



商务英语专业个人求职简历模板个人简历姓名:性别:年龄:学历:专业:毕业学校:联系电话:邮箱:教育背景- 20XX年-20XX年本科 XXX大学商务英语专业- 20XX年-20XX年硕士 XXX大学国际贸易专业工作经历1. 20XX年-20XX年企业实习生- 参与市场调研,并撰写详细报告向管理层汇报;- 协助部门经理进行销售数据的收集、整理和分析;- 负责撰写商务信函和邮件以及处理来自客户的查询。

2. 20XX年-20XX年业务代表- 负责与客户进行沟通,为其提供产品和服务解决方案;- 处理订单、寻找新客户并进行跟进;- 提供售后支持,解决客户问题。

实习/项目经验1. 外贸公司项目实践- 参与公司组织的国际贸易展会,并与国外客户洽谈合作事宜;- 负责出口合同的起草和谈判,并跟踪订单执行情况;- 协助处理出口货物的报关手续和物流运输。

2. 营销策划项目- 参与公司销售团队的市场推广活动计划;- 负责撰写和设计宣传资料,包括产品介绍和市场调研报告;- 协助组织公司举办的展会和推广活动。

技能- 熟练掌握商务英语听说读写能力;- 具备扎实的商务沟通和谈判技巧;- 熟悉国际贸易流程和跟踪订单的能力;- 熟练使用办公软件,如Word、Excel和PowerPoint等。

个人特质- 具备良好的团队合作与组织领导能力;- 善于分析和解决问题,能够承受工作压力;- 积极主动,具有较强的学习和适应能力;- 注重细节,有耐心和责任心。

参考资格证书- 商务英语专业六级证书- 国际贸易从业资格证书个人兴趣爱好- 阅读商务英语和国际贸易相关的书籍和文献;- 关注国际经济、市场和贸易动态;- 参加商务英语俱乐部和志愿者活动。





商务英语专业优秀毕业生简历范文姓名:性别:女民族:汉族出生年月:1991-07-07工作年限:婚姻状况:未婚身高:158 cm现居住地:浙江籍贯:浙江手机: ***********邮箱:@qq.期望职位:外贸业务员/助理期望行业:贸易/进出口期望地点:浙江期望月薪:1,500-2,000工作性质:实习到岗时间:随时附言:希望公司能提供食宿xx-09至xx-07浙江交通职业技术学院所学专业:商务英语学历:大专专业描绘:主修课程有国际贸易实务、国际商务单证实务、大学英语精读、英语听力、英汉汉英翻译、世纪商务英语口语、剑桥商务英语初级和中级、商务现场口译,能进展正常的英语对话交流。




xx-10-01青年志愿者协会担任职务:献血部组长活动描绘:主要负责接待献血车进校园的工作并组织宣传同学们积极献血xx-08-01中国商业企业管理协会获得奖项:国际商务单证员证书xx-08-01全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会获得奖项:CET=6xx-06-01中国国际贸易学会获得奖项:全国国际商务英语证书xx-05-01共青团浙江交通职业技术学院委员会获得奖项:优秀团员荣誉证书xx-11-01浙江交通职业技术学院获得奖项:优秀学生三等奖学金荣誉证书xx-09-01高等学校英语应用才能考试委员会获得奖项:高等学校英语应用才能考试(口试)证书xx-08-01全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会获得奖项:CET-4xx-06-01浙江省教育厅获得奖项:计算机一级证书xx-03-01高等学校英语应用才能考试委员会获得奖项:高等学校英语应用才能考试(A级)证书英语综合才能:良好听说才能:纯熟读写才能:一般证书:剑桥商务英语证书1级 BEC1证书:大学英语四级证书:大学英语六级证书:全国计算机等级一级我本人性格开朗,积极乐观,有上进心,能吃苦,也喜欢外贸。









技能证书及语言能力•CET-6•商务英语证书•熟练掌握Microsoft Office办公软件,熟悉Adobe Photoshop和Illustrator等设计软件的使用。





