



射频场强仪简易操作说明书一.功能按键介绍:1.[Run/GHz] 运行键(开始扫描)或停止键(停止扫描,此时处于监听状态),同时在输入频率的时候做GHz 的单位用。

2.[Mode/MHz] 调制模式键一共有4 种模式:W-FM(宽频调频),(窄频调频幅),SSB(单边模式),AM(调幅),同时在输入频率的时候做MHz 的单位用。

3.[Sweep/KHz]扫描模式键三种模式:(F)自由模式,(1)单次模式,(S)静躁模式4.[Marker/DEL] 标记键M 出现时,上下键可移动光标察看光标位置处的各项参数;三角出现时,对两个光标位置进行差值比较;S 出现时,可以通过上下按键或旋纽来移动调整右侧静噪的数值。


5.[Menu] 菜单键可以用来设定各项参数。


2.开关机:按[POWER]键开关机3.LCD 屏幕的调节:[SHIFT]+[7](即先按SHIFT 键,然后再按7 键)打开或关闭背光灯[SHIFT]+[8]打开屏幕亮度调节界面,上下按键或旋纽来选择亮度按[ENTER]键确定。






6.[SHIFT]+[3]可以设定LCD 显示的LEVEL(电平)的起始数值和分辨率,数值通过[上/下]按键选定。



[SHIFT]+[5]用数字键在1-9 之间选择一个,然后输入你要测量的频率值可以同时显示多个你选定的频率的能量。



RPM-300M射频功率&数据测试仪(RF Power Meter &Datacom Tester)使用手册(注:英文版摘录翻译)通告版权所有© 2008 BELLNET CO.,LTD 保留所有权利。

感谢您选用BELLNET (贝尔网迅) RPM-300M射频功率&数据测试仪,在使用前,请仔细阅读本说明书,以便正确操作。






目录一、仪表通用说明 (4)1,正视图 (4)2,信号指示灯 (5)3,按键 (6)4,物理连接口 (7)5,打印、供电端口 (7)二、E1测试功能操作模式 (8)三、以太网的测试功能操作模式 (11)四、射频功率计测试操作 (17)1,RPM-300M主机显示版本 (17)2,PC电脑显示软件版本 (20)五、测试结果菜单管理操作 (24)六、保修期 (26)一、仪表通用说明欢迎使用BELLNET RPM-300M 射频功率※数据测试仪。

您可以使用这一紧凑、轻巧而性能多样的测试仪来执行多种基于E1、10/100M 、射频功率接口的测试。

快速验收电路、检查质量、观察信号信息、及射频功率的测试――都能通过一个简单的基于键盘的用户接口和一个简洁的LCD 显示屏幕来完成。



一:打开电源键→仪器自我检测(等音乐声结束)→按启动键→开始自动测阻抗→按刺激键(电刺激“幅度”栏灯亮)→把确定键向“+”方向转一下调制m A灯亮→按确定键2下(电刺激栏灯闪)→旋转确定键调至1.5mA→按确定键一下→确定键向右转至“频率”栏灯亮→按确定键→调至10HZ→按确定键→转两下,菜单栏箭头调至4→按确定键→按启动键(开始电刺激)→结束后按停止→按热凝键(热凝灯亮)→按确定键2下→调温度(根据医生口头医嘱执行)→按确定键→把菜单栏箭头调至3→按确定键→按启动键






②本装置监测仪引自杂用MMC A段02D柜遥控板电源引自集控楼PC&MCC A 段07A 柜(杂用MCC A段02E柜为其备用电源)③熔丝及涌浪电容的功用高频电流传感器接在发电机中性接地变压器前面,由于高阻变压器对射频信号衰减很大,使监测仪的读数无法读出,因此设置一个涌浪电容器(0.01uf,DC 100KV),并联在接地变上,同时为了不因电容漏电引起误电流,在电容器支路上串接一限流容丝(0.5-1A / 10-27V)。








1. 接通电源:确保射频仪的电源线已经正确连接并接通电源。

2. 预热时间:在使用射频仪之前,通常需要给仪器一定的时间进行预热。


3. 连接天线或信号源:将天线或信号源连接到射频仪的输入端口。


4. 设置测量范围:根据需要,设置射频仪的测量范围。


5. 调节射频信号:通过调节信号源或其他调节装置,产生或调整射频信号的频率、功率等参数。

6. 测量结果:观察射频仪显示屏上的测量结果。


7. 注意测量误差:射频仪的测量结果可能会有一定的误差。


8. 关闭射频仪:使用完毕后,先关闭射频信号源,再关闭射频仪的电源。






目录一、【操作步骤】二、【操作说明】三、【操作建议】四、【操作流程】五、【操作手法】六、【注意事项及禁忌症】七、【技术优势】八、【疗程后的维护建议】产品介绍Products Introduction微波射频仪-采用了一个电容耦合电极来传送无线电波能量,提高真皮层及皮下组织3-5毫米的温度,促进细胞的代谢,增强血液循环,并增强胶原组织的伸展。









