trading system and to reduce barriers to trade in goods and services and investment.
Seattle Economic Leaders' Meeting Declaration in 1993 The following seven words are appeared with high frequency: open, gradual, voluntary, consultation, development, mutual benefit and common interests
Major Achievements
1.Trade and Investment Liberalization 2.Business Facilitation 3.Economic and Technical Cooperation
Key issues
Liberalization and facilitation of trade Multilateral trading system Human security Anti-corruption
APEC is the premier forum for facilitating
economic growth, cooperation, trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region. The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was established in 1989 as an informal ministerial-level dialogue group with twelve members.
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Remarks by President Obama at APEC CEO SummitBeijing, China4:51 P.M. CSTPRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you so much. Xiàwǔ hǎo.(Applause.) Thank you, Andrew, for that introduction. I have had the pleasure of getting to know Andrew very well these past few years. We have worked him hard –- he helped my administration with strategies for growing high-tech manufacturing to hiring more long-termunemployed. He’s just as good at corporate citi zenship as he is at running a corporation. Later I’ll visit Brisbane, where I know Andrew spent some of his youth.I’m sure he’s got some suggestions for fun there, but not necessarily things that a President can do. (Laughter.) We don’t know how he spent his youth, but I’m sure he had some fun.It is wonderful to be back in China, and I’m grateful for the Chinese people’s extraordinary hospitality. This is my sixth trip to Asia as President, and my second this yearalone. And that’s because, as I’ve said on each of my visits, America is a thoroughly Pacific nation. We’ve always had a history with Asia.And our future -- our security and our prosperity -- is inextricably intertwined with Asia. I know the business leaders in attendance today agree.I’ve now had the privilege to address the APEC CEO summit in Singapore, in Yokohama, and in my original hometown of Honolulu, now in Beijing. And I think it’s safe to say that few global forums are watched more closely by the business community. There’s a good reason for that. Taken together, APEC economies account for about 40 percent of the world’s population, and nearly 60 percent of its GDP.That means we’re home to nearly three billion customers, and three-fifths of the global economy.And over the next five years, nearly half of all economic growth outside the United States is projected to come from right here, in Asia. That makes this region an incredible opportunity for creating jobs and economic growth in the United States. And any serious leader in America, whether in politics or in commerce, recognizes that fact.Now the last time I addressed this CEO summit was three years ago. Today, I’ve come back at a moment when, around the world, the United States is leading from a position of strength. This year, of course, has seen its share of turmoil and uncertainty. But whether it’s our fight to degrade and destroy the terrorist network known as ISIL, or to contain and combat the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, the one constant –- the one global necessity –- is and has been American leadership.And that leadership in the world is backed by the renewed strength of our economy at home. Today, our businesses have created 10.6 million jobs over the longest uninterrupted stretch of job growth in American history. We’re on pace for the best year of job growth since the 1990s. Since we started creating jobs again, the U.S. has putmore people back to work than Europe, Japan, and every other advanced economy combined.And when you factor in what’s happen ing in our broader economy –- a manufacturing sector that as Andrew said is growing now at a rapid pace; graduation rates that are rising; deficits that have shrunk by two-thirds; health care inflation at 50-year lows; and an energy boom at new highs –- when you put all this together, what you get is an American economy that is primed for steadier, more sustained growth, and better poised to lead and succeed in the 21st century than just about any other nation on Earth.And you don’t have to take our word f or it –- take yours. For two years in a row, business executives like all of you have said that the world's most attractive place to invest is the United States. And we're going to go for a three-peat. We're going to try to make it the same this year.But despite the responsibilities of American leadership around the world, despite our attention to getting our economy growing, there should be no doubt that the United States of America remains entirely committed when it comes to Asia. America is a Pacific power, and we are leading to promote shared security and shared economic growth this century, just as we did in the last.In fact, one of my core messages throughout this trip -- from APEC to the East Asia Summit to the G20 in Australia -- is that working together we need growth that is balanced, growth that is strong, growth that is sustainable, and growth where prosperity is shared by everybody who is willing to work hard.As