



Though the people in the world are all opposed to war,they can by no means avoid it. This is indeed a regrettable thing.

War is very terrible. Everybody hears it with fear. In a war thousands and thousands of lives will be lost and a large amount of money (will be)wasted. It brings us untold miseries and damage.

To sum up,so long as war is unavoidable,human beings cannot enjoy lasting peace. How tragical their fate is!


《我的梦想英语作文》 我的梦想英语作文(一): I have a wonderful dream in my heart。 It's to speak English very well。 Since English is everything for me。 English is my best friend。English is my soul。 English is my power。 Without English, I'm nothing at all。 Nothing。 Now, I can think in English, speak in English, and write in English。 Some people think I'm an Indian。 Some people regard I'm a Pakistan。 And some people even consider that I'm an Egyptian。But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant。 So I work very hard。 在我心中有一个美丽的梦想。那就是说一口流利的英语。因为对我来说英语就是我的一切。英语是我最好的朋友。英语是我的灵魂。英语给予我力量。没有英语,我什么都没有。什么都没有。此刻,我能够用英语的方式思考,用英语说话,用英语书写。有些人以为我是印第安人。有些人以为我是巴基斯坦人。有些人甚至认为我是埃及人。但如果我能说英语能像美国人说的那么好,我的未来会很完美。所以我很努力学习。 我的梦想英语作文(二): 我的梦想 My Dream Different people have different dreams。 Some people dream of making a lot of money。 Some people dream of living a happy life。 Some people dream of being famous。 Some people dream of going abroad, and so on。But my dream is different。 Maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream。 不一样的人有不一样的梦想。有些人梦想赚很多的钱。有些人梦想过上幸福的生活。有些人梦想能够出名。有些人梦想能够出国等等。但我的梦想是和他们不一样的。明白我的梦想后也许你会很惊讶。 我的梦想英语作文(三): 我梦想的职业 My Dreaming Career In the past two years, my parents took me to travel to many places,including big cities, small towns, famous mountians and so on。 Therefore,I like traveling and I hope I can visit to many more places。 Since then,I hope I can be a tour guide in the future, so I can travel to many tourist attractions。 Besides, I can meet various people and I think municating with different people is interesting, wchich can broaden my field of


★ 形容词: 1. 贫穷的:poor ; needy ; impoverished ; poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich ; wealthy ; affluent ; well-to-do ; well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent ; eminent ; top ; outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good ; conducive ; beneficial; advantageous 5. 消极的,不良的:bad ; detrimental; baneful ; undesirable 6. 明显的:obvious ; apparent ; evident ; manifest 8. 惊人的:surprising ; amazing ; extraordinary ; miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful ; attractive ; gorgeous ; eye-catching 10. 有活力的:energetic ; dynamic ; 11. 流行的:popular ; prevailing ; prevalent; 1. Everywhere 普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow 2. Good 好的Beneficial、Advantageous 3. Harmful 有害的Inhumane、Detrimental 、Baneful 4. Rich 富有的Wealthy、Affluent 7.Serious 严重的Severe 9. cheap 便宜的Economical、Inexpensive ★ 动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve ; enhance; promote ; strengthen ; optimize 2. 引起:cause ; trigger ; endanger 3. 解决:solve ; resolve ; address ; tackle ; cope with ; deal with 4. 拆除:destroy ; tear down ; knock down ; eradicate 5. 培养: develop ; cultivate ; 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage ; motivate ; stimulate ; spur 7. 认为:think ; assert; hold ; claim ; argue 8. 完成:complete ; fulfill ; accomplish; achieve 9. 保留:keep ; preserve ; retain ; hold 10. 有害于:destroy ; impair ; undermine ; jeopardize 11. 减轻: ease ; alleviate ; relieve ; lighten 2. change 改变:Transform 3. Emphasize 强调:Highlight、Stress Address这是个9 星级用法) 4. Develop 培养:Agriculture、Cultivate、Nurture 5. Break 破坏:Impair、Undermine 这两个词指的是抽象意义上的破坏Jeopardize、Devastate 7. deal With解决Tackle Address (这也是高难度用法,很牛)、Resolve 8. need 需要Require、necessitate、call for ★ 名词: 1. 影响:influence; impact 2. 危险:danger ; perils ; hazard 3. 污染:pollution ; contamination


