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而近期上市的V6000HDS更是在性能上进一步提高,实现了768P高清解码,同时具备更优秀的电源管理,据之前的宣传和内部人员透露,V6000HDS采用的解码芯片和之前的V6000HDM、V6000HDA、V6000HDG 都不同,究竟是何方神圣呢?我们带着各种疑问,决定将V6000HDS进行拆机,来一探究竟。













深圳市国显科技大厦项目进度1. 项目背景深圳市国显科技大厦项目是一项位于深圳市的重大建设项目,旨在打造一个现代化、高效率的科技大厦,为科技公司提供办公、研发和创新孵化的场所。


2. 项目规划深圳市国显科技大厦项目占地面积约为X万平方米,总建筑面积约为Y万平方米。



3. 项目进展3.1 前期准备工作项目前期准备工作于20XX年X月启动,包括土地招拍挂、项目规划设计、环境评估等。


3.2 土地开发与基础设施建设土地开发工作于20XX年X月正式开始,包括土地平整、基础设施建设等。



3.3 建筑设计与施工建筑设计于20XX年X月完成,并经过相关部门的审核和批准。




3.4 设备安装与调试随着建筑的逐步完工,设备安装工作于20XX年X月开始进行。



3.5 内部装修与配套设施建设内部装修工作于20XX年X月开始,包括办公区、研发区、会议中心、餐饮区等的装修和布置。


3.6 竣工验收与交付使用项目竣工验收工作将在所有工程完成后进行。








深圳国显科技有限公司Shenzhen K&D Technology Co. LtdSPECIFICATION SPECIFICATIONFOR FORLCD MOD LCD MODULE ULE ULECustomer :Product Model: KD KD KD101N 101N 101N22-40N A -A 1 Designed byChecked byApproved by※The specification of “TBD” should refer to the measured value of sample . If there is difference between the design specification and measured value, we naturally shall negotiate and agree to solution with customer.Sample code:Revision HistoryVersion Contents Date NoteA Original 2011.2.16ContentsNo. Item Page1. Numbering System 4/182 Scope 5/183 Normative Reference 5/184 Definitions5/185 Block Diagram7/186 Technology Specifications7/187 Reliability Test Condition and Methods 15/188 Handling Precautions15/189 Precaution for use17/1810 Package Drawing17/18 11Outline Dimension 18/181. Numbering System— —(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)2. ScopeThis specification applies to the TFT LCD module which is designed and manufactured by LCM Factory of Shenzhen K&D Technology Co. Ltd.3. Normative ReferenceGB/T4619-1996 《Liquid Crystal Display Test Method》GB/T2424 《Basic environmental Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products.》GB/T2423 《Basic Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products》IEC61747-1 《SIXTH PARTGB2828`2829-87《National Standard of PRC》4. Definitions4.1 Definitions of VopThe definitions of threshold voltage Vth1, Vth2 the following typical waveforms are applied on liquid crystal by the method of equalized voltage for each duty and bias.【selected waveform 】【non-selected waveform 】①Vth1: The voltage which the brightness of segment indicates 50% of saturated value on the conditions of selected waveform(f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at 25℃)②Vth2: The voltage which the brightness of segment indicates 50% of saturated value on the conditions of non-selected waveform(f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at 25℃)③Vop: (Vth1(50%)+Vth2(50%))/2 (f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at 25℃)4.2 Definition of Response Time Tr, Td①Tr: The time required which the brightness of segmentbecomes 10% from 100% when waveform is switched toselected one from non-selected one. (f f=80Hz,℃Φ=10°θ=270°at 25)②segmentTd: The time required which the brightness ofbecomes 90% from 10% when waveform is switched toselected one from selected one. (f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at℃25)4.3 Definition of Contrast Ratio CrCr=A/B① A: Segments brightness in case of non-selected waveform ② B: Segments brightness in case of selected waveform4.4 Definition of Angle and Viewing RangeAngular Graph: Constrast RatioSuch as:Viewing Angle Range:80(Cr>2) Horizontal 70(Cr>2) Vertical5. Block Diagram6. Technology Specifications6.1 FeaturesThis single-display module is suitable for use in Net Book products.The LCD adopts one backlight with High brightness 27-lamps white LED. Construction: 10.1〞а-Si color TFT-LCD ,White LED backlight, FPC and T-CON.6.3 Interface Pin ConnectionConnector CN1 is used for electronics interface. The recommended model is IPEX-20455-040E-12 manufactured by IPEX.Pin No. Symbol Function1 NC No Connection(Reserve)2 VDD Power Supply,3.3V(typical)3 VDD Power Supply,3.3V(typical)4 V_EDID EDID 3.3V power5 NC No Connection(Reserve)6 CLK_EDID EDID Clock7 DATA_EDID EDID Data8 Rin0- - LVDS differential data input(R0-R5,G0)9 Rin0+ + LVDS differential data input(R0-R5,G0)10 GND Ground11 Rin1- - LVDS differential data input(G1-G5,B0-B1)12 Rin1+ +LVDS differential data input(G1-G5,B0-B1)13 GND Ground14 Rin2- - LVDS differential data input(B2-B5,HS,VS,DE)15 Rin2+ +LVDS differential data input(B2-B5,HS,VS,DE)16 GND Ground17 ClkIN- -LVDS differential clock input18 ClkIN+ +LVDS differential clock input19 GND Ground20 NC No Connection(Reserve)21 NC No Connection(Reserve)22 GND Ground23 NC No Connection(Reserve)24 NC No Connection(Reserve)25 GND Ground26 NC No Connection(Reserve)27 NC No Connection(Reserve)28 GND Ground29 NC No Connection(Reserve)30 NC No Connection(Reserve)31 GND Ground32 GND Ground33 GND Ground34 NC No Connection(Reserve)35 PWM LED BLU Brightness Control(Note 1,2)36 LED-EN/NC LED Converter Enable(3.3V)/NC37 NC No Connection(Reserve)38 VLED LED Converter Input Power(5V~21V)39 VLED LED Converter Input Power(5V~21V)40 VLED LED Converter Input Power(5V~21V)Note1: PWM is used to adjust the B/Lbrightness.Note 2: PWM signal=0~3.3V, Operation Frequency:100 Hz~20KHz,6.4 Absolute Max. RatingValuesItem SymbolUnitMin. Max.V CC -0.3 4.0 V Power VoltageV LED-0.3 5.5 V Input Signal Voltage V I -0.3 V CC V Operation Temperature T OP 0 50 ℃Storage Temperature T ST -20 60 ℃6.5 Typical Operation ConditionsValuesUnit Item SymbolMin. Typ. Max.V CC 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Power VoltageV LED 4.5 5.0 5.5 VI CC- 160 - mACurrent ConsumptionI LED- 460 - mA6.6 Power SequencePower Supply VccData SignalADJt 4 50mSec ≧Note: Data Signal includes Rin0- ~ Rin2-,Rin0+ ~ Rin2+,CLKIN- , CLKIN+.6.7 Timing ConditionsSwitching CharacteristicsValues ItemSymbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark RxCLKIN Period t RCP 11.76 T 50 ns Note 1 RxCLKIN High Time t RCH - T/2 - ns RxCLKIN Low Timet RCL - T/2 - ns PAD0/1 to RxCLKIN Delay t RCD - 3T/7 - ns Data Setup to RxCLKIN t RS 1.9 - - ns Data Hold from RxCLKINt RH 3.0 - - nsInput Data Position 0(T=11.76ns) T RIP1 -0.4 0 0.4 ns Note 2 Input Data Position 1(T=11.76ns) T RIP0 T/7-0.4 T/7 T/7+0.4 ns Note 2 Input Data Position 2(T=11.76ns) T RIP6 2T/7-0.4 2T/7 2T/7+0.4 ns Note 2 Input Data Position 3(T=11.76ns) T RIP5 3T/7-0.4 3T/7 3T/7+0.4 ns Note 2 Input Data Position 4(T=11.76ns) T RIP4 4T/7-0.4 4T/7 4T/7+0.4 ns Note 2 Input Data Position 5(T=11.76ns) T RIP3 5T/7-0.4 5T/7 5T/7+0.4 ns Note 2 Input Data Position 6(T=11.76ns) T RIP26T/7-0.46T/76T/7+0.4nsNote 2Input Timming(only for DE Mode)Parameter Min Typ Max Unit H-Total 1185 1344 1800 CLK H-Active 1024 1024 1024 CLK H-Blanking 161 320 776 CLK V-Total 628 635 650 LINE V-Active 600 600 600 LINE V-Blanking 28 35 50LINETiming Diagram6.8 Optical specifications Values ItemSymbolConditionMin. Typ. Max. UnitRemarkθL Φ=180°(9 o’clock) - 60 - θR Φ=0°(3 o’clock) - 60 - θT Φ=90°(12 o’clock) - 30 - Viewing angle (CR ≥ 10) θB Φ=270°(6 o’clock)- 50 - degreeNote 1Response time Rise+Fall T RT - 16 25 msec Note 3 Contrast ratio CR 400 500 - -Note 4 W X 0.28 0.31 0.35 - Color chromaticityW Y 0.29 0.33 0.36 - Note 2 Note 5 Note 6 Luminance L - 200 - - Note 6 Luminance uniformityY UNormal θ=Φ=0°7075-%Note 6,7Note 1: Definition of viewing angle rangeFig. 