P/N 43004100 Rev.A1981FirmwareThe Series 8717-117XX and the Model 8718B use identical firmware (internal software) and identical User’s Software. There is only one minor difference in the operation that involves the default setting for the LCD backlight:The default setting for the LCD backlight is ON for theline operated Series 8717-117XX and it is OFF for thehand-held Model 8718B.The firmware in both meters can be used to turn the backlight on and off.Controls and IndicatorsPower Control:It is suggested that the keypad be used to turn the Series 8717 on and off under normal conditions. Shut the meter off using the keypad prior to moving the ACON/OFF on the rear of the meter to the OFF position.The LINE POWER indicator on the front panel is designed to moni-tor the status of the AC power Switch.Alarm:The nine-pin alarm connector on the rear panel pro-vides a simple way for remote indication that the user-controlled alarm threshold has been exceeded. Both a TTL signal and a set of SPDT relay contacts are provided to indicate alarm sta-tus. The meter firmware is used to turn the alarm on and off and to set the alarm threshold. The alarm threshold is set in proportion to the full-scale value of the probe that is being used. For example, if a shaped probe with a full scale indication of “300% of Standard” is used and the alarm threshold is set to 10%, then the audio alarm on the front panel will be activated whenever the probe is subjected to a field in excess of 30% of Standard. The TTL signal and the relay contacts operate in par-allel to the front panel audio signal. The TTL signal goes High under alarm conditions.Interface Switch:The interface switch activates one of the two remote interfaces – the GPIB or the RS232serial port. Although the GPIB interface is most likely to be used for day-to-day oper-ation, the RS232 interface is required to run Narda ’s User ’s Software, which is designed to operate via the RS232 port only.Therefore, you must select RS232 in order to load probe cali-bration information or to extract logged data. It is convenient to have probe calibration information stored in the meter when making single-frequency measurements. Under those condi-tions, probe correction factors can be used to reduce theamount of measurement uncertainty. Refer to the 8718B User’s Guide for further information.Other:For all other operations refer to the 8718B User ’s Guide.USA: 435 Moreland RoadHauppauge, NY 11788Tel 1-631 231-1700 Fax 1-631 231-1711E-Mail *******************www GERMANY: Sandwiesenstr 7D-72793 PfullingenTel +49-7121-9732-777 Fax +49-7121-9732-790E-Mail ********************www.narda-sts.de ❖❖❖CAUTION ❖❖❖Do not place your eye tightly against the front panel of the meter in the area of the Probe Test window while the Test Source indicator is illuminated.Probe Test:The output of the high frequency test source is very low power. The field generated is far below the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) levels in the IEEE C95.1-1999standard at a distance of only one-inch from the front panel. The Test Sources automatically turn off 20 seconds after the Test Source key is pressed. The Test Source indicator is illuminated whenever the test sources are active.。


◆重复性::<1mm (导电介质) <10mm(绝缘介质)



















4.1 拆箱........................................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 安装要求................................................................................................................................... 8 4.3 整体型系统安装....................................................................................................................... 9 4.4 分体型系统安装....................................................................................................................... 9 4.5 传感器的安装......................................................................................................................... 10 4.6 典型安装...............................................................................................................



R-2000 B射频热凝器使用操作说明1、连接三项插头电源,连接好各种导线,确保负极板与病人皮肤充分接触,负极板粘帖的位置应避免热凝器的电流环路通过病人的心脏。







































1. 打开仪器的电源开关,并等待仪器启动完成。

2. 调节仪器的频率和功率,根据需要选择合适的参数进行设置。

3. 在操作之前,使用消毒液或消毒棉球清洁测量头部位。

4. 让被测者坐在舒适的位置上,双眼睁开并注视前方。

5. 将测量头按照说明书的方法正确放置在眼部位置上,并确保与眼部接触良好。

6. 在屏幕上观察信号波形,并调节位置和角度,以获得清晰和稳定的波形信号。

7. 开始进行眼部测量,注意被测者的眼睛状态并适时调整参数。

8. 测量完成后,关闭仪器的电源开关,并进行仪器的清洁和消毒工作。







一、射频仪基本原理射频仪的基本原理是,它能够将一个电子设备发出的射频讯号发送到另一个电子设备中接收和改变,这种讯号叫做射频信号(Radio Frequency Signal),是一种带有某种频率的信号。





























