

2002年北京国际数学家大会(ICM 2002 北京)

2002年北京国际数学家大会(ICM 2002 北京)

2002年北京国际数学家大会(ICM 2002 北京)一 ICM2002 我国做45分钟报告的数学家第24 届国际数学家大会于2002 年8 月20 日至28 日在北京举行,有101 个国家和地区的4270 余名数学家参加了会议,其中1%来自澳洲,3%来自非洲,56%来自亚洲,16%来自美洲,24%来自欧洲。



邀请诺贝尔经济学奖获得者、美国普林斯顿大学纳什教授、纽约大学的Poovey 教授、着名量子宇宙学家霍金和首届中国国家最高科技奖获得者、本届大会主席吴文俊院士等中外着名数学家,以数学的作用和其他科学乃至对社会的影响为题作公众科普报告。


三 ICM2002 会议组织ICM2002组织委员会主席是中国数学会理事长马志明,他在大会上报告ICM2002的筹备工作与大会的有关情况。









2002年北京国际数学家大会(ICM 2002 北京)一 ICM2002 我国做45分钟报告的数学家第24 届国际数学家大会于2002 年8 月20 日至28 日在北京举行,有101 个国家和地区的4270 余名数学家参加了会议,其中1%来自澳洲,3%来自非洲,56%来自亚洲,16%来自美洲,24%来自欧洲。



作1小时大会报告的20 名国际知名数学家来自美国、法国、英国、日本、意大利、丹麦、俄罗斯等国,他们的报告代表了当今国际数学发展的最高水平。

ICM2002大会45分钟分组报告共有逻辑、代数、拓扑、数论等19 个学科组,学术交流内容涵盖十分广泛,有174名学者在各学科组作了邀请报告。



1114人作了15 分钟的小组分组报告,张贴了93 篇墙报,报告(含张贴墙报者)总人数超过1400 人。



ICM2002大会有3名华裔数学家作1 小时大会报告,他们分别是:美国麻省理工学院教授、北京大学“长江学者”田刚,华人数学家美国哈佛大学教授肖荫堂和普林斯顿大学教授张圣容,有12位我国大陆数学家作45分钟邀请报告,他们分别是:丁伟岳、王诗宬、龙以明、曲安京、严加安、张伟平、陈木法、周向宇、洪家兴、郭雷、萧树铁和葛力明,ICM2002会议是历史上华人数学家作大会报告和邀请报告人数最多的一次大会。

二 ICM2002 卫星会议、公众报告情况ICM2002举行了46 个卫星会议,为大会增添了风光。



Ladies and Gentlemen:First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the State Education Ministry, to extend the heart-felt congratulations on the opening of the International Conference on the Reform of Mathematics Curriculum and Its Education in the 21st Century, which is one of the ICM-2002 satellite conferences.ICM (International Congress of Mathematicians) is an international conference of highest-level in the field of mathematics. President Jiang Zeming, when meeting mathematics experts from both home and abroad in Oct. 2000, declared a solid support from Chinese Government for ICM-2002 to be held in Beijing, China. He also expressed his sincere hope that with this conference as the inspiration of ICM2002, China would exert herself to develop mathematics research and human resources cultivation and strive to be one of the most advanced in the world in the field of mathematics research and education in the early phase of the 21st century and thus build a solid foundation for rapid development in science and technology. The International Conference on the Reform of Mathematics Curriculum and Its Education in the 21st Century held here today, is of great significance in that curriculum is not only the essential issue(? Element/factor/component) in science education, but also the cornerstone to human resources education. Curriculum and its reform, on the otherhand, is the nucleus of educational and pedagogical reform; it is, at the same time, the core in the course of quality-oriented education.China’s mathematics education enjoys a long and glorious history and has made great contribution to human civilization. Since the adoption of the opening and reform policy, China’s mathematics education has been esteemed with great achievements. Chinese mathematics elites’ winning in International Mathematical Olympiad has become one of focuses of world attention. Nevertheless, in the all-round rapid development in science, society and individuality in the 21st century, China’s mathematics education is faced with many an urgent issue to be addressed, such as educational content which is comparatively out-dated; the dull and passive learning strategies; the overload of study; the low practical ability and creativity of students; etc. It is therefore a key program in elementary education to carry out a new reform in mathematics curriculum and mathematics education, to set up a new mathematics curriculum system, which helps the growth of personnel, meets the requirement of quality-oriented education and enhances the all-round development of individuals.Presently, a new round of elementary education curriculum reform is under way here in China. The curriculum reform itself involves creation and alternation in curriculum function and structure, educational contentand textbooks, as well as evaluation and management system. A new quality-oriented curriculum and textbook system have taken their primary shapes to meet the needs of education in the 21st century. Mathematics curriculum reform, among others, has gained initial achievement. Here, please allow me to extend our sincere gratitude to experts and scholars engaged in this project for their painstaking work.This new round of elementary education curriculum reform has presented new challenges and requirements to higher teachers’ institutions. With their academic and research resources, higher teachers’institutions must undertake the task of directing the elementary curriculum reform. Meanwhile, they must regulate their curriculum and teaching content so as to foster normal university graduates with modern educational conceptions, approaches and methods. Elementary education curriculum reform must be incorporated into their teaching content. At the same time, they must participate in designing new curriculum standards, compiling new textbooks and training teachers.International Conference on the Reform of Mathematics Curriculum and Its Education in the 21st Century covers topics in mathematics curriculum reform and mathematics education in primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities and mathematics education in otherfields. I believe this conference will exert wide and profound influence on China’s mathematics education, especially that of primary and secondary school and higher teachers’ institutions.I hope that all the scholars and experts present here communicate without reservation and cooperate so as to enhance mathematics curriculum reform and mathematics education and to make contribution to development in science, society and world civilization.Before I finish my speech, I would like to extend my best wishes to the success of the conference. May all experts present enjoy your stay in Chongqing.Thank you.。