商务英语专业个人简历内容Personal ResumeName: [Your Name]Gender: [Your Gender]Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth]Contact Information:- Phone: [Your Phone Number]- Email: [Your Email Address]- Address: [Your Residential Address]Objective:To obtain a challenging position in the field of Business English where I can contribute my skills and knowledge to the growth and success of an organization.Education:- Bachelor of Arts in Business English, [University Name], [Year of Graduation]- Relevant coursework: Marketing, International Business, Business Communication, Business Writing, E-commerce, Financial Management, Human Resource ManagementSkills:- Fluency in English, Mandarin, and French- Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) - Excellent communication and presentation skills- Strong problem-solving and analytical skills- Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a teamExperience:1. Internship, [Company Name], [Time Period]- Assisted in conducting market research and competitor analysis - Created and maintained client database- Collaborated with team members to develop marketing strategies - Drafted and edited business documents and reports2. Sales Assistant, [Company Name], [Time Period]- Provided excellent customer service and assisted customers with their purchase decisions- Promoted and sold products to meet sales targets- Maintained inventory accuracy and organized store displays- Resolved customer complaints and issues in a professional mannerProjects:1. Business Plan Project, [University Name], [Year]- Developed a comprehensive business plan for a startup company - Conducted market research, analyzed industry trends, and identified target customers- Created marketing strategies, financial projections, and operational plans- Presented the business plan to a panel of industry experts2. E-commerce Website Development Project, [University Name], [Year]- Collaborated with team members to design and develop an e-commerce website- Conducted usability testing and implemented user feedback- Managed product listings, inventory, and customer orders- Monitored website analytics and implemented strategies to increase website traffic and salesCertifications and Awards:- Business English Certificate (BEC) - Higher Level, [Year]- Outstanding Achievement Award, [University Name], [Year] Professional Affiliations:- Member, International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)- Member, American Marketing Association (AMA) References:Available upon requestNote: This resume is just an example. You may customize it according to your own educational background, skills, experiences, and achievements.I. Career Objective:I am an ambitious and driven individual seeking a challenging position in the field of Business English. With a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business English from [University Name], I aim to contribute my knowledge and skills to the growth and success of an organization. I am eager to use my fluency in English, Mandarin, and French, as well as my proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and excellent communication and presentation skills, to excel in this role. I possess strong problem-solving and analytical abilities and am capable of both independent work and collaborative teamwork.II. Education:I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Business English from [University Name] in [Year of Graduation]. Throughout my studies, I focused on relevant coursework such as Marketing, International Business, Business Communication, Business Writing, E-commerce, Financial Management, and Human Resource Management. These courses provided me with a strong foundation in various aspects of the business world. I successfully completed projects, presentations, and assignments that enhanced my practical skills and understanding of key concepts in the field. III. Experience:During my internship at [Company Name], I gained valuable experience in conducting market research and competitor analysis.I was responsible for creating and maintaining a client database, assisting with the development of marketing strategies, and drafting and editing business documents and reports. This internship provided me with hands-on experience in a professional business environment.In my role as a Sales Assistant at [Company Name], I demonstrated excellent customer service skills and assisted customers with their purchase decisions. I successfully promoted and sold products to meet sales targets and ensured inventory accuracy and organized store displays. Moreover, I applied my strong communication skills to resolve customer complaints and issues in a professional manner.IV. Projects:As part of my university coursework, I completed several notable projects. One such project was developing a comprehensivebusiness plan for a startup company. This involved conducting detailed market research, analyzing industry trends, identifying target customers, creating marketing strategies, projecting financials, and devising operational plans.Another significant project I worked on was the development of an e-commerce website. I collaborated with a team to design and develop the website, conducted usability testing, managed product listings and inventory, and monitored website analytics. This project allowed me to gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience in e-commerce strategies and operations.V. Certifications and Awards:I have earned the Business English Certificate (BEC) - Higher Level, demonstrating my proficiency in English for business purposes. Additionally, I received an Outstanding Achievement Award from [University Name] in recognition of my academic performance and contributions to the university community.VI. Professional Affiliations:I am a member of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) and the American Marketing Association (AMA). These memberships provide me with opportunities for professional development, networking, and staying updated with industry trends and best practices.VII. References:References are available upon request.In summary, I am a highly motivated and skilled individual with aBachelor of Arts degree in Business English and a passion for excelling in the field. My educational background, language fluency, technical skills, and practical experiences have prepared me to effectively contribute to the success of any organization. I am confident that my dedication, hard work, and ability to adapt to new challenges will make me an asset to your team.。




年龄: 22
身高: 155 cm
体重: 43 kg
工作年限: 1 职称:
求职类型: ___ 可到职日期:三个月
月薪要求: 1500--2000 希望工作地区:番禺区,海珠区,白云区◆工作经历
广州国际照明展览会起止年月:xx-06 ~ xx-06
最高学历:大专获得学位: 毕业日期: xx-06
起始年月终止年月学校(机构) 所学专业获得证书证书编号







个人基本简历姓名:某某某国籍:__广州民族:汉族户口所在地:潮州身材:167 cm kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:25 岁求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:贸易类:外贸跟单、市场销售/营销类:外贸业务、外语类:英语翻译工作年限:1职称:无职称求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时月薪要求:____--3500希望工作地区:广州个人工作经历:公司名称:正崴集团东莞富港电子有限公司起止年月:____-03 ~ ____-01公司性质:股份制企业所属行业:电器,电子,通信设备担任职务:项目管理工作描述:主要负责国外地区客户跟单,通过英文邮件与客户交流,从下订单直到量产期间所发生的事务的操作,做好客户到公司接待工作并带领客户参观车生产车间,做好客户服务工作,从客户得新产品研发信息主动向公司提供,供研发部门决策,传达客户信息至各工程师与安排各部门工程师各项问题,并针对性的对项目各生产间事务问题安排会议。

离职原因:公司名称:102届广州商品交易会起止年月:____-10 ~ ____-10担任职务:日用陶瓷英语翻译工作描述:主要负责报盘,回盘,包装等翻译工作。

离职原因:公司名称:各类展销会起止年月:____-01 ~ ____-12担任职务:工作人员(指,接待人员)工作描述:主要负责办理接待海外人员办证工作。

离职原因:公司名称:--起止年月:____-01 ~ ____-12公司性质:所属行业:担任职务:英语家教工作描述:辅导小学,初中等英语与教成人商务英语口语。

离职原因:教育背景毕业院校:广东外语外贸大学最高学历:大专毕业日期:____-07-01所学专业:商务英语受教育培训经历:____-09到____-07 广东外语外贸大学商务英语毕业证____-09到____-01 广东外语外贸大学日语培训语言能力外语:英语良好其它外语能力:日语国语水平:一般粤语水平:一般工作能力及其他专长个人能力:英语:1.能熟练的进行听,说,读,写,并能利用英语与人交流,以及运用到相关专业工作中。