根据安装的型号和选项,FSH 手持平台可一机多用:
►锂离子电池组►USB 接口线►LAN 网线
►AC 电源适配器►用户手册

3年保修 (电池和附件为1年
f 一体化仪器满足现场测量需求f 干扰分析和地理标记f 电磁场测量f 轻松操作
f 免费的远程控制软件和应用

通过LAN或USB接口进行远程控制:R&S ® FSH可通过USB或LAN接口进行远程控制,并集成到用户特定的程序中



射频识别设备使用说明书使用说明:1. 前言射频识别(RFID)设备是一种用于识别和追踪物体的技术。


2. 设备概述射频识别设备由以下主要部件组成:- RFID读写器:用于读取标签上的数据和写入数据到标签中。

- RFID标签:携带着物体的唯一身份信息,可与读写器进行通信。

- 电源适配器:用于为设备供电。

- 连接线:连接读写器、电源适配器和其他外设。

3. 设备安装在使用射频识别设备之前,请确保完成以下步骤:- 将电源适配器插入电源插座,并将其连接到设备上。

- 将读写器连接到电源适配器或电脑上。

- 确保与计算机或其他设备的连接线正常连接。

4. 设备操作本节将向您介绍射频识别设备的基本操作步骤:- 将带有标签的物体放置在读写器附近。

- 启动读写器,可以在屏幕上或按键上找到相应的开启按钮。

- 读写器会自动识别标签,并将标签上的数据显示在屏幕上。

- 根据需要,您可以选择将新数据写入标签中,使用读写器上相应的按钮执行写入操作。

5. 设备维护为确保射频识别设备的长期稳定运行,请注意以下几点:- 定期清洁设备表面和连接线,并保持干燥。

- 不要拉扯连接线,以免损坏传输数据的线缆。

- 避免将设备长时间暴露在高温或潮湿环境中。

- 定期检查设备和连接线是否有损坏,如有损坏请及时更换。















二、基本操作1. 接通电源:将射频仪的电源线插入交流电源插座,并将仪器的电源开关打开。

2. 设置参数:通过仪器的菜单或按键设置界面,设置所需的测量范围、测量单位、触发方式等参数。

3. 连接天线:将天线连接至射频仪的天线接口,并确保连接牢固。

4. 接收信号:将天线对准待测信号源,并观察仪器显示屏上的射频信号波形或参数。

5. 数据分析:根据需求,对接收到的射频信号进行参数分析、频谱扫描等操作。

6. 结果展示:通过显示屏上的图表、曲线或数字结果,可以直观地了解射频信号的特性和性能。

三、注意事项1. 安全使用:射频仪在工作时会接收到大量的射频能量,使用时需注意避免直接暴露在高强度射频辐射下,以免对人身安全产生影响。

2. 适当保护:射频仪是精密的测试仪器,使用时要防止碰撞、摔落和水激等外力损坏。

3. 正确存放:在不使用射频仪时,应将其存放在干燥、防尘的环境中,并避免长时间暴露在高温、高湿度环境中。

4. 定期校准:射频仪的测量精度会随时间的推移而变化,建议定期进行校准,以确保测量结果准确可靠。

5. 仪器保养:定期清洁仪器表面和天线接口,避免灰尘和污染物对测量结果的干扰。




RF Explorer MS2711B D 手持射频分析仪说明书

RF Explorer MS2711B D 手持射频分析仪说明书

The MS2711B/D Handheld Spectrum Analyzer provides the “ulti-mate” in measurement flexibility for field environments and applica-tions requiring mobility. Unlike traditional spectrum analyzers, the MS2711B/D features a rugged, ultra-lightweight, battery-operated design that enables users to conduct spectrum analysis measure-ments – anywhere, anytime.Providing complete freedom from AC/DC power requirements, the MS2711B/D enables you to locate, identify, record and solve com-munication systems problems quickly and easily, without sacrificing measurement accuracy.Whether you are installing, maintaining, or troubleshooting a modern wireless communication system, the MS2711B/D provides excep-tional performance combined with ease-of-use and broad functional-ity – making it an ideal solution for engineers and technicians who conduct field measurements in the 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz frequency range. In fact, it is ideal for finding the source of interfering signals in modern wireless systems.Rugged and ReliableBecause the MS2711B/D was designed specifically for field environ-ments, it can easily withstand the day-to-day punishment of field use. Rugged packaging also keeps the MS2711B/D performing in harsh environments.Easy-to-UseNot only is the MS2711B/D the lightest fully-functional spectrum an-alyzer available at 4.5 pounds (base model including battery), oper-ation is straight-forward and driven by firmware that simplifies the process of making measurements and interpreting the results shown on the large, high-resolution LCD display. The menu-driven user in-terface is easy to use and requires little training.A full range of marker capabilities such as peak, center and delta functions are also provided, giving users a faster and more compre-hensive measurement of displayed signals. Limit lines simplify am-plitude measurements, giving users the capability to create quick, simple, pass/fail measurements. Frequency, span and amplitude functions are easily configured for optimum performance. Used to-gether with the Save Setup feature, these functions can help to make testing easier and faster for less experienced users.Powerful Trace ManagementUsers are able to store ten test setups along with 200 measurement traces internally in the unit’s memory. The stored data can be easily down-loaded to a personal computer (PC) or a printer via an RS-232 serial cable for further analysis. A notebook computer can be used with the RS-232 interface for automated control and data collection in the field.A standard preamplifier (option 8) plus a number of available options including an internal tracking generator (option 20, MS2711B) or transmission measurement (option 21, MS2711D) expand the MS2711B/D’s capabilities.Fast, Accurate, Repeatable,Portable Spectrum AnalysisTo meet the challenges of today’s wireless market, Anritsu Companyhas incorporated a pre-amp (standard) for its revolutionaryMS2711B/D Handheld Spectrum Analyzer which increases the ana-lyzer’s sensitivity and dynamic range while improving measurementtime. With the built-in pre-amp feature, the MS2711B/D