2002年大会名誉主席陈省身在国际数学家大会开幕式上的讲话时间:2008-10-13 20:30来源:口译网作者:口译网点击:728次Speech by Chen Shing-shen欢迎大家参加本届大会。








It is my great pleasure to welcome you to this gathering. We are in an ancient country that is very different from Western Europe where modern mathematics started. In 2000, we had a mathematics year, an effort to attract more people to math. We now have a vast field and a large number of professional mathematicians whose major work is mathematics. Mathematics used to be individual work. But now we have a public. In such a situation a prime duty seems to be to make our progress available to the people. There is clearly considerable room for popular expositions. I also wonder if it is possible for research articles to be produced by a historical and popular introduction.网络现象可以说是全球化的。



参考文献:[1] 朱克强,贺力群1企业组织设计专家神经网络系统的研究[J ]1系统工程理论与实践,1998,18(3):99-102.[2] B ruce Kogu t ,N alin Ku latilaka .Operating flex ib ility ,globalm anufactu ring and the op ti on value of am u ltinati onal netw o rk [J ].M anagem en t Science ,1994,(1):123-139.[3] J ing 2Sheng Song .T he effect of lead ti m e uncertain ty in a si m p le stochastic inven to ry model [J ].M anagem en t Science ,1994,(5):603-613.[4] 黄培清1供应链管理的本质[J ]1工业工程与管理,1997,(6):12-15.[5] M C 杰克荪,金卫华,越晓康译1透过“新潮”管理法看系统管理学[J ]1系统工程理论与实践,1998,18(3):72-84.[6] 汪应洛等1灵捷制造企业设计[J ]1系统工程理论与实践,1996,(1):9-15.[7] H au L L ee ,et al .Info rm ati on disto rti on in a supp ly chain :T he bu ll w h i p effect [J ].M anagem en tScience ,1997,(4):546-558.[8] M arshall L F isher .W hat is the R igh t Supp ly Chain fo r you r P roduct [A ]?H arvard Bu siness R eview[C ],M arch 2A p ril ,1997.[9] Amo s J W ,Gib son D V .A n Exp lo rato ry M odel of A gility :Key Facilitato rs and Perfo rm anceM etrics [A ].4th A nnual A gility Fo rum Conf .P roc [C ].,A tlan ta ,1995.[10] R ick D ive .敏捷企业(下)[J ]1中国工业工程,1996,7(4):23-26.[11] 王槐林,凌大荣,刘志学1物资资源配置技术[M ]1北京:中国物资出版社,1998迎接2002年国际数学家大会在北京召开国际数学家大会(I C M )是数学科学领域中最高水平的全球性学术盛会,每四年举办一次ΛI C M 组织邀请的报告,代表了近期数学科学领域中的前沿成果与重大进展Λ加上每次开幕式上举行的有“数学诺贝尔奖”之誉的菲尔兹奖颁奖仪式、东道国政要的出席致辞以及各国媒体的追踪报道,使得历届I C M 成为科学界和舆论界举世瞩目的的盛事,在社会公众中享有很高的声誉ΛI C M 能够在一国举行,通常被看作是该国数学水平和国际学术地位提高的标志Λ因此,I C M 主办国的确定历来存在着激烈的竞争Λ在我国政府领导和相关部门的支持下,我国数学界经过几届数学会的努力,终于使申办I C M -2002(即2002年国际数学家大会)获得成功Λ大会将于2002年8月20日至28日在北京召开Λ迄今为止,I C M 大都在欧美发达国家举行,因欧美以外仅在日本举行过一次(1990,京都),因此2002年北京国际数学家大会不仅是在我国举办的第一次国际数学家大会,而且是历史上第一次在发展中国家举办的国际数学家大会,并将以21世纪的第一次国际数学家大会而载入史册Λ此次会议得到了国家主席江泽民的支持Λ他说,中国政府支持2002年在北京召开国际数学家大会,并希望藉此契机力争在下世纪初将中国的数学研究和人才培养推向世界前列,为中国今后的科技发展奠定坚实雄厚的基础Λ28系统工程理论与实践2001年3月© 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.。



