












































1. 树种组成江西清凉山国家森林公园的主要树种包括马尾松、楠木、柏木、杉木等,其中马尾松是该地区最重要的树种之一。


2. 物种多样性森林区的种子植物多样性较高,树种丰富,植被层次分明。



3. 分布规律森林区的种子植物分布较为集中,主要分布在山脉的中高海拔地带,随着海拔的升高,植被类型和种类逐渐发生变化。



1. 灌木植物江西清凉山国家森林公园的灌丛区域主要有一些耐旱的藜科植物、合欢科灌木、扁柏、玉山报春等。


2. 分布规律灌丛区的灌木植物主要分布在海拔较低的山坡或山脚地带,这一区域通常土壤肥沃,水分较充足,适宜灌木植物的生长。















关键词:种子植物;区系;太原市域;特有性;珍稀濒危植物中图分类号:Q948.15文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-2481(2018)04-0606-06Analysis on the Flora of the Seed Plants in Taiyuan CityYU Ping 1,GUO Yuedong 1,BAI Jinhua 1,ZHANG Yunxiang 1,GUO Jinping 1,2(1.College of Forestry ,Shanxi Agricultural University ,Taigu 030801,China ;2.College of Graduate ,Shanxi Agricultural University ,Taigu 030801,China )Abstract :In this study,a survey was carried out on the green plants in Taiyuan city.The plant selection line was investigated in each district of the city,and the plant species in other key areas of the city were investigated.On the basis of statistical analysis,the characteristics of the flora were analyzed.The results show that there are 117families,608genera and 1641species of seed plants in Taiyuan,including 5families,11genera and 26species of gymnosperms,and 112families,597genera and 1615species of rge genus of large family,plays an important role in the flora,in the community often are dominant species.The basic characteristics of the flora of Taiyuan seed plant are:the species are rich,floristic elements are complex,and the northern temperate composition is the absolute advantage.It includes the distribution type of 15seed plants.The temperate zone belongs to 405genera,accounting for 74.6%of the total number.The tropical distribution belongs to 121genera,accounting for 22.3%of the total number.It has obvious transitional characteristics.The origin of the flora is ancient,containing a lot of primitive groups and 297genera,accounting for 48.9%of the total number of genera and 13genera of mono genus.The endemism of the flora is not high,and the endemism of the species is slightly higher.There are 17species of Chinese endemic genera,accounting for 3.1%of the total number of genera,accounting for 6.6%of the total genera of Chinese endemic genera.It contains 31endemic Shanxi species,accounting for 30.1%of the total number of Shanxi endemic species.There are 21kinds of national rare and endangered plants in Taiyuan.There are 38species of rare and endangered plants in Shanxi,which contains physiological and ecological types with special resistance.They should be protected in ecological construction and vegetation restoration.Key words :seed plants ;flora;Taiyuan city;endemic;rare and endangered plants收稿日期:2018-01-11基金项目:山西省科技攻关项目(20100311015)作者简介:蔚萍(1992-),女,山西朔州人,在读硕士,研究方向:生物多样性保护和园林绿化。


2 .Re o r e n v r n n l g ,Hu e i e st W u a 4 0 6 ) s u c sa d En io me tCol e e b iUn v r iy hn 0 3 2
Absr c :T he fo a ofs e pl nt n hi an diti ti u ipr vi e i na y e by a hor .The r s t r ta t l r e d a si S y s rc n H be o nc sa l z d ut s e ulsa e
湖 北省 的神农 架 、 姊妹 山和 陕 西省太 白山 3个 邻近 的植 物 区 系相 比, 七 与神 农 架植 物 区系的相 似 性较 大 。 关键 词 : 物 区系 ; 子 植物 ; 植 种 十堰
S u y O lt e Se d Pl n s Fl r n S y n D it i ti t d i h e a t o a i hi a s r c n Hub iPr v nc e o i e
i i o n an i b i r v n ea d Ta b i o n a n i h n i o i c ,t e fo ao h y n d s rc a h me u t i Hu e o i c n i a u t i S a x v n e h l r fS i a iti t st e M n p M n pr h
摘 要 : 笔者 统计 分析 了湖北 省十 堰地 区种 子植 物 区系 。本 区物种 多样 性较 为 丰 富 , 有 野生 共
种 子植 物 1 2科 8 6属 26 2种 , 理 成分 复杂 。分析 表 明 : 区系具 有 明显 的温 带性质 , 6 3 5 地 本 同时 具 有较 多 的热 带成分 , 现 出过 渡 性 的特 点; 区系 中 国特 有属 较 多 , 表 本 珍稀 濒 危 植 物 丰 富。 与














