
阿迪达斯的英文广告词Adidas is one of the most well-known and respected brands in the world. Known for their high-quality athletic apparel and footwear, Adidas has been a mainstay in the sports world for decades. Over the years, Adidas has developed numerous marketing campaigns to promote their products and create brand awareness. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the most iconic Adidas English advertising slogans."All-in or Nothing"Adidas launched this iconic campaign ahead of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. The campaign aimed to inspire athletes to go beyond their limits and give their all in every performance. The slogan, "all-in or nothing," was a call to action for athletes to push themselves to their limits and leave it all on the field. The campaign featured several famous football stars, including Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez, and Mesut Ozil, who all wore Adidas gear during the tournament."Impossible is Nothing""Impossible is Nothing" was one of Adidas's most successful advertising campaigns. Launched in 2004, the campaign aimed to inspire athletes to believe in their abilities and push themselves beyond what they thought was possible. The slogan is a powerfulmessage that suggests that no obstacle is too big to overcome if you have the right mindset. The campaign featured a range of athletes from different sports to show that the message of the campaign is universal."Create Positivity"In 2020, Adidas launched a new global campaign called "Create Positivity". With the world facing unprecedented challenges, the campaign aimed to inspire people to stay positive and focus on what they can control. The slogan, "Create Positivity," was a call to action for people to take an active role in creating a better world. The campaign featured a range of athletes, artists, and activists who shared their stories of how they were making a positive impact in their communities."Sport Needs Creators""Sport Needs Creators" was another Adidas campaign aimed at inspiring athletes to push the boundaries of what is possible. Launched in 2016, the campaign aimed to promote the brand's range of football boots, which were designed to help players unleash their creativity on the field. The slogan suggests that athletes have the power to shape the future of sport by being innovative and creative."We're Here to Create"In 2017, Adidas launched a new campaign called "We're Here to Create." The campaign aimed to celebrate the creativity ofathletes and encourage them to express themselves on and off the field. The slogan, "We're Here to Create," was a call to action for athletes to embrace their creativity and use it to make an impact in their communities. The campaign featured a range of athletes from different sports, including footballer Paul Pogba and tennis star Caroline Wozniacki.In conclusion, Adidas has a long history of creating powerful and inspiring advertising campaigns. From "Impossible is Nothing" to "We're Here to Create," Adidas slogans have been empowering athletes to push their boundaries and achieve their goals. These advertising campaigns have not only helped the brand to build a loyal customer base but have also played a vital role in shaping the sports world. Adidas campaigns continue to inspire athletes around the world to be creative, innovative, and relentless in the pursuit of their dreams.。

卖衣服广告词大全衣服广告词1. 美国阿迪达斯万达奴09运动风暴强悍登陆赤峰。
2. 万达奴是世界著名运动品牌阿迪达斯08年隆重推出的全新运动休闲系列产品,万达奴不仅传承了阿迪达斯固有的设计精髓和艺术理念,更主要的是它与阿迪达斯品牌一样精工细做,由世界顶级设计大师主笔创意,使其每款服饰更加时尚经典,随意一件万达奴品牌运动服装都耐人品味,既有非对称的美又有线性的灵动,件件都流动着青春的气息,闪耀着运动的异采。
3. 我们追求世界品牌,更坚持金般的服务,在这时我们郑重承诺:阿迪达斯万达奴品牌店确保百分百真品牌,百分百好品质。
4. 在阿迪达斯万达奴品牌店盛大开业之即,为创业立名我们特推出了“真品超值活动”:大胆推出,全场8折(特价活动)购物有礼。
5. 爱都男装跨越世纪的浪漫经典。
6. 好日子品牌服装专卖城08年精品冬装现已全新上市。
7. 好日子品牌服装城国际前沿品牌,好日子、伯柔、必然、卡汶、雅莹。
品牌之选品味之选--品牌服装专卖城8. 赤峰安踏专卖店08年冬季新品现已全新上市,安踏运动服饰大量应用安踏独有的防风、防水、防油的三防技术。

阿迪口号广告语1. 阿迪达斯的标语是什么一切皆有可能!“impossible is nothing” 是Adidas的一句广告词,如果直译的话,可以解释为没有什么不可能。

阿迪达斯的广告语是Impossible Is Nothing.即,没有什么是不可能的。
NBA著名篮球运动员阿里纳斯,一个曾在赛场上叱咤风云的巨星,他曾在广告中这样说过:Hi, I’m Gilbert Arenas and this is my story,Hi,我是吉尔伯特·阿里纳斯,这是我的故事。
When I entered the NBA,当我刚进入NBAthe first 40 games of my career I sat on the bench.职业生涯的前40场,我是在板凳上度过的。
They said I was gonna play zero minutes.他们认为我打不上比赛,You know I just think they didn’t see the talent that I had.我想,他们根本没看到我的天赋。
They thought I was a zero.他们觉得我就是个0,一无是处。
Instead of sitting there being bitter,I just practiced, practiced.但是我并没有坐在那里怨天尤人,而是不断的训练,训练。
If no one believes in you,anything you do is a positive.在没有人相信你的时候,你的任何努力都会为自己加分。

