新编剑桥商务英语(高级)第三版 1.1

❖I wish I had my own space. I have to carry everything around in my bag and sometimes there’s nowhere to sit.
❖ hot-desking
❖I like it because it’s only for a couple of months and I’m saving up to go round the world.
❖长期兼职(permanent part-time),即雇用 一些不愿全天候完整时间工作,而仅利用部分时 间工作的员工,其工作时间虽不是整天整周,工 作时间却定期不变(例如某私人企业定期雇用会 计师在每个工作日下班后为其处理财务账目)。
❖ 分担工作(job-sharing),即一份全职工作由两 人分担,两人均为长期兼职员工,按需要分摊工 作时间、工资、假期及福利。
C You work for different companies for a short time without a permanent contract.
D You work a number of hours per week or month but you decide when you start or finish.
❖ 弹性工作时间(flexitime),亦作flexible working hours, 就是将员工工作时间分为核 心时间和弹性时间。核心时间(例如早上10点到 12点,下午2点到4点)为员工必须工作时间, 其余时间定为弹性时间,即员工自己选择的工作 时间, 这样员工可灵活决定上下班时间。员工每
Business English
1.1 Ways of working

新编剑桥商务英语(高级)第三版1.2-1.3教学文案新编剑桥商务英语(高级)第三版1.2-1.31.2Asking and answering questionAn environmental accidentThe Daily ReporterTankerGrounded200 tonnes of oil leak into sea1 .Following this news announcement a journalist interviewsa spokesperson from the company that owns the tanker. Listen to the interview.1 What caused the accident?2 How many accidents has the ship been involved in?3 Does the spokesperson come out of it well?2Complete the questions the journalist asks.1 how this happened?2this isn't the first time this particular ship has been in an accident3And to do to limit the damage?4 this kind of accident is acceptable?5 It's a PR disaster for your company,Indirect questions3 Look at exercise 2. Study the structure of the indirect questions in sentences 1 and 4,and the tag questions in sentences 2 and 5.4 Convert the following questions into indirect questions.0 How many years' experience do you have in customer service?Can you tell me how many years' experience you have in customer Service?1 Where have you worked before?I'd be interested to know2 Are you an ambitious person?Would you say3 Have you gone as far as you can in your present job?Do you think ?4 Who are our main customers?Do you know ?5Convert the following questions into tag questions.0 Are you interested in a full一time job?You're interested in a full-time job ,are not you?1 Are you married?2 Can't you start tomorrow"?3 have you only worked for smaller companies?4 Did you manage to find our offices easily'?5 Is this your first real job?6 Would you be able to work part-time?A job interview6 How would you feel if you were asked these questions? How would you reply?1 Can you tell me why you think you'll be good at this job?2 Why should I employ you?3 You don't have much experience in this field, do you?4 You've taken quite a lot of time out from work .Why is that?5 You are quite a quietly-spoken person. Do you have trouble asserting yourself?G Now, your last job. Did you choose to leave?7 And what do you know about our company?8 So tell me what you did yesterday.7 Work with a partner. Each choose one of the following jobs to be interviewed for. Prepare five questions each and then lake it in turns to adopt the role of interviewer and interviewee. Try to put your interviewee `on the spot: firefighter restaurant manager web designerfundraiser for local sports club trainee investment advisor1.3Reading Test: Introduction andPart OneThe Reading Test has six parts, in which there are a total of 52 questions, and Lasts one hour. It carries 25% of the total marks. The texts are all business-related and vary between 150 and 500 words in length. Each part tests a particular reading skill or understanding of language structure.In the exam, you have an hour to read over 2,000 words, so try to develop your reading speed. The only way to do this is to practise:.Read English business texts, e g Time, Newsweek..Get your news from English Internet sites, e g the BBC, CNN.Part Text tune Skill focus Task1 Single text or 5 Beading for global meaning; Matching summariesshort texts (450 summarising to each section of textwords2 Single text (460- heading for detail; Inserting missing500 words) understanding structure sentences into text3 Single text(500- Reading for general meaning 4-part multiple choice600 words) and specific detail comprehension question4 Single text (250 Understanding meaning and Gap-fill; multiplewords) grammar of individual words choice (4-choice)5 Single text (250 finding missing words to Open gap-fill onewords} give meaning and cohesion Word per gap)6 Single teat (150- understanding grammatical Identifying incorrect of200 words) structure unnecessary wordsPast OnePart One is a test of reading for gist or global meaning. five texts or sections have to be matched to live sentences that summariese the general view being expressed in each. Follow these steps·Read the instructions twice and make sure you understand the context of the passages) and what you are being asked to do..Do not read the summaries first.·Bearing in mind what general information you are looking for, read the firsttext }umlthen try to summarise, in your head, the general view it expresses.·Now read the summaries and lind the one chat matches your own mental summary. ·repeat this procedure for each of the other four texts.summarising1 Write a one-sentence summary for this passage. Compare your answer with your partner.I favour a direct approach to interviewing where the questions really put the candidate under pressure and test their reactions. If you look at manuals on interviewing technique, you'llfind that most advise you first to make the candidate feel at ease, and then to ask open-ended questions that give them the freedom to tall; and express themselves as they would like. But I think we're being far too nice here. By allowing people to dictate the direction of the interview, we run the risk of not discovering who they really are and wasting everyone's time.2 Following the approach described above, do this Reading Test Part One. Give yourself about twelve minutes.PART ONEQuestions 1-8. Look at the sentences below and at the five extracts from an article on employee motivation..Match each statement 1-8 to one of the extracts (A, B, C, D or E)..you will need to use some of the letters more than once..There is an example at the beginning (0).Example:0Job satisfaction is the key to an employee's motivation. D1 Companies usually try to motivate employees with extra payment or verbal praise.2Financial rewards don't work so well when the manager assesses performance himself3In the end, motivation has to come from the person himself.4Loyalty and commitment are two different things.5Employees are committed when they understand and believe in the company's aims. 6Most employees see rewards as an end in themselves.7How well you work does not depend on how good your working conditions are.8Good relations between managers and workers create theright working environment AFundamental to the issue of motivation is the distinction between employee loyalty to the company and employee commitment. Employees feel loyal when they feel comfortable and well looked after job security, reasonable conditions of pay, generous holiday entitlement, medical insurance and a good pension. Without these conditions an employee will feel neither loyalty to the company nor any motivation to work. But it is also possible that even with good conditions, the employee may not feel motivated. This is because performance is not directly related to working conditions: an employee can feel secure. whether he works hard or notBMotivation has more to do with commitment to the job. The conditions that produce commitment are different from those that inspire loyalty. Committed employees will have a clear sense of the goals of the company and understand their part in contributing to achieving them. Moreover, they will believe that these goals are worth working for: they will derive job satisfaction from what they do. So companies who want a motivated staff ought to be spending their time thinking about their goals and communicating these with enthusiasm to their staff.CInstead, the motivation debate seems to focus on rewards, either financial or non-financial. For example money is commonly used as an incentive for sales people or others with measurable targets to reach. Sometimes it is also used to reward employees whose performance has been evaluated subjectively by a line manager. This is less satisfactory. Verbal commendation is also used to motivate, from a simple word of encouragement in theemployee's ear to a public award ceremony.DBut do all these types of rewards motivate people? Well yes, they do. They motivate them to get rewards. What they don't necessarily do is motivate them to be a committed employee and do a good job. What really motivates people is the level of satisfaction they find in their work. As Herzberg famously put it: 'If you want people motivated to do a good job, give them a good job to do‘ESo the real motivators are things which are intrinsic to the job: that the employee feels part of a unit that is working towards something worthwhile. And from this as long as communication between employee and management is open and respectful, will come recognition for good work, advancement in the company and personal growth. Thebest that companies can do is to create such an environment and then hope that within it people are able to motivate themselves。

Module 1 第一单元1.1 Business Topic Ways of working 商务话题篇工作方式1) Vocabulary: different ways of working (15 mins)regular hours 正常工作时间flexible (working) hours/flex(i)time 弹性工作时间freelance n. 自由职业teleworking n. 电子办公;在家中上班job-share v. / n. 分担工作;工作分担制job-sharing n. 分担工作job-sharer n. 与人分担工作的人shift work 轮班工作,倒班制temping n 当临时工,任临时雇员consultancy n. 征询公司specialist advice 专业征询hotdesking (hot-desking) n. 办公桌轮用(指将职工提成不同的班次,以便他们能共用一间办公室,一张办公桌和一台电脑)office gossip 办公室小道消息,办公室飞短流长office news 办公室新闻credit n. 赞扬,功劳managing director 总裁,总经理(美英chief executive/president)brainpower n. 智能worst-case adj. 做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的scenario n. 事态,局面full-time adj. 全日制的delegate v. 授权,分派工作availability n. 运用(或获得的)也许性,可以运用的人(物),人员、物资保证parental leave 育儿假,照顾新生儿女假distractions n. 让人注意力分散的事物contact n. 人脉,有影响力的熟人,有用的社会关系case-load n. 工作量daily log 日记voice mail 语音信箱,语音邮件self-organization n. 自我组织能力disruptive a. 导致混乱的1. How do you work most effectively? By working…regular hours/flexible hours? in a team/on your own?from home/ in an office? for a boss/as your own boss?参考词语和表达:routine type of person 按部就班的人have flexible management of time and work 灵活安排自己的时间和工作get support from each other 互相支持co-operate with each other 互相合作share ideas 交流想法learn from other people’s strong points 学别人所长working in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily efficiently.在团队工作需要有很好的人际交往技能,不一定效率就高can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office在办公室更容易集中精力因此也更有效率have more flexibility 享有更多的灵活度feel more relaxed 感觉更轻松a dependent type of person and never make decisions myself性格依赖,不喜欢自己拿主意an independent type of person and would like to make decisions myself性格独立,喜欢自己做决定don’t want to work under someone 不想在别人手下工作5. Reading: How to job-shareGet organized Set your limits Put pen to paper Two become one安排有序规定限度签订协议合二为一Open your mind Plan for disaster Find the perfect partner Don’t feel guilty敞开心胸/开拓视野有备无患抱负搭档勿感内疚1. share credit and blame 分担成绩与过失,意译“功过与共”2. Flexecutive 经营内容蕴含其中的公司名flexible与executive两词复合而成“弹性经营管理”。
新剑桥商务英语(高级) Unit 1

Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy
1b Key words and Expressions Produce electricity (=generate power发电) Mining of coal (煤矿开采) Pumping of oil (用泵抽取石油) Fuel (提供燃料) the generator (发电机) Laying of miles of cable (铺设几英里的电缆) carry the current (电流) to … (输送电力到。。。)
Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy
1b Key words and Expressions Slide v. (滑行) Printed circuits(印制电路) Scatter v. (散布;四散开来) mosaic (镶嵌) Wires of (如同金属丝/电线一般) motorways (=speedways高速公路)
Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy
1b What is the key point that this extract is making about economies? Answer: The text suggests(=gives hints暗示) that most people take for granted(想当然) the amazing complexity(复杂性) of the economic infrastructure(基础设施).
Unit 1 The Three Sectors of the Economy
2 Manufacturing and Services Key words and expressions: Loss(损失) Depend on (=count on依赖;取决于) To the extent (达到。。。的程度) Concern about (=care about关心;关注)

