这部分将指导您使用Bartender条码制作软件设计标签,编辑标签和打印标签.重要提示:如果您是第一次运行Bartender条码制作软件,屏幕将会显示试用功能对话框;建议选择"仅运行Ultralite版".此选项没有试用期限,可提供客户常用功能选项的使用需求.如果启用"试用功能",您可以使用额外的功能选项如数据库设置.30天试用到期后,将会进入到演示模式.演示模式会更改每个数据字段中的一个字符,若要恢复正常使用,必须购买此款软件产品.一. 设计标签1.运行Bartender条码制作软件,进入程序界面后点击画面左上角"文件"菜单栏选择"新建".此时,将打开新建格式向导.向导将指导您完成开始格式设计所需要的步骤;2.选择用于此标签格式的打印机驱动(此处以CP-2140打印机为例),点击"下一步";3.选择"指定自定义设置",点击"下一步";5.参照自身使用标签规格,选择设定标签卷四边的特性,点击"下一步";7.参照自身使用标签规格,设定标签的大小,点击"下一步";8.点击"完成";9.新建标签格式已完成.二.编辑标签内容创建文本对象1.单击主工具栏上的创建文本按钮.2.将光标移动到标签视图区域中, 单击希望放置文本的位置.3.双击文本控件,在屏幕数据源中输入您想要输入的信息内容,若要更改字体,请单击字体选项卡,选择所需要更改的对象,完成后点击"确定".创建条形码对象1.单击主工具栏上的创建条形码按钮.2.将光标移动到标签视图区域中, 单击希望放置条形码的位置.3.双击条形码控件,在屏幕数据源中输入您想要输入的信息内容.若要更改条形码符号体系,请单击条形码选项卡,选择所需要更改的对象,完成后点击"确定".导入图片1.单击主工具栏上的创建图片按钮.2.将光标移动到标签视图区域中,单击希望放置图片的位置.3.双击该图片控件,显示修改图片对话框,在图片源处点击"文件"按钮选择要导入的图片文件,完成后点击"确定".移动标签对象要在标签视图区域中更改一个对象的位置,最简单的方法是使用鼠标单击并将其拖动到一个新的位置.拉伸对象和调整对象大小若要调整标签对象的大小,请单击已选中标签对象,然后拖拽对象边线上出现的其中一个小方形把手.1.单击选中对象,并将指针光标置于其中一个边角把手,以便同时更改高度和宽度.如果只需要调整一个方向的尺寸,将指针置于其中一个边线把手.如果光标的位置正确,将变为一个双向细箭头.2.单击并拖拽所选的把手,直到对象达到所需的尺寸.复制,剪切,粘贴,删除标签对象所有标签对象均可进行复制、剪切、粘贴、删除的动作.单击对象,点击右键选择所需要处理的动作.指定正确的打印机1.进入标签视图后,可通过单击主工具栏上的打印机按钮,或文件菜单中的打印选项以显示打印对话框.2.单击名称选项右侧的下箭头显示已安装的打印驱动程序列表.3.单击您打印时要使用的打印机的名称.注意:如果所需的打印机未列出,则使用Seagull驱动程序向导安装其打印机驱动程序.请参阅<Seagull驱动安装向导>.4.单击关闭.指定标签大小1.进入标签页面后,可通过单击主工具栏上的页面设置按钮,或单击文件菜单中的页面设置,或双击标签试图区域的空白部分,以显示页面设置对话框.2.单击纸张选项卡,设定纸张大小.3.单击布局选项卡,并指定边距以及行数和列数.4.若要自定义标签大小,请选中手动设置框,输入标签的宽度和高度.注意:如果没选中手动设置框,Bartender将自动设置标签的高度和宽度.5.单击确定.三.打印标签1.单击主工具栏上的打印机按钮,或文件菜单中的打印选项以显示打印对话框.2.确定选择了正确的打印机名称(此处以CP-2140打印机为例).3.将标签需要打印的份数输入同样标签的份数选项.4.单击打印按钮,Bartender将开始打印您的标签.。
BarTender条码打印软件基础教程及使用技巧厦门远景达目录1 Seagull打印机驱动 (3)1.1 Seagull驱动的优势 (3)1.2 内嵌字体与Windows字体的对比 (3)1.3 如何下载字体到打印机 (3)1.4 如何获取一台电脑的BarTender、打印机以及PC本身的信息 (4)2 简单界面操作 (5)2.1基本的类似Windows的友好操作(拖拽、排列) (5)2.2 组件、自定义工具箱功能 (6)2.3 图像导出 (7)2.4背景设置 (8)3 口令设置 (8)4 数据库和序列打印 (9)4.1 基本的数据库打印以及字体大小自动调整功能 (9)4.2 每条记录得打印数量问题 (12)4.3 查询和SQL功能 (13)4.4 数据库字段---打印数量 (14)4.5 关于文本数据库的打印 (15)4.6 SAP(中间文档)打印 (16)4.7 序列打印 (16)5 子串和共享 (17)5.1 子串的创建 (17)5.2 共享名的使用 (18)6 打印前提示 (19)6.1 简单数据的打印提示 (19)6.2 打印数量的打印前提示 (21)6.3 打印前提示使用技巧(快捷方式的巧用) (23)7 灵活的中间件:Commander (23)7.1 Commander的基本使用 (23)7.2 Commander的启示 (26)8 RFID条码的打印 (26)1 Seagull打印机驱动1.1 Seagull驱动的优势Seagull驱动非常全面,并且随时更新,有时候很多问题本机自带驱动的问题1.2 内嵌字体与Windows字体的对比Seagull有丰富的打印机驱动,支持所有打印机内嵌字体,支持所有条码字体,内嵌字体的好处:速度快,效率高,无须下载Windows字体,以下是调用内嵌字体和Windows 字体的对比:左侧的图是直接调用打印机字体是打印机所接受的打印机指令,右侧的图则是调用Windows字体时所接受的打印机指令,很明显如果调用Windows字体需要经过一个字符集的下载过程,如果要是打印序列或者是同样的标签时,会屡次调用Windows字体,会影响效率。
bartender 快速参考指南说明书
![bartender 快速参考指南说明书](
件的数据 • 标签设计支持 Amazon
通过数据录入表单、强大的 Intelligent Templates™、数据库连接、编码,能 够随时随地使用任意打印机实现动态 商业标签打印。适用于需要标签打印 标准化的任意规模企业
BarTender 能够遵循大量针对处方药全球追踪法规的要求,包括 DSCSA 和 FMD。
BarTender 为企业提供条形码,RFID 和智能标签工具,帮助其在当 今竞争激烈的零售环境中紧跟快速发展的标准、技术和要求
在整个航空航天和国防供应链中,对零件的准确跟踪和维护可确保 符合法规要求,提高安全性并防止盗用和假冒备件的危害。
适用于受监管行业,跨越多个站 点或需要集中控制其标签设计和 打印的企业。
• 集中式文档存储和管理,便 于版本修订控制
• 编排工作流程,实现更快速 的标签设计,批准和发布
• 全面的安全性和可审核流程 • 可追溯性和序列化,以满足
行业法规 • 与几乎任何业务系统无缝
集成 • 提高关键任务环境的可靠性
运输与物流 制造 化学 餐饮 医疗保健 医疗器械 制药 零售 航空航天
实现完整供应链标签打印流程标准化,创造互操作性、透明度及高 速度。
无论是小型制造商还是世界上最大的全球运营组织,BarTender 是 全球分散型、流程型或加工型等制造商标签策略中不可或缺的组成 部分。
世界各地的化学品制造商、分销商和进口商都信任 BarTender 能够 帮助他们遵循层出不穷的标签制作、序列化和安全性相关规则和 法规。
BarTender 被称为食品行业的顶级技术,可帮助简化 FSMA 204 合 规性的独特要求,实现和企业间互操作性、食品标签制作和可追溯 性,以确保全球食品供应链的安全。
BarTender条形码设计技巧V1.11、序列设置 (2)2、条形码大小固定 (3)3、条形码不显示条码内容 (4)4、条形码位置居中 (5)5、文字自动调整大小并居中 (6)6、水洗唛打印 (7)7、数据源字段组合显示 (11)8、添加打印时间 (15)福利(BT10.1 破解补丁) ........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
6、水洗唛打印BarTender中有一个字体Seagull:Textile care v1.0,是专门用来打印水洗标的。
设置方法如下:(1)添加一个文本框,改字体格式为Seagull:Textile care v1.0;(2)改变文本的数据源字段,PS:字符和水洗唛对应关系见下图。
BARTENDER 软件的基本使用标签的设置1.先启动BarTender软件。
标签内容的编辑创建条形码或文本对象1. 单击主工具栏上的创建条形码按钮或创建文本按钮,单击的按钮取决于要创建条形码还是文本区域(称为“文本对象”)。
2. 将光标移动到标签视图区域中,单击对象中心应处的位置。
注:还可以使用BarTender 工具箱在标签中添加对象。
请参阅下文的BarTender 工具箱。
1. 选中对象,并将指针光标置于四个边角把手中的一个,以便同时更改高度和宽度。
2. 单击并拖曳所选的把手,直到对象达到所需的尺寸。
这样做时如果按住Ctrl 键,将在新位置创建一个副本。
BarTender 应用程序英语用户指南说明书
![BarTender 应用程序英语用户指南说明书](
English Getting Started withthe BarTender®AppUSER GUIDEContentsGetting Started with the BarTender App3 Requirements3 Terminology3 Downloading the BarTender App4 Managing Your Print Services5 Adding a Print Service5 Editing a Print Service5 Deleting a Print Service6 Switching to a Different Print Service6 Managing Your Printers7 Detecting and Adding Printers7 Deleting Printers8 Printing Documents9 Selecting a Document to Print9 Printing Your Document10 Troubleshooting12 Related Documentation13Getting Started with the BarTender AppThe BarTender®app makes professional printing as easy and flexible as using your Android smartphone or tablet and as powerful and secure as printing with BarTender2021and