
乌市第101中学李阳疯狂英语背诵大赛5篇第一篇:乌市第101中学李阳疯狂英语背诵大赛乌鲁木齐市第101中学李阳疯狂英语周成果展示会一.开场石:Ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls, and for the teachers who are here today.Welcome to our crazy english world.吕:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的同学们,大家好。
吕:下面由我来介绍担任本次比赛的评委老师,他们是1. 2. 3. 4. 5.让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。
今天我们的特邀嘉宾有:1. 2. 3. 4. 5.再次用我们掌声欢迎他们的到来。

that you distinguished IOC members,
will help them realize their long-cherished aspirations.
我肯定没有答应过给你 那笔钱,准是你在胡思 乱想。
(2)countryman/'k╘nt rim╓n/
n.同胞;同国人;同乡 ;乡下人;农民
n.愿望,心愿;要求; v.想望,期望,希望; 请求
He has a great desire for fame.
English will be your automatic reflex!
你将侃侃而谈,流利自 然!
Blurt out English and blurt out the wisdom of life! quickly, and as clearly as possible!
and that china is a key member of the international community.
Li Langqing delivered this speech in confident English.
It's the perfect material for you to practice your English
以流利的英语和渊博的 知识令众人瞩目
Speak and learn about the world at the same time!

• American Students' Visit
• Boys and girls,
• [1] May I have your attention, please? About fifty American students will come to visit our school on October the 22nd. We'll meet them at the school gate at 8:30 a.m. At 9:00, we'll take them to the conference room, where a get-together will be held. After that, we'll show them around our botanical garden and the school-run factory. At 11:00, there will be a basketball match on the playground. They'll leave our school at 12:00.
• 秘诀四:天才的秘诀就是:通过反复的练习,把 一件事情做到炉火纯青的境界!
• Summer Holiday Part-time Job
• [1] During the summer holiday of 2005, I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home and watching TV. So I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner. Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening. I worked 7 hours a day for three weeks.

李阳疯狂英语第2辑Word文档李阳疯狂英语第2辑第一部:疯狂精神篇Chapter 1: Crazy Spirit My Pledge My Oath II 我的誓言II;I can't stand my poor English! I can't stand my ten years of wasted time!;I can't stand being looked down upon! I can't stand being laughed at!;I want to improve my situation! I want to change my life!;I want to be successful! I want to be international!;I don't want to let my parents down! I don't ever want to let my country down!;Most important, I don't want to let myself down!;I want to speak perfect English! I want to understand all kinds of accents!;I want to write beautiful articles! I want to read thousands of books!;I want to translate freely between Chinese and English.;I want to be the mast er of the world's two most important languages: Chinese and; English. I must act at once! I must open my mouth to practice!;I must surprise them with my excellent English! I must realize my dream!I must succeed!;第二部:疯狂准备篇;Chapter 2: Crazy PreparationCindy and Jim took a vacation last year at the Ocean Resort Hotel.;去年,辛迪和吉姆去了海洋度假村度假。

My Oath(one)Today I truly believe —This unique journey will completely change my life! Today I truly believe —That all my efforts will produce generous returns! Today I truly believe —English will be a powerful weapon in my life!Today I truly believe —My dream of speaking beautifulEnglish will come alive!Therefore,I must devote all my energy and time to learning English with courage, passion, enthusiasm, and vigor!I must enjoy losing face!I must pour all my efforts into learning English!I must be absolutely responsible for myself!I must be 100 percent dedicated to my goal!I must be totally crazy about speaking English!I must not waste one minute, or even one second!I must challenge my limits and then surpass them!I must conquer English and charge toward success!I will speak good English!I will because I think I will!Right here! Right now! Action!今天我坚信——这段特殊的旅程将彻底改变我的一生!今天我坚信——我所有的付出终将得到丰厚的回报!今天我坚信——英语一定会成为我人生奋斗的强有力的武器!今天我坚信——讲一口漂亮英语的理想一定会美梦成真!所以,我一定要精神饱满、热情高涨、热爱丢脸、疯狂投入!我必须对自己负百分之百的责任!我必须对我的目标百分之百地专注!我必须百分之百地疯狂说英语!在今天的每一分每一秒,全力以赴!挑战极限,超越自我!征服英语,迈向成功!我一定能讲一口最漂亮的英语!我一定行,因为我认为我行!就在这里!就在此刻!马上行动!My Oath(two)I can’t stand my poor English!I can’t stand my ten years of wasted time!I can’t stand being looked down upon!I can’t stand being laughed at!I want to improve my situation!I want to change my life!I want to be successful!I want to be international!I don’t want to let my parents down!I don’t ever want to let my country down!Most important, I don’t want to let myself down!I want to speak perfect English!I want to understand all kinds of accents!I want to write beautiful articles!I want to read thousands of books!I want to translate freely between Chinese and English.I want to be the master of the world’s two most important languages: Chinese and English.I must act at once!I must open my mouth to practice!I must surprise them with my excellent English!I must realize my dream!I must succeed!我的誓言我不能忍受我的破烂英语!我不能忍受我十年来虚度的光阴!我不能忍受被别人看扁!我不能忍受被别人嘲笑!我要改善我的处境!我要改变我的生活!我要成为成功人士!我要成为国际人才!我不想让我的父母失望!我也不想让我的祖国失望!更重要的是,我不想让我自己失望!我要说一口纯正的英语!我要听懂各种各样的口音!我要写一手漂亮的文章!我要阅读成千上万的书籍!我要在中英文之间自由转换。

