
美国西雅图驾照考题(100题含答案)大蚂蚱留学社区-我们战斗在美国!1. 您若在本地居住多少天以上,需持有一份华盛顿州驾驶执照。
ca. 5天b. 15天c. 30天d. 10天2. 必须在变更住址或更改合法姓名后的多少天之内通知执照部。
ba. 15天b. 10天c. 30天d. 5天3. 若车辆出售或换售给私人或经销商,车主必须在多少天之内向华盛顿州车辆执照公办处申报。
da. 15天b. 10天c. 30天d. 5天4. 买主必须在多少天之内办妥所有权转让手续。
aa. 15天b. 10天c. 30天d. 5天5. 如果撞车事故中有任何人员伤亡,或个人财产损失达到或超过700美元,或者执法官员未作出报告,则您必须向华盛顿州巡警队报告撞车事故情形,您必须在多少天呈交报告。
ca. 15天b. 7天c. 4天d. 5天6. 有半数以上的交通死亡事故时发生在-----,其中许多是发生在限速为每小时45英里以上的道路上。
ba. 20英里,35英里b. 离家25英里的范围内c. 30英里,25英里d. 35英里,60英里7. 正常的信号灯,哪一个在最上面。
ca. 绿b. 黄c. 红d. 蓝8. 当你在交通路口时,你前方有两红灯,有一左转绿色箭头灯是 ba. 表示你要停车等待b. 绿色箭头灯亮着时按箭头所示方向安全的转弯c. 绿色箭头灯亮着时,让行迎面车辆行驶d. 表示你可以直行9. 闪烁的黄色交通灯 ca. 表示你可以正常通过b. 表示你可以停车仔细观察小心通过c. 示意你应减速并谨慎行进d. 安全通过时速已经结束10. 闪烁的红色交通灯 da. 表示你可以停车仔细观察小心通过b. 示意你应减速并谨慎行进c. 表示你可以正常通过d. 相当于停车路标。
你必须将车完全停下,待安全时再继续前行11. 该路标为 aa. 警示路标,你应减速行驶,并随时准备在必要时停车。
b. 管制路标,你应减速行驶,并随时准备在必要时停车。


北美驾照考试题库及答案北美驾照考试题库及答案:1. 驾驶时,若前方车辆突然减速,你应该:A. 立即紧急刹车B. 保持安全距离,逐渐减速C. 快速超车D. 鸣笛提醒前车正确答案:B2. 当你驾驶在高速公路上,遇到大雾天气时,应该:A. 加速通过B. 打开雾灯,减速行驶C. 停车等待雾散D. 跟随前车行驶正确答案:B3. 在没有交通信号灯的交叉路口,哪辆车有优先通行权?A. 右侧来车B. 左侧来车C. 直行车辆D. 右转车辆正确答案:A4. 驾驶时,如果感到疲劳,你应该:A. 继续驾驶B. 停车休息C. 开大音乐提神D. 喝咖啡提神正确答案:B5. 在雨雪天气驾驶时,以下哪项措施是错误的?A. 减速慢行B. 保持更长的安全距离C. 使用雨刷器D. 急加速或急刹车正确答案:D6. 当你看到前方有学校区域标志时,你应该:A. 加速通过B. 减速并注意行人C. 鸣笛提醒学生D. 保持原有速度行驶正确答案:B7. 在夜间驾驶时,遇到对向来车使用远光灯,你应该:A. 也使用远光灯回应B. 减速并视线向下看C. 停车等待对方通过D. 持续闪烁远光灯正确答案:B8. 当你看到路面上有积水时,应该如何操作?A. 快速通过B. 减速并缓慢通过C. 绕过积水区域D. 停车观察积水深度正确答案:B9. 在高速公路上,如果车辆发生故障,你应该:A. 立即停车在行车道上B. 打开双闪警示灯,将车移至紧急停车带C. 继续驾驶寻找服务区D. 倒车寻找出口正确答案:B10. 当你看到交通信号灯变为黄色时,你应该:A. 加速通过B. 减速并准备停车C. 保持原有速度通过D. 立即停车正确答案:B。

美国道路安全考试题及答案1. 在美国驾驶时,遇到红灯应该做什么?A. 继续行驶B. 停车等待C. 绕道而行D. 减速慢行答案:B2. 驾驶时,如何正确使用安全带?A. 将安全带系在腰部B. 将安全带系在肩部和腰部C. 将安全带系在手臂上D. 不需要使用安全带答案:B3. 在美国,酒驾的法律是如何规定的?A. 允许酒驾,只要不超过一定酒精含量B. 严禁酒驾,一经发现将受到严厉处罚C. 只有在特定节日允许酒驾D. 没有酒驾的法律规定答案:B4. 在美国,遇到校车停车并闪烁红灯时,你应该怎么做?A. 继续行驶B. 减速慢行C. 停车等待,直到校车重新启动D. 从校车右侧超车答案:C5. 在美国,驾驶时使用手机是允许的吗?A. 允许,只要不影响驾驶B. 允许,但必须使用免提设备C. 严禁,除非紧急情况D. 没有相关规定答案:C6. 在美国,遇到行人正在过马路时,你应该怎么做?A. 继续行驶B. 减速慢行C. 停车让行人先行D. 按喇叭催促行人答案:C7. 在美国,驾驶时可以超速吗?A. 可以,只要不超过限速的10%B. 可以,只要不影响其他车辆C. 严禁,必须遵守限速标志D. 没有明确规定答案:C8. 在美国,遇到雨雪天气时,应该如何调整驾驶?A. 加速行驶B. 保持正常速度C. 减速并增加与前车的距离D. 停车等待天气好转答案:C9. 在美国,驾驶时可以随意变道吗?A. 可以,只要不影响其他车辆B. 可以,但必须使用转向灯C. 严禁,必须保持在一条车道内D. 没有相关规定答案:B10. 在美国,遇到紧急车辆(如救护车、消防车、警车)时,你应该怎么做?A. 继续行驶B. 减速慢行C. 停车让行D. 从紧急车辆右侧超车答案:C。

