湖北省第二十二届外语翻译大赛非英语专业 A 组笔译预赛试题选手姓名:参赛编号:请将全部答案全部填写在[答题纸]上。
I.Each of the following Chinese phrases is provided with three English translations, marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (20%)[ ] 1. 武汉园博会A. Wuhan International Garden ExhibitionB. Wuhan Garden ExhibitionC. Wuhan International Garden Expo[ ] 2. 跳槽A. job-hoppingB. job-jumpingC. job-skipping[ ] 3. 口水战A. a mouth and water warB. a war of wordsC. a mouth-water war[ ] 4. 自然保护区A. natural conservationsB. natural preservationsC. natural conserves[ ] 5. 火药B. fire power B. fire medicineC. gunpowder[ ] 6. 文房四宝A. the Four Precious of the StudioB. the Four Treasures of the StudyC. the Four Jewelries of Scholars[ ] 7. ft寨货A. false goodsB. mountain village goodsC. counterfeit goods[ ] 8. 磁悬浮列车A.Suspension TrainB. High-speed RailC. Mag-lev train[ ] 9. 战国A.the War StatesB. the Warring StatesC. the States in War[ ] 10. 儒教A.ConfucianB. ConfucianismC. Confucianist[ ] 11. 公务员考试A.National Exam for Civil ServantsB. National Entrance Exam for Civil ServantsC. National Civil Service Exam[ ] 12. 分期付款A. payment in installmentsB. payment in one installmentC. down payment [ ] 13. 隐形眼镜A. invisible glassesB. contact lensesC. unseen lenses[ ] 14. 农民工A. rural workersB. country workersC. migrant workers[ ] 15. 植入广告A. product placementB. commercial insertsC. built-in ads[ ] 16. 节能减排A. energy control and emission decliningB. energy cutting and pollution decreaseC. energy saving and emission reduction[ ] 17. 一带一路A. The Belt and the RoadB. the Belt and RoadC. the Belts and Roads [ ] 18. 统筹兼顾A. to adopt a holistic approachB. to adopt a whole viewC. to take everything into consideration[ ] 19. 端午节A. the Dragon Boat DayB. the Zongzi FestivalC. the Dragon Boat Festival [ ] 20. 黄鹤楼A. the Yellow Crane TowerB. the Yellow Tower of BirdsC. the Yellow Tower of LarksII.Each of the following English phrases is followed by three Chinese versions marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (20%)[ ] 1. a bolt from the blueA.大地惊雷B.晴天霹雳C. 一鸣惊人[ ] 2. white dayA.白雪皑皑的日子B. 黄道吉日C. 灯火通明的日子[ ] 3. International Nuclear Security ArchitectureA.全球核安全条例B. 全球核安全建设C. 全球核安全体系[ ] 4. tailored taxi serviceA.代驾服务B.招手即停C. 专车服务[ ] 5. virtual mobbingA.虚拟暴徒B. 虚拟围攻C. 虚拟群众[ ] 6. Yellow PagesA.淫秽书籍B. 电话黄页C.政府报告[ ] 7. mortality rateA.出生率B. 存活率C. 死亡率[ ] 8. drug smugglingA.药品代购B. 毒品走私C. 药品走私[ ] 9. a guard of honorA.仪仗队B. 荣誉士兵C.号鼓队[ ] 10.deportation orderA.引渡公约B. 驱逐令C.外交豁免权[ ] 11.financial intelligence exchangesA.金融情报信息B. 金融高管交流C. 金融智能交流[ ] 12. as tough as old bootsA.意志坚强B. 重蹈覆辙C. 老马识途[ ] 13. advertising endorserA. 广告代理商B. 广告代言人C. 发表广告的客户[ ] 14. to carry coals to NewcastleA. 不辞辛苦B. 兢兢业业C. 多此一举[ ] 15. a fair-weather friendA. 不能共患难的朋友B. 同甘共苦的朋友C. 非常风光的朋友[ ] 16. the salt of the earthA. 平民百姓B. 社会中坚C. 官僚贵族[ ] 17.vulgar interestsA. 大众爱好B. 低档趣味C. 大众利益[ ] 18.ticket scalpingA. 暗箱操作选票B. 拉票C. 倒票[ ] 19. the Apple of DiscordA. 禁果B. 争斗之源C. 心爱之物[ ] 20. social security systemA. 社会保障体系B. 社会保护体系C. 社会保险体系III.Each of the following Chinese sentences is followed by three English versions marked A,B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (20%)[ ] 1. 这艘船容易翻,由于它造型不合理。
