中华人民共和国行业标准民用建筑能耗统计标准Standard for Civil Buildings Energy Consumption Statistics(征求意见稿)2006年北京目次1 总则 (1)2 术语 (2)3 建筑能耗统计对象与统计指标 (3)3.1 建筑能耗统计对象 (3)3.2 建筑能源统计分类 (3)3.3 建筑基本情况统计指标 (4)3.4 建筑能耗统计指标 (4)4 建筑能耗统计样本量和样本的确定方法 (5)4.1 一般规定 (5)4.2 居住建筑能耗统计样本量和样本的确定方法 (5)4.3 公共建筑能耗统计样本量和样本的确定方法 (6)5 样本建筑的能耗原始数据采集方法 (8)5.1 一般规定 (8)5.2 居住建筑样本楼的能耗采集方法 (8)5.3 公共建筑样本楼的能耗采集方法 (9)6 建筑能耗统计报表生成方法 (11)6.1 一般规定 (11)6.2 基层组织与统计单位建筑能耗统计报表生成方法 (11)6.3 市级建筑能耗统计报表生成方法 (18)6.4 省级建筑能耗统计报表生成方法 (20)6.5 国家级建筑能耗统计报表生成方法 (20)7 建筑能耗数据发布 (21)附录A 符号 (22)附录B 建筑能耗统计基本信息总表 ................................................................ 附录C 居住建筑样本楼能耗原始数据采集表 .................................................... 附录D 一般公共建筑样本楼能耗原始数据采集表.............................................. 附录E 大型公共建筑能耗原始数据采集表 ....................................................... 附录F 建筑能耗统计报表............................................................................. 附录G 建筑能耗统计数据发布表 ................................................................... 本标准用词说明.. (31)条文说明 (32)1 总则1.0.1为加强我国能源领域的宏观管理和科学决策,指导和规范我国的建筑能耗统计工作,促进我国建筑节能工作的发展,制定本标准。
常见的建筑术语的英文翻译集之一以下是一些常见的建筑术语的英文翻译集合之一:1. 建筑设计- Architectural Design2. 建筑结构- Building Structure3. 建筑材料- Building Materials4. 建筑施工- Building Construction5. 建筑成本- Construction Cost6. 建筑风格- Architectural Style7. 建筑师- Architect8. 建筑规划- Building Planning9. 建筑模型- Architectural Model10. 建筑面积- Building Area11. 建筑高度- Building Height12. 建筑容积率- Plot Ratio13. 建筑法规- Building Codes and Regulations14. 建筑节能- Energy Efficiency in Buildings15. 建筑智能化- Intelligent Buildings16. 绿色建筑- Green Buildings17. 可持续建筑- Sustainable Buildings18. 建筑声学- Architectural Acoustics19. 建筑光学- Architectural Optics20. 室内设计- Interior Design21. 景观设计- Landscape Design22. 结构设计- Structural Design23. 给排水设计- Water Supply and Drainage Design24. 暖通空调设计- HVAC Design25. 电气设计- Electrical Design26. 消防设计- Fire Protection Design27. 智能化系统设计- Intelligent System Design28. 施工组织设计- Construction Organization Design29. 施工图设计- Construction Drawing Design30. 装饰装修设计- Decoration and Finishing Design31. 建筑声学设计- Architectural Acoustics Design32. 建筑光学设计- Architectural Optics Design33. 建筑热工设计- Architectural Thermal Design34. 建筑美学设计- Architectural Aesthetic Design35. 建筑环境设计- Architectural Environment Design36. 建筑风水学- Feng Shui37. 建筑日照分析- Solar Analysis for Buildings38. 建筑通风分析- Ventilation Analysis for Buildings39. 建筑声环境分析- Acoustic Environment Analysis for Buildings40. 建筑光环境分析- Daylighting Environment Analysis for Buildings41. 建筑热环境分析- Thermal Environment Analysis for Buildings42. 建筑面积计算- Building Area Calculation43. 建筑楼层高度- Storey Height44. 建筑消防设计- Fire Protection Design for Buildings45. 建筑结构安全评估- Structural Safety Evaluation for Buildings46. 建筑抗震设计- Seismic Design for Buildings47. 建筑防洪设计- Flood-resistant Design for Buildings48. 建筑工程招标- Building Engineering Tendering49. 建筑工程施工许可- Construction Permission for Building Projects50. 建筑工程造价咨询- Engineering Cost Consulting for Building Projects51. 建筑工程监理- Project Supervision for Building Projects52. 建筑工程验收- Acceptance of Building Projects53. 建筑工程质量检测- Quality Detection of Building Projects54. 建筑工程质量评估- Quality Evaluation of Building Projects55. 建筑工程质量保修- Quality Guarantee of Building Projects56. 建筑工程档案- Construction Project Archives57. 建筑工程安全- Construction Safety58. 建筑工程管理- Construction Project Management59. 建筑工程合同- Construction Contract60. 建筑工程保险- Construction Insurance61. 建筑工程材料- Construction Materials62. 建筑工程机械- Construction Machinery63. 建筑工程劳务- Construction Labor64. 建筑工程施工组织设计- Construction Organization Design for Building Projects65. 建筑工程施工图设计- Construction Drawing Design for Building Projects66. 建筑工程施工进度计划- Construction Progress Plan for Building Projects67. 建筑工程施工质量控制- Construction Quality Control for Building Projects68. 建筑工程施工安全管理- Construction Safety Management for Building Projects69. 建筑工程施工现场管理- Construction Site Management for Building Projects70. 建筑工程施工成本管理- Construction Cost Management for Building Projects71. 建筑工程施工环境保护- Environmental Protection in Building Construction72. 建筑工程施工节能管理- Energy-saving Management in Building Construction73. 建筑工程施工水土保持- Soil and Water Conservation in Building Construction74. 建筑工程施工质量控制要点- Key Points of Construction Quality Control for Building Projects75. 建筑工程施工安全控制要点- Key Points of Construction Safety Control for Building Projects76. 建筑工程施工质量验收规范- Acceptance Specification for Construction Quality ofBuilding Projects77. 建筑立面设计- Façade Design78. 建筑剖面设计- Section Design79. 建筑立面分析图- Façade Analysis Diagram80. 建筑剖面分析图- Section Analysis Diagram81. 建筑结构分析图- Structural Analysis Diagram82. 建筑平面图- Floor Plan83. 建筑立面图- Façade Drawing84. 建筑剖面图- Section Drawing85. 建筑轴测图- Axonometric Drawing86. 建筑渲染图- Architectural Rendering87. 建筑模型制作- Model Making88. 建筑绘画- Architectural Drawing89. 建筑表现图- Architectural Representation90. 建筑动画- Architectural Animation91. 建筑摄影- Architectural Photography92. 建筑信息模型- Building Information Modeling (BIM)93. 建筑环境评估- Building Environmental Assessment94. 建筑节能评估- Building Energy Efficiency Assessment95. 建筑可持续性评估- Building Sustainability Assessment96. 建筑健康评估- Building Health Assessment97. 建筑设备系统设计- Building Equipment System Design98. 建筑电气系统设计- Electrical System Design for Buildings99. 建筑给排水系统设计- Water Supply and Drainage System Design for Buildings 100. 建筑暖通空调系统设计- HVAC System Design for Buildings。
建筑综合用电指标1. 总能耗指标(Total Energy Consumption Index,TECI):用于表示建筑物总能耗水平。
2. 能源使用强度指标(Energy Intensity Index,EII):用于表示建筑物能源使用的强度水平,即建筑物每单位面积的能源消耗量。
3. 能源节约率指标(Energy Saving Rate Index,ESRI):用于表示建筑物能源节约的效果。
4. 能源管理绩效指标(Energy Management Performance Index,EMPI):用于评估建筑物能源管理的效果。
5. 能源负荷指标(Energy Load Index,ELI):用于表示建筑物能源负荷的大小。
能耗 翻译
![能耗 翻译](
能耗翻译【释义】energy consumption[物] 能量损耗【短语】1能耗强度energy intensity2单位国内生产总值能耗energy consumption per unit of GDP3能耗制动机dynamic braking ; DWDB ; resistance braking ; Energy consumption brake4建筑能耗building energy consumption ; construction energy consumption ; building energy consuming ; energy consumption in buildings5能耗监测Energy-consuming Supervising ; energy consumption monitoring ; energy monitoring6低能耗Bluetooth Low Energy ; BLE ; low power7综合能耗comprehensive energy consumption ; kgce ; integrated energyconsumption ; total production energy consumption8单位能耗specific energy consumption ; unit energy consumption ; unit consumption of energy ; specific power consumption9建筑能耗分项计量building energy- subentry measure【例句】1第十八天:评估你的支出——能耗。
