《科技英语文献阅读与翻译》Unit 1-TextA




Unit 1大规模研究发现:地球的“健康”每况愈下有史以来对地球进行的最大规模的科学分析结果表明,地球上的许多生态系统都达不到标准。
















Unit 1搏弈论阿维纳什•迪克斯特&巴里•内尔巴夫搏弈是有关策略的科学。






















第一张机器人走进千家万户(1)比尔﹒盖茨设想一下:在一个新的产业诞生之际, 你目睹见证了这一切! 这个产业是在前所未有的新技术基础上发展起来的, 其中包括一些实力雄厚企业销售的高度专业化商务设备, 还有越来越多的新兴公司生产的新奇玩具、为玩具藏家青睐的机巧装置, 以及其他一些奇特有趣的特殊产品。

但同时, 这还是一个缺乏行业标准和平台的、尚不成规模的产业。

项目复杂, 进步缓慢, 实际应用更是少之有少。

事实上, 尽管对这个产业的未来充满热情和希望,但是没有人能明确地说出什么时间- 或究竟是否有可能-它能取得关键性的规模发展。

但是,若真能实现发展, 那么,它很可能改变整个世界。

当然, 上述描述可算是上世纪70 年代中期计算机产业的写照, 也就在那时, 保罗·艾伦和我成立了微软公司。


知名大学和大型工业实验室的研究人员正试图建造出最基本的构件, 以使信息化时代的到来成为可能。

当时因特尔公司刚刚推出他们的8080 微处理器,安他利公司正在销售一款流行电子游戏Pong 。


但当时我脑海中所萦绕的则是更具前瞻性的问题:机器人产业即将作为一项新兴的产业而崛起,其当时的发展同30 年前计算机的发展如出一辙。

想想看, 目前汽车组装线上使用的制造型机器人已替代了昔日的主计算机。

这个产业其他的典型产品包括可进行外科手术的机器手, 在伊拉克和阿富汗用于路边及地面排雷的侦察机器人, 以及可以进行地板吸尘的家用机器人。

电子产品公司还推出了可模仿人类、或是狗、恐龙等的机器人玩具, 而玩具收藏者们正迫不及待地想要猎取一套乐高公司生产的最新机器人系列玩具。

与此同时, 世界尖端科技人员正试图解决机器人技术中最棘手的难题, 诸如视觉识别、远程操控、以及学习型机器等问题, 而且他们正在不断获得成功。

《科技英语文献阅读与翻译》Unit 1-TextB教学文稿

《科技英语文献阅读与翻译》Unit 1-TextB教学文稿
《科技英语文献阅读与翻译》 Unit 1-TextB
Cryptography is the study of mathematical techniques related to aspects of information security such as confidentiality, data integrity, entity authentication, and data origin authentication.
Hash functions are employed in symmetric and asymmetric encryption systems and are used to calculate a fingerprint/imprint of a message or document.
Unit One
Text B Digital Signature in Applied Cryptography
hash function and hash value
When hashing a message, the message is converted into a short bit string--a hash value-and it is impossible to re-establish the original message from the hash value.
A hash value is unique in the sense that two messages cannot result in the same bit string, and any attempt to make changes to the message will negate the value and thus the signature.



Unit 1 Genetically modified foods -- Feed the World?If you want to spark a heated debate at a dinner party, bring up the topic of genetically modified foods. For many people, the concept of genetically altered, high-tech crop production raises all kinds of environmental, health, safety and ethical questions. Particularly in countries with long agrarian traditions -- and vocal green lobbies -- the idea seems against nature.如果你想在某次晚宴上挑起一场激烈的争论,那就提出转基因食品的话题吧。



In fact, genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives. A third of the corn and more than half the soybeans and cotton grown in the US last year were the product of biotechnology, according to the Department of Agriculture. More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will be planted in the US this year. The genetic is out of the bottle.事实上,转基因食品已经成为我们生活重要的一部分。



科技英语阅读与翻译全文Humanitarian Aid in SpaceSpace exploration technology will benefit developing countries in a variety of ways. Whether it's information about climate change or communication technologies that give remote areas access to the world outside, space science can come to the aid of vulnerable people in many countries.For the past two decades, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has been sending humanitarian aid dispatched from its space platform. This ambitious project has proved successful, and it’s been praised for its achievements in various aspects.The two strategic areas set forth for JAXA’s humanitarian aid effort are science and education. JAXA’s donations of books and puzzle sets are enabling elementary and junior high school kids in India to study science and math. There are plans to utilize remote sensing data to map out natural resources in Nepalese countryside and expand education related to environmental issues in Vietnam. In addition the agency is sending educational videos to the island nation of Palau tobetter understand their own local wildlife.JAXA is considered to be a pioneer in this area since the launch of their humanitarian aid initiative in 1997. The organization strives to make use of space applications for social welfare and reduce disparities in the world through a number of practical endeavors. The effort currently has a global reach, with projects taking place in seven continent, from Latin America to Africa.JAXA’s humanitarian aid programs will continue to grow with better technology and increased resources. The ongoing work reinforces the concept that space science and technology have the potential to contribute to enhancing the lives of people on Earth.人道主义援助在太空太空探索技术将在各个方面受益于发展中国家。



