



人性的弱点读后感英文English:After reading "Human Weakness," I was struck by the raw honesty and vulnerability of the characters portrayed in the story. The author beautifully captured the struggles and flaws that make us human, showing how easily we can be swayed by our desires and emotions. From pride and jealousy to fear and greed, each character's weaknesses were laid bare, highlighting the darker aspects of human nature. Despite their best intentions, they were ultimately consumed by their own weaknesses, leading to their downfall. This story serves as a powerful reminder of the fragility of the human spirit and the importance of self-awareness in overcoming our weaknesses.中文翻译:阅读了《人性的弱点》,我被故事中描绘的人物的真实诚实和脆弱所震撼。



人性的弱点 英文读后感

人性的弱点 英文读后感

人性的弱点英文读后感Human Weaknesses: A Reflection on Human Nature。

Human beings are complex creatures, capable of great kindness and compassion, but also of deep flaws and weaknesses. In literature and in life, we often see these weaknesses manifested in various ways, and it is through exploring and understanding these flaws that we can gain insight into the human condition.One of the most common human weaknesses is the tendency to succumb to temptation. Whether it is the allure of material wealth, the temptation of power, or the pull of forbidden desires, humans often find themselves unable to resist the siren call of temptation. This weakness is beautifully portrayed in literature, such as in the character of Macbeth in Shakespeare's play of the same name. Macbeth's ambition and desire for power lead him to commit heinous acts, ultimately leading to his downfall. This serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of thedestructive power of unchecked desires.Another prevalent weakness in human nature is the tendency to give in to fear and insecurity. Many people are driven by a deep-seated fear of failure, rejection, or the unknown, which can lead to a life of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential. This theme is poignantly depicted in F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel "The Great Gatsby," where the characters are consumed by their insecurities and fears, ultimately leading to tragic consequences. This serves as a reminder of the importance of confronting our fears and insecurities, rather than allowing them to dictate our actions and choices.Furthermore, human beings are often susceptible to the weaknesses of pride and arrogance. The desire for recognition and validation can lead individuals to become overly self-absorbed and blind to the needs and feelings of others. This is a theme that is explored in countless works of literature, such as in the character of Dorian Gray in Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray." Dorian's vanity and self-absorption lead him down a dark and destructivepath, serving as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked pride and arrogance.In addition, another common human weakness is the tendency to be swayed by emotions, often leading to irrational and impulsive behavior. This is a theme that is explored in many literary works, such as in the character of Heathcliff in Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights." Heathcliff's intense emotions and inability to control his impulses lead to a life of pain and suffering, serving as a reminder of the destructive power of unchecked emotions.Ultimately, the exploration of human weaknesses in literature serves as a mirror to our own lives, allowing us to recognize and understand the flaws and weaknesses within ourselves. By confronting and acknowledging these weaknesses, we can strive to overcome them and become better, more compassionate, and more understanding individuals. This is the power of literature – to hold up a mirror to human nature and to challenge us to be better. As we continue to explore the depths of human weakness, wecan gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.。



关于人性的弱点英文读后感800字Human weaknesses are a fascinating topic to explore, and reading about them made me reflect on my own struggles and limitations. The article I read delved into several aspects of our nature that can lead us astray, from greed and complacency to fear and prejudice. Here are some of my thoughts on the subject.One of the most striking observations in the text was how people tend to overestimate their own abilities and achievements while downplaying those of others. This phenomenon, known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, is a consequence of our tendency to rely on our subjective view of ourselves rather than objective evidence. It can lead to disastrous consequences, such as people taking on tasks they are not competent to handle, ignoring experts' advice, or becoming arrogant and defensive when challenged. I could see this pattern in my own life as well, especially in situations where I felt threatened or vulnerable.Another weakness of human nature that caught my attention was our susceptibility to authority and conformity. As social animals, we instinctively seek approval from our peers and leaders, even at the cost of our integrity or sense of morality. This was evident in the famous Milgram experiment, where participants were willing to deliver lethal electric shocks to an innocent person simply because an authority figure told them to. It also manifests in groupthink or herd behavior, where people blindly follow the opinions and actions of others without questioning their validity or consequences. While conformity can have positive effects, such as promoting cohesion and cooperation, it can also lead to group polarization, intolerance, or even violence when taken to extremes.A related issue of human weakness is our tendency to favor our own group, tribe, or nation over others, often at the expense of fairness, empathy, or reason. This is called in-group bias, and it affects our judgments, emotions, and behavior in subtle and insidious ways. It can lead to stereotypes, discrimination, or even genocide, as history has shown repeatedly. Nevertheless, in-group bias is not inevitable or immutable; it can be countered by exposure to diverse perspectives, education, and moral reasoning. As the article suggests, awareness of our biases is the first step to overcoming them.Finally, the text touched on the topic of procrastination, which is a pervasive and vexing problem for many people, including myself. The article explained that procrastination is not just a lack of willpower or laziness, as some people assume, but a complex interplay of emotions, thoughts, and context. It is rooted in our fear of failure, our avoidance of discomfort, and our distorted perception of time and priorities. To overcome procrastination, we need to identify our specific triggers, challenge our irrational beliefs, and adopt effective strategies such as breaking down tasks into smaller steps, scheduling deadlines, or seeking accountability. This was a valuable insight for me, and I hope to apply it in my own life.In conclusion, reading about human weaknesses was both enlightening and challenging. I realized that I am not immune to the pitfalls of our nature, but that I can also learn from them and strive to be more aware, compassionate, and rational. By acknowledging our weaknesses, we can become stronger and moreresilient, both as individuals and as a society.Expanding on the topic of human weaknesses, one cannot ignore the tendency for greed and materialism, something that plagues humanity today. The desire for more possessions, money, power, and status often clouds our judgment, leading to unethical and harmful behavior. The recent scandals in the corporate world, the widening gap between the rich and poor, and the destruction of the environment all stem from our insatiable thirst for more. Furthermore, greed can give rise to other vices such as lying, cheating, or exploiting others, leading to a breakdown of trust and social harmony. It is essential to cultivate a sense of contentment, generosity, and ethical responsibility to counteract the corrosive effects of greed and materialism.Another weakness of human nature is complacency, a state of satisfaction or comfort that leads us to neglect our goals, values, and relationships. Complacency can arise from success, routine, or fear of change, making it difficult to pursue new challenges or passions. It can also breed indifference, apathy, or cynicism, eroding our hopes and aspirations. However, complacency can be overcome by fostering a growth mindset, embracing uncertainty, and constantly renewing our motivations and inspirations. By seeking continuous learning, improvement, and innovation, we can avoid the trap of complacency and achieve our fullest potential. Lastly, fear and anxiety are common human weaknesses that prevent us from living fully and authentically. Fear can take many forms, such as fear of failure, rejection, judgment, or even success. It can paralyze us, leading us to avoid risks, opportunities, or relationships that would enrich our lives. Anxiety, on the otherhand, is a general feeling of unease or agitation that can arise from various sources, such as uncertainty, trauma, or chemical imbalances. It can disrupt our cognitive and emotional functioning, leading to insomnia, panic attacks, or depression. However, fear and anxiety can be managed by various coping mechanisms such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or medication. It is crucial to seek help and support when these emotions become overwhelming, as they can impact our health and wellbeing.In conclusion, exploring human weaknesses can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor that helps us understand ourselves and others better. By acknowledging our weaknesses and vulnerabilities, we can become more empathetic, tolerant, and compassionate towards others, leading to a more harmonious and equitable society. Furthermore, by working on ourselves, we can overcome our limitations and achieve our fullest potential, leading to a fulfilling and meaningful life.。



