






其中,作家如乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)的《格列佛游记》就是一部以政治讽刺为特色的杰作。


代表作包括丹尼尔·笛福(Daniel Defoe)的《鲁宾逊漂流记》和塞缪尔·理查德森(Samuel Richardson)的《潘帕斯之恋》。


约翰·洛克(John Locke)的政治哲学影响深远,而大卫·休谟(David Hume)则对人类认识论进行了重要探讨。

5.文学批评的发展:启蒙时期见证了文学批评的发展,其中亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope)的《诗意的批评》是一部标志性的文学批评作品,对文学规范和审美标准进行了深入的探讨。


英国文学史 十八世纪 古典主义,感伤主义

英国文学史 十八世纪 古典主义,感伤主义

A. Social background
5. With the advent of the 18th century, there sprang into life a public movement known as the enlightenment.
A vast expansion of British colonies in
ended in a compromise between the
aristocracy and bourgeoisie. England became
a constitutional monarchy and power passed
from the King to the Parliament and the
• Puritanism is religious doctrine of the
revolutionary bourgeoisie during the
revolution. The puritans believed in thrift,
hard work and so on, and condemned worldly
A. Social background
3. The press became a mighty power, and any
writer with a talent for argument or satire was almost certain to be hired by party leaders. 4. The social life developed rapidly. in earlier ages: individualism in the 1st half of this century: sociability


在文艺理论方面总结了古典主义作家的经验,写 成了诗体的理论著作《诗的艺术》(1647),成为古 典主义的法典。
理性是艺术的最高准则,提出理性、真、自然三 位一体的主张:为了求美就要求真,也就必须摹仿自 然。他所说的自然指的是体现在事物中的“常情常 理”,人性自然。
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
高乃依的悲剧《熙德》突出表现 了这一特征。西班牙贵族青年罗狄 克为了家族利益,失去了和施曼娜 的爱情。又为国家利益,克服失恋 的痛苦,走上战场,拯救了国家。 他成为民族英雄,被人尊称“熙 德”。国王英明贤达,让罗狄克与 施曼娜结为夫妇。
本剧提出了放弃个人得失,以国 家利益为重的道德标准。
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
三一律亦称“三整一律”,它是17世纪古典主义 的剧本创作规则。规定剧本情节、地点、时间三者必须 完整一致。即每剧只能有单一的故事情节,事件发生在 一个地点并在一天之内完成。
崇拜古希腊罗马文化是17世纪古典主义的突 出特点,古典主义把古希腊罗马的艺术看作是艺 术创作的理想模式,在文艺理论和创作实践上以 古希腊罗马文学为典范,因而被称为古典主义。
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益



English Literature 英国文学主要分类一、The Old English Literature中古英国文学二、The Renaissance Period文艺复兴时期文学(伊丽莎白时代,14-16世纪)三、The 17 century English Literature17世纪英国文学四、The18 century English Literature18世纪英国文学(启蒙时期)五、Literature of Romantic Age浪漫主义时期文学六、Literature in Victoria Period维多利亚时期文学七、Literature in Modern Period现在时期英国文学The main content to know•Background knowledge (from history,culture atmosphere) •Important Literary Terms•Important Writers and Literary WorksThe Old English Literature(一)General Introduction(总体介绍)The Old English literature(which lasted from 499 to 1066)isexclusively a verse(诗篇)literature in oral form.There were two groups of English poetry in this period-the first was the pagan(异教的)poetry represented by Beowulf,the second was the religious poetry represented by the works of Caedmon and Cynewulf.In the 8th century,Anglo-Saxon prose appeared.The most famous prose writers of that period were Venerable bede and Alfred the Great.After the Norman Conques,three languages existed in England,which were French spoken by the Normans,English spoken by the lower class and Latin spoken by the scholars and clergymen. The prevailing from of literature in the feudal England was the Romance.The Romance prospered for 300 years(1200-1500)from which we see an epitome(缩影)of the Middle Ages.In the 15th century,English ballads became very popular and the only important writer was Thomas Malory.(二)Important Literary TermsOld English(古英语):language spoken by the Anglo-Saxons is called the Old English,which is the foundation of English language and literature.Romance(中世纪的传奇故事):The Romance was the prevailing form of literature in the Middle Ages.It was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero.(三)Important Writers and Literary Works1.Beowulf(《贝奥武甫》)Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language and the most important spe-cimen of Anglo-Saxon literture.The main stories are based on the folk legends of the primitive northern tribes.2.Religious Poets(宗教诗人)Caedmon(卡德蒙,610-680)Caedmon is the first known religious poet of England.He is known as the father of English song, Caedmon’s Hymn (《卡德蒙的赞美诗》)is a praise poem in honor of god.Cynewulf(基涅武甫,公元九世纪)Cynewulf lived in the 9th century. He produced four poems, of which The Christ(《基督》)is the most characteristic. Throughout the poem, a deep love for Christ and reverence for Virgin Mary(圣母利亚)are expressed.3.Prose Writers(散文作家)Venerable Bede(可敬的比德,672-735)Bede,also referred to as Saint Bede(圣比德)or the Venerable Bede,is well known as an author and scholar,and his most famous work, Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, or An Ecclesiastica History of the English People(《英吉利人教会史》),gained him the title “The Father of English History”(英国史学之父)Alfred the Great(阿尔弗雷德大帝,849-899)Alfred is the only English monarch to be accorded the epithet “the Great”(唯一一个被授予“大帝”名号额英格兰国王).He was the first King of the West Saxons to style himself “King of the Anglo-saxons”(将自己命名为“盎格鲁-撒克逊之王”的西撒克逊国王).The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle(《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》)is a collection of annals(年鉴)in Old English chronicling the history of the Anglo-Saxons. original manusript of the Chronicle was created late in the 9th century, probably in Wessex,duing the reign of Alfred the Great.4.The Romance(传奇)Sir Gawain and the Green Knight(《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》)It is a romance of 2,530 lines derived from Celtic legend(凯尔特骑士).Sir Cawain, nephew of King Arthur, accepted the challenge of the Green Knight in the Green Chapel(绿教堂). At last, he got a girdle (腰带)as a gift from the Knight and his story became widely known.5.Age of Chaucer(乔叟时代)The 14th century is called “Age of Chaucer”.Chaucer and Langland(朗格兰,1332-1400,英国诗人),were the most important writers of age.Ceoffrey Chaucer(杰弗里·乔叟,1343-1400)Chaucer is acclaimed not only as “the father of English poetry”(英国诗歌之父),but also as “the father of English fiction (英国小说之父).His masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),is one of the most famous works in all literatures.Chaucer wrote in vivid and exact language; his poetry is full vigor and swiftness.Book of the Duchess 《公爵夫人之书》The House of Fame《声誉之宫》The Parliament of Fowls 《百鸟会议》The Legend of Good Women 《贤妇传说》Troilus and Criseyde 《特洛伊罗斯与克丽西达》6. The 15th Century Ballads(民歌,歌谣)Thomas Malory(托马斯·马洛礼,1405-1471)Tomas Malory wrote an important work called Le Morte d’Arthur(《亚瑟王之死》).The central concern is with the adventures of Arthur and his famous Knights of the Round Table(圆桌骑士).The book is very important in English literature.Its Arthurian materials have a strong influence on literature of later centuries.The Renaissance Period伊丽莎白时代,14—16世纪一)General Introduction(总体介绍)The Renaissance(文艺复兴)was a European phenomenon, which originated in Italy. The English Renaissance encouraged the reformation of the Church.In Elizabethan(伊丽莎白)period, English literature developed with great speed. The most distinctive achievement of Elizabethan literature is drama. Next to drama is the lyrical poetry(抒情诗),remarkable for its variety and freshness and romantic feeling.In that period, writing peotry became a fashion and England became “a nest of singing birds”. In tha same period, Francis Bacon wrote more than fifty excellent essays, which make him one of the best essayists(散文家)in English literature.(二)Important Literary Terms1)Renaissance:In the Renaissance Period, scholars began to emphasize the capacities of human mind and the achievements of human culture. So humanism(人文主义)became the keynote of English Renaissance. English Renaissance is divied into three periods:①the 1st period from 1516 to 1578 is called the beginning of the Renaissance.②The 2nd period from1578 to 1625 is known as the flowering period.③The 3rd period from 1625 to 1660 is the epilogue(尾声)of the Renaissance.2) Spenserian Stanza(斯宾塞诗体)Spenser invented a new verse form. Each stanza has nine lines, each of the first eight lines is in iambic pentameter and the ninth line is an iambic hexameter line.(每个诗节由九行组成,前八行为五步抑扬格,第九行为六步抑扬格。