Day 18: Evaluating Your Expenses - energy.2比如说,能耗强度正在攀升。
Energy intensity, for instance, is going up.3一是完善并严格执行能耗和环保标准。
202丨年第2期(总第49卷第360期) No. 2 in 2021 (Total Vol.49,No. 360)建筑节能(中英X)Journal of BEE■特别关注Focusdoi : 10.3969/j.issn.2096-9422.2021.02.001中国建筑能耗研究报告2020China Building Energy Consumption Annual Report 2020〇引言针对中国建筑能耗统计数据权威性欠缺的问题,中国建筑节能协会于2016年成立了能耗统计专委会 (下文统称“专委会”),以建筑能耗数据专项研究工 作为任,逐步构建测算方法体系和专业数据库,并连续 5年发布《中国建筑能耗研究报告》(2016 -2019年),专委会研究工作逐步深入,实现了“研究范围从全国 扩展到分省”,“研究对象从建筑能耗扩展到建筑碳排 放”,“研究时间维度从历史数据测算扩展到未来数据 预测”的跨越式进步,专委会逐渐构建了较为成熟的 建筑运行阶段能耗以及碳排放测算与预测方法体系,并形成了中国建筑能耗与碳排放数据库。
当前,中国建筑节能数据量化工作还存在一个短 板——缺乏建筑全寿命周期能耗和碳排放数据。
随 着我国城乡建设持续大规模推进,建筑材料的生产、建筑施工环节消耗了大量能源,产生了大量的碳排 放,建设领域对这部分的能源消耗和碳排放缺乏系统 研究和可靠的数据支撑。
推动建筑领域绿色低碳发展需要从全寿命周期 视角出发。
我国建筑领域从节能到绿色的转变,大规 模推广绿色建筑也正是基于此。
发展绿色建筑带来 的全寿命周期的节能与减排效果需要数据支撑。
因此,专委会构建了基于投入产出表与过程法相结合的 建材能耗与碳排放测算方法,测算并分析了 2005 - 2018年全国建筑全寿命周期能耗与碳排放数据。
2020年11月,《中国建筑能耗研究报告2020》由中国 建筑节能协会能耗统计专委会、重庆大学管理科学与 房地产学院联合发布。
1. 土建•AEC:Architectural, Engineering,Construction 的缩写,代表建筑、工程和施工。
•BIM:Building Information Modeling 的缩写,代表建筑信息模型,是一种数字化的建筑设计和施工管理的方法。
•CPC:Civil Price Control 的缩写,代表土建价格控制。
•EPC:Engineering, Procurement and Construction 的缩写,代表工程设计、采购和施工。
•PCC:Plain Cement Concrete 的缩写,代表普通水泥混凝土,是常用的土建材料之一。
•RCC:Reinforced Cement Concrete 的缩写,代表钢筋混凝土,是一种由混凝土和钢筋组成的复合材料。
2. 建筑材料•AC:Aluminum Composite 的缩写,代表铝复合材料,广泛应用于建筑幕墙和室内装饰。
•GRC:Glass Reinforced Concrete 的缩写,代表玻璃纤维增强混凝土,是一种轻质、高强度的建筑材料。
•HDPE:High-Density Polyethylene 的缩写,代表高密度聚乙烯,广泛用于建筑中的水管、排水管等。
•PPR:Polypropylene Random 的缩写,代表随机共聚聚丙烯,是一种非常常用的建筑给水管材料。
•PVC:Polyvinyl Chloride 的缩写,代表聚氯乙烯,是一种塑料材料,广泛用于建筑中的电线、管道等。
•VOC:Volatile Organic Compound 的缩写,代表挥发性有机化合物,是一种常见的建筑材料中含有的有害物质。
科技综述我国建筑耗能状况及有效的节能途径摘要简要分析了我国建筑能源消耗状况, 从用能特点出发, 对建筑物和建筑用能途径进行了新的分类, 给出各类的现状、问题和节能潜力。
关键词建筑节能围护结构暖通空调节能政策Current building energy consumption in Chinaand effective energy efficiency measuresA b s t r a c t Outlines cur r ent situation of building ener gy consumption in Ch ina .Makes new classificationof buildings based on the ene rgy per form ance .Points out the ener gy consumption fe atur es and the pote ntialsof ener gy saving f or each type of buildings .Accor ding to the pote ntial savings,prese nts the key technologie sto achieve these savings ,including ener gy optimization in building design process,new technologies inbuilding fabr ics , ventilators and exhaust hea t r ecovers , heat pumps , technologies to r educe energyconsumption in distribution systems , tem pe ra tur e and humidity independent c ontr ol system , ener gy savingoptimizing contr ol of building autom atic systems , building combined power , heating & cooling system (BCH P),new type of configur a tion of distr ic t hea ting system as well as h igh ef ficiency lightings .Policies ar e also important to ensure these technologies to be accepted widely .R elative studies f or policy making and f or policy oper ationshould also be car r ied on .Lists f our proje cts ,including building e nergy consumption model and the da tacollection system , ener gy la bel system for residential buildings , ener gy estimation f or comm ercial buildings,andener gy label syste m for home appliance s .Ke y w o r d s building ener gy eff iciency,envelope ,HVAC ,e ne rgy sa ving policy*1 我国建筑能耗状况和节能潜力我国目前城镇民用建筑(非工业建筑)运行耗电占我国总发电量的22 ~24 , 北方地区城镇供暖消耗的燃煤占我国非发电用煤量的15 ~18。
中外建筑能耗比较分析 孙宝冬
![中外建筑能耗比较分析 孙宝冬](
欧美发达国家在进行建筑能耗统计时,将民用建筑分类为居住建筑(Reside-ntial Building)和商业建筑(Commercial Building)。
建筑细分中,居住建筑按体量分为单体住宅/别墅(singlehouse)和公寓楼(multi-house);商业建筑按功能细分为办公(office)、商场(shopping center)、酒店/旅馆(hotel)、医院(hospital)、学校(school),等等。
1. 美国LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design):LEED是美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)颁布的一套绿色建筑评估系统。
2. 欧洲Union of the Electricity Industry (EURELECTRIC):EURELECTRIC 是欧洲电力行业的组织,其提出了一些关于公共建筑节能的建议和指南,包括设定建筑能源使用限额和采用高效能源系统等措施。
3. 欧盟Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD):欧盟发布了《建筑物能效指令》,要求成员国制定适用于公共和私人建筑物的能效要求,并建立建筑能源证书制度,用于评估和证明建筑的能源性能。
4. 中国GB/T 50378-2019《公共建筑节能设计标准》:中国国家标准委员会发布的《公共建筑节能设计标准》规定了公共建筑节能设计和标准要求,并要求公共建筑在能源使用方面达到一定的限额。
中国建筑能耗研究报告(2016)中国建筑节能协会重庆大学北京建筑大学中国建筑科学研究院上海建筑科学研究院深圳建筑科学研究院四川建筑科学研究院兴业太阳能技术控股有限公司2016.11.29项目信息项目资助号:G-1509-23800Grant Number:G-1509-23800项目期:9/1/2015-8/31/2016Grant period: 9/1/2015-8/31/2016所属领域:中国-建筑Sector:China-building项目概述:本项目为中国建筑节能协会(CABEE)定期发布建筑终端能耗数据构建支撑体系,包括:建筑终端能耗计算方法支撑、数据来源支撑、数据审核与发布支撑三大支撑体系,以提高CABEE数据的科学性、公信力和影响力,为各级政府建筑节能工作提供方法学及基础数据。
Project Discription:For CABEE regularly publish the data of CBEEM to construct supporting system, including: the Calculation method supporting system of CBEEM, data sources system of CBEEM, data review and release system of CBEEM in order to improve the scientific, public trust and influence of the data of CABEE and provide methodology and basic data for government building energy efficiency work at all levels.项目成员:武涌、任宏、蔡伟光、那威、王霞、霍腾飞、周南、冯威、宋业辉、吴蔚沁、卢振、罗多、李进、乔振勇Project team:Wu Yong, Ren Hong, Cai Weiguang, Na Wei, Wang Xia, Huo Tengfei, Zhou Nan, Feng Wei, SongYehui,Wu Weiqing, Lu Zhen, Luo Duo, Li Jin, Qiao Zhenyong关键词: 建筑终端能耗、建筑终端能耗支撑发布体系Key Words: building energy end-use, the Calculation method supporting system of CBEEM本报告由能源基金会资助。
国外建筑节能指标也有相应的规定1. LEED评估:LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)是世界上最重要的绿色建筑评估体系之一,主要评估建筑的节能、水资源、材料使用、室内环境质量、可持续发展等方面。
2. BREEAM评估:BREEAM(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method)是英国广泛采用的绿色建筑评估体系,类似于LEED。
Rece ived 2009 2 11 2 17. B iography: C hen H ua ( 1972 —) , fem ale, doctor, associate p rofesso r, flo rahchen @ yahoo. cn. Founda tion item : The N atu ral S cience Foundation of T ianjin ( N o. 08JC YB JC 26800 ). C ita tion: C hen H ua, L ee W eiling. B enchm arking of Energy Efficiency
Jou rna l of Sou theast U niversity ( Eng lish Edition ) V ol . 26, N o. 2, pp. 151 - 155
June 2010 ISSN 1003 —7985
Benchmark i n g of energy eff ic iency standards for residen ti a l bu ild i n gs i n Ch i na