卡耐基人性的弱点英语读后感After reading "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie, I couldn't help but reflect on the various weaknesses of human nature that the book illuminated. The author delves into the intricacies of human behavior and sheds light on the inherent weaknesses that we all possess, whether we like to admit it or not.One of the primary weaknesses that Carnegie discusses is the desire for importance and recognition. He explains how individuals are often driven by the need to feel valued and esteemed by others. This resonated with me as I reflected on my own experiences and observed similar behaviors in those around me. It made me realize that our actions and decisions are often influenced by our innate desire for validation and acknowledgment.Another weakness that Carnegie addresses is the reluctance to admit fault. He emphasizes how people are quick to defend themselves and make excuses rather than accepting responsibility for their mistakes. This reluctance to admit fault stems from the fear of being perceived as weak or incompetent. It made me reflect on my own behavior and recognize instances where I may have been hesitant to admit my faults.Additionally, Carnegie discusses the tendency for individuals to criticize and condemn others. He highlights how people are quick to find fault in others without considering their own imperfections. This weakness struck a chord with me as I reflected on the times when I may have been overly critical of others. It made me realize the importance of empathy and understanding in our interactions with others.Furthermore, Carnegie addresses the inherent desire for attention and the need to feel understood. He explains how individuals are often consumed by their own thoughts and concerns, making it difficult for them to genuinely listen and understand others. This weakness made me reflect on my own interactions and recognize the importance of active listening and empathy in building meaningful connections with others.Moreover, Carnegie emphasizes the human tendency toresist change and cling to familiarity. He discusses how people are often resistant to new ideas and ways of thinking, opting to stick to what is comfortable and familiar. This weakness resonated with me as I reflected on my own resistance to change in certain aspects of my life. It made me recognize the importance of embracing change and being open to new perspectives.In addition, Carnegie discusses the tendency for individuals to feel a sense of entitlement and superiority. He explains how people often believe they deserve special treatment and are quick to look down on others. This weakness made me reflect on my own behavior and recognize the importance of humility and gratitude.Overall, reading "How to Win Friends and Influence People" gave me a deeper understanding of the weaknesses inherent in human nature. It made me reflect on my own behavior and interactions with others, prompting me to strive for self-improvement and better understanding of the complexities of human nature. Carnegie's insights have undoubtedly had a profound impact on my perspective, and I am committed to applying his teachings to my personal and professional relationships.。





英文名著人性的弱点读后感1I have never been to Troy, but David Maule made me feel as if I were standing on the high wall of Troy, watching the fierce war. Thanks to this British author, who adapted the famous Homer’s poem into a lively story, I found it easier to understand this story. Though the story happened over 3000 years ago in a remote place, I was deeply fascinated by it.The mysterious plot is one of the reasons why I loved The Story of Troy so much, yet I am more interested in the human heroes of the war.Hector was the eldest son of king of Troy, Priam. He was not only a real hero of Trojan, but was regarded the highest moral hero in Greek classic by later historians. The war started because of the mischief of his brother, Paris, whom he didn’t appreciate. However, since Hector was the commander of the Trojan army, he was obliged to fight with all force. It was really a tragedy that such a valiant man died in the duel with another great warrior, Achilles.It is natural to see death in a war. As a famous Chinese parable says, “A life can be as slight as a piece of feather, or as wei ghty as Mount Tai.” Sometimes, one’s glory walks hand in hand with one’s doom. Achilles was such a typical person. His personal charm made The Story of Troy more attractive. He was so crucial because his every appearance in a war encouraged hisfellow soldiers and terrified the enemies. Actually, Achilles was half-god who was almost invincible in people’s mind. That’s why his name was memorized long after his death.Besides the two great men, the wisdom of Odysseus also proved him to be a great hero. He did n’t want to attend the war because he was happily married and had a lovely son. However, since his country was allied to Mycenae, he had to take the command given by the king of Mycenae. I’m quite sure that the story of the wooden horse is widely known, however, few people know who thought of the brilliant idea, that’s why I admired Odysseus so much because he was the person who got the idea. Thanks to the horse, the ten-year war came to an end at last. If you want to know how the wooden horse worked, just read the book.The ancient Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses also played important roles in the origin, process and ending of the whole story.The story of the golden apple was such an example. When Eris, the goddess of argument and disagreement, threw out the golden apple to a wedding ceremony on Mount Olympus, a dispute happened. Hera, the queen of gods, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, were all involved in the argument for the apple. None of them was willing to give way, so they turned to Paris for a final judgment. Tempted by Aphrodite’s beauty and promise, Paris handed the apple to her. T o keep her word, Aphrodite helped him to get Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, as his wife. That was the cause of the war.Paris’s choice obviously annoyed the other two goddesses. So during the war, they helped the Greek alliance army whilesome other gods, such as Apollo and Aphrodite, guarded Troy. When Paris dueled with Helen’s former husband Menelaus, Aphrodite saved Paris when he was about to be finished off.After the duel between those two people, there was a truce between the Greek alliance and Troy. However, both Hera and Athena were not happy to see it. Hera pursued her husband ZEUS:“ Now, will you send Athena to make the Troyjans break the peace?”(Page 22) Then with Zeus’s permission, Athena went down to start the war again and finally she brought the Greeks to success.From the whole story, we can see that in ancient Greeks’ view, gods sometimes played a much more important role in their life. However, with the rapid development of science, we have learned that the Greek gods never existed. This is why a recent movie of Troy has not mentioned a single god. Everything happened due to men’s ambiti on, love, loyalty or jealousy. With those emotion and people’s effort, we human beings can accomplish wonders and be master of the world.God are of less importance than they used to be. Nonetheless, the gods and goddesses made The Story of Troy more mysterious and marvelous.I have learnt from the book more than the wonderful story of history, love and war. I believe that human can determine their destiny by their own. I highly recommend this book to my friends. 英文名著人性的弱点读后感2As early as the middle of the 20th century, when the economic downturn, inequality, war is the devil indelible human pursuit of a better life of the soul, of Carnegie, with his insight into human nature, a large number of ordinary people constantly strive to achieve the success stories, through him, The speechesand writings arouse the morale of many a confused, encourage them to a brilliant success, as Mr. Carnegie said: "A person's success, only 15 percent attributed to his expertise, 85 percent attributed to him Expression of thought, leading others and the ability to arouse the enthusiasm of others. ""The weakness of human nature," a book the author described as dealing, the rationale for doing things, so that impressed me most deeply in an article entitled "unfavorable factors will translate into success factor", there has been a story to inspire Me.Happen in 1929, a youth to the mountains to cut down Hill walnut, he wood pile in the car, drove home. Suddenly a wooden sliding down, he is Jizhuan Wan, the wood in the axle of the card, he bounced to a tree, the spine was injured. Since then both legs paralyzed.At that time, young people aged 24, since then, he has not traversed step Road, was considered a lifetime spent in a wheelchair. Zuonong the fate of his resentment, but with age Jianchang, he found no resistance on their help, only to become their own Jiansuankebo. Others are courteous and good to me, I should at least have to respond to the courtesy and good people.More than 10 years have passed, some people asked him think that is an unfortunate incident? He said: "No! I was almost glad that it happened." Shock and resentment that experience of the stage, he began reading the literature and culture from the hobby. 14, he read over 1,400 books, these books expand his vision, his life than in the past could have imagined even rich He also began listening to music, he moved before the symphony will only let him nap However, really the most important changes, or thought he had the time. "The first time in my life, the realintentions of the world to see and appreciate its value, experience of previous efforts to pursue a lot of things have no real value."Since reading, he began the political interest in his study of public issues, in a wheelchair a speech. He began to understand people, and people have begun to know him, because such efforts, a local political figures from elevated to a national political figure. The legend is that Al Smith. He was re-elected governor of New York 4 session - then no one has such a record. In 1958, he was elected as the Democratic presidential candidate, and the results achieved so hard to make up for his deficiencies are inseparable.James once said: "Their success is the most excited because some of the shortcomings of their potential." Yes, a lot of successful people is successful, because they have a capability, will be a negative factor for the successful conversion factor The ability of such capacity in general the depths of adversity, when almost no transfer will be inspired by, if Zhang Lincoln in a rich family, perhaps it can not become now the Americans can not forget a great leader.People always will be faced with difficult, in the face of failure, but this is not your retreat of the reasons people are above the other on biological, because he is extremely subjective initiative, he can to change some things, but not forever Quietly waiting for extinction. Life is not the most important thing you have used to measure the real important issue is how you from the loss of profit. This requires wisdom, it also shows the Sophia Xia Yu, the fate of each person to a lemon acid, it into a cup of sweet lemonade, this is our need to do, Carnegie, said: " True happiness is not pleasant, it is more than a victory. "Right, sometimes you win in possession of forged by the unfortunate, it is not in itselfbe good, but your training. Is you get rich inner world, can only become a victory.Also as the title "human weakness", is full of human weaknesses, but because there are weaknesses, we may look forward to tomorrow will be better, be more perfect.。