比如说:I do not shrink from this historic responsibility, I welcome it.(我不会从这个历史责任中退缩,我欢迎它!)第四、阅读难文章可以培养你的意志力,从而造福你人生的各个方面。
刚开始的时候比较难,但一旦变成习惯,不读反而觉得难受!这就是人生成功的秘密:做自己不愿意做的事,直到自己乐在其中!李阳疯狂英语励志哲理短文篇【2】Welcome to crazy English class.AS your slowly open you eyes look around notice where the light comes into you room.Listen carefully see if there are new sounds you can recognize.Fell with your body and sprit and see if you can sense the freshness in the air.Yes!Yes!Yes!It's a new day,it's a different day and it's a brigth day!And most importantly it is a new beginning for you life,a beginning where you are going to make new friends and take you life to totally unprecedented leve!In your minds eye you can see clearly the things you want to have the places,you intend to go the relationships you desire to develop and the positions you aspire to reach.You can hear you laughters of joy and happiness on the day ,when everything happens as you dream.You can see the smiles on the people around you,when the magic moment strikes.You can feel you face is getting red your heart is beating fast and your blood is rushing all over your bady to every single corner of your being!You know all this is real as long as you are confident passionate and committed!And you are confident you are passionate and you are committed!You will no long fear making new sounds showing new facial expressions,using your body in new ways,appreaching new people and asking new questions.You will live every sigle day of your life with ahsolute passion and you will show your passion throungh the words you speak and the actions you take .You will focus all your mend effort on the most important goals of ypur life.You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence.After all,you deserve the best!As your couch and friend I can assure you the door to all the door to all the best thing in the world will open to you,but the key to that door is in your hand.You must do you part;you must faithfully follow the planes,you make and take the actions you plan,you must never quit,you must never fear .I know you do it ,you can do it ,you will do it and you will succeed!Now stand firm and tall make a fist get excited and yell it out.I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will do it!I will succeed!I must do it!I can do it!I will do it!I will succeed!I must do it! Ican do it! I will do it!I will succeed!李阳疯狂英语励志哲理短文篇【3】Believe in yourself!Have faith in your abilities!Without reasonable confidence in your own powers,you cannot be successful or happy.相信自己。

李阳疯狂英语经典诵读短文李阳疯狂英语经典诵读短文The Old FarmerAn old farmer had spend all his life on his farm in the countryside, far from the city. One day, he decided to visit the big city. Everything was new and strange to him, because this was the first time he had traveled to the city. He went into a large hotel and saw an elevator. As he watched, an old lady got into the elevator and closed the door. After a while, the door opened again and a very pretty young girl came out. The old farmer was amazed. “What an incredible little room! ” he said to himself. “It’s magic! It can change an old woman into a young girl. The next time I come here, I’m going to bring my wife along. ”【注释】incredible adj. 难以置信的;不可思议的【译文】老农民一个老农民一辈子住在远离城市的乡下农场里。

