
第三大题Chapter 81.How is the American population distributed?The distribution of the American population is rather uneven the most densely populated region is the northeastern part of the country. The great plains have a comparatively small po pulation .the south also has a population of almost 57.5million. the west is not densely popul ated ,except for some metropolitan centers like los Angeles and san Francisco . it has about 2 0% of the nation’s population.2.Why was the immigration act of 1942 instituted ?The new immigrants in the united states , being poor and accustomed to poverty , were wil ling to work for very low wages .this made other workers afraid that the immigrants would ls and take jobs away from them . this opposition led to the immigration act of 1942.Chapter 91.Why did American change its policy and enter world war II?Because of the formation of the axis , the American government feared that the axis countr ies were wining the war and it might threaten America’s security and interests . it began to pr ovide war equipment to the foreign nations resisting the aggression of the axis power . the Ja panese air raid on pearl harbor became the direct cause for America’s entrance into the war.2.What were Nixon’s well-known contributions during his presidency?a) brought the Vietnam war to a closeb)reestablishing U.S. relations with chinac) negotiating the firststrategic arms limitation treaty with the former soviet union .3.What were the contents of Reagan’s economic program?Reagan’s economic program called for reductions in income taxes and business taxes in or der to encourage investment , and it also requested that many government regulations be el iminated so as to reduce the federal government’s role in the day-to-day operation of busine ss.Chapter 101.What are the two characteristics of the U.S. constitution?One is “checks and balances”, the other is that the power of the central government and the powers of state governments are specified.2.What are the qualifications for a senator and a representative respectively?A senator must be over 30 years old , a U.S. citizen for at least nine years, and a resident in the state which they represent . a representative should be at least 25 years old and a U.S. ci tizen for no less than seven years.3.What are the major powers of the supreme court?a)to interpret lawsb) to hear appeals from any federal court cases;c)to hear appeals from state court cases that involve the constitution or national lawsd)may declare a law unconstitutionale) may declare a presidential act unconstitutional.4.What is the difference between the democrats and the republicans in terms of political opinions?The democrats want the government to play an important role in the economy and empha size full employment as a matter of national concern they favor civil rights laws , a strong so cial security system which gives enterprises a greater freedom and demand that the govern ment control inflation. They stress the need for law and order, and oppose complete govern ment social programs and free choice of abortion they also favor a strong military posture and assertive stand in international relations.Chapter 111.What industry developments took place during the colonial period of America?During the colonial period ,the secondary industries developed as the colonies grew . a va riety of specialized sawmills and gristmills appeared. Colonists established shipyards to build fishing fleets and trading vessels . they also built small iron forges . by the 18th century , regi onal patterns of development in America had become clear.2.How did the civil war affect the American economy?After the civil war , the large southern cotton plantations became much less profitable . nor thern industries , which had expanded rapidly because of the demands of the war ,surged ahe ad.3.Why does America try to reduce trade barriers?Because the united states has increasingly realized that open bilateral trade will not only adv ance its own economic interests, but also enhance domestic stability and its peaceful relations hip with other nations.Chapter 121.How does an American university choose its applicants?a)their high school records;b) recommendations from their high school teachers;c) the impression they make during interviews at the university;d) their scores on the SAT.2.What functions do American higher education institutions perform?Higher education institutions in the united states have three functions: teaching , research and public service , and each has its own emphasis with regard to its function .3.What similarities do four famous university share?They all have a long history , they all have an excellent faculty , a large number of students and have made extensive academic achievements. Some of their graduates are very successfu l or influential in some areas such as politics, arts and business.4.What are the origins of thanksgiving day?Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came to the new world , in 1 620,the mayflower arrived and brought about 150 pilgrims. Life at the beginning was very hard and there was not enough food , so many of them died. During the following summer the native America helped them and then they had a bountiful harvest. So they held a big celebrati on to thank god and the native Americans.第四大题Chapter 81.Why is the United States regarded as a”melting pot” and a ”salad bowl” ?The United States is not merely a nation,but a nation of nations.The immigrants came in wa ves,including the Europeans,the Africans and the Asians.Therefore,America is described as a"melting pot"where various racial and ethnic groups are assimilate into American culture.Rece ntly,America has been called a"salad bowl"in that people of difference races and ethnic group s mix harmoniously,but at the same time keep their distinct culture and customs.2.What do you think is the best way to help assimilation in a multicultural society?The best possible way to help assimilation in a multicultural society is to be open and tolera nt toward different cultures.People from different racial and ethnic backgrounds should respe ct each other.Society should create opportunities to help immigrants become assimilated.At t he same time the immigrants should keep their own language,customs and religion,contributi ng to the diversity of a multicultural society.Chapter 91.What was the cause of the American Civil War?The Southern planters of America needed a large number of black African slaves to manage their plantations and they regarded the slaves as their property.In the North,with the develo pment of industry,there was a growing demand for free labor.What’s more,the Northerners d emanded a law to protect tariffs and asked the government to finance the building of railways and roads.But the Southerners were against it and advocated free trade so as to purchase ch eaper goods from foreign countries.The accumulating conflicts led to the division of the North and the South and finally the American Civil War.2.What made the United States a powerful country by the end of World War II?During the two World Wars,America remained neutral in the early stage.However, America ns continued their profitable trade with the warring countries.Therefore,they not only retained their military forces,but also accumulated great wealth.When America entered the wars,it was almost at the end of the wars.By sharing the fruit of victory with other allies, America grea tly strengthened its power and became a powerful country by the end of World War II.Chapter 101.How is the American President voted into office? What are your ideas about the Americanelection?Each party holds its national convention every four years to choose a candidate for preside ncy.To win a presidential election,a candidate has to spend millions of dollars,travel all over the country to make speeches and debate on television with the rival.The general election is technically divided into two stages.During the first stage,presidential electors for each state will be chosen.In the second stage the electors meet and vote a President.Since the second stage isonly a kind of formality,everyone knows who will be the next President an soon as the first st age is over.I think the candidates spend too much money on the electoral campaigns.And, the election cannot solve the social and economic problems of the U.S. as some candidates do not keep their word after they become President.2.What was President Eisenhowers foreign policy and what were the consequences ?President Eisenhower made vigorous efforts to wage the Cold War.He placed new emphasis on developing nuclear strength to prevent the outbreak of war.He also frequently authorized the CIA to undertake secret interventions to overthrow unfriendly governments or protect reli able anti-communist leaders whose power was threatened.The CIA helped topple the govern ments of Iran and Guatemala,but it suffered an embarrassing failure in Indonesia.In addition,E isenhower used U.S.power and prestige to help create a non-communist government in South Vietnam,which brought disastrous long-term consequences to the United States.Chapter 111.How did the U.S constitution lay the groundwork for American’s economic development ?The U.S.Constitution,as an economic charter,established that the entire nation was a unified or "common"market.There were no tariffs or taxes on interstate commerce.It provided thatthe federal government could regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states, establish uniform bankruptcy laws,create money and regulate its value,fix standards of weight s and measures,establish post office and roads,and fix rules governing patents and copyrights.The last-mentioned clause was an early recognition of the importance of "intellectual propert y",a matter that began assuming great importance in trade negotiations since the late 20thce ntury.2.Cite examples to illustrate the role of government intervention in America's economic development.The government has always played an active and important role in America’s economic dev elopment.In the early 1930s,thr United States suffered the worst economic depression in Ame rican history.President Roosevelt introduced the New Deal to tackle the financial crisis.Beside s,he set up the New York State Emergency Relief Commission to help those in desperate need and tried to relieve the serious problems of the jobless.At the end of 1970s, the American eco nomy again suffered a recession.The Reagan administration combated inflation by controlling government spending deficit,cutting taxes and raising interest rates.Both policies mentioned a bove helped to set the country’s economic development on its right course,In all,the interven tion of the government has ensured that economic opportunities are fair and accessible to the people.It has prevented flagrant abuses of the system,dampened the effects of inflation andstimulated economic growth.Chapter 121.What are the ideals that guide the American educational system?The first ideal is that as many people as possible should receive as much education as possi ble .The second ideal is that of ptoducing a society that is totally literate and of local control .The third ideal is that scholars and students should work to discover new information or conc eive new ways to understand what is already known .2.How does America carry out multicultural education?American schools routinely teach the experiences and values of many ethnic cultures.Curre nt textbooks incorporate a variety of ethnic individuals who have achieved success.Struggle fo r equality are vividly depicted,and past racism is bluntly acknowledged.Cultural pluralism is now generally recognized as the organizing principle of education.Schools at all levels offer stud ents opportunities to learn about different cultures.。

判断题Chapter 11.People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to theircountry. (F)2.The Severn River is the longest river of Britain, which originates in Wales andflows through western England.(T)3.Today more than half of the people in Wales still speak the ancient Welshlanguage. (F)4.In terms of population and area, Northern Ireland is the second largest part ofBritain.(F)5.Although the climate in Britain is generally mild, the temperature in northernScotland often falls below -10℃ in January . (F)6.The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons.(T)7.The Celtic people were the earliest known inhabitants of Britain.(T)8.English evolved into what is now described as Modern English from the late 16thcentury.(F)Chapter 21.British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T)2.The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in the 5th century.(T)3.The chief or king of the Anglo-Saxons tribes exercised power at their own will. (F)4.The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century.(T)5.HenryⅡ built up a large empire which included England and most of France.(T)6.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged classand the townspeople.(F)-1453) was a series of wars fought between the7.The Hundred Years’War (1337British and the Vikings for trade and territory.(F)8.In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions, QueenElizabethⅠactually defended the fruit of the Reformation.(T)Chapter 31.Conventions are regarded less important than the statutory law in the working ofthe British government.(T)2.The British monarchy has never been interrupted throughout the history.(F)3.In reality, the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers.(F)4.The British Parliament is the law-making body of the Commonwealth ofNations.(F)5.The members of the House of Commons are appointed rather than elected.(F)6.The British Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.(T)7.Cabinet members are chosen by the Prime Minister from various political partiesin Parliament.(F)8.The legal systems in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are muchsimilar in terms of law, organization and practice.(T)Chapter 41.British was the first industrialized nation in the world.(T)2.The British economy experienced a relative decline during the post-war period.(T)3.Limited resources and high unemployment rate were persistent problems thatprevented rapid economic development in Britain after World WarⅡ.(F)4.Thatcher’s revolution turned out to be a great success in dealing with all theBritish economic and social problems.(F)5.The economic approach adopted by Tony Blair was different from that of the oldLabor Party and the Conservative Party.(T)6.Blair made the Bank of England independent in order to separate politics fromeconomic policy.(T)7.Britain is an important oil exporter since its oil industry has a long history.(F)8.Nuclear power is one of the major energy source in Britain.(T)Chapter 51.The British government has been responsible for education since the early1800s.(F)cation in Britain is compulsory for all children between the ages of 6 and15.(F)3.The National Curriculum is compulsory in both the state system and theindependent system.(F)4.When children finish their schooling at 16, they are required to take a nationalGCSE examination.(T)5.Graduates from state schools in Britain have a less favorable chance to enterfamous universities than those from independent schools.(T)6.The Times is the wo rld’s oldest Sunday newspapers.(F)7.The BBC World Service broadcasts only in English throughout the world.(F)8.Some British holidays are celebrated to mark important events in the Christiancalendar, and some others are related to local customs and traditions.(T) Chapter 81.The eastern highlands formed by the Appalachians hold one third of the country'scontinental territory.(F)2.The climate in the United States can be classified as temperate,with some mild subtropical and tropical zones.(T)3.Almost through the middle of the United States, north to south,runs a well--known 50-centimeter rainfall line.(T)4.New York is the commercial and financial center of the United States , and it is composed of five boroughs including Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island , and Queens.(T)5.San Francisco is the second largest city after New York and the world famous Hollywood and Disneyland are located here.(F)6.During the 1830s and 1840s, many northern Europeans and Irish immigrants came to America.(T)7.Almost half of the immigrants coming to the United States in the 1980s were Asians.(T)8.Basic American cultural values are freedom, equality and desire to work hard fora higher standard of living.(T)Chapter 91.America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, who arrived on the new continent after Columbus.(T)2.The second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia, and the Continental Army and Navy were founded under the command of Thomas Jefferson.(F)3.The Civil War not only put an end to slavery, but also decided that America was asingle, indivisible nation.(T)4.Most American people approved of the Vietnam War.(F)5.In 1990, American troops and the troops from allied nations launched OperationDesert Storm in order to drive Iraqi troops out of Kuwait.(T)6.According to the American administration, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Ladenwere responsible for the terrorist event on September11,2001.(F)7.The America government regarded Iraq a nation among the "axis of evil".(T)8.On March 19,2003,American and United Nation's troops, supported by several other countries, began an invasion of Iraq.(F)Chapter 101.The Bill of Rights was written into the Constitution in 1787.(F)2.The form of American government is based on three main principles: federalism,the separation of powers, and respect for the Constitution and the rule of law.(T) 3.The U.S. Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government and it consists of two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.(F)4.The judicial branch of the federal government consists of a series of courts: the Supreme Court, the courts of appeals and the district courts.(T)5.The Democratic Party is conservative in terms of its ideology.(F)6.The American presidential campaign adheres to the "winner-take-all" practice.(T)7.The American foreign policy throughout the World War II was neutrality.(F)8.The American foreign policy during the Cold War period was containment and intervention.(T)Chapter 111.America is the world's largest industrial nation.(T)2.In the U.S. Constitution, the recognition of the importance of "intellectual property" could be identified.(T)3.Although slavery was abolished as a result of the Civil War, the owners of plantation in the South made more profits from selling their agriculture products.(F)4.President Roosevelt's New Deal had little effect in dealing with the economic crisis in the early 1930s.(F)5.The 1960s was a period of consolidation for the American businesses.(F)6.American agricultural exports outweigh imports, leaving a surplus in the agricultural balance of trade.(T)7.Auto production is one of the important sectors in American manufacturing industry.(T)8.The world economy has little to do with the growth and decline of the American foreign trade.(F)Chapter 12cation is governed by state and local governments instead of the national government in America.(T)2.All American children are offered 12 years of compulsory public education.(T)3. After 12 years of schooling, American students receive a bachelor's degree at graduation.(F)4.When selecting a college or university, undergraduate students have a great concern for its size, location and academic quality.(T)ually, an undergraduate student has to earn 120 credits to receive a degree.(T)6.Yale university is the second eldest institution of higher learning in the United States.(F)7.It is The New York Times that first uncovered the Watergate Scandal in 1972 through the efforts of two reporters.(F)8.Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Tuesday in November.(F)选择题Chapter 1 ABDC DACC1.The two main islands of the British Isles are .A. Great Britain and IrelandB. Great Britain and ScotlandC. Great Britain and WalesD. Great Britain and England2.is the capital city of Scotland.A. BelfastB. EdinburghC. AberdeenD. Cardiff3.Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, is the smallest.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. WalesD. Northern Ireland4.English belongs to the group of Indo-European family of languages.A. CelticB. Indo-IranianC. GermanicD. Roman5.The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of words toEnglish.A. Danish and FinnishB. Dutch and GermanC. French and ItalianD. Latin and Greek6.The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the influence.A. NormanB. DutchC. GermanD. Danish7.Samuel Johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of .A. grammarB. handwritingC. spellingD. pronunciation8.At present, nearly of the world’s population communicate in English.A. halfB. a quarterC. one thirdD. one fifth Chapter 2 D DCC ABAC1. The attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410.A. NormanB. DanishC. CelticD. Germanic2.By the late 7th century, became the dominant religion in England.A. Celtic ChristianityB. Anglo-Saxon ChristianityC. Germanic ChristianityD. Roman Christianity3.The marked the establishment of feudalism in England.A. Viking invasionB. signing of the Magna CartaC. Norman ConquestD. Adoption of common law4.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of .A. the House of ValoisB. the House of YorkC. the House of TudorD. the House of Lancaster.5.The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effort toA. divorce his wifeB. break with RomeC. support the ProtestantsD. declare his supreme power over thechurch6.The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between .A. Protestants and PuritansB. Royalists and ParliamentariansC. nobles and peasantsD. aristocrats and Christians7.was passed after the Glorious Revolution.A. Bill of RightsB. Act of SupremacyC. Provisions of OxfordD. Magna Carta8.The Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain by the middle of the century.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20thChapter 3 CDBA BBDC1. The British government is characterized by a division of powers between three of thefollowing branches with the exception of the .A. judiciaryB. legislatureC. monarchyD. executive2.The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on .A. passing the billsB. advising the governmentC. political partiesD. public attitude3.As a revising chamber, the House of Lords is expected to the House of Commons.A. rivalB. complementC. criticizeD. inspect4.is at the center of the British political system.A. The CabinetB. The House of LordsC. The House of CommonsD. The Privy Council5.The main duty of the British Privy Council is to .A. make decisionsB. give adviceC. pass billsD. supervise the Cabinet6.Generally speaking, the British Parliament operates on a system.A. single-partyB. two-partyC. three-partyD. multi-party7.The policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism and .A. government interventionB. nationalization of enterprisesC. social reformD. a belief in individualism8.In Britain, the parliamentary general election is held every years.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. sixChapter 4 A CDC DBAC1. The in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnant economy in Britain.A. oil crisisB. high inflation ratesC. large importsD. unemployment problem2.Of the following practices, does not belong to Thatcher’s social welfare reform.A. reducing child benefitsB. shortening the unemployment benefits periodC. reducing the unemploymentD. lowering old age pensions3.The Blair government has been successful in all the following aspects except .A. limiting government spendingB. keeping inflation under controlC. reducing unemploymentD. reducing inequality4.Britain has devoted of its land area to agriculture.A. 54%B. 64%C. 74%D.84%5.Britain’s important fishing areas include all the following except .A. the North SeaB. the English ChannelC. The sea area around IrelandD. The sea area between Britain andIreland6.Coal mining industry in Britain provides of the energy consumed in the country.A. 1/3B. 1/4C. 1/5D. 2/37.The car industry in Britain in mostly .A. foreign-ownedB. state-ownedC. joint-ventureD.privately-owned8.Of the following sectors in Britain, has experienced spectacular growth since theend of Word War II.A. agricultureB. energy industryC. service industryD. manufacturing industryChapter 5 DCBB CCDA1. In Britain, the division between grammar schools and vocational schools were ended by theintroduction of comprehensive schools in the .A. 1930sB. 1940sC. 1950sD. 1960s2.About of British children receive primary and secondary education through theindependent system.A. 5%B. 6%C. 7%D. 8%3.Partially funded by central government grants, the British universities receive their remainingfunds from all the following sources except .A. tuition feesB. loansC. donationsD. corporate contributions4.To be admitted to the Open University, one need .A. some educational qualificationsB. no educational qualificationsC. General Certificate of Education-AdvancedD. General National Vocational Qualifications5.Among Britain’s quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as the “Big Threethe exception of .A. The TimesB. The GuardianC. The ObserverD. The Daily Telegraph6.Life on Earth is a kind of program produced by the BBC and is popular among 500million viewers worldwide.A. featureB. dramaC. documentaryD. soap opera7.is Britain’s top pay television provider.A. BSBB. SkyTVC. BBCD. BSkyB8.The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except .A. Trooping the ColorB. Queen’s Christmas messageC. Boxing DayD. Christmas pantomimeChapter 8 BCAB CDAD1. The U. S. lies in North America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, theAtlantic to its and the Pacific to its .A. northern, east, westB. central, east, westC. southern, west, eastD. western, east, west2. The continental United States has statesA. 50B. 49C. 48D. 353.The state of is the largest in area of all the states.A. AlaskaB. HawaiiC. TexasD. Florida4.The largest river in the U. S. is .A. the Missouri RiverB. the Mississippi RiverC. the Ohio RiverD. the Colorado River5.Some of the world famous universities like Harvard, Yale and MIT are located in .A. the SouthB. the WestC. New EnglandD. the Midwest6.San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego all belong to .A. MontanaB. UtahC. MaineD.California7.The Immigrants Act of 1924 restricted the further immigration into the United States,particularly from .A. EuropeB. AsiaC. AfricaD. South America8.The characteristic of the dominant American culture is .A. English-speaking, northern European, Roman Catholic and middle-classB. English-speaking, western European, Roman Catholic and upper-classC. English-speaking, northern European, Protestant and upper-classD. English-speaking, western European, Protestant and middle-classChapter 9 CCDB CACD1. The first successful English colony in North America was founded at in .A. Jamestown, LouisianaB. Boston, MassachusettsC. Jamestown, VirginiaD. Plymouth, Georgiabetween the .2.The Seven Years’ War occurredA. French and American IndiansB. French and SpaniardsC. French and BritishD. British and American Indians.3.“No taxation without representation” was the rallying slogan ofA. the settlers of VirginiaB. the people of PennsylvaniaC. the colonists in New EnglandD. the people of the 13 colonies4.In May 1775, was held in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of anational government.A. the First Continental CongressB. the Second Continental CongressC. the Boston Tea PartyD. the Congress of Confederation5.Abraham Lincoln issued to grant freedom to all slaves.A. Declaration of IndependenceB. ConstitutionC. Emancipation ProclamationD. Bill of Rights6.The policy of the United States was at the beginning of the two world wars.A. neutralityB. full involvementC. partial involvementD. appeasement7.President applied New Deal to deal with the problems of the Great Depression.A. WilsonB. TrumanC. RooseveltD. Kennedy8.The Vietnam War was a long-time suffering for Americans, and it continued throughout theterms of Presidents .A. Johnson, Nixon and FordB. Truman, Eisenhower and KennedyC. Kennedy, Johnson and NixonD. Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson Chapter 10 BCBD CCDC1. The U. S. Constitution came into effect in .A. 1787B. 1789C. 1791D. 17932.The Constitution of the United States .A. gives the most power to CongressB. gives the most power to the PresidentC. tries to give each branch enough power to balance the othersD. gives the most power to the Supreme Court3.The Bill of Rights .A. defines the rights of Congress and the rights of the PresidentB. guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights and freedomsC. is part of the Declaration of IndependenceD. has no relationship with the Constitution4.The terms for a Senator and Representative are and years respectively.A. two, fourB. two, threeC. two, sixD. six, two5.All the following except cannot make legislative proposal.A. the SenatorB. the RepresentativeC. the Secretary of StateD. the President6.The following except are all powers of the President.A. vetoing any bills passed by CongressB. appointing federal judges when vacancies occurC. making lawsD. issuing executive orders7.The Supreme Court is composed of justices.A. sixB. sevenC. eightD. nine8.The President is directly voted into office by .A. all citizens of AmericaB. the citizens over 18 years oldC. electors elected by the votersD. the senators and representatives Chapter 11 BCBD CCDCproducts in the following fields except 1. America produces a major portion of the world’s.A. machineryB. automobilesC. oreD. chemicals2.The modern American economy progressed from to , and eventually, to.A. colonial economy, handcraft economy, industrial economyB. farming economy, handcraft economy, industrial economyC. colonial economy, farming economy, industrial economyD. handcraft economy, farming economy, industrial economy3.Chartered companies were NOT granted the by the British King or Queen.A. political authorityB. economic rightsC. judicial authorityD. diplomatic authority4.urged the federal government to establish a national bank.A. George WashingtonB. President RooseveltC. Abraham LincolnD. Alexander Hamilton.5.The following in ventions took place during the “second industrial revolution” exceptA. typewriterB. telephoneC. electric lightD. refrigerator6.President Johnson tried to build a “Great Society” by introducing various programs like thefollowing except .A. MedicareB. Food StampsC. Education InitiativesD. Unemployment Pension7.The following statements are all true except .A. Agribusinesses reflect the big, corporate nature of many farm enterprises.B. Agribusinesses maintain a balanced trade pattern between agricultural imports andexports.C. Agribusinesses range from one-family corporations to multinational firms.D. Agribusinesses include a variety of farm businesses and structures.8. Employment in the sector has been increasing in the U.S. since the 1970s.A. serviceB. agricultureC. manufacturingD. high-tectChapter 12 CBBB CBBB1. Formal education in the United States consists of , secondary and higher education.A. kindergartenB. publicC. elementaryD. private2.Of the following subjects, are NOT offered to elementary school students.A. mathematics and languagesB. politics and business educationC. science and social studiesD. music and physical education3.Higher education in the United States began with the founding of .A. Yale UniversityB. Harvard UniversityC. Princeton UniversityD. New York University4.Of the following, are NOT among the categories of American higher education.A. universities and collegesB. research institutionsC. technical institutionsD. community collegesdegree, all undergraduate students are required to do the following5.To get a bachelor’sexcept .A. attending lectures and completing assignmentsB. passing examinationsC. working for communitiesD. earning a certain number of credits6.is sold especially to the upper or upper-middle class and it has a reputation for itsserious attitude and great bulk.A. The Washington PostB. The New York TimesC. Los Angeles TimesD. New York Daily News7.Of the following, is NOT among the three major radio and TV networks in America.A. the National Broadcasting System (NBS)B. the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)C. the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)D. the American Broadcasting System (ABS)8.The National Day of the United States falls on .A. June 4thB. July 4thC. June 14thD. July 14th第三大题Chapter 1√1.Why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland?They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.2.How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they?√√----The development of the English language can be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English.3. Why did English become more important after Black Death?----The laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance after the Black Death, so English also grew in importance compared to French. Chapter 21.What were Queen Victoria’s major achievements?Queen Victoria made tremendous achievements in almost every aspect. She promoted further industrialization, the building of railways and the growth oftrade and commerce. During her reign, Britain developed into an empireincluding about a quarter of the global population and a quarter of the worldlandmass.2.What were the two camps in World WarⅠ?√In WorldⅠthe two camps were the Central Powers-mainly Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and the Allies-mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy and from 1917,the United States.Ⅱ?3.Why did Britain cooperate closely with the United States after World WarBritain cooperated closely with the United States after World WarⅡsince they were allied during World WarⅡand shared the same concerns about the Soviet Union.Chapter 51.What used to be the major functions of grammar schools and vocationalschools in Britain?Grammar schools were to train the most academically capable students andprepare them for university, whereas vocational schools were to help the lesssuccessful students to learn a trade.2.What kind of subjects do British comprehensive schools provide?British comprehensive schools provide a general education, offering bothacademic subjects like literature and science, and more practical subjects likecooking and carpentry.3.In what ways do British universities enjoy complete academic freedom?British universities enjoy complete academic freedom because they can appoint their own staff, decide which students to admit, provide their own courses andaward their own degrees.4.What role does the media play in British leisure culture?The media plays an essential role in Britain leisure culture since it helps toshape the public’s opinion, determine people’s moral and political orientation and consolidate or undermine the rule of a government.Chapter 81.How is the American population distributed?The distribution of the American population is rather uneven the most densely populated region is the northeastern part of the country. The great plains have a comparatively small population .the south also has a population of almost 57.5million. the west is not densely populated ,except for some metropolitan centers like los Angeles and san Francisco . it has about 2population.0% of the nation’s2.Why was the immigration act of 1942 instituted ?The new immigrants in the united states , being poor and accustomed to poverty , were wil ling to work for very low wages .this made other workers afraid that the immigrants would lsand take jobs away from them . this opposition led to the immigration act of 1942.Chapter 91.Why did American change its policy and enter world war II? √√Because of the formation of the axis , the American government feared that the axis countrsecurity and interests . it began to pr ies were wining the war and it might threaten America’sovide war equipment to the foreign nations resisting the aggression of the axis power . the Jaentrance into the war.panese air raid on pearl harbor became the direct cause for America’swell-known contributions during his presidency?2.What were Nixon’sa) brought the Vietnam war to a closeb)reestablishing U.S. relations with chinac) negotiating the firststrategic arms limitation treaty with the former soviet union .economic program?3.What were the contents of Reagan’sReagan’seconomic program called for reductions in income taxes and business taxes in or der to encourage investment , and it also requested that many government regulations be elrole in the day-to-day operation of busine iminated so as to reduce the federal government’sss.Chapter 101.What are the two characteristics of the U.S. constitution?the other is that the power of the federal governm One is “checks and balances”,ent and of the state governments are specified in the Constitution.2.What are the qualifications for a senator and a representative respectively?A senator must be over 30 years old,a U.S. citizen for at least nine years, and aresident in the state which they represent . A representative should be at least 25years old and a U.S. citizen for no less than seven years.。