新编剑桥商务英语高级学生用书 Unit 1AI've just moved from a company with a very strict hierarchy to afast-growing software company and it's been hard coming to terms with the changes. I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy my new job a lot more. I have a lot more responsibility now and everything's done in project teams and managed by objectives. The one thing I do miss however, is that now, once a project's running, the team's pretty much on its own and left to solve any problems by itself. Before, there was always a superior I could turn to for help, and to be honest, I'd be much happier if that were still the case. Especially when you're starting a new job, having someone to talk to can make things a lot easier.I produce technical documents, you know, user's manuals and that sort of thing nothing creative, I'm afraid. Our team's responsible for its own work schedules. And as long as everything's finished before the machine's shipped, it's up to us when we do it. So you'd think with e-mail and everything, we'd all be able to work from home or come and go as we please but that's not the case. Unfortunately, it's a very conservative company so everyone's still clocking in and out at the same time. I suppose the managers have always worked a routine nine to five and just can't imagine anything else being possible.I'm an IT consultant and I'm working for a small leisure group on a one-year contract. So I'm travelling around Europe a lot, which I know sounds very glamorous, but it's just a case of jetting in, fixing a hotel's computer and then jett ing out again. It also mean I'm on call and work very … shall we say ‘flexible' hours, including many weekends. Oh and I'm also responsible for the website, which I work on from home. What I miss is support from colleagues, you know, being able to discuss problems or things like the latest technology with other IT professionals in the same job. So, yes, it's definitely the social side of my job I'd like to improve.Well, I'm a temp and I'm working as a PA for a law firm in London just now. It's a medium-sized firm that's growth quickly so its organisation is very much like that of a smaller company. OK, I know it's unreasonable to expect a definite job description I mean, if something needs doing, then I think whoever's available should do it. But I'm already responsible for managing the diaries and correspondence of two senior managers, so when the telephone's ringing all day and people keep asking me to photocopy reports or even make them coffee, it just becomes impossible to get anything done.I work for the UK subsidiary of a Japanese company and it's very Japanese in terms of the way it's run. I've just got a new boss, who's come overfrom Japan. We seem to be getting on pretty well at the moment he always has time for me and gives me lots of support. The only thing is, I don't really have a huge say in what I do which is all right but sometimes it would be nice to be able to show a bit of initiative. Our work processes are totally standardized as fixed routines, which I don't mind. It's just that I always have to consult him before I can make even the smallest alteration to any job of any sort.。

1.1 Working life1 What does this quotation mean to you?`Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.'john Lennon, English singer& song writer (1940-19830)2 Discuss these questions.1 How many jobs do you expect to have in your life ? 1-3 4-7 8or more2 Would you prefer to be self-employed or an employee? Why ?3 in fifteen years’ time, do you expect to work more or less than now ?4 at what age do you expect to stop working ? 55 65 753Underline tire best word to complete each sentence.1 At the moment, people generally retire/resign at 652 I joined/applied for the company when I was 25 and have worked thereever since3 What's the best way to pay/reward our employees for good performance?4 About 700 staff were laid off/dismissed when the company lost the contract tosupply Toyota5 We have educated/trained our staff in the use of laser equipment.6 I'm going to leave/change the company at the end of the year.7 E and C Consultants recruits/employs from the top business schools.8 Companies need to offer parents of young children more flexible/overtime hours-9 they used only to offer permanent posts, but now most new contracts aretemporary/part-time ones.10 I have one day off/ holiday a week to attend a course at college.4 Make sentences with the words you didnt use in Exercise 3.5 Make nouns from thefollowing verbs.Attitude to work6 Do you think that people starting work now have a different attitude to work than their parents did? if so, in what ways?7 Look at the newspaper article and read the title. What does the title suggest to you?Read the article arid check if you were r fight.Young workers Want it all, nowOh, and they’ll need to take next Friday off ,tooTETROIT一Kurt Jennings, hoping to start a career in radio sales, thought he was prepared to answer any question during his recent interview. Then theradio executive opened the interview with, `So, we call you guys the Entitlement Generation". You imagine you're entitled to everything.' There is an impression that the current generation of young workers has high expectations for salary, responsibility and job flexibility, but little appetite for hard work and little sense of loyalty to a company`A lot of twenty-somethings have a hard time making the transition to work typically Kids who've had success early in life and who've become used to getting instant gratification,' says Dr. Levi Cohen, a peadiatrics professor.He says that coddling parents and colleges often fail to prepare students for the realities of adulthood and working life.Many employers, from corporate executives to restaurateurs, agree.`It seems they expect to hove in then first week everything that the veteran has worked 20 or 30 years to earn,' says Mike Amor, the owner of a Salt LakeCity chain of restaurants.Kurt had this reply 'for his interviewee at the radio station: `Maybe we were spoiled by your Generation. But "entitled" is too strong a word,' he said. `Do we think we're deserving if we're doing to go out there and break our backs for you'?Yes..'He ended up getting the-job.But some experts say that' having highexpectations, and tellin}} your boss what they are, isn't necessarily a bad thing.`It's true they're not all rushing to bury themselves in a cubicle a}记follow orders for the next 40 years, but why on earth should they?' asks .leaf Bartlctt, a University of Carolina psychologist8 Do you think the younger generation is spoiled and expects too much? .or do you think the older generation sacrificed their lives (and fun in their lives) for work?9 What do the following phrases from the text mean?1 little appetite for hard work2 twenty-somethings3 instant gratification4 coddling parents and colleges5 we were spoiled by your generation6 break our backs for you7 bury themselves in a cubicleGerund and infinitive1 Which of the verbs or phrases in the box take the gerund (-ing) and which ones take to infinitive (to do)?Be good at plan/intend /aim be worth fail be reluctanthave trouble/difficulty hope/expect manage succeed indecide think about/consider enjoy avoid involve havebe used to/accustomed to be willing/prepared2 Which of the following pairs of phrases is the odd one out grammatically? Why?1 be good at一be bad at2 be willing一be reluctant3 succeed in一fail4 enjoy一dislike3 Complete these sentences.0 when I retire, I plan to do some voluntary work for charity1 When I retire, I plan…2 I think I'm quite good at…3 Before attending a job interview, it's worth…4 My job involves…5 When speaking English, I often have difficulty…6 At work I feel satisfied if I manage…7 For my summer holiday this year, I am considering…8 If I was offered more money, I would be willing…9 The hardest thing abo ut starting a new job is getting used to…10 I get annoyed with colleagues if they fail…4 Choose five of the phrasesworking life.in exercise 1 and make sentences about your own working lifeThe future of human resources5 You will hear five human resources (HR) manages0s talking shout the key issues in human resources facing companies today.·The first time you listen, indicate which employee group in the workforce they are talking about.·The second time you listen indicate what actions they propose to take to deal with each issue.TASK ONE一EMPLOYEE GROUPA older employees (50-GO)B new recruitsC traineesD senior managementE young highly qualified employeesF womenG retired employeesH disabled workersA efforts to retain good employeesB the introduction of more flexible workingarrangementsC linlting salaries more closely to resultsD more focus on job training for employeesE encouraging people back from retirementF more support for working parentsG developing a more positive attitudetowards older workersH reducing staff costs6 You've heard the priorities of HR managers. What are your priorities for your working life? Consider the following:.flexible hours·working environment.pay。

2. Discuss these questions.
How many jobs do you expect to have in your life? 1-3, 47, 8 or more Would you prefer to be self-employed or an employee? Why? In fifteen years’ time, do you expect to be working more or less than now? At what age do you expect to stop working? 55, 65, 75
Useful expressions
• I expect to have at least 5 jobs, because with age and experience, I may develop new interests and aptitudes, therefore, I may change my job accordingly. • I can’t expect to have only one job because nowadays the employment market is subject to change. • I like changes, I like meeting different people and I want higher salary, so I may change jobs often until I find the job which can give me great job satisfaction. • I want to be self-employed, because I don’t want to work for somebody else. I want to be my own boss.