人性的弱点读后感英文版篇一:Insight to and the hearts of the father of< human weakness>, a book author is known as "adult education" from the United States Carnegie, as in the book, the author introduces in the 20th century half leaf of the United States, when the economy is not stagnant, inequality, war demon is indelible human pursuit of a better life, Mr. Carnegie in his human nature, the use of a large number of ordinary people will continue to strive to achieve success story, through his speech, his speech and writings inspire many lost morale, encouraging them to achieve brilliant success. It is the article introduction, so that I have a thick interest to know the inside what to write what, unexpectedly have so big strength.Read Carnegie's works, I know that here a book to teach people how to behave, this book is just the right that is about to enter the community our, learn how to treat people doing things, is not only beneficial to the improvement of their ability, make us better to integrate into society, so as to achieve success, but also conducive to the integration of the relationship between themselves and the surrounding people, make others happy, also let you happy.In fact, the relationship between people is very subtle, a look, a word will have an impact on the people around.For example, in the face of friends, we should learn to be tolerant, especially when facing the friend's negligence, should have a tolerant heart, as Carnegie said: "the criticism not only will not change the facts, but will lead to resentment." a carefultreatment of the so-called "criticism". One of the basic criteria, this is with friends get along but in the usual face of a friend, should learn how to admire sincerely friend, everybody wants to be sure to be appreciated when friends succeed, give the most sincere appreciation, it is very impressive. "Every day in your life journey, don't forget to leave a little warmth of praise for the world. This little sparkle will burn the flame of friendship." Carnegie's remarks are really straight into people. A friend is a very important part of our life, we should cherish, to know how to treat this rare. Huayi.Then how to treat a stranger you? When we walked into a group, enter the society, will encounter all sorts of we do not know the how to treat?? in fact, the truth is interlinked, when we deal with the same must respect his personal opinion, and friendly towards others, don't put your opinions on others, because everyone is equal, you have your idea, I also have my thoughts, so only when we respect each other and friendly, will achieve together to solve a problem."Jianghai reason for the king of a hundred valley because know living is low, can become the king of the 100 Valley". This sentence Carnegie words must remember.In fact, we should properly treat themselves, and the first thing we need to do is learn to love themselves, Shi Mai writes Libulandun in a Book: "degree appropriate to the magnitude of the 'love' for every normal person is very healthy, in order to work or to achieve a certain goal, moderate concern as being necessary." Carnegie this also very sure. In fact, like oneself is also a kind of self-confidence, so learn to like yourself is very important.In addition, we should go out or away from loneliness. Inmodern alone is a common problem, no matter who, the heart always in a moment, for a period of time feel lonely, perhaps after leaving home, perhaps after the death of their loved ones, in short no matter when, we should diligently toward the sun light, the dark behind. As Carnegie said: "if we want to overcome loneliness, must be far away from self pity the shadow, brave into full of bright people. We want to get to know people, to make new friends."In this book < human weakness>, not directly tell us human nature which weaknesses. It tells us what to do. In fact, those who tell us that we can not to the is our human weaknesses, so from this book, I benefited enormously.人性的弱点读后感英文版篇二:The best-selling book how to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie is mainly made up of 6 parts, the first of which is Fundamental Techniques In Handling People.In this chapter, Carnegie gives us readers plenty of advice on dealing with others in our everyday work and life,such as learn to understand and forgive instead of complaining and condemning others. In the second part,the book introduces 6 methods that can make you a popular guy around people. When it comes to the third chapter,it’s the longest part of this book,which means it could be the most significant part. In this part, twelve principles are listed to help win people to our way of thinking.Then Nine Ways To Change People Without Giving Offence Or Arousing Resentment comes as the forth part. The name of the fifth chapter is Letters That Produced Miraculous Results. Though this chapter is a little bit short, but it’s as useful as the last four parts,teaching us how to win trust and friendship through asking others for a favor which gives them a feel of importance byanalyzing a letter and the examples of Ben Franklin as well as Dale’s student,Albert B. Amsel. The final chapter of the book is about family life called Seven Rules for Making Your Home Life Happier including 7 rules for couples to build a harmony family.Actually, apart from this 6 chapters,the book also has its preface just like any other ones. Carnegie not only talked about the reason why he made up his mind to write this book,but also wrote down eight suggestions on how to get the most of the book.Rather than using dull and elusive language, Carnegie used common language while making the book full of examples. I appreciate this as it contributes to my reading interest.Moreover, apart from adopting mottoes, he not only took those who were his friends as examples, but also world-famous celebrities, like Lincolne and Francklin and so on. Such writing skill makes the demonstrate of the book more solid. I would like to mention that in this book, all the examples are linked in a flexible way,which adds to its readability.In the final part of my passage, I would to talking about my comprehension of Carnegie’s ideas. I can’t agree more with this sentence,"If You Want To Gather Honey, Don't Kick Over The Beehive". When we get a upset situation we are not recommended to pin all the blame on others. Criticism is dangerous,because it wounds a person's precious pride, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses resentment. Let’s place ourselves in the position of those who have made a serious mistake. We ourselves are also in a terrible mood for misdoing something important, and what we actually need are consolation and encouragement but not the bitter words that frustrate us. So just follow Carne gie’s suggestions. Show our tolerance andpatience instead of criticizing, understanding wins more than criticism.Carnegie also told us to let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers to win cooperation. This makes sense in business and politics. In everyday life, when we are urged to buy something by a salesman, we always turn our back on them. But why we act like this, according to Carnegie, because we don’t we need this at all. So here come the problem for a salesman, how to sell his products? Actually he just need introduce the product to the buyer in his place and ask the buyer’s advice on improving the product. In this way, as the buyer is asked, he feels like being involved in the designing process, thus buying this product is in the nature of things. In our everyday teamwork, it is the same that we should combine every teammates’ idea together.However, every book should be read with reservation. As this is a book published more than 70 years ago, something might have changed and some ideas in the book had become useless. For example, “You’re wrong .” is never recommended by Carnegie in this book. This time i can say that i am in favor of his idea. I think when we notice someone making a mistake, we should point it out as a warning for him. Manty people might think that such behaviour is rude and embarrassing, but in today’s high-speed society, a direct “You’ re wrong.” is may be more effective than many periphrastic reminds because you can realize your mistake easily and correct it at once to avoid further lost.[人性的弱点读后感英文版]。