n China, coup led with the rap id econom ic development and urbanization in the past two decades, various build2 ings have been rap idly established and energy consump tion, especially electricity use, has sharp ly increased. The Chi2 nese building sector accounted for 23% of the total energy use and increased to one 2third by the end of 2009. The ener2 gy consump tion in the residential sector increased by 14% from 1996 to 2001 in which air2conditioning and heating ac2 counted for 55% of the total energy consump tion. The build2 ing energy consump tion data, which is nearly twice that of residential buildings in developed countries under the same climate conditions, indicate that many traditional residential [1 ] buildings are not energy efficient . Therefore, more measurements should be taken to reduce the energy con2 sumed for air2conditioning and heating while maintaining comfortable indoor thermal environments in residential buildings . In China, energy efficiency efforts began in the early 1980 s . The first building energy code “ Energy Conservation Standard for New Heating in Residential Buildings JGJ 26 — [2 ] 1986 ”was introduced in 1986 . Since then, many other codes have been introduced to different climate zones in
绿色建筑术语的英文翻译以下是绿色建筑术语的英文翻译:1. 绿色建筑:Green Building2. 节能:Energy Efficiency3. 低碳:Low Carbon4. 可再生能源:Renewable Energy5. 零排放:Zero Emission6. 生态:Ecological7. 可持续发展:Sustainable Development8. 资源高效利用:Resource Efficient Use9. 自然采光:Natural Lighting10. 自然通风:Natural Ventilation11. 绿色材料:Green Materials12. 建筑节能:Building Energy Efficiency13. 建筑能效:Building Energy Performance14. 建筑环境:Built Environment15. 绿色生态设计:Green Ecological Design16. 绿色建筑认证:Green Building Certification17. 生命周期评估:Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)18. 能效标准:Energy Efficiency Standards19. 生态足迹:Ecological Footprint20. 可再生能源系统:Renewable Energy Systems21. 低碳交通:Low Carbon Mobility22. 绿色屋顶:Green Roofs23. 绿色建筑标准:Green Building Standards24. 绿色建筑评价体系:Green Building Evaluation System25. 生态城市:Eco-city26. 节能建筑:Energy-saving Buildings27. 可再生能源利用:Renewable Energy Utilization28. 被动式节能设计:Passive Energy-saving Design29. 能耗监测系统:Energy Monitoring System30. 可再生能源证书:Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)31. 碳足迹:Carbon Footprint32. 节能减排:Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction33. 绿色办公楼:Green Office Buildings34. 绿色工业建筑:Green Industrial Buildings35. 绿色校园:Green Campuses36. 环境友好型建筑:Environmentally Friendly Buildings37. 低影响开发(LID):Low Impact Development (LID)38. 智能建筑管理系统(BMS):Intelligent Building Management System (BMS)39. 能效标识制度:Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme40. 绿色建材市场:Green Building Materials Market41. 绿色建筑补贴政策:Green Building Subsidy Policies42. 可再生能源项目融资:Renewable Energy Project Financing43. 能效审计与咨询服务:Energy Audit and Consulting Services44. 环境影响评估(EIA):Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)45. 能效标准与标识(ES):Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling (ES)46. 能效性能等级(ERP):Energy Performance Rating (ERP)47. 能效设备认证(EEI):Energy Efficiency Equipment Identification (EEI) Labeling Scheme。
建筑学外文翻译—绿色建筑在中国需要伟大的推广课题英文名称Green building in China: Needs great promotion课题中文名称原文:Green building in China: Needs great promotion AbstractResource depletion and environment pollution is a great challenge in the world today. As the main human living environment, building is one of the main contributor of energy consumption and pollution emission, construction industry has become the focus of energy conservation and emission reduction. China has been the world's largest carbon emitter and the world's largest energy consumer country since 2011. To solve these two issues, the promotion of green building (GB) is of great urgency. This article analyzed GB situation and challenges in China, and then pointed out some special requirements of GB. At last, authors put forward some suggestions to promote the development of GB according to current situations in China including: taking measures to enhance awareness of stakeholders, strengthening technology research and communication and establishing codes and regulations.KeywordsGreen building;Building energy consumption;Energy-saving1. Introduction1.1. The concept of green buildingThe concept of GB in China is developed from “Energy-Saving and Land-Saving Residential Building” launched by th e central government in 2004. T o be specific, the GB should be energy-saving, land-saving, water-saving and material-saving, environment-benign and pollution-reducing, summarized as “Four-daving and One-benign”. It is defined in Chinese national standard, Evaluation Standard for Green Building, enacted in 2006 (Ministry of Construction, 2006). The so-called “green”, is not the general meaning of green, but a conc ept or symbol. It stresses people-oriented and puts emphasis on sustainable development and environmental symbiosis to achieve harmonious coexistence among people, nature and building. GB is also known as ecological building, sustainable building, energy-saving building, etc. Its ultimate goal is low consumption and low emission, but the “low” does not mean high-tech or high investment. Actually, GB is a climate adaptative building, which requires adopting appropriate technology as much as possible to reduce energy consumption, meanwhile materials should be recycled and fully localized to achieve the lowest cost of energy and comfort.1.2. Origin of green buildingThe curator of Architecture and Design Library in American National Building Museum, Giessen David, pointed out that the seeds of GB can trace back to a century or more ago. According to this, the birth of British Palace in the first world expo and Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele in Milan in the early 19th century have begun to use passive system such as roof fan and underground air cooling box to regulate indoor temperature. Early at the 20th century, Flatiron Building and New York Times Building in US have designed windows embedded into walls toreduce sunlight. Ecological system and natural environment have already been taken into consideration in early architectural design, which become the buds of green building. Until the 1960s, American architect Paola Soleri combined the two words “ecology” and “building” together, and put forward the new idea of “ecological building” (green buildin g). In 1969, the publication of the book “Design with Nature” by American architect Ian Lennox McHarg, marked the birth of ecological architecture. Through