李阳英语十大经典学习方法及精选美文As long as we do not bee mired in the past , it can teach us much about our current situation.The past can be a useful detour , but the destination must always be the future.只要我们不被往昔所囹?,我们可以在回首往事中更清楚我们目前的境况。
It is better to give than receive .But you get back so much more than what you give.给予胜于索取。
In fact , people might not always say “thanks.”But they’ll remember the hand that reaches out.其实生活中,人们很多时候不会用“谢谢”来表达他们的感谢,但他们会记得向他们伸出的那些援助之手。
This is a not perfect world .Perhaps we can at least help make it less imperfect.这个世界本身就是不完美的,至少我们的努力也许能让这些不完美减少一些。
I pray to start over.No matter what has happen,I am willing to let today be new.Thank you for the chance to begin again.Today I begin a new.I see through the eyes of innocence.我祈祷有个新的开始,无论以前发生了什么事,我要让今天成为新的一天。

疯狂句型7 I feel like...
I feel like sleeping/taking a walk.
疯狂句型8 I want...
I want something to eat.
I have every confidence in you.
I want to be proud of you.
It's my pleasure to help you anytime.
You can count on me! Don't worry about it.
Chapter 1: My Pledge/Oath
What's your story?
You can't speak! You can't understand!
You feel bad! You feel hopeless!
The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet.
会议原定两个小时,不 过到现在还没有结束。疯狂句型27
...birthday is...
Tom's birthday is this week.

感谢你的欣赏李阳疯狂英语易背作文128篇24. Diligence 论勤奋Diligence is the key to success. It means persistent work and does not mean that we are to exhaust ourselves all day and night without any rest. The true meaning of diligence is the careful use of time for the purpose ofself-improvement.勤奋是成功的关键。
Many people strongly believe in luck, which is a serious mistake. If luck does exist, it will never fall upon lazy bones. There are also some people who think that they are far superior to others in intelligence and therefore, do not need to study hard. They are sure about their success, but too often they will be disappointed, as few of them can be successful only with their so-called cleverness.许多人非常迷信运气,这是十分错误的观点。

句子简单明确,容易掌握,并马上可以用于交流!感觉棒极了!味道好极了!疯狂的成就:从小学四年级开始学英文,如果“每天脱口而出五句话”,到上初中时,就可以脱口而出五千五百多句话,举一反三就可以拥有近两万个实用句子,两万笔英语财富,早已达成自由交流的境界!一个初一学生的英语能力将远远超过一个大学生,因为绝大多数苦读十年的人只会说:My English is poor!终身的爱好:我最大的爱好就是疯狂地收集各种好句子,然后反复操练,直至脱口而出!每当我说出这个爱好,别人都会非常惊讶!但很多人在我的影响下逐渐也有了这个爱好。
从此,他们的英语也就走上了成功之路!My only hobby in life is collecting beautiful sentences!立刻的行动:让我们花十分钟的时间获得一鸣惊人的疯狂英语的五大绝招!第一绝招:打招呼1.Long time no see.(好久不见了。
)【疯狂短评】这是让中国人倍感亲切的句子,因为这个句子的发源地就是中国!特别注意这个句子的发音,因为它包含了漂亮的双元音和长元音!2.A: How are you doing?(你过得好吗?)【最地道的打招呼用语】【发泄、夸张地“怒吼”!】B: I’m doing great./ Super.Yourself?(我过得很好。
)A: Couldn’t be better.【特别说明】能将上面这个回合潇洒自如地脱口而出,已经可以给外国人一个惊讶,因为绝大多数中国人只会“How are you?”“Fine, thank you.And you?”“I’m fine, too.Thank you.Bye-bye.”这样的老套路。

