
关键词:大气污染;城市大气现状;污染原因;治理对策Abstract:To realize the economicdevelopment,the protection of the ecological environmentis goodfor people to survivehas become an importantdecision in china.Our countryin the aspect of environmental protection,has promulgated some importantpoliciesand taken some measures,but thestatus of airpollutionis still not optimistic.This paperexpounds mainlybased on present situation ofair pollution in China,analyzes the cause of air pollution,and the scienceofsomecontrol measures.Keywords:air pollution;status ofcityair;pollution causes;countermeasures;前言:我国早在20世纪70年代就开始致力于空气污染的防治,经过政府的大力治理,虽然同以前相比空气污染程度有所降低,但是空气污染的现状仍然存在,仍然威胁着人类的生存,形式依然比较严峻。

Vol.39No.5 2021年5月中国资源综合利用China Resources Comprehensive Utilization c环境保护我国大气污染治理现状分析赵振乾(临沂市生态环境局,山东临沂276000)摘要:近年来,世界环境形势愈发严峻,其中以大气污染问题尤为突.出,大气污染治理已经成为全球普遍关注的重点问题。
关键词:大气污■染;治理;工业废气;汽车尾气;粉尘中图分类号:X51文献标识码:A文章编号:1008-9500(2021)05-0147-03DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-9500.2021.05.044Analysis of Current Situation of Air Pollution Control in my countryZHAO Zhenqian(Linyi Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment,Linyi276000,China)Abstract:In recent years,the world environmental situation has become increasingly severe,among them,the problem of air pollution is particularly prominent,and the control of air pollution has become a key issue of universal concern around the world.In China,with the rapid economic development,the problem of air pollution has become increasingly apparent, and industrial waste gas,automobile exhaust and dust have become the main factors causing air pollution.This paper discusses the hazards of air pollution,the situation of air pollution control in China,problems,and policy recommendations, and provide suggestions and suggestions for improving the level of air pollution control in China.Keywords:air pollution;treatment;industrial waste gas;automobile exhaust;dust近年来,我国频频发生大范围的雾霾天气,大气污染问题得到人们的广泛关注,大气污染治理迫在眉睫叫当前,我国汽车保有量已经居于世界首位,工业排放的废气量逐渐增加。


大气污染协同治理研究国内外文献综述目录大气污染协同治理研究国内外文献综述 (1)(一)国外研究现状述评 (1)1.关于大气污染的研究 (1)2.关于协同治理的研究 (2)(二)国内研究现状述评 (4)1.关于大气污染治理的研究 (4)2.关于协同治理的研究 (5)(一)国外研究现状述评对大气污染及其治理的研究国外学者较国内学者要早,主要研究导致大气污染的因素、大气污染造成的影响与危害、治理大气污染的措施、跨域治理等方面,相关的学术理论也较为丰富。
1.关于大气污染的研究(1)关于大气污染的影响与危害研究:Vadillo-Ortega Felipe等人(2014)1研究发现空气污染会导致人体炎症的发病率上升,而且会影响孕妇妊娠时间,通过评估和假设,证明了空气污染是孕妇早产的一个潜在因素;Sara D.Adar(2015)2等人研究发现大气污染与心脏病、心肌梗塞等突发疾病有莫大的关系,大气污染程度越重,造成突发疾病的概率就会越高;Donald R. Mc Cubbin,MarkA. Delucchi(2015)3研究指出,依靠燃料产生动力的交通工具在行驶中排放的尾气不仅会对臭氧层产生破坏,而且还会提高人类慢性疾病的发病率和死亡率。
(2)关于导致大气污染的因素研究:Celic, J.等人(2014)4发现港口和沿海城市大气污染的源头之一是海运,海上交通工具需要消耗大量燃料,燃烧会产生高浓度的二氧化碳、硫以及氮氧化物,从而增加空气中PM2.5的含量,造成空气污染;Mieczyslaw和Jan ZIMNOL(2014)5举例说明了造成大气污染的自然1Vadillo-Ortega Felipe.Osornio-Vargas Alvaro.Buxton Miatta A.Air pollution,inflammation and preterm birth:a potential mechanistic link[J].Medical hypotheses,2014,PAGES:219-24.2张云权,吴凯,朱慈华,邓芷晴,谭晓东,马露.武汉大气污染与缺血性心脏病死亡关系季节差异[J].中国公共卫生.2015(07):926-929.3Donald R. Mc Cubbin,Mark A.Delueehi.The Health Costs of Moto—Vehicle Related Air pollution [J].Journal of Transport Economics and policy,2015:253-286.4Celic.J.Valcic.S.Bistrovic,M.Air pollution from cruise ships[C].International Symposium,2014. 5Mieczyslaw LESNIOK,Jan ZIMNOL.The atmospheric pollution in the area of the Goczalkowice Reservoir changes based on wet and dry deposition.GEOREVIEW:Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava[J].Geography Series, 2014,PAGES:95-96.因素,认为干湿沉降的变化是造成戈恰科维茨水库地区大气污染的主要因素,并提出了解决干湿污染沉积的问题是水库管理和大气综合保护的重要方面。

NOXÅ ¨È ¶ £ ¨¢ Î ¿ Ë /Á ¢ · ½ à ש £ 10 0 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 ê Ä ±½ ·³ Ç Ê Ð Ï · Ä ½ ³ Ç Ê Ð
Ͷ ò Ö /Ä ê 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 þÑ ¶ õ» ¯Á ò ̳ Ñ ¾ ¤µ ¹ Ò· Û³ ¾ ªÑ µ õ» ¯Î ï
不达标的机动车,不得上路行驶;(第33条) 机动车维修单位,须按技术规范进行维修,维修 对在用车改造,由省级人民政府报国务院批准;
检测机构违法行为的处罚;(第55条) 机动车停放地检查。(第35条)
2019/3/26 SEPA
国家鼓励和支持生产优质燃料油,减少燃料 加强对无铅汽油的监督管理,对违反规定生
车用燃料控制 新生产车污染控制 在用车污染控制 清洁汽车行动

主要包括:1. 调整能源结构,大力发展清洁能源。
2. 优化产业结构,淘汰落后产能。
3. 加强机动车尾气治理,提高排放标准。
4. 深化城市精细化管理,提升环卫水平。