阿迪达斯经典广告语大全(经典10篇)阿迪达斯广告语篇一1、BLE IS .中文翻译即:没有不可能。
2、You were fooled(你被耍了)when I dunk that wheel(每当我扣篮)when I end up NBA scoring championship,twice(拿下两届NBA得分王) You were fooled(你还真以为)Because You blieved that was about me(那是我一个人做的)While I believe(不过说真的)It takes five(比赛是五个人)But You are not fooled,are you?(信不信由你)3、you are a fool (你被耍了)every time i dunk (每当我随心所欲的扣篮)drop 30 40 (砍下30.40分)you are fooled (你还真以为)cause you think that was about me (那是我一个人干的)what i believe (不过说真的)it takes five baby(比赛,是五个人的)Could now be fool(信不信由你)阿迪达斯篇二在运动用品的世界中,ADIDAS一直代表着一种特別的地位象征,而这种象征有人称之为“胜利的三条线”。

1 impossible is nothing
2 加内特:You are played(你被耍了 )
3 麦迪:Whenever I button up a basket(每当我扣篮)
4 阿里纳斯:Chop down 30.40 cents(砍下30.40分)
5 邓肯:You Still really think(你还真以为)
6 加内特:That is I a personal dry(那是我一个人干的)
7 比鲁普斯:However serious(不过说真的)
8 麦迪:The game is five people(比赛,是五个人的)
9 加内特:Believe it or not(信不信由你)
10 .adidas is all in(全倾全力)
14.It's all me for my brother。

下面是带来adidas广告词英文,欢迎阅读!adidas广告词英文(一)You were fooled(你被耍了)when I dunk that wheel(每当我扣篮)whenI end up NBA scoring championship,twice(拿下两届NBA得分王)You were fooled(你还真以为)Because You blieved that was about me(那是我一个人做的)While I believe(不过说真的)It takes five(比赛是五个人)But You are not fooled,are you?(信不信由你)adidas广告(二) you are a fool (你被耍了)every time i dunk (每当我随心所欲的扣篮)drop 30 40 (砍下30.40分) you are fooled(你还真以为) cause you think that was about me(那是我一个人干的) what i believe(不过说真的) it takes five baby(比赛,是五个人的)Could now be fool(信不信由你)2016adidas广告词英文重要的,不是这双鞋its not about the shoes而是知道要往何处前进its about knowing where you going却没忘记自己来自哪里not forgeting where you started而是拥有面对失败的勇气its about having with courage to fail遭受打击却依然坚定not breaking when you are broken发挥所有潜力taking everything youve been given成就更出色的自己and make something better重要的,是荣耀来临前的努力its about work before glory以及内心深处的信念in whats inside of you无关个人是否相信its doing what they say you can重要的,真的不是这双鞋its not about the shoes而是穿上他之后的你its about what you do in they勇敢做你自己its about being who you are born to beadidas英文的广告词1. good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。

以下是20条经典的广告词,这些广告词经常被用于各种广告宣传中,具有较高的知名度和影响力:1."Just Do It." - Nike(耐克)2."I'm Lovin' It." - McDonald's(麦当劳)3."Think Different." - Apple(苹果)4."Because You're Worth It." - L'Oréal(欧莱雅)5."Impossible is Nothing." - Adidas(阿迪达斯)6."The Best a Man Can Get." - Gillette(吉列)7."Finger lickin' good." - KFC(肯德基)8."Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands." - M&M's(M&M巧克力豆)9."A Diamond is Forever." - De Beers(戴比尔斯钻石)10."Connecting People." - Nokia(诺基亚)11."It Gives You Wings." - Red Bull(红牛)12."Have a Break, Have a KitKat." - KitKat(奇巧巧克力棒)13."Snap! Crackle! Pop!" - Rice Krispies(米氏脆片)14."The Breakfast of Champions." - Wheaties(健康谷物麦片)15."Taste the Rainbow." - Skittles(彩虹糖)16."Can you hear me now?" - Verizon(美国电话电报公司)17."Mmm... Milk!" - Got Milk?(牛奶广告)18."The Happiest Place on Earth." - Disneyland(迪士尼乐园)19."I'm lovin' it, ba da ba ba ba." - McDonald's(麦当劳)(McDonald's的音标)20."It's Finger Lickin' Good." - KFC(肯德基)这些广告词不仅通过简短而精准的表达,成功地传递了品牌的核心价值和特点,而且在人们的记忆中产生了深刻的影响。


