
主餐刀 主餐勺 主餐叉
Dinner knife Dinner spoon Dinner fork
Introduce Tableware 餐具介绍
咖啡勺 水果叉 黄油刀 色拉刀 牛排刀
Tea spoon Fruit fork Butter knife Salad knife Steak knife
Butter Ginger Soy sauce Condiment 调味品 黄油 生姜 酱油
主菜 饮品 甜点 自助餐 咖啡/茶
Main dish Drinking Dessert Buffet Coffee/tea
Departments in our hotel 酒店部门
Western Restaurant Basic English 西餐厅基础英语
Departments in our hotel 酒店部门
Recreation Department 康乐部 Engineering Department 工程部 Security Department 保安部 Communications Department 公关部 Front Office Department 前厅部 Housekeeping Department 管家部 Purchasing Department 采购部
Apology –Substitutions 道歉-句子
Farewell –Substitutions 告别-句子
Thanks 致谢
Understanding 理解 Valuable advice 宝贵意见 Appreciate 感激 Support 支持 Assist 协助 No problem 没问题 It is the least I can do 小事一桩 Don’t mention it 不客气

西餐点菜服务英语Western-style meal ordering service in EnglishIntroduction:Greeting:2. "Good evening. Do you have a reservation?"Seating:1. "Please follow me. I will help you find a table."2. "May I show you to your table?"3. "This way, please. Your table is just over here."Menu explanation:2. "Our menu features a variety of dishes, ranging from appetizers to main courses. Can I suggest any specific dishes?"3. "Every item on the menu has a brief description. Shall I explain any of them in more detail?"Taking orders:1. "Are you ready to order?"2. "May I take your orders now?"3. "Do you need a few more minutes to decide?"1. Customer: "What is the house specialty?"Response: "Our house specialty is [dish name]. It is made with [ingredients] and has received rave reviews from many of our customers."2. Customer: "Is this dish spicy?"Response: "Yes, [dish name] does have a bit of a kick to it. However, if you prefer a milder flavor, I can ask the chef to adjust the spice level."3. Customer: "Does this dish contain any nuts?"Response: "Yes, [dish name] does contain nuts. If you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions, we can suggest alternative dishes that will suit your needs."1. "Our chef's special today is [dish name]. It is a popular choice among our regulars."Confirming orders:1. "Just to confirm, you would like the [dish name] as your main course?"2. "You've chosen the [dish name] as your appetizer, correct?"3. "To make sure I have everything correct, the [dish name] is for one person, correct?"Conclusion:。

Service Speech in English GREETING GUESTS/问候客人Good afternoon/ evening. Welcome to Raphael’s Café.下午好/晚上好。
Do you have a reservation?请问有订位吗?For how many persons? Smoking or non-smoking?请问您有几位?喜欢坐吸烟区还是非吸烟区?Would you prefer the Bar or the restaurant?请问您(或几位)喜欢坐在餐厅区还是酒吧区呢?This way please.这边请。
ACKNOWLEDGING GUEST WHEN BUSY/当繁忙时的对客应答Hello/Good afternoon/evening. Just a moment, please.您好/下午好/晚上好。
I will be with you in a few minutes.我几分钟后马上过来招呼您。
TAKE DRINK ORDER AND SUGGESTIVE SELLING/点饮品单并适当提供建议What would you want to drink?请问您想喝点什么呢?Have you tried “Raphael’s cocktails?请问您有没有试过我们“拉斐尔”的鸡尾酒呢?May I suggest our special cocktail of the month? That’s………。
We have a cocktail Promotion of the month. That’s…我们这个月有“鸡尾酒推广”,有………。
Would you want to try one?您想试一下吗?May I repeat your order?让我重复一下您点的单。