President of the United States I make no apologies for doing whatever I can to bring new jobs and new industries to America. But I've always said, in the 21st century, the pursuit of economic growth, job creation and trade is not a zero-sum game. One country's prosperity doesn't have to come at the expense of another. If we work together and act together, strengthening the economic ties between our nations will benefit all of our nations. That's true for the nations of APEC, and I believe it's particularly true for the relationship between the United States and China. (Applause.)I've had the pleasure of hosting President Xi twice in the United States. The last time we met, in California, he pointed out that the Pacific Ocean is big enough for both of our nations. And I agree. The United States welcomes the rise of a prosperous, peaceful and stable China. I want to repeat that. (Applause.) I want to repeat that: We welcome the rise of a prosperous, peaceful and stable China.In fact, over recent decades the United States has worked to help integrate China into the global economy -- not only because it's in China's best interest, but because it's in America's best interest, and the world's best interest. We want China to dowell. (Applause.)。
APEC会议话题(5篇材料)第一篇:APEC会议话题APEC会议期间关注话题话题:选址雁栖湖众所周知,时隔十三年,亚太地区最高级别的领导人会议APEC 将于2014年11月5日至11日在中国北京召开;但众所不知,这次会议的选址是在北京的远郊区怀柔雁栖湖。
踏平Thank you so much. Xiàwǔhǎo. (Applause.) Thank you, Andrew, for that introduction. I have had the pleasure of getting to know Andrew very well these past few years. We have worked him hard –- he helped my administration with strategies for growing high-tech manufacturing to hiring more long-term unemployed. He’s just as good at corporate citizenship as he is at running a corporation. Later I’ll visit Brisbane, where I know Andrew spent some of his youth. I’m sure he’s got some suggestions for fun there, but not necessarily things that a President can do. (Laughter.) We don’t know how he spent his youth, but I’m sure he had some fun.谢谢你们。
And sta nding be fore you four ye ars ago, I knewthat I d idn”t wa nt any o f that t o change if Bara ck becam e Presid ent.Well, today,after s o many s truggles and tri umphs an d moment s that h ave test ed my hu sband in ways Inever co uld have imagine d, I hav eseen f irsthand that be ing pres ident do esn”t ch ange who you are it reve als whoyou are.You see, I”ve go tten tosee up c lose and persona l what b eing pre sident r eally lo oks like.And I”v e seen h ow the i ssues th at e acr oss a Pr esident”s desk a re alway s the ha rd onesthe prob lems whe re no am ount ofdata ornumberswill get you tothe righ t answer...the j udgmentcalls wh ere thestakes a re so hi gh, andthere is no marg in for e rror.And as Pres ident, y ou can g et all k inds ofadvice f rom allkinds of people.But at t he end o f the da y, whenit es ti me to ma ke thatdecision, as Pre sident,all youhave toguide yo u are yo ur value s, and y our visi on, andthe life experie nces tha t make y ou who y ou are.S o when i t es torebuildi ng our e conomy,Barack i s thinki ng about folks l ike my d ad and l ike hisgrandmot her.He”s thinkin g aboutthe prid e that e s from a hard da y”s work.四年前,站在你们面前的我知道,如果巴拉克成为总统,我不愿意这些价值观产生任何改变。
英语演讲原文:奥巴马演讲 建设21世纪清洁能源经济1
奥巴马演讲建设21世纪清洁能源经济1THE PRESIDENT: Thank you so much. Everybody, please have a seat, have a seat.Hello, Fairless Hills! Hello, Gamesa! It is good to be here. I was here three years ago. I was then a candidate -- how many folks were here at the time? Anybody remember? (Applause.) We had a good visit. I signed a blade, I think, while I was here. I didn’t have as much gray hair back then. (Laughter.) You guys still look great. I’m a little worn down.It is great to be back, and I love visiting places where people are actually making stuff, because that’s what America is about. Everybody here, you are helping 1 to build towers that are going to stand 400 feet in the air and generate enough electricity to power 600 homes. And the blades alone are 140 feet long, so these aren’t your father’s windmills(风车) . These are wind turbines. You guys are not messing around. This is the future of American energy.So I wanted to come back partly because over the last two years since I’ve been President, just as I promised when I was here as a candidate, I have been promoting and boosting clean energy. I think it’s absolutely critical for our future. And it’s also nice to be next to cool products.I think that what you do here is a glimpse of the future, and it’s a future where America is less dependent on foreign oil, more reliant(依赖的,可靠的) on clean energy produced by workers like you. And I know that this is -- this whole issue of energy is on the minds of a lot of people right now, partly because you’re paying more at the pump. Anybody notice that? You noticed that a little bit.The fact is, for a lot of folks, money was already tight before gas prices started climbing, especially for some families where the husband or the wife had been out of work or you’ve had to get by with fewer customers or hours on thejob. Having high gas prices is just one more added burden.But I want everybody to remember, every time gases go up, we see the same pattern. Washington gets all worked up, just like clockwork. Republicans and Democrats 2 both start making