2. 男女短袖清仓大处理
3. 波司登羽绒服活力夏日超值购
4. 品牌内衣厂家大特卖元元
5. 打底裤,裤袜,以及丝袜
6. 库存服装现低价清仓处理元
7. 房租到期,全场服装亏本甩卖
8. 牛仔厂家直销,短裤裙子低价酬宾
9. 厂家直销品牌女装元起
10. 服装甩货件件元
11. 外贸服装大甩卖
12. 男女装纯棉t恤清仓
13. 太子龙男装搬迁大清仓
14. 服装一次性疯狂大甩卖元
15. 男女式时尚t恤衫元
16. 雅玟内品牌重组商品清库
17. 服装尾货清仓元元
18. 真丝休闲短裤元
19. 万红內衣店
20. 匹克夏季新款全新上市
21. t恤厂价直销元元
22. 新潮流服装城。

下面是带来的关于阿迪达斯英文广告词,欢迎阅读!阿迪达斯英文广告词"Come on, brother, put your hand up I know this time is not easyThere is only "we", there is no "I" you in the presence of everyoneAll from here to get enough confidence to remember these, brotherYou will be used on!Now I most want to say isCome with you and your brothers!No adolescents, no brothers, no basketball "This is my first ad in the cct5 to see, advertising by the nba star, McGee. Garnett. Duncan. Arenas.Billups Dwight Howard. China Central Television broadcast from the beginning of 1986 nba, but also since then,China's watch nba's number is rising year after year, because, too exciting, and field are exciting game, field areIs the world's highest level of the contest.In such a world of the best players and the best coach of the world, the fight is not just technology and tactics, and more is the psychological and positional response capabilities. So, when we watch the game can often see their sweat profusely, fist clenched, eyes stare big, rapid heartbeat.This is the charm of nba games, the vast majority of games are difficult to distinguish between the outcome, so when the game will see people keep up with the pace of the game, so as to make people feel the charm of basketball. So nba game is very attractive.阿迪达斯英文广告词People are the purpose of animals,not always belong to their own more desirable. We are lovers or friends in my life experience, I have always been asked the question, because, for me, how could this be a problem? Is you do not know or he does not know? Maybe you have not reachedConsensus, but to be honest, each other must be clearly clear it.Do a simple quiz Well, like a best friend of yours, buddies and the like, something nothing will play with the killing time of the man, and now imagine kissing him, not for emergency Oh, if you can accept , And even full of expectations, then you are actually a lover, or have developed into a lover possible. Well, think of a person you like, you often think of him, but also like more than like, something nothing you will play with him to kill time, and now imagine you forever, this life, in any case not The opportunity to kiss him, and this time, if you do not feel a trace of pity, then rest assured, you really just friends. People are the purpose of the animals, not always belong to their own more desirable, people are particularly heavy curiosity of animals, do not understand the situation is always excessive fantasy, people are educated animals, so for packaging There is always more respect, but after all, people are not animals, from friends to lover that step can be Armstrong's small step, it can be a big step for mankind , Because love and care are two different things, we always can not measure, in the end the relationship between the generation, is not better than the current situation, but also becausewe want to monopolize another person's life, but more afraid of their lives completely Was occupied, so we are still friends. Undeniably, the relationship between men and women, really good.Friends can be a step, if not further, let us become friends from the old knowledge, and then met but in the past have known people; friends can be a bumper to maintain the safety of each other in the absence of the car before you Collision damage and loss of money are reduced to a minimum; friends can be a network of contacts, even if not with the friend Xiuchengguo, you still have the opportunity to fall in love with friends; friends can be a family, you can get help to accompany, but not immediately Friends can be an excuse to hide their disloyal nature; friends are spare tire, in the absence of quasi-lovers in the chat comfort loneliness; do not forget, friends can be a source of income, but also often have to pay,Of course, the most important thing is a friend is a springboard to steal his trust, to run his habits, to capture his heart against, naturally, from friends cleverly turned into a lover.No matter how men and women in the world define the difference between friends and lovers, I always feel that you can return to the structure of the body surface, the design of each organ as well as the senses of the message, is to strengthen your heart for these two roles different cognitive,Boundary is sex. The nature of the switch a start, the object becomes a lover of the possibility of gradually increased, BrokebackMountain two good friends is not the beginning of it, but for two in the mountains alone, but for a cold night, the most important , But for them to start to see the right eye, I believe that even if the battlefield has a life and death with the robe of friendship, if there is no intention of sex, or will not let the two men hold together to see the World Cup.In the twinkling of an eye, Valentine's Day has come, this is a courageous confession day, so that we can finally out of ambiguous, from a friend into a lover, called the other opponents of the world died of this heart; People, this is also a fear of the days to avoid, because love is a big hat, it will cover your eyes, and even hinder your breathing, let us continue to maintain a good friend relationship, not More healthy.Perhaps, like the Wizard of Oz in the revelation, we racked our brains to pursue wisdom, heart and courage, the pursuit of life is not satisfied, in the end we are lovers or friends, in fact, the real answer has long been worn on our feet.。