西餐的英语说法Western-style foodEuropean food西餐的相关短语西餐服务 Western Food Service ; Western Restaurant Service 西餐菜单 Western Food清醇西餐 Mellow西餐汤 Western Soup英式西餐 British Cuisine品尝西餐 try western food ; Western Food西餐区 Western District ; A western meal area西餐的英语例句1. What food would you like, Chinese food or Western food?想吃点什么?中餐还是西餐?2. I might as well get used to this western food.我不妨习惯一下这类西餐.3. My parents suggest having western food.他们建议吃西餐.4. What do you think about the western food?你认为西餐怎么样 ?5. And do you favour Chinese food or Western food?您要订中餐还是西餐呢 ?6. Which kind of food do you prefer, Chinese or Western?你喜欢吃中餐还是喜欢吃西餐?7. Diaoyutai Knife , fork and spoon set is made of Japanesehigh - quality steel.钓鱼台西餐刀叉勺选用日本进口优质钢材,打造出手感绝佳的餐具.8. When eating western - style food, you can talk with others freely and lightly.吃西餐时, 桌上你可以和其他人轻松自由地交谈.9. The hotel offers not only western but also typical Chinese cuisine.宾馆不仅供应西餐,而且还有典型的中餐.10. Club for the two - story Western - style food, coffee and tea dance halls.会所二层为西餐, 咖啡茶座及歌舞厅.11. Crumb is mainly used for fried beefsteak and chicken as frying dressing.“面包糠”是广泛使用的食品添加辅料,主要用于西餐炸牛排、炸鸡腿等油炸辅料.12. Certainly and what kind of meal do you like, Chinese or Western?当然可以,您是要订中餐还是西餐?13. And what is it going to be, Chinese food or Western food?您要订的是中餐还是西餐?14. It is Western food and you are coming at 8∶00, right?预订人是史密斯先生,下星期一晚上订一张四人桌,是西餐, 晚上8点钟来,对吗 ?15. On some other trains, you can also have good Western - style food.列车员:有些车上您也能吃到美味的的西餐.西餐点餐英语对话阅读A:Waiter, show me the menu, please.A:服务员,请把菜单给我看一下。

送餐room service
• 电话用语 • 问好,这里是送餐服务,请问你有什么需要吗 • Good morning (afternoon night),room service,can i help you • 请你根据送餐单选出你需要的食物 • Could you like something to order • 这是你点的。。。。还需要什么吗 • You order the food ...........,i am right ? could you like anthing elers • 你需要喝点什么呢? • Could you like something to drink • 您对我们的菜肴有什么特殊要求吗 • Anything special you ;d like to have on the menu • 你是挂房帐吗? • Do you pay the bill by cash , credit card or charge the room • 你一共点了。。。。。。结账方式是、、、我说对了吗 • You order the food ....pay the bill by charge the room ,all right ? • 好的,我马上送到你房间 • All right we ‘ll send it to you room right away • 不好意思我们的送餐需要。。。时间,非常抱歉让你久等 • The room service will take ....time ,i am sory that keep you wait long time • 再见! • See you later
零点 alacarte
• 服务员 • 餐前服务用语 • 这是我们的菜单,还有酒水单,请先看下 • here is our menu and drink list ,give you time • 请问可以开始点单了吗、 • Are you ready to order now • 牛排需要几层熟呢?需要配什么汁我们餐厅有、、、、、 • How could you like it done ? which souce could you like ? We have got......... • 对不起,这个品种刚刚售完 • I am sorry the variety are not any left • 对不起,我们没有.....你要试试......吗 • Sorry we haven’t ...would you like to try .... • 先生,我们这...很不错, 我推荐你点一个 • Sir ...is very good ,i suggest you to order one • ........,这是你点的菜,请问有什么特殊要求吗? • ..............,iam right ? anything special you ‘d like to have on the food • 对不起,请再重复一遍 • Sorry i peg you parden

Goodmorni ng/af terno on/ev ening, sir/mada m. 先生/小姐,请问有预定吗? Hav e you made a re serva tion, sir/madam? Doyou h ave r eserv ation s? 请问您需要一张几人台?/请问一共几个人? H ow ma ny ar e the re in your part y? 请问您喜欢中餐还是西餐? What woul d you like, Chi nesefoodor We stern food? 请问您喜欢点菜还是自助餐?/我们备有自助餐,38元一位。
How w ouldyou l ike y our d inner, buf fet o r a l a car te? W e’vegot b uffet andit co sts 38 Yua n per pers on. 请坐! Pl easetakeyourseats. 请您稍候,我马上为您安排。
Pleas e wai t for a mo ment. I’ll arra nge f or yo u atonce.请先看一下菜单。
H ere i s the menu. 请一直往前走。
P lease walk alon g thi s roa d. 请在这里稍候,我为您查询一下。
Pl easewaitherea mom ent.I’llcheck foryou.请向左/右边转,您会看到*** Plea se tu rn le ft/ri ght a nd yo u wil l see ***我带您过去,请跟我来。