湖北省第十九届外语翻译大赛英语非专业组笔译初赛试题及答案2[最终版]第一篇:湖北省第十九届外语翻译大赛英语非专业组笔译初赛试题及答案 2[最终版]湖北省第十九届外语翻译大赛英语非专业组笔译初赛试一each of following italicized english words or phases is followed by two Chinese versions marked A and B separately, tick off the one which you think better.(15分,每小题1.5分)1.secondhand opinions A.二手的观点B人云亦云的观点 2.storm sandy affects Washington DC A沙尘暴B桑迪飓风 3.Security Council of the united nationsA联合国安保会议B联合国安全理事会4.the Republicans and Democrats of the US A美国共和党和美国民主党B美国共和民主党 5.once—in—a-century A百年不遇B一百年一次 6.coordinated _process service A"一条龙“服务B 协调服务 7.unhealthy practice A不健康的训练B 不正之风 8.income from moonlighting A晚间收入B灰色收入9.enterprises running in the red A红色企业B 亏损企业 10.debt chain A三角债B债链二each of following underlined Chinese phrases is followed by two english versions marked A and B separately ,tick off the one which you think better.(15分,每小题1.5分)11.布衣蔬菜A wear coarse clothes and eat simple foodB wear cotton clothes and eat vegetables 12.当心扒手A take care of the thiefB.avoid theft 13.中共十八大A the 18th national congress of CPCB.the 18th national meeting of CPC 14.城市经济圈A.City economic circleB economic strip of the city 15.东湖高新区A.east lake high tech zoneB.Donghu High new district speed 16.首先,抓住有利时机,创造条件,寻求更快更好的发展。
01)We have the eagle shits!(A) 我们比赛获胜了!(B) 我们发工资了!(C) 我们不干了!(D) 我们完蛋了!02)The comedian got the bird.(A) 那个小丑并没有吃亏。
(B) 那个喜剧演员让人喝了倒彩。
(C) 那个小丑让人捧腹大笑。
(D) 那个喜剧演员抓住一只鸟。
03) He is a jack-leg lawyer.(A) 他是个很有名望的律师。
(B) 他是个正直的律师。
(C) 他是个不称职的律师。
(D) 他是个身患疾病的律师。
04)She stepped off the carpet last week.(A) 她上周结婚了。
(B) 她上周离婚了。
(C) 她上周被人骗婚了。
(D) 她上周拒绝参加婚礼。
05)The young man had a fling at swimming.(A) 那个小伙子尝试学游泳。
(B) 那个小伙子害怕游泳。
(C) 那个小伙子对游泳不感兴趣。
(D) 那个小伙子喜欢游泳。
06)Mike bought the farm in the World War II.(A) 迈克在二战中发了大财。
(B) 麦克在二战中购买农场。
(C) 迈克在二战中阵亡。
(D) 麦克在二战中过得很安逸。
07)He was called to the bar at 21.(A) 他21岁就被关进了牢房。
(B) 他21岁就取得了律师资格。
(C) 他21岁就取得了调酒师资格。
(D) 他21岁就取得了医生资格。
08)I am as old again as you.(A) 我现在长大了,和你一样。
(B) 还没有你那么老。
(C) 我又和你一样老了。
(D) 我的年纪比你大一倍。
09)He is a fair-haired boy of the boss.(A) 他常受到老板的使唤。
湖北省翻译大赛非专业a组决赛试题及答案湖北省翻译大赛非专业A组决赛试题及答案一、英译汉1. The rapid development of technology has significantly changed the way we live and work.答案:技术的快速发展显著改变了我们的生活方式和工作方式。
2. Environmental protection is a global issue that requires the cooperation of all countries.答案:环境保护是一个需要所有国家合作的全球性问题。
二、汉译英1. 随着互联网的普及,人们获取信息的方式越来越多样化。
答案:With the popularization of the Internet, the ways in which people access information are becoming increasingly diverse.2. 教育是提高一个国家综合国力的关键因素之一。
答案:Education is one of the key factors in improving a country's comprehensive national strength.三、段落翻译1. In recent years, the concept of a "smart city" has gained popularity. A smart city is one that uses digital technology to improve the quality of life for its residents, enhance the efficiency of urban operations and services, and promote sustainable development.答案:近年来,“智慧城市”的概念越来越受欢迎。
a.AChinesepuzzle;b.Achilles’sheel;c.addsalttothewound;d.biteoffmore thanonecanchew;e.borninthepurple;f.buildcastlesinSpain;g.catchsomebodyred-handed;h.crywolf;i.facethemusic;j.gowest;k.hotpotato;l.makebrickswithoutstraw;kthebull;n. takethebullbythehorns;o.theappleofone’seye1(原文:他生于贵族之家,所以自幼所受的教育,有异于常人。