BarTender 2022by Seagull Scientific.The BarTender app works with BarTender2021Enterprise edition and BarTender2022Enterprise, Professional,and Automation editions to let you choose label designs,complete print-time data entry forms and query prompts,and start print jobs on any printer that is connected to your device over the internet.By using the BarTender app,you can do the following:l Use your device to print to internet-connected printers and to Bluetooth-connected printers.l Automatically authenticate with a BarTender Print Portal website or server and then browse toa specific document folder within the Print Portal installation.l Add or edit data in real time by using in-app BarTender data entry forms and query prompts.l Use BarTender security features to monitor and access permissions to documents. RequirementsThe BarTender app requires that Android11or a newer version of the Android operating system be installed on your mobile device.The BarTender app connects remotely to a print service,which is an instance of Print Portal that hosts your BarTender documents.The app requires that one of the following editions of BarTender be installed on your network:l BarTender2021Enterprise edition with Print Portal installed and configuredl BarTender2022Professional,Automation,or Enterprise edition with Print Portal installed and configuredTerminologyThe following terms appear in this document:l BarTender app refers to the BarTender mobile app that you download to your device.l Print Portal refers to the Print Portal companion application that is installed with BarTender 2021and BarTender2022.Print Portal must be installed and configured on your networkbefore you can use the BarTender app.For more information,refer to Installing BarTender Print Portal in the BarTender help system.l Print service refers to the web service that hosts your BarTender documents,which might be a Print Portal website or a Print Portal server.Collectively,these websites and servers are called print services.You can add more than one print service to the app.However,the app can connect to only one print service at a time.The app must be connected to a print service to print the documentsthat are hosted on the service.Typically,a print service is installed and configured by your BarTender administrator.When this is the case,you do not need to configure the print service to use the BarTender app to print;you need only to connect to it.For more information,refer to the Managing Your Print Services section of this document.Downloading the BarTender AppYou can download the BarTender app from the Google Play store.The app is free to download and does not require a BarTender product key code.Search for"BarTender by Seagull",or use the following link:l https:///store/apps/details?id=com.seagullscientific.printportalThe BarTender app interface includes a navigation menu,which is displayed when you tap in the upper left corner.This menu includes the following options:l Discover Printers:Opens the Configure Printers page,which you can use to view,add,delete, and configure the printers that the app is connected to.Printers in your network areautomatically detected,and you can manually add printers as needed.For more information, refer to Managing Your Printers.l Print Services:Opens the Print Services page,which you can use to connect to a print service, add one or more print services to the app,and edit or delete a print service.For moreinformation,refer to Managing Your Print Services.l About:Displays version information,a link to online help documentation,and a list of the open-source licenses that the BarTender app uses.Click a license name to view its terms.Managing Your Print ServicesAfter you download the BarTender app,you must add a print service to the app(if one has not already been added for you by your administrator)and then connect to it to be able to print your documents. When you first open the BarTender app,the Print Services page is displayed.This page lists the print services that have been added to the app,if any,and provides options to add more print services and to edit or delete existing ones.To connect to a print service,tap to select it.To return to the Print Services page from another page in the app,tap,and then tap Print Services.Adding a Print ServiceTo add a print service to the app,follow these steps:1.On the Print Services page,tap.2.On the Add Print Service page,enter the following information for the print service that youwant to connect to:l A name for the print servicel The print service URL(this is the Print Portal URL for your installed instance of BarTender 2021or BarTender2022Print Portal,such as https://print.