The Air Pollution in China AbstractChina is now faced with serious air pollution, such as PM2.5, NO x and SO2. It’s time to take effective and strict measures on pollution control. People should heighten the environmental awareness and take simple steps in normal. Meantime, government have to formulate relevant laws and regulations to create a harmonious society.Keywords: China, air pollution, regulations.1 Status of Air Pollution in ChinaAir quality has bee a big topic in recent years. Tens of millions of people across China have been forced to cope with high levels of PM2.5 -- particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter that can penetrate the lungs and harm the respiratory, cardiovascular, cerebral vascular and nervous systems. Air pollution is not just about sore throats, but really more of a matter of life or death. The harmful effects that smog can have on the human body are one of the top concerns among those who reside in the country’s bigger cities.Due to the coal dominating energy structure, the urban atmospheric environment in China has been seriously polluted by high concentrations of NO x and SO2since many years ago. With the rapid development of economy, urbanization and transportation in the past two decades, vehicle exhaust pollution also aggravated. Within the last two decades, all types of environmental problems, which were experienced for nearly a century in developed countries, exploded in the developed regions in China. Regional air pollution plex, bined with coal-bustion pollution andvehicle-exhaust pollution has emerged in key city clusters of China, which was characterized as a plex of local and regional pollution and multi-pollutants. Regional air quality has a trend of exacerbation with the frequent occurance of photochemical smog, regional haze and acid deposition, and the health risks from toxic and harmful air pollutants.In some sense, traffic jam is one of the most severe problems disturbing traffic in Beijing for a long time and retards the development of economy. So congested a city as it is, Beijing has gotten a quality report on city life with ten ranking decreasing this year. The traffic topes among the entire factors.This is indeed the case. The problem has been brought to the close notice of local authorities, especially more and more traffic research institutes. Though they have a mitment to traffic jam study, the consequences are anything but satisfactory. At the mention of traffic, Wang Qishan, mayor of Beijing, has expressed his disappointment several times about congested situation in the public. Traffic in Beijing is facing a challenge again while Olympic 2008 is ing. On the other hand, opportunity is equal to challenge if we go out of our way to discover the rub. There are some consensual opinions below.First of all, unreasonable city planning is the primary reason, not the number of motor vehicle in nature, for Tokyo has an unchecked traffic flow with the motor quantity of 7200,000, and Beijing has usual traffic jam with only 2000,000 instead. Nowadays, it is the circle roads that support more than half of traffic density, which makes its rush hour traffic intolerable.Secondly, pared with some big cities in the world, the quantity of taxies in Beijing is larger than any of them. Taxies occupy 30% to 40% road area, 37% to 50% ones empty.Thirdly, high – density shopping center leads district jam. In weekend, especially in seven –day holidays like the National Day, most of citizens go out only for sports,and then vehicles rush to shopping center and entertainment district, then the traffic there is beyond wildest guess.In a word, effective measures are needed for traffic nowadays. Public methods, just like subway and bus, are one of the good ways against traffic jam. Intelligent transportation system study is pushed forward also. Another way, timely traffic control is feasible. While China-Africa summit was held, these measures were effective to a certain degree.2 Emissions of Major Air Pollutants in the CountryCoal accounts for 70 percent of Chi na’s energy consumption. This fact is hard to change in a short term. In terms of the coal use method, 80 percent of the coal was for direct bustion. Among others, coal-fired power plants burn 50 percent of the total coal in China. Coal burning is the major source of ambient SO2, NO x, and soot.China’s coal consumption experienced an increase by more than 800 million tons, over 500 million tons of which went to thermal power industry. The findings of relevant studies have shown that about 20,000 yuan of economic losses occurred with every ton of SO2emission, and air pollution, especially acid rain has significantly constrained the efforts in achieving the goal of building a Xiaokang Society in an all-round way.Motor vehicles, industrial production, coal and dust are the main sources of particulate matter pollution in most Chinese cities, accounts from 85% to 90%. Motor vehicles are primary pollution source in Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen. While in Shijiazhuang, Nanjing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Ningbo, the primary pollution source were dust, current source, industrial production Respectively.At present, our country has the grim situation of air pollution, the environment problems characterized by regional atmospheric pollutants such as particulate matter (PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) increase prominently, do great harm to people's health and affect social harmony and stability.3 How can we control air pollution in the environment?Air pollution has bee a serious problem in recent years. There are a lot of causes. First of all, is the chemical noxious gases emission. We all know that there are a lot of factories around the world, they are actually emitting such gases everyday. The second one is the sharp decrease of the forests. Forest is very important to our Eco-system, it can adjust the heat and balance the air. The third one is the urbanization. People tend to stay in the city where is actually an abnormal Eco-system. Many cities do not have a plete system of controlling the air pollution.In order to solve such problems, there are some simple ways to control air pollution in our daily life.(1)Drive less, ride bicycle or walk instead.(2)Replace all the lightbulbs in and around your home with energy-efficientfluorescents that use fewer watts for the same amount of light.(3)Choose energy-efficient appliances when it's time to buy new ones.(4)Decrease your air travel.(5)Wash clothes in cold water and line-dry whenever possible.(6)Use a low-flow showerhead, which will lessen the hot water used but not dropyour water pressure in the shower.(7)Cut down on your garbage buy fewer packaged materials(8)Unplug electronics when they are not in use, because they still take up energy.(9)Insulate your home better(10)B uy recycled paper products and recycle as much of your waste as possible.(11)P lant a tree.(12)U se nontoxic cleaning products.4 No Place to HideHowever, like you could see when examining crime statistics, it's not the polluters you can see that are the problem. It's the ones that have drawn a veil, and worked in places where governments will let them have a free hand, who cause the most damage.China has, in the last thirty years, doubled in the total amount of land area that qualifies as a desert.She has also lost a substantial amount of the forest cover on her land. This environmental change is causing people from the rural northwest part of China to seek new lives along the river network in the heart of the country, along the China air pollution central region, the new Industrial Corridor.Unfortunately, the Industrial Corridor, most of which has factories built, or purchased from overseas and transported inland, is one of the major garbage pollution belts in China. Wastewater outlets are causing fish to die off and raising the incidences of liver, stomach and jaw cancers in people living in the villages near the factories to skyrocket.China's extensive effort to make rapid modernizations and create industrialization has resulted in the need and means for the Three Gorges Dam, which provides hydroelectric power for much of Northern China. It's also displaced tens of millions of people who used to live, fish and farm along the Yangtze River, and caused more of the China air pollution and urban problems to expand.While China is the manufactory of the world, it's also the largest consumer of illegally harvested timber. China's rapid pace of industrialization in the early 21st century meant that a new coal fired plant opened up roughly ever two weeks duringthis period in China. Furthermore, China's coal mining operations are causing underground fires that spit out tonnes of CO2, carbon dioxide, every day.5 China Environmental RegulationsChina does not regulate environmental issues the way the Western world does; in a very real sense, China is trying to catch up with the West industrially, without paying the surcharge that environmental sustainability will impose.This attitude created the Ten Year Boom, which culminated in increasing Beijing pollution and the 2008 Olympics, but also created an acid rain problem that impacts Korea and Japan while the soot and dust clouds of China air pollution sometimes reach the western United States and Canada.There is cause for hope. The same economic collapse that's driving down American and Western European consumption has caused a disproportionate ripple effect in the Chinese economy, which is driven largely by exports. Because the costs of Chinese environmental degradation was offset by the growth in GDP from the Ten Year Boom, it was easy to overlook the issue. Now that there isn't a booming economy like before, the costs of China air pollution are ing home and being all too real.The government of China has put out a 600 billion dollar program to boost sustainability and environmental regulations, including strong incentives to build more nuclear power plants, which are far less polluting. The incentives also improve waste water treatment, and rubbish disposal. Hopefully they will also boost the cleanliness of the transportation sector, by increasing the use of electric or pressed air cars. Everything China does on an environmental scale will be a large scale experiment. The oute is still surrounded by some doubt. But there is hope.In the whole month of January, only five days were not covered by heavy smog in Beijing. The city is now seeing an increasing amount of face masks on the streets and sales for air purifiers have also shot up as a result of recent ongoing pollution. The smog has made residents more conscious about potential health risks. Many have taken steps to reduce the impact of the city's toxic air as much as they can. Li Dong has the details.PM2.5 is one of the major pollutants of the air pollution in Beijing and it poses the greatest risk to human health. Its concentration reached a record high of 993 on January 12, almost 50 times the World Health Organization's remended level. PM2.5 levels across most of Beijing have been above 400 micrograms per cubic meter for much of the last two weeks.When the air is this hazardous, the government remends people avoid outdoor activities. But many must still go outside causing a sharp increase in the use of face masks. Lulu is a Beijing resident. "I felt the smog was really thick yesterday, it hurts my throat and hurts to breathe. So I started to wear a mask today. The air pollution is really serious." Face mask sales are going through the roof both online and in-store. The most popular face mask retailer on Taobao, China's leading online shopping website, has sold more than 112,000 masks in the past month.Tong Ren Tang, a large pharmacy, has also seen a dramatic increase in mask sales in recent weeks. A sales clerk says: "The pollution has been very severe the past weeks. There has been a sharp increase in face mask sales in recent weeks pared with the same period last year. "The ongoing air pollution is raising health concerns among Beijing residents. Many are choosing to travel out of the city to avoid the thick smog, while others are purchasing air purifiers to filter indoor air. Officials have closed some factories and ordered some government cars off the road to reduce emissions. They have also proposed rules to scrap old vehicles and to ban new cement and steel factories.TOTO Beijing is the only big ceramics factory in the capital city. One of its production procedures creates dust pollution. With air pollution escalating in the lastseveral days, the city government told the factory to cut production. Han Yong, deputy general manager of TOTO Beijing says halting production means big losses for the factory. "Stopping our two plants in Beijing means we lose 1 million yuan or about 160,000 US dollars per day at the eastern factory and 0.8 million yuan at the western factory. "TOTO Beijing is only one of a 103 high-polluting factories that have pletely stopped production since Tuesday. Authorities say they were cutting the use of government vehicles by all departments by 30 percent.However, once the smog gets lighter and the alert is lifted, factories will be back in production again. They may need to intensify production to make up for their losses, so the problem has not really been solved. Many believe that the government will have to do more to cut the pollution sources, because temporary responses are not enough.As everyone who's ever visited or lived in China knows, in recent years the air pollution problem has bee enormous. When you fly in to China it's often in to an insipid pall of pollution, especially if you are flying in to Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou. The yellowish cloud of toxicity that overlies many Chinese cities is legendary.The air pollution is a bination of things, industrial burning and cooling etc as well as vehicles and other sources, with industry being the major polluter. The problem is not just limited to the air, groundwater and soil pollution is now so bad in China that the PRC central government refused to release it's last survey results. This maybe due to the fact that they don't want to panic the population or scare of investment.What can be done about it? Well a lot can be done, firstly China should enforce and reinforce it's own pollution laws and then ensure the standards are up to the same as in the first world. Massive fines for serial polluters helps, I'd suggest fines of 10-20% of gross revenue for a year if a business fails to meet the emissions standards. To bat corruption automatic metering systems should be fitted to all smoke stacks and generators and results checked by at least 5 offices around China with the officesreceiving the data at random. No factory identification other than a number should be given to the office. This would eliminate bribery of pollution monitoring officers. panies whose meters are inoperable should be fined 10% of gross annual turnover for each day the meters are inoperable. A massive carrot and stick is required to ensure adherence to the law. The same basic concept can be used to help bat water pollution.Recycling probably needs to be better organized. Financial bonuses in the form of tax breaks for panies that use green packaging and or recycle waste would help.China could also look at imitating best global practices from around the world. The use of LED lighting for example as well as energy management schemes and anti-pollution techniques developed in the west are only going to help China in the long term.。