篇一:商务英语大学生求职简历范文个人信息fwdq目前所在地:广州民族:汉族户口所在地:湖南身材:178 cm 65 kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:24 岁培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:贸易类:外贸助理业务员、市场销售/营销类:业务员、物流类:物流助理工作年限:1职称:无职称求职类型:全职可到职随时月薪要求:XX3500希望工作地区:广州深圳湖南个人工作经历:公司名称:广州浩宇华工科技有限公司起止年月:XX07 ~ XX06公司性质:民营企业所属行业:化学化工,生物制品担任职务:区域销售代表工作描述:一,管理自己所管理的区域老客户,负责他们的订单、发货收货通知、催款、催单和对我们产品的投诉。



离职原因:对公司的管理经营模式不能达成共识公司名称:东莞裕元集团起止年月:XX03 ~ XX06公司性质:私营企业所属行业:鞋业/皮具/玩具担任职务:企划助理工作描述:一,负责公司市场营销计划的制定及监督实施二,负责公司企业形象设计、品牌推广三,制定公司各阶段企划方案四,建立并完善公司市场营销策略、客户服务政策五,策划实施本行业市场研究工作六,根据实际情况来协调公司内部各部门的工作以及对外的交流离职原因:处理毕业的事情教育背景毕业院校:湖南理工学院最高学历:本科获得学位: 学士毕业XX0601所学专业一:商务英语所学专业二:法语受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专业获得证书证书编号XX09XX06湖南理工学院外贸英语学士105434XX8001190 语言能力外语:英语优秀国语水平:良好粤语水平:一般工作能力及其他专长XX03 英语专业八级(57)XX03 英语专业四级XX03 大学英语六级(508)XX11 湖南省计算机应用水平 1级详细个人自传豪言壮语最为苍白,我一贯主张用实际行动证明自己的存在和价值!也许,当我做出新的决定,当您浏览到这份简历,一种无形的力量链接了彼此的真诚。



商务英语个人简历Personal InformationName: XXXGender: FemaleDate of Birth: XX/XX/XXXXNationality: ChineseCurrent Location: BeijingContact InformationMobile: XXXEmail: XXXLinkedIn: XXXObjectiveTo obtain a challenging position in a multinational corporation where I can utilize my skills and experience in business English to contribute to the company's growth and success.EducationBachelor of Business Administration, XXX University, Beijing, China, XX/XX - XX/XXMajor: International BusinessGPA: X.XX/4.00ExperienceSales Manager, ABC Company, Beijing, China, XX/XX - Present- Develop and implement sales strategies to increase revenue and market share.- Build and maintain relationships with key clients and partners.- Provide training and mentorship to junior members of the sales team.- Successfully negotiated contracts with high-profile clients resulting in a XX% increase in sales revenue.- Conduct market research to identify trends and opportunities for growth.Marketing Coordinator, XYZ Corporation, Shanghai, China, XX/XX - XX/XX- Collaborated with internal teams to develop and execute marketing campaigns.- Conducted market research and analyzed data to make recommendations for future campaigns.- Coordinated events and trade shows to promote company products.- Managed social media accounts and created content for company website.- Created and managed budgets for marketing campaigns.Skills- Fluent in English and Chinese- Strong written and verbal communication skills- Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite- Excellent interpersonal and leadership skills- Knowledge of international business practices and cultural etiquetteCertifications- Business English Certificate (BEC) Higher, Cambridge English Language Assessment- Professional in Human Resources (PHR), HR Certification InstituteReferencesAvailable upon requestEnd of Resume注:此份个人简历仅为模板,应根据个人情况进行适度调整和修改。








教育背景•XXX大学商务英语本科 2015年-2019年主要课程•翻译技巧•跨文化交际•财务管理•国际营销实习经历公司名称 | 部门名称 | 实习时间工作内容•工作内容一•工作内容二•工作内容三实习成果•实习成果一•实习成果二•实习成果三专业技能•英语听说读写能力优秀,熟练掌握商务英语;•精通Word, Excel, PowerPoint等办公软件;•熟悉国际贸易、营销等方面的业务流程和规则;•具有良好的跨文化交流能力,奖励荣誉•2018年度“三好学生”•2017年度商务英语大赛一等奖•2016年度学术科技创新优秀项目组成员个人兴趣爱好•篮球、乒乓球等球类运动•阅读商业类书籍•收集民谣音乐自我评价我具备较好的商务英语基本功,能够快速理解并运用商务英语知识与相关业务。