a lot of speeches. Usually the Democrats blame the Republicans; the Republicans blame theDemocrats. Everybody is going in front of the cameras and they’ve got som e new three-point plan to promise two-dollar-a-gallon gas. And then nothing happens. And then gas prices go down, and then suddenly it’s not in the news anymore and everybody forgets about it until the next time gas prices go back up again.That’s what was happening when I was running three years ago. You remember “Drill, baby, drill”? That was because the economy was overheated, gas prices were skyrocketing, and everybody made a lot of speeches but not much happened. And I said then that we can’t afford to continue this kind of being in shock when gas prices go up and then suddenly being in a trance when things go back downagain. We’ve got to have a sustained energy policy that is consistent, that recognizes that there’s no magic formula to dri ving gas prices down; it’s a steady improvement in terms of how we use energy and where we get energy from -- that’s what’s going to make a difference.That’s how we’re going to secure our energy future.So last week I laid out a vision of how we could do this. It’s a plan that says we’re not going to play the usual Washington politics that have prevented progress on energy for decades. Instead, what we’re going to do is we’re going to take every good idea out there. Whether you’re Republican or Democrat 3 , whatever the idea. From environmentalists. From oil men like T. Boone Pickens. I want to have a comprehensive energy strategy that can help us move forward. And that means we’ve got to pursue every breakthrough, every renewable resource, every technology, every approach to change the way we produce and use energy.And through this plan, what we want to do is promote allkinds of homegrown energy. That’s what’s going to help us secure our energy future. That’s what’s going to help us win the future.Now, first of all, what I want to do is, in a decade, I want us to have cut by one-third the amount of oil that we imported when I was elected to this office. I want to cut our energy imports by a third.Now, understand why th at’s so important, because when you see what happens in the Middle East, and suddenly the world oil markets get spooked, even if the supply is there, your gas prices are going to go up. The less we import, the more control we have over what happens at the pump.Second, through sources like wind energy, produced in part by your turbines(涡轮) , I want us to double the amount of electricity that we draw from clean sources. I want us to double it. And that means by 2035, 80 percent of ourelectricity will come from renewables like wind and solar, as well as efficient natural gas, clean coal, nuclear power. We can do that.And by the way, that would make a huge difference here at Gamesa. This is an approach that says we’re not going to pick one energy source over another. What we do is we set a target, an achievable goal, and then we give industry the flexibility 4 to achieve it. We say to the utilities, you’ve got to get this much energy from renewable sources, and then wind is competing with solar is competing with natural gas. And there’s a healthy competition out there, and everybody starts getting better at what they do because you’re producing more and you know you’ve got a reliable customer for it.So we’re cutting oil imports by a third. We’re going to get 80 percent of our electricity from clean sources. And if we follow through on this, if we actually tackle this challenge, here’s what will happen. Our economy will be less vulnerable to wild swings in oil prices. Our nation will nolonger be beholden to the countries that we now rely on for oil imports. We won’t be sending billions of dollars a day to the Middle East. We can potentially keep some of that invested right here at home.We’ll reduce the pollution that’s disrupting our climate and threatening the planet that we leave for our children and our grandchildren. We’ll become more energy independent. And we’ll spark innovation and entrepreneurship across America. We will be more likely to win the global competition for new jobs and new industries -- because I don’t know about you, I don’t want China to be the world’s leading wind power manufacturer. I want the United States to be the leading manufacturer of wind power. I want it made right here in the U.S. of A. (Applause.)Same thing goes with solar, same thing goes -- whatever energy source, I want us to be the best. That’s how we’ll win the future. But we’re going to have to out-innovate the world. And this plant is a good example. For decades, this was part of steel country. Thousands went to work in the oldbuildings that lined these streets, forging the metal that built our trains and our ships and our cars and our skyscrapers 5 (摩天大楼) .But you know the story. The economy changed. Those jobs vanished. A lot of empty factories started lining 6 these same streets.But this company brought jobs back to thesefloors. Buildings that were dark, they’re now humming again. We got more than 250 people on the job at these plants and 800 workers across the state. And Gamesa has partnered with Bucks 7 County Community College to create a Green Jobs Academy that serves as a pipeline 8 for new workers as the company