(完整版)英美国家概况课后题及答案Chapter 21.The British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T)2.The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC.(T)3.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe--- the Britons.(T)4.The Anglo--Saxons came to Britain in the mid--5th century.(T)5.The chief or king of the Anglo--Saxon tribes exercised power at their own will.(F)6.The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century.(T)7.Henry II built up a large empire which included England and most of France.(T)8.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople.(F)9.The Hundred Years' War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans foe trade and territory.(F)10.In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions,Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation.(T)1. The D attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410.A. NormanB. DanishC. CelticD. Germanic2.By the late 7th century, D became the dominant religion in England.A. Celtic ChristianityB. Anglo-Saxon ChristianityC. Germanic ChristianityD. Roman Christianity3.Westminster Abbey was built at the time of B .A. St. AugustineB. Edward the ConfessorC. William the ConquerorD. Alfred the Great4.The C marked the establishment of feudalism in England.A. Viking invasionB. signing of the Magna CartaC. Norman ConquestD. Adoption of common law5.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of C .A. the House of ValoisB. the House of YorkC. the House of TudorD. the House of Lancaster6.The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effo rt toA .A. divorce his wifeB. break with RomeC. support the ProtestantsD. declare his supreme power over the church7.The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between B .A. Protestants and PuritansB. Royalists and ParliamentariansC. nobles and peasantsD. aristocrats and Christians8. A was passed after the Glorious Revolution.A. Bill of RightsB. Act of SupremacyC. Provisions of OxfordD. Magna Carta9.The Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain by the middle of the Ccentury.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20th10.Britain faced strong challenges in its global imperial dominance by the beginning of theD century.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20thChapter 31.Conventions are regarded less important than common law in the working of theBritish government.(F)2.The British monarchy has never been interrupted throughout the history.(F)3.In reality,the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers.(F)4.British Parliament is the law--making body of the Commonwealth of Nations.(F)5.Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal are all members in the British Upper House.(T)6.The members in the House of Commons are appointed rather than elected.(F)7.The British Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.(T)8.Cabinet members are chosen by the Prime Minister from various political parties in Parliament.(F)9.British law consists of two parts,the civil law and the criminal law.(T)10.The legal systems in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are muchsimilar in terms of law, organization and practice.(F)1. The British government is characterized by a division of powers between three ofthe following branches with the exception of the C .A. judiciaryB. legislatureC. monarchyD. executive2.The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on D .A.passing the billsB. advising the governmentC. political partiesD. public attitude3.As a revising chamber, the House of Lords is expected to B the Houseof Commons.A. rivalB. complementC. criticizeD. inspect4.British Cabinet works on the principle of A .A. collective responsibilityB. individual responsibilityC. defending the collectivismD. defending the individuals5.The main duty of the British Privy Council is to B .A. make decisionsB. give adviceC. pass billsD. supervise the Cabinet6.In Britain, the parliamentary general election is held everyC years.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six7. C has a distinct legal system based on Roman law.A. WalesB. EnglandC. ScotlandD. Northern Ireland8.Generally speaking, the British Parliament operates on a B system.A. single-partyB. two-partyC. three-partyD. multi-party9.The policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism andD .A. government interventionB. nationalization of enterprisesC. social reformD. a belief in individualism10.The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it A .A. set up the National Health ServiceB. improved public transportationC. abolished the old tax systemD.enhanced the economic development Chapter 41.Britain was the first industrialized nation in the world.(T)2.The British economy experienced a relative decline during the postwar period.(T)3.Limited resources and high unemployment rate were persistent problems that prevented rapid economic development in Britain.(F)4.Thatcher's revolution turned out to be a great success in dealing with all the British econimic and social problems.(F)5.The economic approach adopted by Tony Blair is different from that of the Labor party and the Conservative Party.(T)6.Blair made the Bank of England independent in order to separate politics and economic policy.(T)7.Britain is the world's leading exporter of poultry and dairy products.(F)8.The fishing industry provides more than 50%of Britain'sdemand for fish.(T)9.Britain is an important oil exporter since its oil industry hasa long history.(F)10.Nuclear power is one of the major energy sources in Britain.(T)1. The British economy achieved global dominance by the C .A. 1860sB. 1870sC. 1880sD.1890s2.In B , the British Parliament passed two important acts to establish awelfare state.A. 1945B. 1946C. 1947D. 19483.The A in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnant economy inBritain.A. oil crisisB. high inflation ratesC. large importsD. unemployment problem4.Of the following practices, C does not belong to Thatcher’s socialwelfare reform.A. reducing child benefitsB. shortening the unemployment benefits periodC. reducing the unemploymentD. lowering old age pensions5.The Blair government has been successful in all the following aspects exceptD .A. limiting government spendingB. keeping inflation under controlC. reducing unemploymentD. reducing inequality6.Britain has devoted C of its land area to agriculture.A. 54%B. 64%C. 74%D.84%7.Britain’s important fishing areas include all the following except D .A. the North SeaB. the English ChannelC. The sea area around IrelandD. The sea area between Britain and Ireland8.Coal mining industry in Britain provides B of the energy consumed inthe country.A. 1/3B. 1/4C. 1/5D. 2/39.The car industry in Britain in mostly A .A. foreign-ownedB. state-ownedC. joint-ventureD. privately-owned10.Of the following sectors in Britain, C has experienced spectaculargrowth since the end of Word War II.A. AgricultureB. energy industryC. service industryD.manufacturing industry Chapter 51.The British government has been responsible for education since the early 1800s.(F)/doc/314914325.html,cation in Britain is compulsory for all children between the ages of 6 and 15.(F)3.The National Curriculum is compulsory in both the state system and the independent system.(F)4.When children finish their schooling at 16, they are required to take a national GCSE examination.(T)5.Graduates from state schools in Britain have a less favorable chance to enter famous universities than those from independent schools.(T)6.In the 1960s, a large number of new universities were founded in Britain.(T)7.Most British people begin their day with reading the morning newspaper and end it watching television in the evening.(T)8.The Times is the world's oldest national newspaper(F)9.The BBC World Service broadcasts only in English throughout the world.(F)10.Some British holidays are celebrated to mark the important events of the Christian calendar, and others are related to local customs and traditions.(T)1. In Britain, the division between grammar schools and vocational schools were ended by the introduction of comprehensive schools in the D .A. 1930sB. 1940sC. 1950sD. 1960s2.About B of British children receive primary and secondary educationthrough the independent system.A. 5%B. 6%C. 7%D. 8%3.Partially funded by central government grants, the British universities receivetheir remaining funds from all the following sources except B .A. tuition feesB. loansC. donationsD.corporate contributions4.Of the following, A is NOT a basis of admission to Britain’suniversities.A. result in national entrance testB. A-level resultC. an interviewD. school references5.To be admitted to the Open University, one need B .A. some educational qualificationsB. no educational qualificationsC. General Certificate of Education-AdvancedD.General National V ocationalQualifications6.Among Britain’s quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as the “BigThree” with the exception of C .A. The TimesB. The GuardianC. The ObserverD. The Daily Telegraph7.Life on Earth is a kind of C program produced by the BBC and ispopular among 500 million viewers worldwide.A. featureB. dramaC. documentaryD. soap opera8. D is Britain’s top pay television provider.A. BSBB. SkyTVC. BBCD. BSkyB9.Of the following, D is NOT a common feature of all the Britishholidays.A. families getting togetherB. friends exchanging good wishesC. friends enjoying each other’s companyD. families traveling overseas10.The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except A .A. Trooping the ColorB. Queen’s Christmas messageC. Boxing DayD. Christmas pantomimeChapter 91.America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, who arrived on the new continent after Columbus.(T)2.The second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia, and the Continental Army and Navy were founded under the command of Thomas Jefferson.(F)3.The Civil War not only put an end to slavery, but also decided that America was a single, indivisible nation.(T)4.Many American people approved of the Vietnam War.(F)5.During Clinton's term, the economy developed steadily, resulting in a lower rate of unemployment.(T)6.In 1990, American troops and the troops from allied nations launched Operation Desert Storm in order to drive Iraqi troops out of Kuwait.(T)7.According to the American administration, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were responsible for the terrorist event on September11,2001.(F)8.The America government regarded Iraq a nation among the "axis of evil".(T)9.On March 19,2003,American and United Nation's troops, supported by several other countries, began an invasion of Iraq.(F)10.Although the combat operations in Iraq are over, it is still hard for America to decide when to withdraw its army.(T)1.The first successful English colony in North America wasfounded at C in .A. Jamestown, LouisianaB. Boston, MassachusettsC. Jamestown, VirginiaD. Plymouth, Georgia2.Pilgrim Fathers are a group of B who came to America to avoidpersecution in England.A. ProtestantsB. PuritansC. CatholicsD. Christians3.The Seven Years’ War occurred between the C .A. French and American IndiansB. French and SpaniardsC. French and BritishD. British and American Indians4.“No taxation without representation” was the rallying slogan of D .A. the settlers of VirginiaB. the people of PennsylvaniaC. the colonists in New EnglandD. the people of the 13 colonies5.The first shots of the American War of Independence were fired in B .A. ConcordB. LexingtonC. PhiladelphiaD. Boston6.In May 1775, B was held in Philadelphia and began toassume thefunctions of a national government.A. the First Continental CongressB. the Second Continental CongressC. the Boston Tea PartyD. the Congress of Confederation7.Abraham Lincoln issued C to grant freedom to all slaves.A. Declaration of IndependenceB. ConstitutionC. Emancipation ProclamationD. Bill of Rights8.The policy of the United States was A at the beginning of the two worldwars.A. neutralityB. full involvementC. partial involvementD. appeasement9.President C applied New Deal to deal with the problems of the GreatDepression.A. WilsonB. TrumanC. RooseveltD. Kennedy10.The Vietnam War was a long-time suffering for Americans, and it continuedthroughout the terms of Presidents D .A. Johnson, Nixon and FordB. Truman, Eisenhower and KennedyC. Kennedy, Johnson and NixonD. Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson Chapter 101.Bill of Rights was written into the Constitution in 1787.(F)2.The form of American government is based on three main principles: federalism, the separation of powers, and respect for the Constitution and the rule of law.(T)3.The U.S. Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government and it consists of two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.(F)4.Certain presidential appointments must be approved by Congress.(T)5.The judicial branch of the federal government consists of a series of courts: the Supreme Court, the courts of appeals and the district courts.(T)6.Like Britain, the United States has a two--party system.(T)7.The Democratic Party is conservative in terms of its ideology.(F)8.American presidential campaign adheres to the "winner-take-all" practice.(T)9.American foreign policy throughout the World War II was neutrality.(F)10.American foreign policy during the Cold War period was containment and intervention.(T)1.The U. S. Constitution came into effect in B .A. 1787B. 1789C. 1791D. 17932.The Constitution of the United States C .A. gives the most power to CongressB. gives the most power to the PresidentC. tries to give each branch enough power to balance the othersD. gives the most power to the Supreme Court3.The Bill of Rights B .A. defines the rights of Congress and the rights of the PresidentB. guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights and freedomsC. is part of the Declaration of IndependenceD. has no relationship with the Constitution4.The following except B are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.A. freedom of religionB. the right to get into people’s house by policeC. freedom of speech and of pressD. the right to own one’s weapon if one wishes5.All the following except C cannot make legislative proposal.A. the SenatorB. the RepresentativeC. the Secretary of StateD. the President6.The following except C are all powers of the President.A. vetoing any bills passed by CongressB. appointing federal judges when vacancies occurC. making lawsD. issuing executive orders7.According to the Constitution, a candidate for President must be D .A. at least 35 years oldB. at least a 14 years’ resident of the United StatesC. born in AmericaD. all of the above8.The terms for a Senator and Representative are D and yearsrespectively.A. two, fourB. two, threeC. two, sixD. six, two9.The Supreme Court is composed of D justices.A. sixB. sevenC. eightD. nine10.The President is directly voted into office by C .A. all citizens of AmericaB. the citizens over 18 years oldC. electors elected by the votersD. the senators and representatives Chapter 111.America is the world's largest industrial nation.(T)2.America has a mixed economy and the government has little control over businesses.(F)3.Charter companies contributed to Britain's successful colonization of the U.S.(T)4.In the U.S. Constitution, the recognition of the importance of "intellectual property" could be identified.(T)5.Although slavery was abolished as a result of the Civil War, the owners of plantation in the South made more profits from selling their agriculture products.(F)6.President Roosevelt's New Deal had little effect in dealing with the economic crisis in the early 1930s.(F)7.The 1960s was a period of consolidation for the American businesses.(F)8.American agricultural exports outweigh imports, leaving a surplus in the agricultural balance of trade.(T)9.Auto production is one of the important sectors in American manufacturing industry.(T)10.The world economy has little to do with the growth and decline of the American foreign trade.(F)1.America produces a major portion of the world’s products in the following fields except C .A. machineryB. automobilesC. oreD. chemicals2.The modern American economy progressed from C to , andeventually, to .A. colonial economy, handcraft economy, industrial economyB. farming economy, handcraft economy, industrial economyC. colonial economy, farming economy, industrial economyD. handcraft economy, farming economy, industrial economy3.Chartered companies were NOT granted the D by the British King orQueen.A. political authorityB. economic rightsC. judicial authorityD. diplomatic authority4.The first National Bank of the United States was established with the urge ofD .A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. Andrew JacksonD. Alexander Hamilton5.The following inventions took place during the “second industrial revolution”except D .A. typewriterB. telephoneC. electric lightD. refrigerator6.President Johnson tried to build a “Great Society” by introducing variousprograms like the following except D .A. MedicareB. Food StampsC. Education InitiativesD. Unemployment Pension7.About B of American crops are for export.A. halfB. one thirdC. one fourthD. one fifth8.The following statements are all true except B .A. Agribusinesses reflect the big, corporate nature of many farm enterprises.B. Agribusinesses maintain a balanced trade pattern between agricultural importsand exports.C. Agribusinesses range from one-family corporations tomultinational firms.D. Agribusinesses include a variety of farm businesses and structures.9. D is not one of the three giants in American automobile industry.A.FordB. General MotorsC. ChryslerD. American Motors10.At present, U. S. exports account for A of the world’s total.A. 10%B. 15%C. 20%D. 25% Chapter 12/doc/314914325.html,cation is governed by state and local governments instead of the national government in America.(T)2.All American children are offered 12 years of compulsory public education.(T)3.The first formal academic institution that a child attends is called kindergarten.(F)4.After 12 years of schooling, American students receive a bachelor's degree at graduation.(F)5.When selecting a college or university, undergraduate students have a great concern for its size, location and academic quality.(T)6.In American institutions, a board of trustees composed of professionals is responsible for the administration.(F) /doc/314914325.html,ually, anundergraduate student has to earn 120 credits to receive a degree.(T)8.Yale university is the second eldest institution of higher learning in the United States.(F)9.It is The New York Times that first uncovered the Watergate Scandal in 1972 through the efforts of two reporters.(F)10.Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Tuesday in November.(F)1.Formal education in the United States consists of C , secondary andhigher education.A. kindergartenB. publicC. elementaryD. private2.Of the following subjects, B are NOT offered to elementary schoolstudents.A. mathematics and languagesB. politics and business educationC. science and social studiesD. music and physical education3.Higher education in the United States began with the founding of B .A. Yale UniversityB. Harvard UniversityC. Princeton UniversityD. New York University4.Of the following, B are NOT among the categories of American highereducation.A. universities and collegesB. research institutionsC. technical institutionsD. community colleges5.Of the following, D is NOT the responsibility of the board of trustees inU. S. institutions.A. choosing the presidentB. establishing policies for administrators and facultyC. approving budget and other financial projectD. decide which student to enroll6.To get a bachelor’s degree, all undergraduate students are required to do thefollowing except C .A. attending lectures and completing assignmentsB. passing examinationsC. working for communitiesD. earning a certain number of credits7.Of the following universities, B has NOT cultivated any AmericanPresident yet.A. Harvard UniversityB. Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyC. Princeton UniversityD. Yale University8. B is sold especially to the upper or upper-middle class and it has areputation for its serious attitude and great bulk.A. The Washington PostB. The New York TimesC. Los Angeles TimesD. New York Daily News9.Of the following, B is NOT among the three major radio and TVnetworks in America.A. the National Broadcasting System (NBS)B. the Public BroadcastingService (PBS)C. the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)D. the American BroadcastingSystem (ABS)10.The National Day of the United States falls on B .A. June 4thB. July 4thC. June 14thD. July 14th。

免费搜题1.?? 单选题?? In 2012, the top 5 agricultural commodities of America are ( ), cattle, soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat.(分)Corn2.?? 单选题?? The Panama Canal was finally built by a ( ) consortium.(分)America3.?? 单选题?? Washington, Jefferson, () and Lincoln's faces are made on the Mount Rushmore.( )(分)Roosevelt4.?? 单选题?? The most popular pets in America is ( ).(分)Cat5.?? 单选题?? Berlin Wall was ended in ( ).(分)19896.?? 单选题?? In China, the life expectancy is ( ) years.(分)757.?? 单选题?? There were ( ) Chief Justice in the Supreme Court.(分)18.?? 单选题?? In American football, the boy who throws the ball is called ( ).(分)没搜到哦~9.?? 单选题?? The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( ).(分)没搜到哦~10.?? 单选题?? The Super Bowl is usually held ( ).(分)没搜到哦~11.?? 单选题?? Which one is wrong about housing in western countries?( )(分)没搜到哦~12.?? 单选题?? When is the Independent Day of America?( )(分)没搜到哦~13.?? 单选题?? The first constitution, Article of Confederation was made in ( ).(分)178114.?? 单选题?? Which one is wrong about Franklin Delano Roosevelt?( )(分)没搜到哦~15.?? 单选题?? Which is not the reason why people are religious?( )(分)没搜到哦~16.?? 单选题?? The most fresh water used in China is in ( ).(分)Agriculture17.?? 单选题?? The first railway was built in ( ).(分)182818.?? 单选题?? The war of Independence was between ( ).(分)没搜到哦~19.?? 单选题?? Registering to vote costs ( ).(分)没搜到哦~20.?? 单选题?? Which country of following is not constitutional monarchy?( )(分)USA21.?? 单选题?? The biggest religion by followers is ( ).(分)Christianity22.?? 单选题?? Why is Yellowstone National Park important?( )(分)没搜到哦~23.?? 单选题?? The amendments to the Constitution must be supported by ( ) of the States.(分)75%24.?? 单选题?? The main European power was Spain, France, ( ) and Great Britain.(分)Portugal25.?? 单选题?? Where is the headquarter of the UN.( )(分)没搜到哦~26.?? 单选题?? Which is not the three basic principles of the Consititution?( )(分)没搜到哦~27.?? 单选题?? George Washington declared ( )(分)没搜到哦~28.?? 单选题?? Which one is wrong about John D. Rockefeller?( ).(分)没搜到哦~29.?? 单选题?? 68% of the 79 inventors with more than 300 utility paten families are from ( ).(分)USA30.?? 单选题?? For the Christian Church, ( ) is the Sabbath.(分)Sunday31.?? 单选题?? Bill is the short version of ( ).(分)William32.?? 单选题?? According to the 2010 Pew Survey, ( ) of Chinese believe folk religion.(分)%33.?? 单选题?? The first fight between local people and Britishsoldiers was at ( ).(分)没搜到哦~34.?? 单选题?? In the format of western names,which name is put first?( )(分)没搜到哦~35.?? 单选题?? Which statement about western marriage is wrong?( )(分)没搜到哦~36.?? 单选题?? Why did the French consortium gave up to build the canal?( )(分)没搜到哦~37.?? 单选题?? Who is the most powerful person according to the 2013 Forbes List?( )(分)没搜到哦~38.?? 单选题?? The GFC Recession started in ( ).(分)没搜到哦~39.?? 单选题?? ( ) is most used for the electricity production in the USA and China.(分)没搜到哦~40.?? 单选题?? Which one of following statement is wrong?( )(分)没搜到哦~41.?? 多选题?? All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( )?(分)Myanmar&Liberia42.?? 多选题?? What the reason why people are religious?(分)没搜到哦~43.?? 多选题?? What kinds of ethnic groups in China?(分)Han44.?? 多选题?? What are the services include in the USA?(分)Education&Entertainment45.?? 多选题?? What are wrong about George Washington?(分)没搜到哦~46.?? 多选题?? What are the key characteristics of religion in America?(分)没搜到哦~47.?? 多选题?? What are the goverment of 3 branches in the USA?(分)没搜到哦~48.?? 多选题?? What followings are include the three basic principles of the Consititution?(分)Republic&Federation49.?? 多选题?? What are right about the Old Faithful?(分)没搜到哦~50.?? 多选题?? What the following are American company?(分)Google&CocaCola&Facebook&McDonald's51.?? 多选题?? What are the key aspect of Chinese culture?(分)没搜到哦~52.?? 多选题?? Who are the supporters of the Republican Party?(分)Businessmen&Farmers53.?? 多选题?? What are the similar between the USA and China?(分)Area&Literacy54.?? 多选题?? What animal is there in Yellowstone National Park?(分)没搜到哦~55.?? 多选题?? What are right about 9/11?(分)没搜到哦~56.?? 判断题?? It's expensive to have a horse.( )(分)true57.?? 判断题?? In western countries, eye contact is important.( )(分)true58.?? 判断题?? There is only one given name in western name.( )(分)false59.?? 判断题?? Each State has the same Constitution.( )(分)false60.?? 判断题?? The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( )(分)false如果没找到答案,请关注gzh:音速校园。

A.检查B.定期复查和抽查C.定期检查和随机检查D.定期检查和抽查答案:B 6.教育行政督导是指上级教育督导部门对进行的督导。
A.机构建设、制度建设和党政关系B.政风、党风和教风C.管理制度、教学制度和学习制度D.行政机构建设、党组织建设和群团组织建设答案:A 12.根据我国《教育督导暂行规定》规定。