* 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究项目( G2000018606) 、西北农林科技大学重点基金资助。 第一作者简介: 张文辉( 1955- ) , 男, 博士, 教授, 主要从事植物分类、植物生态和生物多样性保护方面的教学科研工作。 Email: zwhckh@ public. xa. sn. cn。 收稿日期: 2002- 04- 10
与全国和相邻区系比较, 黄土高原显示出重要地位: 从表 2 可以看出, 黄土高原植物区系包含的植物科 数达到了全国总科数的 43. 6% , 属数达到了27. 7% , 种数达到了11. 9% 。与我国 其他地区 植物区系 比 较, 黄土高原所含科数、属数远高于内蒙古、西北荒 漠、东北植物区系, 略低于华北、秦岭植物区系, 明显 低于横断山、华中、华东植物区系。而每科平均属数 却高于北方( 除华北之外) 各区系, 说明本区植物区
盆地、山地和丘陵以及黄土覆盖的高平原。黄土高 科( 79P286: 属P种) 、菊科( 99P415) 、蔷薇科 ( 33P205) 、
原属于温带大陆性季风气候, 气温和雨量季节变化 豆科( 49P235) 、十字花科( 33P89) 、唇形科( 32P131) 、毛
明显。年平均气温 4~ 14 e , 年均 \10 e 积温 2000 茛科( 22P109) 、忍冬科( 8P52) 、卫矛科( 2P27) 、杨柳科
属、种进行统计, 结合野外调查资料, 对区系特征进 含 10 种以下的属有 792 个, 占总属数的 91. 7% , 占
行分析。对大、中、小科和属, 特有属、特有种的 统 总种数的 58. 3% 。其中单型属 69 个, 占总属 数的 计, 以及对植物区系成分和对黄土高原在中国植物 8% 。可以看出, 大科、大属在本区植物区系中起到



以丰富城 市植 物 区系 的 内容 .无 论 在种类 还是 数量 上 , 南 大学 的 校 园植 物 , 南 北各 高 校 的植 物 多 样 j 西 在 性 中均名 列前 矛 ] 其 区系 成分在 一定 程度 上代 表 了 国 内高校 校 园植 物 的区 系组 成 与分 布 .笔 者于 2 0 , 07
第 3期
字 发 ,等 :西 南大 学校 园种 子植 物 区 系组成 及特 征 分析
17 5
2 种 子 植 物 区 系 成 分 分 析
2 1 植 物 区 系 组 成 .
通 过野外 实地 调查 、 本 采集 、 定 及 整 理 ,统 计 出西 南 大 学 校 园共 有 种 子 植 物 1 5科 、4 2属 、 标 鉴 2 5
21 0 0年 6月
J n 2 1 u. 00
文 章 编 号 :0 0 4 12 1 )3 1 6 O i0 —5 7 (00 O —0 5 一 6
西 南 大 学 校 园 种 子 植 物 区 系组 成 及 特 征 分 析
字 发 , 彭黎 立 , 张登 萍 , 张家 辉 , 邓 洪 平
校 园所在 地 属亚 热带 季风性 湿 润气 候 , 候 温 和 湿润 、雨量 充 沛 、四季 分 明 , 水 集 中于夏 季 ,冬夏 温差 气 降
大 ,年均 降水量 为 117 1mm、 0. 相对 湿度 8 6 年 均温 为 1. 0/、 9 8 3℃ , 极端 最低 气温 为 一31℃ , 端最 高气 . 极
温为 4 3℃.校园内山坡、 丘陵、 水域 、 植被等与从校园西北侧蜿蜒流过 的马鞍溪共同形成丰富而立体的景
观 层次 .
收 稿 日期 :2 0 —0 一1 09 6 0
基 金 项 目 重 庆 市 自然 科学 基 金计 划 资助 项 目 ( S C TC,2 0 B 5 5 ) 0 8 B 2 6 ;西 南 大 学本 科 生科 技 创 新 基 金 重 大 资 助 项 目( 8 7O ) O 10 1. 作 者 简 介 :字 发(96 ) 1 8 一 ,男 ,云 南 大 理 人 ,本 科 生 ,主 要从 事 生物 学 研 究 . 通 讯 作 者 ;邓 洪 平 ,博 士 ,副 教 授 ,硕 士研 究 生 导 师 .



A ei i a y Fl rsi t d fSe d Pl n s i ng iH o g o Pr l n r o itc S u y o e a t n Lo x - n k u m Na i na t e Re e v to lNa ur s r e
ZHU - a ZHA0 il n DU a - n S Da- l h Zh ・o g ・ Xio- HANG o mi Ta
于我 国植物 区 系的温带成 分。本 地区 区系古老 , 有不 少的原 始科属 和 孑遗 种类 ; 型属和 少型属 较 多, 1 以 单 含 O种
上 的大科 大属也 十分丰富。科 的分布类型有 明显 的北温带性质 , 其属 和种 的分布类型反映 出典型 的温带属性。
关 键 词 : 溪一 虹 口 自然 保 护 区 ; 子植 物 区 系 ; 计 与 分 析 龙 种 统 中 图分 类 号 :7 7 2 ¥5 . 文献标识码 : A 文 章 编 号 :0 3— 5 8 2 1 0 10 5 0 (0 0)2-04 0 3—0 5
c a a t rz d b h o n t n o mpea e f r o o e s h r ce e y t e d mi a i ft i o e r t o a c mp n nt.Th o a i fa ce to gn, o it f l e f r so n i n r i c nssi o l i ng ma y p mi v a le n e e a,a d r lc s e i s Th r r n n t p c a d o io y c g n r n r t ef mi sa d g n r i i i n e i p c e . e e a e ma y mo oy i n lg tpi e e a, a d r ltv l a g a le nd g n r t r h n 0 s e is ae as o n ea ie y lr e fmi s a e e a wih mo e t a 1 p c e r lo c mmo i n.T e dit bu in o h sr t f i o fmi e , swela e e a a d s e is, x b t vde ttmp r t h r ce itc . a l s a l s g n r n p c e e hi ise i n e e ae c a a trs s i i Ke r s: o g iHo g o t n lNa u e Re e e, e d p a tfo a, t tsi sa d a l ss y wo d L n x — n k u Nai a t r s r o v S e l n r S aitc n nay i l