expands. And there are other companies pursuing clean energy along these streets as well.This has made a difference in this community. It’s made a difference for folks like Jim Bauer. Is Jim around? Where’sJim? There’s Jim right there. (Applause.) Hey, Jim! See, I heard about Jim because he lost his job when the mills closed, but then he’d be pretty soon working again in the shadow of where he spent 25 years in the steel industry. Now he’s here.And there was a quote that we got from Jim. He said, “I was forced into retirement 9 ” -- "after I was forced into retirement, nobody would hire me for any kind of decent money. Then I saw an ad looking for steelworkers to join Gamesa, and now I’m happy to contribute to something that’s important.” (Applause.)And that -- there are a lot of folks out there like Jim who are hardworking, have great skills, but maybe haven’t gotten a chance. And there’s no reason why they can’t be working in a place that’s doing some important things.■文章重点单词注释:1helpingn.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的参考例句:The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
英语演讲稿-经典名人英语演讲稿52:西部大开发(日本让你三井物产会长上岛重二APEC CEO峰会讲话) mp3
英语演讲稿经典名人英语演讲稿52:西部大开发(日本让你三井物产会长上岛重二APEC CEO峰会讲话) mp352. China Western Development52.西部大开发I have confidence in the large-scale development of the western region for the following reasons. First, the West is a huge area that accounts for almost two thirds of China’s total land mass. It is also rich in natural resources and energy. Second is the “conservation of the ecological environment”. Third, it is hoped that the development of the interior will help narrow the current economic gap with the coastal regions. As the economic level of the interior is brought in line with that of the coastal regions, it will generate massive domestic demand and contribute to the growth of China as a giant consumer market.我对中国的西部大开发很有信心。
二、演讲结构1. 简要介绍主题在演讲开始,简要介绍本次演讲的主题,让听众对演讲内容有一个大致的了解。
”2. 突出重点观点在演讲过程中,要抓住重点,明确自己的观点。
3. 结合实际案例为了使演讲更具说服力,可以结合实际案例进行分析。
4. 总结观点在演讲结尾,对重点观点进行总结,再次强调演讲主题。
”三、演讲技巧1. 突出主题,简洁明了闪电演讲时间有限,因此要突出主题,简洁明了地表达观点。
2. 运用故事,增强说服力在演讲过程中,可以运用故事、案例等手法,使观点更具说服力。
3. 互动交流,拉近与听众的距离在演讲过程中,可以适时与听众互动,例如提问、回答问题等,拉近与听众的距离,提高演讲效果。
The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is the most influential official forum for economic cooperation in the Asia Pacific region.The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization at the end of the cold war in the world was born. At the end of the 1980s, with the end of the cold war, the international situation has slowed down and the trend of economic globalization, trade and investment liberalization and regional collectivization has gradually become a trend. Meanwhile, the proportion of Asia in the world economy has also increased significantly.The organization plays an irreplaceable role in promoting regional trade and investment liberalization and enhancing economic and technological cooperation among members. It is a forum for promoting economic growth, cooperation, trade and investment among all regions in the Asia Pacific region..The purpose of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization is to maintain economic growth and development, promote economic interdependence among members, strengthen the open multilateral trading system, reduce regional trade and investment barriers, and safeguard the common interests of the people of the region.APEC mainly discusses issues related to global and regional economies, such as promoting the global multilateral trading system, implementing the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment in the Asia Pacific region, promoting financial stability and reform, and developing economic and technological cooperation and capacity building. APEC has also begun to intervene in other economic related issues, such as human security (including counter-terrorism, health and energy), anti-corruption, disaster preparedness and cultural cooperation.The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) is the most influential official forum on economic cooperation in the Asia Pacific region. It was founded in 1989. At the beginning of its establishment, it was a regional economic forum and consultative institution. After the development of the Asia Pacific region, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization has gradually evolved into a major economic cooperation forum in the Asia Pacific region and the Asia Pacific region. The highest level of intergovernmental economic cooperation mechanism.。
亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会上的书面演讲 有感