1.2Asking and answering questionAn environmental accidentThe Daily ReporterTankerGrounded200 tonnes of oil leak into sea1 .Following this news announcement a journalist interviews a spokesperson from the company that owns the tanker. Listen to the interview.1 What caused the accident?2 How many accidents has the ship been involved in?3 Does the spokesperson come out of it well?2Complete the questions the journalist asks.1 how this happened?2this isn't the first time this particular ship has been in an accident3And to do to limit the damage?4 this kind of accident is acceptable?5 It's a PR disaster for your company,Indirect questions3 Look at exercise 2. Study the structure of the indirect questions in sentences 1 and 4,and the tag questions in sentences 2 and 5.4 Convert the following questions into indirect questions.0 How many years' experience do you have in customer service?Can you tell me how many years' experience you have in customer Service?1 Where have you worked before?I'd be interested to know2 Are you an ambitious person?Would you say3 Have you gone as far as you can in your present job?Do you think ?4 Who are our main customers?Do you know ?5Convert the following questions into tag questions.0 Are you interested in a full一time job?You're interested in a full-time job ,are not you?1 Are you married?2 Can't you start tomorrow"?3 have you only worked for smaller companies?4 Did you manage to find our offices easily'?5 Is this your first real job?6 Would you be able to work part-time?A job interview6 How would you feel if you were asked these questions? How would you reply?1 Can you tell me why you think you'll be good at this job?2 Why should I employ you?3 You don't have much experience in this field, do you?4 You've taken quite a lot of time out from work .Why is that?5 You are quite a quietly-spoken person. Do you have trouble asserting yourself?G Now, your last job. Did you choose to leave?7 And what do you know about our company?8 So tell me what you did yesterday.7 Work with a partner. Each choose one of the following jobs to be interviewed for. Prepare five questions each and then lake it in turns to adopt the role of interviewer and interviewee. Try to put your interviewee `on the spot: firefighter restaurant manager web designerfundraiser for local sports club trainee investment advisor1.3Reading Test: Introduction andPart OneThe Reading Test has six parts, in which there are a total of 52 questions, and Lasts one hour. It carries 25% of the total marks. The texts are all business-related and vary between 150 and 500 words in length. Each part tests a particular reading skill or understanding of language structure.In the exam, you have an hour to read over 2,000 words, so try to develop your reading speed. The only way to do this is to practise:.Read English business texts, e g Time, Newsweek..Get your news from English Internet sites, e g the BBC, CNN.Part Text tune Skill focus Task1 Single text or 5 Beading for global meaning; Matching summariesshort texts (450 summarising to each section of textwords2 Single text (460- heading for detail; Inserting missing500 words) understanding structure sentences into text3 Single text(500- Reading for general meaning 4-part multiple choice600 words) and specific detail comprehension question 4 Single text (250 Understanding meaning and Gap-fill; multiplewords) grammar of individual words choice (4-choice)5 Single text (250 finding missing words to Open gap-fill onewords} give meaning and cohesion Word per gap)6 Single teat (150- understanding grammatical Identifying incorrect of200 words) structure unnecessary words Past OnePart One is a test of reading for gist or global meaning. five texts or sections have to be matched to live sentences that summariese the general view being expressed in each. Follow these steps·Read the instructions twice and make sure you understand the context of the passages) and what you are being asked to do..Do not read the summaries first.·Bearing in mind what general information you are looking for, read the first text }umlthen try to summarise, in your head, the general view it expresses.·Now read the summaries and lind the one chat matches your own mental summary. ·repeat this procedure for each of the other four texts.summarising1 Write a one-sentence summary for this passage. Compare your answer with your partner.I favour a direct approach to interviewing where the questions really put the candidate under pressure and test their reactions. If you look at manuals on interviewing technique, you'll find that most advise you first to make the candidate feel at ease, and then to ask open-ended questions that give them the freedom to tall; and express themselves as they would like. But I think we're being far too nice here. By allowing people to dictate the direction of the interview, we run the risk of not discovering who they really are and wasting everyone's time.2 Following the approach described above, do this Reading Test Part One. Give yourself about twelve minutes.PART ONEQuestions 1-8. Look at the sentences below and at the five extracts from an article on employee motivation..Match each statement 1-8 to one of the extracts (A, B, C, D or E)..you will need to use some of the letters more than once..There is an example at the beginning (0).Example:0Job satisfaction is the key to an employee's motivation. D1 Companies usually try to motivate employees with extra payment or verbal praise.2Financial rewards don't work so well when the manager assesses performance himself3In the end, motivation has to come from the person himself.4Loyalty and commitment are two different things.5Employees are committed when they understand and believe in the company's aims. 6Most employees see rewards as an end in themselves.7How well you work does not depend on how good your working conditions are.8Good relations between managers and workers create the right working environment AFundamental to the issue of motivation is the distinction between employee loyalty to the company and employee commitment. Employees feel loyal when they feel comfortable and well looked after job security, reasonable conditions of pay, generous holiday entitlement, medical insurance and a good pension. Without these conditions an employee will feel neither loyalty to the company nor any motivation to work. But it is also possible that even with good conditions, the employee may not feel motivated. This is because performance is not directly related to working conditions: an employee can feel secure. whether he works hard or notBMotivation has more to do with commitment to the job. The conditions that produce commitment are different from those that inspire loyalty. Committed employees will have a clear sense of the goals of the company and understand their part in contributing to achieving them. Moreover, they will believe that these goals are worth working for: they will derive job satisfaction from what they do. So companies who want a motivated staff ought to be spending their time thinking about their goals and communicating these with enthusiasm to their staff.CInstead, the motivation debate seems to focus on rewards, either financial or non-financial. For example money is commonly used as an incentive for sales people or others with measurable targets to reach. Sometimes it is also used to reward employees whose performance has been evaluated subjectively by a line manager. This is less satisfactory. Verbal commendation is also used to motivate, from a simple word of encouragement in the employee's ear to a public award ceremony.DBut do all these types of rewards motivate people? Well yes, they do. They motivate them to get rewards. What they don't necessarily do is motivate them to be a committed employee and do a good job. What really motivates people is the level of satisfaction they find in their work. As Herzberg famously put it: 'If you want people motivated to do a good job, give them a good job to do‘ESo the real motivators are things which are intrinsic to the job: that the employee feels part of a unit that is working towards something worthwhile. And from this as long as communication between employee and management is open and respectful, will come recognition for good work, advancement in the company and personal growth. The best that companies can do is to create such an environment and then hope that withinit people are able to motivate themselves 夏天散文诗欣赏夏天散文诗欣赏原创/龚蕾1、夏天的音符一、夏天的风夏天,聆听风的声音,听自己的心声。

新编剑桥商务英语第三版Formal and informal emailsWriting stylesThe style of a business email or letter depends on the occasion for writing and the relationship with the receiver.1 They can be formal:Please find attached our proposal. I would be grateful if you could check it and send us confirmation of your acceptance.2 They can be more conversational:Attached is our proposal. Please check it and confirm that you are happy with it.3 English can sometimes be in a kind of shorthand.Pls check the attached proposal and confirm.1Highlight the differences between the formal and informal emails below. Discuss the differences with your partner.FormalDear Mr ScottThank you very much for your letter introducing your company. Currently, we do not have any demand for marketing consultancy. However, this situation could change in the future and therefore I will certainly keep your details on file. In the meantime, I would be grateful if you could send us an up-to-date list of your fees.Once again, thank you for your interest.Yours sincerelyMonica StuufInformalDear JamesThanks for the information about your company. At themoment, we're not really looking for any help with marketing consultancy, but we might be in the future, so I'll certainly hang on to your details. For now, please send us an up-to-date list of your fees.Thanks again for your interest.Kind regardsMonica Stuuf2 For sentences 1-4 write the contracted forms in full and for 5-8 write the contracted form.1 I'll let you know tomorrow.2 I'd like an answer asap.3 I won't know till Friday.4 I can't help you, I'm afraid.5 It has been ages since I have seen him.6 I would have told you if I had known.7 I should not be surprised if they are late.8 You must not do anything until I say so.3 Match each formal linking word on the left with its neutral equivalent on the right.1 however so2 nevertheless because of3 consequently after4 owing to because5 moreover anyway6 following but7 since what's more8 besides still4 Rewrite the following informal email to a customer as a more formal one. Use the expressions in the box to help you.I would be grateful if contact further to do not hesitate inagreement withhowever strictly speaking please find attached Yours sincerelyDear Mr HarrisNice to speak to you earlier on the phone. I'm now sending you a draft contract. Please read it carefully and if you're OK with the terms, sign it and post it back to me. The deadline for the special offer we talked about is supposed to be tomorrow, but we'll keep it open for you until the end of the week. Do call me if you have any queries.Best wishesLaura5 Welcome has supplied receptionists and doormen for your company's headquarters for over five years. Recently the standard of service they give has declined sharply. Visitors have complained about rudeness, being kept waiting and being misdirected. Write an email to the company:? emphasising the good relationship you have had in the past.describing the unacceptable behaviour of their staff recently.? insisting that changes are made immediately.6 Send the email to your partner. When you have exchanged, read each other's emails and then write a reply.Listening Test: Introduction and Part OneThe Listening Test has there parts, in which there are a total of 30 questions, and lasts approximately 40 minutes. It carries 25% of the total marks.You will have ten minutes at the end of the test to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.Part OneFollow these steps:Read the instructions twice and make sure you understand the context of the passage and what you are being asked to do.In particular, check how many words you can put into each gap.Try to put yourself in the situation of the audience to generate a real interest.Read through the questions and try to predict the type of word that will go into each gap.Never leave a gap empty.Prediction1 Look at these sentences and try to predict what kind of word(s) will go into each space.The background1 The company was set up in___________.2 The project has been funded by the Ministry of _____________.The job3 The post is open to____________.4 You don't need to have_____________.5 You will be expected to____________.What to do next6 Candidates should apply______________.7 The deadline for application is____________.2 Following the approach described on page 34 do Practice Test Part One. Take two minutes to study the instructions and sentences before the tape begins.PART ONEQuestions1-12You are going to hear part of a one-day seminar entitled ‘A career in coaching’. The head of the Coaching Academy is talking to participants about his organization and what coaching involves.As you listen, complete the notes using up to three words or a number in each space.You will hear the recording twice.A CAREEE IN COACHINGThe Coaching Academy1 The Coaching Academy was established in ……………………………2 The academy doesn’t receive ………………………………………..3 The aim of the academy is to ……………………………………………4 Training courses at the academy last from ………………to four weeks.What is coaching?5 Coaching offer help to people in their business and…………………..6 The basic principles are always the same: to build people’sself-belief and helpthem………………………………………………………..7 Coaching try to help the client to look……………………………..8 Counseling often focuses more on……………………………….inpeople's lives.Qualifications and rewards9 When you can make a difference to someone’s life it gives yourgreat……………………………10 The basic rate of pay for a coach is about……………………………..11 A part from doing a course in coaching you will need……………..inthe filed you are coaching.12 Some coaches conduct coaching sessions by phone, online or evensometimes…………………………………..。

1.1 Working life1 What does this quotation mean to you?`Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.'john Lennon, English singer& song writer (1940-19830)2 Discuss these questions.1 How many jobs do you expect to have in your life ? 1-3 4-7 8or more2 Would you prefer to be self-employed or an employee? Why ?3 in fifteen years’ time, do you expect to work more or less than now ?4 at what age do you expect to stop working ? 55 65 753Underline tire best word to complete each sentence.1 At the moment, people generally retire/resign at 652 I joined/applied for the company when I was 25 and have worked thereever since3 What's the best way to pay/reward our employees for good performance?4 About 700 staff were laid off/dismissed when the company lost the contract tosupply Toyota5 We have educated/trained our staff in the use of laser equipment.6 I'm going to leave/change the company at the end of the year.7 E and C Consultants recruits/employs from the top business schools.8 Companies need to offer parents of young children more flexible/overtime hours-9 they used only to offer permanent posts, but now most new contracts aretemporary/part-time ones.10 I have one day off/ holiday a week to attend a course at college.4 Make sentences with the words you didnt use in Exercise 3.5 Make nouns from thefollowing verbs.Attitude to work6 Do you think that people starting work now have a different attitude to work than their parents did? if so, in what ways?7 Look at the newspaper article and read the title. What does the title suggest to you?Read the article arid check if you were r fight.Young workers Want it all, nowOh, and they’ll need to take next Friday off ,tooTETROIT一Kurt Jennings, hoping to start a career in radio sales, thought he was prepared to answer any question during his recent interview. Then theradio executive opened the interview with, `So, we call you guys the Entitlement Generation". You imagine you're entitled to everything.' There is an impression that the current generation of young workers has high expectations for salary, responsibility and job flexibility, but little appetite for hard work and little sense of loyalty to a company`A lot of twenty-somethings have a hard time making the transition to work typically Kids who've had success early in life and who've become used to getting instant gratification,' says Dr. Levi Cohen, a peadiatrics professor.He says that coddling parents and colleges often fail to prepare students for the realities of adulthood and working life.Many employers, from corporate executives to restaurateurs, agree.`It seems they expect to hove in then first week everything that the veteran has worked 20 or 30 years to earn,' says Mike Amor, the owner of a Salt LakeCity chain of restaurants.Kurt had this reply 'for his interviewee at the radio station: `Maybe we were spoiled by your Generation. But "entitled" is too strong a word,' he said. `Do we think we're deserving if we're doing to go out there and break our backs for you'?Yes..'He ended up getting the-job.But some experts say that' having highexpectations, and tellin}} your boss what they are, isn't necessarily a bad thing.`It's true they're not all rushing to bury themselves in a cubicle a}记follow orders for the next 40 years, but why on earth should they?' asks .leaf Bartlctt, a University of Carolina psychologist8 Do you think the younger generation is spoiled and expects too much? .or do you think the older generation sacrificed their lives (and fun in their lives) for work?9 What do the following phrases from the text mean?1 little appetite for hard work2 twenty-somethings3 instant gratification4 coddling parents and colleges5 we were spoiled by your generation6 break our backs for you7 bury themselves in a cubicleGerund and infinitive1 Which of the verbs or phrases in the box take the gerund (-ing) and which ones take to infinitive (to do)?Be good at plan/intend /aim be worth fail be reluctanthave trouble/difficulty hope/expect manage succeed indecide think about/consider enjoy avoid involve havebe used to/accustomed to be willing/prepared2 Which of the following pairs of phrases is the odd one out grammatically? Why?1 be good at一be bad at2 be willing一be reluctant3 succeed in一fail4 enjoy一dislike3 Complete these sentences.0 when I retire, I plan to do some voluntary work for charity1 When I retire, I plan…2 I think I'm quite good at…3 Before attending a job intervi ew, it's worth…4 My job involves…5 When speaking English, I often have difficulty…6 At work I feel satisfied if I manage…7 For my summer holiday this year, I am considering…8 If I was offered more money, I would be willing…9 The hardest thing a bout starting a new job is getting used to…10 I get annoyed with colleagues if they fail…4 Choose five of the phrasesworking life.in exercise 1 and make sentences about your own working lifeThe future of human resources5 You will hear five human resources (HR) manages0s talking shout the key issues in human resources facing companies today.·The first time you listen, indicate which employee group in the workforce they are talking about.·The second time you listen indicate what actions they propose to take to deal with each issue.TASK ONE一EMPLOYEE GROUPA older employees (50-GO)B new recruitsC traineesD senior managementE young highly qualified employeesF womenG retired employeesH disabled workersA efforts to retain good employeesB the introduction of more flexible workingarrangementsC linlting salaries more closely to resultsD more focus on job training for employeesE encouraging people back from retirementF more support for working parentsG developing a more positive attitudetowards older workersH reducing staff costs6 You've heard the priorities of HR managers. What are your priorities for your working life? Consider the following:.flexible hours·working environment.pay。
【VIP专享】新编剑桥商务英语(BEC 第三版 中级)Module 1