李阳疯狂英语之精选1 I made a terrible mistake!我犯了一个可怕的错误!2 Mike likes to write letters to his girlfriendby the bright moonlight at night!迈克喜欢在明亮的月光下给他的女朋友写信!3 Seeing is believing!眼见为实!4 You look really nice in white!你穿白色衣服很好看!1 Jim really must study his English a letters bit more!杰姆必须为他的英语多一点努力!2 Let`s get together again soon.让我们找一天再聚一聚!1 I`m working on it !我正在努力!2 I`ll think it over!我会仔细考虑!3 Take a look at it !看看这个!4 Take it easy!放松,别紧张!别着急!1 I don`t know what to do!我不知道我要做什么!2 I need some more time!我需要更多的时间!3 Ask Bob to sit behind me!让鲍勃坐在我后面!1 Thursday will be my birthday!星期四是我的生日!2 It`s the same thing.都一样!3 My father and mother went through thick and thin together.不管是顺境还是逆境,我父母总是同甘共苦。
1 I can`t stand my poor English !I want to improve my situation!I want to change my life!I don`t want to let my parents down!I don`t ever want to let my country down!Most importantly,I don`t want to let myself down!我不能忍受我的破烂英语!我要改变我的处境!我要改变我的生活!我不要让我的父母失望!我不要我的祖国失望!最重要的是,我不要让我自已失望!2 I want to speak perfect English!I want to understand all kinds of accents!I want to write beautiful articles.I want to read thousands of books!I want to translate freely between Chinese and English.I want to be the master of the world`s two most important languages:Chinese and English.我要说一口标准的英语!我要听懂各种口音!我要写出漂亮的文章!我要读成千上万的书!我要在中英文之间自由转换!我要成为世界上两门最重要语言----中文和英文的大师!1 please don`t care how poorly or how well you speak,only care aboutcatching the chances to speak! Enjoy losing face.Just forget about yourface.The more you speak,the better your English will become.The moremistakes you make,the more progress you will make. You must enjoyspeaking poor English,because speaking is the only thing that willlead you towards success. Don`t give up.Just try your best.Every time you move your mouth, your memory will deepen,your muscleswill strengthen.You can make it.管它说好说坏,只要有机会“说”就可以!热爱丢脸,干脆忘记面子的存在。

李阳疯狂英语精美短文背诵Lesson 1I’m li Yang我叫李阳Hi,I’m li Yang.I’m from Guangzhou. It’s a very beautiful city. I like listening to music and Ialso like swimming. And I like English very much.I’m happy to meet you all. Thank you.大家好,我叫李阳,我来自广州。
非常高兴认识你你,谢谢!Lesson 2 My friend CarolThisismyfriendCarol.ShecomesfromChicago,USA.NowshelivesinShenzhen.Shetea ches English in a college. She is a good teacher. She loves her students. And all her studentslove her.这是我的朋友卡罗尔。
Lesson 3 I Have a Happy Family我有一个幸福的家I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. They are my parents and myself. Iam a student. My dad is a great policeman. My mom is a wonderful English teacher. We love eachother very much.我有一个幸福的家庭,我家里有三个成员:我父母和我。

第1篇Summer Holiday Part-time JobDuring the summer holiday of 2005, I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home and watching TV. So I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner. Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening. I worked 7 hours a day for three weeks.The job was hard, boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way. After all, I stuck to it with my determination.Finally, I finished the job before the new school term began.Now, I understand what labor means. I think it was really a successful experience.【参考译文】[1] 20XX年的暑假,我觉得应该做些有意义的事,而不是呆在家里看电视。
[2] 那份工作辛苦、无聊并且似乎永无止境,弄得我疲惫不堪差点中途放弃。
[3] 最后,我在新学年开始前结束了这份工作。

on global trade issues, especially in China.
而中国的国际贸易尤其 受到关注。
Today, trade imbalance between the United States and our country
或在你递上你的名片时 ,你可以说:
"Here's my card.
Feel free to call me if you have any other questions."
如果你有什么其他的问 题可以随时给我打电话 :"
Or, you might say, "Please send the information to this address.
Knowing the right way to handle business cards
is a useful skill wherever you are.
不管到哪里都十分有用 。
Requesting someone's business card is a strait forward process.
与其叫错别人的名字, 还不如多问几次。
Even then, err on the side of formality until asked to "Call me Joe"
即使在那个时候,为稳 妥起见,还是正式一点 为好,直到对方跟你说 "请叫我乔好了。"
Call you Jim.

李阳疯狂英语世界上最简短最精彩的演讲(精选五篇)第一篇:李阳疯狂英语世界上最简短最精彩的演讲世界上最简短最精彩的演讲系列一经典演讲一: Angry Words 愤怒的话Words said in anger are like scars left by nails in a fence.Even though you can pull all the nails out, the fence is never really the same.You can pierce a knife into a man and draw it out.No matter how many times you say, “I’m sorry”, the wound is still there.Verbal wounds are as damaging as physical wounds.【参考翻译】怒的时候说的话,就像钉子钉在栅栏上留下的疤痕。
经典演讲二: Real Beauty真正的美丽【1】Beauty is only skin-deep.Physical beauty can only be held fleetingly.Real beauty is much deeper and far greater.It is a life force, an energy, which radiates from within and transcends the physical.Real beauty may not be visible at first glance, but it lasts forever.【2】Inner beauty is limitless.Physical beauty is limited.What you can see is never as deep and profound as what you can’t see.【参考翻译】【1】美丽是肤浅的。