Unit One
约翰·冯·诺依曼 (1903-1957)
匈牙利裔美国数学家, 普林斯顿大学和普林斯顿 高等研究所教授,曾任研制原子弹的顾问,并参 加研制计算机,被称为计算机之父,1954年成为 美国原子能委员会委员.作为二十世纪最杰出的 数学家之一, 他在数理逻辑, 测度论, 格论和连 续几何学方面都有开创性的成果;在博弈论和控 制论,力学,经济学和计算机研制等领域做出了杰 出的贡献. 他同莫根·施特恩合作,写出《博弈 论和经济行为》(Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, 1947)一书,这是博弈论
it One
博弈论有时也称为对策论是应用数 学的一个分支, 是研究具有斗争或竞 争性质现象的数学理论和方法,也是 运筹学的一个重要学科。目前在社 会学,生物学,经济学,国际关系, 计算机科学, 政治学,军事战略和其 他很多学科都有广泛的应用。
Unit One
Princeton has traditionally focused on undergraduate education and academic research, it now offers a large number of top-rated professional Master's degrees and PhD programs in a range of subjects.
Princeton is a city in Green Lake County, NJ, United States.



Unit 1大规模研究发现:地球的“健康”每况愈下有史以来对地球进行的最大规模的科学分析结果表明,地球上的许多生态系统都达不到标准。
















第1章 科技英汉翻译基础
⑤用多种方式表达数字及否定; e.g. The temperature at the sun’s center is as high as 10,000,000℃.
太阳中心的温度高达1千万摄氏度。 The voltage has dropped five times.
电压降低了五分之四。[减少/降低了N分之(N-1)] The object did not move because I pushed it. 不是因为我推它,该物体才移动。(否定转移) There is nothing like mineral water to quench one’s thirst.
第1章 科技英汉翻译基础
Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.
During the two and half-hour talk, the two sides
the world today. Worldwide,哥。
the number of large cities 目前,世界人口总数为69.09亿,
will multiply.
Now 26 cities have 5 million or more residents each and a combined population of 252 million. By the end of the decade, the number will escalate to 60, with an estimated total of almost 650 million people. Ray of hope: The world population now is growing by 1.8 percent a year; by 2000, the rate is expected to drop to 1.6 percent as individual women have fewer children in their lifetime.



Unit 101 Something in the American psyche loves new frontiers. We hanker after wide-open spaces; we like to explore; we like to make rules but refuse to follow them. But in this age it’s hard to find a place where you can go and be yourself without worrying about the neighbors.美国人的内心深处具有一种酷爱探索新领域的气质。



02 There is such a place: cyberspace. Formerly a playground for computer fans, cyberspace now embraces every conceivable constituency: schoolchildren, flirtatious singles, Hungarian-Americans, accountants. Can they all get along? Or will our fear of kids surfing for dirty pictures behind their bedroom doors provoke a crackdown?确实有这样一个空间,那就是信息空间。


问题是他们都能和睦相处吗?人们是否会因为害怕孩子们躲在卧室里看网上的淫秽图片而将它封杀?03 The first order of business is to grasp what cyberspace is. It might help to leave behind metaphors of highways and frontiers and to think instead of real estate.2 Real estate, remember, is an intellectual, legal,artificial environment constructed on top of land. Real estate recognizes the difference between parkland and shopping mall, between red-light zone3 and school district, between church, state and drugstore.首先要解决的问题是,什么是信息空间。














