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RYOBI 920系列 A1尺寸多色胶印机说明书

RYOBI 920系列 A1尺寸多色胶印机说明书

Model in photo is shown with optional accessories.A1-Size Multi-Color Offset PressesRYOBI 920 seriesThe newly upgraded RYOBI 920 series meets a growing range of needs.Already known for superi or cost performance, the RYOBI 920 seri es of A1-si ze hi gh-speed multi -color offset presses has been further upgraded!New models - 2-color and 6-color - have been added, as well as varni sh coati ng uni t-equi pped models, all with a larger maximum vertical paper size that has been increased from 625 to 640 mm for greater flexibility.Featuri ng the i deal paper si ze and pri nti ng area for A1-si ze pri nti ng jobs, a maxi mum pri nti ng speed of 16,200 SPH, plus enhancements such as varnish coating capability for added value and higher productivity , the RYOBI 920 series meets today's diverse needs with versatility and economy.0302RYOBI 925Type 5-D : 5-color press with coating unit & semi-long delivery modelRYOBI PCS-G Printing Control SystemIdeal for A1-size printing jobsImpressive cost per formanceSpace-saving design enhances work efficiencyCoating unit expands versatility04Lower Material Costs, Lower Power Consumption and Less Installation Space than a B1-size PressPrinting plate costs and power consumption are markedly lower than for a B1-size press, and the compact space-saving de-sign allows efficient space utilization.Footprint of a B1-size press210 mm (8.27")Max. printing area: 900 mm (35.43")Max. paper size: 920 mm (36.22")297 m m (11.69")M a x . p r i n t i n g a r e a : 615 m m (24.21")M a x . p a p e r s i z e : 640 m m (25.20")G r i p p e r m a r g i n : 10 ± 1 m m (0.39" ± 0.039")215.9 mm (8.5")279.4 m m (11")Impressive Cost Performance - Ideal for A1-size Printing8-up Printing of A4 Size and Letter SizeThe RYOBI 920 series has a maximum paper size of 920 x 640 mm (36.22" x 25.20") and maximum printing area of 900 x 615 mm (35.43" x 24.21"), enabling printing of A1-size posters as well as 8-up printing of both A4 size and letter size. It can also print on paper from a thin 0.04 mm (0.0016") up to 0.6 mm (0.024") thick, enabling flexible handling of a wide range of jobs.For printing an A4-size bookletFor 8-up printing of 8.5" x 11" (letter-size)05High-Speed Feeding MechanismA tape slow-down mechanism reduces the feeder board tape speed to prevent sheets from bouncing back from the front lay. An underswing gripper and drop-away front lay infeed system in the registration section ensure that high registration accuracy is main-tained even during high-speed operation at 16,200 S.P .H. Suction wheels and a front lay blower that guides paper up to the front lays contribute to stable paper feeding.High-grade type feeder that facilitates air volume ad-justment during paper changing work is available as an option.Ultrasonic Type Double Sheet DetectorAn ultrasonic signal from the transmitter passes through the paper, and the ultrasonic wave's attenua-tion rate is measured to detect double-sheet feeding with high precision even when printing on heavystock.Stable Sheet PilingA decurling device, air blower, and suction wheels driven by an independent motor all boost sheet piling performance when printing at high speeds.Suction Tape Feeder BoardThe suction tape feeder board simplifies the setting of the brush and runner wheels and shortens the time re-quired for changing the paper size. The suction belt holds the paper securely and feeds it smoothly to the front lay.Double-Diameter Cylinder Printing MechanismThe printing unit consists of a double-diameter impres-sion cylinder and a double-diameter transfer drum. These cylinders have a large curvature ratio and trans-port paper with minimum flapping, providing stable paper transport even when printing on heavy stock.High-grade type feeder(Option)Suction tape feeder boardReliable Mechanisms for High-Speed Printing06Printing Density Control System (Option)RYOBI PDS-E AUTO / PDS-E /RYOBI PDS-E Spectro AUTO / PDS-E SpectroThe RYOBI PDS-E AUTO, PDS-E, PDS-E Spectro AUTO, PDS-E Spectro Printing Density Control System measure the color bar of the printed sheet using a spectrophotometer (a densitometer is used for the PDS-E AUTO and PDS-E).Values needed to correct the color densities to match those of the OK sheet are calculated and provided as feedback to the RYOBI PCS-G, which appropriately adjusts the ink fountain keys. Quality control that previously relied on human experience and intuition is now done using precise numerical values, contributing to consis-tent printing.RYOBI Program Inking(built into the PCS-G)Superbly Reliable Ink and Water ControlSuperior Inking and Dampening Mechanisms• The ink fountain with high graduations to enhance ink control precision and match the image with greater accuracy.• The motor-driven ink and water fountain rollers are programmed to automatically synchronize with the printing speed, ensuring a stable ink supply and uniform dampening.• An ink roller temperature control system minimizes temperature fluc-tuation for consistent printing quality even during long print runs.Start Inking Production printingInk ductor control function for small imagesInk kneadingNo ink on ink rollers Printing starts automatically*Measures the density on the printed sheet and inputs the dataPreset InkingAutomatic ink supply to match imageSet no. of printsfinishedCorrection of inking Correct amount of ink on rollersSmart End InkingInk on rollers returnedto even state*Only for the presses with the RYOBI PDS-E AUTO , RYOBI PDS-E , RYOBI PDS-E Spectro AUTO , RYOBI PDS-E SpectroMinimum amount of ink supplied to rollersAfter 2nd jobRYOBI Program Inking automatically sets the conversion curve for each color according to the image area ratio data calcula-ted at prepress. The ink settings, ink fountain roller speed, and number of contacts by the ink ductor roller are all controlled based on the conversion curves to assure the optimum ink volume. The target printing density can be quickly achieved, signifi-cantly shortening the time required for color matching.RYOBI PCS-G Printing Control SystemMeasures color bar of printed sheetsTransmits corrected color barInk fountain roller rotation speed controlInk fountain controlPrinting Density Control System RYOBI PDS-E AUTO , PDS-E ,PDS-E Spectro AUTO , PDS-E SpectroRYOBI Program Inking Flow07RYOBI Semi-RPCSemiautomatic Plate ChangerAdvanced Automated Systems Enable EfficientJob ChangeoverRYOBI-matic-D Continuous Dampening Systemwith Hickey Removing FunctionThe RYOBI-matic-D substantially reduces hickeys on plates by adopting a drive mechanism for the water form roller that creates a rotational speed difference between the water form roller and plate cylinder.The standardly equipped RYOBI Semi-RPC semiauto-matic plate changer allows quick and accurate plate changing without tools. The operator merely sets the plate on the positioning pins and presses the button. Lateral image inaccuracy that may occur due to paper stretching can be easily adjusted with the fanout clamp.(Note)Plate setting requires either the RYOBI RP920-780MB high-preci-sion register punch with plate bender or the PB-S-Ryobi 920 platebender.Automatic Cleaning Devices (option)Optional automatic blanket and ink roller cleaning de-vices reduce the time and effort involved in cleaning and changing colors, markedly reducing operator workload. The PCS-G at the delivery side of the press allows the operator to turn each device ON and OFF , as well as select the cleaning pattern according to thedegree of cleaning required.RYOBI RP920-780MB (option)High-Precision Register Punch with Plate BenderA CCD camera scans the plate's register marks and displays them on the center monitor. Diagonal, vertical and lateral micro-adjustments can then be easily per-formed by dial operation, assuring accurate plate punching. The system bends and punches the plate sim-ultaneously. The PB-S-Ryobi 920 (manufactured by BEIL-Registersysteme GmbH) is also optionally available asa device for plate bending only.Automatic Preset System for Convenient Job ChangeoverThe RYOBI 920 series allows the operator to enter preset values for paper size and thickness using the touch-panel display of the RYOBI PCS-G. The positions of the feeder and delivery section guides and pull side guide can be preset *1. The impression pressure preset system includes a program-controlled impression cylin-der cleaning function *2 as standard.*1 The pull side guide preset system comes as standard equipment. Paper size preset and impression pressure preset systems are avail-able as options.*2 Can be used on presses equipped with an optional impression pres-sure preset system and automatic blanket cleaning device.RYOBI RP920-780MBHigh-Precision Register Punchwith Plate BenderTouch panel display08Semi-long delivery models with a built-in dryer systemSelect either a standard delivery or a semi-long delivery model that can be equipped with a built-in dryer system. For cur-ing water-based varnish coatings, the system combines an infrared dryer with air knives using hot or ambient temperature air. The infrared dryer and air knives can be adjusted for optimum drying of ink and varnish, providing satisfactory drying performance even during high-speed printing. A built-in UV curing unit is available for high-gloss printing and other appli-cations requiring even higher drying performance. Standard delivery models can also be equipped with an energy-saving,eco-friendly LED-UV curing unit.Inline Coating SystemAn aqueous or UV varnish coating can be processed inline using a retractable coating unit. In addition to adding value such as surface protection, or a glossy finish, this system also shortens drying time for a faster delivery.When the varnish coating system is not being used, the entire coating cylinder and anilox roller can be easily slid upward at the touch of a button to prevent marking. A safe-ty guard between the main press unit and coating cylinder allows maintenance work (such as cleaning of the coating cylinder or mounting blanket) even while the press is inoperation. This enables faster job changeover.Chamber type doctor blade coating system(Option)UV curing unitAir suctionUV curing unitInfrared dryerAnilox roller Coating cylinderAir blowerAutomatic blanket cleaning deviceMechanical Configuration: Type 5-D : 5-color press with coating unit and semi-long deliveryInline Varnish Coating Boosts Productivity and Adds Value09RYOBI 9244-ARYOBI 9244-DCombination Chart RYOBI 922 / 924 / 925 / 9265,874 mm (19'3'')7,646 mm (25'1'')11,996 mm (39'4'')10,224 mm (33'7'')2-A 22-B 24-A 44-B 4*1*1*14-D 45-A 55-B 55-D 56-A 66-B 66-D6Type 2-AType 4-AType 5-BType 6-DStandard delivery Semi-long deliveryInfrareddryerUV curing unitInfrared dryer with hot air DeliveryDryerStandard equipment ,OptionMechanical side viewTypeNumber ofprinting unitsCoating unit *1 The coating unit allows mounting of an aluminum bar type blanket only.The M IS connection software links CIP4-JDF compat-ible management information systems and RYOBI printing presses to enable printing process manage-ment from the MIS (Management Information System). The M IS connection software for CIP4-JDF enables real-time exchange using the CIP4-JDF data format for sharing job direction data (including job name, num-ber of printing sheets, paper size) and production data (including the printing start time, end time, andnumber of printed sheets) between the MIS and PCS-G.Creating the Ideal Digital Workflow EnablesTotal Control of Printing Quality and Productivity.MIS Connection Software (for CIP4-JDF) (option)The RYOBI Print Job Manager connects RYOBI printing presses in a network to perform centralized produc-tion schedule management by optimally assigning job data to each press. It also gathers real time informa-tion on operating status and automatically generatesproductivity assessment data for each press.RYOBI Print Job Manager Management System for Printing Presses (option)The image area ratio data is calculated by the Ink Vol-ume Setter software (option) using PostScript data cre-ated on either a Macintosh *1 or Windows *2 computer, and then converted by the RYOBI PCS-G to preset the ink fountain keys. Ink Volume Setter-CIP4 (PPF) soft-ware (option) allows the image area ratio data to be calculated from PPF files.Effective use of prepress data can dramatically reduce the labor involved in adjusting the ink fountain keys prior to production printing.*1: Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.*2: Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in theUnited States and other countries.Ink Volume Setter (for PostScript data)(Option)Ink Volume Setter-CIP4 (PPF) (Option)10MIS*(Management Information System)PS data PDF data CIP3/CIP4(PPF)OnlineJob Result Data Job Direction DataInk Volume Setter Software (for PS)Ink Volume Setter-CIP4(PPF)Software RYOBI PCS-GPrinting Control SystemFloppy disk (image area ratio data)* For more detailed information on the MIS, consult your RYOBI dealer.System Flowchart11RYOBI 922RYOBI 924Standard Equipment4RYOBI 9255RYOBI 92662Number of Printing Units Max. Paper Size (W x L)920 x 640 mm (36.22" x 25.20")410 x 290 mm (16.14" x 11.42")10 ± 1 mm (0.39" ± 0.039")Min. Paper Size (W x L) 0.44 mm (0.017")Plate Thickness 910 x 665 mm (35.83" x 26.18") [positioning pin pitch:780 mm (30.71")]Plate SizeBlanket: 941 x 681 x 1.95 mm (37.05" x 26.81" x 0.077") Under blanket: 905 x 630 x 0.5 mm (35.63" x 24.8" x 0.02")[cylinder packing total: 2.55 mm (0.1")Blanket SizeBlanket with aluminum barBlanket Type *30.04 - 0.6 mm (0.0016" - 0.024")Paper Thickness *1900 x 615 mm (35.43" x 24.21")Max. Printing Area (W x L)800 mm (31.5") / 900 mm (35.43")Feeder / Delivery Pile Capacity Rotary type stream feeder Feeding SystemUnder swing gripper and paper feed drumInfeed System Gripper MarginPull side guide, Drop-away front layRegistration System± 1 mm (± 0.039") by plate cylinder ± 1 mm (± 0.039") by front layVertical Image Micro Adjustment Range ± 20 mm (± 0.079") by plate cylinderVertical Image Rough Adjustment Range ± 2.5 mm (± 0.098") by pull side guide ± 2 mm (± 0.079") by plate cylinderLateral Image Micro Adjustment Range ± 0.2 mm (± 0.008") by plate cylinder (for max. printing area)Diagonal Image Micro Adjustment Range Automatic centralized oiling systemOiling System 3-phase 200V 50/60Hz 105A or other voltages Electric Current *432 kWPower Consumption *45,874 x 3,010 x 1,870 mm(19'3" x 9'11" x 6'2")Dimension (L x W x H)*4About 12.6 t (27,778 lbs)3-phase 200V 50/60Hz 145A or other voltages 45 kW 7,646 x 3,010 x 1,870 mm (25'1" x 9'11" x 6'2")About 21.6 t (47,620 lbs)Weight *4Ink rollers : 19 (form rollers : 4)/unit Water rollers : 4 (form rollers : 1)/unitNumber of RollersPrinting Speed *23,000 - 16,200 S.P .H. Local conditions, ink, stock and printing plate type, and printing quality required will affect the maximum printing speed.*5 Factory installation only*6 The program-controlled impression cylinder cleaning function requires an optional automatic blanket cleaning device.*1 There are some limitations to printing on thick paper depending on paper type.*2 Local conditions, the ink and printing plate type, and the printing quality required will affect the maximum printing speed.*3 Use only as a set with a genuine Ryobi over blanket and under blanket.*4 Type A. Weight does not include peripheral devices.3-phase 200V 50/60Hz 175A or other voltages 52 kW 8,532 x 3,010 x 1,870 mm (28' x 9'11" x 6'2")About 26.1 t (57,540 lbs)3-phase 200V 50/60Hz 205Aor other voltages63 kW 9,418 x 3,010 x 1,870 mm (30'11" x 9'11" x 6'2")About 30.6 t (67,461lbs)1,145(3'9")1,830 (6')600 (2')3,010 (9'11")753(29.6")470(18.5")2,123 (7")11,110 (36'5")1,870 (6'2")1,700 (5'8")2,350 (7'9")RYOBI PCS-G Operation StandInfrared Dryer Control BoxInfrared Dryer Blower BoxInfrared Dryer Exhaust BoxAqueous Coating Circulation DeviceAir CompressorDampening Solution Cooling/Circulation Device1 32 4675The illustration left shows the RYOBI 925 semi-long delivery model with a coating unit and infrared dyer (type 5-D).Installation space and peripheral equipment vary according to the model, so please consult your sales representative for further details.Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.The specifications may vary depending on the country.•Rotary type stream feeder •Suction tape feeder board •Pull side guide preset system •Side lay sensor•Front lay micro adjustment device (manual)•Front lay blower•RYOBI semiautomatic plate changer Semi-RPC•Plate register remote control device (vertical, lateral, diagonal)•RYOBI PCS-G printing control system (includes network set for Ink Volume Setter)•RYOBI Program Inking (built into the PCS-G)•RYOBI-matic continuous dampening system•Dampening solution cooling / circulation device •Hickey picker•Double sheet detector (mechanical) •Ultrasonic type double sheet detector•Slewed paper detector •Front lay paper stopper •Paper transfer jam detector •Delivery jam detector •Static eliminator •Decurling device •Powder spray device•Preset repeat counter with batch function (electronic, 5-digit)•Machine counter (total number of machine rotations, 10-digit, non-resettable)•Print counter (total number of printed sheets, 10-digit, non-resettable)•OK monitor•Nonstop delivery racking system •Oscillating bridge roller •Movable type paper guideOptional Equipment•High-grade type feeder•Infrared dryer / UV curing unit *5•LED-UV printing system•Chamber type doctor blade coating system *5•Impression pressure preset system(includes program-controlled impression cylinder cleaning function)*5*6•Paper size preset system (for delivery section)*5•Paper size preset system (feeder and delivery sections)*5•Timing checker (add-on type)•Delivery fan static eliminator•Automatic dampening solution supply device (includes automatic alcohol/ etching solution supply device)•Intermediate tank for dampening solution cooling / circulation device •RYOBI-matic-D continuous dampening system with hickey removing function •Ink Volume Setter (for PostScript data)•Ink Volume Setter-CIP4(PPF)•RYOBI PDS-E AUTO / PDS-E printing density control system (densitometer)•RYOBI PDS-E Spectro AUTO / PDS-E Spectro printing density control system (spectrophotometer)•IntelliTrax connecting set•MIS connection software (for CIP4-JDF)•RYOBI Print Job Manager•Automatic ink roller cleaning device *5•Automatic blanket cleaning device *5•Ink roller temperature control system *5•RYOBI RP920-780MB high-precision register punch with plate bender•PB-S-Ryobi 920 plate bender (manufactured by BEIL-Registersysteme GmbH)•Ink oscillating form roller •Nonstop feeder *5•Skid type paper pile board *5•Skid type paper pile board with nonstop feeder function *5•Racking board back guide *5SpecificationsMechanical Dimensions(unit: mm)RYOBI 920 seriesGRAPHIC SYSTEMS DIVISIONInternational Sales and Marketing Section5-2-8 TOSHIMA, KITA-KU, TOKYO 114-8518, JAPANTEL. 81-3-3927-5238, FAX. 81-3-3927-5240http://www.ryobi-group.co.jp/Copyright © 2009 RYOBI LimitedCat.No.920 series(P12) July '09 E03 HB05Order No. H5894 01 02Printed in Japan。