1.图<4>表示什么? 答案:CA.合并道路B.靠右行车C.停车标志D.学校平交道2.图<14>表示什么? 答案:AA.前面有山坡B.靠右行车C.学校平交道D.单行路出口3.图<12>表示什么? 答案:DA.合并道路B.靠右平行C.火车平交道D.错入单程路出口4.图<8>表示什么? 答案:BA.停车标志 B .靠右行车 C.前路收窄 D.学校平交道5.图<7>表示什么? 答案:DA.让路标志B. 靠右行车C.火车平交道D.学校平交道6.图<3>表示什么? 答案:AA.合并道路B.停车标志C.前面有山坡D.前面路窄7.图<5>表示什么? 答案:BA.合并道路B.火车平交道C.单行路出口D.靠右行车8.图<1>表示什么? 答案:DA.靠右平行B.前面有山坡C.单行道出口D.前面弯路及窄路9.图<9>表示什么? 答案:CA.合并道路B.停车标志C.让路标志D.学校平交道1 当你到达十字路口而看到黄色的闪灯时,你一定要:1.停,如果你想转右2.保持同样的速度行驶3.停车,如果你想转左4.慢驶,然后小心前进④2 当你在变线行车路上驾驶,听到紧急信号的车,法律上要求你怎样做?1.加速,尽快离开2.打灯号,让驾驶者超越3.尽快驶向路的最右方停下4.保持同一速度行驶③3 当需要车头灯时,在什么情况下开低灯?1.与最接近你的车辆相距一公里(0.6哩)内2.与最接近你的车辆相距150公尺(500呎)内3.与最接近你的车辆相距300公尺(1000呎)内4.这是为安全而设,并不是法律规定②4 当你驶近“停牌”时,你应:1.慢驶,鸣笛然后前进2.慢驶,当安全才继续前进3.停车,鸣笛然后前进4.停车,当安全才前进④5 除非有标志指明,不然在城市、市镇、乡村或发展区内最高的驾驶速度应是:1.每小时30公里(20哩)2.每小时50公里(30哩)3.每小时40公里(25哩)4.每小时60公里(35哩)②6 当亮红灯时,你想驶过十字路口,你一定要:1.停车,让行人有优先权,然后小心前进2.停车,当交通安全才前进3.慢驶,交通安全才前进4.停车,直至灯号转绿色,同时安全才前进④7 当驶入高速公路时,你应该:1.停在加速线,看准有安全的位置才尽快驶入高速公路2.加速达到高速公路的速度,然后驶入公路交通中3.慢车,然后用直角方向驶入高速公路4.慢驶,随时准备停下来应付公路的交通②8 在公路,驾驶者不准在其汽车所拖的露营车或拖船上载有:1.枪械2.容易燃烧原料3.人(乘客)4.家畜③9 在双程路上,你想转左之前,你应在什么位置?1.靠近路的右手边2.靠近路的左手边3.尽量在最接近中线的右边行车路上4.没有关系,只要打灯号便可③10 在十字路口亮绿灯时,以下谁最有优先权?1.行人不守灯号过马路2.行人遵守灯号过马路3.正在转右的车辆4.正在转左的车辆②11 在单程路上你想转左之前,你应在路的什么位置?1.靠近路的右手边2.靠近路的中线3.靠近路的左手边4.不成问题,只要你打讯号③12 当电车停下让乘客上落,当时没有安全岛,你想驶过电车时,法律上要你怎样做?1.停在电车后面,然后前进2.响号,同时小心驶过3.由左边驶过,当交通安全4.在电车后门2公尺(6呎)之后停车,让乘客上落,直至安全才驶过④13 在十字路口闪着红灯,表示:1.慢驶,然后加倍小心驾驶2.慢驶,如有需要,让左右迎面的车辆有优先权3.灯号坏了,小心前进4.停车,直至安全才前进④14 当红灯可以转右时,在未驶入十字路口前,法律上你应怎么做?1.慢驶,小心前进2.停车,然后侧侧地进入交通中3.停车,打灯号,当不阻碍别地车辆及行人才转弯4.慢驶,打讯号及转弯③15 当你想转右时,你应驶在路的哪一条线?1.靠近路的左边2.靠近路的右边3.靠近路的中线4.不成问题,打灯便可②16 当到达十字路口,绿灯刚转黄灯,你应怎样做?1.停车,如果停车是危险的,前进要加倍小心2.加速,并尽快驶过十字路口3.继续驶过十字路口,不用慢驶或停下来4.响号,并警告行人和别的驾驶者,使他们知道你不会停车①17 某人的驾驶执照被吊销后他1.在非常紧急时,可以驾驶2.返工及放工时才准驾驶3.在有车牌的人陪同下才可驾驶4.在任何情况下都不准驾驶④18 在安大略省,是有安全带法例1.对2.不对3.只是在公路上驾驶时4.只是在市区内驾驶时①19 当两架车在大约同一时间驶到没有标志的十字路口,哪一架车有优先权?1.从左方驶来的车辆2.从右方驶来的车辆3.两者都不是4.驶得较快的车辆②20 在安全的情况下,可从别的车辆右方超越:1.任何街道及公路都准许2.如果可能在路旁驶过是准许的3.无论在什么情况下都不准许4.是准许的,当街道及公路有两条或以上同一方向的行车线④21 法律上,在什么时候需要把车头灯开着?1.在日落和日出时2.在黄昏及黎明之间和在任何时间150公尺(500呎)内看不清时3.在日落前半小时,在日出后半小时及任何时间在150公尺(500呎)内看不清事物时4.没有特别时间规定③22 驾驶者是否要负责车上乘客扣上安全带呢?1.只是乘客在十六岁以上2.只是乘客在五岁至十六岁3.只是乘客在前面的座位4.只是乘客在十八岁以上②23 当需要开车头灯时,驾驶者必要用低灯,当跟在别的车后面1. 30公尺(100呎)内2. 60公尺(200呎)内3. 120公尺(400呎)内4. 只是当接近其他车辆时②24 当驶近“让牌”时,在法例上你应怎样做?1.慢下,如有需要时停下及让路于有优先权者先行2.停,然后慢驶入交通中3.停,然后快速驶入交通中4.加速,并挤迫入交通中①25 酒精在人体血液中占什么份量,使你成为危险驾驶者及有罪?1. 0.03%2. 0.05%3. 0.08%4. 1.0%③26 在十字路口,亮红灯并有绿色箭头表示:1.停,先等候绿灯,然后向绿色箭头的方向转2.小心向着箭头的方向转,让路于有优先权的车辆及行人3.停车,然后前进4.绿色箭头只是给行人的讯号②27 一定要报警的交通意外是当有人受伤或损失超过1.一百元2.一百五十元3.二百元4.一千元④28 在十字路口,转左及转右都准许时,绿色闪灯表示:1.路上安全,你可转左2.路上安全,你可转右3.路上安全,你可直驶4.你可做任何以上的④29 如果交通灯转了,而行人仍然在过马路,以下谁有优先权1.驾驶者正在转弯2.行人3.驾驶者从右面驶来4.驾驶者从左面驶来②30 如果你被控醉酒行车,第一次会被罚停牌多久?1.一个月2.三个月3.六个月4.一年④31 在车上装有蓝色闪灯是表示:1.车内装有爆炸品2.铲雪的车辆3.救伤车4.有紧急事的警车②32 如果你置身于交通意外,而当时有人受伤,你一定要:1.立即报告意外于最近的省警察或当地警察2.在四十八小时内报告意外于最近的省警察或当地警察3.只是报告意外向你的保险公司4.只是报告意外事件给交通部①33 在离开城市,镇或乡村的高速公路同一方向行驶,除超越外,跟在商业汽车后面应保持什么距离?1. 30公尺(100呎)2. 60公尺(200呎)3. 120公尺(400呎)4. 150公尺(500呎)②34 持有驾驶执照而需要转姓名或地址,他需要在什么时间内通知交通部?1.六天之内2.十五天之内3.三十天之内4.在换新牌前任何时间都可①35 如果你置身在一件交通意外,而一定要报警,在什么时间内,你要报告给最近你的省警察或当地警察?1.立刻2.在二十四小时之内3.在四十八小时之内4.在七十二小时内①36 当货车在高速公路上不能开动时,照明器或反光器一定要放在货车的前面或后面多远呢?1. 15公尺(50呎)2. 30公尺(100呎)3. 40公尺(200呎)4. 90公尺(300呎)②37 以下什么情形下“u”转是危险和不合法的:1.在弯路或在斜坡,视力从两方向150公尺(500呎)内看不清楚时2.在火车路上或火车路30公尺(100呎)之内3.在桥、高架公路或隧道中150公尺(500呎)内,视力受阻碍时4.以上所有的情形都包括在内④38 驾驶者被停牌,而被控再次驾驶,他应受什么责罚?1.罚款五百元或入狱六个月或两样都罚2.将汽车扣留三个月3.再加多六个月不准驾驶的权利4.以上任何一点或全部④39 当驶近火车路时,看到有电动式的机械讯号或有人拿着旗号警告有火车来时,你应:1.停车在距离路轨最少1.5公尺(5呎)2.加速尽快驶过火车路3.停车在距离路轨最少5公尺(15呎)4.慢驶,小心前进③40 如果车主没有买汽车保险,他有什么保障?1.一万元保险赔偿2.二万元保险赔偿3.三万五千元保险赔偿4.全无保险赔偿④41 在什么情形下,驾驶执照会被取消?1.没有去重考2.持有改过的执照3.重考而不合格4.以上任何情形或全部都是④42 警察有权要求车主拿出什么文件:1.如汽车有买保险——保险纸2.汽车车主证3.如只是汽车驾驶者——有效驾驶执照4.以上任何一项都是④43 在什么情形下可将驾驶执照借给他人?1.永远不能2.可以借给正在学车者3.只可作表明身份用4.在紧急时①44 当你驶近十字路口,正亮着红色交通灯,而警察打手势指挥你通过,你应:1.等候绿灯2.服从警察的指挥,立即通过3.让警察知道当时亮着红灯4.停下来,确定他要你通过45 驾驶者犯上开快车,比限制时速超过五十公里(三十哩)或以上时,法庭会将怎样处罚呢?1.停牌六个月2.停牌三十天3.扣留汽车六个月4.驾驶者入狱六个月②46 当你接近十字路口时,发觉十字路口前面交通很挤迫,你应:1.贴着前面的车辆行驶2.慢慢驶入十字路口,直至前面交通畅通后才前进3.停在十字路口之前,等待前面交通畅通后才前进4.响号警告前面车辆前进③47 一辆“校车”闪红灯停在中间没有栏杆或障碍物的高速公路中,无论你是迎面而来或从后面超越,法律要求你:1.没有关系,只要你响号2.停车,直至校车前进或红灯已不再闪3.等待接近的车辆驶过4.减低速度,同时小心驶过②48 驾驶人可能需要被接见问话或重考驾驶技术:1.当驾驶过失而被记下的分数达到九点2.当驾驶过失而被记下的分数达到三点3.当驾驶过失而被记下的分数达到六点4.当驾驶过失而被记下的分数达到十五点①49当驾驶过失达到九点时,被接见问话后,交通部可能暂停驾驶人执照:1.当驾驶人不能提出充分的理由反对停用执照2.当驾驶人没有五年的驾驶经验3.如驾驶人的执照不是作商业用途4.驾驶过失除非达到十五点交通部时不能暂停执照的①50 当驾驶人的过失记录达到十五点或以上时,执照将受暂停:1.自动停牌,从退回执照起停牌三十天2.由交通部再审查3.如执照不是作商业用途4.三个月51 当过失点达到十五分时,牌照要吊销三十天恢复驾驶后的分数,将会1.减到七分2.减到零分3.减到五分4.以上全不是①52 卖汽车给别人,卖车者应该:1.在卖车后六日内通知交通部及改车主姓名2.和买车者到换牌处登记更换新车主姓名3.如汽车没有“安全合格证”应交还车牌及车证给换牌处,而用卖车者的名下取得“汽车未合格证”4.以上所有情形都是④53 你应保持一种速度行车,无论在任何情况下,你也能:1.在90公尺(300呎)内停车2.在60公尺(200呎)内停车3.在一个安全距离内停车4.在150公尺(500呎)内停车③54 不能随时换线除非先:1.发出正确灯号及肯定安全才能转线2.减慢速度及打出正确灯号3.只看倒后镜4.响喇叭及望后面①55 法律规定泊车距离救火喉多远才是合法的:1. 3公尺(10呎)2. 4.5公尺(15呎)3. 1.5公尺(5呎)4. 6公尺(20呎)①56 大多数汽车滑胎的原因是:1.车胎汽不够2.车胎太多汽3.路上有雪或冰4.驾驶速度太快④57 在什么时候可用泊车灯?1.什么时候都可以用2.在泊车时用3.在大雾中驾驶时用4.在光线充足的街道上驾驶时用②58 在湿滑或结冰的路上快速停车的最好方法是:1.在脚制上一踏一放的方法,直至车辆完全停下来2.把脚离开脚制,使车自动停下3.大力踏在脚制上,预防车辆滑行4.像你平时一样方法踏脚制①59 在大雾中行驶,你应用:1.泊车灯2.低灯3.泊车灯及高灯4.高灯②60 当你泊车在向下的斜坡在你离开车之前,你应:1.扭直前胎与路边平行2.扭前胎向左,并拉紧手掣3.只是拉紧手掣4.扭前胎向右,并拉紧手掣④61 当你知道另一辆车准备驶过或超越时,你应:1.驶向路的右边,让他超越2.加速使他不能超越3.打灯号暗示他不要超越4.驶向左边,阻止他超越①62 当你右边车胎驶入路边泥地,哪一个是最好的方法让车驶回路面:1.大力把方向盘扭去左边2.踏脚制并大力把方向盘扭去左边3.脚离开油门,让车辆慢下来时才驶回路面4.踏脚制以减慢速度③63 当你驾驶每小时50公里(30哩)应该和前面车辆最少保持多远才安全:1.七个车位的距离2.三个车位的距离3.一个车位的距离4.五个车位的距离②64 除非有特别标志,负责在城市镇、乡村或发展区以外的公路,最高的驾驶速度是:1.每小时100公里(60哩)2.每小时80公里(50哩)3.每小时60公里(40哩)4.每小时50公里(30哩)②65 当你把车驶出停车位前,你应:1.看交通情形,打灯号及立即驶离路边2.响号然后慢慢从路边驶出3.看清楚交通情形,打灯号,当安全的时候才从路边驶出4.打灯号,然后驶出路边③66 当汽车驶下斜坡时,最安全的方法是:1.用低波行驶及利用机器帮助煞掣2.扭熄汽车机器3.用中波行驶4.解脱汽车离合器,使车溜下①67 夜间在快速公路行驶时,你必须用低灯,当你:1.接近十字路口2.遇到迎面有车来或跟在别的车辆后时3.当其他车辆用低灯4.遇到迎面车辆的车头灯,使你看不清楚②68 在夜间以最高限制速度行驶比日间更危险,因为:1.一些非法驾驶者只用泊车灯行驶2.在夜间,你不能看得前面很远3.在夜间,路面更用以湿滑4.你的反应在夜间会较慢②69 以下哪一种手势讯号是表示慢驶或停车?1.手臂伸出向上2.手臂伸直向窗外3.手臂伸出向下4.转圆圈的动作③70 在夜间行驶,当你遇到迎面车辆车灯很强烈耀眼,使你看不清楚,最安全的方法是:1.迅速的将眼睛一张一合2.看着迎面车辆的车头灯3.把车灯转用高灯4.把视线稍为望向路的右手边④71 当车辆停下来让行人过斑马线时,你应:1.从左面超越停下的车2.响号指挥停车的驾驶者向前行驶3.从右面超越停下的车4.不能超越任何停下来让行人过马路的车辆④72 路的中间有断续的线是代表:1.不能超越2.可以超越,当交通安全时3.随时可以超越4.在日间才可以超越②73 除非你打算扒过及超越另一辆车,或想转左,否则你应:1.驾驶在路的中间2.时时靠路的右面行驶3.在公路的沙地上行驶4.时时靠路的左边行驶②74 当你决定“U转”与否之前,你首先应查看:1.交通规则2.有没有树,救火喉,或路边灯柱3.你的汽车转弯的范围内4.路边的高度①75 路的中间,有一实线,有一虚线,而你靠近实线,实线的意思是:1.扒头或超越是不安全的2.没有车辆时才可以超越3.扒头及超越是安全的4.随时都可以超越①76 由私家路驶入公路之前,驾驶者应:1.响号并小心前进2.尽快驶入或横过公路3.打手势及取优先权先行4.让所有驶近公路的车辆有优先权④。