关键词:大气污染治理措施1 大气污染的成因分析1.1大气污染的概念所谓大气污染是指人类生产、生活活动或自然界向大气排出各种污染物,其含量超过环境承载能力,使大气质量发生恶化,使人们的工作、生活、健康、设备财产以及生态环境等遭受恶劣影响和破坏,污染源可分为天然污染源和人为污染源。
1.2废气污染的成分对生态环境影响较大和人类健康威胁较大且绝对排放量较大的废气主要包括:含NO x、SO2、P、AS、CO、HF、C2HCl3等污染物的有毒气体及其他气体。

关键词:来源解析颗粒物化学质量平衡中国北方城市1. 前言大气颗粒物(PM)来源解析通常尝试使用面向受体模型,如化学质量平衡(CMB)模型——确定环境样品化学成分的重建所需要的排放源化学成分分布的最佳组合,以推断来源贡献(Watson等人,1991、1994)。
根据2000年中国环境状况报道,TPS和PM10被认为是中国城市的主要污染物(国家环境保护总局—SEPA, 2001)。
2000年,中国208个城市(城市总数的61.5%)的TSP 和PM10的浓度并没有达到中华人民共和国全国年均环境空气质量标准(NAMAAQS)——TSP200μgm-3和PM100μgm-3,并且在这项研究中的所有六个中国北方城市(乌鲁木齐,银川,太原,安阳,天津,济南)的TSP和PM10浓度都超出NAMAAQS。

1.1 重度污染区域我国的重度污染区域主要分布在东北、华北、华东等地区,尤其是雾霾问题十分突出。
1.2 污染来源我国大气污染的主要来源包括能源消耗、交通运输和工业生产等方面。
2.1 燃煤减量燃煤减量是我国大气污染治理的主要手段之一,也是治理效果最为明显的措施。
2.2 EQS调整EQS调整是指当环境质量标准超标时,政府可以对标准进行调整。
3.1 火电机组提标目前,我国的火电机组污染物排放标准和发达国家相比,还存在一定的差距。

Total energy consumption (100Mt SCE)
0.07 0.06
0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
总平均值 南方城市 北方城市
Annual average temperature
Temperature (℃)
Winter temperature
Annual mean temperature change over the past 50 years in China
总平均值 南方城市均值 北方城市均值
Emission Trend of SO2 and Dust
Million Tons
15 10 5 0 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 Year
Vehicle Population Trends in Past 15 years in China 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0
化学科学 工程与材料科学 工程热物理与能源利用
– 源自动监测及系统化技术 – 细颗粒物取样及分析技术 – 大气质量监测系统产业化 – 有毒有害化学品分析技术 (环境荷尔蒙)

中国的污染现状英语作文英文回答:Pollution has become an alarming issue in China. The country's rapid industrialization and economic growth have come at a heavy environmental cost. Air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution are the three major forms of environmental degradation that have plagued the nation.Air pollution is a major public health concern in China. The burning of fossil fuels and the release of industrial emissions have created a thick smog that hangs over many cities. This smog contains particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and other harmful substances that can cause respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer.Water pollution is another serious environmental challenge in China. Industrial wastewater and agricultural runoff have contaminated many of the country's rivers and lakes. This pollution has led to the decline of fishpopulations and the spread of waterborne diseases.Soil pollution is also a problem in China. The use of pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture has led to the contamination of the soil. This contamination can damage crops and make them unsafe for human consumption.The Chinese government has recognized the severity of the pollution problem and has taken steps to address it. The government has implemented policies to reduce air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. These policies include the promotion of renewable energy, the regulation of industrial emissions, and the cleanup of contaminated sites.The Chinese public has also become increasingly aware of the pollution problem and is demanding action from the government. Public protests and citizen groups have played a role in raising awareness of the issue and pressuring the government to take action.Despite the government's efforts, pollution remains a major challenge in China. The country's continued economic growth and urbanization are putting a strain on the environment. However, the government and the public are committed to addressing the problem and improving the environment for future generations.中文回答:中国正面临着严峻的污染问题。

1 我国大气污染现状[ 1]
由于我国当前大多数空气污染物属于“存量型” 污染 ,即当前环境质量不仅决定于当前的污染排放 量 ,还受以往排放的污染物的影响 ,当前排放的污染 物不仅影响当前的环境质量 ,也对今后的环境质量 造成影响 。在评价环境质量时应该从环境中污染物 浓度指标和污染物排放量两方面对全国大气质量的 现状进行考察 。 1. 1 从大气环境质量指标考察大气环境质量
缺电形势严重 ,纯凝汽式小火电厂不能按期关停 ,造 成了煤炭资源的极大浪费和严重的环境污染 。
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 3
表 2 中国 2000 年 - 2005 年煤炭消耗和 SO2 排放量之间的关系
煤炭消耗量/ 亿 t
比例/ %
SO2 排放量/ 万 t
2007 年 2 月 电 力 环 境 保 护 第 23 卷 第 1 期
近年来 ,我国经济快速发展 ,人民生活水平显著 提高 ,但同时我国巨大的能源消费规模和以煤为主 的能源消费结构引起的环境污染已使国家不堪重 负 ,我国能源环境问题的严重性不仅在于现在的污 染 ,更重要的是未来潜在的能源需求增长对环境造 成的巨大压力 。
mg/ m3 ,且 SO2 年均浓度达到二级标准的城市比例自 2000 年以来基本上呈下降趋势 。城市污染物达到 二级标准率年际变化见图 1 。

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naht esaercni ,000,005,01 dedeecxe ydaerla sah elibomotua lanoi tan eht fo tnuoma elbarevocer
egrahcsid elibomotua taht nobracordyh , edixon om nobrac ,edixo negortin 3 000,002,4 0991
eht n i llarevo y tic nrehtron eht morf noi tullop elcitraP .sei tic rojam erehw y tic eht fo %6.46 stnatull op niam eht era sn oissime elcitraP .stnatull op yramirp eht lli ts era selcitrap eht ,tsriF
gninrub f o nonem onehp ot tnelaviuqe dna taerg si ti ,hgih ton si oitar noitazilitu ygrene eht ,wol ylevi taler era level erutcafunam dna ygol onhcet tnempiuqe gninrub fo sdnik llA .hsaw ot ylno %96 snoi tallatsni dna tnempiuqe fo etar noi tazilitu yrotcaf fo gnihsaw