星火全自动缝纫控制系统使用说明书 (人机界面)

星火全自动缝纫控制系统使用说明书 (人机界面)

全自动缝纫控制系统使用说明书(人机界面)2018年1月第V1.0版©版权所有深圳市星火数控技术有限公司目录第一章控制系统简介 (4)1.1概述 (4)1.2功能介绍 (4)1.3注意事项 (5)1.3.1 安全须知 (5)1.3.2 工作环境 (6)1.3.3 供电要求 (6)1.3.4 接地要求 (6)第二章主要界面说明 (7)2.1系统上电 (7)2.2加工主界面 (7)2.2.1加工主界面显示说明 (7)2.2.2测试界面显示说明 (9)2.2.3手动移框界面显示说明 (11)2.2.4基准设置界面显示说明 (12)2.2.5加工统计界面显示说明 (14)2.3主菜单界面 (15)第三章文件管理 (16)3.1内存文件管理 (16)3.2U盘文件管理 (17)第四章文件编辑 (19)4.1文件编辑主界面 (19)4.2采集图形 (19)4.3空送采集 (21)4.4直线采集 (22)4.5矩形采集 (23)4.6多线段采集 (23)4.7圆弧采集 (24)4.8圆形采集 (25)4.9曲线采集 (26)4.10曲线多重 (26)4.11加固预设 (27)4.12采集速度及针步 (28)4.13功能码 (29)4.14曲线编辑 (31)第五章参数文件 (34)5.1内存参数文件主界面 (34)第六章用户参数 (36)6.1用户参数界面 (36)6.2用户设置参数介绍 (37)第七章机械参数 (43)7.1机械参数界面 (43)7.2轴角度设置 (44)7.3输入端口设置 (44)7.4输出端口设置 (45)7.5压板尺寸设置 (45)7.5轴运行参数 (46)7.6延时设置 (47)7.7压脚随动设置 (47)7.8拐点速度设置 (48)7.9摆动设置 (48)7.10轴分辨率 (48)7.11按键极性 (49)7.12电机夹线设置 (49)第八章辅助设置 (50)8.1辅助设置界面 (50)8.2输入检测 (51)8.3输出检测 (51)8.4网络设置 (52)8.5日期设置 (52)8.6锁机设置 (53)8.7系统语言 (54)8.8系统升级 (54)8.9驱动器预览 (56)8.10机器状态 (56)8.11测试传输 (57)附录一:信息提示说明与解决 (59)附录二:快速使用入门 (62)第一章控制系统简介1.1概述非常感谢您使用本公司的全自动模板缝纫机控制系统!本系统可以适配各种类型的模板机使用,满足您对缝纫的不同要求,对各种衣料都有令您满意的缝制效果!在使用之前,请您仔细阅读使用说明书,以确保正确使用本系统。



惠普最新参数一览表(2010.11)目录激光黑白打印机 (2)激光彩色打印机 (10)激光多功能一体机 (19)激光专业型多功能/数码复合机 (24)扫描仪 (32)彩色商用喷墨打印机 (35)喷墨一体机 (37)大幅面打印机 (43)蓝色机型为较新的机型新增Laserjet Pro M1216nfh ;Laserjet Pro M1536dnfColor Laserjet Pro CM1415fn/CM1415fnw CP5525n/dn/xh Scanjet Professional 3000 SCANJET ENTERPRISE 7500 Officejet 6500A eAIO、Officejet 7500A eAIO、Officejet 8500A eAIO Color Laserjet Pro CM4540/f/fskm 即将上市Deskjet 2060(注:除特殊说明,报价均为MAP价格或媒体价)EOL 停产产品1 of 57 Pages激光黑白打印机2 of 57 Pages3 of 57 Pages4 of 57 Pages5 of 57 Pages6 of 57 Pages7 of 57 Pages8 of 57 Pages9 of 57 Pages激光彩色打印机10 of 57 Pages11 of 57 Pages内存:配自动双面打印;月打印负荷:入式网络打印服务器;打印语言:耗材型号:黑色保修:12 of 57 Pages13 of 57 Pages14 of 57 Pages15 of 57 Pages16 of 57 Pages17 of 57 Pages月打印负荷:PCL 5c耗材型号:碳粉,黑色成像鼓,四色保修:A3首页输出时间:大内存:18 of 57 Pages激光多功能一体机19 of 57 Pages20 of 57 Pages21 of 57 Pages22 of 57 Pages23 of 57 Pages激光专业型多功能/数码复合机24 of 57 Pages25 of 57 Pages26 of 57 Pages27 of 57 Pages28 of 57 Pages29 of 57 Pages30 of 57 Pages31 of 57 Pages扫描仪32 of 57 Pages33 of 57 Pages34 of 57 Pages彩色商用喷墨打印机35 of 57 Pages36 of 57 Pages喷墨一体机–达扫描规格:复印规格:12537 of 57 Pages4800 x 1200 dpi扫描规格:复印规格:80Photosmart4800 x 1200 dpi扫描规格:复印规格:HP Deskjet Deskjet 2060 AiO打印速度(草稿模式、分辨率;复印规格:分辨率达扫描规格:传真38 of 57 PagesAIO Printer - 达扫描规格:复印规格:125标配内存打印速度(黑白、草稿模式、页复印规格:黑白传真:调制解调器分辨率;月打印负荷复印规格:黑白传真:调制解调器39 of 57 Pages复印规格:黑白传真:调制解调器32MBCD972AA HP 920XL Officejet复印规格:黑白传真:调制解调器64MBWide Format A3+荷扫描规格:复印规格:黑白40 of 57 Pages扫描规格:复印规格:黑白传真:调制解调器64MBC4907AA HP 940XL Officejet扫描规格:复印规格:黑白传真:调制解调器64MBCD972AA HP 920XL Officejet41 of 57 Pages页扫描规格:复印规格:黑白传真:调制解调器扫描规格:复印规格:黑白传真:调制解调器扫描规格:复印规格:黑白传真:调制解调器42 of 57 Pages大幅面打印机43 of 57 Pages44 of 57 Pages)45 of 57 Pages46 of 57 Pages47 of 57 Pages48 of 57 Pages。



大豪BECS绣花机参数调整说明(精)BECS-02/52系列绣作参数一览表在电脑刺绣机中有各种为满足刺绣产品要求而设定的参数, 这些参数有一个出厂设定值, 它能满足基本的绣作要求。

用户可以根据绣品的工艺和质量要求, 合理的进行参数的调整进而达到满意的刺绣效果。



BECS-02/52系列参数初始化值取值范围注释断线检测及补绣的参数断线检测是是/否“是”:进行断线检测; “否”不进行断线检测。

断线退针数 00-7 机器断线后绣框自动回退针数。


补绣后提前落针针数1 1-10补绣结束是否降速是是/否补绣结束主轴是否降速。


通常值为“否” 。


起绣时断线不检测针数见右注释 0-15有底线检测时设为8, 无底线检测时设为3。




主轴转速及起针速度最高转速(转/分 700250-850最低转速(转/分 400250-500切换(降速针长 (mm 53-12针长大于设定值时,机器降低运转速度。

视框架情况而定, 设定值过大时会造成走位。

起针转速的设置(转/分8080-150起针时慢动针数 11-9起针时慢动几针后加速。

起针加速度 121-30 加大此参数,可使拉杆后机器提速更快。
























为了取出纠缠的线头等而打开挑线杆导向盖时, 请别碰面板的切刀。 这是导致受伤的原因。
取下的安全保护装置,再次安装时,请务必安装在 原位上,并检查能否正常的发挥作用。
在取下针板·辅助针板·切刀复合件时,请使用与 螺钉头部形状、尺寸相符合的起子。 如果使用不合形状、尺寸的起子,易导致螺钉头 部破损,人员受伤和缝纫物破损的原因。
[3] 警告标签
缝纫机上有下列警告标签。 当使用缝纫机时,请遵守标签上的说明。如果标签脱落或模糊不清,请和购买商店联系。
安全保护装置 (A) 护指器 (B) 挑线杆导向盖
Z-8550A, 8560A
万一发生雷电暴风雨时,关闭电源开关,并将电源 插头从插座上拔下。雷电可能会影响缝纫机的正确 操作。
请让受过培训的技术人员来安装缝纫机。 请委托购买商店或电气专业人员进行电气配线。
固定电缆时,不要过度弯曲电缆或用卡钉固定得过 紧,会引起火灾或触电的危险。
缝纫机重 49 公斤, 安装工作必须由两人以上来完 成。
5. 缝纫前的准备 ............................................. 15
5-1. 机针的安装方法 ............................................. 15 5-2. 梭芯套的装拆方法.......................................... 15 5-3. 底线的绕线方法 ............................................. 16 5-4. 梭芯套的装取方法.......................................... 16 5-5. 面线的穿法..................................................... 17 5-6. 缝针长度的调节方法 ...................................... 18 5-7. 加固缝的方法 ................................................. 19 5-8. 膝控碰块的使用方法 ...................................... 20 5-9. 扫线装置的使用方法 ...................................... 20