[英语作文]2021经典的人性的弱点英语读后感2021经典的人性的弱点英语读后感人性的弱点英语读后感:Book the weakness of human nature is in the 20th century, Mr Dale Carnegie, inequality, war and other economic recession demon was banished when the human mind to pursue a better life book, Mr Carnegie with insight on human nature, using a large number of ordinary people constantly success story, aroused countless confused the morale, motivate their brilliant success. Today, Icross the boundaries of time and place, read Mr Carnegie's thought essence,still benefit a lot.Mr Carnegie said: "a man's success, and only fifteen percent due to his professional knowledge, and eighty-five percent to express his ideas, leading others and the ability to arouse the enthusiasm of others." But Mr Carnegie's book, no doubt, is through various examples and deep analysis of humanity, to inspire you to fight, will give you the ability to eighty percent.Reread the Carnegie's book, feel like as an example, this work is not atext as the example, but a person as the example. Both in interpersonal communication, and in thinking is low, and you can find in the book, the corresponding story and the truth, that I be suddenly enlightened. I realized that in the book of the most important thing, is how to make friends, lover, friend. When I first got into the university, may be due to I don't like this professional relationship, feel oneself is also at odds with the college classmates, feel and they are not the same person. A little proud at the same time, it is lonely. So I opened a human weaknesses, find the chapter about dating. Mr Carnegie said: "want to make contact. Don't assume that aimlesslyout looking for, then you will find it beneficial to your friends. Communication is usually occurs when there is a purpose. You like your own goals, that the path of the interlaced with others, just can produce communication, also can contact to the actual benefit to friends, so the chances of success will be revealed, Mr Carnegie also lists the successful example of a girl named Elizabeth. Elizabeth lady is a woman is an eye doctor, she by participating in various school amateur troupe, religious activities, party, etc. Expand your circle of friends. She also took part in their owntown of women's groups, and soon became President.In the activity, when she makes time to travel abroad for the knowledge production of a slide show for everyone to see, shortens the distance between yourself and friends. She put your life rich and colorful, and constantly expand your circle of friends. Now miss Elizabeth became a vision not only identification of the President of the association, or the governor highway commission directly under one of the three women. In this way, she is not only in a short period of time for the public's respect and trust, life more rich and colorful, and on the way to succeed, exchanges in many like-minded friends. So, I got it. Success is in their pursuit of the goal of crisscross of with others on the road, but not in dissatisfaction, complaining about the implement, and in the struggle of the road, will naturally have a lot of friends. I no longer depressed life in dissatisfaction with the status quo,but positive efforts to life. I was on the college students, the school students art troupe, and actively prepare professional courses, and actively participate in various activities of the college desired. Now, my life is very rich and colorful, not only successfully turned to their professional interest, and in the assembly students access to a lot of very good people, we learnfrom each other in the common work, established a deep friendship. In art troupe, seen a lot of love dance friends; In the new school and make morelike-minded share a common ideal of friends. , of course, this article Mr Carnegie just tell us how to create opportunities and make good friends in the process of striving, after when we have these success and friends, and we have a heart to maintain.Read "the weakness of human nature" every article aware, each chapter. I believe that the test of time and area experienced the storied book, stillwill bring you in my life is not the general change.参考翻译:人性的弱点一书是戴尔卡耐基先生在二十世纪上半叶,经济不景气、不平等、战争等恶魔正在磨灭人类最求美好生活的心灵时著作的,卡耐基先生以对人性的洞见,利用大量普通人不断取得成功的故事,唤起了无数陷入迷茫着的斗志,激励他们取得辉煌的成功。



The Book ReportIn today's societies, relationships play a very important role. It can affect aperson's future, affect people's living environment, and sometimes evendetermine the extent of happy life. University is half society, learning to dealwith interpersonal relationships in college is of great important for the careerdevelopment of graduation college students and has a positive effect on livingenvironment. Moreover, the university itself needs us to deal with relationshipsbetween students, between teachers and students, among roommates,between friends, etc. We have to continue to coordinate, to find the optimalapproach to deal with interpersonal relationships. After reading the book"HOWTO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE"written by Dale Carnegie, I havedeeper understanding and insight to human nature and the interpersonalrelationship.Especially the book was cited examples of life, which gave me a lotof inspiration, and I changed some of my views on the matter. It also affectedmy attitude towards future work to some extent.There are four parts in this book. Part one: Fundamental Techniques inHandling People, part two: Six Ways to Make People Like You, part three: Howto Win People to Your Way of Thinking, part three: How to Win People to YourWay of Thinking, part four: Be a Leader: How to Change People Without GivingOffense or Arousing Resentment. In the depths of these words, I had a verystrong resonance with the author. This is why it is my favorite book. The mostimpressed part in the book is the essay which tells that a father who felt guiltyabout his criticism to his son came to his son's beside to apologize for what hehas done. The essay let me understand that we should try to understand andpardon others instead of condemning them. I am also touched by the great lovebetween the father and the son.After reading this book, I benefit a lot from it. This book has repeatedlyconveyed to the readers an idea, which is to be good at getting along with othersand to become a communication expert, and this idea can not only make life gomore smoothly but also make others live a happy life. Whether at any stage oflife, to learn how to treat people is very important. After a year of college life, Ideeply realize that people who are gifted at communicating with others arealways welcome and themselves are to live relatively happy. On the other hand,I get six principles to make people like me. When we communicate with others,we should become genuinelyinterested in other people and encourage others totalk about themselves. I think the most significant way is smiling. What's more,I learn how to win people to my way of thinking. In the twelve principles, I thinkthe greatest principle is that show respect for the other person's opinions andnever say "you are wrong", which help me a lot when I talk with others.In this book, in general, I appreciate the most is to strive to become ahappy man. To be a master of communication, find a better life and devoteyourself to society with a forgiving heart. All of us need friendship. Only with thehelp of friends and relatives can we deal with problems more efficient andbetter. The book just tells us how to win friends and establish goodrelationships. In a word, all of these principles teach me to build greaterself-confidence, enhance communication skills, and develop leadership skills,which will play an important role in my future. I will put the principle intopractice and make a difference.。