Phytogeographical Analysis of Seed Plant Genera in ChinaHONG QIAN 1,2,*,SILONG WANG 2,JIN-SHENG HE 3,JUNLI ZHANG 4,LISONG WANG 5,XIANLI WANG 6and KE GUO 71Research and Collections Center,Illinois State Museum,1011East Ash Street,Springfield,IL 62703,USA,2Center for Forest Ecology and Forestry Eco-engineering,Institute of Applied Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,72Wenhua Road,Shenyang,Liaoning 110016,China,3Department of Ecology,College of Environmental Sciences,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China,4School of Life Sciences,Sun Yatsen University,Guangzhou 510275,China,5Research Center of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100093,China,6Department of Renewable Resources,University of Alberta,Edmonton,Alberta T6G 2H1,Canada and 7Research Center of Plant Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation,Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100093,ChinaReceived:16May 2006Returned for revision:14June 2006Accepted:25July 2006Background and Aims A central goal of biogeography and ecology is to uncover and understand distributional patterns of organisms.China has long been a focus of attention because of its rich biota,especially with respect to ing 290floras from across China,this paper quantitatively characterizes the composition of floristic elements at multiple scales (i.e.national,provincial and local),and explores the extent to which climatic and geographical factors associated with each flora can jointly and independently explain the variation in floristic elements in local floras.Methods A study was made of 261local floras,28province-level floras and one national-level flora across China.Genera of seed plants in each flora were assigned to 14floristic elements according to their worldwide geographical distributions.The composition of floristic elements was related to climatic and geographical factors.Key Results and Conclusions Variations in percentages of cosmopolitan,tropical and temperate genera among local floras tend to be greater at higher latitudes than at lower titude is strongly correlated with the proportions of 13of the 14floristic elements.Correlations of the proportions of floristic elements with longitude are much weaker than those with latitude.Climate represented by the first principal component of a principal component analysis was strongly correlated with the proportions of floristic elements in local floras (|r |=0Á7560Á18).Geographical coordinates independently explained about four times as much variation in floristic elements as did climate.Further research is necessary to examine the roles of water–energy dynamics,geology,soils,biotic interactions,and historical factors such as land connections between continents in the past and at present in creating observed floristic patterns.Key words:Biogeography,climate,floristics,latitudinal gradient,regionalization,seed plants.INTRODUCTIONA central goal of biogeography and ecology is to uncover and understand distributional patterns of organisms.China has long been a focus of attention because of its rich biota,especially with respect to plants (Wu,1991;Axelrod et al.,1998).The composition of the flora of China has been well documented through the compilation of the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (an 80-volume set of 125books,all having been published during 1959–2004),the Flora of China (Wu and Raven,1994to present;11volumes having been published),and many regional,provincial and local floras.Although China is nearly identical in size and of similar latitudinal breadth to the United States (9Á6vs.9Á4million km 2),the vascular plant flora of China is richer than that of the USA by a factor of 1Á6(Qian and Ricklefs,1999).Of the world’s estimated 260140species of vascular plants (Mabberley,1997),approximately 30000(or 11Á5%)occur in China.The earliest (at least 124Á6million years old)angiospermmegafossil known to date,from the Archaefructaceae,is found in China (Sun et al.,2002).China is also the only country in the world that supports vegetational continuity from tropical,subtropical,temperate to boreal forests (Axelrod et al.,1998).This unbroken latitudinal gradient of forest vegetation,together with many north–south-orientated,highly rugged mountain ranges in south-western China,presumably reduced rates of extinction when advances and retreats of Pleistocene glaciations forced plant species to migrate southward and northward in response to climate change.Furthermore,the collision of the Indian subcontinent with the Asian continent com-mencing about 50million years ago (Ma)created highly dissected and elevated landscapes in China,which made the region not only an important centre of survival (i.e.a ‘living museum’or ‘refugia’),but also an important centre of speciation and evolution (i.e.a ‘cradle’)for vascular plants (Axelrod et al .,1998;Qian,2002).Many genera and families of vascular plants can be found nowhere else (Ying et al .,1993).The flora of China is considered to be a mixture of Laurasian,Gondwanan and Tethyan*For correspondence.E-mail hqian@ Annals of Botanydoi:10.1093/aob/mcl192,available online at ÓThe Author 2006.Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company.All rights reserved.For Permissions,please email:journals.permissions@elements (Wu,1988),thus providing unique opportunities for addressing numerous important issues concerning global biogeography.A major approach used to characterize a flora or fauna and to determine its biogeographical relationships with other regions is to group the taxa that comprise the flora or fauna of a given geographical area into geographical elements or types,defined according to the geographical range of taxa (Stott,1981).Zhengyi Wu (C.Y.Wu)used this approach to characterize the flora of China at the generic level,based on floristic relationships between China and the rest of the world.He grouped the genera of Chinese seed plants into 15areal types (floristic or phytogeographical elements),based on their worldwide distributions,and the results of his studies were reported in several publications (e.g.Wu,1980,1991;Wu and Wang,1983).Following his classification,several hundred regional,provincial and local floras in China have been analysed.Each analysis tabulated the number of genera in each of the 15areal types.However,none has analysed multiple floras except for a few studies that focused on a particular region (e.g.Shen and Zhang 2000).Little is known about how floristic patterns are related to climatic conditions and