more than half a century, GB has become a new building style that fully integrated energy-saving, building design and environmental-protection from its initial simple mode, and it is more adaptable to current situation of energy shortage, so it is a new trend of building development model.1.3. Global actions to develop green buildingTo create a better environment for developing GB, countries around the world began to formulate relevant standards. The United States enacted the ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Airconditioning Engineers) standard “En ergy-saving in Design for New Build ing” for the first time in 1975. UK began to create GB standards as early as in 1990(Chegut et al., 2011), and all buildings should satisfy green building criteria from 2008 in Britain (Bulkeley et al., 2011); In 2009, Britain announced Low Carbon Transition Plan, required all new buildings achieving zero-emission from 2016, all new public buildings from 2018, all office buildings from 2019 and all residential finish Smart Meters installation before 2020 (Peters, Fudge, & Sinclair, 2010). Recently, European Union promulgated a more advanced and perfect legal system in energy saving field, which is entitled Building Energy Efficiency Performance Law. The law requires all state or state-use new buildings must be close tozero energy consumption by 2020. From an early start, building energy-saving work had achieved great achievements in some developed countries. In Denmark, Heating area increased by 30% from 1972 to 1985, but the heating energy consumption decreased by 3.18 million tons of standard coal; in America, 43 billion dollars is saved in energy cost and environment management since the first energy-saving standard to 2011 (Danielski, 2012).GB in China started relatively late. In 1996, New Urban Building Energy Efficient Standard System was issued, which is composed by the residential building energy conservation design standard. Residential Building energy conservation Design Standard of Hot Summer and Cold Winter Region was issued in 2001 and was updated in 2003. In September 2004 with the start of Green Building Innovation Award, GB in China stepped into a comprehensive developing stage. In 2006, Evaluation Standard for Green Building was officially promulgated. Evaluation Standards for Green Industrial Building and Evaluation Standards for Green Office Building started in 2009 and 2010, respectively. At present, at least 50% building energy efficiency is achieved in almost all regions of China, unlike some big cities as Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin are executing the standards which require energyefficiency must achieve at least 65%, while Beijing is executing the new goal of 75% since “12th Year Plan” (Li and Wang, 2012 and National People's Congress, 2011). However, building industrialization just starts in China, and there is still a great gap comparing with foreign countries.2. Why to develop green building2.1. To reduce CO2 emissionOn 3rd, December 2012, the famous journal “Nature” published an au thoritative scientific research report. According to the report, the global CO2 emission has increased to record 35.6 billion tons in 2012, and the largest carbon emission countries in 2011 are: China (28%), United States (16%), European Union (11%) and India (7%). Among them, emissions of China and India in 2011 increased by 9.9% and 7.5% respectively, while United States and European Union reduced by 1.8% and 1.8% respectively (Nature Climate Chenge, 2013). China has become No.1 CO2 emitter country in the world, surpassing U.S. in 2007 with approximately 8% more emission (IEA, 2011). According to EIA (Energy Information Administration) estimation, CO2emission in United States will be 5.68 billion tons in 2015, but it will be far more than this in China (EIA, 2011). In “12th five-year plan” in China, the carbon emission in 2015 is 7.89 billion tons, which is 2.21 billion tons higher than the United States, if the total energy consumption is more than 4.1 billion tons, the carbon emission gap between China and United States will be more huge. China is in great pressure.The greatly increasing emission further expands the gap between actual emission and the goal to control global warming within 2 °C. To ensure the global warming within 2 °C, the global carbon emission must be deeply cut by 2020 (Huntingford et al., 2012). In China, it has been decided that 17 percent reduction of carbon dioxide emissions for every GDP unit should be achieved by the end of 2015(Yu & Qu, 2013), and 40–45% by 2020 further (Yi, Zou, Guo, Wang, & Wei, 2011).Among all elements, buildings account for around half of primary energy consumption, hence CO2emissions, in the UK and other developed countries (Ratcliffe & Day, 2007). Buildingemission mainly refers to the consumption of resources and greenhouse gases produced from consumption throughout the lifecycle of buildings, so it is closely related to human daily life and work. 50% people may cause carbon-emission by using vehicle, 30% people may be involved in industrial production, but there must be more than 90% or even more people causing endless carbon-emission because of thei r daily life and work. So the “energy-saving” and “low-carbon” in construction are destined to become a hot topic. Study has shown that the global construction industry and its related fields caused 70% of greenhouse effect from the production of building materials to construction and use of buildings, the whole is a huge emitter of greenhouse gases (Zuo, Read, Pullen, & Shi, 2012).2.2. To relieve the energy crisisChina is the world's largest energy consumer now. The global net primary energy consumption grew by 2.5% in 2011, and China alone contributed 71% of global energy consumption increment. In 2011, global coal consumption increased by 5.4%, China accounted for 69%. The total primary energy consumption in China has been more than that in the United States in 2011 (Global, 2012). With the fast development, more energy will be consumed in China. Butthe coal-dominant energy structure in China is difficult to change in a short time, and now the coal production has exceeded the scientific capacity. In