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To whom it may Concern,
I am writing this letter to attest to Paul ' s skills in Ianguage and public relations. In the four years I have known him, I have bee n con siste ntly imp ressed with his ability not only to n egotiate complex ideas in other Ian guages, but also to relate these things in a person able, con scie ntious fashi on. His manner in these cases is both pro fessi onal and person al, two qualities which I find p articularly valuable in a pro fessi onal sett ing. He has person ally helped me in pro fessi onal n egotiati on for everythi ng from train tickets to con tract in formatio n, and I have always bee n able to count on him.
I first met P aul in school, where he was a stude nt at the uni versity at which I taught. He was well-k nown to most of the wester ners in tow n, who could call from differe nt uni versities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help invo Ived tran slati on of pro fessi onal docume nts, and sometimes it invo Ived personal help in making phone calls. Many of these westerners con ti nue to call him today, eve n though they live quite far away from him, because they have come to trust him very much. From this foun dati on in p ublic relati ons P aul has found p ositi ons in various pro fessi onal cap acities and has bee n highly-valued in each pl ace. He is gen erally the sort of empio yee a company finds most valuable in its deali ngs with both foreig n and domestic clie nts. He puts people at their ease with his Ian guage ability and manner, both of which com muni cate to people that they can relax and simply com muni cate.
I would highly recomme nd P aul as an empio yee. His exp erie nee and manner are rare and very valuable.
Robert Moore
Men tor
Dear Colleagues:
MS. XXX requested a letter of refere nee from me to support her app licati on for graduate studies at your uni versity. As her research adviser whe n she was a graduate stude nt in my school of scie nee Beiji ng Un iversity of Chemical Tech no logy, I am pl eased to comply with her request.
I have known Ms. Zhang since 2003, whe n she was admitted as a Master of Science can didate into the school. As her research adviser, I directed her research and found her a pro mis ing youth radiati ng with in tellige nee and creativity. During her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earned good scores major and gen eral GPA 3.3. She p articularly enjoyed challe nging areas of studies such as Qua ntum Chemistry and Theory of Electrochemistry.
During the followi ng two years, Ms. Zhang worked on a compu tati onal theory study of inorganic functional materials p roject for his degree thesis al Study of “ Theoretic
Electro nic Structures of Several Rep rese ntative Metal Eleme nt in the Hydrotalcite Slabs ” . To make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many p ractical p roblems, such as build ing reas on able module of inorganic materials, and calculati on tech niq ues. Work ing hard and independen tly, she cracked the p roblems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excelle nee. During her M.S. p eriod, she had three papers p ublished in intern atio nal journ als. Judgi ng by her outsta nding p erforma nee while she studied with me, I am convin ced that Ms. Zhang has acquired the kno wledge and in tellectual sop histicati on on the basis of which she can un dertake world-class trainin g. I therefore lend her my en thusiastic support and would app reciate your favorable con siderati on of her app licati on.