



2024年最新修订版中小学生守则英文版2024 Updated Version of Rules for Elementary and Middle School StudentsIn 2024, the revised rules for elementary and middle school students aim to promote a safe and conducive learning environment. These rules cover a wide range of behaviors and expectations for students to follow.General GuidelinesStudents must adhere to the school's dress code and arrive on time for classes. They should also show respect towards teachers, staff, and fellow students. Bullying and harassment are strictly prohibited.Academic IntegrityStudents are expected to complete their assignments independently and refrain from cheating or plagiarism. They should also actively participate in class discussions and group activities.Behavior in SchoolRespect for school property and the personal belongings of others is crucial. Students should keep their classrooms and common areas clean and follow the school's recycling guidelines.Technology UsageThe use of electronic devices should be limited to designated times and purposes. Students must follow the school's internet safety guidelines and avoid accessing inappropriate content.Health and WellnessMaintaining good hygiene and nutrition is important for students' overall well-being. They should also participate in physical education classes and outdoor activities to stay active.Discipline and ConsequencesViolations of the school rules may result in disciplinary actions, such as detention, suspension, or expulsion. Students are encouraged to reflect on their behavior and make positive changes.Communication and ReportingStudents should feel comfortable reporting any concerns or incidents to school authorities. Open communication between students, parents, and teachers is essential for a successful learning environment.These updated rules for elementary and middle school students aim to foster a positive and respectful community where everyone can thrive academically and socially. By following these guidelines, students can contribute to a safe and inclusive school environment.。



班规班纪English(精选多篇)第一篇:班规班纪English班规班纪In the classroom:1、不允许带食物和饮料进教室。

No food and drink take into the classroom.2、不允许上课的时候吃东西、喝水。

No eating and drinking during the class.3、上课不允许大声说话、吵闹,老师讲课的时候不允许插嘴,同学在回答问题的时候不允许插嘴。

No shouting in class,do not interrupt while Jenny is speaking or classmates are answering!4、有问题和疑问,必须先举手,老师允许回答以后才能说话。

If you have any questions,hands up first,you can only talk when the teacher said “Yes!”5、上课之前须把作业本交到规定处。

Hand in your homework before the class begin!6、上课提前至少十分钟到教室复习上节课所学内容和预习本节课即将学习的内容,迟到者不允许进教室。

Get to the classroom ten minutes early before the class begin,to review or preview the task!You are not allowed attend class when you are late!7、不允许私自翻看老师的物品,包括录音机,教学篮。

You are not allowed touching or moving teacher’s tools,including the radio and basket.8、在没有经过老师的同意的情况下,不允许私自拿MARKER在黑板上乱画乱写。



1. Be respectful of the instructor and other students. Do not interrupt others or talk over them.
2. Be prepared for class. Come to class on time with
the necessary materials.
3. Be an active participant. Ask and answer questions. Share your ideas and thoughts.
4. Complete all assignments on time. Late assignments
will not be accepted.
5. Be ethical. Do not plagiarize or cheat.
6. Have fun! Learning should be an enjoyable experience.
1. 尊重老师和其他学生。


2. 为课堂做好准备。


3. 积极参与。



4. 按时完成所有作业。


5. 要有道德。


6. 享受学习!学习应该是一件令人愉快的事情。



Classpules班规NO talking in class 上课不要说话No eating in class 上课不要吃东西Don't be late for class 上课不要迟到Listen to the teacher carefully为了更好地规范班级成员的行为,形成一个健康向上、团结互助的集体氛围,特制定如下班规:一.按照学校作息表,按时到校,认真做“两操”;按时就座等候上课,按计划进行课程。

. according to the school schedule list, get to school on time, and seriously do "speaking"; time to sit waiting for school, according to the plan of course.二.遵守课堂纪律,依照教师的安排进行课堂活动,做好应做笔记,并按时完成作业。