the future it is difficult to satisfy the needs even all the fossial energy were gathered in the world. Outside the pressure of carbon emission, for China the bigger challenge is that the energy consumption continues to increase. Energy consumption in EU grow at a rate of 1–2% per year, and in US it has entered slight growth stage, but China'senergy consumption is still growing at a rate of 5–6% per year, total energy consumption in China will be alarming under this situation.3. Green building situation in China3.1. Building energy consumption in ChinaIn China, building energy consumption accounts for 46.7% of the total society energy consumption, and 60% of the carbon emission in cities comes from maintaining buildings’ function (Zhang, 2010). Due to the rapid development of economy development and urbanization in recent years, about 20 × 108 m2 building areas are completed each year, which is larger than the total area in European and American (Zhao, Zhu, & Wu, 2009). In China, about 55 kg steel will be used in each 1 m2 building, and it is 10–25% more than developed countries; about 221.5 kg cement will be used in each 1 m3 concrete, and it is 80 kg more than developed countries (Zhang & Gu, 2012). The existing building areas are 430 × 108 m2 in China, 90% o f them are high energy consumption construction. Compared with developed countries, the thermal isulation performance building envelope is poor, as shown in Table 1, the larger the number is, the faster heat run off. The heat transfer coefficient of all parts in China is 2–3 times higher than developed countries (RGBI, 2010). Due to poor thermalinsulation of building envelope and low efficiency of heating systems, energy consumption for heating in north China is the largest component of building energy consumption (BEC), as shown in Fig. 1(Cai, Wu, Zhong, & Ren, 2009). In addition, it is about 25 kg/m2 standard coal in China, which is 2–4 times larger than that of Northern Europe in similar climate, and carbon emissions are 2–5 times higher than international standard (Qi &Li, 2013).3.2. Achievements of the Green Building in ChinaAlthough ten years later than western countries, GB in China develops rapidly. Especially in recent five years, GB in China developed at an alarming speed every year (Fig. 2) (Green building map, 2013). In China, GB evaluation standards mainly used are LEED rating system issued by USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council) and Three-Star rating system issued by Chinese government. The number of Three-Star projects in 2009 increased by 100% than 2008, and the number in 2010 increased by 290% than 2009. The green building number and area in 2012 is equivalent to the sum from 2008 to 2011(Sun & Zhao, 2013). The number of LEED projects every year is shown in Fig. 3 (Jerome Sebbag, 2013). They are almost in the same increasing trend. The minister of Ministry of Construction, Qiu baoxing pointed out that, in 2005, buildings executed energy efficiency standards in design stage only account for 53%, performing stage 21%, but after five years, the proportion increased to 99% and 99% respectively (Qiu, 2011). During the “11th five-year plan” period, GB demonstration area reached 13,000,000 m2, the accumulative total GDP energy consumption fell 19.1%, the building energy saving contributed 20% of the energy saving (Li et al., 2011). During “12th fiveyear”, China plan to complete new GB 1 billion square meters and 20% of new buildings in cities and towns can reach GB standards by the end of 2015.3.3. Features in the development3.3.1. High proportion of national projectsAccording to research, most GB projects are directed by the national agencies, directed by local agencies only account forabout 27% of the total number in 2010 and 2011, as shown in Fig.4 (CABR, 2012). The reason for this is China is still in the initial stage of GB, neither developers nor consumers have a strong consciousness to promote green building. So this has become an obstacle on the way to develop GB. A relatively clear thing is that both GB directed by national agencies and by local agencies were increasing rapidly over the last 2 years and they were approximately at the same rate.3.3.2. Most certificated in design stageChinese Three-Star Evaluation System includes design stage labels and operation stage labels. The number of GB in the design stage is 331 while 22 in the operation stage. The ratios of green building number in design stage to that in operation stage in 2009, 2010 and 2011, are 9.0, 9.5 and 19.0 respectively (there is no GB for operation stage in 2008) (Ye, Cheng, Wang, Lin, & Ren, 2013). We can easily find that most GB are certificated in design stage (CABR, 2013). Why not these buildings take part in evaluation in operation stage? After asurvey on these green buildings, we find that most of them cannot achieve green standard in the operation stage due to the lack of mature technology and skilled worker.3.3.3. Rising of residential buildingsThe numbers of residential and public GB projects are 193 (54.7%) and 160 (45.3%) respectively. A massive rise of residential projects is evident. Recent policy on social housing in China may be one reason for the large rising in residential projects, and this is expected to continue (Ye et al., 2013).3.3.4. Unbalanced regional developmentAs shown in Fig. 5, counted by province, autonomous region,municipality and special administrative region, Jiangsu Province ranks the first, accounting for nearly a quarter of the total, and it is followed by Guangdong Province and Shanghai (CABR, 2013). More than three quarters of green buildings are in the east coast, which is the region with a rapid economic growth in China, ss shown in Fig. 6 (Ye et al., 2013). Although western China accounts for two-thirds of China's total area, its proportion is less than 10%.4. Special requirements for green building4.1. ComfortEnergy-saving and emission-reduction is just one of the requirements of GB. Some people think GB is just to save energy and reduce emission, for example, they think building with solar energy or ground source heat pump is green, but this concept is totally wrong. Real green building is not only energy-saving, emission