the sediment record,the following discussion only considers the upper 190cmofFigure 4.High-resolution investigation of the relationship between geochemical (Fe and Zr)and grain size (fine fraction and Q 90)varia-tions.This figure is available in colour online at .Figure 5.Grain-size character-istics of the different sedimentary facies of core BAR10II on a Pas-sega-type diagram (A)and of graded beds on a Q 90max vs.deposit thickness plot (B).FIT,flood-induced turbidite;SIT,slide-induced turbidite.This figure is available in colour online at.PALAEOFLOOD ACTIVITY IN THE NW EUROPEAN ALPS 193BAR10II (i.e.the upper 85cm of the composite sedimentary record,Fig.6),which covers the last 1400years.DiscussionDifferent origins for the interbedded depositsAvalanche originThe local presence of coarse sand and gravel in the unsorted coarse layer at 158cm in core BAR10II (Fig.3)suggests that this layer consists of material deposited by melting ice following a dirty avalanche (Seierstad et al .,2002;Chapron et al .,2007;Guyard et al .,2007;Vasskog et al .,2011).Mass movement originThe preservation of laminae below and above the deformed layers precludes a coring origin for the deformed sediments.Naturally deformed sediment layers are usually described as MWD,formed when sediments slide down a slope to form different kinds of mass flow or turbidite (e.g.Shiki et al .,2000;Monecke et al .,2004;Schnellmann et al .,2005;Chapron et al .,1999,2007;Girardclos et al .,2007;Bertrand et al .,2008;Fanetti et al .,2008).Support for such a mass flow origin is provided by the good match between the depth and location of the thick deformed layer in BAR09P1(MWD1,Fig.3)and the MWD revealed by the seismic data (Fig.2).However,the MWD2deformed layer does not correspond to a seismically detected event.This may be because the thickness of the layer (8cm)is below the vertical resolution of the seismic data (approx.20cm)or because it is composed of less dense sediment than MWD1,which is at the foot of the delta.In addition,the duplicated sediment sequence separated by the folded layer in BAR10I can only be explained by a slide from the delta slope to the deepest part of the lake basin.Consequently,we also interpreted the folded layer and the two overlying beds as an MWD (MWD3,Fig.3).Seismic data suggest that the thick graded bed (indicated by SIT5,Fig.3)just below MWD3may correspond to high-amplitude reflection R3(Fig.2).On the other hand,graded beds are common features in lake sediments,where they are associated with turbidity currents triggered by either flood events or mass movements (e.g.Sturmand Matter,1978;Shiki et al .,2000;Arnaud et al .,2002;Gilbert et al .,2006;Mulder and Chapron,2011;Wilhelm et al .,2012a).In the latter case,they are formed by the sediment that is transported in suspension during the mass movement and then deposited over the MWD and/or further in the lake basin (e.g.Shiki et al .,2000;Schnellmann et al .,2005;Girardclos et al .,2007;Fanetti