I.Chinese-English Phrase TranslationDirections: Each of the underlined Chinese phrases below is followed by four possible English translations marked A, B, C and D respectively. Tick off the best choice and write the corresponding letter in the answer sheet. (10 points in total, 1 point each)1. 世界经济复苏艰难曲折,各国面临许多共同威胁和挑战,没有哪个国家能够A.stand aloofB.immune itselfC.be aloneD.independently handle the problemsA.harmony in diversityB.harmonious but differentC.harmony without uniformityD.draw but different3. 大多数高校基本形成了包括奖学金、助学金、勤工助学、特殊困难补助以及A.tuition-waiverB.exemption for tuitionC.fee remissionD.tuition scholarship在潜质等都是重要的参考。
A.merit-based enrollmentB.admitting the best examineeC.selecting the students according to performanceD.selection on excellence不同体质用药。
第二十一届湖北省翻译大赛篇一:湖北省第二十届外语翻译大赛英语非专业组笔译决赛试题湖北省第二十届外语翻译大赛英语非专业组笔译决赛试题While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past. Caught in the web of its own time and place, each generation of historians determines anew what is significant for it in the past. In this search the evidence found is always incomplete and scattered; it is also frequently partial or partisan. The irony of the historian's craft is that its practitioners always know that their efforts are but contributions to an unending process. Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validityof history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves. While history once revered its affinity to literature and philosophy, the emerging social sciences seemed to afford greater opportunities for asking new questions and providing rewarding approaches toan understanding of the past. Social science methodologies had to be adaptedto a discipline governed by the primacy of historical sources rather than the imperatives of the contemporary world.During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.Methodology is a term that remains inherently ambiguous in the historical profession. There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry. Historians, especially those so blinded bytheir research interests that they have been accused of "tunnel method,"frequently fall victim to the "technicist fallacy." Also common in the natural sciences, the technicist fallacy mistakenly identifies the discipline as a whole with certain parts of its technical implementation. It applies equally totraditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources, and to social science historians who equate theiractivity with specific techniques.第二天早上,天空阴暗多云,海面波涛起伏,但后来太阳出来了。
湖北省第23届翻译大赛-笔译决赛试题---非英语专业B组湖北省第二十三届外语翻译大赛非英语专业B组笔译决赛试题考生姓名:注册手机号: .客观题答案涂写在答题卡上,主观题答案填写在试卷上I. Each of the following Chinese phrases is provided with three English translations, marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (10%)1. 中国女排精神[ ]A. the Volleyball Team Essence of Chinese WomenB. the Sprit of Chinese Women’s Volleyball TeamC. the C hina Women’s Sprit of Volleyball Team2. 英国脱欧[ ]A. BrexitB. GrexitC. Euexit3.磨山植物园[ ]A. Moshan Plant GardenB. Moshan Botanic GardenC. Moshan Botanic Park4. 武汉大学樱花节[ ]A. the Cherry Flower Festival at Wuhan UniversityB. the Cherry Day at Wuhan UniversityC. the Cherry Blossom Festival at Wuhan University5. 汉剧[ ]A. Han PlayB. Han operaC. Han drama6. 公共卫生设施[ ]A. public health devices.B. public sanitary infrastructureC. public health infrastructure.7. 