reduction or land-saving, but also meansproviding a comfortable working or living environment for human, which is considered as the key part.4.2. LifecycleGB should be judged from the whole life cycle, we cannot just see whether it uses energy-saving equipment in the early design process. Developers should consider energy consumption required in material, operation and maintenance, etc., in addition, energy needed when it is broken down is also included.4.3. Not equal to high costSome think GB is expensive luxury goods, and it needs high cost. Actually, GB should be considered from the whole life cycle, it stresses efficiency of resources through optimization design, emphasis on localization of materials and adaptation to local conditions, even the construction cost may increase, it can be recovered from energy saving, water saving, resources savingand so on in operation phase. According to statistical results, the incremental part of the green building cost accounts for about 2.7–9.3% in the overall cost in the construction (Yudelson, 2008). Appropriate investment in early time leads to savings in the process of operation and its energy-saving benefits can be seen after some years. According to general calculation, it needs seven years to recoup the costs, but the time is expected to be much short. Overall, the incremental cost is decreasing. Prejudice on the initial cost is one of the main obstacles in GB development. In addition, benefits of GB buildings are often social shared, while initial cost is bared by developers. To some extent, balance between interests and responsibility hinders the development of GB.4.4. Not equal to high-techThe essence of GB is to make the building adapt to the climate. To let the building have adaptation function, high technology is one of the means to reach standards of GB, but it is not the only way. GB should follow the “passive priority, active measures optimization” principle. Passive measures refer to directly use natural conditions such as sunlight, wind, topography etc. to reduce the building heating, air conditioning and lighting load. Active measures refer to use mechanical systems to improve the indoor comfort, it usually including heating, air conditioning, mechanical ventilation, artificial lighting, and other measures.5. How to promoteGB has risen to be a national strategic action. All sectors in China society should work together to develop the low carbon buildings, where update of consciousness is the foundation, technology innovation is the key, and system monitoring is theimportant measure.5.1. To enhance the awareness of the stakeholdersAs an officer once said, “The b iggest problem is how to improve energy saving awareness among residents who only care about the price and location when they choose residences”. At present, in the process of GB development in China, GB is mainly constructed by government through several of policies and specific plans. In fact, for most developers, the goal is to pursue profit, but for consumers, they care about good cost performance, whether green or not are none of their business. The social benefits of GB are not awarded, such as energy saving, environmental protection, comfort and low cost, they just have been accepted a bit. Measures must be taken to enhance awareness of stakeholders, especially the residents.First, government should further study how investments in GB contribute to a vibrant local economy like jobs, business and tax revenues. The government can arrange some reports about the concept of GB, and issue statements supporting the economic, environmental and social interests of GB. For example, “air quality, lighting, heat and green building air conditioning and overall can be improved in GB, a more pleasant, healthier and productive place to live. The people who live and work in GB appears be more healthy.”Second, government can be partner with building industry associations to set up workshops to demonstrate the statement mentioned above. It might present to developers the legal case and business case for GB to increase awareness and strengthen market valuation.Third, government should launch a communication campaign to inform developers and building owners or tenantsthat GB offers a higher net operation income, thus increasing the value of the building, offering lower operating costs and improving image in the community.5.2. To strengthen technology research and communicationLack of knowledge and backward of technology have become an obstacle GB development. Lack of science and technology, key technologies for GB are insufficient and bottlenecks for GB have not been broken yet. Even now, China does not have a complete technology system on GB construction. Rapid transformation of energy-saving construction market depends on new technologies particularly. Many Chinese institutions support research and development of energy-saving technology, however, many innovative technology in China is still in research stage and has not yet been commercialized due to lack of effective platform to promote, demonstrate and communicate new technologies. Developed counties have achieved greatresults in GB technology research, and complete technology systems have already formed during long time development, so we have to strengthen technology research and communication with developed counties to get some experience, only then can we get most in shortest time.The government should continue to support energy-saving technology research and development to promote technical communication, so as to improve the commercial level of innovative energy-saving technologies and market penetration ability; Institute and university should strengthen the research, demonstration and test of innovative energy-saving technologies. Various technique applications in building energy-saving are shown in Fig. 7 (Ye et al., 2013). It indicates that Chinashould focus on development of utilization technology of new energy and renewable energy to accelerate intelligent construction development. Meanwhile, the intelligent building is an important part. At present, the intelligent buildings ratio in new buildings is as follows: 70% in the US, 60% in Japan, and China only