1. 爆炸性的穿着体验,让你的步伐更加轻盈愉悦。
2. 一双超越时代的鞋子,让你的脚步跃然纸上。
3. 高科技的材料,让阿迪达斯泡泡鞋成为跑者的首选。
4. 智能充气气垫提供了稳定的支撑,让你无论是跑步还是锻炼都能够表现出色。
5. 采用高弹性泡沫材料,让阿迪达斯泡泡鞋轻松抵御跑步对脚部的冲击。
6. 经过精心设计的鞋面,能够有效保护你的脚部,让你变得更加自信。
7. 带来前所未有的舒适感,阿迪达斯泡泡鞋不仅是一种鞋子,更是一种体验。
8. 轻巧而舒适的鞋底,带来前所未有的跑步体验。
9. 创新的设计让你的脚部得到了更好的呼吸和光滑的轮廓。
10. 传奇般的鞋款再次回归,让你在赛场上战无不胜!。

运动鞋的广告词1、阿迪达斯Adidas——impossible is nothing.没什么不可能的。
impossible is nothing5、匡威Converse——Its Converse for Comfort6、锐步Reebok——I am what I am我就是我7、劲霸K-boxing:专注茄克28年;茄克世界行。
8、美津浓Mizuno: I CAN I Could严肃运动9、里维斯LEVI——S:我不是明星,但我也可以拥有一条LEVI——S。
13、鸿星尔克Erke:成为第一,To be NO.114、耐克Nike:Just do it 事在人为;想做就做。
17、耐克Nike——just do it. 只管去做。
19、美津浓——Mizuno means Serious Performance.美津浓意味着杰出的表现。
20、百事——Ask for more. 渴望无限。
耐克:想做就做just do it阿迪达斯:没有不可能Impossible is nothing背靠背:爱我就跟随我He who loves me follows me彪马:一切皆有可能Nothing Is Possible茵宝:惟一的爱 one love迪亚多纳:运动点燃激情Movement ignited the passion美津浓:凌波步伐恒跑无限I can I could锐步:我就是我I am what I am安踏:永不止步keep moveing鸿星尔克:行动让潜能无限Action makes one's potential limitless德尔惠:在路上 on the way1、匹克 Peak——I CAN PLAY 我能,无限可能!2、彪马Puma——always be yourself.永远保持真我3、匡威Converse: 'It's Converse for Comfort'这是匡威的舒适;不就是玩吗。

阿迪达斯广告语1、IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING.中文翻译即:没有不可能。
2、You were fooled(你被耍了)when I dunk that wheel(每当我扣篮)when I end up NBA scoring championship,twice(拿下两届NBA得分王) You were fooled(你还真以为)Because You blieved that was about me(那是我一个人做的)While I believe(不过说真的)It takes five(比赛是五个人)But You are not fooled,are you?(信不信由你)3、you are a fool (你被耍了)every time i dunk (每当我随心所欲的扣篮)drop 30 40 (砍下30.40分)you are fooled (你还真以为)cause you think that was about me (那是我一个人干的)what i believe (不过说真的)it takes five baby(比赛,是五个人的)Could now be fool(信不信由你)5个人的版本加内特:You are played(你被耍了)麦迪:Whenever I button up a basket(每当我扣篮)阿里纳斯:Chop down 30.40 cents(砍下30.40分)邓肯:You Still really think(你还真以为)加内特:That is I a personal dry(那是我一个人干的)比鲁普斯:However serious(不过说真的)麦迪:The game is five people(比赛,是五个人的)加内特:Believe it or not(信不信由你)阿迪达斯在运动用品的世界中,ADIDAS一直代表着一种特別的地位象征,而这种象征有人称之为“胜利的三条线”。