YTL31109 48英寸拖拽草坊清拾器说明书

YTL31109 48英寸拖拽草坊清拾器说明书

YTL31109 48” TOW-BEHIND LAWN SWEEPERInstruction & AssemblyTable of ContentsGeneral Warnings and Rules (3)Controls and Features Identification (5)Component & Hardware ................................................................................... 6, 7 Assembly Instructions .......................................................... 8, 9 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Operation Instructions . (15)Maintenance and Storage ............................................................................ 16, 17 Specification . (18)Parts Drawing & Parts List ........................................................................... 19, 20 Limited Warranty (21)GENERAL WARNINGSREAD and UNDERSTAND this manual completely before using the Lawn Sweeper. Operator must read and understand all safety and warning information, operating instructions, maintenance and storage instructions before operating this equipment. Failure to properly operate and maintain the lawn sweeper could result in serious injury to the operator or bystanders.Operation Warnings●Do not at any time carry passengers, sit or stand on the lawn sweeper.●Do not allow children to play on, stand upon or climb on the lawn sweeper.●Always inspect the sweeper before using to assure it is in good working condition.●Replace or repair damaged or worn parts immediately.●Always check and tighten hardware and assembled parts before operation.●Never attach the hopper rope to any part of your body or clothing.●Never hold onto the rope while towing the sweeper.●Only attach the rope to the tow vehicle to keep it away from the wheels and moving parts.●Avoid large holes and ditches when operating the equipment.●Be careful when operating the sweeper on steep grades (hill).●Always operate up and down the slope never across the face of the slope●Always operate at reduce speed in rough terrain, along creeks, ditches and on hillsides.●Do not operate close to creeks, ditches and public highways.●To avoid personal injury and/or equipment damage DO NOT EXCEED 5MPH.●Always use caution when loading and unloading the hopper.●Only tow with recommended vehicles (Lawn/Garden Tractors and ATVs).●Always refer to the vehicle owner’s manual for proper towing.●Sweeper is not designed to be used with zero-turn mowers.●Always secure and lock sweeper to the vehicle hitch before operating..Crush and Cut Hazards●Always keep hands and feet clear from moving parts while operating the equipment.●Always clear and keep work area clean when operating.●Always wear safety gear, eye protection, gloves and work boots when operating the sweeper. .WARNINGinstructionssituations that mayfactorsPROP 65 WARNINGThis product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, Assembly Is RequiredThis product requires assembly before use. See “Assembly” section for instructions. Because of the weight and/or size of the lawn sweeper, it is recommended that another adult be present to assist with the assembly. INSPECT ALL COMPONENTS closely upon receipt to make sure no components are missing or damaged..Hazard Signal Word DefinitionsABOUT YOUR TOW-BEHIND LAWN SWEEPERThis heavy duty tow-behind lawn sweeper makes yard work a breeze. The steel and nylon construction are durable and lightweight making it easy to tow, rust resistant and easy to clean. The extra large sweeping span makes the job easy and saves time when cleaning different types of debris from grass clipping, twigs, paper, leaves and much more. The tow behind sweeper features a one-handed lever to adjust the brush height. It can be stored in a shed or garage with minimal space. The large hopper makes loading and unloading fast and convenient.Technical specifications on the lawn sweeper are provided in the “Specifications ” section of this manual. DANGERWARNING CAUTIONwithout potentially hazardous if not avoided, may result in property damage.CAUTIONRead this owner’s manual before operating the equipment. Familiarize yourself with the location and function of the controls and features.Save this manual for future reference.1) Hand Lever – Adjust the Brush Height. 2) Nylon Hopper – Holds all types of Debris. 3) Tires / Wheel – Semi pneumatic all terrain tires. 4) Hitch – Pin-type design use only with approve vehicles. . 413assembly equipment could result in serious injury to the user or bystanders, or cause equipment damageLAWN SWEEPER COMPONENT PARTS AND ASSEMBLYTake all parts out of the shipping crate and inspect components to ensure there are no missing pieces before starting to assemble the sweeper follow steps 1 through 10.TOOLS REQUIRED∙ 10, 13 & 14mm Wrenches ∙ PliersSTEP 1: Attach the Angle Bracket to Sweeper Housing1. Assemble the angle bracket to the sweeper housing using M8x16 hex bolt and M8 hex locknut.NOTE: Make sure the bracket is turned as shown and aligned straight with the housing and tighten.1NOTE: Right Hand (RH) and Left Hand (LH) are determined from the operators’ position while seated on the vehicle.STEP 2: Attach Hitch Tubes to the Sweeper Housing1. Assemble the RH hitch tube to the sweeper housing using M6x40 hex bolt and M6 lock nut.Only loosely tighten.2. Repeat for the LH hitch tube, loosely tighten.2STEP 3: Fasten Hitch Tubes Together1. Fasten both hitch tubes together using two M8x75 hex bolts and M8 lock nuts. Looselytighten.3STEP 4: Attach Hitch Bracket to the Hitch Tubes1. Attach the hitch bracket to the hitch tubes using two M8x55 hex bolts and M8 hex lock nuts.The bolts should straddle the front hitch tube bolt. Loosely tighten.2. Tighten the four bolts fastening the hitch tubes to the sweeper housing.3. Next tighten the two bolts fastening the ends of the hitch tubes together.4. Then tighten the two bolts holding the hitch brackets to the hitch tubes.5. Put the hitch pin, spacers and the R pin through the hitch brackets.6. Before moving to the next step make sure all hardware is tighten.NOTE: If your vehicles hitch has 11 in. to 13 in. ground clearances use the straight hitchbracket (figure A). If your vehicles hitch has 8 in. to 11 in. ground clearance use the otherhitch bracket (figure B).ABSTEP 5: Assemble the Height Adjustment Handle1. Attach the height adjustment handle to the height adjustment tube using two M8x40 hex boltsand M8 lock nut. Loosely tighten.5STEP 6:Attach the Adjustment Strap to the Angle Bracket1.Insert a M8x20 hex bolt through the angle bracket. In the following order put the polo spacer,height adjustment strap, Ø8 big flat washer and M8 lock nut and tighten.6STEP 7:Attach Knob and Washer to Handle1. Put the adjustment handle side to side so the wear washer can fit between the handle and theadjustment strap and tighten.2. Insert the M8x30 carriage bolt through the height adjustment handle. In the following order putthe bolt, adjustment handle, wear washer, adjustment strap, wear washer, the Ø8 big flat washer and the plastic knob.78STEP 8: Attach Connecting Rod1. Attach the connecting rod to the sweeper housing using two sets of M6x12 hex bolts and M6lock nut.STEP 9: Assemble Hopper Bag1. Position the rear hopper tube so the brace holes are in the middle and the tube is facing down.2. Side the tube through the two sewn in loops at the top of the rear seam inside the bag.3. Insert the two upper hopper side tubes through the stitched flaps on each side of the bag.4. Insert the ends of the rear hopper tube onto the ends of the upper hopper side tubes. Fastentogether using the plastic plug.5. Turn the second rear hopper tube so that the brace holes are in the middle and the tube facesup.6. Attach the ends of the rear hopper tube into the ends of the lower hopper side tubes. Fastentogether using plastic plugs.7. Place the lower hopper tube assembly in the bottom of the bag.8. Attach the ends of the lower side tubes inside the upper side tubes using two Ø9.5X25 clevispins.9. From the inside of the bag insert the two Ø3 R pins. Array 10. Insert the bag frame strap into the stitched sleeve along the front edge of the bag bottom.11. Attach the bag frame strap to the lower hopper side tubes using two Ø6X37 clevis pins and twohair pins Ø2.12. Secure the bag corners around the lower hopper side tubes by snapping the bag flaps to thebag bottom on both sides. Do not over bend the support rods during the next steps. Over bending will cause the steel rods to lose13. Tip the hopper on its back to insert the two hopper support rods.14. Place the ends of each rod into the upper and lower rear hopper tubes bending the rod justenough to fit into the holes in the tubes.15. Insert the front support rod through the top hole in each of the upper hopper side tubes andassemble bag arm tube and secure with an Ø3 R pin.16. Secure the rope to the top center of the hopper bag frame.STEP 10: Attach Hopper Bag to Sweeper1. Slide the ends of the bag arms tubes into the ends of the sweeper ’s hitch tubes and secureusing two Ø6X42 clevis pins and Ø2 R pins.2. Tighten all hardware before using the sweeper.sweeper, mayATTACH SWEEPER TO TOW VEHICLE1. Make sure the tow vehicle and sweeper are on a level surface.2. Set the sweeper height adjustment handle to the middle position.3. Attach the sweeper to the vehicle hitch using the spacers to make the bottom of thesweeper bag level as possible with ground.NOTE: For the best performance the bottom of the sweeper bag needs to be level with the ground with at least a 5” clearance.USING YOUR SWEEPER1. Adjust the brush height of the sweeper. The best brush setting is ½” down in the gras s.Always mow the grass to and even height before sweeping.2. For best results when sweeping do not exceed 5mph. In some cases it may be better tooperate and less than 5mph.3. Always secure and lock the sweeper to the vehicle hitch before operating.4. When dumping the sweeper pull the rope forward to dump the hopper. Always empty thehopper after each use.Never attach the hopper rope to any part of your body or clothing. Never hold onto the rope while towing the sweeper.Only attach the rope to the tow vehicle to keep it away from the wheels and rotating parts.Improper maintenance and storage of the sweeper may void your warranty.MAINTENANCE∙ After each use clean material out of hopper.∙ Rinse/dry inside and outside of the sweeper after each use. ∙ Remove any material which has wrapped around the brushes. ∙ Periodically check all fasteners for tightness.∙ Twice a year apply a few drops of light multipurpose oil to the brush shaft bearings. ∙ Annually clean and lightly lubricate all moving parts.∙ Every two years remove and clean gears and apply an even coat of light synthetic grease. ∙ Use a glossy enamel spray paint to touch up scratched or worn painted metal surfaces. ∙ Never exceed the hopper load capacity rating it will damage the bag. ∙ Rinse/dry inside and outside of the sweeper after each use.∙ Regularly grease axle and wheel bearing area or when needed. ∙ Periodically check all fasteners for tightness.LUBRICATIONThe bearings in the sweeper have been pre-lubricated at the factory; however it is recommended that a few drops of light multipurpose oil should be added to the brush shaft bearings twice a year. Also, the wheels should be removed too clean gears every two years. After cleaning apply an even coat of light synthetic grease.NOTE: To remove wheel, use a screwdriver to pop off hub cap, remove the lock nut and washer.WHEEL GEARS/PAWL SERVICEDO NOT remove both wheels at the same time. Remove one wheel at a time to prevent use the wrong parts for the opposite side (left and right sides are different). When removing gears make notes on position of all washers and other parts.BRUSH REPLACEMENT1. Remove the hopper bag from lawn sweeper.2. Only replace one brush at a time.3. Tip the sweeper forward on housing. Do not remove the hex bolts from double brush retainers.4.Loosen hex bolts and hex lock nuts from single brush retainers. Slide brush out of retainers, making note of over-lap bristles position.5. Install new brush, make sure the over-lap bristles are in the positioned as beforeIMPORTANT:If a part needs replacement, only use parts that meet the manufacturer ’s specifications. Replacement parts that do not meet specifications may result in a safety hazard or poor operations.Before storing the sweeper always empty the hopper bag to avoid spontaneous combustion.STORAGE∙ Empty hopper bag before storing the sweeper.∙ Clean the sweeper and hopper thoroughly to help prevent rust and mildew.∙ Before storing make sure the sweeper is clean and dry for years of trouble free service.∙ Collapse the hopper bag for storage, remove the two support rods from the rear of the hopper. ∙ Lightly lubricate all sweeper surfaces and moving parts to prevent rust. ∙ Store indoors or protected area during severe weather and winter months.Frame Construction ........................................................................................ S teel Hopper Construction ........................................................................... Nylon Mesh Hitch Type ................................................................................................ Pin Style Wheel Type .................................................................................. S emi-Pneumatic Working Width ................................................................................................... 48”Wheel Size ..................................................................................................... 10.5”WarrantyFor one year from the date of purchase YTL International will replace for the original purchaser, or repair the lawn sweeper. The warranty will not apply to any unit which was not assembled correctly, misused, overloaded or which has been used or operated contrary to our instructions, or which has been repaired or altered by anyone other than an authorized representative.Warranty ExclusionsThis warranty does not cover cosmetic defects such as paint, decals or wear items such as tires. This warranty will not cover failures or problems due to acts of God, or events or forces beyond the control of the manufacturer.Normal Wear ExclusionThe sweeper needs periodic service to perform well. This warranty does not cover repair when normal use has exhausted the life of a part or the equipment as a whole.Installation, Use and Maintenance ExclusionThis warranty will not apply to parts and/or labor if the sweeper has been misused, neglected, involved in an accident, abused, loaded beyond its limits, modified or assembled incorrectly. Normal maintenance is not covered under this warranty.Limits of Implied Warranty and Consequential Damage ExclusionYTL International disclaims any obligation to cover any loss of time, use of this product, freight, or any incidental or consequential claim by anyone from using this lawn sweeper. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR.An exchange unit will be subject to the original warranty. The length of the warranty governing the exchanged unit will have the date as the purchase date of the original unit. This warranty gives you certain legal rights which may change from state to state. Your state may also have other rights you may be entitled to that are not listed within this warranty.Contact InformationYTL International17517 Fabrica Way, Suite JCerritos, CA 90703Phone: (888) 723-6534Phone: (562) 404-8016Fax: (562) 404-8013- 21 -。