二十国集团领导人杭州峰会[ ]A. G20 Hangzhou Top MeetingB. G20 Hangzhou Major ConferenceC. G20 Hangzhou Summit8. 奥运会[ ]A. the Olympic Sports MeetingB. the Olympic Sports GamesC. the Olympic Games9. 移动支付[ ]A. moving paymentB. mobile paymentC. moveable payment10. 首次载人航天飞行[ ]A. first manned spaceship flyB. first manning spaceflightC. first manned spaceflightII. Each of the following English phrases is followed by three Chinese versions marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (10%)11. Hubei Free Trade Zone [ ]A. 湖北自由经济开发区B. 湖北自贸区C. 湖北免费交易区12. the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympics [ ]A. 里约奥运开幕式B. 里约奥运庆典C. 里约奥运点火仪式13. two-dimensional code [ ]A.条形码B.支付码C. 二维码14. Open-Air Fitness Dancing [ ]A. 广场舞B. 健美操C. 交谊舞15. innovative graduation photos [ ]A. 中规中矩的毕业照B.创意毕业照C. 具有纪念意义的毕业照16. e-sports [ ]A. 数字竞技B. 电子竞技C. 网络体育17. service fee for cash withdrawal [ ]A. 存款手续费B. 存取款服务费C.提现服务费18. refund a ticket [ ]A.退票后的退款B.退票C. 购票19. wait-and-see attitude [ ]A. 看热闹的态度B.消极怠工态度C.观望态度20. low-rent housing [ ]A.廉租房B. 经济适用房C. 公租房III. Each of the following Chinese sentences is followed by three English versions marked A,B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (20%)21.寒假期间,校园网速很快,自习室里也不必担心找不到空座,洗澡时也不用再排队了。
05)It'stimetoputonthefeedbag.(A)上班时间到啦!(B)吃药的时间到了!(C)吃饭时间到啦!(D)睡觉时间到啦!06)PleasegivemeabottleofAdam'sale. (A)请给我一瓶水。
10)ThestorRhappenedbeforetheFlood. (A)故事在洪水之前就已经发生。
湖北省第十九届外语翻译大赛英语非专业组笔译初赛试一each of following italicized englishwords or phases is followed by two Chinese versions marked A andB separatel y, tick off the one which you think better.(15分,每小题1.5分) 1.secondhand opinionsA.二手的观点 B人云亦云的观点2.storm sandy affects Washington DCA沙尘暴 B桑迪飓风3.Security Council of the united nationsA联合国安保会议 B联合国安全理事会4.the Republicans and Democrats of the USA美国共和党和美国民主党 B美国共和民主党5.once—in—a-centuryA百年不遇 B一百年一次6.coordinated _process serviceA"一条龙“服务 B 协调服务7.unhealthy practiceA不健康的训练 B 不正之风8.income from moonlightingA晚间收入 B灰色收入9.enterprises running in the redA红色企业 B 亏损企业10.debt chainA三角债 B债链二each of followingunderlinedChinese phrases is followed by two english versionsmarked A and B separately ,tickoff the one which you think better.(15分,每小题1.5分)11.布衣蔬菜A wear coarse clothesand eat simple foodB wear cotton clothes and eat vegetables12.当心扒手A take care of the thief B.avoid theft13.中共十八大A the 18th national congress of CPC B.the 18th national meeting of CPC14.城市经济圈A.City economic circle B economic strip of the city15.东湖高新区A.east lake hightech zoneB.Donghu Highnew district speed16.首先,抓住有利时机,创造条件,寻求更快更好的发展。
英语笔译初级试题库及答案一、单句翻译(每题2分,共10分)1. 随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
2. 他不仅是一位优秀的教师,还是一位受人尊敬的学者。
3. 请把窗户关上,外面风很大。
4. 这个项目的成功在很大程度上取决于团队的合作。
5. 她的微笑掩盖了她内心的焦虑。
答案:1. With the development of technology, our lives are becoming more and more convenient.2. He is not only an excellent teacher but also a respected scholar.3. Please close the window, as it's very windy outside.4. The success of this project largely depends on the team's cooperation.5. Her smile masked her inner anxiety.二、段落翻译(英译汉,每题5分,共20分)1. In recent years, the popularity of cycling as a form of exercise has grown significantly. More and more people are choosing to cycle to work or for leisure, as it is a healthy and environmentally friendly option. Additionally, advancements in bicycle technology have made cycling more accessible and enjoyable.答案:1. 近年来,作为一种运动形式的自行车骑行越来越受欢迎。
