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题目:模具注塑机机械手控制电路设计 (1)

前言 (3)

引言 (3)

一、机械手的发展与应用现状 (3)

二、机械手的前景及方向 (5)

三、本课题的研究意义 (6)

第一章机械手硬件设计 (7)

一、机械手的总体设计 (7)

二、机械手的动作过程 (8)

三、主要部件及零件及要求 (8)

四、运动方式和工作过程 (8)

五、PLC控制方式 (8)

第二章电路设计 (9)

一、主线路 (9)

二、PLC控制及I/O分配 (9)

第三章软件设计 (14)

一、编程工具 (14)

二、梯形图如下 (15)

三、指语句令表 (17)

第四章整机调试 (20)

一、手动控制过程 (20)

二、自动运行控制过程 (20)

总结 (21)

致谢 (22)

参考文献 (23)







机械手按驱动方式可分为液压式、气动式、电动式和机械式机械手。本文设计的机械手属于混合式机械手,它综合了电动式和气动式机械手的优点,既节省了行程开关和PLC的I/O 端口,又达到了简便操作和精确定位的目的。



Mold injection molding machine manipulator control circuit design

Author: Wang JiaHuan


The robot is a mechanized and automated production process developed a new type of device. In the modern production process, the mechanical hand has been widely used in automatic production lines, robots have become the hi-tech development and production of neighborhood and quickly made up a Hall of emerging technology, it is even more to promote the development of mechanical hands, making robot better able to achieve with the combination of mechanization and automation. Although the robot is not as flexible as staff, but it has to repeat the work and labor, I do not know fatigue, not afraid of danger, the power of lifting a heavy object larger than manual force characteristics, therefore, mechanical hand has been of great importance to many sectors, and Yue Lai has been applied more widely.

Robot technology related to mechanics, mechanics, electrical hydraulic technology, automatic control technology, sensor technology and computer technology and other fields of science, is a cross-disciplinary integrated technology.

Robot is a kind of positioning control can be automated and can be

re-programmed to change in multi-functional machine, which has multiple degrees of freedom can be used to carry an object in order to complete the work in different environments.

Robot-driven approach can be classified according to hydraulic, pneumatic, electric and mechanical manipulator. This design belongs to a hybrid robot manipulator, which combines electric and pneumatic manipulator benefits, saving the trip switch and the PLC, I / O ports, but also to achieve a simple operation and precise positioning purposes.


pneumatic manipulator, injection molding machine manipulator, manipulator control circuit design, PLC control