马云在apec的英语演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning. It is my great honor to stand here to address the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) today. As we gather here, the global economy is facing a series of challenges. Political upheaval, trade barriers, and climate change are just some of the issues that demand our attention, and as leaders in the business community, we have an important role to play.Over the past decades, China has experienced an incredible transformation. While the world has been watching, we have grown from a nation of farmers to a nation of innovators. Our e-commerce industry has led the way, bringing commerce to the fingertips of millions and rewriting the rules of global trade.However, the world is changing fast, and China must stay ahead of the curve. We must continue to embrace innovation, adapt to change, and lead by example. This is why we must focus on three crucial areas: education, entrepreneurship, and sustainability.Firstly, we must prioritize education. The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and we must provide them with the tools they need to succeed. We must support comprehensive education programs, including vocational training and access to technology, to ensure that our youth are equipped with the skills they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world.Secondly, we must encourage entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are the backbone of any successful economy, and we must ensure thatour policies support their growth. This means providing access to capital, easing regulatory burdens, and promoting innovation.Finally, we must prioritize sustainability. As a global community, we must come together to address the pressing issues of climate change and environmental degradation. We must work together to find innovative solutions, from renewable energy to sustainable transportation, and prioritize the well-being of our planet for future generations.As we move forward, it is important to remember that we are all in this together. By focusing on education, entrepreneurship, and sustainability, we can create a brighter future for all. At Alibaba, we remain committed to this vision, and we will continue to lead by example, developing innovative technologies and promoting sustainable practices to ensure that our planet thrives for many generations to come.Thank you.。
美国总统奥巴马在2014年APEC工商领导人峰会上的演讲全文视频第一篇:美国总统奥巴马在2014年APEC工商领导人峰会上的演讲全文视频Remarks by President Obama at APEC CEO Summit Beijing, China 4:51 P.M.CST PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you so much.Xiàwǔ hǎo.(Applause.)Thank you, Andrew, for that introduction.I have had the pleasure of getting to know Andrew very well these past few years.We have worked him hard –-he helped my administration with strategies for growing high-tech manufacturing to hiring more long-term unemployed.He’s just as good at corporate citizenship as he is at running a ter I’ll visit Brisbane, where I know Andrew spent some of his youth.I’m sure he’s got some suggestions for fun there, but not necessarily things that a President can do.(Laughter.)We don’t know how he spent his youth, but I’m sure he had some fun.It is wonderful to be back in China, and I’m grateful for the Chinese people’s extraordinary hospitality.This is my sixth trip to Asia as President, and my second this year alone.And that’s because, as I’ve said on each of my visits, America is a thoroughly Pacific nation.We’ve always had a history with Asia.And our future--our security and our prosperity--is inextricably intertwined with Asia.I know the business l eaders in attendance today agree.I’ve now had the privilege to address the APEC CEO summit in Singapore, in Yokohama, and in my original hometown of Honolulu, now in Beijing.And I think it’s safe to say that few global forums are watched more closely by th e business community.There’s a good reason for that.Taken together, APEC economies accountfor about 40 percent of the world’s population, and nearly 60 percent of its GDP.That means we’re home to nearly three billion customers, and three-fifths of the global economy.And over the next five years, nearly half of all economic growth outside the United States is projected to come from right here, in Asia.That makes this region an incredible opportunity for creating jobs and economic growth in the United States.And any serious leader in America, whether in politics or in commerce, recognizes that fact.Now the last time I addressed this CEO summit was three years ago.Today, I’ve come back at a moment when, around the world, the United States is leading from a position of strength.This year, of course, has seen its share of turmoil and uncertainty.But whether it’s our fight to degrade and destroy the terrorist network known as ISIL, or to contain and combat the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, the one constant –-the one global necessity –-is and has been American leadership.And that leadership in the world is backed by the renewed strength of our economy at home.Today, our businesses have created 10.6 million jobs over the longest uninterrupted stretch of job growth i n American history.We’re on pace for the best year of job growth since the 1990s.Since we started creating jobs again, the U.S.has put more people back to work than Europe, Japan, and every other advanced economy combined.And when you factor in what’s happ ening in our broader economy –-a manufacturing sector that as Andrew said is growing now at a rapid pace;graduation rates that are rising;deficits that have shrunk by two-thirds;health care inflation at 50-year lows;and an energy boom at new highs –-when you put all this together, what you get is an American economy that is primed for steadier, more sustained growth, and better poised to lead and succeed in the21st century than just about any other nation on Earth.And you don’t have to take our word for it–-take yours.For two years in a row, business executives like all of you