et al .,2008).Consequently,such graded beds are generally confined to a restricted area of the lake basin and often contain larger quantities of sediment than graded beds produced by flood events (e.g.Shiki et al .,2000;Schnellmann et al .,2005;Fanetti et al .,2008;Wilhelm et al .,2012a).The only well-marked graded bed is restricted to the deepest part of the lake basin (indicated by SIT3,Fig.3),suggesting that it corresponds to a slide-induced turbidite (SIT).Furthermore,the thick graded bed indicated by SIT1in Fig.3directly overlies MWD1and was therefore almost certainly produced by the deposition of sediment suspended in the water column during the mass movement that produced MWD1.The isolated position of SIT1in the thickness–Q 90max diagram (Fig.5B)also supports an SIT interpretation,with this bed representing a rare case in which a large quantity of sediment was transported without an exceptionally high current energy.Thus,MWD1and SIT1were probably produced by the same mass movement.The right-hand cluster in the Q 90–thickness diagram contains three other thick graded beds with similar characteristics to SIT1(Fig.5B),suggesting a mass movement origin for all these beds.Therefore,they are also interpreted as SIT deposits (SIT2,SIT4and SIT5,Fig.3).Flood originAll the other graded beds,which extend over the entire basin,are grouped in a distinct cluster in the thickness–Q 90max diagram and are therefore likely to have been formed in the same way (Fig.5B).A flood origin for these beds is supported by the presence of terrestrial vegetal remains within the beds and their frequent occurrence (mean recurrence time of 7years).In addition,the linear thickness–Q 90max relationship is consistent with sedimentary processes regulated by water currents,with higher discharge rates leading to greater sediment supply and coarser material.Consequently,we interpret all the 190graded beds thinner than 4cm as flood-induced turbidites (FITs).The significant relationship (r ¼0.79,P <0.0001)between thefloodFigure 6.Age–depth relation-ship for core BAR10II (left),age probabilities of the most recent MWD and SIT and possible cor-related historical events (right).This figure is available in colour online at .194JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE。



安徽农学通报,Anhui Agri ,Sci ,Bull ,2019,25(12)作者简介:刘增琦(1995—),女,山东济南人,硕士,研究方向:释光年代学与环境变化。
关键词:古洪水;沉积学;气候关系中图分类号TV211.1文献标识码A文章编号1007-7731(2019)12-0070-3Identification of Paleoflood Events and the Relationship between Paleoflood and ClimateLiu Zengqi(College of Geography and Environment ,Shandong Normal University ,Jinan 250358,China )Abstract :The identification of paleoflood events is the key means of paleoflood research.The field characteristics ,grain size composition characteristics ,grain size parameters and magnetic susceptibility of paleoflood sediments have important reference value for identifying paleoflood events.Paleoflood also causes cultural relics ,leaving flood marks