Air pollution state of china1 Urban air quality situation of chinaIn recent years, our urban air quality is stability, the trendy is improving. There are 660 cities officially designated in the monitoring of 343 cities, the air quality of secondary and tertiary levels and the urban poor around one third of each volume. Ultra-slight decline in the proportion of urban standards, particles from pollution broader, serious pollution in some cities sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide are all urban pollution. The areas affected by acid rain and pollution stability, the South acid rain polluted areas, the acid rain control zone of the city has more than 90% acid rain113 air pollution control in key cities, the air quality of Grade 2, Grade 3 and the number of urban poor levels respectively 40, 41 and 32, respectively 35.4%, 36.3% and 28.3%. Of these, 36 cities where sulphur dioxide and particulate emissions standard urban 73. Our air quality urban environment with the following features :First, the particles are still the primary pollutants. Particle emissions are the main pollutants affecting air quality in 343 monitored cities, 60% of particles from urban concentration limit, 64.6% of the city where major cities. Particle pollution from the northern city overall in the South-cities, particles from polluted cities mainly in the northwest, north China, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei, Ningxia, Gansu, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other provinces and regions of the particle pollution are more prominent.The sulfur dioxide discharges the current situation:with the fast development of the economy of our country, coal consumption is increasing constantly. National coal consumption rises to 1,280 million tons in 1995 from 980 million tons in 1990, the sulfur dioxide discharges the total amount to increase sharply with growth of the volume of consumption of coal. The discharge general quantity of national sulfur dioxide reaches 23,700,000 tons by 1995. Discharge in the source in all kinds of sulfur dioxide, the power plant and emission of industry boiler account for 70%, becoming the discharge rich and influential family, all kinds of percentage of discharging the sulfur dioxide of pollution sources is formed as follows: Civil cooking utensils 12%, industrial kiln 11%, boiler 34% of industry, boiler 35% of hydropower station, other 8%.The smoke and dust ,dust discharge the current situation:the total amount of smoke and dust thatthe national fire coal was discharged was 14,780,000 tons in 1995, among them the thermal power plant and emission of industry boiler accounted for more than 70%. In discharging, local power plant the dust remover of poor efficiency because of use basically in thermal power plant, tons of coal discharge smoke and dust national 50 of power plant, emission its account for power plant total 65% of emission.The emission of dust of national industry was about 6,390,000 tons in 1995. Among them. Steel is it arrange dust account for 15% of total amount, cement is it arrange dust account for 70% of total amount to produce to produce. Is it arrange dust to produce in cement, local cement plant arrange dust account for 80%, become to mainly discharge the source industry 12 dust.In recent years, villages and towns national township industry pollution sources investigation result indicate fast 1996 such as mouth such as industrial development, national township industry sulfur dioxide in 1995, smoke and dust and industry dust emission account for national industrial sulfur dioxide, smoke and dust , industry dust discharge 28.2% , 54.2% and 68.3% of jade-like stone in that year respectively. The disposal of pollutants of township industry has already become the important factor of environmental pollution of our country.Exhaust pollution current situation of motor vehicle:From behind the eighties, promoted by economic growth, the quantity of motor vehicle of our country increased rapidly. The recoverable amount annual growth of national automobile keeps in 13%, especially some large-scale and super-huge city such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu , Shanghai city motor vehicle quantity increase speed far higher than the average national level. By 1995, the recoverable amount of the national automobile has already exceeded 10,500,000, increase than 1990 4,200,000 3 nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide , hydrocarbon that automobile discharge discharge total amount rise year by year. Because city densely populated, traffic volume relatively heavy traffic have, motor vehicle exhaust pollution proportion rise constantly in urban air pollution.2 reason for severe environmental pollution and destruction2.1 Weak environmental awareness insufficient understanding of sustainable development strategyThe atmospheric environment is valuable resources that the mankind depended on for existence, the destruction of the atmosphere and environmental resources is a kind of irreversible course, resume good urban air quality prevent and cure air pollution pay more economic cost fundamentally taking measures. But the idea for a long time some department and some district sufficient understanding and know. They only considered recently, some economic development needs, lack to protecting the consideration of the atmospheric environment in making some comprehensive economic policy, industrial policy and urban construction development plan, Fast development that often regards sacrificing the environment as the cost and gains economy, have formed and expanded the production scale blindly, spread stand, repeated construction , technical equipment low , energy resource waste heavy , township enterprise unordered development , inferior coal circulate state such as being out of control arbitrarily. So is it lack to local issue of policy that environmental protection consider to say, itself to is it aggravate inducement of air pollution to cause, it is difficult to retrieve that the environments caused are endangered with losses.2.2 Energy use are unreasonable, the energy is wasted seriouslyThe energy unreasonable to utilize and serious waste of energy to cause of our country atmosphere seriously polluted reason one of, behave as follows mainly:In a energy consumption structure of our country, the coal accounts for 75%, and the coal amount used for generating electricity only accounts for 35% of total coal quantity, other coals are used in industry and burn civilly, 84% of the coals are burnt directly, this kind of consumption of coal is formed to hate the unreasonable one.Of our country coal production excessive to pay attention to increase of output, to control high sulphur coal issue pay attention to enoughly, display washing rate in coal low and high sulphur coal output of area increase too fast mainly. Meanwhile, because of the limitations of construction fund of coal washery, coal washing price unreasonable and railway transportation and restriction flowing into, washing, the growth of coal ability lags behind the amount of production of raw coal and increases, can be brought to select the factory production capacity into full play to wash originally. At present, it is 22% that the coal of our country enters the washing rate, there are generally developed countries in 60% more. Power coal is it select washing of factory utilization rate of equipment and installations 69% only to wash.All kinds of burning equipment technology and manufacture level are relatively low, the energy utilization ratio is not high, it is great and equivalent to phenomenon of burningequipment extending service in the army and general in high blowdown amount to use energy consumption. 500, 000 boilers of national industry, average thermal efficiency is only about 60%; The average thermal efficiency of industrial kiln is about 40%; Coal-fired thermal efficiency is only about 22% equally that urban residents live a life.The township industry develops rapidly, production technology, craft that most enterprises adopt are relatively backward, the production equipment is simple and crude, the resource energy utilization ratio is extremely low, the air pollution caused is surprising, the fund input of prevention and control of air pollution is insufficientThe township industry develops rapidly, production technology, craft that most enterprises adopt are relatively backward, the production equipment is simple and crude, the resource energy utilization ratio is extremely low, the air pollution caused is surprising, the fund input of prevention and control of air pollution is insufficientThe starting point of the industrial development of our country is low, the integral level of basic industries improves slower, technological transformation degree of difficulty heavy, pollution owes a debt more. Industrial technology and equip a lot of 500 times level, resource, consume high by energy. But because the whole transformation of industry is limited by fund, delay carrying on the whole transformation and pollution control, a number of technical equipment backward industrial enterprise long-term quite discharge a large amount of pollutant in not producing, cause and pollute seriously.The country pursueing and cleaning the coal policy、The measure of improving the energy structure is like the dressing of coal by washing of coal, The dynamics of investment in coal briquette , coal-fired desulphurization , using the clean energy ,etc. is too weak, far from satisfying the demand.Basic construction projects, such as central heating of the city, gas etc. are the main measure of solving the urban atmosphere environmental pollution. But many areas still develop slowly, the key is still the uncomplete question of fund input. Some cities have finished building heat and power plant, but lack fund and build the heating pipe network, dispersing the heat source still exist, not only has not reduced pollution, has increased the emission instead.Blowdown expenses standard too low, make enterprise with heavy pollution would rather pay blowdown fee, and unwilling to spend money control. For example, the sulfur dioxideexpenses standards of " two provinces and nine cities " are too low, generally within 0.20 yuan for each kilogram sulfur dioxide, far lower than desulphurization cost of about 1 yuan per kilogram, can not impel the enterprise investment to manage for the sulfur dioxide. Causing it at present, there are few desulphurization facilities built of model region of nine cities of two provinces.2.3 Not strict enforcing lawThough build and make very great progress in regulation standard of prevention and control of air pollution of our country, but laws are not fully observed, not strict in enforcing the law, the phenomenon refraining from punishing law-breakers is still very serious.Some local government interference environmental protection departments enforce the law, is it build short-term economy profitable but energy resource consumption heavy, to atmosphere seriously polluted industrial project to sanction; Carry out regulation that country " appraise, build first , appear some new unreasonable overall arrangement and pollute construction project that exceed standard; Often leave the shortfall or divert the fund to other purpose in investment in the measure of prevention and control of air pollution.Local power plant, local cement plant and township enterprise are not strict in enforcing the law, the phenomenon is more general to exceed standard.Because all parts monitor the organization and is limited by funds, can't generally monitor the regular supervision to the pollution sources, thus weakened the daily supervision to the pollution sources of environmental protection department to manage. It is worse that environmental protection facilities operate management, the running rate is low actually. Though a lot of projects can be up to standard of to go into operation while confirming, exceed standard to discharge while running actually. It is estimated the whole country industry boiler smoke and dust discharge exceeding standard rate 30% on average at present, industrial kiln 50% on average, local cement dust of trade discharge exceeding standard rate 40%.Motor vehicle it is late for prevention and control of pollution to start, exhaust supervisionand management system set up really yet, supervise law enforcement agency duty unclear, is it do one's best to supervise each, especially to car making, sell , use , scrap overall pollution not to supervise management to be very much weak even, the exhaust pollution of motor vehicle is supervised and monitored and has not included in national urban air quality and routine monitoring system of the pollution sources yet, thus lack the effective supervision to exhaust pollution of motor vehicle.2.4 Lack practical administration technologyReseach, development, respect of popularizing and using in atmospheric pollution control technology and equipment in our country, though do much work, and atmospheric demand of pollution control disparity even relatively heavy, input of the fund, manpower and degree that the practical technique commercialize are not so good as the developed country far. More weak field is the clean coal technology; The industrial kilns of such trades as metallurgy, chemical industry, building materials etc. and production facility discharge the administration technology of pollution; Cleaning technology ,etc. in motor vehicle machine. The shortage of the practical technique has influenced the process and result of atmospheric pollution control directly.At present, the air pollution of our country has already endangered people's health. Studies have shown, cause the main decisive factor of the chronic obstacle breathing problem to be the air pollution in China. The air pollution has cause the enormous economic losses, has restricted the development of economy. The economic losses caused in acid rain reach 116,500 million yuan alone (1995), account for 2% of gross national product of those years. The seriously polluted state of atmosphere becomes one of the factors discontended with society of