问候语 :清晨/正午/下午好 ,**先生,**小姐 ,**女士。
Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam.先生/小姐,请问有预约吗 ?Have you made a reservation, sir/madam?Do you have reservations?请问您需要一张几人台 ?/请问一共几个人 ?How many are there in your party?请问您喜爱中餐仍是西餐 ?What would you like, Chinese food or Western food?请问您喜爱点菜仍是自助餐 ?/我们备有自助餐 ,38 元一位。
How would you like your dinner, buffet or a la carte?We’ve got buffet and it costs 38 Yuan per person.请坐!Please take your seats.请您稍候,我立刻为您安排。
Please wait for a moment. I ’ll arrange for you at once.请先看一下菜单。
Here is the menu.请向来往前走。
Please walk along this road.请在这里稍候,我为您查问一下。
Please wait here a moment. I ’ll check for you.请向左 /右侧转,您会看到 ***Please turn left/right and you will see ***我带您过去,请跟我来。
I’ll lead you there. Step this way, please.请乘坐电梯 /自动扶梯。
Please take the elevator/escalator.感谢莅临!欢迎您再次莅临!再会!明日见!Thank you for coming. Welcome come again. See you./Goodbye. See you tomorrow.1.先生/女士/小姐,清晨 /正午/下午好。

常用西餐厅服务英语带坐、询问酒水价格上酒水、准备点单上菜一.迎客、问候:Good morning!―――您(们)好!(中午前)Good afternoon! ―――您(们)好!(下午)Good evening!―――您(们)好!(18:00点以后)*How is your life? ―――过得怎样?* Long time no see!―――好久没见!*For xx,sir?―――您几位?(xx代表英文中的数量词one two there four…)A table for xx,sir? ―――xx位吗?(xx代表英文中的数量词one two there four…)How many people are there in your party?―――您一共几位(人较多时问)*You alone,sir?―――您一个人?注:带“*”标注的较随便,多用于熟客或者常客,语调为前降后升,后面一般加上sir/lady等称呼,熟客可以加上姓名。
通常问候客人后客人会反问:Fine, thank you, and you?(我很好,你呢?)How are you doing?(你好吗?)What’s up? How about you?(怎么样?)常用答语:Fine, thank you!我很好,谢谢!Couldn’t be better! Thank you!(不能再好了!)*I can’t complain!Thank you!(挺好的!)*So-So, just alive!(马马虎虎吧!)注:带*为略带玩笑口吻,多用于熟客。
附:是否有预订:Have you made reservation?Have you got reservation?二.带位、安排就坐This way, please.――这边请Follow me,piease.――请跟我来Come with me, please――请跟我来Is here alright?――这里怎么样?How about that table by the window?那边靠窗的台怎么样?Please take your seat./Sit down, please.(请坐)三.呈上菜单、略加介绍特选The menu, please.—给您菜单Please take a look――请过目The soup of the day is…――今日例汤是…Today’s specialty is…――今日特选是.. The xx is very good.――xx特别好The xx is very popular here.――xx在本餐厅很受欢迎Please take your time――-请您慢慢看,不用着急。

西餐厅常用服务英语20句(2016.07.12)1、Good morning, Sir/Madam. (Good afternoon, good evening) Welcome to our restaurant!先生/女士,早上好(下午好,晚上好)欢迎再次光临。
2、Thank you, Sir/Madam! You are welcome! 谢谢先生/女士!不用客气!3、This is our menu , please take your time!这是我们餐厅的菜单,请慢慢看!4、Excuse me , may I take your order now? 打扰了!请问现在我可以为您/你们点单了吗?5、Would you like tea or coffee ? 请问您需要来杯咖啡或茶吗?6、I would like to have Tsing Tao. 我想要青岛啤酒。
7、What would you like to drink, madam/sir?女士、先生需要喝点什么吗?8、May I repeat your (drink)order? 请允许我重复您的点单!9、You have ordered cream of mushroom soup and Spaghetti Bolognese. Is that all right?您点了蘑菇奶油羹和意大利面配肉酱,都对吗?10、Is there anything I can do for you ? 请问我有什么可以为您服务的?11、Excuse me, May I take it away? 打扰一下,我能把它撤了吗?12、Excuse me ,here is your Garden Green Salad.打扰一下,这是您点的田园沙律。
13、How would you like your steak to be done? What would you like to go with your steak, black pepper Sauceor Red wine sauce? Rare\ medium\ medium rare\ medium-well\ well done.请问您的牛排要几成熟?您的牛扒需要配什么汁?黑胡椒汁还是红酒汁?三成,五成,七成,全熟。