English Literature in the Neoclassical Period
Zhang Yangli
the return of the

Lyrical Ballads
The Neoclassical Period
The great writers
Daniel Defoe Swift Jonathan Henry Fielding
The dramatist Richard B. Sheridan (理查德· 布· 谢里丹)
The essayist and lexicographer Samuel Johnson (塞缪尔· 约翰逊 )

to enlighten people with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas; to celebrate reason or rationality, equality and science
5. Pre-Romanticism:
the latter half of the 18th century departures from the orderly framework of Neoclassicism
William Blake (1757-1827), Visionary poet and painter.









盎格‎鲁-撒克逊‎时代给我们‎留下的古英‎语文学作品‎中,最重要‎的一部是《‎贝奥武甫》‎(Beow‎u lf),‎它被认为是‎英国的民族‎史诗。


















《麦布女王》《解放了的普罗米修斯》《钦契》《西风颂》5、司各特(1771~1832)——英国19 世纪著名的历史小说家、诗人、作家。
































《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,1375-1400)以亚瑟王和他的骑士为题材,歌颂勇敢、忠贞、美德,是中古英语传奇最精美的作品之一。



第一部分是风俗小说;第二部分是流浪 汉小说和风俗小说;第三部分又是专门以城 市为背景的城市风俗小说。
《汤姆·琼斯》的价值就在于用一个烂 熟的套路广泛地描绘了英国的社会生活。
斯泰恩是英国感伤主义文学的代表作家, 他的小说对世界文学都有重要的作用,代表 作是《感伤的旅行》。
英国的感伤主义发展到斯泰恩已经形成 一个大的浪潮,感伤主义的名称即因斯泰恩 的小说《感伤的旅行》而确定下来。
很多人认为英国的感伤主义是从理查逊 开始的。
理查逊的小说里也有大量议论的部分。 有些议论被人斥为是“自满自足的中产阶级 的道德说教”。
理查逊小说中细腻的感情分析成为英国 小说中重要的倾向,他还创造了“书信体” 小说。
亨利·费尔丁是18世纪英国很有影响的 小说家,他的创作很丰富。最早的小说是 《约瑟·安德鲁斯》,是针对《帕美拉》的 感伤情调写的反讽,费尔丁把它叫做“散文 滑稽史诗”,是对当时以理查逊为代表的作 家创作的一系列感伤小说的讽刺。
约拿旦·斯威夫特(1667-1745)在文学 史上有独特的地位,代表作是《格列佛游 记》。
《格列佛游记》一共分为四部分:第一 部分叫“小人国”;第二部分叫“大人国”; 第三部分叫“飞岛”和“飞岛的地下部分”, 第四部分叫“慧马国”。
《格列佛游记》第四部分“慧马国”写 的是主人公格列佛漂流到一个孤岛,被一群 野人包围,一匹马把格列佛带到了“慧马 国”。格列佛回到人类社会后,被不相信他 的人关进疯人院。他的妻子让大夫为他做一 个诊断。结果格列佛一见到穿着严肃的医生, 就把他们称为“野人”,认为这些穿着文明 的人和岛上没穿衣服的人是一样的。