2002年国际数学联盟主席帕利斯在第24届国际数学家大会的开幕词时间:2008-10-13 20:26来源:口译网作者:口译网点击:918次Speech by Jacob PalisPresident of IMU(国际数学联盟主席)Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentleman:I am greatly honored and pleased to welcome you all to ICM 2002, the 24th International Congress of Mathematicians.亲爱的同事们,女士们,先生们:我非常荣幸也很高兴地欢迎各位参加2002年国际数学家大会,第二十四届国际数学家大会。

This is in many ways a very special Congress. Indeed, it is the first in the new Millennium and, therefore, we are bringing the dreams of Cantor and Felix Klein, dreamed in the late 1900s, into the 21st Century. They realized, then, that mathematics was becoming too large and diversified a subject and that was almost impossible for one person to embrace, like probably was the case of Monge, Laplace, Lagrange and Gauss, among others, at the turn of the 19th Century. Thus, interaction among mathematicians both at a national and international level was the clear road for its development. Their dream was not only robust in time, but has grown in dimension; mathematics has become more and more international, and solidarity across countries has been increasing at a fast pace. This is occurring not only at a world basis, particularly through the activities of IMU, among which the ICM is a major event, but also in regional scenarios, as indicated by the rather recent creations of the European Mathematical Society and the Latin American and Caribbean Mathematical Union, following that of the African Mathematical Union and of the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. The first two organizations are affiliated to IMU, and we have solid relations with the last ones.从很多方面来讲,这是一个非常特殊的大会。



2002年国际数学家大会取得圆满成功新世纪世界数学界的首次最高盛会——2002年国际数学家大会(International Congress of Mathematicians 2002, 简称ICM2002),于2002年8月20日至28日在北京举行,并取得圆满成功。

ICM2002开幕式于8月20日下午在北京人民大会堂隆重举行,国家主席江泽民出席了开幕式,并应国际数学联盟(IMU)主席帕利斯(Jacob Palis)的邀请,为本届Fields奖获得者颁奖。





出席开幕式的还有:国务院副总理温家宝,全国人大常委会副委员长丁石孙,全国政协副主席宋健、朱光亚,国家有关部委的领导人,以及ICM2002名誉委员会委员、指导委员会委员,我国数学界的院士,IMU 的本届与下届领导人J.M.Ball, D.Mumford, P.A.Griffiths 等。



获得2002年Fields奖的两位数学家为:法国高等科学研究院的洛朗・拉福格(Laurent Lafforgue), 他的主要成就是在郎兰兹纲领(Langlands Program)的研究方面取得了重大进展,从而在数论与分析两大领域之间建立了新的联系。