2021年商务英语专业英文简历姓名:性别:女民族:汉族出生年月:_81年1月1日证件号码:婚姻状况:已婚身高:_8cm体重:50kg户籍:广东湛江现所在地:广东湛江毕业学校:open university学历:本科专业名称:商务英语毕业年份:__年工作年限:十年以上职称:高级职称求职意向职位性质:全职职位类别:物流/仓储-船务/空运陆运操作服装/纺织/皮革贸易职位名称:单证 ; 船务 ; 文件操作工作地区:湛江市霞山区 ; 湛江市开发区 ;待遇要求:35_元/月不需要提供住房到职时间:一周内技能专长语言能力:英语 ; 日语 ; 普通话标准计算机能力:精通 ;综合技能:i am quite active _ energetic, i approach things enthusiastically _ don”t like leaving things half done, be polite, patient _ careful i can work under good at planning, manage my time perfectly so that i can always get things done on at team i think something is right, i will stick to that sounds a little stubborn but i am now tring to find a balance between insistence and compromise.besides, i have learned that what is good for the company is good forme. so i follow the instructions strictly and always keep my boss am a curious person and like learning new things.with my education _ work e_perience, i am confident that i can deal with the challenge ahead and i will do my best to make a contribution to your organization.教育培训教育经历:时间所在学校学历__年3月 - __年1月中央广播电视大学本科培训经历:时间培训机构证书__年3月 - __年3月贸促会原产地证申请员工作经历所在公司:罗氏纺织有限公司时间范围:__年3月 - __年3月公司性质:外资企业所属行业:贸易、商务、进出口担任职位:船务单证员工作描述:我的主要工作是包括处理日常的便条,出货单和独立完成全套的船务文件(大部分是信用证单),例如:收到客户po,订舱/booking,确认booking 拿到s/o,在结关前安排拖柜、补料,报关,货已上船,核对,确认和修改fcr/提单,做出货文件,一般有commercial invoice,packing list;c/o(美国);form a (欧亚、加拿大),还有一些其他的文件,各个客户各不相同。





商务英语专业个人简历篇1基本资料姓名:国籍:中国目前所在地:广州民族:汉族户口所在地:浙江身材:158 cm 45 kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:20 岁培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:贸易类:单证员其它类工作年限:2职称:无职称求职类型:全职可到职-随时月薪要求:1500--20xx希望工作地区:广州广州个人工作经历:20xx.5-20xx.2 上海某国际货运代理有限公司单证员(空运操作)后派来广州做空运操作(海运接触了一个月)教育背景毕业院校:金华实验中学教育集团最高学历:中专毕业-20xx-05-01所学专业一:商务英语所学专业二:受教育培训经历:20xx.5 商务英语国际贸易单证员资格证20xx.9 商务英语市场营销二级证书语言能力外语:英语良好国语水平:精通粤语水平:一般工作能力及其他专长单证主要负责:从催货,收货,装柜(车)做发票,箱单,报关,跟踪,直到货到客户手上的一系列工作,包括CO,商检,出口许可证这些.熟练WORD,EXCEL,操作系统.详细个人自传善于人际关系,觉的人际关系加能力等于成功!个人联系方式商务英语专业个人简历篇2基本资料姓名:性别:女民族:汉政治面目:学历(学位):xxx专业:商务英语联系电话:xxx手机:xxxxx联系地址:xxxx邮编:xxxxemail Address:xxxxxx教育背景毕业院校:北京师范大学中文系 20xx.9--20xx.7 中国现当代文学太原师范学院中文系 20xx.9--20xx.7 汉语言文学专另:其他培训情况英语通过国家CET六级考试,通过北京市研究生英语学位统考,英汉互译表达流畅。