阿迪达斯的英文广告词大全阿迪达斯的广告语(adidas广告语):IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING 。
阿迪达斯英文广告词1"Come on, brother, put your hand up I know this time is not easyThere is only "we", there is no "I" you in the presence of everyoneAll from here to get enough confidence to remember these, brotherYou will be used on!Now I most want to say isCome with you and your brothers!No adolescents, no brothers, no basketball "This is my first ad in the cct5 to see, advertising by the nba star, McGee. Garnett. Duncan. Arenas.Billups Dwight Howard. China Central Television broadcast from the beginning of 1986 nba, but also since then,China's watch nba's number is rising year after year, because, too exciting, and field are exciting game, field areIs the world's highest level of the contest.In such a world of the best players and the best coach of the world, the fight is not just technology and tactics, and more is the psychological and positional response capabilities. So, when we watch the game can often see their sweat profusely, fist clenched, eyes stare big, rapid heartbeat.This is the charm of nba games, the vast majority of games are difficult to distinguish between the outcome, so when the game will see people keep up with the pace of the game, so as to make people feel thecharm of basketball. So nba game is very attractive.阿迪达斯英文广告词2People are the purpose of animals, not always belong to their own more desirable. We are lovers or friends in my life experience, I have always been asked the question, because, for me, how could this be a problem? Is you do not know or he does not know? Maybe you have not reachedConsensus, but to be honest, each other must be clearly clear it.Do a simple quiz Well, like a best friend of yours, buddies and the like, something nothing will play with the killing time of the man, and now imagine kissing him, not for emergency Oh, if you can accept , And even full of expectations, then you are actually a lover, or have developed into a lover possible. Well, think of a person you like, you often think of him, but also like more than like, something nothing you will play with him to kill time, and now imagine you forever, this life, in any case not The opportunity to kiss him, and this time, if you do not feel a trace of pity, then rest assured, you really just friends. People are the purpose of the animals, not always belong to their own more desirable, people are particularly heavy curiosity of animals, do not understand the situation is always excessive fantasy, people are educated animals, so for packaging There is always more respect, but after all, people are not animals, from friends to lover that step can be Armstrong's small step, it can be a big step for mankind , Because love and care are two different things, we always can not measure, in the end the relationship between the generation, is not better than the current situation, but also because we want to monopolize another person's life, but more afraid of their lives completely Was occupied, so we are still friends. Undeniably, the relationship between men and women,really good.Friends can be a step, if not further, let us become friends from the old knowledge, and then met but in the past have known people; friends can be a bumper to maintain the safety of each other in the absence of the car before you Collision damage and loss of money are reduced to a minimum; friends can be a network of contacts, even if not with the friend Xiuchengguo, you still have the opportunity to fall in love with friends; friends can be a family, you can get help to accompany, but not immediately Friends can be an excuse to hide their disloyal nature; friends are spare tire, in the absence of quasi-lovers in the chat comfort loneliness; do not forget, friends can be a source of income, but also often have to pay,Of course, the most important thing is a friend is a springboard to steal his trust, to run his habits, to capture his heart against, naturally, from friends cleverly turned into a lover.No matter how men and women in the world define the difference between friends and lovers, I always feel that you can return to the structure of the body surface, the design of each organ as well as the senses of the message, is to strengthen your heart for these two roles different cognitive,Boundary is sex. The nature of the switch a start, the object becomes a lover of the possibility of gradually increased, Brokeback Mountain two good friends is not the beginning of it, but for two in the mountains alone, but for a cold night, the most important , But for them to start to see the right eye, I believe that even if the battlefield has a life and death with the robe of friendship, if there is no intention of sex, or will not let the two men hold together to see the World Cup.In the twinkling of an eye, Valentine's Day has come, this is acourageous confession day, so that we can finally out of ambiguous, from a friend into a lover, called the other opponents of the world died of this heart; People, this is also a fear of the days to avoid, because love is a big hat, it will cover your eyes, and even hinder your breathing, let us continue to maintain a good friend relationship, not More healthy.Perhaps, like the Wizard of Oz in the revelation, we racked our brains to pursue wisdom, heart and courage, the pursuit of life is not satisfied, in the end we are lovers or friends, in fact, the real answer has long been worn on our feet.阿迪达斯英文广告词3Nba for us to explain what is the overall basketball, what is tactical literacy, what will never give up ... 0.8 seconds! 1 second!3 seconds! This time can do? I did not know how to answer, nowI know . It can change the fate of a team! In the nba not to give up the last second! This is the insistence that this is the nba! Apply the ad is Li Ning, everything is possible! Jordan said, I have failed again and again , Which is why I can be successful. Every failure and shooting is not, let Jordan go further. Jordan has been able to have a successful career, and become the king of the league, his ability is from every failure and missed shots after the positive efforts, of course, mistakes are not terrible, but it is important to learn to make mistakes The lesson, let oneself grow. Basketball is not a person's basketball, he is by the common efforts of five people, unity is very important.Basketball is a collective movement, only with all the players together, in order to play very good results. Only in teammates on the basis of help, individuals can play wonderful, individual and group complement each other, inseparable. In nba, now more and more attention to the cooperation of the players.Although, in the nba to advocate individuality publicity, to promote individual heroism, but with their unity and cooperation is not contradictory. A player can become a star, they are very clear, the performance of individual ability and team members are inseparable from the close. They are often borrowed teammates to fully demonstrate the power of their own personal ability. Basketball is a pay attention to, no close cooperation with the players, is unable to strike the ball, it is impossible to win the game. In any one team, we should also have to nba players as a strong team spirit. Teamwork can not only overcome many problems that individuals can not solve, but also enhance our individual ability to make the most of their potential in teamwork.The spirit of solidarity and cooperation is the foundation of all business success. US state activist Webster, once said a famous words:People together can make a single person can not make the cause; wisdom, hands, strength together, almost universal.。