Two. Comply with classroom discipline, in accordance with the arrangement of teachers to carry out classroom activities, do a good job should take notes, and finish the job on time.三.自习课自觉研究各门课程,安静而专心。

Three. Self-study class consciously learn the course, quiet and concentrate.四.爱护公共环境和公共财物,不乱抛垃圾,不乱涂乱划/画。

Four. Care for the public environment and public property,not littering, not to scribble scratch / painting.五.不在教室内打牌或进行其他影响他人正常活动的行为。

美国中小学经常背诵的校规 中英文版55 rules

美国中小学经常背诵的校规 中英文版55 rules

师-隆.克拉克制定的55条班规.这五十五条班规看似平常,但是都寓意深远.希望它们可以变成班上学生乐于服膺的生活规范.超基本一:与大人应对,要有礼貌,有分寸超基本二:与人互动,眼睛要看着对方的眼睛超基本三:别人有好表现,要替他高兴超基本四:尊重别人的发言与想法超基本五:自己有什么好表现,不要炫耀,输给别人也不要生气超基本六:如果别人问你问题,你也要回问他问题超基本七:打喷嚏、咳嗽都要说对不起超基本八:不可以有不礼貌的小动作超基本九:别人送你任何东西,都要说谢谢超基本十:接到奖品和礼物,不可以嫌弃超基本十一:用小小的贴心,为别人制造惊喜超基本十二:改同学考卷时要谨慎超基本十三:全班一起念课文时,要看着正在念的一字一句超基本十四:以完整的句子回答所有的问题超基本十五:不要主动讨奖品超基本十六:每天都要做完作业超基本十七:换科目的时候,动作要快,要安静,要守秩序超基本十八:做什么事都要有条理超基本十九:老师在指定作业的时候,不要叫苦超基本二十:别的老师来代课,也要守班规超基本二十一:课堂上发言或起身,应该讲规矩超基本二十二:不可以上课上一半,起身去倒水超基本二十三:见到每个老师,都要说某某老师好超基本二十四:注意洗手间的卫生,把身边的病原减到最少超基本二十五:让客人有宾至如归的感觉超基本二十六:不要帮同学占位子超基本二十七:同学受罚的时候,不要看着他超基本二十八:对作业有问题,可以打电话来我家,我没接的话,你可以留言,但是只要一次就够了.超基本二十九:用餐的基本礼仪超基本三十:吃完饭,自己的垃圾自己处理超基本三十一:接受别人的服务要惜福超基本三十二:坐校车或公车,都要坐好,别打扰到司机超基本三十三:认识新朋友,要记住对方的名字超基本三十四:吃自助餐,或与别人同桌,取菜时不可以贪多超基本三十五:别人掉东西,请弯身帮他捡起来超基本三十六:进门时,如果后面还有人,请帮他扶住门超基本三十七:别人碰撞到你,不管你有没有错,都要说对不起超基本三十八:进行校外教学时,无论是到那一个公共场所,都要安安静静超基本三十九:去参观别人的地方,要不吝于赞美超基本四十:全校师生开会的时候,不要讲话超基本四十一:接电话时言谈要得体超基本四十二:一趟校外教学结束,要感谢所有随行的老师与家长超祢?四十三:搭乘电扶梯时,要站右边,赶时间的人走左边超基本四十四:列队行进时不可以说话超基本四十五:不可以插队;但看到别人插队不可以大呼小叫,让老师知道就好超基本四十六:看电影时不可以说话超基本四十七:不可以带「多力多滋」来学校超基本四十八:有谁欺负你,让老师知道超基本四十九:自己的理想自己要坚持超基本五十:要乐观,要享受人生超基本五十一:别让将来有遗憾超基本五十二:从错误中学习,继续向前迈进超基本五十三:不管如何,一定要诚实超基本五十四:抓住今天超基本五十五:在你的能力范围内,作最好.最好的人本文来源于枫叶教育网()原文链接:/info/91285-1.htmRon Clark’s “Essential 55 Rules”1.Respond to an adult when spoken to.2.Make eye contact when spoken to.3.Congratulate classmates.4.Respect other students’ comments, opinions, and ideas.5.If you win, do not brag, if you lose, do not show anger.6.If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return.7.Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough and say excuse me.8.Do not show disrespect with gestures.9.Always say thank you when given something.10.When you receive something, do not insult the gift or the giver.11.Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness.12.When grading other stude nts’ papers, give only the correct grade.13.Follow along when we read together in class.14.Answer all written questions with a complete sentence.15.Do not ask for a reward.16.You must complete your homework every day.17.Subject transitions and moving to different classrooms will be swift, quiet, and orderly.18.Be as organized as possible.19.When homework is assigned, do not moan or complain.20.When a substitute teacher present, all class rules still apply.21.Follow the specific classroom protocols.22.You may bring a bottle of water to class; you may not leave for a drink of water duringclass.23.Know other teachers’ names and greet them in the hall by name.24.Keep yourself and the bathroom clean and germ-free.25.Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.26.Do not save seats in the lunchroom.27.Do not stare at a student who is being reprimanded.28.Call me if you have a question about homework and leave a message –once.29.The ABC’s of etiquette.30.After dining in the cafeteria or elsewhere, be responsible for your trash.31.(Used at his school) In a hotel room, leave a tip for the hotel workers who clean yourroom.32.On a bus, always face forward.33.When meeting new people shake hands and repeat their names.34.When offered food, take only your fair share.35.If someone drops something and you are close to it, pick it up.36.Hold the door for people rather than letting it close on them.37.If someone bumps into you, say excuse me, even if it was not your fault.38.On a field trip, enter a public building quietly.39.On a field trip, compliment the place you are visiting.40.During an assembly, do not speak or call out to friends.41.At home, answer your phone in a polite and appropriate manner.42.When returning from a trip, shake the hands of every chaperone.43.Keep right in the hallways when walking.44.When walking in line, Keep your arms at your sides and move quietly.45.Never cut in line.46.No talking during movie or distance learning.47.Do not bring Doritos into the school building (a joke in his classroom)48.If anyone is bullying you, let me know.49.Stand up for what you believe.50.Be positive and enjoy life.51.Live so that you will never have regrets.52.Learn from your mistakes and move on.53.No matter the circumstances, always be honest.54.Carpe Diem.55.Be the best person you can be.。