英国文学(English Literature)一、Old and Medieval English Literature中古英语文学(8世纪-14世纪)1) The Old English Period / The Anglo-Saxon Period古英语时期(449-1066)a. pagan poetry(异教诗歌): Beowulf《贝奥武甫》- 最早的诗歌;长诗(3000行) heroism & fatalism & Christian qualitiesthe folk legends of the primitive northern tribes; a heroic Scandinavian epic legend; 善恶有报b. religious poetry: Caedmon(凯德蒙610-680): the first known religious poet; the father of English songCynewulf(基涅武甫9C): The Christc. 8th C, Anglo-Saxon prose: Venerable Bede(673-735); Alfred the Great(848-901)2) The Medieval Period中世纪(1066-ca.1485 / 1500):a. Romance中世纪传奇故事(1200-1500): the Middle Ages; 英雄诗歌无名诗人- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight《高文爵士与绿色骑士》: Celtic legend; verse-romance; 2530 lines~ 14th C,Age of Chaucer:* Geoffrey Chaucer(乔叟1340-1400): 文风:vivid and exact language, his poetry is full of vigor and swiftnessthe father of English poetry; the father of English fiction; 首创“双韵体”couplet; 首位用伦敦方言写作英国作家The Canterbury Tales:pilgrims stories 受Boccaccio(薄伽丘) - Decameron《十日谈》启发The House of Fame; Troilus and Criseyde; The Romaunt of the Rose《玫瑰罗曼史》(译作)* William Langland(朗兰1332-1400):The Vision of Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯之幻象》: 普通人眼中的社会抗议b. 15th C, English ballads: Thomas Malory (1395-1471):Morte D’Arthur《亚瑟王之死》- 圆桌骑士二、The Renaissance Period英国文艺复兴(1500-1660): humanism十四行诗,文艺复兴,无韵诗,伊丽莎白戏剧1) 诗歌Henry Howard(霍华德1516-1547)a. Thomas Wyatt (怀亚特1503-1542): the first to introduce the sonnet into English literatureb. Sir Philip Sidney(雪尼爵士1554-1586):代表了当时的理想- “the complete man”Defense of Poetry《为诗辩护》Astrophel and Stella; Arcadia《阿卡狄亚》: a prose romance filled with lyrics; a forerunner of the modern worldc.Edmund Spenser(斯宾塞1552-1599): the poets’ poet; non-dramatic poet of伊丽莎白时代- long allegorical romance文风:a perfect melody, a rare sense of beauty and a splendid imagination. The Shepherd CalendarThe Faerie Queen《仙后》:long poem for Queen Elizabeth; Allegory - nine-line verse stanza/ the Spenserian Stanza Spenserian Stanza(斯宾塞诗体): Nine lines, the first eight lines is in iambic(抑扬格) pentameter(五步诗),and the ninth line is an iambic hexameter(六步诗) line.2) Prose 散文a. Thomas More(莫尔1478-1535): 欧洲早期空想社会主义创始人Utopia《乌托邦》: More与海员的对话b. John Lyly (黎里1553-160,剧作家&小说家):EupheusEuphuism(夸饰文体): Abundant use of balanced sentences, alliterations(头韵) and other artificial prosodic(韵律) means.The use of odd similes(明喻) and comparisonsc. Francis Bacon (培根1561-1626):英国首位散文家,中世纪至现代欧洲时期; 近代唯物主义哲学奠基人和近代实验科学先驱the trumpeter of a new age;Essays(论说文集):Of Studies, Of Love, Of Beauty: the first true English prose classic3) 戏剧a. Christopher Marlowe(马洛1564-1593): University Wits 大学才子派Edward II;The Jew of Malta《马耳他的犹太人》first made blank verse(无韵诗:不押韵的五步诗) the principle instrument of English dramaThe Tragical History of Doctor Faustus《浮士德博士的悲剧》:根据德国民间故事书写成; 完善了无韵体诗。