people, have even influenced the social stability of some areas. Meanwhile, the air pollution degree of our country caused bad influence in the world too, Capital of Beijing has already been classified as one of the most serious cities of the air pollution by World Health Organization . This will bring the adverse effect on socialist modernization drive and international association of our country.South acid rain polluted areas, some cities sulphur dioxide pollution seriously. Acid rain mainly in the south of the Yangtze River, east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Sichuan Basin region, acid rain has increased in recent years local area. Sulphur dioxide pollution seriouslycities mainly in Shanxi, Hebei, Guizhou, Sichuan, Gansu province and the city of Chongqing.Big city, air pollution is more seriouse than in small and medium cities, particularly the large population size in the 100-200 million urban air pollution most. Major air pollutant particles and sulphur dioxide concentration limit from th e big, mega-cities is markedly higher than the proportion of small and medium-sized cities, urban air quality standards are lower than the proportion of small and medium-sized cities.From the crowd exposed to the air quality standards of the urban population accounted for the total urban population statistics 26.3%; not exposed to the air quality standards of the urban population accounts for nearly three quarters of the urban population statistics.2002 all monitoring cities nitrogen dioxide levels have reached national environmental standards for air quality, but relatively high concentrations of the major cities.3 particles pollution prevention, source host status and prospects 3.1 particles pollution control situationParticle emissions are primary pollutants affecting our urban air quality , is phase objectives in113 key cities in 2005, a comprehensive set of the greatest obstacles in 2010. Particle emissions, especially small particles from entering the body is the carrier of other pollutants can be inhaled directly into the pulmonary alveolus blood, seriously endangering human health. The study shows that in conventional pollutants, particulate emissions on human respiratory hazards are greatest. Small particles are also an important factor affecting urban atmospheric visibility. To promote urban air quality standards, high priority must be given to particles from pollution control. Compared with the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, particulate emissions source broad components of complex control difficult. From the source point of view, the main source of urban air particles from the soil wind sand dust, coal dust, construction grass, dust, a motor vehicle tail gas pollution sources, including urban road traffic, two massive pollution sources. From my experience of looking at many cities, particle pollution control requirements are multi-pronged, multi-sectoral participation, environmental protection departments unified supervision and management, urban construction, municipal, environmental, landscape and transport sector, a comprehensive control measures.These years, our research has strengthened the particles from pollution prevention research,and achieved some significant results application. Along with urban air pollution prevention and control work in-depth, coal dust pollution is checked, all levels of management in recent years to strengthen the integrated pollution prevention and control particle emissions. 2001, the State Administration of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Construction jointly issued document "on the effective control of urban massive pollution Circular", and asked all localities to strengthen massive pollution prevention ;2001 part of the State Administration of Environmental Protection organized a key cities particles from sources describe technology applications training courses; 2002 organized by the "urban air particles from pollution prevention seminars" called ;2003 years in key cities approved urban environmental capacity of the atmosphere from sources describe the work undertaken particles, and allow all sources accounts for PM10 emissions. In the future, the State Administration of Environmental Protection will adopt a variety of measures to promote integrated urban particles from pollution prevention and control work.Particles from the source-the need to use science to guide practical management, particles from sources describe qualitative or quantitative research is the source of atmospheric particles from the technology. In the State Administration of Environmental Protection's promotion, all particles are strengthened sources explain, in recent years, there have been in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenyang, Jinan, Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan, Zhengzhou, Urumqi, 20, Tangshan several cities, have been carrying out the particles from sources describe research for the prevention of pollution from particles provided valuable scientific guidance3.2 the State requirement for particles sources describe workGiven the complex sources of particle emissions, control is very difficult, to improve environmental management and pollution control scientific and targeted, the State Administration of Environmental Protection for the key cities continue to carry out the particles from sources explain, in a separate report, the capacity of which are based particle sources analyzed sections. Sources have not yet carried out the actual work of city, the first reference to the work of the "urban environment coal dust air credits (shared rate) assessment method," a simple estimation. Sources describe the basis of determining particulate emissions from major fixed contribution rate and total control, the other particle emissions by sources from the totalrequest, but clearly control measures to promote urban environmental air particles are set.3.3 suggestion for particles sources describe workParticles from sources describe the main techniques used acceptor model, the chemical mass balance (CMB) model is the current location of the most widely applied models. At present, major cities in the country for finding sources of particle emissions, particulate emissions for the better sources for finding particles from pollution prevention and control services, the need to address the following questions :1)Simplify particles from sources describe technology. Particles from sources describe the work needs more time and more money to spend because of the timeliness of the results strong analytic sources, must be completed in the near future sources analyzed in order to better serve management services. At present, major cities in the country for finding sources of particle emissions, the need for simple and rapid particles from sources describe techniques2) Sources and receivers components spectral database should gradually be establish. National, regional, city-source component spectral database should be established for particles from the cross-regional and cross-regional pollution control transport support can save particles from urban sources describe the work of time.3)To analyze the results of an in-depth analysis of sources, a clear analysis of the contribution of different sources of reasons, the results of analysis of the impact of clear weather.4)Sources describe working with particles from pollution control measures should closely integrated. Sources describe the end result is particle emissions and responses to propose practical, workable approach control5)To the gradual establishment of atmospheric particles from sources describe routine system. The rapid development of China's urban construction, particles from sources change soon. Analytical work was carried out sources and the economic base of a certain city, a pilot conventional sources can be analyzed system, for an annual or biennial atmospheric particles from sources explain, for policy makers to provide effective support.6)Strengthening local environmental protection departments at all levels to combat pollution from particles manager training. Particles from the State Administration of Environmental Protection will be the focus of serious pollution of urban related training7)Preparing comprehensive urban atmospheric particulate pollution prevention technical guidance from manual to facilitate better guidance for particulate emissions throughout Combat.3.4 the urban environment air quality standards of functional areasParty "16th Party Congress" to make a comprehensive building of a comfortable society development objectives, environmental quality improved noticeably as one of its key indicators. According to the State Council approved 113 air pollution control programme for the demarcation of key cities, in order for these environmental quality in key cities have markedly improved, and I Board are 113 key cities for overall environmental quality standards andrequirements in the 2010 air quality urban environment comprehensive functional areas required: Reasonable division of the functional areas of environmental air quality:air quality urban environment is a comprehensive set of functional divisions of the infrastructure work. My current process of rapid urbanization, urban construction and development of speed, the original functional area may have been inconsistent with the environmental requirements, the need to make proper adjustments. Cities should be based on the urban socio-economic development conditions, adjusting and improving the environmental functions of divisions, and I Board reported for the record.Urban environmental planning to meet air quality standards for ambient air quality basicobjective to control sources of pollution as the main means to focus on major pollutants andmajor sources of pollution, the use of control and the total concentration of combining control,structural adjustment and technological improvements to the integrated combination of means todevelop the urban environment planning air quality standards, promoting sustainable urbandevelopment and achieving economic and environmental "win-win". Urban environmentcomprehensive set of air quality planning major cities including atmospheric environmentalquality assessment of the situation and development trend forecasting, atmosphericenvironmental functions Division, the total control plan targets and atmospheric environmentalprotection objectives analysis, atmospheric pollution control strategies and security measuresfour parts.4 Establish environmental system4.1 Implementation of sustainable development choicesChina's modernization drive has been launched in the following conditions: The country has a large population base, its per-capita average of natural resources is low, and its economic development as well as scientific and technological level remain quite backward. Along with the growth of China's population, the development of the economy and the continuous improvement of the people's consumption level since the 1970s, the pressure on resources, which were already in rather short supply, and on the fragile environment has become greater and greater. Which road of development to choose has turned out, historically, to be an issue of paramount importance to the survival of the Chinese people as well as their posterity.The Chinese government has paid great attention to the environmental issues arising from the country's population growth and economic development, and has made protecting the environment an important aspect of the improvement of the people's living standards and quality of life. In order to promote coordinated development between the economy, the society and the environment, China enacted and implemented a series of principles, policies, laws and measures for environmental protection in the 1980s.Making environmental protection one of China's basic national policies. The prevention and control of environmental pollution and ecological destruction and the rational exploitation and utilization of natural resources are of vital importance to the country's overall interests and long-term development. The Chinese government is unswervingly carrying out the basic national policy of environmental protection.Formulating the guiding principles of simultaneous planning, simultaneous implementation and simultaneous development for economic construction, urban and rural construction and environmental construction, and combining the economic returns with social effects and environmental benefits; and carrying out the three major policies of ``prevention first and combining prevention with control,'' ``making the causer of pollution responsible for treating it and intensifying environmental management.Promulgating and putting into effect laws and regulations regarding environmental protection and placing environmental protection on a legal footing, continuously improving the statutes concerning the environment, formulating strict law-enforcement procedures and increasing the intensity of law enforcement so as to ensure the effective implementation of the environmental laws and regulations.Persisting in incorporating environmental protection into the plans for national economic and social development, introducing to it macro regulation and management under state guidance, and gradually increasing environmental protection input so as to give simultaneous consideration to environmental protection and other undertakings and ensure their coordinated development.Establishing and improving environmental protection organizations under governments at all levels, forming a rather complete environmental control system, and bringing into full play the governments' role in environmental supervision and administration.Accelerating progress in environmental science and technology. Strengthening research into basic theories, organizing the tackling of key scientific and technological problems, developing and popularizing prac"itical technology for environmental pollution prevention and control, fostering the growth of environmental protection industries, and giving initial shape to an environmental protection scientific research system.。

