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Mr. Li is expressing his appreciation to the Manger of the Exhibition hall at the end of the exhibition.

L: Are there any handcarts, sir? The display items are heavy.

M: Here is a handcart, sir. Let me help you.

L: Thank you. Without your help, I could hardly have met so many clients in this exhibition.

M: You are welcome.

L: I like this booth very much, and I plan to take part in the exhibition next year, too.

M: We will inform you of next year’s exhibition in advance and reserve this booth for you.

L: That’s very kind of you.











1. handcart: n. 手推车

2. client: n. 顾客.客户,委托人

3. inform …of…: 向…..通知…..

eg: Please inform me of the appointed time.


4. in advance :提前

5. reserve: v. 储备,保留,预订

eg: I have reserved a room for you at the hotel.


6.take part in: v.参与, 参加

eg: We all took part in the race.


Many enterprises think that everything is down after the exhibition. They evaluate their exhibition as good or bad according

to their own opinion. As a matter of fact, attending an exhibition

is time-consuming(耗时的), toilsome(劳累的), troublesome(麻烦的), and costly(费钱的). So the enterprises must analyze the results carefully.

Mr. Huang just participated in an international exhibition. He is talking about the results of the exhibition with the General Manager, Mr. Li.

L: Mr. Huang, what are the results of the exhibition?

H: Not bad.

L: Could you give me some details?

H: We have established business relationships with two new

clients, who ordered 20 million RMB of silk skirts.

L: Good.

H: I also got acquainted with more than 200 customers.

L: Oh, wow.

H: Customers made more than ten suggestions. There, I held a product showing meeting and a press conference. As a result, our brand has been strengthened.

L: Very good!

H: Here is the results analysis. I hope the visitors at the exhibition can be our real buyers in 3 to 6 months. What’s more,

we learned a lot from other exhibitors.

L: You are right. I think you’ve done an excellent job.



黄经理刚刚参加完一次国际展, 他和公司总经理李先生谈论展览结果.

李先生: 黄先生, 这次展览效果如何?

黄先生: 效果不错.

李先生: 能否讲的具体些?

黄先生: 我们和两个新客户建立了贸易关系, 签了总量为2000万人民币的丝绸裙子的订单.

李先生: 不错.

黄先生: 我还新结识了200多个客户.

李先生: 哦.

黄先生: 客户们提了十几条建议. 在当地召开了产品展示会和新闻发布会. 品牌得到了进一步


李先生: 很好!

黄先生: 这是效果分析. 我期望3-6月后展会的参观者会成为我们真正的买家.

另外, 我们从其他参展者身上学到很多东西.

李先生: 你说的对. 我认为你们的工作完成的很卓越.


1. detail: n. 细节

2. established business relationships with…: 与…..建立贸易关系. establish: v. 建立.

3. get acquainted with…: 与…..相识,熟悉,了解. acquainted: a. 知晓的,相识的.

eg: We get acquainted with each other last month. 我们上个月相识的.

4. press conference: 新闻发布会. press: n. 新闻

5. strengthen: v. 加强,巩固

eg: The fence was strengthened with wire. 这堵围栏用金属丝加固了。

6. analysis: n. 分析, 分解.

excellent: a. 卓越的,出众的.


The effect of an exhibition can hardly be seen easily in the short term. So after 3-6 months, the exhibition plan and the effects can be compared, which is an important way to analyze the outcome. For example, if a company plans to recognize 500 new customers,