<companyname>.com/Browse)l The Print Router URL,which includes the port number that the print router uses(such as https://print.<company name>.com:5950/)3.Tap Save.Editing a Print ServiceTo edit the settings of an existing print service,follow these steps:1.On the Print Services page,tap Edit.2.On the Edit Print Service page,tap for the print service that you want.3.On the Edit Print Service page,make the changes that you want.4.Tap Save.The print service is displayed automatically.Deleting a Print ServiceTo delete a print service from the app,follow these steps:1.On the Print Services page,tap Edit.2.On the Edit Print Service page,tap for the print service that you want to delete.Switching to a Different Print ServiceIf you have configured more than one print service,you can switch to a different print service at any time.To do this,on the Print Services page,tap the print service that you want to switch to.Managing Your PrintersTypically,printers are added to a print service by your BarTender administrator.When this is the case, you do not need to add printers to the BarTender app to print your documents;you need only to connect to the print server that hosts the printers.However,in some cases,you might need to add one or more local printers to the app.This topic describes how to manage printers that are added to the app,not the printers that are hosted on a print service.Use the Configure Printers page to detect local printers,to manually add a printer to the app,and todelete a printer.To open the Configure Printers page,tap,and then tap Discover Printers. Detecting and Adding PrintersWhen you open the BarTender app,it automatically detects connected Bluetooth printers and connected network printers that use an IP address.These printers are then listed on the Configure Printers page.If the printer that you want is not listed,you can tap to instruct the app to detect connected printers and refresh the printer list.Or,you can manually add a printer to the list.When you do this, the added printer is shared with your print service when you connect to the service.The procedure to follow depends on whether the printer that you want to add is Bluetooth-enabled or is a network IP printer.Adding a Bluetooth PrinterTo manually add a Bluetooth printer,follow these steps:1.On the Configure Printers page,tap Tap to manually add printer.2.Tap Go to Bluetooth Settings.3.On your device's Bluetooth settings page,enable pairing if it is not already enabled,andthen select the printer that you want to add.4.In the BarTender app,tap Done.Adding a Network IP PrinterTo manually add a network IP printer,follow these steps:1.On the Configure Printers page,tap Tap to manually add printer.2.Tap Add Network Printer Manually.3.In the Add network printer manually dialog,enter the following information:l The IP address or host name for the printerl The port numberl The printer manufacturer name and model numberl The height and width of the labels to be printed(this information is required by most printers)l Offset information as needed4.Tap Save.5.Tap Done.Deleting PrintersYou can delete printers that you manually added to the app.To do this,tap next to the printer that you want to delete.Printing DocumentsAfter you connect to a print service,you can select documents that are hosted on the service and select a printer to send the print job to.The BarTender app supports data entry forms and query prompts,so you can add this data at print time.Occasionally,the BarTender app might be unable to send a print job tothe selected printer.If this occurs,the app notifies you so that you cancontact your administrator and request that a driver be added to theprint service server for the printer that you want.Selecting a Document to PrintTo select the document that you want to print,follow these steps:1.Open the BarTender app.2.Connect to the print service that you want to use,as follows:lIf you have not configured a print service,tap.On the Add Print Service page,enter a name,URL,and Print Router URL for the print service,and then tap Save.Theapp connects to and displays the print service.l If you have configured one print service,the app automatically connects to and displays it.l If you have configured more than one print service,the app lists them on the Print Services page.Tap the print service that you want to connect to and display it.3.Scroll through the displayed documents to find the document that you want.Alternatively,entera search term in the Search field.4.Tap the document to open it and to start the printing process.The BarTender app supports the