英国文学史各个时期中的文学流派古英语和中古英语时期古英语时期是指英国国家和英语语言的形成时期.最早的文学形式是诗歌, 以口头形式流传,主要的诗人是吟游诗人.到基督教传入英国之后,一些诗歌才被记录下来.这一时期最重要的文学作品是英国的民族史诗《贝奥武夫》,用头韵体写成.古英语时期(1066?1500)从1066年诺曼人征服英国,到1500年前后伦敦方言发展成为公认的现代英语.文学作品主要的形式有骑士传奇,民谣和诗歌.在几组骑士传奇中,有关英国题材的是亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士的冒险故事,其中《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》代表了骑士传奇的最高成就.中世纪文学中涌现了大量的优秀民谣,最具代表性的是收录在一起的唱咏绿林英雄罗宾汉的民谣.3,最重要的诗人是被称为"英国诗歌之父"的乔叟,代表作是《坎特伯雷故事集》,取得了很高的艺术成就.他首创了诗歌的双韵体?每两行压韵的五步抑扬格,后被许多英国诗人采用.乔叟用伦敦方言写作,奠定了用英语语言进行文学创作的基础,促进了英语语言文学的发展.文艺复兴时期的英国文学得到了空前的发展,在诗歌,散文和戏剧方面尤其兴盛.诗歌方面,新的诗体形式如十四行诗,无韵体诗被介绍到英国.重要的诗人有Philip Sidney,他不仅写了许多优美的十四行诗,还创作了最早的诗歌理论作品之一《诗辩》.Edmund Spenser用斯宾塞诗节创作了著名长诗《仙后》.莎士比亚除了戏剧创作之外也是一位伟大诗人,著有两部叙事诗,两部长诗和154首十四行诗.英文的《圣经钦定本》作成于1611年,不仅具有重大的宗教意义,也是一部伟大的文学作品,并且对英国的语言文化产生了深远的影响.它的纯朴,平易,明晰的散文风格奠定了英国散文的传统.一个著名的哲学家兼散文家是Francis Bacon,他的文学著作主要有《随笔》,收录了他在各个时期发表的58篇随笔,思想深刻,文笔简洁,富有警句格言.戏剧代表文艺复兴时期英国文学的最高成就.主要戏剧家有马洛(Christopher Marlowe), 莎士比亚(W. Shakespeare).17世纪的英国文学17世纪是英国社会剧烈动荡的时期之一,由于君主专制和资产阶级之间的矛盾,爆发了1642年的内战并导致了1688年的"光荣革命".与政治斗争和资产阶级革命思想紧密相连的是宗教斗争和清教徒思想.因此这一时期的文学和艺术多展示革命思想的发展与成长,并带有浓厚的清教主义倾向.两个代表作家是弥尔顿和班扬.弥尔顿的代表作〈失乐园〉和班扬的代表作〈天路历程〉都取材于〈圣经〉.〈天路历程〉是一部寓言作品,用"基督徒"到达天国的历程象征人类追求美好未来的进程.18世纪的英国文学18世纪产生了一种进步思潮?启蒙运动,这一时期的思想家和作家们崇尚理性,认为启蒙教化是改造社会的基本手段,因此18世纪又被称为"理性的时代".在文学领域体现为18世纪上半期的新古典主义,代表作家有诗人蒲伯(A. Pope)和期刊随笔的创始人斯梯尔(R.Steele)和艾迪生(J.Addison).18中期兴起了英国现代小说,出现了大批有影响的小说家.理查逊(Samuel Richardson)的小说〈帕美拉〉(Pamela)采用书信体形式对人物的心理活动进行细致的描写,大大丰富了小说的创作方法.哥尔德史密斯(Oliver Goldsmith)的〈威克菲牧师传〉(The Vicar of Wakefield)是英国文学史上著名的感伤小说之一.劳伦斯斯特恩(Laurence Sterne)打破传统的叙事方法,创作了〈项迪传〉,而被认为是英国现代派文学的先驱.迪福(Daniel Defoe)是英国文学史上第一个现实主义小说家,代表作是〈鲁滨逊漂流记〉.讲述故事情节并分析鲁滨逊这一人物形象.斯威夫特是英国文学史上著名的讽刺小说家,以犀利的文笔对教会和社会的虚伪腐败进行了辛辣的讽刺.代表作是〈格列佛游记〉菲尔丁是英国最杰出的小说家之一,在理论与实践上都为英国小说的发展作出了贡献.在他的代表作〈汤姆?琼斯〉中,他塑造了众多栩栩如生的人物,展示了错综复杂的社会矛盾.讲述故事情节,分析主题和主要人物形象19世纪的英国文学19世纪英国文学主要包括上半期的浪漫主义时期和中后期的批判现实主义小说.布来克和罗伯特?彭斯属于前浪漫主义诗人.布来克的代表作品有〈天真之歌〉和〈经验之歌〉.彭斯是著名的苏格兰民族诗人,写了很多脍炙人口的歌颂友谊,爱情,自由,平等的诗歌,其中〈一朵红红的玫瑰〉广为流传.浪漫主义全盛时期以华滋华斯与柯律维治联合发表〈抒情歌谣集〉为开始,到瓦尔特斯各特的逝世为止,主要文学成就为诗歌,涌现了华滋华斯为代表的"湖畔派"诗人和拜伦,雪莱,济慈等富有革命理想,颂扬自由与解放的诗人.19世纪中后期的批判现实主义作家真实地描写了英国资产阶级的社会生活,暴露和批判了资产阶级社会的罪恶,对人民群众寄予了深刻的同情.狄更斯是英国最杰出的批判现实主义小说家,善于描写社会底层人们的生活和思想,作品题材广泛,思想深刻;萨克雷则善于描写上层社会形形色色的人物.批判现实主义女性小说家及她们的代表作品:Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Mrs. Gaskell, George Eliot.分析简?爱这一人物形象并分析小说的主题思想.托马斯?哈代是19世纪末20世纪初英国最伟大的现实主义小说家,他称自己的作品是"性格与环境的小说".代表作品是〈德伯家的苔丝〉.20世纪的现代派作家人们对西方文明的危机感和第二次世界大战的恶果促成了西方现代派文学的形成.主要表现为意识流小说,代表作家有詹姆斯乔伊斯和弗洁尼亚沃尔夫.乔伊斯的小说〈尤利西斯〉描写的是现代都市居民庸俗,猥琐的精神生活.弗洁尼亚的〈到灯塔去〉则运用了娴熟的象征手法和意识流技巧.。






亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope, 1688-1744)是新古典主义诗歌的代表,他模仿罗马诗人,诗风精巧隽俏,内容以说教与讽刺为主,形式多用英雄双韵体,但缺乏深厚感情。


理查德·斯梯尔(Richard Steele, 1672-1729)与约瑟夫·艾迪生(Joseph Addison, 1672-1719)创办《闲谈者》(Tatler)与《观察者》(Spectator)刊物,发表了许多以当时社会风俗、日常生活、文学趣味等为题材的文章,他们清新秀雅、轻捷流畅的文体成为后人模仿的典范。

乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745)是英国文学史上最伟大的讽刺散文作家,他的文风纯朴平易而有力。

斯威夫特的杰作《格列佛游记》(Gulliver's Travels)是一部极具魅力的儿童故事,同时包含着深刻的思想内容。


塞缪尔·约翰逊(Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784)是18世纪英国人文主义文学批评的巨擘,《莎士比亚戏剧集序言》(The Preface to Shakespeare)和《诗人传》(Livesof the Poets)是他对文学批评作出的突出贡献。




❖ They questioned the privilege of monarch, social inequality, injustice, oppression and superstition. They believed in the right of the individual and they were positive advocator of education.
❖Gulliver’s Travels records the pretended four voyages of Gulliver, and his adventures in four strange countries.
❖A Modest Proposal is a more bitter satire on the policy of the English government towards the Irish people.
the guiding principle or slogan is Ration/Reason, natural right and equality
Ration became standard for measurement of everything.
The Enlightenment Movement
❖ 2.The rise of English novel: an important phenomenon of the period.
❖ 3. Gothic novels emerged and flourished in the last decade of the 17th century, which combine both elements of horror and romance.