have said that the world's most attractive place to invest is the United States.And we're going to go for a three-peat.We're going to try to make it the same this year.But despite the responsibilities of American leadership around the world, despite our attention to getting our economy growing, there should be no doubt that the United States of America remains entirely committed when it comes to Asia.America is a Pacific power, and we are leading to promote shared security and shared economic growth this century, just as we did in the last.In fact, one of my core messages throughout this trip--from APEC to the East Asia Summit to the G20 in Australia--is that working together we need growth that is balanced, growth that is strong, growth that is sustainable, and growth where prosperity is shared by everybody who is willing to work hard.As President of the United States I make no apologies for doing whatever I can to bring new jobs and new industries to America.But I've always said, in the 21st century, the pursuit of economic growth, job creation and trade is not a zero-sum game.One country's prosperity doesn't have to come at the expense of another.If we work together and act together, strengthening the economic ties between our nations will benefit all of our nations.That's true for the nations of APEC, and I believe it's particularly true for the relationship between the United States and China.(Applause.)I've had the pleasure of hosting President Xi twice in the United States.The last time we met, in California, he pointed out that the Pacific Ocean is big enough for both of our nations.And I agree.The United States welcomes the rise of a prosperous, peaceful and stable China.I want torepeat that.(Applause.)I want to repeat that: We welcome the rise of a prosperous, peaceful and stable China.In fact, over recent decades the United States has worked to help integrate China into the global economy--not only because it's in China's best interest, but because it's in America's best interest, and the world's best interest.We want China to do well.(Applause.)第二篇:习近平在APEC工商领导人峰会演讲(xiexiebang推荐)习近平在APEC工商领导人峰会演讲(全文)央广网北京11月9日消息国家主席习近平于北京时间11月9日9时许出席2014年亚太经合组织(APEC)工商领导人峰会并作主旨演讲。
APEC 2005会议韩国总统卢武铉的开幕演讲
APEC 2005会议韩国总统卢武铉的开幕演讲APEC 2005会议韩国总统卢武铉的开幕演讲Remarks by Korean President Roh Moo-hyun to the APEC CEO Summit2005年11月18日,亚太经合组织第十三次领导人非正式会议在韩国南部港口城市釜山召开。
November 18, 2005The Honorable Chairman Hyun Jae-hyun of the APEC CEO Summit and economic leaders of the Asia-Pacific region,Thank you Citigroup Senior Vice Chairman Mr. William R. Rhodes for your kind introduction, which is a far better than how I remember of myself.Many internationally renowned business leaders are gathered here, befitting the reputation of this event as the biggest business forum in the Asia-Pacific region. I wholeheartedly welcome you all to Korea.The APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting is to take place in just three hours. It appears to me, however, that this gathering might be of more material gain.First of all, I congratulate you on the 10th anniversary of the APEC CEO Summit. As an instrument through which the business leaders in the region offer advice to and communicate with the leaders of the member economies, this summit has contributed significantly to shared prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region. Your great service is much appreciated and I expect that this year’s sum mit will become a good opportunity to broaden understanding between governments and businesses.Distinguished participants,The Asia-Pacific region is at the center of prosperity with the world’s most dynamic growth. Exchanges and cooperation among the member economies within the region have also been accelerated. In case of Korea, this region accounts for 70 per cent of international trade and 64 per cent of foreign investments.Nonetheless, we need to make much more efforts to accomplish an Asia-Pacific economic community, which is the ultimate goal of APEC.First of all, we should strengthen open multilateral trade system through steadily lowering trade and investment barriers. In addition, we need to make parallel efforts to help reduce the gap between the member economies through economic and technical cooperation. It is for this reason that, as the chair of this year’s APEC, Korea has initiated the theme "Towards One Community: Meet the Challenge, Make the Change."This afternoon, the APEC leaders will discuss how to achieve the Bogor Goals and present the Busan Roadmap to the Bogor Goals. The Busan Roadmap will incorporate some concrete measures, including the advancement of World Trade Organization Doha Development Agenda negotiations as well as trade liberalization through free trade agreements.Establishing a "secure and transparent business environment" is another major subject of this year’s meeting. Collaboration to fight against terrorism, collective action to cope with public health threats and disasters, and cooperation to combat corruption will be discussed in depth.In addition, we have agreed earlier to pursue cultural cooperation this year to enhance mutual understanding among the member economies and to promote a sense of community. Accordingly, as the first project, the special APEC Film Week was held in Busan on October 