对战争的看法英语作文4篇 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 对战争的看法英语作文一:令人痛苦的战争(英文)though the people in the world are all opposed to war, they can by no means avoid it. this is indeed a regrettable thing.war is very terrible. everybody hears it with fear. in a war thousands and thousands of lives will be lost and a large amount of money (will be) wasted. it brings us untold miseries and damage.to sum up, so long as war is unavoidable, human beings cannot enjoy lasting peace. how tragical their fate is!虽然世界的人民都反对战争,但是他们却无法能够避免它。这确实是件非常令人遗憾的事情。战争是非常可怕的。每个人听到它都害怕。在一次战争中,成千成万的人丧失

了生命,大量金钱浪费了。它带给我们无穷尽的痛苦和损失。总而言之,只要战争不可避免,人类不可能享受持久的和平。他们的命运是多么悲惨呀!对战争的看法英语作文二:战争(英文)our world today is faced with many major threats. the most dangerous threat of all is war. each war starts for a particular reason, but there are a number of steps countries can take to prevent its outbreak.on main reason for war is the difference in ideology. in order to control the world, capitalist countries never stop trying to tam over the communist governments. land ownership is also a reason that countries declare wars on their neighbors. for example, if oil is found on the land in one country, that land may be claimed by another country, for historical reasons, and the latter is likely to declare war in order to recover the land containing oil.to prevent the mutual slaughter of human beings, countries


以战争与和平为话题的优秀作文 本文是关于和平的话题作文文章,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 世界何时铸剑为犁当猎猎东风吹拂起周公谨的衣襟:当曹孟德对酒当歌,横槊赋诗时:当刘备与诸葛亮稳坐荆州,遥望江畔人马厮杀时,众人不禁赞叹“千古风流人物”、“乱石豪杰”辈出。 一夜大火烧毁了几十里营寨,八十三万人马存活者有几?失败的固是曹操,可是遭罪的不仅仅是曹操,而是无数的生灵! 在三国“英雄”们的眼里,百姓-—草民,只是一块块奠基石。君不见,董卓率众“出征”无辜的草民,“男丁斩首,妇女充当官妓”,君不见徐州城里冲天的火光,而其目的仅为一座城池;君不见,战争起时,动辄“火烧连营”,“水淹七军”:君不见敌人追来,留下饥民殿后,而敌将军无一不是“趁势掩杀”一番。可是,那些为人主者,或者说渴望为人主者,却依然能够全身而退,能够“卷土重来”,有道是“江东弟子多才俊”,可这些才俊不是用来建设国家,发展生产的,而是那些“人主们”踏上帝王宝座的一块块垫脚石。 人民用他们的血肉之躯成就了“风流人物”,成就了一代代天之骄子”,可是他们又是怎样对待人民的呢?所谓的“白骨露于野,千里无鸡鸣”不过是一时的感慨罢了,之后还不是年年征杀?坐拥天下后,还不是歌舞升平,声色犬马?而民众,不过是由战时的炮灰,演变成“太平盛世”的一只犬而已,在没有战争的年代继续发出“苛政猛于

虎”的喟叹罢了。 帝王的利剑在鞍上不停地抽响,兵士们箭在弦上。东方熹明,枕戈待旦的双方的士卒混战一片,还美名曰:捐躯疆场。其中又有多少人再见明日的朝阳,能再孝奉年迈的高堂,能抚慰孤苦的发妻与儿郎? 陈尸遍野的土地何时能再长出稻粮? 河流里的血色浪花何时再唱出欢乐的歌谣? 人们多么想弃剑从犁,多么想铸剑为犁,再造田园美丽的风光。 可贪婪的恶魔一次又一次地选择了战争,背弃了和平。 当“一战”的硝烟未落,“二战”的硝烟又起。 当“二战”的战犯审判还未结束,“朝鲜战争”、“越南战争”又敲起了战鼓。 1991年的海湾战争还未在人们的记忆中退色,1998年美英的飞机又再度飞临中东的上空。而今“二河流域”硝烟再起,战争的阴霾再次笼罩在古巴比伦的上空。生灵涂炭成为不可避免的现实。 海晏河清,人们世世代代的追求。可是,何时才能够海不扬波?合时才能够海水清流?何时世界人民能够安居乐业,而不被战争的阴影所笼罩? 那些拨动国家机器的穷兵黩武者,放下你们手中的屠刀,让和平鸽飞遍世界,让橄榄枝插遍世界,染绿世界! 让我们铸剑为犁,让世界洒满和平的阳光,让人间充满爱意! 未来,不要有战争 一提到战争,我们想到的就是炮火硝烟、枪淋弹雨。尽管中东战