关于人性的弱点英文读后感800字 (2)

关于人性的弱点英文读后感800字 (2)

关于人性的弱点英文读后感800字After reading "The Weaknesses of Human Nature," my sense of vulnerability and awareness of my own flaws have been heightened. This book delves deep into the inner workings of human behavior and exposes the weaknesses that make us susceptible to manipulation and self-destruction.Written by Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman, along with Amos Tversky, the book discusses the authors' research into biases and heuristics – mental shortcuts that our brains take to make decisions quickly but sometimes inaccurately. The book aims to explain why we often make poor decisions and what can be done to mitigate these tendencies.The authors begin by describing the two systems of our mind – the automatic and the intentional. The automatic system is fast and emotional, while the intentional system is slow and deliberative. They argue that we often rely too heavily on the automatic system, resulting in errors and misjudgments. The book explains how this happens and provides examples that many of us can relate to.As a reader, I found myself nodding along as I recognized my own biases and heuristics in the book's examples. The authors wrote in an engaging and accessible tone that made complex ideas easy to understand. For example, they used the concept offraming to explain how the way a question is phrased can influence our answer. The example they gave was asking people if they would choose a medical treatment with a 90% success rate, as opposed to a 10% failure rate. More people were likely to choose the former, even though the two options are identical.Overall, I believe that this book is essential for anyone who wants to understand how humans make decisions and why we often make mistakes. It offers practical advice on how to overcome our cognitive biases and heuristics, which can ultimately lead to better decision-making.For me, the biggest takeaway was that being aware of our own biases is the first step towards overcoming them. By acknowledging that we are flawed, we can take steps to mitigate our susceptibility to certain manipulations or misjudgments. However, I also believe that it's important to have a degree of empathy for others' mistakes as well, as we are all subject to weaknesses in our own unique ways.In conclusion, I highly recommend "The Weaknesses of Human Nature" to anyone interested in understanding the intricacies of decision-making and the flaws that make us human. The book's engaging and accessible writing style, combined with its practical advice, make it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their own decision-making processes.。



人性的弱点英文读后感Human Weaknesses: A ReflectionHuman weaknesses are an inevitable part of our existence. We all have moments of vulnerability, times when we succumb to our shortcomings and fail to live up to our own expectations. These weaknesses can manifest in avariety of ways, from our inability to resist temptation to our tendency to give in to fear or insecurity. In this reflection, I will explore some of the most common human weaknesses and consider how they impact our lives.One of the most prevalent human weaknesses is our susceptibility to temptation. Whether it's the temptation to indulge in unhealthy foods, to procrastinate instead of completing important tasks, or to engage in behaviors that are harmful to ourselves or others, we all struggle with the allure of instant gratification. This weakness can have a significant impact on our lives, leading us to make choices that are not in our best interest and ultimatelyhindering our personal growth and development.Another common human weakness is our tendency to give in to fear. Fear can be a powerful motivator, but it can also hold us back from pursuing our goals and dreams. Whether it's the fear of failure, the fear of rejection, or the fear of the unknown, our fears can prevent us from taking risks and seizing opportunities. This weakness can limit our potential and prevent us from achieving the success and fulfillment we desire.In addition to temptation and fear, human weaknesses also include our propensity for insecurity and self-doubt. We often struggle with feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness, comparing ourselves to others and feeling as though we fall short. This weakness can lead to a lack of confidence and a reluctance to assert ourselves, holding us back from reaching our full potential and pursuing our ambitions.Furthermore, human weaknesses can also manifest in our tendency to give in to anger and impatience. We allexperience moments of frustration and irritation, and our inability to control these emotions can lead to conflict and tension in our relationships. This weakness can damage our connections with others and hinder our ability to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts in a healthy manner.Despite the prevalence of these weaknesses, it's important to recognize that they are a natural part of the human experience. We all have moments of weakness, and it's okay to acknowledge and accept them. However, it's also important to strive to overcome these weaknesses and develop the resilience and self-discipline to resist temptation, confront our fears, build confidence, and manage our emotions.One way to address our weaknesses is through self-reflection and introspection. By taking the time to examine our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we can gain insight into the root causes of our weaknesses and develop strategies to overcome them. This may involve seeking support from friends, family, or mental healthprofessionals, as well as practicing self-care and mindfulness techniques to build our emotional resilience.Additionally, cultivating a growth mindset can help us reframe our weaknesses as opportunities for learning and personal growth. Instead of viewing our weaknesses as insurmountable obstacles, we can see them as areas for improvement and development. By embracing a mindset of continuous learning and self-improvement, we can work towards overcoming our weaknesses and becoming the best versions of ourselves.In conclusion, human weaknesses are a natural and inevitable part of our existence. Whether it's our susceptibility to temptation, our tendency to give in to fear and insecurity, or our struggles with anger and impatience, we all have moments of vulnerability. However, by acknowledging and addressing our weaknesses, we can work towards personal growth and development. Through self-reflection, seeking support, and cultivating a growth mindset, we can overcome our weaknesses and strive to live fulfilling and meaningful lives.。



人性的弱点读后感英文英文回答:The Weakness of Human Nature is a thought-provokingbook that explores the shortcomings of humanity. Carnegie argues that our weaknesses stem from our innate desires for approval, power, and wealth. These desires can lead us to engage in selfish and destructive behaviors, both towards ourselves and others.Carnegie provides numerous examples of how our weaknesses can manifest in our daily lives. He discussesthe tendency to gossip, criticize others, and indulge inself-pity. He also explores the ways in which we can be manipulated by others who prey on our insecurities.While Carnegie's book is a sobering reminder of theflaws of human nature, it also offers hope. He argues that we can overcome our weaknesses by developing self-awareness, empathy, and a sense of purpose. By understanding our ownmotives and the motivations of others, we can make better choices and live more fulfilling lives.中文回答:《人性的弱点》是一本发人深省的书,探讨了人类的不足。