1.1Western Names1【单选题】In the format of western names,which name is put first?( )A、Family nameB、Last nameC、SurnameD、First name我的答案:D2【单选题】Bill is the short version of ( ).A、WilliamB、StevenC、RobertD、Richard我的答案:A3【判断题】There is only one given name in western name.( )我的答案:×1.2What is Culture1【单选题】Culture is the beliefs, ( ) and way-of-life of a community or society.A、traditionsB、habitsC、customsD、costumes我的答案:C2【单选题】Which one is not the key aspect of Chinese culture?( )A、Chinese foodB、Spring FestivelC、Chinese medicineD、Football我的答案:D3【判断题】Chinese culture is better than American culture.( )我的答案:×2Geography of the USA2.1 Topography of the USA1【单选题】( ) and Hawaii are seperated from American mainland.A、ColoradoB、IndianaC、AlabamaD、Alaska我的答案:D2【单选题】Which is the largest states by population?( )A、TexasB、New YorkC、CaliforniaD、Florida我的答案:C3【判断题】Boston is on the West Coast of America.( )我的答案:×2.2Three Icons of America1【单选题】Why is Yellowstone National Park important?( )A、Because it is the first national park in the world.B、Because it is in America.C、Because it is the biggest national park in America.D、Because it is the first national park in America.我的答案:A2【单选题】Washington, Jefferson, () and Lincoln's faces are made on the Mount Rushmore.( )A、MadisonB、RooseveltC、KennedyD、Adams我的答案:B3【单选题】Which country provided the Statue of Liberty to America?( )A、The United KingdomB、CanadaC、AustraliaD、France我的答案:D2.3Comparison of the USA and China (1)1【单选题】Which is not the major environment issues of America?( )A、Air pollutionB、Water shortageC、Loss of agricultural landD、desertification我的答案:CThe most fresh water used in China is in ( ).A、DomesticB、IndustryC、LivestockD、Agriculture我的答案:D3【单选题】In 2013, the population of China is about ( ) more than that of America.A、3 timesB、4 timesC、5 timesD、6 times我的答案:B4【单选题】Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )A、China has more railways than America.B、America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico.C、Both America and China's climates vary greatly.D、America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than China.我的答案:AThe total area of China is bigger than America.( )我的答案:×2.4Comparison of the USA and China (2)1【单选题】All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( ), Myanmar and Liberia.A、the UKB、the USAC、FranceD、Japan我的答案:B2【单选题】The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( ).A、White, Hispanic and BlackB、White, Black and HispanicC、White, Black and AsianD、White, Asian and Black我的答案:A3【单选题】In China, the life expectancy is ( ) years.?A、70B、72C、75D、79我的答案:C4【单选题】1 kilogram is ( ) pounds.?A、0.6B、1.7C、2.1D、2.2我的答案:D3.Economy of the USA3.1Overview1【单选题】Which country is the second largest economy in the world?( )A、ChinaB、JapanC、South KoreaD、Germany我的答案:A2【单选题】Which one of following is not an American company?( )A、GoogleB、CocaColaC、FacebookD、Airbus我的答案:D3【判断题】Per capita means a person.( )我的答案:√3.2Comparison of USA and China1【单选题】The UAS and ( ) is the major export markets of China.A、CanadaB、MexicoC、JapanD、South Korea我的答案:C2【单选题】According to the 2013 statistics, which one of the following is wrong?( )A、The smallest part in the economic structure of developed countriesis agriculture.B、The biggest part of GDP composition in America is Services.C、In 2013, GDP growth rate in America is higher than that in China.D、In 2013, America's inflation rate is lower than China's.我的答案:C3【单选题】Which one is right about the labour force in America and China?( )A、Most of American labour force are in services.B、Both America and China have the least labour force in agriculture.C、Most Chinese labour force are in agriculture.D、American labour force is more than Chinese.我的答案:A4【判断题】Now services in China grows very fast.( )我的答案:√5【判断题】The poverty lines in America and China are the same.( )我的答案:×3.3Agriculture in the USA1【单选题】Which one is wrong about the American agriculture?( )A、Large family farms are much more productive.B、In 2000, farm jobs are very few in America.C、Most income of farm households is from non-farm sources.D、In America, all farmers have jobs in cities.我的答案:D2【单选题】( ), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma and California have the most farms in the USA.A、ArizonaB、MarylandC、TexasD、Nevada我的答案:C3【单选题】In 2012, the top 5 agricultural commodities of America are ( ), cattle, soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat.?A、CornB、PotatoC、TomatoD、Cotton我的答案:A4【判断题】96% of the farmers are black people.( )3.4Global Financial Crisis1【单选题】The GFC Recession started in ( ).A、the USAB、the UKC、JapanD、France我的答案:A2【单选题】Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( )A、Banks stopped lending.B、Companies cut jobs.C、Stock market crashed.D、People got more job opportunity.我的答案:D3【单选题】The cause of the GFC Recession in 2007 was ( ).A、Stock bubble burstB、Property bubble burstC、Dotcom bubble burstD、Asset price bubble burst4【判断题】China was not affected much by the GFC Recession.( )我的答案:√3.5A Hero and a Villain1【单选题】Bernie Madoff's clients lost about ( ) billion dollars.A、10B、20C、30D、40我的答案:A2【单选题】The New York magzine called Bernie Madoff ( ).A、VillainB、HeroC、MonsterD、Saviour我的答案:C3【判断题】Warren Buffett was born in a rich family.( )我的答案:×4History of America4.1Discovery of the 'New World'1【单选题】The main European power was Spain, France, ( ) and Great Britain.A、ItalyB、PortugalC、RussiaD、Germany我的答案:B2【单选题】Christopher Columbus was the first person to cross the ( ) Ocean.A、PacificB、IndianC、ArcticD、Atlantic我的答案:D3【判断题】Christopher Columbus did 5 voyages between 1492 and 1503.( )我的答案:×4.2British Colonies1【单选题】The Britain founded ( ) colonies along the East Coast in America.A、11B、12C、13D、14我的答案:C2【单选题】The first fight between local people and British soldiers was at ( ).A、Washington D.C.B、New YorkC、BostonD、Lexington and Concord我的答案:D3【单选题】John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson and ( ) ?wrote The Declaration of Independence.A、Benjamin FranklinB、Abraham LincolnC、George WashingtonD、Paul Revere我的答案:A4.【判断题】The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( ) 我的答案:×4.3American War of Independence1【单选题】The war of Independence was between ( ).A、America and FranceB、America and HollandC、America and SpainD、America and Britain我的答案:D2【单选题】In 1778, ( ) signed Treaty of Alliance with America.?A、SpainB、HollandC、FranceD、Britain我的答案:C3【判断题】Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( )我的答案:×4.4Building the New Nation1【单选题】The first constitution, Article of Confederation was made in ( ).A、1778B、1779C、1780D、1781我的答案:D2【单选题】Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of ( ) of America.A、StateB、LawC、TreasuryD、War我的答案:C3【单选题】There were ( ) Chief Justice in the Supreme Court.A、1B、3C、8D、9我的答案:A4【判断题】Thomas Paine was born in France.( )我的答案:×4.5A Hero, Traitor and Genius1【单选题】Which one is wrong about Benjamin Franklin?( )A、He was also a Doctor.B、He loved reading.C、He started the first public library in Philadelphia.D、He was 81 when he went to the Constitutional Convention. 我的答案:A2【单选题】George Washington declared ( )A、Thanksgiving DayB、ChristmasC、HalloweenD、New Year's Day我的答案:A3【单选题】Which one is right about George Washington?( )A、He was graduated from college.B、He had three children.C、He had no experience in military action.D、He was revered as the "Father of the United States".我的答案:D4【单选题】Which document was not signed by Benjamin Franklin?( )A、The Declaration of IndependenceB、Treaty with FranceC、Peace TreatyD、Article of Confederation我的答案:D5【判断题】Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.()我的答案:×4.6Timeline of Major Events (1800-1899)1【单选题】The first railway was built in ( ).A、1827B、1828C、1829D、1830我的答案:B2【单选题】The war with Mexico was started in ( ).A、1846B、1847C、1848D、1849我的答案:A3【判断题】The first telephone line was built in 1877.( ) 我的答案:√4.7Territorial Expansion1【单选题】The USA purchased Florida from ( ).A、SpainB、the UKC、FranceD、Italy我的答案:A2【单选题】America purchased Louisiana Territory with ( ) million dollars from France.A、2B、5C、10D、15我的答案:D3【单选题】Which one is wrong about Hawaii?( )A、It is in the Atlantic Ocean.B、There are 8 main islands.C、It is the 50th states of America.D、America took over Hawaii government from the local king.我的答案:A4【判断题】Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( )我的答案:×5【判断题】The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( )我的答案:×4.8The American Civil War1【单选题】Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( )A、He was the 16th president of America.B、He was killed in 1865 when the Civil War was just finished.C、He was a businessman and then became politician.D、He was born in a poor farm family.我的答案:C2【单选题】The Civil War started in ( ).A、1861B、1862C、1863D、1864我的答案:A3【单选题】Which was wrong about the Civil War?( )A、America was kept as one country.B、Slavery was abolished.C、After the Battle of Gettysburg, the North started to win.D、The South was strong in "hard power".我的答案:D4【判断题】In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong.( ) 我的答案:×5【判断题】Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )我的答案:√4.9America's Economic Development1【单选题】Which one is wrong about Thomas Edison?( )A、He was educated in school.B、His first job is telegraph operator.C、He had many patents.D、He invented electric light bulb.我的答案:A2【单选题】Which one is wrong about John D. Rockefeller?( ).A、He established his first oil refinery when he was 24.B、At first, he worked as a bookkeeper.C、When he was 20, he started his own company.D、He donated all his money to the Rockefeller Foundation.我的答案:D3【判断题】Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith inventedbasketball which is a good sport for winter.( )我的答案:√4.10Timeline of Major Events (1900-2014)1【单选题】The first long distance telephone was built in ( ).A、1915B、1916C、1917D、1918我的答案:A2【单选题】In ( ), the first humans walked on the moon.A、1967B、1968C、1969D、1970我的答案:C3【单选题】President Nixon visited China in ( ).A、1971B、1972C、1973D、1974我的答案:B4.11The Panama Canal1【单选题】The Panama Canal was finally built by a ( ) consortium.A、FranceB、ItalyC、BritainD、America我的答案:D2【单选题】Why did the French consortium gave up to build the canal?( )A、Because it was too expensive.B、Because many people died.C、Because the topography in Panama was difficult to build a canal.D、Because the American government decided to buld it by themselves. 我的答案:C3【判断题】The aim to build the Panama Canal was to connect America and Panama.( ) 我的答案:×4.12The Great Depression1【单选题】Which one is wrong about the Great Depression?( )A、The Great Depression started with the crash of the New York stock market.B、More than 9000 banks closed down.C、It took a short time for the New York Stock to recover.D、Many people became homeless because of the Great Depression.我的答案:C2【单选题】The Great Depression started in ( ).A、1929B、1932C、1933D、1939我的答案:A3【单选题】Which one is wrong about Franklin Delano Roosevelt?( )A、He was also known as FDR.B、He give American people confidence during the Great Depression.C、He was elected as president for 3 times.D、He started many government programs to provide work to people.我的答案:C4【单选题】Which one is not the results of the Great Depression?( )A、GDP went down.B、Income fell.C、Unemployment rate increased.D、Farmers had no food to eat.我的答案:D4.13The Cold War1【单选题】Berlin Wall was ended in ( ).A、1989B、1988C、1987D、1986我的答案:A2【单选题】The Cold War began in ( ).A、1945B、1946C、1947D、1948我的答案:D3【单选题】Which statement of following is wrong?( )A、There were many cold conflicts in the cold war, such as weapon competition and spying.B、Germany reunited in 1990.C、The USSR was dissolved in 1990.D、After the USSR dissovled, 15 new countries were created.我的答案:C4【单选题】Which was not the reason why the West against Communism?( )A、The communist countries only has one political system.B、The economy in communist countries is state-owned.C、The communist countries are against religion.D、The communist countries have nuclear weapons.我的答案:D5【判断题】The Cold War continued for only a few years.( )我的答案:×4.14 911 & War on Terror1【单选题】Which one is wrong about 9/11?( )A、About 3000 people were killed.B、It happened in 2002.C、The World Trade Centre and Pentagon were attacked.D、It was the first attack on mainland USA since 1812.我的答案:B2【单选题】The terrorists Hijacked ( ) planes.A、4B、5C、6D、7我的答案:A3【判断题】Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( ) 我的答案:×5Political System of America 15.1The American Constitution1【单选题】The new Constitution was singed in ( ).A、1787B、1786C、1785D、1784我的答案:A2【单选题】( ) was elected as the chairman of the Constitutional Convention.A、Abraham LincolnB、George WashingtonC、Benjamin FranklinD、Alexander Hamilton我的答案:B3【判断题】The Constituional Convention was held in Philadelphia.( ) ?我的答案:√4【判断题】The American Consitituion is only 4 pages.( )我的答案:√5.2A Government of 3 Branches1【单选题】There are ( ) justices in the Supreme Court.A、6B、7C、8D、9我的答案:D2【单选题】There are ( ) Congressional Districts in the House of Representatives.A、200B、231C、435D、521我的答案:C3【判断题】Senators are elected for 5 year.( )我的答案:×4【判断题】American president can be elected for 3 terms.( )我的答案:×5.3Characteristics of the Constitution1【单选题】The amendments to the Constitution must be supported by ( ) of theStates.A、72%B、73%C、74%D、75%我的答案:D2【单选题】The American Bill of Rights was effective in ( ).A、1787B、1786C、1791D、1792我的答案:C3【单选题】President Obama is the ( ) president of America.A、44thB、45thC、46thD、47th我的答案:A4【判断题】In America, president can not veto legislation.( ) 我的答案:×6Political System of America 26.1Political Parties1【单选题】The symbol of The Democratic Party is ( ).A、EagleB、ElephantC、DonkeyD、Horse我的答案:C2【单选题】The supporters of the Republican Party is businessmen and ( ).A、FarmersB、WorkersC、City peopleD、Teachers我的答案:A3【判断题】The Communist Party in the USA is not legal.( )我的答案:×4【判断题】The membership of the Democratic Party is hard.( ) 我的答案:×6.2Voting1【单选题】Registering to vote costs ( ).A、$5B、$10C、$20D、No cost我的答案:D2【单选题】Voting can not be ( ).A、In personB、AbsenteeC、Making a phone callD、By mail我的答案:C3【判断题】In America, voting is compulsory.( )?我的答案:×6.3Elections1【单选题】How often is the president elected for?( )A、3 yearsB、4 yearsC、5 yearsD、6 years我的答案:B2【单选题】In ( ), Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the USA.A、2006B、2007C、2008D、2009我的答案:C3【判断题】A senator and a representative can only be elected for two times.( ) 我的答案:×4【判断题】In 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney is from Republican Party.( ) 我的答案:√7Religion in America7.1What is Religion1【单选题】Which is not the reason why people are religious?( )A、Religion is inheritted from parents.B、Religion can help to explain life.C、Religion helps us to acccept our situation.D、Religion can make people feel happy.我的答案:D2【单选题】For the Christian Church, ( ) is the Sabbath.A、SundayB、SaturdayC、FridayD、Monday我的答案:A3【判断题】2014 AD means 2014 Before the Birth of Jesus Christ.( ) 我的答案:×7.2Major Religions1【单选题】The biggest religion by followers is ( ).A、IslamB、HinduismC、ChristianityD、Buddhism我的答案:C2【单选题】People follow Hinduism are mainly from ( ).A、IndiaB、ThailandC、Middle EastD、Japan我的答案:A3【判断题】The Pew Global Attitudes Project shows that rich countries have stronger belief in religion, but the poor countries have lower belief in religion.( )我的答案:×7.3Christianity1【单选题】How many commandments does Christianity have?( )A、15B、13C、10D、8我的答案:C2【单选题】The leader of catholic church is called ( )A、PriestB、PastorC、DiscipleD、Pope我的答案:D3【判断题】Originally, the Christians were called Catholics.( ) 我的答案:√4【判断题】There are no catholics in China.( )我的答案:×7.4Religion in America1【单选题】Which is not the key characteristics of religion in America?( )A、Seperation of church and stateB、Variety of beliefC、Concerned with moralityD、Helping everyone in the world我的答案:D2【单选题】According to the 2008 ARIS, ( ) of American follow Christianity.A、76%B、70%C、51%D、40%我的答案:A3【判断题】In America, government wants to involve in religion, but the religious people reject them.( )我的答案:×4【判断题】Agnostic is 100% certain that there is no god.( )我的答案:×7.5Religion in China1【单选题】Why doesn't western scholars think Confucianism is religion?( )A、Because Confucianism does not talk about an after life.B、Because Confucianism is not accepted by western people.C、Because western scholars don't know Confucianism.D、Because very few people follow Confucianism.我的答案:A2【单选题】According to the 2010 Pew Survey, ( ) of Chinese believe folk religion.A、18.2%B、5.1%C、13.8%D、21.9%我的答案:D3【判断题】There is no Christianity in China.( )我的答案:×8Way of Life 18.1Way of Life (1-1)1【单选题】In American football, the boy who throws the ball is called ( ).A、The offensive backB、The running backC、The quarterbackD、The receiver我的答案:C2【单选题】There are ( ) teams in the the National Football League.A、30B、31C、32D、33我的答案:C3【单选题】The Super Bowl is usually held ( ).?A、AT the end of JanuaryB、In MarchC、In MayD、In November我的答案:A4【判断题】Kobe Bryant is amateur basketball player.( ) 我的答案:×8.2Way of Life (1-2)1【单选题】Kobe Bryant's nick name is ( ).A、TigerB、Flying fishC、Black MambaD、Shark我的答案:C2【单选题】World Series is held in ( ) every year.A、JulyB、AugustC、SeptemberD、October我的答案:D3【判断题】"Tiger Woods" is the real name of Woods.( ) 我的答案:×8.3Way of Life (1-3)1【单选题】The most popular pets in America is ( ).A、DogB、FishC、BirdD、Cat我的答案:D2【单选题】In America, about ( ) of household have at least one pet.A、60%B、65%C、70%D、75%我的答案:B3【判断题】It's expensive to have a horse.( )我的答案:√8.4Way of Life (1-4)1【单选题】Why don't many people in New York City want a car?( )?A、Because car is expensive in New York City.B、Because traffic is bad in New York City.C、Because there is no place to park cars in New York City.D、Because the number of cars is limited by government.我的答案:C2【单选题】Which car company has the most market in America?( )A、GMB、FordC、ToyotaD、Honda我的答案:A3【判断题】In America and Australia, people prefer to big motorbikes.( )我的答案:√4【判断题】Henry Ford was the first man in the world using moving assembly line in factory.( )我的答案:√8.5Way of Life (1-5)1【单选题】In American countries, ( ) has the highest homicide rate.A、USAB、BrazilC、JamaicaD、Honduras我的答案:D2【单选题】( ) was the state with the highest crime rate in America.A、FloridaB、TexasC、New YorkD、Georgia我的答案:A3【单选题】Which is not the reason why American people like guns.( )A、Personal protectionB、HuntingC、Collecting guns to sell for a high priceD、Target shooting我的答案:C4【判断题】Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( )我的答案:×5【判断题】The violent crime rate delines when the incarceration rate increases.( )我的答案:√9Way of life 21Way of Life 2-11【单选题】Which one of following is wrong about Steve Jobs?( )A、He dropped out of college.B、He started Apple when he was 21.C、His real parents were died when he was born.D、He was a Buddist.我的答案:C2【单选题】Alfred Nobel was from ( ).A、SwedenB、SwitzerlandC、USAD、UK我的答案:A3【单选题】In total, there are ( ) Chinese won the Nobel Prize.?A、5B、6C、7D、8我的答案:C4【判断题】Women never won the Nobel Prize.( )我的答案:×2Way of Life 2-21【单选题】Where is the headquarter of the UN.( )A、In LondonB、In ParisC、In Washington DCD、In New York City我的答案:D2【单选题】The face of ( ) is on 1 dollar.?A、George WashingtonB、Thomas JeffersonC、Abraham LincolnD、Benjamin Franklin我的答案:A3【单选题】When was the UN established?( )A、1944B、1945C、1946D、1947我的答案:B4【判断题】In history, there were 5 American presidents were killed.( ) 我的答案:×3Way of Life 2-31【单选题】Which is right about American college?( )A、Many American college students have part time jobs.B、There is only one chance to do college entrance exam.C、There are many classed even at night.D、Friends and classmates will help you to study.我的答案:A2【单选题】When was Harvard University established?( )A、1560B、1620C、1636D、1639我的答案:C3【判断题】In America, it's hard to enter college, but easy to graduate.( ) 我的答案:×4Way of Life 2-41【单选题】45 is belong to ( ) at the stages in a person's life.A、Young adultB、Middle ageC、MatureD、Senior我的答案:B2【单选题】When is the Independent Day of America?( )A、3rd JuneB、4th JuneC、3rd JulyD、4th July我的答案:D3【判断题】10% of people in America use left hand.( )我的答案:√5Way of Life 2-51【单选题】Who is the most powerful person according to the 2013 Forbes List?( )A、Vladimir PutinB、Barack ObamaC、Xi JinpingD、Pope Francis我的答案:A2【单选题】Which country of following is not constitutional monarchy?( )A、UKB、JapanC、SpainD、USA我的答案:D3【判断题】The British Parliamentary System, the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch and Judicial Branch are separated.( )我的答案:×10Way of Life 310.1Way of Life 3-11【单选题】Which one of following is polite in western culture?( )A、Throwing paper on the groundB、Smoking in restaurantC、Spitting in the streetD、Waiting bus in a queue我的答案:D。

《英美文化概论》期末考试(20)姓名:king_hou 班级:默认班级成绩:52.0分一、单选题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)1Which was wrong about the Civil War?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、America was kept as one country. B、Slavery was abolished. C、After the Battle of Gettysburg, the North started to win. D、The South was strong in "hard power". 正确答案: D 我的答案:A 2Berlin Wall was ended in ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分A、1989 B、1988 C、1987 D、1986 正确答案: A 我的答案:A 3The two significant mountain ranges of American are ( ) and Appalachian Mountains.(1.0分)1.0 分A、Rocky Mountains B、Andes Mountains C、Alps Mountains D、Atlas Mountains 正确答案: A 我的答案:A 4The Great Depression started in ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分A、1929 B、1932 C、1933 D、1939 正确答案: A 我的答案:A 5The Civil War started in ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分A、1861 B、1862 C、1863 D、1864 正确答案: A 我的答案:A 6The American Bill of Rights was effective in ( ).(1.0分)0.0 分A、1787 B、1786 C、1791 D、1792 正确答案: C 我的答案:A 7Kobe Bryant's nick name is ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分A、Tiger B、Flying fish C、Black Mamba D、Shark 正确答案: C 我的答案:C 845 is belong to ( ) at the stages in a person's life.(1.0分)1.0 分A、Young adult B、Middle age C、Mature D、Senior 正确答案: B 我的答案:B 9When was Harvard University established?( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、1560 B、1620 C、1636 D、1639 正确答案: C 我的答案:C 10Which one of following statement is wrong?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、In western countries, drivers can speak on the mobile phone while driving. B、In western countries, when pedestrians are walking on zebra crossing, cars must stop. C、In western countries, you should chew with mouth closed. D、In western countries, before taking more food, you should finish what you have in your mouth. 正确答案: A 我的答案:C 11Which one is wrong about Thomas Edison?( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、He was educated in school. B、His first job is telegraph operator. C、He had many patents. D、He invented electric light bulb. 正确答案: A 我的答案:A 12 Washington, Jefferson, () and Lincoln's faces are made on the Mount Rushmore.( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、Madison B、Roosevelt C、Kennedy D、Adams 正确答案: B 我的答案:B 13In 2013, the population of China is about ( ) more than that of America.(1.0分)1.0 分A、3 times B、4 times C、5 times D、6 times 正确答案: B 我的答案:B 14How many commandments does Christianity have?( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、15 B、13 C、10 D、8 正确答案: C 我的答案:C 15Which one is wrong about Franklin Delano Roosevelt?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、He was also known as FDR. B、He give American people confidence during the Great Depression. C、He was elected as president for 3 times. D、He started many government programs to provide work to people. 正确答案: C 我的答案:B 16There are ( ) justices in the Supreme Court.(1.0分)1.0 分A、6 B、7 C、8 D、9 正确答案: D 我的答案:D 17The leader of catholic church is called ( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、Priest B、Pastor C、Disciple D、Pope 正确答案: D 我的答案:D 18In American countries, ( ) has the highest homicide rate.(1.0分)0.0 分A、USA B、Brazil C、Jamaica D、Honduras 正确答案: D 我的答案:A 19Which one is wrong about 9/11?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、About 3000 people were killed. B、It happened in 2002. C、The World Trade Centre and Pentagon were attacked. D、It was the first attack on mainland USA since 1812. 正确答案: B 我的答案:C 20Which one is wrong about John D. Rockefeller?( ).(1.0分)0.0 分A、General Electric is one of his companies. B、At first, he worked as a bookkeeper. C、When he was 20, he started his own company. D、He donated all his money to the Rockefeller Foundation. 正确答案: D 我的答案:C 21There are ( ) Congressional Districts in the House of Representatives.(1.0分)1.0 分A、200 B、231 C、435 D、521 正确答案: C 我的答案:C 22Which is not the reason why people are religious?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、Religion is inheritted from parents. B、Religion can help to explain life. C、Religion helps us to acccept our situation. D、Religion can make people feel happy. 正确答案: D 我的答案:C 23The American president can be elected for ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分A、Many times B、3 times C、2 times D、1 time 正确答案: C 我的答案:C 24The amendments to the Constitution must be supported by ( ) of the States.(1.0分)0.0 分A、73% C、74% D、75% 正确答案: D 我的答案:A 25How often is the president elected for?( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、3 years B、4 years C、5 years D、6 years 正确答案: B 我的答案:B 26Which country is the second largest economy in the world?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、China B、Japan C、South Korea D、Germany 正确答案: A 我的答案:B 27The capital city of Australia is ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分A、Sydney B、Canberra C、Melbourne D、Brisbane 正确答案: B 我的答案:B 28Why don't many people in New York City want a car?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、Because car is expensive in New York City. B、Because traffic is bad in New York City. C、Because there is no place to park cars in New York City. D、Because the number of cars is limited by government. 正确答案: C 我的答案:B 29The Great Depression started in ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分A、1932 C、1933 D、1939 正确答案: A 我的答案:A 30The Britain founded ( ) colonies along the East Coast in America.(1.0分)0.0 分A、11 B、12 C、13 D、14 正确答案: C 我的答案:B 31Which one is wrong about Benjamin Franklin?( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、He was also a Doctor. B、He loved reading. C、He started the first public library in Philadelphia. D、He was 81 when he went to the Constitutional Convention. 正确答案: A 我的答案:A 32Which one of following is not an American company?( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、Google B、CocaCola C、Facebook D、Airbus 正确答案: D 我的答案:D 33In 1778, ( ) signed Treaty of Alliance with America.(1.0分)1.0 分A、Spain B、Holland C、France D、Britain 正确答案: C 我的答案:C 34Which is right about American college?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、Many American college students have part time jobs. B、There is only one chance to do college entrance exam. C、There are many classed even at night. D、Friends and classmates will help you to study. 正确答案: A 我的答案:D 35Which one is not the results of the Great Depression?( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、GDP went down. B、Income fell. C、Unemployment rate increased. D、Farmers had no food to eat. 正确答案: D 我的答案:D 36Why did the French consortium gave up to build the canal?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、Because it was too expensive. B、Because many people died. C、Because the topography in Panama was difficult to build a canal. D、Because the American government decidded to buld it by themselves. 正确答案: C 我的答案:A 37Texas was the ( ) state of America.(1.0分)0.0 分A、26th B、27th C、28th D、29th 正确答案: C 我的答案:B 38The cause of the GFC Recession in 2007 was ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分A、Stock bubble burst B、Property bubble burst C、Dotcom bubble burst D、Asset price bubble burst 正确答案: B 我的答案:B 39Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( )(1.0分)0.0 分Banks stopped lending. B、Companies cut jobs. C、Stock market crashed. D、People got more job opportunity. 正确答案: D 我的答案:C 40Which one is wrong about housing in western countries?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、Apartment is preferred by young and old people. B、Couples get mortgage from bank to buy a house or an apartment. C、Real estate is cheap in Australia. D、More people live in houses than in high buildings. 正确答案: C 我的答案:D 41Which is not the key characteristics of religion in America?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、Seperation of church and state B、Variety of belief C、Concerned with morality D、Helping everyone in the world 正确答案: D 我的答案:C 42Which car company has the most market in America?( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、GM B、Ford C、Toyota D、Honda 正确答案: A 我的答案:A 43The Super Bowl is usually held ( ).(1.0分)0.0 分A、AT the end of January B、In March C、In May D、In November 正确答案: A 我的答案:D 44Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of ( ) of America.(1.0分)0.0 分State B、Law C、Treasury D、War 正确答案: C 我的答案:B 45Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、He was the 16th president of America. B、He was killed in 1865 when the Civil War was just finished. C、He was a businessman and then became politician. D、He was born in a poor farm family. 正确答案: C 我的答案:A 46The Legislative Branch is to ( ).(1.0分)0.0 分A、Interpret laws B、Execute laws C、Make laws D、Change laws 正确答案: D 我的答案:C 47In the format of western names,which name is put first?( )(1.0分)0.0 分A、Family name B、Last name C、Surname D、First name 正确答案: D 我的答案:B 48Which one is wrong about the American agriculture?( )(1.0分)1.0 分A、Large family farms are much more productive. B、In 2000, farm jobs are very few in America. C、Most income of farm households is from non-farm sources. D、In America, all farmers have jobs in cities. 正确答案: D 我的答案:D 49 The first president of Amercia was ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分A、George Washington B、Abraham Lincoln C、Benjamin Franklin D、Thomas Jefferson 正确答案: A 我的答案:A 50There were ( ) Chief Justice in the Supreme Court.(1.0分)0.0 分A、1 B、3 C、8 D、9 正确答案: A 我的答案:C 二、判断题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)1People in western countries all love guns.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 2Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 3In America and Australia, people prefer to big motorbikes.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√ 4In America, government wants to involve in religion, but the religious people reject them.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 5Everyone in America and China can read and write.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 6In western countries, people always say thank you to other people.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 710% of people in America use left hand.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:× 8The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 9Now services in China grows very fast.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√ 10In history, there were 5 American presidents were killed.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 11Agnostic is 100% certain that there is no god.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 12In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 13A senator and a representative can only be elected for two times.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 14Warren Buffett was born in a rich family.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 15American president can be elected for 3 terms.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 16In 2013, the Seattle Seahawks was the best defensive team during the season.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√ 17The Constituional Convention was held in Philadelphia.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√ 18The aim to build the Panama Canal was to connect America and Panama.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 19In America, voting is compulsory.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 20Gambling is legal in western countries.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√ 21There is no Christianity in China.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 22In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 23The British Parliamentary System, the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch and Judicial Branch are separated.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 24Many western students go on a gap year after finishing high school.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√ 25Boston is on the West Coast of America.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 26Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 27Most island of Australia is dessert.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:× 28The Great Depression only happened in America.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 29Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:× 30A senator and a representative can only be elected for two times.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 31The Cold War continued for only a few years.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 32In America, government wants to involve in religion, but the religious people reject them.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 33America's population growth rate is lower than China's.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 34Henry Ford was the first man in the world using moving assembly line in factory.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√ 35Originally, the Christians were called Catholics.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√ 36Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√ 37The Communist Party in the USA is not legal.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 38The American Consitituion is only 4 pages.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√ 39During the War of Independence, Benedict Arnold sold military secrets to France.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 40In the Civil War, the North lost more people than the South.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√ 41Both American and Chinese governments have significant direct involvement in the economy.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 42Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 43China was not affected much by the GFC Recession.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:× 44Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 45The violent crime rate delines when the incarceration rate increases.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√ 46The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 47There are no catholics in China.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 48Thomas Paine was born in France.( )(1.0分)1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:× 49The poverty lines in America and China are the same.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 50Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( )(1.0分)0.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:√ 一、单选题。