My hometown——Dongtou,which is located off Oujiang coast,is a beautiful island as a string of gleaming pearl. Although it is not as beautiful as the Fragrant Hill with red leaves like fire, it has desirable bird islands.; Although it doesn’t have the river which is crystal clear and level as a mirror like Guilin landscape, it has a vast sea; Although it doesn’t have various fruits as Xin jiang, it has rich seafood.; Although it doesn’t have world-famous architectures, it has ancient fishing villages which are impressing oceanic culture characteristics. In a word, it is a charming arcadia. In the early morning before the sunrise,sea level is fully covered with the misty fog. When you reach the sea and take a deep breath of fresh air, like the general in wonderland, you’ll suddenly feel refreshed and extremely happy. At noon, the sunshine with greater lights reflect on the ocean,and the ocean become glittering as a cornucopia of gems. It is so attracted that people want to take it home to Slowly appreciate. At dusk, when the sun goes down, the fishing boats return with a haul. People remove the baskets of fish and lobster alive and kicking. Suddenly, the dock become busy and people come from everywhere to buy or take these fish. Laughter resounds through the dock. The waves also want in on the action, chasing to beat against the reef, making beautiful voices so as to celebrate for the fisherman. Its late at night, every boats are arranged in the harbor, just as every soldier stick to their own posts to wait for command. On the shore, there are some lights brighting in the buildings and falling on the lake, as a result,The sea has become increasingly


大学英语作文高分短语 想要在大学英语四级中的英语写作中得到高分吗?记住这些高分的英语短语句型。下面是给大家整理了大学英语作文必背短语,供大家参阅! 大学英语作文高分短语 1. "better…than…"句型 Better my life should be ended by their hate, than that hated life should be prolonged to live without your love. 2. "as it were"是一个非常常用的插入语,意思是"好象","可以说"等。 Apiece of iron near a magnet, though apparently separate from it , feels, as it were, the threads of this attachment. 3. 复杂结构,在下面例句中,由于anyone的定语从句过长,把谓语must realize提到定语从句之前。 Though faith and confidence are surely more or lass foreign to my nature, I do not infrequently find myself looking to them to be able, diligent, candid, and even honest. Plainly enough, that is too large an order, as anyone must realize who reflects upon the manner in which they reach public office. 6. "not…any more than…"为:


战争的危害英语作文3篇 篇一:战争与和平英语作文 War and Peace 「战争与和平」 Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome. While peace is the ultimate goal of all of our undertaking in this world, war has been inevitable in the course of human civilization. Does man have an innate taste for war? Or is it just an acquired scheme learned from human society? We only know that there hasn”t been any period in the history during which the world was really at peace. Human beings pursue peace and prosperity through the establishment of families, communities, and nations. Why should we let all these be destroyed by wars? To reduce the possibility of war to the lowest extent, I have two suggestions. First of all, education should be consolidated to eliminate the brutality and beastliness in human nature. Knowledge derives from education and is a surer road to wisdom. Wisdom enables us to distinguish right from wrong. I also teaches us restraint and tolerance, two effective means of preventing wayward killing and destruction. Another cure is religion. Most religions in the world advocate philanthropism and forgiveness, which dissolve hatred and revenge. Consequently, education and religion working side by side can transform a barbarian into a civilized person. With wisdom and love, the human race as a whole will detest war and embrace peace. 一般而言,战争令人憎恶而和平受人欢迎,虽然和平是吾人在世界上一切作为的终极目标,战争在人类文明的过程中,始终无法避免。人类是天生喜好战争,还是后天在人类社会中习得技俩?我们只知道,在历史上从来没有一段时期世界是真正处于和平状态。人类透过家庭、社会,以及国家的建构来追求和平与繁荣,又怎么能让这一切被战争所摧毁呢?