geographical factors.The objectives of this study were to characterize quantitatively the composition of floristic elements in floras across China at multiple scales and to explore theextent to which geographical variables (titude,longitude,area,elevation)and climatic variables (e.g.temperature and precipitation)can jointly as well as independently explain the variation in each of the different floristic elements in local floras.In addition,the present paper updates tabulations of genera in each of Wu’s floristic elements for all of China and each of its provinces.MATERIALS AND METHODSData setsA database was compiled that included all genera of seed plants known in China primarily based upon the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae ,Flora of China ,regional and provincial floras,and journal articles pertinent to the flora of China.Electronic data from the Flora of China Checklist (/W3T/Search/FOC/projsfoc.html)and the electronic version of the Flora of China included in eFlora (http://www.efl/)were frequently accessed during this compilation.The information for the presence/absence and native/exotic status of each Chinese seed plant genus was documented for each of the 28Chinese provinces and autonomous regions (all provinces and autonomous regions are referred to as provinces hereafter for convenience of discussion;Fig.1).21915161732281011314282427456121123201819255040L a t i t u d e (°N )3020708090100110Longitude (°E)1201301402627F IG .1.Map showing the locations of the 261local floras (dots)and 28province-level floras (numerical codes)used in this study.Numerical codes for the provinces are:1=Anhui,2=Fujian,3=Gansu,4=Guangdong (including Hong Kong,Shenzhen and Macau),5=Guangxi,6=Guizhou,7=Hainan,8=Hebei (including Beijing and Tianjin),9=Heilongjiang,10=Henan,11=Hubei,12=Hunan,13=Jiangsu,14=Jiangxi,15=Jilin,16=Liaoning,17=Neimenggu,18=Ningxia,19=Qinghai,20=Shaanxi,21=Shandong,22=Shanxi,23=Sichuan (including Chongqing),24=Taiwan,25=Xinjiang,26=Xizang,27=Yunnan,and 28=Zhejiang (including Shanghai).Page 2of 12Qian et al.—Plant Geography of ChinaFollowing Wu(1991,1993),each genus of the Chinese seed plants was assigned to one of the followingfloristic elements based on the native distributions of each genus: cosmopolitan,pantropical,tropical Asian–tropical American,palaeotropical,tropical Asian–tropical Australian,tropical Asian–tropical African,tropical Asian,holarctic,eastern Asian–North American,temperate Eurasian,temperate Asian,Mediterranean,western to central Asian,central Asian,eastern Asian,and Chinese endemic(Table1).Because the geographical limit of Chinese endemics was set by the national border of China and because the nature of thisfloristic element is by and large shared with the eastern Asianfloristic element,as discussed in Qian et al.(2003),the Chinese endemics were combined with the eastern Asianfloristic element in data analyses.Geographical delineations of the14floristic elements are described in Table1.The proportions(in percentages)of genera for each of the14floristic elements in China as a whole and in each of28provinces were tabulated.Data offloristic element composition in localfloras were collected primarily from literature that was exclu-sively published in Chinese.The literature to2003was searched,includingfloras,books,monographs,proceed-ings,theses and journal articles.Data were found on the floristic elements defined by Wu for over300localfloras. The following were excluded:thosefloras that were atypical to a region(e.g.floras from dry-hot valleys in south-west China,small limestone areas,wetlands),that applied to a particular type of vegetation(e.g.evergreen plant communities,alpine tundra),that did not include all seed plant genera in aflora(e.g.only for woody plants or halophytes),or that did not provide geographical coordi-nates.As a result,232localfloras were selected.In addition,there are29floras for which the number of genera for each of Wu’sfloristic elements is not available in the original literature,and for these seed plant genera were tabulated in each of Wu’s15floristic elements.As a result, a total of261localfloras were included in the present study.Thesefloras sampled every province and the full geographical range of China(Fig.1).Most characterized vegetation in nature reserves.Chinese endemic genera were combined with eastern Asian genera in data analyses as discussed above.For eachflora,latitude and longitude( )of the geographical midpoint and,if available,area(km2), maximum elevation(m)and topographic relief(elevation range;m)were recorded.Of the261localfloras,215have area size data,and151have area size data plus maximum elevation and topographic relief.The mean area of the 215floras is15327km2,which is equivalent to a circle with a diameter of approximately140km.Several climatic variables were also obtained for the latitude–longitude half-degree grid point closest to the geographical midpoint of eachflora using data in the International Institute of Applied System Analysis(IIASA)climatic databaseT A B L E1.Definitions offloristic elementsCosmopolitan(FE1)Widely distributed across all or nearly all continents.In general,they do not have specialdistribution centres.Occasionally they have one or a few centres of high diversity but aredistributed worldwide.Pantropical(FE2)Occurring in all three sectors of the tropical zone(i.e.America,Africa–Madagascar andAsia–Australia).Some of the genera in this category may have species extending intotemperate regions.Tropical Asian–tropical American(FE3)Disjunct between tropical Asia and tropical America.Some of them may be sporadicallydistributed on the islands of the Pacific,or may extend into temperate regions. Palaeotropical(FE4)Distributed in the tropics of the Old World:Asia,Australia and Africa(including Madagascar).Thisfloristic element is also called the‘Old World Tropics’in the literature.Tropical Asian–Tropical Australian(FE5)Restricted to Asia and Australia and mainly distributed in the tropical regions of these twocontinents.Tropical Asian–Tropical African(FE6)Restricted to Asia and Africa and mainly distributed in the tropical regions of these twocontinents.Tropical Asian(FE7)Mainly restricted to tropical Southeast Asia,although some may extend northward intotemperate regions.Holarctic(FE8)Primarily distributed in extratropical regions of all three continents in the Northern Hemisphere(Europe,Asia and North America),although a few extend their distributions to high elevationsof tropical mountains or further south.Thisfloristic element is referred