DL380p Gen8 - 用Intelligent Provisioning引导安装2008作业系


HP ProLiant Gen8 Elite认证

HP ProLiant Gen8 Elite认证

HP ProLiant Gen8 Elite认证请选择或填写选项:1、集成式生命周期自动化可以消除繁琐、费时的任务, 自ProLiant 服务器连接电源和网络的那刻起,不到3 秒钟,服务器便开始与您交流,借助引导式配置文件驱动的方式或脚本方式,在启动之前允许您进行全面的系统配置。

该项创新中包括哪些组件?(多选)A.HP Intelligent Provisioning,系统上线速度提高三倍B. HP Active Health System,自动化监控、诊断和警报C. HP Insight Controll,最全面的管理IT环境中的基础设施,实现自动化D. HP ServiceOne, 利用以惠普全球资源为后盾,提供最佳的本地经验E. HP Smart Update,只需轻松的一键点击,便可系统地更新服务器和刀片基础设施F. HP ProActive Service and Support, 利用创新的服务改善基础设施正常运行时间和性能2、HP ProActive Insight架构都包括哪些组件?(多选)A.集成式生命周期自动化B. 动态工作负载加速C. 融合基础架构设施D. HP Insight ControllE. 自动能源优化F. HP CludesystemG. 主动式服务与支持3、惠普融合基础架构是面向哪些目标的快速通道? (多选)A.实现虚拟化B. 面向云计算C. 达成完整的整合解决方案D. 提供业界最全面的软件解决方案E. 降低用户整体成本F. 开发新的能效解决方案C. 拓展企业生命周期4、新一代DL380Gen8标配P420i下列描述哪些正确?(多选)A.更快的数据传输速度,>30%性能提升B. 最大2 GB FBWC 缓存C. 在电池未充满的情况下不能做在线迁移D. 添加许可证后可支持RAID 5E. 可连接外置存储F. 使用SSD固态硬盘可支持RAID 65、HP ProLiant Gen8是惠普倾力打造的世界上最智能化的服务器,在根本上重新定义了数据中心的经济性和期望值,并为广大的惠普用户提供了更加智能、更加自动和更加自足的基础设施来消除整个IT 生命周期中许多繁琐、耗时的任务。



1HP Smart Storage Admi nistratc 热备盘添加的方法By Ju,zhen-wen 05/15/2014目录实验环境: 热备盘模式:Failure spare activatio n:故障备件激活模式 ... Predictive spare activation :预计备件激活模式 Spare 盘 的类型 ......................... Dedicated Spare Drive 专属备用磁盘 Auto Rep lace Drive 自动替换磁盘..如何正确的取消 Spare 盘: ..... 什么是 SmartCache ? 什么是 HP SmartCache ?实验环境:ilO I'tleyidlrdl 辰nw 厲 Consolf -SwIhmL iLt>. kiodrFii>rd.Idb^tn-ud <»ijaraD4ir£itainfi :-Son" 3lir5S r-T ^^-^-orripd :?巾ant?::匚「Jb 广怕r Ih^jW . Ill ' N[.汕(_Gn Fr Ijrv •"匸 J 口・r [勺 EnME ': I;F 」H Or E -饷rtri 如Ml 匸云Ud 厂j 匸三叩iF 刁ti Z 赳哥右||_ i fieri ° Ar-TIP E*^ I T i r-flifftp*■ld= X -nn ^ar-a actJTilKri TTDE I B frnn 1h« da^aiJt t<r auK< 蝕izIHEiy oi ta liii*^ or rt I 區 w 丈创沁 si^ 川》也:卜创II i .ii rib.jfitta 电网Urtl 如-5* •: I - i -Ldlrvkr. CL UdLrancn b 怕 r^efdJI sLzJe A ir -li%'叫 0 I 沖F »i 「1・呼 T Ihb - AT H hb 』・k| Nl|i - H I P <ih 啊『则(:引d 『F ■艮〒 附II . a |- -1 H R 沪p C£ FfE 訐、产 巾兮1r ;「爭口 rS 一 liF'jie JL,凯 irj\Mft<k1D24hT&B先选择热备盘的模式热备盘模式:Failure spare activation:故障备件激活模式当Array 中的驱动器故障时,会触发重建备用的驱动器。