曼罗兰型号ROLAND900,XXL ROLAND900 ROLAND700HiPrint ROLAND700DirectDrive ROLAND500 ROLAND200印版尺寸(mm) - - - - - 605 x 740外形尺寸(mm) - - - - - 5185 x 2710 x 1920 承印物厚度(mm) 0.04 –1.2 0.04 –1.2 0.04 –1.00 0.06 –0.60 0.06 - 0.6 0.04-0.8最大印刷速度(pic/h) 13000 15200 17000 - 18000 -最大印刷面积(mm) 1250 x 1620 1010 x 1420 770 x 1030 715 x 1020 570 x 740 510 x 735最大用纸尺寸(mm) 1260 x 1620 1020 x 1420 780 x 1050 740 x 1040 590 x 740 520 x 740最小印刷面积(mm) -- - - --最小用纸尺寸(mm) - - - - - 210 x 280橡皮布尺寸(mm) - - - - - 650 x 760水辊(根) - - - - 16 15色组- - 15 4 - 12 - 4冷水循环系统- - 有- - 有喷粉装置有- - - - -控制中心有有有有有有故障监控系统有-有有- 有标准配置有- - 有有有电脑控墨有有有有有有自动清洗橡皮装置有有- 有- 有自动清洗滚筒装置- - - 有- 有自动装版装置有有- - - -遥控推炮装置有有品牌海德堡海德堡海德堡海德堡海德堡海德堡型号XL75 SM102 SM74 SM52 SM102-4/5 CD102印版尺寸(mm) 660×745 770 ×1030 605 ×745 459 ×525 - 770 ×1030叼口尺寸(mm) 8 - 10 10 - 12 8 - 10 8 - 10 - 10 - 12外形尺寸(mm) 13220 ×4060 ×1940 15370 ×3310 ×2170 7760 ×3220 ×1870 6180 ×1850 ×1620 - 15850 ×3310 ×2170 承印物厚度(mm) 0.03 - 0.8 0.03 - 0.8 0.03 - 0.6 0.03 - 0.4 0.03 - 0.8 0.03 -1.0最大印刷速度(pic/h) - - - -13000 16200最大印刷面积(mm) 510 ×740 710 ×1020 510 ×740 360 ×520 700 ×1020 700 ×1020最大用纸尺寸(mm) 530 ×750 720 ×1020 530 ×740 370 ×520 720 ×1020 720 ×1021最小印刷速度(pic/h) - - - - - -最小印刷面积(mm) - 340 ×480 210 ×280 - - -最小用纸尺寸(mm) 210 ×350 340 ×480 - 105 ×145 340 ×480 340 ×480橡皮布尺寸(mm) 700 ×772 840 ×1052 627 ×772 460 ×535 - 840 ×1050润版方式- - - - - -色组 5 8 4 1 - 8 4 6冷水循环系统有有有有有有喷粉装置有有有有- -电脑控墨有有有有有有自动清洗橡皮装置有有有有有有自动清洗滚筒装置有有有有有有自动装版装置有有有- 有有品牌海德堡海德堡海德堡海德堡海德堡海德堡海德堡型号XL162 XL145 CD102Preset SM74-4-H SM52-4 GTO52 XL105印版尺寸(mm) 1325 x 1630 x 0.4 1175 x 1460 x 0.4 -605 x 745 459 x 525 400 ×510 811 ×1055 叼口尺寸(mm) 10 - 12 10 - 12 -8 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 10 10 - 12外形尺寸(mm) ---7930 x 2900 x 1930 4680 x 1840 x 1620 4120 ×1770 ×1580 -承印物厚度(mm) 0.1 - 0.8 0.1 - 0.8 0.03 - 1.0 0.03 - 0.6 0.03 - 0.4 0.03 - 0.4 0.03 - 1.0 最大印刷速度(pic/h) 15000 15000 15200 15000 15000 8000 18000最大印刷面积(mm) 1190 x 1620 1040 x 1450 710 x 1020 510 x 740 360 x 520 - 740 ×1050 最大用纸尺寸(mm) 1210 x 1620 1060 x 1450 720 x 1020 530 x 740 370 x 520 140 ×180 750 ×1050 最小印刷速度(pic/h) 3000 3000 ---- 3000最小印刷面积(mm) ------ -最小用纸尺寸(mm) 630 x 860 630 x 860 340 x 480 210 x 280 105 x 145 360 ×520 340 ×480 橡皮布尺寸(mm) 1311 x 1668 x 1.95 1162 x 1480 x 1.95 -616 x 772 460 x 536 - 885 ×1077 润版方式--酒精润版--- -色组--- 4 4 4 -冷水循环系统-----有有喷粉装置---有有有有电脑控墨--有有有有有自动清洗橡皮装置------ 有自动清洗滚筒装置------ 有自动装版装置---可选可选- 有品牌高宝高宝高宝高宝高宝高宝类型单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机型号74 Karat 46 Karat KBA Compacta 618 185 75型205型主电机功率(kw) ----- -印版尺寸(mm) ----- -外形尺寸(mm) ----- -承印物厚度(mm) ----0.04 - 0.6 0.1 - 1.6 最大印刷速度(pic/h) 10000 7000 --15000 -最大印刷面积(mm) ---1290 ×1850 - 1490 ×1850 最大用纸尺寸(mm) 740 ×520 460 ×340 -1300 ×1850 605 ×750 1510 ×2050 最小印刷速度(pic/h) ----- -最小印刷面积(mm) ----- -最小用纸尺寸(mm) 297 ×210 460 ×340 -900 ×135 330 ×330 900 ×1350 机器重量(kg) ----- -橡皮布尺寸(mm) ----- -气泵机械率(kw) ----- -水辊(根) ----- -润版方式----- -电源----- -色组----8 - PRESET预设纸张----- -冷水循环系统----- -压力装置----- -喷粉装置----- -控制中心----- 有故障监控系统----- -斜拉版装置----- -标准配置----有有电脑控墨----有有自动清洗橡皮装置----- - 自动清洗滚筒装置----- - 自动装版装置----- -品牌高宝高宝高宝高宝类型单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机型号74G 105型106型KBA Genius 52 质保三年三年三年三年产地德国德国德国德国上市时间不详不详不详不详价格面议面议面议面议主电机功率(kw) - - - -印版尺寸(mm) - - - -叼口尺寸(mm) - - - -堆垛高度-收纸台(mm) - - - -堆垛高度-飞达台(mm) - - - -外形尺寸(mm) - - - -承印物厚度(mm) 0.06 - 0.8 0.06 - 0.5 0.06 - 0.7 0.06 - 0.8最大印刷速度(pic/h) 15000 16500 18000 8000最大印刷面积(mm) - - - -最大用纸尺寸(mm) 520 ×740 740 ×1050 740 ×1060 360 ×520 最小印刷速度(pic/h) - - - -最小印刷面积(mm) - - - -最小用纸尺寸(mm) 210 ×297 360 ×520 340 ×480 210 ×297 机器重量(kg) - - - -橡皮布尺寸(mm) - - - -气泵机械率(kw) - - - -水辊(根) - - - -润版方式- - - -电源- - - -色组8 8 16 4 - 5 PRESET预设纸张- - - -冷水循环系统- - - -压力装置- - - -喷粉装置- - - -控制中心有- 有有故障监控系统- - - -斜拉版装置- - - -标准配置有有有有电脑控墨有有有有自动清洗橡皮装置- - - 有自动清洗滚筒装置- - - 有自动装版装置- - - 有类型单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机型号GH474 GH524D YK9600 YK6400 YK4700C YK4700B主电机功率(kw) --- - - -印版尺寸(mm) 460×370×0.15 510 ×410 ×0.15 624 x 480 x 0.3 624 x 480 x 0.3 465 x 375 x 0.15 324 x 473 x 0.15 叼口尺寸(mm) --- - - -外形尺寸(mm) 4048×2150×1654 -1770 x 1090 x 1185 1770 x 1090 x 1185 1630 x 970 x 1260 1770 x 790 x 1185 承印物厚度(mm) ---- - -最大印刷速度(pic/h) 11000 12000 6000 6000 9000 10000最大印刷面积(mm) 450×320 510 ×350 615 x 432 615 x 432 445 x 330 315x 432最大用纸尺寸(mm) 470×330 520 ×360 640 x 470 640 x 470 480 x 360 340 x 470最小印刷速度(pic/h) 3000 2600 1000 1000 2000 1000最小印刷面积(mm) --- - - -最小用纸尺寸(mm) 180×150 180 ×180 330 x 250 330 x 250 210 x 150 90 x 140机器重量(kg) 7200 9000 800 800 530 490橡皮布尺寸(mm) --- - - -水辊(根) - 4 -- - -润版方式-酒精润版-水墨混合混合、分离均可水墨混合电源三相AC 380V/50Hz 三相AC 380V/50Hz -单机AC 220V/50Hz 单相AC 220V/50Hz 单相AC 220V/50Hz 色组--- 1 1 1喷粉装置--- - - -酒精润版/水润版--- - - -类型 单张纸胶印机 单张纸胶印机 单张纸胶印机 单张纸胶印机 单张纸胶印机 单张纸胶印机 单张纸胶印机 型号YK1800EYK1800ELYK1800AYK660BYK500-NPYK500B-NPGH524LY主电机功率(kw) - - - ---- 印版尺寸(mm) - - - 660 x 548 x 0.25483 x 405 x 0.25483 x 405 x 0.15510 x 410 x 0.15 叼口尺寸(mm) -------外形尺寸(mm) 1235 x 840 x 1285 1235 x 840 x 1285 1310 x 915 x 1235 2350 x 1560 x 1630 1680 x 1100 x 1450 1550 x 1000 x 15207330 x 2240 x 1720承印物厚度(mm) - - - 0.035 - 0.5 - - 0.04 - 0.4 最大印刷速度(pic/h) 9000 9000 9000 11000 10000 8000 12000 最大印刷面积(mm) 330 x 445 330 x 445 297 x 420 650 x 475 470 x 350 470 x 350 - 最大用纸尺寸(mm) 340 x 470 340 x 483 305 x 432 660 x 485 500 x 360 500 x 360 520 x 370 最小印刷速度(pic/h) 2000 2000 3300 3000 3000 2000 2600 最小印刷面积(mm) - - - - - - - 最小用纸尺寸(mm) 140 x 200140 x 200100 x 150297 x 210 140 x 90 