to as‘North Temperate’in Wu(1980,1991),and also called‘Eurasian–North American’and‘circumpolar’in theliterature.Eastern Asian–North American(FE9)Having disjunct distributions between the temperate–subtropical regions of eastern Asia andNorth America,with a few extending into tropical regions of their respective continents. Temperate Eurasian(FE10)Widely distributed across the temperate zone of Europe and Asia.Some of them may extendinto the northernmost part of Africa,but they do not occur in the New World.Thisfloristicelement is referred to as‘Old World Temperate’in Wu(1980,1991).Temperate Asian(FE11)Restricted to temperate Asia.The distribution centres are mainly in temperate regions but theymay occasionally occur in subtropical regions.Mediterranean,western to central Asian(FE12)Distributed mainly in the region across the Mediterranean,western Asia and central Asia.Someof the genera extend eastward into eastern Asia.Central Asian(FE13)Mainly distributed in dry areas of central Asia.Eastern Asian(FE14)Distributed mainly in warm temperate to subtropical regions of eastern Asia.Thisfloristicelement includes all genera in the categories‘eastern Asian’and‘Chinese endemic’of Wu(1991,1993).Qian et al.—Plant Geography of China Page3of12(Leemans and Cramer,1991).This database provides values for each0Á5 of latitude and longitude.The climatic variables were mean annual temperature( C), mean January temperature( C),difference between mean January temperature and mean July temperature( C), annual precipitation(mm)and summer(May to August) precipitation(mm).Two derived climatic indices were included:actual evapotranspiration(AET,mm)and potential evapotranspiration(PET,mm),which is propor-tional to the drying power of the environment,primarily a function of temperature.AET and PET were calculated following the approach developed by Cramer and Prentice (Cramer and Prentice,1988;Prentice et al.,1992,1993). These variables are often considered the most important climatic factors generating large-scale biotic patterns(e.g. Turner et al.,1988;O’Brien,1998;O’Brien et al.,1998; Qian,1998;Badgley and Fox,2000;Rahbek and Graves, 2001;Diniz-Filho et al.,2003;Hawkins and Porter,2003; Qian and Ricklefs,2004;Ricklefs et al.,2004).Data analysesTo minimize the effect of area size on analytical results, the percentage contribution of eachfloristic element to a flora was used to compare the compositions offloristic elements betweenfloras.The total number of seed plant genera and the proportions(%)of genera for eachfloristic element were tabulated for theflora of China as a whole and for each province.The proportion of genera for each of the14floristic elements in the261localfloras was summarized for their mean and standard deviation(s.d.)for each of the28provinces in China.Spearman’s rank correlations were used to determine correlations between proportions offloristic elements and latitudes and longitudes using the261localfloras. To examine the relationships betweenfloristic element compositions and climatic conditions,multivariate anal-yses werefirst performed to extract fewer synthetic variables for each data set and these resulting variables were then related to each of the original variables of the two data sets.A principal component analysis(PCA)was performed on the climatic data set based on a correlation matrix.The statistical significance of principal components was evaluated using the broken-stick model of Jackson (1993).A global non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS;Minchin,1987)was used to extract highly infor-mative dimensions from the data set offloristic elements. NMDS was chosen because it is well suited tofloristic data (McCune and Mefford,1999)and because it makes no assumptions about the data and provides a robust solution. The NMDS used Sørensen’s index as a measure of distance with the maximum number of iterations set at200. Significance of extracted dimensions was evaluated by a Monte Carlo test(30runs with randomized data).Using the261localfloras,partial regressions were performed to determine the variation infloristic elements explained by geographical coordinates and climate.In each partial regression,three coefficients of determination were obtained using three general linear models:one combining both geographical coordinates and climate,one including only geographical coordinates,and the other including only climate.By comparing the three coefficients of determi-nation,the proportions of the variance explained(1)by geographical coordinates independently,(2)by climate independently and(3)by the two jointly can be determined (Legendre and Legendre,1998).The procedure of Borcard et al.(1992;see also Legendre,1993)was followed by including all terms in a third-order polynomial of geographical coordinates(e.g.x,y,x2,xy,y2,x3,x2y,xy2, y3,where x and y represent latitude and longitude, respectively).This ensures not only linear relationships but also more complex(e.g.quadratic and cubic)relation-ships betweenfloristic elements and geographical coordi-nates(Borcard et al.,1992).Bivariate plots of the relationships of the proportions offloristic elements and the seven climatic variables used in this study were examined to determine the relationships between these variables;no evidence for non-linear relationships was found.Because area and elevation vary among the localfloras used,which may have effects on the proportional com-position offloristic elements in localfloras,it is necessary to examine the amount of variation infloristic elements that can be explained by these two geographical variables in addition to the variation explained by latitude and longitude.The same partial regression models mentioned above were used except that climatic variables were replaced with log10-transformed area,maximum elevation and topographic relief.SYSTAT version7(Wilkinson et al.,1992)was used for statistical summaries,correlation analyses and partial regression analyses,and PC-ORD version4(McCune and Mefford,1999)was used for multivariate analyses(i.e. PCA and NMDS).RESULTSAccording to the data,China has3143genera of native seed plants.Of these,105(3Á3%)are cosmopolitan,1512 (48Á1%)are tropical in nature(FE2–FE7in Table2)and 1526(48Á6%)are primarily temperate(FE8–FE14in Table2).In total,590(18Á8%)genera are restricted to eastern Asia,of which270are endemic to China.The total number of seed plant genera and the percentages of genera for eachfloristic element in each of the28provinces are shown in Table2.The proportion of genera for each of the 14floristic elements for the261localfloras was summarized according to province(Table3).Latitude strongly and positively correlates with the proportions of genera of the cosmopolitan,holarctic, temperate Eurasian,temperate Asian,Mediterranean, western to central Asian,and central Asianfloristic elements,and it strongly and negatively correlates with the proportions of genera in all six tropicalfloristic ele-ments and negatively correlates with eastern Asian genera weakly but significantly(Table4).Correlations offloristic elements with longitude are much weaker than those with latitude(Table4).The strongest correlation is with the proportion of the eastern Asian–eastern North AmericanPage4of12Qian et al.