HP Intelligent Provisioning 1.60 发布说明说明书

HP Intelligent Provisioning 1.60 发布说明说明书

HP Intelligent Provisioning1.60Release Notes HP Part Number:680065-008Published:February2014Edition:1©Copyright2012,2014Hewlett-Packard Development Company,L.P.Version:1.60DescriptionEmbedded in all HP ProLiant Gen8servers,Intelligent Provisioning is a single-server deployment tool that installs the operating system,supplying most of drivers required for that operating system in awizard-style format.Intelligent Provisioning replaces and improves upon the SmartStart CDs and Smart Update Firmware DVD that were used with previous generation HP ProLiant servers.These release notes provide information about this release of Intelligent Provisioning,including support information,enhancements,and known issues and their potential workarounds.User documentation for Intelligent Provisioning is available on the Intelligent Provisioning Information Library page(/go/intelligentprovisioning/docs).Update recommendationOptionalNOTE:For Microsoft Windows Server2012installations,you must run Intelligent Provisioning version1.30or later.For Microsoft Windows Server2012R2installations,you must run Intelligent Provisioning version1.60or later.Supersedes1.50Product modelsIntelligent Provisioning supports HP ProLiant Gen8servers.For more information,see the“Serversupport”(page4)section.IMPORTANT:HP ProLiant SL and SE servers do not support operating system installations withIntelligent Provisioning,but do support the maintenance features described in the PerformingMaintenance section of the HP Intelligent Provisioning User Guide and online help.Operating systems and devicesNOTE:Intelligent Provisioning does not support all server-supported operating systems,including32-bit Windows operating systems.If you need to install a32-bit operating system,you can download the drivers from the HP Drivers and Downloads page(/go/support)and search by the server model.The following operating systems are supported for use with Intelligent Provisioning:•Microsoft Windows Server2012R2•Microsoft Windows Server2012•Microsoft Windows Server2008R2Standard,Enterprise,Datacenter,Hyper-V,and Web x64 Editions•Microsoft Windows Server2008Foundation R2-supported on Single Socket Servers;check server QuickSpecs•Red Hat Enterprise Linux6for x86•Red Hat Enterprise Linux6for AMD64and Intel EM64TDescription3•Red Hat Enterprise Linux5for x86•Red Hat Enterprise Linux5for AMD64and Intel EM64T•SUSE Linux Enterprise Server11for x86•SUSE Linux Enterprise Server11for AMD64and Intel EM64T•VMware ESXi5.1and VMware ESXi5.1Update2•VMware ESXi5.0and VMware ESXi5.0Update1•VMware ESX4.1and VMware ESX4.1Update2•VMware ESXi4.1and VMware ESXi4.1Update2For information about supported servers and the supported firmware,software,and driver versions,see the HP Intelligent Provisioning Server Support Guide,available on the Intelligent ProvisioningInformation Library(/go/intelligentprovisioning/docs).Correlation between Intelligent Provisioning and HP Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP)Intelligent Provisioning VersionSPP Release SetIntelligent Provisioning1.00SPP2012.02.0SPP2012.06.0(B)Intelligent Provisioning1.10Intelligent Provisioning1.20SPP2012.08.0Intelligent Provisioning1.30SPP2012.10.0Intelligent Provisioning1.40SPP2013.02.0(B)Intelligent Provisioning1.50SPP2013.09.0(B)Intelligent Provisioning1.60SPP2014.02.0Enhancements and fixes•Added UEFI support for HP DL580Gen8servers.•Added support for Microsoft Windows Server2012R2.•Instituted an iLO Federation Management Technology Preview.•Updated the graphical user interface with a new color scheme.•Added the Server Security feature to the Reboot process to allow you to re-enable Intelligent Provisioning from either the RBSU or UEFI System Utilities.•Added installation help for VMware ESXi/vSphere Custom Image.Server supportThe following servers are supported with Intelligent Provisioning:•HP ProLiant BL420c Gen8Server•HP ProLiant BL460c Gen8Server•HP ProLiant BL465c Gen8Server•HP ProLiant BL660c Gen8Server•HP ProLiant DL160Gen8Server•HP ProLiant DL320e Gen8Server4Correlation between Intelligent Provisioning and HP Service Pack for ProLiant(SPP)•HP ProLiant DL320e Gen8v2Server•HP ProLiant DL360e Gen8Server•HP ProLiant DL360p Gen8Server•HP ProLiant DL380e Gen8Server•HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8Server•HP ProLiant DL385p Gen8Server•HP ProLiant DL560Gen8Server•HP ProLiant DL580Gen8Server•HP ProLiant MicroServer Gen8•HP ProLiant ML310e Gen8Server•HP ProLiant ML350e Gen8Server•HP ProLiant ML350e Gen8v2Server•HP ProLiant ML350p Gen8Server•HP ProLiant SL230s Gen8Server•HP ProLiant SL250s Gen8Server•HP ProLiant SL270s Gen8Server•HP ProLiant SL4540Gen8Server•HP ProLiant WS460c Gen8Graphics Server BladePrerequisites•Hardware,firmware,and software requirements for this release are listed in the HP Intelligent Provisioning Server Support Guide.•Prerequisites and support information are documented in the HP Intelligent Provisioning User Guide.•Intelligent Provisioning does not support connecting to an FTP server through a proxy.Installation instructionsHP ProLiant Gen8servers are pre-loaded with a basic set of firmware and operating system components that are installed with Intelligent Provisioning.After the server is running,use the Intelligent Provisioning Firmware Update utility to update any components that have been outdated since the server wasmanufactured.NOTE:When using the Firmware Update utility,you should verify that the Installed Version of thecomponent(displayed on the left side of the Firmware Update screen)is newer than the version listed on the right side of the screen.If the installed version is newer,clear the check box for the component.Updating instructions are documented in the HP Intelligent Provisioning User Guide.Known issues and suggested actionsHP strongly recommends that the resolutions listed in this document be applied accordingly to instructions in the resolution documents.Failure to do so might result in issues that can cause disruption to theoperation and functionality of HP ProLiant servers.This list is updated as new issues are discoveredand resolved.Prerequisites5Operational issues•Entering your e-mail address as your HP Passport User ID might not work during Direct Connect registration even though your e-mail address was the HP Passport User ID you used during theHP Passport registration process.Suggested action:If you changed your HP Support Center(HPSC)User ID,your e-mail addresswill no longer work.Enter your User ID and not your e-mail address.•Fibre Channel configured manual installations using the HP SN1000E16Gb1-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter are not loading the driver.The configured logical unit number(LUN)is not being detected while installing the operating system.This has been observed for bothWindows2012Datacenter and Red Hat Enterprise Linux5.9operating systems.Suggested action:Use the Recommended or Customized installation method.•In the License Management utility,when you provide the license keys for both the iLO Advanced License Pack and the HP SmartCache License Pack,and then click Apply to save them,it appearsthat only the last license key that was entered has been saved.Suggested action:Both keys are saved,even though it appears that only the last-entered key issaved.Do not try to enter either key a second time.User interface issues•The SNMP port link on the iLO configuration Management page is non-operational.Suggested action:Change the SNMP port by clicking the Access Settings link on the iLOConfiguration Utility page,selecting the Service tab,and making the change on the Service screen.•English language content is sometimes included in the non-English-localized(such as Italian or Spanish)OS Review page.Suggested action:None.Windows-specific issues•The Volume License installation does not complete when you use the Recommended installation method to install Windows2008R2.The following error message is displayed during installation,“Windows cannot read the<ProductKey>setting from the unattend answer file.”Suggested action:Use the Manual installation method for Windows2008R2if you encounterthis error.Not all Volume License media present this problem.•During a Microsoft Windows Server2008R2installation,the operating system does not install successfully on a Fibre Channel over Ethernet(FCoE)configured set up on Emulex-based cards.Suggested action:Perform the installation outside of Intelligent e a USB keycontaining the FCoE drivers,which are found on the HP website at:/portal/site/hpsc/template.PAGE/public/psi/swdDetails/?lang=en&cc=US&switem=co_103269_1. 6Known issues and suggested actionsLinux-specific issues•Cannot perform Linux installations on SD cards in UEFI Boot Mode or Legacy BIOS Boot Mode on HP ProLiant DL580Gen8servers.Suggested action:Linux installations on SD cards are not supported on UEFI-based ProLiant servers,such as the DL580Gen8server,at this time.Customer advisories•SUSE Linux Enterprise Server11SP1-Installation With kISO May Yield Mixed Kernel Version Installations./portal/site/hpsc/public/kb/docDisplay/?docId=emr_na-c03237879•HP Intelligent Provisioning-"Unable to Find Any Valid Media,Add and Choose Rescan"Message When Attempting To Install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on HP ProLiant Gen8-Series Server./portal/site/hpsc/public/kb/docDisplay/?docId=emr_na-c03245453Documentation feedbackHP is committed to providing documentation that meets your needs.To help us improve thedocumentation,send any errors,suggestions,or comments to Documentation Feedback(*******************).Include the document title and part number,version number,or the URL when submitting your feedback.Customer advisories7。



使用Intelligent Provisioning引導安裝win 2008 x641.1 ProLiant Generation 8 and Windows Server 2008 is supported when utilizing Service Pack 2 ONLY1.2 ProLiant Genenration 8 and Windows Server 2008 R2 is supported by HP when2. 配置好陣列後,將作業系統光碟放入光碟機內,使用Intelligent Provisioning①(以下簡稱IP)引導安裝win 2008 R2 64bit sp1開機進入自檢畫面如圖1圖1在自檢畫面底部出現F9 Setup F10 Intelligent Provisioning F11 Boot Menu後,按F10 進入IP引導。


如圖3圖3步驟1 硬體設置,設置好硬體後下一步。


如圖5選擇要安裝的作業系統類別圖5步驟3 作業系統資訊。

如圖6圖6 選要裝的OS項目這邊是需求決定是否安裝在此更改磁碟分割大小步驟4 審核。









如圖13圖13①Intelligent Provisioning集成在主機板上的晶片,代替Smart Start 光碟。

②Windows & Vmware作業系統能完全引導,除此之外的作業系統可以使用”手動安裝”提供關鍵驅動③AMS (Agent Management Services ) 自動將伺服器的系統資訊保存在ILO晶片中,即時更新。

HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 服务器用户指南

HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 服务器用户指南

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目录组件标识 (8)前面板组件 (8)前面板 LED 指示灯和按钮 (10)UID 按钮功能 (13)前面板 LED 指示灯电源故障代码 (13)Systems Insight 显示屏 LED 指示灯 (14)Systems Insight 显示屏组合 LED 指示灯说明 (15)后面板组件 (17)后面板 LED 指示灯 (17)主板组件 (19)系统维护开关说明 (20)DIMM 标签识别 (21)DIMM 插槽位置 (22)NVDIMM 识别 (22)NVDIMM 二维码 (23)识别 NVDIMM LED 指示灯 (24)NVDIMM-N LED 指示灯组合 (24)NVDIMM 功能 LED 指示灯运行模式 (24)处理器、散热片和插槽组件 (25)驱动器 (25)SAS/SATA 驱动器组件和 LED 指示灯 (26)NVMe SSD LED 指示灯定义 (26)uFF 驱动器组件和 LED 指示灯 (28)风扇托架编号 (29)驱动器盒识别 (29)驱动器托架编号 (31)驱动器托架编号:Smart Array 控制器 (31)驱动器托架编号:SAS 扩展卡 (33)驱动器托架编号:NVMe 驱动器 (35)uFF 驱动器托架编号 (36)转接卡组件 (37)带集成备用电池装置组件和 LED 指示灯的 HPE Flex 插槽电源 (41)检查备用电池电量 (41)HPE 12G SAS 扩展卡端口编号 (42)HPE Smart Array P824i-p MR Gen10 控制器 (42)操作 (44)打开服务器电源 (44)关闭服务器电源 (44)从机架中拉出服务器 (44)从机架中卸下服务器 (45)使用理线臂固定电缆 (45)卸下检修面板 (46)安装检修面板 (47)卸下风扇笼 (47)安装风扇笼 (48)卸下隔气罩或中板驱动器笼 (48)安装隔气罩 (50)卸下转接卡笼 (51)3卸下转接卡插槽空闲挡板 (52)卸下硬盘驱动器空闲挡板 (53)松开理线臂 (53)找到 Systems Insight 显示屏 (53)设置 (55)HPE 支持服务 (55)设置服务器 (55)运行要求 (58)空间要求与通风要求 (58)温度要求 (59)电源要求 (59)电气接地要求 (59)将直流电源线连接到直流电源 (59)服务器警告和注意事项 (60)机架警告 (61)静电释放 (61)服务器包装箱内物品 (62)安装硬件选件 (62)POST 屏幕选项 (62)安装或部署操作系统 (62)注册服务器 (62)硬件选件安装 (63)产品规格说明简介 (63)简介 (63)在安全挡板中安装风扇过滤器 (63)安装挡板和挡板锁 (64)电源供电选件 (64)热插拔电源计算 (64)安装冗余热插拔电源 (64)驱动器选件 (65)驱动器准则 (65)支持的驱动器托架 (66)安装热插拔 SAS 或 SATA 驱动器 (66)安装 NVMe 驱动器 (67)安装 uFF 驱动器和 SCM 驱动器托盘 (68)安装 M.2 驱动器 (69)风扇选件 (70)安装高性能风扇 (71)内存选件 (72)DIMM 和 NVDIMM 安装信息 (72)HPE SmartMemory 速度信息 (73)安装 DIMM (73)HPE 16GB NVDIMM 选件 (74)NVDIMM 支持的服务器要求 (74)安装 NVDIMM (74)为 NVDIMM 配置服务器 (76)NVDIMM 清理 (76)NVDIMM 移动准则 (77)HPE 可扩展持久性内存(仅限 CTO) (77)控制器选件 (78)安装存储控制器 (78)在配置的服务器中安装 HPE Smart Array P824i-p MR Gen10 控制器 (79)4阵列和控制器配置 (80)安装通用介质托架 (81)驱动器笼选件 (83)安装前 8NVMe SSD Express 托架驱动器笼 (83)安装前 6SFF SAS/SATA + 2NVMe Premium 驱动器笼 (85)安装通风标签 (87)在盒 1 中安装前 8SFF SAS/SATA 驱动器笼 (88)在盒 2 中安装前 8SFF SAS/SATA 驱动器笼 (90)安装前 2SFF NVMe/SAS/SATA Premium 驱动器笼 (92)安装中板 4LFF SAS/SATA 驱动器笼 (95)在主转接卡或辅助转接卡中安装后 2SFF SAS/SATA 驱动器笼 (98)在电源上方安装后 2SFF SAS/SATA 驱动器笼 (100)安装后 3LFF SAS/SATA 驱动器笼 (103)转接卡和转接卡笼选件 (104)安装主转接卡和辅助转接卡 (105)安装第三转接卡 (106)安装辅助转接卡笼 (107)安装第三转接卡笼 (108)安装 2NVMe slimSAS 转接卡选件 (111)安装 8NVMe slimSAS 转接卡选件 (112)扩展槽 (113)支持的 PCIe 外形尺寸 (113)安装扩展卡 (114)安装 12G SAS 扩展卡 (116)安装加速器或 GPU (118)安装入侵检测开关 (122)安装 Smart Storage 电池 (123)安装后串行端口接口 (125)安装 Systems Insight 显示屏 (127)安装 FlexibleLOM 适配器 (129)安装 1U 或高性能散热片 (131)安装处理器 (133)HPE Trusted Platform Module 2.0 Gen10 选件 (136)概述 (136)HPE Trusted Platform Module 2.0 准则 (136)安装并启用 HPE TPM 2.0 Gen10 套件 (136)安装 Trusted Platform Module 卡 (137)启用 Trusted Platform Module (139)保留恢复密钥/密码 (140)布线 (141)HPE ProLiant Gen10 DL 服务器存储布线准则 (141)布线图 (141)电缆布线:适用于 SFF 的前 2SFF 驱动器选件 (143)电缆布线:适用于 LFF 的前 2SFF 驱动器选件 (144)电缆布线:前 2SFF 驱动器选件(3 位置电缆) (145)电缆布线:前 8SFF 驱动器选件 (146)电缆布线:前 8SFF NVMe/SAS premium 驱动器选件 (148)电缆布线:前 8SFF NVMe 驱动器选件 (148)电缆布线:适用于 SFF 的前 2SFF NVMe 驱动器选件 (150)电缆布线:适用于 LFF 的前 2SFF NVMe 驱动器选件 (151)电缆布线:中间板 4LFF 驱动器选件 (151)电缆布线:后 3LFF 驱动器选件 (152)电缆布线:后 2SFF 驱动器选件 (152)电缆布线:HPE 12G SAS 扩展卡到控制器 (153)5电缆布线:Smart Array P824i-P 控制器 (154)电缆布线:Systems Insight 显示屏 (156)软件和配置实用程序 (158)服务器模式 (158)产品规格说明简介 (158)Active Health System Viewer (158)Active Health System (159)Active Health System 数据收集 (159)Active Health System 日志 (159)HPE iLO 5 (159)iLO 联合 (160)iLO服务端口 (160)iLO RESTful API (161)RESTful Interface Tool (161)iLO Amplifier Pack (161)Integrated Management Log (161)Intelligent Provisioning (161)Intelligent Provisioning 操作 (162)管理安全性 (162)适用于 Windows 和 Linux 的 Scripting Toolkit (163)UEFI System Utilities (163)选择引导模式 (163)安全引导 (164)启动嵌入式 UEFI Shell (164)HPE Smart Storage Administrator (165)HPE MR Storage Administrator (165)StorCLI (166)USB 支持 (166)外置 USB 功能 (166)支持冗余 ROM (166)安全性和安全优势 (166)使系统保持最新状态 (166)更新固件或系统 ROM (166)Service Pack for ProLiant (167)更新 System Utilities 中的固件 (168)从 UEFI 嵌入式 Shell 中更新固件 (168)联机刷新组件 (169)驱动程序 (169)软件和固件 (169)支持的操作系统版本 (169)HPE Pointnext 产品 (169)主动通知 (170)故障排除 (171)NMI 功能 (171)故障排除资源 (171)更换电池 (172)安全、保修和法规信息 (173)安全和管制标准 (173)6保修信息 (173)法规信息 (173)白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯标记 (173)土耳其 RoHS 材料内容声明 (174)乌克兰 RoHS 材料内容声明 (174)规格 (175)环境规格 (175)机械规格 (175)电源规格 (176)HPE 500 瓦 Flex 插槽铂金级热插拔低卤电源 (177)HPE 800 瓦 Flex 插槽白金级热插拔低卤电源 (177)HPE 800 瓦 Flex 插槽超钛金级热插拔低卤电源 (178)HPE 800 瓦 Flex 插槽通用热插拔低卤电源 (179)HPE 800 瓦 Flex 插槽 -48 伏直流热插拔低卤电源 (180)HPE 800 瓦 Flex 插槽可扩展持久型内存电源 (181)HPE 1600 瓦 Flex 插槽白金级热插拔低卤电源 (181)支持信息和其他资源 (183)获取 Hewlett Packard Enterprise 支持 (183)获取更新 (183)客户自行维修 (184)远程支持 (184)保修信息 (184)法规信息 (184)文档反馈 (185)7组件标识前面板组件SFF 前面板组件编号说明1盒 1(可选驱动器或通用介质托架)2盒 2(可选驱动器)3盒 3 驱动器 1-84序列号标签拉片或可选Systems Insight 显示屏5iLO 服务端口6USB 3.0 端口通用介质托架组件编号说明1USB 2.0 端口2视频显示端口3光驱(可选)4驱动器(可选)8组件标识12 驱动器 LFF 前面板组件编号说明1驱动器托架8 驱动器 LFF 机型前面板组件编号说明1驱动器(可选)2LFF 电源开关模块3驱动器托架LFF 电源开关模块组件组件标识9编号说明1光驱2序列号标签拉片3USB 3.0 端口4iLO 服务端口5视频显示端口前面板 LED 指示灯和按钮SFF 前面板 LED 指示灯和按钮编号说明状态1开机/待机按钮和系统电源 LED 指示灯*绿色常亮 = 系统已启动绿色闪烁(1 Hz/周每秒)= 正在执行开机过程琥珀色常亮 = 系统处于待机状态熄灭 = 未通电†2运行状况 LED 指示灯*绿色常亮 = 正常绿色闪烁(1 赫兹/周每秒)= 正在重新引导 iLO 琥珀色闪烁 = 系统性能下降红色闪烁(1 Hz/周每秒)= 系统出现严重问题**续10组件标识3网卡状态 LED 指示灯*绿色常亮 = 链接到网络上绿色闪烁(1 Hz/周每秒)= 具有网络活动熄灭 = 没有网络活动4UID 按钮/LED 指示灯*蓝色常亮 = 已激活闪烁蓝色:• 1 Hz/周每秒 = 正在进行远程管理或固件升级• 4 Hz/周每秒 = 已启动 iLO 手动重新引导序列•8 Hz/周每秒 = 正在进行 iLO 手动重新引导序列熄灭 = 已停用*当此表中所述的 4 个 LED 指示灯同时闪烁时,表示发生电源故障。