Summer Holiday Part-time JobDuring the summer holiday of 2009, I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home and watching TV. So I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner. Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening. I worked 7 hours a day for three weeks.The job was hard, boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way. After all, I stuck to it with my determination.Finally, I finished the job before the new school term began.Now, I understand what labor means. I think it was really a successful experience.成功之路第二篇:广告与现代生活【题目要求】请根据以下提供的要点写一篇议论文,阐述一下广告业已经成为当今社会很重要的一种行业,词数100字左右。

李阳疯狂英语之国际肌肉三最短文Chapter1:Just do itIf you put up things for too long, they can easily become uncontrolable. The longer you wait to tack a problem, the more difficult it becomes. Don't waste time thinking about how difficult something is. Just take the advice in this passage. Many people put up until tomorrow what they can do today. They always look for excuses to pose upon doing something. In the end, it never gets done. If we leave things undone, we will eventually worried. This will cause unnecessary stress. Therefore, if you have this bad habit, it's best to get rid of it and do things as soon as possible.Chapter2:Just askIf you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask. Some Chinese seem to feel that it is impolite to ask questions even when they don't quite understand. However, it's much better to say that you don't understand than to pretend you understand and answer very vagely. When you don't understand, or have a clock what was said, you may ask by saying any of the following.I beg your pardon?I am not clear on what you said.I am fraid I don't understand you.Would you mind saying it again?I am sorry I don't follow you.Could you repeat that?I didn't get it.You'll improve your understanding and the speaker will be happy to make his point again.Chapter3:Speak outExpressing oppinions is one example of culture difference between east and west. Westerner express their oppinions freely. They feel that it is natural for people that have different ideas and don't mind hearing you that differ from their own. You may express frankly what you think or feel. Of course, you shouldn't be rude in your manner of speech. Statements such as " You are wrong", "You are mistaken", "You don't know", etc are exactly bad. But it is preferable to soft your tone. You might say, " I don't think you are right", " I am fraid you are mistake", or "You don't seem to understand".Chapter4:Time FliesMany people value their time more than anything else in the world. Once time is gone, it can never be replaced. This makes time more valuable than money. Time is precious. Nobody can afford to waste time. Once time hasgone by, it will never return. You can never turn the clock back. Time passes very quickly. People say time flies. Time and tide wait for no man.We should therefore make the best use of our time. If you can manage your time well, you will have a successful life. Try using all of your spare time to practise english crazily. Even a few minutes practise while waiting for the bus can be valuable learning time.Chapter5:Informal CallsSome friends are just like family,there is no need to make a formal arrangment for a visit,except the very close friends and relatives.Making unexpected calls should be avoided as much as possible.The unexpected guest is welcomed,but whether the welcome is sincere or given out of a kindness is another matter.Pratically everyone has his own plans as to how to spend his time,and it is often perplexing if not an annoying to be abliged to change one's plans by unexpected visiters.when someone invites you to drop by anytime, they really mean to call first to make sure the time is convenient.Chapter6:Be PoliteGood manners are so important in today's society. A little effort of being polite to everyone you meet can have great rewards. Of course there are other reasons for being polite as well. Everyone should be polite.Polite people show good manners. Moreover, they are popular. On the other hand, rude people are looked down upon. Rudeness shows poor education. Therefore, why not be polite? A simple "Please", "Thank you" or " You are welcome" can make a big difference. If someone says dirty words all the time, it shows that something is wrong with his mouth. You'd better persuade him to watch his mouth.Chapter7:Table mannersThere are many differences in table manners in different cultures. It is really worth your time to learn about how to behave while eating in other countries. Now your table manners will show your international qualifications. Don't make noises with your mouth. Close your mouth when eating. People make mouth noises because they eat without closing