人性的弱点读后感英文The Weaknesses of Human Nature。

After reading the book "The Weaknesses of Human Nature," I was left with a profound sense of reflection on the nature of humanity and the inherent weaknesses that we all possess. The author's exploration of these weaknesses, from greed and jealousy to pride and selfishness, was both enlightening and thought-provoking.One of the most striking aspects of the book was the author's ability to delve into the complexities of human nature without passing judgment. Instead, the book presented a nuanced and empathetic understanding of the various weaknesses that plague us all. This approach allowed me to see these weaknesses not as moral failings, but as inherent aspects of our humanity that we must grapple with.The book also shed light on the ways in which theseweaknesses manifest in our daily lives, from the small, seemingly insignificant moments to the larger, more impactful decisions we make. I found myself reflecting on my own experiences and recognizing the ways in which these weaknesses have influenced my own actions and interactions with others.In particular, the chapter on pride resonated with me deeply. The author's exploration of how pride can lead to destructive behavior and strained relationships was a powerful reminder of the importance of humility and self-awareness. I found myself examining my own tendencies towards pride and considering how I might work to overcome this weakness in myself.Additionally, the book's examination of the impact of these weaknesses on society as a whole was eye-opening. The author's discussion of how greed and selfishness can lead to inequality and social unrest highlighted the ways in which our individual weaknesses can have far-reaching consequences. It served as a powerful reminder of the importance of addressing these weaknesses not only on apersonal level, but also on a societal level.Ultimately, "The Weaknesses of Human Nature" left me with a sense of both introspection and hope. While it is undeniable that we all possess these weaknesses, the book also emphasized the potential for growth and change. By acknowledging and understanding these weaknesses, we can work towards overcoming them and becoming better, more compassionate individuals.In conclusion, "The Weaknesses of Human Nature" is a profound and insightful exploration of the complexities of humanity. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of self-reflection and empathy, and the potential for growth and change. I would highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the human experience.。



人性的弱点英文读后感篇一:《人性的弱点》读后感; The weakness of human nature; impression after reading I read this book in my high school. During this time, I learn that all people were have the weakness in their innermost.As early as the middle of the 20th century, when the economic downturn, inequality, war is the devil indelible human pursuit of a better life of the soul, of Carnegie, with his insight into human nature, a large number of ordinary people constantly strive to achieve the success stories, through him, The speeches and writings arouse the morale of many a confused, encourage them to a brilliant success, as Mr. Carnegie said: ;A person&#39;s success, only 15 percent attributed to his expertise, 85 percent attributed to him Expression of thought, leading others and the ability to arouse the enthusiasm of others. ;;The weakness of human nature,; a book the authordescribed as dealing, the rationale for doing things, so that impressed me most deeply in an article entitled ;unfavorable factors will translate into success factor;, there has been a story to inspire Me.Happen in 1929, a youth to the mountains to cut down Hill walnut, he wood pile in the car, drove home. Suddenlya wooden sliding down, he is Jizhuan Wan, the wood in the axle of the card, he bounced to a tree, the spine was injured. Since then both legs paralyzed.At that time, young people aged 24, since then, he has not traversed step Road, was considered a lifetime spent in a wheelchair. Zuonong the fate of his resentment, but with age Jianchang, he found no resistance on their help, only to become their own Jiansuankebo. Others are courteous and good to me, I should at least have to respond to the courtesy and good people.More than 10 years have passed, some people asked him think that is an unfortunate incident? ? He said: ;No! I was almost glad that it happened.; Shockand resentment that experience of the stage, he began reading the literature and culture from the hobby. 14, he read over 1,400 books, these books expand his vision, his life than in the past could have imagined even rich He also began listening to music, he moved before the symphony will only let him nap However, really the most important changes, or thought he had the time. ;The first time in my life, the real intentions of the world to see and appreciate its value, experience of previous efforts to pursue a lot of thingshave no real value.;Since reading, he began the political interest in his study of public issues, in a wheelchair a speech. He began to understand people, and people have begun to know him, because such efforts, a local political figures from elevated to a national political figure. The legend is that Al ? Smith. He was re-elected governor of New York 4 session - then no one has such a record. In 1958, he was elected as the Democratic presidential candidate, and the results achieved so hard to make up for his deficiencies are inseparable.James once said: ;Their success is the most excited because some of the shortcomings of their potential.; Yes, a lot of successful people is successful, because they have a capability, will be a negative factor for the successful conversion factor The ability of such capacity in general the depths of adversity, when almost no transfer will be inspired by, if Zhang Lincoln in a rich family, perhaps it can not become now the Americans can not forget a great leader.People always will be faced with difficult, in the face of failure, but this is not your retreat of the reasonspeople are above the other on biological, because he is extremely subjective initiative, he can to change some things, but not forever Quietly waiting for extinction. Life is not the most important thing ou have used to measure the real important issue is how you from the loss of profit. This requires wisdom, it also shows the Sophia Xia Yu, the fate of each person tyo a lemon acid, it into a cup of sweet lemonade, this is our need to do, Carnegie, said: ; True happiness is not pleasant,it is more than a victory. ;Right, sometimes you win in possession of forged by the unfortunate, it is not in itself be good, but your training. Is you get rich inner world, can only become a victory.Also as the title ;human weakness;, is full of human weaknesses, but because there are weaknesses, we may look forward to tomorrow will be better, be more perfect篇二:人性的弱点的读后感3篇《人性的弱点》读后感戴尔·卡内基是美国著名的人际关系学大师,西方现代人际关系教育的奠基人。



人性的弱点英文推荐稿作文英文,Weaknesses of human nature are something that we all have to deal with on a daily basis. Whether it's a lack of self-control, a tendency to give in to temptation, or a susceptibility to manipulation, our weaknesses can often lead us astray. One common weakness is the desire for instant gratification. For example, when I'm trying tostick to a healthy diet, I often find myself giving in to the temptation of fast food because it's quick and convenient, even though I know it's not good for me in the long run. Another weakness is the fear of failure. I often find myself hesitating to take risks or try new things because I'm afraid of failing or looking foolish. This fear can hold me back from reaching my full potential and experiencing new opportunities.中文,人性的弱点是我们每天都要面对的问题。



人性的弱点写一篇英语作文Human weaknesses are a fascinating and often overlooked aspect of our nature. We all have them, those little flaws that make us imperfect but also incredibly unique.Let's start with the urge to judge others. It's something we all do, whether consciously or unconsciously. We tend to compare ourselves to others, often unfairly, and pass judgments based on appearance, achievements, or even personality traits. But this habit can lead to a narrow-minded view of the world, failing to appreciate the diversity and complexity of human nature.Another weakness is our tendency to procrastinate. We all know that feeling of putting off tasks until the last minute, only to rush through them in a panic. This not only affects our efficiency but also our stress levels, leading to a constant cycle of anxiety and last-minute scrambling.The desire for instant gratification is another commonweakness. We want things now, and we want them easily. This can lead to impulsive decisions, unhealthy habits, and a lack of long-term planning. It's important to remember that true.。



人性的弱点英文作文People are flawed. We are easily swayed by our emotions, making us vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation. Our desire for acceptance and validation often leads us to compromise our values and beliefs. Moreover, our tendencyto prioritize short-term gratification over long-term benefits can hinder our growth and success. These weaknesses in human nature can have significant consequences in various aspects of our lives.In relationships, our need for love and companionship can blind us to the flaws and toxic behavior of others. We may ignore red flags and make excuses for their actions, hoping that things will change. This weakness in human nature often leads to unhealthy and abusive relationships, where we become trapped in a cycle of emotional pain and manipulation.In the pursuit of success, our fear of failure can prevent us from taking risks and exploring newopportunities. We may stick to what is familiar and comfortable, even if it means settling for mediocrity. This fear of stepping out of our comfort zone limits our potential and prevents us from reaching our goals.In decision-making, our cognitive biases can cloud our judgment and lead us astray. We may rely on heuristics and stereotypes, making snap judgments without considering all the relevant information. This weakness in human nature can result in poor choices and missed opportunities.In society, our tendency to conform to social norms can stifle individuality and creativity. We may suppress our true selves in order to fit in and avoid criticism or rejection. This conformity can hinder progress and innovation, as it discourages dissenting opinions and alternative perspectives.In conclusion, human nature is flawed. Our weaknesses, such as our susceptibility to manipulation, our fear of failure, our cognitive biases, and our tendency to conform, can have detrimental effects on our relationships, success,decision-making, and society as a whole. Recognizing and addressing these weaknesses is crucial for personal growth and the betterment of society.。