我的英语作文范文 my hobby is reading my hobby is reading,for i think reading can make a person know more about the world and make a person to be a better one to live and learn and work .since i was five years old, my father bought me the first picture book , i am interested in reading . then i read a lot books, including fary tales , world famous novels, history books, biographies, and so on . i like reading so much ,for it mkes my life colorful ,wonderful ,and beautiful ! it makes me a better person and gives me a better life .thanks to reading ! 我的爱好是读书,因为我认为阅读能使人更了解世界,使人成为一个更好的生活、学习和工作。自从我五岁的时候,我父亲给我买的第一本图画书,我的阅读兴趣。然后我读了很多书,包括世界著名的童话故事,小说,历史,传记,等等。我很喜欢读书,因为它属于我的生活丰富多彩,美妙的,美丽的!它使我成为一个更好的人,给我一个更好的生活。感谢阅读!



大学物理下册常用英文单词及短语Mechanical Oscillation( vibration)机械振动 Electromagnetic Oscillation 电磁振荡 Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) simple harmonic oscillator 简谐振动Superposition 合成、叠加 Spring 弹簧 Period 周期 frequency Angular frequency 频率、角频率 Phase initial phase 相位、初相 rotating vector 旋转矢量 vertical directions 垂直方向 Mechanical Wave 机械波 Plane Harmonic Waves 平面简谐波 Propagation 传播 Huygen’s Principle惠更斯原理 Interference of Waves 波的干涉 Standing Wave (Stationary Waves) 驻波 traveling wave Doppler Effect 多普勒效应 Medium 介质 Transverse waves 横波 Longitudinal waves 纵波: Wave Front:(波前) Wavelength 波长 Crest 波峰 trough 波谷 Wave speed 波速 Randomly 随机 Position 位置 Displacement 位移 wave equation 波动方程 oscillating curve 振动曲线 kinetic, potential and total energy 动能、势能和总能量 energy flow density 能流密度 spherical waves 球面波 Principle of Independent Propagation 波的独立传播原理 Principle of Superposition of Waves 波的叠加原理 Coherent wave 相干波 phase difference 相位差wave path difference 波程差 constructive 干涉相长 destructive 干涉相消 interface draft(干涉图样) Node 波节 Antinode 波幅 important features:重要性质


以战争与和平为话题的优秀作文 世界何时铸剑为犁 当猎猎东风吹拂起周公谨的衣襟:当曹孟德对酒当歌,横赋诗时:当刘备与诸葛亮稳坐荆州,遥望江畔人马厮杀时,众人不禁赞叹“千古风流人物”、“乱石豪杰”辈出。 一夜大火烧毁了几十里营寨,八十三万人马存活者有几?失败的固是曹操,可是遭罪的不仅仅是曹操,而是无数的生灵! 在三国“英雄”们的眼里,百姓-—草民,只是一块块奠基石。君不见,董卓率众“出征”无的草民,“男丁斩首,妇女充当官妓”,君不见徐州城里冲天的火光,而其目的仅为一座城池;君不见,战争起时,动辄“火烧连营”,“水淹七军”:君不见敌人追来,留下饥民殿后,而敌将军无一不是“趁势掩杀”一番。可是,那些为人主者,或者说渴望为人主者,却依然能够全身而退,能够“卷土重来”,有道是“江东弟子多才俊”,可这些才俊不是用来建设国家,发展生产的,而是那些“人主们”踏上帝王宝座的一块块垫脚石。 人民用他们的血肉之躯成就了“风流人物”,成就了一代代天之骄子”,可是他们又是怎样对待人民的呢?所谓的“白骨露于野,千里无鸡鸣”不过是一时的感慨罢了,之后还不是年年征杀?坐拥天下后,还不是歌舞升平,声色犬马?而民众,不过是由战时的炮灰,演变成“太平盛世”的一只犬而已,在没有战争的年代继续发出“苛政猛于虎”的喟叹罢了。 帝王的利剑在鞍上不停地抽响,兵士们箭在弦上。东方熹明,枕戈待旦的双方的士卒混战一片,还美名曰:捐躯疆场。其中又有多少人再见明日的朝阳,能再孝奉年迈的高堂,能抚慰孤苦的发妻与儿郎? 陈尸遍野的土地何时能再长出稻粮? 河流里的血色浪花何时再唱出欢乐的歌谣? 人们多么想弃剑从犁,多么想铸剑为犁,再造田园美丽的'风光。 可贪婪的恶魔一次又一次地选择了战争,背弃了和平。 当“一战”的硝烟未落,“二战”的硝烟又起。 当“二战”的战犯审判还未结束,“朝鲜战争”、“越南战争”又敲起了战鼓。 1991年的海湾战争还未在人们的记忆中退色,1998年美英的飞机又再度飞临中东的上空。而今“二河流域”硝烟再起,战争的阴霾再次笼罩在古巴比伦的上空。生灵涂炭成为不可避免的现实。