Module 1 第一单元1.1Business Topic Ways of working商务话题篇工作方式1) Vocabulary: different ways of working (15 mins)regular hours正常工作时间flexible (working) hours/flex(i)time弹性工作时间freelance n. 自由职业teleworking n. 电子办公;在家中上班job-share v. / n. 分担工作;工作分担制job-sharing n. 分担工作job-sharer n. 与人分担工作的人shift work 轮班工作,倒班制temping n 当临时工,任临时雇员consultancy n. 咨询公司specialist advice 专业咨询hotdesking (hot-desking) n. 办公桌轮用(指将职工分成不同的班次,以便他们能共用一间办公室,一张办公桌和一台电脑)office gossip办公室小道消息,办公室飞短流长office news办公室新闻credit n.赞扬,功劳managing director总裁,总经理(美英chief executive/president)brainpower n.智能worst-case adj.做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的scenario n. 事态,局面full-time adj.全日制的delegate v. 授权,分派工作availability n.利用(或获得的)可能性,可以利用的人(物),人员、物资保证parental leave 育儿假,照顾新生儿女假distractions n. 让人注意力分散的事物contact n. 人脉,有影响力的熟人,有用的社会关系case-load n. 工作量daily log日志voice mail 语音信箱,语音邮件self-organization n. 自我组织能力disruptive a. 造成混乱的1. How do you work most effectively? By working…regular hours/flexible hours?in a team/on your own?from home/in an office?for a boss/as your own boss?参考词语和表达:routine type of person按部就班的人have flexible management of time and work灵活安排自己的时间和工作get support from each other相互支持co-operate with each other相互合作share ideas交流想法learn from other people’s strong points学他人所长working in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily efficiently.在团队工作需要有很好的人际交往技能,不一定效率就高can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office在办公室更容易集中精力因此也更有效率have more flexibility享有更多的灵活度feel more relaxed 感觉更轻松a dependent type of person and never make decisions myself性格依赖,不喜欢自己拿主意an independent type of person and would like to make decisions myself性格独立,喜欢自己做决定don’t want to work under someone 不想在别人手下工作5. Reading:How to job-shareGet organized Set your limits Put pen to paper Two become one安排有序规定限度签订协议合二为一Open your mind Plan for disaster Find the perfect partner Don’t feel guilty敞开心胸/开拓视野有备无患理想搭档勿感内疚1. share credit and blame 分担成绩与过失,意译“功过与共”2. Flexecutive 经营内容蕴含其中的公司名flexible与executive两词复合而成“弹性经营管理”。

剑桥商务英语高级第三版修订版第一单元答案1、Tony can _______ the guitar.Now he _______ the guitar. [单选题] *A. play; plays(正确答案)B. playing; playingC. plays; is playingD. play; is playing2、It is important for us _______ English well. [单选题] *A. learnB. learningC. to learn(正确答案)D. learned3、—Judging from ____ number of bikes, there are not many people in the party.—I think so. People would rather stay at home in such _____ weather. [单选题] *A. the, aB. a, /C. the, /(正确答案)D. a, a4、I paint a lot of pictures. [单选题] *A. 评论B. 注意C. 悬挂D. 画(正确答案)5、I got caught in the rain and my suit____. [单选题] *A. has ruinedB. had ruinedC. has been ruined(正确答案)D. had been ruined6、I am so excited to receive a _______ from my husband on my birthday. [单选题] *A. present(正确答案)B. percentC. parentD. peace7、1.________my father ________ my mother is able to drive a car. So they are going to buy one. [单选题] *A.Neither; norB.Both; andC.Either; orD.Not only; but also(正确答案)8、The black coal there shows a sharp()white snow. [单选题] *A. contract withB. content withC. contact toD. contrast to(正确答案)9、More than one student_____absent from the class yesterday due to the flu. [单选题] *A.areB.hasC.isD.was(正确答案)10、My father can?_______ a little English. [单选题] *A. speak(正确答案)B. sayC. talkD. tell11、( ) What other books have you read___ this English novel? [单选题] *A. besides(正确答案)B. exceptC.inD. about12、The man called his professor for help because he couldn’t solve the problem by _______. [单选题] *A. herselfB. himself(正确答案)C. yourselfD. themselves13、John suggest _____ anything about it until they found out more facts. [单选题] *A not to sayB. not sayC to say notD not saying(正确答案)14、You can _______ Bus 116 to get there. [单选题] *A. byB. take(正确答案)C. onD. in15、6.Hi, boys and girls. How are you ________ your posters for the coming English Festival at school? [单选题] *A.getting onB.getting offC.getting with (正确答案)D.getting16、He has two sisters but I have not _____. [单选题] *A. noneB. someC. onesD. any(正确答案)17、I have only two tickets for TF Boys’concert. ______ you ______ he can go with me.()[单选题] *A. Either; or(正确答案)B. Either; norC. Both; andD. Not only; but also18、While my mother _______ the supper, my father came back. [单选题] *A. cooksB. is cookingC. was cooking(正确答案)D. has cooked19、Many young people like to _______ at weekends. [单选题] *A. eat out(正确答案)B. eat upC. eat onD. eat with20、In order to find the missing child, villagers _______ all they can over the past five hours. [单选题] *A. didB. doC. had doneD. have been doing(正确答案)21、Let us put the matter to the vote,()? [单选题] *A. will youB. can weC. may ID. shall we(正确答案)22、Tom’s mother will let him _______ traveling if he comes back?in five days. [单选题] *A. to goB. goesC. wentD. go(正确答案)23、—Can you play tennis?—______. But I can play basketball.()[单选题] *A. Yes, I canB. Yes, I doC. No. I can’t(正确答案)D. No, I don’t24、Reading()the lines, I dare say that the government are more worried than they admitted. [单选题] *A. behindB. between(正确答案)C. alongD. among25、Mary, together with her children ,_____ some video show when I went into the sitting room. [单选题] *A. were watchingB. was watching(正确答案)C. is watchingD. are watching26、You can't see many _____ in a hospital. [单选题] *A. man nurseB. men nurses(正确答案)C. men nurseD. man nurses27、75.As a student in Senior Three, I must work hard.(), I should take exercise to strengthenmy body.[单选题] *A.OtherwiseB.Meanwhile(正确答案)C.ThereforeD.Thus28、Every morning John takes a()to his office. [单选题] *A. 20-minutes' walkB. 20 minute ' walkC. 20-minutes walkD. 20-minute walk(正确答案)29、_______ win the competition, he practiced a lot. [单选题] *A. BecauseB. In order to(正确答案)C. Thanks toD. In addition to30、100.The bus can ______ you to the Great Wall. [单选题] * A.leaveB.take(正确答案) C.change D.spend。