140 x 90 148 x 100 机器重量(kg) 400 400 350 3800 1000 740 11000 橡皮布尺寸(mm) - - - - - - - 水辊(根) - - 13 5 5 4 4 润版方式 水墨混合水墨混合水墨混合水墨分离水墨分离水墨分离酒精润版 电源 单相AC 220V/50Hz 单相AC 220V/50Hz 单相AC 220V/50Hz 三相 AC 380V/50Hz 单相AC 220V/50Hz 单相AC 220V/50Hz三相AC 380V/50Hz色组 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 喷粉装置 - - - - - - - 酒精润版/水润版-------类型单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机型号YK500B-II GH47NP YK5200NP YK4700NP YK3300S YK1800AB主电机功率(kw) - -- - - -印版尺寸(mm) 483 x 405 x 0.15 465 x 375 x 0.15 510 x 420 x 0.3 - - -叼口尺寸(mm) - - - - - -外形尺寸(mm) 1550 x 1000 x 1520 1630 x 970 x 1260 1650 x 1100 x 1445 1770 x 790 x 1185 2000 x 910 x 1560 1310 x 915 x 1235 承印物厚度(mm) - -0.04 - 0.4 - 0.04 - 0.3 -最大印刷速度(pic/h) 8000 9000 10000 10000 9000 9000最大印刷面积(mm) 470 x 350 445 x 330 510 x 350 315 x 432 317 x 427 297 x 420最大用纸尺寸(mm) 500 x 360 480 x 360 520 x 360 340 x 470 330 x 450 305 x 432最小印刷速度(pic/h) 2000 2000 2500 1000 2000 3300最小印刷面积(mm) - - - - - -最小用纸尺寸(mm) 140 x 90 210 x 150 148 x 100 90 x 140 90 x 130 100 x 150机器重量(kg) 740 530 1600 490 850 350橡皮布尺寸(mm) - - - - - -水辊(根) 4 - 5 - - -润版方式水墨分离- 水墨分离水墨混合水墨混合方式水墨混合电源单相AC 220V/50Hz 单相AC 220V/50Hz 三相AC 380V/50Hz 单相AC 220V/50Hz 单相220V 50Hz 8A 单相AC 220/50色组 1 - 1 1 1 1喷粉装置- - - - - -酒精润版/水润版- -- - - -类型单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机单张纸胶印机类型型号YK500 GH664D GH565 GH564 GH525 GH524 型号主电机功率(kw) - -----主电机功率(kw) 印版尺寸(mm) 483 x 405 x 0.25 670 x 560 x 0.3 550 x 433 x 0.15 550 x 433 x 0.15 510 x 410 x 0.15 510 x 410 x 0.15 印版尺寸(mm) 叼口尺寸(mm) - - - - - - 叼口尺寸(mm)外形尺寸(mm) 1680 x 1100 x 14506800 x 3100 x 19005300 x 2280 x 17204420 x 2280 x 17205210 x 2240 x 17204330 x 2240 x 1720外形尺寸(mm)承印物厚度(mm) - 0.04 - 0.6 0.04 - 0.4 0.04 - 0.4 0.04-0.4 0.04 - 0.4 承印物厚度(mm)最大印刷速度(pic/ h) 10000 13000 12000 12000 12000 12000最大印刷速度(pic/h)最大印刷面积(mm) 470 x 350 650 x 470 540 x 380 540 x 380 510 x 360 510 x 360 最大印刷面积(mm) 最大用纸尺寸(mm) 500 x 360 660 x 480 560 x 400 560 x 400 520 x 370 520 x 370 最大用纸尺寸(mm)最小印刷速度(pic/ h) 3000 2600 2600 2600 2600 2600最小印刷速度(pic/h)最小印刷面积(mm) - - - - - - 最小印刷面积(mm) 最小用纸尺寸(mm) 140 x 90 305 x 230 148 x 100 148 x 100 148 x 100 148 x 100 最小用纸尺寸(mm) 橡皮布尺寸(mm) - - - - - - 橡皮布尺寸(mm) 水辊(根) 5 4 4 4 4 4 水辊(根)润版方式水墨分离酒精润版酒精润版酒精润版酒精润版酒精润版润版方式色组 1 -----色组喷粉装置- - - - - - 喷粉装置酒精润版/水润版- -----酒精润版/水润版三菱型号DIAMOND V3000R DIAMOND V3000LX DIAMOND V3000LS印版尺寸(mm) 800 x 1030 800 x 1060 800 x 1060叼口尺寸(mm) - - -外形尺寸(mm) - - -承印物厚度(mm) 0.04 - 0.6 0.24/0.3 0.24/0.3最大印刷速度(pic/h) - - -最大印刷面积(mm) 740 x 1050 740 x 1050 740 x 1050最大用纸尺寸(mm) 750 x 1050 750 x 1050 750 x 1050最小印刷速度(pic/h) - - -最小印刷面积(mm) - - -最小用纸尺寸(mm) 360 x 540 360 x 540 360 x 540橡皮布尺寸(mm) - - -水辊(根) 3 - -润版方式- Delta润版装置Delta润版装置色组8 6 4喷粉装置- - -三菱三菱三菱三菱三菱三菱品牌型号DIAMOND 2000LS DIAMOND 6000LX DIAMOND 5000LS DIAMOND 1000LC DIAMOND 1000LS DIAMOND V3000TP印版尺寸(mm) 675 ×750 1150 ×1450 1050 ×1310 600 ×730 600 ×730 800 x 1030叼口尺寸(mm) ------外形尺寸(mm) ------承印物厚度(mm) -----0.04 - 0.6/0.2 - 0.8 最大印刷速度(pic/h) ------最大印刷面积(mm) -----740 x 1050最大用纸尺寸(mm) 600 ×740 600 ×850 940 ×1300 520 ×720 520 ×720 750 x 1050最小印刷速度(pic/h) ------最小印刷面积(mm) ------最小用纸尺寸(mm) 273 ×380 1040 ×1440 550 ×750 273 ×380 273 ×380 360 x 540橡皮布尺寸(mm) ------水辊(根) ------润版方式------色组-----12喷粉装置------电脑控墨-----小森小森小森小森小森小森品牌型号S44SP S40 SX29 SX40 29P GS型主电机功率(kw) ------印版尺寸(mm) 900 ×1130 800 ×1030 660 ×740 811 ×1055 -600 x 730叼口尺寸(mm) ------承印物厚度(mm) ------最大印刷速度(pic/h) ------最大印刷面积(mm) 810 ×1120 710 ×1020 585 ×740 740 ×1050 -510 x 710 最大用纸尺寸(mm) 820 ×1130 720 ×1030 610 ×750 750 ×1050 -520 x 720 最小印刷速度(pic/h) ------最小印刷面积(mm) ------最小用纸尺寸(mm) ------橡皮布尺寸(mm) ------气泵机械率(kw) ------水辊(根) ------润版方式------色组 1 ×1 2 ×2 2、4 -12 2、4-8 4-6 - 2冷水循环系统------压力装置------喷粉装置------控制中心-----有自动清洗橡皮装置------自动清洗滚筒装置------自动装版装置-----有酒精润版/水润版------小森小森小森小森型号20型32型40SP 40型主电机功率(kw) - - - -印版尺寸(mm) 459 x 530 645 x 820 800 x 1030 800 x 1030叼口尺寸(mm) - - - -承印物厚度(mm) - - - -最大印刷速度(pic/h) - - - -最大印刷面积(mm) 340 x 510 550 x 810 710 x 1020 710 x 1020最大用纸尺寸(mm) 375 x 520 560 x 820 720 x 1030 720 x 1030最小印刷速度(pic/h) - - - -最小印刷面积(mm) - - - -最小用纸尺寸(mm) - - - -橡皮布尺寸(mm) - - - -气泵机械率(kw) - - - -水辊(根) - - - -润版方式- - - -色组 2 - 6 2 - 6 1 - 6 2 - 12冷水循环系统- - - -压力装置- - - -喷粉装置- - - 有自动清洗橡皮装置- - - -自动清洗滚筒装置- - - -自动装版装置- 有- -酒精润版/水润版- - - -北人北人北人北人北人北人品牌型号YP-1B3A PZ4920_01 BR624 BR622 J2108C PZ4890_01B 印版尺寸(mm) ----- -叼口尺寸(mm) ----- -外形尺寸(mm) ----- -承印物厚度(mm) ----- 0.04 - 0.6最大印刷速度(pic/h) 1000 15000 1200 1200 10000 11000最大印刷面积(mm) 500 ×350 710 ×1020 610 ×440 -710 ×1020 610 ×890最大用纸尺寸(mm) 510 ×360 720 ×1040 620 ×450 620 ×450 720 ×1020 620 ×890最小印刷速度(pic/h) ----- -最小印刷面积(mm) ---610 ×440 - -最小用纸尺寸(mm) 190 ×140 360 ×520 150 ×100 150 ×100 360 ×520 360 ×546橡皮布尺寸(mm) ----- -水辊(根) ----- -润版方式----- -色组单 4 4 2 1 4冷水循环系统----- -喷粉装置----- -控制中心----有有斜拉版装置----- -电脑控墨----- -自动清洗橡皮装置----- -自动清洗滚筒装置----- -北人北人北人北人北人型号PZ2720-02 N300 JS2102A J2205 BR-754印版尺寸(mm) - - 620 ×510 ×0.3 - 730 ×570 ×0.3 叼口尺寸(mm) - - - - -外形尺寸(mm) 4890 ×2490 ×1860 - - - 6670 ×2950 ×1950 承印物厚度(mm) 0.04 - 0.35 0.04 - 0.6 0.04 - 0.2 - 0.04 - 0.5最大印刷速度(pic/h) 10000 单面15000 双面12000 9000 10000 12000最大印刷面积(mm) 510 ×720 720 ×020 638 ×920 640 ×920 720 ×510最大用纸尺寸(mm) 520 ×720 750 ×1040 650 ×920 650 ×920 750 ×520最小印刷速度(pic/h) - - - - 3000最小印刷面积(mm) - - - - -最小用纸尺寸(mm) 273 ×393 360 ×520 393 ×546 393 ×546 285 ×210橡皮布尺寸(mm) - - - - -水辊(根) - - - - -润版方式- - - - 酒精润版色组 2 多色- 2 -冷水循环系统- - - - -喷粉装置- - - - -控制中心有- - - 有斜拉版装置- - - - -电脑控墨- 有- - -自动清洗橡皮装置- 有- - -自动清洗滚筒装置- 有- - 有。