is particular-ly effective in measuring low-level signals. The handheld spectrumanalyzer’s sensitivity is improved to –115 dBm for MS2711B and–135 dBm for MS2711D (100 Hz RBW) (full span). With this option,the MS2711B/D can identify and make measurements on low-levelsignals much faster than previously possible.The improved sensitivity, dynamic range, and measurement speedcomplement the existing benefits of the MS2711B/D. Weighing only4.9 pounds (including a NiMH battery, fully loaded, base model only4.5 pounds), the MS2711B/D is the world’s lightest fully functionalhandheld spectrum analyzer with the built-in tracking generator op-tion (option 20).MS2711B/D has been enhanced so that it can make highly accuratechannel power measurements, occupied bandwidth and AdjacentChannel Power Ratio (ACPR) measurements. These are increasing-ly critical measurements, particularly for power amplifiers used inwireless communication systems. With the enhancements, theMS2711B/D has dedicated one button channel power, occupiedbandwidth, and ACPR measurement capability to significantly re-duce test time and expense. The MS2711B/D also features local lan-guage graphical user interface support (in Chinese, Japanese,French, German, and Spanish).N E W316For product ordering information, see pages 3 – 6 3175Features•Lightweight (4.5 lbs - base model, 4.9 lbs with tracking generator -option 20, or transmission measurement, option 21) •Synthesizer-based performance •Wide dynamic range•One button, ACPR, OBW, channel power, C/I measurement •Quick zoom-in, zoom-out display •5 minute warm up•Manual and automatic attenuator control•Improved user interface, with local language support in five differ-ent languages•Automatic overload and ESD protection •Built-in AM/FM demodulation•Built-in field strength measurement •Built-in interference analysis•Ability to store and recall up to six antenna factors•Full range of marker capabilities including peak, center, and delta functions•Limit lines for quick, simple pass/fail measurements •Rugged, reliable packaging •Battery operated design–2.5 hours of continuous operation–Built-in energy conservation that extends battery life beyond an eight-hour workday–Operation using a 12.5 Vdc source AC-DC adapter or automotive cigarette lighter adapter, which simultaneously charges the battery –Field replaceable battery •Built in clock and calender•Low cost ownership, global warranty•Data storage and memory–Store up to ten test setups and 200 measurement traces in non-volatile memory–Stored data is easily and quickly downloaded to a personal com-puter (PC) or printer•Powerful trace management–Automatically date/time stamped –Alphanumeric labeling •PC reporting software–Windows ®95/98/2000/ME, XP , NT Workstation compatible –Supports long file names for descriptive labeling–Can display an unlimited number of traces for comparison to his-torical performance•Optional Monochrome or Color LCD with backlight capability display •Direct printer control via RS232 serial portApplicationsConvenient operating procedures, high sensitivity, and excellent re-peatability enable the MS2711B/D to pinpoint the smallest system performance degradation and allow for easy verification of system compliance. Typical applications include:•Transmitter Spectrum Analysis – occupied bandwidth, power, mod-ulation measurements, location and identification of in-band, out-of-channel spurious and out-of-band spurious signals•Receive Signal Analysis – measure receiver sensitivity, locate and identify sources of interfering signals•Modulation identification, modulation depth, deviation, and spectral mask •Signal Strength Mapping – to determine the most suitable location for antennas, base stations, and repeaters; or pinpoint Electromagnetic (EM) leakage in broadcast systemsF r e q u e n c yModelMS2711BMS2711DFrequency range 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz Frequency reference Aging: ±1 ppm/yr Accuracy: ±2 ppmFrequency span 1 kHz to 3 GHz in 1, 2, 5 step selections in auto mode, plus zero span 10 Hz to 2.99 GHz in 1, 2, 5 step selections in auto mode, plus zero span Sweep time≥6500 msec full span; 500 msec zero span≤1.1 second full span;≤50 msec to 20 second zero span Resolution bandwidth (–3dB width)10 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz, 1 MHz, ±20%100 Hz to 1 MHz in 1-3 sequence, ±5%Video bandwidth (–3dB)100 Hz to 300 kHz in 1-3 sequence3 Hz to 1 MHz in 1-3 sequence, ±5%SSB Phase Noise (1 GHz) @30 