DL380 GEN8使用Intelligent Provisioning引导灌装win 2008 x64

DL380 GEN8使用Intelligent Provisioning引导灌装win 2008 x64

使用Intelligent Provisioning引導灌裝win 2008 x641.官方支援OS列表參見HP官網1.1 ProLiant Generation 8 and Windows Server 2008 is supported when utilizing Service Pack 2 ONLY1.2 ProLiant Genenration 8 and Windows Server 2008 R2 is supported by HP when2. 設定好raid之後,將作業系統光碟片放入光碟機中,使用Intelligent Provisioning①(以下簡稱為IP)引導灌裝win 2008 R2 64bit sp1開機后進入硬體自檢畫面,如下圖1圖1在自檢畫面下方出現:F9 Setup F10 Intelligent Provisioning F11 Boot Menu之後,按F10 可以進入IP引導畫面。


如圖3圖3步驟1 硬體設定,選好之後進行下一步。



如圖6圖6 选择相应的OS选择是否安装AMS③SNMP④WBEM⑤可以在此更改系统分区大步驟4 ,確認系統信息之後下一步。








如圖13圖13①Intelligent Provisioning時主機板embedded的芯片用以替代Smart Start 光碟。

②Windows & VM ware 可以引導安裝,除此以外的OS可以使用”手動灌裝”提供關鍵的driver③AMS (Agent Management Services ) 自動將伺服器的系統信息保存在ILO芯片中,實時更新。

DL380p Gen8 安装Win2008

DL380p Gen8 安装Win2008

1.配置好阵列后,将操作系统光盘放入光驱内,使用 Intelligent Provisioning ( 以下简称 IP ) 引导安装 win 2008 R2 64bit sp1,开机进入自检画面。

2.在自检画面底部出现 F9 Setup F10 Intelligent Provisioning
F11 Boot Menu 后,按 F10 进入 IP 引导。

3.进入 IP 引导界面选择“配置和安装”。









由于之前未设置密码,OS 会要求设置密码。





HP DL380 Gen8 产品介绍概述HP DL380 Gen8 是惠普公司推出的一款高性能服务器,具有出色的可扩展性和可靠性。


主要特性1. 强大的处理能力HP DL380 Gen8 采用了英特尔至强 E5 系列处理器,支持多核技术和超线程技术,能够提供卓越的计算能力。

此外,它还支持多处理器配置,最大可容纳 2 个处理器,从而进一步提升处理性能。

2. 高容量内存HP DL380 Gen8 支持最大 24 个 DDR3 内存插槽,支持最大768GB 内存容量。


3. 超高存储性能HP DL380 Gen8 提供多种存储选项,包括硬盘驱动器、固态驱动器和 SAS/SATA 兼容性。

它支持最多 8 个 2.5 英寸硬盘驱动器或者 6 个 3.5 英寸硬盘驱动器,满足大容量存储需求。

此外,它还配备了 HP Smart Array 控制器,支持 RAID 0、RAID 1、RAID 5 等多种数据保护和冗余方案。

4. 高度可扩展HP DL380 Gen8 具有良好的可扩展性,可以根据需要配置多个扩展槽。

它支持多个 PCIe 插槽和存储插槽,提供丰富的扩展性选项。


5. 全面的管理功能HP DL380 Gen8 配备了 HP iLO 管理引擎,提供全面的远程管理功能。



6. 可靠的设计HP DL380 Gen8 采用了可靠性设计,具有冗余电源、冗余风扇和热插拔硬件等功能。


总结HP DL380 Gen8 是一款功能强大且可靠的服务器。

HP GEN 8 系列试题

HP GEN 8 系列试题



惠普的服务团队在了解了用户的需求后,希望用最新HP ProLiant Gen8的那个特性来吸引用户,让他们的购买倾向转为惠普?A.HP Smart CatchingB. HP Smart DriveC. HP Smart Socket GuideD. HP Smart Memory2、在IT基础设施比较密集的用户环境,因为拥有各个厂商的服务器及存储,系统管理员比较困惑的是硬盘指示灯的含义太多,难于记忆。