人性的弱点英文读后感 篇一:A repot of how to win friends1《人性的弱点》英文读书报告 A repot of how to win friends & influence people By Dale Carnegie How can we make people like us? Sometimes, you may feel upset when others ignored you. Does he hate me? Why? A rariety of questions may under in your mind. After reading the book, I leave learned six ways to make people like you. Whether it is helpful to foster a good relationship between you and other people, I'm also eager to share with you. First, do this and you'll be welcome anywhere. Do you know which world is the most frequently used? You could guess it, it is the personal pronoun "I". When we talk to a person, we had better take others' feeling into consideration. A successful man are not bound to think himself all the time. For example, Mr. Thurston, who was the acknowledged dean of magicians. His cecrests of his success was two things. On the other hand, he had the ability to put his personality across the footlights. On the other hand, Thurston had a genuine interest in people. Many magicians look at the audience and say to themselves, "well, there is a bunch of suckers out there, a bunch of hicks; I'll fool them all right." But Thurston's method was totally different. Before he stepping in front of the footlights without first saying to himself over and over,"I love my audience. I love my audience."If we want to make friends, let's put ourselves out to do things for other people; let's great people with animation and enthusiasm. Second, make a good first impression. The expression on wears on one's face is far more important than the clothes on wears on one's back. Your smiles brightens the lives of all who see it. As the story tells us, to someone who has seen a dozen people from, scowl or turn their faces away, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds. Therefore, when our friends, parents or relatives are under pressure from a variety of troubles, we should give them our smiles which can help them realize that all is not hopeless---that there is joy in the world. Third, we should be aware of the magic contained in a name and realize that this single item is wholly and completely owned by the people with whom we are dealing. The names of ourselves are the symbols of our identities. We are all unique. Sometimes it is difficult for us to keep others' names in mind because we chose to ignore him or his pronounce is hard. On my opinion, if a person who has not got very acquainted with me calls me, I may feel better because I know it is a respect. Four,be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. In our daily life, have you found that you want to be a center in a crowd? Do you feel happy when the audience are listening to you? Of course, everyone hopes that there are friends or parents willing to listen to their words, especially in a sad or gloomy situation. Therefore, learning to be good listener is an important 1 / 6ability to help others and make become your friends. Five, talk in terms of the other person's interest. What reward you can receive is not only a different reward from each person but that in general the reward had been an enlargement of his life each time he spoke to others. For example, whenever Roosevelt expected a visitor, he sat up late the night before, reading up on the subject in which he knew his guest was particularly interested. Thus, we should prepare everything if we want to be successful. Six, make the other person feel important-and do it sincerely. As the story said: There is one all important law of human conduct. If we obey that law, we shall almost never get into trouble. In fact, that law, if obeyed, will bring us countless friends and constant happiness. But the very instant we break the law, we shall get into endless trouble. The law is this: Always make the other person feel important. I believe that if you follow the principles, the possibilities to win friends are bound to be greater. 篇二:A repot of how to win friends2《人性的弱点》英文读书报告 A repot of how to win friends & influence people By Dale Carnegie As the Leo Tolstoy said: All happy families are happy alive, all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way. How could you do if your parents are going to divorce? Part Six of this book gives us six rules as following. First, don't, don't nag. Something unhappy happened because of some details. Usually, a wife of an unhappy life was always complaining, always criticizing her husband, nothing about him was ever right. In his way, certainly, the husband regarded his unfortune marriage, and avoid her presence as much as possible. For example, Leo Tolstoy's life was a tragedy, and the cause of his tragedy was his marriage. His wife loved luxury, but he despised it. So he said the famous sentence which I have quoted in the first paragraph. In my opinion, a couple are gloriously happy when they were first married, but after a few years or several decades, one of them could hardly bear the sight of the other. My parents are the typical one. There are continous quarreling on thry begin to speak to each other. I feel upset and tired. Second, don't try to make your partner over. As Leland Foster Wood in his book, Growing Together in the Family, has observed:" Success in marriage is much more than a matter of finding the right person; it is also a matter of being the right person." I can not agree it any more. In a marriage, you should try to your soulmate be himself and give them more freedom to him. Furthermore, when he was in low mood, you also need to be his spirital support. Third, don't criticize. As an integrity, every member of the family are willing to take care of the others. For instance, no matter how delicious and awful the meal is, you should not criticize directly. Fourth, give honest appreciation. Most men when seeking wives are not not looking for 2 / 6executives but for someone with allure and willingness to flatter their vanity and make them feel superior. Hence, the woman office manager may be invited to luncheon, once. Men should express their appreciation of a woman's effort to look well and dress becomingly. Because almost every woman are interested in clothes. Besides, after your wife finishing cooking, please let her know that you appreciate the fact that you are grateful and happy. Exactly, if a woman is to find happiness at all in her husband. She is to find it in his appreciation, and devotion. If that appreciation and devotion is actual, there is the answer to his happiness also. Fifth, pay little attention. Too many men underestimate the value of these small, everyday attentions. I believe that the majority of our mothers have not received any flower from our fathers since many years ago. In the contrast, if our fathers do this ,our mothers are bound to feel happier and so will be our family. Only after paying little attention can a family become more warm. Sixth, be courteous. Do you find that each of us is more polite to strangers than we are to our own relatives. It is a common phenomenon. Every man knows that he can kiss his wife's eyes until she will be blind. Every woman never knows whether to be mad at his husband with him, because he would rather fight with her and pay for it in having to eat bad meals, and have his money wasted, and buy what she loves, than to take the trouble to flatter her a litter and treat her the way she is begging to be treated. In a conclution, I think every member of the family with a warmhearted, understanding and such merits can build a happy family together. 篇三:《人性的弱点》读后感 " The weakness of human nature" impression after reading I read this book in my high school. During this time, I learn thatall people were have the weakness in their innermost. As early as the middle of the 20th century, when the economic downturn, inequality, war is the devil indelible human pursuit of a better life of the soul, of Carnegie, with his insight into human nature, a large number of ordinary people constantly strive to achieve the success stories, through him, The speeches and writings arouse the morale of many a confused, encourage them to a brilliant success, as Mr. Carnegie said: "A person's success, only 15 percent attributed to his expertise, 85 percent attributed to him Expression of thought, leading others and the ability to arouse the enthusiasm of others. " "The weakness of human nature," a book the author described as dealing, the rationale for doing things, so that impressed me most deeply in an article entitled "unfavorable factors will translate into success factor", there has been a story to inspire Me. Happen in 1929, a youth to the mountains to cut down Hill walnut, he wood pile in the car, drove home. Suddenly a wooden sliding down, he is Jizhuan Wan, the wood in the axle of the card, he bounced to a tree, the spine was injured. Since then both legs paralyzed. At that time, young people aged 24, since then, he has not traversed step Road, was 3 / 6considered a lifetime spent in a wheelchair. Zuonong the fate of his resentment, but with age Jianchang, he found no resistance on their help, only to become their own Jiansuankebo. Others are courteous and good to me, I should at least have to respond to the courtesy and good people. More than 10 years have passed, some people asked him think that is an unfortunate incident? ? He said: "No! I was almost glad that it happened." Shock and resentment that experience of the stage, he began reading the literature and culture from the hobby. 14, he read over 1,400 books, these books expand his vision, his life than in the past could have imagined even rich He also began listening to music, he moved before the symphony will only let him nap However, really the most important changes, or thought he had the time. "The first time in my life, the real intentions of the world to see and appreciate its value, experience of previous efforts to pursue a lot of things have no real value." Since reading, he began the political interest in his study of public issues, in a wheelchair a speech. He began to understand people, and people have begun to know him, because such efforts, a local political figures from elevated to a national political figure. The legend is that Al ? Smith. He was re-elected governor of New York 4 session - then no one has such a record. In 1958, he was elected as the Democratic presidential candidate, and the results achieved so hard to make up for his deficiencies are inseparable. James once said: "Their success is the most excited because some of the shortcomings of their potential." Yes, a lot of successful people is successful, because they have a capability, will be a negative factor for the successful conversion factor The ability of such capacity in general the depths of adversity, when almost no transfer will be inspired by, if Zhang Lincoln in a rich family, perhaps it can not become now the Americans can not forget a great leader. People always will be faced with difficult, in the face of failure, but this is not your retreat of the reasons people are above the other on biological, because he is extremely subjective initiative, he can to change some things, but not forever Quietly waiting for extinction. Life is not the most important thing ou have used to measure the real important issue is how you from the loss of profit. This requires wisdom, it also shows the Sophia Xia Yu, the fate of each person tyo a lemon acid, it into a cup of sweet lemonade, this is our need to do, Carnegie, said: " True happiness is not pleasant, it is more than a victory. "Right, sometimes you win in possession of forged by the unfortunate, it is not in itself be good, but your training. Is you get rich inner world, can only become a victory.Also as the title "human weakness", is full of human weaknesses, but because there are weaknesses, we may look forward to tomorrow will be better, be more perfect4 / 65 / 66 / 6。