对这一集合的描述,在形式上我们写作x={n: n为整数,3<n<7}。




但罗素(恩斯特·策梅洛也独立地)发现,x={a: a不属于a}会导致矛盾的结论,就像对理发师集体的描述一样。










科技英语阅读1-9单元译文:Unit 1罗素悖论的提出是基于这样的一个事例:设想有这样一群理发师,他们只给不给自己理发的人理发。





他确立了形式表达式(如:x =2)和数学特性(如偶数)之间的联系。




例如,我们可以用 x代表整数,通过n来表示并且n大于3小于7,来表示4,5,6这样一个集合。

















Section AI Read the text carefully, and try to sum up (in one sentence if possible) the two or three main points, which the writer is makingGun controlA student of the gun control issue will readily perceive the arena is indeed a broad one, in which we must struggle to preserve the right to keep and bear arms. It is a struggle which will test whatever there might be of genius in any of us and it is one which will merit the devoted efforts of every citizen who in the broadest sense can perceive the relationships which our Bill of Rights liberties bear one to another.I suggest we begin our affirmative role immediately in the area of crime control. The truth is that gun control does not equate with crime control. We have an advantage in this fact which we have neither exploited nor advanced convincingly. It is demonstrable that in those sections of the country where gun possession is most prevalent, crime is least. Encouragingly, many moderate and reasonable men among our opponents are beginning to see that our problem is crime control and that gun control is not going to have much, if any, effect upon it. Of course,for reasons-of their own, some of them still say gun control is desirable. For these people we can only wonder, as would any good citizen, what it is they have in mind for us that our possession of guns makes them so nervous.As long as we concur that any measure of gun control equates with some measure of crime control we are in agreement with those who would eliminate our rights. We would then again be backed into defensive position, held for forty years, always losing a little here and a little there unfit finally nothing would be left us.No group of good citizens has ever struggled more conscientiously along the narrow pathway, between hope and moderation on one hand, and the cold facts of efforts to abolish our rights on the other, than the leaders of the National Rifle Association. Every gun owner in America should applaud the action taken by the Executive Committee of the NRA in Washington, D.C. on July 12, 1974: ‘...the NRA opposes any proposed legislation, at any level of government, which is directed against the inanimate firearm rather than against the criminal misuse of firearms.A reasonable degree of order in society must prevail first. Criminals must be controlled first. we are the decent people. We try to be reasonable and we are not fools even though we have so often made mistakes in the past 40 years.many people turn to England as an example for crime control. The fact isthat in England, for hundreds of years, a man found guilty of any one of number of crimes was promptly hanged. Now that a more humanistic generation of Englishmen has lately abolished these stern but effective methods, crime-including armed crime - is sky-rocketing. Recently armed Englishmen, amid a hail of their own bullets, attempted to kidnap the eldest daughter of the reigning Queen of England! Unbelievable! (From an article in Guns and Ammo by Harlan Carter)Suggested answer.The writer believes that gun-owners are good citizens, and everyone should be free to own guns. If we wish to reduce crime, we should not ban guns, but impose harsher punishments for criminals.II In a paragraph of not more than 100 words, say simply what the witnesses thought happened, and what really happened.A séanceA good example of this technique of investigating the reliability of reports is an experiment reported by S·J Davey. He was interested in the kind of phenomena reported during séances and, using quite simple trickery, which he had planned in advance, he reproduced some of the effects popular among the mediums of the day. His audiences were asked to write down accounts of what they had witnessed, and these observations were then compared with what actually happened. Here is a report written by one witness of such a séance. `On entering the dining-room where the séance was held’, so the report runs, every article of furniture was searched and Mr. Davey turned out his pockets.The door was locked and seated, the gas turned out, and they all sat round the table holding hands, including Mr Davey. A musical box on the table played and floated about. Knockings were heard and bright lights seen. The head of a woman appeared, came close and dematerialized. A half-figure of a man was seena few seconds later .He bowed and then disappeared through the ceiling with a scraping noise..’Another witness also described the searching of the room, the sealing of the door, and the disposition of the medium and sitters round the table. the medium and sitters round the table, She alleged that a female head appeared in a strong light and afterwards a bearded man reading a book, who disappeared through the ceiling.A11 the while Mr. Davey’s hands were held tightly by the sitters on either side, and when the gas was relit the door was still locked and the seal unbroken.A third witness’s account was even more sensational. He reported that ‘nothing was prepared beforehand, the séance was quite casual’. Having described the locking and sealing of the door, he went on to say that he was touched by a cold, clammy hand and heard various raps. After that he saw a bluish-white light which hovered over the heads of the sitters and gradually developed into an apparition that was ‘frightful in itsugliness, but so distinct that everyone could see it .... The features were distinct ... a kind of hood covered the head, and the whole resembled the head of a mummy’. After this an even more wonderful spirit appeared. It began with a streak of light and developed by degrees into a bearded man of Oriental appearance. His eyes were stony and fixed, with a vacant listless expression. At the end of the séance the door was still locked and the seal was intact.So much for some of the reports. Now for the reality. The séance was not a casual affair at all, but had been carefully rehearsed beforehand. At the beginning, Mr Davey went through the motion of apparently locking the door, but he turned the key back again so that the door was actually left unlocked. The ‘props’ for the materializations had been stowed away in a cupboard underneath a bookshelf; this was not looked into by the witnesses who searched the room because, just as they were about to do so, Mr Davey diverted their attention by emptying his pockets to show that he had nothing hidden on his person. The phenomena were produced by a confederate who came in by the unlocked door after the lights had been turned out, and while the musical box was playing loudly to drown the noise of his entry. The ‘apparition offrightful ugliness’ was a mask draped in muslin with a cardboard collar coated with luminous paint. The second spirit was the confederate himself, standing on the back of Mr Davey’s chair, his face faintly illuminated by phosphorescent light fromthe pages of a book he was holding. The rasping noise made when the spirits seemed to disappear through the ceiling was caused accidentally, but interpreted by the witnesses according to their conception of what was happening. When the light was turned on the gummed paper that had been used to seal the door had fallen off, but Mr Davey quickly pressed it back into position and then called the witnesses’ attention to the fact that it was ‘still intact.’ Mr Davey’s performances were so convincing that some leading investigators, including the biologist A. R. Wallace, F. R. S., refused to believe him when he said that he had no mediumistic powers and it had all been done by trickery. In effect the conjurer was challenged to prove that he was not a medium!(From Sense and Nonsense in Psychology by H. J. EysenckSuggested answer.The witnesses thought the room was locked, and that they were alone with Mr Davey. They believed that they saw various supernatural phenomena, such as the spirits of a man and a woman, accompanied by strange lights and noises. In fact, the door was not locked, and the effects were produced by a colleague of Mr Davey who came into the room under cover of darkness and the noise of the musical box. He used materials which had been hidden in a cupboard that was not searched because Mr Davey distracted people’s attention at a crucial moment.Read the following text and make notes.HOW CHILDREN FAILMost children in school fail.For a great many this failure is avowed and absolute. Close to forty per cent of those who begin high school drop out before they finish. For college the figure is one in three.Many others fail in fact if not in name. They complete their schooling only because we have agreed to push them up through the grades and out of the schools, whether they know anything or not. There are many more such children than we think. If we 'raise our standards' much higher, as some would have us do, we will find out very soon just how many there are. Our classrooms will bulge with kids who can't pass the test to get into the next class.But there is a more important sense in which almost all children fail: except for a handful, who