切纸机1、兴业670MP程控液压切纸机型号:兴业670MP最大裁切尺寸:670mm最小裁切尺寸:30mm裁切厚度:80mm裁切精度:±0.2mm压纸方式:液压+机械脚踏推纸方式:程控编辑:是显示:液晶电源参数:220V(110V)±10%50HZ(60HZ) 2.8kw净重:550kg机械尺寸(L*D*H):1450*1100*1400mm报价:43800产品介绍1、重型机架设计,精密加工工艺,提高机器稳定性2、耐用性高,不易变形3、推纸平台无槽设计,双侧滚珠丝杆推纸更平稳,裁切精度更高(伺服驱动可选配)4、新增机械脚踏,裁切骑马钉书本预对位更方便5、机械锁刀结构,防止滑刀,确保操作安全6、时尚大气外观,适宜快印办公环境7、台湾主电机,提供强劲动力;进口液压阀件,确保机器品质;压纸压力外部调节结构8、解决滚轮滑槽易磨损,确保裁切精度9、程序调刀深浅、压纸时间、推纸尺寸校准点等,可设定调节,多项自检功能,故障代码显示,程控可设定100组*21刀编程10、符合CE标准,全新红外光电标准模块,操作更安全11、推纸尺寸精密微调,行业领先2、兴业H720R液压切纸机型号:兴业H720R最大裁切尺寸:720mm最小裁切尺寸:30mm裁切厚度:80mm裁切精度:±0.2mm压纸方式:液压+机械脚踏推纸方式:程控编辑:是显示:液晶电源参数:220V(110V)±10%50HZ(60HZ) 2.8kw净重:500kg机械尺寸(L*D*H):1550*1200*1460mm报价:78000产品介绍1.方便拆装,调整快捷2.推纸平台无槽设计,双侧丝杆推纸更平稳,裁切精度更高(滚珠丝杆、伺服驱动可选配)3.耐用性高,不易变形4.新增机械脚踏,裁切骑马钉书本预对位更方便5.解决滚轮滑槽易磨损,刀架间隙可调节,确保裁切精度6.防止滑刀现象,确保操作安全7.时尚大气外观,适宜快印办公环境8.裁切更轻松,适合厚纸裁切9.解决油缸密封渗漏现象10.快速更换刀片11.台湾主电机,提供强劲动力;进口液压阀件,确保机器品质;压纸压力外部调节结构12.程序调刀深浅、压纸时间、推纸尺寸校准点等,可设定调节,多项自检功能,故障代码显示,程控可设定100组*21刀编程;电子手轮精密微调13.符合CE标准,全新红外光电标准模块,操作更安全14.*1235Z(60HZ) 1.3 2.8kw3、兴业H520R 液压切纸机型号:兴业H520R最大裁切尺寸:520mm最小裁切尺寸:30mm裁切厚度:80mm裁切精度:±0.2mm压纸方式:液压+机械脚踏推纸方式:程控编辑:是显示:液晶电源参数:220V(110V)±10%50HZ(60HZ) 1.8kw净重:400kg机械尺寸(L*D*H):1280*1010*1430mm报价:26800产品介绍1.方便拆装,调整快捷2.推纸平台无槽设计,双侧丝杆推纸更平稳,裁切精度更高(滚珠丝杆、伺服驱动可选配)3.耐用性高,不易变形4.新增机械脚踏,裁切骑马钉书本预对位更方便5.解决滚轮滑槽易磨损,刀架间隙可调节,确保裁切精度6.防止滑刀现象,确保操作安全7.时尚大气外观,适宜快印办公环境8裁切更轻松,适合厚纸裁切9.解决油缸密封渗漏现象10.快速更换刀片11.台湾主电机,提供强劲动力;进口液压阀件,确保机器品质;压纸压力外部调节结构12.程序调刀深浅、压纸时间、推纸尺寸校准点等,可设定调节,多项自检功能,故障代码显示,程控可设定100组*21刀编程;电子手轮精密微调13.符合CE标准,全新红外光电标准模块,操作更安全4、兴业G450V+ 切纸机型号:兴业G450V+最大裁切尺寸:450mm最小裁切尺寸:50mm裁切厚度:40mm裁切精度:±0.5mm压纸方式:电动推纸方式:手动显示:/电源参数:220V(110V)±10%50HZ(60HZ) 800kw 净重:100kg机械尺寸(L*D*H):760*670*1020mm报价:3300产品介绍1.红外保护安全设计,符合CE标准,操作更安全2.裁切尺寸可任意设定,准确便捷3.新颖外观,适宜数码快印办公环境4.切到红色指示线,清晰明确5.机架铸造设计,精密加工工艺5、兴业4806R切纸机型号:兴业4806R最大裁切尺寸:480mm最小裁切尺寸:40mm裁切厚度:60mm裁切精度:±0.3mm压纸方式:电动推纸方式:程控编辑:是显示:液晶电源参数:220V(110V)±10%50HZ(60HZ) 1.3kw净重:150kg机械尺寸(L*D*H):935*740*1235mm报价:7800产品介绍1.外部调刀深浅,方便快捷2.有效解决传统弹簧压纸不紧3.红外激光指示线,清晰明确4.新颖外观,适宜数码快印办公环境5.裁切更轻松,适合厚纸裁切6.压纸时间、压纸压力、推纸尺寸校准点等可设定调节,多项自检功能,故障代码显示,程控可设定100组*30刀编程7.红外安全保护设计,后护罩防护,符合CE标准,操作更安全6、兴业6700H切纸机最大裁切尺寸:670mm最小裁切尺寸:30mm裁切厚度:80mm包装尺寸:1310*990*1290mm毛重:480kg报价:27500元性能特点1进口主电机,提供强劲动力;进口液压阀件,确保品质。


