湖北省第二十三届外语翻译大赛非英语专业A组笔译初赛答题卡考生姓名:学校:.专业名称:参赛编号:.手机号:.Ⅰ.Each of the following phrases is provided with three English translations, marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (15%)1.[ A ]2.[ A ]3.[ B ]4.[ C ]5.[ B ]6.[ C ]7.[ C ]8.[ B ]9.[ A ] 10.[ B ]Ⅱ. . Each of the following phrases is followed by three Chinese versions marked by A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (15%)1.[ A ]2.[ C ]3.[ B ]4.[ C ]5.[ B ]6.[ C ]7.[ A ]8.[ A ]9.[ B ] 10.[ C ] Ⅲ.Each of the following sentences is followed by three translations marked A, B and C separately, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks. (40%)1.[ C ]2.[ A ]3.[ C ]4.[ B ]5.[ A ]6.[ B ]7.[ C ]8.[ A ]9.[ B ] 10.[ B ]11.[ A ] 12.[ A ] 13.[ C ] 14.[ B ] 15.[ B ]16.[ A ] 17.[ A ] 18.[ C ] 19.[ B ] 20.[ C ]IV. Translate the following paggage into Chinese. (15%)美丽的花朵就像美女一样,会让极为感性的男人倾其所有。
第二十五届湖北省翻译大赛非专业英语A组【笔译】初赛试题参考答案I.Chinese-English Phrase Translation(1’*10=10’)12345678910 B D B A C A A B A AII.English-Chinese Phrase Translation(1’*10=10’)12345678910 C C B B D A D B A BIII.Reading Comprehension(2’*10=20’)Passage112345C D B A CPassage212345A B A A AIV.English-Chinese Sentence Translation(6’*5=30’)1.【原文】Organizations may perceive that after-hours email benefits them because they get more productivity out of employees but our study suggests that they will face long-term costs in employee turnover,absenteeism,and health costs.【参考译文】组织机构可能会觉得,办公时间以外的电子邮件对他们有利,因为他们可以从员工身上获得更多的生产力,但是我们的研究表明他们将面临长期成本,比如员工流动、缺勤和健康费用。
2.【原文】Individuals should also establish limits on their monitoring and establish periods of non-work time where they turn off their devices and engage solely with their significant others.【参考译文】个人也应该控制对电子邮箱的查收,并确定在非工作时间他们应关闭电子设备,只与家人联系。
(1)I'm below him in intelligence.(A) 我的智力比他差。
(2)He had been kept in quarantine for a week.(A) 他接到隔离审查长达一周。
(3)A stumble may prevent a fall.(A) 跌跌撞撞者不常摔跤。
(4)The old car is an albatross around my neck.(A) 那部老爷车我到哪就开到哪。
(B) 这台车已经不新了,但又不舍得丢。
(C) 那辆旧车成了我的累赘。
*(D) 这部古董车的价值相当于我脖子上的信天翁项链。
(5)At the age of seven I changed forever, like the faithful who see Christ on the side of a barn or peering up from a corn tortilla.(A) 年方七岁的我,整个人仿佛脱胎换骨,宛如虔诚的信徒目睹耶稣现身于谷仓一侧或在一张煎玉米饼里抬头张望那样,与先前判若两人。
(B) 那年我七岁,身心具彻变。
(C) 我七岁时,整个人就永远改变了。
(D) 吾方七岁,目睹耶稣,显身谷仓,手握米饼,抬头观望,俨然信徒,永久改变。
(6)Termites are a gourmet treat in Africa.(A) 在非洲,白蚁是美食家的专利。
01)The house cost him an arm and a leg.(A)这套房子花了他很多钱。
02)Tom was given the axe.汤姆被解雇了。
03)We live out of cans.我们靠罐头食品过活。
04)He went to bed with the chickens.他很早上床睡觉。
05)It’s time to put on the feedbag.吃饭时间到啦。
06)Please give me a bottle of Adam’s ale.请给我一瓶水。
07)It’s your ba by, not mine.那是你的任务,不是我的。
08)Her re-election is in the bag.她在改选中已稳操胜券。
09)He is a ball of fire.他精力充沛。
10)The story happened before the Flood.故事发生在远古时代。
11)I don’t know the ABC of computers.我对电脑一窍不通。
12)His parents are going bananas at him.他爸妈快被他气疯了。
13)Don’t pass the baby to me.不要把责任推卸给我。