试题命题的参照教材为An Outline Introduction to Britain and America(来安方等编著),参考资料包括Survey of Britain and America(张奎武主编)、Understanding the US and the UK(许鲁之编著)、English-speaking Countries: A Survey(余志远主编)。
第二部分基本概念Explain the following terms in English1. the Thames River2. Alfred the Great3. Open University4. the Glorious Revolution5. the British Commonwealth.6. the Black Death.7. Constitutional Monarchy. 8. the welfare state.9. the Magna Carta 10. the Wars of Roses11. the National Healthy Service 12. Public school13. Keynesianism 14. grammar school15. National Eisteddfod 16. the Jury System17. Bloody Mary 18. the People's Charter of 183819. Agribusiness 20. the Open Structure21. the dissenters 22. New Scotland Yard23. Sto nehenge 24. Hadrian’s Wall25. the open-field farming system 26. Heptarchy27. the Witan 28. Vikings29. the Danelaw 30. crusades31. Joan of Arc 32. the Lollards33. Enclosures 34. Star Chamber35. Renaissance 36. humanists37. the Divine Right of Kings 38. The Gunpowder Plot of 160539. the Grand Remonstrance 40. The Commonwealth41. Diggers 42. Levelers43. farmer George基本知识Ⅰ、Read the following unfinished statement on question carefully. For each unfinished statement on question foursuggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Chose the one which you think best completes the statement or answers the questions1. There are three natural Zones in Scotland. Which is the exception?A) Highlands in the north B) the Central LowlandsC) the Easters Uplands D) the Southern Uplands2. River is the most important river in ScotlandA)Tweed B)Tyne C)Thames D)Clyde3. The British Empire gradually disappeared and it was replaced by the British Commonwealth in _______A) 1931 B)1991 C)1923 D)19304. The first known settlers of Britain wereA) the Iberians B) the Celts C) the Beaker Folk D) the Romans5. , the great Roman general, invaded Britain for the first time in 55 BC.A) Emperor Claudius B)Julius Caesar C) Alfred D) William6. At the time of the Norman Conquest, Anglo-Saxon English was headed byA) Tostig B)Godwin C) Eudemon D) Harold7. For nearly years, Britain was under the Roman occupation.A) 300 B) 400 C) 500 D) 6008. When the Hundred Years War ended in 1453, was the only part of France that was still in the hands of English.A) Flanders B) Slugs C) Calais D) Potion9 was the founder of Angevin(or Plantagenet) Dynasty.A) HenryⅠB) HenryⅡC) King John D) Edward Ⅵ10. CharlesⅠcalled his third parliament in 1628, at this parliament he was forced to accept the Petition of Right, regarded as the SecondA) Magna Carta B) Bill of Rights C) Long ParliamentD)Provisions of Oxford11. is generally regarded as the beginning of modem world history.A) The Puritan Revolution B) The RenaissanceC) The Great Charter D) The English Reformation12. The restoration of the House of Stuart happened in the year The monarch who restored wasA)1660, Charles II B)1685, James II C)1660, James IID)1685,Charles II13. is the best known of the "metaphysical poets".A)Edmund Spenser B) Philip Sidney C) John Done D) Ben Jonson14. The Tories were the forerunners of the which still bears the nickname today.A) the Liberty Party B)the Labor PartyC) the Conservative Party D)the Communist Party15. The English Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century started with the __ industry.A) coal-mining B) textile C) shipbuilding D)iron and steal16. By Britain had built up a big empire "on which the sun never set".A)1839 B)1799 C) 1900 D)190517. The Labor Party had its origins in __, which was formed in 1893 and led by Kin Hardin.A) the Labor Representation Committee B) the Independent Labor PartyC) the Conservative Party D) the Trades Union Congress18. is often referred to as the "Silicon Glen" in Britain.A) The area between London and South Wales B) Liverpooland Merseyside RegionC) The area between Glasgow and Edinburgh D) The Cambridge areas of East Anglia19. The main textile producing region of Britain are the following exceptA) Yorkshire B) Northern Ireland C) West Midlands D) Humberside20. An outstanding feature of British economic recovery in the 1803 was its .A) inflation B) length C) unemployment D) privatization21. Natural gas was discovered in 1965 and oil in 1970 underA) the Atlantic Ocean B) the North SeaC) the English Channel D) the Pacific Ocean22. The monarchy is the oldest institution of government, going back to at leastA) the 9th century B) the 8th century C) 1649 D) 168923. The main functions of Parliament are following exceptA) to pass laws B) to debate the major issues of the dayC) to advise the Sovereign to approve certain government decreesD) to examine government policy and administration24. The beginning of the Second Civil War in England was the yearA) 1645 B) 1646 C) 1647 D) 164825.The House of Commons is elected by universal adult suffrage and consists of members of Parliament.A) 524 B) 651 C) 336 D) 61026. are the two major political parties in Britain today.A) The Labor Party and the Conservation PartyB) The Conservation Party and the Liberal PartyC) The Liberal Party and the RepublicansD) The Liberal Party and the Labor Party27. Appeals in criminal cases in English and Wales can be heard by the following courts exceptA) the Court of Appeal B) the Magistrate CourtC) the Crown Court D) the High Court28. The High Court has 3 divisions, which is the exceptA) Family Division B) Commercial DivisionC) Chancery Division D) Queen's Bench Division29. London's Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control ofA) the Lord Chancellor B) the Home SecretaryC) the Prime Minister D) the Ministry of Defence30. is the ultimate court of appeal in civil cases of U. K.A) The House of Commons B) The Court of ApealC) The High Court D) The House of Lords31. of the following is not the non-contributory Social Security benefits.A) War pensions B) Maternity allowance and widow's benefitC) Child benefit D) Family credit32. The religions leader of the Church of England isA) Archbishop of Canterbury B) Archbishop of York C) Lord chancellor D) Queen33. Education is compulsory for all between the ages of and __ in Great Britain except in Northern Ireland.A) 5, 18 B) 4, 18 C) 5, 16 D) 4, 1634. National newspapers are popularly divided into 3 groups, is the exception.A) quality papers B) popular papers C) Sunday papers D) mid-market papers.35. The State-run BBC is financed from theA) commercial B) the sale of TV set C) the public funding D) the sale of TV licenses36. is the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe.A) Football B) Cricket C) Horse racing D) Snooker37. Under the old Selective System, English children who have marks in the "eleven plus"examination go on toA) grammar schools B) public school C) technical schools D) secondary modern schools38. The Puritans were originally an extreme sect.A) Catholic B) Jewish C) Orthodox D) Protestant39. Christianity was introduced into Britain byA) the Anglo-Saxons B) the Celts C) the Romans D) the Norman-French40. About percent of the state secondary school population in Great Britain attend comprehensive schools.A) 60 B) 70 C) 80 D) 9041. is the official name of the United Kingdom.A) Great Britain B) The Britain Isles C) EnglandD) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland42. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain, is the exception.A) England B) Wales C) Northern Ireland D) Scotland43. Britain is surrounded by the sea which lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off ofEurope.A) the south coast B) the west coast C) the east coast D) the north coast44. The commonest English name "Smith" comes from thename "Schmidt".A) German B) France C) Spain D) Gaelic45. brought the new religion, Christianity to Britain.A) The Anglo-Saxons B) The Romans C) The Normans D) The Celts46. When the Northumbrians submitted to the King Egbert and took him for their master in 829actually became an overlord of all the English.A) Offa B) Egbert C) Kent D) William47. Which of the following is Not true about the Anglo-Saxons?A) They divided the country into countiesB) They divided the narrow-trip 3-field farming systemC) They established the manorial systemD) They laid the foundation of the English State48. The Canterbury Tales, which describes a group of traveling into Canterbury to visitThomas Backer's tomb.A) Protestants B) Catholics C) Pilgrims D) Puritans49. The Hundred Year's War is given to the intermittent war between and that lasted from 1337 to 1453.A) France … England B) the U. S … BritainC) Germany … England D) French … Germany50. By 1453 was the only part of France that was still in the hands of the English.A) Slugs B) Flanders C) Poiton D) Calais51. The name Wars of the Roses was coined by the great 19th century novelistA) Sir Walter Scott B) Ben JonsonC) Edmund Spenser D) Christopher Marlowe52. Three of the following were characteristic of the Elizabethan age. Which is the exception? __A) Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith.B) Queen Elizabeth advocated the Divine Right and quarreled with Parliament.C) This was the age of the adventure on the sea.D) This was the age of literature when Shakespeare lived and when English literature blossomed.53. The Renaissance began in in the early 14th century.A) Britain B) Greece C) Italy D) France54. The English Renaissance was largelyA) political B) economical C) social D) literary55. greatly influenced the early works of Shakespeare.A) Marlowe B) John Donne C) Roger Ascham D) Francis Bacon56. The most famous of the Catholic conspiracies was the Gunpowder plot of .A) 1742 B) 1605 C) 1615 D) 161157. was condemned to death and executed on a scaffold outside the windows of the Banqueting House at Whitehall on January 30, 1649.A) James I B) Charles I C) James VI D) Charles VI58. is generally regarded as the beginning of modem world history.A) The English Civil War B) The RenaissanceC) The English Reformation D) The Wars of Roses59. In the Parliament Act was passed, severely limiting the power of the lords andestablishing the Commons as the Supreme legislative body.A) 1910 B) 1911 C) 1912 D) 191360. There are mainly fanning types in Britain. And most are reared in factoryfanning.A) 5, sheep B) 6, sheep C) 5, chickens D) 6, chickens61. British motor industry is now dominated by four firms which is the exception?A) Ford B) Peugeot C) the Rover group D) Volkswagen62. Britain is the largest trading nation in the world.A) fifth B) first C) third D) fourth63. A General Election takes place at least years and MPs are elected.A) 3, 650 B) 4, 651 C) 5, 651 D) 6, 65064. The Britain Parliament consists of three parts exceptA) the Sovereign B) the CabinetC) the House of Lords D) the House of Commons65. Succession to the throne is founded on the in Britain.A) hereditary principle B) Common Law C) Statute Law D) Conventions66. The U. K is a state.A) republic B) federal C) unitary D) none of above67. The National Health Service was established in the U. K inA) 1928 B) 1938 C) 1948 D) 195868. Nearly a of government expenditure is devoted to the social security prograrm.A) 1/2 B) l/3 C)1/4 D) l/569. Except that may not be a Roman Catholic, public offices are open without distinctionto member of all churches or of none.A) the Lord Chancellor B) the Prime Minister C) the HomeSecretary D) the Attorney General70. is not the Christian festival.A) Christmas B) Good Friday C) Easter D) Whit Sunday71. Unestablished churches in Britain includeA) the Anglican churches B) the Free churchesC) the Roman Catholic church D) all of the above72. Which of the following belongs to the popular papers?A) The Times B) The Guardian C) The Daily Telegraph D) The Daily Express73. The Chartist Movement was the first nation-wide __ and drew attention to serious problems.A) farmers' movement. B) trader's movementC) literature campaign D) working class movement.74. was the first king to bring all Ireland under English control.A) Henry II B) James VI C) Henry D) James I75. is the chief Christian festival.A) Easter B) Christmas C) New Year's Day D) Guy Fawkes Day76. The Queen is the centre of much ofA) the nation's ceremonial B) the ancient traditionC) the leader of society D) all of the above77. The Thatcher government adopted an economic programme known as" "A) Keynesianism B) MonetarismC) Medium-term Financial Strategy D) Long-term Financial Strategy78. The Norman Conquest refers to the Conquest of England by the Normans under in .A) William of Orange/1660 B) William of Normandy/1066C) William the Conqueror/1660 D) William III/106679. In England and Wales __ recommends the High Court andcircuit judges.A) the Secretary of State. B) the Home Secretary.C) the Attorney General. D) the Lord Chancellor.80. Which of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare?A) Twelfth Night B) Othello. C) The Tempest D) Richard II81. is a mountain chain know as the "Backbone of Northern England''.A) The Pennies B) Ben Nevis C) Scafell D) None of above82. The largest lake in Britain is Longh Neagh, it is located inA) England B) Scotland C) Northern Ireland D) Wales83. part of Britain has the most rainfall.A) The northwestern B) The southeastern C) The western D) The eastern84. The most important historical monument left to us by the ancient Iberians was .A) mound B) Stonehenge C) stronghold D) the Hadrian's Wall85. The successful Roman invasion of Britain happened in A.D.A) 25 B) 35 C) 45 D) 4386. Beginning from the mid-5th century, the three most powerful tribes came to Britainexcept .A) Angles B) Saxons C) Celts D) Jutes87. William I replaced the Witan, the council of the Anglo-Saxons Kings, withA) the Grand Council B) the Great CouncilC) the Private Council D) the Privy Council88. The Canterbury Tales was written byA) Geoffrey B) T. S. Eliot C) Sir Thomas Wyatt D) Sir ThomasMore89. English Parliament began to come into being in the century.A) 11th B) 12th C) 13th D) 14th90. The end of the Wars of the Roses in 1485 marked the beginning of the Dynasty.A) Plantagenet B) Tudor C) Angevin D) none of above91. The Act of union in the year 1707 united andA) England, Wales B) Wales, ScotlandC) England, Scotland D) Scotland , Northern Ireland92. The most famous of the Catholic Conspiracies against King was the Gunpowder Plotin .A) James I, 1603 B) Charles I, 1603 C) Charles I, 1605 D) James I, 160593. The protestant Reformation in England was led by King .A) Henry VIII B) Henry VII C) Edward VI D) Henry II94. was the first country of the world in which the Industrial Revolution took place.A) France B) Britain C) Germany D) the U. S. A.95. The Chartist Movement ended in the yearA) 1830 B) 1848 C) 1832 D) 185196. In Britain only __ of the population are farmers but they manage of the land area.A) 3%, 70% B) 4%, 72% C) 5%, 68% D) 6%, 74%97. There are farming types in Britain.A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 898. The Britain Constitution is made up of three laws exceptA) Statute law B) Land law C) Common law D) Conventions99. The Constitutional monarchy has been established inBritain sinceA) the Glorious Revolution of 1688 B) the Christ MovementC) the Wars of the Roses D) the Hundred Years War100. The real source of power in Parliament isA) the House of Lords B) the House of CommonsC) the Cabinet D) the King of QueenII. Give an one-sentence answer to each of the following questions.1. Who is the ancestor of the English?2. When did England begin to be Christianized?3. What was signed by King John in 1215?4. What marked the beginning of the Tudor Dynasty?5. What is the Lloyd's?6. What does the Cabinet consist of?7. What is the jury's job?8. What festival is the greatest in Britain?9. Which sport is regarded as typically English?10. Who established completely the feudal system in England?11. What is the largest lake in Britain?12. Who created the Witan, the basis of the Privy council?13. When was the Great Charter signed by King John?14. Where were oil and natural gas found in Britain?15. What are the two major Parties in Britain?16. When did the constitutional monarchy begin in Britain?17. Which types of criminal Procedure has in Scotland?18. What is the largest single employer of labor in U. K?19. At what age do men and women generally retire?21. What is the longest river in Britain?22. What is the highest mountain in Britain?23. What were the first known settlers of Britain?24. What were the Vikings?25. What was the transitional Period between the Middle Ages and Modern times?26. What was the Puritanism?27. What were the two events which most alarmed the Britain ruling classes in the closing decades of the 18th century?28. What were the three period of the evolution of the British economy since the WWⅡ?29. What is the main function of the House of Lords?30. What agency is the most important news agency in Britain?31. What are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain?32. What is the official name of the U. K.?33. When did the peasant uprising happen in the U. K?34. What is the English Civil War also called?35. Which two groups were the Chartists divided into?36. What was Keynesianism?37. Who are the members of the House of Lords?38. What are the common features of all systems of law in Britain?39. What is the most important established church in Britain?40. Where is the home of golf?41. Which part of Britain is always fighting?42. What type of climate does Britain has?43. Who was the first Christian Emperor?44. Whose grave became a place of Pilgrimage in and beyond Chaucer's time after he wasmurdered?45. What did James I and his son Charles I both believed firmly in?46. Where are the main textile producing regions in Britain?47. How is the BBC radio financed?48. What is the most famous art festival in Britain?49. What are the Christian festivals in Britain?50. What is the Character of the Scots?51. What are the principal non-Christian communities in Britain?52. Who was the first Archbishop of Canterbury?53. When was Parliament born in England?54. Who was the first Prince of Wales in English history?55. What were the Hundred Year’s War?56. Who was the greatest humanists in English history?57. Who wrote the classical work "Utopia“?58. Who was the first prime minister in English history?59. When was the cabinet system of government created?60. Who is the first female prime minister in English history?基本技能Questions for discussion:1. What do you know about the Roman invasion of Britain?2. How was the British Empire established in the 19th Century?3. What measures did the Thatcher government take to improve the nation's economy?4. What are the Periods of the evolution of British economy since the Second World War?5. What made the Beatles so different from other pop groups?6. Why and how did the Reformation happen in England?7. What do you know about the nature and consequences of the Wars of the Roses?8. What do you know about State Schools and public schools in the United Kingdom?9. How does a general election take place in Britain?10. What are the consequences of the Norman Conquest?11. What do you know about HenryⅡ?12. What are the main contents of Magna Carta?13. What do you know about Henry VII?14. How did Elizabeth I deal with the religious problem when she became Queen of England?15. What are the Historic Significance of the Bourgeois Revolution?Keys:基本知识Ⅱ.1. The Anglo-Saxons is the ancestor of the English.2. England began to be Christianized in the year of 597.3. The Great Charter was signed by King John in 1215.4. The end of the War of Roses in 1485 marked the beginning of the Tudor Dynasty.5. The Lloyd's refers to a famous insurance company in Britain.6. The cabinet consists of usually 20 most senior ministers.7. In criminal eases, the jury decides the issues of guilt or innocence.8. Christmas Day is the greatest Christian festival.9. Cricket is the most typically English sport.10. William established completely the feudal system in England.11. The Laugh Neagh is the largest lake in Britain.12.The Anglo-Saxons created the Witan.13. The Great Charter was signed by King John in 1215.14. Oil and natural gas are found under the North Sea in Britain .15. The Labor Party and the Conservative Party are the two major parties in Britain.16. The Constitutional monarchy began in 1689 when King William and Queen Mary accepted the Bill of Rights.17. There are Solemn Procedure and Summary Procedure in Scotland.18. The National Health Service is the largest single employer of labor in U.K.19. Generally , men retire at the age of 65 and women at the age of 60.20. Cricket is regarded as typically in English.21. The Severn River is the longest river in Britain.22. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain of Britain.23. The Iberians is the first known Settlers of Britain.24. The Vikings were the ancient people living in North Europe.25. Renaissance was the transitional period between the Middle age and modern age26. The Puritinism noted for simple dress, high moral standards and very egalitarian attitudes27. The two events were the American War of Independence and French Revolution.28. The three periods were:(1)Steady development in the 50s and 60s. (2)Economic recession in the 70s. (3)Economic recovery in the 80s.29. The main function of the House of Lords is to bring wide experience of its member into the process of law-making.30. Reuters is the most important news agency in Britain.31. The three political divisions on the island of Great Britain are England, Scotland and Wales.32. The official name of the U.K. is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.33. The peasant uprising happened in 138134. The English Civil War is also called the Puritan Revolution.35. The Chartists was divided into the Moral Force Chartists and the physical Force Chartists36. Keynesianism was John M. Keynes(John Maynard Keynes) economic theory.37. The House of Lords is made up of the Lords spiritual and the Lords Temporal38. One is that there is no complete code and other is the distinction made between criminal law and civil law.39. The church of England and the church of Scotland are the most important established church in Britain.40. Scotland is the home of golf.41. Northern Ireland is always fighting.42. Britain has a maritime Climate.43. Constantine was the first Christian Emperor.44. Thomas Becket's grave became a place of Pilgrimage in and beyond Chaucer' s time after he was murdered45. James I and his son Charles I both believed firmly in the Divine Right of Kings.46. They are the East Midlands, Yorkshire, and Humberside and Northern Ireland.47. The BBC radio broadcast is funded totally by the government.48. The most famous art festival in Britain is the EdinburghInternational Festival of Music andDrama.49. They are Christmas, Easter and Whit Sunday.50. The Character of the Scots is hospitable and generous.51. The principal non-Christian communities in Britain are the Jews, the Moslems and the Buddhists.52. St. Augustine was the first Archbishop of Canterbury53. Parliament was born in 1265.54. Edward II55. It refers to the war between England and France which lasted from 1337 to 1453.56. Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)57. "Utopia“ was written by Thomas More.58. Walpole was usually considered as the first prime minister in English history.59. During GeorgeⅠ’s reign.60. Margaret Thatcher。