4-1 Definition of viewing angleNote 2: Definition of optical measurement system.The optical characteristics should be measured in dark room. After 30 minutes operation, the optical properties are measured at the center point of the LCD screen. (Viewing angle is measured by ELDIM-EZ contrast/Height :1.2mm ,Response time is measured by Photo detector TOPCON BM-7, other items are measured by BM-5A/Field of view: 1° /Height: 500mm.)Normal lineθ=Φ=0° Φ=270°6 o’clock directionΦ=0°ΦΦ=0°Φ=180°Normal lineFig. 4-2 Optical measurement system setupNote 3: Definition of Response timeThe response time is defined as the LCD optical switching time interval between “White” state and “Black” state. Rise time (T ON ) is the time between photo detector output intensity changed from 90% to 10%. And fall time (T OFF ) is the time between photo detector output intensity changed from 10% to 90%.Fig. 4-3 Definition of response timeNote 4: Definition of contrast ratiostate Black"" the on LCDwhen measured Luminance stateWhite"" the on LCD when measured Luminance (CR) ratio Contrast =Note 5: Definition of color chromaticity (CIE1931)Color coordinates measured at center point of LCD.Note 6: All input terminals LCD panel must be ground while measuring the centerarea of the panel. The LED driving condition is V LED =5.0V.90%10% 0%P h o t o d e t e c t o r o u t p u t (R e l a t i v e v a l u e )ONWhite (TFT OFF)Black (TFT ON)White (TFT OFF)Note 7: Definition of Luminance UniformityActive area is divided into 9 measuring areas (Refer to Fig. 4-4 ).Every measuring point is placed at the center of each measuring area.max min B B (Yu)Uniformity Luminance =L-------Active area length W----- Active area widthFig. 4-4 Definition of measuring pointsB max : The measured maximum luminance of all measurement position. B min : The measured minimum luminance of all measurement position.7. Reliability Test Conditions And MethodsItem Test Conditions Remark High Temperature Storage Ta = 80℃96 hrsLow Temperature Storage Ta =-30℃96hrsHigh Temperature Operation Ts = 70℃96hrsLow Temperature Operation Ta = -20℃96hrsOperate at High Temperature and Humidity +60, 90%RH max.℃96 hrs OperationThermal Shock -20~ +℃70℃ 100 cycles 2Hrs/cycle Non-operationElectrostatic Discharge Contact=±4KV, class B Air=±8KV, class BVibration Test Frequency range:8~33.3HzStroke:1.3mmSweep:2.9G 33.3~400Hz2 hours for each direction of X. Y. Z.(6 hours for total)Non-operationJIS C7021,A-10ConditionA:15minutesMechanical Shock 100G 6ms,±X, ±Y, ±Z 3 times for eachdirectionNon-operationJIS C7021,A-7ConditionCVibration(With Carton) Random Vibration :0.015G*G/Hz from 5-200HZ,-6dB/Octave from 200-500HZIEC68-34Drop(With Carton) Height:60 cm1 corner, 3 edges, 6 surfacesElectro Static Discharge ± 2KV, Human Body Mode, 100pF/1500Ω8. Handling Precautions8.1 Mounting methodThe LCD panel of Daxian LCD module consists of two thin glass plates with polarizes which easily be damaged. And since the module in so constructed as to be fixed by utilizing fitting holes in the printed circuit board.Extreme care should be needed when handling the LCD modules.8.2 Caution of LCD handling and cleaningWhen cleaning the display surface, Use soft cloth with solvent[recommended below] and wipe lightlyIsopropyl alcoholEthyl alcoholDo not wipe the display surface with dry or hard materials that will damage the polarizer surface.Do not use the following solvent:WaterAromaticsDo not wipe ITO pad area with the dry or hard materials that will damage the ITO patternsDo not use the following solvent on the pad or prevent it from being contaminated:Soldering fluxChlorine (Cl) , Salfur (S)If goods were sent without being sili8con coated on the pad, ITO patterns could be damaged due to the corrosion as time goes on.If ITO corrosion happen by miss-handling or using some materials such as Chlorine (CI), Salfur (S) from customer, Responsibility is on customer.8.3 Caution against static chargeThe LCD module use C-MOS LSI drivers, so we recommended that you: Connect any unused input terminal to Vdd or Vss, do not input any signals before power is turned on, and ground your body, work/assembly areas, assembly equipment to protect against static electricity.8.4 packingModule employ LCD elements and must be treated as such.Avoid intense shock and falls from a height.To prevent modules from degradation, do not operate or store them exposed direct to sunshine or high temperature/humidity8.5 Caution for operationIt is an indispensable condition to drive LCD’s within the specified voltage limit since the higher voltage then the limit cause the shorter LCD life.An electrochemical reaction due to direct current causes LCD’s undesirable deterioration, so that the use of direct current drive should be avoided.Response time will be extremely delayed at lower temperature then the operating temperature range and on the other hand at higher temperature LCD’s how dark color in them. However those phenomena do not mean malfunction or out of order with LCD’s, which will come back in the specified operation temperature.If the display area is pushed hard during operation, some font will be abnormally displayed but it resumes normal condition after turning off once.A slight dew depositing on terminals is a cause for electro-chemical reactionresulting in terminal open circuit.Usage under the maximum operating temperature, 50%Rh or less is required.8.6 storageIn the case of storing for a long period of time for instance, for years for the purpose or replacement use, the following ways are recommended.Storage in a polyethylene bag with the opening sealed so as not to enter fresh air outside in it . And with no desiccant.Placing in a dark place where neither exposure to direct sunlight nor light’s keeping the storage temperature range.Storing with no touch on polarizer surface by the anything else.[It is recommended to store them as they have been contained in the inner container at the time of delivery from us8.7 SafetyIt is recommendable to crash damaged or unnecessary LCD’s into pieces andwash off liquid crystal by either of solvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should be burned up later.When any liquid leaked out of a damaged glass cell comes in contact with your hands, please wash it off well with soap and water9. Precaution for use9.1A limit sample should be provided by the both parties on an occasion when the both parties agreed its necessity. Judgment by a limit sample shall take effect after the limit sample has been established and confirmed by the both parties.9.2On the following occasions, the handing of problem should be decided through discussion and agreement between responsible of the both parties.When a question is arisen in this specificationWhen a new problem is arisen which is not specified in this specifications When an inspection specifications change or operating condition change in customer is reported to Daxian , and some problem is arisen in this specification due to the changeWhen a new problem is arisen at the customer’s operating set for sample evaluation in the customer site.10. Package Drawing11. Outline Dimension。