kHz Offset ≤–75 dBc/Hz Spurious responses Input related ≤–45 dBc Spurious residual responses ≤–90 dBm (≥500 kHz)A m p l i t u d eMeasurement range+20 dBm to –115 dBm (with preamp on)+20 dBm to –135 dBm (with preamp on)Displayed average noise level–115 dBm (≥1 MHz typical with preamp on)≤–95 dBm (≥500 kHz, typical)≤–80 dBm (< 500 kHz, typical)≤-135 dBm typical, ≥1 MHz (preamp on)≤–115 dBm typical, ≥500 kHz to <1 MHz ≤–110 dBm typical, < 500 kHzfor input terminated, 0 dB attenuation, RMS detection, 100 Hz RBWDynamic range >65 dB, typicalTotal level accuracy±2 dB, ≥500 kHz, typical;±3 dB, <500 kHz, typical(For input signal level ≥–60 dBm)±0.5 dB typical (±1 dB max), ≥10 MHz to 2 GHz ±1 dB typical (±1.5 dB max), >2 GHz to 3 GHz ±2 dB, ≥500 kHz to <10 MHz ±3 dB typical, <500 kHzfor input signal levels ≥–60 dBm, excludes input VSWR mismatchDisplay range1 to 15 dB/div in 1 dB steps, Ten divisions displayedMax input level without damage +23 dBm, ±50 Vdc+43 dBm (Peak), ±50 VdcAttenuator Range 0 to 50 dB, selected manually or automatically coupled to the reference level. Resolution in 10 dB steps 0 to 51 dB, selected manually or automatically coupled to the reference level. Resolution in 1 dB steps.RF inputVSWR 2.0:11.5:1 typical, (≥20 dB atten., 10 MHz to2.4 GHz)SpecificationsContinued on next page318For product ordering information, see pages 3 – 6G e n e r a lModelMS2711BMS2711DInternal trace memory 200 maximumSetup storage 10 test setupsDisplayVGA Monochrome LCD VGA Color or VGA Monochrome LCD Inputs and Outputs Ports RF In RF Out Ext trig InExt Freq Ref In (2 MHz to 20 MHz)Serial InterfaceType N, female, 50 ΩType N, female, 50 ΩN/A N/ARS-232 9 pin D-sub, three wire serialType N, female, 50 ΩType N, female, 50 ΩBNC, female (5V TTL)Shared BNC, female, 50 Ω(–15 dBm to +10 dBm)RS-232 9 pin D-sub, three wire serialElectromagnetic compatibility Meets European community requirements for CE marking SafetyConforms to EN 61010-1 for Class 1 portable equipmentTemperature Operating Non-operating0°C to 50°C, humidity 85% or less–20°C to +75°C (recommend battery stored separately between 0°C to 40°C for any prolonged storage period)–10°C to 55°C, humidity 85% or less–51°C to +71°C (recommend battery stored separately between 0°C to 40°C for any prolonged storage period)Power supplyExternal DC Input Internal+12.5 to +15 volts dc, 1350 mA max NiMH battery: 10.8 volts, 1800 mA mAHDimensionsSize (W x H x D)Weight25.4 cm x 17.8 cm x 6.10 cm (10.0 in x 7.0 in x 2.4 in)2.04 kg (4.5 lbs.) includes battery, 2.2 kg (4.9 lbs)includes tracking generator25.4 cm x 17.8 cm x 6.10 cm (10.0 in x 7.0 in x 2.4 in)<2.14 kg (4.7 lbs.) includes battery,<2.28 kg (5 lbs) includes transmission measurementBias TeeVoltage +18 VdcCurrent1 A peak 200 ms, 300 mA max steady stateMS2711B/D (Option 10) Bias Tee specificationsMS2711D (Option 21) Transmission Measurement specificationsFrequency Frequency range Frequency resolution 25 MHz to 3 GHz 10 HzOutputOutput power level Output impedance–10 dBm typical 50 ΩFCN4760 Frequency Converter specificationsF r e q u e n c yFrequency range 4.7 GHz to 6 GHz Frequency resolution ∗110 HzFrequency referenceAging: ±1 ppm/yr Accuracy: ±2 ppm SSB Phase Noise (6 GHz) @30 kHz Offset ≤–65 dBc/Hz Spurious responses Input related ≤–45 dBc Spurious residual responses 1≤–90 dBmA m p l i t u d eMeasurement range –40 dBm to –100 dBm Sensitivity ∗1(displayed avg. noise level)–100 dBm Maximum input level without damage–5 dBmRF inputVSWR 2.0:1 max G e n e r a lInputs and Outputs Ports RF In RF OutCommunication Interface T ype N, female, 50 ΩT ype N, male, 50 Ω10 pin D subElectromagnetic compatibility Meets European community requirements for CE marking SafetyConforms to EN 61010-1 for Class 1 portable equipment Temperature Operating Non-operating –10°C to 50°C, humidity 85% or less –50°C to +80°C Power dissipation 850 mW maxDimensionsSize (W x H x D)Weight6.6 cm x 10.9 cm x 3.3 cm (2.6 in x 4.3 in x 1.3 in)<0.45 kg (< 1 lb.)