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1Which is not the major environment issues of America?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、Air pollutionB、Water shortageC、Loss of agricultural landD、desertification正确答案:C 我的答案:C2Which is wrong about American people?( )(1.0分)0.0分A、American people are patriotic.B、American people like to talk about politics and religion. C、American people are outspoken.D、American people respect time.正确答案:B 我的答案:C3Which one of following is wrong about Steve Jobs?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、He dropped out of college.B、He started Apple when he was 21.C、His real parents were died when he was born.D、He was a Buddist.正确答案:C 我的答案:C4The war of Independence was between ( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、America and FranceB、America and HollandC、America and SpainD、America and Britain正确答案:D 我的答案:D5Texas was the ( ) state of America. (1.0分)1.0分A、26thB、27thC、28thD、29th正确答案:C 我的答案:C6(1.0分)1.0分A、About 3000 people were killed.B、It happened in 2002.C、The World Trade Centre and Pentagon were attacked. D、It was the first attack on mainland USA since 1812.正确答案:B 我的答案:B7The Legislative Branch is to ( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、Interpret lawsB、Execute lawsC、Make lawsD、Change laws正确答案:D 我的答案:D8Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of ( ) of America. (1.0分)1.0分A、StateB、LawC、TreasuryD、War正确答案:C 我的答案:C9In total, there are ( ) Chinese won the Nobel Prize.(1.0分)1.0分A、5B、6C、7D、正确答案:C 我的答案:C10According to the 2008 ARIS, ( ) of American follow Christianity. (1.0分)1.0分A、76%B、70%C、51%D、40%正确答案:A 我的答案:A11According to the 2008 ARIS, ( ) of American follow Christianity. (1.0分)1.0分A、76%B、70%51%D、40%正确答案:A 我的答案:A12Which one is wrong about Benjamin Franklin?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、He was also a Doctor.B、He loved reading.C、He started the first public library in Philadelphia.D、He was 81 when he went to the Constitutional Convention. 正确答案:A 我的答案:A13Which one is wrong about the American agriculture?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、Large family farms are much more productive.B、In 2000, farm jobs are very few in America.C、Most income of farm households is from non-farm sources. D、In America, all farmers have jobs in cities.正确答案:D 我的答案:D14George Washington declared ( )(1.0分)0.0分A、Thanksgiving DayB、ChristmasC、HalloweenD、New Year's Day正确答案:A 我的答案:D15How many commandments does Christianity have?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、15B、13C、10D、8正确答案:C 我的答案:C16About ( ) of Christians belong to Catholics.(1.0分)1.0分A、45%B、50%C、55%D、60%正确答案:C 我的答案:C17The Panama Canal was built by a ( ) consortium. (1.0分)1.0分A、AmericaB、ItalyC、BritainD、France正确答案:D 我的答案:D18The most fresh water used in China is in ( ). (1.0分)1.0分A、DomesticB、IndustryC、LivestockD、Agriculture正确答案:D 我的答案:D19The terrorists Hijacked ( ) planes. (1.0分)1.0分A、4B、5C、6D、7正确答案:A 我的答案:A20The GFC Recession started in ( ). (1.0分)1.0分A、the USAB、the UKC、JapanD、France正确答案:A 我的答案:A21According to the 2013 statistics, which one of the following is wrong?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、The smallest part in the economic structure of developed countries is agriculture.B、The biggest part of GDP composition in America is Services.C、In 2013, GDP growth rate in America is higher than that in China.D、In 2013, America's inflation rate is lower than China's.正确答案:C 我的答案:CWhen was the UN established?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、1944B、1945C、1946D、1947正确答案:B 我的答案:B23Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、He was the 16th president of America.B、He was killed in 1865 when the Civil War was just finished. C、He was a businessman and then became politician.He was born in a poor farm family.正确答案:C 我的答案:C24In ( ), the first humans walked on the moon.(1.0分)1.0分A、1967B、1968C、1969D、1970正确答案:C 我的答案:C25The first fight between local people and British soldiers was at ( ). (1.0分)1.0分A、Washington D.C.B、New YorkC、BostonD、Lexington and Concord正确答案:D 我的答案:D26In America, it's common to add ( ) to a bill as a tip. (1.0分)1.0分A、10%-15%B、15%C、15%-20%D、20%正确答案:C 我的答案:C27Michael Phelps won ( ) Olympic medals.(1.0分)1.0分18B、20C、22D、25正确答案:C 我的答案:C28Which statement of following is wrong?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、There were many cold conflicts in the cold war, such as weapon competition and spying.B、Germany reunited in 1990.C、The USSR was dissolved in 1990.D、After the USSR dissovled, 15 new countries were created.正确答案:C 我的答案:CWhich is not the reason why American people like guns.( )(1.0分)1.0分A、Personal protectionB、HuntingC、Collecting guns to sell for a high priceD、Target shooting正确答案:C 我的答案:C30All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( ), Myanmar and Liberia.(1.0分)1.0分A、the UKB、the USAC、FranceJapan正确答案:B 我的答案:B31To buy a handgun, you must be ( ) years old. (1.0分)1.0分A、18B、19C、20D、21正确答案:D 我的答案:D32The capital city of Australia is ( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、SydneyB、CanberraC、MelbourneD、Brisbane正确答案:B 我的答案:B33In American football, the boy who throws the ball is called ( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、The offensive backB、The running backC、The quarterbackD、The receiver正确答案:C 我的答案:C34According to ARIS, in 1990, 2001, 2008, the number of Christian, Catholic and ( ) decease.(1.0分)1.0分A、JudaismB、IslamC、ProtestantD、No religion正确答案:C 我的答案:C35How often is the president elected for?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、3 yearsB、4 yearsC、5 yearsD、6 years正确答案:B 我的答案:BWhich country provided the Statue of Liberty to America?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、The United KingdomB、CanadaC、AustraliaD、France正确答案:D 我的答案:D37( ), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma and California have the most farms in the USA. (1.0分)1.0分A、ArizonaB、MarylandC、TexasNevada正确答案:C 我的答案:C38Which one is wrong about John D. Rockefeller?( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、General Electric is one of his companies.B、At first, he worked as a bookkeeper.C、When he was 20, he started his own company.D、He donated all his money to the Rockefeller Foundation.正确答案:D 我的答案:D3968% of the 79 inventors with more than 300 utility paten families are from ( ). (1.0分)1.0分A、AustraliaB、C、GermanyD、USA正确答案:D 我的答案:D40Bernie Madoff's clients lost about ( ) billion dollars. (1.0分)1.0分A、10B、20C、30D、40正确答案:A 我的答案:A41( ) was the state with the highest crime rate in America. (1.0分)1.0分FloridaB、TexasC、New YorkD、Georgia正确答案:A 我的答案:A42Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、China has more railways than America.B、America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico.C、Both America and China's climates vary greatly.D、America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than China. 正确答案:A 我的答案:AWhy doesn't western scholars think Confucianism is religion?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、Because Confucianism does not talk about an after life.B、Because Confucianism is not accepted by western people.C、Because western scholars don't know Confucianism.D、Because very few people follow Confucianism.正确答案:A 我的答案:A44The cause of the GFC Recession in 2007 was ( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、Stock bubble burstB、Property bubble burstC、Dotcom bubble burstAsset price bubble burst正确答案:B 我的答案:B45Which one is wrong about the Great Depression?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、The Great Depression started with the crash of the New York stock market. B、More than 9000 banks closed down.C、It took a short time for the New York Stock to recover.D、Many people became homeless because of the Great Depression.正确答案:C 我的答案:C46The amendments to the Constitution must be supported by ( ) of the States. (1.0分)1.0分A、72%B、C、74%D、75%正确答案:D 我的答案:D47Which is not the reason why American people like guns.( )(1.0分)1.0分A、Personal protectionB、HuntingC、Collecting guns to sell for a high priceD、Target shooting正确答案:C 我的答案:C48In 2012, the top 5 agricultural commodities of America are ( ), cattle, soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat.(1.0分)1.0分A、CornB、PotatoC、TomatoD、Cotton正确答案:A 我的答案:A49When was Harvard University established?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、1560B、1620C、1636D、1639正确答案:C 我的答案:C50The American Bill of Rights was effective in ( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、1787B、1786C、1791D、1792正确答案:C 我的答案:C二、判断题(题数:50,共50.0分)1During the War of Independence, Benedict Arnold sold military secrets to France.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×2The membership of the Democratic Party is hard.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×3The Constituional Convention was held in Philadelphia.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√4Gambling is legal in western countries.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√5Senators are elected for 5 year.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×6In history, there were 5 American presidents were killed.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×7It's expensive to have a horse.( )(1.0分)1.0分8The Communist Party in the USA is not legal.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×9Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√10Now services in China grows very fast.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√1110% of people in America use left hand.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√12Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( )(1.0分)1.0分13Originally, the Christians were called Catholics.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√14In western countries, people always say thank you to other people.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×15The violent crime rate delines when the incarceration rate increases.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√16People in western countries all love guns.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×17America's population growth rate is lower than China's.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×96% of the farmers are black people.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×19Henry Ford was the first man in the world using moving assembly line in factory.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√20People in western countries all love guns.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×21The poverty lines in America and China are the same.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×22Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×24There are no catholics in China.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×25Per capita means a person.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√26Thomas Paine was born in France.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×272014 AD means 2014 Before the Birth of Jesus Christ.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×28The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×29In America, it's hard to enter college, but easy to graduate.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×30Agnostic is 100% certain that there is no god.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×31In America, voting is compulsory.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×32In western culture, wedding rings are worn on right hand.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×33In the Civil War, the North lost more people than the South.( )正确答案:√我的答案:√34In America, president can not veto legislation.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×35"Tiger Woods" is the real name of Woods.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×36Agnostic is 100% certain that there is no god.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×37Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×38Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×39The Pew Global Attitudes Project shows that rich countries have stronger belief in religion, but the poor countries have lower belief in religion.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×40A senator and a representative can only be elected for two times.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×41Because many West Germans fled to the East,the West Germany government built the Berlin Wall.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×42Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.()(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×43In 2008, most of America agriculture imports were from China.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×44American president can be elected for 3 terms.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×45Many western students go on a gap year after finishing high school.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√46Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×47In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×48Women never won the Nobel Prize.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×49The first telephone line was built in 1877.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√50Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×。

期末检测卷二I. 选择填空从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。
(共30小题,每小题0.5分,共1 5分)1. Michael likes watching _________. He can find out what's going on around the world.A. newsediesC.talent showsD. soap operas2. Can you give me some _________, please? I need your help.A.magazineB.adviceC.sandwichD.newspaper3. He is always careless so he makes a few _________. .A.eventsB. friendsC. mistakesD. medicine4. Americans eat _________ on Thanksgiving Day.A. big mealB. turkeyC. chickensD. Russian soup5. --Did you reply _________ your pen pal's letter?--Yes, of course.A. toB. inC. forD. with6. We Chinese cook food _________a very high temperature for a long time.A. inB. atC. withD. to7. No one can get better grades _________ working hard.A. withB. forC. throughD. without8. Some people can Jive to be 100 years old, but _________.people can live to be 120 years old.A.manyB.muchC.fewD.little9. People in the future will eat _________.A. much healthierB. healthierC. much healthD. more healthily10. You won't be good at English _________you practice more.A. unlessB. thoughC. becauseD. if11. I'm afraid the kids are _________ young _________ play the game.A. too, toB. very, toC. so, thatD. enough,to12. Thej11an over there is my teacher, he has a lot of _________ to teach us.A.askB.taughtC.teachingD. to tell13. Bring Ms. Steen to the party. Maybe she can _________.A. be surprisedB. surpriseC. surprisingD. surprised14. No one will _________ his invitation because all of us ,want to be his guests.A. turn upB. turn downC. acceptD. disagree15. I _________until next Wednesday.A. leftB. didn't leaveC. am not leavingD. will leave16. Jimmy had an accident, When he _________, he didn't know where he was.A.took upB.stayed upC.made upD.woke up17. She plays an active part in _________ these poor children.A. teachB. saveC. winningD. helping18. It will be more _________ there m the future.A.pollutedB.easyC.rainD.air19.I _________improve my English with the help of my sister.A. will beB. will be able toC. can beD. be able to20. -- How many people will come to our school tomorrow?-- It's hard to say. _________people, I think.A. Hundred ofB. Two hundred ofC. Hundreds ofD. Two hundreds of21. -- Which of the two books will you take?-- 1 will take _________. Because I want to give them∞ my cousins.A. eitherB.neitherC.allD.both22. To show _________ we're going to miss her, let's have a party for her next Friday the 28th!A. how muchB. how manyC. how oftenD. how soon23. --1 think people will have less free time in 100 years,--_________. I don't like to be busy.A. I hope soB.I hope notC. Sounds coolD. Sounds like a good idea24. Would you like _________ some orange juice?A. drinkB. to haveC. getD. to eat25. _________ the price of the new computer?A.How isB.How much isC.How many isD.What's26. There will _________ in tomorrow's newspapers.A. have something newB. have new somethingC. be something newD. be new something27.In the end, I had an idea about_________________.A. what to do the surveyB. what to do itC. how to do the surveyD. how to do28. --_________today? --It’s Jan. 17th.A. What'sB. What's the dateC. What day is itD. When is29. I wonder _________.A. what will the future be likeB. how will the future likeC. how the future will likeD. what the future will be like30. I’m going to help with housework when my mother _________.A. goes back home from workB. did houseworkC. will come back homeD. is cleaning the kitchenII.阅读理解。

3.Is it significant that Thoreau mentioned the Fourth ofJuly as the day on which he began to stay in the woods?Why?
Yes, it is.Because The Fourth of July is known asIndependence Day,the birthdayofthe United States.HereThoreau uses the day to express his beginningof regeneration at Walden.It also means a symbol of hisconquest of being.
This belief fits into the larger Puritan doctrine, which puts heavy emphasis on the idea of original sin—the notion that all people are born sinners because of the initial transgressions of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. he is therefore using the prison building to represent the crime and the punishment which are aspect of civilized life. What is the implication of the description of the roses?The rosebush symbolizes the ability of nature to endure and outlast man's activities. The narrator suggests that roses offer a reminder of Nature's kindness to the condemned; for his tale, he says, it will provide either a “sweet moral blossom” or else some relief in the face of unrelenting sorrow and gloom.

1. What is the full name of the U.K.?----United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2. Why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland?----They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.3. How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they?----The development of the English language can be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English.4. Why did English become more important after Black Death?----The laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance after the Black Death, so English also grew in importance compared to French.1. Who are the British People?----The first known inhabitants in Britain were Celts who are the ancestors of the Welsh, Scottish and Irish people. Then came the Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes who brought with them the English language. Many people from other European countries came later, and in modern times there are a lot of immigrants from many former Commonwealth countries from every part of the world. Britain is a country of mixed cultures, and the Britain people are also composed of people from different ethic and culture backgrounds.2. What is Standard English?----Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England. It is widely used in media and taught at schools. It is preferred by the educated, middle-class people. It has developed and has been promoted as a model for correct Britain English. It is also the norm carried overseas. Today, Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is taught and used.1. What are the two components of the British Parliament?----the House of Commons and the House of Lords.2. What were some of Queen Victoria's major achievement?---- Queen Victoria made tremendous achievements in almost every aspect. She promoted further industrial revolution, the building of railways and the growing of trade and commerce. By the end of her reign, Britain had developed to an empire including a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world's landmass.3. What were the two camps in Europe in World War 1?----The Central Powers which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria and the Allied Powers which were mainly comprised of France, the Russia Empire, the Britain Empire, Italy and the United States.4. Why did Britain cooperate closely with the United States after World War 2?----Because they were allied during the war and shared the same worries about the former Soviet Union.1. What were the results of the Industrial Revolution in Britain?----The Industrial Revolution changed Britain in many ways. First, industrial country increased dramatically. Britain became the most advanced industrial country and also the financial center in the world. Second, urbanization took place. Many new cities sprang up. Third, it caused great changes in the class structure. The old social classes declined, and new ones emerged and developed.2. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire?----Colonization of Newfoundland, the first British colony overseas, in 1583 marked the beginning of the British Empire. By 1837, British had long been an empire which included the colonies in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and many small states in the West Indies. By the end of 19th century, the British Empire included a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world's landmass. During the mid-19th century, the British government consolidated the existing colonies by bringing them under the direct control of the government. Before World War 1, Britain had the largest colonial empire in the world. However, Britain suffered great loss to its manpower in the two World Wars and exhausted its reserves of gold, dollars and overseas investment. Most of Britain's colonies gained independence since the 1940s, which inevitably led to the fall the Empire.1. What are the three functions of the House of Commons?----to draft laws, to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the activities of the government, and to influence future government policy.2. Why is the Conservative Party sometimes called the "Right"?----Because the Conservative Party is supported by landowners and businessmen, who are often from the middle and upper-middle class.3. What kind of public image does Liberal Democrats have in Britain?----The Liberal Democrats is perceived as "middle" between the Conservative and the Labor Party. It is comparatively flexible and pragmatic in its balance of the individual and the social. It emphasizes the need for a change in Britain's constitutional arrangements to make the government more democratic and accountable.4. Why are independent candidates unlikely to win in the general election?----Because even if they were elected, they would be powerless in Parliament. Therefore, it is not possible for many people to vote for independent candidates.1. What do British electoral campaigns usually involve during the process of a general election?----The electoral campaigns usually involve advertising in newspapers, door-to-door campaigning and leaflets. The main parties are given short periods of time on national television to present their policies to the public. Apart from the parties' own publicity, newspapers and TV programs spend a lot of time discussing the campaign, interviewing politicians, and predicting the results.2. What is the Commonwealth of Nations?----The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of independent sovereign states, all of which acknowledge the British monarch as the head. The Commonwealth is not a political union of any sort, and its member states have full autonomy to manage their internal and external affairs. It is primarily an organization in which countries with diverse economic backgrounds have an opportunity for close and equal interaction after gaining independence. The major activities of the Commonwealth are designed to advocate democracy, human rights, and to promote economic cooperation and growth within its members.1. What was the negative aspect of Thatcher's reform in the early 1980s?----Its negative aspect was a rapid increase in unemployment. In 1982, the unemployment rate reached the level of the Great Depression years, with three million people out of work.2. What are the characteristics of Britain's agriculture?----British's agriculture is characterized by a small portion of the population engaged in agricultural activities with a high degree of mechanization. Although it employs a mere 1% of the country's labor force, it meets around 60% of the national demands.3. What happened to Britain's beef industry in the mid-1990s?----British's beef industry was hit badly by BSE, resulting in a ban on beef exports in 1996.4. What are some of the popular tourist attraction in Britain?----The popular tourist attractions in English include: the Dorset and the East Devon Coast, the Lake District, Stonehenge, Windsor Castle, university towns of Oxford and Cambridge, Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral and so on.1. What were the major causes of Britain's relative economic decline in the postwar period?----British's economy experienced a relative decline in the postwar period for severalreasons. First, British suffered a great losses in the two World Wars and had gone heavily into debt to finance the war. Second, the era of the British Empire was over. India and other British colonies, which provided raw material and large market for British goods, gained their independence. Third, British was forced to maintain an expensive military presence in many overseas locations until the end of 1960s. Fourth, British had to make substantial financial contributions to NATO and UN Security Council. Finally, British failed to invest in industry after World War 2 whereas its competitors like Germany and Japan caught up with British buy investing in the most modern equipment and means of production.2. Why do developed nations like Britain encourage the development of the service industry?----The service industry has played an increasingly important role in economy in the development countries. On the other hand ,it requires a large group of people working in it so that abundant employment opportunities are provided. On the other hand, the service industry causes little pollution.1. What used to be the major functions of grammar schools and vocational schools in Britain?----The major functions of grammar schools were to train the most academically capable students and prepare them for university, whereas the major functions of vocational schools were to help less successful students to learn a trade.2. What kind of subjects do Britain comprehensive schools provide?----British comprehensive schools provide a general education, offering both academic subjects like literature and science, and practical subjects like cooking and carpentry.3. In what ways do Britain universities enjoy complete academic freedom?----British universities enjoy complete academic freedom because they can appoint their own staff, decide which students to admit, provide their own courses and award their own degrees.4. How do students in the Open University receive their education?----The students follow university courses through textbooks, TV and radio broadcasts, correspondence, video, and a network of study centers.5. What role does the media play in Britain leisure culture?----The media plays an essential role in British leisure culture since it helps to shape the public's opinion, determine people's moral and political orientation and consolidate or undermine the rule of a government.1. What are the general feature of Britain's independent schools?----British's independent schools require fees from students. Although the National Curriculum is optional in the independent system, most independent schools teach what the curriculum demands. Independent schools get their funding through tuition fees as well as government assistance. Since they are generally better-funded than most state schools, they can recruit the best teachers and provide superior facilities. However, high tuition fees have become an obstacle for many students to enroll.2. The "quality press" and the "tabloids" in Britain?----Among the 10 daily published national newspapers in British, about half of them are regarded as the "quality press" since they carry in-depth articles of particular political and social importance, and reviews and feature articles about "high culture", and they are generally read by well-educated people. The Times, The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph are good cases in point of the quality press. The "tabloids", with color photos and striking headlines, usually cover scandals and gossip about celebrities in politics, sports and entertainment. A typical example is The News of the World.Chapter 81. How is the American population distributed?The distribution of the American population is rather uneven the most densely populated region is the northeastern part of the country. The great plains have a comparatively small population .the south also has a population of almost 57.5million. the west is not densely populated ,except for some metropolitan centers like los Angeles and san Francisco . it has about 20% of the nation’s population.2. Why was the immigration act of 1942 instituted ?The new immigrants in the united states , being poor and accustomed to poverty , were willing to work for very low wages .this made other workers afraid that the immigrants would ls and take jobs away from them . this opposition led to the immigration act of 1942.1.Why is the United States regarded as a”melting pot” and a ”salad bowl” ?The United States is not merely a nation, but a nation of nations. The immigrants came in waves, including the Europeans, the Africans and the Asians. Therefore, America is described as a "melting pot" where various racial and ethnic groups are assimilate into American culture. Recently, America has been called a "salad bowl" in that people of difference races and ethnic groups mix harmoniously, but at the same time keep their distinct culture and customs.2.What do you think is the best way to help assimilation in a multicultural society?The best possible way to help assimilation in a multicultural society is to be open and tolerant toward different cultures. People from different racial and ethnic backgrounds should respect each other. Society should create opportunities to help immigrants become assimilated. At the same time the immigrants should keep their own language, customs and religion, contributing to the diversity of a multicultural society.Chapter 91. Why did American change its policy and enter world war II?Because of the formation of the axis , the American government feared that the axis countries were wining the war and it might threaten America’s security and interests . it began to provide war equipment to the foreign nations resisting the aggression of the axis power . the Japanese air raid on pearl harbor became the direct cause for America’s entrance into the war.2. What were Nixon’s well-known contributions during his presidency?a) brought the Vietnam war to a closeb)reestablishing U.S. relations with chinac) negotiating the firststrategic arms limitation treaty with the former soviet union .3. What were the contents of Reagan’s economic program?Reagan’s economic program cal led for reductions in income taxes and business taxes in order to encourage investment , and it also requested that many government regulations be eliminated so as to reduce the federal government’s role in the day-to-day operation of business.1. What was the cause of the American Civil War?The Southern planters of America needed a large number of black African slaves to manage their plantations and they regarded the slaves as their property. In the North, with the development of industry, there was a growing demand for free labor. What’s more,the Northerners demanded a law to protect tariffs and asked the government to finance the building of railways and roads. But the Southerners were against it and advocated free trade so as to purchase cheaper goods from foreign countries. The accumulating conflicts led to the division of the North and the South and finally the American Civil War.2. What made the United States a powerful country by the end of World War II?During the two World Wars, America remained neutral in the early stage. However, Americans continued their profitable trade with the warring countries. Therefore, they not only retained their military forces, but also accumulated great wealth. When America entered the wars, it was almost at the end of the wars. By sharing the fruit of victory with other allies, America greatly strengthened its power and became a powerful country by the end of World War II.Chapter 101. What are the two characteristics of the U.S. constitution?One is “checks and balances”, the other is that the power of the central government and the powers of state governments are specified.2. What are the qualifications for a senator and a representative respectively?A senator must be over 30 years old , a U.S. citizen for at least nine years, and a resident in the state which they represent . a representative should be at least 25 years old and a U.S. citizen for no less than seven years.3. What are the major powers of the supreme court?a) to interpret lawsb) to hear appeals from any federal court cases;c) to hear appeals from state court cases that involve the constitution or national laws d) may declare a law unconstitutionale) may declare a presidential act unconstitutional4. What is the difference between the democrats and the republicans in terms of political opinions?The democrats want the government to play an important role in the economy and emphasize full employment as a matter of national concern they favor civil rights laws , a strong social security system which gives enterprises a greater freedom and demand that the government control inflation. They stress the need for law and order, and oppose complete government social programs and free choice of abortion they also favor a strong military posture and assertive stand in international relations.1. How is the American President voted into office? What are your ideas about the American election?Each party holds its national convention every four years to choose a candidate for presidency. To win a presidential election, a candidate has to spend millions of dollars, travel all over the country to make speeches and debate on television with the rival. The general election is technically divided into two stages. During the first stage, presidential electors for each state will be chosen. In the second stage the electors meet and vote a President. Since the second stage is only a kind of formality, everyone knows who will be the next President an soon as the first stage is over.I think the candidates spend too much money on the electoral campaigns. And, the election cannot solve the social and economic problems of the U.S. as some candidates do not keep their word after they become President.2. What was President Eisenhowers foreign policy and what were the consequences ?President Eisenhower made vigorous efforts to wage the Cold War. He placed new emphasis on developing nuclear strength to prevent the outbreak of war. He also frequently authorized the CIA to undertake secret interventions to overthrow unfriendly governments or protect reliable anti-communist leaders whose power was threatened. The CIA helped topple the governments of Iran and Guatemala, but it suffered an embarrassing failure in Indonesia. In addition, Eisenhower used U.S. power and prestige to help create a non-communist government in South Vietnam, which brought disastrous long-term consequences to the United States.Chapter 111. What industry developments took place during the colonial period of America? During the colonial period ,the secondary industries developed as the colonies grew .a variety of specialized sawmills and gristmills appeared. Colonists established shipyards to build fishing fleets and trading vessels . they also built small iron forges . by the 18th century , regional patterns of development in America had become clear.2. How did the civil war affect the American economy?After the civil war , the large southern cotton plantations became much less profitable . northern industries , which had expanded rapidly because of the demands of the war ,surged ahead.3. Why does America try to reduce trade barriers?Because the united states has increasingly realized that open bilateral trade will not only advance its own economic interests, but also enhance domestic stability and its peaceful relationship with other nations.1. How did the U.S constitution lay the groundwork for American’s economic development ?The U.S. Constitution, as an economic charter, established that the entire nation was a unified or "common" market. There were no tariffs or taxes on interstate commerce. It provided that the federal government could regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states, establish uniform bankruptcy laws, create money and regulate its value, fix standards of weights and measures, establish post office and roads, and fix rules governing patents and copyrights. The last-mentioned clause was an early recognition of the importance of "intellectual property", a matter that began assuming great importance in trade negotiations since the late 20thcentury.2. Cite examples to illustrate the role of government intervention in America's economic development.The government has always played an active and important role in America’s economic development. In the early 1930s,thr United States suffered the worst economic depression in American history. President Roosevelt introduced the New Deal to tackle the financial crisis. Besides, he set up the New York State Emergency Relief Commission to help those in desperate need and tried to relieve the serious problems of the jobless. At the end of 1970s, the American economy again suffered a recession. The Reagan administration combated inflation by controlling government spending deficit, cutting taxes and raising interest rates. Both policies mentioned above helped to set the country’s economic development on its right course, In all, the intervention of the government has ensured that economic opportunities are fair and accessible to the people. It has prevented flagrant abuses of the system, dampened the effects of inflation and stimulated economic growth. Chapter 121. How does an American university choose its applicants?a)their high school records;b) recommendations from their high school teachers;c) the impression they make during interviews at the university;d) their scores on the SAT.2. What functions do American higher education institutions perform?Higher education institutions in the united states have three functions: teaching , research and public service , and each has its own emphasis with regard to its function .3. What similarities do four famous university share?They all have a long history , they all have an excellent faculty , a large number of students and have made extensive academic achievements. Some of their graduates are very successful or influential in some areas such as politics, arts and business.4. What are the origins of thanksgiving day?Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came to the new world , in 1620,the mayflower arrived and brought about 150 pilgrims. Life at the beginning was very hard and there was not enough food , so many of them died. During the following summer the native America helped them and then they had a bountiful harvest. So they held a big celebration to thank god and the native Americans.1. What are the ideals that guide the American educational system?The first ideal is that as many people as possible should receive as much education as possible .The second ideal is that of ptoducing a society that is totally literate and of local control . The third ideal is that scholars and students should work to discover new information or conceive new ways to understand what is already known .2. How does America carry out multicultural education?American schools routinely teach the experiences and values of many ethnic cultures. Current textbooks incorporate a variety of ethnic individuals who have achieved success. Struggle for equality are vividly depicted, and past racism is bluntly acknowledged. Cultural pluralism is now generally recognized as the organizing principle of education.Schools at all levels offer students opportunities to learn about different cultures.。