6-14.Such initiatives will translate diversity among the member economies into a driving force for exchanges and cooperation and will contribute to the making of APEC a more trustworthy community.Distinguished participants,As suggested by the proverb, "A bowlful of gems become a peace of jewelry only if they are neatly strung together," you are the key players to transform the boundless potential of theAsia-Pacific region into a reality. Your creative cooperation will enhance any collaboration among the member economies in most substantive and effective ways.In this light, the meaning of this gathering under the theme of "Building a Successful Partnership in the Asia-Pacific Region" is profound. The closer you collaborate, the quicker the future of the Asia-Pacific economic community will further advance.Distinguished CEOs,Many of you may have considerable interest in the future of Korean economy.To give my conclusion first, the prospect for Korean economy is bright.First of all, the stock market that indicates the future of economy is at a record high. Despite skyrocketing oil prices, exports surpassed 250 billion U.S. dollars last year and aggregate exportsduring the first nine months increased by 12.4 per cent. The OECD and the IMF forecast that the Korean economy would grow by approximately 5 per cent next year, and international rating agencies have also upgraded Korea’s sovereign rating one after an other.The road the Korean economy is taking is clear.First, it is innovation in science and technology. We have been focusing our efforts on technological innovation and nurturing a talent pool so that both domestic and foreign businesses would want to invest in Korea and that they will leap high yields on their investments. I hope you will be able to confirm first hand on this occasion our efforts focusing upon the development of IT, BT and other future growth engine industries on the basis of solid manufacturing industry.Korea has also been pursuing relentlessly reform measures to establish a transparent and fair market. Phrases like government-controlled economy, government-controlled financing, or collusion between the government and business are all things of the past. A market under the initiative of the private sector and with merit-based competitions is on its way. The system and practice in each sector of economy is being adapted to global standards, and social culture is changing rapidly to accommodate more rational thinking.We are also making best efforts to reduce regulations and to improve the living environment for foreign residents. As many as 16,000 foreign businesses are already operating in Korea and 263 of them are the Fortune 500 companies. With an objective to establish Korea as the mostbusiness-friendly nation in Asia, we project to increase FDIs to account for 14 per cent of the nation’s GDP by the year 2012.Through such efforts, Korea will proceed to become an advanced economy in name and substance as well as a hub of logistics, finance and R&D in Northeast Asia.This is the right time to invest in Korea. If you invest at early signs of potentials, your yields will be that much greater. I want you to succeed without fail and firmly believe that you will succeed if you choose Korea.Distinguished participants,Korea’s support for the multilateral trading system is firm. Korean economic growth has been made possible on the basis of free trade. We will continue to aim at realizing an advanced nation of international trade through proactive market opening.Currently, we are negotiating for free trade agreements with approximately twenty major trading partners and will continue to concentrate efforts on concluding them. We will also contribute positively to the successful settlement of the WTO DDA negotiations.With regard to the North Korean nuclear issue, some difficulties may lie ahead but I believe that we will eventually arrive at desirable outcomes. To ascertain such results without fail, the Korean Government will continue to cooperate closely with the countries involved.Distinguished CEOs and ladies and gentlemen from home and abroad,Liberalization and globalization are an irreversible tide of the times. With the advancement of globalization, however, an adverse effect of socio-economic disparities is also on the rise. In many economies including Korea, disparities between industries and businesses lead to disparities in employment and income and to disparities in education and investments in human resources, further widening the gap between different income groups.Such socio-economic disparities are likely not only to hinder social integration but also to discourage consumption, thus causing a contraction of the market and investments eventually. When the legacies of poverty produce an increasing number of people without hope, it alone can constitute a threat to peace. It is time for us to search for ways we all can share the fruit of development stemming from globalization.During this APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, I would like to put forth this issue in search of collective wisdom of the member economies. In this regard, the role of those of you present here is also important. Reduced socio-economic disparities as well as sustainable development will be made possible when government