BarTender2021and BarTender2022versions of Print Portal as print services.For more information about how to print a document in Print Portal,refer to Printing a Document in the Print Portal help system.You can also access the Print Portal help system in the BarTender app when the print service isdisplayed.To do this,tap,and then tap Help.Printing Your DocumentTo print a document,follow these steps:1.Locate the document that you want,and then tap it to open the Print dialog.2.In the Printer list,select the printer that you want.3.In the Copies field,enter the number of copies that you want to print.4.If your document contains serialized data,enter the number of serial numbers and the numberof copies per serial number that you want to print in the Serial Numbers and Copies per Serial Number fields.5.Tap Print.l If the Select Records dialog opens,select the records that you want to print,and then tap Print.l If a query prompt or data entry form is displayed,enter the required data,and then tap Print.The print job runs.6.In the Print dialog,review the print job details,and then click Close to return to the Print dialog.If you printed to a PDF,you can optionally tap Download to download a copy of the printeditems and/or tap Open and then select a PDF viewer to review the printed items.Using Print PreviewYou can view the document in Print Preview to verify that it is correct before you print it.Print Preview displays the printed items exactly as they will appear,including any data that is pulled from connected databases or entered from query prompts or data entry forms.To use Print Preview,follow these steps:1.Locate the document that you want,and then tap it to open the Print dialog.2.In the Printer list,select the printer that you want.3.In the Copies field,enter the number of copies that you want to print.4.If your document contains serialized data,enter the number of serial numbers and thenumber of copies per serial number that you want to print in the Serial Numbers and Copies per Serial Number fields.5.Tap Preview.l If the Select Records dialog opens,select the records that you want to print,and then tap Preview.l If a query prompt or data entry form is displayed,enter the required data,and then tap Preview.6.In the Print Preview dialog,a preview of your printed item is displayed.If your print jobincludes more than one page,you can tap Page and then select the page that you want to view.Tap Print to print the document,or tap Cancel to close Print Preview.TroubleshootingThe following answers to commonly asked questions provide solutions to help you troubleshoot your BarTender app configuration.Why doesn't my app connect to the print service?l Make sure that a Wi-Fi connection is available and that you are connected to the internet.l Make sure that the Wi-Fi capabilities of your mobile device are enabled.l Make sure that the print service that you are trying to connect to is turned on and functioning correctly.l If you still can't connect,turn off your device,turn it on again,open the BarTender app, and then try to connect again.Why can't I find a printer?l Make sure that one or more printers are available on Bluetooth or an IP port and are connected to the print service that you are using.l Make sure that the printer that you are trying to connect to is turned on and functioning correctly.l If you are connected to a printer but the document still is not printed,refer to Troubleshooting printing problems on the BarTender Support Center website.Why is my document displayed or printed incorrectly?l Verify that the document's formatting and settings are correct in BarTender Designer.For more information,refer to Modifying the Page Setup in the BarTender help system andthe"Template Design"articles on the BarTender Designer page of the BarTender SupportCenter website.Related DocumentationTechnical Documentsl BarTender2021Print Portall BarTender2022Print PortalTo view and download technical documents,visit:https:///resources/white-papers/Other Resourcesl BarTender Software Websitehttps://l BarTender Support Centerhttps://l BarTender Online Help Systemhttps://©2022Seagull Scientific,Inc.BarTender,BarTender Cloud,Intelligent Templates,Drivers by Seagull, the BarTender logo,the BarTender Cloud logo,and the Drivers by Seagull logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagull Scientific,Inc.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.。
BarTender软件制作标签操作手册XXXX(苏州)有限公司内部使用特别声明:本手册制作目的是为使XXXX(苏州)有限公司员工快速、便捷的掌握bartender 制作标签操作使用,所以本手册仅供内部使用,严禁外传。