their mouths. When you drink your soup, don't sip it but swollow it all in one mouth full. Don't talk when your mouth full. If someone talks to you, wait untill your mouth is empty before answering.Chapter8:Restaurants dos and don’tWhat is considered polite in one country is sometimes considered rude in another. In other words, sometimes you should slip (sound of slip) and sometimes you shouldn't. Learning about culture differences while you learn English is the fastest way. To brought your knowledge of the world and become more successful. Wheneating, the Japanese and some Chinese are in a habit of slipping (sound of slipping) their food. By doing so they show their host how much they like the food. Westerner find eating soup this way most unpleasant. They also consider picking one's teeth and putting on make-up on the table nonoes. And when it comes to tipping, they just leave some money on the table. The ammount is up to you, but it is usually 15 to 20 percent of the cheque.Chapter9:Business Etiquette – Business CardBusiness cards are less important in American culture than they are in Asian culture. Knowing the right way to handle business cards is a useful skill where will you are. Requesting someone's business card is a staight forward process. You need only say," Do you have a business card?" or " May I have your business card?" When you want to present your own card you can say," Here is my card. Feel free to call me if you have any other questions." Or you might say," Please sent the information to the address. I look forward to hearing from you soon." It's not polite to directly refuse a request of someone for your business card. Instead you can say," Sorry, but I am afraid I am all out at the moment." or " I forgot to bring them with me." When you do receive a card, say " Thank you." and exam it briefly before putting it away.Chapter10:International ProtocolChapter11:Solutions to Trade ImbalanceWorld trade is an important topic today. The World Trade Organization has focused international attention on global trade issues,especially in China. Today,trade imbalance between the United States and our country is becoming worse. We cannot leave this problem unattended,because the United States is the most important trade partner. I'd like to make a couple of proposals to improve the whole situation. First,we need to do more public relations activities to promote understanding, because some of their criticisms are based on misconceptions about our country. We have to communicate with them more by sendinglobbyists,producing more movies,publishing more books,and so on. Second,we have to make an effort to encourage American companies to do business in our country. We should revise our protectionist practices in trade,and promote free trade and competition. At any rate,our country and the United States need each other,and we have to maintain communication to understand each other.Chapter12:Japanese Textbook - Premier Zhu'sThe question of the history textbook is not just an issue between China and Japan. Rather it is an issue between Japan and all the Asian countries and people throughout Asia. If the past history of aggression started byJapanese militarists is denied and if the historical facts are distorted, it will not only hurt the feelings of the Chinese people,but also those of people throughout Asia. I don't think this is an issue that should be regarded as interference in Japan's internal affairs. Rather,this is a serious issue that will have a bearing on whether or not the people of Japan and of other Asian countries,including China,can develop a friendly relationship from generation to generation. So it is also in the interest of Japan to have this problem solved.Chapter13:Man,money - which one winsChapter14:The Greatest KillersChapter15:The Urgent Need of English in ChinEnglish may be the most important factor in deciding which countries are leaders in the future. The language of the most advanced management and technology is undoubtedly English. Being able to absorb this information is really the key to the new centrury. In the 21st centrury, we increasingly have to deal with other countries. We can' t go there and speak our own language, because nobody is going to learn it in order to understand us. Our Asian rival, India, has surgedahead of other developing countries in information technology, because of its superior English skills. Unless we are able to master English, we will not be able to get our population to use IT and take advantage of the new economy. There is an urgent need to have a workforce which is proficient in the language, in view of the information technology onslaught.Chapter16:China Boostd EnglishChapter17:Beijing Eager to Learn Oral EnglisChapter18:Misunderstanding。