服装店广告文案1. 李宁广告语:一切皆有可能。
2. 耐克(Nike)广告语:不妨一试.3. adidas 广告语,阿迪达斯广告语:阿迪达斯牌运动服:走遍世界,我只看中阿迪达斯4. 杉杉西服广告语:杉杉西服,不要太潇洒5. 意大利摩登服装广告语:从容地来,潇洒地去! 摩登精品,全新感受,身份象征! 爽!帅! 意大利摩登服装6. 吕宋------更显您的风度! 吕宋牌服装7. 兰薇儿------温柔多情的夜,甜蜜温馨的梦。
兰薇儿睡衣8. 皇太子恤衫并非皇家所独有. 东方太子恤9. 穿上金照牌就如同投入了太阳的怀抱,内心的感觉不言而喻! 金照牌冬装重塑你童年时代的妈妈! 风雅牌服装10. 佐丹奴服装广告语:隋溢夏梦! 爱,就是奉献! 把世界的色彩带给您!11. 不论您长得怎样,“Lands‘End“游泳衣总能让您称心如意,体形完美无缺. Lands‘End 游泳衣12. 忆往昔,服装设计千余种;看今朝,又有新品正风雅! 风雅牌服装13. 您若拥有双羽,将不再有冬天! 双羽牌羽绒服14. 让你成为情人眼里的西施! 佳衣牌服装15. 当你在寻求高品位时,你就会发现佳衣! 佳衣牌服装16. 穿伊人装,做自由人! 香港伊人牌服装17. 超前享受,率领潮流! 佳衣牌服装18. 天天丝织品-----丝丝入扣! 天天牌丝织服装19. 滨哥冬衣,运动从这里开始! 滨哥牌运动服20. 银都时装,国际名牌! 银都牌时装21. 皮尔·卡丹广告语:弘扬男士精品,一展男士风采! 皮尔·卡丹在这儿! 牌----皮尔·卡丹!22. 货比众家,方知“金羊”最佳! 金羊牌服装服装店店庆1. 时间成就经典,岁月铸造永恒华伦天奴西服2. 进入Pierre Cardin的空间——最独有的时装宇宙Pierre Cardin服装3. 依照箭头的指向,你就会永远走在最前头。

adidas英文广告语下面是带来adidas英文广告语,欢迎阅读!adidas广告的英文重要的,不是这双鞋its not about the shoes而是知道要往何处前进its about knowing where you going却没忘记自己来自哪里not forgeting where you started而是拥有面对失败的勇气its about having with courage to fail遭受打击却依然坚定not breaking when you are broken发挥所有潜力taking everything youve been given成就更出色的自己and make something better重要的,是荣耀来临前的努力its about work before glory以及内心深处的信念in whats inside of you无关个人是否相信its doing what they say you can重要的,真的不是这双鞋its not about the shoes而是穿上他之后的你its about what you do in they勇敢做你自己its about being who you are born to beadidas广告词(二) you are a fool (你被耍了)every time i dunk (每当我随心所欲的扣篮)drop 30 40 (砍下30.40分) you are fooled(你还真以为) cause you think that was about me(那是我一个人干的) what i believe(不过说真的) it takes five baby(比赛,是五个人的)Could now be fool(信不信由你)adidas广告词文案(一)You were fooled(你被耍了)when I dunk that wheel(每当我扣篮)when I end up NBA scoring championship,twice(拿下两届NBA得分王)You were fooled(你还真以为)Because You blieved that was about me(那是我一个人做的)While I believe(不过说真的)It takes five(比赛是五个人)But You are not fooled,are you?(信不信由你)adidas 广告词英文相关文章:1.最新经典国际英语广告词2.阿迪达斯广告词3.关于阿迪达斯的广告词。

运动品牌广告语1. Nike(耐克)- Just Do It(只管去做)- Believe in Something. Even If It Means Sacrificing Everything.(相信某事,即便意味着牺牲一切。
)- If You Have a Body, You are an Athlete(只要你有一个身体,你就是运动员。
)- Runnings Never a Silent Sport(跑步从不是一个安静的运动。
)2. Adidas(阿迪达斯)- Impossible is Nothing(没有不可能。
)- All In(全力以赴。
)- Sport Needs a Space(运动需要空间。
)- Forever Sport(永远运动。
)3. Under Armour(安德玛)- I Will(我会。
)- Protect This House(保护这个家。
)- Will Makes Us Family(意愿将我们凝聚成家。
)- It's Not About a Shoe. Or a Shirt. Or a Bracelet. It's About What They Do.(这不是关于一双鞋子、一件衬衫或一款手环的事,而是关于它们所能做到的。
)4. Puma(彪马)- Forever Faster(永远更快。
)- Run the Streets(征服街头。
)- Forever Strong(永远强大。
)- A Philosophy of Puma(一种彪马哲学。
)5. Reebok(锐步)- Be More Human(做一个更有人性的人。
)- Fitness is Forever(健身是永恒的。
)- Leave Your Mark(留下你的印记。
)- Your Body. Your Mind. Your Rules.(你的身体、你的思想、你的规则。
)6. New Balance(新百伦)- Fearlessly Independent Since 1906(自1906年以来,无畏无惧无视制约。

