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Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds无机化合物的命名


1.Trivial Names俗名

H2O water不说dihydrogen oxide

NH3 ammonia不说nitrogen trihydride

CaO quicklime

CaCO3 limestone

2.Systematic Nomenclature系统命名


ZnOzinc oxide

CaO calcium oxide

CO carbon oxide

Na2O2 sodium peroxide

H2O2hydrogen peroxide 注:peroxide过氧化物


Ba(OH)2 barium hydroxide

KOH potassium hydroxide


Hydro acid氢酸General formula通式:HnX 命名:hydro- + stem of X + -ic acid H2S hydrosulfuric acid(英) hydrosulphuric(美) 氢硫酸S:sulfur(英)、sulphur(美) HBr 氢溴酸hydrobromic acidBr: bromine HCl 氢氯酸(盐酸)hydrochloric acidCl: chlorine HF 氢氟酸hydrofluoric acidF: fluorine

Oxoacid or Oxyacid含氧酸General formula通式:HnXOm 命名:Stem of X + -ic acid 注:oxo- (oxy-) 含氧, 氧代

H2SO4 sulfuric acid(英) sulphuric acid(美)

H2CO3 carbonic acid

H3PO4 phosphoric acid P: phosphorus H3BO3 boric acid B: boron HNO3 nitric acid N: nitrogen If X has two oxidation states:

-ic:the higher oxidation state

-ous:the lower oxidation state

H2SO4 sulfuric acid

H2SO3 sulfurous acid


HNO3 nitric acid

HNO2 nitrous acid

If X (such as halogens) has more than two oxidation states:


per- (过,高) + -ic:the still higher oxidation state

hypo- (次,在…下) + -ous:the still lower oxidation state

HClO3 chloric acid

HClO2 chlorous acid

HClO4 perchloric acid

HClO hypochlorous acid

HIO hypoiodous acid


General formula通式:MnXm 命名:Name of M stem of X + -ide(-ide…化物)


KI potassium iodide

Al2S3 aluminum sulfide

LiH lithium hydride

Oxysalt含氧酸盐Name the metal ion first and then the anion

Naming anions:

-ate anions derived from the -ic acid(the higher oxidation state of X)

-ite anions derived from the -ous acid (the lower oxidation state of X)

HNO3 nitric acid

NaNO3 sodium nitrate

HNO2 nitrous acid

NaNO2 sodium nitrite

SO42- sulfate

SO32- sulfite

AgClO4 silver perchlorate

NaIO3 sodium iodate

KClO2 potassium chlorite

KBrO potassium hypobromite

MnO42- manganate

MnO4- permanganate

Acid salt 酸式盐Using “hydrogen” to specify “H”

NaHSO4 sodium hydrogen sulfate

NaH2PO4 sodium dihydrogen phosphate

Na2HPO4 disodium hydrogen phosphate P: phosphorus phosphate磷酸盐(根) Using prefix bi- + name of anion if only one acid salt exists

NaHSO4 sodium bisulfate

NaHSO3 sodium bisulfite

KHCO3 potassium bicarbonate

5)Metals(M)with more than one oxidation state


Two methods:

①后缀法: 早期使用

stem of M + -ic the higher oxidation state of M

stem of M + -ous the lower oxidation state of M

HgI2 mercuric iodide

Hg2I2 mercurous iodide Hg:mercury Cr2+ chromous

Cr3+ chromic Cr: chromium

注:In most cases, Latin stem is used if the metal has symbol derived from its

Latin name.(mercury is an exception)

Cu:cuprum (拉丁),copper (英)