55条班规中英文打印版 55 rules

55条班规中英文打印版 55 rules

55条班规1. 与大人应对,要有礼貌,有分寸2. 与人互动,眼睛要看着对方的眼睛3. 别人有好表现,要替他高兴4. 尊重别人的发言与想法5. 自己有什么好表现,不要炫耀,输给别人也不要生气6. 如果别人问你问题,你也要回问他问题7. 打喷嚏、咳嗽都要说对不起8. 不可以有不礼貌的小动作9. 别人送你任何东西,都要说谢谢10. 接到奖品和礼物,不可以嫌弃11. 用小小的贴心,为别人制造惊喜12. 改同学考卷时要谨慎13. 全班一起念课文时,要看着正在念的一字一句14. 以完整的句子回答所有的问题15. 不要主动讨奖品16. 每天都要做完作业17. 换科目的时候,动作要快,要安静,要守秩序18. 做什么事都要有条理19. 老师在指定作业的时候,不要叫苦20. 别的老师来代课,也要守班规21. 课堂上发言或起身,应该讲规矩22. 不可以上课上一半,起身去倒水23. 见到每个老师,都要说某某老师好24. 注意洗手间的卫生,把身边的病原减到最少25. 让客人有宾至如归的感觉26. 不要帮同学占位子27. 同学受罚的时候,不要看着他28. 对作业有问题,可以打电话来我家,我没接的话,你可以留言,但是只要一次就够了. 29. 用餐的基本礼仪30. 吃完饭,自己的垃圾自己处理31. 接受别人的服务要惜福32. 坐校车或公车,都要坐好,别打扰到司机33. 认识新朋友,要记住对方的名字34. 吃自助餐,或与别人同桌,取菜时不可以贪多35. 别人掉东西,请弯身帮他捡起来36. 进门时,如果后面还有人,请帮他扶住门37. 别人碰撞到你,不管你有没有错,都要说对不起38. 进行校外教学时,无论是到那一个公共场所,都要安安静静39. 去参观别人的地方,要不吝于赞美40. 全校师生开会的时候,不要讲话41. 接电话时言谈要得体42. 一趟校外教学结束,要感谢所有随行的老师与家长43. 搭乘电扶梯时,要站右边,赶时间的人走左边44. 列队行进时不可以说话45. 不可以插队;但看到别人插队不可以大呼小叫,让老师知道就好46. 看电影时不可以说话47. 不可以带「多力多滋」来学校48. 有谁欺负你,让老师知道49. 自己的理想自己要坚持50. 要乐观,要享受人生51. 别让将来有遗憾52. 从错误中学习,继续向前迈进53. 不管如何,一定要诚实54. 抓住今天55. 在你的能力范围内,作最好.最好的人Ron Clark’s “Essential 55 Rules”1.Respond to an adult when spoken to.2.Make eye contact when spoken to.3.Congratulate classmates.4.Respect other students’ comments, opinions, andideas.5.If you win, do not brag, if you lose, do not showanger.6.If you are asked a question in conversation, ask aquestion in return.7.Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough and sayexcuse me.8.Do not show disrespect with gestures.9.Always say thank you when given something.10.When you receive something, do not insult the gift orthe giver.11.Surprise others by performing random acts ofkindness.12.When grading other students’ papers, give only thecorrect grade.13.Follow along when we read together in class.14.Answer all written questions with a completesentence.15.Do not ask for a reward.16.You must complete your homework every day.17.Subject transitions and moving to different classroomswill be swift, quiet, and orderly.18.Be as organized as possible.19.When homework is assigned, do not moan orcomplain.20.When a substitute teacher present, all class rules stillapply.21.Follow the specific classroom protocols.22.You may bring a bottle of water to class; you may notleave for a drink of water during class.23.Know other teachers’ names and greet them in the hallby name.24.Keep yourself and the bathroom clean and germ-free.25.Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.26.Do not save seats in the lunchroom.27.Do not stare at a student who is being reprimanded.28.Call me if you have a question about homework andleave a message –once. 29.The ABC’s of etiquette.30.After dining in the cafeteria or elsewhere, beresponsible for your trash.31.(Used at his school) In a hotel room, leave a tip for thehotel workers who clean your room.32.On a bus, always face forward.33.When meeting new people shake hands and repeattheir names.34.When offered food, take only your fair share.35.If someone drops something and you are close to it,pick it up.36.Hold the door for people rather than letting it close onthem.37.If someone bumps into you, say excuse me, even if itwas not your fault.38.On a field trip, enter a public building quietly.39.On a field trip, compliment the place you are visiting.40.During an assembly, do not speak or call out tofriends.41.At home, answer your phone in a polite andappropriate manner.42.When returning from a trip, shake the hands of everychaperone.43.Keep right in the hallways when walking.44.When walking in line, Keep your arms at your sidesand move quietly.45.Never cut in line.46.No talking during movie or distance learning.47.Do not bring Doritos into the school building (a jokein his classroom)48.If anyone is bullying you, let me know.49.Stand up for what you believe.50.Be positive and enjoy life.51.Live so that you will never have regrets.52.Learn from your mistakes and move on.53.No matter the circumstances, always be honest.54.Carpe Diem.55.Be the best person you can be.。



克拉克的55条班规《优秀是教出来的》(“The Essential 55”)的作者克拉克(Ron Clark)老师年仅二十八岁,是全美最佳教师奖得主,是唯一被美国总统接见过三次的小学老师,已荣获“全美最佳教师奖”。