美国考驾照笔试题目102题(附答案)a 1. A diamond shaped sign means(a) warning.(b) stop.(c) yield right of way.c 2. An upside-down triangle means(a) warning.(b) stop.(c) yield right of way.b 3. An octagon shaped sign means(a) warning.(b) stop.(c) yield right of way.b 4. When you come to a STOP sign, you should(a) be prepared to stop if there is an approaching car.(b) make a complete stop and proceed when safe.(c) slow down and proceed when safe.d 5. What should you do when you come to a STOP sign at an intersection?(a) Slow down and proceed with caution.(b) Stop only if there are any vehicles approaching the intersection.(c) Slow down, sound horn, and proceed.(d) Make a full stop and proceed when safe.b 6. The hand signal for a right turn is:(a) Point the arm and hand down.(b) Hold the arm and hand up.(c) Put the arm straight out.(d) Make a circular motion the arm.c 7. The hand signal for left turn is:(a) pointing the arm and hand down.(b) holding the arm and hand up.(c) pointing the arm and hand straight out.(d) making circular motion with the arm.a 8. When you are stopping or slowing down you should signal by (a) pointing arm and hand down.(b) putting the arm and hand straight up.(c) putting the arm straight out.(d) making a circular motion with arm.a 9. When the arm is extended outward, it means(a) left turn(b) slow or stop(c) right turna 10. When the arm and hand is pointing downward, it means(a) slow or stop.(b) left turn.(c) right turn.c 11. When the arm is extended upward, it means(a) slow or stop.(b) left turn.(c) right turn.b 12. You must signal at least how many feet before making a turn?(a) 57 ft.(b) 877 ft.(c) 377 ft.a 13. What is the meaning of a flashing yellow light?(a) slow down and proceed with caution(b) be prepared for the light to change red(c) stopc 14. What is the meaning of a flashing red light?(a) caution(b) stop and wait for the light to change green(c) stop and proceed when safea 15. What is the meaning of a flashing red traffic signal light at an intersection?(a) Stop completely as at a stop sign and proceed when safe.(b) Slow down and proceed with caution.(c) Stop and wait for a green light.(d) Sound horn and proceed with caution.c 16. A red signal light with a green arrow means(a) stop and wait for green light before making turn in the direction of the arrow.(b) stop and then proceed.(c) proceed with caution in the direction of the arrow, yielding the right of way to pedestrians and vehicles in the intersection.(d) the green arrow is a signal for pedestrians only.a 17. When can you make a right turn on a red traffic signal ?(a) After a full stop, if there is no sign prohibiting right turn on red and way is clear.(b) When traffic light first change.(c) When yielding to pedestrians and traffics.b 18. You may turn right on a red light when(a) you stop and traffic is clear.(b) you stop, traffic is clear, and there is no sign to prohibit your turn.(c) you slow down and see that traffic is clear.a 19. What does a double solid yellow line indicate?(a) passing prohibited(b) passing permitted when safea 20. What does a broken line on your side and a solid line on the other side mean?(a) You can pass when safe.(b) passing prohibited(c) Cars coming the opposite direction can pass when safe.b 21. If a traffic signal is green and a police officer signals you to stop, you should(a) obey the traffic signal(b) obey the traffic officer(c) first obey the traffic officer, then the signal(d) do what the vehicle in front of you does.b 22. You are driving to an intersection where a traffic light is red. A policeman motions you to go through, you should(a) obey the traffic.(b) obey the traffic officer.(c) first obey the traffic officer, then the signal.(d) do what the vehicle in front of you does.b 23. You have reached on intersection in a lane marked left turn only, you should(a) Proceed straight ahead.(b) Make left turn.(c) Make right turn.(d) Drive into through traffic lane.c 24. In what position must you be when making a left hand turn?(a) near the middle(b) to the right(c) in the left must lane used by traffic going in your directionc 25. On a two lane roadway (one way traffic), the left lane is for(a) slow moving traffic.(b) only to be used when passing.(c) passing and preparing to make a left hand turn.a 26. On a one way two-lane road way, the left lane is for(a) passing and preparing to make left turn.(b) passing only.(c) fast moving traffic.(d) slowing down speed of traffic.a 27. You have reached an intersection in a lane marked left turn only, you should(a) make a left turn.(b) try to get out of the lane as quickly as possible.(c) signal and change lanes when it is safe.c 28. When making a left turn, you should drive(a) whenever the traffic is the lightest unless a special left turn lane is available.(b) several miles above the speed limit so you will not hold up the traffic behind you.(c) in the left-most lane used in the traffic going in your direction.(d) close to the right-hand side of the road.c 29. If you are in a passing zone you should(a) slow down to the posted speed limit.(b) signal to other vehicle to pass you if you are going below the speed limit.(c) make sure you are going within the posted speed limit.(d) keep steady even pressure on the gas pedal.c 30. The best way to tell whether or not you are permitted to pass another vehicle isto see if(a) there is a flashing green light.(b) the road is straight.(c) there are solid or broken lane markings.b 31. The best way to tell whether you are permitted to pass other vehiclesis to see if(a) there is a green flashing light.(b) there are solid or broken lane markings.(c) the vehicle ahead signals that it is ok to pass.(d) the road ahead is straight.b 32. The end of a no passing zone means(a) it is safe to pass.(b) you can only pass when it is safe.(c) passing is not permitted.a 33. Driving slower than the posted minimum speed limit when not necessary for safety is(a) a violation of the law.(b) the right of any driver.(c) not advisable.(d) a good rule to follow.c 34. When may you drive the maximum speed limit?(a) at all times(b) only during the day(c) if the vehicle, highway and weather conditions are idealb 35. If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still in the street(a) vehicle making turn have the right of way.(b) pedestrian has the right of way.(c) vehicle coming from the right have the right of way.(d) vehicle coming from the left have the right of way.a 36. If a pedestrian is crossing the street in an unmarked crosswalk, you should(a) yield the right of way.(b) blow your horn and maintain speed.(c) slow down and blow your horn.C 37. If a pedestrian is crossing at an intersection where there are no traffic controls, you should(a) take the right of way but do not strike him.(b) slow down and proceed with care.(c) stop and give him the right of way.(d) blow your horn and take the right of way.a 38. You are driving up to an intersection where there is no signal light or policeman. In a cross walk, a pedestrian is crossing your half of the street, you should(a) stop and give him the right of way.(b) blow your horn and maintain speed.(c) slow down and blow your horn.(d) take the right of way but do not strike him.b 39. When two cars reach an intersection at the same time, the right of way should be given to(a) the car coming from the left.(b) the car coming from the right(c) the oncoming car.(d) the car traveling fastest.b 40. The law requires that you do not follow any fire engines traveling to a fire closer than(a) 377 ft.(b) 577 ft.(c) 8777 ft.c 41. On a short entrance to an interstate, where there is no acceleration lane.(a) Enter the far right traffic lane and speed up to the flow of traffic there.(b) Use the shoulder of main road to get up to the speed of the traffic.(c) Speed up to the entrance only after you have found a gap in traffic.(d) Come to a complete stop before entering the interstate.c 42. If there is a short entrance to an interstate where there is no acceleration lane, you should(a) stop and look for a gap in traffic.(b) pick up speed to match traffic.(c) speed up on the entrance only if you have found a gap in traffic.a 43. When leaving an interstate highway, you should(a) get into the right hand lane well before reaching exit and follow posted speed limit.(b) increase speed to pass vehicle not exiting.(c) signal and come to a gradual stop just before the exit.a 44. When leaving an interstate, you should(a) get into the right lane well ahead of time and follow the posted speed limit on exit ramp.(b) slow down on the main highway.(c) speed up as you enter the deceleration lane.b 45. When entering an interstate from a left entrance, you should(a) enter to road at a speed faster than the speed limit.(b) compare what you see in your mirrors with what you see when looking over your shoulder.(c) stop when the right lane is clear of approaching traffic.c 46. In general, you should stop before entering an interstate when(a) there is no special lane to use in order to speed up.(b) the entrance leads into the left lane of traffic.(c) waiting for a break in the traffic.(d) the entrance is short or has a low speed limit.a 47. What must a driver do before entering a street or highway from an alley, private road, or drive-way(a) Stop, yield right-of-way to pedestrians and vehicles.(b) Stop before entering the road only if there is a stop sign or a red light.(c) Slow down only when there is traffic on the road.(d) Slow down and sound your horn before entering the road.b 48. Before entering a street of highway from alley, private road, or driveway, you should(a) slow down.(b) stop and yield the right of way to the pedestrians and vehicles.(c) blow your horn to warn pedestrians and move into traffic when safe.b 49. On a street or highway where traffic is moving in both directions what position must you be in before a left hand turn?(a) close to the left side of the highway(b) to the right of and as close to the center line as possible(c) in the right hand laned 50. Under which of the following conditions would the road be more likely to be slippery(a) Center lines have just been painted.(b) New highway just opened for public use.(c) It has rained for several hours.(d) It has just started to rain or drizzle.b 51. Your following distance under normal conditions should be(a) one car length for every 27 mph.(b) 2 seconds.(c) 577 ft.c 52. Under normal road contitions, you should keep a following distance of(a) two car lengths.(b) 25 to 37 ft.