American Beginnings1. What were the new and powerful social forces which led to the awakening of Europe and the discovery of America? P34The first force was the development of capitalism. The growth of capitalism produced two new classes-the bourgeoisie [ˌbʊrʒwɑː'ziː]and the working class with the development of commerce and trade, the bourgeoisie become increasingly powerful in politics as well as in economy, so they wanted to share more power with feudal lords.The second force was the Renaissance ['renəsɑːns], which was marked by a changing outlook on life.The third force was the Religious Reformation, a religious force movement that started from Germany.2. What was the unique American phenomenon? How did it come into being? Do you think it still exi sts in today’s American society? P36The enactment [ɪ'næktmənt of laws for the colony and the enslavement of Africans combined constituted a unique American phenomenon..on the one hand, the English and other Europeans went to North America for seeking freedom. On the other hand, these very white people who were seeking and fighting for their own freedom deprived black Africans of their freedom.On July 30, 1619, the first meeting of an elected legislature, arepresentative assembly, was held in Virginia. A month later, still in Virginia, a Dutch ship brought in over 20 Negroes as servants for a term of years to make a start toward the enslavement of Africans within what was to be the American republic.This phenomenon still exists in today’s American socie ty, such as the racial discrimination. Until now, the black people still receive the unfair prejudice. However, the society in America is full of freedom, especially to the white people. They have a lot of rights in their life.3. In what way did the pattern of founding of Maryland influence American culture?In 1648, Lord Baltimore appointed a Protestant governor, and the next year, the Maryland Toleration Act, which assured freedom of worship to all who believed in Jesus Christ, was passed.Because the protestant majority were capitalistic-minded people and refused to carry out the feudal plan, and because the wilderness of North America provided plenty of land while labor was scarce, it was impossible for Lord Baltimore to have his feudal plan executed. Not long after the founding of his colony, the feudal experimental plan was dropped, and the colony, like other colonies in North America, followed a capitalist development road.4. In what way did Puritanism influence American culture? P37-38The Puritans believed that everyone had a calling, which was given by God. Working hard and living a moral life were their ethics, and they concluded that the Bible was the authority of their doctrine, so education was essential for Puritans.The Puritans hoped t o build “a city upon hill”-an ideal community. Since that time, Americans have viewed their country as a great experiment, a worthy model for other nations. This sense of mission has been very strong in the minds of many Americans.New England also established another American tradition—a strain of often intolerant moralism. The Puritans believed that governments should enforce God's morality. They strictly punished drunks, adulterers, violators of the Sabbath and other religious believers different from themselves. Roger Williams, one of the Puritans who protested that the state should not interfere with religion, was driven out of Massachusetts. In 1635, he set up Rhode Island colony, which guaranteed religious freedom and the separation of Church and state. The Puritans also have left rich cultural heritage to future Americans. The American values such as individualism, hard work, respect of education owe very much to the Puritan beliefs.The Political System1. What is a federal system?A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constituent parts, with some rights reserved to each. The Constitution specified exactly what power the central government had and which power was reserved for the states.2. How did the delegates from the early British colonies design the constitution?In the course of the Convention, the delegates designed a new form of government for the United States. The plan for the government was written in very simple language in a document called the Constitution of the United States. In writing the Constitution, the delegates had to deal with two main fears shares by most Americans.3. What were the two main fears shared by Americans while writing the constitution and how did they deal with them? P52-53One fear was that one person or group, including the majority, might became too powerful or be able to seize control of the country and create a tyranny. To guard against this possibility, the delegates set up a government consisting of three parts, or branches, the executive, the legislative and the judicial. Each branch has a way of counteracting and limiting any wrongful action by another branch.Another fear was that the new central government might weaken or taken away the power of the state governments to run their own affairs. To deal with this the Constitution specified exactly what power the central government had and which power was reserved for the states. The states were allowed to run their own governments as they wished, provided that their governments were republican.4. What is the Executive Branch? P137The chief executive is the president, who is elected to four-year term. A president can be elected only two terms according to an amendment passed in 1951. The president can propose legislation to Congress and veto any bill passed by Congress. He is the commander in chief of the armed forces. The president has other broad authorities in running the government department and handling foreign relations. Except for the right of success ion to the presidency, the vice president’s only constitutional duties are to serve as the presiding officer of the senate; the vice president may vote in the senate only in the event of a tie.5. What is the Bill of Rights? Why is it necessary to write the Bill of Rights explicitly into the US Constitution? P56It’s another basic foundation in Americans’ constitution. It consists of 10 very short paragraphs which guarantee freedom and individual rights and forbid interference with lives of individuals by the government. Each paragraph is an amendment to the original Constitution. In the Bill ofRights, Americans are guarantee freedom of religion, of speech and of the press. They have the right to assemble in public places, to protest government actions and to demand change. They have the right to own weapons if they wish.Economy1. What is the current economic position of America in the world?◇“superpower” in world affairs;◇dominant position of the dollar “Bretton Woods system”*the US has the largest and the most technologically powerful economy in the world, with a per capital GDP of $46,000. (ranked No.9 in the world)*It is the only superpower in the world. With about 5% of the world’s population, the US produces about 27% of the total world output. (ranked No.1 in total amount in the world)*the US firms are at or near the forefront in technological advances, especially in computers and in medical, aerospace, nuclear energy, electronics and the military equipment.*the US is still the largest automobile maker of the world. It is a major buyer and the seller in the world market.*the US dollar is still used as an international currency and many other currencies are pegged to it.2. What are the five stages of industrial development? P65-67 One key development was the introduction of the factory system, which gathered many workers together in one workplace and produced goods for distribution over a wide area.A second development was the “American system” of mass production which originated in the firearms industry about 1800.A third development was the application of new technologies to industrial tasks.A forth development was the emergency of new forms of business organization, notably the bank and the corporation, which facilitated the growth of industry.Finally, the construction of railroads beginning in the 1830s, marked the start of a new era for the United States3. What are the roots of affluence in America? P691. The vast dimensions and ample natural resources of the United States proved from the first to be a major advantage for national economic development.2. A population of more than 310 million people provides both workers and consumers for American businesses.3. A mobility in the American population contributes a useful flexibility to business life.4. The entrepreneurial spirit finds its outlet in such business activities asmanufacturing, transporting, buying and selling.5. The governmental powers were limited while widening opportunities for individual initiative.4. What are the main sectors of industry in America? Name some of the important cities representing each sector.1.Manufacturing industry: Chicago2. high-tech industry: Los Angeles, California3. Heavy industry: Pittsburgh4. Service industry: New York, Seattle5. Aviation: Houston6. Car industry: DetroitEducation1. How did America change the way of education to teach the children to be world citizens? P122In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that the practice f segregation blacks into separate schools was unconstitutional.Between 1950 and 1960, more and more new knowledge was developed than in all of the world’s history before 1950.Schools were asked not only to teach this new information, but to help students ask their own questions about it.The “inquiry” method of learning, focusing on solving problems rather than memorizing facts.More science courses were added to the curriculumThe federal government began to spend millions for the development of new science curricula and for training teachers to use them.2. How do Americans apply for a university? P123Their high school records (GPA)The recommendation from their high school teachersThe scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs)The impression they make during interview at the university3. What are the categories of higher institutions in America? 1. the university, which may contain:(a)several colleges for undergraduate students seeking a bachelor’s degree and (b)one or more graduate schools for those continuing in specialized studies beyond the bachelor’s degree to obtain a master’s or a doctoral degree;2. the four-year undergraduate institution-most of which are not part of a university;3. the technical training institution, at which high school graduates may take courses ranging from six months to four years in duration and learn a wide variety of technical skills, from hair styling through business accounting to computer programming;4. the two-year, or community college, from which students may enter many professions or may transfer to four-year colleges oruniversities.4. What factors that determine the best prestige of a university? Quality of teaching faculty, quality of research facilities; amount of founding available for libraries, special programs, ect.; and the competence and number of applicants for admission, i.e., how selective the institution can be in choosing its students.5. How to select a college or a university? Name all the members of the Ivy League. P124-125What degrees does the school offer? How long does it take to earn one? What curricula does a college or university offer? What are the requirements for earning a degree?Is the college or university a public institution or a private one?If it is private, is it a religious school?How large is the school?Columbia, Cornell, Brown, Harvard, Yale, Princeton University, Dartmouth College, the University of Pennsylvania,6. Explain why Americans respect education.It was influenced by the puritan, who concluded that the Bible was the authority of their doctrine, so every puritan must read the Bible to contact with God. To be able to read the Bible and understand God’s will, education was essential for puritans. So as a tradition, American respect education.In American, education is a national concern, a state responsibility, and a local function. Americans believe that it could promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the general though education.7. What degrees do undergraduate colleges and graduate schools offer?undergraduate colleges_ Bachelor’s degreegraduate schools_ master’s degree and Doctor’ s degree.8. What are the functions of the boards of education?The Board of Education in each state or district decides the spending, curriculum, teacher standard and certification, and the overall measurement of student progressAmerican Way of Life1. What are the stereotypes about the USA?1. All Americans are rich. The US has the largest and most technologically powerful economy in the world. Over the last 40 years the percentage officially classified as living in poverty has fluctuated between 11% and 15% of the population.2. American society is violent. About 25% of Americans own a gun. Crime rates remain notably higher than in China. About 1% of the population is in prison, the highest ratio in the world.3. American families are in disarray. High divorce rate – 50%. Less than half of American children today are raised with and by their birth-parents.4. Americans are all religious. 85% of Americans say they believe in God. The other 15% is mostly divided between those who say they are atheists or agnostics.5. Americans are optimistic. One of the American value is future orientation. An upbeat expectation of a bright future has been part of the American heritage from the colonial beginnings.2. What are the metaphors that have been used as the national self-images and why did they lose their credibility? P173-174 • Melting pot: America is a nation of immigrants. After World War II, the Anglophile W ASPs lost their privileged position.• Salad Bowl: The metaphor Salad Bowl was understood to be made up of many different components that each retained its characteristic flavor, color and texture.But salads quickly decay, making this metaphor not very satisfactory as a national self-image.• Mosaic: A mosaic is made of up small ceramic peices of different colors and shapes.But a mosaic, once it is made, never changes.• Kaleidoscope: The patterns in the kaleidoscope were not at all fixed. The different beads reflected the many different groups that have gone into making up the American population.But the ease with which the kaleidoscopic patterns changed wasproblematic – too changeable.3. Why is the Internet an up-to-date metaphor used to encapsulate the USA? P175The reasons behind this suggestion go far beyond the fact that the WWW [world wide web] originating in the USA, is a central technology for modern life that has now spread all over the world. The Internet has several characteristics that seem consonant with the USA today.1 .the www has no center.2. No one is reliably in charge.3. Each individual must take responsibility for what he or she takes seriously: all of them important features of the American way of life.4. Why is America said to be a society of violence? What is the NRA?Americans are aware that certain neighborhoods are likely to be dangerous. Crime rates in the USA, despite sharp declines in recent years, remain notably higher than in China (or in Europe). About 1% of the population is in prison, the highest ratio in the world, partly because the justice system works hard to pursue criminals. Also crimes are associated with guns, which are more freely owned and used in the USA than elsewhere. About 25% of Americans own a gun. Overall, there is more violence in American life than in other industrialized countries, and the threat of violence is often played up by the news media. Hence manyAmericans are conscious of the threat of violence and take measures to avoid it.National Rifle Association is a private organization, makes a great public display of opposing any laws that might restrict gun ownership.5. What are the reasons for the changing marriage pattern in the USA? What is its effect on USA way of life?1. World war ii, most families were patriarchal, that is, dominated by the senior male as husband and father.2. The newer, more egalitarian, kind of family has been described as “nurturing- power” family, in which parents regard themselves more as “partners” and encourage their children to become independent by making their own decision.3. The “no-fault” divorce laws are introduced in the late 1970s and now realy universal in American states.The effect of these shifting marriage patterns is to diminish the authority of parents in relation to their children. Many young people listen to their peers more than to their parents. Youth culture flourishes, encouraged by entertainment industrials that have grown up to cater young tastes: pop music, text-messaging. Keep-in-contact websites like Facebook and Twitter. As a long-term result, traditional values do not transmit readily from one generation to the next, reducing the chances for a national consensus on public issues.-- The End《英语国家社会与文化入门》模拟试题及参考答案Part oneFill in the blanks ( 10 points )1.The full name of the United Kingdom is .2.The Good Friday Agreement, known also as , emerged on 10 April 1998.3., the ancestor of the present queen, Elizabeth II, united England under his rulein 829.4.written by Geoffrey Chaucer is often studied by middle school and collegestudents today.5.The Bonfire Night, which is celebrated in November, sometimes is also called .6.Columbus discovered the New World in the year of .7.The Three Faiths in the US refer to Protestant, and Jewish.8.In 1852, a New England woman named Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a noveltitled , which intensified the political debate on slavery.9.1968 was known in US history as a violent and tragic year in which the great leader of TheCivil Rights Movement: was assassinated.10.The Grand Canyon is carved away for nearly 6 million years by the River. Part twoRead the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question four suggested answers A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statement or answers the question: ( 20 points )1.Franklin Roosevelt’s program for the depression was called .a. Progressivismb. laissez fairec. New Freedomd. New Deal2. The United States did not join the Second World War directly until in December,1941.a. Great Depressionb. Pearl Harbor incidentc. the Japanese attack on Chinad. the German attack on Poland3. From 1649 to 1658 England was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by OliverCromwell as .a. Lord Protectorb. Lieutenant Generalc. Commander of the New Model Armyd. President4. Ireland is in the of Great Britain.a. eastb. southc. westd. north5. WASPs referred to .a. the mainstream Americansb. Hispanicsc. Asian-Americansd. Blacks6. Lincoln's Emancipation proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitutionformally ended .a. the immigration movementb. the Civil Warc. the slave systemd. the industrialization7. About a hundred years ago, as a result of imperialist expansion, Britain ruled of theworld people and of the world’s land area.a. one thirdb. one fifthc. one fourthd. two fifths8. The Celt’s religion was.a. Teutonic religionb. Christianityc. Druidismd. Buddhism9. The spirit of the Great Charter was the limitation of the powers of , keeping themwithin the bounds of the feudal law of the land.a. the Archbishop of Canterburyb. the baronsc. the churchd. the king10. The ultimate authority for law-making resides in the .a. the House of Lordsb. the House of Commonsc. the Privy Councild. the Shadow Cabinet11. The English Renaissance was largely .a. religiousb. ideologicalc. philosophicald. literary12. In the Industrial Revolution, changes occurred earliest and quickest in .a. hardwareb. textilec. potteryd. chemicals13. The Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in .a. 200 B. C.b. 55 B. C.c. 55 A. D.d. 410 A. D14. The Hundred Years’ War started in.a. 1733b. 1453c. 1337d. 135715. Civil Rights Movement happened in .a. the 1960sb. the 1950sc. the 1940sd. the 1930s16. The open declaration of the containment policy was made by on March 12, 1949 ina speech to the joint session of Congress.a. President Rooseveltb. President Kennedyc. General Marshalld. President Truman17. The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament.a. 651b. 1,200c. 1,198d. 76318. About half of the Britain’s trade is with.a. the United Statesb. South-east Asiac. the ECd. the Latin America19. The British recorded history begins with .a. the arrival and settlement of Celtsb. the Norman Conquestc. Roman invasiond. Viking and Danish invasions20. At the beginning of the First World War, the United States pursued a policy of .a. containmentb. neutralityc. pro-Germany partialityd. pro-Ally partialityPart threeRead the following statements carefully and decide if each of them is True or False: ( 20 points )( ) 1. The Bill of Rights is the term for the first twelve amendments to the Constitution.( ) 2. The stock market crash in 1929 was the beginning of a long economic depression in the U. S. ( ) 3. George Washington was the first president of the United States.( ) 4. The system of the parliamentary government of the U.K. is based on a written constitution. ( ) 5. Benjamin Franklin alone drafted the Declaration of Independence, and on July 4, 1776, the Congress adopted the declaration.( ) 6. Britain was the first country to start the Industrial Revolution which contributed to the establishment of the British Empire.( ) 7. The word English means “the language that belongs to the Angles.”( ) 8. The Pennines are known as the “Backbone of England”.( ) 9. The largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh Lake in Wales which covers an area of 397 square kilometers.( ) 10. Both the First Continental Congress and the Second Continental Congress were held in Boston.( ) 11. The American Constitution founded feudalism and introduced checks and balances.( ) 12. The national church in Scotland is also the Church of England.( ) 13.Of all the English university Oxford and Cambridge are the most prestigious( ) 14. The House of Lords is now made up of two kinds of Lords: the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal.( ) 15. William, Duke of Normandy, founded a strong fleet which first beat the Danes at sea and he beca me known as “Father of the British Navy.”( ) 16. Anglo-Saxons in Britain are believed to be ancestors of the Highland Scots, the Irish and the Welsh people.( ) 17. After Margaret Thatcher was elected Britain’s first ever woman prime minister in 1979, sh e adopted a new program to cure the “British disease”.( ) 18. America Vespucci proved that the land discovered by Columbus was not Indian, but a new continent. As a result, the new continent was named after him and became known as America. ( ) 19. Declaration of Independence was formally adopted by the Continental Congress on July 14, 1776, a day which has been celebrated each year as Independence Day of the United States. ( ) 20. When the news of American victory at Yorktown reached London, the Parliament voted to end the War and peace negotiation began in 1782.Part fourExplain the following terms in English: (10 points)1. The New Deal2. The commonwealth3. checks and balances4. Constitutional monarchy5. PuritanismPart fiveTell what you know about the following in your own words. ( 20 points )1. The Easter Rising2. Class system in British society3. The Bronte sisters4. Counterculture5. The containment policyPart sixWrite between 100-150 words on the following topic: ( 20 points )Cold WarKeys:Part one:1.the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2.the Belfast Agreement3.King Egbert4.The Canterbury Tales5.Guy Fawkes Night6.14927.Catholic8.Uncle Tom’s Cabin9.Martin Luther King10.ColoradoPart two:1~5dbaca 6~10cccdb 11~15dbbca 16~20daccbPart three:1~5 FTTFF 6~10 TTTFF 11~15 FFTTT 16~20 FTTFTPart four:1.It refers to a series of measures taken by Franklin Roosevelt in 1932 to prevent the possiblecollapse of the American economic and political system.2.The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of states which is made up mostly of formerBritish colonies. There are 50 members of the Commonwealth: many of these are developing countries like India and Cyprus: others are developed nations like Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Commonwealth was set up as a forum for continued cooperation and as a sort of support network.3.Each of the three branches of the government——the legislative, the executive and thejudicial——has part of the powers but not all the power. Each branch can check, or block, the actions of the other branches. The three branches are thus in balance. This is called “checks and balances”.4. A constitutional monarchy is a county in which head of the state is a king or a queen. Inpractice, the Sovereign reigns, but does not rule. In English history, constitutional monarchy was established after Glorious Revolution in 1688.5.Puritans were those who followed the doctrine of John Calvin and wanted to purify theChurch of England. They believe that human beings were predestined by God before they were born. Some were God’s chosen people while others were damned to hell. No church nor good works could save people. The sign of being God’s elect was the success in his work or the prosperity in his calling. They also argued that everyone must read the Bible in order to find God’s will and establish direct contact with God. These beliefs had great impact on American culture.Part five:1.In order to gain independence, different Irish groups had been fighting against the Britishinstitutions and the British military forces. One such activity was the Easter Rising which took place in 1916. the rebels occupied Dublin’s Post Office and Forced the British to take it back by military force. The leaders of the rebellion were executed by the British authorities.2.The class system does exist in British society. Most of the British population would claimthemselves to be either of middle-class or working-class, though some people would actually belong to the upper middle-class or lower middle-class. Class divisions are now simply economic, they are cultural as well. People of different classes may differ in the kind of newspapers they read, in the way they speak and in the kind of education they receive. One of the distinctive features about the British class system is that aristocratic titles can still be inherited.3.Perhaps the most famous literary family I British history are the Bronte sisters, who wereinfluenced by the Romantic Movement. Charlotte, Emily and Ann were daughters of the vicar of a village church in Yorkshire. Although they were poor, they were educated and respectable. In their short lives, they didn’t produce much, but their works are among the best-loved novels in English: Charlotte Bronte’ s Jane Eyre and Emily’s Wuthering Heights 4.In the wake of the Free Speech Movement and the New Left, there appeared a phenomenonthat historians called “counterculture”. The counterculture rejected capitalism and other American principles. They had morals different from those taught by their parents. Some groups of youth tried to construct different ways of life. Among the most famous were the hippies. They sought new experience through dropping out, and drug taking. But it was music, rock music in particular, that became the chief vehicles for the counter culture assault on the traditional American society. The counterculture exerted a great influence upon people’s attitudes toward social morals, marriage, career and success.5.The US put into effect the containment policy in the late 1940s. by containment, the Us meantthat it would use whatever means, including military force, to prevent the Soviet Union form breaking out of its sphere of influence. In order to contain communism, the US fought two wars in Asia: the Korean War and the Vietnam War.Part six:Some historians say that the world entered Cold War immediately after the Second World War ended. The conflicts arose basically from the separate concepts of postwar world order. The United States, relying on its large economic and military strength, tried to play the role of world。