深圳国显科技有限公司Shenzhen K&D Technology Co.,LtdSPECIFICATIONFORLCD MODULECustomer:Product Model: KD50G2-40NM-A2Sample code:Designed by Checked by Approved by※The specification of “TBD” should refer to the measured value of sample . If there is difference between the design specification and measured value, we naturally shall negotiate and agree toRevision HistoryVersion Contents Date NoteA Original 2008.12.19ContentsNo. Item Page1. Numbering System 4/242 Scope 5/243 Normative Reference 5/244 Definitions5/245 Technology Specifications7/246 Circuit block diagram 11/247 Reliability Test Condition and Methods 15/218 Inspection standard16/219 Handling Precautions22/2410 Precaution for use23/2411 Dimensional Outline24241 Numbering System—(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)2 ScopeThis specification applies to the TFT LCD module which is designed and manufactured by LCM Factory of Shenzhen K&D Technology Co.,Ltd.3 Normative ReferenceGB/T4619-1996 《Liquid Crystal Display Test Method》GB/T2424 《Basic environmental Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products.》GB/T2423 《Basic Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products》IEC61747-1 《SIXTH PARTGB2828`2829-87《National Standard of PRC》4 Definitions4.1 Definitions of VopThe definitions of threshold voltage Vth1, Vth2 the following typical waveforms are applied on liquid crystal by the method of equalized voltage for each duty and bias.【 selected waveform 】【 non-selected waveform 】① Vth1: The voltage which the brightness of segment indicates 50% of saturated value on the conditions of selected waveform(f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at 25℃)② Vth2: The voltage which the brightness of segment indicates 50% of saturated value on the conditions of non-selected waveform(f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at 25℃)③ Vop: (Vth1(50%)+Vth2(50%))/2 (f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at 25℃)4.2 Definition of Response Time Tr, Td①Tr: The time required which the brightness of segmentbecomes 10% from 100% when waveform is switched toselected one from non-selected one. (f f=80Hz,℃Φ=10°θ=270°at 25)becomes 90% from 10% when waveform is switched toselected one from selected one. (f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at ℃25)4.3 Definition of Contrast Ratio CrCr=A/B① A: Segments brightness in case of non-selected waveform② B: Segments brightness in case of selected waveform4.4 Definition of Angle and Viewing RangeAngular Graph: Constrast RatioSuch as:Viewing Angle Range:80(Cr>2) Horizontal70(Cr>2) Vertical5 Technology Specifications5.1 FeatureThis single-display module is suitable for use in Multidedia Player products.The LCD adopts one backlight with High brightness 12-lamps white LED.1) Construction: 5.0〞а-Si color TFT-LCD ,White LED backlight, FPC.2) LCD:2.1 Amorphous-TFT 5.0-inch display, transmissive, normally white type.2.2 800(RGB)×480 dots Matrix.2.3 Narrow-contact ledge technique.2.4 LCD Driver IC: HX8258A ×2 and HX8662C × 1.3) Low cross talk by frame rate modulation.4) RGB interface.5) Video signal interface: Parallel RGB or serial.5.2Mechanical SpecificationsUnit Item Specifications Dimensional outline 118.50(W) ×77.55(H)×3.1 Max(T) mmActive area 108.0(W) ×64.8 (H) mmPixel size 135(W) ×135(H) umResolution 800(RGB) × 480pixel5.3 Absolute Max. RatingSymbol ValueUnit RemarkItemMaxMintypLogic power supply DVDD 3.0 3.3 3.6 VDriver power supply AVDD - 12 - VInput high voltage V IH0.7DVDD- DVDD V0.3DVDD VInput low voltage V IL0 -Operating temperature T OPR-20 +70 ℃Storage temperature T STG-30 +80 ℃Clock frequency F CLK- 9 15 MHzNote1Note: For parallel RGB interface, maximum clock frequency is 15MHz,For serial RGB interface, maximum clock frequency is 33MHz,5.4 Electrical Characteristics (VSS=0V,Ta=-20 to 70°C)5.5 Optical specifications5.6 LED back light specification (12 White Chips)Item Symbol Condition Min Typ Max UnitForward Voltage Vf lf=40mA 18 19.2 20.4 V Uniformity (with L/G) ΔB plf =40mA 80 - - % Luminance for LCD L V If =40mA 5200- - cd/m 2LED CIRCUIT5.7 Interface Pin ConnectionsPIN NO. Symbol Description1 LED-K LED backlight(Cathode)2 LED-A LED backlight(anode)3 GND Ground4VDDPower supply (Digital +3.0V)5-12 R0-R7 Red Data 13-20 G0-G7 Green Data 21-28 B0-B7 Blue Data 29 GND Ground 30 CLK Clodk 31 DISPDisplayon/off32 HSYNC Horizontal sync input in RGB mode (short toGND if not used)33 VSYNC Vertical sync input in RGB mode (short toGND if not used)34 DEN DataEnable35 AVDD Power supply 12V36 GND GroundX-Right)37 NC(XR NC(T/pY-Bottom)38 NC(YD) NC(T/pX-Left)39 NC(XL) NC(T/pY-Up)40 NC(YU) NC(T/p6 Signal timing diagram and Circuit block diagram6.1 Circuit block diagramTP Circuit6.2 Signal Timing Diagram 6.2.1 Power ON/OFF Sequence6.2.2 Reset timingThe reset input must be held for at least 1ms after power is stable.6.2.3 Timing Diagram of interface Signal6.2.4 Gate Driver Timing Control7 Reliability Test Conditions And MethodsNO ItemConditionMethod1 High / Low Temperature Storage80℃/-30℃ 120hrsCheck and record every 48Hrs2High / Low Temperature Life 70℃/-20℃ 120hrs (operatingmode) Check and record every 48Hrs3HighTemperature 、 High Humidity Operating60℃,90% RH, 96HrsCheck and record every 48hrs4 Thermal Shock-30℃(30Min ) 25℃(5Min)80℃(30Min)(conversion time, : 5 sec ) 20cyclesEach 10 cycles end ,check5 Vibration 10Hz~55Hz~10HzAmplitude: 1.5mm2hrs for each direction(X,Y ,Z) Each direction end,Check the Appearance andElectrical Characteristics 6 Static Electricity Gap mood: ±1KV~±8KV (10 times air discharge withpositive/negative voltagevoltage gap : 1kv) Touch mood: ±1KV~±4KV Each discharge end, Check the Electrical Characteristics7 Curve60 Thousand times, 40times/min 150°( according to die if exist)Check and recordevery2~4 thousand times8 SlumpFree faller movement for each side 、cording 、angle (75cmHigh 、6 sides 、2 angle 、2cording)End8 Inspection standardNoItem Criterion01 OutlineDimensionIn accord with drawing02 Position-findingDimensionAssemble DimensionIn accord with drawingx x9 Handling Precautions9.1 Mounting methodThe LCD panel of Daxian LCD module consists of two thin glass plates with polarizes which easily be damaged. And since the module in so constructed as to be fixed by utilizing fitting holes in the printed circuit board.Extreme care should be needed when handling the LCD modules.9.2 Caution of LCD handling and cleaningWhen cleaning the display surface, Use soft cloth with solvent[recommended below] and wipe lightlyz Isopropyl alcoholz Ethyl alcoholDo not wipe the display surface with dry or hard materials that will damage the polarizer surface.Do not use the following solvent:z Waterz AromaticsITO patternsDo not use the following solvent on the pad or prevent it from being contaminated:z Soldering fluxz Chlorine (Cl) , Salfur (S)If goods were sent without being sili8con coated on the pad, ITO patterns could be damaged due to the corrosion as time goes on.If ITO corrosion happen by miss-handling or using some materials such as Chlorine (CI), Salfur (S) from customer, Responsibility is on customer.9.3 Caution against static chargeThe LCD module use C-MOS LSI drivers, so we recommended that you: Connect any unused input terminal to Vdd or Vss, do not input any signals before power is turned on, and ground your body, work/assembly areas, assembly equipment to protect against static electricity.9.4 packingz Module employ LCD elements and must be treated as such.z Avoid intense shock and falls from a height.z To prevent modules from degradation, do not operate or store them exposed direct to sunshine or high temperature/humidity9.5 Caution for operationz It is an indispensable condition to drive LCD’s within the specified voltage limit since the higher voltage then the limit cause the shorter LCD life.z An electrochemical reaction due to direct current causes LCD’s undesirable deterioration, so that the use of direct current drive should be avoided.z Response time will be extremely delayed at lower temperature then the operating temperature range and on the other hand at higher temperature LCD’s how dark color in them. However those phenomena do not mean malfunction or out of order with LCD’s, which will come back in the specified operation temperature.z If the display area is pushed hard during operation, some font will be abnormally displayed but it resumes normal condition after turning off once.z A slight dew depositing on terminals is a cause for electro-chemical reaction resulting in terminal open circuit.Usage under the maximum operating temperature, 50%Rh or less is required.9.6 storageIn the case of storing for a long period of time for instance, for years for the purpose or replacement use, the following ways are recommended.z Storage in a polyethylene bag with the opening sealed so as not to enter fresh air outside in it . And with no desiccant.z Placing in a dark place where neither exposure to direct sunlight nor light’s keeping the storage temperature range.z Storing with no touch on polarizer surface by the anything else.[It is recommended to store them as they have been contained in the inner container at the time of delivery from us9.7 Safetyz It is recommendable to crash damaged or unnecessary LCD’s into pieces and wash off liquid crystal by either of solvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should be burned up later.z When any liquid leaked out of a damaged glass cell comes in contact with your hands, please wash it off well with soap and water10 Precaution for use10.1A limit sample should be provided by the both parties on an occasion when the both parties agreed its necessity. Judgment by a limit sample shall take effect after the limit sample has been established and confirmed by the both parties.10.2On the following occasions, the handing of problem should be decided through discussion and agreement between responsible of the both parties.z When a question is arisen in this specificationz When a new problem is arisen which is not specified in this specificationsz When an inspection specifications change or operating condition change in customer is reported to Daxian , and some problem is arisen in this specification due to the changez When a new problem is arisen at the customer’s operating set for sample evaluation in the customer site.11 Dimensional Outline。