机械系统包括切纸刀、刀座、 夹纸机构和传动机构等部件,
电气控制系统则负责控制切纸 机的启动、停止和动作顺序, 确保切割过程的顺利进行。
03 液压切纸机常见故障分析
总结词:切纸过程受阻,纸 张切面不平整。
切纸机压力调整不当或压力 表故障。
建议加强液压切纸机的日常维护和保养,定期检查关键部位,及时发现 并处理潜在的故障隐患。
建议在检修过程中,严格按照操作规程进行,避免因操作不当导致新的 故障或损坏。
展望未来,随着技术的不断进步和应用需求的不断提高,液压切纸机的 性能和功能将得到进一步提升。同时,也需要不断加强对其故障机理和 检修方法的研究,以更好地保障设备的稳定运行和生产安全。
预防措施包括定期检查刀 片和间隙,以及调整压力。
解决方法包括更换刀片、 调整间隙和增加压力。
解决方法包括紧固 或更换定位装置、 检修或更换传感器、 重新校准程序。
总结词:尺寸不准 确是指切出的纸张 尺寸与设定值不符。
尺寸不准确的原因 可能是定位装置松 动或损坏、传感器 故障或程序错误。
检查液压油是否充足,若不足则需补 充液压油;检查液压油是否污染,若 污染则需更换液压油;检查液压元件 是否损坏,损坏则需更换液压元件。
05 案例分析
总结词:切纸不顺是指切 纸机在切纸过程中出现卡 纸、切不断或切多张的现 象。
切纸不顺的原因可能是刀 片磨损、间隙过大或压力 不够。