英美⽂化概况10套试题与答第⼀套:Ⅰ.1. Sinn Fein is not a legal political party in Northern Ireland. F2. Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations, but is quitewell-known: in the world for its endless political problems. T3. The purpose of British education is not only to provide children withliteracy and the other basic skills but also to socialize children. T4. Sputniks are man-made satellites made by the Soviet Union. T5. Edinburgh is the largest city in Scotland. F6. In the seventeenth century, the English government encouraged peoplefrom Scotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland, because they wanted to increase its control over Ireland. T7. When George W. Bush became president, his foreign strategy has twoprominent elements: isolationism and faith in military strength. F8. Britain, like Israel, has a written constitution of the sort which mostcountries have. F9. Today, the United States has two major political parties. One is theDemocratic Party and the other is the Republican Party. T10. The oldest institution of government in Britain is the Monarchy. T11. There are about 60 members of the Commonwealth. F12. Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be acandidate for public office.F13. The Servicemen's Readjustment Act, or GI Bill of Rights, gave veteranspriority in finding better jobs. F14. Pax Americana indicates American policy to create a world order dominatedby the United States. T15. Most people in Scotland speak the old Celti c language, called “Gaelic”F16. The UK was awarded a seat on the UN Security Council in recognition ofits continuing importance in world politics. F17. Easter is the biggest and best loved British holiday. F18. Northern Ireland today is governed by separate jurisdictions: that ofRepublic of Ireland and that of Great Britain. F19. It is commonly believed that Boxing Day involves the sport of boxing. F20. Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials. FⅡ.21. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England? AA. The Anglo-Saxons.B. The Normans.C. The Vikings.D. The Romans.22. Which of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to the modern development of Europe? D A. The growth of capitalism. B. The Renaissance.C. The Religious Reformation.D. The Spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.23. Which countries are the permanent members of the UN Security Council? CA. France, China, Germany, Russia and Britain.B. The United States, France, Britain, Germany and Russia.C. China, Russia, France, Britain and the United States.D. China, Britain, France, the United States and Japan.24. What did the US mean by Containment? AA. It would use whatever means to prevent the Soviet Union from breakingout of its sphere of influence.B. It wanted to reverse the situation in which the Soviet Union reachedparity with the US in nuclear forceC. It planned to drag the Soviet Union into another round of arms raceD. It intended to shift the balance of terror25. Nowadays the British foreign policy is largely shaped by itsparticipation in CA. the CommonwealthB. the European Economic CommunityC. the United Nations, the EU, NATO, etcD. a European federal government26. Which of the following sports was NOT invented in Britain? CA. Football.B. Tennis.C. Basketball.D. Cricket.27. After the WWII, the United States became a stronger country, proved by the following facts except A.A. the US suffered no losses in the war.B. the US was the sole possessor of atomic bombs.C. the US had over 70% of the gold reserve of the world in its coffers.D. the US had over 50% of industrial production of the world in its hand.28. Lord Baltimore’s feudal p lan failed NOT because D.A. there were more Protestant than Catholics in Maryland.B. the wilderness of the continent made the plan impossible.C. there was plenty of land while labor was scarce.D. the English king did not like the plan.29. Of which people is Robert Burns a national poet? CA. the Welsh peopleB. the Irish peopleC. the Scottish peopleD. the English people30. Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes? BA. the executiveB. the legislativeC. the judicialD. the president31. Which of the following statements is NOT correct? cA. There are no legal restraints upon Parliament.B. Strictly speaking, the Queen is part of the Parliament.C. Parliament has no power to change the terms of the Constitution.D. Parliament has the supreme power of passing laws.32. The Norman Conquest in English history happened in C.A. 1035B. 1042C. 1066D. 160633. Which of the following can not be found in London? AA. teahousesB. art galleriesC. museumsD. theatres34. “No taxation without representation” was the rallying cry of D.A. the settlers of VirginiaB. the people of PennsylvaniaC. the colonists in New EnglandD. the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution35. Where do the majority of people in Scotland live? BA. in the HighlandsB. in the LowlandsC. in the UplandsD. in the west of Scotland36. Which of t he following was not an activity in Shakespeare’s time? AA. attending the Grand NationalB. having a drink at a pubC. working the landD. playing football37. Which of the following is NOT a true description of the Queen’s role?AA. The Queen selects the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.B. The Queen symbolizes the tradition and unity of the British state.C. The Queen acts as a confidante to the Prime Minister.D. The Queen is the temporal head of the Church of England.38. Colored eggs and bunny are traditional symbols of AA. EasterB. ChristmasC. ValentineD. New Year’s Day39. Which of the following is a privately funded university in Britain? DA. the University of CambridgeB. the University of OxfordC. the University of EdinburghD. the University of Buckingham40. Where is the international tennis championship held? BA. WembleyB. WimbledonC. LondonD. EdinburghⅢ. 41. The Functions of Parliament42. Puritanism43. Grammar School 44. The declaration of Independence45. The strategy of PreemptionⅣ. Answer one of the following two questions. (本⼤题任选⼀题,20分)46. What are the purposes of the British education system? Please comment on these purposes.47. What are the foundations of Britain’s foreign policy?第⼆套:Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (本⼤题共20⼩题,每⼩题1分,共20分)1. The first English permanent settlement was founded in California.F2. When people outside the UK talk about England, they mistake it as Britain sometimes. t3. By the early 1760s, the 13 English colonies in North America were readyto separate themselves from Europe. T4. Sputniks are man-made satellites made by the Soviet Union. T5. Edinburgh is the largest city in Scotland. F6. Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. T7. When George W. Bush became president, his foreign strategy has two prominent elements: isolationism and faith in military strength.8. American foreign policy has been swinging between isolationism and interventionism since WWII. F9. Today, the United States has two major political parties. One is the Democratic Party and the other is the Republican Party.10. Easter is the biggest and best loved British holiday. F11. The origin of Bowling lies in the victory celebration ceremony by the ancient warriors. t12. Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a candidate for public office. F13. The divine right of the king means the sovereign derived his authorityfrom his subjects. F14. The British host a large American military presence and there are 63 American military bases in the UK. T15. Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language, called “Gaelic”. F16. British universities are public bodies which receive funds from central government. T17. When the War of Independence was over, the United States was one unified nation as it is today. F18. One of the things that decide whether an applicant can be accepted bya college is his/her scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests. t19. It is commonly believed that Boxing Day involves the sport of boxing. F20. Wales is rich in coal deposits. TⅡ. Choose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question. (本⼤题共20⼩题,每⼩题1分,共20分)21. Which of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to themodern development of Europe? DA. The growth of capitalism.B. The Renaissance.C. The Religious Reformation.D. The Spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.22. The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by D.A. teachersB. studentsC. headmasterD. boards of education23. Which of the following is not involved in making the British foreignpolicy? AA. The Queen of BritainB. The Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeC. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet.D. The Ministry of Defense and the Treasury.24. What did the US mean by containment? AA. It would use whatever means to prevent the Soviet Union from breakingout of its sphere of influence.B. It wanted to reverse the situation in which the Soviet Union reachedparity with the US in nuclear forceC. It planned to drag the Soviet Union into another round of arms raceD. It intended to shift the balance of terror25. In the United States school systems, which of the following divisionsis true? CA. Elementary school, grammar school.B. Elementary school, junior high school.C. Elementary school, secondary school.D. Junior high school, senior high school.26. Which of the following is NOT true of London? DA. the cultural centerB. the business centerC. The financial centerD. the sports center27. Which of the following was not an activity in Shakespeare’s time? AA. attending the Grand NationalB. having a drink at a pubC. working the landD. playing football28. Which of the following states refused to participate in the Constitutional Convention? BA. VirginiaB. Rhode IslandC. New YorkD. Maryland29. The following were the main Reformation leaders except B.A. Martin Luther.B. Martin Luther King.C. John Calvin.D. The English King Henry Ⅷ.30. Which of the following is truly a sport of the royal family? DA. cricketB. skiingC. golfingD. horse racing31. In Britain, ___ formally appoints important government ministers, judges, etc. bA. the QueenB. the Prime MinisterC. the Lord President of the CouncilD. the Speaker of the House of Commons32. Colored eggs and bunny are traditional symbols of A.A. EasterB. ChristmasC. ValentineD. New Year’s Day33. Which of the following is a privately funded university in Britain? DA. the University of CambridgeB. the University of OxfordC. the University of EdinburghD. the University of Buckingham34. In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 B.A. can legally receive partly free education.B. can legally receive completely free education.C. can not receive free education at all.D. can not receive free education if their parents are rich.35. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of British government? AA. It offers the Queen high political status and supreme power.B. It is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.C. It is the oldest representative democracy in the world.D. It has no written form of Constitution.36. Lord Baltimore’s feudal plan failed because D.A. there were more Protestant than Catholics in Maryland.B. the wilderness of the continent made the plan impossible.C. there was plenty of land while labor was scarce.D. the English king did not like the plan.37. In order to go to university in the US, secondary school students must meet the following requirements except that D.A. they have high school records and recommendations from their teachersB. they make good impressions during the interviewsC. they get good scores in the Scholastic Aptitude TestsD. they pass the college entrance examinations38. Of which people is Robert Burns a national poet? CA. the Welsh peopleB. the Irish peopleC. the Scottish peopleD. the English people39. Why did the government decide to replace the power-sharing policy with “direct rule” from London? DA. the power-sharing policy was not accepted by the majority of Protestants.B. the Northern Irish Parliament could not govern the power effectively.C. the power-sharing policy couldn’t be carried out.D. all the above40. Which of the following schools would admit children without referenceto their academic abilities? AA. Comprehensive schoolsB. Secondary schoolsC. Independent schoolsD. Grammar schoolsⅢ.Tell what you know about the following in your own words. (本⼤题共5⼩题,每⼩题8分,共40分)41. Comprehensive schools42. The Bill of Rights43. The making of Britain’s foreign policy44. The functions of Parliament45. The strategy of PreemptionⅣ. Answer one of the following questions. (本⼤题任选⼀题,20分)46. In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?47. How do you understand that Britain has a “special relationship” with th第三套:Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (本⼤题共20⼩题,每⼩题1分,共20分)1. Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.T2. The first English permanent settlement was founded in California. F3. Great Britain includes 3 constituent countries: England, Scotland andWales. F4. Most people in Scotland speak the o ld Celtic language, called “Gaelic”F5. Edinburgh is the largest city in Scotland. F6. The purpose of British education is not only to provide children withliteracy and the other basic skills but also to socialize children.T7. Sinn Fein is not a legal political party in Northern Ireland.F8. Christmas Pantomime is one of the three Christmas traditions that areparticularly British. T9. Today, the United States has two major political parties. One is theDemocratic Party, formed before 1800. The other is the Republican Party,formed in the 1850s, by people in the states of the North and West. T10. The game of golf was invented by the Scottish. T11. When the War of Independence was over, the United States was one unifiednation as it is today. F12. Grammar schools selects children at the age of 11 and provide them witha general education. F13. American foreign policy has been swinging between isolationism andinterventionism since WWII. F14. Pax Americana indicates American policy to create a world order dominatedby the United States. T15.Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials.F16. The UK was awarded a seat on the UN Security Council in recognition ofits contribution in setting up the United Nations. F17. Easter is the biggest and best loved British holiday. F18. American foreign policy has been swinging between isolationism andinterventionism since WWII. F19. One of the things that decide whether an applicant can be accepted bya college is his/her scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests. t20. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln were regardedas the founding fathers of the United States of America. FⅡ. Choose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question. (本⼤题共20⼩题,每⼩题1分,共20分)21. Which of the following is not involved in making the British foreignpolicy? AA. The Queen of BritainB. The Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeC. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet.D. The Ministry of Defense and the Treasury.22. Which of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to themodern development of Europe? DA. The growth of capitalism.B. The Renaissance.C. The Religious Reformation.D. The Spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.23. The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by D.A. teachersB. studentsC. headmasterD. boards of education24. What did the US mean by containment? AA. It would use whatever means to prevent the Soviet Union from breakingout of its sphere of influence.B. It wanted to reverse the situation in which the Soviet Union reachedparity with the US in nuclear forceC. It planned to drag the Soviet Union into another round of arms raceD. It intended to shift the balance of terror25. Which of the following sports was not invented in Britain?CA. footballB. tennisC. basketballD. cricket26. Which celebration particularly happens on the Queen’s birthday?CA. BonfiresB. The Orange MarchC. Trooping the ColorD. Masquerades27. Which of the following is Not a characteristic of British government? AA. It offers the Queen high political status and supreme power.B. It is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.C. It is the oldest representative democracy in the world.D. It has no written form of Constitution.28. Which of the following states refused to participate in the Constitutional Convention? BA. VirginiaB. Rhode IslandC. New YorkD. Maryland29. The following were the main Reformation leaders except B.A. Martin Luther.B. Martin Luther King.C. John Calvin.D. The English King Henry Ⅷ.30. Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes? BA. the executiveB. the legislativeC. the judicialD. the president31. Which of the following statements is NOT correct? CA. They are no legal restraints upon Parliament.B. Strictly speaking, the Queen is part of the Parliament.C. Parliament has no power to change the terms of the Constitution.D. Parliament has the supreme power of passing laws.32. Which of the following is truly a sport of the royal family? DA. cricketB. skiingC. golfingD. horse racing33. Which of the following is NOT true of London? DA. the cultural centerB. the business centerC. The financial centerD. the sports center34. Which of the following was not an activity in Shakespeare’s time? AA. attending the Grand NationalB. having a drink at a pubC. working the landD. playing football35. Where do the majority of people in Scotland live? BA. in the HighlandsB. in the LowlandsC. in the UplandsD. in the west of Scotland36. Which of the following is true about the British Commonwealth? dA. Members of nations are joined together politically.B. The Commonwealth has special powers.C. The decision to become a member of the Commonwealth is made by Britain.D. It is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain.37. In Britain, ___ formally appoints important government ministers, judges, etc. BA. the QueenB. the Prime MinisterC. the Lord President of the CouncilD. the Speaker of the House of Commons38. Colored eggs and bunny are traditional symbols of A.A. EasterB. ChristmasC. ValentineD. New Year’s Day39. Which of the following is a privately funded university in Britain? DA. the University of CambridgeB. the University of OxfordC. the University of EdinburghD. the University of Buckingham40. In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 B.A. can legally receive partly free education.B. can legally receive completely free education.C. can not receive free education at all.D. can not receive free education if their parents are rich.Ⅲ.Tell what you know about the following in your own words. (本⼤题共5⼩题,每⼩题8分,共40分)41. Comprehensive schools42. The Bill of Rights43. The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act44. The functions of the British Parliament.45. George WashingtonⅣ. Answer one of the following two questions. (本⼤题任选⼀题,20分)46. Discuss the similarities and differences in Great Britain and the Unite concerning the goal of education47.what is the US containment policy? Is it successful? Illustrate your point wi第四套:Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (本⼤题共20⼩题,每⼩题1分,共20分)1. Cardiff, the capital of Wales, is a large city. F2. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln were regardedas the founding fathers of the United States of America. F3. The Scots and the Welsh have a strong sense of being British. F4. The most important single factor which influences British policy-makersis its history. t5. Most British people are Protestants while most Irish people areCatholics.F6. Northern Ireland today is governed by separate jurisdictions: that ofRepublic of Ireland and that of Great Britain. F7. When the War of Independence was over, the United States was one unifiednation as it is today. F8. Independent schools get money mainly through the private sector andtuition rates, with some government support. T9. The first English permanent settlement was founded in California. F10. Britain, like Israel, has a written constitution of the sort which mostcountries have. F11. The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, or GI Bill of Rights, gave veteranspriority in finding better jobs. F12. British universities are public bodies which receive funds fromcentral government. T13. In 1948 President Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine, which isgenerally regarded as the formal declaration of the implementation of the US containment foreign policy. T14. The biggest Bonfire Night celebration is held in London. F15. When Ronald Reagan became president in 1982, he wanted to beat the SovietUnion in the space technology race and so he initiated the Star Wars project. T16. The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction on Britain’s foreign policy. T17. The divine right of the king means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects. F18. The British host a large American military presence and there are 63 American military bases in the UK. T19. Sputniks are man-made satellites made by the Soviet Union. T20. Christmas Pantomime is one of the three Christmas traditions that are particularly British. TⅡ. Choose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question. (本⼤题共20⼩题,每⼩题1分,共20分)21. Of which people is Robert Burns a national poet? CA. the Welsh peopleB. the Irish peopleC. the Scottish peopleD. the English people22. Lord Baltimore’s feu dal plan failed because D.A. there were more Protestant than Catholics in Maryland.B. the wilderness of the continent made the plan impossible.C. there was plenty of land while labor was scarce.D. the English king did not like the plan.23. The Norman Conquest in English history happened in C.A. 1035B. 1042C. 1066D. 160624. Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes? BA. the executiveB. the legislativeC. the judicialD. the president25. What did the US mean by containment? AA. It would use whatever means to prevent the Soviet Union from breaking outof its sphere of influence.B. It wanted to reverse the situation in which the Soviet Union reached parity with the US in nuclear forceC. It planned to drag the Soviet Union into another round of arms raceD. It intended to shift the balance of terror26. Easter commemorates D.A. the birth of Jesus ChristB. the Crucifixion of Jesus ChristC. the coming of springD. the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ27. In order to go to university in the US, secondary school students must meet the following requirements except that DA. they have high school records and recommendations from their teachersB. they make good impressions during the interviewsC. they get good scores in the Scholastic Aptitude TestsD. they pass the college entrance examinations28. Which of the following is NOT a true description of the Queen’s role? AA. The Queen selects the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.B. The Queen symbolizes the tradition and the Cabinet.C. The Queen acts as a confidante to the Prime Minister.D. The Queen is the temporal head of the Church of England.29. The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by D.A. teachersB. studentsC. headmasterD. boards of education30. When was the NATO founded? DA. In 1945.B. in 1955C. In 1948D. in 194931. Nowadays the British foreign policy is largely shaped by its participation in C.A. the CommonwealthB. the European Economic CommunityC. the United Nations, the EU, NATO, etc.D. a European federal government32. Who are the ancestors of the English and the founders of England? AA. the Anglo-SaxonsB. the NormansC. the VikingsD. the Romans33. When did President Nixon make a trip to China to improve relations with the People’s Republic of China? AA. In 1972B. In 1973C. In 1970D. In 197134. “No taxation without representation” was the rallying cry of D.A. the settlers of VirginiaB. the people of PennsylvaniaC. the colonists in New EnglandD. the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution35. The New Deal was started by A.A. Franklin RooseveltB. J. F. KennedyC. George WashingtonD. Thomas Jefferson36. The following were the main Reformation leaders except B.A. Martin Luther.B. Martin Luther King.C. John Calvin.D. The English King Henry Ⅷ37. Which of the following can not be found in London? AA. teahousesB. art galleriesC. museumsD. theatres38. Why did the government decide to replace the power-sharing policy with “direct rule” from London? DA. the power-sharing policy was not accepted by the majority of Protestants.B. the Northern Irish Parliament could not govern the power effectively.C. the power-sharing policy couldn’t be carried out.D. all the above39. Which of the following is Not a feature of the House of Lords? CA. Lords do not receive salaries and many do not attend Parliament sittings.B. It consists of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal.C. The Lords are expected to present the interests of the public.D. Most of the Lords in the House of Lords are male.40. Which of the following sports was NOT invented in Britain? CA. Football.B. Tennis.C. Basketball.D. Cricket.Ⅲ.Tell what you know about the following in your own words. (本⼤题共5⼩题,每⼩题8分,共40分)41. The Open University42. The three traditions of Christmas in Britain43. The strategy of preemption 44. The functions of Parliament45. The Bill of RightsⅣ. Answer one of the following two questions. (本⼤题共任选⼀题, 20分)46. In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?47. What are some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the US government? How are the three branches supposed to check and balance each other?第五套:Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (本⼤题共20⼩题,每⼩题1分,共20分)1. Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. T2. The divine right of the king means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects. F3. In Britain, Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. F4. The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign policy. T5. The origin of Bowling lies in the victory celebration ceremony by the ancient warriors. T6. Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a candidate for public office. F7. The Clinton Administration made national security, economic prosperity and promotion of democracy the three pillars of the American foreign policy. F 8.It takes at least fours years to get a bachelor’s degree from an institutionof higher learning in the US. T9. In Britain, Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. F10. The president has the authority to appoint federal judges, and all such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives. F11.The main duty of the Congress is to make laws, including those which levytaxes that pay for the work of the federal government. T12.Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language, called “Gaelic”F13. When George W. Bush became President, his foreign policy has two prominent elements: isolationism and faith in military strength. F14. Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials. F15. There are about 60 members of the Commonwealth. F16. The state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers. T17. The UK was awarded a seat on the UN Security Council in recognition of its contribution in setting up the United Nations. F18. The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign policy. T19. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln were regarded as the founding fathers of the United States of America. F20. Easter is the biggest and best loved British holiday. FⅡ. Choose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question. (本⼤题共20⼩题,每⼩题1分,共20分)21. Why does Britain have its nuclear naval force? BA. Because it’s one of the developed countries in the world.B. Because it’s a traditional sea power.C. Because it has an advanced industryD. Because it’s able to produce submarines.。

解:本题信号量规则:设置两个信号量full、empty,信号量full表示信箱中的信件数目,其初值为0;信号量empty表示信箱中的空位置数目,其初值为1 semaphore empty=1; 将信件放入信箱中;semaphore full=0; v(full); && 唤醒取信进程取信main( ) }{ }cobegin B( )A( ); && 送信进程 {B( ); && 取信进程 while(true)Coend; {} p(full);A( ) 从信箱中取出一封信件;{ v(empty); && 唤醒送信进程送信while(true) 处理信件;{ }产生一封信件; }p(emtpy);3.有两个程序,A程序按顺序使用CPU 10秒,使用设备甲5秒,使用CPU 5秒,使用设备乙10秒,最后使用CPU 10秒。
B程序按顺序使用设备甲10秒,使用CPU 10秒,使用设备乙5秒,使用CPU 5秒,使用设备乙10秒。
在顺序执行环境下,先执行A程序,再执行B 程序,问CPU的利用率是多少?解:有题目所给条件可知,两个程序顺序执行,先执行程序A,后执行程序B。

文学概论期末考试一、单选题(每小题1.5分,共20分)1.文学“四要隶”理论,是指任何一部文学作品都包含“四要素”即世界、作品、作家与( )A文化B读者C文采D情感2.唐代出现了( ) ,有人物、情节,已形成一个完整的故事,基本具备了小说的形态,对后代产生了很大的影响。
A传奇B话本 C. 志人志怪小说D章回体小说3.文学批评是在文学接受的基础上,运用一定的理论和方法,对以( )为中心的特定文学现象富于理性的具体分析和评价。
A.文学流派B作家 C 文学作品 D.文学思潮4.“雅与俗”在文学领域被使用具有的含义()A思想性与艺术性B功利性与无功利性C提高文艺与普及文艺 D 创作与接受5.叙述内容的基本成分是()A结构B声音C故事D视角6.文学传播的职能包括发表职能、流通职能和()A 艺术职能B检选职能C宣传职能D沟通职能7.以下的艺术形象属于创造性想象的是()A曹操B唐僧C鲁智深D孙悟空8.中国古代的“教化说”与西方的“寓教于乐”说属于文学概念的()A表现说B实用说C客观说D独立说9.下面关于创造动机说法正确的是()A创造动机就是创造冲动B创造动机始终指向创作过程本身C创作冲动是一种极其理性的情感D创作动机影响着创作风格10.在广义的文化概念当中,最不容易发生变化的是()A物质文化B艺术文化C精神文化D制度文化二、多选题(每小题2分,共20分)1.文学意境与文学意象、文学典型都属于文学形象范畴,文学意境的特点是韵味无穷和( )A. 情景交融B. 虚实相生C. 真实写照D. 感同身受2.文学接受的主体指()A阐释者B审美者C认识者D思想者3.文学理论的任务一般规定为()A本质论B创作论C发生发展论D鉴赏论E构成论4.审美意象的基本特征()A哲理性B荒诞性C象征性D抽象思维直接参与5.抒情类文学作品的文学形象包括()A物境B事境C情境D意境6.文学形象的主要表现形态()A创作形象B写实形象C抒情形象D怪诞形象7.下列与游戏说理论有关的人是()A德漠克利特B康德C歌德 D 席勒8.社会主义时期文学活动主要价值取向有()A为人民服务B为社会主义服务C为工农兵服务 D 为政治服务9.文学作品的意义结构包括()A语言B形象C意义D本质10.文学作品的包括三种类型,以下文学作品《史记》、《桃花源记》、《等待多戈》分别代表了()A现实性文学B理想型文学C浪漫型文学D象征性文学三、简答题(每小题6分,共30分)1.简述马克思主义文学批评的标准。