∗1: Specifications apply when connected to the MS2711D spectrum analyzer15 test setups5 Ordering InformationPlease specify model/order number, name, and quantity when ordering.Model/Order MS2711B/8 Handheld Spectrum Analyzer: 100 kHz to 3.0 GHzMS2711D Handheld Spectrum Analyzer: 100 kHz to 3.0 GHzStandard AccessoriesUser’s Guide, MS2711BSoft Carrying CaseAC – DC AdapterAutomotive Cigarette Lighter/12 Volt DC AdapterOne Y ear WarrantyCD ROM containing Software Management ToolsSerial Interface CableRechargeable battery, NiMHPre-amplifier (built-in)Option AccessoriesOption 3Color display - MS2711D onlyOption 6Frequency converter controller module for use withFCN4760 (MS2711D only)Option 10Bias Tee (built-in)Option 20T racking generator (built-in) - MS2711B onlyOption 21Transmission measurement (built-in) - MS2711D only Option 29Power Meter (MS2711D only)Optional Accessories5400-71N50RF Detector, N(m), 50 Ω, 1 to 3000 MHz42N50A-3030 dB, 50 Watt, Bi-directional, DC to 18 GHz,N(m) to N(f) Attenuator34NN50A Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, N(m) to N(m)34NFNF50C Precision Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω, N(f) to N(f)15NN50-1.5C T est port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz 15NN50-3.0C T est port cable armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz 15NN50-5.0C T est port cable armored, 5.0 meter, N(m) to N(m), 6.0 GHz 15NNF50-1.5C T est port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz 15NNF50-3.0C T est port cable armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz 15NNF50-5.0C T est port cable armored, 5.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6.0 GHz 15ND50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to7/16 DIN(m), 3.5 GHz15NDF50-1.5C Test port cable armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to7/16 DIN(f), 3.5 GHz510-90Adapter 7/16 (f) to N(m), 3.5 GHz510-91Adapter, 7/16 DIN(f) to N(f), 7.5 GHz510-92Adapter, 7/16 DIN(m) to N(m) 7.5 GHz510-96Adapter 7/16 DIN (m) to 7/16 DIN (m), 7.5 GHz510-97Adapter 7/16 DIN(f) to 7/16 DIN(f), 7.5 GHz61N50RF SWR Bridge, 10-2500 MHz, 50 Ω, N(m)61NF50RF SWR Bridge, 10-2500 MHz, 50 Ω, N(f)Model/Order 1030-86Band Pass Filter, 800 MHz band, 806-869 MHz,Loss = 1.7 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)1030-87Band Pass Filter, 900 MHz band, 902-960 MHz,Loss = 1.7 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)1030-88Band Pass Filter, 1900 MHz band, 1.85-1.99 GHz,Loss = 1.8 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)1030-89Band Pass Filter, 2400 MHz band, 2.4-2.5 GHz,Loss = 1.9 dB, N(m)-SMA(f)48258Spare soft carrying case40-115Spare AC/DC adapter806-62Spare automotive cigarette lighter/12 Volt DC adapter 800-441Spare serial interface cable760-229 Transit case for Anritsu Handheld Spectrum Analyzer 2300-347 Anritsu Handheld Software Tools10580-00074Anritsu HHSA User’s Guide, Model MS2711B (spare) 10580-00071Anritsu HHSA Programming Manual, Model MS2711B 10580-00072Anritsu HHSA Maintenance Manual, Model MS2711B 10580-00097Anritsu HHSA User’s Guide, Model MS2711D10580-00098Anritsu HHSA Programming Manual, Model MS2711D 10580-00099Anritsu HHSA Maintenance Manual, Model MS2711D 633-27Rechargeable battery, NiMH551-1691USB to Serial adapter70-28Headset2000-1029Battery charger, NiMH with universal power supply 2000-1030Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 1.71-1.88 GHz 2000-1031Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 1.85-1.99 GHz 2000-1032Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 12.4-2.5 GHz2000-1035Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 896-941 MHz2000-1200Portable antenna, 50 Ω, SMA (m) 806-869 MHzPrinters2000-1214 HP DeskJet printerIncludes: interface cable, black print cartridge, and USpower cable2000-753 Spare serial-to-parallel converter cable2000-663 Power cable (Europe) for DeskJet printer2000-664 Power cable (Australia) for DeskJet printer2000-1218 Power cable (UK) for DeskJet printer2000-667 Power cable (So. Africa) for DeskJet printer2000-1217Rechargeable battery for DeskJet printer2000-1216Black print cartridge for DeskJet printerMS2711B (Option 20) Tracking generator specificationsFrequency Frequency range10 MHz to 3 GHz Frequency resolution 5 KHzTracking offset range±5 MHzOutput Output power level0 to –60 dBmOutput power level resolutionAbsolute level accuracy±1.5 dB, 0 to –40 dBm±4 dB, –40 dBm to –60 dBm Output flatness≤±1.5 dB (10 MHz – 3 GHz) Output tracking VSWR<2.0:1, <0 dBmSpurious harmonics≤–20 dBcNon-Spurious≤–20 dBc0.1 dBFrequency Range 3 MHz to 3.0 GHzT otal Level Accuracy ±1 dB max (±0.5 dB typical) for input signal levels >-60 dBm (10 MHz to 2 GHz, excludes input VSWR)±1.5 dB max (±1 dB typical), >2 GHz to 3 GHz±2 dB max, 3 MHz to 10 MHzMeasurement Range+20 dBm to -80 dBmFrequency Span 3 MHz to 2.99 GHzDisplay Range+80 dBm to -80 dBmOffset Range0 to 60 dBMaximum Input Power+20 dBm without input attenuatorMS2711B (Option 29) Power meter specifications319。