北京阿格蕾雅科技发展有限公司Beijing Aglaia Technology Development Co.,Ltd.深圳市安元达电子有限公司Anyuanda (Shenzhen) electrnics Ltd北京八亿时空液晶材料科技有限公司BeiJing Bayi Space LCD Materials Technology Co.,Ltd.深圳市宝莱德光电科技有限公司Shenzhen POWLED Optoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.深圳市蓓蕾电子有限公司/深圳市图无限电子科技有限公司Shenzhen Forise Electroinc Co.,Ltd博源科电子(深圳)有限公司EverShine Electronic(Shen Zhen) Limited.深圳市创显光电有限公司Shenzhen CreateLED Electronics Co., Ltd.广州大恒自动化设备有限公司Gangzhou Daheng Automation Equipment Co.,Ltd固安迪诺普科技有限公司Dinops.深圳帝光电子有限公司Shenzhen Diguang Electronics Co.,Ltd帝闻电子有限公司Dee Van Electronics Co., Ltd.东泰(昆山)真空镀膜工程有限公司Tungtay(Kunshan)Vacuum Coating Engineering Co.,Ltd.中国电子科技集团公司第二研究所The Second Research Institute Of China Electronics Technology GroupCorporation东莞市飞新达精密机械科技有限公司Dongguan Feixinda Precision Machine Science&Technology Co.,Ltd. 费斯托(中国)有限公司深圳分公司Festo瑞安市丰日机械有限公司Ruian Fengri Machinery Co.,Ltd深圳市福和达电子设备有限公司ShenZhen FOR AHEAD Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd香港大学The University of Hong Kong (HKU)深圳市港龙网印机械有限公司Shenzhen Ganglong Printing Machine Co.,Ltd.深圳市格恩商务咨询有限公司Anglian Business Consulting Services Ltd深圳市冠航洁净室工程有限公司SZ Goldsun Cleanroom Eng.Co.,Ltd.Shenzhen K&D Technology Co.,Ltd深圳市海大欣宇净化设备技术有限公司shenzhen haidaxinyu purification Equipment Techology Co.,Ltd. 深圳市国冶星光电子有限公司Shenzhen Guoyexing Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd.深圳市航泰光电有限公司Shenzhen Hotatouch Optics Co.,Ltd.合力泰国际有限公司Quality Microeletronics International Co.,Ltd.深圳市宏金丽光电科技有限公司Foxgolden Group Limted湖北弗莱克斯冷光有限公司Flexmedia Co., Ltd.华宏新技有限公司Wahhong Industrial Corp.华凌光电(常熟)有限公司Winstr Display Co.,Ltd.广州市回天精细化工有限公司Guangzhou Huitian Fine Chemical Co.,Ltd深圳市极而峰工业设备有限公司ShenZhen KEF industrial equipment Co., Ltd.深圳市集银科技有限公司Shen Zhen Jiyin Technology Co.,Ltd.京东方科技集团股份有限公司BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.深圳晶辰电子科技股份有限公司Shenzhen Jewel Electric Technology Co.,Ltd.深圳市晶向科技有限公司Shenzhen Jingxiang Technology Co.,Ltd.北京精雕科技有限公司Beijing Jingdiao Co., Ltd.昆山九合机电空调有限公司Topwell Engineering Co.,Ltd.深圳市九晟光电通讯科技有限公司Shenzhen TOPLED Optotech Co., Ltd.深圳市凯福科技有限公司Shenzhen Kaifu Technolgy Co.,Ltd东莞市具良电子贸易有限公司EZBOND TRADING Co., Ltd.深圳康成照明科技有限公司Shenzhen Kangcheng lighting Tech Co., Ltd.深圳市科标净化设备有限公司ShenZhen KB cleanroom systems co., ltd.Legend Technology Development Co.,Ltd.深圳雷曼光电科技有限公司Ledman Optoelectronic Co., Ltd.济南力骜太敬自动化有限公司LIO Taijing Automation Co.,Ltd.深圳市联得自动化机电设备有限公司Shenzhen Liande Automation Equipment Co.,Ltd深圳市丽晶光电科技有限公司Shenzhen Lightking Optoelectronics TECH Group深圳市联德合微电子有限公司Shenzhen Land hope Micro-Electronics Ltd.深圳市联合光电显示有限公司Shenzhen Union Opto-Electronic Display Co.,Ltd联建(中国)科技有限公司深圳分公司United Win(China)Technology Ltd.Shenzhen汕头市灵迪机械设备有限公司Shantou Lingdi Equipment Co.,Ltd.北京凌云光视数字图像技术有限公司LUSTER LightVision Co.,Ltd.深圳市路维电子有限公司Shenzhen Newway Electronic Co.,Ltd.深圳市纳微科技有限公司Shenzhen Nano-Micro Technology Co.,Ltd.深圳清溢光电股份有限公司Qingyi Precision Maskmaking (Shenzhen) Co.Ltd擎茂微电子(深圳)有限公司DMS Microelectronics Ltd.深圳市三力自动化设备有限公司Shenzhen Sanli Automa Tization Equipment Co,Ltd.深圳市三鑫精美特玻璃有限公司Shenzhen Jmt Glass Co., Ltd.深圳市三兴精密工业设备有限公司Shenzhen sunhing precision industrial equipment co., ltd.深圳尚维高科电子科技有限公司ShenZhen ShangWei GaoKe Electronics Science and Technology Limted Company 深圳市深科达气动设备有限公司Shen Zhen Shen Ke Da Pneumatic Equipment Co. Ltd.深圳擎雷科技发展有限公司Shenzhen Qinglei Technology Development Co.,Ltd.深圳市晶贝尔光电科技有限公司ShenZhen Kingbaal optoelectronic technology co.,ltd深圳市富士新华电子科技有限公司Shenzhen Fujisunwah Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.Hard & Soft Technology Co., Ltd.深圳斯麦罗克科技有限公司Shenzhen Semiloc Technologies Co., Ltd.深圳市易事达电子有限公司shenzhen Eastar electronic Co.,Ltd深圳市斯派克光电科技有限公司Shenzhen SPARK Optoelectronics S&T Co.,Ltd昆山菘启温控科技有限公司淄博溯源新材料科技有限公司Zibo Suyuan New Materials Technology Co.,Ltd. 太原风华信息装备股份有限公司TaiYuan FengHua Information-equipment co.,LTD 腾讯国际有限公司Fastylink InternAtional Co.,Ltd.深圳市天之骄净化技术有限公司Shenzhen Tianzhijiao Cleanroom Systems Co.,Ltd. 深圳市通普科技有限公司Shenzhen TOP Technology Co.,Ltd.广州同华实业有限公司Guangzhou Tinsharp Industrial co.,ltd深圳市网印巨星机电设备有限公司Shenzhen Screen-star Printing Machinery Co.,Ltd 深圳市威明科技有限公司Shenzhen Weiming Technology Co., Ltd.玮锋科技股份有限公司Ultra-Pak Industries Co.,Ltd.深圳星亚胜科技有限公司Shenzhen Xingyasheng Technology Co.,Ltd.深圳市鑫宝宏电子有限公司Shenzhen Shi Kin-Track Electronics Co.,Ltd.深圳市信鹏长寿塑胶电子厂XPLL Enterprise Ltd.东芝机械株式会社TOSHIBA MACHINE CO.,LTD深圳市平板显示行业协会Shenzhen Flat Panel Display Industry Association 深圳市兴业卓辉实业有限公司X&Y International Industrial Co.,Ltd深圳市宜极邦机电设备有限公司Shenzhen Yijibond Equipment Co., Ltd深圳市亚威广告有限公司Shenzhen YAWEI Advertising Co.,Ltd大连亿盛达机电设备有限公司Dalian Estar Electronic&Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd.深圳市宝盛电子技术有限公司ShenZhen Baosheng Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd东莞市奕东电子有限公司YiDong Electronic Co.,Ltd.深圳市溢洋科技开发有限公司Shen Zhen Ebulent Technologies Development Co., Ltd.深圳市永盛旺实业有限公司/ 深圳市永盛旺环境科技有限公司Shenzhen Yong Sheng Wang Environment Technology Co.,LTD余姚市宇达实业有限公司Yuyao Yuda Industrial Co.,Ltd深圳市元亨光电股份有限公司Yaham Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.元中光学仪器国际贸易上海有限公司Creative Inspection System.深圳市远丰精密机电有限公司Shenzhen Yuanfeng Precision Mechatronics Co., Ltd.深圳市愿景光电子有限公司Shenzhen Sinolight Optronics Co., Ltd.深圳市振海标签印刷有限公司Shenzhen ZhenHai Printing Co., Ltd.深圳市中建南方净化设备有限公司Shenzhen Zhongjian South Wand Clean Equipment Co.,Ltd.株式会社TMAYTMAY CO., LTD.深圳市众人行科技发展有限公司Shenzhen ZhongRenXing Technology Developnent Co., Ltd.住化电子贸易(上海)有限公司Sumika Electronic Materials Trading(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.财团法人光电科技工业协进会Photonics Industry & Technology Development Association (PIDA) 深圳市金开利环境工程有限公司Kingcarrier Environment Engineering Co., Ltd.深圳市易天自动化设备有限公司Shenzhen ETmade Automatic Equipment Co., Ltd.深圳市安品有机硅材料有限公司Shenzhen Anpin silicone material co.,ltd深圳市奥讯龙科技有限公司Shenzhen OXLON Technology Co.,Ltd.广州市葆力孚化工科技有限公司Guangzhou Polyforte Chemical Technology Co.,Ltd.德普特集团DPT-GROUP深圳市都乐光电有限公司ShenZhen Delight Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd华利维显示技术(深圳)有限公司Holy wood Display Technloloy(Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd东莞市鸿企机械有限公司DongGuan City HongQi Machine Co., Ltd.深圳市惠想科技有限公司EVO Technology Co.,Ltd.积水化成品工业株式会社Sekisui Plastics Co.,Ltd金福达科技有限公司Comfort Technology(Asia) Limited深圳晶华显示器材有限公司Shenzhen Jinghua Displays Co.,Ltd.东莞市景曜防静电科技有限公司King Glory Technology Dongguan Co., Ltd.慈溪市久友电器制造厂JOYO Electric Appliance MFG.Ltd.2010深圳光电显示周China Optoelectronics & Display Expo (Shenzhen)深圳市钜汉科技有限公司Amongo Technology Co.,Ltd河北迈尔斯通电子材料有限公司Hebei Milestone Electronic Material Co., Ltd.石家庄开发区永生华清液晶有限公司Shijiazhuang Development Zone Yongsheng huatsing Liquid Crystal Co.,Ltd 深圳市麦斯伟洁净科技有限公司Shenzhen Maxwell Cleanliness Co.,Ltd日立高新技术(深圳)贸易有限公司Hitachi High-Technologies(shenzhen)Co.,Ltd日信商事国际贸易(上海)有限公司Nissin Corporation International Trade(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.三信化学(上海)有限公司Sanxin Chemical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.深圳市深越光电技术有限公司TOP Touch Electronics Co.,Ltd泰柏科触控技术(深圳)有限公司Touch International Pacific LTD深圳新宝利铭板制造有限公司Polaral Concept Incorporation广东星河一网通通信有限公司Guangdong STAR NETCOM Co., Ltd.亚格数位股份有限公司Arco Infocomm Inc.深圳市业际光电有限公司Shenzhen Each Optics CO, Ltd北京海越天成国际文化传媒有限公司Beijing Sea-Sky International Culture& Media Co., Ltd.中国LED网66LED、LCD导航网66 led and lcd daohangwangLED环球在线Hangzhou Liangdi Network Science And Technology co.,Ltd. 深圳市易库网信息技术有限公司Shenzhen I-Ku Information Technology Co.,Ltd.高工LED深圳市国港连广告有限公司Shenzhen GGL Advertisement Co., Ltd.深圳市威廉广告有限公司Shenzhen Welnam Advertisement Co., Ltd.深圳市国通广告有限公司Shenzhen Guotong Advertisement Co.,LTD.中国激光网-慧聪网激光频道深圳市新亚洲资讯有限公司Shenzhen New Asia Information Co., Ltd.《现代显示》Advanced Display深圳市年日发广告有限公司中华液晶网。