目录目录 .......................................................................................................................................................... 第一部分:设置标签格式(创建新的标签)...................................................................................... 第二部分:设定标签内容。
........................................................................................................................四、条码标签设定............................................................................................................................ 第三部分:打印设置 ..............................................................................................................................一、递增标签列印............................................................................................................................二、打印不变的标签。
.BarTender操作说明书————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:BARTENDER 软件的基本使用标签的设置1.先启动BarTender软件。
标签内容的编辑创建条形码或文本对象1. 单击主工具栏上的创建条形码按钮或创建文本按钮,单击的按钮取决于要创建条形码还是文本区域(称为“文本对象”)。
2. 将光标移动到标签视图区域中,单击对象中心应处的位置。
注:还可以使用BarTender 工具箱在标签中添加对象。
请参阅下文的BarTender 工具箱。
1. 选中对象,并将指针光标置于四个边角把手中的一个,以便同时更改高度和宽度。
2. 单击并拖曳所选的把手,直到对象达到所需的尺寸。
![Bartender用户手册中文](版简体中文全球领先的标签、条形码、RFID 和证卡打印软件BarTender 应用程序套件入门综述、安装和基本用法(简体中文版)© Copyright Seagull Scientific, Inc. 2001-2013. All rights reserved.Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of the publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means without the written permission of Seagull Scientific, Inc. HASP® is a registered trademark of Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Ltd.Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.SQL Server™ is a trademark, of Microsoft Corporation.Oracle® is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.SAP™ is a trademark of SAP Aktiengesellschaft.The Ready for IBM Websphere software mark and the trademarks contained therein are trademarks of IBM Corp. IBM is not the licensor of this Business Partner's product and does not make any warranties regarding this Business Partner's product.BarTender® is a registered trademark of Seagull Scientific, Inc.All other registered names and trademarks referred to in this manual are the property of their respective companies.第一章:BarTender 应用程序套件导言 (1)概述 (1)BarTender (1)Drivers by Seagull (2)集成 (2)Commander (3)BarTender .NET SDK (3)系统管理 (4)BarTender Security Center (4)Printer Maestro (5)Librarian (6)History Explorer(历史记录浏览器) (6)Seagull License Server (7)System Database Setup (7)打印实用工具 (8)Web Print Server (8)Reprint Console(重印控制台) (9)Print Station (9)Batch Maker (10)第二章:安装与激活 (11)安装 BarTender 应用程序套件 (11)基本版和专业版的预安装规划 (11)自动化版的预安装规划 (11)安装步骤 (12)安装 BarTender System Database (13)创建和管理系统数据库 (13)在 System Database 中记录数据和存储文件 (13)安装、升级和移除打印机驱动程序 (14)概述 (14)驱动程序安装说明 (14)升级打印机驱动程序 (14)移除打印机驱动程序 (15)激活 (15)第三章:使用 BarTender (17)概述 (17)文档和模板 (17)创建新的 BarTender 文档 (17)更改指定的打印机 (18)更改指定介质大小 (19)创建文本对象 (20)创建条形码对象 (21)创建 RFID 对象 (21)选择或取消选择对象 (21)移动对象 (22)拉伸对象和调整对象大小 (22)复制、剪切和粘贴对象 (22)将对象从模板设计区域中删除 (23)指定文本对象或条形码对象的数据源 (23)设置打印用的数据库连接 (25)更改条形码的选项 (26)更改字体 (26)对对象属性的其他修改 (26)导入图片 (26)打印 (27)先从预先存在的 BarTender 文档开始 (27)BarTender 工具箱 (28)获得 BarTender 帮助 (28)第四章:Commander 集成实用工具 (29)Commander 是什么? (29)Commander 的常用步骤 (30)启动 Commander (30)创建或修改 Commander 任务列表 (30)删除、移动和重新排序 Commander 任务 (30)运行 Commander 任务列表 (31)更多信息 (31)附录 A:针对性能进行配置 (33)性能提示 (33)并非所有程序均可以使用的打印机功能 (34)附录 B:打印机驱动程序故障排除 (35)解决打印问题的分步过程 (35)附录 C:串行通信 (39)概述 (39)设置和电缆问题 (39)串行端口设置 (40)设置打印机上的串行参数 (40)在 Windows 中设置串行参数 (41)使用正确的串行电缆 (41)附录 D:技术支持 (43)您必须注册您的软件才能获得支持 (43)您必须在计算机旁边拨打电话 (43)关于 Visual Basic 脚本的技术支持 (43)技术支持联系信息 (43)索引 (45)概述除了主要的设计和打印应用程序、BarTender 应用程序套件包括多种附加的配套应用程序以及其他组件。
• 3).修改条码内容。双击条码,弹出条码属性窗口,点击左侧窗口红 色标记处,可在右侧窗口红色标记处修改条码内容。
• 4).修改列印方式。点击窗口左侧符号体系与大小,点击窗口右侧列 印方式,在新窗口选择条码和可读文字由BarTender控制。
• 功能:序列化设置。如欲打印3张标签,每张标签内容分别为:001、 002、003。条码序列化与文本序列化设置方法一致,此处以文本序列 化设置为例。
指的是一个标签重复打印的张数。如:标签中设置计数“001”,每个序号 的份数中输入1,序号中输入3打印内容为:001,002,003;而如果份 数中输入3,序列数中输入1,打印 内容为:001, 001, 001
• 功能:编辑条码 • 1).选择条码图标更多条码
• 2).在选取条码窗口选择欲打印条码后,点击标签空白部分,会弹出 如右图窗口。
• 6).修改标签宽度和高度后点击“下一步”
• 8).手动设定水平间距,点击“完成”
选择手动设定,设 定两张标签纸之间 的距离
• 功能:编辑除条码外的文字 • 1).点击文字图标单行,在标签空白部分点击后如下图所示。(备注:
• 2).选择已经安装的打印机驱动型号后单击“下一步”
• 3).默认选择指定自订设定,点击“下一步”
• 4).选择每页包含多个行和/或列的项目,并填写数量。
BarTender 动态数据标签打印软件系列说明书
![BarTender 动态数据标签打印软件系列说明书](
• Advanced printing controls, including business rules and label reprint
For businesses that operate in regulated industries, span multiple locations or need centralized control of their label design and printing operations.
• Easy label design tools to create commercial-quality labels, right out of the box
• Just-in-time, on-demand labeling
BarTender is deployed at hospitals, pharmacies, labs and clinics around the world, enabling the precise tracking required in the patient care and healthcare supply chain.