O perating I nstructionsE lectronics moduleVEGAMIP series60-emitting unitVEGAMIP series60-receiving unitD ocument ID:37349R adarC ontents1A bout this document1.1F unction (3)1.2T arget group (3)1.3S ymbolism used ............................32F or your safety2.1A uthorised personnel (4)2.2A ppropriate use (4)2.3E nvironmental instructions .....................43P roduct description3.1C on figuration (5)3.2P rinciple of operation (5)3.3P ackaging ,transport and storage ...............54M ounting4.1I nstructions for installation (7)4.2M ounting preparations (7)4.3M ounting steps .............................75S etup5.1S etup ....................................106M aintain6.1H ow to proceed in case of repair ................117D ismounting7.1D ismounting steps (12)7.2D isposal .................................128S upplement8.1T echnical data .............................13S afety instructions for E x areasP lease note the E x -speci fic safety information for installation and operation in E x areas .T hese safety instructions are part of the operating instructions manual and come with the E x -approved instruments .2E lectronics module •VEGAMIP series 60-receiving unit C ontents37349-EN -1212051A bout this document1.1F unctionT his operating instructions manual provides all the information you need for mounting ,connection and setup as well as importantinstructions for maintenance and fault recti fication .P lease read this information before putting the instrument into operation and keep this manual accessible in the immediate vicinity of the device .1.2T arget groupT his operating instructions manual is directed to trained quali fied personnel .T he contents of this manual should be made available to these personnel and put into practice by them .1.3S ymbolismusedI nformation ,tip ,noteT his symbol indicates helpful additional information .C aution :I f this warning is ignored ,faults or malfunctions can result .W arning :I f this warning is ignored ,injury to persons and /or serious damage to the instrument can result .D anger :I f this warning is ignored ,serious injury to persons and /or destruction of the instrument can result .E x applicationsT his symbol indicates special instructions for E x applications .l L istT he dot set in front indicates a list with no implied sequence .àA ctionT his arrow indicates a single action .1S equenceN umbers set in front indicate successive steps in a procedure.B attery disposalT his symbol indicates special information about the disposal of batteries and accumulators .E lectronics module •VEGAMIP series 60-receiving unit 31A bout this document37349-E N -1212052F or your safety2.1A uthorised personnelA ll operations described in this operating instructions manual must be carried out only by trained specialist personnel authorised by the plant operator .D uring work on and with the device the required personal protective equipment must always be worn .2.2A ppropriate useT he components such as electronics module ,accumulator insert ,emitting electronics ,housing or process components described in this manual are replacement components for existing sensors .2.3E nvironmental instructionsP rotection of the environment is one of our most important duties .T hat is why we have introduced an environment management system with the goal of continuously improving company environmental protection .T he environment management system is certi fied according to DIN EN ISO 14001.P lease help us ful fil this obligation by observing the environmental instructions in this manual :l C hapter "P ackaging ,transport and storage "l C hapter "D isposal "4E lectronics module •VEGAMIP series 60-receiving unit 2F or your safety37349-EN -1212053P roduct description3.1C on figurationT he scope of delivery encompasses :lE lectronics module for emitting unit VEGAMIP series 60(MP 60EE .T **)or electronics module for receiving unit VEGAMIP series 60(MP 60EE .R **)l D ocumentation-this operating instructions manual3.2P rinciple of operationT he electronics module MP 60is suitable as a replacement for theelectronics of microwave barrier VEGAMIP series 60.3.3P ackaging ,transport and storageY our instrument was protected by packaging during transport .I tscapacity to handle normal loads during transport is assured by a test according to DIN EN 24180.T he packaging of standard instruments consists of environment -friendly ,recyclable cardboard .F or special versions ,PE foam or PE foil is also used .D ispose of the packaging material via specialised recycling companies .T ransport must be carried out under consideration of the notes on thetransport packaging .N onobservance of these instructions can cause damage to the device .T he delivery must be checked for completeness and possible transit damage immediately at receipt .A scertained transit damage or concealed defects must be appropriately dealt with .U p to the time of installation ,the packages must be left closed and stored according to the orientation and storage markings on the outside .U nless otherwise indicated ,the packages must be stored only under the following conditions :lN ot in the open lD ry and dust free lN ot exposed to corrosive media lP rotected against solar radiation l A voiding mechanical shock and vibration lS torage and transport temperature see chapter "S upplement -T echnical data -A mbient conditions "S cope of delivery A pplication area P ackaging T ransport T ransport inspection S torageS torage and transport temperature E lectronics module •VEGAMIP series 60-receiving unit 53P roduct description37349-E N -121205l R elative humidity 20…85%6E lectronics module •VEGAMIP series 60-receiving unit 3P roduct description37349-EN -1212054M ounting4.1I nstructions for installationI f the electronics module is defective ,it can be replaced by the user .I n E x applications only one instrument and one electronics module with respective E x approval may be used .4.2M ounting preparationsK eep