(c) two seconds.a 53. When following a car in bad weather, you should(a) increase your following distance to 3 or 4 seconds.(b) stay 877 ft. behind.(c) keep your following distance the same.a 54. The distance you should follow another vehicle should bedetermined by(a) speed, weather, road, and vehicle mechanical conditions.(b) legal speed limit.(c) condition of vehicle.(d) type of highway.a 55. The distance between motor vehicles traveling on a highway should be how many vehicle lengths for each ten miles of speed?(a) one vehicle length.(b) two vehicle lengths.(c) three vehicle lengths.c 56. You are required to keep a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of you at 37 m.p.h.you should keep(a) one car length in back.(b) two car lengths in back.(c) three car lengths in back.(d) ten feet in back.a 57. Good drivers traveling in heavy fog at night always use the(a) low beams.(b) high beams.(c) parking lights.(d) no lights.a 58. When light are required on the open highway, a driver shall use the high beam(a) except when within 577 feet of an oncoming vehicle(b) except when within 477 feet of an oncoming vehicle(c) except when within 277 feet of an oncoming vehiclec 59. When driving a motor vehicle at night, you should dim your headlights when(a) 577 ft. from meeting an oncoming car.(b) 377 ft. behind another car.(c) both of the above.(d) neither of the above.a 60. When meeting a car with blinding headlights, you should(a) use quick glances, looking away from the bright lights.(b) stare at the oncoming headlights to make sure you will not go into his lane.(c) turn on your lights until the other driver dims his lights.a 61. Before changing lane in traffic, you should(a) see if it is safe, and then signal.(b) have your turn signal on for at least a minute.(c) sound your horn.(d) be stopped or driving slower than the other traffica 62. Under which of the following conditions would the road be most likely to be slippery?(a) It has just started to rain or drizzle.(b) It has been raining for an hour or more.(c) on a dry surface.b 63. You are driving on a slippery road and you have to make a stop quickly. The best way to do this is to(a) jam on your brake.(b) pump the brake pedal.(c) gradually hit your brake pedal.(d) apply brakes in normal manner.b 64. When approaching a curve, you should(a) pick up speed slightly.(b) decrease speed before entering the curve.(c) decrease speed as you enter the curve.d 65. Prior to entering a curve, a good practice is to(a) ride the center of the road.(b) maintain steady speed and apply brakes if necessary.(c) slow down only when pavement is slippery.(d) slow down and then increase speed after getting the feel of the curve.d 66. If you saw a vehicle stopped on the shoulder with its hood up, you should(a) Turn on your emergency flashers to warn other vehicles and continue at the same speed.(b) Speed up and change lanes.(c) Blow your horn to warn its driver.(d) Slow down and move to the left part of the lane.a 67. If you have a blow out while driving, you should(a) slowly let up on the accelerator(Gas Pedal) and look for a safe place to drive off the road.(b) apply the brakes as soon as you notice the blow out.(c) keep going at the same speed until you can get off the road.(d) continue driving on the shoulder until you get to the next exit.d 68. When a tire blows out, the safest thing to do is(a) drive on the shoulder of the road and apply brakes.(b) steer straight ahead.(c) apply brakes for a quick stop.(d) slow down gradually, pull off the roadway.a 69 When a tire blows, the safest thing to do is(a) look for a safe place to drive off the road.(b) pump your brakes and stop immediately.(c) stop gradually on the road and warn other drivers by turning on your emergency lightsa 70. If a car is disabled on the side of the road with its hood up, you should(a) slow down and move to the left side of you lane.(b) maintain speed.(c) blow your horn to warn the driver not to come into your laneb 71. Whenever the windows of your car become cloudy, obstructing your vision, you should(a) continue to drive your car but reduce speed.(b) stop and clear windows.(c) continue at normal speed.(d) slow down and drive to service station.a 72. If you become tired or sleepy while driving, you should(a) stop and rest.(b) drink coffee and tea.(c) drive more carefully.(d) turn on the radio.d 73. If you become tired or sleepy while driving, it is best to(a) take anti-sleep pills.(b) stop for a cup of coffee.(c) stop and exercise until you wake up.(d) rest or if possible change a driver.c 74. The first driving ability affected by alcohol is(a) knowledge.(b) skill.(c) judgment.a 75. Alcohol first effects(a) judgement and coordination.(b) knowledge.(c) skill.a 76. If you are convicted for operating a vehicle while under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, you will(a) lose your privilege to drive a motor vehicle.(b) be given a warning by the department of Motor Vehicles(c) be permitted to drive trucks or buses only.(d) be permitted to drive during daylight only.b 77. Before begining to pass you should(a) drive up close behind the lead vehicle.(b) judge the speed of the lead vehicle.(c) slow down so you will have more room to pass.(d) blow your horn and put on the bright lights.b 78. When deciding to pass, you should(a) see if there is an oncoming car.(b) judge the speed of the lead car.(c) accelerate to go faster than the car in front.c 79. You may pass a vehicle on the right only if(a) you use the shoulder when passing.(b) you are on a two-lane road and there is oncoming traffic.(c) the vehicle ahead of you is about to make a left turn.(d) the vehicle ahead signals that it is all right to pass.c 80. When overtaking a car going in the same direction, you may pass on the right(a) never.(b) if there is a shoulder.(c) when the car ahead of you has signaled for a left hand turn.c 81. When overtaking and passing another vehicle, you should(a) sound horn and pass when safe.(b) sound horn and wait until the other driver signals that it is safe.(c) you do not have to blow your horn.c 82. When passing, you should return to the right side of the road when(a) you are 85 ft. ahead of the car you are passing.(b) you are 877 ft. ahead of the car you are passing.(c) you see the headlights of the vehicle you just passed in your rear view mirror.d 83. When passing a vehicle, you should return to the right side of the road when(a) you are 57 feet in front of the passed vehicle.(b) the other driver signals you to do so.(c) you have cleared the front bumper by a rear view mirror.(d) you can see both its headlights in your rear view mirror.a 84. If you are driving a vehicle being overtaken, you should(a) give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle.(b) speed up.(c) speed up and move to the right.c 85. If you decide to stop to a vehicle ahead of you pull into a parking space, you should(a) move up only behind it as it pulls into space.(b) come to complete stop directly behind it.(c) stop several vehicle lengths behind it.(d) move into the next lane, but wait until it has parked space.c 86. Before moving your car into traffic from a parked position, you should(a) sound your horn and go ahead.(b) signal and pull into the street.(c) signal, yield the right of way, and pull into the street.(d) signal, wait for first vehicle to pass, and then pull into the street.b 87. Before moving your car into traffic from a parked position or changing lanes, you should(a) signal and enter.(b) signal and proceed when safe.(c) go when it is clear.(d) blow your horn and then enter traffic.b 88. If following a car that has its signal on and is ready to park, you should(a) more to the left and pass quickly.(b) stop several vehicle lengths behind it.(c) pass the car on the right.c 89. When you are following vehicles which often stop (bus, post office car,etc.)(a) Do not pass, wait until turn off the road.(b) Blow your horn to warn.(c) Allow more following distance than usual.(d) Keep your emergency flashers turned on.c 90. When meeting a stopped school bus, you should(a) stop only when approaching from the rear.(b) stop only when approaching from the front.(c) stop when approaching from the front and rear.b 91. How can you see a car in your blind spot(a) by using both your side and rear view mirror.(b) by glancing over your shoulder.(c) by read justing the outside mirror.d 92. You should check your brakes, lights, and signals(a) only when required to do so.(b) about once a year.(c) about once every 8777 miles(d) each time you drive.c 93. You should check brakes, lights and signals(a) every 577 miles.(b) once a month.(c) each time you drive.c 94. When you see or hear an emergency vehicle with a flashing light, siren blowing or bell ringing, you should(a) maintain speed.(b) slow down.(c) pull over to the right.b 95. If you strike an unattended vehicle, you are required to(a) stay at the scene.(b) leave your name, address, and registration number, and notify the police.(c) leave your driver's license on the damaged car and call your insurance company.(d) not move your vehicle until the accident is investigated.c 96. A person whose driver license is refused, suspended, revoked or cancelled shall(a) drive only in an emergency.(b) only drive during the day.(c) not drive under any condition.(d) drive when there is a licensed driver with him.b 97. Driving in violation of any restrictions on your license is(a) the same as driving without a license.(b) more serious than driving without a license.(c) less serious than driving without a license.(d) permitted in unusual cases.c 98. What cards must you have with you when operating a motor vehicle?(a) registration card(b) driver's license(c) registration card and driver's licenseb 99. If your vehicle goes into a skid, you should(a) steer in the opposite direction that your rear is skidding.(b) steer in the direction that your rear is skidding.(c) jam on your brake.c 100. The best way to bring your car out of a skid is to(a) turn steering wheel first right, when left.(b) put brakes on quickly and hard.(c) turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.(d) increase speed.c 101. Generally, the safest drivers are those drivers who (a) are good auto mechanics.(b) have no physical defects.(c) are always alert and obey the traffic laws.(d) drive slowly at all times.b 102. Most traffic accidents are the result of(a) mechanical defects in automobiles.(b) errors in driver's judgement.(c) defects in the road.(d) bad weather contitions.。