1.2Asking and answering questionAn environmental accidentThe Daily ReporterTankerGrounded200 tonnes of oil leak into sea1 .Following this news announcement a journalist interviews a spokesperson from the company that owns the tanker. Listen to the interview.1 What caused the accident?2 How many accidents has the ship been involved in?3 Does the spokesperson come out of it well?2Complete the questions the journalist asks.1 how this happened?2this isn't the first time this particular ship has been in an accident3And to do to limit the damage?4 this kind of accident is acceptable?5 It's a PR disaster for your company,Indirect questions3 Look at exercise 2. Study the structure of the indirect questions in sentences 1 and 4,and the tag questions in sentences 2 and 5.4 Convert the following questions into indirect questions.0 How many years' experience do you have in customer service?Can you tell me how many years' experience you have in customer Service?1 Where have you worked before?I'd be interested to know2 Are you an ambitious person?Would you say3 Have you gone as far as you can in your present job?Do you think ?4 Who are our main customers?Do you know ?5Convert the following questions into tag questions.0 Are you interested in a full一time job?You're interested in a full-time job ,are not you?1 Are you married?2 Can't you start tomorrow"?3 have you only worked for smaller companies?4 Did you manage to find our offices easily'?5 Is this your first real job?6 Would you be able to work part-time?A job interview6 How would you feel if you were asked these questions? How would you reply?1 Can you tell me why you think you'll be good at this job?2 Why should I employ you?3 You don't have much experience in this field, do you?4 You've taken quite a lot of time out from work .Why is that?5 You are quite a quietly-spoken person. Do you have trouble asserting yourself?G Now, your last job. Did you choose to leave?7 And what do you know about our company?8 So tell me what you did yesterday.7 Work with a partner. Each choose one of the following jobs to be interviewed for. Prepare five questions each and then lake it in turns to adopt the role of interviewer and interviewee. Try to put your interviewee `on the spot: firefighter restaurant manager web designerfundraiser for local sports club trainee investment advisor1.3Reading Test: Introduction andPart OneThe Reading Test has six parts, in which there are a total of 52 questions, and Lasts one hour. It carries 25% of the total marks. The texts are all business-related and vary between 150 and 500 words in length. Each part tests a particular reading skill or understanding of language structure.In the exam, you have an hour to read over 2,000 words, so try to develop your reading speed. The only way to do this is to practise:.Read English business texts, e g Time, Newsweek..Get your news from English Internet sites, e g the BBC, CNN.Part Text tune Skill focus Task1 Single text or 5 Beading for global meaning; Matching summariesshort texts (450 summarising to each section of textwords2 Single text (460- heading for detail; Inserting missing500 words) understanding structure sentences into text3 Single text(500- Reading for general meaning 4-part multiple choice600 words) and specific detail comprehension question 4 Single text (250 Understanding meaning and Gap-fill; multiplewords) grammar of individual words choice (4-choice)5 Single text (250 finding missing words to Open gap-fill onewords} give meaning and cohesion Word per gap)6 Single teat (150- understanding grammatical Identifying incorrect of200 words) structure unnecessary words Past OnePart One is a test of reading for gist or global meaning. five texts or sections have to be matched to live sentences that summariese the general view being expressed in each. Follow these steps·Read the instructions twice and make sure you understand the context of the passages) and what you are being asked to do..Do not read the summaries first.·Bearing in mind what general information you are looking for, read the first text }umlthen try to summarise, in your head, the general view it expresses.·Now read the summaries and lind the one chat matches your own mental summary. ·repeat this procedure for each of the other four texts.summarising1 Write a one-sentence summary for this passage. Compare your answer with your partner.I favour a direct approach to interviewing where the questions really put the candidate under pressure and test their reactions. If you look at manuals on interviewing technique, you'll find that most advise you first to make the candidate feel at ease, and then to ask open-ended questions that give them the freedom to tall; and express themselves as they would like. But I think we're being far too nice here. By allowing people to dictate the direction of the interview, we run the risk of not discovering who they really are and wasting everyone's time.2 Following the approach described above, do this Reading Test Part One. Give yourself about twelve minutes.PART ONEQuestions 1-8. Look at the sentences below and at the five extracts from an article on employee motivation..Match each statement 1-8 to one of the extracts (A, B, C, D or E)..you will need to use some of the letters more than once..There is an example at the beginning (0).Example:0Job satisfaction is the key to an employee's motivation. D1 Companies usually try to motivate employees with extra payment or verbal praise.2Financial rewards don't work so well when the manager assesses performance himself3In the end, motivation has to come from the person himself.4Loyalty and commitment are two different things.5Employees are committed when they understand and believe in the company's aims. 6Most employees see rewards as an end in themselves.7How well you work does not depend on how good your working conditions are.8Good relations between managers and workers create the right working environment AFundamental to the issue of motivation is the distinction between employee loyalty to the company and employee commitment. Employees feel loyal when they feel comfortable and well looked after job security, reasonable conditions of pay, generous holiday entitlement, medical insurance and a good pension. Without these conditions an employee will feel neither loyalty to the company nor any motivation to work. But it is also possible that even with good conditions, the employee may not feel motivated. This is because performance is not directly related to working conditions: an employee can feel secure. whether he works hard or notBMotivation has more to do with commitment to the job. The conditions that produce commitment are different from those that inspire loyalty. Committed employees will have a clear sense of the goals of the company and understand their part in contributing to achieving them. Moreover, they will believe that these goals are worth working for: they will derive job satisfaction from what they do. So companies who want a motivated staff ought to be spending their time thinking about their goals and communicating these with enthusiasm to their staff.CInstead, the motivation debate seems to focus on rewards, either financial or non-financial. For example money is commonly used as an incentive for sales people or others with measurable targets to reach. Sometimes it is also used to reward employees whose performance has been evaluated subjectively by a line manager. This is less satisfactory. Verbal commendation is also used to motivate, from a simple word of encouragement in the employee's ear to a public award ceremony.DBut do all these types of rewards motivate people? Well yes, they do. They motivate them to get rewards. What they don't necessarily do is motivate them to be a committed employee and do a good job. What really motivates people is the level of satisfaction they find in their work. As Herzberg famously put it: 'If you want people motivated to do a good job, give them a good job to do‘ESo the real motivators are things which are intrinsic to the job: that the employee feels part of a unit that is working towards something worthwhile. And from this as long as communication between employee and management is open and respectful, will come recognition for good work, advancement in the company and personal growth. The best that companies can do is to create such an environment and then hope that withinit people are able to motivate themselves。
新编剑桥商务英语高级 第三版修订版


1.1 Working life1 What does this quotation mean to you?`Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.'john Lennon, English singer& song writer (1940-19830)2 Discuss these questions.1 How many jobs do you expect to have in your life ? 1-3 4-7 8or more2 Would you prefer to be self-employed or an employee? Why ?3 in fifteen years’ time, do you expect to work more or less than now ?4 at what age do you expect to stop working ? 55 65 753Underline tire best word to complete each sentence.1 At the moment, people generally retire/resign at 652 I joined/applied for the company when I was 25 and have worked thereever since3 What's the best way to pay/reward our employees for good performance?4 About 700 staff were laid off/dismissed when the company lost the contract tosupply Toyota5 We have educated/trained our staff in the use of laser equipment.6 I'm going to leave/change the company at the end of the year.7 E and C Consultants recruits/employs from the top business schools.8 Companies need to offer parents of young children more flexible/overtime hours-9 they used only to offer permanent posts, but now most new contracts aretemporary/part-time ones.10 I have one day off/ holiday a week to attend a course at college.4 Make sentences with the words you didnt use in Exercise 3.5 Make nouns from thefollowing verbs.Attitude to work6 Do you think that people starting work now have a different attitude to work than their parents did? if so, in what ways?7 Look at the newspaper article and read the title. What does the title suggest to you?Read the article arid check if you were r fight.Young workers Want it all, nowOh, and they’ll need to take next Friday off ,tooTETROIT一Kurt Jennings, hoping to start a career in radio sales, thought he was prepared to answer any question during his recent interview. Then theradio executive opened the interview with, `So, we call you guys the Entitlement Generation". You imagine you're entitled to everything.' There is an impression that the current generation of young workers has high expectations for salary, responsibility and job flexibility, but little appetite for hard work and little sense of loyalty to a company`A lot of twenty-somethings have a hard time making the transition to work typically Kids who've had success early in life and who've become used to getting instant gratification,' says Dr. Levi Cohen, a peadiatrics professor.He says that coddling parents and colleges often fail to prepare students for the realities of adulthood and working life.Many employers, from corporate executives to restaurateurs, agree.`It seems they expect to hove in then first week everything that the veteran has worked 20 or 30 years to earn,' says Mike Amor, the owner of a Salt LakeCity chain of restaurants.Kurt had this reply 'for his interviewee at the radio station: `Maybe we were spoiled by your Generation. But "entitled" is too strong a word,' he said. `Do we think we're deserving if we're doing to go out there and break our backs for you'?Yes..'He ended up getting the-job.But some experts say that' having highexpectations, and tellin}} your boss what they are, isn't necessarily a bad thing.`It's true they're not all rushing to bury themselves in a cubicle a}记follow orders for the next 40 years, but why on earth should they?' asks .leaf Bartlctt, a University of Carolina psychologist8 Do you think the younger generation is spoiled and expects too much? .or do you think the older generation sacrificed their lives (and fun in their lives) for work?9 What do the following phrases from the text mean?1 little appetite for hard work2 twenty-somethings3 instant gratification4 coddling parents and colleges5 we were spoiled by your generation6 break our backs for you7 bury themselves in a cubicleGerund and infinitive1 Which of the verbs or phrases in the box take the gerund (-ing) and which ones take to infinitive (to do)?Be good at plan/intend /aim be worth fail be reluctanthave trouble/difficulty hope/expect manage succeed indecide think about/consider enjoy avoid involve havebe used to/accustomed to be willing/prepared2 Which of the following pairs of phrases is the odd one out grammatically? Why?1 be good at一be bad at2 be willing一be reluctant3 succeed in一fail4 enjoy一dislike3 Complete these sentences.0 when I retire, I plan to do some voluntary work for charity1 When I retire, I plan…2 I think I'm quite good at…3 Before attending a job intervi ew, it's worth…4 My job involves…5 When speaking English, I often have difficulty…6 At work I feel satisfied if I manage…7 For my summer holiday this year, I am considering…8 If I was offered more money, I would be willing…9 The hardest thing a bout starting a new job is getting used to…10 I get annoyed with colleagues if they fail…4 Choose five of the phrasesworking life.in exercise 1 and make sentences about your own working lifeThe future of human resources5 You will hear five human resources (HR) manages0s talking shout the key issues in human resources facing companies today.·The first time you listen, indicate which employee group in the workforce they are talking about.·The second time you listen indicate what actions they propose to take to deal with each issue.TASK ONE一EMPLOYEE GROUPA older employees (50-GO)B new recruitsC traineesD senior managementE young highly qualified employeesF womenG retired employeesH disabled workersA efforts to retain good employeesB the introduction of more flexible workingarrangementsC linlting salaries more closely to resultsD more focus on job training for employeesE encouraging people back from retirementF more support for working parentsG developing a more positive attitudetowards older workersH reducing staff costs6 You've heard the priorities of HR managers. What are your priorities for your working life? Consider the following:.flexible hours·working environment.pay。