小尺寸 小中大尺寸 小中大尺寸 中小尺寸
50 深圳诚业电子 51 深圳达得力电子 52 深圳德普特光电显示技术有限公司 53 深圳帝光电子有限公司 54 深圳东阳光实业发展有限公司 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 深圳高科光电 深圳国新伟业光电 深圳国冶星光电子有限公司 深圳鸿智电子技术有限公司 深圳九朗光电 深圳联创致光科技 深圳龙润光电 深圳梦技研 深圳明安光电 深圳平洋电子有限公司 深圳普耐光电 深圳日立赛格有限公司 深圳市博瀚光电有限公司 深圳市诚业电子 深圳市楚天光电科技有限公司 深圳市大帝电子有限公司 深圳市帝显实业有限公司 深圳市福瑞尔光电子有限公司 深圳市冠虹电子有限公司 深圳市光艺光电子有限公司 深圳市恒泰光电实业有限公司 深圳市建滔实业发展有限公司 深圳市山本光电有限公司 深圳市玮光电子有限公司 深圳市星磊光电科技有限公司
备注 /

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
上海采晶光电设备有限公司 上海晨兴 上海黑田电气 深圳瑞谷光電工業有限公司 深圳瑞康達科技有限公司 深圳市拓步精工科技有限公司 深圳爱世光电 深圳宝谱光电科技 深圳贝克莱光电 深圳比亚迪有限公司 深圳伯仕达克电子有限公司
民营 台灣航欣集團 香港 民营 2010 2010 2008
小尺寸 中小尺寸 中大尺寸 中大尺寸
京东方 日立光电 苏州三星 苏州三星