about 10% in 2006, it is expected to increase to around 35% in 2013. The potential of intelligent building industry development is great, so it is considered to be a very important industry in China.5.3. Codes and regulations5.3.1. Evaluation standardsTo address the energy production issue, China has launched a wave of legislation about green building since 2005. In spite of some national and local standards, we do not have a complete system on the design, construction, operation and evaluation of GB. Although the climate indifferent areas in China is different, we do not have specific standards for different regions. GB in China is still in the initial stage, related policies, regulations and evaluation system still need to be improved. GB standards should adjust to local conditions, and provide different guidance to different situations. Factors including regional economic development level, resources amount, climate conditions and construction characteristics must be taken into consideration when establish and perfect GB standards and formulate targeted policy measures. What's more, to keep accordance with the progress of construction technology, it is essential to constantly update the building regulations.5.3.2. Evaluation systemEvaluation systems should contain quantitative standardswith high qualities, so research and application on quantitative and qualitative index must be enhanced. To advocate the GB development and practice GB certification institution, the government must cultivate an independence third-party certification agency to make fully evaluate before implementing design proposal, under construction process and building materials and devices. GB lifecycle evaluation focuses on whole environmental assessment, and each phase of evaluation is based on overall grasps (Yudelson, 2008).5.3.3. Legal managementLegislation is the fundamental in promoting GB. Although we have issued many standards for many years, many building energy efficiency standards had not achieved its supposed effect. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China (MOHURD) investigated more than 3000 projects in 2005, the result showed that only 58.53% of those projects were designed with related energy efficiency standard, and only 23.25% of them are built to match the energy efficiency standard. Therefore, strict scrutiny into enforcement of building energy efficiency standard has been adopted by MOHURD and the legal enforcement notes will be sent to those projects which disobey the compulsory standard. By this action, the percentages of building projects that designed to match the energy efficiency standards was up to 95.7%, and built to match those standards was up to 53.8% in 2006; the percentages were up to 97% and 71% in 2007 (Zhang & Gu, 2012). The requirements of building energy saving are considered to be issued in the form of law or regulation. It is essential to use law ways to guarantee operation of new building energy efficiency standards.5.3.4. Multi-incentive toolsIn China, incentive policies to promote development of GB are insufficient in current. Incentive policies on finance, tax and economy are not sound, related sectors cannot get strong internal motivations to develop GB. Although there are some incentive policies related to building energy saving, water saving and environmental protection tax, there is not specific policy for green building tax or finance. Real estate developers cannot get any incentives in terms of land acquisition, project examination and approval, finance when develop GB; Encouragement Measures are not evident when consumers purchase GB; so GB cannot realize a dominant demand in market. Efforts are necessary to set more incentive tools at the right level to improve energy saving and GB ratio.To developers: In the current property rights regime in China, the land was owned by the government or collective. The developer has to pay an amount to government for land use right. To promote GB development, the government could pay back a portion of money to developer if building turns out to be a GB. China can model itself following America to grant reduced construction fees for projects which earn GB star label, where the fee cost varies as the label level. This would be an effective way to promote the developer take action to make buildings green.To owner and tenant: The incentives to the owner and tenant are also necessary. If tenant prefers to live in the energy-efficient buildings or consumer is inclined to choose GB, it will push the real estate industry to meet GB standard. But most people care about price when buy or rent GB because it is more expensive than the normal building. How to solve this problem? The answer lies in direct economic incentives, such as tax reduction. In China,when the citizens purchase and transfer the possession of houses, massive taxes will be imposed. Chinese government can consider granting some tax reduction to people who purchase GB. However, this way may not be effective for the tenant for the short lease. The price, position and operating costs of houses are concerned with tenants. It might be effective to follow the energy certification approach of EU-when a house is for rent. An energy performance certification must be made available to the tenant.6. ConclusionsIn recent years, China has begun to pay attention to research and construction of GB and has taken some actions. However, the current study only focuses on the green construction methods, which are too narrow; building of green construction is only pilot projectand has not formed a green construction complex. So there should be further study about the scale development of green building.译文:绿色建筑在中国:需要伟大的推广摘要:资源枯竭和环境污染是当今世界一个巨大的挑战。
1. 建筑总能耗(Total Energy Consumption):
Total Energy Consumption = 高温能耗 + 中温能耗 + 低温能耗+ 空调能耗 + 照明能耗 + 其他能耗
2. 高温能耗计算公式:
高温能耗 = 高温设备数量 * 单个高温设备耗能
3. 中温能耗计算公式:
中温能耗 = 中温设备数量 * 单个中温设备耗能
4. 低温能耗计算公式:
低温能耗 = 低温设备数量 * 单个低温设备耗能
5. 空调能耗计算公式:
空调能耗 = 空调设备数量 * 单个空调设备耗能
6. 照明能耗计算公式:
照明能耗 = 照明设备数量 * 单个照明设备耗能
7. 其他能耗计算公式:
其他能耗 = 其他设备数量 * 单个其他设备耗能
Residential exclude heating
Heating south
0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
北方城镇采暖 长江流域农村采暖 公共建筑
90 g 标煤产生 1.34 kWh 热量 等效效率:183% !