现实主义创作方法要求除了细节真实外, 现实主义创作方法要求除了细节真实外,还 要真实地再现典型环境中的典型人物, 要真实地再现典型环境中的典型人物,在小说 《汤姆·琼斯》中,菲尔丁运用对比手法成功塑造 汤姆·琼斯》 了同一类型而不同特点的一系列典型人物
英国学者威廉· 英国学者威廉·布洛姆在总结有关身份问题的最 近研究成果时简要概括到: 近研究成果时简要概括到:“身份确认对任何个人 来说, 来说,都是一个内在的、无意识的行为要求,个人 努力设法确认身份以获得心理安全感, 努力设法确认身份以获得心理安全感,也努力设法 维持、保护和巩固身份以维护和加强这种心理安 全感,后者对于个性稳定与心灵健康来说, 全感,后者对于个性稳定与心灵健康来说,有至关重 要的作用。从婴儿期到成年以至老年, 要的作用。从婴儿期到成年以至老年,身份确认这 一行为要求一直发挥着作用“ 一行为要求一直发挥着作用“。而一个人的身份 包括诸多层面,根据荷兰学者吉尔特· 包括诸多层面,根据荷兰学者吉尔特·霍夫斯塔德有 关文化身份的论述, 关文化身份的论述,一个人始终同时属于以下不同 层面或身份标志:如国家层面、地域/种族/信仰/ 层面或身份标志:如国家层面、地域/种族/信仰/语 言层面、性别层面、代的层面、阶级或身世层面、 组织或职业层面等等。
18世纪英国文学 18世纪英国文学
古典主义 现实主义 感伤主义
18世纪英国启蒙文学的三个阶段 18世纪英国启蒙文学的三个阶段 现实主义小说的特点 重要作家作品:笛福《鲁滨逊漂流记》 重要作家作品:笛福《鲁滨逊漂流记》※ 斯威夫特《格列佛游记》 斯威夫特《格列佛游记》 理查生《帕米拉》 理查生《帕米拉》 菲尔丁《汤姆·琼斯》 菲尔丁《汤姆·琼斯》※ 斯泰恩《项笛传》 斯泰恩《项笛传》 扬格《夜思》 扬格《夜思》 格雷 《暮畔哀歌》 暮畔哀歌》 哥特式小说 感伤主义及其特点 “暮畔诗派” 暮畔诗派”


Metaphysical Poems (“玄学派”诗歌创始人);
Songs and (乔治•赫伯特)
the saint of the Metaphysical school (“玄学派诗圣”);
The Temple《神殿》
11. Andrew Marwell (安德鲁•马韦尔)
- octosyllabic & heroic couplet (八音节英雄双韵体)
5. Sir Thomas Malory (托马斯•马洛礼)
Le Morte d’Arthur《亚瑟王之死》
三、文艺复兴时期的英国文学 (15世纪末 – 17世纪中期)
1. Humanism – classic culture
ParadiseLost(blank verse, 旧约);Paradise Regained(新约);
Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》(poetical drama, closet drama)
4. John Bunyan (约翰•班扬)
The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》- 宗教寓言, Vanity Fair
An Essay of Dramatick Poesie《论戏剧诗》
6. Alexander Pope (亚历山大•蒲柏)
Pastorals;The Rape of the Lock《卷发遇劫记》;The Dunciad《愚人记》;Essay on Criticism;Essay on Man; 翻译了The Iliad,The Odyssey
7. Richard Steel & Joseph Addison
(理查德•斯蒂尔 & 约瑟夫•艾迪生)


著名的讽刺作家,爱尔 兰民族独立运动的一分 子,其一系列辛辣的讽 刺作品抨击英国当局, 被同胞尊为“爱国志 士”。
■ 幻想寓言小说《格列佛游记》(1726)是斯威夫特最 著名的文学作品,以虚构的水手格列佛医生怪诞离奇 的海上游历为幌子,行揭露与讽刺之实。小说凡4卷, 分别叙述主人公在小人国、大人国、飞岛与巫人岛、 智马国匪夷所思的见闻,影射英国乃至欧洲的政治、 军事、文化、科学、社会风尚等,攻其要害,痛下针 砭,开创了英国文学的讽刺传统并树立了光辉榜样。
内容上反映人民大众的日常生活,描写普通人的英雄行为和崇高感情, 将第三等级资产阶级和平民作为正面主人公,语言通俗易懂。
■ 但由于启蒙文学家过分注重哲理,因此人物性格较为单一,缺乏鲜明 个性,存在恩格斯称之“时代精神的单纯的传声筒”倾向(即“席勒 化”)。
■ 英国资本主义发展较快是启蒙文学最早萌芽的地方, 英国当时已建立了君主立宪的政权。所以英国启蒙主 义文学的任务是扫除封建残余,揭露现实社会的弊端, 促进资本主义的发展。
用近代哲学、科学和文艺的思想光辉去照亮人们的头脑,启迪人们 的思想,扫除封建观念和宗教迷信,恢复理性的权威。
“理性崇拜”是启蒙运动的思想核心。 用政治自由对抗专制暴政 。 用信仰自由和宗教容忍对抗宗教压迫 。 用自然神论和无神论来摧毁天主教权威和宗教偶像 。