关键词:大气污染;治理;措施Abstract: with the rapid development of the world economy, people get life material satisfaction at the same time, the ecological environment quality also paid a heavy price, air pollution effects on human health life become one of the important factors. Air pollution treatment is not only our country also is the world of common concern to a more problems. In this paper the present situation of air pollution in China is analyzed to show the meaning of atmospheric pollution, and put forward the control measure, this to raise people’s environmental protection consciousness has stimulative effect.Keywords: air pollution; Management; measures空气是自然界中最宝贵的资源之一,空气的清新洁净与否对人类的生活质量起着决定性的作用。

一.大气污染物排放总量现状 1.二氧化硫。
目前年均降水pH 值低于5.6酸雨临界值的地区已占全国面积的30%左右。

这些措施有效地减少了烧煤产生的烟尘和二氧化硫污染。经过数十 年的努力,伦敦的大气污染得到很好的控制。到1975 年,伦敦的雾 霾天数已经从每年几十天减少到15 天,1980 年降到 5 天。
一、坚持清洁能源发展战略,控制煤烟型污染 二、有力控制机动车污染排放,淘汰老旧车 三、优化产业结构,治理工业污染 四、多部门齐抓共管,加大扬尘污染控制力度; 五、制定重污染天气应急预案 六,加强统一取暖工作深入进行 七. 建立健全PM2.5监测体系
燃烧不充分的煤和石油等将产生大量的二氧化硫、烟尘、粉尘。 交通污染 汽车尾气中有一氧化碳、二氧化硫、碳氢化合物、氮氧化合物、烟尘微粒 如某些重金属化合物、铅化合物、黑烟及油雾、甲醛等,均是构成雾霾天气 的主体。
北方的冬需要供暖,煤的燃烧必然导致二氧化硫和其他烟尘、粉尘等大 量污染物的排放。
雾霾的主要组成成分是PM2.5和PM10。 (PM,英文是 plasticle matter,意即颗粒物。10和 2.5是指颗粒物的直径。) 颗粒物直径越小,就越容易进入呼吸道,且进入越 深。当颗粒物的直径小于等于2.5μm的时候,它能 附着大量有害物质进入到细支气管和肺泡,甚至血 液。而相同质量的PM2.5比PM10表面积更大,可吸
雾的厚度只有几十米至200米,霾则有1千 米~3千米; 雾的颜色是乳白色、青白色,霾则是黄色、橙灰色; 雾的边界很清晰,过了“雾区”可能就是晴空万里, 但是霾则与周围环境边界不明显。
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Air pollution state of china1 Urban air quality situation of chinaIn recent years, our urban air quality is stability, the trendy is improving. There are 660 cities officially designated in the monitoring of 343 cities, the air quality of secondary and tertiary levels and the urban poor around one third of each volume. Ultra-slight decline in the proportion of urban standards, particles from pollution broader, serious pollution in some cities sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide are all urban pollution. The areas affected by acid rain and pollution stability, the South acid rain polluted areas, the acid rain control zone of the city has more than 90% acid rain113 air pollution control in key cities, the air quality of Grade 2, Grade 3 and the number of urban poor levels respectively 40, 41 and 32, respectively 35.4%, 36.3% and 28.3%. Of these, 36 cities where sulphur dioxide and particulate emissions standard urban 73. Our air quality urban environment with the following features :First, the particles are still the primary pollutants. Particle emissions are the main pollutants affecting air quality in 343 monitored cities, 60% of particles from urban concentration limit, 64.6% of the city where major cities. Particle pollution from the northern city overall in the South-cities, particles from polluted cities mainly in the northwest, north China, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei, Ningxia, Gansu, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other provinces and regions of the particle pollution are more prominent.The sulfur dioxide discharges the current situation:with the fast development of the economy of our country, coal consumption is increasing constantly. National coal consumption rises to 1,280 million tons in 1995 from 980 million tons in 1990, the sulfur dioxide discharges the total amount to increase sharply with growth of the volume of consumption of coal. The discharge general quantity of national sulfur dioxide reaches 23,700,000 tons by 1995. Discharge in the source in all kinds of sulfur dioxide, the power plant and emission of industry boiler account for 70%, becoming the discharge rich and influential family, all kinds of percentage of discharging the sulfur dioxide of pollution sources is formed as follows: Civil cooking utensils 12%, industrial kiln 11%, boiler 34% of industry, boiler 35% of hydropower station, other 8%.The smoke and dust ,dust discharge the current situation:the total amount of smoke and dust thatthe national fire coal was discharged was 14,780,000 tons in 1995, among them the thermal power plant and emission of industry boiler accounted for more than 70%. In discharging, local power plant the dust remover of poor efficiency because of use basically in thermal power plant, tons of coal discharge smoke and dust national 50 of power plant, emission its account for power plant total 65% of emission.The emission of dust of national industry was about 6,390,000 tons in 1995. Among them. Steel is it arrange dust account for 15% of total amount, cement is it arrange dust account for 70% of total amount to produce to produce. Is it arrange dust to produce in cement, local cement plant arrange dust account for 80%, become to mainly discharge the source industry 12 dust.In recent years, villages and towns national township industry pollution sources investigation result indicate fast 1996 such as mouth such as industrial development, national township industry sulfur dioxide in 1995, smoke and dust and industry dust emission account for national industrial sulfur dioxide, smoke and dust , industry dust discharge 28.2% , 54.2% and 68.3% of jade-like stone in that year respectively. The disposal of pollutants of township industry has already become the important factor of environmental pollution of our country.Exhaust pollution current situation of motor vehicle:From behind the eighties, promoted by economic growth, the quantity of motor vehicle of our country increased rapidly. The recoverable amount annual growth of national automobile keeps in 13%, especially some large-scale and super-huge city such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu , Shanghai city motor vehicle quantity increase speed far higher than the average national level. By 1995, the recoverable amount of the national automobile has already exceeded 10,500,000, increase than 1990 4,200,000 3 nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide , hydrocarbon that automobile discharge discharge total amount rise year by year. Because city densely populated, traffic volume relatively heavy traffic have, motor vehicle exhaust pollution proportion rise constantly in urban air pollution.2 reason for severe environmental pollution and destruction2.1 Weak environmental awareness insufficient understanding of sustainable development strategyThe atmospheric environment is valuable resources that the mankind depended on for existence, the destruction of the atmosphere and environmental resources is a kind of irreversible course, resume good urban air quality prevent and cure air pollution pay more economic cost fundamentally taking measures. But the idea for a long time some department and some district sufficient understanding and know. They only considered recently, some economic development needs, lack to protecting the consideration of the atmospheric environment in making some comprehensive economic policy, industrial policy and urban construction development plan, Fast development that often regards sacrificing the environment as the cost and gains economy, have formed and expanded the production scale blindly, spread stand, repeated construction , technical equipment low , energy resource waste heavy , township enterprise unordered development , inferior coal circulate state such as being out of control arbitrarily. So is it lack to local issue of policy that environmental protection consider to say, itself to is it aggravate inducement of air pollution to cause, it is difficult to retrieve that the environments caused are endangered with losses.2.2 Energy use are unreasonable, the energy is wasted seriouslyThe energy unreasonable to utilize and serious waste of energy to cause of our country atmosphere seriously polluted reason one of, behave as follows mainly:In a energy consumption structure of our country, the coal accounts for 75%, and the coal amount used for generating electricity only accounts for 35% of total coal quantity, other coals are used in industry and burn civilly, 84% of the coals are burnt directly, this kind of consumption of coal is formed to hate the unreasonable one.Of our country coal production excessive to pay attention to increase of output, to control high sulphur coal issue pay attention to enoughly, display washing rate in coal low and high sulphur coal output of area increase too fast mainly. Meanwhile, because of the limitations of construction fund of coal washery, coal washing price unreasonable and railway transportation and restriction flowing into, washing, the growth of coal ability lags behind the amount of production of raw coal and increases, can be brought to select the factory production capacity into full play to wash originally. At present, it is 22% that the coal of our country enters the washing rate, there are generally developed countries in 60% more. Power coal is it select washing of factory utilization rate of equipment and installations 69% only to wash.All kinds of burning equipment technology and manufacture level are relatively low, the energy utilization ratio is not high, it is great and equivalent to phenomenon of burningequipment extending service in the army and general in high blowdown amount to use energy consumption. 