今天就与大家 ___商务个人英文简历范文,仅供大家参考!Personal DetailsName: Miss. xiaowei zhongNationality: China (Mainland)Current Pla ___: GuangzhouHeight/Weight: 163 cm 50 kgMarital Status:Single Age: 25 yearsCareer ObjectiveApplication type: JobseekerPreferred job title: Foreign language: Manager 、 Foreign trade/trade ___nager/supervisor: ___nager or director 、Vocational education/training/family education: TeacherWorking life: 3 Title: No titleJob type: Full time Expected Start date: In a dayExpected salary: ¥3,500--¥5,000 Preferred working pla ___: Guangzhou Shenzhen ZhuhaiWork Experien ___:Company‘s name: Singapore A2M Imp. & Exp. Pte.LtdBegin and end date: 20xx-12-20xx-10Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Electrical/electronics/munication equipmentJob Title: International Trade ManagerJob description: 1)Exploring overseas ___rket, purchasing ___terials & selling finished products2)Establishing good business relationship with foreign customers by E-Business, fairs and other channels3)Making shipping documents4)Following the logistics issues5) Preparing and signing business contracts behalf of the CEO6)Arranging duties for the staffReasons for leaving: Personal DevelopmentCompany‘s name: HONGKONG TOPCO CO.,LTDBegin and end date: 20xx-03-20xx-12Enterprise nature: Sino-foreign joint venturesIndustry: Shoes/leather/toyJob Title: Shipping Department DirectorJob description: 1) Arranging shipping, including booking warehouse and ship, truck loading, custom clearan ___, ___ invoi ___, packing list and other export documents2) contacting with HK ___rketing department; following the order with producing department; arranging customers’quality inspector to inspect goods before loading3) keeping in touch with custom clearan ___ department, assuring the goods can be loaded ___oothlyReasons for leaving: Unconvienient trafficCompany‘s name: GUANGZHOU TRADE FAIRBegin and end date: 20xx-04-20xx-10Enterprise nature: OthersIndustry: OthersJob Title: InterpreterJob description: 1) Re ___iving foreign customers and translating2)Aording to customers’ requirements, introducing the products and choosing the expected designs for them3)Taking notes and exchanging business cards4)Sending e- ___il quotation and promoting the latest product models to the new customersReasons for leaving: Internship onlyEducational BackgroundName of School: South China Nor ___l UniversityHighest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: 20xx-07-01Name of Major 1: Business English Name of Major 2:Education experien ___: Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No20xx-09 20xx-07 Lianjiang N0.1 High Sckool High School20xx-09 20xx-07 South China Nor ___l University Business English TEM 8Language AbilityForeign Language: English Level: perfectLanguage ability: basic JapaniessChinese level: perfect Cantonese Level: perfectRelevant skills and abilities? Demonstrated achiever with ex ___ptional knowledge of international business practi ___s, and trade regulations.? Strong foreign trade background bined with fluency in several languages, including English with TEM8 (Test for English Major), ___ndarin and CantoneseSelf-remendation letter? Skilled at learning new con ___pts quickly, working well under pressure, and municating ideas clearly and effectively.Address:Mobile Phone:e ___il:(fe ___le, 31) store ___nager, store operation/promotion, taobao customer servi ___, taobao artists, ___rketing___nager, English teacher, the teacher/ta, credit card/bank card business,...Education: collegeExpected salary: 3000-4999Working years: 3 to 5 yearsWorking area: - zhoukou, henanWorking experien ___:In March 20xx - September 20xx constant for ___ hoisting ___chinery co., LTD. Sales back offi ___In October 20xx - September 20xx Xinxiang wins beautiful wallpaper co., LTD. Foreign trade and foreign trade___nager (just begin to do foreign trade pany, in the second year to have a special ministry of foreign trade)Education experien ___:In September 20xx - June 20xx institute of xinxiangThe international economic and trade professionalIntrodu ___ myself:I character cheerful, warm, honest and trustworthy, hard-working, serious and responsible, can bear hardships and stand hard work, conscientious, strong sense of responsibility, learning spirit, good at munication with peopleGive me a call, please ___ke sure that in the xx s see, thank you!Name: Miss ChenSex: Fe ___leDate of Birth: 1985-10-10National: HanHeight: 164 Weight: 48Pla ___ of origin: ShanghaiCurrent location: ShanghaiEducation: UndergraduatePolitical outlook: Party membersGraduate institutions: Jiangxi Nor ___l University Graduation Time: June 20xxStu ___s by category: Foreign Language categoryProfessional title: Business EnglishContact Tel:Educational background / training experien ___And professional expertiseForeign Language: English Language: 6Computer capability: Putonghua at the provincial level: goodPresentation and other professional expertiseMajors:Comprehensive English, English Reading, English audio, English writing, English, English tone of voi ___, Britain and the United States country profile, English newspaper culture, international business negotiations, international business contracts, letters and telegrams of international business, international ___rketing, advan ___d English, English-Chinese translation, Ya thinking and so on.Minor courses:Japanese, international finan ___, ___nagement, organizational behavior, aounting, economics.Personal strengths:I was a highly principled, practical work hard, have a sense of responsibility, caring, friendly, and have good munication skills, team spirit, strong adaptability and enterprise, learning ability, interest in a wide range.Personal practi ___, work experien ___20xx/08--20xx/09 dra ___ rehearsal话剧社in a foreign language, on behalf of Xinyu College to participate in social perfor ___n ___20xx/07--20xx/09 in the "stars of hope" remedial classes as English teacher20xx/10--20xx/10 "11" color TV during the promotion to do in Nanchang20xx/07--20xx/09 Putuo District in Shanghai as the three teachers tutor studentsJob intentionsJob type: Full-time monthly salary requirements: NegotiableI hope the candidates positions: Business / Trade / International Business candidates other jobs: sales ___n / sales representativeHope that the Working Location: Shanghai, other duty stations:Self-evaluationI am in school ___joring in Business English professional, time and again was awarded a scholarship, she won an Outstanding Student Award, students Miyoshi title. Members at school to learn the post offi ___, through the University of English and professional 4 6, the eight-question, and to participate in high-level Business English Certificate exams (BEC Higher).I was a highly principled, practical work hard, have a sense of responsibility, caring, friendly, and have good munication skills, team spirit, strong adaptability and enterprise, learning ability.模板,内容仅供参考。