西餐点菜服务英语点菜服务 Taking Orders经典对话西餐正餐 W=Waiter G=GuestW: Good evening. Would you like to order now?G: Yes, I’d like to start with shrimp cocktail虾尾小菜(虾仁杯), then the veal cutlet(炸小牛排), I’ll have a vanilla ice-cream for dessert, and some coffee with cream.W: I’m sorry, the veal cutlet is not being served today, but we have sirloin steak (腰眼牛排), it’s very delicious. Would you like to try it, sir?G: That sounds like a good idea, I’ll have a sirloin steak.W: How do you like your steak done, sir?G: Rare, please.W: OK.G: Please bring me two slices of bread and butter with the soup.上汤的时候请带两片面包和黄油给我。
W: Yes, sir. Can I get you something to drink with your meal?G: I’ll have a gin and tonics with lemon and ice, please.我要杯带柠檬和冰块的奎宁杜松子酒。
W: Will there anything else, sir?G: No, thanks. I think that’s enough.W: Yes. So one shrimp cocktail, a cup of coffee with cream, a gin and tonic with lemon and ice and two slices of bread and butter. And the main course is a rare sirloin steak.G: Thank you.W: Tha nk you, sir. Just a moment please, I’ll go place your order and get it for you right away.推荐菜品W: What would you like to order?G: I can’t decide.W: Today’s special is beef steak with onion. It is always a favorite with our customers. And our house specialty(招牌菜) is roast leg of lamb.G: No. I’m not that hungry. What else do you recommend?W: Perhaps you’d like some sole(鳎鱼)?G: That would be fine.W: Would you like some salad with it, sir?G: Yes, please. A mixed salad. And may I have some rice with the sole, please? W: Yes, sir.常用英语句型百宝箱一、询问是否可以开始点菜1、Here is the menu / wine list / dessert menu, sir.The waiter will be here to take your order.2、Please take your time, I’ll be back to take your order.请慢慢选择,我一会儿来为您点菜。

• The hot fresh milk is over there beside the juice machine .新鲜的热牛奶在果汁边上 • Excuse me sir, I could be here waiting for your eggs /noodles and then send them to your seat . 先生打扰下,我可以在这里等您 要的鸡蛋/面条,过会给您送到您的座位上。 • Have you finished yet ? May I take away the plate /glass? 请问您用完了吗?我可以 把这盘子/杯子撤掉吗?
• Excuse me , may I change your ashtray .?打扰下,我可 以换下烟缸吗? • How would you like the eggs done ,fried , scrambled or boiled ? 鸡蛋您需要怎么做,煎蛋,炒蛋还是煮蛋? • How long would you like to boil your eggs ? 请问您的鸡 蛋需要煮多久? • Hard boiled , soft boiled 煮老一点,煮嫩一点 • How would you like your fried egg? 您需要怎么样的煎蛋? • Sunny-side up /one side , over easy / two sides / side and side 单面,双面
• I’m very sorry to have kept you waiting ,sir. 先生,不好意思让您久等了。 • This is your coffee with milk, sugar is already on the table. 这是您的咖啡和配的 牛奶,糖已经在您的桌上了。 • Take care and enjoy yourself, please.小心 烫口,请慢用。