on rivers ,cultural relics or rocks and causing cultural discontinuity.These are important evidence of paleoflood.This paper mainly discusses three identification methods :geomorphology ,sedimentology and environmental archaeology ,which play an active role in determining paleoflood events.Finally ,the specific mechanisms of flood and climate change are discussed ,which will help us to understand climate change ,paleoflood events and their temporal regulari⁃ty ,as well as the response of flood disasters to climate change.Key words :Paleoflood ;Sedimentology ;Climate Relations 洪水是一种非常普遍并且严重的自然灾害,会对人们的生活环境造成严重破坏,并且危胁着人类的生命财产安全。

值和较低碳 酸盐 含量 以及较 高的有机质含量特征可能指示 了地质灾害方面的信息。
关 键 词: 古气候 ; 古环境; 多种代用指标 ; 地质 灾害信息 ; 湖泊记 录
文献标识码 : A 中囝分类号 : 4 X[1
1 前 言
从8 0年代 中期 以来 , 随着一 系列 以全 球环 境变 化 研究 为核心 的研 究计 划 如 国际地 圈生物 圈计 划等
源 区越近 ; 准偏 差 , 表 示岩 石样 品 中各 种粒 度 ②标 它 的离 散程度 , 同样有 指示 物源 区方 向 的意义 . 离物 源 区越近 , 准偏差 越 大 ; 偏 度 , 表示 沉 积 物 中各 标 ③ 它 种 粒度 的 比例 , 于 1 小 时为 正偏 , 示沉积 物 中粗粒 表
的发起 , 恢复古气候 、 重建古环境 已经成为地学界研
究 中热点 领域 . 全球 变化研 究 中的重要 组成部 分 , 是 其 宗 旨是提取 过 去气 候 环 境 变化 的 信息 , 了解地 以 球 系统的过 去状况 , 助 人们 认 识 地球 上 正在 发生 帮 的各种 变化 , 为未 来 的 全 球变 化 提供 类 比模 式 。要 恢 复和重建 过去气 候 变 化 状况 , 必须 对 记 录 过 去 就 气候 环境变化 的各 种 地 质 档案 ( 极 地 冰心 、 土 、 如 黄 深海 沉 积 、 湖泊 沉积 、 炭 及 树 木年 轮等 ) 行 研 究 泥 进
沉 与 提 地 ~tGo neno 积特斯质 a ey h l r M T G ̄ y g d[ ey a
v30 M22 d 0o +N 2 7l 2 0
文章编号 :093 5 (0 2 0 04一6 10 —80 2 0 ) l 4) 0 0





利用湖泊沉积物研究古洪水水文学-水文学论文-水利论文——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印——1 引言洪水作为一种十分普遍的自然灾害,频繁地对人类生命和财产造成巨大损害,如1998年长江特大洪水使整个长江流域都遭受了严重的破坏。
古洪水是指全新世以来至可考证的历史洪水期以前由第四纪沉积物所记录的大洪水(Baker,1983, 1987, 2008),其研究最初源于洪水地貌学和第四纪地质学,并在1982年正式成为一门学科(Ko-chel et al, 1982)。
古洪水水文学首次是应用于美国怀俄明州河流水文条件的研究中,之后许多学者(Dana,1882; Stewart et al,1961)在河流古洪水识别和重建方面作了大量工作。
先后建立了一套基于树木洪水痕迹、河流侵蚀记录、洪水河漫滩以及平流沉积的粒径、磁学、元素和有机地球化学指标的古洪水重建方法(Baker, 1987; Ely et al, 1993; Mack-lin, 2003; Benito, 2005; Thorndycraft et al, 2005;Baker, 2008; Stoffel, 2008)。

高分辨湖泊沉积和孢粉记录对气候、水文变化的响应于革【期刊名称】《沉积学报》【年(卷),期】2011(029)001【摘要】通过对长江中游网湖钻孔高精度分层样品(1.5年/样品)的沉积学和孢粉学研究,试图揭示过去百年网湖在由开放到封闭体系变化中,沉积孢粉与气候、水文动力变化的过程及其相互关系.相关分析和低频滤波分析,反映出沉积物和孢粉的变化对流域降水和长江流量的敏感响应.在过去130年中的多雨洪水年份,湖泊受长江倒灌影响,沉积物以黏土细颗粒为主,并接受长江上中游孢粉的沉积;而在少雨枯水年份中,以源于流域的粉砂粗颗粒沉积为主,湖泊水域和周边湿地的水生孢粉大量沉积.时间序列的频谱分析显示了沉积物中值粒径、乔灌木和水生花粉、降水和流量都具有3-4年和9-11年周期变化.网湖的沉积孢粉与水动力关系为利用湖泊孢粉沉积记录重建过去湖泊环境、认识湖泊水系通江与封闭的水动力变化提供科学依据.【总页数】7页(P118-124)【作者】于革【作者单位】中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,南京,210008【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P512.2【相关文献】1.3.0~2.0 MaBP南海南部深海沉积物孢粉记录及其对全球气候变化的响应 [J], 袁金红;罗运利;徐兆良;孙湘君2.甘肃省临夏盆地更新世早期湖泊沉积孢粉记录的古气候演化 [J], 董铭;方小敏;史正涛;明庆忠;苏怀3.近8 ka来云南洱海湖泊沉积记录的气候变化与夏季印度季风强弱变化的关系 [J], 张振克;沈吉;羊向东;朱育新;夏威岚;吴瑞金4.安徽巢湖湖泊沉积物孢粉-炭屑组合记录的全新世以来植被与气候演变 [J], 吴立;王心源;张广胜;肖霞云5.北京ZK3钻孔孢粉记录及第四纪古气候变化响应 [J], 张磊;白凌燕;李潇;张晓亮;张悦泽因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。