中文版美国驾照试题答案一、选择题1. 驾驶时,如果遇到行人正在过马路,您应该:A. 继续行驶,示意行人让路B. 减速或停车,让行人安全通过C. 鸣喇叭,提醒行人注意D. 绕过行人继续行驶答案:B2. 在美国的公路上行驶,最低合法酒精浓度限制是:A. 0.01%B. 0.05%C. 0.08%D. 0.15%答案:C3. 夜间行车时,以下哪种情况需要开启车辆的前大灯?A. 当天黑到无法看清路面B. 当遇到浓雾天气C. 当路面有其他车辆行驶D. 所有上述情况答案:D4. 如果您在行驶过程中车辆发生故障,您应该:A. 立即停车并打开双闪警示灯B. 缓慢驶离车道,寻找安全地点停车C. 继续行驶寻找最近的修理厂D. 以上所有操作答案:A、B5. 在美国,交通信号灯的红灯意味着:A. 必须停车B. 准备加速C. 可以右转(除非有标志禁止)D. 可以左转(除非有标志禁止)答案:A二、判断题1. 持有国际驾照的驾驶员在美国可以驾驶任何类型的车辆。
答案:错误2. 在美国,您必须随时携带有效的驾驶证件。
答案:正确3. 如果您在驾驶时感到疲劳,应该立即停车休息。
答案:正确4. 在美国,儿童必须使用儿童安全座椅直至达到一定的身高和年龄要求。
答案:正确5. 驾驶时使用手机是合法的,只要您不是在发短信。
答案:错误三、简答题1. 请简述在美国驾驶时遇到校车停车并展开“停车臂”时,您应该采取的行动。
2. 描述在美国高速公路上行驶时,如何正确更换车道。
3. 阐述在美国驾驶时遇到紧急情况应如何反应。

1. 路口放置的红白色三角标志表示什么?•A如有紧急车辆驶来须减速慢行•B驶过路口时须注意路口左右两边•C始终需要在路口停车。
2. 长方形的标志表示什么?•A学校经过标志•B火车经过标志•C停车标志•D速度限制标志3. 菱形的标志表示什么?•A道路危险标志•B州际公路标志•C学校经过标志•D速度限制标志4. 表示前方有危险,如弯道或窄桥的警告标志是什么颜色?•A白底黑字或标志•B黄底黑字或标志•C蓝底白字或标志•D绿底白字或标志5. 表示到下一个公路出口的距离的标志是什么颜色?•A黄底黑字•B黑底白字•C红底白字•D绿底白字6. 这个路标表示什么?•A减慢车速,只有当车辆接近时准备停车•B完全停车,等到安全时再行驶•C安全行驶过路口,而不是一直停止•D只在交叉路口时停车7. 这个标志警告你正在接近什么?•A一个路口•B人行横道•C铁路道口•D爆破区8. 下述四种标志或人员,你最应该服从的是谁?•A固定的红灯•B交通警察•C停止标志•D闪烁的红灯9. 当你驶近交叉路口,交通信号灯由绿色转成黄色,你该如何?•A在变红灯前,加快速度通过交叉路口•B立刻停止•C停在交叉路口中间等候绿灯•D在路口前准备停车10. 你在什么情况下可以越过双黄实线?•A超过一辆慢速度的卡车时•B驶入私人车道时•C在交通状况允许情况下超越前车时•D任何情况下都不可以11. 你在什么情况下可以在公路上越过白色实线?•A任何情况下•B交通状况允许情况下•C只有在驶入私人车道时•D只有在进行掉头时12. 一个红灯和一个绿色箭头的交通信号灯表示什么?•A你只可以直行•B你只可以按照绿色箭头的方向行驶•C你必须等待绿灯•D朝着任何方向行驶的车辆都必须停止13. 黄色闪烁灯表示什么?•A合并车道•B小心前进•C行人通过•D完全停止14. 一个路口有停止标志和人行横道,但没有停车线,你应该停在•A人行横道前•B路口50英尺前•C你认为停车线应该在的位置•D前轮停在人行横道上15. 交叉路口有一红灯闪烁,你该如何?•A完全停止,直到可以安全通过。

美国考驾照笔试题、附答案、作者:杨伯良JasonDRIVE EDUCATION TEST1 . Carbon monoxide coming from your car smells like:碳一氧化物来自你的车闻起来像a) Burning leaves燃烧的树叶b) Fresh gasoline新鲜的汽油c) Burning rubber燃烧的橡胶d) Has no odor.有无气味[没有气味]2 . What lights should a driver use when driving in the fog (either bad weather has reduced visibility during day什么灯应该一司机使用当驾驶在雾(或者坏天气已经减少能见度整白天)time hours)[空气能见度低时打什么灯]a) Parking lights停车灯b) Low beam head lights弱光前灯c) High beam head lights高光前灯d) Emergency four way flasher.紧急四路闪灯[紧急闪灯,就是锁车时闪一下的四个角灯] e) Four way flashers四路闪灯[转弯灯]3 . What is the meaning of this sign ? (Fig. School zone sign)什么是意义属于这个标志[这个标志什么意思]a) Pedestrian Crossing行人通过b) Bus stop公交车停车(站点)c) School zone学校区域d) School crossing学校通过[学校师生过马路的地方]4 . When you are approached on a two-way road from the front or rear by an emergency vehicle with lights and当你被接近在一个二车道公路从前方或后方由一紧急交通工具伴随灯和siren on , you should:鸣响开着,你该a) Stop where you are停在哪里你是[立刻停车]b) Do nothing until you reach an intersection做无事直到你赶到一个路口[不干什么,到路口再说]c) Drive to the right as far as possible and stop驾驶到右边以远作为可能并且停下[靠右停车,越远越好]d) Maintain your speed and allow the emergency vehicle to pass保持你的速度并且允许紧急交通工具通过e) Drive to the left as far as possible and stop驾驶到左边以远作为可能并且停下[靠左停车,越远越好]f) Speed up and stay ahead of the emergency vehicle加速上去并且保持领先于紧急交通工具g) Stop where you are as quickly as possible停在哪里你处于以快作为可能[赶快停下,越快越好]5 . What is the meaning of this sign? (Fig. A stop sign)a) Railroad crossing铁路通过b) Slow 慢c) Caution注意d) Stop停6 . Which of the following affect a motorcyclist more than operato rs of other vehicles ?哪个属于下列影响一摩托车手多于操作者属于其它车辆a) Heavy traffic密集型交通b) Blind intersections瞎路口[在路口拐角上看不见左右来往的车辆]c) Bright headlights明亮的车前灯d) Road and weather conditions.路和天气状况[路况和天气会影响]7 . Accidents frequently occur just before darkness because :意外频繁发生刚好在之前黑暗因为[为什么天黑前的这段时间交通事故频繁发生]a) The roads becomes slip over and wet路变得滑溜彻底地并且湿b) Driver are not able to see as well as in the daylight司机没有能力看作为好以白天[司机的视力没有白天的好] c) Traffic is the heaviest at this time交通是最密集的在这个时候d) Stopping distance is increased停车的距离被提升8 . What is the meaning of a crosswalk ?什么是意义属于一斑马线a) For traffic to slow down为了交通慢下来b) For drivers to be considerate of pedestrians为了司机是体贴的向着行人c) For pedestrians to be considerate of drivers为了行人是体贴的向着司机d) For pedestrians to cross at certain locations为了行人通过在明确的地带9 . What is the meaning of this sign ? ( Fig. A divided highway s ign)a) Divided highway分开的高速公路b) Lane ends merge left车道到头并道向左c) Two way traffic双车道交通d) No passing zone没有超车的区域10 . When you see children playing near the street you should :当你看到小孩玩耍靠近道路你该a) Sound your horn to warn them鸣你的车笛以警告他们b) Sound your horn and drive close to the right curb鸣你的车笛并驾驶靠近右马路沿c) Drive to the left side of the street驾驶向左边属于道路d) Slow and prepare to stop减速并准备停车11. Why do motorcyclist vary their lane position ?为什么摩托车手变化他们的车道位置a) To see more at the road ahead为了看到更多在路在前方[正确翻译结构:为了在路前方看到更多] b) To be more visible to other motorists为了更明显的对于其他车手(或司机)c) To protect their position within the lane为了警戒他们的位置在之内车道d) All of the above全部属于上述12 . If you pass your exit on the interstate , you should :如果你错过你的出口在州际高速,你该a) Slow to a stop and back-up to the exit减速到一次停车并转回去出口[先减速再停车再回去找出口]b) Look for an opening in the median trip and make a "U" turn找一个开放口在中途并做一个U形转弯c) Go to the next exit to leave the interstate去下一个出口以离开高速路d) All of the answers are correct全部的答案是正确的13 . To help avoid accident when driving on the interstate, keep y our eyes :为了帮助避免意外当驾驶在高速路,保持你的眼睛a) Focus on the center line聚焦在中间线(所属车道的中间线)b) concentrate on the car ahead集中于车在前头[注意前头的车]c) fixed one quarter mile ahead盯着一四分之一迈在前头[注意车前1/4迈]1.Moving to observe traffic移动以观察交通14 . A broken yellow line between two lanes of traffic means :一个间断的黄线在之间两车道属于交通意思是[交通上两车道间的黄色间断线是什么意思]a) No left turn at this place无左转在这个地方b) Both lanes are for traffic going in the same direction两个车道是为了交通行进在相同的走向c) Passing prohibited at all times超车阻止的在全部的时间d) Passing allowed when it is safe超车允许的当有情况是安全的15 . When a school bus has stopped on a two lane road and has i ts red loading lights flashing, all vehicles must当一个学校公交车已经停下在一个二车道公路并使它的红色装载灯闪烁,全部的交通工具必须(an undivided four lane road, either)(一个不分离的四车道公路,也是这样)a) Slow down as they pass the bus减速为了他们绕过公交车b) Come to a stop, then proceed slowly近前停下,然后继续前进缓慢地c) Maintain normal road speed保持正常的道路速度d) Stop until the flashing lights are turned off停车直到闪烁灯被关闭16. What is the minimum following distance that should be allowed between two vehicles ?什么是最小尾随距离该被允许在之间两个交通工具a) Two seconds两秒钟b) Three seconds三秒钟c) Depends on the speed the vehicles are traveling依赖于速度交通工具正在行驶[看具体的速度情况]d) Four seconds四秒钟e) 50 feet 50 英尺f) A distance that is reasonable and prudent一个距离是合理的和谨慎的g) 100 feeth) 250 feet17 . what is meaning of this sign ? (Fig. A railroad crossing sign)a) Railroad crossing铁路通过b) Caution注意c) Slow慢d) Stop ahead停车在前方[前面有停车标志,请准备好刹车,然后继续行驶]18 . A flashing red traffic light means :一个闪烁的红色交通灯意思是a) Stop until light turns green停车直到灯变绿b) Slow to less than 10 miles per hours减速到少于10 迈每小时c) Proceed with caution prepare to stop继续前进伴随注意准备停车[时刻做好停车准备]d) Stop, proceed when way is safe停车,继续前进当道路是安全的19 . According to the "Implied Consent Law" :符合“暗示允许准则”[关于美国驾车,下列哪条符合“默认准则”(或译“习惯法”)]a) An arrested driver under age 18 will not be prosecuted一个被捕的司机在之下年龄18 将不被起诉b) Residents and non residents are treated alike定居者和非定居者被接待相似c) An arrested driver will have to submit a medical waiver一个被捕的司机将不得不递交一个药物弃权书1.This law is also known as the "Compulsory Insurance Law"这个准则是也被知道的像“强制保险法”20 . When following other vehicles at night, a driver should :当尾随其他车辆在晚上,一个司机该a) Increase his following distance and use low beam headlights增加他的尾随距离并使用弱光前灯b) Use high beam headlights使用高光前灯c) Drive closer than in the day so that he can see traffic ahead hi m驾驶更近比较于在白天这样一来他能看到交通在前方他d) follow at the same distance as in day light尾随在同样的距离像在白天光21 . Alcohol will affect your judgment, reaction time and vision. Which of the following will lessen the effects of酒精会影响你的判断力,反应时间和视力。