11] But taking a serious look back … I do have one big regret.[11] 但是,如果现在严肃地回忆起来,我确实有一个真正的遗憾。
[12] I left Harvard with no real awareness of the awful inequities in the world – the appalling disparities of health, and wealth, and opportunity that condemn millions of people to lives of despair.[12] 我离开哈佛的时候,根本没有意识到这个世界是多么的不平等。
[13] I learned a lot here at Harvard about new ideas in economics and politics. I got great exposure to the advances being made in the sciences.[13] 我在哈佛学到了很多经济学和政治学的新思想。
[14] But humanity's greatest advances are not in its discoveries – but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity. Whether through democracy, strong public education, quality health care, or broad economic opportunity – reducing inequity is the highest human achievement.[14] 但是,人类最大的进步并不来自于这些发现,而是来自于那些有助于减少人类不平等的发现。
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我是中国人I’m Chinese[1]I’m / Chinese!I’m / an international / Chinese![2]I’m from / China!I’m from / a great nation![3]I love / my country!I love / my people![4]I enjoy / losing face!I enjoy / speaking English![5]I want / to communicate / with the world!I want / to change / my life![6]Let’s / practice English / crazily! Let’s / master English / to make China / stronger!Let’s / just do it!Right here! / Right now![1]我是中国人!我是一个国际化的中国人![2]我来自中国!我来自一个伟大的国家![3]我热爱我的祖国!我热爱我的人民![4]我热爱丢脸!我热爱说英语![5]我想和世界交流!我想改变我的人生![6]让我们疯狂地操练英语!让我们掌握英语,让中国更强大!让我们马上行动!就在此地!就在此时!疯狂说英语Speak English Crazily[1]Speaking English / is really / not that difficult. / You can do it / if you try. / J ustopen your mouth / and start speaking / right now.[2]Enjoy / losing face, / and enjoy / making mistakes. / The more mistakes / youmake, / the more progress / you will make. / If you think / you can, / you can. / Believe in / yourself! / You will surely / succeed![1]说英语真的没有那么难。
相信自己!你一定会成功!第三篇教育的真谛The Essence of Education[1]Ladies and gentlemen, / good morning/ afternoon/evening. / Thank you all / forcoming. / Today, / I’d like / to talk about / education.[2]You can lose / all your money. / Your house / can burn down. / But / nothing /can take / your education away.[3]Thank you / for your time / and attention. / I hope / you enjoyed / my speech. /Have / a great day![1]女士们、先生们,早上好。
祝大家度过愉快的一天!英语到底是什么?What Is English?[1]What is English? / Of course / it’s a language. / But for us, / it’s not / just alanguage, / it’s also / a very important tool / and powerful weapon. / It’s a necessary skill / for our life and success / in the 21st century.[2]Why should we / master this language, / tool and weapon? / Why should we /spend so much time / and energy / on English? / The answer / is obvious: / t o improve our-selves, / to serve our country / and our people, / and to communicate freely / with the world. / This is / our ultimate goal. / This is / our number onemission.[3]Let’s master English / to promote / international communication.[4]Let’s master English / to spread / Chinese language and culture.[5]Let’s master English / to make China stronger / and more p rosperous.[6]Let’s master English / to make our future / brighter.[7]Let’s master English / to make our world / a better place.[1]英语到底是什么?它当然是一门语言。
它是我们在21 世纪取得人生成功的一项必备技能。
[4]让我们掌握英语,促进国际交流![5]让我们掌握英语,传播汉语和中华文化![6]让我们掌握英语,让中国更强大、更繁荣![7]让我们掌握英语,创造辉煌未来![8]让我们掌握英语,让我们的世界更美好!如何学好英语?How to Learn English Well?[1]Ladies and Gentlemen, / today / I am going to / talk about / learning E nglish.[2]There are / many ways / to learn English. / You can learn English / through singing. / You can learn English / through reading. / You can learn English / t hrough listening. / And you can learn English / through writing.[3]But, / the best way / to learn English / is through speaking / and reciting / as many sentences / as possible. / The more sentences / you can blurt out, / the betterEnglish / you will speak.[1]女士们,先生们,今天我想谈谈英语学习问题。
第六篇我的誓言MY OATH[1]I can’t stand / my poor English! / I can’t stand / my lack of confidence. / I c an’ t stand / my years of / wasted time. / I want / to improve / my situation! / I want / to change / my life! / I don’t want / to let my parents down! / I don’t ever want / to let my country down! / Most importantly, / I don’t want / to let myself down![2]I want / to speak / perfect English! / I want / to understand / all kinds of accents! / I want / to write / beautiful articles! / I want / to read / thousands of books! / I want / to translate freely / between Chinese / and English! / I want / to be the master / of the world’s / two most important languages: / Chinese and English![3]I want / to be / truly bilingual! / I want / to be / an international success! [1]我不能忍受我的破烂英语!我不能忍受自己缺乏自信!我不能忍受我这些年来浪费掉的时间!我要改善我目前的处境!我要改变我的生活!我不想让我的父母失望!我也不想让我的祖国失望!更重要的是,我不想让我自己失望![2]我要说一口完美的英语!我要听懂各种各样的英语口音!我要写一手漂亮的文章!我要阅读成千上万的书籍!我要在中英文之间自由翻译!我要成为汉语和英语这两门世界上最重要语言的大师![3]我要成为真正的双语人才!我要成为国际成功人士!罗马不是一天建成的!Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day!Learning English / is like / building a house. / Laying / a strong foundation / is thefirst / and most important step.In other words, / you should read / and speak English / crazily / everyday. / Memorizing / new words / and phrases / is also / very helpful.[3]Like building a house, / learning English / takes / some time. / So / don’t be /impatient. / Remember: / Rome / wasn’t built / in a day![1]学习英语,正如建造房屋。