500, 000 boilers of national industry, average thermal efficiency is only about 60%; The average thermal efficiency of industrial kiln is about 40%; Coal-fired thermal efficiency is only about 22% equally that urban residents live a life.The township industry develops rapidly, production technology, craft that most enterprises adopt are relatively backward, the production equipment is simple and crude, the resource energy utilization ratio is extremely low, the air pollution caused is surprising, the fund input of prevention and control of air pollution is insufficientThe township industry develops rapidly, production technology, craft that most enterprises adopt are relatively backward, the production equipment is simple and crude, the resource energy utilization ratio is extremely low, the air pollution caused is surprising, the fund input of prevention and control of air pollution is insufficientThe starting point of the industrial development of our country is low, the integral level of basic industries improves slower, technological transformation degree of difficulty heavy, pollution owes a debt more. Industrial technology and equip a lot of 500 times level, resource, consume high by energy. But because the whole transformation of industry is limited by fund, delay carrying on the whole transformation and pollution control, a number of technical equipment backward industrial enterprise long-term quite discharge a large amount of pollutant in not producing, cause and pollute seriously.The country pursueing and cleaning the coal policy、The measure of improving the energy structure is like the dressing of coal by washing of coal, The dynamics of investment in coal briquette , coal-fired desulphurization , using the clean energy ,etc. is too weak, far from satisfying the demand.Basic construction projects, such as central heating of the city, gas etc. are the main measure of solving the urban atmosphere environmental pollution. But many areas still develop slowly, the key is still the uncomplete question of fund input. Some cities have finished building heat and power plant, but lack fund and build the heating pipe network, dispersing the heat source still exist, not only has not reduced pollution, has increased the emission instead.Blowdown expenses standard too low, make enterprise with heavy pollution would rather pay blowdown fee, and unwilling to spend money control. For example, the sulfur dioxideexpenses standards of " two provinces and nine cities " are too low, generally within 0.20 yuan for each kilogram sulfur dioxide, far lower than desulphurization cost of about 1 yuan per kilogram, can not impel the enterprise investment to manage for the sulfur dioxide. Causing it at present, there are few desulphurization facilities built of model region of nine cities of two provinces.2.3 Not strict enforcing lawThough build and make very great progress in regulation standard of prevention and control of air pollution of our country, but laws are not fully observed, not strict in enforcing the law, the phenomenon refraining from punishing law-breakers is still very serious.Some local government interference environmental protection departments enforce the law, is it build short-term economy profitable but energy resource consumption heavy, to atmosphere seriously polluted industrial project to sanction; Carry out regulation that country " appraise, build first , appear some new unreasonable overall arrangement and pollute construction project that exceed standard; Often leave the shortfall or divert the fund to other purpose in investment in the measure of prevention and control of air pollution.Local power plant, local cement plant and township enterprise are not strict in enforcing the law, the phenomenon is more general to exceed standard.Because all parts monitor the organization and is limited by funds, can't generally monitor the regular supervision to the pollution sources, thus weakened the daily supervision to the pollution sources of environmental protection department to manage. It is worse that environmental protection facilities operate management, the running rate is low actually. Though a lot of projects can be up to standard of to go into operation while confirming, exceed standard to discharge while running actually. It is estimated the whole country industry boiler smoke and dust discharge exceeding standard rate 30% on average at present, industrial kiln 50% on average, local cement dust of trade discharge exceeding standard rate 40%.Motor vehicle it is late for prevention and control of pollution to start, exhaust supervisionand management system set up really yet, supervise law enforcement agency duty unclear, is it do one's best to supervise each, especially to car making, sell , use , scrap overall pollution not to supervise management to be very much weak even, the exhaust pollution of motor vehicle is supervised and monitored and has not included in national urban air quality and routine monitoring system of the pollution sources yet, thus lack the effective supervision to exhaust pollution of motor vehicle.2.4 Lack practical administration technologyReseach, development, respect of popularizing and using in atmospheric pollution control technology and equipment in our country, though do much work, and atmospheric demand of pollution control disparity even relatively heavy, input of the fund, manpower and degree that the practical technique commercialize are not so good as the developed country far. More weak field is the clean coal technology; The industrial kilns of such trades as metallurgy, chemical industry, building materials etc. and production facility discharge the administration technology of pollution; Cleaning technology ,etc. in motor vehicle machine. The shortage of the practical technique has influenced the process and result of atmospheric pollution control directly.At present, the air pollution of our country has already endangered people's health. Studies have shown, cause the main decisive factor of the chronic obstacle breathing problem to be the air pollution in China. The air pollution has cause the enormous economic losses, has restricted the development of economy. The economic losses caused in acid rain reach 116,500 million yuan alone (1995), account for 2% of gross national product of those years. The seriously polluted state of atmosphere becomes one of the factors discontended with society of people, have even influenced the social stability of some areas. Meanwhile, the air pollution degree of our country caused bad influence in the world too, Capital of Beijing has already been classified as one of the most serious cities of the air pollution by World Health Organization . This will bring the adverse effect on socialist modernization drive and international association of our country.South acid rain polluted areas, some cities sulphur dioxide pollution seriously. Acid rain mainly in the south of the Yangtze River, east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Sichuan Basin region, acid rain has increased in recent years local area. Sulphur dioxide pollution seriouslycities mainly in Shanxi, Hebei, Guizhou, Sichuan, Gansu province and the city of Chongqing.Big city, air pollution is more seriouse than in small and medium cities, particularly the large population size in the 100-200 million urban air pollution most. Major air pollutant particles and sulphur dioxide concentration limit from th e big, mega-cities is markedly higher than the proportion of small and medium-sized cities, urban air quality standards are lower than the proportion of small and medium-sized cities.From the crowd exposed to the air quality standards of the urban population accounted for the total urban population statistics 26.3%; not exposed to the air quality standards of the urban population accounts for nearly three quarters of the urban population statistics.2002 all monitoring cities nitrogen dioxide levels have reached national environmental standards for air quality, but relatively high concentrations of the major cities.3 particles pollution prevention, source host status and prospects 3.1 particles pollution control situationParticle emissions are primary pollutants affecting our urban air quality , is phase objectives in113 key cities in 2005, a comprehensive set of the greatest obstacles in 2010. Particle emissions, especially small particles from entering the body is the carrier of other pollutants can be inhaled directly into the pulmonary alveolus blood, seriously endangering human health. The study shows that in conventional pollutants, particulate emissions on human respiratory hazards are greatest. Small particles are also an important factor affecting urban atmospheric visibility. To promote urban air quality standards, high priority must be given to particles from pollution control. Compared with the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, particulate emissions source broad components of complex control difficult. From the source point of view, the main source of urban air particles from the soil wind sand dust, coal dust, construction grass, dust, a motor vehicle tail gas pollution sources, including urban road traffic, two massive pollution sources. From my experience of looking at many cities, particle pollution control requirements are multi-pronged, multi-sectoral participation, environmental protection departments unified supervision and management, urban construction, municipal, environmental, landscape and transport sector, a comprehensive control measures.These years, our research has strengthened the particles from pollution prevention research,and achieved some significant results application. Along with urban air pollution prevention and control work in-depth, coal dust pollution is checked, all levels of management in recent years to strengthen the integrated pollution prevention and control particle emissions. 