Support for thousands of printers
Print to over 7,000 printers and devices
bartender 2022 手机版用户手册说明书
![bartender 2022 手机版用户手册说明书](
English Getting Started withthe BarTender®Mobile AppUSER GUIDEContentsGetting Started with the BarTender Mobile App3 Requirements3 Terminology3 Downloading the BarTender Mobile App4 Managing Your Print Services5 Adding a Print Service5 Editing a Print Service5 Deleting a Print Service6 Switching to a Different Print Service6 Managing Your Printers7 Detecting and Adding Printers7 Deleting Printers8 Printing Documents9 Selecting a Document to Print9 Printing Your Document10 Troubleshooting12 Related Documentation13Getting Started with the BarTender Mobile AppThe BarTender®Mobile App makes professional printing as easy and flexible as using your Android smartphone or tablet and as powerful and secure as printing with BarTender2021and BarTender 2022by Seagull Scientific.The BarTender Mobile App works with BarTender2021Enterprise edition and BarTender2022 Enterprise,Professional,and Automation editions to let you choose label designs,complete print-time data entry forms and query prompts,and start print jobs on any printer that is connected to your device over the internet.By using the BarTender Mobile App,you can do the following: l Use your device to print to internet-connected printers and to Bluetooth-connected printers.l Automatically authenticate with a BarTender Print Portal website or server and then browse toa specific document folder within the Print Portal installation.l Add or edit data in real time by using in-app BarTender data entry forms and query prompts.l Use BarTender security features to monitor and access permissions to documents. RequirementsThe BarTender Mobile App requires that Android11or a newer version of the Android operating system be installed on your mobile device.The BarTender Mobile App connects remotely to a print service,which is an instance of Print Portal that hosts your BarTender documents.The app requires that one of the following editions of BarTender be installed on your network:l BarTender2021Enterprise edition with Print Portal installed and configuredl BarTender2022Professional,Automation,or Enterprise edition with Print Portal installed and configuredTerminologyThe following terms appear in this document:l BarTender Mobile App refers to the BarTender Mobile App that you download to your device.l Print Portal refers to the Print Portal companion application that is installed with BarTender 2021and BarTender2022.Print Portal must be installed and configured on your networkbefore you can use the BarTender Mobile App.For more information,refer to InstallingBarTender Print Portal in the BarTender help system.l Print service refers to the web service that hosts your BarTender documents,which might be a Print Portal website or a Print Portal server.Collectively,these websites and servers are called print services.You can add more than one print service to the app.However,the app can connect to only one print service at a time.The app must be connected to a print service to print the documentsthat are hosted on the service.Typically,a print service is installed and configured by your BarTender administrator.When this is the case,you do not need to configure the print service to use the BarTender Mobile App to print;you need only to connect to it.For more information,refer to the Managing Your Print Services section of this document.Downloading the BarTender Mobile AppYou can download the BarTender Mobile App from the Google Play store.The app is free to download and does not require a BarTender product key code.Search for"BarTender by Seagull",or use the following link:l https:///store/apps/details?id=com.seagullscientific.printportalThe BarTender Mobile App interface includes a navigation menu,which is displayed when you tapin the upper left corner.This menu includes the following options:l Discover Printers:Opens the Configure Printers page,which you can use to view,add,delete, and configure the printers that the app is connected to.Printers in your network areautomatically detected,and you can manually add printers as needed.For more information, refer to Managing Your Printers.l Print Services:Opens the Print Services page,which you can use to connect to a print service, add one or more print services to the app,and edit or delete a print service.For moreinformation,refer to Managing Your Print Services.l About:Displays version information,a link to online help documentation,and a list of the open-source licenses that the BarTender Mobile App uses.Click a license name to view its terms.Managing Your Print ServicesAfter you download the BarTender Mobile App,you must add a print service to the app(if one has not already been added for you by your administrator)and then connect to it to be able to print your documents.When you first open the BarTender Mobile App,the Print Services page is displayed.This page lists the print services that have been added to the app,if any,and provides options to add more print services and to edit or delete existing ones.To connect to a print service,tap to select it.To return to the Print Services page from another page in the app,tap,and then tap Print Services.Adding a Print ServiceTo add a print service to the app,follow these steps:1.On the Print Services page,tap.2.On the Add Print Service page,enter the following information for the print service that youwant to connect to:l A name for the print servicel The print service URL(this is the Print Portal URL for your installed instance of BarTender 2021or BarTender2022Print Portal,such as https://print.