in mind that the emitting and receiving unit require special electronics modules .lE mitting unit -electronics module MP 60EE .T **l R eceiving unit -electronics module MP 60EE .R **4.3M ounting stepsT o exchange the electronics module ,proceed as follows :1S witch o ffpower supply 2U nscrew the housing cover 3L ift the terminal block with a small screwdriver and pull it out .4L oosen the two screws with a screw driver (T orx size T 10or slot 4)F ig .1:L oosening the holding screws1E lectronics module 2S crews (2pcs .)5P ull out the old electronics module 6C ompare the new electronics module with the old one .T he typelabel of the electronics module must correspond to that of the old electronics module .T his applies particularly to instruments used in hazardous areas .7I nsert the electronics module carefully .M ake sure that the plug is in the correct position .E lectronics module -emitting unit MP 60EE .T **E lectronics module •VEGAMIP series 60-receiving unit 74M ounting37349-E N -121205I nformation:M ake sure that the housing is not rotated during the electronicsexchange.O therwise the plug may be in a different position later.8S crew in the two holding screws and tighten them9I nsert the terminal block again.Y ou must hear it snap in.10S crew the housing cover back onT he electronics exchange is nowfinished.A s a rule,an exchange of electronics must be documented internallywhen E x applications are involved.T o exchange the electronics module,proceed as follows:1S witch offpower supply2U nscrew the housing cover3L ift the terminal blocks with a small screwdriver and pull them out.4L oosen the two screws with a screw driver(T orx size T10or slot4)F ig.2:L oosening the holding screws1E lectronics module2S crews(2pcs.)5P ull out the old electronics module6C ompare the new electronics module with the old one.T he typelabel of the electronics module must correspond to that of the oldelectronics module.T his applies particularly to instruments used inhazardous areas.7I nsert the electronics module carefully.M ake sure that the plug isin the correct position.I nformation:M ake sure that the housing is not rotated during the electronicsexchange.O therwise the plug may be in a different position later.8S crew in the two holding screws and tighten them9I nsert the terminal blocks again.Y ou must hear them snap in.E lectronics module-re-ceiving unit MP60EE.R**8E lectronics module•VEGAMIP series60-receiving unit4M ounting37349-EN-12120510C arry out the adjustment according to the operating instructions ofthe sensor11S crew the housing cover back onT he electronics exchange is now finished .A s a rule ,an exchange of electronics must be documented internally when E x applications are involved .E lectronics module •VEGAMIP series 60-receiving unit 94M ounting37349-E N -1212055S etup5.1S etupA fter having exchanged the electronics module ,the complete setupmust be carried out .T he adjustment should be carried out according to the description in the operating instructions manual .S etup 10E lectronics module •VEGAMIP series 60-receiving unit 5S etup37349-EN -1212056M aintain6.1H ow to proceed in case of repairY ou can find a repair form as well as detailed information on how to proceed under www .vega .com /downloads and "F orms and certi fi-cates ".B y doing this you help us carry out the repair quickly and without having to call back for needed information .I f a repair is necessary ,please proceed as follows :lP rint and fill out one form per instrument lC lean the instrument and pack it damage -proof lA ttach the completed form and ,if need be ,also a safety data sheet outside on the packaging l P lease contact for the return shipment the agency serving you .Y ou can find the agency on our home page www .vega .com .E lectronics module •VEGAMIP series 60-receiving unit 116M aintain37349-E N -1212057D ismounting7.1D ismounting stepsW arning :B efore dismounting ,be aware of dangerous process conditions such as e .g .pressure in the vessel ,high temperatures ,corrosive or toxic products etc .T ake note of chapters "M ounting "and "C onnecting to power supply "and carry out the listed steps in reverse order .7.2D isposalT he instrument consists of materials which can be recycled by specialised recycling companies .W e use recyclable materials and have designed the parts to be easily separable .C orrect disposal avoids negative e ffects on humans and the environ -ment and ensures recycling of useful raw materials .M aterials :see chapter "T echnical data "I f you have no way to dispose of the old instrument properly ,please contact us concerning return and disposal .WEEE directive 2002/96/EGT his instrument is not subject to the WEEE directive 2002/96/EG and the respective national laws .P ass the instrument directly on to a specialised recycling company and do not use the municipal collecting points .T hese may be used only for privately used products according to the WEEE directive .12E lectronics module •VEGAMIP series 60-receiving unit 7D ismounting37349-EN -1212058S upplement8.1T echnical dataT echnical dataare stated in the operating instructions manual of the respective sensor .E lectronics module •VEGAMIP series 60-receiving unit 138S upplement37349-E N -1212058S upplement37349-EN-12120514E lectronics module•VEGAMIP series60-receiving unitE lectronics module •VEGAMIP series 60-receiving unit 158S upplement37349-E N -121205A ll statements concerning scope of delivery,application,practical use and operating conditions of the sensors andprocessing systems correspond to the information avail-able at the time of printing.©VEGA G rieshaber KG,S chiltach/G ermany2012S ubject to change without prior notice37349-EN-121205。

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②本装置监测仪引自杂用MMC A段02D柜
遥控板电源引自集控楼PC&MCC A 段07A 柜(杂用MCC A段02E柜为其备用电源)
高频电流传感器接在发电机中性接地变压器前面,由于高阻变压器对射频信号衰减很大,使监测仪的读数无法读出,因此设置一个涌浪电容器(0.01uf,DC 100KV),并联在接地变上,同时为了不因电容漏电引起误电流,在电容器支路上串接一限流容丝
(0.5-1A / 10-27V)。