要点:四级120-150六级150-180长短句交叉,不多次重复,高级词汇15个 被动句,插入语,定语从句,强调,名词从句,问句 句型 There is no denying the fact that......不可否认是It is undeniable that……毋庸置疑的是…… It is indisputable that......不可争辩是 when it comes to sth,the overwhelming majority of ......说到sth An increasi ng great number of……一个数目增加的…… It is,therefore,high time that same applicable approaches were implemented by……。Thus,its competetive edge will be sharpened effectively。适当方法被用,提高竞争力。 sth exert a tremendous fascination on sb某人对某物感兴趣 It is no exaggeration to sa y……说……是毫不夸张的 Recently the issue of the phenomenon of……has been brought into focus……问题已成为焦点 As the (classical)proverb goes,‘’……‘’正如谚语所说 With the rapid growth of……,随着……快速增长, 名词短语 fresh point/look新论点/看法 applicable/apposite/appropriate approaches恰当的方法an empty slogan一个空洞的口号 income/generation gap收入差距/代沟 a local point of view狭隘的看法 specialized knowledge and skills专业知识与技能sustainable/rapid development可持续/快速发展 Pandora's Box潘多拉的魔盒 international prestige国际地位 culture/economic globalization文化/经济全球化 vigor and vitality生机与活力 macro regulatory and control ability宏观调控能力Ivory Tower象牙塔 maintenance of ecological balance保护生态平衡 urban/affuent life城市/富足的生活 indispensable element不可或缺的要素 domin/experiential/rudimentary knowledge领域/经验/基础知识 merits and demerits优点和缺点 a two-edged sword双刃剑 动词短语 hatch and breed孕育与培养 seize the opportunities and rise to the challenges抓住机遇,迎接挑战 scrape up/reinfore one's knowledge积累/巩固知识 differentiate virtue from vice区分善恶 (be)despised and condemned被蔑视和谴责 take sth seriously严肃对待 pay a heavy price付出代价 be virtually impossible极不可能 focus attention on self-image注重自我形象 be proficient in精通于 reap the benefits of因/从……得到好处 be conducive to sth有助于 turn a bleed eye on无视 sharpen one' competitive edge提高某人竞争力 be inclined to do想要,倾向做 contribute directly to直接有助于 pray in aid of求助于 frown upon反对 ignite one's enthusiasm点燃热情 swarm into涌入 exert a positive/negative impact on对……有积极/消极影响discriminate against/(in favour of)歧视/偏爱 illustrate sth with sth用……解释……strengthen basic and public construction加强公共基础建设 google the Internet上网搜索 deliver emails发邮件 undertake correspondent obligation承担相应义务function in the disservice of对……有害 foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses扬长避短 连词 Ironically讽刺地说 Unquestionably毋庸置疑 on most occasions大多情况下 Specifically speaking具体地说 Conspicuously显然 as a consequence of由于……(不好)Confronted with sth(问题)面临...... In my perspective在我看来 whereas/howbeit=however as an illustration作为例子 in that=because principally最重要地 be the occasion of引起 futhermore/moreover/additionally另外,此外,而且 in consequence/consequently结果(不好)(be)in contradiction of与……矛盾 in the foreseeable future在可预见的将来 Albeit/notwithstanding虽然,即使