大型燃煤锅炉 (> 20 ton/hr): ~ 85%, 145g/kWh, 低污染
小型燃煤锅炉 ( < 4 ton/hr): ~ 60%, 205g/kWh,高污染
燃气锅炉: > 85%, 容量无关,清洁燃烧
平均采暖能耗: 20 kg/m2.a
把剩下的小型燃煤锅炉替换为高效的大型燃 煤锅炉, 节能7% 改善保温不良建筑的围护结构, 节能10% 上述措施全部实现,可节能 40%~45%
很难在目前的水平上使能耗进一步降低 如果全面推广集中供热,将使能耗增加 2~4 倍, 这将使这一地区的采暖能耗占到我国城镇建筑能 耗总量的 20% 任务:怎样在维持目前能耗水平的前提下,改善 室内环境?要依靠新的技术方式的创新 怎样在改善舒适性与节能间实现平衡? 在这一地区的建筑保温非常重要吗? 发展基于热泵的户式分室可调的热环境控制系统
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Inverter air conditioner
When air conditioner work, it always turns on and several minutes later it turns off. What is frequency conversion? we can get different cooling and heating capacity to adopt to different working conditions.
heat transfer coefficient of retaining structure in each country’s criterion [W/(m2· K)] [1] for the 9~13 layers construction [2] for the 4~8 layers construction
2432.2 2613.2 2735.2 2852.4
America’s energy structure
Natural gas
Crude oil
The CO2 emissions(%)
6018 20%
The world’s CO2 emission in 1973 and 2006
Total energy consumption and building energy consumption
350000 300000
1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
building energy consumption(tce)
The change of the energy structure is slow
China’s energy
Total coal reserves
Only after the US and Russia
Average coal reserves
Average petroleum reserves
428.6 461.8 483.7 507.4
98.1 117.6 129.5 145.5
1713.5 1839.4 1873.3 1925.3
16.7 19.5 22 25
163.1 157 194.8 206.3
12.1 17.7 31.9 42.9
The energy loss of the ordinary single glass window make up about 50% of the energy consumption We need to take some measures for windows
Heating and air conditioner make up 55% of building energy consin China
-30% 2005
Now we welcome the forth step——-75%
How to reduce building energy consumption
Heat insulation design of window
Chinese energy and CO2
Jack Leo Walter
1 2 3
Total energy and CO2 emission
Building energy Our measures
The GDP in recent
12 years(10 yuan)
The increase of GDP requires more energy!
_ ≈0
natural venti lation first sunshine Wind —
_ 6.3
0.33 per family 100~300lx
electric lighting for all the time and space
The total energy cost(108t)
3.48 billion ton
0.57 billion ton
The energy demand increases as a result
The energy structure(%)
72.2% 68.4% 5% 3.1%
Total energy consumption structure
3% 34% 10% industry communication and transportation other HVAC building energy use electrical, hot water, cooking
Building Energy in China
share of the building sector in the total energy consumption of different provinces in 2010
Average 20.44%
Building Energy in China
Developed country Ventilate Appliances drying machinery computer _ 25.9% (Japan) 0.96 per family
Developed country mechanical ventilation drying machinery —
15.64billion ton
28.003billion ton
The carbon emission intensity of some countries in 2000 and 2006
High CO2 emission Two extreme trend
Improper structure Low average High amount
Living condition is still low
The CO2 emission strength
1978 2008
CO2 can be let out more effectively
Building Energy in Chia
Building Energy in China
natural lighti ng first for part of time and space
2.49 per family
0.70 per family
Building Energy in China
Nation China Sweden Germany England Beijing Harbin Exterior Wall 0.6[1] 0.45[2] 0.5[1] 0.45[2] 0.17 0.5 0.45 Exterior Window 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 double paned Roof 0.5[1] 0.45[2] 0.4[1] 0.30[2] 0.12 0.22 0.45
China still lack energy!
Total energy consumption
The increasing speed is falling from 2011
Thermal power generation
The first drop in the history
The consumption of the coal
Kgce/(m2· a)
Energy consumption of unit building area in per year in 2004
Building Energy in China
Electricity project Equipment popularizing rate Usage patterns energy consumption in 2004 (kWh/(m2· a))
Energy consumption structure from 2009 to 2013
Unit: million ton
Year Crude oil Natural gas Coal Nuclear Hydro Renewable energy Total
2010 2011 2012 2013
A few years later, local government reform the old buildings through pasting insulation material.