新剑桥商务英语(高级)习题答案En glish for Bus in ess StudiesKey to Unit 01: The three sectors of the economyThis unit covers a lot of basic vocabulary concerning developed econo mies much of it in an extract from a well-known British novel. It also discusses the evolution of the economy of most of the older industrialized countries, with the decli ne of manu facturi ng in dustry and its replaceme nt by services. There is an extract from a magaz ine in terview with an econo mist and an in terview with a British Member of Parliame nt on this issue.1a Vocabulary p09Ide ntify the most prominent features in this photograph, which illustrates various importa nt eleme nts of the in frastructure of a moder n in dustrialized coun try. The photo clearly shows a large factory (the Un ilever factory in Warri ngton, En gla nd) in the cen ter, with more factories, in dustrial un its, or warehouses in the top right-ha nd corner. The large factory seems to in clude some office buildi ngs. Also visible are agricultural la nd (in the backgro und; the land in the foreground doesn ' t appear to be cultivated), a river, a railway and several roads,and hous ing, perhaps with a school in the cen ter of the hous ing estate top left.1b Reading p10What is the key point that this extract is making about economies?The text suggests that most people take for gran ted the amaz ing complexity of the econo mic in frastructure.1c Comprehe nsion p111.ln lines 4-7, Robyn sees examples of all three. What are they?Ti ny fields (the primary sector), factories (the sec on dary sector), and railways, motorways, shops, offices, and schools (the tertiary sector).2. The long sentence from lines 12-28 lists a large nu mber of operati onsbel onging to the differe nt sectors of the economy. Classify the 18 activities from the passagePrimary sector: digg ing iron ore, mining coal.Secondary sector assembli ng, buildi ng, cutt ing metal, lay ing cables, milli ng metal, smelt ing iron, weldi ng metal.Tertiary sector: advertis ing products, calculati ng prices, distributi ng added value, maintenan ce, marketi ng products, packagi ng products, pump ing oil, tran sportati on.3. Ca n you thi nk of three importa nt activities to add to each list (not n ecessarily in relati on to the kettle)?Primary sector: farmi ng (agriculture), fishi ng and forestrySecon dary sector manu facturi ng, tran sform ing and process ingTertiary sector: financing, designing, retailing2a Reading p121. W hy do people worry about the decli ne of manu facturi ng?Because they think it will lead to un employme nt.2. W hich activities are as importa nt as the producti on of goods?Desig ning goods, persuadi ng people to buy them; arts and en terta inment.3.Should people worry about this state of affairs?No, because it is a n atural, progressive and in evitable developme nt.2b Liste ning p13Liste n to a short in terview with Denis MacSha ne, a British Member of Parliame nt for the Labor Party.Does he hold the same view as J. K. Galbraith?Denis MacSha ne quite clearly disagrees with Galbraith.1. W hy does MacSha ne think that manu facturi ng has a future?Because there are many new products that have to be inven ted to serve new n eeds.2. Why does MacSha ne think that manu facturi ng has a future in the adva need countries?Because these coun tries have product ion tech no logy that requires very little labor in put.3. Why, however, is this manufacturing uniikely to solve the problem of un employment?Precisely because it requires very little labor in put.4. W hat does MacSha ne mean by 'in theory there should be no moremanu facturi ng ' in Switzerla nd? (It is this theory that makesynpsople arguethat manu facturi ng must move to -dev'iopsed coun tries.)The conventional theory is that the most important cost in manufacturing is labor, and wages and salaries in Switzerla nd are the highest in the world. (As is the cost of liv in g!) 5. Why does he say it is surprising for a British company to be buying Swiss goods? Because the pound sterl ing has, over the years, lost a great deal of value aga inst foreig n curre ncies, especially the Swiss franc.6. What is the reason he gives for the United States still being the richest nation in the world?It has a successful manufacturing economy, including its computer and car (automobile) in dustries.7. Match up the following expressions and definitions:1. to convert itself. B/ to change from one thing to another2. to serve needQ/ to satisfy people ' s desires or requirements3. Labor in put A/ manual work4. to stumble onE/ to discover someth ing by accide nt5. to be dubiousC/ to be un certa in, disbeliev ing2c Writing p13Summarize both Gallbraith 'MacSidanW s arguments in a short paragraph offewer the n 50 words.A POSSIBLE SUMMARY Galbraith says that manufacturing industry will in evitably decli ne in the adva need in dustrial coun tries, and be replaced by desig n, advertis ing, en terta inment, and so on. MaSha ne says that manu facturi ng will cha nge, and make new products with new tech no logy.New words in this unit 01agriculture, bus in ess, compa ny, con sumer, econo mic, economy, employme nt, goods, in dustry, in frastructure, labour, manu facturi ng, primary sector, product, raw materials, sec on dary sector, tertiary sector, un employme ntUnit 2 Man ageme ntMan ageme nt is importa nt. The success or failure of bus in ess orga ni zati ons, gover nment in stitutio ns and public sector services, volun tary and non-profit organizations, sports teams, and so on, often depends on the quality of their management. This unit includes a discussion of the qualities required by managers, a definition of management, consideration of the role of the meetings in man ageme nt, a critical view of the man ageme nt of one large America n mult in ati onal compa ny, and an in terview with the man ager of a British departme nt store, who discusses his job.Before the discussion on the qualities required by managers and the definition of management, maybe we an discuss the cartoon. What ' s the joke? We can assume that Mr. Farvis runs this compa ny (his n ame is on the door). What can we say about his man agerial skills, or his appare nt lack of them?Discuss in pairs for two minu tes what exactly man agers do, concerning orga nizing, sett ing objectives, allocati ng tasks and resources, com muni cat ing, motivati ng, and so on.1a Discussi onWhat is man ageme nt? Is it an art or a scie nee? An in st inct or a set of skills and tech niq ues that can be taught?Man ageme nt is a mixture of inn ate qualities and lear nable skills and tech niq ues.What do you thi nk makes a good man ager? Whichour of the follow ing qualities do you thi nk are the most importa nt?Bei ng decisive: able to make quick decisi onsBeing efficient: doing things quickly, not leaving tasks unfinished, having a tidy desk, and so onBei ng frie ndly and sociableBei ng able to com muni cate with people --Bei ng logical, rati onal and an alyticalBeing able to motivate and in spire and lead people ——Bei ng authoritative: able to give ordersBeing compete nt: knowing one ' s job perfectly, as well as the work of one ' s subord in ates ——Being persuasive: able to convince people to do thingsHavi ng good ideas ----Are there any qualities that you thi nk should be added to this list?Which of these qualities can be acquired? Which must you be born with?There are clearly no definitive answers as to which of these skills can be acquired.1b Readi ngPeter Drucker, the (Austria n-bor n) America n man ageme nt professor and con sulta nt, is the author of many books about bus in ess. This text summarizes some of Peter Drucker ' s views on management. It paraphrases the extended definition of management he gives in one of his management textbooks. As you read about his description of the work of a manager, decide whether the five different functions he mentions require the four qualities you selected in your discussi on, or others you did not choose.What is man ageme nt?Drucker ' s first point (setting objectives and developing strategies) presulyiab requires qualities J, H, E and A (not n ecessarily in that order). The sec ond point (orga nizing) presumably also requires H, E and J. The third point (motivati on and com muni cati on) embraces F, D, I and probably C. The fourth point (measuri ng performa nee) probably requires H and E. The fifth point (develop ing people) might require H, F, D and J. But all this is clearly ope n to discussi on.1c VocabularyComplete the followi ng senten ces with these words.Achieved; board of directors; com muni cate; inno vati ons; man ageable;performa nee; resources; sett ing; supervise1. managers have to decide how best to allocate the human, physical and capital resourcesavailable to them.2. Managers -- logically -have to make sure that the jobs and tasks given to their subord in atesare manageable.3. There is no point in settingobjectives if you don communicate them to your staff.4. Man agers have to supervise their subord in ates, and to measure, and try to improve, theirperformance.5. Managers have to check whether objectives and targets are being achieved.6. A top manager whose performanee is unsatisfactory can be dismissed by the company' Boardof directors.7. Top managers are responsible for the innovations that will allow a company to adapt to a changing world.1d VocabularyThe text contains a nu mber of com mon verb-noun part nerships (e.g. achieve objectives, deal with crises, and so on).Match up these verbs and nouns to make com mon collocati ons.Allocate resources (or people)Commun icate in formatio n (or decisi ons)Develop strategies (or people or subordi nates)Make decisionsMeasure performanceMotivate peoplePerform jobsSet objectivesSupervise subordinates2 Meet ings‘ One can either work or meet. One cannot do both at the same time. '(Peter Drucker: An In troductory View of Man ageme nt)What do you thi nk Peter Drucker means by this comme nt?Drucker obviously believes that work is largely someth ing that is doneindividually, and that meetings are not ‘ work' , but merely preparation for it, or consolidation after it.2a Reading p18Read the computer journalist Robert X. Cringely ' s description of theman ageme nt style at IBM.Is he positive or negative about IBM ' s working culture?Robert Crin gely ' s history of the pers onal computer in dustry is very in formative,in places very critical, and also very funny. In this extract, he is extremely n egative about IBM, say ing that they put much too much effort into man ageme nt and worry ing about the possibility of making bad decisi ons, and not eno ugh into producing good, competitively-priced products.2b Comprehe nsionExplain in your own words exactly what Robert Cringely means in the following senten ces.1. Every IBM employee ' s ambition is apparently to become a manager. It seems as if the people who work for IBM are more in terested in being regarded as a man ager tha n as a computer desig ner or tech nician2. IBM makes man ageme nt the compa ny ' s sin gle biggest bus in ess.IBM' s corporate culture seems to place more emphasis on man ageme nt tha n on developing and selling the company ' s products.3. IBM executives man age the desig n and writ ing of software.IBM' s managers don ' t actually do the work of designing and writing software themselves, but orga nize and supervise the people who do it.4. IBM products aren ' t often very competitive.IBM products are rarely as good or as dheap as similar products made by their competitors5. The safety net at IBM is so big it is hard to make a bad decision.There is an exte nsive hierarchy and a system of checks and con trols which en sures that bad decisi ons are gen erally avoided (but good decisi ons also take a very long time to make).6. This will be the source of the company ' s ultimate downfall.The slowness of IBM ' s decmiohng process (and the consequent lack ofcompetitive ness of their products) will eve ntually destroy the compa ny.2c Vocabulary p18Find word in the text that mean the same as the words or expressions below.1. seem ingly apparently2. computer programs software3. work, time and energy effort4. computers (and other machines) hardware5. young workers still learning their jobs trainees6. knowledge and skill expertise7. levels or strata layers8. to make certain that something is true verify9. corrected or slightly changed amended10. collapse or failure downfall3 The retail sectorYou will hear part of an in terview with Steve Moody, the man ager of the Marks & Spen cer store in Cambridge, En gla nd.What do you know about Marks & Spen cer?M&S, as many people call them in Brita in sell clothes, household goods and food. They have bran ches all over Brita in, and are expa nding into con ti nen tal Europe.3a Liste ninglisten to part One, in which Steve Moody describes the role and responsibilities of a store man ager. Tapesript Part OneSTEVE MOODY so, as the store man ager in Cambridge, which is probably the fortieth largest of the 280 stores we have got, I am resp on sible for the day-to-day running of the store. All the product is delivered to me in predescribed quantities, and obviously I ' m responsible for displaying that merchandise to its best advantage, obviously I ' m responsible for emplostaf t beactually sell thatmercha ndise, and orga nizing the day-to-day logistics of the operatio n. Much more running stores is about the day-today operation. And ensuring that that safe, and obviously because of the two hun dred people that we would no rmally have working here it ' s ensuring that they are well trained, that they are well motivated, and that the environment they work in is a pleasant one, that they are treated with respect, and that they are committed to the compa nys prin ciples. Which of the following tasks is he responsible for?1. designing the store and its layout2. displaying the merchandise3. employing the sales staff4. ensuring the safety of staff and customers5. establishing the company ' s principles6. getting commitment from the staff7. increasing profits8. maintaining a pleasant working environment9. motivating staff10. organizing the day-to-day logistics11. pricing the merchandise12. running 40 out of 280 stores13. selecting the merchandise14. supervising the day-to-day running of the store15. training staff3b Liste ningListe n to Part Two, and an swer these questi ons.Tapescript Part Two INTERVIEWER How much freedom do those people have within their jobs to make decisi ons themselves? How much delegatio n is there of resp on sibility dow n the cha in? STEVE MOODY We would , as a bus in ess, like to en courage as much acco un tability and delegati on as possible. Of course that does depe nd on the abilities of the individuals, the environment in which you ' re working, and the time of year. With 282 stores we have a corporate appeara nee in the Un itedKingdom' s high streets. It is quite important that when customers come intoMarks & Spencer ' s Cambridge they get the same appearanee and type of looking store and the same level of service that they would expect if they went into Marks & Spencer' s Edinburgh in Scotland, for example, and it ' s very important that we have a corporate stateme nt that customers un dersta nd. So, there are obviously parameters anddiscipli nes that, you know, not only the staff but supervisi on and man ageme nt would follow. With in that, in terms of developme nt and training, trai ning is obviously an inv estme nt for all staff. If staff are trained to do their job well and they un dersta nd it, they will feel con fide nt in what they ' re doing, thaturn will give a better service to the customers, obviously from Marks &Spen cer' s point of view it could well lead to in creased sales.1. Why are Marks & Spencer ' s store managers limited in giving accountabilityto their staff and delegati ng resp on sibilities?Although marks & Spencer ‘ would like to en courage as much acco un tability and delegation aspossible ' , they have a corporate appearanee for all their stores, inall of which customers should get the same level of service. This limits the freedom of in dividual man gers to cha ngdhe stores: there are ‘ parameters anddiscipli nes that not only the staff but supervisi on and man ageme nt would follow2. What do they concen trate on in stead?In stead, they concen trate on staff developme nt and trai ning.3c liste ninglisten to Part Three, and answer the following questions.Tapescript Part ThreeINTERVIEWER Do you have meet ings for members of staff where they can express views about what ' s going on in the store?STEVE MOODY We have a series of meeti ngs, man ageme nt and supervisory every weekwe have something which Marks & Spencer ' s call a focus group,which is members of staff who get together regularly from all areas of the store, so from the foodsecti on and perhaps the men swear secti on, from the office who do the stock and acco unting, and in deed the warehouse where people receive goods. They have meeti ngs, they discuss issues, they discuss problems that they feel are going on in the store. They also discuss suggestions of how they can improve that we run the store, and they discuss that amongst themselves first.They will the n have a meeti ng with members of man ageme nt and obviously myself, and we will discuss those issues and work together to try and provide solutions. However, Marks & Spencer ' s philosophy, I suppose, is that meetingsshould not be substitute for day-to-day com muni cati on and therefore if problems do arise in terms of the operati on, or an in dividual has got a problem in their work ing en vir onment, or in dde their immediate line man ager, or in deed if they have a problem outside, which might be domestic, or with their family, we would like to discuss that as it arises and would like to en courage a policy that they will come and talk to their supervisor or their man ager, to see what we can do to solve the problem.Steve Moody men ti ons two kinds of regular meeti ngs. The first is weekly meet ings for man ageme nt and supervisory staff.1. What is the second kind of meeting called?A focus group.2. Who attends them?Members of staff from all areas of the store (e.g. the food sect ion, the men swear sect ion, the stock and acco unting office, the warehouse, and so).3. What are they designed to achieve?Staff can discuss problems in the store, and make suggesti ons for improveme nts. After this, they will meet with members of man ageme nt to discuss those issues and try to provide solutio ns.4. What kind of problems cannot be dealt with by meet in gs?In dividuals ' problems with their work or their line man ager, or eve n familyproblems5. How are such problems dealt with?In dividuals are en couraged to discuss such problems with their supervisor or man ager.3d Discussi onAfter readi ng and heari ng about man ageme nt, do you think you have the right skills to be a man ager? Would you be able, for example, to set objectives, motivate and coord in ate the staff, and man age a departme nt store, or a computer manu facturer?Some lear ners may decide that they have the n ecessary abilities to become a man ager or eve n a top man ager; others may env isage more specialized careers in a particular function such as marketing, finance, computing, accounting, and so on, which will not invo Ive man agi ng and coord in at ing a large nu mber of people and operatio ns.New words in this unit 02Allocate, ban ker, board of directors, chairma n, competitive, customer, director, distributor, function, hardware, inno vati on, inv estor, logistics, man ageable, man ageme nt, man ager, measure, meeti ng, mercha ndise, motivate, objective, orga ni zati on, pay, performa nee, promoti on ‘resources, software, staff, strategy, subordinate, supervise, supplier, tactics, team, top manager, trainee.Unit 3 Compa ny structureOne of the most importa nt tasks for the man ageme nt of any orga ni zati on employing more than a few people is to determine its organizational structure, and to cha nge this whe n and where n ecessary. This unit contains a text which outl ines the most com mon orga ni zati onal systems and exercise which focuses on the pote ntial con flicts among the differe nt departme nts of a manu facturi ng organization, an example of an organization chart, and a critical look at the flexible orga ni zatio nal structure of an America n computer compa ny.1a Discussi onThis discussion activity follows on naturally from activity 3d in the previous unit, about managing companies or having more limited responsibilities in a particular departme nt.1b Vocabulary1. Aut onom ous: C in depe ndent, able to take decisi ons without con suit ing a higher authority2. Dece ntralizati on: E divid ing an orga ni zati on into decisi on-mak ing un its that are not cen trally con trolled.3. Function: B a specific activity in a compa ny, e.g. product ion, market ing, finance4. Hierarchy: A system of authority with differe nt levels, one above the other.5. Line authority: F the power to give in structio ns to people at the level below in the cha in of comma nd6. Report to: G to be resp on sible to some one and to take in structi ons from him or her7. Subordi nates: D people working under someone else in a hierarchy1c Readi ngThe text summarizes the most com mon ways in which compa nies and other orga ni zati ons are structured, and men ti ons the people usually credited with inven ti ng functional orga ni zati on and dece ntralizati on. It men ti ons the more rece nt developme nt of matrix man ageme nt, and a well-k nown object ion to it. How arte most orga ni zati ons structured?Most compa nies are too large to be orga ni zed as a sin gle hierarchy. The hierarchy is usually divided up. In what way?What are the obvious disadva ntages of functional structure?(Discuss briefly in pairs) give some examples of sta ndard con flicts in compa nies betwee n departme nts with differe nt objectivesAre there any other ways of orga nizing compa nies that might solve these problems?A. Functional structureB. Matrix structureC. Line structureD. Staff structureBritish: pers onnel departme nt = America n: staff departme nt or huma n resources departme nt1d Comprehe nsionThe only adequate summary is the second. The first stresses the disadva ntages of hierarchies much more stron gly tha n the text, and disregards the criticisms of matrix management and decentralization. The third is simply misleading: matrix man ageme nt and teams are desig ned to facilitate com muni catio n among functional departme nts rather tha n among aut onom ous divisi ons.Second summaryMost bus in ess orga ni zati ons have a hierarchy con sist ing of several levels and a clear line of comma nd. There may also be staff positi ons that are not in tegrated into the hierarchy. The orga ni zati on might also be divided in to fun cti onal departme nts, such as product ion, finan ce, marketi ng, sales and pers onn el. Larger organizations are often further divided into autonomous divisions, each with its own functional sect ions. More rece nt orga ni zati onal systems in clude matrix man ageme nt and teams, both of which comb ine people from differe nt functions and keep decisi on-mak ing at lower levels.1e discussi onThe text men ti ons the ofte n in compatible goals of the finan ce, marketi ng and producti on (or operati ons) departme nt. Classify the followi ng strategies accord ing to which departme nts would probably favor them.Producti on man agers: 1.a factory worki ng at full capacity 4.a sta ndard product without optional features ll.machines that give the possibility of making various differe nt products. (1,4 and 11 would logically satisfy producti on man agers, although 11 should also satisfy other departme nts.) Marketi ng man agers: 2.a large advertis ing budget 3.a large sales force earning high commissi on 6.a strong market share for new products 7.ge nerous credit facilities for customers rge inven tories to make sure that products are available (2, 3, 6, 7, 9, would logically be the dema nds of market ing man agers) Finance man agers: 5.a stro ng cash bala nee 8.high profit margi ns 10.low research and developme nt spe nding 12.self-fi nancing (us ing reta ined earnings rather tha n borrowi ng) (5, 8, 10, and 12 would logically keep finance managers happy.)1f Describ ing compa ny structureNow write a description of either the organization chart above, or a company you kno w, in about 100-150 words.Here is a short description of the organization chart illustrated.The Chief Executive Officer reports to the Preside nt and the Board of Directors. The compa ny is divided into five major departme nts: Producti on, Market ing,Finan ce, Research & Developme nt, and Pers onn el. The Marketi ng Departme nt is subdivided into Market Research, Sales, and Advertis ing & Promoti ons. The Finance Departme nt contains both Finan cial Man ageme nt and Acco un ti ng. Sales con sists of two secti ons, the Norther n and Souther n Regi ons, whose heads report to the Sales Man ager, who is acco un table to the Marketi ng Man ager.2a VocabularyMatch up the words on the left with the definitions on the right.1. in dustrial belt: C an area with lots of in dustrial compa ni es, around the edgeof a city2. wealth: F the products of economic activity3. productivity: E the amount of output produced (in a certain period, using acerta in nu mber of in puts)4. corporate ethos: Aa company ' s ways of working and thinking5. collaboration: G working together and sharing ideas6. insulated or isolated: B alone, placed in a position away from others7. fragmentation: D breaking something up into pieces2b Liste ningListen to Jared Diamond, and then answer question 1. Listen a second time to check your an swers, and the n do questi on 2.1 Which of these do the part-se nten ces 1-8 refer to?A Route 128 (the in dustrial belt around Bost on, Massachusetts)B Silic on Valley (the high-tech compa nies in the area betwee n San Fran cisco andSan Jose, California)C IBMD Microsoft1 has lots of compa nies that are secretive, and don ' t com muni cate or collaborate with each other. (A)2 has lots of compa nies that compete with each other but com muni cate ideas and in formati on.(B)3 has always had lots of semi-i ndepe ndent un its compet ing with in the same compa ny, while com muni cat ing with each other. (D)4 is orga ni zed in an unu sual but very effective way (D)5 is curre ntly the cen ter of inno vatio n (B)6 used to have in sulated groups that did not com muni cate with each other (C)7 used to lead the in dustrial world in scie ntific creativity and imag in ati on (A)8 was very successful, the n less successful and is now inno vative aga in because it changed the way it was organized (C)。