运动鞋的广告词大全现在几乎每个人都会有一双运动鞋,那么关于运动鞋的广告词有哪些呢?下面是店铺为你整理的运动鞋的广告词,希望对你有用!最新运动鞋的广告词1.卡帕Kappa:He who loves me follows me(爱我就跟随我)2.三六一度勇敢做自己。
5.阿迪达斯Adidas——impossible is nothing没什么不可能的。
7.耐克:想做就做just do it8.阿迪达斯:没有不可能Impossible is nothing9.背靠背:爱我就跟随我He who loves me follows me10.彪马:一切皆有可能Nothing Is Possible11.茵宝:惟一的爱 one love12.迪亚多纳:运动点燃激情Movement ignited the passion13.美津浓:凌波步伐恒跑无限I can I could14.锐步:我就是我I am what I am15.安踏:永不止步keep moveing16.鸿星尔克:行动让潜能无限Action makes one's potential limitless17.德尔惠:在路上 on the way18.李宁Lining:一切皆有可能。
(impossible is nothing2.匡威Converse——Its Converse for Comfort3.锐步Reebok——I am what I am(我就是我)4.劲霸K-boxing:专注茄克年;茄克世界行。
5.美津浓Mizuno: I CAN I Could(严肃运动)6.里维斯LEVI——S:我不是明星,但我也可以拥有一条LEVI——S。
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大众甲克虫汽车:想想还是小得好60年代的美国汽车市场是大型车的天下,大众的甲克虫刚进入美国时根本就没有市场,伯恩巴克再次拯救了大众的甲克虫,提出“think small”的主张,运用广告的力量,改变了美国人的观念,是美国人认识到小型车的优点。
耐克:just do it耐克通过以just do it为主题的系列广告,和篮球明星乔丹的明星效应,迅速成为体育用品的第一品牌,而这句广告语正符合青少年一代的心态,要做就做,只是与众不同,只要行动起来。
然而,随着乔丹的退役,随着just do it改为“i dream.”,耐克的影响力逐渐式微。
事实证明,景点的广告语总是丰富的内涵和优美的语句的结合体,戴比尔斯钻石的这句广告语,不仅道出1、药品广告:“咳”不容缓2、山地车广告:“骑”乐无穷3、补品广告:“鳖”来无恙4、眼镜广告:一“明”惊人5、驱蚊器广告:默默无“蚊”6、透明胶带广告:无可替“带”7、网吧广告:一“网”情深8、钢琴广告:“琴”有独钟、一见钟“琴”9、热水器广告:随心所“浴”10、空调广告:终生无“汗”11、服装店广告:“衣帽”取人12、某洗衣店广告:“衣衣”不舍13、某房产公司广告:万“室”俱备14、某蛋糕广告:步步“糕”升15、胃药广告:一“不”到“胃”16、赛马广告:乐在“骑”中17、电熨斗广告:百“衣”百顺18、快餐店广告:“烧”胜一筹19、洗衣机广告:“闲”妻良母20、帽子公司广告:以“帽”取人21、治结石病广告:大“石”化小、小“石”化了22、打印机广告:百闻不如一“键”23、涂料广告:好色之涂24、冰箱广告:制冷鲜锋25、治痔疮药广告:有痔无恐26、花园公寓广告:随寓而安27、跳舞机广告:闻“机”起舞28、海鲜广告:领“鲜”一步29、口腔门诊广告:“快治”人口30、礼品店广告:“礼”所当然9、曲线玲珑,极具小家碧玉的端庄!印度丝质洋装10、棉麻衫令您好拥有凉爽的触觉感受!印度混纺花洋装11、自然柔和的美感,仿佛戴上神秘的面纱!印度纱质洋装12、轻盈、柔和、大方的款式,展示出你个人的风格!英国礼服13、新一个自己,欧洲风尚!瑞奇牌服装14、浪漫舒适的法国风情!瑞奇牌服装15、百变姿彩------雅迪氏!雅迪氏牌时装16、一切事情从头到脚都应协调一致,wee bok牌服装和皮鞋就做到这一点.wee bok牌服装17、望眼欲“穿“,爱建服装!爱建牌服装18、“飞鹰”在哪里翱翔,你就应紧随到哪里。