may or may not be good students, they fail to develop more than a tiny part of the tremendous capacity for learning, understanding, and creating with which they were born and of which they made full use during the first two or three years of their lives.Why do they fail?They fail because they are afraid, bored, and confused.They are afraid, above all else, of failing, of disappointing or displeasing the many anxious adults around them, whose limitless hopes and expectations for them hang over their heads like a cloud.They are bored because the things they are given and told to do in school are so trivial, so dull, and make such limited and narrow demands on the wide spectrum of their intelligence, capabilities, and talents.They are confused because most of the torrent of words that pours over them in school makes little or no sense. It often flatly contradicts other things they have been told, and hardly ever has any relation to what they really know - to the rough model of reality that they carry around in their minds.How does this mass failure take place? What really goes on in the classroom? What are these children who fail doing? What goes on in their heads? Why don't they make use of more of their capacity?This book is the rough and partial record of a search for answers to these questions. It began as a series of memos written in the evenings to my colleague and friend Bill Hull, whose fifth-grade class I observed and taught in during the day. Later these memos were sent to other interested teachers and parents. A small number of these memos make up this book. They have not been much rewritten, but they have been edited and rearranged under four major topics: Strategy; Fear and Failure; Real Learning; and How Schools Fail. Strategy deals with the ways in whichchildren try to meet, or dodge, the demands that adults make on them in school. Fear and Failure deals with the interaction in children of fear and failure, and the effect of this on strategy and learning. RealLearning deals with the difference between what children appear to know or are expected to know, and what they really know. How SchoolsFail analyses the ways in which schools foster bad strategies, raise children's fears, produce learning which is usually fragmentary, distorted, and short-lived, and generally fail to meet the real needs of children. These four topics are clearly not exclusive. They tend to overlap and blend into each other. They are, at most, different ways of looking at and thinking about the thinking and behaviour of children.It must be made clear that the book is not about unusually bad schools or backward children. The schools in which the experiences described here took place are private schools of the highest standards and reputation. With very few exceptions, the children whose work is described are well above the average in intelligence and are, to all outward appearances, successful, and on their way to 'good' secondary schools and colleges. Friends and colleagues, who understand what I am trying to say about the harmful effect of today's schooling on the character and intellect of children, and who have visited many more schools than I have, tell me that the schools I have not seen are not a bit better than those I have, and very often are worse.How children fail by John Holt, Pitman, 1965Suggested answer.HOW CHILDREN FAILMost children in school fail.o High School - forty per cento College - thirty three per cent.o Others in fact if not name - complete becausepushed, know anythingo But, more importantly, fail to developfull capacity for learning.Why ? Fail because: afraid, bored, and confused.o afraid of failing, disappointing adultso bored because they given trivial, dull, thingsto doo confused because most of school makes littleor no sense, flatly contradicts other things ,no relation to what they really knowHow? Search for answers to questions:o Strategy - ways in which children try to meet, ordodge, the demands made on themo Fear and Failure - interaction in children of fearand failure, + effect on strategy and learning.o Real Learning - compares what childrenappear to know with what really know.o How Schools Fail - ways: schools foster badstrategies; raise children's fears; producefragmentary, distorted & short-lived learning;fail to meet real needsRead the following text quickly and answer the questions.1.When were X-rays discovered?2.Who discovered them?3.What are the four characteristics of X-rays?The Discovery of X-raysExcept for a brief description of the Compton effect, and a few other remarks, we have postponed the discussion of X-rays until the present chapter because it is particularly convenient to treat X-ray spectra after treating optical spectra. Although this ordering may have given the reader a distorted impression of the historical importance of X-rays, this impression will be corrected shortly as we describe the crucial role played by X-rays in the development of modern physics.X-rays were discovered in 1895 by Roentgen while studying the phenomena of gaseous discharge. Using a cathode ray tube with a high voltage of several tens of kilovolts, he noticed that salts of barium would fluoresce when brought near the tube, although nothing visible was emitted by the tube. This effect persisted when the tube was wrapped with a layer of black cardboard. Roentgen soon established that theagency responsible for the fluorescence originated at the point at which the stream of energetic electrons struck the glass wall of the tube. Because of its unknown nature, he gave this agency the name X-rays. He found that X-rays could manifest themselves by darkening wrapped photographic plates, discharging charged electroscopes, as well as by causing fluorescence in a number of different substances. He also found that X-rays can penetrate considerable thicknesses of materials of low atomic number, whereas substances of high atomic number are relatively opaque. Roentgen took the first steps in identifying the nature of X-rays by using a system of slits to show that (1) they travel in straight lines, and that (2) they are uncharged, because they are not deflected by electric or magnetic fields.The discovery of X-rays aroused the interest of all physicists, and many joined in the investigation of their properties. In 1899 Haga and Wind performed a single slit diffraction experiment with X-rays which showed that (3) X-rays are a wave motion phenomenon, and, from the size of the diffraction pattern, their wavelength could be estimated to be 10-8 cm. In 1906 Barkla proved that (4) the waves are transverse by showing that they can be polarized by scattering from many materials.There is, of course, no longer anything unknown about the nature of X-rays. They are electromagnetic radiation of exactly the same nature as visible light, except that their wavelength is several orders of magnitudeshorter. This conclusion follows from comparing properties 1 through 4 with the similar properties of visible light, but it was actually postulated by Thomson several years before all these properties were known. Thomson argued that X-rays are electromagnetic radiation because such radiation would be expected to be emitted from the point at which the electrons strike the wall of a cathode ray tube. At this point, the electrons suffer very violent accelerations in coming to a stop and, according to classical electromagnetic theory, all accelerated charged particles emit electromagnetic radiations. We shall see later that this explanation of the production of X-rays is at least partially correct.In common with other electromagnetic radiations, X-rays exhibit particle-like aspects as well as wave-like aspects. The reader will recall that the Compton effect, which is one of the most convincing demonstrations of the existence of quanta, was originally observed with electromagnetic radiation in the X-ray region of wavelengths.AnswersRead the following text quickly and answer the questions.1.When were X-rays discovered?2.Who discovered them?3.What are the four characteristics of X-rays?1.18952.Roentgen3.1. they travel in straight lines2. they are uncharged3. they are a wave motion phenomenon4. the waves are transverseSection DTranslate the following passage into Chinese:When you are researching, write down every idea, fact, quotation, or paraphrase on a separate index card. Small (5" by 3") cards are easiest to work with. When you've collected all your cards,reshuffle them into the best possible order, and you have an outline, though you will undoubtedly want to reduce this outline to the essential points should you transcribe it to paper.A useful alternative involves using both white and coloured cards. When you come up with a point that you think may be one of the main points in your outline, write it at the top of a coloured card.Put each supporting note on a separate white card, using as much of the card as necessary. When you feel ready, arrange the coloured cards into a workable plan. Some of the points may not fit in. If so, either modify the plan or leave these points out. You may need to fill gaps by creating new cards.You can shuffle your supporting material into the plan by placing each of the white cards behind the point it helps support.当你正在研究,写下每一个想法,事实上,报价,或意译在单独的索引卡。