English Literature in the 18th Century (the Age of Enlightenment or the Age ofReason)BackgroundSome Important TermsThree Stages in the EnlightenmentPolitically➢Glorious Revolution in 1688 ended the monarchy, replacing it with a constitutional monarchy.➢The power passed from the king gradually to the parliament.➢the Tory and the Whig dominated the parliament by turnsSocially⏹the rapid growth of middle class⏹The Puritan spirit of wisdom, diligence, honesty, and thriftiness, self-discipline ⏹better education was available⏹more schools and social clubs were establishedEconomically◆Industrial Revolution, the 1st powerful industrial country◆continued to expand its coloniesIdeologicallyUnder the influence of scientific discoveries( Galileo,Newton) and flourishing of philosophies, French enlightenment started.Some Important Terms Enlightment:an intellectual movement beginning in France and then spread throughout Europe.•a continuation of Renaissance in belief in the possibility of human perfection through education•the guiding principle or slogan isRation/Reason, natural right and equality •Ration became standard for measurement of everything.Some Important Terms Neoclassicism: Appeared in last decades of the 17th to the early of the18th•Modelled Greek and Latin authors •Stress on order, logic, proportion, restrained emotion, accuracy, good taste major exponents of the neoclassical school: John Dryden and Alexander Pope.Sentimentalism:One of the important trends in English literature of the middle and later decades of the 18th century.•A new vision of love, a new view of human nature : prized feeling over thinking, passion over reason, personal instincts of "pity, tenderness, and benevolence" over social duties. •Representives:Edward Young and Thomas Gray (poetry) Laurence Sterne and Oliver Goldsmith (prose fiction )Gothic Novel•against the rationalism and commercialism •emphasis on the irrational and dark side of human nature; the imaginative, the supernatural, the discarded Medieval castle •Representative:Horace Walpole--The Castle of OtrantoSome Important TermsPre-Romanticism:•It was marked by a strong protest against the bondage of classicism, by a recognition of the claims of passion & emotion, and by a renewed interest in medieval literature.•Rrpresentatives:William Blake & Robert Burns(poetry)The First Stage•Lasted from the “Glorious Revolution”to the end of the 1730’s.•Characterized by the so-called neoclassicism in poetry(the representative poet:Alexander Pope)•A new prose literature appeared in the essays of Joseph Addison and Richard Steele and in the first realistic fiction of Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift.Alexander Pope •Alexander Pope(1688-1744)•An English essayist,critic, satirist,and one of thegreatest poets of Enlightenment.Works•An Essay On Criticism, 1711 •The Rape Of The Lock, 1712-14 •Dunciad, 1728 -Widened in 1742 •An Essay On Man, 1733-34Translations:•Homer's Iliad, 1715-20•Homer's Odyssey, 1726Literary Style •Alexander Pope was best known for his satirical verse.He is famous for his use of the heroic couplet.•Heroic Couplet is a traditional form for English poetry ; commonly used for epic and narrative poetry. it refers to poems constructed form a sequence of rhyming pairs of iambic pentameter lines .The rhyme is always masculine.Alexander Pope’s famous quotations •For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.•To err is human, to forgive, divine.• A little learning is a dangerous thing.Richard Steele(1672-1729)Joseph Addison(1672-1719)•Their literary activities:They jointly ran two newspapers:the Tatler(from 12 Apr.1709 to 2 Jan. 1711) the Spectators(from 1 Mar.1711 to 6 Dec. 1712),Published essays dealing with manners, morals and literature.•Their importance:Their essays truthfully portrayed the social life of England and paved the way for the coming of the English novel.Daniel Defoe(1660-1731)➢The Father of the English fiction •Personal Life:•1701: The True-born Englishman •1703:The Shortest Way with the Dissenters •1704: The Review a political and literary magazine in prison.•1719: Robinson Crusoe•1731: his deathWorks •Robinson Crusoe(masterpiece)•Captain Singleton•Moll Flanders•A Journal of the Plague Year •RoxanaFeatures of Daniel Defoe's Novels •1.Central idea : man is good and noble by nature but may succumb to an evil social environment. Society is the source of various crimes and vices.•2. Daniel Defoe deliberately avoided all arts, all fine writings, so that the readers could concentrate only on a series of plausible events. •3. Taking the form of memories or pretended historical narrative, everything in them giving the impression of reality.Jonathan Swift•His life(1667-1745)•Born in Ireland of an English couple.•His education: Studied at Trinity college , at Dublin University•After graduation:•Sir William Temple (private secretary, ten years).•Worked in a little church in Ireland•His death: brain diseaseWorks•Bickerstaff Almanac•The Battle of the Books •The Tale of A Tub•The Journal to Stella•The Drapier’s Letters •Gulliver’s TravelsGulliver’s Travels•Four books: four voyages of Gulliver •The first part: his shipwreck in Lilliput •The second part: Gulliver’s adventure •in Brobdingnag•The third part: Gulliver continues his adventures in Laputa•The four part:Gulliver came to a place where inhabitants are those wise horsesSwift’s Style •Jonathan Swift is one of the realist writers•His language is simple, clear and vigorous.•“Proper words in proper places, makes the true definition of a style”•Swift is a master satirist and his irony is deadly.The Second Stage •Lasted from 1740s to 1750s.•The more important works : the novels of Samuel Richardson, Henry Feilding and Tobias Smollett.•The last two writers make rather fierce attacks on the existing social conditions.Samuel Richardson•His life(1689-1761)•His works:•Pamela(Pamela Andrews, Mr. B the first English Psycho-Analytical novel)•Clarissa Harlowe(1747-1748)•Sir Charles GrandisonHenry Fielding•Father of the English Novel•He was the greatest playwright in his own time.•He is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the 18th century.•The first to write specifically a “comic epic inprose”),whose subject is“the true ridiculou s”in human nature.Works•The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrew•The Life of Mr Jonathan Wild, the Great •Amelia•The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling •Don Quixote in England•1. Fielding starts “the third-person narration”, that is told directly by the author, an omniscient narrator.•2. Satire abounds everywhere in his novels. There are two kinds of satire. One is the humorous satire, which is meant to be instructive and corrective. The other kind is grim satire, which is used to lash the cardinal evils of the corrupt ruling class.•3.Fielding believes in the educational function of the novel.•4. Fielding is a master of style. His style is easy, unlabored and familiar, bit extremely vivid and vigorous.•5.His novels are noted for individual dramatic dialogues, and other theatrical devices such suspense, coincidence and surprise.Tobias Smollett•Tobias George Smollett (19 March 1721 –17 September 1771)•A Scottish poet and author. He was best known for his picaresque novels(流浪汉小说), such as The Adventures of Roderick Random (1748) and The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle(1751), which influenced later novelists such as Charles Dickens.The Third Stage •Covered the last decades of the 18th century. •Characterized by the appearance of new literary tendencies of Sentimentalism and Pre-romanticism.Sentimentalism:Edward Young and Thomas Gray (poetry) Laurence Sterne and Oliver GoldsmithPre-romanticism:William Blake & Robert Burns(poetry)•Realistic dramatist: Richard B. SheridanEdward Young •Edward Young (1683 –April 5, 1765) was an English poet, best remembered for Night Thoughts.•Night Thoughts is noted for its psychological probings and its mixing of personal sentiments with religious deliberations.•Significance: It helped, in its small way, to move poetry forward toward the age of Romanticism.Sentimentalism:Laurence Sterne(1713-1768)•He is the forefather of the sentimentalism novel.•As a novelist, he was conscious and original, and contributed a good deal toward perfecting the art of genre in its early phase.•He was an iconoclast, an innovator, a trail-blazer, and an eternal presence in literary history.Works and Fictions' features •The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy,GentlemanA Sentimental Journey through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick.•Features: grotesque goodness, sweet humility, sensitive humanity, boisterous humor and idiosyncratic discursiveness.Sentimentalism:Oliver Goldsmith•General Comments•A man sometimes blundering and ridiculous, but tender-hearted,simple and generous• A versatile writer as a poet, novelist, dramatist, essayist•One of the representatives of English sentimentalism•Social justice and compassion for the poorWorks•The Vicar of Wakefield(1762)(a sengtimental novel)•The Citizens of the World(1762 )•The Traveller(1764)•The Good-Natured Man(1768)•The Deserted Village(1770 ) (a poem of sentimentalism)•She Stoops to Conquer(1773 0Writing style •Alternately praises, satirizes, and sentimentalizes a pioneer settlement •His novel appeals to human sentiment as a means of achieving happiness and social justice •Show passive resistance to social evilPre-romanticism:William Blake•A poet and an engraver• a Pre-Romantic Poet or the forerunner of the romantic poetsMajor worksPoetical SketchesSongs of ExperienceSongs of InnocenceMarriage of Heaven and HellWriting style•Plain and direct language.•Lyric beauty with immense compression of meaning.•Embody the views with visual images.•Symbolism in wide range.eg.To see a world in a grain of sandAnd a heaven in a wild flowerHold infinity in the palm of your handAnd eternity in an hourRichard B. Sheridan(Dramatist)•Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751-1816), •British dramatist and politician, whose work is considered the finest development of the comedy of manners(风尚喜剧) in 18th-century England.•Works:The Rivals,The School for Scandal and The CriticWriting Style•1. His dramatic techniques are largely conventional.•2. His plots are well organized, his characters, either major or minor, are all sharply drawn, and his manipulationof such devices as disguise, mistaken identity and dramatic irony is masterly.•3. Witty dialogues and neat and decent language also make a characteristic of his plays.Samuel Johnson •Samuel Johnson (18 September 1709 [O.S.7 September] –13 December 1784), often referred to as Dr Johnson, was an English author who made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer.•Johnson was a devout Anglican and committed Tory,and has been described as "arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history".•He is also the subject of "the most famous single work of biographical art in the whole of literature"A Dictionary of the English Language•Johnson began to wrotethe dictionary from 1747,and it took him 7 years tofinish it.Though it was widelypraised and had a hugeimpact, Johnson didn’tgain much money fromit.Other works•The Idler, a weekly series, ran from 1758 to 1760.•Proposals for Printing, by Subscription, the Dramatick Works of William Shakespeare, in 1756, which argued that previous editions of Shakespeare were edited incorrectly and needed to be corrected•Rasselas, a philosophical novella, on 19 April 1759.•The Plays of William Shakespeare, in Eight Volumes... To which are added Notes by Sam. Johnson,10 October 1765 •Lives of the English Poets, in 1777Thank You !。