深圳国显科技有限公司Shenzhen K&D Technology Co. LtdSPECIFICATIONFORLCD MODULECustomer :Product Model: KD KD KD101N1101N1101N1--30N A -A 1 Designed byChecked byApproved by※The specification of “TBD” should refer to the measured value of sample . If there is difference between the design specification and measured value, we naturally shall negotiate and agree to solution with customer.Sample code:Revision HistoryVersion Contents Date NoteA Original 2009.05.09B 修改铁框VA区2009.12.5ContentsNo. Item Page1. Numbering System 4/182 Scope 5/183 Normative Reference 5/184 Definitions5/185 Block Diagram7/186 Technology Specifications7/187 Reliability Test Condition and Methods 15/188 Handling Precautions15/189 Precaution for use17/1810 Package Drawing17/18 11Outline Dimension 18/181. Numbering System— —(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)2. ScopeThis specification applies to the TFT LCD module which is designed and manufactured by LCM Factory of Shenzhen K&D Technology Co. Ltd.3. Normative ReferenceGB/T4619-1996 《Liquid Crystal Display Test Method》GB/T2424 《Basic environmental Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products.》GB/T2423 《Basic Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products》IEC61747-1 《SIXTH PARTGB2828`2829-87《National Standard of PRC》4. Definitions4.1 Definitions of VopThe definitions of threshold voltage Vth1, Vth2 the following typical waveforms are applied on liquid crystal by the method of equalized voltage for each duty and bias.【selected waveform 】【non-selected waveform 】①Vth1: The voltage which the brightness of segment indicates 50% of saturated value on the conditions of selected waveform(f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at 25℃)②Vth2: The voltage which the brightness of segment indicates 50% of saturated value on the conditions of non-selected waveform(f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at 25℃)③Vop: (Vth1(50%)+Vth2(50%))/2 (f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at 25℃)4.2 Definition of Response Time Tr, Td①Tr: The time required which the brightness of segmentbecomes 10% from 100% when waveform is switched toselected one from non-selected one. (f f=80Hz,℃Φ=10°θ=270°at 25)②segmentTd: The time required which the brightness ofbecomes 90% from 10% when waveform is switched toselected one from selected one. (f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at℃25)4.3 Definition of Contrast Ratio CrCr=A/B① A: Segments brightness in case of non-selected waveform ② B: Segments brightness in case of selected waveform4.4 Definition of Angle and Viewing RangeAngular Graph: Constrast RatioSuch as:Viewing Angle Range:80(Cr>2) Horizontal 70(Cr>2) Vertical5. Block Diagram6. Technology Specifications6.1 FeaturesThis single-display module is suitable for use in Net Book products.The LCD adopts one backlight with High brightness 27-lamps white LED. Construction: 10.1〞а-Si color TFT-LCD ,White LED backlight, FPC and T-CON.6.3 Interface Pin ConnectionConnector CN1 is used for electronics interface. The recommended model is MDF76KBW-30S-1H(58) manufactured by Hirose.Pin No. Symbol Function1 GND Ground2 VCC Power Supply,3.3V(typical)3 VCC Power Supply,3.3V(typical)4 V_EDID EDID 3.3V power5 ADJ Adjust the Back Light brightness(Note1,2)6 CLK_EDID EDID Clock7 DATA_EDID EDID Data8 Rin0- - LVDS differential data input(R0-R5,G0)9 Rin0+ + LVDS differential data input(R0-R5,G0)10 GND Ground11 Rin1- - LVDS differential data input(G1-G5,B0-B1)12 Rin1+ +LVDS differential data input(G1-G5,B0-B1)13 GND Ground14 Rin2- - LVDS differential data input(B2-B5,HS,VS,DE)15 Rin2+ +LVDS differential data input(B2-B5,HS,VS,DE)16 GND Ground17 ClkIN- -LVDS differential clock input18 ClkIN+ +LVDS differential clock input19 GND Ground20 NC No Connection(Reserve)21 NC No Connection(Reserve)22 GND Ground23 GND Ground24 VLED LED Power Supply 5V25 VLED LED Power Supply 5V26 VLED LED Power Supply 5V27 NC No Connection(Reserve)28 NC No Connection(Reserve)29 NC No Connection(Reserve)30 NC No Connection(Reserve)Note1: ADJ is used to adjust the B/Lbrightness.Note 2: ADJ signal=0~3.3V, Operation Frequency:100 Hz~20KHz,6.4 Absolute Max. RatingValuesItem SymbolUnitMin. Max.V CC -0.3 4.0 V Power VoltageV LED-0.3 5.5 V Input Signal Voltage V I -0.3 V CC V Operation Temperature T OP 0 50 ℃Storage Temperature T ST -20 60 ℃6.5 Typical Operation ConditionsValuesUnit Item SymbolMin. Typ. Max.V CC 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Power VoltageV LED 4.5 5.0 5.5 VI CC- 160 - mACurrent ConsumptionI LED- 460 - mA6.6 Power SequencePower Supply VccData SignalADJt 4 50mSec ≧Note: Data Signal includes Rin0- ~ Rin2-,Rin0+ ~ Rin2+,CLKIN- , CLKIN+.6.7 Timing ConditionsSwitching CharacteristicsValues ItemSymbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark RxCLKIN Period t RCP 11.76 T 50 ns Note 1 RxCLKIN High Time t RCH - T/2 - ns RxCLKIN Low Timet RCL - T/2 - ns PAD0/1 to RxCLKIN Delay t RCD - 3T/7 - ns Data Setup to RxCLKIN t RS 1.9 - - ns Data Hold from RxCLKINt RH 3.0 - - nsInput Data Position 0(T=11.76ns) T RIP1 -0.4 0 0.4 ns Note 2 Input Data Position 1(T=11.76ns) T RIP0 T/7-0.4 T/7 T/7+0.4 ns Note 2 Input Data Position 2(T=11.76ns) T RIP6 2T/7-0.4 2T/7 2T/7+0.4 ns Note 2 Input Data Position 3(T=11.76ns) T RIP5 3T/7-0.4 3T/7 3T/7+0.4 ns Note 2 Input Data Position 4(T=11.76ns) T RIP4 4T/7-0.4 4T/7 4T/7+0.4 ns Note 2 Input Data Position 5(T=11.76ns) T RIP3 5T/7-0.4 5T/7 5T/7+0.4 ns Note 2 Input Data Position 6(T=11.76ns) T RIP26T/7-0.46T/76T/7+0.4nsNote 2Input Timming(only for DE Mode)Parameter Min Typ Max Unit H-Total 1185 1344 1800 CLK H-Active 1024 1024 1024 CLK H-Blanking 161 320 776 CLK V-Total 628 635 650 LINE V-Active 600 600 600 LINE V-Blanking 28 35 50LINETiming Diagram6.8 Optical specifications Values ItemSymbolConditionMin. Typ. Max. UnitRemarkθL Φ=180°(9 o’clock) - 60 - θR Φ=0°(3 o’clock) - 60 - θT Φ=90°(12 o’clock) - 30 - Viewing angle (CR ≥ 10) θB Φ=270°(6 o’clock)- 50 - degreeNote 1Response time Rise+Fall T RT - 16 25 msec Note 3 Contrast ratio CR 400 500 - -Note 4 W X 0.28 0.31 0.35 - Color chromaticityW Y 0.29 0.33 0.36 - Note 2 Note 5 Note 6 Luminance L - 200 - - Note 6 Luminance uniformityY UNormal θ=Φ=0°7075-%Note 6,7Note 1: Definition of viewing angle rangeFig. 4-1 Definition of viewing angleNote 2: Definition of optical measurement system.The optical characteristics should be measured in dark room. After 30 minutes operation, the optical properties are measured at the center point of the LCD screen. (Viewing angle is measured by ELDIM-EZ contrast/Height :1.2mm ,Response time is measured by Photo detector TOPCON BM-7, other items are measured by BM-5A/Field of view: 1° /Height: 500mm.)Normal lineθ=Φ=0° Φ=270°6 o’clock directionΦ=0°ΦΦ=0°Φ=180°Normal lineFig. 4-2 Optical measurement system setupNote 3: Definition of Response timeThe response time is defined as the LCD optical switching time interval between “White” state and “Black” state. Rise time (T ON ) is the time between photo detector output intensity changed from 90% to 10%. And fall time (T OFF ) is the time between photo detector output intensity changed from 10% to 90%.Fig. 4-3 Definition of response timeNote 4: Definition of contrast ratiostate Black"" the on LCDwhen measured Luminance stateWhite"" the on LCD when measured Luminance (CR) ratio Contrast =Note 5: Definition of color chromaticity (CIE1931)Color coordinates measured at center point of LCD.Note 6: All input terminals LCD panel must be ground while measuring the centerarea of the panel. The LED driving condition is V LED =5.0V.90%10% 0%P h o t o d e t e c t o r o u t p u t (R e l a t i v e v a l u e )ONWhite (TFT OFF)Black (TFT ON)White (TFT OFF)Note 7: Definition of Luminance UniformityActive area is divided into 9 measuring areas (Refer to Fig. 4-4 ).Every measuring point is placed at the center of each measuring area.max min B B (Yu)Uniformity Luminance =L-------Active area length W----- Active area widthFig. 4-4 Definition of measuring pointsB max : The measured maximum luminance of all measurement position. B min : The measured minimum luminance of all measurement position.7. Reliability Test Conditions And MethodsItem Test Conditions Remark High Temperature Storage Ta = 60240 hrs℃Low Temperature Storage Ta =-20240hrs℃High Temperature Operation Ts = 50240hrs℃Low Temperature Operation Ta = 0℃240hrsOperate at High Temperature and Humidity +40, 90%RH max. 240 hrs℃OperationThermal Shock -20~ +℃60℃ 100 cycles 2Hrs/cycle Non-operationElectrostatic Discharge Contact=±4KV, class B Air=±8KV, class BVibration Test Frequency range:8~33.3HzStroke:1.3mmSweep:2.9G 33.3~400Hz2 hours for each direction of X. Y. Z.(6 hours for total)Non-operationJIS C7021,A-10ConditionA:15minutesMechanical Shock 100G 6ms,±X, ±Y, ±Z 3 times for eachdirectionNon-operationJIS C7021,A-7ConditionCVibration(With Carton) Random Vibration :0.015G*G/Hz from 5-200HZ,-6dB/Octave from 200-500HZIEC68-34Drop(With Carton) Height:60 cm1 corner, 3 edges, 6 surfacesElectro Static Discharge ± 2KV, Human Body Mode, 100pF/1500Ω8. Handling Precautions8.1 Mounting methodThe LCD panel of Daxian LCD module consists of two thin glass plates with polarizes which easily be damaged. And since the module in so constructed as to be fixed by utilizing fitting holes in the printed circuit board.Extreme care should be needed when handling the LCD modules.8.2 Caution of LCD handling and cleaningWhen cleaning the display surface, Use soft cloth with solvent[recommended below] and wipe lightlyIsopropyl alcoholEthyl alcoholDo not wipe the display surface with dry or hard materials that will damage the polarizer surface.Do not use the following solvent:WaterAromaticsDo not wipe ITO pad area with the dry or hard materials that will damage the ITO patternsDo not use the following solvent on the pad or prevent it from being contaminated:Soldering fluxChlorine (Cl) , Salfur (S)If goods were sent without being sili8con coated on the pad, ITO patterns could be damaged due to the corrosion as time goes on.If ITO corrosion happen by miss-handling or using some materials such as Chlorine (CI), Salfur (S) from customer, Responsibility is on customer.8.3 Caution against static chargeThe LCD module use C-MOS LSI drivers, so we recommended that you: Connect any unused input terminal to Vdd or Vss, do not input any signals before power is turned on, and ground your body, work/assembly areas, assembly equipment to protect against static electricity.8.4 packingModule employ LCD elements and must be treated as such.Avoid intense shock and falls from a height.To prevent modules from degradation, do not operate or store them exposed direct to sunshine or high temperature/humidity8.5 Caution for operationIt is an indispensable condition to drive LCD’s within the specified voltage limit since the higher voltage then the limit cause the shorter LCD life.An electrochemical reaction due to direct current causes LCD’s undesirable deterioration, so that the use of direct current drive should be avoided.Response time will be extremely delayed at lower temperature then the operating temperature range and on the other hand at higher temperature LCD’s how dark color in them. However those phenomena do not mean malfunction or out of order with LCD’s, which will come back in the specified operation temperature.If the display area is pushed hard during operation, some font will be abnormally displayed but it resumes normal condition after turning off once.A slight dew depositing on terminals is a cause for electro-chemical reactionresulting in terminal open circuit.Usage under the maximum operating temperature, 50%Rh or less is required.8.6 storageIn the case of storing for a long period of time for instance, for years for the purpose or replacement use, the following ways are recommended.Storage in a polyethylene bag with the opening sealed so as not to enter fresh air outside in it . And with no desiccant.Placing in a dark place where neither exposure to direct sunlight nor light’s keeping the storage temperature range.Storing with no touch on polarizer surface by the anything else.[It is recommended to store them as they have been contained in the inner container at the time of delivery from us8.7 SafetyIt is recommendable to crash damaged or unnecessary LCD’s into pieces andwash off liquid crystal by either of solvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should be burned up later.When any liquid leaked out of a damaged glass cell comes in contact with your hands, please wash it off well with soap and water9. Precaution for use9.1A limit sample should be provided by the both parties on an occasion when the both parties agreed its necessity. Judgment by a limit sample shall take effect after the limit sample has been established and confirmed by the both parties.9.2On the following occasions, the handing of problem should be decided through discussion and agreement between responsible of the both parties.When a question is arisen in this specificationWhen a new problem is arisen which is not specified in this specifications When an inspection specifications change or operating condition change in customer is reported to Daxian , and some problem is arisen in this specification due to the changeWhen a new problem is arisen at the customer’s operating set for sample evaluation in the customer site.10. Package Drawing11. Outline Dimension。