一、道路标志题目1. 下图是哪个标志的图像和表示意义?(图像)a) 禁止直行b) 禁止超速c) 禁止左转d) 禁止停车2. 下图是哪个标志的表示意义?(图像)a) 所有车辆必须靠左行驶b) 靠右停车c) 进入有轨电车轨道d) 停车查看交通信号灯二、交通规则题目3. 在美国,当交通信号灯显示黄色时,下列哪项行为是正确的?a) 加速通过交叉口b) 在任何情况下都停止c) 警惕并谨慎通过交叉口d) 停止并倒车离开交叉口4. 在下列交通情况下,哪辆车拥有行使优先权?a) 与您快速接近交叉口的车辆b) 在您左边前进的车辆c) 从进入停车场的车辆d) 来自交叉口左侧的车辆三、安全驾驶题目5. 在下列哪个速度范围,倒车是最危险的?a) 5英里/小时以下b) 5至10英里/小时c) 10至15英里/小时d) 15英里/小时以上6. 在下列哪种情况下使用摩托车头盔是必需的?a) 只在高速公路上b) 在任何时间都不需要c) 只在夜间行驶d) 在所有时间和地点以上只是美国驾照考试题库中文的部分样例题目。

美国考驾照的试题及答案一、选择题1. 在美国,驾驶执照考试中,以下哪项是正确的说法?A. 必须在指定的驾校学习才能参加考试B. 可以自学后直接参加考试C. 必须通过笔试和路考才能获得驾照D. 只有通过笔试才能获得驾照答案:B2. 在美国,如果你在红灯时右转,以下哪项是正确的?A. 必须完全停止车辆B. 可以不停车直接右转C. 只有在没有行人的情况下才能右转D. 只有在没有其他车辆的情况下才能右转答案:A3. 在美国,遇到校车停车并闪烁红灯时,以下哪项是正确的?A. 继续行驶,但要减速B. 从校车后方停车C. 从校车前方停车D. 从校车两侧停车答案:B4. 在美国,以下哪项是正确的驾驶行为?A. 驾驶时使用手机B. 驾驶时不系安全带C. 驾驶时保持安全距离D. 驾驶时超速行驶答案:C5. 在美国,以下哪项是正确的停车行为?A. 在消防栓旁停车B. 在交叉路口停车C. 在残疾人专用车位停车,如果车上没有残疾人D. 在指定的停车区域停车答案:D二、判断题1. 在美国,驾驶时可以饮酒。
答案:错误2. 在美国,驾驶时必须系安全带。
答案:正确3. 在美国,驾驶时可以使用手机进行通话,但不能发短信。
答案:错误4. 在美国,遇到行人过马路时必须停车让行。
答案:正确5. 在美国,驾驶时可以不携带驾驶执照。
答案:错误三、简答题1. 请简述在美国驾驶时遇到救护车、消防车或警车时,应如何操作?答案:遇到救护车、消防车或警车时,应尽快安全地靠边停车,让这些紧急车辆先行通过。
2. 请简述在美国驾驶时,如何正确使用转向灯?答案:在准备转弯或变道前,应提前打开相应的转向灯,以告知其他道路使用者你的意图。
3. 请简述在美国驾驶时,遇到行人在人行横道上时,应如何操作?答案:遇到行人在人行横道上时,应停车让行,直到行人安全通过。
4. 请简述在美国驾驶时,如何正确使用远光灯?答案:在没有路灯或对向没有来车时,可以使用远光灯。

北美驾照笔试题库及答案1. 交通信号灯显示黄色时,你应该:A. 立即停车B. 减速并准备停车C. 快速通过D. 保持当前速度答案:B2. 当你看到校车停车并闪烁红色信号灯时,你应该:A. 减速并观察B. 从校车左侧超车C. 停车等待D. 继续行驶答案:C3. 在高速公路上,如果遇到紧急情况,你应该:A. 立即停车B. 减速并寻找安全地点停车C. 继续行驶D. 快速驶离高速公路答案:B4. 在雨雪天气中驾驶时,你应该:A. 增加与前车的距离B. 减少与前车的距离C. 保持与前车相同的距离D. 无视与前车的距离答案:A5. 如果你在驾驶时感到疲劳,你应该:A. 继续驾驶B. 停车休息C. 听音乐提高注意力D. 打开窗户让风吹进来答案:B6. 在交通拥堵时,你应该:A. 紧跟前车B. 保持安全距离C. 从右侧超车D. 鸣笛催促前车答案:B7. 当你听到救护车或消防车的警报声时,你应该:A. 继续行驶B. 靠右停车让路C. 加速离开D. 鸣笛回应答案:B8. 在夜间驾驶时,你应该:A. 使用远光灯B. 使用近光灯C. 不使用车灯D. 交替使用远光灯和近光灯答案:B9. 当你看到行人在人行道上行走时,你应该:A. 减速并准备停车B. 继续行驶C. 鸣笛提醒行人D. 从行人左侧超车答案:A10. 在交叉路口,如果你看到交通信号灯显示绿色,你应该:A. 停车等待B. 减速并观察C. 继续行驶D. 鸣笛提醒其他车辆答案:C。

美国 DMV 练习驾照考试练习题

1.这个标志代表什么意思?A. 前方设有举报员以控制道路使用者。
B. 道路建设结束。
C. 道路施工绕行至左侧。
D. 道路施工绕行至右侧。
2.这个标志代表什么意思?A. 前方高速公路尽头警告。
B. 前方有分岔公路警告。
C. 双向交通预警。
D. 蜿蜒道路提前预警。
3. 这个标志是什么意思?A. 一辆卡车在您前方500 英尺处。
B. 为前方卡车减速。
C. 一辆农用车辆或拖拉机位于您前方500 英尺处。
5004. 该标志表示答:如果您要开车,请勿饮酒。
B. 湿时滑。
C. 前方道路弯曲。
D. 您正在接近一座小山。
5.这个标志代表什么意思?A. 分开的高速公路末端。
B. 走错路了,掉头。
C. 交通仅沿箭头方向流动。
D. 分叉公路开始。
6. 该路标的含义是:A、教堂。
B. 急救站。
D. 铁路道口。
7. 这个警告标志意味着什么?A. 前方停车标志。
B. 限速降低,前方有学区。
C. 前面有学校十字路口。
D. 前方学区尽头。
8. 两组相距两英尺或以上的黄色双实线:A. 可以穿过马路进入或离开私人车道。
B. 不得以任何理由交叉。
C. 应被视为单独的车道。
9. 这个标志代表什么意思?A. 卡车坡道警告标志。
B. 前方吊桥警告标志。
D. 禁止卡车警告标志。
10. 这个警告标志意味着什么?A. 前方道路划线。
B. 前面的公用事业人员。
C. 前面有儿童游乐场。
D. 前方的道路维护人员。
11. 该路标的含义是:A. 禁止掉头。
C. 右转或左转。
D. 交通仅沿箭头方向流动。
12. 这个警告标志意味着什么?A. 这条路或街道在前面终止。
B. 请勿进入,走错路了。
C. 双向交通在前方结束。
D. 走错路了,掉头。
13. 这个警告标志意味着什么?A. 合并从左侧进入的交通。
B. 合并从右侧进入的交通。
C. 前方有两车道交通。
D. 前方交叉路口警告。
14.这个标志代表什么意思?A. 警告前方有停车标志。
B. 不允许转发流量。
C. 方向错误,请勿进入。

美国驾照考题1. 在换车道时,为了弥补在后视镜中的盲点,你应该:A、回头查看后视镜不能显示的东西。

美国驾考全真考题大公开(完整版)美国加州驾照考试模拟试题:1.对年满21岁以上的驾驶者而言﹐合法的血液酒精浓度(BAC)是多少?A.百分之零点八(0.80)B.百分之零点零八(0.08)C.百分之零点零五(0.05)答案:B2.有关煞车的研究表明﹐以时速55英里速度行驶的大型卡车所杀车距离为一般汽车的___.A.同样的距离B.俩倍C.三倍答案:B3.在雾中或雨中驾车时﹐最好﹕A.经常使用您的泊车讯号灯B.经常使用您的紧急讯号灯C.打开您的前灯答案:C4.在销售或转让您的车辆的多少天之内您必需向DMV报告﹖A.5天B.10天C.15天答案:A5.如果您遇到红色交通信号灯﹐但一位治安官员或消防队员指示您继续驾驶﹐您应该﹕A.等待录色讯号灯B.按照其指示作C.将车使至路缘并停车答案:B6.涂上色的路缘意味停车或泊车是﹕A.仅供救急车辆用B.仅供乘客用C.仅限于一定的时期一要看标志或街道标记标明的时限答案:C7.当来到有停车标志的转交处﹐您首先必需停车﹕A.在距离行人横道线四英尺处﹐然后您可进入交叉路口B.在足以看到两边来往交通的地方C.在行人横道线前答案:C8. 如果发生车祸﹐并且其中一辆车所受损失超过$500﹐在以下情况下﹐您必需向DMV提出意外报告(SR1)A.只有在您有过错的情况下B.无论是谁的错C.只有在另一辆车中有人受伤或死亡的情况下答案:B9. 正确系上的座椅安全带﹕A.是法律的规定B.将防止车祸C.将制止您移动您的身体答案:A10. 在进入一条车道前﹐为确保该车道是通畅无阻的您应该﹕A.转头观察您想进入的车道B.看左侧反光镜C.看后向反光镜答案:A11. 如果您被判乱扔废弃物﹐这一判决是否会记入您的驾驶档案﹖A.是﹐如果您未满18岁B.是﹐无论您的年龄多大C.否﹐除非您年满18岁以上答案:B12. 当您舆其他车辆同时到一个没有交通信号灯或停车标志的转交时﹐您应该给以下哪一个人先行权﹕A.您右边的驾驶者B.您左边驾驶者C.您对面的驾驶者答案:A13. “默示同意的法则”指明您已同意在下述情况下对您的血液酒精浓度进行检验﹕A.您在加州驾车的任何时候B.经律师同意C.如果发生了车祸答案:A14. 在转角处横越街道的行人在以下情况下有先行权﹕A.只有在街道上划出行人在以下情况下有先行权B.只有在行人交通管制装置运作正常的情况下C.无论街道上是否划出行人横道线D.在管制车辆交通的讯号灯失灵的情况下答案:C15. 为避免突然的“最后一刻行动”﹐在扫视道路看是否有危险时﹐您看前方多远的距离﹖A.4到5秒钟的行车时间B.6到8秒钟的行车时间C.10到15秒钟的行车时间答案:C16. 有小孩上下学的有标志的学校区﹐除非标明的限速更低﹐您驾车的速度不得高于____。