一、预定1、上午/下午/晚上好,我能为您做些什么?Good morning / afternoon/ evenig, May I help you2、请问您一共有多少人来用餐?How many presons are there in you party,Sir/MadamHow many gicests are coming3、请问您几点到?What time would you like to arrive4、请问您贵姓?May I have your name,please5、可以留下您联系方式吗?May I take your telephone number,please6、请问您有什么需求需要我们做准备?Is there anything specis you would like us to prepore 7、如果您有什么要求,请通知我们。
If you have further requiements,please let us know.8、恐怕我们餐厅给您留座到晚上8:00。
I'm afraid that we only can guarantee the table before 8:00in the evening.二、迎宾1 、上午好,欢送光临。
Welcome to our restanrant.2、我能为您做些什么?May I help you3、请问您是否有预定?Do you have a reservation4、请问您一共有多少人来用餐?How many persons5、请这边走/请跟我来。
This way please/Follow me,please.6、先生,您看见在这里可以吗?Would you like to sit here,sir7、您是愿意靠窗户坐还是靠门坐呢?Which do you prefer,by the window or near the door8、您对这张餐桌还满意吗?Is this table fine with you9、这是您菜单,先生。

English for Western Restaurant西餐厅服务英语Part One: Words and vocabularies 单词与词汇1。
Basic information 基本信息Food & Beverage Dept。
餐饮部Atrium Cafe Western Restaurant天安阁西餐厅lobby大堂opening hours / business hours营业时间reservation预订hostess咨客busboy / busgirl男/女传菜员waiter / waitress男/女服务员head waiter / head waitress / captain领班supervisor主管manager经理chef 厨师tour group旅行团guide导游coupon餐券table餐桌kitchen厨房cook烹饪food / meal食物a la carte散点buffet自助餐t able d’hote套餐no smoking请勿吸烟menu菜单drink list酒水牌take your order点菜breakfast早餐lunch午餐supper晚餐dinner正餐bill / check账单pay the bill买单15 percent service charge 15%服务费free of charge免费complimentary免费赠送的pack打包cash现金credit card信用卡swipe刷卡room account房账discount折扣change零钱invoice发票signature签名air-conditioner空调toilet洗手间lift / elevator电梯escalator扶手电梯recommend推荐complain投诉damage损害compensate赔偿2。
Cutlery,flatware,silverware 餐具bowl碗chopsticks筷子spoon勺knife餐刀fork餐叉glass玻璃杯wine glass葡萄酒杯teacup茶杯beer mug啤酒杯plate / dish碟子tray托盘napkin餐巾tissue纸巾toothpick牙签3. Breakfast 早餐milk牛奶yogurt 酸奶soya milk豆浆bread面包butter黄油egg鸡蛋boiled egg煮蛋omelette蛋卷scrambled egg炒蛋fried egg煎蛋sunny—side up单面煎蛋over easy双面煎蛋ham火腿sausage香肠bacon熏肉fried rice with egg蛋炒饭sandwich三文治spaghetti意粉Malaysian chan keuy teow马来炒贵刁steamed stuffed bun包子steamed bun馒头noodle面条rice米饭dumping饺子porridge / gruel / congee粥rice congee / plain porridge白粥4。

西餐服务用语流程英语Entering the restaurant, the waiter warmly greets, "Good evening, welcome to our restaurant. How may I assist you tonight?"Pointing to a table, the waiter offers, "This table by the window offers a beautiful view. Would you like to sit here?"Once seated, the waiter presents the menu, saying, "Here is our menu. We have a variety of dishes to choose from. Are you looking for something specific?"When the guest makes a choice, the waiter confirms, "Excellent choice, sir. Would you like to start with a glass of our house wine or perhaps a cocktail?"As the food is being prepared, the waiter checks in, "How is everything going? Can I bring you some bread and butter to nibble on while you wait?"Once the food arrives, the waiter presents it with a smile, "Here is your meal, enjoy. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask."During the meal, the waiter passes by and asks, "Everything is to your liking, I hope? We're here to ensure your satisfaction."As the guest finishes, the waiter prompts, "Would you like to see our dessert menu or perhaps a.。