深圳市国显科技 有限公司
2006 年 11 月
3.5-11.6 寸的模组,产品主要应用于车 载、移动电视、PMP、DVD、EPC、安防和工 控类产品。 海菲曼 HiFiMAN 是一家中国本土的高端音 频产品品牌,产品有个人便携式播放器 HM-801 等。 Convenient Power 是一家无线充电设备及 技术服务商,为移动电子设备用户提供更 大自由度和便宜的无线充电设备。 珠海全志科技是一家专注于智能应用处理 器 SoC 和智能模拟芯片的设计厂商,主要 产品为多核智能终端应用处理器、智能电 源管理芯片等。 广州辉远电子专注于云计算终端产品研 发、 设计、 制造、 销售, 目前已经推出 LM1U、 H4、Diana 等系列云计算终端产品,并且 在远程桌面虚拟化和 VDI 技术等最新领域 拥有突破性成果。
江波龙电子 (FORESEE) 是一家移动数据储 存产品技术服务商,提供各类闪存存储产 品、智能卡与移动支付应用等。 广和通是一家专业的物联网、移动互联网 无线通信解决方案供应商,在位置服务 (LBS)领域方面为车联网 OEM 提供 GNSS/GPS 模块和解决方案, 包括 LTE 无线 通信模块及 GPS、OBD 等系列模块产品。 深圳市尔思电子有限公司是一家智能数字 化运动设备研发及服务商,产品有数字羽 毛球拍、数字网球拍、活力π等,可以精 确记录下用户挥拍的轨迹、为训练和运动 提供辅助。 福州瑞芯微电子(RockChip)是一家移动 互联网及数字多媒体芯片设计、集成电路 服务商, 目前产品涵盖 Android 平板电脑、 Android 电视机顶盒(智能电视)、电子 书、WIFI/蓝牙音频解决方案等。 AfterShokz 是一家骨传导耳机品牌, 产品 包括 Sportz 及 M2 系列,深圳市韶音科技 有限公司旗下产品。 不明确融资 不明确融资 需要融资 已完成 A 轮融资 不明确融资






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1.2 企业画像类别内容行业计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业-其他电子设备制造资质一般纳税人产品服务是:电子产品及配件、光电产品及配件的设计1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。