1、与大人应对,要有礼貌,有分寸Rule 1 When responding to any adult, you must answer by saying “Yes ma’am” or “No sir.” Just nodding your head or saying any other form of yes or no is not acceptable.2、与人互动,眼睛要看着对方的眼睛Rule 2 Make eye contact. When someone is speaking, keep your eyes on him or her at all times.If someone makes a comment, turn and face that person.3、别人有好表现,要替他高兴Rule 3 If someone in the class wins a game or does something well, we will congratulate that person. Claps should be at least three seconds in length with the full part of both hands meeting in a manner that will give the appropriate clap volume.要对游戏获胜者或把某事做得特别出色的人表示祝贺。



班级公约英文版第一篇:班级公约英文版Class Regulation1、All of the students in the class must be in the classroom before 6:55 A.M , 1:00 P.M and 17:55 P.M.2、Nobody is allowed to be absent without teachers’ permission.3、All of the students should be quick and quiet when queuing up.4、During the eye-exercise ,nobody can refuse doing the exercise.5、Students should keep silent during the evening class.Whoever talks loudly will obtain a-10 score in their behavior score.6、All of the students should respect the one who is speaking ,it’s banned to do their own work.7、All of the students have a Weekly Score(WS).WS = the Weekly Average Score of the Dormitories + the Behavior Score(BS)8、One would get a-10 BS i f they doesn’t hand the homework , be late or be too noisy in the evening class.9、One would get a 10-50 BS if they are awarded(with the diploma).10、All of the boys and girls can’t get too close.All of the students mustn’t take their electronic products int o the Education Region.Cheating in tests and thefts are also banned.Whoever breaks all the regulation above will not have the right to get A in the term.11、All of the students should get back to their dormitories before 9:30 P.M.Roomies should take good care of each other.第二篇:班级公约八年级二班班规作为本班的一员,为维护班集体荣誉,一定要做到尊重师长、团结同学,文明待人,遵守学校和班级的规章制度,并遵守以下约定:1、使用文明语言,不说脏话。



2024年版中小学生行为规范英文版Code of Conduct for Elementary and Middle School Students - 2024 EditionWelcome to the updated version of the Code of Conduct for elementary and middle school students in 2024. This document outlines the expected behavior and standards for students to follow in order to create a positive and respectful learning environment.Respect for OthersStudents are expected to treat each other with kindness and respect. This includes using polite language, listening to others when they speak, and being inclusive of all classmates. Bullying, teasing, and other forms of harassment will not be tolerated.Classroom BehaviorIn the classroom, students should listen to their teachers, follow instructions, and participate actively in lessons. It is important to raise your hand before speaking, keep your desk and materials organized, and work quietly when others are speaking.Attendance and PunctualityRegular attendance and being on time are crucial for academic success. Students should arrive at school on time each day, attend all classes, and notify the school if they are going to be absent. Tardiness and excessive absences will be addressed by school administration.Homework and AssignmentsCompleting homework and assignments on time is essential for academic progress. Students should take responsibility for their own work, ask for help when needed, and submit assignments by the specified deadlines. Plagiarism and cheating are not acceptable.Technology UseWhen using technology in school, students should follow the guidelines set by their teachers and school administration. This includes using devices for educational purposes only, following internet safety protocols, and respecting the privacy of others.Dress CodeStudents should dress in a manner that is appropriate for a learning environment. Clothing should be clean, modest, and free of offensive language or symbols. Hats, hoods, and sunglasses should not be worn indoors.Conflict ResolutionIn the event of a disagreement or conflict with another student, students should seek peaceful resolution through communication and compromise. If necessary, a teacher or school counselor can help mediate the situation.Consequences for MisbehaviorFailure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, such as detention, loss of privileges, or parent conferences. Severe or repeated infractions may lead to suspension or expulsion from school.By following these guidelines and demonstrating good behavior, students can contribute to a positive school environment and achieve academic success. Let's work together to make the 2024 school year a great one!。



二年级英语作文:我们的班规 Class Rules
二年级英语作文:关于我们的班规 Class Rules
Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We cant have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class. If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the classroom.