《科技英语文献阅读与翻译》Unit 1-TextB

《科技英语文献阅读与翻译》Unit 1-TextB
Theoretically, digital cash could be spent in very small increments, such as tenths of a cent (U.S.) or less. Most merchants accept digital cash so far, however, they also use it as an alternative to other forms of payment for somewhat higher price purchases.
made it hard for the president candidate to fall asleep. 2) to join as spouses, marry eg: Falling in love at the first sight, they coupled as a perfect match.
promotion. (The) chances are (that)…: It is likely that… eg: Chances are they’ll be intent on leaving for
As the Internet and other forms of electronic communication become more prevalent, electronic security is also becoming increasingly important. Cryptography is used to protect e-mail messages, credit card information, and corporate data.
eavesdrop v. listen secretly to private conversation of others



Unlocking the Climate Puzzle解开气候之谜(1)Life has prospered on this planet for nearly four billion years. In that time, climate had fluctuated drastically, from ice ages lasting tens of thousands of years to epochs of steamy heat. With each change, sundry species have benefited and flourished.Others adapted, faltered, or died. Now, many experts believe, humans are imperiling their own ecological niche with the threat of global warming. The vaporous by—products of civilization, in the form of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (C0₂), have trapped enough heat in the atmosphere to raise Earth's average surface air temperature a half degree Celsius (one degree Fahrenheit) during this century. If the trend continues, it could alter climate patterns worldwide-thawing glaciers, boosting sea level, scorching plains into deserts, and shifting vegetation zones。

科技英语阅读教程翻译 陈勇

科技英语阅读教程翻译  陈勇

Unit1 text A福岛的燕子我们对低剂量辐射对生物体和生态系统的影响知之甚少。


By Steven Featherstone 直到1986年4月26日切洛贝利核电站的一个反应堆发生爆炸,在整个北半球扩散了相当于400枚广岛核弹的辐射尘,对于辐射对植被和野生动物的影响科学家几乎一无所知。


1994年,德克萨斯理工大学生物学教授罗纳德·切斯尔(Ronald Chesser)和罗伯特·贝克(Robert Baker)都是首批获准进入该区域的美国科学家。






在Baker和Chesser对该地区进行田鼠研究的五年后,Timothy A.Mousseau 前往切洛贝利对鸟类进行了计数,发现了相互矛盾的证据。

南卡罗来纳大学生物学教授穆索和他的合作者现任巴黎南部大学生态,系统学与进化实验室的研究主任-- Anders Pape Moller,特别的研究了常见的乡村谷仓燕(Hirundo Rustica)。