—Plant Geography of Chinagenera(r s=0Á44),which is followed by the correla-tions with the proportions of the central Asian genera (r s=–0Á37)and Mediterranean,western to central Asian genera(r s=–0Á35)(Table4).Thefirst and second principal components of the PCA had eigenvalues of5Á404and0Á965,and explained77Á2 and13Á8%of the variation in the climatic data set, respectively.A broken-stick test indicated that only thefirst principal component(PC1)was significant.This principal component is highly correlated with all the seven climatic variables(|r|=0Á8260Á07;Table5),and is correlated highly to moderately with thefloristic elements(|r|=0Á75 60Á18).The autopilot mode of an NMDS analysis running on the data set offloristic elements recommended a one-dimensional solution,and this dimension(NMDS1)is statistically significant(Monte Carlo test:P<0Á05,n=30). Correlations between NMDS1and the seven climatic variables and14floristic elements are all significant (P<0Á05),albeit weak in some cases(Table5).The correlation between PC1and NMDS1is high(r=–0Á89, P<0Á001),indicating strong relationships between climate variables andfloristic elements.Both PC1and NMDS1 are highly correlated with latitude(r=0Á902for PC1, r=–0Á871for NMDS1).When the261localfloras were ordinated by PC1and NMDS1,thefloras south of30 N tended to be completely separated from thefloras north of it,and thefloras north of40 N tended to intermingle with those located between30 and40 N(Fig.2).The geographical coordinates of localfloras explained, on average,79Á6%of the variation infloristic elements (fractions[a]+[b]in Table6).When climatic variables were added to the models,the two sets of variables together explained,on average,82Á9%of the variation infloristic elements(Table6).Partial regressions indicated that large amounts(66%on average)of the variation infloristic elements were explained by both geographical coordinates and climatic variables(fraction[b]in Table6).In other words,approximately four-fifths(or80%)of the explained variation was shared by the two sets of the explanatory variables.Of16Á9%of the variance to which independent effects could be attributed,geographical coordinates accounted for4Á1times as much as did climatic variables (the average of fraction[a]vs.the average of fraction[c]in Table6,i.e.13Á6vs.3Á3%).When individualfloristic elements were examined separately,geographical coordi-nates explained more variation than did climatic variables for13of the14floristic elements(compare fractions[a] with[b]in Table6;binomial test:variation explained by geographical coordinates>variation explained by climatic variables,13of14,P<0Á001).For the holarctic genera,the amounts of variation explained independently by geo-graphical coordinates and by climatic variables were nearly equal(4Á0vs.4Á4%;Table6).When using a smaller data set with151localfloras that have both area size and elevational data(see Materials and methods for details),geographical coordinates explainedT A B L E2.Total number and proportion(%)of seed plant genera in each of the14floristic elements(FE1–FE14)in China as awhole and in the28Chinese provincesFlora No.of genera FE1FE2FE3FE4FE5FE6FE7FE8FE9FE10FE11FE12FE13FE14 China31433.311. ProvinceAnhui8868.515. Fujian11956.918. Gansu7539. Guangdong14605.819. Guangxi16935. Guizhou12495.916. Hainan13175. Hebei71911.811. Heilongjiang55914. Henan50511. Hubei12646.514. Hunan11566.516. Jiangsu9508. Jiangxi10867.416. Jilin58513. Liaoning70812. Neimenggu64712. Ningxia41314. Qinghai58111. Shaanxi10147.711. Shandong58613.314. Shanxi67810. Sichuan13845.613. Taiwan12067. Xinjiang75810. Xizang13955.814. Yunnan20694.514. Zhejiang10388. Values in parentheses under FE14are the proportions of the Chinese endemic genera.Codes forfloristic elements are the same as in Table1.Qian et al.—Plant Geography of China Page5of12approximately the same amount of the variation infloristic elements as they did in the full data set with261local floras(80Á9611Á2vs.79Á669Á3%,P=0Á808).When the proportion of afloristic element was regressed on the geographical coordinates(including all terms in a third-order polynomial)plus log10area,maximum elevation and topographic relief,they together explained,on average, 83Á4%of the variation infloristic elements(Table7).The largest amount of the explained variation(95Á4%)is with the model for the holarctic genera(Table7).The amount of the variation infloristic elements explained by geographi-cal coordinates independent of area and elevation variablesT A B L E3.Mean and standard deviation(s.d.)of the proportion(%)of seed plant genera for each of the14elements(FE1–FE14)in localfloras according to provinces in ChinaProvince Statistics FE1FE2FE3FE4FE5FE6FE7FE8FE9FE10FE11FE12FE13FE14 Anhui(16)Mean9.716.<0.118.0(2.7) s.d.<0.13.4(0.7) Fujian(12)Mean9.424. s.d. Gansu(9)Mean14. s.d. Guangdong(25)Mean7.825.<0.19.3(1.6) s.d.<0.13.3(0.9) Guangxi(14)Mean7.<0.111.9(2.7) s.d. Guizhou(8)Mean8.517. s.d. Hainan(4)Mean4.526.92.812.<0.13.7(1.2) s.d.<0.11.3(0.5) Hebei(7)Mean13.511. s.d. Heilongjiang(5)Mean19. s.d. Henan(14)Mean11. s.d. Hubei(11)Mean9. s.d. Hunan(13)Mean8.318.<0.118.0(3.6) s.d. Jiangsu(3)Mean11.817. s.d. Jiangxi(11)Mean8. s.d. Jilin(1)Mean14. s.d.––––––––––––––Liaoning(3)Mean13. s.d. Neimenggu(8)Mean17. s.d. Ningxia(3)Mean14. s.d. Qinghai(8)Mean14. s.d. Shaanxi(8)Mean9.512. s.d. Shandong(6)Mean13.916. s.d. Shanxi(13)Mean12. s.d. Sichuan(10)Mean8.915. s.d. Taiwan(3)Mean8.725.02.810.06.94.713.<0.19.0(1.2) s.d.<0.13.0(0.5) Xinjiang(15)Mean15. s.d. Xizang(4)Mean11.310. s.d. Yunnan(14)Mean7. s.d. Zhejiang(13)Mean9.518. s.d. The value in parentheses after a province name is the number of localfloras used for that province.Values(%)in parentheses under category FE14are for Chinese endemic genera.Codes forfloristic elements are the same as in Table1.Page6of12Qian et al.—Plant Geography of China。