商务英语英文简历模板范文Hope is engaged in the occupation:classes/administrative personnel of foreign tradeExpected salary: negotiableExpect work areas: xinluo districtExpect nature of work: full-timeThe fastest arrive time: arrive at any timeMust provide housing: no needEducation/trainingEducation background:School name: quanzhou normal college (September 2021 - July 2021)Professional title: business English education: college degreeLocation: quanzhou certificate:By senior business English oral test; Through the national English six levels of tests, skilled listen to, say, read, able to skillfully use English for ication; Standard mandarin;National foreign trade documents member certificate, be familiar with the process of foreign trade and the l/c, as well as the shipping documents and so on;School name: jimei university (September 2021 - July 2021)Professional title: business English education: bachelor degreeLocation: xiamen certificate:English skills:By senior business English oral test; Through the national English six levels of tests, skilled listen to, say, read, able to skillfully use English for ication; Standard mandarin; Additional: Japanese;Foreign trade skills:National foreign trade documents member certificate, be familiar with the process of foreign trade and the l/c, as well as the shipping documents and so on;Trained experience:Work experienceCompany name: xiamen (may, 2021 - July 2021)Company size: 10 to 50 people working location: xiamenJob title: documentation specialistJob description: processing documents, to contact the agent and confirm the order, our catalogue and check the bill of lading, etcCompany name: xiamen (September 2021 - February 2021)Company size: 10 to 50 people working location:xiamenJob title: documentation specialistLeaving reason: when a full-time motherLanguage abilityLanguage name master degreeGood EnglishGood mandarinSelf assessmentSelf assessment: I am a down-to-earth person, not the pursuit of fame overnight dream, I just want one step a footprint to live and work, is used to record the dribs and drabs in my life. Strict requirements, improve their himself. Responsible, sincere, modest attitude to treat everyonearound everything. As long as want to do, there will be a: doing my best to study unceasingly, until you find the answer. Anything, all like to systematically sorting out, careful and efficient. I regret is that on the mother's happiness at thesame time, had to give up my work before, now all stabilized, want to go on his own dream, progress!个人信息范文大全性别:女民族:汉族年龄: 28婚姻状况:已婚专业名称:商务英语主修专业:外语类政治面貌:团员毕业院校:集美大学毕业时间: 2021年7月最高学历:本科电脑水平:一般工作经验:四年以上身高: 163cm体重:47公斤现所在地:新罗区户籍: 1008-1170求职意向期望从事职业:外贸类/行政人事类期望薪水:面议期望工作地区:新罗区期望工作性质:全职最快到岗时间:随时到岗需提供住房:不需要教育/培训教育背景:学校名称:泉州师范学院(2021年9月-2021年7月)专业名称:商务英语学历:大专所在地:泉州证书:专业描述:通过全国计算机等级考试,能够熟练地运用Office,PowerPoint,Word,Excel,E-mailsoutin,Internetresources等;通过商务英语高级口语考试;通过各省市英语六级考试,熟练听,说,读,能够熟练地法语运用英语需要进行沟通;普通话标准;取得国家外贸单证员证书,熟悉外贸出口流程和信用证,以及装运单据等;学校名称:集美大学(2021年9月-2021年7月)专业名称:商务英语学历:本科所在地:厦门证书:专业描述:计算机技能:通过我区计算机等级考试,能够熟练地运用Office,PowerPoint,Word,Excel,E-mailsoutin,Internetresources等;英语技能:通过商务英语高级口语司法考试考试;通过全国英语六级考试,熟练听,说,读,能够熟练地运用英语进行沟通;普通话标准;二外:日语;外贸技能:取得国家吸引外资单证员证书,熟悉外贸流程和信用证,以及装运单据等;培训经历:工作经验公司名称:厦门(2021年5月-2021年7月)所属行业:贸易·商务·进出口公司性质:私营.民营企业公司规模: 10~50人工作地点:厦门职位名称:单证员工作描述:处理单据,与代理联系,确认订单,录单,核对提单等等公司名称:厦门(2021年9月-2021年2月)所属行业:贸易·商务·进出口公司性质:私营.民营企业公司规模: 10~50人工作地点:厦门职位名称:单证员工作描述:作为公司总经理助理的职务,主要负责处理国外邮件,跟国外代理联系排载清关,以及和矿主的沟通,资料的整合等等。