Mousseau 和Moller在过去13年发表的60多篇论文中表明,暴露于低水平辐射对该区域的整个生物圈(从微生物到哺乳动物,从虫子到鸟类)都有负面影响。



科技文献阅读I (15-16-2)复习总结模板PartⅠTranslate the following terms into English.(共10个小题,每题2分,共计20分)Unit 1:1) Task 3: 中文+英语1.模拟电路analog circuit2. 交界面interface3. 可穿戴计算机wearable computers4. 视屏显示终端video display terminal5. 语音识别speech recognition6. 视窗Windows7. 中央处理器central processors 8. 平视显示器heap-up display9.把A和B区分开distinguish …from…10.初现端倪The seeds of such a future are already here.11.他是…专家,他说“…...”“………….”says sb an expert at(in、of)12.数据可视化data-visualization13.单手键盘one-handed keyboard14.微型扬声器a tiny speakerText A 部分:中文+英语1.增强现实的眼镜augmented-reality eyewear2.电子式隐形眼镜electronic contact3.触感内衣haptic undergarments4.脑部扫描帽brain-reading caps5.视频显示终端 a video display terminal6.私人数字助理digital personal assistant7.脑机接口brain—computing8.数字模型digital representations9.平视式hand-up10.电子小设备,电子小玩意electronic gizmo1.全地形车辆all-terrain vehicle2.红外传感器infrared sensor3.视觉定位系统vision-based localization system4.径向根气旋技术radial Root Cyclone technology5. 锂电池lithium battery6.即时定位与地图构建SLAM(simultaneous localization and mapping)7.刷杆brush bar8.全景照相机panoramic cameraUnit 2:1)Task 3: 中文+英语1.制造业支柱manufacturing backbone2. 机器人技术robotic technology3. 制造业manufacturing industry4. 高附加值服务high-value-added service5. 运动控制motion control6. 智能机器人intelligent robot7. 空间机器人space robotics8. 自动化的水下检查automated undersea inspection9. 数字鸿沟digital divide10. 伦理问题ethical issue2) Text A 部分:中文+英语1. household appliances家用电器2.at the dawn of a new era 在新时代的开始之际3.ubiquitous helpers 无所不在的帮手4.an optimized use of resources 资源的最优化使用5.the miniaturization of robotic technologies 小型化的机器人技术6.small and varying lotsizes小而变化的批量7.product geometries 产品几何学8.emerging service 新兴服务业9.high-value-added services 高附加值的服务10.medical diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation 医学诊断,治疗和修复11.navigation, motion control 航海,运动控制12.intelligent household appliances 智能家居设备13.reach levels of sophistication 达到老练的程度14.tele-operated mobile systems 遥控的移动系统15.bomb disposal 炸弹处理16,manned missions 载人航天任务17,be preceded or augment 被领先或增强18.mining and mineral extraction under hazardous conditions 在危险状态下采矿19.wide diffusion of robotic technology 机器人技术的广泛扩散20.timely legislative action 及时的立法行为21.demographic and economic changes 人口学和经济学的变化22. the resulting issues 最终问题23. readiness level 准备等级24.cross-disciplinary education 跨学科教育25.share space with each other 共处26.attain a very high level of social pervasiveness 达到遍布社会地步37.control hierarchy 控制级别38.be derived from 源自于39.parts of society 社会上的部分人30.job profiles 工作概况In general 一般来说face a number of challenges面对许多挑战Influence the level of acceptance of robots影响机器人接受程度Cross-disciplinary education 跨学科教育built ethical infrastructure建立的伦理基础Cooperate with each other相互合作a high level of social pervasiveness高水平的社会普遍性Contain inaccurate representations 含有不准确的陈述a more widespread use of robots更广泛使用的机器人An extension of the digital divide数字鸿沟的延伸be known to为…所熟知at the dawn of a new era在新时代的开始之际relatively high labor costs相对较高的劳动力成本in the emerging service robotics sectors在新兴的机器人服务领域the aging population老龄化的人口intelligent household智能管家tele-operated mobile system可移动远程操作系统material processing activities from automated undersea inspection来自自动化海底检查的材料处理活动face a number of challenges面对许多挑战a pillar of European wealth欧洲财富的支柱Ubiquitous helper 无所不在的好帮手Tele-operated mobile system 遥控移动系统Automated undersea inspection 自动的海底检测digital divide 数据鸿沟Constant supervision 持续监督intelligent household application 智能家用电器Autonomous transportation 自动化的交通系统across-disciplinary 跨学科的Unit 5:1)Task 3: 中文+英语1. 石墨graphite2.航空业aviation industry3.硅晶体管silicon transistors4.电子迁移率electron mobility5. 耐久性和柔韧性durability and flexibility6.单晶体single crystal7.合成工艺synthesis process8. 石墨烯graphene9.纳米科学Nanoscience10.同素异形体allotrope2)Text A 部分:中文+英语1.超导体superconductor/superconductors2.合成synthesize3. 简陋的humble4 一点不夸张It is no exaggeration5.材料性能material property/ properties6.纳米科学nanoscience7.附带性能byproduct8.突破break9.申明statement10.发布release11. 带粘性的adhesive12.无数的myriad13.明的transparent14.同素异形体allotropeUnit 6:1)Task 3: 中文+英语1.自动化系统automation systems2.微整fine-tune3.竞争优势competitive edge4.维护效率maintenance efficiency5.设备性能equipment performance6.系统集成商system integrator7.性能分析performance analytics8.风扇转速fan speed9.连续投运continuous commissioning10.再循环系统recycling program11.分阶段改造phased retrofit12.专有系统proprietary systems2)Text A 部分:中文+英语1.设备人员facilities personnel2.能量消耗energy consumption3.操作风险operational risks4.智能建筑技术smart building technology5.误解misperception6.