黄河中游渑池盆地湖泊沉积记录的古气候变化及其意义郭志永;翟秋敏;沈娟【期刊名称】《第四纪研究》【年(卷),期】2011(031)001【摘要】渑池盆地位于黄河中游,处在黄上高原向华北平原的过渡地带,该区域也是我国东部湿润区和半湿润区的交汇地带.文章通过对位于渑池盆地池底村厚约4mm 古湖泊沉积剖面进行了C14年代(校正为日历年龄)、有机碳含量、粒度和地球化学元素组成等测试分析,重建了研究区19.5cal.kaB.P.以来的气候变化过程.19543~9240cal.aB.P.期间,气候比较干早,风化淋溶作用较弱,湖泊尚未形成;9240~8039cal.all.P.为气候过渡时期,气候向暖湿方向转变,古湖泊开始形成;8039~5368cal.aB.P.为暖湿气候类型,对应于全新世大暖期的鼎盛时期,湖盆流域温暖湿润,湖泊的水位较高;5368~3439cal.aB.P.为亚暖湿气候类型;3439~2423cal.aB.P气候环境比较恶劣,之后气候向干早化方向发展,又分为两个亚段,3439~2931cal.al).P.气候出现剧烈波动,2931~2423cal.aB.P.湖泊干枯.盆地的文化演进与环境变化间存在着耦合关系,环境的变化对应黄河中游地区相继发展的裴李岗文化、仰韶文化、龙山文化和夏商文化.%Mianchi Basin is located at the Middle Yellow River, west of Henan Province, Central China. It is on the transitional zone of Loess Plateau and North China Plain, and it is also on the transitional belt of humid to semihumid region. This place was one of the birthplaces of the Chinese Civilization. The profile we researched locates in the south of the Chidi Village, 4km southeast away from Mianchi Basin County and 3km northeast away from Yang Shao Remains. We dugfrom 1. Sm deep to 5. 5m deep and totally 4m long was researched. We took 14C dating samples from the profile at 80cm. 153 ~ 161cm, 270 ~275cm and 390 ~ 395cm respectively and date them with liquid scintillation method, the result shows the age of the profile range from 19543cal. aB. P. to 2360cal. aB. P.Based on analysis of grain size , total organiccontent( TOC ) and geochemical elements.five palaeoclimatic stages have been identified : ( 1 ) During 19543 - 9240cal. aB. P. , the soil weathering and eluviation process was weak and the climate was dry. The lake was not formed; (2)during 9240 ~ 8039cal. aB. P. , it was a transition period of the climatic changes; the palaeoclimate was much warmer and humid than that in the earlier time,as evidenced by intensification of the soil weathering and the eluviation was stronger, lake environment was formed; (3)during 8039 ~ 5368cal. aB. P. ,the climate was turned to a warm and humid phase. The palaeoclimate was warmer and more humid ,and the paleolake level was higher than that in before ; (4) during 5368 ~ 3439cal. aB. P. It was also warmhumid,but the temperature and humidity were lower than that in the previous phase. The lake level declined;( 5 ) during 3439 ~ 2423cal. aB. P. ,it was a dry and cold period , and the paleolake gradually dried up. The cultural development and the environmental changes probably are coupled in the investigated regions, where the Peiligang Culture.the Yangshao Culture , the Longshan Culture and the Xia and Shang Culture were sequently evolutive and were associated with the palaeoenvironmental changes.【总页数】13页(P150-162)【作者】郭志永;翟秋敏;沈娟【作者单位】南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,南京,210093;河南大学资源与环境研究所,开封,475004;河南大学资源与环境研究所,开封,475004;河南大学资源与环境研究所,开封,475004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P343.5;P941.74【相关文献】1.红碱淖湖泊近50年来的环境变化分析——以湖泊沉积记录数据为依据 [J], 李双;陈硕;张家武2.长江中下游湖泊富营养化过程的湖泊沉积记录 [J], 陈诗越;于兴修;吴爱琴3.南四湖湖泊沉积记录的环境意义 [J], 徐爱霞;刘传宝4.豫西宜阳地区晚二叠世晚期—早三叠世沉积记录及其对古气候变化的响应 [J], 邢智峰;林佳;周虎;李妲;齐永安;郑伟5.渤海沉积记录的末次冰期千年尺度古环境与古气候变化 [J], 方文丽;姚政权;石学法;葛晨东;乔淑卿;李小艳;董智;王颖因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。