压痕机哪个品牌好?压痕机的十个品牌厂商压痕机的牌子主要有:建升 德机DJ 耀辉 诚远机械 上海香宝 澳博 皇盈 国力机械 hy 明信不同的压痕机品牌之间各有差异、各有各的优势和不足点,在选择压痕机的时候,不同的买家会从不同的侧重点进行考虑,从而进行决策选择。


一、瑞安市建升塑料包装机械厂主营产品:造粒机,纸袋机,涂布机,挤出机,复合机,包装机,制杯机,分切机 企业成立:?2001-10-22 员工规模:?1 - 10人 经营类型:?生产型 注册资金:?1000万-5000万 生产规模:400台/年商铺状态:?开通第5年瑞安市建升塑料包装机械厂位于风景秀丽的东海之滨———瑞安市,是专业生产各类塑料机械的企业,从创立至今,已形成自行开发、设计、制造、贸易、服务为一体的现代企业。


...详情查看企业商铺产品展示如下: 二、上海南融机电设备有限公司主营产品:购销二手模切机,购销二手贴合机,购销二手丝网印刷机,回收二手冲床设备,回收二手塑料机械,购销二手切片机,出售香宝印刷器材,购销二手工业烤箱 企业成立:?2014-08-21 员工规模:?1 - 10人 经营类型:?贸易型 注册资金:?100万以下 生产规模:商铺状态:?开通第5年上海南融机电设备有限公司(简称“南融”)成立于2014年,位于上海市青浦区徐泾镇。




公司一贯...详情查看企业商铺产品展示如下: 三、东莞市耀辉印刷机械有限公司主营产品:钉书机,裱纸机,晒版机,折页机,复膜机,压痕切线机(啤机),切纸机,上光压光机 企业成立:?1998-04-04 员工规模:?50人以下 经营类型:?贸易型 注册资金:?100万以下 生产规模:商铺状态:?开通第8年????????公司简介东莞市耀辉印刷机械有限公司位于广东省东莞市寮步镇良平大道127号,是一家集生产销售于一体的印刷行业的机械设备公司。

高宝精密吸风手印台PSM-4060V PSM-5070V 使用说明书

高宝精密吸风手印台PSM-4060V PSM-5070V 使用说明书

精密吸风手印台Precision Manual screen printer with vacuum tablePSM-4060VPSM-5070VPSM-6080V东莞市高宝印刷机械科技有限公司1-7使用说明书Operation Instruction●前言欢迎您使用我司产品!我司热诚为您提供满意优质产品,并希望您对我公司提出宝贵意见,以便与您共求发展、共创双赢。









秉承技术不断进步的原则,本说明书中的说明及参数、图片仅供参考,以最新实物或双方约定为准;东莞市高宝印刷机械科技有限公司2-7Our dedication to provide you with quality products,and hope that you told me to give valuable advice to seek common development with you to create a win-win situation.Our company is research and development,manufacturing,sales,products and services for the integrated enterprise,focused on stamping machines,Pad printing machines,screen printing and ancillary equipment development and manufacturing.Our strong technical force,equipment,testing techniques improve,with rigorous quality control and perfect after-sales,technical consulting services system.Key components of our products use Siemens,Mitsubishi,Philips,Schneider and other Japanese,Taiwan, European and American brands.Product quality,performance and stability.Our main products are:▲All types of flat screen printing equipment;▲Screen production,exposure and auxiliary equipment;▲Ultraviolet(UV)drying process,such as scrub,UV Frosting,UV Ice crystals,UV wrinkles,UV colorful stones and other equipment;▲Infrared(IR)drying equipment;▲Various types of Inkwell and sealed pad printing machine;▲Various types of flat hot stamping machine,surface bronzing machine,heat transfer machine,heat transfer machine.Our products are widely used in precision electronics,window glasses,computer keys,ceramics,glass,CD ROM,back-light conductive plate,membrane switches,printed circuit board(PCB),electric luminescence panels(EL), liquid crystal display film(LCD),signal display(LED)the processing of photo-voltaic solar energy and other industries. Our strong technical force,processing equipment,advanced technology,test hardware and software improve,with strict quality management system.Company to"excellence,innovation,"the quality and business philosophy,tireless pursuit of the spirit,the pursuit of perfection,beyond infinity,with you to create a better future.Adhering to the principle of technological advances,the instructions in this manual and parameters,the picture only for reference,the latest agreement shall prevail in kind or both;▲主要参数Mainly parameter东莞市高宝印刷机械科技有限公司3-7设备型号Model PSM-4060V PSM-5070V PSM-6080V 工作台面积(mm)Table size450×650550×750650×850最大网框尺寸(mm)Max screen frame size700×900800×1000900×1100最大印刷面积(mm)Max Printing area400×600500×700600×800最大印刷物厚度(mm)Max height of objects≤80≤80≤80工作台微调范围(mm)Adjustment range oftable±10±10±10机器重量(kg)Net weight110120140▲机器各部位名称12389东莞市高宝印刷机械科技有限公司4-756410711图列说明:1、重锤–Balance tup2、调节手柄–Adjustment Handle3.导杆-Guide Rod4、印刷台板-Working table5、电源开关-Power switching6.长吸风开关-Vacuum switching东莞市高宝印刷机械科技有限公司5-77、脚踏开关接头-Foot switching connecting seat8.压网板调节五星手柄-Pressing screw9.网夹–Screen nip10.微调手柄-Micro-adjustment screw11.地脚杯-Foot screw▲机械操作说明1、先将吸风平台清洗干净2、再将电源线接好电源,然后打开电源开关,同时把脚踏开关线接好。





























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