14)She employed a tender foot to help her.她请了一个新手帮她。
15)Mary is an apple polisher.玛丽是个马屁精。
16)Don’t make yourself in the shit.不要自讨没趣。
湖北省第二十三届外语翻译大赛笔译决赛试题答案-非英语专业A组(本站推荐)第一篇:湖北省第二十三届外语翻译大赛笔译决赛试题答案 - 非英语专业A组(本站推荐)湖北省第二十三届外语翻译大赛非英语专业A组笔译参考答案I.Each of the following Chinese phrases is provided with three English translations, marked A, B and C respectively, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks.(10%)01-05 CAABB06-10 CBAAB II.Each of the following English phrases is followed by three Chinese versions marked A, B and C respectively, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks.(10%)11-15 BACAB16-20 CAACA III.Each of the following Chinese sentences is followed by three English versions marked A,B and C respectively, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks.(10%)21-25 BCABA 26-30 ABACA IV.Each of the following English sentences is followed by three Chinese versions marked A, and C respectively, tick off the best choice and fill in the blanks.(10%)31-35 CCBAA 36-40 CAABC V.Put the following into English(20%;4×5=20)41.Resource exhaustion, environment degradation and population explosion are the three major global problems confronting human beings, while space technology might become an important means of solving these problems.42.With China’s inevitable population growth, its sustained economic development, and its serious constraints in cropland and water, the country has no other choice than to modernize its agricultural sector.43.Because of the e-commerce development, the Internet development, there are a lot of young people who are interested in e-commerce, interested in Internetbusiness.They all come to the city.This city has become the center of inspiration, the center of innovation and the center of the “New Economy Entrepreneurship”.44.In China animals are valued as much for their symbolic meaning as for many good they may do.Miao people believe that swallow pairs remain faithful for life, so their presence is a favor and a blessing bringing happiness to a marriage and good luck to a home.Like most Miao dwellings, the Song’s living room windows look out over the paddy fields.From early spring, one of these windows is always left open to let the swallows come and go freely.45.A university should be a place of refuge that takes action against all forms of violence.That’s why we believe that student s should leave university believing in, striving for and expecting societies of true equality, society of true equality in every sense.And universities have the power to be vital catalyst for that change.VI.Put the following into Chinese(40%)46.三个月后,他寄来了一个大邮包,里面有二十九封信和五十张照片,这些都是他在公海上利用闲暇逐渐积累起来的。
01)The house cost him an arm and a leg. (A)这套房子花了他很多钱。
02)T om was given the axe.(A)汤姆得到一把斧头。
03)We live out of cans.(A)只要活着就总有可能。
04)He went to bed with the chickens. (A)他睡得很迟。
05)It's time to put on the feedbag.(A)上班时间到啦!(B)吃药的时间到了!(C)吃饭时间到啦!(D)睡觉时间到啦!06)Please give me a bottle of Adam' s ale. (A)请给我一瓶水。
07)It's your baby, not mine.(A)那是你的任务,不是我的。
08)Her re-election is in the bag.(A)她正为改选四处拉票。
09)He is a ball of fire.(A)他极富感染力。
