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1.By the time I see you again, I _______ from that school.

A.have graduated B.graduated C.will have graduated D.graduate



试题分析:句意:到我再次看见你为止,我将已经从那个学校毕业了。By the time是连词短语,连接时间状语从句,往往和完成时连用,因为时间状语从句是一般现在时,主句是将来完成时,选C。


2.Hurry up! The concert will begin at half past eight. The performers _________ half an hour when you arrive.

A.will be playing B.will have played

C.are playing D.have played




3.–I’ll come to see your performance at 10:00 tomorrow morning.

–I’m sorry, by then my performance_____ and I _____ reporters in the meeting room.

A.will end ; will meet B.will have ended ;will be meeting

C.will be ended; am going to meet D.is to end ; will meet



试题分析:考查时态。时间状语by then意为“到那时”,故第一空谓语动词应用将来完成时态,根据语境知:到那时我在会议室正在会见记者。正在进行的动作要用正在进行时,因整个动作是在将来发生的,故第二空谓语动词用将来进行时。故选B。


4.—Tony, it seems that you have been very busy all the time. What do you think of your

occupation now?

—Just so-so. I’ve decided to quit my job in the company next month, where I ____ for five years. A.work B.had worked

C.will be working D.will have worked





5.By the time Jane gets home, her aunt ____ for London to attend a meeting.

A.will leave B.will have left

C.leaves D.left



试题分析:考查时态。句意:当简到家时,她的阿姨将已经前往伦敦参加会议了。By the time..., sb will have done sth.当......时,某人已经......,主句用将来完成时,故选B。


6.By the time Juan gets home, his aunt _____ for Puerto Rico.

A.will leave B.leaves C.will have left D.left



试题分析:句意:到Jane回家的时候为止,他姑姑将已经动身去波多黎各了。By the time Juan gets home,是时间状语从句,用一般现在时代替将来时,所以主语用将来的时间范畴,而且和by的时间状语从句连用,用相应的完成式,所以选C。


7.—I my project by the time you come to London.

—Great. This way you can act as my guide.

A.finish B.have finished C.will be finishing D.will have finished




试题分析:考查时态。句意:-到你来伦敦的时候,我将已经完成我的工程了。 -棒极了!这样你就可以做我的导游了。 By the time后跟过去的时间,主句用过去完成时;后跟将来的时间,主句用将来完成时。by the time you come to London“到你来到伦敦的时候”,表示

的是将来的时间,故主句用will have done sth。故选D。


8.—Hi, Mr. Smith. Which department do you work in?

—I am in the Marketing Department now, but I_________ in the Sales Department before long. A.worked B.will work

C.have worked D.will have worked



考查动词时态。句意为:——嗨,Smith先生,你在哪个部门工作?——我现在在市场部工作,但是不久后我将在销售部工作。before long意为“不久后”此可知,事情发生在将来,故答案B符合语境。

9.You are hardworking and surely most of you _____ a college admission notice by the end of September this year.

A.will receive B.will be receiving

C.will be received D.will have received





10.China _______________a high-speed railway network covering almost all its cities with a population of of more than 500,000 by 2015.

A.is setting up B.will set up

C.has set up D.will have set up



试题分析:句意:中国在2015年为止将已经建成了覆盖所有城市超过50万人口的高铁网络。这句话的时间是by 2015年,介词by一般和完成式连用,2015年是将来的时候,所以用将来完成式,选D。


11.---Could you meet me at the airport?

---I’d like to, but I ____ to Hainan when you return.

A.willhaveflown B.wasflying C.willfly D.haveflown