1.“走进美妙数学花园”的数学家教育家身体力行“数学好玩”的老顽童陈省身[J], 王渝生
2.泉州:首届“走进美妙的数学花园”竞赛活动 [J], 无
3.全国第三届“走进美妙的数学花园”青少年趣味数学技能大赛(湖南省)三年级竞赛试题 [J], 黄泽成;
[J], 王凯
5.第二届“走进美妙的数学花园”中国青少年数学论坛趣味数学解题技能展示大赛[J], 苏晓玲



如何将数学史有效融入到数学教学中发表时间:2018-05-18T16:19:11.620Z 来源:《基础教育课程》2018年4月08期作者:张淑鸣[导读] 法国著名数学家包罗?朗之万说:“在数学教学中, 融入数学史百利而无一弊”。

张淑鸣(四川省乐山市第十二中学四川乐山 614000)中图分类号:G633.67 文献标识码:A 文章编号:ISSN1672-6715(2018)04-0087-01 法国著名数学家包罗?朗之万说:“在数学教学中, 融入数学史百利而无一弊”。

数学新教材上增加了许多数学史,作为一个数学教师,如何将数学史有效融入数学教学中,切实发挥以史激情、以史引趣、以史启真、以史明志的作用呢?下面就从我从事数学教学22年来具体的数学教学案例入手,谈一谈怎样将数学史有效融入到数学教学中?一、教学中通过创设情境融入数学史尽管教无定法,但任何一个学科的教学是需要情境的,用数学史实作为素材创设问题情境,这不仅有助于数学知识的学习, 也是对学生的一种文化熏陶,又准确地反映了数学的本质,还将增强学生的学习兴趣,什么样的情境进入课堂才能提高学生的兴趣呢?这不仅取决于教学内容,也取决于教师的教育理念。

例如:在讲授无理数时,我是这样创设情境的:先介绍它的历史发展:古希腊希伯索斯在用勾股定理计算边长为1 的正方形的对角线时,发现对角线的长度是一个从来没见过的“新数”,这就打破了“万物皆整数”的信条,此事在数学史上被称为第一次数学危机,因为这一“新数”的发现,引起了人们极大的恐慌,希伯索斯被投入海中处死。


问题1: 边长为1 的正方形的对角线的长度是多少?学生利用勾股定理很容易算出,问题2: 是一个整数吗?问题3: 它是一个分数吗?它是一个什么样的数呢?从这样从情境入手,步步深入,学生带着神秘感自然而然地展开本节课教学。


00年北京国际数学家大会(icm 00 北京)

00年北京国际数学家大会(icm 00 北京)

2002年北京国际数学家大会(ICM 2002 北京)一 ICM2002 我国做45分钟报告的数学家第24 届国际数学家大会于2002 年8 月20 日至28 日在北京举行,有101 个国家和地区的4270 余名数学家参加了会议,其中1%来自澳洲,3%来自非洲,56%来自亚洲,16%来自美洲,24%来自欧洲。



作1小时大会报告的20 名国际知名数学家来自美国、法国、英国、日本、意大利、丹麦、俄罗斯等国,他们的报告代表了当今国际数学发展的最高水平。

ICM2002大会45分钟分组报告共有逻辑、代数、拓扑、数论等19 个学科组,学术交流内容涵盖十分广泛,有174名学者在各学科组作了邀请报告。



1114人作了15 分钟的小组分组报告,张贴了93 篇墙报,报告(含张贴墙报者)总人数超过1400 人。



ICM2002大会有3名华裔数学家作1 小时大会报告,他们分别是:美国麻省理工学院教授、北京大学“长江学者”田刚,华人数学家美国哈佛大学教授肖荫堂和普林斯顿大学教授张圣容,有12位我国大陆数学家作45分钟邀请报告,他们分别是:丁伟岳、王诗宬、龙以明、曲安京、严加安、张伟平、陈木法、周向宇、洪家兴、郭雷、萧树铁和葛力明,ICM2002会议是历史上华人数学家作大会报告和邀请报告人数最多的一次大会。



2002年中国科协主席周光召在国际数学家大会开幕式上的讲话时间:2008-10-13 20:29来源:口译网作者:口译网点击:730次Speech by Zhou GuangzhaoVice Chairman, Standing Committee of NPC, President of the China Association for Science and Technology - CAST女士们,先生们:今天,第24届国际数学家大会在北京隆重开幕,我们感到特别高兴。