惠普销售在了解用户的痛点后,希望用HP ProLiant Gen8的那个特性来吸引用户,让他们的购买倾向转为惠普?A.HP Intelligent ProvisioningB. HP Insight Remote SupportC. Don’t Remove LEDD. HP Location Service3、HP ProLiant ML350p Gen8对应的友商机型是什么?A.Dell T620B. Dell M6204、HP ProLiant Gen8是基于HP ProActive Insight架构的创新服务器,可以有效改善基础设施正常运行时间和性,并从根本上重新定义了数据中心的经济性和期望值。


HP ProLiant Gen8服务器是惠普哪一项计划的技术成果?A.HP ProActive InsightB. MoonShot射月计划C. Odyssey奥德赛计划D. Voyager计划(旅行者计划)5、一个IT管理员,当他在进行服务器维护需要更换主板时,痛点问题是在更换主板的过程中,主板背面的器件或触点在安装到机箱时可能会被无意识损坏,这样就造成维护成本无形中增高。

DL380 使用Intelligent Provisioning引导安装win2008x64

DL380 使用Intelligent Provisioning引导安装win2008x64

在自检画面底部出现F9 Setup F10 Intelligent Provisioning F11 Boot Menu后,按F10 进入IP引导。


步骤1 硬件设置,设置好硬件后下一步。



步骤3 操作系统信息。

图6 选择相应的OS
步骤4 审核。












使用Intelligent Provisioning引导安装win 2008 x641.1 ProLiant Generation 8 and Windows Server 2008 is supported when utilizing Service Pack 2 ONLY1.2 ProLiant Genenration 8 and Windows Server 2008 R2 is supported by HP when2. 配置好阵列后,将操作系统光盘放入光驱内,使用Intelligent Provisioning①(以下简称IP)引导安装win 2008 R2 64bit sp1开机进入自检画面如图1图1在自检画面底部出现F9 Setup F10 Intelligent Provisioning F11 Boot Menu后,按F10 进入IP引导。


如图3图3步骤1 硬件设置,设置好硬件后下一步。


如图5②图5步骤3 操作系统信息。

如图6图6 选择相应的OS选择是否安装AMS③SNMP④WBEM⑤可以在此更改系统分区大步骤4 审核。









如图13图13①Intelligent Provisioning集成在主板上的芯片,代替Smart Start 光盘。

②Windows & Vmware操作系统能完全引导,除此之外的操作系统可以使用”手动安装”提供关键驱动③AMS (Agent Management Services ) 自动将服务器的系统信息保存在ILO芯片中,实时更新。

G8服务器——intelligent provisioning智能引导安装Win2008

G8服务器——intelligent provisioning智能引导安装Win2008

G8服务器—intelligent provisioning智能引导安装Win2008 实验时间:2012 年 1 月 12 日实验人员:孟祥伟实验目的:掌握G8服务器Smart Start光盘引导安装Win2008方法。

实验设备: DL380P G8实验用时:0.5 小时实验评审人:XXX (由Backline填写)硬件环境:(描述实验机器初始环境)软件环境:□操作系统: Win2008□驱动程序版本:□HP自带软件:□第三方软件:□其它:连接方式:□直接连接□LPT □USB □COM□网络连接□Client-Server □Direct connect to Hub or Switch □Wireless1、G8服务器出现检测CPU和内存等的界面特别快,给人一种启动很快的感觉。

右下角的Smart Array不是蓝色代表没有加入SAAP的License。

HP SmartMemory不是蓝色可能代表没有采用新一代Smart内存(待进一步确认)。


3、所有G8服务器都把Smart Start光盘集成到了ILO4芯片中的空间内,因此无需光盘,只要按F10(按下后F10会变成白色选中状态),然后过一会儿就会进入intelligent provisioning智能设置。

4、开始引导Smart Start。

5、然后进入引导界面,可以选择配置安装或者管理服务器,选择第一项configure and install。



8、下一步后,选择安装什么类型的系统,我们选择windows系列、也可以选择linux和vmware 等,但是安装类型会变成manual install。

install methmod中recommended install是安装完后打上驱动;customized install是自定义装那些驱动;manual install是手动安装驱动。

HP DL380z Gen9 Virtual Workstation设备说明书

HP DL380z Gen9 Virtual Workstation设备说明书

Setup overviewHP DL380z Gen9 Virtual WorkstationBefore you beginNote: This virtual workstations product is based on an HP Proliant product, so this documentation contains referencesto HP Proliant documentation. The operating systems that this products supports are different from the operatingsystems that the HP Proliant products support, however. For information about operating systems that are supportedby virtual workstations, see the DL380z Gen9 Virtual Workstation quick specs.For safety, environmental, and regulatory information, see Safety and Compliance Information for Server, Storage,Power, Networking, and Rack Products.∙Select an installation site that meets the detailed installation site requirements described in the server user guide.∙Unpack the server shipping carton, and locate the materials and documentation necessary for installing the server.∙Verify operating system support—For information about operating systems supported by virtual workstations,see the DL380z Gen9 Virtual Workstation quick specs.For more pre-installation information, see the HP DL380z Gen9 Virtual Workstation User Guide.1Component identification Front panel componentsSFF model (8-drive)2Front panel LEDs and buttonsSFF front panel LEDs and button* When all four LEDs described in this table flash simultaneously, a power fault has occurred. For more information,see the power fault definitions in the HP DL380z Gen9 Virtual Workstation User Guide.** Facility power is not present, power cord is not attached, no power supplies are installed, power supply failure hasoccurred, or the power button cable is disconnected.† If the health LED indicates a degraded or critical state, review the system IML or use iLO to review the systemhealth status.3Rear panel components4Rear panel LEDs and buttons5Install hardware optionsInstall any hardware options before initializing the server. For options installation information, see the documentation that ships with the option. For server-specific information, see the HP DL380z Gen9 Virtual Workstation User Guide. Install the server in the rack67Before installing a server, be sure that you understand the following warnings and cautions.WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to the equipment:Do not disable the power cord grounding plug. The grounding plug is an important safety feature. Plug the power cord into a grounded (earthed) electrical outlet that is easily accessible at all times. Unplug the power cord from the power supply to disconnect power to the equipment.Do not route the power cord where it can be walked on or pinched by items placed against it. Pay particular attention to the plug, electrical outlet, and the point where the cord extends from the server.WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury from hot surfaces, allow the drives and the internal system components to cool before touching them.CAUTION: Do not operate the server for long periods with the access panel open or removed. Operating the server in this manner results in improper airflow and improper cooling that can lead to thermal damage.Install the server and cable management arm into the rack. For more information, see the installation instructions that ship with the 2U Quick Deploy Rail System.Connect cabling and power cords1. Connect iLO management cabling.2.Connect network cabling.3.Connect the power cord to the power supply.WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to the equipment:Do not disable the power cord grounding plug. The grounding plug is an important safety feature.Plug the power cord into a grounded (earthed) electrical outlet that is easily accessible at all times.Unplug the power cord from the power supply to disconnect power to the equipment.Do not route the power cord where it can be walked on or pinched by items placed against it. Pay particular attention tothe plug, electrical outlet, and the point where the cord extends from the server.For more information about cabling the system, see the HP DL380z Gen9 Virtual Workstation User Guide.8Power up and select boot options1.Connect the Ethernet cable.2.Press the Power On/Standby button.3.During the initial boot:∙To modify the server configuration ROM default settings, press F9 when prompted from the start up sequence toenter the HP UEFI System Utilities. By default, the HP UEFI System Utilities runs in the English language.∙If you do not need to modify the server configuration and are ready to install the system software, press F10 toaccess Intelligent Provisioning.NOTE: If an HP Smart Array controller has been added or is embedded in the system, the controller defaults to a RAIDconfiguration based on the size and number of drives installed. For more information on modifying the controller defaultsettings, see the documentation in the HP website.For more information on automatic configuration, see the HP UEFI System Utilities User Guide for HP ProLiant Gen9Servers on the HP website.Install the system softwareThis virtual workstation does not ship with provisioning media. Everything needed to manage and install the systemsoftware and firmware is preloaded on the server.To operate properly, the server must have a supported operating system. For the latest information on operatingsystem support, see the DL380z Gen9 Virtual Workstation quick specs.To install an operating system on the server, use one of the following methods:∙Intelligent Provisioning—iLO contains Intelligent Provisioning for embedded deployment, updating, and provisioningcapabilities. Intelligent Provisioning can configure the server and install an operating system.To install an operating system on the server with Intelligent Provisioning (local or remote):a.Connect the Ethernet cable between the network connector on the server and a network jack.b.Press the Power On/Standby button.c.During server POST, press F10.plete the initial Preferences and Registration portion of Intelligent Provisioning.e.At the 1 Start screen, click Configure and Install.f.To finish the installation, follow the onscreen prompts. An Internet connection is required to update thefirmware and systems software.For more information about this installation method, see the HP website.∙Remote deployment installation—To deploy an operating system remotely, use Insight Control server deploymentfor an automated solution. For more information about this installation method, see the HP website.∙Using the installation media—to install Window or Linux, use the installation media provided with your product. Usethe installation instructions provided on the DVD.For additional system software and firmware updates, visit the download page. Software and firmware must beupdated before using the server for the first time, unless any installed software or components require an older version.9Register the serverTo experience quicker service and more efficient support, register the product at the HP Product Registration website. Additional informationFor more information, see the HP DL380z Gen9 documentation at /support/DL380zGen9/docs. For safety, environmental, and regulatory information, see Safety and Compliance Information for Server, Storage, Power, Networking, and Rack Products, available at the HP website.HP is committed to providing documentation that meets your needs. To help us improve the documentation, send any errors, suggestions, or comments to Documentation Feedback. Include the document title and part number, version number, or the URL when submitting your feedback.。