第十讲 十八世纪英国文学

第十讲 十八世纪英国文学

1、讽刺统治集团内部的阴谋倾轧 小人国里复杂的权力争夺和宗教纠纷 2、对新思想和科学思潮、理性的讽刺 飞岛国的废物哲学家 飞岛国的奇特“科学研究” 慧马国的纯粹理性统治:yahoo(粗鲁、粗俗) 3、攻击英国对爱尔兰的奴役和海外殖民
(二)启蒙主义中期(18c.40s——50s):小说 成就最高 1、约翰逊(1709-1784):18世纪中后期英国
歌是英国新古典主义最高发展,把英雄双韵体推到近乎 完美的地步;代表作讽刺史诗《夺发记》


(1667-1745 ):讽刺艺术大师;

1、叙事文学的悠久历史 2、 的产生:18世纪城市繁荣和市民阶层的兴起
a、帕美拉与B先生的引诱与被引诱 b、克拉丽莎逃婚,陷入拉夫雷斯的圈套 克拉丽莎被拉夫雷斯陷害,身心遭受重创 拉夫雷斯爱上克拉丽莎,克拉丽莎坚贞不屈
a、菲尔丁的嘲弄 b、强烈的社会反响 c、狄德罗的盛赞;卢梭与歌德争相模仿