新编剑桥商务英语听力第三版01新编剑桥商务英语听力第三版011.1WORKING FROM HOMEI: Ok, Michela. You work from home now. Can you tell me about a typical1 day?M: Sure, I always get up aroud 7 and the first thing i do is get the kids ready for school.I take them at eight thirty and then i always start work at 9.I: Do you ever have a day where you decide to have the morning off and start work at nine.M: No,you can't do that. It's important with home-working off and have a timetable and stick to it. If you end up watching TV or doing the cleaning then it isn't for you. SO I have lunch at 12 and finish work at 2:30 to get the children.I: Was that why you gave up your office job?M: Yes, I wanted to spend more time with the children.It gives me more flexibility2. Sometimes I need to work in the evening but usually it isn't a problem.I: So how long have you been doing this kind of work?M: For about five years. I've been with the same company since I left school but with the Internet and technology it's easy now to be at home.I: So your employer3 doesn't mind.M: No. It means4 the company saves money on office space and as long as I get the work done, they're happy.Sometimes I still go into work to meet clients5 and so on. For example, I'M going in nearly every day this week because we have visitors from another company and I can't really invite them overto my house. Besides, it's nice to go in every so often.I like to see people and catch up on the gossip6 and the news with my colleagues7. I miss that side of going into work every day.I: is there anything else you miss?M:ERMM,no, not really. And I'll tell you what I really don't miss and that's having to spend 2 hours commuting on the bus and train every day点击收听单词发音收听单词发音1 typical 5ltwoadj.典型的,象征的,有代表性的参考例句:This is typical Chinese English.这是典型的中式英语。