HPDL380Gen9服务器安装⼿册设置概述适⽤于HP ProLiant DL380 Gen9 服务器开始之前有关安全、环境和管制信息,请参阅Safety and Compliance Information for Server, Storage, Power, Networking, and Rack Products(服务器、存储、电源、⽹络和机架产品的安全和遵从性信息)。



确认操作系统⽀持—有关ProLiant 服务器⽀持的操作系统的信息,请参阅操作系统⽀持矩阵。

有关预安装的详细信息,请参阅《HP ProLiant DL380 Gen9 服务器⽤户指南》。

组件识别前⾯板组件⼩尺⼨机型(8 驱动器)⼩尺⼨机型(24 驱动器)⼤尺⼨机型(12 驱动器)⼤尺⼨机型(4 驱动器)⼩尺⼨机型前⾯板LED 指⽰灯和按钮⼤尺⼨机型LED 指⽰灯和按钮后⾯板组件后⾯板LED 指⽰灯和按钮安装硬件选件安装所有硬件选件,然后再对服务器进⾏初始化。














HP DL380 Gen8产品介绍

HP DL380 Gen8产品介绍

HP Proliant DL380 Gen8产品介绍1、产品视图 (2)1.1 前面板视图 (2)1.2 后面板视图 (3)1.3主要组件 (4)2、DL380 Gen8相关参数特性: (4)2.1处理器 (4)2.2 主机芯片组 (5)2.3内存 (5)2.4阵列控制器 (6)2.5网卡 (6)2.6 远程管理技术 (7)2.7 硬盘 (7)3、拆装视频 (9)4、常见问题解答 (9)3.1 ORCA配置界面 (9)3.2 安装Win2008后安装SPP加载驱动 (10)3.3 DL380 G8主机支持操作系统列表 (12)3.4 DL380P Gen8相对于DL380 Gen8系列有何不同方面? (13)3.5 DL380 Gen8系列服务器有何特殊新功能选项? (13)3.6 HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 是否支持通用的显卡? (13)3.7 DL380p Gen8 是否支持 6Gb SAS 和 3Gb SATA 技术? (13)3.8 惠普G7的 DDR3内存或者第三方的内存能否在G8服务器上使用? (13)1、产品视图1.1 前面板视图DL380 Gen8 SFF型1.视频接口2.SATA光驱托架3.驱动器托架4.SYSTEM INSIGHT诊断屏B接口DL380 Gen8 SFF(带硬盘笼选件)型1.视频接口2.扩展驱动器托架3.驱动器托架4.SYSTEM INSIGHT诊断屏B接口DL380 Gen8 LFF型1.视频接口2.SATA光盘托架3.大硬盘驱动器托架4.SYSTEM INSIGHT诊断屏B接口1.2 后面板视图1.PCIe插槽1-3(从上到下)2. PCIe插槽4-6(从上到下)3. 电源14.电源接口5. 电源26.电源接口B接口8.视频接口9.ILO接口10.串口11.FlexLOM端口(显示的是:4个1Gb/可选:2个10Gb)1.3主要组件2、DL380 Gen8相关参数特性:2.1处理器采用Intel Xeon E5-2600, 4/6/8 cores,可升至3.3GHz说明:对于主机中的CPU采用了特殊设计的卡件,可以大大降低在拆装CPU时对主板CPU基座管脚的损坏。

DL380p Gen8 用Intelligent Provisioning引导安装2008作业系

DL380p Gen8  用Intelligent Provisioning引导安装2008作业系
用Intelligent Provisioning引導安裝2008r2作業系統
開機按F10,進入Intelligent Provisioning
請選擇configure and instare
我們直接掛的系統,沒有使用引導任何引導光碟,但開機桌面會有HP Systerm Mangement,說明按F10的安裝系統會自動安裝HP Systerm Mangement
控制台上會有Agenless Management,此Agent可以説明收集硬體健康狀況
這裡可以開啟或者關閉Agentless Management

DL380 Gen9 Legacy BIOS安装RHEL 6.5

DL380 Gen9 Legacy BIOS安装RHEL 6.5

DL380 Gen9 Legacy BIOS安装RHEL 6.5实验环境:服务器型号:DL380 Gen9阵列卡型号:Smart Array P440arBIOS 版本:P87 v1.00 07/11/2014DL380 Gen9 Legacy BIOS安装RHEL 6.5 (1)一.RBSU中更改Boot Mode 为Legacy BIOS (1)二. 开机F10更换用HP Smart Storage Administrator (HPSSA)配置阵列 (5)三.从光盘安装RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.5 (9)一.RBSU中更改Boot Mode 为Legacy BIOS1.开机F9进到BIOS界面,选择System Configuration2.选择BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU)3.选择System Options4.选择Boot Options更改Boot Mode为Lagecy BIOS Mode,更改时会出现如下警告。