2024年小学生纪律及行为规范英文版Document Title: Discipline and Behavior Norms for Elementary Students in 2024In order to maintain a positive and conducive learning environment for all students, it is imperative to establish clear guidelines and expectations for behavior and discipline. The following document outlines the discipline and behavior norms that all elementary students must adhere to in the year 2024.General Rules1. Respect: Treat all teachers, staff, and fellow students with kindness and respect.2. Responsibility: Take ownership of your actions and their consequences.3. Safety: Ensure the safety of yourself and others at all times.4. Punctuality: Arrive to class and school events on time.Classroom Behavior1. Listen attentively to the teacher and follow instructions.2. Raise your hand to speak or ask a question.3. Respect the opinions and contributions of your classmates.4. Keep your workspace clean and organized.Playground Rules1. Play cooperatively with your peers and resolve conflicts peacefully.2. Follow the rules of each game or activity.3. Use playground equipment properly and safely.4. Include all students in games and activities.Cafeteria Guidelines1. Respect the cafeteria staff and follow their instructions.2. Clean up after yourself and dispose of trash properly.3. Use indoor voices and remain seated while eating.4. Practice good table manners and avoid wasting food.Dress Code1. Wear appropriate clothing that is clean and in good condition.2. Avoid clothing with offensive language or images.3. Dress modestly and follow any school-specific dress code policies.Attendance and Tardiness1. Attend school regularly and arrive on time each day.2. Provide a written excuse for any absences or tardies.3. Make up missed work promptly and seek help if needed.Consequences for Misbehavior1. Verbal warning2. Written warning3. Parent conference4. Detention5. SuspensionRewards for Positive Behavior1. Praise and recognition from teachers and staff2. Certificates or awards for exemplary behavior3. Extra privileges or special activities for well-behaved studentsBy following these discipline and behavior norms, elementary students in 2024 can create a safe, respectful, and inclusive school community conducive to learning and personal growth.。



2024年版:最新中小学生守则英文版2024 Edition: Latest Rules for Primary and Secondary School StudentsDear Students,Welcome to the new school year! As you embark on this academic journey, it is important to remember the rules and guidelines that will help you succeed and thrive in your learning environment. Here are some key rules to keep in mind:1. Respect Your Teachers: Always listen to your teachers and follow their instructions. They are here to help you learn and grow.2. Be Punctual: Arrive at school and all your classes on time. Punctuality shows respect for your peers and teachers.3. Study Hard: Dedicate time to your studies and complete all assignments on time. Education is the key to a bright future.4. Be Kind to Others: Treat your classmates with kindness and respect. Bullying and teasing have no place in our school community.5. Follow Dress Code: Wear your school uniform with pride and adhere to the dress code guidelines set by the school.6. Use Technology Wisely: Limit your screen time and use technology for educational purposes only during school hours.7. Stay Organized: Keep your belongings neat and tidy, and always come prepared with the necessary materials for class.8. Participate in Extracurricular Activities: Explore your interests and talents by joining clubs, sports teams, and other extracurricular activities.9. Be Responsible: Take ownership of your actions and make wise choices both inside and outside of school.10. Stay Healthy: Eat nutritious meals, get enough sleep, and engage in physical activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle.Remember, these rules are in place to create a positive and productive learning environment for everyone. By following them, you can make the most of your school experience and set yourself up for success in the future.Good luck and have a great school year!Sincerely,[Your School Name] Administration。