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湖北省第十九届外语翻译大赛英语非专业组笔译初赛试一each of following italicized english words or phases is followed by two Chinese versions marked A and B separately, tick off the one which you think better. (15分,每小题分)1.secondhand opinionsA.二手的观点B人云亦云的观点2.storm sandy affects Washington DCA沙尘暴B桑迪飓风3.Security Council of the united nationsA联合国安保会议B联合国安全理事会4.the Republicans and Democrats of the USA美国共和党和美国民主党B美国共和民主党5.once—in—a-centuryA百年不遇B一百年一次6.coordinated _process serviceA"一条龙“服务 B 协调服务7.unhealthy practiceA不健康的训练 B 不正之风8.income from moonlightingA晚间收入B灰色收入9.enterprises running in the redA红色企业 B 亏损企业10.debt chainA三角债B债链二each of following underlined Chinese phrases is followed by two english versions marked A and B separately ,tick off the one which you think better.(15分,每小题分)11.布衣蔬菜A wear coarse clothes and eat simple foodB wear cotton clothes and eat vegetables12.当心扒手A take care of the thief theft13.中共十八大A the 18th national congress of CPC 18th national meeting of CPC14.城市经济圈economic circle B economic strip of the city15.东湖高新区lake high tech zone High new district speed16.首先,抓住有利时机,创造条件,寻求更快更好的发展。
A.first, seize the favorable opportunity and actively create conditions to seek a faster and betterB.First,seize the opportunity to create conditions for faster and better development17.全国人民对这种严重的官僚主义和腐败现象极其不满A the people as a whole are strongly dissatisfied with the phenomena of serious bureaucracy and corruptionpeople are indignant over bureaucracy and corruption18.事虽经纬万端,但纵观全局,合则对国家有利,分则必伤民族元气。
A though the matter was as complicated as could be ,an all--round view of the situation would show that cooperation is beneficial to the country and nation while division is detrimental to themB Complicated as the matter was ,an overall of the situation will show that united ,the country and the nation benefit ,divided ,they suffer19.一霎时,一阵被人摒弃,为世所遗的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来A all at once ,seized by a fit of forlorn rage ,i could not help bursting into tearsthe very moment the sad feeling of having been abandoned by everybody and forgotten by the world struck my heart,i could not help crying bitterly20.海南岛和台湾的面积差不多,那里有许多资源,有富铁矿,有石油天然气,还有香蕉和别的热带亚热带作物。
海南岛好好发展起来,是很了不起的A Hainan island, which is almost as big as Taiwan, has abundant natural resources, such as rich iron ore, oil and natural gas, as well as rubber and other tropical and subtropical and subtropical crops .when it is fully developed, the result should be extraordinaryB Hainan Island is almost as big as Taiwan .it has abundant natural resources, such as rich iron ore, oil and natural gas, as well as rubber and other tropical and subtropical hainan island well developed, the result would be extraordinary三each of the following sentences is followed by two versions marked A and B separately, tick off the one which you think better.(40分,每小题2分)21.Gates Avenue families carried their pails to the hydrant at the curb.A 住在盖茨街的家家户户都得提小桶到街边消防水龙头去取水B.住在盖茨大街上的人曾把桶提到街边的消防水龙头去22.A specter is haunting Europe -----the specter of communismA 一个幽灵--共产主义的幽灵正自欧洲上空徘徊B 一个幽灵在欧洲游荡--共产主义的幽灵23.newspaper articles are inspired about the president,s very good healthA 总统的健康个情况很好。