<companyname>.com/Browse)l The Print Router URL,which includes the port number that the print router uses(such as https://print.<company name>.com:5950/)3.Tap Save.Editing a Print ServiceTo edit the settings of an existing print service,follow these steps:1.On the Print Services page,tap Edit.2.On the Edit Print Service page,tap for the print service that you want.3.On the Edit Print Service page,make the changes that you want.4.Tap Save.The print service is displayed automatically.Deleting a Print ServiceTo delete a print service from the app,follow these steps:1.On the Print Services page,tap Edit.2.On the Edit Print Service page,tap for the print service that you want to delete.Switching to a Different Print ServiceIf you have configured more than one print service,you can switch to a different print service at any time.To do this,on the Print Services page,tap the print service that you want to switch to.Managing Your PrintersTypically,printers are added to a print service by your BarTender administrator.When this is the case, you do not need to add printers to the BarTender Mobile App to print your documents;you need only to connect to the print server that hosts the printers.However,in some cases,you might need to add one or more local printers to the app.This topic describes how to manage printers that are added to the app,not the printers that are hosted on a print service.Use the Configure Printers page to detect local printers,to manually add a printer to the app,and todelete a printer.To open the Configure Printers page,tap,and then tap Discover Printers. Detecting and Adding PrintersWhen you open the BarTender Mobile App,it automatically detects connected Bluetooth printers and connected network printers that use an IP address.These printers are then listed on the Configure Printers page.If the printer that you want is not listed,you can tap to instruct the app to detect connected printers and refresh the printer list.Or,you can manually add a printer to the list.When you do this, the added printer is shared with your print service when you connect to the service.The procedure to follow depends on whether the printer that you want to add is Bluetooth-enabled or is a network IP printer.Adding a Bluetooth PrinterTo manually add a Bluetooth printer,follow these steps:1.On the Configure Printers page,tap Tap to manually add printer.2.Tap Go to Bluetooth Settings.3.On your device's Bluetooth settings page,enable pairing if it is not already enabled,andthen select the printer that you want to add.4.In the BarTender Mobile App,tap Done.Adding a Network IP PrinterTo manually add a network IP printer,follow these steps:1.On the Configure Printers page,tap Tap to manually add printer.2.Tap Add Network Printer Manually.3.In the Add network printer manually dialog,enter the following information:l The IP address or host name for the printerl The port numberl The printer manufacturer name and model numberl The height and width of the labels to be printed(this information is required by most printers)l Offset information as needed4.Tap Save.5.Tap Done.Deleting PrintersYou can delete printers that you manually added to the app.To do this,tap next to the printer that you want to delete.Printing DocumentsAfter you connect to a print service,you can select documents that are hosted on the service and select a printer to send the print job to.The BarTender Mobile App supports data entry forms and query prompts,so you can add this data at print time.Occasionally,the BarTender Mobile App might be unable to send aprint job to the selected printer.If this occurs,the app notifies you sothat you can contact your administrator and request that a driver beadded to the print service server for the printer that you want.Selecting a Document to PrintTo select the document that you want to print,follow these steps:1.Open the BarTender Mobile App.2.Connect to the print service that you want to use,as follows:lIf you have not configured a print service,tap.On the Add Print Service page,enter a name,URL,and Print Router URL for the print service,and then tap Save.Theapp connects to and displays the print service.l If you have configured one print service,the app automatically connects to and displays it.l If you have configured more than one print service,the app lists them on the Print Services page.Tap the print service that you want to connect to and display it.3.Scroll through the displayed documents to find the document that you want.Alternatively,entera search term in the Search field.4.Tap the document to open it and to start the printing process.The BarTender Mobile App supports the BarTender2021and BarTender2022versions of Print Portal as print services.For more information about how to print a document in Print Portal,refer to Printing a Document in the Print Portal help system.You can also access the Print Portal help system in the BarTender Mobile App when the print serviceis displayed.To do this,tap,and then tap Help.Printing Your DocumentTo print a document,follow these steps:1.Locate the document that you want,and then tap it to open the Print dialog.2.In the Printer list,select the printer that you want.3.In the Copies field,enter the number of copies that you want to print.4.If your document contains serialized data,enter the number of serial numbers and the numberof copies per serial number that you want to print in the Serial Numbers and Copies per Serial Number fields.5.Tap Print.l If the Select Records dialog opens,select the records that you want to print,and then tap Print.l If a query prompt or data entry form is displayed,enter the required data,and then tap Print.The print job runs.6.In