五年级下册英语制定班规30条一、思想和仪表Thoughts and instruments1 、尊敬师长,团结同学,一切听从老师安排,如违反有关规章应谦虚接受批评,并做出书面检查。

respect teachers, unite students, all obey the teacher arrangement, such as violation of the relevant regulations should be modest to accept criticism, and make a written examination.2 、言谈举止要文明,不骂人、不打架、不给其他同学取绰号。

civilized speech and deportment, do not curse, do not fight, do not give others a nickname.3 、平时佩戴红领巾, 男同学不穿背心,女同学不戴首饰进教室,不留长发。

usually wearing a red scarf, the male students do not wear vests, female students in the classroom do not wear jewelry, not long hair.4 、放学出校门要排队。

school out of the school to line up.5 、学校里不允许做与学习无关的事情。


the school does not allow to do with the study has nothing to do. Students are not allowed to see a magazine that has nothing to do with learning.二、纪律Two, discipline1 、自觉遵守课堂纪律,认真听讲,不做小动作,不讲空话。



Class Rule: Maintain a Respectful and Positive Learning Environment.
In order to foster a conducive learning environment where all students feel valued and respected, we establish the following class rule:
Respect Yourself, Others, and the Classroom: Treat everyone with dignity, kindness, and empathy. Refrain from any form of bullying, harassment, or inappropriate behavior. Maintain a positive and cooperative attitude, contributing
to a harmonious and supportive classroom culture.




二年级班规班约 简约版

二年级班规班约 简约版

二年级班规班约简约版【中英文实用版】英文文档:Second-grade Class Rules and Regulations - Simple VersionIntroduction:In order to maintain a harmonious and productive learning environment, it is essential to establish clear class rules and regulations.The following guidelines have been designed specifically for second-grade students, taking into consideration their developmental stage and academic needs.1.Punctuality:Students should arrive on time for class and be seated before the bell teness will be minimized, as it disrupts the learning process.2.Attention and Participation:Full attention should be given to the teacher during lessons.Students are encouraged to actively participate in class discussions, ask questions, and collaborate with peers.3.Respect:Respectful behavior towards teachers, classmates, and school staff is mandatory.This includes using polite language, listening carefully to others, and showing appreciation for different perspectives.4.Classroom Materials:Students must keep their desks organized and bring all necessary materials to class.Lost or damaged items will require replacement at the student"s expense.5.Homework:Homework assignments must be completed on time and to the best of the student"s ability.Neat handwriting and effort are expected.6.Recess and Lunch:Recess and lunch periods should be spent engaging in social activities and eating nutritious meals.Running, pushing, and inappropriate language are strictly prohibited.7.Classroom Cleanliness:Students are responsible for keeping their work areas clean.Garbage should be disposed of properly, and tables and chairs should be pushed in after use.8.Technology Use:The use of electronic devices is restricted during class hours, unless specifically permitted for educational purposes.9.Absences and Lateness:When absent or late, students must ensure they complete any missed work and seek clarification from the teacher as needed.10.Positive Behavior:A positive and supportive attitude is encouraged at all times.Bullying,teasing, and negative behavior will not be tolerated.Conclusion:Adhering to these simplified class rules and regulations will contribute to a respectful, organized, and engaging learning environment for all second-grade students.Teachers and students alike share the responsibility for creating a supportive atmosphere that promotes academic growth and personal development.中文文档:二年级班规班约- 简约版引言:为了维护和谐、高效的学习环境,确立明确的班级规则和规定至关重要。



小学班规英文作文英文:Class Rules。

As a student, I believe that having rules in the classroom is important for everyone's safety and success. Here are some of the rules that I think should be in place:1. Respect each other: We should always be respectful to our classmates and teachers. This means no name-calling, bullying, or disrespecting others' opinions.2. Listen when others are speaking: It's important to pay attention when someone else is talking. This shows respect and helps us learn from each other.3. Be prepared: We should come to class with all the necessary materials and be ready to learn.4. Follow instructions: We should always follow the teacher's instructions and class procedures. This helps keep everyone safe and on track.5. Keep the classroom clean: We should all do our part to keep the classroom clean and tidy. This means throwing away trash, keeping our desks organized, and not writing on the walls.中文:班规。

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