职工敬业程度employee engagement7.无线传感器wireless sensor/sensors8.价格低廉affordable词组翻译improve building performance 提高建筑性能enable more accurate capital planning 能够使资本规划更精确.sustainability reporting 可持续性报告detect minute changes 查明细微的变化trigger continuous adjustments 引发持续的调整optimize equipment performance 使设备性能最优化alert facilities personnel 警告设备人员finely tuned equipment maintenance 精细调整的设备维护machinery life 机械寿命.prevent full-scale building system failures 预防大规模建筑系统故障smart building features 智能建筑功能compound annual growth rate 复合年增长率Energy Insights 能源视野lingering misperceptions 挥之不去的误解significant rewards for sustainability 可持续发展的可观回报smart building technology 智能建筑技术capital investment 资本投资facility operating costs 设施运营成本building management system 建筑管理系统commercial property owner 商业地产所有者competitive edge 竞争优势wireless sensors 无线传感器building automation systems 楼宇自动化系统commercial property investors 商业地产投资者public image 公众形象employee engagement 员工敬业度utility costs 物业费用smart building feature 智能建筑功能short-term considerations 短期因素generate the greatest return 产生最大的回报the resulting savings由此产生的储蓄remain financially competitive经济上保持竞争力in the marketplace在市场上a small army of computer programmers一支小型计算机程序员队伍train in-house staff培训内部员工manage automated systems管理自动化系统combine with结合operate and maintain操作和维护integrate work-order management applications整合工作顺序管理应用程序pinpoint issues找准问题humanly possible可能的retrofitted with 加装Unit 8:1) Task 3: 中文+英语1. 处方药prescription drug2. 过度消费excessive consumption3. 医疗支出medical expenditures4. 卫生保健成本health care costs5. 药品说明书package insert6. 环境恶化environment degradation7. 世界卫生组织World Health Organization8. 药店pharmacy2)Text A 部分:中文+英语1. 私家车private vehicle2. 能源效率energy efficiency3. 生活质量the quality of life4.奢侈品luxury items5. 从长远来看in the long run6.消灭wipe out7.替代资源alternative sources 8.转移税shifting taxes9. 消费欲望consumer appetite 10. 燃油效率fuel efficiency11. 一部分one section of 12. 过度消费excessive consumption 13. 消费力量consumption juggernaut 14. 贡献于contribute to9.unsustainable 无法持续发展的10.consequence 后果11.well-being 健康状态12.annual 每年的13.quarter季度14.consumer class 消费阶层15.be limited to 局限于16.rank 排名17.define 定义18.consumerism 消费主义19.extraordinary 非凡的20.appetite 食欲21.undermining 削弱22.levels 水平23.obesity 肥胖症24.leisure 休闲25.degraded 使恶化26.diminishing 缩小27.unrestrained 极度的28.accumulation 积累29.negative impact 负面影响30.expenditures 花费31.estimated 估计32.density 密度33.suburbanite 郊区居民34.unrestrained 无限制的35.expenditure 开销36.immunization 使免疫37.malnutrition 营养不良38.license 许可39.alternative 替代的40.efficiency 效率41.incineration 烧成灰烬42.durable 耐用的43.unbridled 无约束的44.juggernaut 巨头集团45.adequate 充足的46.refrigerators 冰箱47.shrinking 收缩48.harvest 收获49.standards标准50.grassroots 基层PartⅡTranslate the following terms into Chinese.(共6个小题,每题1分,共计6分)Unit 1:Task 12:英语+中文work security网络安全2. lithium battery锂电池3.dedicated Firewall Devices专用防火墙设备4.backups备份5.access访问6.Logoff退出、注销7.logging登录8. authentication认证、鉴别2)Text B 部分:英语+中文??Unit 2:1)Task12: 英语+中文1.全地形车辆all-terrain vehicle2.红外传感器infrared sensor3.视觉定位系统vision-based localization system4.径向根气旋技术radial Root Cyclone technology5.锂电池lithium battery6.即时定位与地图构建SLAM(simultaneous localization and mapping)7.刷杆brush bar8.全景照相机panoramic camera2)Text B 部分:英语+中文??Unit 5:1)Task 12: 英语+中文1.拒水材料w ater-repellent material2.疏水材料h ydrophobic material3.亲水材料hydrophilic material4.激光刻蚀laser-patterning5.化学涂层chemicalcoating6.飞秒激光脉冲femtosecond laser pulses7.电力网power grid8.半导体或电介质semiconductor or electrolyte2)Text B 部分:英语+中文??Unit 6:1) Task 12: 英语+中文1. 钢纤维混凝土SFRC2. 行业验收industry acceptance3. 混凝土concrete4. 概率计算probability calculation5. 钢纤维steel fiber6. 像素pixel7. 钢骨钢筋混凝土steel reinforced concrete8. 钢筋rebar2)Text B 部分:英语+中文??Unit 8:1) Task 12: 英语+中文1. 总体健康状况general state of health2. 验血blood tests3. 免疫反应immune response4. 脑电图electro-encephalograph5. 生物钟 b ody clock6. 基因genes7. 深睡deep sleep8. 快眼动睡眠Rapid Eye Movement(REM) sleep2)Text B 部分:英语+中文The sleep council 睡眠委员会cognitive skills 认知技巧innovative and flexible thinking 创新和灵活的思维miniscule-about 小约tightly crouched 紧紧地蜷缩tough on the outside 外表坚强reserved at first 起初很矜持on the plus side 从有利的一面看overly trusting 过分信任inwardly 内心中take criticism 接受批评as described above 如上所述impact on 影响pros and cons 优缺点lower back pain 下背部疼痛electrode 电极Part III Give the correct form of the words according to the indication in the brackets. Then complete the sentences by using the right form of each word. Use each word once.(共10个小题,每题2分,共计20分)Unit 1:Task 7:1multi-touch : 在计算机中,多点触控是指一个表面以识别与该表面的接触的多于一个或两个以上的点的存在的能力。