①表示属数 : 种数 , 下同
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4 期 李锡文 : 中国种子植物区系统计分析
科都是严格意义上的中国特有科 。大血藤科或宜称为半中国特有科或准中国特有 。东亚特有的有 18 科 , 若 将含玉簪属 ( # F KHosta # FS) 的玉簪科从广义的百合科分出 , 则东亚特有的计 19 科 。在东亚特有科中 , 全 东亚分布的 9 科 , 中国 - 喜马拉雅分布的 7 科 , 中国 - 日本分布的 4 科 (表 2 及表 3) 。在东亚特有科中 , 特 别应提到青荚叶科 , 其中叶上生花的习性是极为独特的 , 但与其较为近缘的热带美洲 Dulongiaceae 科 (1 :8) 也具有相同习性 。这种东西半球叶上生花习性平行发展的情况 , 使人联想到 : 青荚叶科具有明显的热带亲 缘和东西半球种子植物区系的密切联系 。
云 南 植 物 研 究 1996 ; 18 (4) : 363~384 Acta Botanica Yunnanica
中国种子植物区系统计分析 3
(中国科学院昆明植物研究所 , 昆明 650204)
摘要 中国种子植物初步统计有 337 科 , 3 200 属 , 26 276~27 268 种 , 其中裸子植物有 10 科 , 36 属 , 191~195 种 , 单子叶植物有 57 科 , 679 属 , 4 493~4 661 种 。本文对我国种子植物分别就 科 、属 、种分布区类型 , 大小顺序排列 , 特有性等方面进行区系统计分析 , 并在种级水平上对各区 系地区或具体区系进行对比 , 为中国种子植物区系深入研究提供基本素材 。 关键词 中国种子植物 , 区系统计分析 , 科 , 属 , 种