Robinson Crusoe 全 名:
《约克镇海员鲁滨逊〃克鲁索自述他的生涯及惊奇冒险;他独居美洲 海边奥龙诺克河口附近的荒岛上达28年,同舟者都于海难中丧生,鲁 滨逊〃克鲁索一人独自漂流岸上,侥幸余生;最后同样情节奇特,一 只海盗船将他从岛上救出》

新闻背景:1704年,一个叫亚历山大〃塞尔柯克的英格兰水手,因和 船长发生冲突,被遗弃在距智利海岸约500里的一个荒岛上,4年之后 获救



Main Characters
intelligent and curious about external ideas than
happy, she longs for knowledge and, more specifically, self-knowledge
Main Characters
• Satan (the first major character)
A tragic figure, unwilling to be subjugated by God and his Son The narrative role of an anti-hero Deeply arrogant, albeit powerful, cunning and deceptive charismatic. Rally the angels to continue in the rebellion after their defeat in the Angelic War. Argues that God rules as a tyrant and that all the angels ought to rule as gods.
Jonathan Swift
• Gulliver’s Travels
Gulliver Exhibited to the Brobdingnag
Gulliver in discussion with Houyhnhnms
Gulliver discovers Laputa, the flying island
Marriage The husband and wife depend on each other and only through each other’s differences are able to thrive Be entity separated from the church. Idolatry The practice of constructing temples and other buildings to serve as places of worship.
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四.资产阶级革命及启蒙时期(Revolutionary and Enlightenment Period 17世纪—18世纪)
约翰·多恩(John Donne):
杰出的诗人,“玄学派”诗歌(Metaphysical Poetry)的创始人。

代表作《歌曲与十四行诗》(Songs and Sonnets); 诗作The Flea。

乔治·赫伯特(George Herbert):
“玄学派诗圣”(the saint of the Metaphysical school),代表作诗集《神殿》(The Temple)。

安德鲁·马韦尔(Andrew Marwell):
“玄学派”诗人,代表作《致他的娇羞女友》(To his Coy Mistress)。

约翰·弥尔顿(John Milton):

代表作有《为英国人民而辩》(Defence of the English People),《为英国人民再辩》(Second Defence of the English People),《失乐园》(Paradise Lost),《复乐园》(Paradise Regained),诗剧(poetical drama)《力士参孙》(Samson Agoniste s)。

约翰·班扬(John Bunyan):
杰出的清教徒散文家,代表作《天路历程》(Pilgrim’s Progress)。

约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden):
桂冠诗人(poet laureate)、戏剧家、文艺批评家。

代表作颂诗《亚历山大的宴会》(Alexander’s Feast),政治讽刺诗《押沙龙与阿齐托菲尔》(Absalom and Achitophel),文学评论作品《论戏剧诗》(An Essay of Dramatick Poesie),“英雄悲剧”《印第安女王》(The Indian Queen)、《印第安皇帝》(The Indian Emperor)、《格兰纳达的征服》(The Conquest of Granada)、《残酷的爱情》(Tyrannick Love)和《一切为了爱情》(All for Love)。

亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope):

擅长写讽刺诗和运用“英雄双韵体”(heroic couplet),被伏尔泰誉为“欧洲最伟大的诗人”。

代表作《田园组诗》(Pastorals),讽刺诗《卷发遇劫记》(The Rape of the Lock)、《愚人记》(The Duncia d),哲理诗《批评论》(Essay on Criticism),《人论》(Essay on Man),翻译作品《荷马史诗》(Homer Epics)(包括《伊里亚特》(The Iliad)和《奥德赛》(The Odyssey))。

理查德·斯蒂尔(Richard Steel)和约瑟夫·艾迪生(Joseph Addison):
合伙创办了《闲谈者》(The Tatler)和《旁观者》(The Spectator)。

塞缪尔·约翰逊(Samuel Johnson):

代表作《英语词典》(A Dictionary of the English Language),《致切斯特菲尔德爵爷书》(A Letter to Lord Chesterfield),《诗人传》(The Lives of the Poets)。

丹尼尔·笛福(Daniel Defo e):

代表作《罗宾逊漂流记》(The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe),《铲除非国教教徒的捷径》(The Shortest Way with the Dissenters),《摩尔·弗兰德斯》(Moll Flanders)。

乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift):

代表作《一个小小的建议》(A Modest Proposal),《格里佛游记》(Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver)或者(Gulliver’s Travels’),《桶的故事》(A Tale of a Tub)。

塞缪尔·理查森(Samuel Richardson):

代表作《帕米拉,或美德有报》(Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded),《克拉丽莎》(Clarissa),《查尔斯·格兰迪森爵士的历史》(The History of Sir Charles Grandison)。

书信体小说(epistolary novel).
亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding):

代表作《约瑟夫·安德鲁》(Joseph Andrews),《爱米莉亚》(Amelia),《汤姆·琼斯》(The History of Tom Jones)。

托比亚斯·斯摩莱特(Tobias Smollett):

代表作:流浪汉体裁小说(picaresque novel)《蓝登传》(The Adventures of Roderick Random),《匹克尔传》(The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle)。

奥立弗·哥尔德斯密斯(Oliver Goldsmith):

代表作《好心人》(The Good-Natur’d Man),《屈身求爱》(She Stoops to Conquer),《维克菲尔德牧师传》(The Vicar of Wakefield),诗歌《荒村》(The Deserted Village),《世界公民》(The Citizen of the World)。

理查德·布林斯利·谢里丹(Richard Brinsley Sheridan):

作品《造谣学校》(The School for Scandal)达到了“风俗喜剧”(comedy of manners)的之巅,除此以外还有作品《情敌》(The Rivals)。

劳伦斯·斯特恩(Lawrence Sterne):

代表作《项狄传》(The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy)(开创了意识流小说(the stream of consciousness)),《感伤的旅行》(A Sentimental Journey)。