a 1. A diamond shaped sign means(a) warning.(b) stop.(c) yield right of way.c 2. An upside-down triangle means(a) warning.(b) stop.(c) yield right of way.b 3. An octagon shaped sign means(a) warning.(b) stop.(c) yield right of way.b 4. When you come to a STOP sign, you should(a) be prepared to stop if there is an approaching car.(b) make a complete stop and proceed when safe.(c) slow down and proceed when safe.d 5. What should you do when you come to a STOP sign at an intersection?(a) Slow down and proceed with caution.(b) Stop only if there are any vehicles approaching the intersection.(c) Slow down, sound horn, and proceed.(d) Make a full stop and proceed when safe.b 6. The hand signal for a right turn is:(a) Point the arm and hand down.(b) Hold the arm and hand up.(c) Put the arm straight out.(d) Make a circular motion the arm.c 7. The hand signal for left turn is:(a) pointing the arm and hand down.(b) holding the arm and hand up.(c) pointing the arm and hand straight out.(d) making circular motion with the arm.a 8. When you are stopping or slowing down you should signal by(a) pointing arm and hand down.(b) putting the arm and hand straight up.(c) putting the arm straight out.(d) making a circular motion with arm.a 9. When the arm is extended outward, it means(a) left turn(b) slow or stop(c) right turna 10. When the arm and hand is pointing downward, it means(a) slow or stop.(b) left turn.(c) right turn.c 11. When the arm is extended upward, it means(a) slow or stop.(b) left turn.(c) right turn.b 12. You must signal at least how many feet before making a turn?(a) 57 ft.(b) 877 ft.(c) 377 ft.a 13. What is the meaning of a flashing yellow light?(a) slow down and proceed with caution(b) be prepared for the light to change red(c) stopc 14. What is the meaning of a flashing red light?(a) caution(b) stop and wait for the light to change green(c) stop and proceed when safea 15. What is the meaning of a flashing red traffic signal light at an intersection?(a) Stop completely as at a stop sign and proceed when safe.(b) Slow down and proceed with caution.(c) Stop and wait for a green light.(d) Sound horn and proceed with caution.c 16. A red signal light with a green arrow means(a) stop and wait for green light before making turn in the direction of the arrow.(b) stop and then proceed.(c) proceed with caution in the direction of the arrow, yielding the right of way to pedestrians and vehicles in the intersection.(d) the green arrow is a signal for pedestrians only.a 17. When can you make a right turn on a red traffic signal ?(a) After a full stop, if there is no sign prohibiting right turn on red and way is clear.(b) When traffic light first change.(c) When yielding to pedestrians and traffics.b 18. You may turn right on a red light when(a) you stop and traffic is clear.(b) you stop, traffic is clear, and there is no sign to prohibit your turn.(c) you slow down and see that traffic is clear.a 19. What does a double solid yellow line indicate?(a) passing prohibited(b) passing permitted when safea 20. What does a broken line on your side and a solid line on the other side mean?(a) You can pass when safe.(b) passing prohibited(c) Cars coming the opposite direction can pass when safe.b 21. If a traffic signal is green and a police officer signals you to stop, you should(a) obey the traffic signal(b) obey the traffic officer(c) first obey the traffic officer, then the signal(d) do what the vehicle in front of you does.b 22. You are driving to an intersection where a traffic light is red. A policeman motions you to go through, you should(a) obey the traffic.(b) obey the traffic officer.(c) first obey the traffic officer, then the signal.(d) do what the vehicle in front of you does.b 23. You have reached on intersection in a lane marked left turn only, you should(a) Proceed straight ahead.(b) Make left turn.(c) Make right turn.(d) Drive into through traffic lane.c 24. In what position must you be when making a left hand turn?(a) near the middle(b) to the right(c) in the left most lane used by traffic going in your directionc 25. On a two lane roadway (one way traffic), the left lane is for(a) slow moving traffic.(b) only to be used when passing.(c) passing and preparing to make a left hand turn.a 26. On a one way two-lane road way, the left lane is for(a) passing and preparing to make left turn.(b) passing only.(c) fast moving traffic.(d) slowing down speed of traffic.a 27. You have reached an intersection in a lane marked left turn only, you should(a) make a left turn.(b) try to get out of the lane as quickly as possible.(c) signal and change lanes when it is safe.c 28. When making a left turn, you should drive(a) whenever the traffic is the lightest unless a special left turn lane is available.(b) several miles above the speed limit so you will not hold up the traffic behind you.(c) in the left-most lane used in the traffic going in your direction.(d) close to the right-hand side of the road.c 29. If you are in a passing zone you should(a) slow down to the posted speed limit.(b) signal to other vehicle to pass you if you are going below the speed limit.(c) make sure you are going within the posted speed limit.(d) keep steady even pressure on the gas pedal.c 30. The best way to tell whether or not you are permitted to pass another vehicle is to see if(a) there is a flashing green light.(b) the road is straight.(c) there are solid or broken lane markings.b 31. The best way to tell whether you are permitted to pass other vehiclesis to see if(a) there is a green flashing light.(b) there are solid or broken lane markings.(c) the vehicle ahead signals that it is ok to pass.(d) the road ahead is straight.b 32. The end of a no passing zone means(a) it is safe to pass.(b) you can only pass when it is safe.(c) passing is not permitted.a 33. Driving slower than the posted minimum speed limit when not necessary for safety is(a) a violation of the law.(b) the right of any driver.(c) not advisable.(d) a good rule to follow.c 34. When may you drive the maximum speed limit?(a) at all times(b) only during the day(c) if the vehicle, highway and weather conditions are idealb 35. If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still in the street(a) vehicle making turn have the right of way.(b) pedestrian has the right of way.(c) vehicle coming from the right have the right of way.(d) vehicle coming from the left have the right of way.a 36. If a pedestrian is crossing the street in an unmarked crosswalk, you should(a) yield the right of way.(b) blow your horn and maintain speed.(c) slow down and blow your horn.C 37. If a pedestrian is crossing at an intersection where there are no traffic controls, you should(a) take the right of way but do not strike him.(b) slow down and proceed with care.(c) stop and give him the right of way.(d) blow your horn and take the right of way.a 38. You are driving up to an intersection where there is no signal light or policeman. In a cross walk, a pedestrian is crossing your half of the street, you should(a) stop and give him the right of way.(b) blow your horn and maintain speed.(c) slow down and blow your horn.(d) take the right of way but do not strike him.b 39. When two cars reach an intersection at the same time, the right of way should be given to(a) the car coming from the left.(b) the car coming from the right(c) the oncoming car.(d) the car traveling fastest.b 40. The law requires that you do not follow any fire engines traveling to a fire closer than(a) 377 ft.(b) 577 ft.(c) 8777 ft.c 41. On a short entrance to an interstate, where there is no acceleration lane.(a) Enter the far right traffic lane and speed up to the flow of traffic there.(b) Use the shoulder of main road to get up to the speed of the traffic.(c) Speed up to the entrance only after you have found a gap in traffic.(d) Come to a complete stop before entering the interstate.c 42. If there is a short entrance to an interstate where there is no acceleration lane, you should(a) stop and look for a gap in traffic.(b) pick up speed to match traffic.(c) speed up on the entrance only if you have found a gap in traffic.a 43. When leaving an interstate highway, you should(a) get into the right hand lane well before reaching exit and follow posted speed limit.(b) increase speed to pass vehicle not exiting.(c) signal and come to a gradual stop just before the exit.a 44. When leaving an interstate, you should(a) get into the right lane well ahead of time and follow the posted speed limit on exit ramp.(b) slow down on the main highway.(c) speed up as you enter the deceleration lane.b 45. When entering an interstate from a left entrance, you should(a) enter to road at a speed faster than the speed limit.(b) compare what you see in your mirrors with what you see when looking over your shoulder.(c) stop when the right lane is clear of approaching traffic.c 46. In general, you should stop before entering an interstate when(a) there is no special lane to use in order to speed up.(b) the entrance leads into the left lane of traffic.(c) waiting for a break in the traffic.(d) the entrance is short or has a low speed limit.a 47. What must a driver do before entering a street or highway from an alley, private road, or drive-way(a) Stop, yield right-of-way to pedestrians and vehicles.(b) Stop before entering the road only if there is a stop sign or a red light.(c) Slow down only when there is traffic on the road.(d) Slow down and sound your horn before entering the road.b 48. Before entering a street of highway from alley, private road, or driveway, you should(a) slow down.(b) stop and yield the right of way to the pedestrians and vehicles.(c) blow your horn to warn pedestrians and move into traffic when safe.b 49. On a street or highway where traffic is moving in both directions what position must you be in before a left hand turn?(a) close to the left side of the highway(b) to the right of and as close to the center line as possible(c) in the right hand laned 50. Under which of the following conditions would the road be more likely to be slippery(a) Center lines have just been painted.(b) New highway just opened for public use.(c) It has rained for several hours.(d) It has just started to rain or drizzle.b 51. Your following distance under normal conditions should be(a) one car length for every 27 mph.(b) 2 seconds.(c) 577 ft.c 52. Under normal road contitions, you should keep a following distance of(a) two car lengths.(b) 25 to 37 ft.(c) two seconds.a 53. When following a car in bad weather, you should(a) increase your following distance to 3 or 4 seconds.(b) stay 877 ft. behind.(c) keep your following distance the same.a 54. The distance you should follow another vehicle should be determined by(a) speed, weather, road, and vehicle mechanical conditions.(b) legal speed limit.(c) condition of vehicle.(d) type of highway.a 55. The distance between motor vehicles traveling on a highway should be how many vehicle lengths for each ten miles of speed?(a) one vehicle length.(b) two vehicle lengths.(c) three vehicle lengths.c 56. You are required to keep a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of you at 37 m.p.h.you should keep(a) one car length in back.(b) two car lengths in back.(c) three car lengths in back.(d) ten feet in back.a 57. Good drivers traveling in heavy fog at night always use the(a) low beams.(b) high beams.(c) parking lights.(d) no lights.a 58. When light are required on the open highway, a driver shall use the high beam(a) except when within 577 feet of an oncoming vehicle(b) except when within 477 feet of an oncoming vehicle(c) except when within 277 feet of an oncoming vehiclec 59. When driving a motor vehicle at night, you should dim your headlights when(a) 577 ft. from meeting an oncoming car.(b) 377 ft. behind another car.(c) both of the above.(d) neither of the above.a 60. When meeting a car with blinding headlights, you should(a) use quick glances, looking away from the bright lights.(b) stare at the oncoming headlights to make sure you will not go into his lane.(c) turn on your lights until the other driver dims his lights.a 61. Before changing lane in traffic, you should(a) see if it is safe, and then signal.(b) have your turn signal on for at least a minute.(c) sound your horn.(d) be stopped or driving slower than the other traffica 62. Under which of the following conditions would the road be most likely to be slippery?(a) It has just started to rain or drizzle.(b) It has been raining for an hour or more.(c) on a dry surface.b 63. You are driving on a slippery road and you have to make a stop quickly. The best way to do this is to(a) jam on your brake.(b) pump the brake pedal.(c) gradually hit your brake pedal.(d) apply brakes in normal manner.b 64. When approaching a curve, you should(a) pick up speed slightly.(b) decrease speed before entering the curve.(c) decrease speed as you enter the curve.d 65. Prior to entering a curve, a good practice is to(a) ride the center of the road.(b) maintain steady speed and apply brakes if necessary.(c) slow down only when pavement is slippery.(d) slow down and then increase speed after getting the feel of the curve.d 66. If you saw a vehicle stopped on the shoulder with its hood up, you should(a) Turn on your emergency flashers to warn other vehicles and continue at the same speed.(b) Speed up and change lanes.(c) Blow your horn to warn its driver.(d) Slow down and move to the left part of the lane.a 67. If you have a blow out while driving, you should(a) slowly let up on the accelerator(Gas Pedal) and look for a safe place to drive off the road.(b) apply the brakes as soon as you notice the blow out.(c) keep going at the same speed until you can get off the road.(d) continue driving on the shoulder until you get to the next exit.d 68. When a tire blows out, the safest thing to do is(a) drive on the shoulder of the road and apply brakes.(b) steer straight ahead.(c) apply brakes for a quick stop.(d) slow down gradually, pull off the roadway.a 69 When a tire blows, the safest thing to do is(a) look for a safe place to drive off the road.(b) pump your brakes and stop immediately.(c) stop gradually on the road and warn other drivers by turning on your emergency lightsa 70. If a car is disabled on the side of the road with its hood up, you should(a) slow down and move to the left side of you lane.(b) maintain speed.(c) blow your horn to warn the driver not to come into your laneb 71. Whenever the windows of your car become cloudy, obstructing your vision, you should(a) continue to drive your car but reduce speed.(b) stop and clear windows.(c) continue at normal speed.(d) slow down and drive to service station.a 72. If you become tired or sleepy while driving, you should(a) stop and rest.(b) drink coffee and tea.(c) drive more carefully.(d) turn on the radio.d 73. If you become tired or sleepy while driving, it is best to(a) take anti-sleep pills.(b) stop for a cup of coffee.(c) stop and exercise until you wake up.(d) rest or if possible change a driver.c 74. The first driving ability affected by alcohol is(a) knowledge.(b) skill.(c) judgment.a 75. Alcohol first effects(a) judgement and coordination.(b) knowledge.(c) skill.a 76. If you are convicted for operating a vehicle while under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, you will(a) lose your privilege to drive a motor vehicle.(b) be given a warning by the department of Motor Vehicles(c) be permitted to drive trucks or buses only.(d) be permitted to drive during daylight only.b 77. Before begining to pass you should(a) drive up close behind the lead vehicle.(b) judge the speed of the lead vehicle.(c) slow down so you will have more room to pass.(d) blow your horn and put on the bright lights.b 78. When deciding to pass, you should(a) see if there is an oncoming car.(b) judge the speed of the lead car.(c) accelerate to go faster than the car in front.c 79. You may pass a vehicle on the right only if(a) you use the shoulder when passing.(b) you are on a two-lane road and there is oncoming traffic.(c) the vehicle ahead of you is about to make a left turn.(d) the vehicle ahead signals that it is all right to pass.c 80. When overtaking a car going in the same direction, you may pass on the right(a) never.(b) if there is a shoulder.(c) when the car ahead of you has signaled for a left hand turn.c 81. When overtaking and passing another vehicle, you should(a) sound horn and pass when safe.(b) sound horn and wait until the other driver signals that it is safe.(c) you do not have to blow your horn.c 82. When passing, you should return to the right side of the road when(a) you are 85 ft. ahead of the car you are passing.(b) you are 877 ft. ahead of the car you are passing.(c) you see the headlights of the vehicle you just passed in your rear view mirror.d 83. When passing a vehicle, you should return to the right side of the road when(a) you are 57 feet in front of the passed vehicle.(b) the other driver signals you to do so.(c) you have cleared the front bumper by a rear view mirror.(d) you can see both its headlights in your rear view mirror.a 84. If you are driving a vehicle being overtaken, you should(a) give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle.(b) speed up.(c) speed up and move to the right.c 85. If you decide to stop to a vehicle ahead of you pull into a parking space, you should(a) move up only behind it as it pulls into space.(b) come to complete stop directly behind it.(c) stop several vehicle lengths behind it.(d) move into the next lane, but wait until it has parked space.c 86. Before moving your car into traffic from a parked position, you should(a) sound your horn and go ahead.(b) signal and pull into the street.(c) signal, yield the right of way, and pull into the street.(d) signal, wait for first vehicle to pass, and then pull into the street.b 87. Before moving your car into traffic from a parked position or changing lanes, you should(a) signal and enter.(b) signal and proceed when safe.(c) go when it is clear.(d) blow your horn and then enter traffic.b 88. If following a car that has its signal on and is ready to park, you should(a) more to the left and pass quickly.(b) stop several vehicle lengths behind it.(c) pass the car on the right.c 89. When you are following vehicles which often stop (bus, post office car,etc.)(a) Do not pass, wait until turn off the road.(b) Blow your horn to warn.(c) Allow more following distance than usual.(d) Keep your emergency flashers turned on.c 90. When meeting a stopped school bus, you should(a) stop only when approaching from the rear.(b) stop only when approaching from the front.(c) stop when approaching from the front and rear.b 91. How can you see a car in your blind spot(a) by using both your side and rear view mirror.(b) by glancing over your shoulder.(c) by read justing the outside mirror.d 92. You should check your brakes, lights, and signals(a) only when required to do so.(c) about once every 8777 miles(d) each time you drive.c 93. You should check brakes, lights and signals(a) every 577 miles.(b) once a month.(c) each time you drive.c 94. When you see or hear an emergency vehicle with a flashing light, siren blowing or bell ringing, you should(a) maintain speed.(b) slow down.(c) pull over to the right.b 95. If you strike an unattended vehicle, you are required to(a) stay at the scene.(b) leave your name, address, and registration number, and notify the police.(c) leave your driver's license on the damaged car and call your insurance company.(d) not move your vehicle until the accident is investigated.c 96. A person whose driver license is refused, suspended, revoked or cancelled shall(a) drive only in an emergency.(b) only drive during the day.(c) not drive under any condition.(d) drive when there is a licensed driver with him.b 97. Driving in violation of any restrictions on your license is(a) the same as driving without a license.(b) more serious than driving without a license.(c) less serious than driving without a license.(d) permitted in unusual cases.c 98. What cards must you have with you when operating a motor vehicle?(b) driver's license(c) registration card and driver's licenseb 99. If your vehicle goes into a skid, you should(a) steer in the opposite direction that your rear is skidding.(b) steer in the direction that your rear is skidding.(c) jam on your brake.c 100. The best way to bring your car out of a skid is to(a) turn steering wheel first right, when left.(b) put brakes on quickly and hard.(c) turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.(d) increase speed.c 101. Generally, the safest drivers are those drivers who(a) are good auto mechanics.(b) have no physical defects.(c) are always alert and obey the traffic laws.(d) drive slowly at all times.b 102. Most traffic accidents are the result of(a) Mechanical defects in automobiles.(b) Errors in driver's judgment.(c) Defects in the road.(d) Bad weather conditions.。