1. Sit down, please. Here is the menu. May I take your order, sir? 请坐,给您菜单。
先生,您要点菜吗?2. What would you like to have, coffee or tea?您要喝咖啡还是茶?3. Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?您用餐时要喝点酒吗?4. It’s our chef’s recommendation.这是我们大厨的拿手菜。
5. Here is the bill. Please sign it.这是您的账单, 请签字。
6. What kind of food would you like to have?您想吃什么菜?7. You may sign the bill. The hotel will charge you when you leave. 您可以签帐单。
8. Do you want to pay in cash or by credit card.您是要用信用卡还是现金付款。
9. It never goes to the head.(不管喝多少)它都不冲脑。
10. Have you anything in mind as to (decide) what to drink?您决定了喝什么吗?11. We look forward to having you with us tonight.我们期待您今晚大驾光临。
12. I’m sorry , but I didn’t quite catch what you just said.对不起,我没有听明白您刚才的话。
13. Could you please repeat a little more slowly?您能再慢点儿说一遍吗?14. It’s delicious and worth a try.它鲜美可口,值得一试。
西餐点菜服务英语知识点 - 制度大全

西餐点菜服务英语知识点-制度大全西餐点菜服务英语知识点之相关制度和职责,点菜服务TakingOrders经典对话西餐正餐W=WaiterG=GuestW:Goodevening.Wouldyouliketoordernow?G:Yes,I’dliketostartwithshrimpcockt ail虾尾小菜(虾仁杯),thentheve...点菜服务Taking Orders经典对话西餐正餐W=Waiter G=GuestW: Good evening. Would you like to order now?G: Yes, I’d like to start with shrimp cocktail虾尾小菜(虾仁杯), then the veal cutlet(炸小牛排), I’ll have a vanilla ice-cream for dessert, and some coffee with cream.W: I’m sorry, the veal cutlet is not being served today, but we have sirloin steak(腰眼牛排), it’s very delicious. Would you like to try it, sir?G: That sounds like a good idea, I’ll have a sirloin steak.W: How do you like your steak done, sir?G: Rare, please.W: OK.G: Please bring me two slices of bread and butter with the soup.上汤的时候请带两片面包和黄油给我。
W: Yes, sir. Can I get you something to drink with your meal?G: I’ll have a gin and tonics with lemon and ice, please.我要杯带柠檬和冰块的奎宁杜松子酒。
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迎宾服务Can I help you? 我能帮您什么忙吗?welcome to cite coffee! / Welcome to our coffee shop. 欢迎光临西堤岛咖啡!Hi. How are you ? 您好How do you do ?您好(第一次见面)Good morning.早上好Good afternoon. 下午好Good evening. 晚上好Sir先生madame夫人This way, please. 请这边走。
Glad to meet you. / Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到您。
I am sorry.. 我很抱歉,Be careful,please小心slow down.请慢走we provides the Chinese food, western style food and other else . 我们提供中餐,西餐以及其他酒水.Would you like to sit down here? / Is there ok?您觉得这个位置可以吗?I will fix you up我会帮您打点的What a pity.太遗憾了Follow me, please请跟我来My pleasure.乐意为您效劳You are welcome.不客气After you您先请席间服务Sit down, please. Here is the menu.请坐,这是我们的菜单.You, please.您请.(出品时用语)What would you like? coffee or tea?您喜欢喝咖啡还是茶?for here, for go?在店内用,还是带走?What you like the better? 您喜欢什么口味?So,what else?还有其他需要吗?I beg your pardon?请再说一遍Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了.Excause me.对不起,打扰您了.I am at your service!我很乐意为您效劳!There are all for you, enjoy please .您的餐已经上齐了,请慢用.enjoy happy time at our coffee shop 祝您在本店用餐愉快Excause me, may I take it?我可以帮您撤换餐具吗?sorry , I will make sure and let you know.对不起,我问清楚马上告诉您It will take some time for this dish. would you mind to wait ?这道餐出品时间要长一些,您介意等一会吗?Thanks for your help !感谢您的帮助!may I clean up the table now?我可以清理台面吗?Sorry , this is sold-out!很抱歉,这道餐卖完了!Would you like to take a try for our new dish?有兴趣品尝一下我们的新品吗?What you like for drink?您喜欢喝什么?the totol is Yuan ,Thanks!请付X元,谢谢!so,May I take your older now?现在我能为您点单吗?I will be back soon.我马上回来.I will check it out.