商务英语专业简历范文模板[Your Name][Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Phone Number][Email Address]ObjectiveA result-driven and dedicated professional seeking a challenging position in the field of Business English. Offering exceptional communication skills, extensive knowledge of business principles, and a proven track record of achieving targets and delivering high-quality work. Proficient in both written and spoken English, with a strong ability to adapt to multicultural environments.EducationBachelor of Arts in Business English[University Name], [City, State][Year of Graduation]Skills- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Chinese- Strong understanding of business principles and practices- Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)- Ability to work effectively in a team as well as independently- Exceptional problem-solving and critical thinking skills- Excellent time management and organizational skills- Detail-oriented and able to multitask effectively- Highly adaptable and quick to learn new concepts and technologiesWork ExperienceBusiness English Teacher[Company Name], [City, State][Dates]- Taught business English to a diverse group of students, including professionals, executives, and university students- Developed lesson plans and educational materials tailored to the specific needs and goals of each student- Conducted assessments to track students' progress and provided feedback for improvement- Created a positive learning environment and motivated students to achieve their language learning objectives- Collaborated with other teachers and staff members to enhance the overall learning experienceBusiness Development Associate[Company Name], [City, State][Dates]- Conducted market research and analysis to identify potential business opportunities- Developed and maintained relationships with clients, partners, and stakeholders- Prepared and delivered sales presentations to key decision-makers- Negotiated contracts and agreements to ensure profitable business deals- Monitored industry trends and competitor activities to stayinformed and maintain a competitive edge- Assisted with the development of marketing strategies and campaignsIntern[Company Name], [City, State][Dates]- Assisted with administrative tasks, such as organizing files and documents- Conducted research on industry trends and competitor activities - Created and maintained databases for client information and sales leads- Prepared reports and presentations for management- Participated in team meetings and contributed ideas for process improvementsLanguages- English: Native proficiency- Chinese: FluentReferencesAvailable upon request继续写相关内容,1500字Professional ExperienceBusiness English Teacher - [Company Name], [City, State]As a Business English Teacher, I had the opportunity to work with a diverse group of students, ranging from professionals to executives and university students. My main responsibilitiesincluded designing tailored lesson plans and educational materials to meet the unique needs and objectives of each student.I utilized a variety of teaching methods and resources to facilitate effective learning, such as interactive exercises, role-playing, and discussions on real-life business scenarios. I also incorporated current business news and articles to enhance students' vocabulary and understanding of business concepts.To track students' progress, I conducted regular assessments and provided constructive feedback for improvement. I also encouraged students to practice their English skills outside of the classroom by assigning homework assignments and suggesting additional resources for self-study.Throughout my time as a Business English Teacher, I created a positive and engaging learning environment by demonstrating patience, empathy, and understanding. I motivated students to excel in their language learning journey and enabled them to confidently communicate in a professional business setting.Business Development Associate - [Company Name], [City, State]During my tenure as a Business Development Associate, I played a crucial role in identifying and pursuing potential business opportunities for the company. I conducted extensive market research and analysis to stay updated on industry trends and to identify potential target markets.I developed and maintained strong relationships with clients,partners, and stakeholders to ensure a smooth business operation. I regularly met with key decision-makers to deliver persuasive sales presentations and negotiate favorable contracts and agreements.To stay ahead of the competition, I closely monitored industry trends and competitor activities. I promptly identified potential threats and opportunities and proposed strategic initiatives to maintain a competitive edge in the market.Additionally, I actively participated in the development of marketing strategies and campaigns. I collaborated with cross-functional teams to create compelling content, organize events, and execute targeted marketing activities.Intern - [Company Name], [City, State]As an intern, I gained valuable hands-on experience by assisting with various administrative tasks. I organized files and documents, ensuring a systematic approach to data management. I also conducted research on industry trends and competitor activities to provide insights for decision-making.I created and maintained databases for client information and sales leads, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information for the sales team.Furthermore, I prepared reports and presentations for management, summarizing key findings and providing recommendations for improvement.By actively participating in team meetings and contributing ideas for process improvements, I gained a profound understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration in a professional setting.LanguagesAs a native English speaker, I have demonstrated proficiency in both written and spoken English. My fluency in Chinese enables me to effectively communicate and connect with a culturally diverse clientele.ReferencesReferences are available upon request.ConclusionIn conclusion, I am a dedicated and results-driven professional with a strong knowledge of business principles and practices. My exceptional communication skills, combined with my ability to adapt to multicultural environments, position me as a highly valuable asset in the field of Business English.Throughout my experiences as a Business English Teacher, a Business Development Associate, and an intern, I have honed my skills in communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. I am confident in my ability to contribute positively to any business environment.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how my skills and experience align with the requirements of the position.Sincerely,[Your Name]。

商务英语专业英文简历4篇 简历自我评价商务英语

商务英语专业英文简历4篇 简历自我评价商务英语

商务英语专业英文简历4篇简历自我评价商务英语商务英语专业英文简历1I am familiar with the foreign trade operation,and Iam also try my best to do the job, to solve problems independently.I canspeak freely with foreign customers,can do the related documents andfind the customers,and also attend the fairs,prepare the Englishinformation for the items.商务英语专业英文简历2Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:goodLanguage ability:CET6Chineselevel:goodCantonese Level:normal商务英语专业英文简历3Name of School:Guangdong Women's Professional TechnicalCollegeHighest Degree:AssociateDate of Graduation:2008-06-30Name ofMajor 1:Bussiness ExecutiveName of Major 2:Puchasing follow-upEducation experience:Start dateEnd dateEducationorganizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No2005-092008-06GuangdongWomen's Professional Technical CollegeBussiness EnglishCET-6BEC商务英语专业英文简历4Application type:01Preferred job title:Trade: Business executive 、English Translator: sales person 、 Sales: translatorWorking life:3Title: Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a dayExpected salary:¥3,500--¥5,000Preferred working place:Guangzhou Guangzhou GuangzhouWorkExperience :Company's name:Shenzhen Aili Electronics Co.,LtdBegin andend date: 2010-12-2011-12Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry:Electronic Technology/Semiconductor/ICJob Title:Business assistantJobdescription:My job is mainly to assist the the foreign trade departmentto track and fulfill orders.I am familiar with the trade operation. Myjob is including: communication with other departments to monitor theproduction and shipping time; dealing with issues such as after-sales service by mail,MSN,QQ or telephone; maintain the company's English Website, platform;contact the old customer and find the new customer; welcome and prepare when customers' visit;making the relevant documents; Contact logistics for shipping matters; do relevant documents record; translate the information of products; arrangements and preparations for the exhibition.Reasons for leaving:find work satisfactionCompany's name:PGT Guangzhou LtdBegin and end date: 2008-03-2010-11Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports & ExportsJob Title:Job description:As a tranlator and purchaser,my job is mainly about : welcome and meeting the foreign customers; to help them carry out the product purchase; purchase the products; as a translator and the implementation of the orders; tracking the progress of the product; check the quality and quantity of the goods according to customer requirements;make the documents.Reasons for leaving:improve myself。