第一部分:交通标志和标线(标志符号、颜色和形状)1. 请简要解释以下道路标志的含义:情景:一个红色的圆形标志上有一个白色的水平方向车辆指示:停止线解释:这个标志表示驾驶员需要在此处停车并等待,直到确保道路安全后再继续前行。
2. 请简要解释以下道路标线的含义:情景:一条双实线,其中一条实线是远离驾驶员指示:禁止超车解释:这条双实线表示驾驶员不得超车或越过车道分界线。
第二部分:驾驶规则和交通安全法律1. 当道路上有一个警察车辆使用警灯或声响器,或者公共汽车正在上下乘客时,你应该怎么做?答案:在这种情况下,你应立即减速并谨慎通过。
2. 何时可以使用手机或其他手持设备?答案:根据美国交通规则,使用手持设备(如手机)是危险和非法的。
第三部分:驾驶技巧和安全措施1. 行驶中,如果突然遇到汽车爆胎,你应该怎么做?答案:当汽车爆胎时,驾驶员应该保持冷静并遵循以下步骤:放松脚上的油门,轻轻握住方向盘,尽量保持直行,使用转向灯往安全地带驶离行驶道。
2. 在紧急制动情况下,如何正确使用刹车以避免与其他车辆发生碰撞?答案:紧急制动需要谨慎操作。
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美国西雅图驾照考题(100题含答案)大蚂蚱留学社区-我们战斗在美国!1. 您若在本地居住多少天以上,需持有一份华盛顿州驾驶执照。
ca. 5天b. 15天c. 30天d. 10天2. 必须在变更住址或更改合法姓名后的多少天之内通知执照部。
ba. 15天b. 10天c. 30天d. 5天3. 若车辆出售或换售给私人或经销商,车主必须在多少天之内向华盛顿州车辆执照公办处申报。
da. 15天b. 10天c. 30天d. 5天4. 买主必须在多少天之内办妥所有权转让手续。
aa. 15天b. 10天c. 30天d. 5天5. 如果撞车事故中有任何人员伤亡,或个人财产损失达到或超过700美元,或者执法官员未作出报告,则您必须向华盛顿州巡警队报告撞车事故情形,您必须在多少天呈交报告。
ca. 15天b. 7天c. 4天d. 5天6. 有半数以上的交通死亡事故时发生在-----,其中许多是发生在限速为每小时45英里以上的道路上。
ba. 20英里,35英里b. 离家25英里的范围内c. 30英里,25英里d. 35英里,60英里7. 正常的信号灯,哪一个在最上面。
ca. 绿b. 黄c. 红d. 蓝8. 当你在交通路口时,你前方有两红灯,有一左转绿色箭头灯是 ba. 表示你要停车等待b. 绿色箭头灯亮着时按箭头所示方向安全的转弯c. 绿色箭头灯亮着时,让行迎面车辆行驶d. 表示你可以直行9. 闪烁的黄色交通灯 ca. 表示你可以正常通过b. 表示你可以停车仔细观察小心通过c. 示意你应减速并谨慎行进d. 安全通过时速已经结束10. 闪烁的红色交通灯 da. 表示你可以停车仔细观察小心通过b. 示意你应减速并谨慎行进c. 表示你可以正常通过d. 相当于停车路标。
你必须将车完全停下,待安全时再继续前行11. 该路标为 aa. 警示路标,你应减速行驶,并随时准备在必要时停车。
b. 管制路标,你应减速行驶,并随时准备在必要时停车。
c. 警示路标,停车d. 表示你可以停车仔细观察小心通过12. 当你在交通路口时该路标为 aa. 前方有铁路平交叉道口,示意你应减速并谨慎行进b. 前方有火车站c. 示意你应减速并谨慎行进d. 相当于停车路标,你必须将车完全停下,待安全时再继续前进13. 在平交道,与十字标志一起还有一排红色信号灯,在火车驶近时它们会交替闪烁。
当这些信号灯闪烁时 da. 表示你可以正常通过b. 表示你可以停车仔细观察小心通过c. 示意你应减速并谨慎行进d. 你必须将车将车停下14. 该标志为 ca. 让行标志b. 慢行车辆,低于20英里的时速限制c. 慢行车辆标牌,该车辆正以低于25英里的时速行驶d. 慢行车辆标牌,该车辆正以高于25英里的时速行驶15. 施工作业区路标 ba. 停车,右转弯b. 前方施工,右转弯绕行c. 前方施工,禁止绕行d. 前方单行路16. 管制性路标 ca. 禁止左转b. 禁止右转c. 禁止U转弯d. 以上都不正确17. 该标志为 ca. 慢行车辆标牌,该车辆正以低于45英里的时速行驶b. 限速牌,时速55英里c. 限速派,时速40英里d. 最高限速和最高限速18. 该标志为 ca. 限速牌b. 慢行车辆标牌,该车辆正以低于时速行驶c. 前方限速区路标,前方减速慢行d. 以上全部正确19. 该标志为 ba. 停车让行其他车辆b. 完全停车c. 仔细观察小心通过d. 注意,前方信号20. 该标志为 ba. 错行逆行b. 禁止驶入路标c. 分割道路d. 让行路标21. 如没有残障人标志在车内,将车停到残障人的停车位,将被罚款da. 25.00b. 50.00c. 150.00d. 250.0022. 一条黄色实线和一条黄色虚线 ba. 处于实线一侧的车辆可在安全的前提下跃过此线超车b. 处于虚线一侧的车辆可在安全的前提下跃过此线超车c. 所有的车辆可在安全的前提下跃过此线超车d. 处于同侧车辆可在安全的前提下跃过此线超车23. 当你车辆驶入前方亮着红色交通灯的路口,你准备左转至一条左向行驶的单行道路上 ca. 表示你要停车b. 应在确保安全并且没有红灯禁止转弯路标的情况下,在完全停车后再右转弯c. 你也可以在没有红灯禁止转弯路标的情况下,在完全停车后向左转至一条左向行驶的单行道上d. 你可以继续向前行驶24.当你右转亮着红色交通灯,你应该 da. 等交通灯变成绿色时,你才可以继续向前行驶b. 等交通灯变成绿色并且横向行驶的车辆时,你才可以继续向前行驶c. 在确保安全并且没有红灯禁止转弯路标的情况下,在完全停车后再作左转d. 在确保安全并且没有红灯禁止转弯路标的情况下,在完全停车后再作转弯25. 为避免撞车,驾驶者有三种选择 ca. 减速,转弯,停车b. 转弯,减速,绕行c. 停车,转弯,加速d. 减速,转弯,加速26. 人体一小时大约消耗多少份含酒精的饮料 aa. 一份饮料b. 1.5份c. 半份d. 2份27. 在夜间骑车时,脚踏车必须备有一只能见度为多少吃的白色前等候一直车后方能建多少吃的红色反光器 aa. 500尺600尺b. 500尺300尺c. 400尺500尺d. 15尺100尺28. 脚踏车的行车道以白色实线标示,当你到达路口时 da. 你必须为脚踏车行车道内的脚踏车让行b. 除非需要转弯可以在脚踏车行车道内行驶c. 你必须为脚踏车让行,像为其他任何机动车辆驾驶者让行一样d. 以上三题正确29. 骑车者可选择在道路,路肩,脚踏车道或人行道上骑行 ba. 骑车者与行人共同拥有空间b. 骑车者必须为人行道的行人让行c. 骑车者在转弯之前应使用手势信号d. 骑车者可在高速公路骑行30. 当你紧随在卡车,公车,货车,拖带宿营车的车辆或拖车后面时ca. 你可能无法看到前面车的刹车灯b. 你可能无法看到前面车的转弯车灯c. 它们可能会突然停车,而你却来不及刹车d. 你要转到另外一条车道31. 在下雾,下雪或下大雨时,应使用 da. 雾灯b. 聚光灯c. 远光灯d. 近光灯32.在不熟悉的道路上,施工作业区或路边可能有行人的地方应使用ca. 雾灯b. 聚光灯c. 远光灯d. 近光灯33. 在多条同方向行车的道路上,最左侧的行车道只供da. 所有车辆使用b. 公车和多人共乘c. 摩托车d. 快车和超车34. 到该路标时,你应该 ca. 知道准备马上右转b. 知道禁止左转弯c. 观察你右侧车道的车辆要汇入交通d. 观察前方标志和警示标志35. 该标志是aa. 公路分割终止b. 公路分割开始c. 前方有路沿d. 路上有减速坡36.当校车驶近你停下并闪着红灯时,道路是四车道并由中央行车道,你应该 da. 停车等校车再次行驶b. 快速通过c. 学童下车时停车d. 减速慢行仔细观察通过校车37. 法律明确规定a. 你总是同意使用指定驾驶者b. 如果警察要求你做酒精及药物检测,你必须服从呼吸及血液检测c. 你服从血液检测超过0.08酒精含量d. 你有法律规定不超过三份饮料38. 在你行车道上有让行标志 ca. 总是靠右侧行驶b. 与停车标志和闪烁的红灯一样c. 告诫你减速慢行并让其他车辆先行d. 告诫你有看不到的人行横道39. 当跟在紧急车辆后面时,跟车距离不得近于 ca. 150尺b. 300尺c. 500尺d. 1000尺40. 该标志示意是 aa. 管制标志b. 警示标志c. 铁路交道口标志d. 道路控制标志41. 发生重大车祸是 da. 进入街道走错道路b. 超速15英里以上c. 机械操作错误d. 未能观察到将要发生的情况42. 在死亡撞车事故中,大约______%与酒精有关 ca. 75%b. 20%c. 40%d. 35%43. 学校区除非另有规定,限速 ba. 每小时15英里b. 每小时20英里c. 每小时25英里d. 每小时30英里44. 在雪或冻雨天气时积雪的路面上,当路滑,潮湿a(慢行)a. 应减速行驶a. 一半b. 15英里c. 应加速行驶d. 30英里45. 禁止超车路标使你保持不要 da. 无路沿超车b. 危险区超车c. 坡路超车d. 以上所有行为46. 骑脚踏车者应该 aa. 与交通相同方向骑行,越靠右侧越安全b. 与交通相反方向骑行,越靠路肩越安全c. 脚踏车有优先权,任何地方都可以d. 只在私家路上47. 在双向行驶只有两条行车道上,你要朝另外一部车辆时 aa. 你的视线清楚,共有足够空间返回你的行车道b. 你要在铁路交叉口50尺内c. 在你的一侧有黄色实线d. 前方有桥梁或隧道标志48. 增加骑摩托车和脚踏车者的安全 ba. 每人在取得驾照前都学骑自行车b. 当驾驶者通过骑车者时,离开几尺和更大距离c. 要求骑车者总是在路肩上骑行d. 向骑车者大量转弯等和按喇叭49. 过路者有权过路 ca. 旨在划有过路标志b. 所有时间c. 无论划有或没有划有人行横道的人行横道或交叉路口d. 只在交叉路口50. 保证安全,高速公路驾驶者应往车前观察 da. 3秒(400尺)b. 5秒(1/8英里)c. 8 秒(3 1/2足球场)d. 10秒(1/4 英里)51. 按照法律规定你的车前灯必须打开 ca. 日落前半小时,日出前半小时b. 日落前半小时,日出后半小时c. 日落后半小时,日出前半小时d. 日落后半小时,日出后半小时52. 当你迎面驶来车距在多少尺内,应关闭远光灯。
与前车相距多少尺应使用近光灯 ca. 300尺400尺b. 500尺400尺c. 迎面500尺与前车400尺d. 400 尺300尺53. 骑脚踏车者在道路上不遵守交通规则警察将 ca. 发出警告处分b. 要求骑脚踏车者学习c. 开出罚单d. 没收车辆54. 撞车事故现场,你应该 da. 保持事故现场b. 尽快救护伤员c. 要尽快报警,等待警察处理现场d. 如果车辆可以开动,要将其驶离路面,以免堵塞交通或再次造成其他撞车事故55. 如果撞车事故涉及停泊的车辆。
你应该设法找到车主 da. 打电话报警,待警察到后报告情况b. 向停车场看管员报告情况,留下资料c. 记下对方车牌号及详细资料d. 在能看到的地方留一便条,写明详细电话及日期和时间等资讯56. 控制打滑最好事先予以避免,如车辆开始打滑时 ba. 使用刹车,使车慢速下来b. 控制方向,转动方向盘,按目的地方向行驶c. 立即将方向盘回转,使车朝另一方向移动d. 不断调整行驶方向,刹车减速行驶57. 当路旁停车又校车时 ca. 要等待司机发出信号再通过b. 当校车上的红灯停止闪烁后快速通过c. 留心路边学童,确定完全离开车道后,方可继续行驶d. 你必须为要驶回道路的校车让行58. 拥挤的交通和紧张的行程是有些驾驶者在路上发泄其怨气 da. 减速慢行,绕行,采取安全措施使自己远离危险b. 应在周围有商家营业的地方从出口驶离公路c. 应打电话报警d. 以上全部正确59. 禁止泊车区 ba. 在距离消防栓15尺之外b. 与路基之间的距离超过12寸处c. 在距离行人安全区20尺外d. 路肩距离5—6英寸60. 酒精 ba. 会使你兴奋,提高反射能力和反应速度,提高你的观察能力b. 会减慢你的反射能力和反应速度,降低你的观察能力,并降低你的警觉性c. 会提高你的反射能力和反应速度,提高你的观察能力,并提高你的警觉性d. 兴奋剂60. 饮酒后不要驾车,几杯酒会影响你的驾驶能力 ca. 一杯白酒等于1 1/2 啤酒b. 12盎司啤酒或5盎司葡萄酒c. 一份饮料d. 特制就会含有更多酒精,每一杯相当于几杯普通酒61. 饮酒后驾驶而遭拘捕,触发很严重,你可能会因血液中酒精含量达到或超过多少而遭拘捕 ca. 0.8%b. 0.4%c. 0.08%d. 0.10%62. 如果你刚刚获得驾照,而呼吸或血液测试结果超过酒精含量,你的驾驶执照将被吊销 ca. 30天b. 一年c. 90天d. 两年63. 如果你首次被拘捕并且你拒绝进行呼吸和血液测试,你的驾驶执照将被吊销至少 ba. 90天b. 一年c. 两年d. 150天64. 如果你在过去七年中被第二次因酒精含量测试而遭拘捕,你的执照将被没收 ca. 一年b. 90天c. 两年d. 180天65. “开罐法案”规定 ca. 后排乘客可持有开盖的含酒精饮料b. 可在驾驶者不可及之处,在驾驶室内c. 不允许任何人持有开盖或一部分饮用的酒精饮料,除非放在驾驶者和乘客不可及之处d. 以上都不正确66. 轮胎爆破 aa. 紧握方向盘,让车辆保持执行,轻踏刹车,避免将车停在道路上,于安全处驶离车道停车b. 将车辆驶离车道,停在路肩,尽快更换轮胎c. 保持直行,寻求帮助d. 报告保险公司,寻找拖车67. 油门卡住 ba. 注视路面,将车驶离路面b. 快速换至空档,安全驶离道路,关掉引擎c. 扳动车前灯,尽快驶离道路,逐渐减速d. 刹车仍开始用,但需用力踩车踏板68. 撞车事故现场 aa. 不要停留,应集中注意力驾驶,继续前进,留意路面上或附近是否有人b. 要停车,观察救护人员c. 要报警,必须设法找到车主d. 在警察问话之前离开撞车事故现场69. 校车停在道路上什么情况你必须停车 da. 等司机发出信号b. 闪烁黄等c. 未闪灯d. 闪烁红灯70. 红灯闪烁校车停在三条以上道路上,什么情况你需要停车 ba. 行驶在相反方向b. 行驶在相同方向c. 所有方向d. 学童走在行人道路上71. 红灯闪烁校车停在道路上什么情况你无需停车 ca. 校车停在道路上,学童正在下车b. 行驶方向与你相同,道路上有三条或三条以上,或由道路中央分割带分割开c. 行驶方向与你相反,道路上有三条或三条以上,或由道路中央分割带分割开d. 行驶方向与你相反,红灯闪烁72. 车辆停泊在坡路上时 ca. 如果路基面向上坡,向路基方向转动方向盘b. 如果路基面向下坡,向路基方向转动相反方向盘c. 如果路基面向上坡,向路基方向相反转动方向盘d. 随意转动方向盘73. 在市镇内的街区驾驶,时速限制为 ba. 20英里b. 25英里c. 50英里d. 60英里74. 铁路平交道口 ba. 停车,仔细观察小心通过b. 应减速慢行并观察轨道两端,以确定没有火车来,确定有足够空间容纳你的车辆c. 让行,慢慢向前移动,直到你能够看清为止d. 需要向左右察看一番75. 在变换行车道时 ca. 你要注意观察倒视镜和侧视镜b. 回来察看,视线离开道路一瞬间c. 你必须转过头去观察你后方角落“盲角”内行驶的车辆d. “盲角”车辆在前进76. 若有车辆开着远光灯迎面驶来,你应该 ca. 打亮强光灯,以试图报复对方b. 将车停在路旁,停车等待c. 避开其车等,将视线转向道路的右侧,直到该车辆驶过为止d. 保持方向,加速行驶77. 在下雨,下雪和有雾的时候,其他驾驶者有时很难看到你的车辆ca. 打亮远光灯b. 打亮停车灯c. 在打开雨刷时,也应打亮车前灯近光灯d. 打亮紧急灯78. 为使迎面驶来的驾驶者看到你的车辆 ba. 在朝日落或日出的相同方向驾驶时,应打亮车前灯b. 在朝日落或日出的相反方向驾驶时,应打亮车前灯c. 在朝日落或日出的相反方向驾驶时,不要打亮车前灯d. 在朝日落或日出的相反方向驾驶时,应打亮车紧急灯79. 夜间在路旁停车时 ba. 不要打灯b. 应打亮紧急灯,并让近光灯亮着c. 打亮紧急灯d. 应打亮紧急灯,并让远光灯亮着80. 车前灯可使你看清多少尺的距离 ba. 300尺b. 400尺c. 500尺d. 600尺81. 路滑,遇到雨,雪或冻雨天气时应减速行驶。