Ladies and gentlemen:Today, we are particularly overjoyed at the grand opening of the 24th International Congress of Mathematicians. On behalf of the China Association for Science and Technology and the Chinese scientific community, I would like to express our warmest welcome to participants from all over the world and our sincere congratulations to the newly awarded Fields medallists and the winner of Nevalinna Prize.我上面说感到“特别高兴”,是因为数学一向以其辉煌的智力成就而被尊为“科学的皇后”,如上一世纪哥德尔定理的提出与费马大定理的证明就是一例。




Good morning,Distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen:On behalf of Chongqing Municipal Committee of Chinese Communist Party, Chogqing Municipality Government, Chongqing Municipal Committee of Chinese People’s Congress, Chongqing Municipal Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, I would like to extend my heart-felt congratulations on the opening of the 8th Asian Logic Conference, which is one of the satellite conferences of ICM-2002 and which is co-sponsored by Southwest China Normal University, Beijing Normal University and Zhongshan University. I would also like to express my sincere welcome to all experts, scholars and guests to come and visit the beautiful Mountain City.Located in the southwest of China, upstream the Yangtze River, surrounded by the Yangtze River, Jialing River and ranges of mountains, Chongqing is well-known as the Mountain City. Consisting of 14 districts and 28 counties, it is the largest one of the four municipalities under the direct administration of the central government of China, which has an area of about 8.24 square kilometers, and a population of about 36 million.Chongqing, the young municipality, is now faced with the opportunities as well as challenges of “Developing the West and Relocating Inhabitants of the Three Georgesarea”. President Jiang Zeming, while inspecting Chongqing, called for us to take advantage of these opportunities and challenges and do our utmost to build Chongqing as the economic center upstream the Yangtze River, making it the converging point between the West China and the East China so as to play a very important role in the economic development.The Party Central Committee and the State Council also attach great importance to the role that Chongqing will play in the building of the infrastructure of the economic development of China and the Western areas. Bearing the great expectations of Chognqing’s construction and development, Chongqing undertakes three historic tasks: 1. Serving as the economic centre of the West, Chongqing is to play the leading role in the economic development of the upstream Yangtze River and Southwest China. 2. Being the biggest metropolis in the West, Chongqing is to explore the ways of promoting the development of both the urban and the rural areas. 3. As the location of the administrative institution for Three Georges project inhabitant relocation, Chongqing is to develop the economy of the Three Gorges Reservoir area and to cater to the construction of the Three Gorges Project.To accomplish the three historic tasks and to construct Chongqing as the economic centre of the upstream Yangtze River, we must stick to the implementation of the “Prospering Chongqing with Science, Technology and Education” strategy, with science and technology as the guidance and education as the basis, making full use of the scientific, technological and educational resources and attaching great importanceto the human resources optimization.Asian Logic Conference -2002 is a grand occasion for exchanges of research achievements in logic and the related fields in Asia, providing opportunities for experts and scholars in mathematical logic, computer logic and philosophical logic to exchange ideas and to communicate with each other so as to further their interaction and cooperation. I am sure this conference will further promote the development of this research field in Asia-Pacific area.The holding of this conference here in Chongqing will also achieve greater fame for Chongqing in the world. Please allow me, on behalf of the 36 million Chongqing people, to extend again our warm welcome to distinguished experts and representatives as well as our heart-felt thanks to the faculty and staff members from Southwest China Normal University, without their laborious work, this conference would come to nothing.We welcome you all to have a good look around Chongqing so as to better understand what a city Chongqing is, and we sincerely hope that you may offer us valuable suggestions for the construction and development of a brand new Chongqing.Last but not least, may all of you enjoy your stay here.Thank you.。






1.第24届国际数学家大会在北京举行 [J],
2.2004年全国青年建筑师高峰论坛召开、北京"英皇(幻变都市)建筑设计作品展及论坛"、首个照明设计研讨会在北京举行、2004健康住区国际论坛在北京举行、北京大学第二届"景观设计专业与教育"国际研讨会召开、诺曼·福斯特设计的Swiss Re保险公司总部办公楼落成、西班牙巴塞罗那2004国际论坛主会址建筑群 [J], 王颂
3.关于2002年北京国际数学家大会 [J], 陈省身
4.·迎接2002年北京国际数学家大会(四)·中国现代数学一百年 [J], 石涧
5.迎接北京2002年国际数学家大会 [J], 本刊编辑部

