个人信息fwdq性别:男民族:汉族出生年月: xx年9月1日婚姻状况:未婚身高: 178cm 体重: 65kg户籍: xx 现所在地: xx城厢区毕业学校: xx师范学院学历:专科专业名称:师范商务英语毕业年份: 2xx年工作经验:三年以上最高职称:初级职称求职意向职位性质:全职职位类别:贸易/外贸贸易类职位名称:外贸业务员 ;工作地区: xx市区,xx城厢区,xx涵江区,xx荔城区,xx秀屿区 ; 待遇要求: 5000-6000元/月可面议 ; 不需要提供住房到职时间:可随时到岗技能专长语言能力:英语四级 ; 普通话标准电脑水平: word、excell、教育培训教育背景:时间所在学校学历2xx年9月 - 2xx年7月 xx师范学院专科工作经历所在公司:厦门福励织造有限公司时间范围: 2xx年6月 - 2xx年5月公司性质:股份制企业所属行业:贸易、商务、进出口担任职位:销售人员工作描述: 1、接单:负责订单接收,评审常规订单,及时反馈异常。








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民族:汉族出生年月: 1971年11月26日
身高: 175cm 体重: 83kg
工作经验: ___年以上最高职称:高级职称
职位名称:物业经理 ;
工作地区:福建-莆田城厢区,福建-莆田涵江区,福建-莆田荔城区,福建-莆田秀屿区 ;
待遇要求: 8000- ___元/月可面议 ; 不需要提供住房
xx年7月 - xx年9月莆田学院专科
xx年9月 - xx年7月莆田学院专科
xx年9月 - xx年7月莆田学院专科
xx年7月 - xx年9月莆田学院专科
1990年9月 - 1993年7月莆田高等专科学校商务英语、外语类
xx年9月 - xx年7月莆田学院建筑类、建材装饰
xx年9月 - xx年7月莆田学院酒店管理、工商管理类 xx年7月 - xx年9月莆田学院物业管理部门经理
时间范围: 1993年10月 - 1995年12月
时间范围: 1996年6月 - 1999年12月
所属行业:建筑、房 ___、物业管理、装潢担任职位:物业管理-业管理经理/主管
所在公司:莆田市清华防水保温技术有限公司时间范围: 2000年1月 - xx年6月
所属行业:建筑、房 ___、物业管理、装潢担任职位:销售管理-销售总监
时间范围: xx年12月 - xx年12月
公司性质: ___企业
工作描述: SEO外贸员、 ___优化排名、内链外链、关键词发布,引擎收索。

所在公司:莆田市国珍装饰建材 ___有限公司
时间范围: xx年5月 - xx年12月
所属行业:建筑、房 ___、物业管理、装潢
工作描述:国珍装饰建材 ___经理,经营管理衣柜、橱柜、水电、瓷砖、板材、门业、油漆、洁具、地板、楼梯等销售,内管导购、业务员、区域经理、设计师、司机等一百多人。

时间范围: xx年5月 - xx年9月
所在公司:浙江省湖州市织里物业管理有限公司时间范围: xx年10月 - xx年6月
所属行业:建筑、房 ___、物业管理、装潢
时间范围: xx年7月 - xx年11月
所属行业:建筑、房 ___、物业管理、装潢
工作描述:骏乘(莆田)物业管理有限公司管辖:骏乘名门、骏乘悦府、骏乘亿发城、骏乘星都汇、骏乘华府五个项目 ___小区物业。

自我评价:①、本人作风正派、为人诚信、坦诚务实、有较强的学习力, ___多年的工作经验,具备较强的执行力和凝聚力。

熟悉Word、Ex ___l办公室自动化,能运用CAD软件、Adobe Photoshop 软件、熟悉管家婆、紫荆花等软件,参加几十次大小不等的不同专业的资质培训,具备乐观和积极向上的精神。

②、熟悉当地房 ___政策、建筑工程类,曾任莆田市最大防水保温技术公司销售总监、莆田市最大的一站式装饰建材公司 ___经理、三星级酒店总经理,小区物业主管、物业项目副经理和经理。




做到 ___有正气,员工有士气,单位有朝气,团队有人气,不断提高物业管理公司的核心竞争力。


很多求职者的个人简历模板都是在网络上下载的,而个人简历模板格式一般是word文档,从网络上下载的个人简历模板不仅要修改其中部分细节,还要修改word的 ___。

在网上投递个人简历,直接是电子版本,对方受到电子版本的简历可以从电脑上看出其文件的原 ___,因此在投递之前需要注意修改。


为了便于对方的接受与浏览,投递简历时 ___的标题以及正文都需要注意,标题要著名简单信息,标题一般就简单的写的姓名以及个人简历即可,在正文中如果不含简历内容,要写清姓名、学校、申请岗位、专业等等基本信息。

大多数网投个人简历都是以 ___的方式,而有一些 ___在接受附件文件的时候,会因为防火墙而被过滤掉。