飞鹰服装公司20、三九严寒无法阻挡,身着金照,寒冷全消!金照牌冬装21、皇后一展飘逸、柔软、华丽的风姿!皇后牌服装22、雄威三重保温,更暧,更柔......雄威制衣厂23、红色鱼尾狮------可信赖的标志!鱼尾狮服装24、北极熊耐寒之迷北极熊牌冬装25、不求天子地位,但求天子风度!天子牌服装26、天子高级男士服装,潇洒尽在其中!天子牌服装27、当一回王子,轻松潇洒!王子牌西装28、拥有飞蝠,飞来鸿福!飞蝠牌夹克29、昂首阔步,可隆服装!可隆牌服装30、国营老牌是金照,还是金照靠得牢!金照牌服装31、源自东瀛,温馨浪漫----樱之花!日本樱花牌羽绒服32、一个微笑加一个“贾森“,你便拥有全部.贾森牌泳装33、大哥大西服,西服中的大哥大!大哥大西服34、大哥大西服------吸取天地灵感,裁剪都市形象.大哥大西服35、英姿俊爽,飘鹰飞翔.飘鹰牌服装36、潇洒离不开飘鹰,飘鹰使你更潇洒.飘鹰牌服装37、飘鹰飞翔,英姿俊爽.飘鹰牌服装38、雪梦莱,带给您终身温暖!雪梦莱牌服装39、请到雪梦莱,潇洒走一回!雪梦莱牌服装40、潇潇洒洒雪梦莱,“一年半截“有风采!雪梦莱牌服装41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、服装54、55、56、57、潇潇洒洒雪梦莱,年年岁岁有风采!雪梦莱牌服装一流品牌的男装离你不再遥远,而他的魅力,益发难以抗拒!绰约服装潇洒神韵,绰约风采!绰约服装创造流行,展示潇洒豪情之气概!绰约服装潇洒随意,风格独特!登雅牌西装新潮西装,欧陆风采,一款在身,气度不凡!登雅牌西装登雅西装有风度,助您登上成功路!登雅牌西装青青草蜢,新潮名服!草蜢牌服装高雅、潇洒雷特蒙!雷特蒙牌服装波士发是您理想的选择!波士发牌服装卡斯莱德牌运动服是在体育场上缝制的.卡斯莱德牌运动服“卡顿“帮你全力以赴地接受挑战.卡顿牌工作服如果“使尔美“也无法改变你的形象,你还是什么也别穿就上街去吧.使尔美“哈特?夏纳“意味着事业与成功.哈特?夏纳西服现代睡衣的提倡者.联合睡衣公司你悄悄在穿上一件“普来得“,再司法局法去约会吧!普来得编织假使你喜欢偷听他人说话,约翰?史蒂森这个名字肯定已让你的耳朵听出老茧.约翰?史蒂森服装公司58、展现你高贵典雅的风情!夏奈尔套装59、来我们这儿,你就会真正知晓女人的心.扬森制衣60、兰薇儿-----温柔多情的夜,甜蜜温馨的梦.兰薇儿睡衣61、懂得品味的您,必然择成熟舒适的装扮!意大利套装62、63、64、服装65、66、67、68、69、70、71、72、73、74、75、76、77、78、布莱德勒牌泳装:时尚和你一起漫步海滩.布莱德勒牌泳装穿上“扬森“,你就好像穿上了微笑.扬森制衣稍稍多花点钱,你就会明白为什么有那么多人喜爱“克拉涅特“了.克拉涅特全球以此为质量标准.曼哈顿服装“出席重要场合我就穿它.“戴伯服装蓝鸟风度,蓝鸟气派!蓝鸟牌服装充满民族特色的日本和服.工农牌服装简明朴素又潇洒轻逸的服装.工农牌服装新出布料,随意冲洗不变形.工农牌服装两用服饰,春秋皆宜.工农牌服装缝制精细,选料上乘.工农牌服装广告里的那些模特大多站着?levi‘saction slacks 西裤只有妻子知道hanes与内衣的区别.hanes t恤衫柔软的全棉内衣----舒适的当然选择.san foriced全棉服装采下五色棉,让它永鲜艳.san foriced全棉服装色泽高雅,魅力十足.工农牌服装耐克(nike)广告语:不妨一试.篇三:广告语汽车类广告语1.宝马7系汽车广告语―――生活艺术唯你独尊2.奔驰汽车广告语―――领导时代,驾驭未来3.福特汽车广告语———你的世界,从此无界4.奥迪汽车广告语―――突破科技、启迪未来5.沃尔沃汽车广告语―――关爱生命、享受生活6.北京现代汽车广告语———追求卓越、共创幸福7.广州本田汽车广告语———世界品质、一脉相承服装品牌广告词8.森马服装广告语———穿什么就是什么9.美特斯邦威服装广告语———美特斯邦,不走寻常路10.以纯服装广告语———以纯,穿出你要的感觉11.真维斯服装广告语———真情,真意,真维斯12.唐狮服装广告语———爱我全世界13.李宁服装广告语———运动之美,世界共享14.柒牌服装广告语———男人就应该对自己狠一点鞋子广告语词15.阿迪达斯广告语———没有不可能16.鸿星尔克广告语———to be no.117.耐克广告语———事在人为;想做就做18.李宁广告语———一切皆有可能19.乔丹广告语———凡事无绝对20.安踏广告语———永不止步篇四:广告词1.time is what you make of it.(swatch)天长地久。