提示更改Boot Mode需要重启才能生效;安装系统的方式与当前Boot Mode不匹配的话会无法进到进入系统;不支持Secure Boot,IPv6 PXE启动,大于2.2TB的引导分区,以及B系列阵列卡5.更改Boot Mode后,F10保存保存后会出现确认提示,保存更改,按“Y”看到如下红框出现,表示保存成功按“Esc”退出BIOS界面,出现如下界面按“Enter”重启服务器二. 开机F10更换用HP Smart Storage Administrator (HPSSA)配置阵列1.重启服务器F10进到Intelligent Provisioning2.选择HP Smart Storage Administrator,以下简称HPSSA3.在如下界面,左侧选择需要配置的阵列卡,右侧选择Configure4.选择Create Array5.选中需要创建阵列的硬盘,点击Create Array6.选择配置RAID级别,然后选择Create Logical Drive注:如果BIOS中Boot Mode设置为Legacy BIOS Mode,请一定确认您分配的启动逻辑盘的size小于2.2TB,如果默认大于2.2TB,请选择Custom Size,输入您需要的启动逻辑盘的size点击Finish完成阵列创建三.从光盘安装RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.51.从光盘启动进入如下安装界面,选择第一选项Install or upgrade an existing system2.提示找到了找到光盘,选择Skip跳过测试光盘镜像3.选择安装系统过程中的语言,以及键盘语言4.选择安装介质,由于使用光盘安装,选择Local CD/DVD5.安装系统前会有检测光盘介质的提示,选择Skip跳过6.选择系统装在本地磁盘,还是外置存储,本地磁盘选择Basic Storage Device,然后点击Next提示是否需要擦除所有数据,如果新装系统,或者数据不重要,可以选择Yes,然后点击Next7.输入服务主机名,然后点击Next8.选择时区,点击Next9.填写Root密码注:如果密码过于简单,则会出现提示,但可以继续安装10.选择如何制作分区,由于新服务器首次安装系统,选择Use All Space,重新对服务器逻辑盘分区,点击Next接下来会出现提示,会将分区表写到磁盘,选择write changes to disk,会保存对分区的修改,即会擦除磁盘内的数据11.选择服务器所需要安装包,如果上面提供的软件包不能满足您的需求,可以选择Customize Now,自主选择需要的软件包12.然后会有安装包的提示,安装完成,出现Congratulations时,会有Reboot选项,点击重启,移除光盘13.重启后会进入系统配置界面然后会出现Redhat针对License的同意许可,选择Yes,然后点击Forward下一步然后会提示注册,如已经购买选择Yes,稍后注册点击No,然后Forward下一步12.接下来会提示创建用户,也可以系统下在添加用户13.配置时间,然后点击Forward,下一步14.配置Kdump,如果内存过小会提示无法配置,忽略即可。

HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8(642121-AA1)参数

HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8(642121-AA1)参数
HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8(642121-AA1)详细参数
Xeon E5-2609纠错
CPU型号:Xeon E5-2609纠错
总线规格:QPI 6.4GT/s纠错
系统管理:iLO Management Engine标准纠错

HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server 数据中心标准说明书

HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server 数据中心标准说明书

Data sheetHP ProLiant DL380p Gen8ServerTHE no compromise data center standardAre technology advances holding you back frommaking the right investments?In the face of explosive data growth, the need for efficient data management is on aconstant rise. Data centers are being forced to continually adopt new technologies inorder to handle this exponential growth of data. How then do you channelize growthand allow your data center to move and be on par with time and technology? Doyou hold back investments for a later time? Do you strain your IT budget by makinginvestments that will have to be quickly replaced? The answer is quite simple.You could invest in servers that are efficient and flexible enough to handle today’scomputing requirements, while safeguarding the future growth of your data center.HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server is engineered to protect your server investmentand extend the life of your data center with reliability, accessibility, and serviceability.This versatile rack-optimized server balances efficiency and performance, and makesmanagement simple and effective. It is future-proof, with the HP-exclusive FlexibleLAN-On-Motherboard (FlexibleLOM), giving you a choice of 1 GB or 10 GB Networkinterface controllers (NICs), thus allowing easy upgradability for future NIC capacitiesas they become available during the Gen8 lifecycle. This adaptability allows yourserver to be future-ready, today. The HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server:• Increases performance with greater processor core count, memory capacities, andinternal storage capacities• Improves manageability with next-generation embedded HP Smart Array P420itechnology• Enhances serviceability with improved PCIe riser solutions, smart socket guides,and elegant cabling• Enables flexible network solutions with FlexibleLOM NICs• Provides embedded provisioning tools, active health monitoring, and systemmaintenance capabilities built using industry-leading HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO)Management EngineWhether you are an enterprise-class data center, or a small or medium sizedbusiness looking to expand in the future, the HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Serverprovides configuration flexibility that can cater to your growing server needswith efficiency.21 “Intel® NDA Benchmark,” Intel, July 2011.2 A dditional internal storage capacities over G7(total LFF Storage Capacity = 36 TB SAS, 36 TBSATA, 4.8 TB SSD) (Supporting SSD/SAS/SATA inSFF/LFF)3 M ore I/O bandwidth to the processor resulting inlower latency as compared with G7 version(Gen8 = 40 lanes/processor, G7 = 24 lanes/processor)4 H P Gen8 Smart Arrays bring significantenhancement, starting with a 2x increase inperformance (final results awaited)5 “HP internal lab testing,” HP, 20116 A s compared to G7 version that has up to 384G12 DIMM x 32G 4R, whilst Gen8 has 786G24 DIMM x 32G 2R.Key features and benefitsIntel® Xeon® E5-2600 series with dual QuickPathInterconnect (QPI)Up to 80 percent more performance 14 Channels per DIMM and 24 memory DIMM slots2x the memory capacity over G7 with 768 GB max memory Up to 25 small form factor (SFF) or 12 large formfactor (LFF) hard drivesUp to two times the internal storage capacity 2Flexible Network options (FlexibleLOM)Flexibility of choice with 4x1G or 2x10G Ethernet; or 2x10G FlexFabric Up to 6 PCIe Gen3 slots200 percent more I/O capacities with PCIe-Gen33HP SmartStorage SolutionUp to 200 percent more performance with HP SmartDrives, HP Smart Array 4iLO Management Engine4th generation iLO manageability Active Health Always-on diagnostics, 5x faster root cause diagnostics 5Helps increase performance, durability, and storage capacity• Offers higher performance, better power efficiency, and more adaptability with the built-inIntel Xeon E5-2600 processor family, including Intel QuickPath, Integrated Memory Controller,Turbo Boost, Intelligent Power Technologies, and Trusted Execution Technology.• Creates greater memory bandwidth, DIMM count, and new memory health programs with lessdowntime with HP SmartMemory; new memory slots allow up to 768 GB of maximum memoryand 128 GB at maximum speeds of 1,600 MHz.• Provides complete data protection with embedded HP Smart Array P420i RAID controller,transportable Flash Back Write Cache (FBWC), and RAID 6 options.• Renders quicker access to data and increases storage bandwidth forcutting-edge storage performance with up to 25 serial-attached SCSI (SAS) drives and newembedded Smart Array RAID controllers.• Communicates with HP Intelligent power distribution unit (PDU) with high-efficiencyHP Platinum Plus common-slot power supplies (460 W, 750 W, or 1200 W) to enableredundant supplies to be plugged into redundant power PDUs.• Qualifies ENERGY STAR® ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server configurations.• Enables ambidextrous cable management arm option with cabling flexibility and management for quick access to the server.• Installs quickly with new universal tool-free sliding rails. Quick release levers allow fast server access.Enables improved application, storage, and I/O performance • Supports RDIMM, UDIMM, and LRDIMM with up to 768 GB capacity and 128 GB capacity at 1,600 MHz. HP SmartMemory delivers up to 2x more memory capacity over previous generations.6• Reduces data loss with long-term data retention with FBWC standard. New embedded HP Smart Array P420i RAID controller and support for HP SmartStorage, including PCIe 3.0, HP SmartDrives, and HP FBWC with capacity up to 2 GB. Choice of up to 25 2.5-inch SFF or 12 3.5-inch LFF SAS, Serial ATA (SATA), and Solid State (SS) drives with optical media.• Converges the ability to customize server networking today and meet future needs withFlexibleLOM. Currently, provides choice of bandwidth between 1G and 10G, with the ability toupgrade to 20G and 40G when the technology becomes available. Fabric (Ethernet, FCoE, orInfiniBand) supports Wake-On-LAN (WOL) and offers a shared iLO port for ease of use.HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server unique optionsPart description SKUHP 380/385 Gen8 8-SFF Cage/Backplane Kit (Additional 8 SFF Hard Drive Cage, allowing for up to 16 SFF Drive Bays)662883-B21 HP DL380/385GN 3 slot PCIe Riser Kit (Additional PCIe Gen3 Riser Card [quantity 1x16, 1x8, 1x4] for up to 6 total PCIe slots)653206-B21 HP DL380GN 2 slot x16 Riser Kit (Additional PCIe Gen3 Riser Card [quantity 2x16] for up to 5 total PCIe slots)653208-B21 x16 PCIe slot Aux Power Cable for graphics support up to 150 W669777-B21 HP DL380p Gen8 Double Wide Graphics Riser Cage Kit (to support nVidia Q6000 graphics card)662885-B21 HP DL380p NEBS Conversion Cage Kit (to meet NEBS/ETSI certified environments)707865-B21Technical specificationsProcessor Intel Xeon E5-2600 Series (up to 8 cores, up to 3.3 GHz)Chipset Intel C6XXMemory(24) DDR3, RDIMM, up to 1,600 MHz, ECC, Online SpareMax memory768 GB (24 DIMMs x 32G 2R)Internal storage SATA, SAS, SSD(8 or 25) 2.5" hot plug bays/(8 or 12) 3.5" hot plug baysSmart Array P420i controllerOptional: +8 SFF for 8 SFF ModelMax internal storage25 TB SAS (SFF); 36 TB SATA (LFF)Networking(1) FlexibleLOMChoice of: 4x1G, 2x10G Ethernet, or 2x10G FlexFabricI/O slots(6) PCIe 3.0:Riser 1(1) x16 FL/FH; (1) x8 HL/FH; (1) x4 (PCIe 2.0) HL/FH;Riser 2(1) x16 FL/FH; (1) x8 HL/FH; (1) x8 HL/FH; or (1) x16 FL/FH; (1) x16 HL/FHPorts Front: (2) USB; Rear: (4) USB, video (1600 x 1200), network; Internal: (1) USB, (1) SD CardPower supplies460, 750, 1200 W (92 or 94%)Integrated management HP iLO Management EngineAdditional features Support for two nVidia Q4000 or one nVidia Q6000 GPUForm factor2P/2U RackQuickSpecs URL /products/quickspecs/14212_div/14212_div.html3Sign up for updates /go/getupdated © Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P . The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HPproducts and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.ENERGY STAR is a registered mark owned by the U.S. government. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. 4AA3-9615ENW, December 2012, Rev. 1Removes tedious, time-consuming tasks with intuitive, configurable management system • Takes strengths from products like HP SmartStart, HP Smart Update Manager, and HP ProLiant Support Packs on Intelligent Provisioning and enhances them with the latest ease-of-use features as well as places them, where they can be used instantly on the system board.• Starts working the moment a power cord and an Ethernet cable are connected to the server. Agentless hardware monitoring and alerting capabilities are built into the server with HP Agentless Management (runs on iLO 4 chipset). • Provides 24x7 continuous health monitoring with HP Active Health System that logs 100 percent configuration changes, and helps quicken analysis of problems with HP Service and Support.7Redefines server experience • Automated Energy Optimization improves the server’s ability to analyze and respond to “3D sea of sensors” data within the server, as well as self-identify location and inventory through HP Insight Control for maximum workload optimization across the entire data center.• Precise control of server fans to direct cooling and reduce unnecessary fan power with the first 3D array of temperature sensors that is part of the HP-unique Thermal Discovery. • Dynamic Workload Acceleration delivers smarter data protection for ever-increasing drive capacities, real-time workload-aware analysis to optimize and adapt storage performance and6x faster solid state performance versus previous generation.• User-inspired design features—HP SmartDrive carriers, smart socket guide, “Snap and Go”rails, flat cabling design, and easy tool-less access—anticipate your needs and help eliminatecommon issues that result in downtime of all customer serviceable components.HP ServicesHP Technology Services offers a set of consultancy, deployment, and support solutions designed to meet the lifecycle needs of your IT environments. HP Care Pack Services for industry-standard servers include support for qualified options at no additional cost.HP Foundation Care services delivers scalable support packages for HP industry-standardservers and software. You can choose the type and level of service that is most suitable for yourbusiness needs. New to this portfolio is HP Collaborative Support. This service offers a singlepoint of contact for server problem diagnosis, hardware problem resolution, basic softwareproblem diagnosis, fault isolation, and resolution if available to HP. In case the issue is withHP or supported third-party software product and cannot be resolved by applying known fixes,HP will contact the third-party vendor and create a problem incident on your behalf.If you are running business-critical environments, HP offers HP Proactive Care or HP CriticalAdvantage . These services help you deliver high levels of application availability throughproactive service management.All service options include HP Insight Remote Support for secure remote monitoring, diagnosis,and problem resolution. Also included is the HP Support Center that provides access toinformation, tools, and experts to support HP business products.For more information, visit /go/services .Entry models1 Intel Xeon Processor (80 W)4G DDR3 RDIMM MemoryFlexibleLOM: 4x1G Ethernet3 PCIe slots8 SFF HD Bays1 x 460 W Power Supply (92% Efficient)Fixed Rail KitBase models1 or2 Intel Xeon Processor (95 W)16G DDR3 RDIMM MemoryFlexibleLOM: 4x1G Ethernet3 PCIe slots8 SFF HD Bays1 x 460 W Power Supply (94% Efficient)Rail Kit/CMA standardPerformance models2 Intel Xeon Processor (95 W)32G DDR3 RDIMM MemoryFlexibleLOM: 4x1G Ethernet or 2x10G Ethernet6 PCIe slots8 SFF HD Bays2 x 750 W Power Supply (94% Efficient)Rail Kit/CMA standardHP Insight Control For more informationDiscover server efficiency with technology thatis designed to integrate with the demands of thefuture. Be future-ready today and tomorrow, visit/servers/DL380p-gen87 “HP internal lab testing,” HP, 2011.Rate this document。

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用Intelligent Provisioning引導安裝2008r2作業系統開機按F10,進入Intelligent Provisioning
請選擇configure and install





我們直接掛的系統,沒有使用引導任何引導光碟,但開機桌面會有HP Systerm Mangement,說明按F10的安裝系統會自動安裝HP Systerm Mangement

控制台上會有Agenless Management ,此Agent可以説明收集硬體健康狀況
這裡可以開啟或者關閉Agentless Management。
