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act out表演出来

in English用英语

in pairs成对地,结对地

look at看

sit down 坐下

write down写下

all over the world世界各地

be born出世,出生

come from来自

find out查明,了解

for example例如

free time空余、业余时间

go to a movie去看电影

go to school去上学

go to work去上班

have a look at看一看

how much多少

in a word一句话,简言之

in fact事实上,实际上

in some ways在某些方面

junior high school初中

likes and dislikes好恶,爱憎listen to听

movie stars电影明星

pen friend /pal笔友

play sports做运动

put on穿上

running star赛跑明星

school day 学校上课日

school trip郊游

see you soon.再见

summer camp 夏令营

take a shower淋浴,洗澡

take part in 参加,加人

talent show天才表演

talk about谈论

talk to 与……谈话

thanks for为......而感谢

too much太,过分

wait for等候,等待

wake up醒来,醒

what kind何种

What's on?发生了什么事?

good morning/ afternoon/ evening 早上好/下午好/晚上好name list名单

black and white黑白相间

first name名字

last/family name姓氏

phone/telephone number电话号码ID card身份证

school ID card学生证

Excuse me请原谅thank you谢谢你a set of keys一串钥匙

lost and found失物招领处computer/video game电子游戏thanks for. . .为……而感谢

the photo of your family全家福照片family tree家谱

alarm clock闹钟

video tape录像带

take. . . to . . .带……去......

on the floor在地板上

under the table在桌下

in the picture在图中

soccer ball英式足球

tennis racket网球拍

play sports参加运动

play basketball打篮球

sports collection运动物品收藏French fries薯条

ice cream冰淇淋

running star赛跑明星

healthy food健康食品

for breakfast就早餐而言

have a look (at)看一看......

on sale出售/廉价出售

at a very good price以合理的价格bags for sports运动包

happy birthday生日快乐

volleyball game排球赛

date of birth出生日期

speech contest演讲比赛

Art Festival艺术节

birthday party生日晚会

go to a movie去看电影

Beijing Opera京剧

action movie动作片

learn about学习关于......

Chinese history中国历史

on weekends在周末

play the guitar弹吉他

play chess下棋

speak English 说英语

join the music club加入音乐俱乐部be good with. . .善于待人

help sb with sth帮助某人做某事play the piano well钢琴弹得好thanks a lot非常感谢

rock band摇滚乐队

e-mail address电子邮箱

what time什么时候,几点

take a shower淋浴,洗澡

go to work去上班

have/ eat dinner进餐

at five o'clock五点钟

all day and all night整日整夜

best wishes最好的祝愿

my favorite subject我最喜欢的科目have math上数学课

on Monday在星期一

after class/school课后/放学后

play with与……一起玩

be strict with sb对某人要求严格be strict in sth对某事要求严格

call sb up拨打电话联系某人


across from在......对面

as well as 也,还,而且Children’s Palace 少年宫

green tea绿茶

have fun玩得开心

How about. . . ?……怎么样?

in front of在……前面

in order to为了

It is time to. . .该是……的时候了middle school中学

pay phone投币式公用电话

police station警察局

pop singer流行歌手

post office邮局

shop assistant 店员

talk show谈话节目,脱口秀

The Great Wall长城

The Palace Museum 故宫

TV show电视节目

TV station电视台What about. . . ?……怎么样?

across from在对面

pay phone公用电话

post office邮局

turn left往左拐

go along沿……往前走

welcome to garden district欢迎到花园区来

the way to . . .去……的路

have fun玩得高兴,过得愉快

on your right在你的右边

one-way street单行道

go through the street穿过街道

a house with a garden带花园的房子

hope to do sth希望做某事

kind of a little/ a (little) bit shy 有点害羞

some other animals一些另外的动物

during the day在白天

work with people and money 与人和钱打交道

a jo

b for you as a driver有一份驾驶员的工作给你waiters wanted招聘服务员

rain hard/heavily下大雨

on a vacation在度假

improve English/driving提高英语/驾驶技术

go out to dinners外出吃饭

medium build/height中等身材/高度

stop doing sth停止做某事

stop to do sth停下来做某事

stop sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事

remember sb / sth记住某人/某物

remember to do sty记住要做某事

remember doing sth记得做过某事

what size shoes什么尺码的鞋子

a large/medium/small bowl of noodles 一大碗/中碗/小碗面study for the test学习准备考试

spend holidays度假

spend sth on sth/ (in) doing sth花某物在某事/做某事上

go to the summer camp去夏令营

go on vacation去度假

have fun doing sth做某事有乐趣

find s b doing sth发现某人正在做某事

make sb do sth使某人做某事

decide to do sth决定做某事

mind sth / (sb) doing sth介意某事(某人)做某事

agree with sb/to do sth同意某人/做某事

nine more things/another nine things 另外的9样东西