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本报告于 2023 年 08 月 21 日 生成
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广州国显科技有限公司维信诺第 苏州广林达电子科 6 代柔性 AMOLED 模组生产线项 技有限公司
广州国显科技有限公司维信诺第 深圳市利和兴股份 6 代柔性 AMOLED 模组生产线项 有限公司
广州国显科技有限公司维信诺第 深圳市易天自动化 6 代柔性 AMOLED 模组生产线项 设备股份有限公司
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中标金额(万元) 公告时间
广州国显科技有限公司维信诺第 深圳精智达技术股 6 代柔性 AMOLED 模组生产线项 份有限公司
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深圳国显科技有限公司Shenzhen K&D Technology Co.,LtdSPECIFICATIONFORLCD MODULECustomer:Product Model: KD50G9-40TM-A2Sample code:Designed by Checked by Approved by※The specification of “TBD” should refer to the measured value of sample . If there is difference between the design specification and measured value, we naturally shall negotiate and agree toRevision HistoryVersion Contents Date NoteA Original 2009.04.13ContentsNo. Item Page1. Numbering System 4/242 Scope 5/243 Normative Reference 5/244 Definitions5/245 Technology Specifications7/246 Circuit block diagram 11/247 Reliability Test Condition and Methods 15/218 Inspection standard16/219 Handling Precautions22/2410 Precaution for use23/2411 Dimensional Outline24241 Numbering System—(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)2 ScopeThis specification applies to the TFT LCD module which is designed and manufactured by LCM Factory of Shenzhen K&D Technology Co.,Ltd.3 Normative ReferenceGB/T4619-1996 《Liquid Crystal Display Test Method》GB/T2424 《Basic environmental Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products.》GB/T2423 《Basic Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products》IEC61747-1 《SIXTH PARTGB2828`2829-87《National Standard of PRC》4 Definitions4.1 Definitions of VopThe definitions of threshold voltage Vth1, Vth2 the following typical waveforms are applied on liquid crystal by the method of equalized voltage for each duty and bias.【 selected waveform 】【 non-selected waveform 】① Vth1: The voltage which the brightness of segment indicates 50% of saturated value on the conditions of selected waveform(f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at 25℃)② Vth2: The voltage which the brightness of segment indicates 50% of saturated value on the conditions of non-selected waveform(f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at 25℃)③ Vop: (Vth1(50%)+Vth2(50%))/2 (f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at 25℃)4.2 Definition of Response Time Tr, TdTr: The time required which the brightness of segment①becomes 10% from 100% when waveform is switched toselected one from non-selected one. (f f=80Hz,Φ=10°θ=270°at 25)℃②Td: The time required which the brightness of segmentselected one from selected one. (f f=80Hz, Φ=10°θ=270°at ℃25)4.3 Definition of Contrast Ratio CrCr=A/B① A: Segments brightness in case of non-selected waveform② B: Segments brightness in case of selected waveform4.4 Definition of Angle and Viewing RangeAngular Graph: Constrast RatioSuch as:Viewing Angle Range:80(Cr>2) Horizontal70(Cr>2) Vertical5 Technology Specifications5.1 FeatureThis single-display module is suitable for use in Multidedia Player products.The LCD adopts one backlight with High brightness 12-lamps white LED.1) Construction: 5.0〞а-Si color TFT-LCD ,White LED backlight, FPC and TP.2) LCD:2.1 Amorphous-TFT 5.0-inch display, transmissive, normally white type.2.2 800(RGB)×480 dots Matrix.2.3 Narrow-contact ledge technique.2.4 LCD Driver IC: HX8258A ×2 and HX8662C × 1.3) Low cross talk by frame rate modulation.4) RGB interface.5) Video signal interface: Parallel RGB or serial.5.2Mechanical SpecificationsItem SpecificationsUnit Dimensional outline 118.50(W) ×77.55(H)×4.25 (T) mmActive area 108.0(W) ×64.8 (H) mmPixel size 135(W) ×135(H) umResolution 800(RGB) × 480pixel5.3 Absolute Max. RatingSymbol ValueItemUnit RemarkMaxMintypLogic power supply DVDD 3.0 3.3 3.6 VDriver power supply AVDD - - - VInput high voltage V IH0.7DVDD- DVDD V0.3DVDD VInput low voltage V IL0 -Operating temperature T OPR-20 +70 ℃Storage temperature T STG-30 +80 ℃Clock frequency F CLK- 9 15 MHzNote1Note: For parallel RGB interface, maximum clock frequency is 15MHz,For serial RGB interface, maximum clock frequency is 33MHz,5.4 Electrical Characteristics (VSS=0V,Ta=-20 to 70°C)5.5 Optical specifications5.6 LED back light specification (12 White Chips)Item Symbol Condition Min Typ Max UnitForward Voltage Vf lf=40mA 18 19.2 20.4 V Uniformity (with L/G) ΔB plf =40mA 80 - - % Luminance for LCD L V If =40mA 5200- - cd/m 2LED CIRCUIT5.7 Interface Pin ConnectionsPIN NO. Symbol Description1 LED-K LED backlight(Cathode)2 LED-A LED backlight(anode)3 GND Ground4VDDPower supply (Digital +3.0V)5-12 R0-R7 Red Data 13-20 G0-G7 Green Data 21-28 B0-B7 Blue Data 29 GND Ground 30 CLK Clodk 31 DISPDisplayon/off32 HSYNC Horizontal sync input in RGB mode (short toGND if not used)33 VSYNC Vertical sync input in RGB mode (short toGND if not used)34 DEN DataEnable35 NC NC36 GND GroundX-Right37 XR T/pY-Bottom38 YD T/pX-Left39 XL T/pY-Up40 YU T/p6 Signal timing diagram and Circuit block diagram6.1 Circuit block diagramTP Circuit6.2 Signal Timing Diagram 6.2.1 Power ON/OFF Sequence6.2.2 Reset timingThe reset input must be held for at least 1ms after power is stable.6.2.3 Timing Diagram of interface Signal6.2.4 Gate Driver Timing Control7 Reliability Test Conditions And MethodsNO ItemConditionMethod1 High / Low Temperature Storage80℃/-30℃ 120hrsCheck and record every 48Hrs2High / Low Temperature Life 70℃/-20℃ 120hrs (operatingmode) Check and record every 48Hrs3HighTemperature 、 High Humidity Operating60℃,90% RH, 96HrsCheck and record every 48hrs4 Thermal Shock-30℃(30Min ) 25℃(5Min)80℃(30Min)(conversion time, : 5 sec ) 20cyclesEach 10 cycles end ,check5 Vibration 10Hz~55Hz~10HzAmplitude: 1.5mm2hrs for each direction(X,Y ,Z) Each direction end,Check the Appearance andElectrical Characteristics 6 Static Electricity Gap mood: ±1KV~±8KV (10 times air discharge withpositive/negative voltagevoltage gap : 1kv) Touch mood: ±1KV~±4KV Each discharge end, Check the Electrical Characteristics7 Curve60 Thousand times, 40times/min 150°( according to die if exist)Check and recordevery2~4 thousand times8 SlumpFree faller movement for each side 、cording 、angle (75cmHigh 、6 sides 、2 angle 、2cording)End8 Inspection standardNoItem Criterion01 OutlineDimensionIn accord with drawing02 Position-findingDimensionAssemble DimensionIn accord with drawingx x9 Handling Precautions9.1 Mounting methodThe LCD panel of Daxian LCD module consists of two thin glass plates with polarizes which easily be damaged. And since the module in so constructed as to be fixed by utilizing fitting holes in the printed circuit board.Extreme care should be needed when handling the LCD modules.9.2 Caution of LCD handling and cleaningWhen cleaning the display surface, Use soft cloth with solvent[recommended below] and wipe lightlyz Isopropyl alcoholz Ethyl alcoholDo not wipe the display surface with dry or hard materials that will damage the polarizer surface.Do not use the following solvent:z Waterz AromaticsITO patternsDo not use the following solvent on the pad or prevent it from being contaminated:z Soldering fluxz Chlorine (Cl) , Salfur (S)If goods were sent without being sili8con coated on the pad, ITO patterns could be damaged due to the corrosion as time goes on.If ITO corrosion happen by miss-handling or using some materials such as Chlorine (CI), Salfur (S) from customer, Responsibility is on customer.9.3 Caution against static chargeThe LCD module use C-MOS LSI drivers, so we recommended that you: Connect any unused input terminal to Vdd or Vss, do not input any signals before power is turned on, and ground your body, work/assembly areas, assembly equipment to protect against static electricity.9.4 packingz Module employ LCD elements and must be treated as such.z Avoid intense shock and falls from a height.z To prevent modules from degradation, do not operate or store them exposed direct to sunshine or high temperature/humidity9.5 Caution for operationz It is an indispensable condition to drive LCD’s within the specified voltage limit since the higher voltage then the limit cause the shorter LCD life.z An electrochemical reaction due to direct current causes LCD’s undesirable deterioration, so that the use of direct current drive should be avoided.z Response time will be extremely delayed at lower temperature then the operating temperature range and on the other hand at higher temperature LCD’s how dark color in them. However those phenomena do not mean malfunction or out of order with LCD’s, which will come back in the specified operation temperature.z If the display area is pushed hard during operation, some font will be abnormally displayed but it resumes normal condition after turning off once.z A slight dew depositing on terminals is a cause for electro-chemical reaction resulting in terminal open circuit.Usage under the maximum operating temperature, 50%Rh or less is required.9.6 storageIn the case of storing for a long period of time for instance, for years for the purpose or replacement use, the following ways are recommended.z Storage in a polyethylene bag with the opening sealed so as not to enter fresh air outside in it . And with no desiccant.z Placing in a dark place where neither exposure to direct sunlight nor light’s keeping the storage temperature range.z Storing with no touch on polarizer surface by the anything else.[It is recommended to store them as they have been contained in the inner container at the time of delivery from us9.7 Safetyz It is recommendable to crash damaged or unnecessary LCD’s into pieces and wash off liquid crystal by either of solvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should be burned up later.z When any liquid leaked out of a damaged glass cell comes in contact with your hands, please wash it off well with soap and water10 Precaution for use10.1A limit sample should be provided by the both parties on an occasion when the both parties agreed its necessity. Judgment by a limit sample shall take effect after the limit sample has been established and confirmed by the both parties.10.2On the following occasions, the handing of problem should be decided through discussion and agreement between responsible of the both parties.z When a question is arisen in this specificationz When a new problem is arisen which is not specified in this specificationsz When an inspection specifications change or operating condition change in customer is reported to Daxian , and some problem is arisen in this specification due to the changez When a new problem is arisen at the customer’s operating set for sample evaluation in the customer site.11 Dimensional Outline。