1. 裸子植物裸子植物是种子植物中的一类,包括松树、杉树、柏树等。



2. 被子植物被子植物是种子植物中的一类,包括花草、果树、蔬菜等。




1. 物种丰富南京玄武湖公园植物区系包含了大量的物种,形成了独特的生态环境。



2. 生态平衡南京玄武湖公园植物区系中的植物在漫长的生长过程中,相互配合、相互依存,形成了一个相对平衡的生态系统。


3. 绿化美化城市南京玄武湖公园植物区系的另一个显著特点是美化城市的功效。




具体而言,应采取以下措施:1. 加强巡查力度南京玄武湖公园植物区系面积广大,植物数量众多,难免存在一些问题。

























1. 地理环境清凉山国家森林公园地处南亚热带和北亚热带过渡地带,属亚热带季风气候,气候温和湿润,年降水量充沛,四季分明。


2. 植被分布清凉山国家森林公园内植被类型丰富,主要包括针叶林、落叶阔叶混交林、常绿阔叶林等多种类型。


3. 种子植物属的区系分析清凉山国家森林公园内的种子植物属种类丰富,包括常见的松树、冷杉、柳杉等针叶树种,以及樟树、榉树、槭树等阔叶树种。


4. 区系特点清凉山国家森林公园内的种子植物属具有鲜明的区系特点,主要表现在以下几个方面:(1) 物种丰富:清凉山地处江西省南部,地处亚热带季风气候区,气候温和湿润,适宜植物生长繁衍,因此种子植物属的物种非常丰富。

(2) 物种多样性:清凉山地形复杂,地势变化较大,海拔高度差异明显,这种地理环境为种子植物属的多样性提供了条件。

(3) 物种分布:清凉山国家森林公园内的种子植物属分布广泛,不同植被类型中都能找到它们的身影。

5. 生态意义清凉山国家森林公园内的种子植物属对于维护当地的森林生态系统具有重要的生态意义:(1) 保持水土:种子植物属的树木根系能够保持土壤的结构稳定,减少水土流失,保护水源地。

(2) 增加氧气:森林植被能够吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气,净化空气质量。

(3) 保护野生动植物:种子植物属提供了野生动植物的生存环境,维护了物种的生物多样性。

(4) 维护生态平衡:不同种类的种子植物属相互依存,相互制约,维护了森林生态平衡。



- 广布(世界广布);
- 泛热带(热带广布);
- 东亚(热带、亚热带)及热带南美间断;
- 旧世界热带;
- 热带亚洲至热带大洋洲;
- 热带亚洲至热带非洲;
- 热带亚洲(及热带东南亚至印度—马来,太平洋诸岛);
- 北温带;
- 东亚及北美间断;
- 旧世界温带;
- 温带亚洲;
- 地中海区、西亚至中亚;
- 中亚;
- 东亚(14SH)中国-喜马拉雅、(14SJ)中国-日本;
- 中国特有。




世界种子植物科的分布区类型系统Ξ吴征镒,周浙昆ΞΞ,李德铢,彭 华,孙 航(中国科学院昆明植物研究所,云南昆明 650204)摘要:分布区类型是指植物类群的分布图式基本一致地再现。









关键词:种子植物;分布区类型;世界;植物地理中图分类号:Q 948 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0353-2700(2003)03-0245-13The Areal 2types of the World F amilies of Seed PlantsW U Zheng 2Y i ,ZH OU Zhe 2K un ,LI De 2Zhu ,PE NG Hua ,S UN Hang(Kunming Institute o f Botany ,Chinese Academy o f Sciences ,K unm ing 650204,China )Abstract :The areal 2type means distribution map of certain plants always same or nearly same.This is an im portant method in floristic research to divide distribution into different areal 2types.M ore than 3116gen 2era of seed plants have been recorded in China.They have been classified into 15areal 2types and 37sub 2types.The certain number represent certain areal type such as number 2always means pantropic distribu 2tion pattern.A fter repeated to tests and uses ,it has been proved that characteristics and relationships of each areal type can be showen by such classification.A classification precept of families of seed plants of the w orld has been proposed at present paper.The families of seed plants of the w orld can classified into 18areal types and 74subtypes.Am ong these areal 2types ,areal 2types 1to 15are coincidence with those of Chinese seed plants.Areal 2type 16-18are the kinds of distribution pattern which can not be found in China.A distribution patterns of w orld families of seed plants is listed at present paper as well.This clas 2sification is a key to help us to understand development of flora of seed plants of the w orld and become a云南植物研究 2003,25(3):245~257Acta Botanica Yunnanica ΞΞΞ通信联系人Author for correspondence收稿日期:2003-01-25,2003-03-28接受发表作者简介:吴征镒(1916-)男,中国科学院院士,著名植物分类学和植物区系学家。



























对于松树来说,由于长期在气候严酷、生长环境恶劣的地方生存,形成了松树具有许多适应性特征,主要表现为: 1、枝叶密集,根系发达; 2、侧根和须根都十分发达; 3、生长在岩缝里,耐旱力强;4、对污染有较强的抵抗力。


















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