报纸载文对此深受鼓舞B 报纸备受已发表文章说,总统的健康情况很好24.You will be informed when they will leave for new yorkA 你将被告知他们离开去纽约的时候B 他们去纽约的时间会让你知道的25.Nixon was pleasure by the distinction ,but not overwhelmedA尼克松对这种破格的礼遇感到高兴,但并没有受宠若惊B尼克松对这种破格的礼遇感到高兴,但并没有喜出望外26.with respect to General Knox,i can say with truth ,there is no one in the united states whom i have loved more sincerely ,nor any for whom i have had a greaterfriendship.A我对罗克斯将军是怀着敬意的。
说实话,在合纵国我对他的爱最为诚挚,我和他的友谊最为深厚B至于罗克斯将军,我可以毫不夸奖地说,在合纵国我对他的爱最为诚挚,我和他的友谊最为深厚27.the new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the poorA新市长有礼貌地前来看望城市贫民,获得了他们的一些好感B新市长来看望了城市贫民,这一表示关心的举动赢得了他们的些许好感28.when he got back to England ,he was thin and ragged ,with the patch over one eye and very little hair on top of his head .he was rusty and weather--beaten and the brightest thing about him was his one bright eye.A他回到英国时,身体瘦弱,衣衫褴褛,一只眼睛蒙着眼罩,头发稀少,皮肤又黄又黑。
他周身上下最像样的东西要数那只还亮着的独眼29.it is obvious that this was merely a case of robbing peter to pay paul .there was no real clearing up of the outstanding debtA显然,这只是拆东墙补西墙,要测地了解这么多债务是绝对不可能的B,很明显,这只是一个抢彼得去还保罗的案子。
引人瞩目的债务并没有真正结清30.he would be a shorted sighted commander who merely his fortress and did not look beyondA如果一个指挥员只守城堡而不往远处看,那他就是目光短浅B.他是一个只顾守城而不放眼城外的目光短浅的指挥员31.他发现前人研究地理的记载有许多不很可靠的地方A he found there were many unreliable points in the geographic records kept by his predecessorsB he thought there were many unbelievable points in the geographic books kept by his ancestors32.我们之间关系的发展是我们不仅成为亲密的朋友而且成为兄弟A the development of our relations has made us not only close friends but also brothersB our relations have so grown that they bind us not only as close friends but also as brothers33.本文所讲的内容对通讯工程师来说是很有趣的A the content that this paper talks about is of great interest to communications engineersB what this paper discuses is of great interest to communications engineers34.这是民国六年的冬天,大北风刮得正猛,我因为生活关系,不得不一早在路上走A it is the winter of 1917 .the wind was blowing hard ,but i had to walk in the street to make a livingB it happened during the winter of wind was blowing ,but to making a living,i hadto be up and out early35.福华家具带给您典雅的欧陆风情A you will be enchanted by the unique European style of Fuhua furnitureB you will be enchanted by the unique European amorous feelings of Fuhua furniture36.轻纺工业产品的花色品种增多,质量继续有所提高designs and variety of light industrial and textile products have increased and their quality has continued to improveB light industry and textile products are now available in better designs and quality and richer variety37.我们大为惊讶的是,那幢经受强烈的地震而幸存下来的唯一的建筑物竟是砖木结构的A to our great surprise, the only building that survived the violent earthquake was one of brick and wood structureB to our great surprise, the only building that fortunately existed after the violent earthquake was one of brick and wood structure38.这些细菌要在温度达到一百摄氏度才会死亡A these bacteria will not die until the temperature reaches 100度B these bacteria will still be alive so long as the temperature is below 100度39.这是到了现在,还是时时记起A even now, this remains fresh in my memoryB even now, I still often think about this40.请来宾就坐A our guests, would you please find your seats and sit downB Distinguished guests, you are kindly requested to take your seats参考答案:1-5 BBBAA 6-10 ABBBA11-15 ABAAB 16-20 BBBAA21-25 AAABB 26-30 BBAAA31-35 ABBBA 36-40BAAAB。