policy initiatives are combined with a spirit of coexistence and mutual help shared by the business leaders.Distinguished participants,We already have a general direction where we should go from here in the years to come. That is the future of shared prosperity through open door policies and cooperation.What we need now is the will to act on that vision and translate it into reality. Let us look farther and join our forces together for greater benefits. Let us march forward together, hand in hand, for a bright future for the Asia-Pacific community.This City of Busan is a hub port of Northeast Asia linking Asia and the Pacific. This is an ideal place where you can nurture exchanges and friendship. I hope you will have a pleasant and productive time during your stay despite busy schedule.Thank you.。
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尊敬的各位同事,尊敬的各位来宾!女士们、先生们,朋友们,大家晚上好!Distinguished Colleagues,Dear Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,在亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议召开之际,大家不远万里来到北京,用中国人的话来说,就是大家有缘分,有缘千里来相会。
Good evening! You have traveled long distances to Beijing, making this reunion possible on the eve of the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting. The Chinese people believe in destiny. In a sense, we are destined to meet here tonight.首先我代表中国政府和人民,代表我的夫人,也以我个人的名义对各位贵宾的到来表示热烈的欢迎!On behalf of the Chinese government and people, on behalf of my wife and in my own name, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to every one of you, my distinguished guests!刚才我在门口迎接大家,看到各位都穿上中国式服装,既充满了中国传统元素,又体现了现代气息,让我们更感亲近。
When I greeted you a moment ago at the entrance, I saw that you were all dressed in Chinese attire. With both Chinese cultural elements and a modern touch, the attire brings us much closer together. The Chinese people will be delighted to see you inlocal-style dress and see you as friends and neighbors coming to visit us at home. Let me mention the ladies especially. Gaily dressed in a riot of colors, you are particularly glamorous tonight. Your presence has lit up this banquet hall. The place we’re at is called the “Water Cube”; across the street is the National Stadium, better known as the “Bird’s Nest”. The one has a square exterior,the other is round in shape. Ancient Chinese saw earth as square and heaven as round. These two structures, standing next to each other, are a perfect illustration of balance and harmony. The Water Cube served as the National Aquatics Center during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Forty-four gold medals were awarded here, and this place saw the creation of 25 new world records. Many athletes from the economies you represent excelled in the competition and created one sporting miracle after another. Some of the APEC Economic Leaders present tonight also attended the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.这几天我每天早晨起来以后的第一件事,就是看看北京空气质量如何,希望雾霾小一些,以便让各位远方的客人到北京是感觉舒适一点。
These days, the first thing I do in the morning is to check the airquality in Beijing, hoping that the smog won’t be too bad, so that our distinguished guests will be more comfortable while you’re here. Fortunately with the efforts of our people and the cooperation of the weather, air quality in Beijing in the recent couple of days is much better than before. Well, this may be a premature conclusion, but I do hope and pray the weather tomorrow will turn out just fine! The improved air quality, which is not easy to secure, is the result of the combined efforts of nearby provinces and cities and relevantgove rnment agencies. Here I want to say “thank you” to all those who have helped to make it a reality. And I want to thank the APEC meeting for prompting us to be even more determined to protect the environment. We will do a better job at protecting the environment in the future. Some people call the clear Beijing sky these days “the APEC blue” and say it is beautiful but temporary, and it will be gone soon after the APEC meeting. I hope and believe that, with persistent efforts, the APEC blue will be here to stay.谢谢,我们正在全力进行污染治理,力度之大,前所未有,我希望北京乃至全中国都能够蓝天常在,青山常在,绿水常在,让孩子们都生活在良好的生态环境之中,这也是中国梦中很重要的内容。
My government is making an unprecedented, all-out effort to cleanup pollution. My hope is that every day we will see a blue sky, green mountains and clear rivers not just in Beijing, but all across China, so that our children will live in an enjoyable environment. This is a very important part of the Chinese Dream.各位同事,女士们、先生们、朋友们,我们之所以选择水立方来举行这个晚宴,是因为水在中国文化中具有重要的象征意义。
Distinguished Colleagues,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,We have chosen the Water Cube as the venue for this dinner because water has great symbolism in Chinese culture. Over 2,000 years ago, Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu noted that “The supreme good is like water, which benefits all of creation without trying to compete with it.” True, water nourishes all things without them realizing it. We, APEC member economies, are brought together bythe water of the Pacific Ocean. We have a shared responsibility to make the Pacific an ocean of peace, friendship and cooperation, an ocean that brings peace, development, prosperity and progress to the Asia-Pacific region.这是一个富有意义的夜晚,我们为亚太长远发展的共同使命而来,应该以此为契机,一起勾画亚太长远发展愿景,确定亚太未来合作方向。