以战争为话题的英语作文 Our world today is faced with many major threats. The most dangerous threat of all is war. Each war starts for a particular reason, but there are a number of steps countries can take to prevent its outbreak. On main reason for war is the difference in ideology. In order to control the world, capitalist countries never stop trying to tam over the communist governments. Land ownership is also a reason that countries declare wars on their neighbors. For example, if oil is found on the land in one country, that land may be claimed by another country, for historical reasons, and the latter is likely to declare war in order to recover the land containing oil. To prevent the mutual slaughter of human beings, countries shouldtry to solve their differences through international organizations such as the United Nations or by other peaceful means. In addition, the world people should never stop condemning those warmongers and send them to their graves if they dare launch new wars.


I Hi! Everyone, my name is Liu Xinqing. I am a girl. My smile is so sweet. Then let me tell you something about me. I am a middle school student. I am of medium build and a little bit heavy. I have long straight black hair and a small mouth. I am so active but I hope I can be quiet. Over the weekend in the morning, I usually get up at nine o’clock. Then I sometimes do my homework very carefully. After that, I do what I want to do. My favorite thing is writing compositions. Sometimes I write my pen pal. I think it is relaxing. At twelve I usually eat lots of meat and eggs. But I don’t like vegetables, so I am a little fat. In the afternoon I like to watch football games on TV. Because I am a football fan. At school my favorite subject is Chinese because I am a Chinese. My favorite teacher is our math teacher, Ms.Tan. She is very good. She helps me a lot. I like playing chess with classmates after class. So I join the chess club it’s so funny Oh! Let me introduce my family to you. They are my grandparents, my uncle, aunt, my parents, my cousins and I. Feifei is in my family, too. Feifei is my best friend I sometimes I talk to her This is me and my life .I want to make friends with you. What about you?


大学四级英语作文常用谚语和万能句型 where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成 the brightest of all things, the sun, has its spots. 金无赤足,人无完人。 the best of friends must part. 莫逆至交,终有一别。 the best man stumbles. 伟人也有犯错时。 take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in. 做事要深思熟虑,但时机一到,就要动手,不要犹豫。 books, like friends, should be few and well chosen. 书籍如朋友,应该少而精。 a true friend is known in the day of adversity. 疾风知劲草,患难见真情。 a near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman. 远亲不如近邻。 a friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. 广交友,无深交。 a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交。 low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.缺乏自信,就好象没拉手刹地在人生道路上行驶。 self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character.自信和自力更生是坚强品格的柱石。 rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。 great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。 well begun,half done. 好的开始等于成功的一半。 it is hard to please all. 众口难调。 facts speak plainer than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 call back white and white back. 颠倒黑白。 first things first. 凡事有轻重缓急。 action speaks louder than words. 行动胜过语言。 east or west,home is the best. 金窝银窝不如自家草窝。 its not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. 君子在德不在衣。 we must not lie down,and cry,god help us. 求神不如求己。 live and learn. 活到老,学到老。 a smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. 平静的大海决不能造就出熟练的水手。no way is impossible to courage. 勇士面前无险路。 the fire is the test of gold;adversity of strong man. 烈火试真金,困苦炼壮士。many a little makes a mickle. 积少便成多。 a good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 a man is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 a thousand mile trip begins with one step. 千里之行,始于足下。 do nothing by halves. 不可半途而废。 a miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里. all roads lead to rome. 处处有路通罗马。 all beginnings are hard. 万事开头难。 opportunity meets the prepared mind, as the old saying goes. 正如俗话所说,机遇只属于那些有心理准备的人。 knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。 more hasty,less speed. 欲速则不达。 look before you leap. 三思而后行。
