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As the economy situation is going down hill at the moment, I thought I must do something to improve my personal skills and get more qualifications, therefore I am planning to take action in my study plan and apply for a master course at CU.
• 谈话、写文章习惯于把话题放在最前面,引起 听话人或读者的重视。
• “果”在“因”之前。
Request letter 1
Dear xxx, How are you? I hope you had a fabulous Chinese New Year holiday. I cannot believe it
of xxx!). We are hoping that you will be interested in contributing a chapter on: What can xxx tell us about language teaching? Xxx is offering xxx as a fee for this.
• 中国:受“天人合一”及“关系”取向的影响,思维 方式以直觉,具体和圆型为特征。
• 汉语的语篇结构主流倾向呈现为一种逐步达到高潮的 方式,层层递进,起承转合,渐入佳境,画龙点睛。
• 汉语语篇表达中,表示因果、条件、转折、让步等关 系的句式比较常用,成为汉语语篇结构的形式特征之 一。如:
Request letter 2
Dear xxx, I hope you are keeping well. Xxx and I are co-editing a Handbook of xxx for xxx (apply titled The xxx Handbook
has almost been 4.5 years since I graduated from PolyU (language for Business 2001-2004) and although I have always wanted to study more in the past few years, working life seems to have occupied most of my time.
We are in the process of finalising deadlines bus we can say that the first draft of the chapter would be due around August/September2009. The chapter length is 7,000 words inclusive.
If you agree to accept the invitation to contribute, we will send you more details and guidelines. Xxx will also send you a contract. We would be grateful therefore if you could providing us with the mailing address you wish to use for correspondence.
因为A……,B……,C……,所以D……。 如果A……,B……,C……,那么D……。 虽然A……,B……,C……,但是D……。 尽管A……,B……,C……,然而D……。
• 西方(英语国家):思维方式在语篇结构上的 投射表现为分析、抽象、显性的特征。开门见 山、直入主题。
对于学习外语的人来讲,尽管掌握了目 的语的语法规则,但因缺乏对目的语语篇 组织规律的认识或敏感性,常常会无意识 地把本族语的语篇组织规则迁移到目的语 中去,因而造成语篇结构的的差异,导致 交际失误。
思维模式 (Robert B. Kaplan):
汉语和朝语 英语 拉丁语 俄语
Last time I happened to be looking at the university website and noticed that many of the staff who taught me before have left the department already, so next time I drop by I suppose I will see a number of new faces.
Thank you very much in advance. I look forward to hearing from you soon and all the best in 2009. Good health too!
Do you think would it be possible for you to kindly help me write one of my references? I know this could be taking up some of your time while you are busy with the semester. If it is not so convenient, please let me know. :D
We look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to get back to us with any questions that you may have.
All bests, Xxx and xxx
思维方式存在差异,导致其语篇组织结 构也会因文化而异。