我去查查看.I will try my best.我尽力而为Here you are.给您.I will be careful to it.我会留意的.I think so.我也这么想.It is my pleasure.这是我很高兴做的.Ok,I got it .好,我知道了I see.我了解您的意思.送客服务Please don’t leave anything behind! 请别遗忘您的物品!Good luck!好运!Here is the bill. Please sign it.这是您的账单,请签字How would you like settle your bill?您需要用什么方式买单?Good bye. thank you for coming.再见,谢谢您的光临.Do you have membership card or VIP card?您有会员卡或贵宾卡吗Please show me your membership card / VIP card.请出示您的会员卡/贵宾卡?Please take a moment to give your suggestions and advice.请抽出一点时间提出您的意见和建议。
We love to hear your thoughts.我们期待听到您的想法。
Are you satisfy with our food and service?您对我们的食物以及服务还满意吗?Thanks your advise.感谢您的热心指教.Take care保重We hope to see you again 期待再见.Do you have a reservation? 您有预约吗?The total for is 。
总价是We offer Chinese food and awestern-style food.Which one do you prefer?我们有中餐和西餐,你愿意用哪种?Excuse me。
Well,if you need anything else,please tell us.噢,如果你有什么事,请叫房间服务。
I’d like to try some Chinese food today.我今天想用中餐。
we are open from 9∶00 am to 11∶00 pm.我们营业从时到时Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?.Iam happy to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
I am glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。
When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业?Here is my card. 这是我的名片。
How do you want your steak? 你的牛排要几分熟?For here or to go?堂食或外卖。
I see.我明白了。
Hold on.等一等。
Is there anything I can do for you?您还有什么事要我做吗?Would you please tell me the daily service hours of the coffee shop?请告诉我咖啡厅每天的服务时间,好吗?From 7∶00 a.m.till 10∶00 p.m.nearly serving all day long.从早上七时一直到晚上十时,几乎全天供应。
When will the cafe open?咖啡馆什么时间开放?From 9∶00 am till midnight.从下午三点到晚上十二点。
By the way,please show me where the lift is?顺便请指点我电梯在什么地方?And if there is anything more you need,please let us know.如果还需要别的什么东西,请告诉我们。
Certainly,sir.I will be back right away.好的,先生,我马上就回来。
The room is too cold for me.please wait some minute?您能等几分钟吗?I’d like to pay my bill now.我想现在结账。
Can I pay by credit card?我可以用信用卡支付吗?How about the charge for 这费用怎么办呢Please add to my account.请记在我的账里。
一些常用短语:Come on.来吧(赶快)I agree。
Not bad.还不错。
Not yet.还没。
See you.再见。
Me too.我也是。
How much? 多少钱?This way。
After you.您先。
Bless you! 祝福你!Follow me.跟我来。
So do I.我也一样。
Watch out! 当心。
I promise.我保证。
Of course!当然了!Slow down! 慢点!Take care! 保重!Be careful! 注意!I am so sorry,sir.非常对不起,先生。
I do apologize.我向您道歉。
No problem,sir.没问题,先生。
Wait a second , please. 请稍等I am sure you will like it.您会喜欢的Thank you. You are very kind. 谢谢,您太好了set the table.摆台All right 好的/知道了You are welcome. 不客气Congratulations!祝贺您Daily recommendation 每日推荐Happy birthday生日快乐Happy new year!新年快乐Merry Christmas圣诞快乐1 This way, please. 请这边走。
2 Have you booked a table?您有预定座位吗?3 Do you wish to eat alone? 一个人用餐吗?4 How many persons please? 请问您几位?5 I’m sorry. We have so many guests this evening. 我很抱歉,今晚的客人非常多。
6 What liquor do you like drinking?您喜欢喝什么酒?7 Please pay x Yuan ,Thanks!请付X元,谢谢8 What dietary restriction do you have?您有什么忌口的吗?9 I’s try my best.我尽力而为10 Here you are.给您12 I’m see to it.我会留意的.13 What’s up?有什么事?14 I think so.我也这么想15 It’s my pleasure.这是我很高兴做的.16 I see what your mean.我了解您的意思.送客服务1 Needs to pack?需要打包吗?2 Wish you a pleasant journey! Good luck!祝您旅途愉快!好运!3 Here is the bill. Please sign it.这是您的账单,请签字4 could you show me your membership card / VIP card please ?请出示您的会员卡/贵宾卡?5 Please give your valued suggestion。