the Print dialog,review the print job details,and then click Close to return to the Print dialog.If you printed to a PDF,you can optionally tap Download to download a copy of the printeditems and/or tap Open and then select a PDF viewer to review the printed items.Using Print PreviewYou can view the document in Print Preview to verify that it is correct before you print it.Print Preview displays the printed items exactly as they will appear,including any data that is pulled from connected databases or entered from query prompts or data entry forms.To use Print Preview,follow these steps:1.Locate the document that you want,and then tap it to open the Print dialog.2.In the Printer list,select the printer that you want.3.In the Copies field,enter the number of copies that you want to print.4.If your document contains serialized data,enter the number of serial numbers and thenumber of copies per serial number that you want to print in the Serial Numbers and Copies per Serial Number fields.5.Tap Preview.l If the Select Records dialog opens,select the records that you want to print,and then tap Preview.l If a query prompt or data entry form is displayed,enter the required data,and then tap Preview.6.In the Print Preview dialog,a preview of your printed item is displayed.If your print jobincludes more than one page,you can tap Page and then select the page that you want to view.Tap Print to print the document,or tap Cancel to close Print Preview.TroubleshootingThe following answers to commonly asked questions provide solutions to help you troubleshoot your BarTender Mobile App configuration.Why doesn't my app connect to the print service?l Make sure that a Wi-Fi connection is available and that you are connected to the internet.l Make sure that the Wi-Fi capabilities of your mobile device are enabled.l Make sure that the print service that you are trying to connect to is turned on and functioning correctly.l If you still can't connect,turn off your device,turn it on again,open the BarTender Mobile App,and then try to connect again.Why can't I find a printer?l Make sure that one or more printers are available on Bluetooth or an IP port and are connected to the print service that you are using.l Make sure that the printer that you are trying to connect to is turned on and functioning correctly.l If you are connected to a printer but the document still is not printed,refer to Troubleshooting printing problems on the BarTender Support Center website.Why is my document displayed or printed incorrectly?l Verify that the document's formatting and settings are correct in BarTender Designer.For more information,refer to Modifying the Page Setup in the BarTender help system andthe"Template Design"articles on the BarTender Designer page of the BarTender SupportCenter website.Related DocumentationTechnical Documentsl BarTender2021Print Portall BarTender2022Print PortalTo view and download technical documents,visit:https:///resources/white-papers/Other Resourcesl BarTender Software Websitehttps://l BarTender Support Centerhttps://l BarTender Online Help Systemhttps://©2022Seagull Scientific,Inc.BarTender,Intelligent Templates,Drivers by Seagull,the BarTender logo,and the Drivers by Seagull logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagull Scientific, Inc.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.。
BarTender 是美国海鸥科技推出的一款优秀的条码打印软件,在条码行业应用最广泛,几乎支持所有的条码打印机。
一、设置页面根据标签的大小来设置要打印的页面格式,具体操作步骤见以下图片蓝色方框处:备注:创建页面后,需要先选择打印机,这里假设当前的打印机是TEC B-462-R,这样才方便进行后续的排版等操作。
设置的标签大小应该跟实际的标签大小一致,纸张因为有页边距,所以比实际大小要大一些!二、内容录入Bartender的界面录入以图形化为主,在工具栏上提供了一序列的模板,直接选择相应的模板后,然后再在下面的空白处点一下就可以创建相应的条形码,具体操作参考下面图片蓝色方框处:1、创建一维条形码2、创建二维条形码:备注:上面是选择相应的二维条形码码制,我们假设当前的二维码是当前用得最广泛的QC CODE条形码,选择该码制后,然后单击确定。
天津国聚科技有限公司 2014/11/18
• 第一章 基本应用
– – – – – – – – – 1.单行单列标签创建 2.一行多列标签创建 3.文本建立 4.条码建立 5.序列化设置 6.条码中连接字段的建立 7.打印机属性设置 8.下载字体到打印机 9.把标签档案打印成TSPL语言
• 2).选择已经安装的打印机驱动型号,点击“下一步”
• 3).默认选择指定自订设定,点击“下一步”
• 4).标签一行一列时选择每页包含一个项目,点击“下一步”。
• 5).根据需要选择侧边是否有未使用的材料
• 问题描述:使用软件时提示试用版本,并提示30天后过期。 • 解决方案:屏蔽试用功能。 (10.0以前版本)选择菜单文件/帮助试 用功能试用功能,取消启用试用功能即可(如左图),(在10.0版本) 选择菜单帮助版本选取,选择版本UltraLite(如右图),这样软件就 只显示可正常使用的功能。
• 问题描述:打印出的内容不在正确位置。 • 解决方案如下: • 1)请先确定打印机走纸正常。 • 2)核对软件中的标签设置。 在标签空白处双击, 弹出“页 面设置”窗口,测量实际使用 的标签宽度和高度,其中宽度 是指底纸的宽度,高度是指实 际粘贴的标签高度,不包括上 下间隙值在内。设置完成可查 看右边的预览标签参数,如果 与实际参数有出入请点击向导 修改。(设置方法请参看第一章 基本应用中的标签创建)
• 4).文本序列化(如欲打印3张标签,每张标签内容分别为:001、 002、003)。在文字范例上双击,出现文字属性窗口,点击窗口左侧 红色标记处,在窗口右侧资料来源下红色标记处编辑欲打印的文字内 容(001),点击窗口右侧转换序列化末尾的小图标。
点开始――所有程序出现了BarTender 9.20 安装成功。
Code 128表示条码随便自己编写,通常为8位,如用这种格式扫描枪扫描不出来的话可以在扫描枪说明书上找到开启Code 128的说明,扫描一下即可。
打印界面有个序列标签数,此设置针对于使用Code 128格式,如果我们填写了此项(默认序列是向上加的,比如我这个编辑的条码是001,那么如果我序列数量为3,那么打印机将会依次打印出001,002,003三个标签),在打印时提示没有数据源被设置为序列化,我们可以双击此条码,在数据源中选择更多选项,在序列设置中将序列打上勾,底下还有增量和减量的选择及序列的间隔设置,设置好后关闭,然后确定就可以了。
点开始――所有程序出现了BarTender 9.20 安装成功。
Code 128表示条码随便自己编写,通常为8位,如用这种格式扫描枪扫描不出来的话可以在扫描枪说明书上找到开启Code 128的说明,扫描一下即可。
打印界面有个序列标签数,此设置针对于使用Code 128格式,如果我们填写了此项(默认序列是向上加的,比如我这个编辑的条码是001,那么如果我序列数量为3,那么打印机将会依次打印出001,002,003三个标签),在打印时提示没有数据源被设置为序列化,我们可以双击此条码,在数据源中选择更多选项,在序列设置中将序列打上勾,底下还有增量和减量的选择及序列的间隔设置,设置好后关闭,然后确定就可以了。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
BarTender 10使用
•BarTender是由美国seagull scientific推出的一款优秀的条码打印软件。
BarTender 是最快速,最容易设计专业、高质量标签的条码打印软件。
BarTender 是一个行业领先的标签设计和条形码软件。
• 1.单行单列标签创建
• 2.一行多列标签创建
• 3.文本建立
• 4.条码建立
• 5.条码中连接字段的建立
• 6.打印机属性设置
•7). 修改标签宽度和高度后点击“完成”
• 6).打印(无序列化时)。
序列化设置请参看第二章基本应用 3.文本建立4)文本序列化)
• 1.如何屏蔽试用功能
• 2.软件打印出的内容出现随意变更
• 3.打印标签位置偏移
• 4.连接打印机总提示“发现新硬件”的问题• 5.打印的条码与软件中显示的不一样
• 6.打印QRCODE中文乱码
•10. 没有数据源被设置为序列化
(10.0以前版本)选择菜单文件/帮助试用功能试用功能,取消启用试用功能即可(如左图),(在10.0版本) 选择菜单帮助版本选取,选择版本UltraLite(如右图),这样软件就只显示可正常使用的功能。
• 问题描述:打印出的内容不在正确位置。
• 解决方案如下:
• 1)请先确定打印机走纸正常。