Asking and answering questionAn environmental accidentThe Daily ReporterTankerGrounded200 tonnes of oil leak into sea1 .Following this news announcement a journalist interviews a spokesperson from the company that owns the tanker. Listen to the interview.1 What caused the accident2 How many accidents has the ship been involved in3 Does the spokesperson come out of it well2Complete the questions the journalist asks.1 how this happened2this isn't the first time this particular ship has been in an accident 3And to do to limit the damage4 this kind of accident is acceptable5 It's a PR disaster for your company,Indirect questions3 Look at exercise 2. Study the structure of the indirect questions in sentences 1 and 4,and the tag questions in sentences 2 and 5.4 Convert the following questions into indirect questions.0 How many years' experience do you have in customer serviceCan you tell me how many years' experience you have in customer Service 1 Where have you worked beforeI'd be interested to know2 Are you an ambitious personWould you say3 Have you gone as far as you can in your present jobDo you think4 Who are our main customersDo you know5Convert the following questions into tag questions.0 Are you interested in a full一time jobYou're interested in a full-time job ,are not you1 Are you married2 Can't you start tomorrow"3 have you only worked for smaller companies4 Did you manage to find our offices easily'5 Is this your first real job6 Would you be able to work part-timeA job interview6 How would you feel if you were asked these questions How would you reply1 Can you tell me why you think you'll be good at this job2 Why should I employ you3 You don't have much experience in this field, do you4 You've taken quite a lot of time out from work .Why is that5 You are quite a quietly-spoken person. Do you have trouble asserting yourselfG Now, your last job. Did you choose to leave7 And what do you know about our company8 So tell me what you did yesterday.7 Work with a partner. Each choose one of the following jobs to be interviewed for. Prepare five questions each and then lake it in turns to adopt the role of interviewer and interviewee. Try to put your interviewee `on the spot:firefighter restaurant manager web designerfundraiser for local sports club trainee investment advisorReading Test: Introduction andPart OneThe Reading Test has six parts, in which there are a total of 52 questions, and Lasts one hour. It carries 25% of the total marks. The texts are all business-related and vary between 150 and 500 words in length. Each part tests a particular reading skill or understanding of language structure.In the exam, you have an hour to read over 2,000 words, so try to develop your reading speed. The only way to do this is to practise:.Read English business texts, e g Time, Newsweek..Get your news from English Internet sites, e g the BBC, CNN.Part Text tune Skill focus Task1 Single text or 5 Beading for global meaning; Matching summariesshort texts (450 summarising to each section of textwords2 Single text (460- heading for detail; Inserting missing500 words) understanding structure sentences into text3 Single text(500- Reading for general meaning 4-part multiple choice600 words) and specific detail comprehension question4 Single text (250 Understanding meaning and Gap-fill; multiplewords) grammar of individual words choice (4-choice)5 Single text (250 finding missing words to Open gap-fill onewords} give meaning and cohesion Word per gap)6 Single teat (150- understanding grammatical Identifying incorrect of200 words) structure unnecessary wordsPast OnePart One is a test of reading for gist or global meaning. five texts or sections have to be matched to live sentences that summariese the general view being expressed in each. Follow these steps·Read the instructions twice and make sure you understand the context of the passages) and what you are being asked to do..Do not read the summaries first.·Bearing in mind what general information you are looking for, read the first text }umlthen try to summarise, in your head, the general view it expresses.·Now read the summaries and lind the one chat matches your own mental summary.·repeat this procedure for each of the other four texts.summarising1 Write a one-sentence summary for this passage. Compare your answer with your partner.I favour a direct approach to interviewing where the questions really put the candidate under pressure and test their reactions. If you look at manuals on interviewing technique, you'll find that most advise you first to make the candidate feel at ease, and then to ask open-ended questions that give them the freedom to tall; and express themselves as they would like. But I think we're being far too nice here. By allowing people to dictate the direction of the interview, we run the risk of not discovering who they really are and wasting everyone's time.2 Following the approach described above, do this Reading Test Part One. Give yourself about twelve minutes.PART ONEQuestions 1-8. Look at the sentences below and at the five extracts from an article on employee motivation..Match each statement 1-8 to one of the extracts (A, B, C, D or E). .you will need to use some of the letters more than once..There is an example at the beginning (0).Example:0Job satisfaction is the key to an employee's motivation. D1 Companies usually try to motivate employees with extra payment or verbal praise.2Financial rewards don't work so well when the manager assesses performance himself3In the end, motivation has to come from the person himself.4Loyalty and commitment are two different things.5Employees are committed when they understand and believe in the company's aims.6Most employees see rewards as an end in themselves.7How well you work does not depend on how good your working conditions are.8Good relations between managers and workers create the right working environmentAFundamental to the issue of motivation is the distinction between employee loyalty to the company and employee commitment. Employees feel loyal when they feel comfortable and well looked after job security, reasonable conditions of pay, generous holiday entitlement, medical insurance and a good pension. Without these conditions an employee will feel neither loyalty to the company nor any motivation to work. But it is also possible that even with good conditions, the employee may not feel motivated. This is because performance is not directly related to working conditions: anemployee can feel secure. whether he works hard or notBMotivation has more to do with commitment to the job. The conditions that produce commitment are different from those that inspire loyalty. Committed employees will have a clear sense of the goals of the company and understand their part in contributing to achieving them. Moreover, they will believe that these goals are worth working for: they will derive job satisfaction from what they do. So companies who want a motivated staff ought to be spending their time thinking about their goals and communicating these with enthusiasm to their staff.CInstead, the motivation debate seems to focus on rewards, either financial or non-financial. For example money is commonly used as an incentive for sales people or others with measurable targets to reach. Sometimes it is also used to reward employees whose performance has been evaluated subjectively by a line manager. This is less satisfactory. Verbal commendation is also used to motivate, from a simple word of encouragement in the employee's ear to a public award ceremony.DBut do all these types of rewards motivate people Well yes, they do. They motivate them to get rewards. What they don't necessarily do is motivate them to be a committed employee and do a good job. What really motivates people is the level of satisfaction they find in their work. As Herzberg famously put it: 'If you want people motivated to do a good job, give them a good job to do‘ESo the real motivators are things which are intrinsic to the job: thatthe employee feels part of a unit that is working towards something worthwhile. And from this as long as communication between employee and management is open and respectful, will come recognition for good work, advancement in the company and personal growth. The best that companies can do is to create such an environment and then hope that within it people are able to motivate themselves。
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1.1 Working life1 What does this quotation mean to you?`Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.'john Lennon, English singer& song writer (1940-19830)2 Discuss these questions.1 How many jobs do you expect to have in your life ? 1-3 4-7 8or more2 Would you prefer to be self-employed or an employee? Why ?3 in fifteen years’ time, do you expect to work more or less than now ?4 at what age do you expect to stop working ? 55 65 753Underline tire best word to complete each sentence.1 At the moment, people generally retire/resign at 652 I joined/applied for the company when I was 25 and have worked thereever since3 What's the best way to pay/reward our employees for good performance?4 About 700 staff were laid off/dismissed when the company lost the contract tosupply Toyota5 We have educated/trained our staff in the use of laser equipment.6 I'm going to leave/change the company at the end of the year.7 E and C Consultants recruits/employs from the top business schools.8 Companies need to offer parents of young children more flexible/overtime hours-9 they used only to offer permanent posts, but now most new contracts aretemporary/part-time ones.10 I have one day off/ holiday a week to attend a course at college.4 Make sentences with the words you didnt use in Exercise 3.5 Make nouns from thefollowing verbs.Attitude to work6 Do you think that people starting work now have a different attitude to work than their parents did? if so, in what ways?7 Look at the newspaper article and read the title. What does the title suggest to you?Read the article arid check if you were r fight.Young workers Want it all, nowOh, and they’ll need to take next Friday off ,tooTETROIT一Kurt Jennings, hoping to start a career in radio sales, thought he was prepared to answer any question during his recent interview. Then theradio executive opened the interview with, `So, we call you guys the Entitlement Generation". You imagine you're entitled to everything.' There is an impression that the current generation of young workers has high expectations for salary, responsibility and job flexibility, but little appetite for hard work and little sense of loyalty to a company`A lot of twenty-somethings have a hard time making the transition to work typically Kids who've had success early in life and who've become used to getting instant gratification,' says Dr. Levi Cohen, a peadiatrics professor.He says that coddling parents and colleges often fail to prepare students for the realities of adulthood and working life.Many employers, from corporate executives to restaurateurs, agree.`It seems they expect to hove in then first week everything that the veteran has worked 20 or 30 years to earn,' says Mike Amor, the owner of a Salt LakeCity chain of restaurants.Kurt had this reply 'for his interviewee at the radio station: `Maybe we were spoiled by your Generation. But "entitled" is too strong a word,' he said. `Do we think we're deserving if we're doing to go out there and break our backs for you'?Yes..'He ended up getting the-job.But some experts say that' having highexpectations, and tellin}} your boss what they are, isn't necessarily a bad thing.`It's true they're not all rushing to bury themselves in a cubicle a}记follow orders for the next 40 years, but why on earth should they?' asks .leaf Bartlctt, a University of Carolina psychologist8 Do you think the younger generation is spoiled and expects too much? .or do you think the older generation sacrificed their lives (and fun in their lives) for work?9 What do the following phrases from the text mean?1 little appetite for hard work2 twenty-somethings3 instant gratification4 coddling parents and colleges5 we were spoiled by your generation6 break our backs for you7 bury themselves in a cubicleGerund and infinitive1 Which of the verbs or phrases in the box take the gerund (-ing) and which ones take to infinitive (to do)?Be good at plan/intend /aim be worth fail be reluctanthave trouble/difficulty hope/expect manage succeed indecide think about/consider enjoy avoid involve havebe used to/accustomed to be willing/prepared2 Which of the following pairs of phrases is the odd one out grammatically? Why?1 be good at一be bad at2 be willing一be reluctant3 succeed in一fail4 enjoy一dislike3 Complete these sentences.0 when I retire, I plan to do some voluntary work for charity1 When I retire, I plan…2 I think I'm quite good at…3 Before attending a job intervi ew, it's worth…4 My job involves…5 When speaking English, I often have difficulty…6 At work I feel satisfied if I manage…7 For my summer holiday this year, I am considering…8 If I was offered more money, I would be willing…9 The hardest thing a bout starting a new job is getting used to…10 I get annoyed with colleagues if they fail…4 Choose five of the phrasesworking life.in exercise 1 and make sentences about your own working lifeThe future of human resources5 You will hear five human resources (HR) manages0s talking shout the key issues in human resources facing companies today.·The first time you listen, indicate which employee group in the workforce they are talking about.·The second time you listen indicate what actions they propose to take to deal with each issue.TASK ONE一EMPLOYEE GROUPA older employees (50-GO)B new recruitsC traineesD senior managementE young highly qualified employeesF womenG retired employeesH disabled workersA efforts to retain good employeesB the introduction of more flexible workingarrangementsC linlting salaries more closely to resultsD more focus on job training for employeesE encouraging people back from retirementF more support for working parentsG developing a more positive attitudetowards older workersH reducing staff costs6 You've heard the priorities of HR managers. What are your priorities for your working life? Consider the following:.flexible hours·working environment.pay。