【摘要】@@ 中国古代直到14世纪初叶以前,一直是数学大国,以刘徽和祖冲之为代表的中国古代数学家,曾经创造出许多领先于当时世界的数学成就.但是,从14世纪中叶以后,中国传统数学逐渐衰落了.从17世纪到19世纪,欧洲人发明以解析几何、微积分为代表的变量数学,接着创立了群论、非欧几何,使数学发展进入现代数学时期.中国却因明清两代改朝换代,清代的闭关政策,错过了发展近现代数学的大好机会.
1.国际数学家大会与华人数学家(续)——中国现代数学百年掠影 [J], 张肇炽
2.关于2002年北京国际数学家大会 [J], 陈省身
3.国际数学家大会与华人数学家--中国现代数学百年掠影 [J], 张肇炽
4.迎接北京2002年国际数学家大会 [J], 本刊编辑部
5.2002年国际数学家大会在北京举行 [J], 章梅荣

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A Welcome Speech
Good morning,
Ladies and gentlemen:
With the consent of organizing committee of ICM-2002, one of the satellite conference of ICM-2002—International Conference on the Reform of Mathematic Curriculum and Its Education in the 21st Century is held here in Chongqing. I, on behalf of all the staff members and students of Southwest China Normal University, extend our heart-felt welcome to experts from all over the world to take part in the conference.
Located in Beibei, Chongqing, Southwest China Normal University (SWNU) is one of the 71 higher education institutions which are directly under the jurisdiction of the State Education Ministry. It is a comprehensive teachers’ university consisting of liberal arts, science, engineering, fine arts, music, and physical education, with a beautiful campus of over 800,000 square metres (over 360,000 square metres of floor space).With its nationwide enrollment and career placement of students, the University functions as a nationally important institution in the Southwest region of China. It provides teachers for secondary schools and teachers' colleges and qualified personnel in various fields for socialist construction. At present there are 19 on-campus schools, departments and divisions offering 50 four-year B.A./B.Sc. degree specialties, 59 M.A./M.
Sc. degree specialties and doctorate degree specialties, 1 post-doctoral program, 23 provincially key disciplines, 16 research institutes; 5 research centers; and other research offices. Mandated by the State Education Ministry, the University also runs the Southwest-China Higher Education Teachers Training Center and the Southwest-China Higher Education Administrators Training Center. The university currently has over 2,700 faculty and staff, with over 600 professors and associate professors, including 1 member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 1 member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Presently, SWNU has over 40,000 students, including 14,000 undergraduates, 1,500 master's degrees candidates and 100 doctoral candidates.
Curriculum and Pedagogy post-doctoral specialty is one of the pioneering post-doctoral specialties in China, which was led by the distinguished educator Prof. Zhang Furong. Up to now, it has already had more than 20 graduates. Mathematics Education, as one of its research branches, has its own distinctive features and merits, achieving a lot in research. To cater to the development of the reform in basic education, the researches of this research branch mainly focus on the elementary and secondary mathematics curriculum and teaching theories.
ICM-2002 is a splendid occasion for mathematicians. The conference is the first held in the developing countries, symbolizing the rising status of mathematics
research academy of China and its significance and influence will be long remembered. As one of the satellite conference of ICM-2002—International Conference on the Reform of Mathematic Curriculum and Its Education in the 21st Century is held by our university, symbolizing the trust granted by the ICM to our university, and will surely encourage us more in our future research and study and the educational reforms. Thus, we will work hard to create an ideal environment for the academic communication and exchange between experts so as to make the occasion a successful one.
Chongqing, the youngest municipality in China, has a profound cultural heritage and a lot of scenic spots. Once again, I, on behalf of Southwest China Normal University, sincerely welcome all experts from home and abroad to experience Chongqing and enjoy the beautiful sceneries of the Three Gorges, the Dazu Stone Carvings and the western cultural heritages. I would also like to invite all of you to visit Southwest China Normal University and experience our beautiful campus.
President Qiu Yuhui
Prof./Doctoral Supervisor。