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Unit One Mathematics
Princeton University
Unit One Mathematics
Princeton University
Unit One Mathematics
Princeton University
Princeton University is a coeducational private university located in Princeton, New Jersey. It is the fourth-oldest institution of higher education in the U.S. and is one of the eight Ivy League universities. Princeton has traditionally focused on undergraduate education and academic research, it now offers a large number of top-rated professional Master's degrees and PhD programs in a range of subjects.
Unit One Mathematics
Prisoners’ Dilemma
囚徒困境,博弈论的经典案例。囚徒困境是博 弈论的非零和博弈中具代表性的例子,反映个 人最佳选择并非团体最佳选择。虽然困境本身 只属模型性质,但现实中的价格竞争、环境保 护等方面,也会频繁出现类似情况。单次发生 的囚徒困境,和多次重复的囚徒困境结果不会 一样。在重复的囚徒困境中,博弈被反复地进 行。因而每个参与者都有机会去“惩罚”另一 个参与者前一回合的不合作行为。这时,合作 可能会作为均衡的结果出现。欺骗的动机这时 可能被受到惩罚的威胁所克服,从而可能导向 一个较好的、合作的结果。
2014-3-15 Unit One Mathematics 22
Nash equilibrium
Nash equilibrium, has become the cornerstone of game theory. Nash equilibrium abstracts the way we reason about strategies in a competitive situation: it codifies "I think he will do X because he thinks I will do Y, so I should do Z...."
2014-3-15 Unit One Mathematics 17
Tic-tac-toe is a game in which two players alternately put crosses and circles in one of the compartments of a square grid of nine spaces; the goal is to get a row of three crosses or three circles before the opponent does. 井字棋, 一种益智游戏。
2014-3-15 Unit One Mathematics 7
博弈论有时也称为对策论是应用数 学的一个分支, 是研究具有斗争或 竞争性质现象的数学理论和方法,也 是运筹学的一个重要学科。目前在 社会学,生物学,经济学,国际关系, 计算机科学, 政治学,军事战略和 其他很多学科都有广泛的应用。
2014-3-15 Unit One Mathematics 23
Nash equilibrium
纳什均衡,又称为非合作博弈均衡,是博弈论 的一个重要术语,以约翰· 纳什命名。在一个博 弈过程中,无论对方的策略选择如何,当事人 一方都会选择某个确定的策略,则该策略被称 作支配性策略。如果两个博弈的当事人的策略 组合分别构成各自的支配性策略,那么这个组 合就被定义为纳什均衡。一个策略组合被称为 纳什均衡,当每个博弈者的均衡策略都是为了 达到自己期望收益的最大值,与此同时,其他 所有博弈者也遵循这样的策略。
Unit One Mathematics
John Forbes Nash
He is best known in popular culture as the subject of the Hollywood movie, A Beautiful Mind, about his mathematical genius and his struggles with schizophrenia.
Background Information
Unit One Mathematics
Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff
Unit One Mathematics
Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff
Avinash Dixit is the John J. Sherred Professor of Economics at Princeton University. Barry Nalebuff is Milton Steinbach Professor of Management at Yale University, School of Organization and Management.
2014-3-15 Unit One Mathematics 18
Unit One Mathematics
John Forbes Nash
Unit One Mathematics
John Forbes Nash
John Forbes Nash, Jr. (born on June 13, 1928) is an American mathematician who works in game theory and differential geometry. He shared the 1994 Nobel Prize in Economics with two other game theorists, Reinhard Selten and John Harsanyi.
2014-3-15 Unit One Mathematics 24
Prisoners’ Dilemma
The Prisoner's Dilemma is one of the best-known models in game theory. It illustrates the paradoxical nature of interaction between mutually suspicious participants with opposing interests.
Unit One
Text A
Game Theory
Background Information
Text Organization Language Study
Further Reading and Practice
2014-3-15 Unit One Mathematics 3
2014-3-15 Unit Oneton is a city in Green Lake County, NJ, United States.
Unit One Mathematics
2014-3-15 Unit One Mathematics 13
John von Neumann
Unit One Mathematics
John von Neumann
He was a Hungarian-born American mathematician and who made contributions to quantum physics, functional analysis, set theory, economics, computer science, topology, numerical analysis, hydrodynamics (of explosions), statistics and many other mathematical fields as one of world history’s outstanding mathematicians.
2014-3-15 Unit One Mathematics 15
John von Neumann
Most notably, von Neumann was a pioneer of the modern digital computer and the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics, a member of the Manhattan Project and the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, and creator of game theory and the concept of cellular automata. Along with Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam, von Neumann worked out key steps in the nuclear physics involved in thermonuclear reactions and the hydrogen bomb.