论人性的弱点英语作文Human nature is a complex blend of strengths and weaknesses. Let's dive into some of its more vulnerable aspects.Firstly, we all have a tendency to procrastinate. It's that little voice in our head that says, "You can do it later." But later never comes, and we're left with a pile of unfinished tasks and a sense of regret. Procrastination is the thief of time and opportunities.Secondly, we're often biased in our judgments. It's easy to form opinions based on first impressions or limited information. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflict, especially when we refuse to see things from another person's perspective. A little empathy goes a long way in bridging these gaps.Thirdly, we're prone to gossip and rumors. The urge to share juicy details or spread hearsay can be irresistible,but it often comes with a price. Hurtful words can damage relationships and reputations, leaving a trail of hurt and distrust in their wake. It's better to be a source of positivity and encouragement.Lastly, we all have a desire for instant gratification. In a world of fast-paced technology and constant distractions, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of immediate pleasure. But true fulfillment comes from delayed rewards like building relationships, pursuing passions, and achieving long-term.。

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人性的弱点英文读后感篇一:《人性的弱点》读后感“ The weakness of human nature” impression after reading I read this book in my high school. During this time, I learn that all people were have the weakness in their innermost.As early as the middle of the 20th century, when the economic downturn, inequality, war is the devil indelible human pursuit of a better life of the soul, of Carnegie, with his insight into human nature, a large number of ordinary people constantly strive to achieve the success stories, through him, The speeches and writings arouse the morale of many a confused, encourage them to a brilliant success, as Mr. Carnegie said: “A person’s success, only 15 percent attributed to his expertise, 85 percent attributed to him Expression of thought, leading others and the ability to arouse the enthusiasm of others. ““The weakness of human nature,”a book the author described as dealing, the rationale for doing things, so that impressed me most deeply in an article entitled “unfavorable factors will translate into success factor”, there has been a story to inspire Me.Happen in 1929, a youth to the mountains to cut down Hill walnut,he wood pile in the car, drove home. Suddenlya wooden sliding down, he is Jizhuan Wan, the wood in the axle of the card, he bounced to a tree, the spine was injured. Since then both legs paralyzed.At that time, young people aged 24, since then, he has not traversed step Road, was considered a lifetime spent in a wheelchair. Zuonong the fate of his resentment, but with age Jianchang, he found no resistance on their help, only to become their own Jiansuankebo. Others are courteous and good to me, I should at least have to respond to the courtesy and good people.More than 10 years have passed, some people asked him think that is an unfortunate incident? ? He said: “No! I was almost glad that it happened.” Shock and resentment that experience of the stage, he began reading the literature and culture from the hobby. 14, he read over 1,400 books, these books expand his vision, his life than in the past could have imagined even rich He also began listening to music, he moved before the symphony will only let him nap However, really the most important changes, or thought he had the time. “The first time in my life, the real intentions of the world to see and appreciate its value, experience of previous efforts to pursue a lot of thingshave no real value.”Since reading, he began the political interest in his study of public issues, in a wheelchair a speech. He began to understand people, and people have begun to know him, because such efforts, a local political figures from elevated to a national political figure. The legend is that Al ? Smith. He was re-elected governor of New York 4 session - then no one has such a record. In 1958, he was elected as the Democratic presidential candidate, and the results achieved so hard to make up for his deficiencies are inseparable.James once said: “Their success is the most excited because some of the shortcomings of their potential.” Yes, a lot of successful people is successful, because they have a capability, will be a negative factor for the successful conversion factor The ability of such capacity in general the depths of adversity, when almost no transfer will be inspired by, if Zhang Lincoln in a rich family, perhaps it can not become now the Americans can not forget a great leader.People always will be faced with difficult, in the face of failure, but this is not your retreat of the reasonspeople are above the other on biological, because he is extremely subjective initiative, he can to change some things,but not forever Quietly waiting for extinction. Life is not the most important thing ou have used to measure the real important issue is how you from the loss of profit. This requires wisdom, it also shows the Sophia Xia Yu, the fate of each person tyo a lemon acid, it into a cup of sweet lemonade, this is our need to do, Carnegie, said: “ True happiness is not pleasant, it is more than a victory. “Right, sometimes you win in possession of forged by the unfortunate, it is not in itself be good, but your training. Is you get rich inner world, can only become a victory.Also as the title “human weakness”, is full of human weaknesses, but because there are weaknesses, we may look forward to tomorrow will be better, be more perfect篇二:人性的弱点的读后感3篇《人性的弱点》读后感戴尔·卡内基是美国著名的人际关系学大师,西方现代人际关系的奠基人。