Exercise for English Literature (2)Choose the best answer for each blank.1.________, the “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born inLondon about 1340.C.Geoffre.Chaucer B.Si.Gawain2.Franci.Bacon D.Joh.Dryden3.Chaucer died on the 25th October 1400, and was buried in ________.C.Flanders B.France3.Italy D.Westminste.Abbeymercia.expansio.abroad._______.encourage.exploratio.an.travel.wpatibl.wit.th.interes.o.th.Englis.merchants.C.Henr.V B.Henr.VII4.Henr.VIII D.Quee.Elizabeth5.Except being a victory of England over ________, the rout of the fleet “Armada” (Invincible) was also thetriumph of the rising young bourgeoisie over the declining old feudalism.C.Spain B.France5.America D.Norway6.At the beginning of the 16th century the outstanding humanist ________ wrote his Utopia in which he gave aprofound and truthful picture of the people’s suffering and put forward his ideal of a future happ y society.C.Thoma.More B.Thoma.Marlowe6.Franci.Bacon D.Willia.Shakespear7.Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of Queen ________.C.Mary B.Elizabeth7.William D.Victoria8.English Renaissance Period was an age of ________.C.pros.an.novel B.poetr.an.drama8.essay.an.journals D.ballad.an.songs9.From the following, choose the one which is not Francis Bacon’s work: ________.C.Th.Advancemen.o.Learning B.Th.Ne.InstrumentE.Essays D.Th.Ne.AtlanticsF.Venus and Adonis9.“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” This is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s ________.C.songs B.playsedies D.sonnets11.The heroines of Shakespeare’s great comedies, ________ are the daughters of the Renaissance, whoseimages and stories will remain a legacy to readers and audiences of all time.C.Portia B.Roseland11.Viola D.Beatrice12.Choose the four great tragedies of Shakespeare from the following ________.C.Hamlet B.OthelloE.Macbeth D.Kin.LearF.Timon of Athens12.Which play is not a comedy? ________C..Midsumme.Night’.Dream B.Th.Merchan.o.VeniceE.Twelft.Night D.Rome.an.JulietF.As You Like ItA.“Denmar.i..prison”.I.whic.pla.doe.th.her.summaris.hi.observatio.o.hi.worl.int.suc..bitte.sentence.________C.Charle.I B.Othello14.Henr.VIII D.Hamlet15.The works of ________ and the Authorised Version of the English Bible are the two great treasuries of theEnglish language.C.Geoffre.Chaucer B.Edmun.Spenser15.Willia.Shakespeare D.Be.Johnson16.In which play does the hero show his prof ound reverence for man through the sentence: “What a piece ofwok is a man! How nobel in reason! How finite in faculty!” ________C.Rome.an.Juliet B.Hamlet16.Othello D.Th.Merchan.o.VeniceA.I.1649._______monwealth.C.Jame.I B.Jame.II17.Charle.I D.Charle.II18.The revolution of 1688 meant three of the following things: ________.A.the supremacy of ParliamentB.the beginning of modern EnglandC.the triumph of the principal libertyD.the triumph of the principle of political libertyE.the Restoration of monarchy18.Who of the following were the important metaphysical poets? ________C.Joh.Donne B.Georg.Herbertton D.Richar.Lovelace20.Which work was NOT written by John Milton? ________C.Paradis.Lost B.Paradis.Regained20.Samso.Agonistes D.Volpone21.Paradise Lost is ________.A.John Milton’s masterpieceB.a great epic in 12 booksC.written in blank verseD.about the heroic revolt of Satan against God’s authority21.John Milton is ________.A.a great revolutionary poet of the 17th centuryB.an outstanding political pamphleteerC.a great stylistD.a great master of blank verseto.too.hi.storie.o.Paradis.Lost.i.e.________.B.the creationC.the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angelsD.their defeat and expulsion from HeavenE.the creation of the death and of adam and EveF.the fallen angels in hell plotting against GodG.Satan’s temptation of EveH.the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden23.The finest thing in Paradise Lost is the description of hell, and ________ is often regarded as the real hero ofthe poem.A.GodB.Satan24. C.Adam D.Eve25.Who is the greatest of the Metaphysical school of poetry? ________C.Joh.Donne B.Georg.Herbert25.Andre.Marvell D.Henr.Vaugham26.________ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.C.Th.Renaissance B.Th.Enlightenment26.Th.Religiou.Reformation D.Th.Chartis.MovementA.Th.mai.literar.strea.o.th.18t.centur.wa.________.Wha.th.writer.describe.i.thei.work.wer.mainl.socia.realities.C.naturalism B.romanticismE.classicism D.realismF.sentimentalismA.Th.eighteent.centur.wa.th.golde.ag.o.th.Englis.________.Th.nove.o.thi.perio.spok.th.trut.abou.lif.wit.a.uncompromisin.courage.C.drama B.poetry28.essay D.novel29.In 1704, Jonathan Swift published two works together, ________ and ________, which made him well-known as a satirist.C..Tal.o..Tub B.Bickerstaf.Almanac29.Gulliver’.Travels D..Modes.Proposal30.“Proper words in proper places, makes the true definition of a style.” This sentence is said by ________, oneof the greatest masters of English prose.C.Alexande.Pope B.Henr.Fielding30.Danie.Defoe D.Jonatha.SwiftA.A..journalist._______.o.circumstantia.detail.Thi.powe.t.mak.hi.character.aliv.an.hi.storie.credibl.i.a.inimitabl.gift.C.Josep.Addison B.Danie.Defoe31.Samue.Richarson D.Tobia.Smollett32.Which of the following are NOT written by William Blake? ________C.Poetica.Sketches B.Song.o.InnocenceE.Song.o.Experience n.SyneG.Th.Marriag.o.Heave.an.Hell F.ProphecisH.Visions of the Daughters of Albion and America, a Prophecy32.In the 18th century English literature, the representative poets of pre-romanticism were ________.C.Willia.Wordsworth B.Willia.Blake33.Rober.Burns D.Jonatha.Swift34.The Romantic Age begab with the publication of The Lyrical Ballads which was written by ________.C.Willia.Wordsworth B.Samue.Johnson34.Samue.Taylo.Coleridge D.Wordswort.an.Coleridge35.The Romantic Age came to an end with the death of the last well-known romantic writer ________.C.Jan.Austen B.Walte.Scott35.Samue.Taylo.Coleridge D.Willia.Wordsworth36.The glory of the Romantic Age lies in the poetry of ________.C.Willia.Wordsworth B.Samue.Taylo.ColeridgeE.Georg.Gordo.Byron D.Perc.Byssh.ShelleyF.John KeatsA.Th.Englis.Romanti.Ag.produce.tw.majo.novelists.The.ar.________.B.George Gordon Byron and Percy Bysshe ShelleyC.William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD.Walter Scott and Jane AustenE.Charles Lamb and William Hazlitt37.Which poets belong to the Active Romantic group? ________C.Georg.Gordo.Byron B.Willia.WordsworthE.Perc.Byssh.Shelley D.Joh.KeatsF.John Milton38.Which poets belong to the Lakers? ________C.Willia.Wordsworth B.Samue.Taylo.ColeridgeE.Joh.Keats D.Rober.SoutheyF.Walter Scott39.Which of the folloeing were written by Wordsworth ONLY? ________C.T.th.Cuckoo B.Th.Lyrica.BalladsE.Luc.Poems D.Th.Solitar.ReaperF.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud40.The publication of ________ marked the break with the conventional poetical tradition of the 18th century,i.e., with classicism, and the beginning of the Romantic revival in England.C.Th.Lyrica.Ballads B.Th.Prelude41.Child.Harold’.Pilgrimage D.Do.Juan42.As contrasted with the classicists who made reason, order and the old, classical traditions the criteria in theirpoetical creations, ________ based his own poetical principle on the premise that “all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling.”C.Samue.Taylo.Coleridge B.Georg.Gordo.Byron42.Perc.Byssh.Shelley D.Willia.Wordsworth43.________ was the first critic of the Romantic School.C.Willia.Wordworth B.Samue.Johnson43.Samue.Taylo.Coleridge D.Wordwort.an.Coleridge44.Which of the following statements is (are) NOT true about George Gordon Byron? ________A.Byron’s early years had been far from happy for he was born with a clubfoot, in the frequent family scenes hismother called him “you lame brat.”B.Byron died in Italy annd was deeply mourned by the Italian people and by all progressive people throughoutthe world.C.The reactionary criticism of the 19th ce ntury tried to belittle Byron’s genius and his role in the development ofEnglish literature, but Byron remains one of the most popular English poets both at home and abroad.44.Sinc.th.Ma..Movemen.i.1919.mor.an.mor.o.Byron’.poem.hav.bee.translate.int.Chines.an.wel.receive.b.th.poet.an.youn.readers.Byro.ha.no.becom.on.o.th.best-know.Englis.poet.i.ou.country.45.In 1805, Wordsworth completed a long autobiographical poem entitled ________.C.Biographi.literaria B.Th.Prelude45.Luc.Poems D.Th.Lyrica.Ballads46.________ is regarded as the most wonderful lyricist England has ever produced mainly for his poems onnature, on love, and on politics.C.Willia.Wordsworth B.Joh.Keats46.Georg.Gordo.Byron D.Perc.Byssh.Shelley47.Which of the following statements is (are) NOT true about Percy Bysshe Shelley? ________A.Prometheus Unbound is Percy Bysshe Shelley’s masterpiece, a long epic poem.B.At Eton Percy Bysshe Shelley was known as “Mad Shelley”, for his obstinate opposition to the brutal faggingsystem, according to which the younger school-boys were obliged to obey the older boys and bear a great deal of cruel treatment.C.George Gordon Byron alled Percy Bysshe Shelley “the best and least selfish man I ever knew.”D.Percy Bysshe Shelley loved the people and hated their oppressors and exploiters.A.________’.pursui.o.beaut.i.al.thing.bespok.a.aspiratio.afte..bette.lif.tha.th.sordi.realit.unde.capitalism.Hi.leadin.principl.is.“Beaut.i.truth.trut.beauty.”C.Perc.Byssh.Shelley B.Georg.Gordo.Byron48.Willia.Wordsworth D.Joh.KeatsA.Choos.th.fou.immorta.ode.writte.b.Joh.Keats.________C.Od.t.th.Wes.Wind B.Od.t..NightingaleE.T.Autumn D.Od.o.MelancholyF.Ode on a Grecian UrnA.Choos.th.work.writte.b.Jan.Austen.________C.Prid.an.Prejudice B.Sens.an.SensibilityE.Northange.Abbey C.Emma50.Mansfiel.Park F.PersuasionA.I.th.19t.centur.Englis.literature..ne.literar.tren.calle._______.appeared.An.i.flourishe.i.th.fortie.an.i.th.earl.fifties.C.romanticism B.naturalism51.realism D.critica.realismA.Englis.critica.realis.foun.it.expressio.chiefl.i.th.for.o.________.Th.critica.realists.mos.o.wh.wer.novelists.describe.wit.vividnes.an.artisti.skil.th.chie.trait.o.th.Englis.societ.an.criticise.th.capitalis.syste.fro..democrati.viewpo int.C.novel B.drama52.poetry D.essay53.The greatest English critical realist novelist was ________, who criticised the bourgeois civilisation andshowed the misery of the common people.C.Willia.Makepeac.Thackeray B.Charle.Dickens53.Charlott.Bronte D.Emil.Bronte54.Which of the following writers belong to critical realists? ________Charle.Dickens B.Charlott.Bronte54. C.Emil.Bronte D.Thoma.HardyA._______.wrot..numbe.o.littl.sketche.o.“cockne.characters”.H.signe.the.“Boz”.whic.wa.hi.nicknam.fo.hi.youn.brother.Hi.firs.book.Sketche.b.Bo.appeare.i.1836.C.Elizabet.Gaskell B.Willia.M.Thackeray55.Charle.Dickens D.Jan.Austen56.________ has been called “the supreme epic of English life.”C..Tal.o.Tw.Cities B.Davi.Copperfield56.Pickwic.Papers D.Olive.Twist57.The theme underlying ________ is the idea “Where there is oppression, there is revolution”.C..Tal.o.Tw.Cities B.Davi.Copperfield57.Pickwic.Papers D.Olive.TwistA.I.th.Victoria.Age.poetr.wa.no..majo.ar.intende.t.chang.th.world.Th.mai.poet.o.th.ag.wer.________.C.Alfre.Tennyson B.Rober.BrowningE.Mrs.Browning D.Rober.BurnsF.William BlakeA.Th._______.Movemen.appeare.i.th.thirtie.o.th.19t.century.I.showe.th.Englis.worker.wer.abl.t.appea.a.a.independen.politica.forc.an.wer.alread.realisin.th.fac.tha.th.industria.bourgeoisi.wa.thei.principa.enemy.C.Enlightenment B.Renaissance59.Chartist D.Romanticist60.Which novel is a great satire upon the society and those people who dream to enter the higher societyregardless of the social reality? ________C..Tal.o.Tw.Cities B.Davi.Copperfield60.Grea.Expectation D.Dombe.an.Son61.Charles Dickens takes the French Revolution as the background of the novel ________.C..Tal.o.Tw.Cities B.Grea.Expectation61.Har.Times D.Davi.Copperfield62.________ is often regarded as the semi-autobiography of the author Dickens in which the early life of thehe ro is largely based on the author’s early life.C.To.Jones B.Davi.Copperfield62.Olive.Twist D.Grea.ExpectationA.Th.Bront.sister.ar.________.The.wer.al.talente.writer.an.al.o.the.die.young.C.Charlott.Bronte B.Emil.BronteE.Ann.Bronte D.Jan.AustenF.Catherine63.Charlotte Bronte produced four novels: ________.C.Professor B.Jan.EyreE.Shirley D.VilletteF.Agnes Grey64.Emily Bronte wrote only one novel entitled ________.C.Wutherin.Heights B.Jan.Eyre65.Emma D.Agne.Grey.appea.i.th.nove.Jan.Eyre.________C.Jan.Eyre B.Mr.Rochester66.Mar.Barton D.Sila.Marner67.Which characters appear in the novel Wuthering Heights? ________C.Heathcliff B.CatherineE.Hindley D.CathyF.Hareton67.In the novel Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte ________.A.pours a great deal of her own experienceB.criticises the bourgeois system of educationC.shows that true love is the foundation of marriageD.shows that women should have equal rights with men68.Women novelists began to appear in England during the second half of the ________ century.C.17th B.18th69.19th D.20th70.Anne Bronte also wrote two novels ________ and ________.C.Shirley B.Villette70.Th.Tenan.o.th.Wildfel.Hall D.Agne.Grey71.Which of the following statements are true about Jane Eyre? ________A.One of the central themes of the book is the criticism of the bourgeois system of education.B.Another problem raised in the novel is the position of women in society.C.This book is Charlottel Bronte’s best literary production.c.o.cultur.amon.th.bourgeoisi.an.sympathise.wit.th.suffering.o.th.poo.people.He.realis.wa.coloure.b.petty-bourgeoi.philanthropy.72.Most of Robert Browning’s important works, including ________, are written in the form of dramaticmonologue.Dramati.Lyrics B.Dramati.Romances72. C.Me.an.Women D.dramatic.Personae73.Thomas Hardy is one of the representatives of English ________ at the turn of the 19th century.C.critica.realism B.pre-romanticism73.neo-classicism D.ne.romanticism74.Which statement is true? ________A.Thomas Hardy is a famous novelist.B.Thomas Hardy is also a poet.C.Thomas Hardy is a critical realist.D.Fatalism is strongly reflected in Thomas Hardy’ novels.A.Accordin.t.Thoma.Hardy’.ow.classification.hi.novel.divide.themselve.int.thre.groups.The.ar.________.B.Novels of character and environmentC.Romances and FantasiesD.Novels of IngenuityE.Working class literatureA.Novel.o.characte.an.environmen.ar.als.calle.Wesse.novels.takin.th.southwes.countie.o.Englan.fo.thei.setting.The.include.________.C.Unde.th.Greenwoo.Tree B.Th.Retur.o.th.NativeE.Th.Mayo.o.Casterbridge D.Tes.o.th.D’UrbervillesF.Jude the Obscure76.The following statements are about Thomas Hardy’s novels, which are true? ________A.His Wessex novels are of great significance.B.The Southwest counties of England are the setting of his Wessex novels.C.There is pessimism in his novels.D.Mankind is subjected to hostile and mysterious fate.E.There are elements of naturalism in his works.edies.h.criticise.th.uppe.clas.o.th.Englis.bourgeedie.ar.________.dy Windermere’s FanC.A Woman of No ImportanceD.An Ideal HusbandE.The Importance of Being EarnestF.The Picture of Dorian Gray78.Oscar Wilde was the representative among the writers of ________.C.aestheticism B.decadence79.critica.realism D.pre-romanticismA.Alfre.Tennyson’.poeti.outpu.wa.vas.an.varied.Hi.mai.poem.ar.________.C.Th.Princess B.MaudE.I.Memoriam D.Idyll.o.th.KingF.Crossing the Bar80.Which of the following short poems was/were written by Alfred Tennyson? ________C.Break.Break.Break B.Crossin.th.BarE.Th.Eagle D.Swee.an.LowF.Tears, Idle Tears81.Which lament was written by Alfred Tennyson for the death of his friend Hallam? ________C.I.Memoriam B.Lycidas82.Adodais D.Eleg.writte.i..Countr.Churchyard83.My Last Duchess is ________.C..dramati.monologue B..shor.lyric83..novel D.a.essay84.________ are generally regarded as Joseph Conrad’s finest novels.C.Lor.Jim B.Nostromo84.Youth D.Th.Ol.Wives.Tale85.Who is regar ded as a forerunner of the “stream of consciousness” literature in the 20th century?C.Joh.Galsworthy B.Henr.James85.Thoma.Stearn.Eliot D.Jame.Joyce86.George Bernard Shaw’s essay ________, a commentary on Henrik Ibsen’s dramatic works, served also as theauthor’s own program of dramatic creation.C.Widower’.Houses B.Mrs.Warren’.Profession86.Majo.Barbara D.Th.Quintessenc.o.Ibsenism87.In English literature, ________ and ________ are the two best-known novelists of the “stream ofconsciousness” school.wrence B.Rober.Tressell87.Jame.Joyce D.Virgini.Woolf88.________’s admirers have praised him as “second only to Shakespeare in his mastery of English language.”wrence B.T.S.Eliot88.Jame.Joyce D.W.B.Yeats89.________ is the climax of Vir ginia Woolf’s experiments in novel form.C.Th.Window B.Tim.Passes89.T.th.Lighthouse D.Th.Waves90.Which of the following novels belong(s) to the “stream of consciousness” school of novel writing?C.Ulysses B.Finnegan.Wake90.T.th.Lighthouse D.Th.Waves91.________ was written by James Joyce.A.The Portrait of an Artist as a Young ManB.Portrait of a LadyC.The Picture of Dorian GrayD.To the Lighthousewrence’.representativ.wor._______.wa.positivel.take.a..typica.exampl.an.livel.manifestatio.o.th.Oediwrence’.long-rang.stud.o.th.psychologi.theorie.o.Sigmun.Freud.Son.an.Lovers B.Th.Rainbow92. d.Chatterley’.Lover D.Wome.i.Love93.Which of the characters are in the novel Sons and Lovers?93.Mrs.Morel B.Pau.. C.Miriam D.Clara94.Which of the following writers were from Ireland?C.Georg.Bernar.Shaw B.Jonatha.SwiftCI.James Joyce Oscar Wilde94.W.B.Yeats95.Which of the following play(s) was/were NOT written by George Bernard Shaw?C.Mrs.Warren’.Profession B.Widower’.HousesE.Majo.Barbara D.PygmalionF.The Man of Property95.Which of the following plays deals with the story that a linguist trains a flower girl to speak the so-calledhigh-civilised English?C.Majo.Barbara B.Pygmalion96.Mrs.Warren’.Profession D.Ma.an.Superman97.In 1923, ________ was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.C.Willia.Butle.Yeats B.Samue.Butler97.Thoma.Stearn.Eliot wrence98.William Butler Yeats was _______.98. a.Iris.poe. B..dramatis..C..criti.. D..senato.i.th.Iris.Fre.Stat.i.192199.Thomas Stearns Eliot defined his belief as ________.C.classicis.i.literature B.royalis.i.politics99.Anglo-Catholi.i.religion D.al.o.th.above100.Which of the following statement is NOT true?A.Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in America.B.Thomas Stearns Eliot became a British subject in 1927.C.Thomas Stearns Eliot was educated in Harvard University and Oxford University.D.Thomas Stearns Eliot was a poet, a critic and a playwright.E.Thomas Stearns Eliot was also a great novelist.100.In which poem are the sterility and chaos of the contemporary world after 1st World War expressed?C.Od.t.th.Wes.Wind B.Th.Solitar.ReaperLamia ndKeys:1-5: A, D, D, A, A 6-10: B, B, D, D, ABCD11-15:ABCD, D, D, C, B 16-20: C, ABC, AB, D, ABCD21-25: ABCD, ABCDEFG, B, A, B 26-30: D, D, AD, D, B31-35: D, BC, D, B, ABCDE 36-40: C, ACD, ABD, ACDE, A41-45: D, C, B, B, D 46-50: A, D, BCDE, ABCDEF, D51-55: A, B, ABCD, C, C 56-60: A, ABC, C, C, A61-65: B, ABC, ABCD, A, AB 66-70: ABCDE, ABCD, C, CD, ABCD71-75: ABCD, A, ABCD, ABC, ABCDE76-80: ABCDE, ABCD, AB, ABCED, ABCDE81-85.A.A.AB.B.D 86-90.CD.C.D.ABCD.A91-95: A, ABCE, ABCDE, E, B 96-100: A, ABCD, D, E, D。

pany A made an offer a farm product to Company B stating:“Packing in sound bags”. Within the validity, Company B replied “Refer to your telex first accepted, packing in new bags ”. On receiving the reply, Company A began to purchase the goods for export. Days later, as market price of the commodity was falling , Company B wrote to Company A “No contract is entered between us, as you failed to confirm our changing of the packing requirement.”Company A argued that Company B’s acceptance was effective and the contract was established then. Questions:(1)What is your opinion ? Give the reasons to support your opinion.(2)How to prevent such dispute?2.Mr. Smith, an American businessman, sold a batch of IBM computers to a Hong Kong importer, Mr. Cher. The sales contract was concluded in the United States of America on the terms of CIF Hong Kong. During execution of this contract, disputes arose between the seller and the buyer on the form and interpretation of the contract.Questions:In such a case, did the law of the U.S.A. or the law of Hong Kong apply to the disputes? Why ?3.A Chinese import and export company concluded a Sales Contract with a Holland firm on August 5 , 2000, selling a batch of certain commodity. The contract was based on CIF Rotterdam at USD 2 500 per metric ton. The Chinese company delivered the goods in compliance with the contract and obtained a clean-on\board Bill of Lading . During transportation, however, 100 metric tons of the goods got lost because of rough sea . Upon arrival of the goods ,the price of the contracted goods went down quickly. The buyer refused to take delivery of the goods and effect payment and claimed damages from the seller.Question:How would you deal with this case?4.A Chinese trading company A concluded a transaction in steel with a Hong Kong company B on the basis of FOB China Port. Company B immediately resold the steel to Company H in Libya on the terms of CFR Liberia .The L/C from B required the price terms to be FOB China Port and the goods to be directly delivered to Liberia . The L/C also required “Freight Prepaid” to be indicated on Bill of Lading.Question:Why did Company B perform so ? What should we do about it ?5.An export company was prepared to export a batch of tea sets on FOB terms. The buyer asked the company to book the ship on behalf of it , but the charges would be borne by the buyer .As the export company could not book the suitable ship in the stipulated time and the buyer did not agree to replace the transaction conditions ,the delivery was delayed . The buyer wanted to withdraw the contract based on the above reason.Question:IS buyer’s request reasonable?6.One of our companies imported a number of sheets according to CIF terms. When the goods arrived at our side, some damp sheets in transit were found. The seller presented the whole set of the documents agreed upon according to the contract and requested our company to make full payment.Can our company refuse to make the payment for the sheets because of the dampness or make claims ?7.One China Foods Co.,Ltd. Exports a batch of cider. The name of the goods is written as “APPLE WINE “ on the coming letter of credit by the foreign importing company. In order to be identical with the L/C , in all the documents the Chinese company also give the name of the goods as “APPLE WINE “. Unexpectedly, when the goods arrive at the port of importing company, they have been detained by the importing country customs and fined, because on both inner and outer package of this batch of wine, the name of the goods is “ CIDER” instead of “APPLE WINE “.As a result, the foreign company asked the Chinese company to compensation for the loss of the fines.Question:Does the Chinese company have any responsibility ?8.A Chinese export company exported some boxes of apple to Japan, according to the contract two parties concluded, the apple should be Grade Two. But when the seller made the shipment , they found some of the apple were corrupt because of damp weather , so in order to deliver the goods in time, the seller arrange goods immediately and sent the apple(Grade One ) instead, and the Chinese company still marked “Price be still fixed on Grade Two”.Question:Do you think whether the exporter fulfill the duty of the contract ? Why ?9.In 2010, a certain export company of China sent a group of businessmen to the United States for purchase of equipment. In New York both parties reached an oral agreement on such items as specifications, unit price, and quantity. Upon leaving, the group indicated to the other party that, when they got back to Beijing, they would draw a contract, which would become effective after being signed by both parties. After going back to Beijing, the group found that the clients withdrew their import of the equipment, and thus the contract was not signed and the L/C was not opened, either. The US side urged the Chinese side to perform the contract; otherwise they would lodge a claim with the Chinese side in the US.Question:How did the Chinese export company deal with this case in your opinion? Why ?10.A company purchased four kinds of steel plate: 420M/T, and the type is 6 inch, 8 inch ,10 inch and 12 inch. The quantity is 100 M/T each size, and the contract marked that: “5% more or less for each size, at seller’s option” . When the seller delivered the goods , the quantity is : 6 inch-70M/T; 8 inch-80 M/T; 10 inch-60 M/T; 12inch-210M/T. And the total quantity is 420M/T. When the exporter submits the full set of document, the importer refuses to receive the goods owing to quantity problems.Question:Do you think the importer’s action is reasonable ? List you reasons.1.某货轮在航行途中因电线走火,舱内发生火灾,经灌水灭火后统计损失,被火烧毁货物价值5000美元,因灌水救火被水浸坏货物损失6000美元。
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成绩:92.0 分一、单选题(题数:50,共50.0 分)1The Legislative Branch is to ( ).(1.0 分) 0.0 分A、Interpret lawsB、Execute lawsC、Make lawsD、Change laws正确答案: D 我的答案: C2Which was wrong about the Civil War?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、America was kept as one country.B、Slavery was abolished.C、After the Battle of Gettysburg, the North started to win. D、The South was strong in "hard power".正确答案: D 我的答案: D3The GFC Recession started in ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、the USAB、the UKC、JapanD、France正确答案: A 我的答案: A4Which is not the key characteristics of religion in America?( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Seperation of church and stateB、Variety of beliefC、Concerned with moralityD、Helping everyone in the world正确答案: D 我的答案: D5Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分A、He was the 16th president of America.B、He was killed in 1865 when the Civil War was just finished. C、He was a businessman and then became politician.D、He was born in a poor farm family.正确答案: C 我的答案: C6Which one is right about George Washington?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、He was graduated from college.B、He had three children.C、He had no experience in military action.D、He was revered as the "Father of the United States".正确答案: D 我的答案: D7Registering to vote costs ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、$5B、$10C、$20D、No cost正确答案: D 我的答案: D8The Civil War started in ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1861B、1862C、1863D、1864A正确答案: A 我的答案:9The main European power was Spain, France, ( ) and Great Britain. (1.0 分) 0.0 分A、ItalyB、PortugalC、RussiaD、Germany正确答案: B 我的答案: A10When was Harvard University established?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1560B、1620C、1636D、1639C正确答案: C 我的答案:11(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、EagleB、ElephantC、DonkeyHorse正确答案: C 我的答案: C12Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、China has more railways than America.B、America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico.C、Both America and China's climates vary greatly.D、America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than China. 正确答案: A 我的答案: A13When was the UN established?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1944B、1945C、1946D、1947正确答案: B 我的答案: B14The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、White, Hispanic and BlackB、White, Black and HispanicC、White, Black and AsianD、White, Asian and Black正确答案: A 我的答案: A15Which one is wrong about Hawaii?( )(1.0 分) 0.0 分A、It is in the Atlantic Ocean.There are 8 main islands.C、It is the 50th states of America.D、America took over Hawaii government from the local king. 正确答案: A 我的答案: B16When was Harvard University established?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1560B、1620C、1636D、1639正确答案: C 我的答案: C17When is the Independent Day of America?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、3rd JuneB、4th JuneC、3rd JulyD、4th July正确答案: D 我的答案: D18The Super Bowl is usually held ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、AT the end of JanuaryB、In MarchC、In MayD、In November正确答案: A 我的答案: A19To buy a handgun, you must be ( ) years old.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、18B、19C、20D、21正确答案: D 我的答案: D20Which country is the second largest economy in the world?( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分A、ChinaB、JapanC、South KoreaD、Germany正确答案: A 我的答案: A21Which one is wrong about Thomas Edison?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、He was educated in school.B、His first job is telegraph operator.C、He had many patents.D、He invented electric light bulb.正确答案: A 我的答案: A2245 is belong to ( ) at the stages in a person's life.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Young adultB、Middle ageC、MatureSenior正确答案: B 我的答案: B23In American countries, ( ) has the highest homicide rate.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、USAB、BrazilC、JamaicaD、Honduras正确答案: D 我的答案: D24How many commandments does Christianity have?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、15B、13C、10D、8正确答案: C 我的答案: C25The first fight between local people and British soldiers was at ( ). (1.0 分) 0.0 分A、Washington D.C.B、New YorkC、BostonD、Lexington and Concord正确答案: D 我的答案: C26People follow Hinduism are mainly from ( ).(1.0 分) 0.0 分A、IndiaThailandC、Middle EastD、Japan正确答案: A 我的答案: C27The New York magzine called Bernie Madoff ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、VillainB、HeroC、MonsterD、Saviour正确答案: C 我的答案: C28Which one is wrong about housing in western countries?( ) (1.0 分) 0.0 分A、Apartment is preferred by young and old people.B、Couples get mortgage from bank to buy a house or an apartment. C、Real estate is cheap in Australia.D、More people live in houses than in high buildings.正确答案: C 我的答案: D29Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Banks stopped lending.B、Companies cut jobs.C、Stock market crashed.D、People got more job opportunity.正确答案: D 我的答案: D30The first course in western food is called ().(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Main courseB、DessertC、CuisineD、Appetiser正确答案: D 我的答案: D31To buy a handgun, you must be ( ) years old.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、18B、19C、20D、21正确答案: D 我的答案: D32The Great Depression started in ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1929B、1932C、1933D、1939A正确答案: A 我的答案:33Which one is wrong about the American political system?( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分A、The government is small.B、Leaders are educated.C、There are many traditions.D、The society is classless.正确答案: C 我的答案: C34In American football, the boy who throws the ball is called ( ). (1.0 分) 0.0 分A、The offensive backB、The running backC、The quarterbackD、The receiver正确答案: C 我的答案: A35In China, the life expectancy is ( ) years.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、70B、72C、75D、79正确答案: C 我的答案: C36Berlin Wall was ended in ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1989B、1988C、1987D、1986正确答案: A 我的答案: A37Recession is ( ) of negative GDP growth.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1 quarterB、2quartersC、3quartersD、4quarters正确答案: D 我的答案: D38The terrorists Hijacked ( ) planes.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、4B、5C、6D、7正确答案: A 我的答案: A39There are ( ) Congressional Districts in the House of Representatives. (1.0 分) 1.0 分A、200B、231C、435D、521正确答案: C 我的答案: C40In total, there are ( ) Chinese won the Nobel Prize.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、5B、6C、7D、8正确答案: C 我的答案: C41Which one is right about the labour force in America and China?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Most of American labour force are in services.B、Both America and China have the least labour force in agriculture.C、Most Chinese labour force are in agriculture.D、American labour force is more than Chinese.正确答案: A 我的答案: A42Why did the French consortium gave up to build the canal?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Because it was too expensive.B、Because many people died.C、Because the topography in Panama was difficult to build a canal.D、Because the American government decided to buld it by themselves.正确答案: C 我的答案: C43Which one is wrong about the Great Depression?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、The Great Depression started with the crash of the New York stock market. B、More than 9000 banks closed down.C、It took a short time for the New York Stock to recover.D、Many people became homeless because of the Great Depression.正确答案: C 我的答案: C44Which is not the major environment issues of America?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Air pollutionB、Water shortageC、Loss of agricultural landdesertification正确答案: C 我的答案: C45Everyone in America and China can read and write.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、0.6B、1.7C、2.1D、2.2正确答案: D 我的答案: D46Which one of following statement is wrong?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、In western countries, drivers can speak on the mobile phone while driving.B、In western countries, when pedestrians are walking on zebra crossing, cars must stop. C、In western countries, you should chew with mouth closed.D、In western countries, before taking more food, you should finish what you have in your mouth. 正确答案: A 我的答案: A47Which statement of following is wrong?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、There were many cold conflicts in the cold war, such as weapon competition and spying. B、Germany reunited in 1990.C、The USSR was dissolved in 1990.D、After the USSR dissovled, 15 new countries were created.正确答案: C 我的答案: C48How often is the president elected for?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、3 years4yearsC、5yearsD、6years正确答案: B 我的答案: B49The most fresh water used in China is in ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、DomesticB、IndustryC、LivestockD、Agriculture正确答案: D 我的答案: D50According to the 2013 statistics, which one of the following is wrong?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、The smallest part in the economic structure of developed countries is agriculture. B、The biggest part of GDP composition in America is Services.C、In 2013, GDP growth rate in America is higher than that in China.D、In 2013, America's inflation rate is lower than China's.正确答案: C 我的答案: C二、判断题(题数:50,共50.0 分)1New York Stock Exchange is the world's second largest stock exchange.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×2Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×3In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×5"Tiger Woods" is the real name of Woods.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×6Bargaining is common in western countries.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×7In 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney is from Republican Party.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√8The American Consitituion is only 4 pages.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√9Many western students go on a gap year after finishing high school.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√10The total area of China is bigger than America.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×11The Pew Global Attitudes Project shows that rich countries have stronger belief in religion, but the poor countries have lower belief in religion.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×12In America, government wants to involve in religion, but the religious people reject them.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×13Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×14Christopher Columbus did 5 voyages between 1492 and 1503.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×15In America, government wants to involve in religion, but the religious people reject them.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×16Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×17Senators are elected for 5 year.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×18In 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney is from Republican Party.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√19People in western countries all love guns.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×20The Cold War continued for only a few years.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×21The first telephone line was built in 1877.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√22In America and Australia, people prefer to big motorbikes.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√23During the War of Independence, Benedict Arnold sold military secrets to France.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×24Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√25American president can be elected for 3 terms.( )正确答案:× 我的答案:×26The Great Depression only happened in America.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×27Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.()(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×28American president can be elected for 3 terms.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×29Senators are elected for 5 year.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×30Each State has the same Constitution.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×31In 2008, most of America agriculture imports were from China.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×32In western countries, people always say thank you to other people.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×3396% of the farmers are black people.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×34Agnostic is 100% certain that there is no god.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×35There is no Christianity in China.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×36Women never won the Nobel Prize.( )正确答案:× 我的答案:×37In America, it's hard to enter college, but easy to graduate.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×38The poverty lines in America and China are the same.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×39In history, there were 5 American presidents were killed.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×40In western culture, wedding rings are worn on right hand.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×41Henry Ford was the first man in the world using moving assembly line in factory.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√42Thomas Paine was born in France.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×43Chinese culture is better than American culture.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×4410% of people in America use left hand.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√45Kobe Bryant is amateur basketball player.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×46Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×47Most island of Australia is dessert.( )正确答案:√ 我的答案:√48The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×49China was not affected much by the GFC Recession.( )(1.0 分) 0.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:×50In the Civil War, the North lost more people than the South.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√。