2001, the State Administration of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Construction jointly issued document "on the effective control of urban massive pollution Circular", and asked all localities to strengthen massive pollution prevention ;2001 part of the State Administration of Environmental Protection organized a key cities particles from sources describe technology applications training courses; 2002 organized by the "urban air particles from pollution prevention seminars" called ;2003 years in key cities approved urban environmental capacity of the atmosphere from sources describe the work undertaken particles, and allow all sources accounts for PM10 emissions. In the future, the State Administration of Environmental Protection will adopt a variety of measures to promote integrated urban particles from pollution prevention and control work.Particles from the source-the need to use science to guide practical management, particles from sources describe qualitative or quantitative research is the source of atmospheric particles from the technology. In the State Administration of Environmental Protection's promotion, all particles are strengthened sources explain, in recent years, there have been in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenyang, Jinan, Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan, Zhengzhou, Urumqi, 20, Tangshan several cities, have been carrying out the particles from sources describe research for the prevention of pollution from particles provided valuable scientific guidance3.2 the State requirement for particles sources describe workGiven the complex sources of particle emissions, control is very difficult, to improve environmental management and pollution control scientific and targeted, the State Administration of Environmental Protection for the key cities continue to carry out the particles from sources explain, in a separate report, the capacity of which are based particle sources analyzed sections. Sources have not yet carried out the actual work of city, the first reference to the work of the "urban environment coal dust air credits (shared rate) assessment method," a simple estimation. Sources describe the basis of determining particulate emissions from major fixed contribution rate and total control, the other particle emissions by sources from the totalrequest, but clearly control measures to promote urban environmental air particles are set.3.3 suggestion for particles sources describe workParticles from sources describe the main techniques used acceptor model, the chemical mass balance (CMB) model is the current location of the most widely applied models. At present, major cities in the country for finding sources of particle emissions, particulate emissions for the better sources for finding particles from pollution prevention and control services, the need to address the following questions :1)Simplify particles from sources describe technology. Particles from sources describe the work needs more time and more money to spend because of the timeliness of the results strong analytic sources, must be completed in the near future sources analyzed in order to better serve management services. At present, major cities in the country for finding sources of particle emissions, the need for simple and rapid particles from sources describe techniques2) Sources and receivers components spectral database should gradually be establish. National, regional, city-source component spectral database should be established for particles from the cross-regional and cross-regional pollution control transport support can save particles from urban sources describe the work of time.3)To analyze the results of an in-depth analysis of sources, a clear analysis of the contribution of different sources of reasons, the results of analysis of the impact of clear weather.4)Sources describe working with particles from pollution control measures should closely integrated. Sources describe the end result is particle emissions and responses to propose practical, workable approach control5)To the gradual establishment of atmospheric particles from sources describe routine system. The rapid development of China's urban construction, particles from sources change soon. Analytical work was carried out sources and the economic base of a certain city, a pilot conventional sources can be analyzed system, for an annual or biennial atmospheric particles from sources explain, for policy makers to provide effective support.6)Strengthening local environmental protection departments at all levels to combat pollution from particles manager training. Particles from the State Administration of Environmental Protection will be the focus of serious pollution of urban related training7)Preparing comprehensive urban atmospheric particulate pollution prevention technical guidance from manual to facilitate better guidance for particulate emissions throughout Combat.3.4 the urban environment air quality standards of functional areasParty "16th Party Congress" to make a comprehensive building of a comfortable society development objectives, environmental quality improved noticeably as one of its key indicators. According to the State Council approved 113 air pollution control programme for the demarcation of key cities, in order for these environmental quality in key cities have markedly improved, and I Board are 113 key cities for overall environmental quality standards andrequirements in the 2010 air quality urban environment comprehensive functional areas required: Reasonable division of the functional areas of environmental air quality:air quality urban environment is a comprehensive set of functional divisions of the infrastructure work. My current process of rapid urbanization, urban construction and development of speed, the original functional area may have been inconsistent with the environmental requirements, the need to make proper adjustments. Cities should be based on the urban socio-economic development conditions, adjusting and improving the environmental functions of divisions, and I Board reported for the record.Urban environmental planning to meet air quality standards for ambient air quality basicobjective to control sources of pollution as the main means to focus on major pollutants andmajor sources of pollution, the use of control and the total concentration of combining control,structural adjustment and technological improvements to the integrated combination of means todevelop the urban environment planning air quality standards, promoting sustainable urbandevelopment and achieving economic and environmental "win-win". Urban environmentcomprehensive set of air quality planning major cities including atmospheric environmentalquality assessment of the situation and development trend forecasting, atmosphericenvironmental functions Division, the total control plan targets and atmospheric environmentalprotection objectives analysis, atmospheric pollution control strategies and security measuresfour parts.4 Establish environmental system4.1 Implementation of sustainable development choicesChina's modernization drive has been launched in the following conditions: The country has a large population base, its per-capita average of natural resources is low, and its economic development as well as scientific and technological level remain quite backward. Along with the growth of China's population, the development of the economy and the continuous improvement of the people's consumption level since the 1970s, the pressure on resources, which were already in rather short supply, and on the fragile environment has become greater and greater. Which road of development to choose has turned out, historically, to be an issue of paramount importance to the survival of the Chinese people as well as their posterity.The Chinese government has paid great attention to the environmental issues arising from the country's population growth and economic development, and has made protecting the environment an important aspect of the improvement of the people's living standards and quality of life. In order to promote coordinated development between the economy, the society and the environment, China enacted and implemented a series of principles, policies, laws and measures for environmental protection in the 1980s.Making environmental protection one of China's basic national policies. The prevention and control of environmental pollution and ecological destruction and the rational exploitation and utilization of natural resources are of vital importance to the country's overall interests and long-term development. The Chinese government is unswervingly carrying out the basic national policy of environmental protection.Formulating the guiding principles of simultaneous planning, simultaneous implementation and simultaneous development for economic construction, urban and rural construction and environmental construction, and combining the economic returns with social effects and environmental benefits; and carrying out the three major policies of ``prevention first and combining prevention with control,'' ``making the causer of pollution responsible for treating it and intensifying environmental management.Promulgating and putting into effect laws and regulations regarding environmental protection and placing environmental protection on a legal footing, continuously improving the statutes concerning the environment, formulating strict law-enforcement procedures and increasing the intensity of law enforcement so as to ensure the effective implementation of the environmental laws and regulations.Persisting in incorporating environmental protection into the plans for national economic and social development, introducing to it macro regulation and management under state guidance, and gradually increasing environmental protection input so as to give simultaneous consideration to environmental protection and other undertakings and ensure their coordinated development.Establishing and improving environmental protection organizations under governments at all levels, forming a rather complete environmental control system, and bringing into full play the governments' role in environmental supervision and administration.Accelerating progress in environmental science and technology. Strengthening research into basic theories, organizing the tackling of key scientific and technological problems, developing and popularizing prac"itical technology for environmental pollution prevention and control, fostering the growth of environmental protection industries, and giving initial shape to an environmental protection scientific research system.。